Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, September 04, 1868, Image 1

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    i SA
oni A ———— ———————— ——————— rn lis
Geo. Fairer, at Bellefonte, sells the cole-
brated Howe Sewing Machine, which has
me superior in the market. Go to Fairer's
and see it. It has received prize med-
at all fairs. They are the oldest estab-
dare in the world.
LL sds Co, Pa.
His stock aN in SrEBUS
. of Be
the best cook in the world.
The Celebrated Barley Sheaf.
Ironsides Cook.
ulton Range.
Oriental Base Burner Parlor Stove.
Oriental Parlor Furnaees.
Spears Parlor.
Spears Orbicular.
Also great variety of Gas Burners, Egg
Cannon, me other Stoves and Heaters,
snitable for
School Houses, &e.
A full line of Tinware and Solf Sealing,
Fruit Cans on hand. Particular attention
paid te Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing.
al cash purchasers will find it an ad-
ive him a call. His Store is
t RR
Respectfully announces to the citizens of
Petter township, that ho is now prepared
te furnish upon shortest notice, and as
eheap as elsewhere, every article in the line
of Tin and Sheetiron Ware,
All kinds of repairing done. He has al-
ways, ou} pend buckets, cups, dippers, dish-
oe, &e.,
fer buggies executed in the finest and most
durabrostyin, Give him a call. His char-
ges are reasonable. aplO'68, ly.
pues S! BUGGIES!
Centre Hall, Pa, Manufacturer of all
kinda of Buggies, would respectfully inform
the citizens of Centre county, that he hason
with and without top, and which will be
sold at reduced priees for cash, and a rea-
genabla credit given.
T vo Horse Wagons, Spring Wagons &e.,
made to order, an
faction in every respect.
All kinds of repairing done in short no-
mee. Call and see his stock of Buggies be-
fer purehasing elsewhere,
Bellefonte, Pa.
& CO.)
B.C. Houms, Pres't. - J. P. Harris, Cash.
TERMS, —The Ckxtee Harn Repor-
TER is published weekly, at $1,560 per year
in advance; and $200 when not paid in
advance. Reporter, 1 month 15 cents,
Advertisements are insorted at $1,500 per
square (10 lines) for 8 weeks. Advertise-
ments for a year, half year, orthree months
at a less rate.
All Job-work, Cash, and neatly and ex-
peditiously executed, at reasonable char
FRIDAY, SEP. 4th 1868.
of New York.
of Missouri.
of Fayette County.
of Columbia County.
For Congress :
L. A. Mackey, Clinton county.
For President Judge
John H. Orvis, of Bellefonte,
(subject to decision of district conference.)
For Assembly:
P. Gray Meek, of Bellefonte.
For District Attorney:
Henry Y. Stitzer, of Bellefonte.
For County Surveyor:
William P. Mitchell, of Howard bor.
For County Commissioner:
John Bing, of Unionville.
For Auditor :
John Rishel, of Potter.
"The quarterly meeting of this Socie-
ty was held in the Court House on |
Monday*evening last.
Samuel Gilliland, Superintendent of |
the Fair Grounds, reported the pro-
purposes they are intended. He sta-
ted that the Track would be comple-
This Bank is now erganized for the iy
of Banking under the laws of the Uni- |
ioe | issued by Humes, Mc Allister,
Male & Co., will be paid at maturity, and
Cheeks of deposits at sight as usual on pre-
sentatisn at the counter of the said First Na-
tional Bank.
Particular attention given tothe purchase |
sad sale of Government Securities.
aplo es. President.
Seionee on the Advance.
whe is permanently located in Aarons-
in the offiee formerly occupied by
Dr. Neff, and who has been practicing with
entire success—having the experience of a
number of years in the profession, he would
eordially invite all who have as yet not
iven him a eall, to do so, and fest the
ruthfulness of this assertion. Z@ Teeth
Extracted without pain. may 22.68 1y
President. Cashier.
And Allow Tasers,
Discount Notes,
Buy And Sell
Gevernment Securities, Gold and Cou-
pens. apll 68.
Attorney-at-law, Bellefonte, Pa.
10°68, = isdn
Office on High Street, Bellefonte
» apl0’ 68, tf.
AT-LAW,Officein the Democrat-
i Watehman Office. ap30'68.
