N TY GL SN ig EE ATE Re ME N'Y HARDWARE STORK! J. & J. HARRIS. NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. A new and complete Hardware Store has been vpened by the undersigned in Brock- erhof"s new building— where they are pre- pred to sellall kinds of Building and House rnishing Hardware, Iran; Steel, Nails. Buggy wheels Champion Clothes Wringer, Mill rk Templo aad Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Crean * Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a full J | maggruiagie of Glass and Mirror Plate of al : Frames, Wheelbarrows, 1 BA AA HS HIS AHH TS RKEY PRUINS, raisens, peaches apples, oranges, lemons, all kinds of foreign fruits, Hams, bacon &c., at BURNSIDE « THOMAS’, 750 MILES OF THE Union Pacific ' A Ae Are flow fin] ish 7 & svesdl Rye, 1 or new. Corn RG ARO a WON 1% The Rabe vsburg “Sabbath Se ol} had s pleasant pie-nic nest thdt vil- { lage, ont last Saturday. A fa Af ctlnad pan st % A datriA bay mare was stole, } from || the stable of D. P. Beitler, in Mount. joy tp, Adams co., on the night of ¢ th mst. $230 eward are offered by t home-thief dew. ‘ting Co. of York. Haupt, agent, Be lefovte. ee Seana. See advertisement, ‘or standard and Oficial lives of Seymour. * and Blair. tli iin — Nir K has our thanks yr the names of ew Weharwibere sent us, sete Sn " ) A eomidy far Gn Sd oll ier Cor ora. —n Nat ay a This world fond tee Wade for the ull Coru-stalk, jeoasarius 13 feet 10. ch- | til cure gf; es waa fot: sn the farm of Eman ol | Twitmyre, ‘Wer Zion, and has tw, D§s Spepsie; TT lange } Ars Eoin u pon it—the first | Indigestion, Sick Headache, Soutness,. or | White beans bd ke pe ‘nd the socond 12 in| A idaty of Stomach, Ising of. Kou, nll, 18; Ww prouud to fist ear F stulency, Lasitide Mish, tied . Apples Ib, io or 6 fect. This bjousness, Liver Complaint, Side & stouider 15. finally teri] iting N Death; . but was cull Bia "2 ewaed Demo. | {8 urged np m the attention and tril of Jr ¥ihite. w wheat $2.15, red 2,05, cratic son. his Wy a aie indication sufferers from this most Wotrgihle of all 140, 0. diseases, Dyvape sin shows its A TE Pe 4 {Glovumted 100.0: ! What bath ther a Fon WHA vote for | thousand differen. formes, in fog all dis- | AF nk 05. en pound 2), "Reym AE MY ih "ihe “Oiliding elec. | orders of the Stomach and Bowels, with all 18. Par por on tho 8 their complaints, suc.’ as Nick Henge tha, Ti acon ami, | tion. a f dny'$ GO MARKT, - 86, Nout 1,76. Corn NOM No: at, No lat $1,908 | CENTRE “HALL REPORTER. | a a] gE Centos Halls Pa, Aug. 21%, 1868 Hew (Tis. SAA Swe Wrw Exeing a My a) ‘warrgm tod, for sale ir Ofce Inow City CoLiLitk.—A ‘Ss wy iar: p to this institution for sale at this office, snd to} To had at's gin. : BrANKs.~ [k Saimksdns and No 20140, 62068, No Sat Bios, Rye 1,04, No 2at 1 201.0% Arley No 2 atl, 60 alydd. ‘18, Onttle dull Hogs $7 fipe+ : stouky it Ng «nd hi 15u0,% for mes Hom tochojee, aL: av. NEW YORK MARKET. A, What quiet, No 24prin 1 $0al, 85, Oats 83 01d, on 11 'Bgg~ 20a32, vold 1,45. "PHILADELPHIA MARKET, Ciba sugar 113, Rio coffee 93. gold, Wheat, Penn's, Indinna red at 2,36 for gir up to 260 for prime. Rye 1,00a1,66. ellow corn 1,28a1 50. Oats, western, 70, 4 #5, 0 Cloverseen $8a9, Timothy $3a Flaxseed 2,6642,70, » LE WISBURG MARKET. {ah JF heat $210....... Corn, new' 100 Rye 88h, TO. wT hmuthyse ed, Flazseed 2.00. .. WCloversed, Butter 20... Lia 00 l Coe's | Ques; a CNTY Coe’s D id Clre. N¥4 at hal. AN BL & FYOBRPSIA CURE. Gos BYSPRPSIA CURE, GPRS YSREPSIA CURE. Coes. Mepepsia. Cure, Coe'¢ Dyspepsia Cure. Coc's Dyspepsia Cure, Cons. Dyspepsia. (lure! Cogs Dyspepsia. Cure. Cho's Dyspepat¥ Cre Kins Y. Came to the premices of the subscriber, in Miles township, on the 18th of July, lust, three red heiffers, one red steer, one spotted steer, ove ) lack steer with bell on, two each havin slit in the ear. The owneror owners of t a above cattle are Fequasted. lecome forward, prove property, pay the neil ame away, otherw ’ p ey of ac cording, to law, Ju ed " ance, these cattle are from t70 to t years old.’ DAVID 7: Woy iit Miles Tp,, ok, an n operation. Al- though Shin rong ig quilt wigh great rapidity the worl is thoroughly done, pod, is pro- nounted by the United States ( Jommiysion- ers to bre Phst-class i in, every, resiest before i it is gd ¥ipted, oy before 7) bonds can be fs sued Mpen i vi L Ruy. a anil. telioned of ¢ onsfrive tion have Jpg y fh tanec by a comy fete division of, Inbory wild hy distributing the twenty thousa Re MH eit iloy od afore’ the lipe fpr dong dings at one” Tis now probable that thy "the Pac yt fot Brac ors re sofke ited *Vendu Notes tes for le at t this ‘offibe. af loos! imterdst fog, pu b- Tm as the facts only, ne we wn get them in skape for publicd! of tly. sof Apne Our readers would oh , “yy PY Witnailyrnesi ACP Ren RTER to Lheir relatives adda ACQUAIDTANCY oyteide 1° } finger county, especially to such as former ty lived in Pennsvalley. It weld be the | most welcome Matter vo could mail to | puch and would be the meésne of inducing ay to Recome subscribers, ny person bonding new subscribers, and $12 will be entitled tothe Reraartsy e year roe, fix e getter up | a : FPORTER UO tee. This offer’ gond from this date ~~the names can be seat iu as they sub- "acribe. py lp pn 7 To Business Wed, We invite ‘business Tn en wishing to | a 7 and a itiyaior els, Spades Serews, Sash uh Sp LSI Hod ‘lows, Screw | ; factory Jelly Gon ‘ter he. Fruit Juan VarnisNe junes'H8 1y, lk Fh OoNSBEAT Tove, AND THY H Api . Aug 7.8 MILROY ‘Whole Ling - sz, Jib Conip! Cte in] 1, Thal gmpiny, hive ample means of whi h the Governme ‘nt grants the right of way, and ull necgaaary ¢ tin ber ad other materi- als found alone the IA of its 0 eration sal so 12,800 acres of TPE #0 nile talk en in alternate sections on eac h side unl; ifs. by : 9 RU q. AND HARDWARE STORE, also UU nited States Thirty - yeh ir Ford, ato LPM have juse received n very large ounting to from $10, 000 to $148,000 Jerr mile, } AshOrtme nt of fonds, which will be sold at | according to diffe oltics to be surmo tinted | the lowest cush Rice, at. J: M'M ANIG AL'S : on the various se etions to be built, for whic h ! ¢ will be + Ex irs 18... Potatoes i. 50. fo Photons Pork 8@9 18 Nar OF TRUE MARRIAGR say fort Men, on the Errors, Abuses and iho XTich destroy the Munly in and create inpediments tq wee pure pictus of relief. Sent ed mailer rh} volopes free of charge Addy ress, Dr. J. Skitlin Hou ghiton, Howe Pork Butter 30, 3. Uni Heartharn, Depression general senrg of «Panel $40 por Maicicoe [uneasiness and teeling th, t you are not vel). hy M4 por MM, ..onnueee Sam es Whscription list of the Rerorrer, and | satisfy themselves that it preients a | Jrvisuble, of advertising medium, apn) iv Tor th is tide, the county. This has been the experience | ¥f alls fat, ‘the REFORTER. We venture to say, that since we commenced the publica- 'tion of this paper, the rapid increase of eur list, unsolicited, is without prece- Wo hay r. Emanuel Brown shot a wiginb at Sinking creek, wire yi t hight of solile “th. fect. Th Hird tips of its wings, and 5 feet from the end of its bill. to the tip of the toes. wing, and passing through lic Be k, |e broke the wing of the bird on the op- |< sito side from there jt first entered. Fopd distresses you, rises ad sours on yout storoach ; breath is bad ; skin, ttimes flush} Canstipation, are nothing more or less than | upon th wisands | pufice . die this way and peither *hem- selves or, physicians know what ails tem e that they aresurely dyin , Kopfex, we repeatt it, this is aifinyepep- Tom would save vourselves and en ot an early grave, if vou would have he and energy and steeagth, again we big you try one bottle of tens shiiiglo No 1 $7 aN 0 3 $7.60 Commuti: .....de. "1,90. ams 19 .. es 16. $14, ih M Bi stuff 18@2 per M. | Hemloe kK fiji» stuff, 4G 18per M.. So done 24 4.60... Meh, shingleNo 1 $4... gt a ir {HAVEN MARKETS, | whit Hert 210 orn 13... Ree “ 8,6... WE icy ¥ Need 3,00... 