: 3 LYE \ Tedd BERL, BACT ; HALL i a - FRENTE TINWARE! TINWARLE! J. REIBER, Respectfully announces to the citizens ot Potter township, that ho ix now red to furnish upon shortest notice, and eheap as elsewhera, avery article in the ll of Tin and She wtiron Ware. STO VE- PIPE S8POL TIN. All kinds of repairing dooney He has nis ways, on hand by yekets cups, dippers, dish- om, Xe, 0 a® Ko. SILVERPLATING. for buggies executed in the finest and most durable style. Give him a call, £O8 are reason: able. api 68, Iv, I VJ UGGIES ! BUGGIES J. DD. Murray, Centre: Hall, Pa, Manuticture kinds of Buzgies, would respect fully in form the citizens of Centre county, that hand MEW BUG GG] with and without t and & Id at reduced prices for cash, Somnbile © ‘redit given. wo Horie Wagons, Spring We made to order, and ware anted to § give Fucton in evary resp ct. All Kinds ul f Tepall ot Galland sce his stoek of Buggies be- for purchasing elsewhere. Ap lr os. tf, OWE SEWING MACHINE, of all he has 341 1 JS ME, which will and a Pid 1 sells the W hic! h to Faire l prize m 1 oldest (reo. Fairer, at Bellefonte, brate d Howe Sewing Ma whin no superior in the market. Go store and see it. It hasreccive als at all fairs, They are thy lished machine: in the world, juled 6] tf oZRA TITZELL. Milroy Mifilin Co., Pa. MA NUFACTURER AND DR INS TOY ES, TIN WARE, ix stoek consists in part of SPEARS ANTL DUST COOKING TOVE, 11 world. »d Barley Shea y i an AL ER the best cook in Bh The Colebrat Tronsidas Cs Oriental OC Fulton Ranxe. Oriental Base Ba ari Oriental Parlor Furnaces SN, WATS Parlor. Si pal «< {)rhicul Also reat val ‘Jaty yy! Ls Durner Cannon, and other Stoves and suitable for dwellings, Stoves Churches. School Houses, &e. A full line of Tinwar . ay Salf Sealing, | Frait Can: on han Pa culae paid tn R rofing, Spoutin : Close cazh pared hasers will find it vantags to give hima call. Iis Si near the BR. R. Depot. juan} ¥ 8 3m, NATH YN aL a. Pa. McALLISTER & CO) ROC. Heuns Prast - J.P. Hanpt Ti: Bank is now organized for tl peso of Bnking unler the laws of the tA States, Certificates ixened by Hae Hale & Ch.. will be paid (hacks of denosits at «izht as sentation at tha counter of the'said ¥ irst Na- tional Dink. Particular and wle of Gove nk. or 'P nn i for 10d adteniton y ad- | is | ore BAX K 1 ayy Je \ (LAT Beilefont E HUMES, nes tA lis{eor nit Hiv. i ne nsai on pre Leki tention xivent wrninei apl@ BR, ( Je Surgeon & Mechanical Dentist, who is permanently located “in bur. in the ofiee forma rly aceupted by Dr. Neff. and who has heen practic ng with ontire success—having the experia: of a number of yearsin the prote sion. hi would cordially invite all who have as yet not given him a eall, to do 20, and test the trath fulness of this ass artion. = Air Teotl Extracted without pain. s Ncisiics on H. GUTELIUS, Aarons- muy 22 HENRY BROCK President. A ILLIKEN, HOOVER & CO, CENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. | RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow IRUQFF, Interest, Discount Notes, Buy And Gold and Cou- apl0 Hs, ~ od} Government Securities, pons, O* apl0'68, A DAM HOY —ATTORN F Office on High a. OHN P MITCH ELL—ATTORNEY- ay W.Ofice inthe Democrat- n Watchman Office. apdu 68 AV. H. LARIMER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bellefonte, Pa, Office with the District Attorney, inthe | Court House. may 15 68. \R. P. SMITH. s services. Office, ‘1 aplT 68, tf. AS. Mc MANUS e Attorneyv-at- lay. Bellefonte, prompt- | to WIS & ALEXANDER, Attorney-at-law, Bellefonte, ii r a. a EY AT-LA YW Street, Bellefonte apl(y GR tf. iar sone offers his Professional Centre Hall, Pa. ness ays atiention to all bus im. july? 63, OHN D. WINGATE, D. D. 8 DENTIST. Office on Northwest corner of Bishop and Spring st. At home, except, perhaps, the | first two weeks of every month. “5% Teeth extraéted without pain. Bellefonte, Pa. apl0’ HR, tf. P. D. NEFF, M. D., Phy sieinn and Sarees. Conter Hall, Pa. | Offere his professional services to the ¢ iti- | sens of Potter and adjoining town:hips. Dr. Neff has the experience of 21 years in the active practice of Medicine and Sur- gery. apy G8, ly. NH. X. M' ALLISTER. 