ORNEY AT LAW, Bellefonte, Pa.
ATEOR ‘with the District Attorney, in the
Pour flouse.
f! H. offers bis Professional
»™ PL SMIT Office, Centre Hall, Pa.
Dire tf.
Astorney-at-law, Bellefonte, “rompt-
Iw maws attention to all business ertusted |
# him,
mayls 68.
p. WINGATY, D, D, 8,
ee on NY wert YE of Bisiiop and
§ J Tay the
8 gf every mo t
aT 2 gk SET Hout pain,
apl0 68,tf,
Bel Toa’
D., Physician and
o: Surge: eon, Cater ital Pa.
a fonsiomal services to the citi-
pottor. and adjoining townships,
hae the experience of 21 yearsin
B active practigs of Medicine and .Sur-
hie plot (ly.
Béllefonts, Centro Ce., Penn's,
"Woodward, Centre county,
Stages, arrive and depart daily. This fa-
vorite Hofél has boven: refitted and furnish-
its new pro ricfor, atifl is now in
exery respect ofis of the most plensant coun-
otels in central Pennsylvania. [Tlic
ted by the latter part of next week, as
| would the fence the
that Buffalo
that terra cot-
ta pipes have been laid
also around
the course of
| fine spring water all over the grounds ;
would be completed by the middle of
September, and that a carriage road
around the trotting track was also be-
ing made, all tending to make these
among the most complete groundsin
the State He stated also that the esti-
mated cost of the improvements would
be as follows:
For Trotting Track...........81,186
FOnee... cveeicisiineciicsrisinn 1,056 00
FloralHall................... 2733 01
Conveying Water..... 262 62
Terra Cotta Pipe, dc 42
Carriage Road 90
The offices he said still remain te be
contracted for and built, but the Socie-
ty have on hand enough lumber for the
purpose and require more money.
On motion of D. G. Bush, the 6th,
7th, 8th and 9th days of October were
fixed upon as the days for the Annual
On motion it was
Resolved. That it be recommended
to the County Committee of both Po-
litical parties, that no meetings of a pe-
litieal character be held during the
coiitinuance of the Fair, and that the
Executive Committee be requested to
of the days of exhibition.
Mr. John H. Orvis, after paying a
———————— A —————— ——— 5 1 0 — op
pointed a committee to procure con-
veyances for the purpose of taking
electors from a distance to the College
Wednesday. John T. Johnson,
Chairman, MrT, Milliken, John Ir-
vin, Jr, J. D. Shugart, and Robert
Valentine, of Bellfonte, Moses Thomp-
son, of Harris, William Irvin and
John Sipert, of Benner.
Gentlemen who own
or control car-
riages or other conveyances will report
the College, to Mr. Johnson, the Chair-
man, or any other member of the
Committee, on or before Monday next.
The carriages will be required by 7
o'clock A. M,,
After some further business had been
transacted the Society adjourned.
> >»
Seymour Owns No
Utica, N. Y,, July 21, 1868,
DEAR Sir :—Your letterof the 16th
inst., to Governor Seymour, is received
gatories, and say: He does not own a
United States bond, and never did
or banking of any kind.
Very respectfully,
“To H.R. Dwan, E«.,
We did notneed this to convince us
that Mr.
holders’ candidate.
ded the N York from
the beginning to the close, were made
aware of the fact.
bondholders’ hopes and anticipations
were entirely in a different quarter,
which was well known by Ohio and by |
Mr. Pendleton’s friends, who
ted Mr. Seymour their own
vorite could not be selected.
yours, &e.,
Bloomigton, ii,
Seymour was not the bond-
NCW Convention,
fa- |
Mr. Sey
mour represents the people in this issue,
and not the bondholders.—Cincinnti
The Republicans thought Gov. Sey- |
mour certainly owned bonds;and when |
had no
does a great deal more to sustain the |
that, he
the Government.
howl of indignation,
confidence in
bondholder of |
Horatio 8S
taxes on what he
(Government than any
similar means, \eymour pays |
We are |
credibly informed that Gen. Grant owns |
$213,000 worth of Governmeni bonds, |
the proceeds of salaries paid in gold
or its equivalent, and perhaps a lit- |
tle from the cotton ventures his father |
Jesse indulged in when his son
had command of the armies and ave-
nues of trade. How much tax
the bondholding eandidate pay?
