mY Ts EPC Ev, ™ vault UA CENTRE HALL pl {) a xxTRE Bary, Fa. Oor 9th, rep rie, To Fix Pencil Writing.—Peneil writing may be fixed almost indelibly as ink, by passing the moistened tongue over it. Even breathing slowly over the lines, after writing, renders them "This X who not subjected to that Process. x \ yas YN Py ss tay iY DC Uhlig thal | hy theerasure and | marks over the A tral of CHEE SUEIICH OLLI i pereon- of whe ntlity of the idea. ese Ap — - - 4 1 most aristocratic families i : * richest cn Pe ® He flhin Jove with the on- 5 daughter of the house, tried to In- an ant gratiated tave Feuillet's latest novel. man takes the book, about which ha find a number of words underlined with but insignificant words, such as up and “you” or “and.” one leaf, two leaves, three leaves, and finds the same thing. Suddenly an keen-sighted in certain matters. tries to connect the underlined words, and his petrified eyes read as follows: sult—you—if—I—tell— yon— that— I—adore—you—and,” in short, a love and closing with-the suggestive words: the book in a piece of paper, and hands gentleman. The latter opens the vol- ter. —the—threshhold—of—my—house— I—will—kick—you—-out——of— the— window.” : OR. Waar Roy wiry Do.—Some years zu, in one of the counties uf New York, a worthy man was tempted to drink In the delirinm _ EA > until he was drunk. 8% drankenness he went home and murdored his wife in the most barbar- wail while. drunk, and kept through Awakening in the morn- ha ne vals adi at. and seeing the bars upon the window, he oxelaimed ; “Is this a jail?” “Yas vou are in jail,” answered some ne. “What am I here for?” was the earnest inquiry. “For murder,” was the answer. With still greater astonishmert and sarnestness he inquired, “Does my wife know it?” “Your wife know it ?”’ said some one, “Why it was your wife you have kil- edl” On this amnouncement he dropped suddenly: as if he had been struck pead. Let it be remembered that the constable who carried him to jail sold Lim the liquor which caused his drunkenness; the justice who issued the warrent was one of those who signed his license, and the sheriff who hung him also sold liquor and kept a senpin alley, el > & o> — In Georgia House of Representa tives, yesterday, the bill to prevent free vorsons of color from being elected te office was defeated. Also, the bill to compel common carriers to provide equal accommodations, ete. dh outline A iin, SE “What kind of a time had you in the penitentiary ?” said a man to a me- and 3 half years, service for stealing. “Oh!” replied Sambo, “a bully good ime, sah. Three hundred and seven- ty-six of us in there, and only one Democrat. ere lp rtf peer: A prominent Republican went toa great Grant rally the other night, and returned early to his home, telling his wife she would’t catch him going out soon again “to meet three or four men.” RRR | a 4 i fore: Of 10T01 » AY i RY : it 9 i RPPLES, Oranges, lemons, at ki 5 . 5 i friats, Hans, bacon ce, at BURNSIDE « THOMAS, nd } ——————— tsb on MILROY STORER large sold at fn Very . ba i faRve sEyiy nay! > Ph ' I RESALE od 8 8 which will 4 3 \ y La (OWES, Cllsal W. J. MMANIGALS. 1 RUGS AND MEDICINES all war- Is ranted pure. Physicians perserip- | tions filled at all hours. Pure Wines and | Liquors for Medicinal purposes only. A large assortment of Patent Medicines at M MANIGAL'S. OUSK FURNISHING HARD- WARE. Persons building will do well to give him a call before pureh- aseing elsewhere. Barn door hinges, from twelve to 30inches long. Barn door rollers, | Strap hinges all sizes, a H { MMANIGAL'S. ~ = PER KEG FOR NATLS at JO) MC MANIGAL'S, 4 1 | at 43 per pound, at RON. Iron all sizes, Scollop and all heavy Iron, from best manufactures M'MANIGAL'S, | HORSE SHOES, Norway Nailreds, {eat Steel, Blister Hteel, Bpring Steel, Springs, Axeles’ &e., &a, MMANIGAL'S 3 EST 14 Hicory Fellows at $2,00 per sett Hubs and Rims. Spekas, Shafts &eo. at MMANIGALS. oi QA DLERY HARDWARE of every des- A. cription, at