Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, December 04, 1868, Image 1

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    dal J
Geo. Fairer, at Bellefonte, sells the cele-
brated Howe Sewing Machine, which has
he superior in the market. Go to Fairer's
store and see it. It hasreceived prize med-
als at all fairs. They are the oldest estadb-
lished machines in the world.
FA Raitt
Milroy Mifflin Co., Pa.
His stock consists in bu of
_ she best cook in the world.
The Celebrated Barley Sheaf.
Ironsides Cook.
Oriental Cook.
Fulton Range.
Oriental Base Burner Parlor Stove.
Oriental Parlor Furnaces.
Spears Parlor.
Spears Orbicular.
Also great variety of Gas Burners, Egg
Cannon, and other Stoves and Heaters,
Qhurehes, School Houses, &c. =
A full line of Tinware and SelfSealing,
Fruit Cans on hand. Particular attention
paid to Roofing, Spouting and J obbing.
Close eash purehasers will find it an ad-
him a esll. His Store is
RR "Dupot
junel®' 68, 6m.
Respectfully announces to the citizens of
Petter township, that he is now prepared
eheap as elsewhere, every article in the line
of Tin and Sheetiron Ware.
All kinds of repairing done. He has al-
ways, on hand buckets, cups, dippers, dish-
oi, de, &e.
for baggies exeeuted in the finest and most
durable style. Give him a call. His char-
ge are reasonable. aplO'68 ly.
J. D. MurraY,
Centre Hall, Pa, Manufacturer of all
kinds of Buggies, would respectfully inform
the citizens of Centre county, that he haz on
sold at reduced prices for cash, and a rea-
sonable credit given.
Two Horie Wa ns, Spring Wagons &e.,
made to order, and warranted to give satis-
faetion in every respect. :
All kinds of repairing done in short no-
tee. Oall and see his stock of Buggies be-
for purehasing elsewhere.
aplO68, tf sfiyy, ooo 0 TIC
Bellefonte, Pa.
& CO.)
B.C. Hoxzs, Pres’. - J. P. Harris, Cash.
This Bank is now erganized for the pur
ose of Banking under the laws el the Uni-
d States. 3
Certificates issued by Humes, Mc Allister
sentation atthe counter of the said First Na-
sonal Bank.
and sale of Government Securities.
apl 68. President.
i Science on thc Advance.
Surgeon & Mechanical Dentist,
whe is permanently located in Aarons-
Dr. Neff. and who has been practicing wit
given him a call, to doso, and test the
sruthfulness of this assertion. ze Teeth
Extracted without pain. may22.68,1y
And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes,
: Buy And Sell
Government Securities, Gold and Cou-
pons. © apl0'68.
Axterney-at-law, Bellefonte, Pa.
CLL aplOes.; . 2 Si
Office on High Street, Bellefonte
a fire apl0 68, tf.
@ + AT-LAW, Office in the Demoerat-
ie Watehman Office. ap30'68.
Office with the District
Court House.
apl7 68 tf.
Attorney-at-law, Bellefonte, prompt-
ly pays attention to all business entrusted
bo him. julyd'68.
J = D. WINGATE, D. D. 8S.
~ Office on Northwest corner of Bishop and
Bpri hs =. At home, except, perhaps, the
Attorney, in the
“may 15 68.
H, offers bis Professional
Office, Centre Hall, Pa.
first two weeks of every month.
#eth extracted without pain.
© "Bellefonte, Pa. apl0 68 tf.
D. NEFF, M. D., Physician and
Ae Surgeon, Center Hall, Pa.
‘Offera his professional services to the citi-
4, mens of Fi and adjoining townships.
softy DT: Nef has'the experience of 21 years in
‘the active practice of Medicine and Sur-
. Eery. Ea apl0'68 1y.
“U7 t4 Bellefonte, Centre Ce., Penn’a.
: TL Woodws * Centre county, pEie
¥i Bap ae id doonis daily. This fa
‘brite Hotel has been refitted and furnish-
48’ now in-
| Ary Hote An ccentral
traveling community ‘and drovers will al-
ways find the best accommodations. Dro-
<wevs.can at all times be accommodated with
stables and pasture for any number of cat-
tle or horses. ago. MILLER,
july3'68 tf. Proprietor.
TERMS. ~The CexTRe Harn Reror-
TKR 18 published weekly, at $1,560 per year
in advance; and $200 when not paid in
advance. Reporter, 1 month 16 cents.
