CENTRE HALL REPORTER. ¥ Yi m—— . BLANKS — Blank Stmmods, Vendu Notes, Executions, and Judgment and Ex- smption Note combined, for sale at this Office. par-Two Nrw Empire Skwiva Ma oHINES, warranted, for sale at this Office. Ml $y QoLiznes A peliviushiy to is institution for sale at this oflice, and to SINR pa lt vi, »> Locar Nrws. —Qur readers are solicited te furnish us items of local interest for Joe lication. Send us the facts only, and we will get them in shape for publication, Our readers would oblige us, by oceas sionally mailing a copy of the REPORTER to their relatives and acquaintances outside of our eounty, especially to such as former- ly lived in Pennsvalley. It would be the mest welcome matter you could mail to such, and would be the means of inducing many to become subscribers, Any person sending us 8 new subscribers, and $12, will be entitled tothe REPORTERONE year free, fer 4 wew subgribers; and $6 the ‘getter up of the club will receive ‘the Rrborrer 0 menths free. This offer good from this date —the names can be sent in as they sub- scribe. ————— a Apr Te Business Men. Weinvite business men wishing to advertise, to ¢all. ahd examine the A CHALLENGE. —We have received the December number of “Merry’'s Museum,’ for young people, and old people too, who young. The Publisher, Horace B. Fuller, Boston claims that “Merry” is the best magazine of its kind issued in this country, and chal- lenges comparison. Our readers can decide this point for themselves by sending to him two three-cant stamps for a specimen The January number begins a New Vol- ume, which will be further enlarged and improved. Terms, $1,560 a year in ad- vanaoee. sari——h li The New York Independent, published by Henry C. Bowen ane edited by Theodore Tilton, a copy of which has found its way to our table, is certainly a great paper. It purports to be a religious journal, but it contains almost every kind of matter likely to interest the general reader, wmeluding news, markets, and miscellaneous reading generally. - In polities it has always been negro suffrage, together with the other “ra- dical’ notions of the present day. Never- theles it is a high-toned paper, and to the in- tellectual and cultivated offers a rich week- ly treat. Price $2,060 per annum. : > > BERCHER'S SERMONS IN THE “‘Cnvrcn UxrtoN.—Many papers having anounced satisfy themselves ‘that it preieats a ting that the sermons of this preacher do most desirable advertising medium, of allse far, who have advertised in | the ReporTER. We venture to say, | that since we commenced the publica- | tion of this paper, the rapid increase of | our list, unsolicited, is without prece- | dent in this county. : | The attention of our readers i+ directed to the advertisement of Coe's Dyspepsin Cure, aper. This truly Valuable Midicine is recom- mended by all who use it. rly tl “A pm—— M Atlee & Reed's Grain Warehouse, at Milroy, is still open for the receipt of Cen- tre county grain, for which highest market prices are paid. A. 8. Kerlin, formerly of Centre Hill, is the superintendent, 1t a Fe ay We were correotilast aveek, in stating | that Col. J H. Stover, formerly of this county, was not elected a member of the 4ist Congress. Mr. S., however, has been elected to &11 the vacancy of Mr. McClurg the coming session, We had the pleasure of a visit from our friend John. on Thursday of last week. He Tooks well, weighs 263 in his boots, and they are to be printed hereafter at twelve Sunday out on the next day. We under stand that the of Union promises to print Mr. Beechar': nublisher nN the publish them from his own pages freely. If our friends want a wide-awake relig- ious paper, unsectarian, and full of in- teresting mafter, tha largest and most eath- Henry KE. Child, 41 Park Row, for a copy of this paper, enclosing 10 cents. ome met MARRIAGES On 8th of Nov, by Rev, C. IL. Reiter, Miss Catharine Shirk, of Centre co. On the 19th ult, by the same, Mr. Wo F. Stover and Miss Susanna, daughter of John Hess, both of Haines twp. dence of Chr. Moyer, Mr. Benj, F. Phillips Krumrine, of Penn twp. At Lock Haven, ers of Lock Haven E McCloskey, all of Centre county. On 19th alt, by Rev. Hamill, Mr. Sam- uel Glenn to Miss Priscilla E. Mothers- bangh; both of Harris twp. he ix therefore destined to be one of the weighty members of the next House. The Bellefonte "National has been re- moved to Bush's new hotel building, near On 19th ult, by same, Mr. McCormick, of Centre Hall the depot. Outside of politics the National is & readable sheet. | The biggest’ pat of the job of removing | this estabBshment, was theuaure 6 the pu- | per, to remove which it required 217 men | some three days, while the balance of the | materiph Wak fitted down on three wheel. | | i Kinsloe's, May your “whistle” blow | . » { fouder in your new quarters, and pecuniary facceess attend vou - " iy cfs - We last week noticed the untimely death of Mrs. Divine, of Bellefonte, from the Na- tional we copy the following : SnockRiNe Devod—~Mrs, Devine an old Jady-aged about sixty vears, met death in | ¥t» most excruciating form, on Saturday last. Her husband Peter Devine, who live: near Reynold'a’ Mill, in this place, «ays that sometime during the