3 AMER A, MP ALLISTER & BE? BEAVER. ATTORNE} ry T-LAW, Bellefonte, Centre Ce. , Penn’a., A [ILLERS HOTE LT Woodward, Centre county, Pa. Stages arrive and depart daily. This fa- vogite Hotel has been refitted and furnish- . od by its new proprietor, and is now in every respect one of the most pleasant coun- try Hotels i in central Pennsylvania. The traveling community and drovers will al- WAYS find the best accommodations. Dro- vers can at all times be accommodated with stables and pasture for any number of cat- tle or horses. GEO. MILLER, July 68,tL, Proprictor. - TERMS. The publish i! ad Hwnoee Han aU ner i paid CENTRE odd Wee nv, nt = . and S200 when uot in \ dvortt . i of 4 square (td . x ments oct a vear, jig) ut N04 \} ae a los ~ \1l J 1: 18 | tiousiy wy qi, \ \ £4 QO=\Wil'n, Lab CN re y FIN IR tM AY FRIDAY, AllG ——————————————————————— For Pris : HORATIO SEYMOUR, of New York. IDBENT For VicE PRESIDENT: GLEN. FRANK P. BLAIR, AMissourt. {TENOMINAT \UDITOR GENERAL : ‘HARLES EE. BOY LE, EE ay Fayette ( DEMOCRATICAT TONN rah HON. ( FACTS FOE VO ri re the OT { are proven by 1. Lx-payers Willa that under radical DOO GOO, “3 ; eed nearly four ti round numbers our i= compos whil "In army Y aoe Si army y Gly ¢ the brit snch men, has 213,000 Wh We ICI. enlaiilt the necegst explain LIC NCCC! A » fRXes, re x 3 ' . : . Lhe public debt i= 01 tho i in i taxes ready® and iste Sing Dorin v tariIars adai $4208 FNL pe read * 1 tickets + extravaeant Grant parly ris » i y ihe INCreas=g¢ oi thie t nen vonth of Ju ? nrteen millions. hang ¢ rth us=ion in politiral cles and some venture wy the 1 | willinemess to exhibit the inerease kept J veral days. Yet, OO = “yy } i decreased ten millions, cash in the Treasury having twenty millions, cash, in the Tr crease of thirteen millions. Tax-pavers vou know that it «¢ the sed Joss in- but were has 1, i the tot: 1 debt asury, shows an Ti :.. Y of Contre county, do osts 38436, 460 a year {for employees of the Freedm bu- reau and ten millions to feed | am d clothe idle NEYTOES, and we white working men have got to pay for it. Radicalism has brought us to this, and heavier, if en’ = SOMe | keeping them in power. What satisfaction has Geant's radi- es given you for the 15 hun- dred million dollars yranad from you t by taxation and which it has spent | not lessening the debt one dolla increasing the same | during the last two | Where's the satisfaction vou | get in return for voting for ( i wit, and | keeping these men in power? cho | , but | contrary millions Op The democracy of Union | Congress—Izaac Slenker, New Ber- | lin. Assembly—A. H. Dill, Lewisburg. Prothonotary—C ‘harles Aurand, N. Berlin. Commissioner—Jonath. 101. Survevor—d. A. Gundy, East Buf- fulo. : Auditor—Adam Yutng, Bufialo. oi Tax-payers of Centre county, if) you | vote for Grant and in favor of the I'readmen’s Brean which costs mil- lions of money and you have got to help pay for it? What satisfaction have you? Ix-Governor Wm. I. Johnston, of this state, i= making EE for Hey- [Un- yer, mour and Blair. Address. { lore A mber Boy \ én ition Remarkable 4 Lead 1; Pe INNINR) ED ty of of the ie ROU NCE nl i} : 33 y 4 HNadieal I, visa circular has been ad- Charles WW. Fitz peopl Flo the most intelligent, and probably the he followine vl hiv 1 x the colored i meh to Q, was one ot best edueated the colored members late of the of the so-called Convention, and one the Radieal i most ardent supporters | the body, His 3 moenners party mn 1 imfluence over Nored bun ic) Yi Leer, probit Iv, tnan member, juenes he s i ] : It thal als the colored pre IVO IL LHCGH calm at tantra attention. 