[8 | FRID AY, AU a For Pri ERIDENT MORATIO SEYMOU R, of New York. ot h : 1868 For Vice PRESIDENT: GEN. FRANK P. BLATR, of Missouri. “DEMOCRATICSTATE NOMINATIONS CUEPOR AUDITOR GENERAL: ‘HON. CHARLES E. BOYLE, of Fayette County. ‘FOR WURVE Yok GENERA? EEN. WELIANG THON 1. E NT, of (olimdia County. For Congress : Daniel G. Bush, of Bellefonte, “Eub)e Sct to decision of district conference.) For President Judge John H. Orvis, of Bellefonte, (9) oot to decision of district conference.) Jo 1 For Assembly: P. Gray Meek, of Bellefonte. For District Attorney : Heary Y. Stitzer, of Bellef inte. "For County Surveyor Wi iliiam P. Mitchell, of Ho For Couey Com ot Joh Bitig, ‘of ¥ niche For Auditor So Ride! of Potter As we were evobliged to be in ' - —— re —e———— . ot devole oar usual attention to this week's paper, and therefore ask that 4ny imperfections may be overlooked. a a The Doda Fock in the J adicial Con ference. last week's $ i As we mentioned in ReeorvER, the judicial eanferecs § this district, which the following Friday, able to effect a nomination for Presi- dent Judge. ed to meet againon next Tuesday. 1st Sept., at Cle: wrfield, where from all ap- p2arance , tha will be He same as heretofore ns amely, Orvis 3, Mayer 3. Barrett 3. How guess, and under the cii cumstances, the eracy of Centre county, itstde the i « nt nominated who resides o trict. Qa the part of Centre county, no té- nevity has Yee shown in this ihdtte, and the dead lock, or failure to make and Clinton eounties. Mr. Orvis willing that all should withdraw, 1d an this judicial district; he is further agreed that cuts be drawr, and the one falling sfiost be dropped, and the bal- lotting be tonfined to the two, and the one then AP in a nority be aléo drop ed and the final choice thes be made b the one falling short us drawing and the one who previously od fhe highest vote. be a rit ru tani YL, Nome two or threo weeks mi- azo a = 1 JC 3 L rett, in case he failed to » nominated, would runas af xd ne at eandidate. Th ramos aust *ando: abtedly have reached Judge Barrett's ears, and i. they are unfounded, and he has no in- tention ‘of playing such a role, then he should set the ramor at rest by denial—so far he has not done this, ang this leads us to fear that there is som? ground for the rumor, Py AR De not intend to abide by the decision of the conference, then he should not ap- words, he has no business there, Going | into conferene, he is 18 honor bound to | abide its ‘decision - be'itifaverable or | ungiviiniie pe his aspiréitons, tlader these circvmstrices; then: we fink it would'ibe altogether proper that the delegates ask a pledge from | Mr. Barrett, as well as from Messrs, | Obvis an] M yer, that they will sub- | mit to the decision - of the conference, whatever the result may be ; and shoud | either of the candidates refuse to give uch a pledge, then the conferces of-the other. -ebunties should refuse to mbvet his delegates infconferenece. We have no doubt’ Mf. Of: will cheerfully pledge himself to this effect, as also’ would Mr. Mayer, and should | Mi. Barrett refuse, then he should nosbe permitted in conference. Mr. Barrett has friends among the Domociats of Centra county, but none candidate, in opposition to the regular nomines of the Democratic party. see meres ra fp mae lf een eae What Is a Carpet-Bagger? The term _“carpet-bagger,” gu2utly insuse at this time, may nee £5 2 exnlanation, az some do not fully undspstand its: force and meaning neither its appropriateness, The Southern States being. control- led soley by the bayonett, under radi-, al die tation, for ng other purpose than | ty aeperintend the nagro at the polls, and foree him to vote the radical tick- | et, there baz no decent Southern mn willsuz to espouse tha eanse of | radical-ism, ® and cons=at to figure at | Was hington as a ¢ongressitmg OF sena- tor, and “tha ra lial by vyonetts ns er mitting any other but one of thets kind to be electel from that section, it hrzomsz n2cessary to import mean wh tes from AL: wsachusetts, who, on any nmoraing can pass x their dirty finen i mn a carpet-bag, and turn 2» in ‘the south on tho followi ing mor ning, aad on the next day he back at Wasaington «jth so fre- I St a—— whi 7 ‘ 1.ast Sunday during . a NAN CF RANCISCO, Apgust 20,—~The | stépmaliip, § Constitution arrived this | evening from Panama. i rlwind and Waterspout » ’ (‘hicken Cholera. | Take a small wooden spoon: or pad- | On the 15th of August, a singular dle and move the yellow glutinous | matter that aceumlatos under the ton- | m oce aired at San | y Lies Pods phenomenon ee valifornia. \ | gue, and then apply lard and black | When he lies in weight.’ WAT I RO) " w. on ankaeis 0 ion f | flowing up- | pepper to the diseased parts. A gin- |. When is a bow not a bow ? LI . meed lowing up- | Lite A hen it struck the yond it took the | series of waves commence ole application is generally, sueffient it's a bownot, ; \ | P { on the coast, caus’ in; r the tide 1 Lo rise le i] l cat 5 a he : Ww ater up} “to abo ut the +h ight of one | sixty- three or sixty- forty fo ot abov eC Or. and Seco applic ation 18 HE RY ay: N KU | hentdred foet, the column being about | iy qpy high water mark, followed by | Re _— of poultry or » \ Lu x . thirty forty fect in [t 5 I . an ebbing to the same distance be dow | traveled diagonally across the pond in the usta low water mark. The | this fashion a distance of two miles rise | \ L tough -~ - . Th the i Tgp ro sa | the Radicals offer ballots} to the Indi: ans of the frontier bullets. | \ % i na | his cprpet¥ag, “as ‘o “either of con- | . gress frén South ( aroling or A Iba. | fren, Ch Ae A “gl ‘arpet- -agerer, ' then, 18 a mean : q ok . X 4lar ‘white sheak Gi m tha Vi ankee Q Cl( ‘ WH states | with his carpet-bag in hand, preten- storm, whirlwind passed over Harri-/ | Yond, | ding to vepresent some southern dis- | trict or state in Congress or in the | | Senate, “This is the chagactor of all the r: WH- cals i im OC ONEIress wlio preena wo repre. SCV ore Lm in ? When is silence Wegret this from ane xtensive | When it reigns. What the difference | truth and eggs? “Truth crushed earth will rise again,” but eres will not. Wohv-is a writer more free king? Becaus he can choose | SU biee Ls. The Governor of K tuts ac ig re puted to be one of the most successful agri- ¢ ulturigts in the State. His wheat viel” the present season was 10,000 bushe ls Fikely to gel | betwee 18 or diameter. ® >» Atlanta, August 19. celebration yesterday torchlight procession, composed of | some three hundred negroes, Between | 11 and 12 p- m. a drunkan unruly ne- | a9 was arrested by two poliecmen in front of the National Hel, who were proceeding to the guard he 30 with the prisoner, when a. mob of negroes pursued and attempted a rescue. The polic ¢ resisted, and the negroes ted, Reged with clubs, knogk ed down | the pol ¢c and the prisprer escaped, At this time some person ir. the mob gave word, to fire, which the negroes did, woti.ding one of the police, The fire was returned by the police, and discharges followed in r: apid, SUCCEssIon, One NeZro wirs Milled and two wounded. . negroes fled, but rallied near the’ ional Nomination, | | The negroes ie, ut rallied near the + | guard. hose and moved forward to af August 20.—The | A Be . « . . tac k the palie ¢, By this tim C0 the lphama roe )e cted her Constitution, | conferees of the Eighteenth C Ongres- Ww ho Je efi ’ 1: | Ana. was «ag dmitted into the U nion. p Int ax | ce force and a large num Seat, Maddon : stenal | Ristrict (F yoomi in Tiog a, | ber of J itizens were on the round pre- | Mississippi: rejected hers and was ex- Clinten, Centre, and Potter “C ounties) ) | pared for the conflict. The negroes then | ¢ luded. The reason was that Alabama ' met, to-day and nominated William 8 by 1 , or Cl rapidly dispersed. At one time there vr atr or C0 r or . ” . . . (IL. Armstrong, of Liyceming, or Lol) wera apprehensions of riot. | gress. : Reverse this ‘outrage, and imagine | and fall ocetrred regularly every, be If hou fur several ov creating ied alarm to the inh abit inte thor reihonts, The incident attributed to some | marine disturbance’ eansine the bottom of the sea to rise and fall, thus impel- ling the waves towards the coast, & cle ® Union Pacific Railroad, Secretary Browning has receiv ed an affidavit from the President of the Union Pacific Railroad, announcing | that an additional sec tion Lf twenty miles of road, extending to the seven | hundred and sixtieth mile post west | from Omaha, has been comple ed, and | ‘the goverhment, commissioners have been instructed by telegraph to make an examination of said section. pe» ~The than Radical : a closed with a | » Pa ani rep M: assae Jhuse tts and and the Ciher yi ankee states. | What an unceasing howl would be raised against “carpet-baggers,” by the | | pious hypocrits from New England. | tt pene Me. Alam Hy, ex]., of Bllefonte | formerly a republican, hae announced | hin self’ in favor of Seymour and Blair. | Xo they keep piling in, stabd from un- det, Spoons dnd w