2s, ittakes a second mortgage as security, and itis expected that not only the interest, Tut the principal amount may be puid in seryi- ting troops, mails, &c., THE EARNINGS OF THE UNTON J oenl Business only, during the. year end- in - Fan 30th, 1868, amounted 10 over AS, Four Million Dollafs wl ic hb, after paying all expenses was muc cH mo; than suflicient to pay the inte rest on RU GN AND MEDIC INES all war- ranted pure. Physicians perserip- | tions filled at all hours. Pure Wines and | Liquors for Medicinal purposes only, A large assortment of Pate nt Medicines at MN RIGAL'S. OUNE FU RN Sey IAD. WARE, Pepaon § ng will 4d » ivi to yive him a m purch- | here. Byrn’ ani en from go= all sizes, at w WANIGALS. ard Association, ade! !phia, Pa. june HUE 1y, N RILLIBISH 9 i a s —— Wholesale and retail desler ia Stoves & Tinware; Bat Fn We ertihty. ff his fact 1s subtibtiate by two eye- Ww 1tnesses. a Grand Jurors, August Tern Philipsburg—1 Hancock, A Watson, Potter—J H Wagner, J shirk, J M'Clin- MILROY | oA RKETS. White Wheat $2 0 HS) e 1.8 J . aster : lour (hams RRs 20... Hams Oh, ; Apples dried 124. | adel ot ho 3 fiche long” Barn door rollers, id wih its B. ads, These earnings are no indie ation 5 PER KEG on N Vii: : AL'S . £ = . of the ast through traffic that mist follow | I'MAN PARE sie, BerfsMats, Bi. the op. ving of the line to the Pacific, but 4 20) P12 y ow : d Lp rmd oy bated cnt 73 a . they & tainly prove that pu ? rd SRF i Wop, and AH Had oe y a partial TT of Cook Stoves; Nella fFombes Cala tures | F.rst Mortgage Bonds Waver A 8, i. upon sueh & property y costing nearly three Sh val Cook, times their unount, Prince yal, ‘ Cah 8 1) *® Nw SSB SPEPSIA CURR The attention of our readers is directed to the advertisement of Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure, in another part of this paper. This truly Valuable Medicine is recom- ‘tended by all who use it. : Pa ,—-h Ve last week advertised for an ap- | Wh and we already have ten ap- Sena The value of the Reporter alt per sack 3,00, tter 29... Shoulders 1h. otatoes 1.80... You will stn hole soon it will dispel your bad feelings And glthmy forebodings. How | B soon it will thus, away any speciesof Dys- tick, W Thompson. spring—J Rosky, « | { pepsin. How » it will give you new life Lyon. Harris—s H Brown, J Price, JHiand v igor, Rte soon it wil make » Musser. Marion—J strunk. T avior—J | well man or ‘woffian of you. For vour { snvder. Rush—J A Lukens Milesburg | | own sake, for thas ke of very body suffering | —J Rodgers, D Boile: au. Walker—J Hut- we beg we entrees you to try it. ton. Belle pfente—3¥ n Potts r, F ulin { wk medi s Ferguson—H Camphe nionville—Jno | vein . CWA Rah advortisng unt is attaked | Ror Raine Dutweiler. Gregg— | For Liver ( omp.atht, and "by other ices men i ° we | Jno Miller, J Goodheart. Derangements, using our columns. Our Sieg Petit Jurors, 1st week. . . $x large and still on the incrmase, anc Fottor- "PARR hes, {Sha Ls. $ton PT The price 102, and at the present rate of | 9% >». & En Had 4s ge orning Glory, gold, they pay liberal income on their cost. al Hn ote ah 'S. Th i A veryjimp: rtant consideration in deter< | © : : . mining the v: tue of these bonds is the length | r Tiki pcan EATLot Porke en an e of time they ave to run, spogns, Ln this line we defy competition, It is well k aown that a long bond alw avt | | ogee oh ten trays, 8. commands x much higher price than a short | M Sh é A128: . Attention Aled % i one. Itis safe to assume that during the | F RU N 4 Ai are { _ | Plate, a fon is ca eto bin sto of : h ! KS, and Trav Feilin; 5. . ze ich he Far rae vs next thirty years, the rate of interest in the | sortmentat MM’ ni as | ed, Site 40x20, It be ete United States will decline as it has done in | | old a rrished cherport thas Europa, and we have a right to expeet that | EST RE D SOL, E LE ATHER at 30cte, ny oth or wy hineat in town. such six per cent. securities as these will be | Unig skit, Lining skin, Top ings | io ys held at as high a premium as those of this | M ET 'S. oe 45 a ls: Government, which, in 1857, were bought | | faction gua Fe ) 4 Ww w pi y rl in at from 20 to 23 per cent. above par. The N LV Ki PLATES WARE of every export demand alone may produce this re- | » quality, al i mM ANloaLs | sult, and as the issue of a private corporation 73 re ¢ Ahh BS i they are beyond the reach of politienl iittion’ | f ret y Fergiit Frc pod Charset Ee tiie ¥ finsel AE 12h. ut wih oe iid ANIGAL'S j= 37 The Company believe that thet Binds nt the present rute, are the cheats sec ity in the market, and the right te #% ancé the price at any tlme is reserved. Bubehriptiol received in in he Uhited States. FIFTEEN réoU SAND STUDENTS CURE SARRIAGES, 86,00 and | Of fei nid abd Efibap RosHE it redetied ) _ up at M'MANIGAL'S. | from York a [Fram Ree. I.. F. Ward, Avon, Lorain | opened at the store ilroy, nearly op YY. Hotel, consisting ora Hiendid assortment of Dress and faney goods, such as Subscriptions will bereceivedin CENTRE HALL BY ree States in Ten “ears, oor, AND Ww Ww WARET: ‘hurns, BO Grain Tubs —— and Snethes n ei | From Thirty ¢ MM ANidALs zr Ngka Eis Ag vy - * No 59 elt et ¥ war Pt FI R CU TLERY, including ated forks, spoons, &e.. at wil IRWING W 1LSON. Tb fs UFEALQ ACA LES, of the best make, Jeri 4 1bs up to 120,000 Ibs. Inwix & WiLsox. EE ————— pi COOK STOVES, Parlor Stoves, and four sizes of Gas- | Bury & constantly on hand and for sale at TRwix a Witaox's A. Anda asmoralyariekpiof. of shot fatohan: dize, nsnally kept dn sauntrn stores, all af which they mow offer at the dowest p Farmers and others from Centre ceunt will do well .ta.give them a call: and exam- ine their stosk before purchasing elee- where. p. sid Enis & COE ¥ Yonge We shall af all times be. pledsed 4 show cus fomers our goods, and w make it an object to soil godt Jaw REX Graff & Thompson IN MITROY. shi. Wholesale and Retail WI 23:4 whl Bret Ee es 0 “A | Tibie andopsi ned, Ww Of 1 ee spectfullx 2- i BO T AND SHOE neunce to hig. ged won t p offs ao 1 EMBER THE F community in general, that s fully re pared to furnis Coffins, at the shortest no- tice, and at reduced prices. !. H R SMITH, Ap24 68, 6m. Church ville LACE IN migat,be fictitious ;ibut I lam now se well convinced, that-I hate been not merely relieved, but ermanently cured; thatl gan conscientiaugly recommend Coe's: A yapdp- sin Cure to all yigtins ay. ATR N. i AC Late Pastor of the BSA St. ha E. Chureh ’ aces ie righ of thin skirts u the 3t Plnces ie instead,» > hips; it or 4 bh fo I ma. Ross, 4d B Mitchell. Pe nn—Henry nas | That its wonderful medicinal virtyes may ae in rn esis. Wolf and Luckenbach have di Walker—M Mitchell, A Vouada, J swartz, | "0% ffand:alone, upon our statement, we | mended by physicians. ‘solved partnership. See card. J struble. H Brown, G W swartz. Harris |: adi few warolicited testimonials from |, Then \niversal and, unparalleled success J Baker, Jon Kramer. Taylor—W Mer | those whose jo! hon Ip, aguighy pad repata- | which as attended the introduction. of the Ki Keen offers his valuable firm | [p00 Marion—H Conser. A | Hon as citizggne will pipce, Deir, yi nge thay many thousands of dozens t private sale. Also Huhber xhd | Harter. Gregg—s G Herring, G Krape. | beyond, vikeation, aad, SHEN 5 With [9 [Sold Ox: Ae PRR evidence that \ontlsed See His hve chient. | spring—J Ross, A stewart, A stine. Lib- | ra } and conviction tothe Most incred- | Wo Nery aro. oc For sale at M b a a 3 Gurdon. Mies ” Rous, Ps 8 Mr. Lester Sexton, a | Yon't's pa d | Stand. — urry's buggies go as fast as | Bierly. Philipcburg—A Jackson Kep- of 30 years, in Milwank Lone of the most | ‘puts them up. Reason rood work. Elser Rent RR he © Rh | reliable and careful hen the state SEL Joa Gy 7/4 Owens. Snow stioe+S H Brod %, 3 4 way - - . |. filwauhon. Wis. Ins. a. 1568. Gb Daovle W B savage, M Murphy. Hoon { . ; Pa Fob Bl 1 ‘Vo Milray should J \ Devitt. Ww orth—1 Hill." Haines— | Hearts CG. ( lark & Co., New Haven, | Cos. of Pou Sh =~ Clair Streets, keep thelr ‘eves on the ‘eard of the | F Kurtz ‘Both myself and wife. have used Cas | . TR Union House, kept by 8. 8. Stover, a Second Week. Des eusin: Cure.' and it it has proved RER. PITTSE 'RGH, PA. Uentre county man. The Court for 2nd week having been | F e FCT, ¥ Satisfaction prety iv Wh Targest, ‘Didnane and most Success 1 : 3 : called, the following Jurors need p jr stele ¢ th Rye 1% ful \J. Reiber offers his honse and lot ey ng La GREAT BENEFLT from its use R or sale. Sec card. hot appose we ory Jespeetially. SATIN BY sO QO Qn r i» i i) 4 inlinm— pa Ime a A Hintod i Ma SG ran) 3 | dR OSLATON. PRACTICA USINESS COL. For the Reporter. dle, H Xe i. i TUE 3! ph Cd Ee } E y auve : In your paper of last week, I io- X Mitchell, B We Natit: Pee Wh o¥EE Stating the Ten Ars i ih A Deckef at es— @Sti-stalk. 1 had the pleasure of go- |} Lo Sh, het be J far. | | 5 ing with Nathaniel Boop to measure a Hd ook hope Potter—F Ney- | Son Strong a Armstrong, eorn-gtalk, which measured 12 feet 7 Wah, ] Runkle J eine Gre RE 7 ir =x mY Kreatp) niches. We challenge the county rumreine uston— 10mpson, x | Stale © fins de as fl Cronister. Liberty—J Brickly. Penn— | from, the use pf foc My Gr: | W. B. K. Jesse Mauck, D A Musser. Marion—J H | She Jigs been for a nym ror oy yea a) Fi rakor® UARTOCIRCULAR TR Fete? we understand -” a qd Hengy. A Neh ( gy Ra wih Jae. Dyspepsia, Aco mparaed fe gan ba ’ ov. Xu erstan receive ter. osk on Vat- | wi Vig aroxysms of constipation | Containing wil information, Outline of | 1 Ward ke Ta RN side—B | y xed strated her that she w I the | 3 et col it ha ¥ ty, Ho NTE eas. es -; . . i En te efor v month iy ‘unable 4 a. wy thing. C ates of an : ampies of Cowjey's x . = | She took, at your instance. Coes Dys +] NN NS trial sermon last ! Sabbath. | Rrar GALY GE tH LIGHTNING Cure, and has derived GREAT EE PREMIUA PENMANSALP, | FROM IT, and is now mpacktivels \ 7 C I Build dif i ‘On Friday Vt “te Vite of. John § ROD. She regards this mel) RE 48° great { De) pd ity of Pittsburgh, &e. poi | sing y ¥ hs hy i SIT DI m SRT TRY FYCIRAN [ud the Pri the hui The Lot xan th "| SUPERIOR TO ANY IN USE. | ran. 1am, 195° NIGH Sh “iti cowry, | A 10°68. 1. Pittsburgh, P ey — while in the or picking | This rod combines all the re | a “ - Sipe le-betries. The consequences, we ments in " “pa: niet Abc Hs, % 3 (From fer, Tiane Alken, Alleghany, Pa.) | Foy is ments ik Hes. Ave-Rights 2 Mp inch osep oming Jruggi are glad to learn, have not yet proven Siiire Be ned, §p piral, tw pe ard galvan- | No. 84 Mar ot treet Pittsburg. yery serioni. 1264 Liey ate wrragted neve rto corrode, { © Sir:—1 take yRreat pleasure in, stating $33 em pee and are conngcted by perfectly fitting solid | that, after having suffered from dy sia | Re Throre, the Repor- | copper burs, which form not oly a perfect | for about. fifteen years, at some periods tet, i Li . Feel that there will bel | and continuous, connection from the points | much more than others, I have been antirely } ! to the ground, but by a combination of met- | cured by the use of Coe's Dyspepsia C ion Sli lek d for the week of 5th Mon- als, form a My friends know that of Inte yeaty La ugast, Caso has Deen an extreme one a y gu Gi Galvanic Battery suffering from eating, a ny kind of 45d ; enabling the Rod to discharge the electrici- | And on an average wad vomit. ahout one- Awa kas vere {3 of the most terr if¢ jihunder storm harm- | third oN P pois ina tour. Indi ontizle . W ge | lessly intadtl gral mass, Le severe attacks wou in mls we Dope, § befgre wit, He Star Galy nized Rod ; warrnted | Ts Jose all yi ngth and be Fi always to remain bright and clean ey | 1eipiess. Dome o AER ou Hick # nia buggics and have been erected on the Nicinal he so severs, hat: d i for on tog 1d would | Ofses at a a herr in this . not retain any .an my stomach: saven | county before. There was good order , COLLEGES AND PUBLIC INSTE ete dr. tout an Ah To years Hjuew . Ny YrEY a ( 0 a " nse ive Siriighout ¢ the day; pus. Sellow ot TUTIONS hours without intense pan. JFromthe time own, & shor tice fron bites vr adininag | the grounds, on aecotirit ofa Bottle of | Shepughout dh fonity. North nisin cenced vomit alae All Joreneee 2 f assed away and flesh and strength return- Whisky which ¢ one accused the other of Lightning Rod Fae tory, Philadelphia. =" and ever since 1 have been Be to eat stealing. On the evening previous, hese Rods are ut up by Samuel Harp- | apy kind of food set upon the table. Six | bo dr , We are itiformed; there were | te; Centre Hall, Pa., at maths have now passe Ty symp- sie clidracters prowling q Ore ae ru 8 Si gusente, ai1¥eate was considered by all, ove yhxsicians, se bidiiid Hs Should always be dealt 23cts. per F 0 ot, {I mprselousi that, for mtine Ai feared, it with acco ing te law. by whom all orders will be promptly #tthn- ded to. junel¥'s8 3m. atm ss IME COAL AND LU MBER. "he best BURNT LIME, FRED. KURTZ, and in New York wept oy Fabia Re . . ti, 0% oe, At the Company's Office; Nu: 20 Nis: oth, ? a bi Mohair lois sau Street dil at "yr Wik ALS Al AND #? g te ET MAKERS iP v Gingham, “ Qaida / ou can buy vour Oils, aints, ar- John J. Cisco & Soft; Bafkers mish Paint, and, Yiarnigh brushes; | wns, Wall St. {ground Bristles,) a new Patent Bedstoag | usling, And b 4 ed fastner and a great many other. wrticles E> ETRE oor Hus das n y the Company’ 8 ac vortise: agents need. low at M'MANIGAL Men’ s ns & pum 8, throughout the U nited States, Remittances should be m o in nts or A large assortment of Fancy and gor Ree gfall Kinda! other funds par in Nex fo ork, and the | snle and Ye \ yay ST Bonds will be sent free o charge by return : 5 express’ Partis 8 { subscribing Bok og 5 Pore ALN, oh ne i A te X Fhe, ry ¥ill 16°F to them for thels rute be Ey A's of ade clotbind \ el Hs -* A PivpuLr ap Mar For 1868 hasiuat (ARE TERS uy Siidels: Rogan wen published by the Company, giving ou ean buy your Plains, Chisels, fillaf A emation. than i is possible in an ad- Saws wnq other ook Fe L'S. Syma of dibefon whi; wd {gery Fesh isting the Progress of the | [Look QIL C OTH. ne Pat- FET ills 1 welt ae: Coutts, v- | rns, 4, B, Gag Bi wide, a good ar- Shee 8 ¢ Roxd Ams Jot erfirie file at bis Oil Shades, ARRAS tion, and pid alte. Bonds: which al will be sent free on ish fhe at the Com. ROPE; pany's offices or at any of the advertised I ulleyn : agents. : JOHN J. Cisco, PP room twine, : juneh'ns, Treasurer, New York, Broom handles, \' MANTOALS a. T ) N G 4 S i W ORLD " Hardware Store, | { & i mav15 068 iy. M filroy, Pa. \ - * "2 ‘ or SS. piece ; U TUA rp DEAD MUS ST BE E BU RRIED. Life Insurance Company of NEW YORK. gh, © iF Frueauff Hollidaysburg Pa, Gen- eral Agent for Pennsylvania, | B. O: Deininger, Miltheim Pa. Local Agent. . Dp Cc uy Reforgoee 1 oD 1 Hilbish, h A hy Dif Muswer, LA Fo: PPYHE ANVIL STORE is now receiving un, en- rt tl eter ave) la ing of the corner-stone for a Xhaoisth church at Boalsburg, io he last Sabbath, ard was it- A Kurtz, Wm. Har a lngge. td well assorted Stock of ,. tis Hardware, WOOD COAL large cohcoiitss of pebple. od mi lle participating iff eo ter- Enmtotelés were Rev's ackenburg, Zet: tlemoyer and Groh. The new church is to be a very fine . one. ~~ & On. 1aét Monday we witnessed the wofking of Messrs. Morris & Royce’s patent hay-loader. We think the mathe fide merit, and that it is con- structed upon a principle that will succeed; a 2 fhe Met-loader in course of a few years be bt d as indispensa- ble as the mower or the réfbe. bP Vendu,—Vend of personal roper’ ty of Mich. Stover, dec'd, in Path u 5.2 Condo's sale, Woodward, 25th Avgust. lp 1 he de cratic Sosdipe, at Churech- | - on Thur y evening of last week, was well attended, and addressed by Messrs. Fortney and’ Kreps. OH It Saturday aftersioon a horse of Jacob Hosterma esq., took fright in Aaronsburg, & top-buggy to piecds: M ni 4rd at work pu dp’ the a Plegsant Gap.. Thé corner-stone, we understand, will be laid a few Sab- paths hence. inn, or Alleghany. fowest Tikes, We are the only parties in Central ’enti'a. who burn in Pateitt Flame Kiln, which produces the Best White-Wash Plastering Lime, ofored to the trac o The Bost : MOKIN AND WILKESBAR- IE ANTHRACITE ( COAL, . all sizes, prepared exprescly for family use Silver CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. New Haven Ct. June 1, 1867. Messrs. C. G. Clark & Co, Gents Being Anxjous, from the great benafite dérived. fo assist in spreading the ‘fame of Coe's Dyspepsia, Cure, I.would state my case. Something over a year ago, I had a violent. nk of Diarrhea, which lasted eight weeks, during which time I employed three physicians, but without relief, until I tried Coe's Dyspep- sia, Cure, The first dose helped me; I took itthree times a day for a week any was entirely cured; and I believs to-dad that it saved my life! Being attacked ih a similar way this ensch, I took one aose, which put mé all right. every family to keep it on hand ready for immediate use, in case of Summeror Bowel Complaints CG. DUNN The above Mr. Dunn i is in our employ, and #e can votfeh foy the above statement being true, SH Brook F oun- E. ARNOLD & CO. dry Coal Also a Tot of first and 800- i 1 v COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE Willialso be found invaluable in all cases of Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colie, Summer Complaints, Griping and in fact every dis- ordered condition of the stomach, |. ,, Sold by Druggists in eity or cou everywhere at $1 per Bottle, or by applica- tion to C. G. CLARK & CO. iad Sole, Proprietors, Tie:8! cow, 15 N'ew Haven, Ct. at lowest prices, ond quality _ BOARDS, BROAD RAILS PALING, SHINGLES ‘and lastering lathe for sale gheap. Ofica and yard, near South end of Bald | ‘Kage Valley R. R. Depot.” -- ~ SHORTLIDGE, & CO, aplo'6s, ly. Bellefonte Pa. AMPS OF EVERY VAWPETY and | 4. kind'at ap10'68. IRWIN & WELSON'S, One Dosr ons Reynold 8 Bank. We will not mention. in this advertise- ment the: differént varieties of Boots and Shoes, .and Gaiters of every description, that comprise sur stock—suflice to say, that is complete