Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, August 28, 1868, Image 4

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oy mn : i is
‘ : Aaa ‘ . hs ; IVIL i Notice. —T hseription price o
; IAT 1 rant | at st saered writ iherty : it has ADAM FOY'!S £0 Notice. ~The sub \ y
Nis [TALL REPORTER. | —that most sacred weit of liberty : the Rerorrer is $1,50 per year in advancef |
be) end 1 and the | 4 ‘ op EN,
(} CO) R ) 1D |
" “1 RS 4 Noises ? AVVO . * . {
| overthrown the freedom of speed which is less than that of any other paper |
Centre ifail, Pa., Aug. 28th, 1868, | press; it has substituted arbitrary seizures,
of its size. We are printing this paper at | ; a i
a | : Feiig . ! 0) J LE Al l 3 ; J
eR Hand, arrests, and military trials, and secret | cost, and theretore wish to remind om put- | ) UBLE A ND SINGLE BA RREL
This supporter combines, in one Garment, | rons that it is of proal mportanee to us that |
payment be made-at once,
| towling pieces at
son mv NMangifacturing Co.
JOCKET CUTLERY all: makes and
prices at IRWIN & WILSON,
4 np lO Gs,
i 1
y p 3 x ¥ 2 : { ar Chami or i 1=1t1 y for | } ) stiti- YAN
TOWHIC 18 riven 82 ohie D he star chamber mquisitions for the com ‘ gad ’ n VOOR,
He giyeh t ohe 1 1 oy : { 's oi go | A perfect fitting corset, and the most desi- |
ohs of the Yeity” of | tional tribunals; it has disregarded in time |
Aut horzea regia I rable skirt supporter over offered to the |
Lereot, and such as have
: already made with short
Lall not hereafter wear the
mless they cover their arms to
t« with linen ov otherwise : and
11 hereaiter no person whatever |
and even the |
It places the weight of the skirts upon
the shoulders instead of the hips; i 1m-
which has attended the introduetion of the
its merits are appreciated,
Wolf's Old Stand, w
Are recommended by Bankers, Lawyers,
Puper, and large Hlustrated Circulars of
Dealers suppliod at
make at Inwin &« WiILEON,
ap lO oR, »
HOFFIN TRIMINGS, n large assort-
J ment nt Inwin & WiLsoN's.
ap 10°68,
all sizes and kinds at
nad HOR, Irwin & WiLson's,
I" Y BOA RDS, Plank and Scantling
for sale by Irwin & WiLson,
Machine Works,
is the place to buy
“hdl make nhly BRrmaeny for women, | monarchy of Europe would now dare to re |
or any of their sex, with sleeves more | :
than half an ell wide in the widest
part thereof, and so propertionable for supreme judicial tribunals, and threatons
bigger or smaller persons.” | to curtail or destroy its original jurisdiction |
ge { which is irrevoeably vested by the Const
When you have done tilling your | tution, while the learned Chief Justice has
corn, and find vacant spaces in the | been subjected to the most ntrocions alum
rows, sow them with turnips, If'some of | nies, merely because he would not prosti- |
the seed falls - between the rows, no | tute his high office to the support of the |
| #
mnbior, | false and partisan charges preferred against | { ’ ‘[) R ) MIS |
{ the President, Its corruption and extrav- | | 11 ll { 11 ho.
bon receipt of 12 cents
: 1 : , [lowest rates, Address,
ras abolished the right of appeal on | ROACH & THISTLETHW AITE, \PANNED TOILE"
. . * . { . ¢ . J AN? J rr SR I'S A ND ]
| important constitutional questions to the | Indinnapolis, 1nd. : 3 HLT SET oA | . ea : or in
| cor Please state where vou saw this adver { e) other Jupunned ware, atthe Any il Btore, [ MACHINE Ropes and AGRICULTURAL
(has 'RE HALL may 4m, | #plO GS, IRwix & Wirsox,
np lO 68,
I ficial espionage to whic
Having enlarged our New Fouxpry and
sort: it
| Works. Stocked with all new and latest
I OOK ING-G LASS PLATES of all sizes
J for sule by Iewix & WiLsox,
up las,
| improved Machinery at Centre Hall, an-
! nounceto the public that they are now ready
wren {PINDLE SKEINS for wagons, all si
J. B. ETTELE. SN 20%, at the sign of the Anvil,
to recelve orders for anything in their line
2 0h H
aplO OR,
: " y Lg TL ¥ ¢ »
| of business.