Advertisements are inserted at $1,00 per
square (10 lines) for 3 weeks. Advertise-
ments for & year, half year, or three months
at a less rate.
11 Joh-work, Cash, and neatly and ex-
peditiously executed, at reasons ve char-
FRIDAY, DEC 4th, 1868.
Letter from Missouri—By a For
mer Resident of Brush Valley.
DiaMoND Grove PRAIRIE Nov. 18, ‘68
Fred. Kurtz esq. Editor Centre Reporter. |
am in receipt of a large number of let-
wer through the columns of your ex-
celent paper.
The future prospects of Missouri are
very encouraging to the emigrant, on
account of the cheapness of land, de-
lightfulness of the climate, and rich-
ness of the soil.
South West Missouri (which I chief:
ly describe) was bat very thinly pop-
ulated before the late war, and during
that period was entirely depopulated,
snd what improvement was made be-
fore the war which was very little)
was entirely destroyed by the contend-
ing armies. So that we can safely say
that this country is but two years old
though being inhabited for forty
The soldiers of the north and east
who traveled and fought through here
under Seigel and Lyon, and other offi-
cers, were so delighted with the south-
west, that immediately after peace was
restored, they emigrated to this cou -
try to procure homes for themselves
and families, and the country was rap-
idly filled up with an industrious and
intelligent class of people.
The Illinoians rapresent the larger
portion of our present population, al-
un fowa
a, and Michi-
and almost eve in thi
i IV: K0RE tron
*¢ state in this
Union is rap cssnte
Maine to Texas.
South Western Missouri is generally |
a prairie country, with plenty of tim- |
her interspersed for all ordinary pur-
poses ; timber being mostly along the |
streams: we have alse some beautiful
grove, &e.
The prairies are all high and roll: g |
be found ; this accounts for its healt. -
The soil is of three or four differ-
ent kinds ; mostly a black vegetable |
loam, also the red or mulatto, lime-
stone and black limestone. The b ck
loam and limestone is well adapted to
all kinds of grain and fruit, and the
red or mulatto soil is said to be the
best wheat land in the United States;
that along the creek and river botton:s
is principally an aluvial soil and is ex-
eeedingly rich and fertile, while the
high prairies are of a lighter nature.
The climate is exceedingly mild, oc-
cupying a happy medium between ex-
treme heat and cold, corresponding
with the latitude of southern Virginia
and Kentucky, the heat being not
more oppressive than in central Penn-
sylvania nor the cold =o intense. The
feeding for all kinds of stock would be
about six weeks had we cultivated grass
for pasture, such as timothy or blue-
grass, but the prairie grass is mostly
killed by the first frost, which extends
our feeding season to about four
months; to such who have no pastures
of cultivated grasses, our time for
planting and seeding is also extended;
for instance, we haye time to plant corn
from the middle of March to the 1st
of June; to sow wheat and rye from 1st
planting and seeding is however al-
ways considered the best.
The products of this country at
present. are chiefly corn, although
there was also a large breadth of wheat
sown this fall. - Oats, Barley, and Sor-
ghum are also extensively raised, and
for fruit of all kinds this country can-
fiot ‘be excelled. The: apples. and.
peaches are perfectly at home here,
and very seldom fail to bring a full
crop; the apple bears at about six
years from bud or seed, and the peach
at three, and there is never any danger
ar esome very fine old apple and peach
orchards in this country, and they can
only be lookel at to be admired; of
the wild fruits ths grape grows almost
to parfestion, and are as good tasted as
most of the cultivated grapes in Penn-
sylvania; there was any quantity of
them grown this yaar, anl they were
gathered by the wagon load Rasp-
berries, Blackbarries, and Strawberreis
also grow in great abundance, and of
the finest quality.
The price of land varies according
to quality and location; raw prairie
sells at from four to ten dollars per
acre, and improved farms from fifteen
to thirty dollars per acre, according to
the improvements on them, which gen-
erally consist of fencing, breaking and
a little log house and sometimes fruit.
Every alternate section of land through
the survey of the South West Pacifie
vet eai——————————
marks, hoping that I may in the fu-
ture be able to give you some more
interesting information.
Very Resp., H. G.
aledy bid
[There is almost as much commonsense as
romance in the following sketch, and for
that reason our readers will pardon us for
the infliction of a love story. ]
“AND so you want to marry my
daughter, young man?” said fariner
Bilkins, looking at the young fellow
sharply from head to toes.