in every particularand nothing | ¢ to excel it in style, quality, extent ° T price in the county, ¥ Oger mandy afin ma 11163 Murers in the East who are of thieir reputation, and would nat. iy article in the least inferior to what they represent, {2 atoble # Fae fight from ul ment depends entirely our success in Employing none but First-Class Works, hess, all who ma¥ favor us with their patronage. Wousy pu rchases, _juneb Bly. BP. MeAFFREY Y & CO. IRWIN & WILSON'S. appl’ 68. Sidi ing new goods i in their 1s HARD WARE being opened every dot: CALES, at w Holes hind fotail, ¢heap, IRWIN & WILSON. ani 68: The World is conducted upon the mutu- al principle, by which poliey holders are insured free—as all the insured have the benefits of the profits. The Dividends are paid annually, after the second year, by which the insured ge- enna all the ad -antages of she profits. Thus tha dividends increase {rom year to vear, until they reach the sum of the annua pre- mium, and thes exceed it. Policies are paid in thirty days after due notice and proof has been given of the death of thei in sured. Thirty days grace are allowed in the re- newal of premiums’ After two annual pay merfte all policies remain in force, aplO'GR, 1y. § ad Hi 1 thet As re rod uce, at (SIDY & THOMAS! "ALY _ I. TAVERN STAND AT PRIVATE ##11 The undersigned offers the wellknown igo: paid for al vate Sile: The Hotei building is a large, Store room, In ge and convenient stables Wd sheds, wif with all necessary outbuild- ings, and is known as one of the best coun- try Hotel stands in central Pennsylvania. Also, if desired by pure hasers, there will be sold with this prope a lot of ground in Centre Hall, rth about § of an’ acre and another lot of ground containing 24 acres, near Centré Hall. For further par- ticulars apply to J "WM. STUY junel9'68 3m. Cenfré ah 1 toves, Nails; Horse Shops, Sad- dlery, (Mion. Pats Shebt; Bar any) Hoop Buggy ‘and Wagon Stock of nr dearription.—('all and. supply your- sciwes at (he lowest possible rates at Ap10 68, IRWIN & WILSON. i ———— oo” ——— o—————— ot oo A—— 0 i A 2,700,000 Customers in Four | Years. Patroiiize the Best! Having the hetgést Exp SLT Neat experi- enced, and cf fensive a of any ¢&bhcern Jolla. Sale business, we irantee Satisfaction in every instance, and alsothe best saléction of Goods ever offered at One Dollar Kaeh. No other conédrn his aby os wherev- or our Agénts are selling. Our motto, “Prompt and Reliable.” Male and female agents wanted in £9385 country. T ADIES our popu- lar clubls¢stem of selling all kindes of Dry and Fancy Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Wateh- es, &o! ( Established 1864.) A patent pen fountain and a chock desgribing an article to be sold for a dolTar, 10 cts; 20 for $4; 60 | for $6; 100 for $10; sent by mail’ Free | presents to ee up, (worth 50 ér cent © more thanthose sent by any oth'ér Concern.) according to size of club. Son@ Gs a trial | elub, or if not do not fail t# #4%d for a cir- cular, N. B.—Our sy le should fio be classed with New York (doling. jAwelry sales or bogus “Tea Comfiies #s it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN & KENDALL 65 Hanover Street, Boxton, Wass, July, 176m: They oad Wad i theif Tannery a good assortment of OAKSOLEAND HARNESS LEATHER KIP AND CALF SKINS on hand and will be sold low foi éask: Bark and Hides Wanted at thé Tannery in Mitioy, for wHicH we wil pow for Bull, 9 for Ste¢f and bb Is for Calf skin's; clear of cuts and séares. The highest prices will be paid in cash or trade for good oak bark. may8'60,1y. GRAFF & THOMPSON. Whitman's eels php Sones Sintittion; Ww hitman’ $s ¢ Buk 4's chocolat, Nr ilite, ickes, ‘Hida Gin or, Engin | American Pickles PU RLSIDE o THOMAS