YOALTS for Buggies and Carriages, all |
Meat Market, sizes in use; Fire Bolts. ditto. at |
All Barrels, heygs and Casks warranted | upli eR, Inwin &£ Wirsox's, i { .
to contain the quant (y represented NS haftines
The proprietor of this establishment takes | ORN BLANKETS AND SLEIGH | ® = . ?
pleasure in informing the public that he | H
has constantly on hand x supply ¢ hoice |
foreigh and domestic liquors such .
R | Bishop Street—two doors west of Loeb's |
A Western farmer recently hung a bo , Px. op Str |
: : z z ey | ARAnee ave exceeded anything known uo
hoop skirt in his corn field to frighten | FHUHEE FATS BXCLEECE Fd
m oH + | history, and by its frauds and monopolies |
away the crows. The erows went off]
but the field was full of boys. debt created By the rr. It kb
OL Oeil y uae Vil, { HR
The following isa Prussian remedy | (ho President of his constitutional power of |
or sting of a bec: “Bent an omoh | anneintmont. even of his own cabinet. § Une on tin, |
for the sting of a be an 'Ppointment, even of his owt al net, 1 n : «that he hasconstantly on hand. and Old Nectar TNION PATENT CHURN, the best |
on a hard body to extract the juice, to | der its repeated assaults the pill v, that he hasconstantl; und, i Ol Reo \ y y hel RJ in use at Inwin & Winson's,
which add a pinch of salt. Id Rve, Mononenhels,, Ap1068,
it has nearly doubled the burden of the |
BELLS, at low prices, at
ap lO6R, Inwin & Wirsox's, J) y
respectfully informs the citizens of Centre
y . ‘
makes to order, all Kinds of
inaunecarate its President, we will meet as |
resolve that ever since the people of th SINKS Having just returned from the eity with
SL AD, ;
United States threw off all subjec ion tothe
Brittish crown the privilege and trust of AR EST A N ta large sesortinent of carefully soléeted
suffrage have belonged tothe several states, |
f and have been granted, regulated and con- | CORNER CUPBOARDS,
i trolled exclusively by the political powel
You that have Canada thistles on | op oach stato Yespeotivelyy and: that any at-
your premises, prepare to Kill them | iqnpt by Congress, on any pretext what- |
now—by mowing. De the same next | over to deprive any state of this 1
vear, and the worst will be over. | interfere with its exercise, is
The orange crop in Florida is un- | usurpation of power, which ean
usually promising, and has been gener- | warrant in the € PsN, and AF sane fag cia0k of ready-made Furniture is large
ft a2 fh * $32 0y ALY . vil nh wi one for
ally engaced at 320 a thousand. Other tioned by Tile peopie, Wii suavert our form ; : Li :
tropical fruits are growing finely. of government, and can only end in a sin- | and warranted of good workmanship, asitis
&C. &C.
Home Mape Cuains ALWAYS ON HAND, fmay not be wble to reecive at other plae re.
11 ¥ y i »: 32 5nd
Apply the [ government ave roeking on the “ra rs
And Ivizh \\ hiskev, { -
ara Ny mys x} is Raa « 'errh3 wted and eon mered people amid the
A recipe for destroying honse flies : | #abjt a het
in powder, one tea-spoonful of brown | of the Constitution ; and we do declare and | Lisbin Wines, Scotch sale priecs. All kinds Tin and
A ] “© s }
. a JAMAICA RUM, CORDIALS , wpper- | FPARN-DOOR Hinges. from 12 to 36 in.
them in a room where the flies are ! | B v Hinges, fre 2 to 36 in
called to our stoek of pure liquors, _aitable (:. FRA NCISCUS. . of every deseription made and fitted Hj for
Demijohus constundly on hand, linds on hand ut MILLS,
much lower rates th
All our liquors were bought when liquors
The stock was bought at the very low ss)
ton, kets, tial, &c., Pike Hooks, Fishing Lines,
mixture to the sting, and the pain and | should it succeed in November | ; : A Gs. i
Cognac, Blackberry, Cherry, $4 84 PER KEG for Nails at |
» ' \ “ ENE Oy Y . i
the scattered fragments | BEDSTRADS, 1 i
i, . } And Holland (iin | Sheet Trom work dona at old prices. !