oe! knocking at the doors of congress ; ‘ Ey would have béen Custos ner for such vessels at least as navi- ia onte our fresh water lakes to encoun- After leaving the pond it amused v few | ter, itself’ by tripping over several fences and laying | . ‘ good sized trees, i m— ai —————— The clause! in the: Bankrupt act which provided that no person should be disc i arged whose estate woul not pay fifty per cent; on the dollar, ‘and which took effect on the Ist Of June pst, has been further extended 'dowh corn and gi chin ‘bItd gether too | the season to suit the conve- It wate snidl ‘that in p arly Tu ? wilap: nience of fi ArIErs. | crossing &. road it Li ok. up an tnfor- tunate pe strian and {0ssed him over | into kh adjoin i g field. What hichme of it after 1t le fi ith At vicinity we not know but we PCrst me Mr. Sew: rd will be fer it tQ LE | with hi $ céMlec- tio Portia Pre: i The Be Hefonte rads, wont bet D. (1. i Bush, after they talked loud about bet- | ting, promptly put up 2 81000 that Penn- sylvania would for Seymour. The rads literally ran off and hid, --- ‘seven months more time for the appli- y cation of those who have no #&sets. $ x) August 1 pita () 135i . Williamsport, [adj al rules won't work Dat WS, -— oo Cookrvg witout Fire.—There is A place et led the Smoky Valley, where th people have & very They do not m— * hd The democratic econpreastoniid con met at Pockha | yen Thirsday. As Wi A ol: press, we had inform aiion rom there, but presume Mr. Mackey {will be the nominee. in Oregon ? yesterd ay, ake . . Lio no | eticions way of ooking, | hi ave the trenble of making a fire every morning where they wish to get break- | fast. They just walk out with kettels, coffee pots, and whatever else they need, ississip pi did ne — rp -- ITT "ns! The substitution of thie. ‘National | Charles Cabot, of the. Allentown | Bank currency for the gregnbacks of | | Rolling Mill, Company, is the man the Gigyernment costs {he o poole $18. (who has decpniped with over ope hun- 000,01 A dinually i 0 ih iorest. | dred thonsand dollars of the eom: pany. 8 money . It is said that he had a faney partn erin New York who he A eng rade largelv in the speculation, in whic bh a- i Serious The Rinderpest in New York. New York, August 20.—The. cat: tle. disease appegred in the town of America, New. York, and seven ér eight animals have died. Two men who skinned the dead animals were inocula ed with the virus. Light or ton head have died at Sing Sing fron | | the disease, EE W hat satisfaction do you Pave mn voting for Cnt and slsts ning a ted pont tap Congress which voted “and cook at the boilipg springs. The | th ARRAY ds to its own salaries and keeps | water seems a gi sat deal hotter than in petpe gi = R101, inate: ad of D0 ds a common b ling ow wer, and all they as usicer democratic rule, He reby | need to do is to 1 we their kettle in it ding millions to the pu ¢ dg |; i shart ti eand thie fool is nicely | What satisfaction does it ive yon” mien ER {1 C) kad. | DEMOCRAYIC VICTOR IDAHO. |. of i San Francisco, Aug. : > vices of Aver 13, stat Schieiter, the demdcratice for Congress is 400 ahead. large democratic gain. ‘ ‘ 1 a gos i ~ sr — fpr rm— I 3 ¢ 3 have a new drink down East the YG all “Butler Cocktails.” Y ou stir it up with a spoon, squint one eve. | hot 18 $4pposed tw hive bq inf ferested drink the lis quid down, and put he pd b WE Posed he has termed the 0 hin your poc kot fe 11 Le gold and left for the via His father, Jose C following is said to almost heart broken Jot the of g Ont vat volinble j . He One of sal most reliable closets of these annoying erprising merchnnts ty : Procure a large It is reported that a beesraiser 1 well dnd press it L Windham, Me. tivo, months and a half of GL tained 418 3 Wy 11! Nn. nv . \ ] Phov are able evento bake The and lowered into the two, and tok » west abot; 1s affair. and en oY 17. IN —JIdaho ad- es ly -— : ‘4 Ridge WY ay, I A. August 24. --Hon. \ - saucepan, that Judge William A. W: alls wee, was to-day unani- candidate | flood for mously re nominated for a third term This 15 9 Gra) up most ex jhisitely baked, in the Sanate, from the Twe nty- third | | with Buta thin rim of crust, | Disteias by the Democratic Conference | Meat is cooked here, and beans, whic! which met here. It takes bread is put into a tight a I be and ANTS. sure The way he boiling | then houses little pests . sponge, wash it which will leave tlhe © ells quit ¢.apeu; Nn sprinkle over it some vhite ugar, and place. it where pounds of hore from te swerms of