Ulyss,” |
does !
A es
Greenbacks for Bonds—-What the
N. XY. Heraldsays. |
The bondholders and their organs
are incessant in their endeavors to
muddle the question as to whether the |
five-twenty bonds are payable in legal-
tenders or not, The law and the facts |
are against them, and the only hope of
carrying their point is to throw doubt |
upon and confuse the matter. Then
they try to bring to their aid weak ar
guments about the honesty and morali-
ty of the question, as if there were any
moral obligation to pay the Shylock
demand of a dollar for every fifty or
sixty cents invested, and that contrary
to the spirit and letter of the law. If
the principal of the five-twenties were
intended to be paid in coin that would
have been mentioned in the act, just
as the obligation to pay coin interest is
mentioned, and just as the law express
ly stipulates to pay the ten-forty bonds
deserved compliment to H. N. McAl-
Lister, proposed the following.
WHEREAS. Since the organization
of the Institution now known as the
Agricultural College of Pennsylvania
aur fellow citizen, H, N. Mellister, has,
been a Trustee of the same and has
with unprecedented zeal, energy and
assiduity, given his time, labor and
means to promote the. success of the
same. Therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Agricultural Socie-
ty of Centre County, that we commend
the honest, energetic, disinterested and
self- sacrificing conduct of H. N. McAl-
lister, Esq., in his efforts as one of the
Trustees of the Agricultural College of
Pennsylvania, and fupther that we re-
quest him not to resign hig position as
such Trustee, but that he contimic still
to discharge the duties of the same.
Which w was unanimously adopted :
On motioti of Mr. Adam Hoy the
following gentlemen were appointed
delegate electors of the Agricultural
College of Pennsylvania for the en-
‘suing year :—Richard Conley, of Ben-
y drovers will al-
Er a Dro-
: Ten ae ae astry RECOM Mod whi a with
Wemat of Cue
MIL. :
> Jit
vers c.. “~sburg fi ur A: au
stables and P- -
tle or Re
Saniuel Vantries, of Bellefonte,’
innoin, This difference of language—
should be paid in eoin—shows the in-
tention was to pay in legal tenders if
the government choses tu do so. The
first act anthorizing an issue of legal
tenders was the same as that authori-
zing the first five hundred millions of
five-twenty bonds. It is the act of
February 25, 1862, The first section
authorized the issue of thelezal tenders
avd the second section the five-twenties.
ft is one pct, And what does is say?
Phat “such notes (legal tenders) shill
EY N hit ad
E—— dl ENDER
dsm I, — CRS SE.
——- wo r—
- women alison - id ——
I ————— ow — ” > wer " -
— ——————— i df ——
— _—
wealth ! Are w we not a fuir specimen
of the mongrel Orang-otangus natu-
runt, i
Yet, with all. our goodness, ail our
know ledge, the i “respectable Demo-
crats” of the white race, won't support
us! Awful!
We, who can make good use of
arms, didn’t we show it, last Saturday
Aug. 156th, in W ashington, D. C, be
cause a black man, on the pavement,
insulted us, by calling us “colored,”
we shot at him, and "ot only a few
whites. “Let us have peace.
I, ns Paddy O'Miles, now think it
advisable for the colored population,
to hold a convention, and nominate a
black President, transport themselves
to Hate-1, (Hayti,) or Alaska, becnuse
an old proverb says, “A change of pas-
ture fattens cattle,” would it not be a
change from the southern cotton fields
where it grows, to Alaska’s icy moun-
tains, Where it bears. Ah, “glorious
negro,” thy time has come, thou art
doomed as ever, to be a colored ‘gem-
man. May thy lot be easy; thou
shalt ever remember, thy Foble ser-
vant, PAnDY O'MiLes.
* >»
Great Britain,
August 21.—Dispatches
were received in this city to-day giving
the particulars of a heart-rending ca-
lamity which occurred in North
Wales yesterday afternoon, wherehy
twenty-five persons lost their lives.