sngar and one teaspoonful of cream, '
21 : mint, Anniseed and Rose *hes long, Barn-door Roliers, Rail,
troublesome, and they will soon disap-
: : by
nd Cape, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, ete |
We have the only pure Nectar YWhiskey |) nn last seasen at ean offer induewinents to you which »se
: upd 68 vy,
| wore low, and we sell them accordingly, js ERMEN will now tind in my stock
inflammation will cease,” L :
Ginger and Common Brandes,
J ! Ah nis do ort Maderia Sherry nnd Shea z : :
Take half a spoonful of black pepper | rains of liberty and t Port Maderia, Sherry and { NWAREofall kinds retailed at whole. |
New England Rum FP, S: FRANCISOUS,
mix them well together and place | : h S S
The attention of practicing physicians is | &c., or sale gt greatly reduced prices, by | Dress Goods, Muslin, Clothing, Hats and
* i \ rE TQ rn for medical purposes, Bottles jugs an t
i 1 A BLES, AN . ¢ ol { ASHS, Doors and I
in town KF. G. FRAXNCIS(LS.
All liquors are warranted to give satistac- all kinds of Trout Flies, Rods, Bas-
Confident that he can pleas vustomers he | Cte. F. G. FRANCINCUS,
prices, and 1 feel confident that if you
respectfully solicit a share of publie miro :
: ! should favor me with a call, we will be »su-
) . “wal PAs $3.4 1 A v
gle centralized and consolidated govern-
Hire ( (tHERRY SEEDERS! Beitig agant for
Liquors will be sold by the quart, burrel | XJ, Buckwater's Patent Cherry Seeders
| tserce. I have a large lot of I will be pleased to sell them to country
35 ine ’ vy “ nr 9 500 - » i : Ly : i ore) ts at low wrices thi $20. u% are sold
It is asserted that move than 2500,- |" Be ; Clay 2. haves SET rchants at low prices than they are sol
000 of the English women are unmar- | tho states will be entirely absorbed, and an | sion, and is offered at rates BOTTLED LIQUORS in Philadelphia,
i 1 3 . d oat heir ow i ,. | unqualified despotism be established in - ee LAY . \: of the finest grades, on hand, F. G.FRANCISCUS,
ried ne force to earn their own BY lace of a Federal Union of co~eaqual states: WROre, 'hankful for past iuvors, he solie- anl 68, a ;
ing; and 43,964 of these'are. out-door | PRE" § Foduril L RIOR Fans iat; | wen : H ARROW TEETH, all steel, Cultiva-
rericultuoral laborers nearly 1 000.0600 : and that we regard the reconstruction acts its a continuance of the sane. \ BAL NM, i 1 tor's Peath. \\ etd ve and N ut. just i
C ; i » !
“Ww aril von \
ry and void. Feisv}
will f Coneress eh ire Rane wrotved and for kul hy
house servants, 15,000 governesses, | (so-called) of Congress, as such, are usur- ceived and for « od FR ANGISEUS
Hundreds of the latter class can be | n ei me
found willing to accept £25 and £30 That our soldiers and sailors, who carried Bn pa 3 Basement of Aur House,” Bishop St., Bel- | A Ja4 wg tdetiek Sanden Sood Tor SIAR TEX
per year for their services. Lately, the fae of as 8 titre to vieturv' glrain t “ wionte, bushel wot ‘Gardeners ne I ited 0 k fo he ] { PN Dr JE A
900 of these women applied for a situ- most gallant and dots rmined foe, must eva examine the varieties and Irices iy Caria FIYHE Large and Best Stoek of warran-
ation of nursery ZOVCTNEess, IN response | .. ho gratefully remembered. and all the Nj fucH ANTS HOUSE F. G. FRANC I US. i ted Boots aud Shoes, warranted to give
: A 413 & 415 North
to an advertisement which expressly P guarantees given in their favor must be : . drd, st, OLESALE DEALER IN : I I OUSKREEPING Hardware of all : i | A RR V 5 VEG i? eum, CT ee nly Jo. he
* , 11 " ue : 1 . a " 4 Sats . \ 2 .
stated that no salary would be given. | githiully carr PHILADELPHIA. kinds at reduced prices, Oil Car- | id. ras 450.
| AND LIQUORS, | pe !
rried into execution.