MMANIGAL'S. NUTLERY. Alargeassortment of Poek- et and Table cutlery, Tes and table spoons. In this line we defy competition. | Waitersand tea trays, at M'MANIGAL'S. | FPRUNKS and Travelling Bags, Ia sortment nt M'MANIGALS. i EST RED SOLE LEATHER at 30cts. Calf skins, Lining skins, Toppings, Shoe makers finishing tools, low at MMANIGAL'S. | QILVER PLATED WARE of every | quality, at M MANIGALS. | WALL PAPER, 4000 pieces just re- paper at 10 and 124 cts. at M'MANIGALS. es S— —— —————————— | (\HILDRENS CARRIAGES, $5,00 and | C up at M MANIGAL'S. Churns. Baskets, Grain rakes Hevihes and Snethos at M'MANIGAL'S. riage Oil Cloth, Table and Stand MMANIGAL'S. INET MARKERS. You ean buy vour Oils, Prints, Var- Paint and Varnish brushes, new Patent Bedstead v other articles you MMANIGALS. YT ARGXE assortinent of Table and Car- | Yaterns, at (1° nish (ground Bristles,) a fastner and a great ma: need, low nt needq, | larze assortment of Faney and com- 4 Will be sold whole- ! MMANIGALS. mon Soaps. sale and retail, at a1 aN Tea Kettles, Bake Pans, &ec., sat . MMANIGALR PENTERS. You can buy your Plains, Chisels, Saws snd other tools low, at iGAL'S | TALOOR OIL CLOTH, 12 Different Pat- I terns, 4, 5, 6 and 8% wide, a good ar- ticle at SSets. Oil Shades, sll now patterns, at MMANIGAL'S. 2,200,000 Customers in Four Years. Patronize the Best! Having the largest capital, most oxpori- enced, and extensive trade of any cencern the Dollar Sale business, we Guarantee Satisfaction in avery instance, and wlsothe hast selection | of Goods ever offered at One Dollar Each. Xo other concern has anv show wharev- ei our Agents are selling. “Prompt and Reliable.” Male and fomale agents wanted in city and country. THE LADIES Are particularly requested to try our popu- lar club system of selling all kindes of Dry and Fancy Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Watch- es, &e. (Established 1864.) A patent pen fountain and a check deseribing an article to be sold for a dollar, 10 cts; 20 for 34; 60 for $4; 100 for $10; sent by mail. Free presents to getter up, (worth 50 per cent more thanthose sent by any other concern.) aceording to size of club. Sond us a trial elub, or if not do not fail to send for a oir- cular. N. B.—Our sale should not be elassed with New York dollar jewelry sales or bogus “Tea Companies,’ as it is nething of the sori. : EASTMAN & I naLL 65 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. July, 17,6m. 1 IME, COAL AND LUMBER. i The best WOOD COAIL. BURNT LIME, can be had at the Bellefonte Line Kilns, on the Pike leadingtoMilesburg, at the lowest rices. We are the only parties in Central >enn’'a. who burn in Patent Flame Kiln which produces the Best White-W ash and lasterine Lime Plastering Lime, offered to the trads. The best SHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes, prepared expressly for family use Also Silver Brook Foun- dry Coal Also a lot of first and seo C7 LOG | {> CMM x | A T i ii at lowest prices. ond quality : BOARDS, BROAD RAILS PALING, SHINGLES and plastering lathe for sale cheap. Office and yard, near South end of Bald Eagle Valley R. R. Depot. SHORTLIDGE, & CO. Bellefonte Pa. ap10°68,1y. gistor. | The Merchants’ Protective Union, organ- | ized to promote and protect trade, by ena | bling its subscribers to attain facility and | safety in the granting of eredits, and the re. | covery of claims at all points, have to an- | nounce that they will, in September, 1568, | publish in one large quarto volume: Mie MercHANTS PROTECTIVE MERCANTILE REFERENCE REGISTER, Cons taining among other things, the Names, Na- ture, of business, Amount of Capital, Finan- cial Standing and Rating asto credit, of over 100,000 of the principal merchants, traders, | Uxtox | bankers, manufuctors, and public compan- | than 30,000 of the cities, towns, villages, and settlements throughout the United States, their Territories, and the | British Provinces of North America; en | 108, In more hracing the