1a 2% Fata x iV ies Rs od BW W hen our Hison : cone ee | was held ection n=. futon Convention ane Janua- frameoed consuigution | 1 t eh who i iy b 3: (MS TO LHON. fellow citizen, Cras. WW. Frrainvoy. a pp satisfaction does it afford vou for Grant and Keep up a stan- rmy in atime of profound peace, 10 millions of mone ¥: and you forit? What satisfaction What dine a costing - aot to sweat do you oo : + Republican Stato for Seymour 12th I'e- *the SUrprisc, WK » News of fo ceived yesterday a carefully-pr ous address to his old Republican riends H. G. Webb, Senator in this State from Ion. } Republics an state ny District, For years pa Senator 1 heen one of iy of the Assembly. Though Ix state, is now absent irom his present Senatorial pires in January next. senator ives the reasons, foreibly and length, why he ean not, as a consis- Republican, loner support the present Radical party, and dates of the National Democracy. a Whither are we drifting! 13 Mil- lions of an incremse of the public debt rule. 1NCTrease in two months! This is radieal 18 on the rs Pax. The public debt i as we stated last week. NAVCIS, er as : think of it, the country is at bp peace ; there are no improvements go- ing on requiring an expenditure of t public monies ; you are heavily taxed and for that reason have a right to expect that the debt should be wre- duced ; but the opposits is true —under radical rule the debt is growing, grow- WUE TR ARATE JUSTICE HALL, PA, W hore WW il the GROWING! niry i 1 land the Grant party is not checked by dri at tho going to vote | Fi) i LON ving them next from power election, Are you to keep in power a party, that Keeps ing debé wpom debt, TAXAT UPON TAXATION !Y Grant he has no policy, the and extrava- henee, if elected, radical policy of waste but will 10 ho- vill not only continue, be rinee, hy vour encouraged COC WOI'sO, prasontative © Albany E vening That publican pa , ; the Journal, in * 3} . 1 il. . ¥ ne eaitorial on Lhe ies wth of er Sion 1a! dierar rao eleven, disColrs=es dows 1) qo xy] 113 yee | i ww A olitically Stevens lus of his own striking 11 tration ht He ublic worship. vdividu not and 1 did Ha mulatto . or Ory of personal rig independence. often attend ¥ i a handsome woman {from her husband, he deemed Lis and their I'e i 4s v almost entirely 1 Ya . i anty Jor acy: lati to provide = were such ns to + fe male med (1 invariably, Hou e almost i} woulda xr rie | =a I'Y OIG fax-ra 1 1 % » 11 HERI eid i ' 1... ACh ri . il ) 11 4 who A ‘ a he 1,00. ns Cacant sends bis ehuaren to chool, followed by an armed orderly, [iz reside mikitary OpLiioa, nee, even when from home, 18 under guard, and sentinels are constantly near his 3 .e \ iy $3 vy # ] ersall, CITC rat ingly ] i ai'c Sweep 3 1 . 2s vs rin} an eli SCOuiNrels and v Almich- used l Enaid : called traitors, . assassing, and the freely is wish to and phspherionsly “IY hom (30¢ [1st ih the ity. de: E LileY make ad aviv ally v -— ncn fn eg pm Mme \V hat vw tion does 1t bring you to voto i Satish ii Lrrand lc eps the country and branch of industry? VY hat satisfac- ‘ 4 YOu ¢ maratoon The town is running over with minis- ters. There are twenty-seven at their hotel pa rishioners, Ous Ag a rule, bills are paid hy wealthy A of 810. bricade. fifth avenue restdence was robbed away, gaid that Gen. look to an the United Sti Ral Aecus In a Baltimore row on Tues stabbed Rosecrans’ It iz annexation Mexico to tes in 1870. lay ey- bed