——— ' : » | HLH. MAXDERBACH PROPRIETOR. Tin Cups 75 cents per dozen ut
{ This well-known Hotel, will be found by
} $1 «ho tr
all visiting Lal V, Ole Of The
peered fp e————— all made under hi: own immoediatesuperyis
tually benefitted.
hoff Bow
Roum No. 6, Brocel er-
ment, in which the separate existence of
ts chenp as-else apl7€8 ly.
We also manufacture the eslebrated
Oiler to tha Publie one of the
Iargest and best selected stocks of merchan-
dise. in Centre county. Call, examine and
seer for yourself,
. . . Hoan hi tere] 1 oo!
1 ' List int til ANA see Dis {och iu
pations, and unconstitutional, revolutiona- Call and ! oy
«. vard wide, oA) to Ha cents per yard,
ol PICES of all varieties, ground to order
h) and warranted to be strietly pure.
It ix the only place you can find unadulters-
ted spices. Try them for your own satisfac-
tion. You enn only find them at
National Democratic Platform.
Ist. Immediate restoration of all the
| 5() Pairs of Window Shades, all new |
e) styles and now designs, done up
The undersigned offers his Far shout \ where he repaced to furnish all kindsof | 1! Moh an the Lake, und Bismarck, and | - 5s : r BE
miles elow Ce mire Hall. 1 thett rnpike nply Be * Foren Kd 3 ‘ nest Liquor ' whole gh I THR, Faseels,! Se. . ANDRA WN, knives, Spoons, coffee
ure : 2 | it} ! ie re | i dlls, shovels, spades, rakes, hows,
. Mo» hii > rly aps, forks, cha ns. Ke, 3
Hr COLLARS, if vou don't want
your horze's shoulders galled and
| nae sore, got good here collars at
1} ur 11
1 ' Xt 3 1iyY Culd
ee, Dutt as i rea=ouabiechar
Nrates to their rights in the Union under a
* v . . . “ey 5 : = t'=i3140
ih ction, and of civil government venience, German and Eacel
neriean people,
ninacty Har all ac hiieal offer r Voree Poe. 13 I a : } : -
HNEsY for all past poittieal ofien- | leading from Old Fy t SOW l inl (TAT x
: Sth) ® Sale Th FATES UNIO
AE, The )
a X 'his Hotel 1s convenien
Oh At lye south side of Market street, a few doors
WW 1} 3] wt cash prices, which are
N hat) ml, ' y Nc 0: :
’Y. 25. nd ted To Be THe DEST quUaiities no
I iid PIMA \ v TE 3
| their respeclive prices, His stock
' 3
in 1s
reculation of the elective fran- | Private which now stands unrivalled.
econiation of (he elective iran dirt
10,000 pieces of Wall Paper, all extra new
stock: an Large portion of my stock I Impor-
ted direst froma Liverpool by me, and is of-
: ER : tered at much less than usual rates.
and other WW ines—the best REO SR : F. G. Fraxciscus,
1 y bs 40
Feasonaiie rates | an be had in th
states by ar Citizans end oed x ! : This Reaper has advantages chor nll ot)
tates by their citizens. . of Rve.- Monougahela.: Irish a his Reaper has advantages Over all other
\Whiskies, all kind: of Brandies,
1.1. fal Gin, Port, Maderin, Ch ry, Bin
Payment of the public debt of the | } ely 2
% 3A 1 H he » i . . 0 . » *
esis rapidly as praeticable; all | " Te ohio Reapers now manufactured. One advan
fall Visiting the city
A. BECK, Proprietor.
iy all oof
res, all of whieh is clear and in vood state formerly of the Merchnnis House.)
: a “33 3 13 ‘ ye ss in
which will be sold as a whole, or to locality makes it d
NE Pry } Ens “ht tray i . rai} TT . s 3 4
AW from the people by taxation, | purchasers, as tollows « hie traet on
uth-side®of the
1 business or jor plegs- tage we claim for it, is the lever power, hy
3 ATI ore 3 3 St 1} 111 Wh We 3 2 y
such as is requisite tor tne nece:- ten he! Ahi ne my Inree teock of all
. 1 \ ’
exnind ! "n
be wii iH : : ti . y y vu
ies, Pare dnmaionand | kinds of Window Shades, Window Papers, | Which we gain one handred per cent over | Hiri collars, eart whips, carriage
rdial of all kinds | greon and buf, Holland Tassels, Trim- | | Whips. in great verieties, govern.