the ants are troyblesome. They will | Ca 1 he ; HE ‘at swarm ma le ' 30 SOON collect pon 1 the pone and tke | 4. : pounus I three weeks du ring, Septem: up their abode in the cells, itis only a ride ling an hour or over. dry, > —o——— The conferees of the cong rcssional district comp Yosed of Canibria, Blair, Huntingdon, and Mifflin. nominated | but a minute to cook eggs, or to make Col. John {, L mnton, of ( ambria for | a p 't ton . hut if f there Congress. We know Col. Tattdd well; | jaa1d td Bo he is an able democrat and upright | , 2 in ; ©" | the cup and the lip, gentleman. AR dorine 1867, > One of the C hief peculiarities of the: Missouri bottom is said to be th ¢ great 1 i are the miner's great luxury. of coffe 3g or For nes and unbroke erowth of sunflowers, slp between | the food — American | chance miles they extend in n and profuse luxuriane and utter usefulness. They, | by the Mormons, when they were emi- hot water, —dead. Puton more su_ar and set the trap for a new haul. This pro- cess will clear the house of every ant.’ yield for the season. A gentleman in Norfolk, Va., plan ted last spring. 41 barrels of Irish po- . ; : tatoes, He has just taken his erop | grating westward from Nauvoo, and | of the ground, and has shipped nl- ceadt D1 apd Be: bout 100 THE KEYSTONE HARVESTER barrels on hand. This is a FIOSS I'e- b tary upward £3,000 from his potat would § “WON “Or TOTY . . . . +. > | be gone beyond recovery. it is said, were first brought there Gen, Grant Charged with Drunk- eness by Wendell Phillips—. tn Investig ration Demanded. From the Anti-Slavery S the week ending February 1, 18368. This an anti-slavery journal. | Looking out on politics, as the negro | iooks nied ‘true or fals to him But it was abin- dantly | tence of the present administration, . Paper. SE ti Foreign News By Cable. Rusmonrs oF Avorner WAR. London, Aug. 20.— Advices from t Paris to-day indicate that piovenients Are positively in progress looking to war. Napoleon isat Plémbieres; with | i Miishal Baztite, and dther promi- nent military officérs ¢f the Er npire, | consultingepver a plat 6f cant fonien across the Rhine, ee Sh pms have since spread until they have ex. 1 hats tendo 1&5 river | S tandard, for | ver the 1 for go thanadnd miles 0 of READ THE TESTIMO NY OF FARM- ERS WHO HAVE TRIED IT. is Bellvionte, Aug. 17. | Manfy' o ( tts that system w hy 1868, Th bi nt Rad lic als in the Spnate wineed, len t, Senator Hen dricks pressed t to, show what they ! had done with the thirteen hundred millions of dollars taken fromthe pock- { 1883. NH w 0 The reason Butler favors the creenback { afraid that and run into coin. The Chicago | that Seymour 3 , because he is were s when be 1s Har. 1 wz it to the far- uly i first-class and case of led, having nd it hav- oppo= go ito ! t= Ving use ad thi 1king EU ple asure in recommen ming communi ty + AS IT rev machine: ‘ fur li iehtnes ment, cnt them, and } .y } - - it desls with public as they are vester durin h tal measures only: his spoons will melted 1x hay-m: The idea that these ) 10 effect the elec. upon im 1 Nd fd als ' 4 : | rar t proved ever before the exis doings are got uj | tions in Framee 18 looked : ! Paris as ridienlsus, that only temperence is the substratum | a How sad the re- | Switzerland. SH ‘heii powder is civen to men who | tit wheh In der isgiven to al >. | Alleged Feniian Plot to Assassinite to put g ther | the Queen of England. to steal their brains, August 21.—It this war has most impressively shown | known " the Swiss ii» A Ie July. nporu int aq! 10st] Mm. 3 0 thinks ! the peopi That “yy Wii ) i; : \ Republican He it ean not be excel mana i" nay ing lever power, ai site the axle, when row, the knifeturns thi ther no ront jirto t} : th urs ve {Was all antaces over all other mach l “will go that Grant " up. . . ' ! id cutting dirgcidy « the drive w! Is run. : pile Ig A rat Newbern. Va., who Pp Stmistress, vy the Radigal childs sy re stom a pre tty down. £2 a fur | that | wath opards LO! ment is truly work tl _dropy standing grain. ie to til te on i to farmers wantin stone and save t me your friend, Cr SO . 3 fava Po! yr wid: J 2 2270) ARs - receives has been cormordgarts, suppost A ne cr ina New ' of all other reforms. yin } i is g arral as any i in lodge Ra ifn Ap o 4 fe Cattle Plague at Chicago. Chicago, August 20.—The Board of Health of this city has doe sh on lent, ean bot h nl cut tt i le oO Shih vould « Reapers, to get a Key- aud Roney, Ihe] eve | AMOS GARBRICK Linden Hall entre Hall nen teaper 1 pure hased |! has given entire satisfaction. 