CENTRE. HALL REPORTER. — 1 Centre Hall, Pa, Aug. 21st, 1868, National Democratic Platform. AA BC BS A Wl 3 Se we han Ow wre usur- af | That our soldiers and sailors, whe earried | © ht Immediate restoration of all the | | Sates fo thin fights in the Union under | the Constitelion, and of civil government + “to the Ametican peaple. End, Amwesly forallipust political offens | ses msl the regulation of the elective fran- elk 6 in the states hy their eitizens, a Aa Payment of thie public debt of the | 4a 1 nied States as rapidly as practicable; all | meneyvs drawn from thé people by taxation, exept so mueh as isreqiisite for the neces- | ils ofthe wov@rnment; cconomieally ad- aninisterad, being honestly appliedito such payment; and whero the obligations of the | goverhtnt do" not éxpresily state upon | “their face, or the law under whieh they wero issued does not provide that they shall The paid in coin, they ought in right and in justice, be paid in the lawl snepgy of the United States. 4th. Equal taxation of every species of property according to its real value, inclu- ding the government bounds, and other pub- | lic securities, Sth. One currency for the government and the people, the laborer andthe oflice- holder, the pensioner and the
  • decla rod record is Dickir son whiskey Anna that (nant’s record in gen Auna,” what a You shuldn't blow on the “great captain Perhaps, though, | this is one of the ways Grant has of “spreading civilization” beyond the ai Californa. ©, sl Sip mrs That was a triumphs nt appeal of an [rishman who was a lover of antiguity, the you find architecture - over new, any modern . ar cent? FALUABEE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE! The undersigned offers his Farm, Fort to -L ewishiir g farm contains ACRES, leading from Old Private Sule. The tf 3006 or te suit tract on the whole, The south-side%f the turnpike, acres, all of which is clear of cul Itivation, will be sold as nu h follows: te Ih : the arly sep nr tracts, upon which are two dwelling houses, smoke-h wood=hpuse; a’ good stable, wagon-shed, hog-pen &a, 1 ose, frat . 11 of never alary and a variety of ehoice A good we failing water near the deor, and house, OF TIMBELAXND wooded, wit} 1 good young Tin nber, in- chided inlast mentioned pareel of land. This land is all under he hig) host state of vation, and under good fences, 00 ACRES 3 For terms WM. STUMP, Potter tp. junel@ 68, 2in, ce GREAT FALL and At The . at Centre Hall. 21 favor of the Finest and Best Sclected {Stock of DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES Just Purchused at the Late LOW PRICES, Aud now up Exhibit! fon af Volf*s. Ql Stand, ALSO, 3 CHEAT LAINE-GF FLANNELS MUSLINS, * CALICOYS AND ALSO AGEGE + ASSORT MENT OF ili bs i SYRUPS, COFFEES, Man in ligpoe stack of MAUKELKL and HEGIIN( me 5 Xr, the Lest and cheapest In the ark, WESHALL TAKE P, 24 T 104 LU ? CARE TG MAKE IT . bok fh FOR New Customers, WELL AS INVITE. QUR OLD tn wo - - | ar Novvat. The subleription price o, the REPORTER is $1, 50Per year il advinc of | which is less than that of #ny other paper of its size. We nre printing this’paper at cost, and therefore wish to remind our pat- rons that it is ‘of great importanee to us that Vaymiing be made at once. UNION HOUSE, "BAST MARKET ST. 1.1. \W ISTOW N, PA LX CHANGE fpr tors this Hotel | Favs mad® hn be. Tet of WPT The estab | lishan A nef hat refitted, and rem od de) ad; J iT vaulter be caffucted on first-class {principles The present | woprietor hag had long experience is this | "as hens and will give his parsonal strict ats | oiuhy to the comforts ofthe trave Jing pub- BRTTER THAN GOLD! OUR NEW COMPOSITION TINDESTRUCTIDLE GOLD PENS. Are