: H re, &e.. &e. Also n large stock of Oj] | Other machines, Another advantage is the | wont gears, saddl a, bridies, martingsles
= ' cheek lines, cart gears, tug harness, buggy
{'hinmnn rie, ‘h res | LOR DEY {ial
: the government, ¢conomicnlly ad- | TL M0 {11
: . OF euttivalion, will
¢ebe will be sold in two nearly equal ENT IEI ey
id ra . : {EXTRE HALL HOTEL.
upon which are two
Foes Ys '
dwelling houses, smoke
oo, : : : sold separately; the | aplO68tf,
heing hohestly applied to such We
1 1
* Wollia |}
and wher the obligations of the | that : \ y . \ . .
keeners and others to call and Hi “ry , from 19 inches to 8-4, of various
tate upon
c¢h the)
\ . aa oid rel jt i
Ot provide tant they shall
std most fashionable patterns,
reefs & Table €oy e's iat great reduced
3 » A 1
mit the prices same of ourdeal-
hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereh;
the driver has under his complete contro
i harness, hames, ¢te. Everything in the ad
dlery line, at
north uth, enst and west ine i y, ! ) mh in the eastern markets {1 Wi . . flodg- | - re neg ——
rt a . ’ : > od IN Lu J the machine: in coming to asp { lodg- y > ry wpe . or .
Phis favorite Hotel has fit an F. G. Fraxcisevs, a oRng toa spot el.lodg Forse FACK LES, rodslines. hooks,
furnished by its r : : flies, sen hair baskets, ete. Rig you
{ IN every reshect tout to eateh trout at
antry Hotels in centr ci BURNSIDE & THOMAS.
, ; { Th ' EPR Jin ro eOIRIIn cand da OPS wil - Fg | IE
viv § i ~di r t6 2 vonl en} . : i] = - . 3 oC " hn re » vw i Liat sid - ARIANA sad i) ie ii ERT 0 1] 1 1 ia. . 1 -
y fieceording to its real value, inclu 50 ACRES OIF TIMBLLAXND | always find the best accommodations. Per- ( { REAT COM MUO JIN E GROCERIES, mocka coffee. old
gov. Java, best quality Rio coffee,
{ «te government bonds, and other pub- | "wl A | the team, varying the stuble from 1 to 14
| best oolong black teas, green teas, lovering
lic securities,
syrup, golden srrup, Drips inearticle bak-
ing iolasses, rice and everything in the
; grocery line at the lowest exh prices in the
market BURNSIDE & THOMAS. is the
n coin, they ought in right and in |
e, be paid in the lawful money of the premisos,
{ failing water near t!
1 States, ]
. . . . | tern near the house,
Equal taxation of every species of
the « ed grain, the driver ean change the cut of
he machine in an instant, without stopping |
mis from the city wishing to spend n few
| well wooded, with good young Timber, in- | weeks during the sumuner in the country. t del th tside of tl hi rol
cluded in last mentioned parcelofland.. This | will find Centre Hall one of the most deat 8 puchies at Lhe vuisige of the macuine, 2s well
| land is all under the highest state of cuiti- | tiful locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel C. Ek. Harlecher S
| vation, aid under good fences. For terms | all they could desire for comfort and: con- | :
holder, the pensioner and the soldier, the | and furthar particulars, cal upon the un- | venience. apples af, |
produeer and the bondholder, * —
{ dersigned upon the premises,
bth. Economy in the administration of
oth, One curreney for the government
and the people, the laborer and the office- as on the inside. It is constructed of first
class material; and built by, first class ma-
1. 4 ‘
: LA ORLeT I]. ‘ Lv
——— ’ - — - - 2 — - YJ Oy - 1
og of he sua. | AARONSBURG, PA.
ding army sad navy; the abolition of the | | " a ahi:
Freedmen's Bureau, and ail political in- | CHE TVR IY. Th cs i .
GREA i I ALL he old and well known Hotel, situated
1 ’ "ae + 0
chanics, YWe warrant it second to none.
T . known to all in Bellefente and
. . ™ Jr through the county if vou w
All kind= of Horsepow ers and Threshing zood aiticle & fo 1 ] h4 ant a
| Machines, Hay and Grain Rakes. latest ivi IDE & THOMAS".
the government; the reduction of the stan- |
strumentalities designed to zecure negro su- |
> = }
premacy; simplification of the system, and |
who now invites his old friends and the
All Kinds of Repairing done. Dif
ferant kinds of
I EATHER of ali descriptions, french
4 cult «Kin, spanish sole leather, mo-
| Foeed’s, shedp skins, linings, Everything
Lin the leather line warranted to give satis
The Celebrated Heckendorn Economica
selling at
ed plans. Plans; Specifications and Draw |
ings furnished for all work done by us.
ZA We hope by strict attention te busi- | L hirer SL kinds, Sietein a ove,
fx, ; 5,
: : r DOD TC ,
I ( ) W I L ; ( SS ; i . : m all their variety and very
4 : ag Gh { Muslins they will sell vou the very beat | Ress 10 receive a share of public patronage. : r NEID FS TOMAS
brands at prices that will astonish you. (AS.
New spring
a ——— A —— a i Ae
ep ll
MIN A DTD (AF NED FRUITS, peaches, tomatoes,
NY / { | PA. pine apples, and peas in great varie
1 Adv! | ty, at BURNSIVE & THOMAS.
RABLIS SOAP, Win, Hagan and Ke-
ong, olive soap, Dobbins* soap Jeses
| | | Likley’s soaps, old eastile, pure, Palin soar,
i ; N ja at Piliadelphin HOO p.m, | DRY GOODS. NO ADVANCE | Potter township, that they are now prepar- | ing | weap, and a great variety of
simira Marl leaves Lock Haven 7.10 p. nu. 2 il 2 } ANC, ‘soups, a eka
CALICOES 2 o : Jack Raven XT mn. \ ful : oti fall ed to furnish upon short notice;and aslow | _- __ BURNSIDE « THOMAS’,
“ ot ; arr at Philadelphia 6,10 p. mn, ; 9 " i | A most beautiful variety, consisting ol ¢ WHITE FI8 re
Mail and Express connec | ‘Nn ins And selling from 12} to 10 cents, the best { the novelttes of the season, at lower rates 8 sewhere. every artiele i : Bimal at tT Fl H, Herrin Mackeral &C., at
x ait ard bs Teas coliueck with ull thins he nuxsiita Je soos Te as elsewhere, every article in the line of! apl7 es, BURN SIDE & THOMAS
gers leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 M. arrive | ealicoes, and muslins in proportion, at old | TIN AND SHEET x NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE.
White Goods &
| at Irvineton at 6.40 a. wm. and Oil City aj
Yn fo, Ra E Great Attraction and Great Bargains!
«waving Philadelphia at 11.15 p. m., ar- . » ~ » FRYE undersigned. determind to meet the
Embroideries 5 forve- Pi pe 1 populnr demand for Lower Prices, res
: 3 : spectiully calls the attention of the publie
and Spouling.
4 “i
And now on Exhibition at
Dress Goods
The Company announce to the citizens of
. » , . ‘ +: \ + . . a + A . . Y - * » - 5 ”~ : . 4
& 5 —_— hal { furnished and is kept inthe best style, Dro- | ns=ortinent of everything Kept ina P I () W\ S {tHTOE-M AKERS TOOLS and findings,
essened, the eredit of the Government and | tion. | 2 4 Lh.
: : tg Shes | QADDLERS BUCKLES, hooks, bits
into national forces in time of peace, and a |! RAILROAD, ! , i is ita
Jaf, tir 1’:
. ma re Cs PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE ARRIS- | Bellefonte, Pa, =
venue laws as will atford incidental protec- Ry
toe | 1 "ay . | . . . : po . . a . .
e, tock ol | OF PENNSYLVANIA, now ready, and for ale at marvelous low ! plow which has given entire satisfaction. tols, powder, shot. caps, cartridges, &e., at
| \ os of all kinds, at
the country. i AND | IS68, the Trains onthe Philadelphia & Erie 4
. . . . ! duced prices, at
office, the restoration of rightful authority |
so it Purahasa tha T ata . orn . :
and judicial departments of the govern- dust Purchased ut the Late Erie Express leaves Philadelphia 12.00 noon
tions of Congress and the despotism of the
wr at Lock Haven 7.45 p.m.