sl 1 desperado men, killing one. evening beat an officer unmerci- bit off his 1108. Thad. S , of which Thadde- om intoxi- tevens left $60,000 oes to his nephew, cating liquors. $ pres 1 De Vallandigham has ty. 28ST, 1868. in Wotan the | {form of words 18 i The Wick oedest \Y The above the invention of that faithful delinea- tor Oliver Dyer, We appl v it to women of 1 dl chasacter, of wish to OME country, And you will perhaps think, reader, lost sister. No, Nor do the murderess, we mean at once the we speak of the thief, the professional reprobate of any class, the results | of i WOrk, no If we take into account cour ein, we shall speak who knows no x hut of of of and a life of fashion, spendthriftness, and ashand con tantly foi life, from i : of Wiioz2e In Hi i (FONYy the wavs and receives no means who sympathy his profligate wife. The bodintent of vanity and usefulness, the life, this the kedest woman in the country, the Saratoga star, the em- wl} helle, woman that has no is wie li A Ap -— RAMA INT wo ACTS. \ propos of th dullness of business, ceneral hard times, which real theme of the season a little drama in two ets, mmer and his e mployer.’ hes tnenation oi trade has been =C- verely felt by our business men, and ) of our fel- \ tie , Comes The HRIVer=a it even that enterprising class “drummers, nen, despite their al : di inexhaustible imvention low creatures known as traveline sales and re- : have been obliged ocensional- to the pressure of the who has I'¢- na trip for did not show ord I'= {o ha ls Po 3 { me 06 LLHOSG gentienien, i » returned fro SRE Co., i very ane © § TL sal thers & ( exhibit of ral expense account allowed by the Mr. (., after looking Over his return said : “Ar. Bland, I am afraid you do not ! 1 Yoav ’ ach tHe aediers in the . . Y rm, nna rig ht way 3 in thi Ms. ] ind shi to Very successful IDDO=RC Me Lo hoe § [1linois, i. 33 >. mao )W ’y seeing teasure at him.) | :y ‘ } with Overcharge { 33 ena ursed House, ana have 2 lot of sample < whic uld like to show you ; think we cai | vou ial advantages,” dec. | \nd Bland delivered himself of a neat speech in professional sty le. “Very well, very well,” smd G., ' you understand the A 1 LDOroken 1 £3. (iid ih ag “} 1 tut that whl i } OL BK nt NOt HSTOMEeTS, id 13) and, | the ! 3 Pie ¥, (x; =u ] am afraid vou de tand 1 nngers # Now of westorn me rohan voll | alii We 2+ NOW, supe. o places with me, I hearsal.” id Gr, and picking s hat be stepped out. we we found Bland, with lis hat cocked fie reely i 0, his heels planted on (.'s | polished desk, and a lighted segar be- tween his teeth. (x. looked a little s geet ed, evertheless, he commence d : Is Mr. Bigher in?” “Yes he 18," resp mded Bland, hlow- a cloud of pure in “Who in h—1 are you? the house of — Bro- the astoni about a | SLERL6 exchang il : rene tives i if p 3 i... *? ox A Crtalnly, Sa over i but |! Connecticut t. 3 OVOS, represent hed em- mar f | quart of | said hing 2A), 1 over, couy “The blazes you do! Arey that concern ?”’ “No, sir, I am not,” said Gr. “Well it’s d-==m lucky for ‘ou one you that two months, and of + Out Af I econld cot | the blasted fools that | here at this time, I'm I wouldn't boot him clean hold of one send em darned 1f “That’ll do, that'll do, Mr. Bland,” “] have no doubt you did the | 1 best you could for the interest of the Trade is a little dull. @ de . Soft soap should he kept in a dry place in the cellar, and should not be used till three months old. The cheapest food, as well as the most invigorating, for family consump- | tion, is pork and beans. house, > A cord of highly concentrated ma- nure will fertilize an acre of ground, if’ | evenly spread over it. ; | rg ['o select nutmegs. prick them with | | [f they are good, the