A trainof cars from Holyhead, con-
taining the passengers and mails from
[reland, which was proceeding towards
Liverpool at the usual speed, met with
a sad accident to-day at thelittle town
of Abergele, in the County, of Der-
bigh. A Jong train of loaded petro-
leum trucks had just been switched on
a siding to make way for the Irish
mail train, but the switch-tender neg-
A dread-
ful colision was the consequence,
Is it not evident there-
fore, that the framers of this law, when
they said these notes should be recely-
ed in payment of all debts, publie and
private, had in view the payment of
that very debt which was created by
the second section of the same act?
Undoubtedly they had, and meant
that Government, if it choose, and
found it convenient to do so, should
pay these five-twenties in greenbacks.
This is simply the law and the fact,
and all the balderdash of the bond-
holders and their organs upon the
question is unnecessary and amounts
to nothing,
as aforesaid.”
yp ———
| For the Reporter.
A Private Opinion Publicly Ex.
pressed—The Doomed Bondholder.,
Oh! how we do pity them, those
rich and generous Bondholders! and
| now for once again, Why should they |
not be exempt from taxation? Why
should they not be exemted from all
ills that flesh is heir to, or are there
vefed men, who, in the hour of the na-
| tions need and agony, when its sweats London,
| were great drops of blood, and danger |
scemed to bound it on every side,
| at the rate of sixty per cent discount,
‘and who then shouted with vigor, “On
until they were hoarse,
were he
last dollar and the last man”
men -—
elses monev and
build a
Washington, to these
filled with marble busts
Now why should we not
Pantheon at
ish, disinterested, self-mortifyving and | lected to replace his switch.
undaunted patriots ? by
which several passengers in the first
mail train were killed outright and
many others badly injured. The cars
in both trains were reduced to a shape |
less mass,
Let it be built, like ancient castles
late war, and now appropriated to the
confiscated in the south, during
The concussion produced
enveloped both trains in flame, and be-
fore the fire could be subdued eigh-
teen persons were burned to ashes.
* A re
Ady fees From Rio Janero.
wwivate uses of the respective owners. | an explosion of petroleum
| ’
| Let Butler sell his- silver spoons and
coffin : let Banks
of an ex-
let Neal Dow
bring his pianos and rose-wood furni-
: is Furtner PaticvLars oF THE Bar-
governor of Louisiana ; LE
The Allies Defeated with Great
let pioneer Schenck bring those
precious golden lockets and the dia-
mond ear-ritigs that he eaptured from
belles of Baltimore:
ture ;
secession Rio Janeiro, July 31, via London,
August 20.—The attack on the Para-
| guayan fortress of Humita took place
on the 16th of July. On the morning
of that day the combined Brazilian and
Argentine forces, under the ¢onniand
of Marquis de Caxias, advanced to as-
sault in three columns amounting to
ten thousand men. At the same time
a heavy fire was opened upon the for-
tifications, from the fleet of iron clads
and land batteries. After desperate
and prolonged fighting at the foot of
the entrenchments the allied forces reti-
red without effecting a lodgement with-
in the enemy’s works. The loss of the
allies is reported at three thousand kil-
led and wounded. There is nothing
known of the losses of the Paraguyan’s,
but as they fought most of the time |
under cover of intrenchments, it is sup-
posed the number of their killed and
wounded will fall far below that of the
allies. The allied force in Granchao
also advanced with the subject of cut-
ting off the communications of Lopez |
in the forest. They found them defen-
ded by a large body of Paraguyans,
protected by breastworks. After an
obstinate engagement the allies with-
drew to their former position. The
casualties in this battle are not stated.
The hopes of the war party in Brazil
rested upon the success of this enter-
prise, and its failure will give great
impetus to the peace 1 mov ement,
Theological Seminary, and the
I.et them all come with their ban-
noble hearted men, who in the hour of
‘helped it,” build
for future ages
the nation’s need, *
a “temple,” “castle,”
men who in the country’s agony,
it depreciated paper, and ask in re-
turn perpetual exemption from taxa-
tion. Oh! how they do suffer. “Let
us have peace.”
« Yi
Pappy O'MiLEs.
The Glorious Nigger.
Ah, indeed, are they again going to
try and harm this little innocent crea-
ture of African descent, or, more late-
ly known, as a Sun-burnt yankee.