recommended by Bankers, Lawyers, Professors, Teachers, Merchants, and all who have tried them, @s the best Pen manu- tagtureds Sent Postpaid to any address tor 50 conts por dozen, , Or, samples of these Pere Sample copy of an THust*sted Comic Paper, and tarke Hiustrat®d * Clrenlurs of our Books, Stationery Packages, &C, , KiV - li ing terms to agents, sent free toany ad Iress Fon recaipt af ¥? tants, Dealers supplied at lowest rates. Address, ROACH £0 HISTLUETHWAIT E, Ladianapolis, Ind. 240 Please stato ‘where you puw this adver- tisagient, Any, 41a, WHOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR 5T ORB J.B. ETTELE. (FORMERLY ‘NEpy & prrefy.) THE BAR Liquors, and the Table gotten hp in first. | GOOD STABLES are connected with the hotel, and obliging rpound to attend 0 Wil Departient. . A portion of pubic prtfonngn is so- wnd good ace ommodations HEE LUAT- anteed to all. 3 R.A MATHEWS dewistow n, P "n. —————— 3 may 180m, . { } O ENTRE HALL 4 Bishop Btreet—=two doors west of Loel's Meat Market, All Barrels, Kegs and Casks warranted to contain'the quantity represented. The proprietoref this establishment takes | [lonstire in informing the: Bublie. that he 1s constantly on hand a supply hice foreigh and domyzstio | liquors sa ‘Old Nectar, ‘Old Rye, Monongaliels, And Irish Whiskey, Cognac, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger and Common Braudies Port Maderia, Sherry aud Lishin Wines, Seotch And Holland (iin, New England Rum. JAMAICA RU vi CORDIALS aapper- mint, Anniseed and Rose The attention of practicing. phymenns is Furniture Rooms! J. 0. DEININGER, respectfully informs the witizens of Centre ’ county, that he haseonstantly on hand, and | makes ta order, all kinds of s BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, for medical purposes, Demijohns eonstandly on hand. SINKS, We have the only pure Nectar W hiskey : | in town, WASHSTANDS, | All our liquors were bought when liq were low, and we sell thea is CORNER CUPBOARDS, | TABLES, &e., &e 101% Vv All liquors are warranted togive satisfae- ion, | Confident that he gan pleas eastomers he | respectfully solicit a share of public patron- | age, kiguors will be sold hv the | of tgeree, I have a large lot o | his stock of ready-made Furniture ¥s large | BOTTLED LIQUORS | and warranted of good workmanship, asitis uart, barrel | | of the finest grades, on hand, Apl10° 68, A. BAUM, | Basement of “Ouse House,” Bishop St... Bel- lefoute, all made under his own immediate supervi- | | sion, and is offered at rates as cheap as -olse where. Thankful for past favors, he solic- | its a continuance of the same. Call and see his stock before purchasin: | ols sew here. ap21 08, 1y. E oid a Iii WHOLESALE DEALER IN ERCHAN TS HOUSE, v v tes 413 » & 415 North ord, st W 1 N I oD AN v D L 1 Q U 0 R= | PHILADELPHIA. | H. HH. MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR. I. C.Ntre, CLERK This well-know n Hotel, will be | all visiting the city, found by | ntion of the pubic to Bis wstablishment, ) of tl ) Losi Yy | where he is prepared to furnish al kinds of ole « 1e most desire- | Forei ‘gen oy Doinestie Liauors' whelesale lable, both as to re asonab lechargesand con- : 1 i 3 | at } west ¢ ash wices, while h are warrati- venience, German and E nglish i is spoken. at the lowe } aplO' 68 tf, 0. ; their respective prices. lof Rve, Monongahela, Irish and other | Whiskies, all kinds of Brandies, Holland | Gin, DPurty Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry | [and other Wines—the best urticleg—at as I peasonible rates as van be had inthe vity, | Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger | and Carmovay Beandies, Pure Jamaica nod QT ATES UNION HOTEL, x Philadelphia. ““Fhis Ne i conveniently located on the t south side Market street, a few doors | nboye 6th, [ts central loc ality makes it desirable for | all visiting the eity on business or for please | ure, A. BECK, Proprietor (formerly of the Merchants House, ) aplOiBs, tf, {ENTRE HA LL HOTEL. 