oil will | mstantly rend around the puncture. | A ten-acre field of wheat, near Platte | Mo., recently harvested, yielded | and 22 pounds of wheat When cows are .sick with the milk fever, give them laudanum freely, an or more, according to circums- DEES, It is ascertained, by weighing hay ruary, that the shrinkage amougts to about 28 per cent. Decivepry Rrien—Two Quakers in Vermont had a dispute ; they wished ciples § they grasped each other; one thre aw and sat on the back of the other and squeezing his head in the mud “on thy belly shalt thou erawl thy life!” The other soon ghined the victory, and when he had attained the same position, said, “It is written the seed of woman shall bruise the serpent’s head!’ er The Grant Cotton Spaculation, { From the New York World. ] So fur as we have observed or are aware, no Republican paper has offered any explanation which clears General Cirant Oy in the cotton specu- R. Grant, his father. The latter entered into an engagement Cincinnati lations o Jesse n firma by which he | cotton speculation within his This influence was reck- one | satfizient to entitle Crrant the profits, although he supplied no capital and incurred no That he performed his part of contract is sworn to by himself. The permit which he engaged to pro- miltary lines, Jesse to one-fourth of risk. ne- tually for transportation which he promised procured, and also the facilities to obtain at the same headquarters, Cotton was actually bought, shipped and =old. On the face of the transae- tion, ag stated and sworn to by Grant it looks as if General Grant connived at and abetted the s specula- It other the father, tion. does not seem easy to give any reason why Jesse Grant's services should be deemed valuable, or why he should have claimed a leyge | share of the profits for havir 2 r2dered them. His own account of the specn- lation may be seen in the subjoined netition, which he vast Mack Brothers; his part- We find it and the: other docu- nents the Cincinnati vhich has had them copied i HY commenced his suit az in Enquirer, {from the records of the Superior Court of Cin- cinnaii : THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO : Jesse R. Crant VE, } Pelition, nd Sinon Mack, partiers Macks Brothers. } Fhe plaintiff states tliat on or about us of in the Mui cotton, S. Grant, the conditions of said agree- Defendants were to farnisn all the money tht ich be requived mn the nue seven per annum for the monay 8) cn- rily used. Plaintiff on his part, was the defendants, to the head- quarters of General Grant, and pro- a permit for them to. purchase and such facilties as ‘might be consistent the The defendents other torosts of the to have with usazres and’ In were immediately to New York andsold, of aules, after de- necessary expenses of buying freight and selling, except the wages of the were to be divided among fourths to the plaintiff, the plaintiff'in Plaintiff says that said agreement was at once arried out upon his | part, and also was by the defendants, far as the purchase of cotton, its transportation to New York and sale were concerned, but defendants have broken said agreement in this, that | they have utterly failed and refused to render to plaintiff any account of said transactions, or to pay over to him any | portion of his share of the profits ari- sO {rom the same although said ae- oD counts and payment have bem re- paatedly demanded by the plaintiff. Plaintiff says that under said contract a large amount of cotton wos pur- chased, as many as *.iree hundred bales or an average cost, of from £40y {o fifty-four cents per pound, was soldin New York at MOLe at and which rt ——— ar sn aa SI cp wns VOL: 1i——NO. 20, 240,000 or over. The exact maniber of bales