Are they going to rob it of its little
tiny “bureau,” and give it nothing to
eat? Oh no! can’t be! the glorious
nigger! Why not arm him? let him
“whites,” they have
not old enough,
shoot those nasty
big enough, to work for us, and pay
taxes for us, so that we ean learn to
read and write, and then become their
Governors, Mayors, (Councilmen, Sen-
ators, and Representatives.
Have we not a fair sample in Fred.
Douglass, is not he a good run-away
slave, who in 1850, made the northern-
ors believe he had travelled, by way
of the “underground rail-road,” but
then was stoned by the boys of Iaver-
Explosion of Powder Works Jn
England--Nine Persons Killed.
On Saturday morning, July 25th
about eleven o'clock, the powder works
of Messrs, Dixon & Co. situated at
Black Beck, about six miles from Ul-
pool and London.
Have we not fought during the late
be receiveable in puyme nt of all taxes
niands of every kind due to the United
States, except duties on imports, and of
all claims and dent: ands against the
United States, of every kind whatso-
ever, except for interest.on bonds. and
notes, which shall be paid in coin, and
shall also be law ful money and a legal
tender in payment of all de bis,, public
and private, ‘within the United States,
3 Geen Alta of Harris.
Dili Gi 4
except duties on’ imports and’ interest
| war, ay servants to yankee officers, veston, were blown up and nine men
killed. The glazing house, coning
house, and the press house are totally
destroyed, and as all the man working
in the houses are killed, it is impossible
to say in what manner the explosion
originated. An explosion occurred at |
the same place on +h Teh of last De-
cember, and the works, have not Jong
Judges, appointed by We, Us & Co. been rebuilt. A farm house about
Oh what kindness, whit oenerosity, | three hundred yards distant, Tas. suffer
wll Liumanity, what civ ility, what'! ed’severely, every window being b lown'|
and receive our “loyalty paid” with
| sixteen dollars per month, and fen dol-
lars extra as a servant. Oh my ! and
then you wish’ to destroy our «Freed-
‘men’s Bureau.”
Have we not acted optily,
Grlnging 3 in the first suits of
when the Civil Rights Bill became a
law, and 1 by the consent of ou radical
a —— TMAWIORS cen mrs
re "yg
out and all th the. ceilings , gs, being very,
mich shattered. A Yatng man
plowing not fir from the pla BGS), Was in-
forced againsg his leg, and another
who had his left leg. brokgtt, at en
explosion, has again had it fractured
at the same pias Five of the bodies
were found tire
considerable tus thoggh bloyn »
in small fragments?
— meri ieee m————
The Edwards Collyer Ff Hight.
Corryen Witrprn, ™ ie Ford.
"© Sevexte Roux.
Baltimore, August 24 ~The fight
between Collyer and Edwards took
place at 10 o,cloek th forenoon, on
Warron's Island, Coon rivet, Northup.
berland county, Virginia. Collyer was
whipped in the forty-seventh round.
The fight lasted one hour and fourteen
A Me m———
More Lynch Law—Three Gathblers
Hung for Violation of the “Code.”
Cincinnati, August 17.—Rob’t Fer-
guson, Doc, Shaw and Johnny Green,
who were well known gamblers in this
city during the war, were recently lyn
ched near Sioux city for having been
guilty of offences against the gambling
code. Itappears they kepta gamb-
ling house in that city and were discoy-
ered cheating. © The next discovery
was made by the citizens of the place,
which was their lifeless bodies suspen-
ded from a tree.
Two men named Neubacket and
Herr were set upon Jast evening at
Walnut Hills by a gang of robbers,
and after being bound and gagged and
badly beaten, were robbed of three
wate hes and other valuables.
He that buys what he does tint
want, may want what he cannot buy.
A wit says: “In Germany, when a
paper says anything witty they kill
the editor ; and not one editor has
been killed there for two hundred
Lithograplféd sermons, git. up to
resemble’ manuseript, of all shades of
doctrine, may be obtained, and are, to
a large extent, supplied the Enghsh
clergy by well-known London houses.
Rowland Hill rode a great deal, and
by exercise preserved his vigorous
health. On one occasion, when asked
by a medical friend what physician
and apothecary he employed, to beal-
ways #0 well, he replied, my physician
has been a horse, and my apothecary }
an ass,
Lessing, the German philos: r
being absent-itided, Philo at bie
own door one evening, when the ser-
vant, looking out of the window, and
not recognizing him, said, “The prof.s-
sor jg not at home.” “Oh, very well,
said Lessing, composed! y, walking away
“I'll call another time.