7 JOHN SPANGLER, PROPRIE TOR. Kt: arrive amd depart daily, | points, north, south, east and west. This fay brits Hotel has bee n refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and is now in every respect one of the most pleasant | | country Hotels in eentral Pennsylvania. | The travelling e mmunity and drovers will | always find the best accommeodations. er- | sons from the city wishing to spend a few | woeks during the summer in the country, will find Centre Hall one of the most deau- | tiful locations, and the Centre Hull Hotel | all they eould desire for comfort and con- | | venience, aplO68, tf, | tel Keepers and others to call and examine his large supply, to jue dee for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy, | which can seldom be done when purchase. gin the git, Fide for all | _2&Physiciansare respec tfully requested | | to give his liquors a trial. aplo G8, GEE AT COMMOTION! X RIES DY I NBERG & BRAN HOTEL AARONSBURG, PA. JUIN BRUSSEL, PROPRIETOR. The old and well known Hotel, situated | in the centre of Aaronsburg, has again been | occupied by Mr. Russel, former proprietor, ho now invites his old friends and the travelling community in general to call and | see him, The house has been elegantly furnished and is kept in the best style. Dro- | vers ean Always find accommodation. aplO6atf. JIILADELPHIA AND ERLE RAILROAD, SUMMER EWME. CABLE. | THROUGH AND DIREU'N ROUTE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, HARRIS- BVRG, WILLIAMSPORT, AND THE. GREAT OIL REG OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANTSLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains, On and after Monday MAY 11th? 1868, the Train: onthe Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD, M: ail Tus ain leave s Philadelphia. .11. 15pm. Lock Haven...9. 30. mn. arr at Krie 8.50p. m. | i rie Express leaves Philadelphia 9 00 noon | "Lock Haven 10.1 p.m. arr at Erie 10.054, m, aves Philadelphia 8.00 a. m, Lock Haven 7:46 p. are at Lock Haven '7.46p. 1, kAbL obit Si ki Fyal 1 Te wires Tah Hy 4 “Lock Haven arr up P hiladelphin 5 Ju, ni, Kalo E Xpress les wes Kijs “i 0, Loe k Hawan 6 0 &. hy; prrat Philadelphia 600 p. hii KE lira Mail leaves bak Huven i... w, o “Lec Iavon 7.10 a, m, #H arr at Philadelphia 6.10p, m, Mail and Express conneet witligll trading | on Warren and Franklin Railway, Passen- zers Jeaving Philadelphin at 12,00 M, arrive at I eydiaton ad 6,140 a, wound Oi) © ity n} D.004A, m1, Leaving Philade Aplite-at 11,15 p, rive at OilOity at £36 p. ni. All trains on Warren and Franklin Rail- way nuke glose connections at Oil City with trging for Franklin and Petroleum Contre. ig gagetihiseked. through... ALBRED I, ™, ER, Gonegsl Sigarintendent. PENN HALL ACADEMY, This Institution will he opened omsMon- day, thedrd of August, by Vo HOWARD GUTELLUS, of Franklin and Marstiabk (° ‘alloge, . Every facility will be offered for acquiring a knowl: edge of the English, Mathamatical, Meien- tific and Classical branehes, normal class. will be opened for the LI) USSEL’S EIS, Bellefonte, Pa. RULE THE MARKET, {by having: the lirgost and ibous souk) ang - 1 ON selling at LOW PRICES ‘i ‘i nit nil be ; ¥ Carpets at old rates, from 50 cents to 75 10.00 nm. cents per yard, for the best. 8.50 p,m. i tf DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE i i enligoes, und wnslins in proportion, Ht 01g rates, Xj WALTHER § BNOcs, admin gooll, to we m,, ar- Lull swnmer, at $100 per pair aR wi Fine HO forthe gay - oe J Ly best, CLOTHING at the lowest rates, and sold at 1857 prices. Ss U LTS, from $12,50 to IR for the best, CALL AND SE E, and if it wint true, Sternberg w ill "treat. AS Eis ALL hid TO GIVE USA 24 WOLF, WM, i be efit of thoge pre Sparing to teach, Boarding with irnished room can he | hey only ask. people to eome and’ see, even it the yy do al Ww ishiito hy MY. "june 20°68 tf antes of) POCKET cr ERY all 44 fon! and a at IR v IN & WILSON. apl0f id : OU BLE AND SINGLE BARREL fowling pisces at ApIOO8. IR WIN & Ww ILSON, . AROSS- ( rT AND MIL JL SAWS, Dest oe ut Inwry &' WrLsox. nploos, oF Fl IN. TRIMANGS, ft Irie assori- ment at Twine WiILsoxn's. npl0res. Sawn Sal ig i Tap oy led se AND “bre LLS and DOOR. BRL 1.8. id slzos and kinds ut Irwin's WiLsox's. Plank and Scantling | Irwin & WiLsox. wd lox | PY BOARDS, for sale by 2 ON, APA | ps i NNED TOILET SETTS, Sv J 2 the Anvil Store. TEL other , Jul oA ‘4 IN & WiLsoN, I OOK NG GLASS 4s ARS of allolaedl 4 forsale hy Irwin & Winsoxy, Aploe. ge a ioe rsp A d— qr DLE SW EIN far wagons, all #4 , ... zes, at the sign of the Anvil, ube os. IRwis & WHsox, pp Ba A A A So 0 ALT '» for aul and C arringos, wll’) sizon in-use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at Bra us, Liwix & WioN's, LTORN BLANKETS AND SLEIGH ELLS, at low prices, at “up 1068 Igwix & Welsox's, NTON PATENT CHURN, the best in use at Iewin & WiILSON's, aplO'es, I ———————— A" o_o $4, 85 PER KEG-for Nails at G. FoFRANCISEUS. ap ne | I ——— A WA, - gl T " NW AR Bof whi Eiuds ratailed at w hale sale. priees.. “AH kinds Tin and F Sheet Irom work Sone at old prices. . FRA CISCUS: DARN. DOOR Hivgvs, from 12 to 26 in- | res tong, Bart fi-door Rollers, Rails! &c., «or 5850 nt gre wily reduced prices, by PF. GG. FRANCISCUS 1 ~ much lower Tale s than last seazen at 1 ap24aH, lv. F. ¥ R: ANC ISC US. - ASHN, Doors and Blinds on ‘hand at MSHER ME N will now find in my stoek all ind of Trout Flies, Rods, Bus- x tiut, , Pike Hooks, Fishing Lines, | ete. F. GFR ANCISOUS, Ca Bulpz gmt dot] I will ba pleased to sell Buckwatee™s Patent Cherry Nee deps | then fo vountiney | merchants at low prices than they are sold in Philadelphia, . = F. G. FRANCISCUS. AR ROW TER TT, all steel, Cultiva- | tor's Téeth, W ody ge and Nut, jist | received and for ale os f F. GC FRANCISCUS. ! (HA KE rn 8 and other Garden See d for! k sale in papers or by the quart or bushel.—Market Gardeners are invited to examine the varieties and prices ut i * G. FRANCIRCOUS, «1 | OUSKEKEEPING Hardward 67 all 1H klude nt reduced prices. Oil Car- | | pets, N ard wide, 50 to 55 cents per yard. | Lin Cups 75 cents pet dozen at ¥. i. FRANC ISCUN. airs of Ww id) aw Sh re nll new styles and wow designs, done up in Moon suethe duke, amd Binrarek, and | i Grold Collors; with Cords, Pankols: xe. at | { 20 per cent less tng the wsnal prices, F. G. FRASUVISEUS, 1 10,000 pieces of WwW all Paper | stock: a large portion of ay st | ted direct from Liverpool i WwW me, 8 | fered at much less than usual rates, F. Ge Franciscus, UA and e ian ine my kinds of Window S Shade s, : wll extr: is Hi hob'- +3 . new ' Wa nd is of- large tsock of all | Window Papers, Holland Tassels, Trim- | y &o, Al SON lare re stock of Ol | Carpets, from 19 inches to 8-1, of vario desizns snd most fushipnabie patterns Druggets & Table © over Lad greatly reduced | prices; at about the prices someof our deal- | Fs pay for tham in the e: Ruste nn markets, | IF, -¥ RANCISCUR, Gi REAT BARGAINS His : { i { AT C.F. Harlechetr's CENTRE HALL, PA. Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Harde | ware; Queensware, Wood and Willow ware, | Iron, Salt, Fish and j Jn fact, a magnificent | assortment of everviiidy eve in Fst Class Store, | now ready, and for’ fo af marvelous low | rates, | GOODS VERY NEAR AT THE | OLD PRICES. Muslins they will sell you the very brands at prices that will astorish yous | New spring | | 1 | } | Dress Goods i i A most beautiful variety, consis ting of all} the favelttes of the season, at lower rates |, | than ordinarily charged at other places. White Goods & Embroideries The findst stoek-intown, both as to quantity quality, and prices, HOOP SRIATS The best makes, Intest styles and Jowests rates. (Hats and Cups in great variety, ) 4 | Linen . Tawelhyg § rn Denings, cloths’ | assimers, Closings. BALMORAL SIEIRTS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we kee everything, and will sell at a very sma advance on first cost, All we ask that you will CALL AND El XAMINE OUR STOCK befora puréhasing elsewhere, ns we do not congider it any trouble to show goods. ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, silver plated and Yankee Harness; double | and single, bridles and halters,- may 1'68,1y, i Uy FR J C BNTRE HALL Manufacturing Co." AND Machine "Works, oP 9 i 2 A i Z EO." D. SIrER: di ot Jie oe CENTRE HALL CENTRE CO. PAL 2 nis W BESDEST TR) 3 4 gular THevy tT & oo Tipn riimirmes $e » page 4 alls Le oF A a: $ a ei] rao DRY. Goons Hiwing enlarged our New Fouxpry and + § Siors and: AGRICULTURAL italiny MACHINE % Stocked with wll new and latest § | Works improved Mac hinory at Centre Hall, -an- Fiiunce to thé public that they are now rendy IAs. (4% sillel Doin #0 9 receive orderd for anything in thir ine & ’ | bay Ee art wp : -l § i ot 2 we %a Fof businGss Shaftings, Pullies, Hingersy (& BRASS o% ELE Ind Hayvisadust: su fri tho wily with Fa Inrge Resrtmont of cigefally jg)eeted | Dress Goodsg Masshins, Clothing, Hats and 1 £4 yy CASTINGS of every daeseription made and fitted up for : Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groeprien, ete. | can offer inducements to. yon. which you FORGES, | may not be able to receive at other places FURNACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIER, “1 | tually benefitted. &C., &C. HF Ro. | The stock was bought at the very lowest und 1 feel confident that if you prices, | should favor me with a call, we will be mau- | ‘Root No, 8; Brocker- al Rly. We also manufacture the celebrated BY RN (SIDE & oT HOM AS: Offer.to tha Public one of the largest and Bast selected storks of nerchan- | ise, ins Ce utre county, Call, examine and | see for yourself. pi B Linge ail Best Stank of warran- ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give Lsntisfurtion, at peduced wi ce anly to be found at BU RXSIDE x THOMAS. Ap 1C ES « of all varieties, AMINE tS order Lh sud warranted to ee strictly pure. [ Tt is the only place vou ean find unadulteras ted spices. Yry them for vour bwnsatisfacs tow. You ean only find them at BU BNSIDE £ THOMAS. H* DSA WS, kmiv. es, Spoons, colon milly shovel, rindes, rakes, hoes, lnmps, forks, chains. Se. BU RNSIDE "t THOMAS. This Reupet has advantages over all other ORSE COLLARS. if vou dop' t want 1 H vour horse’ shou galled and mde sprey get good, befstonl laps at Bl RXSIDE & THOMAS’. mo ng KEYSTONE HARVESTER, nov stands unrivalled. One advan tage we elaim for it, is the lever power, by 1, . HH RN SS, coils, eart whips, earriage 2 Ahi, 4 & tL, *aticties, garghns ment gars, wridles, marti ZA Le cheek lines, — ak: tug harfiess, buggy i harness, hames, ete. Everything in the sad- dlery line, at« RUEBNSIDE & THOMAS. i A A 55 which we gain one hundred per cent over other machines, Another advantages the where: TTT TITTY isi ING TAC Kl, ES rods lines, hooks; flies, sea Linir baskets, ete’: Rig you out to catch tront at | Bt: RNSIDE & THOMAS JINE GROC TES. . 