1} ny grass, amounting in all to al- acres. Among the pny lm- into d from nly sax an are wont mouths an enemy .e wr away : 2 : . A . re aro Jegislator met a dark braogh 2 i (Cricins street ca 1 nt latter asked in how Legepent his tie “Oh!” saul the ‘maker, assuming what he intende d | be a very dignified posture, [ goes to the. Legislature at k and stays thar til 2 , When 1 | can cut : most ninety els ve: - $1; = to the Jako. aving Ia ing Ted {oO ! tablish a cattle duarantive in the vi- cinite of thestdeh yards, as tion sninist the introduction of dis ea cattle into tFe city. Tus will be appo inted and no cattle sus- pec ‘ted of bei "ng diseased will be admit- ted into the wv ards until careful exam- ination. T he quarantine regulations | 'H vans ;tonded to all j aowa | takes a ia | Wit ox 1 aid ‘hier - = ; | then eats dinner. That's ey HOUSCS. i ‘ | work, but I manages. to stand A > | s moderate, yo [ aicérnie; tently heednde thidrities that an attempt was inte rtded to have beer made upon the s of the Queen of England, didring her re- dent sojourrt hf this city, a strict search’ was made by the police for the parties concerned in’ the diabolical plot: To- a man, whose nam? is not oi iven, against who it has be But | | Fenian, was ste da \ hh upon exam. : ination, made such statements as leave | even the possibility of the truth of ‘no doubt that it was his deliberate de these reports is of too momentus im-{gen to assassinate Queen Victoria. to be lightly dealt He | The nation is bound to inquire as to tfie | await a requissition : . . . ‘ . authorities. habits of candidates for high office. | wuthoriti | msl sf dp After the ex Xperience of the las t three | From Baltimore. years it has no right to run the slight- | Chief Justice Chase out for Sey - lest risk in this respect. No public | mour and Blair—The 0ld Do- | . minion all Right. Baltimore, Aug. 20. The Commer- | ! high office ought to complain of the | | cid! kas a Spee ol front Washingtor, - Chief Jiistice ‘Chase | strictest scrusiey by the public, } bythe public, sx to which’ says that Mr { bi is. Lakitsin thei particular We all, | will vote for Sevimour and Blair. tharefore, . on the naticnal and ‘State! Chase says that his recent visit to | tempoerande’ societies to investigate | West Virgirin asSured him that the | these reports. They lave this subject | Conservatives will carry that State. in their specisi They are Sy — | ve foul i a had ben’ correct- | : 7 U nited ‘States Comrt.- | REL hi J th 5 ” > to a afte Lape May to Lape Henlopen, in the bankruptey branth, final dis- puarter of the bazaar at Manickgunge | niles, for $10,000. flier Sa lliationids tha: natich naw sat. charges were granted and certificates | he saw a cluster of girls, of from two | eral (iv 2 : n a3 Le nation now su | aw: arded to John IFarout, of Susque- | to thirteen years of age, st nding up | free git af big, houses at St. Lous, | fers. Eapacially wa call onthe Hon. | hanna county ; L=vi'8 Burrows, Clin- | for sale. The brokers were very busy | Galera,. P hil adeiphia and Washirg- Henry Wilson, a pledzadtoctotaller, | ton county ; John Bi: Herb, Clinton | summoning custome Is, as they ree reived | ihn, and with th e exception, of the Jat- | | | to see that the whale teeth inthis ma t- county, Wm. L: Musser, Centre county, | a commission” of. tei” per cent. on all | tr he lets them' all at high rents, thus | ter isiwiven to: the coutitiv. He’! | John Gandrum, ‘Clinton county ; John | | the bayenin i effected through their in- | shgwing that thrift in Lis case follows ot : ; | W.Bweely, W liam sport, Lycoming" | strum Cutality, besides some trifling of- fawning. devote} himself to the eases i | county: Thbinas J. K einper, Centro | forinus. FI prices nried crordine 3 Grantls claims: As a temderance man, | cotmy. | to the aoe and beauty of the childre n: ke ts: bouind to see that we rn ne risks | | girls of f seven ruled at abe gt four hin { Blair will carry that State by seyenty | | of this kind. Living in +Washiegton New York. August 22: ~Gile of the | dred rupees; an old man of soventy Eo d Eile ) an l ths ) he sum | 1a ae they ver Be Universal sal lefuce ho HY OF Teo go | NOSE Serio-com io all urs ever pbrpetra- | whispe red an offering of seven i hdred | LAgUSI } y! pals . NEBERGER. he’ mtvist vies ave ample méaad | that Sc smour will be the next Presi- | Q ; . ; ie i in this city was the' arrest of the | rupees for a'very beautiful: girl of thir- A Sugar Valley, July 25th, 