night she went down stairs, as hesupposed, to indulge in her accustomed smoke, that he felFasleep soon after she had gone down, and upon =aking quite a while afterwards.and find- angthat she’ had not returned, he became uneasy, and upon going down stairs to look forker, was horrified at finding her charred remains. She lay near, or on the hearth, and the floor around was burned. It is thought she must have fallen asleep, and her clothing taking fire, that she was suffo- cated by the smoke, or so stupified by it, as to be rendered powerless to give the alarm ‘until it was too late. FriEND KURTZ: —We saw a piece in the Reporter, of a’ few ears of com raised in Your section, measuring 12 inches. Mr. Wm. Bohnestiel, of Hartley twp., brought me two ears, measuring 13 inches each, which I send you for your seed-corn. They were raised on land on Penns Creek, 6 miles east of Fowler's place; this land is __~worth about five dollars per acre. If such a thing as 12inches is a brag, We must brag + ofiourficern; i) Mr. Bobnestiel is a Pennsval- ley farmer, graduated with Michael Har- the gravel farmers, with a pair of oxen. If you can beat this, he will send you one of Aa Ingles. y § «1 A H. ~"Our correspondent will find in last week's paper, that his corn-ears do not come up to Jacob MeCool's, but being raised upon do to brag on. “Lhe okt County Teacher s Institute will be held at Unionville, commencing Dec. 28th. The celebration of the Lord's Supper will wr fw 5 w ame at Boalsburg, next Sunday forenoon. The great popularity of the Iron City College, and the high estimation in which itis held by compesent judges, is shown in the fact of its having in its classes represen- " tatives from upwards of twenty of the prin- ding yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Union, # Hamilton, Dickinsen, and Jefferson, among are able to present such a record as this. = For particulars see Circular. td Gg Jas ries PUBLIC NOTICE. and 2nd 6fJantinry, next, there: ia 07 On tHe = elry Store, Where any persons having weak’ © or Cataract éyes, ean have their eyes suited “Our: iti nodoubt appreciate the energy of Mr. Patton in this line of busi- ness, as he Jas} ade arrangements to have a practical Optician at: his Jewelry estab- lishment, every three months, so that his ous customers can be suited. Th e Wall Paper. Tg S000 New Pats ASL. C0 cived frem | New York 28 Over 5000 Pieces now on hand, and for sale at Wholesale prices. 22 C ood paper at 8, 10, 12} and 15 cents | per Bo t. 0 ER. Fine Patterns at 17, 18, 20 and 25 cts. 9. Best Satin Papers at 30 cents per Bolt. | Also: Oil Cloth, a.a large Stock of OIL WINDOW SHADES, TABLE, STAND, STAIR & FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, all of which will be sold at the lowest market priee. AT oct2 3m W. J. MMMANIGALS, MILROY. i> E, COAL AND LUMBER. : The best WOOD COAL BURNT LIME, can be had at the Bellefonte Line Kilns, on the Pikeleading to Milesburg, ‘at'the lowest: rices. We are the only parties in Central’ enn’'a. who burn in which produces the Best White-Wash and offered to the trade. ~The best RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes, prepared expressly for family use Silve #Brook Foun- dry Coal at lowest prices, ond quality BOARDS, BROAD RAILE PALING, SHINGLES and plastering lathe for sale cheap. ce: and yard, near South end of Bald Eagle Valley R. R. Depot. SHORTLIDGE, & CO. _apl0'68 ily, Bellefonte Pa. DMINISTRATOR’'S NOTICE. : Letters of administration on the estate of Mathew Catzmyer, late of Gregg township, deceased, having been grante to the undersigned, he requests all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es- tate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated according to law for settlement. ' : JOHN RISHEL, Administrator. ed ofA is ‘making preparations to hold a grand Féétival on Christmias’eve. dr tied The old jail property, we are informed, _ Wasknacked off to J. H. Orvis, esq. A Tremendous Stock of Goods “AT BURNSIDE & THOMAS. ——— ll kinds, at ; lin ereather was preity cold during the Tors of a BURNSIDE &« THOMAS’. CHICAGO MARKET. Wheat quiet, No. 1at $1.22a1,27, and No. 2at $1,113a1,124. Corn dull, new at 53ab4c, old at 75a764c, uth No. Jat 4ddatic and rejected -at-43a 431, ; ye, No. 1 at $1,134a1,144,INo. 2 at $1,11 al 124. i . . Barley firm No 2at $1,60a1,61, rejected at 1,40. Gattle dull, at, $4,004.60 for common and $6,374 for good steers, Hogs active at $8,60a735 for common to choice, NEW YORK MARKET. Wheat, $1 48al 50 for No 2 spring; $160 for prime Noldo; $1,43 for Nes2and 3 mixed, Rye, at $1, 47al 61 for western, Corn at $! 11a1,13 for unsound, &1 14al,- Outs nb 74a73¢ for western. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Wheat—red at $2,0002,16; amber at $1 15; white $2, 25a2 85. Rye at §1,66al,57. Corn old yellow, 1,25; new $1,00a1,10. Oats firm at 67a72¢ for western. MILROY MARKETS. White Wheat $1.90.......Red 1,80 Rve 1,80 Corn 1.00 DA senses Plaster per ton 10,00,......8alt per sack 8,00, Flour (fami'y) 6,00 Butter Eggs 25 Hams 25....... Lard 18 Potatoes 1,80.... Apples dried 124. ......Barley$1 50 LEWISTOWN MARKET. Levene White. Whent, 0.00a1.80. 5... Red Wheat. 0,00a1,70 Rye, new, 1,25a0,00