Despite his rather indolent, effemin-
ate air, which was mainly the result of
his education, Luke Jordan was a fine.
looking fellow, and not easily moved
from his self-possession ; but he colo-
red and grew confused beneath that
sharp, scrutinizing gaze.
“Yes, sir; I spoke to Miss Mary last
night, and she referred me to you.”
The old man’s face softened.
Rail Road, was given by the United
States towards the building of said |
Road from St. Louis to the south west |
corner of the state, so that one h Wf of |
the land here is not in market; but the |
road is now under contract and the |
land will be brought into market in a |
year or two, there will then no doubt |
be good chances of purchasing perhaps
on time, but at what figures no
knows. Most all of this land is set- |
tled, claimed and improved. We are
at present distant from the nearest |
Rail Road on2 hundred anl seventy |
miles, being the Kansas Pacific RR, |
but the South West Pacific Rail Road |
one |
is completed from St. Louis to Little
Piny, and is under contract from there |
to Springfield, and the present copa |
ny promises to complete it to the wos |
tern state line in two years; bat Rui
Road matters are always uncertain an |
I would not at present attam)ito spe |
cify the precise tine of its completion
to the state line, but there is no doab
of the pres:nt conpiny's not complete
ing it. The Tebo anl Nisha Roald
from Se lalia south wast through th:
western tier of counties is als) mau |
talked of, bat nothing reliadis a.
The prices of grain and pro luz: ar
not as hizh here as they are east, ona: |
count of our great distanca from th |
Rail Roadani th: la gz: ci i
think them peotty fair:
Wheatiswo:th 81,5) Con oJ
Apples 4) cents, Pota ozs 00 5, So
Potatoes $1,00, Butter from 3) to 4)
cents por Ib, ezz3 15 cats per dozen
Great min; eastern pao le think this |
dull marke’, bu: let then look back |
forty years when all grain and produce
had to be wagoned to Philadelphia |
i) i
and then make the comparison.
School Districts are being org wiz: |
all over the country, houses built, and
a large numbor 0. s2hools are now
operation ; we. have also preaching 03
in the groves, but churches are being
built as fast as the country is settled
up; the society is good as can be ex-
pected ina new country, all appear
very sociable and benevolent.
A number of persons want my opin-
ion about buying raw land on specula-
tion—that is, letting it lay unimproved
waiting for the rise in price as a good
investment; but I cannot see much
money in land in this way, because the
taxes which are between four and five
per cent would over-balance the rise in
the land.
The above includes what may be
called a general abridged discription
of our country, although enough
might be written to fill a volume ; what
I have said was given simply as infor-
mation, and not to induce emigration.
However much this country is in
need of 10,000 Penn’a Dutch farmers
with their ‘industry and capital, I
would say, come and see the country
and satisfy yourselves before you emi-
grate with your families.
The tide of emigration was almost
entirely turned to the south west a
year ago ; most of the emigrants never
saw the country, and this past summer
on account of the drouth, they deser-
ted their homes; but all these consti-
tute about what may well be termed
the floating population of the west, and
are such as will undoubtedly be dis-
contented and dissatisfied in heaven.
All persons emigrating to a new coun.
try, must live under a great many dis-
advantages, and undergo a great many
hardships, such as living in a log-ca-
bin with a stick and mortar chimney,
and having for their fare nothing but
corn dodgers and bacon.
I will here conclude my eimple re-
“Molly is a good girl, a very good
girl,” he said, stroking his chin with a
thoughtful air “and she deserves a
good husband. What can you do 7"!
The young man looked rather blank
at this abrupt inquiry.
“If you refer to my abilities to sup-
port a wife, I can assure you—"
quick, elastic step, quite in contrast
with his formerly easy, leisurely move-
“Good morning, Mr. Bilkivs. I un
derstood that you wanted to buy some
butter tubs and cider barrels. I think
I have some that will just suit you.”
“Whose make are they ?"’ asked the
old man, as, opening the gate, he paus-
ed by the wagon,
“Mine,” replied Luke, with an air of
pardonable pride.
Mr. Bilkins examined them one by
“They'll do,” he said coolly, as he
set down the last of the lot. What
will ye take for them.”
“What I asked you for six months
ago to-day—your daughter, sir.”
The roguish twinklein the old man’s
eyes broadened into a smile.
“You've got the right metal in you,
after all,” he cried. “Come in, lad—
come in. I shouldn't wonder if we
made a trade after all.”
Nothing loth, Luke obeyed.
“Molly!” bawled Mr. Bilkins, thrus-
ting his head into the kitchen door.