1868. of kijowing, th 2 EF ae to this mutter, | whole Board of Comiton ‘Councilmen | tel who was surrounded’ by quite sd | dent of Me U nited States. No takers! ~T knbw of n> Deb wis of tel IH are | for contempt of Judze Barnard, of the’ | crowd of bidders. An' exchange the I hs = Jre all my tha by ¥ ie eo : hn Wim relieve | Supreme Court, in not obe wing an in- | daughters was taking place in anoth- : 3 \s3 and nearly June fona aby Om Writs for their | er part of the bazaar. Fle writer of arrcét had been in the’ hands of the | the letter, who was. mirelr horrificd at | | Sheriff for several] 0 ays, butthey could w hat het witnfsedinplotes the editor | re that i of thecorn in New Eng: not be found. By’ a ‘précen terted ar- | to direct the attention of the govern- | land vias killed. ; | rarrgemeznt the con uneilinen met quictly + ment offic als to this matter, and” save | : one, TPT SM00K at their rooms in’ the City Hall to-day | many Bralntin families from perdition. | A great many carpet-hazzers are Logan Mills, July 23rd,’ and proceeded to trapsict business. sneaking hack home to the North with Lam now done cutting grass and grain, They had Just passed a resolution ad- | their. dirty clothes wr: wpped up in | and hi ay, that the Keystone, Harvester mitting to seat the five members to | corfespondent writes: “To see Niaga- | Southern newspapsrs. They will not | acl Mii: If 1s sts Teshios deat | whom they Jheretofor denice that right | ra yon Buy e leven silk dresses for your | CAITY carpet-bags for fear of being re- | stall. The machine is truly the nicest I ev- Land by that denial brinking themse Ives | wife, and six &hirts for yourself. You | cagnized. x er ray itis durable, and not liable get Butit will be the gravest crime into the contempt of the order of Judge | | then’ get all the ready money you have | Why db the S. ihe ry p2ople love | auto dider. Bl The Dioerwarks to give it to him if that viee still holds Barnard, when the deplities of the | borrow all your friends bi ave, and | | (xeneral Butler? Bocatae, “wn here our as were they laid down-straw by straw. | Hintin Of eourse SAelitv to the Sheriff appet ared iw their midst declar- | make arr ange ments {fo Tu li; ited cre 1- | treasure is, there is our heart also.” RoBERT KLEC KNER. ‘ole re. ed then all under arrest. A mt tioh’ fo | it at two or three good sbfvent b an ks. | The New Oftleans Crescent is responsi- | Joalsburg, Ang. 14th, G8. negro must be our first and dedisive. adjourn was carried, snd they then | You their take six trunks, some more | ble for the above. : test of any man’s fitness for the Presi- | formed into line) and headed! by’ the | woney, a nurse, a colored servant, | Je d NT ‘But this test of temperance Sheriff and his! deputic; S, marched to | Some more Money, and then, after get- | 4 . ' is also vital WeNDELL Pinups. | the Supreme Court. The Court had, | — however, adjourned, when the Sheriff ree tp mR | ting some more money, and extendin : put them each under parole’to’ appear A Democratic club, | your credit at one or two more stron A 1] 80 etter, if | the man w ho spoke of the Supreme bo- : a oe ti he | anks, you set out. It is bet i l i grand improvement is the lever power, « ’ . +» . has i "whole affair regarded here as ‘a l possible, just before you leave, to | ing as “the ideal gentleman bey ond Eich saves 100 per cent. of draft and gets | faves, Ct 3 oF ~ NN ‘ ns. New rumors reach us from Wash- nd tri G'raiit Fras | bean remarkably drunk in the streets of We kiow 1 thoxp Ala + . y recau- HE \ Ke of ¥ i theze Jaw should Yon see, : ] \ i 11 Q ClO | tngto¥; comang jrous diffe ent a ft- warm days! ue. 19. "68 } worthy source that Genéral nectors To the C Gent le | from you, tal 113 omp tn that city within a few weeks. of the truth ke no charge xO in this respect. nothing ourselves of 5 We moral Grant day i but ed i Koya ne Harvester is the best. Bard lever power is really the grandest: | rangement i I ever saw, as it saves all ty dey knocking and friction that accompanies and more than that, it saves Taking it makes the pro FIINnOTS. ma the the 1G Sid tug y VY . to it ”rn ad dN . = 1 : ! -. bob Wife Murder. Milton, Pa., August 20.