rT a f——— A ——————————— large and elegant assortment of Horse i i it Cans A fires sn Buclk-skin Gloves and Buffa- State, pe + Jin hie Mucho |- on " : ices at \ © Robes, at YoY Ses 8 both for 4-horsn sweap power and 2-horse Manuf : THOMAS, RNSIDE & tread power. Also the Tornado Seperator | EW PATTERNS of oil eloths, at re- | that will out-thresh any machine ever bro't ES A. S————— tn. Si OCKET CUTLERY--all makes apn a Norrog,.—The subscription price of | th v prices at IRWIN & WILSON 10°68. the RerorTER is $1,60 per year in advance, which is less than that of any other paper of its size. We are printing this paper at cost, and therefore wish to remind our pat- rons that it is of great importance to us that payment be made at once. VY HOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR 8 T ORE J. B. ETTELE. (FORMERLY NEFF & ETTELEK.) URKEY PRUINS, raisens, eaches apples, OINNges, lomidnE, all kind f foreign fruits, Hams, bacon &e., at OE BURNSIDE &« THOMAS. MILROY CENTRE HALL REPORTER. Oem CexTrE HaLL, Pa., Nov 20th. 1868. I i ————— THE KEYSTONE HARVESTER REAP THE TESTIMONY OF FARM- ERS WHO HAVE TRIED IT. Fillmore, Aug. 18th, 1868, Gents: —I am now done haying and har- vesting, and now say to the credit of the Keystone, that I cut both erops with one pair of horses, and I do not think they sweat more than if they stood in the stable, and it is truly the lightest draft machine I or any of my neighbors ever saw, I cut over the roughest ground in Halfmoon valley. One of the advantages of the K ey- stone isthe cutter bar traveling in line with the axle, as the knives travel exactly in line, so that when the drive wheels go into a furrow the knives go into it at the same time, and also as readily travel over a rise. Another advantage is the Lever Power, which is the nicest arrangement among the many improvements added to reapers. The hoisting arrangement is ahead of all others; I can raise the outside of the cutter bar as well as the inside; in driving along and coming to a lodged spot, 1 can lower the bar to the ground, and when through, 1 Can raise the bar to make a stubble fitteen inches high, B. F. HuxTEr. Agricultural College, «——— Gentlemen :—Having used your machine this season, I take pleasure in recommen- ding it to the farming community as one of the lightest and best Reapers now in use. For lightness of draft, simplicity and dura- bility, it cannot be excelled. * * Hur- rah for the Keystone Reaper. ABRAAM MAury Boalsburg, Aug. 19, 1868. Gentlemen: —1 was pursuaded by Mr. Knarr, of Agricultural College, to purchase one of your Combined Mowept and Rea- ers. I have given it a fir trial, and find 1t to do all it was recommended to do. 1 think it the best combinéd machine now manufactured. * * H HoCKENBERG. Pleasant Gap, Aug. 17., '67. Gentlemen :=-1 wish to inform you that | the Keystone Harvester has done all I ex- | - KE pected it to do, and a great deal more, re- B ally more than any one could expect. In mowing I can go ahead ‘of any thing that | ever was in our county. ; J. W. Suuky. Q Houserville, Aug. 17th, 1868. A Gentlemen of the Centre Hall Manufac- “SUT turing Co. :—1 have tried the Keystone | { | Harvester, and take pleasure in recomnen- ding it as one of the best snachines now, of- fered to the public. I did all my mowing, | rough and smooth, lodged and standing, and I can cut when it rains as well as when the sun shines, as the Keystone never chokes. The harvesting apparatus is truly the best.l ever saw. * * DaxigL M. Houser, Centre Mills, July 24th, 1808. Centre Hall Manufacturing Comp. Gentlemen :—We have been using one of your machines—the ‘‘Kevstone Har ester —and take pleasure in recommending it as one of the best machines now offered to the public. It has fully equalled our highest expectations. It certainly has the lightest draught of any Reaper in the