3 . . of the Rice ila cominglo as pot of lodg- 5 of he machine in an instant, without stopping * ERTES, mocha coffes. old gov. java, best quality Rio coffee, best onlong blwek teas, grinii tens, Io“ e ing syrup, goiden syrup, Drips fine article bak- ing wolasses, ricer and, exerything in the ¥t is donstructed of first grocery line at the lowest SOM. {3 es in the f his ket BURXSIDE & THOM is the pla oe ] JF 14 as on the inside. ; and built by class material We » [s known te wll ingBellefénte and through the county 4 you want a fo to & THOM AR first elnss ma- warrant it second to none. All kinds of Horsepow ers and Threshing Ma~¥Xines, Hay ar'd latest im- ® Grain Rakes, All kinds of Repairing done. Dif kinds of PLOW AXD YW od. | ferant The Celebrated IHeckendorn Eceriomica | B given entire satida®étion. — We employ the best Plitternnmdkers, our povs | pasterns are all new and of the most inprov- i ¥ { 1 : Svea, ke, I 2 def shin spanish sole leather. mo- | fhetion, atc "BURNSIDE & T™ sr RNID ET HOM AB 1 0) spots rinZ Fvervthife paddler carriages, willow a Sa Pas EW PATY BRXNS of oil Cloths, at re. re. : : NOTIONS of al kinds, Stoffifg J Wo hope by strict attention” to! busi- | ®. RAND { gond article i BURNSIDE EATHER of all riptions, french tugeo’s, sheep skins, linings. (Byarsthing : in the Fokthe or dine warranted Jute | HOM. QUOEMAKERS TOOLS pl findings | N in wl their xarieties, a And J hed {ADDLERS BE CKLES, 5° hooks the r > Paw ants for the Ai of hamess to Hd PLOW.CASTING: found at BURNSIDE iw THOMAS. ASK ETS in all their vafidtics, Childress | fols, powder, shot, caps. BU RNNTOE & CTI OMAS" af all Mindae: ok : BU RXSTDE A THOMAS dueed prices, at” © : B “RNSIDE Rio p Hanrtkerthiefs, thy sotcb in all their variot rh est to receive a share of prh¥s patronage. TINWARE } The Compa ww annonnce to the citizens of - Fe ty, NED ar ITs, peaches, tomatoes,” pire " les, and peas in t varies at § TRNSIDE «Th OMAS, ABITS SO AP, Wm Hagan and Kes, ons, olive a Dobbin’ soap Jesca Dakle y's soaps, oldeastilé, pure, Palm¥ea) | | Blderling's youp, and a great amy ol’ other SOU ps, at ie Ho ¥ of BURNSIDE «THOMAS, ¢ rnith upon short no ¢ low i ret trate, , PaRshart notice, amis low PW HIT E FISH. ‘Herring: Mackera l, &c., ay of LaplT68 BURNSIDE S THOMAS : i Bed So = 230 - GOOD NT: 1H FOR THEPEOPLE. Great Attractids and Geéat Bargains! TP E undersignid, detérmind to nieet the popular deniand Jordana dr rices, res, [onsiti v 8 the attention of Sh e : Fiivle : | to 1s stock o + » d Snoutine FE in SADDLERY, an Po uli ne * now offgred at the old stand.’ ned nr i | pecial.g ior (the old spd, Shisi the lara _ They have'| gest and most varfed and complete. aAssort- 4 ment. of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles; Ww hij ., of every. déseription and quality; afl in"fadt everything coipletd t6°a 3 far class establishment, hé mow offers'at ‘phicss {linger finer which will suit.the times. A better yariety, a better style of Saddlery has never before been of." faved to the public: Caltand ‘exaniine our, stock and” be satisfied before’ purchasing” | elsewhere, 1a oi y Determine 0 pleate my tion and thankful for the eral share ™ atronaye heretofore enjoyed: 1 respectfully solicie's” continuan®y of thie hs oh pa vit. AC N apl0'08 1y. 2 i i iP line TIN: AND- SHEETIRON WARE. as elsewhere, every article in the Stove-Pi pe All kipds gf repairing done. dmlways an hand. » BUCKETS, CUPS; DIPPERS, DISHES, &O. All orders by mail promptly attetrded 10 - CENTRE HALL M¥G com P’ pl 68 LE, Centre Hal¥