most important information at- | tninable and necessary to enable the mer- chant to acertain at a glance the capital, character and Degree of Credit of such of | his customers ag are deemed worthy of any | gradation of eredit, comprisin x also, a N OWh- paper Directory, containing the title, char | acter, price, and place of publication, with | full particulars relative toeach journal, be- | ing a complete guide to the press of every county in the Unie States, I'he reportsandi rmation will be confin- ed to those deemed worthy of some line of credit: and as the same will be based, so far | as practicable upon the written statements of the parties themselves, revised and correct- ad by well-known and reliable legal corres- pondents, whose characters will prove a gunrantee of the correctness of the informa- tion furnished by them, it is believed that | the reports will prove more truthful and | complete, and therefore, superior to, and of | Samp greater value, than any previously issued. | By aid of the “Mercantile Beference Reg- istar,”’ business men will be enabled toascer- tain at aglance, the capital and gradation of | credit, as compared with finaneial worth, of nearly every merchant, manufacturer, tra- der, and bankers, within the above named territorial limites, On or about the first of each month, sub- | scribers will also recieve the monthly Chiron- icle, containing among other things, a rec- | ord of such important changes in the name | and condition of firms, throughout the coun- | try, as may occur subsequent to the publica- tion of each half-yearly volume ofthe Mer- | cantile Reforence Register, | Price ofthe Merchants Union Mercanilet Reference Register, fifty dollars, ($X0.) for which it will be forwarded to any address in the United States, transportation paid, Holders of five $10 shares of the Capital Stock in addition to participating in the profits will recieve one copy ofthe Mercan- tile Register free of charge; holders of ten | shares will be entitled to two copies; and no more than ten shares of the Capital Stock will he allotted to any one applicant, All remittances, | Or communicas | tions relative to the book should be address. Protective Union, in | Fxchange Bank Building. | New York, orders, the American No.128 Broadw ay, \ Box 2H08, ) Nept. 4, '68,-6m, GREAT FALL and GREAT VITORY! Stove-pipe, Tinware and Fruit Cans, | Drills and Threshing Machines, | both for 4-horse sweep power snd 2-horse trend power. Also the Tornado Seperator that will out-thresh any machine ever bro't | to Centre county, Isaac Haupt at Bellefonte, Pa. and Haupt & Co., at Milesburg, Pu., have already got a new supply of Spears’ Anti-dust Cook, Spears’ revolving, light illuminating stove ; Spears’ These have all proven | and are the best bakers in | want of stoves would do well to eall at their ware-rooms and see their stock before pur- | they may be sorry, as many have already been, SPEARS sTove, (wood or coal.) ANTI-DUST GAS BURNING COOK |! | RTOVE, | BETOVE, | in poking the fire, entire safety of | the fire; they require very little attention; | socure thorough ventilation of the room, | pants ; entire freedom from dust ; a uniform | and well regulated heat; a gas-consumerof the first quality; great economy in fuel; | neatnoss, cheapness and beauty, | Isaac Hauvrr, Agent. i ————————————— zr Norice. ~The subseription price of the Revorren is $1,50 per year in advance, which ig less than that of any other paper We are printing this paper at rons that it is of great importance to us that payment be made at once, STORE J. B. ETELR. (FORMERLY NEFF & ETTELE.) ding iormerly occupied by the Key- stone Bakery All Barrels, Kegs and Casks warranted Fhe proprietor of this establishment takes pleastipe in informing the public that he is constantly on hand a supply 0” hoice Old Nectar, Old Rye, Monongahela, Aud Irish Whiskey, Cognae, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger and Common Brandies, Port Maderia, Sherry and Lisbin Wines, Scotch And Holland. Gin, | Y)OOKET CUTLERY—all makes und P prices at IRWIN & W ILSON, BRIO oo i dale PevhiLE AND SINGLE BARREL . fowling pieces at ern pies," TRWIN & WILSON. MROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS, best /muke at Inwin & WILSON, aplO' or, NOFFIN TRIMINGS, a large assort- / ment at Irwin & WILSON'S, aplo og, HAN? BELLS und DOOR BELLS, : all sizes and kinds at ad10' 58, Inwin & WiLgoN's, D* BOARDS, Plank and Scantling for snle by Irwin & Winsox, aplO'Gs, JAPANNED TOILET SETTS, AND ¢) other Japunned ware, atthe Anvil Store. aplO68, Irwin & WrLsox, 1 OOK ING-G LASS PLATES of all sizes 14 for eale by Irwin & WiLsox. aplO G8, I PINDLE SKEINBS for wagons, all si- A zes, at the sign of the Anvil. aplU'6R, Inwix & Wirses, som New England Rum. JAMAICA mint, Anniseed and Rose The attention of practicing physwrans is medical purposes. Bottles jugs and Demijohns constandly on hand. We have the only pure Nectar Whiskey All our liquors were bought when liquors were low, and wo sell them accordingly. All liquers are warranted to give satisfae- ion, Confident that ke can pleas sustomers he J. 0. DEININGER, respectfully informa the citizens of Centre makes to order, all kinde of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES, &c¢., &c ALWAYS OX IIA his stock of ready-muade Furniture is 127g" Iperyi- At The Old Stand Thankful for past i favors, he solie- where. at Contre Hall In favor of the Finest and Best Selected | {Stock ot DRY GOODS, before purchasing Call and see his stock el2ewhere, ap24' 08, 1y RCHANTS HOUSE, 413 & 416 North 3rd, st. PHILADELPHIA. MANDERBACH PPROPRIETOR . C.N1rE, CLERK. This well-known 1llotel, will be found by AND GROCERIES hi lo nl able, 1 sonable charges ane and English is spoken. wath as to ren Grerman + ap les tf, " {TATES UNION HOTEL, This Hotel is conveniently located on the south side of Market street, a few door . . 3 . 11 ~ ' Its central locality maka: it desirable for Just Purchased at the Late LOW PRICEN, And now on i i A. BECK, Proprietor (formerly of the Merchants House appl’ 68, tf. ( {ENTRE HALL HOTEL. | PROPRIE- | TOR. Stagos arrive and depart daily, for all Wolf’s Old Stand. ALSO, A CHEAP LINE OF FLANNELS, MUSLINS, CALICOES, AND SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF I SYRUPS, COFFEES. also a large stock of MACKEREL and HERRING. the best and cheapest in tha market. WESHALL TAKE PARTICULAR CARE TO MAKRK IT AN OBJECT FOR New Customers, AS WELL®AS INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS, TO GIVE US A CALL. ap24 63, ly. WM WOLF. ROPE Pulleys, Whips Broom twine, Broom handles, &e., &e., at W. J. MMANIGAL'S, Hardware Store : Milroy, Pa. AROMETERS and Thermometers a apl0'68. IRWIN & WILSON'S, BUFFALO SCALES, of the best make, from 4 lbs up to 120,000 Ibs. apl0'6 IrRwiIN & WILSON. mayld 68;ly. This favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and is now in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will always tind the best accommodations, Per- sons fron the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in {ns country, will find Centre Hall one of the most deau- tiful locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel | all they could desire for comfort and con- | venience. aplO68 tf. Busser [NOTEKL AARONSBURG, PA. JOHN RUSSRIL, PROPRIETOR. The old and well known Hotel, situated in the contre of Aaronsburg, hasagain been occupied by Mr. Rursel, formar proprietor, who now invites his old friends and the travelling community in geweral te call and gee him. The house has been elegantly furnished and is kept in the beat style. Dro- vers can always find accommodation, apl0 Ste. ——————— ——— ——————— UNION HOUSE, MILROY, PA. A CHANGE of proprietors of this Hotel was made on tbe 1st of April. The estab- lishment has been refurnished, refitted, and remodeled, and will hereafter be conducted on first-class hotel principles. The present proprietor will give his personal strict at- tention to the comforts of the traveling pub- lic and others who may favor him with theis custom. . THE BAR is well stocked with the choicest Brands of Liquors, and the Table gotten up in first- class style. 5 GOOD STABLES are connected with the hotel, and obliging Ostlers are always on the ground to attend to this Department. . , gar A portion of public patronage 1s so- licited, and good accommodations ure guar- anteed to all. S. S. STOVER, Proprietor, aug2l.1y. MiLgoy, bi. Gili & WILSON are constantly re- ceiving new goods in their line. HARDWARE of every description at redu.eed prices—now being opened every day aplO' 68, YSTRAY. K Came to the premises of the subser-i ber, in Gregg township, on the 9th day of Jame last, op mare, about three years old. The owner is requested to come for- pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. F. D. HOSTERMAN. angld. st Penn Hall. | age. Liquers will be sold by the I have a large lot o BOTTLED LIQUORS of the finest grades, on hand, ap ly ok, A BAUM, uart, barrel WHOLESALE DEALER IN tention of the pubic to his establishment, wrepared to furnish all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Liquors’ wholesale at the lowest cash prices, which are warran- ted to be the hest qualities according to their respective prices. His stock consists of Rye, Monongahela, Irish and other Whiskies, all kinds of Brandies, Holland Gin, Port, Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines—the best articles—at a« reasonable rates as can be had in the eity, Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and New England Rum, Cordial of all kinds, He would particularly invite Farmers, Ho- tel keepers and others to eall and examine his large supply, to judge for themselves which can seldom be done when purcha:- ing in the city. 28 Physicians are respectfully requested y give his liquors a t apply es, A REAT COMMOTION! inl, ) STERNBERG & BRANDEIS, % Bellefonte, Pa. RULE THE MARKET, by having the largest and best stock, and gelling at LOW PRICES! Carpets at old rates, trom 50 cents to 75 cents per yard, for the best. DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And selling from 124 to 16 cents, the best ealicoes, and mualins in proportion, atold rates. ow . , . Women's Shoes, eommon good, to wear all summer, at $100 per pair Fine Boots from $3.50 to $7,650 for the best. CLOTHING at the lowest rates, and sold at 185 SUITS. “som 7 prices. from $12,50 to $18 for the best. CALL AND SEE, and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. They only ask people to come and see, even if they do not wish to buy. apl®y 68 tf. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . NOTICE is hereby given, that let- ters of Administration, over the estate of Jacob Bowersox, late of Haines township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersig- ned. All persons knowing themselves in- debted to said estate are hereby notified to come forward and make payment, and those having accounts against the same will pre- sent them properly authenticated for settle- nient. SIMON ROTE, aug28 61 Aaronsburg, AMPS OF EVERY VARIETY and 4 kind at ea ; apl0'.68 IRWIN & WILSON'S, CALS, at wholesale and retail, cheap, b by IRWIN & WILSON, npde HN, OALTS for Buggies and Carringes, all sizes in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at aplO' GR, Irwin & WiLsox's, H ORN BLANKETS AND SLEIGH . BELLS, at low prices, nt nplO' 68, Inwix & Winsox's, [ [oN PATENT CHURN, the best | in use at Inwix & Wirsox's. aplO'68, ' ¥, PER KK@ for Nails at | $4.85 G. FP. FRANCISCLUS. 8 ———— S—————"——. ————— — om ——————. R— SO———— —. — a — ———— T" NW ARE ofall kinds retailed at whole- sale. prices. All kinds Th and Sheet Irom work done at old prices. F. 8. FRANCISCUS. B* 2X-DOOR Hinges. from 12 to 86 in. thes long, Barn-door Roliers, Rail. ae ¥.G. FRANCISCUS. | QI ABHS, Doors and Blinds on hand at in much lower rates than last seasen at api 68 ly. F. G. PRANCISCUS. —— | F | ete. F. G. FRANCISCUS, 0 Philadelphia. recoived and for sale by F. G. FRAXCISCUS. F. G. FRANCISCUR. ARROW TEETH, all steel, Cultiva- h. sile in papers or by the quart or bushel.