—A color- ed man, named Joshua Jones, shot and | killed his wife while walkiug with her this P. M. on centre street, in this town. | He escaped and has not yet been cap- tured. A " , wilt. most reapers at least 100 per cent. of power. the improvemen her, Re vstome justthe mac hine, for our section country, is light, and very lizht draft. no side draft at all, and vet durable; it affords me great pleRsure in recommen ) | Ped) A letter from the following story few days ago, | Sherif W. S. ML ‘kee, on returning | home from an, adjoining county, stop- | p ed to bathe in the Tallabate hie Piger. | His feet topched son'e (Hy g gmicoth on | | the bot:om several (mes, and curiosity ‘at length led him to examine closely, red op sung ner pur ~ 0 ya = Js it LF cand r: | when he found a small iron ¢ het. chased of Lhe Ha € puri assistance, he took it to Ox- | cuts ond. delivers it, 1 broke it open, ¢ aod found, £3.000 Hater Has any machine n ae $2,500 In go 1d, $1. 2 { “ NE SO easy manage can dollars, and 84,000 in Confederate | Oxford, “A Miss, oives ts toget with. | has been committed to prison to | portance from the British os it ( ISAAC RESSLFH, Fry ait E missin Mulwim Ang 18 1868: The combined Mow Sate of Girls in Trflia. Some of the leading native papers of — Ammen a—— ' man, whose friends are asking for him believe, Bittle ever sas, aad 1s J. H. Fravk. Welf s Store, July are ple , Nn India el ain aif ace unt of # sale of | Calcutta, at which the wri- ter was present. When he first heard | that such -a sale was going on, he | money. ‘There were no papers mn the | could scarcely believe that he was liv- | chest to sh OW its ownership.” » British (Gove rament; how- | | ing unde 3 the One Boy ton wants _to girls near 22rd, "68, Lents Wi ased to informy vou that | | Kevstone Harvester, and it is tr uly the best x. A larvester We ever saw. Nothing can be swim from made that will excell it for light’ #rafts it is: hiiteen | also durable,and it is really daughabl: | how nicely it drops it off both i in lodged and in standing grail We reconynend it to | Lk Hy ers, feeling se atist edit car not be beat, 32H HosTERMAN, HeExrY WoLr. Boalsburg, Aug. 19th, 1868. Gentlewien of the M: anufacturing Comp. charge. v i | bound to gite us the facts, and save us | | from even the possibility of such ano- \ : : (General Grant has accepted the | cess of the Ke wystone Harvester, it has made | ity wo: ark this sewson, and from henceforth it Vv: iN stand Mowers snd Reapers. I believe it is the est mac hi ne int he market, and you need not fear about selling all you ean manufac- { | | th | I "man in New York offers to bet | | from $500 to £5,000 that Se ymour and { err emanates i or Gents . ling you you, ey “yi ! LTT Cr ty . Pr . ST os we tnneccaiaYity vanxious, let | ot | Slight frosts on Connecticut = us by | ranges that Grant is now a temperate fully able, on abt orcasions, to | | withstand thie temptation. If the | fact is mot so, let Lim explain to his | temperance assotiates how he dares to | | isk their votes for Goneral Grant. It | is perilous enouglt tor give the Presi- | deney to one who was confessedly an- { anveterate drunkard two oy thvee 1 years trusfwirthy assu- . ter never went into grass than the Keystone, | It is the lightest draft machine in our val- lex, the dropping arrangement is the finest thing Leversaw. * # Every person that | sees th e Ke ystone work Pe bnnd te have | | of that Sate last week, On the 2Uth | nian, of Argust, iy 1816, the frost was so .se- Jes ‘ a a —— < SQ, What it ‘Costs to See Niagara. A £1 As. » £0 Ge nis: | a Mowgr and a Keaper combined. | satistied ; ) | market, for simplicity ‘and durability, it | having many improvements and advanta- over other machines. The first and An Atheist on the stump—Carl Shurz is stumping areund in the in o | terest of Grant and Colfax. Shurz is ir o | aes nunherl ing o two R ' \ r r y | | mortgage vour homestead and et | the skies , called hy some God ! We ov er all the jt ar oand knock so prevalent hundred and fifty members, | some more money.” | deem comment unnecessary. {among other Reapers. The ‘dropping ar- organized in Johnstown. 15 | the machine and make the sheaves any de- sired size, delivering them free and “clear | from drag or trail Austin. W. Dar E. |. ¥4. Next week will be furnished 8" vim- | ber of similar testimonials from well-kndwn | farmers, S———— praia augment st wt AD} VER! TISEME: 7. NEW - - int PU BLIC SALE i. of V aluable Rend Estate. Will be sold at public Sale, on the premi- ses, in George's Vallay,.