market. A- mong the innumerable improvements and additions to reapers since their first appear- ance, to Mr. Wm. Neff belongs the credit of inventing the simplest and best—the le- ver power—which is one of the many ex- cellent features of the “Keystone.” S. S. Worr & Co. ap 3 OUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL fowling pieces at 1068. EPTRWIN & WILSON. ROSS-CUT AND MILL SBAWS, best make at Irwin a WiLsox, aplV 68, OFFIN TRIMINGS, a large assort- ment at Irwin & WiLsoN's, apl0'68, JAND BELLS and DOOR BELLS, all sizes and kinds at adl0' 68, Inwin & WiLsox's, RY BOARDS, Plank and Scantling forsale by Ixwin & WiLsox. apl0'68. TAPANNED TOTLET SETTS, AND ¢J other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store. apl0'e8, Irwin & WiLsox, 1 OOKING-GLASS PLATES of all sizes A for sale by Irwin & WiLsow. apl0'68, BURNSIDE &« THOMAS. Linac Haupt ot Bellefonte, Pa., and Hanpt o., at ; ABITS 8OAP, Wim. Hagan and Ke- ly"of Spory’ Anti dus Cook, & new supply of Spears’ Anti-dust ons, olive soap, Dobbins’ soap Jeses | Parlor & He ti ; also, Oakley's soaps, old custile, pure, Palmioap, CS Stoves; aso, Spears revolving, light illuminatin stove Spears’ Elder ing's ROAD, and a great variety o new bo Ar ne eng par a stove | other soaps, at BURNSIDE a THOMAS. | th omsaives cinder)” These haveall proven E », themselves to be the best stoves in the world The Merchant's Protective Unie forPushing Githiar wood, hard or soft coal | a 20 sieve thei ; Late tla 1 on Mercantile Reference Ree | ro F own ashes, make no dust, | gister. economize fuel, and are the best bakers in : fg a "tare The Merchants’ Protective Union organ the world sud have more conveniences than : , : > any other 8lOVes now in use; people in i x ized to promote and protect trade, by ena- | Want of stoves yould do well bo ball of their| CENTRE HALL OE 2 oo, ric : bling its subscribers. te attain facility and Waye-rboms ant see t or stock before ur- pie NIxS safety in the granting of credits, and the re- | Chasing e gow ere, - ¥ aneglect of this Havidg 4a | oot Maw 0 ane covery of claims at all points, have to an- they may sorry, many. have already larg i r : bs iad Publish inhocy Will, in September, 1868, | Joc. Macuixe Bors and Aenevitwaah ublish In onedarge quarto volume «+ + + : : "orf mi ivy Hi hour MekcnaNys' YP uorror Worxs. “Blog ckod with all new and istest roved TEL BAS IONTON 8 BRL SO 7 ames MRP : Machinery at Centre Hall, Abs Tied» nounceto the public that they ‘ i . 2 to receive orders for suyshing is i # ye ou £ is ra i Une. : need prices, at to Centre county. ve Bishop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone buil- ding iormerly occupied by the Key- stone Bakery Al Barrels, Kegs and Casks warranted to contain the quantity represented. The proprietor of this establishment takes pleasure in informing the publie that he 14s constantly on hand a supply 0“ hoice foreigh and domestic liquors such ws Old Nectar, Old Rye, Monongahels, And Irish Whiskey, Cognac, Blackberry, € herry, Ginger and Common Brandies, Port Maderia, Sherry and Lisbin Wines, Scotch And Holland Gin, New England Rum, JAMAICA RUM, CORDIALS xapper- mint, Anniseed and Rose The attention of practicing phymians is called to our stock of pure liquors, .aitable for medical purposes. Bottles jugs and | Demijohns constandly en hand. : We have the only pure Nectar Whiskey in town, J All our liquors were bought when liquors were low, and we sell them accordingly. All liquors are warranted to give satisfae- fon. Confident that he ean pleas eustomers he respectfully solicit a share of public patron- np. Liquors will be sold by the Yn, barrel or tserce. I havea large loto BOTTLED LIQUORS of the finest grades, on hand. | aplo'es. } a IA BAUM, REYNOLD'S NEW MARBLE FRONT, BISHOP st. WHOLESALE DEALER IN : 8% RUG AND HARDWARE STORE A I have just received a very large ussortment of goods, which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, at ; WIM MANIGAL'S. oss ———————————— — i — =~ 5 RUGS AND MEDICINES all war i ranted pure. Physicians perserip- tions filled at all hours. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal pur ors only. A large assortment of Patent Medicines at : M'MANIGALS. cm UNibN taining among other things, the Names, Na- ture, of business, Amount of Capital, Finan- cinl Standing und Rating asto eredit, of over 400,000 of the principal merchants, traders, bankers, manufuctors, and public compan- ies, in more than 80,000 of the cities, towns, villages, and settlements throughout the United States, their Territories, and the British Provinces of North America; em- bracing the most important information at- tainable and necessary to enable the mer- chant to acertain at a glance the capital, character and Degree of Credit of such of his customers as are deemed worthy of any gradation of credit, comprising also, a N ews- paper Directory, containing the title, char- wcter, price, and place of publication, with full particulars relative to each journal, be- ing a complete guide’ to the press of every county in the United States. The reports and information will be confin- ed to those deemed worthy of some line of credit; and as the same will be based, so far | aspracticable upon thewritten statements of the parties themselves, revised and correct- ed by well-known and reliable legal corres- pondents, whose characters will prove a guurantee of the correctness of the informa- tion furnished by them, it is believed that the reports will prove more truthful and completo, and therefore, superior to, and of mue % greater value, than any previously Issueq, By aid of the ‘Mercantile Reference Reg- ister,” business men will be enabled toascor- tain at aglance, the capital and gradation of credit, as compared with financial worth. of nearly every merchant, manufacturer, tra- der, aud bankers, within the above named territorial limits, on or Rho the first of each month, wht | 7 scribers willalso recieve the monthly Chron- ay ele) containing among other things, a rec- BEDSTEADS, ord of such important changegin the mame ' i BUREAUS, SINKS, and condition of firms, throughout the coun- WABHSTANDS, try, as may occur subsequent to the publica- tion of each half-yearly volume of the Mer- CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES, &ec., &e er ————————— - co a so —— ——————— - — fect. oleanli- ness; in poking the fire, entire safety of the fire ; they require very little attention; secure thorough ventilation of the rag thus preserving the health of the occu. pants; entire freedom frem dust ; a uniform and wall regulated heat; a gas-consumero the first quality; great economy in fuel; neatness, cheapness and beauty. Isaac Haury, Agent, A A AAAS SI AAP §PINDLE SKEINS for wagons, all si- ros, at the sign ef the Anvil, apl0'es, Inwin & Wirsox. BaALTS for Buggies and Carriages, all sizes in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at apl0'as, SPEARS’ ANTI-DUST OAS BURNING COOK . Bfove, (wood or coal) Mercanrice Reverence Rear TER, ¢on- of business. wn om SPEARS ANTI-DUST GAS-BURNING PARLOR ’ Shaftings, KTOVE, . : ¥ SPEARS’ REVOINTING LIGHT ILLUMINATING Pulllios;"" u s Hangers, Bh ys { 5 " "” IRON & BRASS" FOUSE FURNISHING HARD- I WARE. Persons building will do well to give him a call before purche- aseing elsewhere. Barn door hinges, from twelve to 30inches long. Barn door rollers, Strap hinges all sizes, at M'MANIGAL'S. a = IRWIN & WiLton's. ORN BLANKETS AND SLEIGH BELLS, at low prices, at aplO'68, Irwin & WrLson's, NION PATENT CHURN. the best in use at Irwin & WiLsen's. apl0'68. $4.85 WARE ofall kinds retailed at wholé- mT sale prices. All kinds Tw and Bheet Irom work done at eld prices. F.