A Connaught farmer, who had been | ;
brought to an election dinner in his
cotifity town; yas puzzled with the sil-
ver fork which lay beford hin with
his soup; what he most needed had been
fofgotten. The farmer remitided the
water by saying, “Whaither; will ye
bring me a spoon widout a slit in it?”
meee tiey
Grant will make no speechés this
campaign. Prentice says he will |
smoke his cigar, and Colfax ean take
the stump.
“Sam, are you one of the Southern
chivalry ?” “No, Massa, I’ se one of
the Southern shovelry, 1 shoveled
dirt at the Dutch Canal.”
A male child with two gr
formed heads—one on each shoulder,
without any, peregptible , neck to either
but perfectly formed in'all other re-
spects—was born in Campbell county,
V a. recently. | It was “alive and kick-
ing’ "at Inst sccounts,
y ar’ Ya
Bunker Hill Monument gre sever-
al inches tiller during the “heated |s
. A larger and finer crop of corn will
be raised-in Virginia this season than
for many years pris.
Aman in New York bit off hi his. wife's
lip. She had given him too much
of it.
“] wiel,” said a son of Erin, 1
could find a place where men don’t
| die, that I may go there and end my
days.’ 3
“ Pat,” is gore si sisters, child’ a “boy
Faith an’ I dont know yet
or g girl?”
whether I'm an’ uncle or mint,
od jt with perfect success. Jtis
ad remody.
Add. to this the Coyne plaster 4d
white hellchore remedies ; if fails,
the, bers ey not” Yad RIL then
have, 2 triply Durreled gun to te at
the “ve.rimint:
SET -—
FAIRER & £6;
: vo
Lans, :
jigs, Fan -Fian
Fs Linen Table
Napkins I fod Edging,
terns, iran n, Bisel, Week Buskom,
&- White © Goods of
Parton Bon {bots
i : i $44 » 4 » awl 3
Throad Hosiery, Fam, Beads, Sowing Silks,
and i in fact eve thi canbe thought
( of, desired or di i ing thas A
Notions of every
every dese
ert JF
Brit ¥
and M isses
ey. Nes) Ny .
5s Hout fpcide -
hich h B 1
which he } e baboons ded then Philadelphia 48
YI Jy Ee - 2p sain it
oR AT BR te
chord i.
fpr ch retviilis
to aio partocty Ball die
#0 us to
Junie on ty.
Ne 4, Bush's
JsThaY. to the preiuises of the
ry in ‘township, on the 9th d
June lines, mare, about ‘th
i; ra Ao.
lin to law.
her a
of acco
augld. a
Ar T HIS manufacturing eatablish ment at
. Yeagertown, on Sher Tamtuganl
Bn of Carriages, Bas Bulkies
: which he now offers
in a style
an ny piv or: in the
and ean be sold at lower Prioe
man in
sod examine his stock o% x
| prices, cannet (al
of ull kinda done neatly, promptly, od
oT, Juke 1% 188819. .
C Ri: A 1 ie SET ¥ TY. :
At a maging ¢ 5
Grou ]
orqgerat ©
ie oOm Sr
owing were adopted aft
pak iia ahad .
: Lire sounty
it: committed ped
trac gof iT Shy road
the bald g of enoe arot a
and erection on re y bui
on the same, all of which gfe to SE
ted on or before Ye first y of Japten
next, therefore: ma
ved, that
paid of the sibscripionn
She a70h
theBogiety, be on or befo
f 0th f u yeigd »
hot Ae all persons rsons who. Sage ib
ibed u sevieral town-
Wy be i to forward. ithe
E Ballefonte.
Samuel Gilliland, at
In od iene to the a: the under-
signed will call upon, subacr]
or YE
bacribéie. after the
first day of August i the GTLLILA due.
Aug, 7,3t. ——
Thermometars at.
apl0'68, IRWIN & WI n
RWIN & WILSON are constantly re-
ceiving new goods i in ‘their tie
of 8 ery description a ices—
being o opened every day Ws ap10'08,
QOALES, at ks, while sod d retail. ©
S ae Ly IRWIN & WiLsoN