- «©. On Saturday, September, 12h, next, “at 130’ clock, p.m. a lot of ground, con- taining.l v ENTY ACRES, ope half clear, and in the hest state of ‘cultivation, ‘thereon fed erec ted a good” ‘Zstory,’ wenther- boarded Log House, Barn, Wash- house, Smoke-house, 'Woond-shed and Pi 1g- | penga never filing apple Orchard: » ia well of exopllent, water near the door. The balange of this tract is well timbered with white oa and pine. This tract of Land lies on both sides of the public road, has a small stream of water running rough the middle of it, ne adjoins, Jan? 3 sf Win tn. Zerby, Peter reon and Si nel Eh on iy BREON, mg Grea tp. DMINISTR Pa R'S NOTICE. J NOTICE is hereby given, that Jet- ters of Administration, over the estate of Jacob Powe rsox, late of Haines township, fo d, have been ranted to the undersig: as ig themselves | ne All pémsons. ba: i b od oh statoure | hereby notified to come fore art and make paymant, and those having accounts against the same will pre- | sent them properly authe iititated for seftle- | ment, SIMON ROTE, aug, it Aaronsburg, » . ans pean —— pay Bellefonte Boot & Shos Store * i 14 00d a CE. GRAHAM & SON. N& WIL JRE ONT DOOR NORTH IRWI SONS HARD-W AI RET Manufacturers and Dealers in t » ladies,” gent’s. youths, misses, wd CHIL DREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, i of gvery description. | Our Steck is Large ands LK ¢ Sn fre with that of any other: 1 i fablish- ment in Clorgad: 2184. { We cordially RY ITENER “OU NTRY FRIENDS rO CALI and examine for then Ie dives. vOur pr ice avid satisfy that we are seiling off as 83 * (Cheaper Thai ie Cheapest! Bellefonte, Aug. 28.68: ee mmm seg Ag PA en: mee————————— i JISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnerslip existing between Simon Wolf and Abriham Far ‘kenback, tray ding under the firm of S. 8. Wolf & Co { has this day (August 10th) been dissol eX by mutual consent. The business wiil | hereafter be carried on by 8. 8S. Wolf The Lb avks and accounts remain in the hands of ie undersigned, Q 8, Wolf Centre Mills. | S. t! age]. d V AL v ABL E FARM AT PRIVATE SALES The Gide resigned ‘offers his valuable farm | situated in Penn township, on the tarapike about 2 miles west of Millheim, at phivate | sale, containing 70 Acres of Clear: Fo 2Y | under good feneds and io. the highestistate of cultivation, and 18 acres of woodland. hereon are erected A tworsto- ey log-house, good barn, good, o] outbuildings, with running wa- ter nf the Louse and -onrn, and =a fine young: xpple orchard _ This rin is under as good a state pei tie | vation as any in the valley. Also, 81. other Tract of 15 Acres Woodland. * | wooded with spruce, gine, Shown oak and” | osk’ situate on the forks of Pine-ereek, in’ 1 Pent th, within domile of Fry's saw-mill} and ¥pile of Kersfettor' siiw-mill. Also, +46.000 11. choice Lumber, e ster. ut residence of the undersigned. PETER KEEN, Penn tp. : i Fe 3 te t aug2l. 3t None TO JURORS. ’ AH-jurors drawn for the term of’ Court commencing at Bellefonte on the oth Monday of August, next, are hereh¥, notified not to appear, as the order calling for the holding of a court said week, bes been re-called. By order o BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS". Aug?l John Moras, | Clerk. ! fou SE AND KOT AT PRIVZ 4 fi gait The undersignec « house and lot, at Ce ‘tre Hall, at private sale. a house is , ey Wo-story weather-boarded & “new, the lot is a good one, and. Fas sev vers out- buildings. Forfither ok ticulars inquire of REIBE : aug?l 2 + * Centre Hall. AGENTS FANT | For the Standard and Official Lives of Sets | MOUR and BraIr. A book for every Tibra-. | ry and a work of extra-ordinary interest and : { rare historical value. No Patriot can do | without it or have a just uridgpstanditiy | the issues before the county without rea~ ‘ding it. Endofsé® by thé lehding Demo- crats and Conser™ fives of I Unions ie claims of the Démocwitia candidates to the suffrages of the p eople. are so forcibly por- ° |trayed ang clearly. shown in ‘thid volume, {that ‘ve: fied: of constitutional” libafty “ I'shonle fail to read it. Agehts ini all parts of * the coomry are finding this great stan@ard work tile best opportunity to. make "money : ever offored, ag 1t= large size, low price, and great popularity have made a positive de- - mand which canvassers only havetosupply. Send for circulars, and see our liberal terms and a full description ofthe greatest sub- scription book of the times. Address, UNITED STATES PUBLISHING ¢O., auld 411 Broome st. New York. dl aacdy * a 4» on ap10'68. RWIN RS ‘and Therniormeters at IRW IN SW ILSON'S, & WILSON gro constantly re- ceiv ing new goods in their line. ie HARD WARE of every description At reduced prices=nfow | being opened every day. _. aplo6s, {CALES, at wholesale and Tetall. Cheap, hy IRWIN&G W ILSOX. apl0'68, et ee h