—Market Gardeners are invited to examine the varieties and prices at F. G. FRANCISCUS. H kinds at reduced prices. ots, vard wide, 50 to 55 cents per yard. lin Cups 75 cents per dozen at F.. FRANCISCUS, ie ——— a — i —— stvles and new designs, done up | in Moon an the Lake, and Bismarck, and | Gold Collors, with Cords, Tassels, &e., nt 25 per ceat less than the usual prices. F. G. FRANCISCURS. | by me, less than usual rates, F. G. Fraxciscus. { ted direct from Liverpool | fered at much | kinds of Windo¥® Shades. Window Papers, and bu? Holland Tassels. T niings, &e., &e. Also n large stock of Oil | Carpets, from 19 inches to 8-4, of varieus des fashionable patterns, | green Im ¥snda most prices; ai ahoutthe prices some of ourdeal- ers pay for them in the eastern misrkets, F. G. FrRaxcImscUs, | G | KX { AT nw Alas AT BARGAINS CENTRE HALL, PA. Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard- ware, Queensware, Wood and Willow ware, | Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, 8 magnificent | ussortmont of everything kept in a First Class Store, now ready, and for sale at marvelous low rates. GOODS VERY NEAR AT THE OLD PRICES. Musling they will sell yon the very best brands at prices that will astonish you. New spring Dress Goods A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelttes of the season, at lower rates than ordinarily charged at other places. White Goods & Embroideries The finest stock in town, both as to quantity quality, and prices. . RMIAAT @M2N1M HOOP SKIRTS ‘The best makes, latest styles and lowest rates. (Hats and Caps in great variety.) Linens, Towellings, cheeks, Denings, cloths Cassimers, Cloakings. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and summer shawls in fact, we kee everything, and will sell at a very small advance on first cost. ; All we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK before purchasing olsewhere, as we donot consider it any trouble to show goods. ALL KINDS OT HARNESS, silver plated and Yankee Harness, double and single, bridles and halters, may’ 68 1y. a A CENTRE HALL CENTRE HALL CENTRE CQ, "PA Macuixe Suors and AcriovLYURAL Works. Stocked with all new and latest improved Machinery at Centre ‘Hall, nas nounceto the public that they fre now ready to receive orders for anything in they line of business, Shaftings, Pullies, Hangers, CASTINGS . MILLS, FORGES,’ FURNACES, FACTORIER, TANNERIES, &C., We also manufacture the celebrated ’ - HARVESTER, i E One advan- Another advantage is the hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereby ed grain, the driver can change the cut of he machine in an instant, without stepping the team, varying the stuble from 1 to 14 inchies at the sutside of the machine, as well as on the inside. it is constructed of first class material; and built by first lus mux- chanics. We warrant it second te none. All kinds of Horsepower: and Threshing Machines, Hay and Grain Rakes, latest im- proved. All kind« of Repairing done. Dif ferant Kinds of PLOWS AND PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated Heckendorn Economica plow which has given entire satisfaction. We employ the best Pasternmakers, eur patterns are all new and of the most imprev- ed plans. Plans, Specifieations and Draw- ings furnished for all work dene by ua. 28 We hope by striot attention to husi- ness te receive a share of public patronage, TINWARE! The Company announce to the citizens of Potter township, that they are now prepar- ed to furnish upon short notice, and as low as elsewhere, every article in the line of TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE. Stove-Pipe and Spouting. a BUCKETS, CUPS, DIPPERS, . DISHES, &C. All orders by mail promptly attended to. CENTRE HALL MFG COW’ aplO’ 68,tf. mr They have J