turalized and native-born citizens at home hE
Lock Haven 8.09 P. , | Carpets at old rates, from 5) cents to 75
3 / HI > je » oils Der Var or » hes
ALSO, A CHEAP LINE OF “Lock Haven 6.30. cents per yard, for the best,
discontinuance of inquisitorial assessing and |
. . = t » ‘al A ravelling communi in renernl will snd . ‘AT ; * ‘1 : 3 : ‘ S . 1
collecting internal revenue, so that the | GREAT V ICT OR Y ! | ORY dn Community 0 genera are allund | ware, Queensware, Woodand Walow ware, faction, at BURNSIDE & THOMAN',
b A : | | see him. The house has been elegantly Tron, Salt, Fish and in fuet, a magnificent
urden of taxation may be cqualized and | 7
: [ vers can alw ays find aecommodati in all their varieties, at
the currency made good; the repeal of all | mm \ bo oaplo GRY, | BURNSIDE « THOMAS".
enactments for enrolling the state militia | af 10 { : | A | pH ILADELPHIA AND ERLE] Hi : | ('] 1 \ *\
ime of | ONT NES SR ILROAD., ’ il N ISS O1'¢ . . < Hh spots rings. Everything a saddler
tariff for revenue upon foreign imports, and | SUMMER TIME TABLE. ’ (x } ° I ) | { ) W ( 1 A ST i hY | {| wants for the manufacture of So pre to be
such equal taxation under the internal ro- | | THROUGH AND DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN | 4 A Ad Xe ' found at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS".
at Contre Hall. BYRG, WILLIAMSPORT, AND TH} \SKETS in all theiry >t: 22
. : . Veal ahs : 5 : ‘ , BYRG, W1LLY RT, A: : : ASA ED Mrvarieties, childrens
tion to domestic manufactures, and as will, | In favor of the Finest and Best Selected GREAT OIL REGION Ry) e< I rl 5 1) AF FA er B carriages, willow ware, ZUns, pis-
without impairing the revenue, impose the 7 ool.
least burden upon and best nromote and i —— snp ~ ( " ELEGA N SLEE]L 1 Nr { A RY : : : k rates, j : : | Bl RNSIDE & THOMAS .
ou : EY tas . VY ? { ) ; ) ~ | On all Night Trains, | by having the largest and best stock, and We employ the best Patternmakers, our | re em
encourage the great industrial interests of | Fir xX R Ih) t On and after Monday MAY tht! | GOODS VERY NEAR AT THE TE
ove | 108 lv c P : | : | patterns are all new and of the most improy- | BURNSIDE &« THOMAS,
ith. Reform of abuses in the adininis- azoad Will Tun as fovow SpA i rr.
Hn TIA D wpe . ie .
s s : i i “ { 4 - S
tration, the expulsion of corrupt men from | 4 Ee OH FRR i 3 : oor. cy: iy { i Gata By eh fo at
FERRI But Ve, Mail Train leaves Philadelphin.. 11.15 p.m. "RNS >!
iy * N is Lock Haven...9.30a. m. BURNSIDE & THOMAS t
to, and the independence of, the exceutive § are at Erie R 50 ph. mn ’
] : 1m.
ment; the subordination of the military to OW ) 2 \ { \ o-— 5 n hock Hayen i, p.m. |
y elvi ye yo Oi ireih 'V |; My : arr at brie 0.0514. mn.
the eivil power, to the end that the usurpa- 4% AULA), | Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia 8.004. nm.
o ph * Lock Haven f 1H p. in.
sword may cease,
8th. “Equal rights and protection for na- | xr - ve q EASTWARD.
/ ’ +r ; Mail Train leaves Brie 0.00;
Wolfs Old Stand. | vz moines: wi 1040
and abroad; the assertion of American na- “ “ arr at Philadelphia 7.104
. + y i. : 4 Me . fy i.
tionality which shall command the respect Erie Express: leaves Erie 7.40 p.
of foreign powers and furnish an example |
and encouragement to people struggling
for national integrity, constitutional liberty”
and individual rights; and themaintenance
of the rights of naturalized citizens against
the absolute [doctrine of immutable allegi-
ance, and the claims of foreign powers to
punish them for alledged crimes commit-
ted beyond their jurisdiction.
i ratos, {
- In demanding thesé measures and re- |
forms we arraign the Radical party for its
disregard of right, and the unparalleled op-
pression and tyranny which have marked
its career.