Molly tripped out into the entry.
The round white arms were bared
above the elbows and bore traces of the
flour she had been sifting. Her dress
“I know that you are a rich man,
Luke Jordan, bat I take it for gran- |
ted that youask my girl to marry you,
not your property. What guarantee
can you give me, in case it should be
swept away, as it is in thousands of
looked as winning and lovely as she
always did wherever she was found.
She blushed and blushed and smi-
led as shesaw Luke, and then, turn-
instances, that you could provide for
You have
to use them? Whas can you do?”
This was a style of catechism for |
ha started blandly at the questioner
without speaking.
through college—have you any pro-
believe you managed to
fession 7"
“No, sir ; I thought?—"
“Have you any trade?”
“No, sir; my father thought that |
shoutd not need any.”
“Your father thought like a fool |
then He'd inuch better have given
5 2:
shilling —it might have
yl As its,
Cre You are, a
four yeas oid, altd never earned
life! You ought to
ashamed of yourself. Aud yon want to |
marry my daughter. Now, I've given
Molly as good advatages for learning |
as any girl in town, and she hasn't |
‘em away ; but iishe didn't |
w how to work, she'd be no daugh-
f mine. I'l
i i [E381 5 “nf
Vail |
hoose, I could keep
but I don't,
than I choose that my daugh-
Le8s creature,
hould be a pale,
iady ailments, instead of the smiling, |
bright-eyed, rosy cheeked lass she is. |
I did say that she should not marry a
lad that had been cursed with a rich
father : but she has taken a foolish
liking for you, and I'll tell you what
I'll do: go to work, and prove your-
self to be a man; perfect yourself in
seme occupation—I don’t care what,
if it is honest—then come to me, and,
if the girl is willing, she is yours.”
As the old man said this he deliber-
ately rose from the settee of the porch
and went into the house.
Pretty Mary Bilkins was waiting to
see her lover down at the garden gate,
their usual teysting-place. The smi-
ling light faded from her eyes as she
noticed his sober, discomfited look.
“Father means well,” she said, as
Luke told her the result of his appli-
cation. “And I'm not sure but he’s
about right, for it seems to me that
every man, rich or poor, ought to have
some occupation.”
Then, as she noticed her lover's
grave look, she said, softly,—
“Never mind,—I'll wait for you,
Luke Jordan suddenly disappeared
from his accustomed haunts, much to
the surprise of his gay associates. But
wherever he went, he carried with him
those words which were like a tower
of strength ta his soul : “T’ll wait for
you, Luke.”
One pleasant, sunshiny morning, late
in October, as farmer Bilkins was prop-
ping up the grapevine in his front yard,
that threatened to break down with
the weight of its luxurious burden, a
neat-looking cart drove up, from
which Luke Jordan alighted with a
ing hér eyes upon her father, waited
The old man regarded his daughter
“Moll, this young maun—mayhap
youv'e seen him before—has brought
too. He asks a pretty steep price for
As Mr. Bilkins said this he consid-
erately stepped out of the roem, and we
will follow his example. But the kind
of bargain the young people made can
be readily conjectured by the speedy
wedding that followed.
Luke Jordan turned his attention to
the study of medicine, of which profes
he a useful and influen- |
: « 3
ember ; every year, on the anni- |
¥ hh "v3 43 YI 1 AT ' ¢1 iy bye
{ 1113 INarviage, JC acai ii. il
* ly we hae x > F227} ; . Zk:
no 180-1010 Jy Sone ~ CULIBUAS OF
the handicraft by which he won what
ce msn ft Ml ro
It is asserted that a number of ne-
gro women were rexistered and voted |
in Mobile. They were dressed up in
mens clothing, and of course voted the |
Radical ticket.
al mip Me
The friends ofthe robbers of the Noi
robber now in prison at Thomaston,
Me., is not released. The people are
considerably alarmed at these threats.
PR —
> gh
Gen. Grant, it is said, will favor in
his first message, an election of Presi-
dent, directly by the people, in future,
for the term of ten years, and not to be
eligible for re-election—Congressmen
to be elected in all the States with the
ene tli Meee
At Blountville, Tenn., last week, a
man named Rhea shot his wife inthe
head, inflicting what will probably
prove a fatal wound. On being shot
Mrs. Rhea fled to the yard, where she
fell exhausted. Her husband pursued
her and attempted to shoot her a sec-
ond time, when he fell on the steps, ac-
gidentally discharging the pistol in his
own body, killing him instantly.
re et pe
San Francisco, Nov. 26.—The stea-
mer Idaho has arrived with Honolulu
advices to November 14. The dis-
turbances at Hawaii, it is thought,
would be suppressed without further
loss of life. The sringleaders were
captured and brought to Honolulu for
The crater at Kilamea is again ac-
tive, and at night is quite brilliant.
No earthquakes have been felt at
Hilo, and only an occasional one in
James Grant, who, it is alleged, shot
H. R. Pollard, in Richmond, was ex-
amined on the 27th, and bailed in
1.000 to answer at the February term
of court.
en i
Subscnibe for the Reporter,
For the Reporter.
I mise
The kind loving look of thine ¢
The low murmered words o
and trust,
When you bid me the last “Good Bye.”
I miss thee, at morning when over the
The sun his bright rays has thrown :
And at eve, when twilight has gathered o'er
And I from the world am alone.
I miss the kind care that you ever bestow
And the words of assurance you give;
That though moantains divide us, you'll
never forget,
But remember me long as you live.
There's a sad lonely feeling around my
That naught but thy presence can cheer;
Oh 1 vy thee, at morning, at neon, and
at night,
And ever—when thou art not near.
Bat, should we ne'er meet again in this
There's a place where partings unknown,
In mansions above the ransomed ail meet,
And gather around the white throne.
There forever to stay while eternity rolls
Its years, us the sands of the sea—
May kind heaven grant that you and I,
Among that blest number may be.
Mapisox, Pa., Nov. 1868
The Women’s Rights Convention--
Fred. Douglass on the Stump—
Preamble and Constitution—The
Balance of Power.
Bosrox, November 19.—There was
a large attendance on the reassembling
of the Woman's Rights Convention.
Rev. James Freedman Clark advoea-
ted educating thesexas tozathar. Ad.
dresses ;followed by Chas, Barnard,
Frederick Douglass and Hon. Frank
W. Bird, expressive of sympathy in the
movement to establish sudraze for we
A resolution was presented and laid
over for discussion, of which the fol-
[owing embraces the general scopa:
Resolved, That we invite the Repub-
lican party to drop the watchword of
manheod suffrage, and the Damcra-
tic party to abandon its motto o’a
white man’s gove n neat, anl unie in
an amendment to the Co stition of the
United Stats extending suff a se to all
men and women, as the ica'ien.ble
birthright of every Americ.n citize 1.
Rev. B. J, Bolles, of Springfield,
Rev. D. A. Mason, Lucy Stone Black-
well and hor husband, Me. Biazikwell,
made addresses.
the forming of u league to obtain
effect the enfean Jhisencat of woman
Samuel E. Sewell read the proposed
constitution and preamble, which ‘sss
Believing wn (he vatural equality
the two and that women
and that as
eleet we
privileges as men,
women are denied the
ohise they sulle: a great wrong, the un-
dersigned agree to unite man associa
tion, to be called the New England
Woman Suffrage Association. The
object of the Association is declared to
be to precure the right of suffrage for
women, and to support such changes in
the laws, as shall place women in all
respects on an equal legal footing with
men. Adopted.
He proposed a list of officers ; Presi-
dent—Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. Vice
Presidents— William Lioyd Garrison,
Pauline W. Davis, James F. Clarke,
Sarah A. Russell, Louisa Alcot, Lucy
Goddard, Samuel LE. Sewell, Lydia
Emerson, Jonah E. Hankerson, H. K.
Hunt, Mrs. Nathaniel White, L. M,
Alcot, and J. G. Whittier. Corres
ponding Secretary, Sarah Clark; Re-
cording Secretary, Charles K. Whip
ple; Treasurer, Ebenezer Draper.
This list was unanimously adopted ;
also, an executive committee of fifteen.
Wiiliam Lloyd Garrison and Sena to-
Wilson spoke and were warmly wel-
comad. Seiat)r W ls)n expressed
himself strongly in favor of female
suffrage, but he did not want that or
any other question put forward till the
Southern question was iuliy settled.
He had no doubt Congress wouid au
thorize the coloied men io vote in
every State, bat as som: good men
doubted it, it was prsposed the coming
winter to put foreward an amendment
to the Constitution, enforcing the politi-
cal dogma, that the colored man has a
right to vote in every State. With
twenty-six Legislatures in our favor to
only nine against us, our success was
probable, That done, the female
question would bave a clear way and
Ug as
nt v—-——
yi ete +:
Vol, AL o. 84.