& FRANCIBCUS. 1 ARN-DOOR Hinges, from 12 to 36 in- shes long, Barn-door Rollers, Rail, &e., cor sale at greatly reduced prices, by F.G. FRANCISCUS. ——— i —————————— A ———— —-" S ap24'68 ly. 3 ~ PER KEG FOR NAILS at 4.8 ) MMANIGAL'S. "RON. Iron all sizes, Scollop and all heavy Iron, {rom best manufactures at 43 per pound, at M'MAN IGAL'S. NORSK SHOES, Norway Nuailrods, Cast Steel, Blister Steel, Bpring Stoel, Bprings, Axeles, &e., &e., M' MANIGALS. ———— nn es ————————— — R KEG@ for Nails at G. F. FRANCISCUS. we claim for these stoves perfect Cyan HALL Pegs ' Ye ed. ind} at ae Xa varan SA gis 8T 13 Hicory Fellows at $2,00 per sett Hubs and Rims. Spekes, Shafts ee, at MMANIGAL'S, ADLERY HARDWARE of every dos- MMANTGALS, LERY. Alargeassortmentof Poek- et and Table cutlery; Tea and table In this line we defy eompetison, ke — made snd ited up foe: JE Furniture Rooms! J; 0. DEININGER, respectfully informs the citizens of Centre ie —————— #= of every description MILLS, “FORGES, «+ FURNACES" , . FACTORIES, . =~ We also manufacture the eelebrated ASHB, Doors and Blinds om hand at much lower rates than last seasen at F. G, FRANCISCUS. MSHERMEN will now find in my stock all kinds of Trout Flies, Rods. Bas- kets, Gut, &c., Pike Hooks, Fishing Lines, ete. F. G. FRANCISCUS, AERRY SEEDERS! Being agent for J Buckwater's Patent Cherry Seeders I will be pleased to sell them to country merchants at low prices than they are sold in Philadelphia, F. G. FRANCISCUS. | | ARROW TEETH, all steel, Cultiva- tor's Teeth, Wedge and Nut, just received and for sale by F. G. FRANCIRCUS. QHAKER'S and other Garden Seed for Lh) salein papers or by the quart or bushel.—~Muarket Gardeners ure invited to examine the varieties and prices at F. G. FRANCISCUS, I OUSEKEEPING Hardware of all kinds at reduced prices. Oil Car- cription, at 5 county, that he has constantly on hand, and | { S§DOONS, eilersand ton NM MANIGAL'S. | makes to order, all kinds of The subscriber respectfully calls the at- tention of the public to his estublishmnent, 3 »” { where he is prepared to furnish all kinds of EST RED SOLE LEATHER at 80cts. | Foreign and Domestic Liquors‘ wholesale Calf skins, Liging skins, Toppings, | at the }owést eash prices, which are warran- Shoe makers finishing tools, JJow at | ted to be the best qualities according to M'MANIGAL'S. | their respective prices, His stock consists —_ { of Rye, Monongahela, Irish and other | Whiskies, all kinds of Brandies, Holland | Gin, Port, Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry | and other Wines—the best articles—at as | reasonable rates as can be had in the city, { Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger | and Carraway Brandies, Pure Juinunica and | New England Rum, Cordial of all kinds. He would particularly invite Farmers, Ho- tel keepers and others to call and examine his large supply, to judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy, which can seldom be done when purchas- ing in the city. YRUNKS and Travelling Ba r : sortment al QILVER PLATED WARE of every No, quality, at MMANIGAL'S, (ILDRENS CARRIAGES. $5.00 and ge #s- | lags, la MMANTGATS. ee ——— 5 cn 1 3 So we —— # cantile Reference Register, Price of the Merchants Union Mercanilet Reference Register, fifty dollars, ($50.) for which it will be forwarded to any address in the United States, transportation paid. Holders of five $10 shares of the Capital Stock in addition to participating in the profits will recieve one copy ofthe Mercan- tile Register free of charge; holders of ten shares will be entitled to two copies: and no more than ten shares of the Capital Stock will be allotted to any one applicant. , All remittances, orders, or communica- tions relative to the book should be address- "he i 's £ KEYSTONE FALL PAPER, 4000 pieces just re- ceived 37 different Patterns, good paper at 10 and 124 ets, at M'MANIGAL'S. HoME MipE CHAIR®R ALWAYS ON HAND his stock of ready-made Furnitur is large Bellefonte, Aug. 17. 1868. To the Centre Hall Manfr'g Comp. Gents: —Having uted the Keystone Har- vaster during hay-making and harvest. 1 take pleasure in recommending it to the far- ming community, as it really isa first-class oy bp for lightness of draft and ease of management, it can not be excelled, having advantages over all other machines; it hav- ing lever power, and cutting directly oppo- site the axle, when the drive wheels go into a furrow, the knife turns the same time, so that there is no running into the ground with the guards; the harvesting arrange- : ment is truly excellent, as any boy can work the dropper, both in lodged and in | standing grain. I ean cut stubble of from | one to fifteen incheshigh. I would only say | to farmers wanting Reapers, to get s Key- stone and save time ay money. Believe Churns, Baskets, Grain rakes Scythes and Snethes at M'MANIGAL'S, A RGE assortinent of Table and Car- riage Oil Cloth, Table and Stand Puaterns, at MMANIGAL'S. {ABINET MAKERS. C You can buy vour Oils, Paints, Var- nish Paint and Varnish brushes, (ground Bristles,) a new Patent Bedstead fastner and a great many other articles you | need, low at MMANIGAL'S, large assortment of Fancy and com- A mon Soaps. Will be sold whole- sale and retail, at MMANIGALS. JORCELAIN AND BRASS Kettles, Tea Kettles, Bake Pans, &ec., at up at MMANIGAL'S. Yyoor AND WILLOW WARETubs 1, me your friend, AMOs GARBRICK. Linden Hall, Aug. 19. '¢8, To the Centre Hall Manufr g Comp Gentlemen—The Reaper I purchased from you, has given entire satisfaction. J can-cut all my grass, amounting in all toal- most ninety acres, Among the many im- provements. in grain implements, I think the Keystone Harvester is the best. The lever power toit is really the grandest ar- rangement I ever saw, as it saves all the knocking and friction that accompanies most reapers; and more than that, it saves at least 100 per cent. of power. Taking all the improvements together, it makes the Keystone just the A for our section of country, as it is light, and very light draft, no side draft at all, and vet durable, it affords me great pleasure in recommen. ding it to the farming community in gene- ral. Isaac TRESSLER. Millheim, Aug. 18. 1868. The combined Mower and Reaper I pur- chased of you, is just the thing—it gives en- tire satisfaction, both in grass and grain: it cuts and delivers it, I believe, a little better than any machine I ever saw. and is 80 easily managed. J. H. Fraxk. Wolf's Store, July 22nd, '68. Gents—We are pleased to inform you that we have cut our hay and harvest with the Keystone Harvester, and it is truly the best Harvester we ever saw. Nothing can be made that will excell it for light draft: it is also durable and it is really laughable to see how nicely it drops it off both in lodged and in standing grain. We recommend it to farmers, feeling satisfied it can not be heat. J. H. HosTERMAN, Hexry WoLr. Boulshurg, Ang. 19th, 1868, Gentlemen of the Manufacturing Comp., permit me to congratulate you in the suc- cess of the Keystone Harvester, it has made its mark this season, and from henceforth it will stand at the top of the list of Combined Mowers and Reapers. I believe it is the best machine in the market, and you need not fear about selling all you can 1manufac- ture, as they have given universal satisfac- tion. J. C. SHENEBERGER. Sugar Valley, July 23th; 1868, Gents :—L know of no better way of tel- ling you my feelings) than by writing to you. Ihave cutall my grass and nearly all my grain, and a betfer Mower and Haryoes- ter never went into grass than the Kevsione. It is the lightest draft machine in our val. ley, the dropping arrangement is the finest thing Leversaw. * # Every person that sees the Keystone work is bound to hyve JOSEPH SNOOK. one, Logan Mills, July 23rd, "68, I am now done cutting grass and grain, and must say, that the Keystone Harvester is THE Machine. It is the lightest draft , machine now manufactured—no side-'raft “at all. The machine is truly the nicest I ev- ersaw; itis durable, and not liable to get out of order. # The Dropper works so, compiete and drops the sheaves as straight ss were they laid down straw by straw. RoBeERT KLECKNER. Boalsburg, Aug. 14th, ’68, Gents: —The Keystone Harvester which I purchased from you, has done its duty as a Mower and a Reaper combined. I feel satisfied itis the best machine now in the market, for simplicity and durability, it having many improvements and advanta- ges over other machines. The first and grand improvement is the lever power which saves 100 per cent. of draft ang rots over all the jar and knock so prevalent among other Reapers. The dropping ar- rangement is FIRST CLASS, as I can mangaoe the machine and make the sheavesany de. sired size, delivering them free and clear from drag or trail AUSTIN W. Dare. FE —— Pack winter apples in dry sand placed in a cellar; they will keep plump and fresh and rot little, # MMANIGAL'S, ¢ ARPENTERR ) You can buy your Plains, Chisels, at M'MANIGAL'S. FU gE Epp Frei (Ct: py Cor. of Penn and St. Clair Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and most Suceess- ful PRACTICAL BUSINESS COL. LEGE in the United States. FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS From Thirty-Three States in Ten Years. FORLARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR Containing full information. Outline of Course of Study, samples of Cowley's PREMIUM PENMANSA IP, View of the College Juilding, different Departments, City of Pittsburgh, &e., &e. address the Principals, : SMITH & COWLEY., Pittsburgh, Pa. I IME, COAL AND LUMBER, 4 apl0'68,1y. | The best F WOOD COAL BURNT LIME, | ean be had at the Bellefonte Line Kilns, on { the Pike leadingto Milesburg, atthe lowest | prices. We are the only parties in Central | Penn’a. who burn in Patent Flame Kiln which produces the Best White-Wsah and Plastering Lime, offered to the trade. The best SHHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes, prepared expressly for family use 20 dry Coal at lowest prices. end quality BMEVARIT® B®) TF : BOARDS, BROAD RAILS PALING, SHINGLES and plastering lathe for sale cheap. Office and yard, near South re of Bale Eagle Valley R. R. Depot. SHORTLIDGE, & CO. aplQ'68, 1y, Also a lot of first and sec: AF Physicians are respectfully requested to give his liquors a trial. apl0'68. G REAT COMMOTION} HENDON STERNBERG & BRANDEIS, Bellefonte, Pa. RULE THE MARXET, by having tho largest and best stock, and "ne Na selling at LOW PRICES! Carpets at old rates, from B50 cents to 75 eents per yard, for the best. DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And selling from 124 to 18 cents, the best calicoes, and muslins in proportion, at old ates, Women's Shoes, donuavn good, to wear all summer, at $100 per pair Fine Boots from $3,060 to $7,60 for the beat. CLOTHING at the lowest rates, and sold at 1857 prices. SUIT S, from $12,50 to $18 for the best. CALL AND SEE, and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. They only ask people to come and see even if they do not wish to buy, ; apl( 68, tf. J, AMPS OF EVERY VA RIETY and Fl kind at apl0.68 TRWIN & WILSON'S, CALKES, at wholesale and retail. cheap, by | RWIN & WILSON 01dv’68, LSON. FRUIT CANS, by the Thousand, at the Centre Hall Foundry, for 15, 20 and 2% cents apiece—warranted, 2@&-A liberal discount to the wholesale trade. sepd INE TABLE CUTLERY, including | plated forks, spoons, &ec., at apl0'68. IRWIN & WILSON. HOE-MAKERS TOOLS and findings, in all their varieties, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS". Bellefonte Pa. por, vard wide, 60 to 556 cents per yard. in Cups 76 cents per dozen at .G. FRANCIRCUS. | 5( Pairs of Windew Shades, all new . styles and new designs, done up in Moon an the Lake, and Bismarck, and Gold Collors, with Cords, Tassels, &ec.. at 25 per cent less than the usual prices, F. G. FRANCISCUS. 10,000 pieces of Wall Paper, all extra new stock; a large portion of my stock is impor- ted direct from Liverpool by me, and is of- fered at much less than usual rates. F. G. Fraxciscus. Carr and examine my large trock of all Kinds of Window Shades, Window Papers, green and buff, Holland Tassels, Trim- mings, &e., &e. Also a large stock of Oi) Carpets, from 19 inches to 8-4, of various designs snd most fashionable patterns. Druggets & Table Covers at greatly reduced prices; at aboutthe prices some of our deal- ers pay for them in the eastern markets. F. G. Franciscus, (APEAT BARGAINS AT C.F. Harlecher's CENTRE HALL, PA. Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard- ware, Queensware, Wood and Willow ware, Kirst Class Store, now ready, and fer sale at marvelous low rates. GOODS VERY NEAR AT THR OLD PRICES. Muslins they will sell you the very best brands at prices that will astonish you. New spring Dress Goods A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelttes of the season, at lower rates than ordinarily charged at other places. White Goods & Embroideries The finest stock in town, bo.h as te quantity quality, and prices. HOOP SKIRTS The best makes, latest styles and lowest rates. (Hats and Caps in great variety.) Linens, Towellings, checks, Denings, cloths Cassimers, Cloakings. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we keep everything, and will sell at a very small advance on first eost. All we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK before purchasing elsewhere, as we do not consider it any trouble to show goods. ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, silver plated and Yankee Harness, d ble and single, bridles and halters, | o may1'08 1y, od to the Merchants’ Protective Union. in the American Fxchange Bank Building. Na,128 Broadway, (Box 2566,) New York. Sept. 4. '68,-6m. GREAT FALL and GREAT VIICRY At The Old Stand at Centre Hall. In favor of the Finest and Best Beletted {Stock of DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES Jut Purehased at the Late LOW PRICES, And now on Exhibition at Wolf's Old Stand. LSO, A CHEAP LINE OF N ELS, MUSLINS, CALICOES, A | FLAN AND SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF A000 SYRUPS, COFFEES. also a large stock of ; MACKEREL and HERRING. the best and cheapest in the market. WESHALL TAKE PARTICULAR CARE TO MAKE IT AN OBJECT a FOR New Customers, AS WELL AS IN VITE FRIENDS, TO GIVE U ap24'68,1y. OUR OLD NS A CALL. WM. WOLF. ROPE Pulleys, Whips, Broom twine, Broom handles, &c:, &e., at’ W.J. MMANIGAL'S, Hardware Store, mayl15'68,1y. Milroy, Pa. BA ROMLTERS and Thermometers at apl0’68. IRWIN & WILSOSN. ARLOR COOK STO VES Parlor Stoves, and four sizes of Gas- Burners constantly on hand and for sale at A ———————————— apl0468. Irwin & WILSON'S. To and warranted of good workmanship, asitis all made under his ownimmediatesupervyi- sion, aud is offered at rates as cheap as else- where. Thankful for past favors, he solic- its a continuance of the same. Call and seq his stock before purchasing | elsewhere, ap24'68, ly. ———— ps ————————————— MERCHANTS HOUSE. iy 13 & 415 North 8rd, st., _ PHILADELPHIA. H. H. MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR. I. C.N1pk, CLERK. This well-known Hotel, will b§ found by all visiting the city, ‘one of the 1iost desire- able, both as to reasonablechargesand con- venience. German and English is spoken. aplO68 tf, TATES UNION HOTEL, | Philadelphia. This Hotel is conveniently located on the south side of Market