All trains on Warren and Franklin Rail- | .
way make close conneetions at Oil City with | | The finest stock in town, both as to quantity
trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre, | " ! | quality, and prices,
Baggage Checked throagh. { all syrmner, at S100 per pair ¢ 502 NR TP *
SYRUPS, COFFEES, General Superintendent. | Pine Boots from $3.50 to $7.50 f he | rl 0 OP aria J HB 1 a Rkinds seul They } pecially for the people and the times, the lar-
also a large stock of | a] ive LOOLS from ual lo pelidor the The best makes: Intest styles and lowest > kinds of Fepairipg done. WY bave | sect and most varied and complete assort-
“iT RP ‘vy ~y ! o ant ‘8, A ¢ . . § ‘Avs O . .
MACKEREL and HERRING. | rates [ats and Caps in great variety.) RiYcgs online ment of ‘ .
ie F host { rates, “CHats an 1 gre , Saddles. Harness, Colla Bridl
PIENN HALL ACADEMY. pb rhe I Linens, Towellings, checks, Denings, cloths oadales, larness, Le TR, Tl les,
. of every description and quality; W hips,
$ue Clon kl BUCKETS,
. This Institution will be opericd on Mon- Cassimerts, ! OnKITgS, and i fact ev rt] 1
1 ri y | ra FR id in fact everything complete to a first-
day, thedrd of August, by { ry v £4 BALMORAL SKIRTS, class establishment, he now offers at prices
of Franklin and Marshall College, Every |
s : ! |i. 2 Cl Ls DIPPERS which will suit the times,
W. HOWARD GUTELIUS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we keen TI | A better variety, a better quality or finer
everything, and will sell at a very small DISHES | style of Saddlery has never iors been of-
I ] / ! ie " S : gdvance on first cost. os 1S “by &C. | fered to the publie, Call and examine our
faciticy willbe offered-for acquiring a knowl- | at the lowest rates, and sold at 1857 prrces. All we ask that vou will
hy J dig \ . - Fine X ain i “y Tr ry NN » i
edge of the Eng, h, Mathamatical, Scien- | S UL11A no, :
tific and Classical brancnes.
: All orders by mail promptly attended to. stock and be satisfied before purchasing
A normal elgss will be opened
Determined to please my patrons and
hefors purchasing elsewhere, #s we do not | | thankful for the liberal share of atronage
| oo ofit of those preparing to teach. | CALL AND SEE censider it any trouble to show goods, | heretofore enjoyed. 1 respectful y solicit a
! Hib are Eun furnished room ean be | Lift alate Sternberg will {reat ALL KINDS OF HARNESS,
a a Bais per week. | hey only ack people to cone and =ee, | vilver plated and Yankee Harness, double | apl0 68, 1y,
| rive at Oil City at 4.35 p. nm. . :
Women's Shoes, common good, to wear |
to his stock of
F now offered as the old stand. Designed ca-
After the most solemn and unanimous
pledge of both houses of Congress to prose-
cute the war exclusively for the mainten-
ance of the government and the preserva-
tion of the Union under the Constitution,
it has repeatedly violated that most sacred
pledge under which alone was rallied that
noble volunteer army which carried our FOR
:z to victory.
«ead of restoring the Union, it has, so |
its power, dissglved it, ang sub-
slates, in time of profound peace,
he awgt +] ¥ > 1
the best and cheapest in the market.
, | RNY LY ’ IPS ra 1 P
Ww Customer Be for the | from $12,350 to $18 for the hest. aplO 68,tf.
: i Ad MW Kil, a8 N 2s ‘Er
id ouespofism and negro suprema- | FRIENDS 10 J i VE x
¢y. It has puliifieq there the right of trig) | in ’
} ap24'6S 1y. :
by jury; it has abolished the babeas corpus |
Centre Hall
continuanee of the same.
even if they do not wish to buy, and single, bridles and halters,
¢ . . 3 is
ap10 68 tT, may l'G8 1y,