: success of the other,
and it would stand a better chance of
Dot feel prejudices against their owe
sisters, lovers, mothers and friends as
tiey had against the colored men.
Tharefore make the colored suffrage
first, before taking another step.
The Dubuqu: (Iows,) Times tells this
story. A few days ago three maimed
brothers from Miooesota erossed on
the ferryboat to this side. Oue had
lost both arms sod legs, and the other
two both legs. They related to Como-
dore Yates the following fearful ins’
dent: Last Winter, the three .
ers started out to a singing-school,
three young ladies, in an ox-s.
While ou the way a heavy snow stor
came up and caused them to lose thei
way. After wandering about for hours
they were finally “snowed in” on the
prairie. Locked up io that snowy pri-
son the three women froze to death,
and the three brothers were so badly
frozen as to result in their present
maimed conditien.
The New York Observer.
Is now Publishing a New Serial Story, to
run through a large part of the mext vel-
ume, entitled
All new Subseribers will get the Story
Complete, G
e send Grover & Baker's Sewi
Machine for 18 New Saker 350 wioy
In order to introduce the Observer to
new readers and new circles of influence,
we wake the following liberal offers for
We will send the Observerfor one year, to
2 subscribers, one or both being new, for
3 " two or sll a for &
M “" three or all for $10
Or, to an n sending as Sve or
new A hp A erp will one dollar
commission on each.
295d by check, draft, or Pest-office
Sample Copies and Circulars sent free.
Terms, 3,50 a year, in advance.
Sipyxr E Morse, Je, & Co,
nov20,5t 87 Park Row, New York.
eso THE HEIRS and Legse
Representatives of Daniel Boesho
deceased: Take Notice that, by virtue o
a Writ of Partition, issued out of the Or-
phan Court of Centre county and to me
irected, an inquest wiil be held at Aa-
ronsburg, in the Township of Haines, and
County of Cen Tuesday the ITth day *
of November, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock, a.
wid dav, for the purpose of makin
1 of the real estate of said deceas
and wmong his heirs and legal represen-
tatives, if the same can be done without
prejudice to or spoiling of the whole; oth-
verwise to alue nud appraise the same so-
cording to law, at which time and nlace
| vou may beore-ent. if vou think proper,
and espe cial notification hereof, is herewith
{ riven unio Elisabeth’ Boeshore, and the
hildren of Catherine Kreamer, formerly
D. £. KLINE,
snr J.
inn, 0 =
{ }
i to
i 4a
{| Catherine Boeshore.
: Sheriff
Ballefonte' Pa., Oct. 2 0
i )
| Having opened a new and first-class Con-
fectionery, he is prepared to serve the pub:
lic with good fresh,
and everything in his line, at all times.
Always on hand and served in every styla
Will be open during the Summer, and
will be kept attractive by the very excel
lent Cream of all popular flsvers, constamt-
ly on hand.
Pic Nics, private partiss, & can be sup~
lie | witha'' kindsofconfections, Icecra in,
akes, and fruit at very short nctice,
oct. 268’ 1y
HE COLLARS, if you don't want
your horse's shoulders galled and
get goo herse collars at
(YANNED FRUITS, peaches, tomatoes,
pine apples. and peas in great varie
ASKETS inall theirvarieties, childrens
SarHages, willow wa guns, pie~
tols, powder, shot, caps. cartridges, &c., st
made sore,
ARNESS, eollars, eart whips, carriage
whips, in great varieties, jovern-
ment gears, saddles, bridles, martingales
check lines, cart gears, tug harness, bug
harness, hames, ete. Everything in thesa
dlery line, at
Offer to th) Publie one of the
lar yest and best selected of merehan
dise, in Centre county. Call, examine and
soe for yourself.
HE Largest and Best Stock of warran-
ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give
riers, only to ba
tisfaction, at reduced
found at | BURNSIDE & THOMAS".
PICES of all varieties, ground te order
and warran‘el to be strictly pure.
It is the only place you can find unadultera-
ted spiees. them for your own satisfae-
tion. You can only find them st
ANDSAWS, knives, spoons, coffee
mills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes,
lamps, forks, chains, &e.. at
OTJONS of all kinds, Stelring gloves
andkerchiefs, combs, pocket books,
| in all their variety and
ery cheap, at
SHING TACKLES, rodslines, ho
flies, sea hair baskets, etc. Rig
t teh trout at
| out ta cateh BURNSIDE & THOMA
te ad