street, a few doors above 6th. Y i : ; he 1s central locality makes it desirable for all visiting the city on business or for pleas- ure. A. BECK, Proprietor. (formerly of the Merchants House.) aplO'o8 tf, ENTRE HALL HOTEL. JOHN SPANGLER, PROPRIE. TOR. Stages arrive and depart, daily, for all points, north, south, east and west. This favorite Hotel has beén refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and is now in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will always find the best accommodations. Per- sons from the city wishing to spend a few woeks during the summer in the country. will find Centre Hall one of the most deau- tiful locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con- venience, aplU'68 tf, Q USSELS HOTEL AARONSBURG, PA. JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR. The old and well known Hotel, situated in the centre of Aaronsburg, has again been occupied by Mr, Russel, former proprietor, who now invites his old friends and the travelling community iff general to ealland see him. The houte has been elegantly furnished and is kept in the best style. Dro- vers can always find accommodation. aplO'68tt. UNION HOUSE, MILROY;: PA; , A CHANGE of proprietors of this Hotel Jas a Joe Ist of April.” The estab- lishment has been refarnished, refitted, and remodolad, and will her oie a, and on first-classshotel principles. The proprietor will give his personal st tention to the comforts of the present rict at- who may favor him with their . THE BAR ; is woll stocked with the choicest Brands e Liquors, and the Table: gotten up in first- class style. : custom, are connected with the hotel, and obligin Ostlers are always on the ground to a tothis Departments + ZA portion of publie licited, and good accommo anteed to all. S. 8. STOVER, Pro riétor, MiLroy, PA. FN & WILSON are constantly re- i ; | eeiving new goods in their line. HARDWARE of every description at redu.ced prices—now being opened every day | apl0'e8. Whitman's celebrated confections, Whitman's celebrated chocolate, Buker’'s chocolate, Smith’s choaeolate, China Ginger, English Pickes, American Pickles, a t BURNSIDE &s THOMAS patronage is =o0- ations areguar- aug2l.ly. etl. apr Subscribe for the Reporter. HARVESTER. which now stands unrivalled. - This Reaper has advantages overall othes Reapers now manufactured. One adven- tage we claim for it, is the lever Power, by which we gain one hundred per seat ever other machines, Another advantage is the hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereby the driver has under his complete contrel of the machine; in coming to a spot of Tod. ed grain, the driver can shinge the ut of he machine in an Tn without stopping the team, varying the stuble from 1 te 14 inches at the outlde of the machine, as well as on the inside. * Ttis constructed of tin class material; and built by first class ma- chanics. We warrant it second te none; : All kinds of Horsepowers and Threshing Maehines, Hay and Grain Rakes, latest ina. proved. All kinds of Repairing dena Dw ferant kinds of PLOWS AND PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated Heekendorn Economies plow whieh has givea satire setisietion. We employ the beet Patteramakers, ony patterns are sll new and of the most improv. od plans, Plans, Specifeations md Praw- ings furnished for al werk dene by mm. A We hope by striet sttemslon 8 bud ness to reseive share of publie paiwonage: { 4% na vas edt oi tiie The Company announce to (he ofiftens of Potter township, that shey are ROW prepar- ed to furnish upon short notice, and as low as éliowhere, every article in the Mae of TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE, Stove-Pipe and Ad pein done eye BUCKETS, CUPS; .." ... DIPPERE, = DISHES, £0. ATI orders by msil promptly sttended ¢ o CB¥TRE HALL MPG api 08-4f, : : 00x x. Takin