purchased, the precise of such purchase, and the exact amount of expenses und of proeceds of sale; he is unable to state, fthe account of the same being in the possession of the de- fendants, who refuse to furnish = statement of it. But the amount pur chased, and the net profits realized, are not less than as above stated, while the same may and probably will exeeed the mounts before stated. Plaintiff asks that an account msy ‘be taken between himself and the de- | fendants, and that the defendants may be ordered to pay overto him such an ‘amount as may be found due to him from them, under the agreement | hereinbefore set forth, snd that all such | other orders may be equitably entitled to in the premises, (Signed) MH. Byxow; Attorney for Plaintiff, The State of Ohio Hamilton county, s8.,: Jesse R, Grant, the Plaintiff, makes oath that he believes the statement of Jesse R. Grasr. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of December, A. I. 1863. Wy. E.Jonsss. Notary Publie, Hamilton county, O. [Notaral seal.] Jesse R. Grant vs. Harman Mack, Henry Mack and Simon Mack, part- ners as Mack Brothers. Action for partvership account and for speeific and gencral relief. Issue Snmmons. H. Snow, Attorney for plaintiff, To the Clerk of the snperior Cowrt; Cincinnat’. Toaorscd: 17 DRT: Re Codrt, €in- * No, emati,—Jess: 0. Grant ve: Haron Mack ad Petition filed Jan- nary 2, 1864, Charles E. Cist, Clerk, by E. Hofman, Deputy. H= Snow, ‘Atterne plain SUPERIOR COURT OF CINCINNATI. Harman Mack et al. vs. Jesse R. Grant. {No. 17,587.] And the said defonlouts came ard? demur to the petition of the said plain-- tiff, and for cause of demurrer say: First; The said petition does. not stan facts’ sufficient Yo constitute a cans of action. Second. The petition dons not state’ any legal valid ‘consideration for the alleged undertaking: aud obligation of the defendéints, Third.. The contract on which the’ suit iebrought is contrary to public policy. The defendants therefors ask judg: ment, #rd that they may bg dis with their costs, : CaLpwenL & TiEDEN, Attorney for defendants: Indorsed—No. 17,587. Superior Court, Cincinnati. Harman Mack et al. v=. Jesse R. Grant, Demurrer of defendants, f]. or Is. CaLpweLL & TILDEN: . « » oN I ADEs LOOK HERE' FAIRER & CO, Bellefonte, Is the: place to buy your. Silks, Mohairs,. Mozaimbiques, Bop Alpacas, Delaing Lans, Brilliants slins, li Tick- ings, Flanels, Opera Flanels, Ladies Coat- lag Gents’ Cloths, Ladies Sacques, White: Pekay, Linen Table Cloths, Coun Crib Counterpanes, White and Pred To rliony Napkins, Insertings and ingm, White Lace Curtius; Zephyr & Zephyr Pat terns, Tidy Cotton, Shawls, Work ota, SUNDOWNS; Notions. of every kind, White Goods of every desc ription; Perfumery, Ribbons— Velvet, Taffeta and Bonnet, Cords and Braid, Veils, Buttons, Trimmings, Ladies" and Misses Skirts, HOOP SKIRTS; Thread Hosiery, Fans, Beads; Sewing Silks, LADLES AND MISSES SHOKg and in fact every thing that ean be thought of, desired or used in the FANCY GOODS OR NOTION EINE. which he has concluded to sell at figures as low if not lower than Philadelphia and New York retail prices. Also the only agent in Bollefonte, for the, sale of the DOESSA PATENT COLL2 SING SKIRT: Its peculiarity is ib: to any shape OF za tho “w 30 18 to Pt ootly Bie lb indie, 3.0 W., Al kd 5s Lrored fae nny Jovire, i 6). 3 R& Sunes 68,1, 1 No, L. Bush's £ ronde, oii JosTR AY 4 Lamy to the premises of fhe 7 ber, inGrogz township, on tLeo"ih day #4 Jue last, a dun ware, To Lee Tire ok "5 old. OWner I Temicctnd to come fop wats 4, ye ne EV, pay sharper ang vice her nay, Sihierwise sie wikl be disposed of according to law, F. bp 10h uh: serie rave
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers