YOY : Wwe carrying id eradle, " “ . t+ amon what Was y 1 SOWed away IC TOrmed * 1 1 in the lumber room. rocker was gone, and the wicker work 7 of the sides broken: it was an old wil- afinir, but yet we could not re. 1 . 1OWY fran from casting a sad look into its “Gone! we said drea- What golden heads on empty depths, mily, “all gone!” pitliowed which the curls grew rs in slumber, 1 ] ips fluched to the hue and cheeks and lips flu Wi hen sleep broke, the were once here, heads » { Of Tose es VQs. silken fringed lids opened heavily smiles flit- : the from the slumberous eyes ; the fice the mouth, 1 y} arp ted like sunbeams over white fist was thrust into and when mamma lifted the muslin sleeping, The ick, out of pure de- and peeped to sea if baby was cooing and crowing was heard. little feet began to light, and kicked rl both of the tiny red shoes were landel at the foot of the cradle. Where are Some that were embrowned by y - }Y. in now? vigorous manhood are sleeping on bat- tle fields, and ¢ some are bleached with time ares, and they have grown sore In Ite. on the rough paths of » tenderly and weary Perhaps some little one, on rocked here, Over it rous box and white the stary jasamine, The bluebird flut- is sleeping In the coffin, and vieo- grows heartseases, candy-tuft, and « ters its bright wings through the wil- low boughs, and the cool wind whis- the green leaves and What of? Sleep on ,lit- “Of such is the pers to blades on the grave. ES grass haps of its immortality. tle Kingdom of Heaven.” re pet re Hyproraonia Renepy,—The fol- lowing is dreamless one. an 1 . ye said to be a cure foi ofa mad dog: “Mix one pound of comnion salt in a quart of water, then | 1 y ze the wound bathe and squee: same one hour, then binda Ii salt on the Prussic administered to mad. Ocr Rar been laid fron T Seed for twelve hours.” - 3 1 12 also a sure ecure—to be ©) vi wll the dog before he © LROADS.—The has irack P bili} shure the that point this week cers are A gang of thirty ha carl sy $1 WOrxK oi tae = ree fers ET nt msc ieee. se 1 i » ry ICT CT 3.0 1 art than xr TY § ar} YOmall wio had beer ll OBC 5 emcee nls. Ar omnn Atking, one of the St comin 18210114 rs, 18 (] harl (is Go fish exp | breeding at | and let atehed Ox Thursday of last week, a i pari A = nue family pew, ennsvivanta will send five Catho- lie Bishops to the General Council at mouth feed ), tA X- the and in DIgTers draw rations regular them to their hogs. Keep'er uj payers ! tin I) wwattn pati ant Crreat Democratic ratification ¢ 3}: aname we the heat, are the order ff LK AY "ww rather evening —f’ i Maine to Kansas. The ho nee between Seymour and Grant, 1 Democrats, and the Demi) ) 1 ‘ LOONS, the the former represents latter the ] day to grind some blasting powder in a The mill was ruined and | i | Brownlow speaks of the late Presi- in him “our martyr heav- bet ween and a great gulf. Well, Brownlow there wil General Butler sid in the . ! be a speech two 1 han Judas Iscariot. It Ds, that Ben should have a kind feeling for Judas, for the like himself, and carried th 18 very latter, was a dealer ¢ bag. Tue Pittsburg Figemyss who | Dor ho intend doing so this © names of eigl tly men voted the nocratic ticket, w year. i " the Democracy in experience in political life. The oper- . to mass meetines ov personal importu- : | t a calin sur- Ire reject + ‘ LO) ha nity. - They come to it by vey of the situation, and ju wisely they determine to teachings of men who scem other prineij i 3 l . . 3 oaves and fisher. The whole South is Ihe infested with » high waymen, wl farms in nN }s 1 0 ‘ # GUOUNL ool) ang or CURIE NEO SOT CEN OT TALL "AD eK ABLE Ri PRIVATE SAL wws-his F ntre Hall, on the turnpike Old Fort to Lewisburg, 1» ‘ i . f ) I'rivate oule. ] arm contains The und erstrned ofl r {lo un arm; } UCR leading from al 1 OR rood pen co oOre £ st 13} vil Leland ha Y,2 ~ mtre townsalp, Greene county, came | Ce to his death under the following cii- cumstances: - On the day was In mentioned | Thomas ing his younzest child, when the moth er interfered to save the little one. Upon thes Thomas seized his wife by the throat and choked her quie:ly looking on, Lut upon the in- stayt that his mother was attacked, Le drew from his pocket a pen-knife, with which he times, eat. ‘ing the intestines, inflicting of course, Al The lad 1 ean arr, sted at last accounts, al injuries. the . i & Bhi gen, erally regarding the act . | r » Justifiable.\ The age of Thomas is only 3 ourteen ——— | TO - . auno, Aug i 4 ~Miduight, fe T Hh Wheat harves ¢ in the Brittizh Au. the eatimaso whieh gan Now be douhy 2 that of last not 1 as young lag is nes arly ; over wd according 10 formed the yield will be year, and exceed onc-thix d of the an- nual average. mee Gp Ape oy The fish aro dying im. grev 't numbers n Rock river, Wisconsin. The Wa- Hpetions says tha! at one dead eomecasses bees me so on fier aks of the river cessary for parties ta, turn that. the v them, fearing Hy create davas Semon amon ihe f finny t s sicknes TT 3 0 1 at July 31 Doing . ) CVEILING reg 1x . 1 - ine cily were } This I terms the TL MP, Pe tie i tp . i= zAT FALL and sil - The Old Stand! | £ at eli +} tie tre Hall nine and Best {Stock of OO DS, AND OUERIES Ya Just Pur wed at the OW PI ACES, Aad now on Exhibition at Wolfs Old Stand. A ( ‘on Selected DRY ( GR 1 ALSO, FLANNELS, MUSLI ’ HEAP LINE OF ¥ & SHAWLS; i] ah J Ma NE £4 Fas r . ‘ tao le yf MACKEREL and HERRING. the best and cheapest in the market, A in A AN OB J EC Y men i an Spry on a dd -¥ 2 and will} hotel prin had lor i : Wi ive | \ 2 FY Es i tho inn BLTOPES Of i no pui= GOOD » "TA BLIY il { d with the hie aq « stl i's re fniwa ont bond to attend Dey A Hartion Of publi ' and oood i 11 hlizing he o ' to this riment MAZE is RO sare gunr nr ty iii Heit d, MATHEWS, Lewistown, ’a. R. A (ENTREE HALL » Furniture Rooms DEININGER, respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLE: NS, &¢., &¢ i : Yup 1 . : Oo his stock of ready-made Furniture 1s large ———————————— sm —————— ubseription price Le | tiny other Wen his pa therefore \W il i $ ‘ y iy tills } id {IS « it i111 par printing v | Shy HW LOW th Pi rinnee pryment be maae a et BETTER THAN GOLD! OUR NEW (COMI'O ry CINDESTRUCTIDLE GOL Are P roe recommeoendod 0) Bank Pes 1H AL i Mord Had Is ried 1 i fh &, Sent Po hid to any nddr n ir, "wp \ ofan iu trated Cs Hast ted ( OR. &O ing terms to agent ont fied oto any ; D. A wlers supplied TI. Ind SOS W ho ave pe i do’ K! J ' oHnnie ¢ ree 0) cent 1» Lens, Paper, and ‘AeKpg 1 receipt ol 12 conts, fe : dey (4 ROACU 1 & THIS I XY, ETHWAI Indianapolis, state where aw this mavl, Please JOUU » fa WINE LIQUO ALE & WW HOLES J. B. ELTELE, (FORMERLY NEFF & ETTELR.) “WO daqrs West Moat Ma Wi Kegs an 17! Bar yg I, she paestite y warrar / The proprietor of this ¢ in inform ng the publio 18 constantly on hand a oh ply that o i te under his own immediate supervi- ston, and is offered at rates as shan ™, Yi} § - 13 where. Thankful past favors, he solic- f . } or a continuance of the same. an il Call and zee his het We k . elsewhere. ANTS ITOUSE, 415 North 8rd, st PHILADELPHIA MANDI 'ROPRIET I. ell-know * 1 ting tne both I AA. City, n= Lo req AU” (s ip IY ES tf FATES U NION HOTE] Pl] { hin ure 3} § points, 1 This 1 Ht and is now most ni Pennsyl 0 fnsant ani 1'] " vial is +131 } A ; Lhe travelling community and drovers will tlwavs find ! Pe fo Ww ring the summer in the country, ost dean- | Find] | and . \ . ths irom ti “Hy Wi Ist i '] iH Weeks Gi £33} tiful lo WC ' tnoev ations, an d could an - I. de sire OY #0 8 3! un 106K, lotel L $ 1) USSEL'S HOTEL AARONSBU JOHX RUSSEL. PROPRIETOR The old and well kno 1 Hotel, situnted the centre of Anronsbure. has occupied by Mr. Russel, to who now invites old MInity | him. The house furnished and is kept inthe best atvle, Dro- vers ean always find accommodation. ap lO 68tf, Wi PA. ECT J | 3. . . i HEE iriends and n coneral toceall and 1 Deel fil wi RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. THROUGH AND DIRECT ROUTE PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE. BY RU, WILLIAMSPORT. AND THE. RE TT 011 BR RGION OF PENNSYLVANIA, ELEGANTSLEEPING CARS On ull Night Trains. On and after Monday MAY Hh 1868, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Eric Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. M: uil Tr: ain les aves Philadelphia diook Haven ar t Erie E rie E Xpress oa P hiladels phi Lock Haven 10.11 p.m, arr at Krie 10.05a. in. Kimira Mail leaves Philadelphia 8.009. ni. B. Lock Haven T45 p.m arr at Lock Haven 7. 15 pea EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie ie hd ** Lock Haven 44 ss arr at Philad lelphia Yard ¢ Ex pres 2 leaves Torie ** Lock laven are at Philadelphia 5001p. m. Eli ra Mail leaves Lock Haven 7.10p. m. * lek Haven 7.10 a. 1m. arr at Philadelphi 6.10.p. 1m, ind Express connect w ith all trains ren and Franklin Railwa: v. Passen- Philadelphin at 12.00 M, arrive m. and Oil City ay HARRIS- / 1115 p.m. D300. mm. 8.00 p.m. a 12.00 noon i “h i 44 oh “i i 10.00 a, K.H0 1. 2.304; { i Pl i { nl. 111. ni. p.m, oR). Mm, ie is Mail on Wau leavine frvineton at 6.40 a. Lol a, m., Leaving P hilly hin at } rive at Oil City at 4.85 hn, ‘i 11.15 p. m., ar- All tr ii 1s on Warren aid Franklin Rail- make close couneetio 13 1d Oil City with rains for 1 vvuklin and Petroleum Centre Bae gage Checked through, ALFRED AL. TYLER. Generud Superintendent. > 1, | ENN H. ALL AC ADEMY This Institution wil! ? day, thedrd of Augzu we opened o ATi y DY W. HOWARD GUTEL1IUS, Every «dd for ac quiring a knowl. Mathamatical, iiehes, will be opehe «l DATING to with furnish d U to $275 per week. of Frank lin and Marshall College. facility will bo offere edge of the English ific and ¢ A normal elm : > N¢ [97] Hassical hi ft nett ol LtHOSEe 15 TY pOLraAINY Tf a) rocured i i. { juuge J vo, LI. { . - Old Nectar, Old Rye, Monongahela, And Trish W hiske y, Cognac, Blac kberry, ( herry, Ginger and Common ‘Brandes. Port Maderia, Sherry and Lisbin Wines, Scotch And Holland Gin, New Ensland Rum. JAMAICA BRUM. CORDIA mint. -Anniseed and Rose The walled to our stock o I pure tor medical purposes. Demijohns constand!y We have the only pure in town jit ' Botiles On hand. Ne i: { ) i | 2 d were low, and we sell them accordingly. All liquors are warranted to give satl ion, Confident that he ean ples v astom age, Liquors will be sold by the q or tsereoe, I have a large lot oF BOTTLED LIQUORS of the finest ap loos, uart, \ grades, on hand, 'Bi lefonte ha is prepared t ! ro aiid t cash reali 116 lis Price 1 } De the Dest i spect ¢ prices, : Re Mo Whiski : monen f STERNBERG DRANDEIS Bellefonte, Pa. RULE THE MAT best LF Ee Ae ¥, 1 sod it selling LOW PRICES Carpets at old rates, from 50 cents to cents per yard, for the best. DRY GOODS, NO ADY And selling from 125 to 16 cents, partion, in pre - — -~ Women's Shoes, Collinon good, {oO / all summer, at 2100 per pair Boots from $3,650 to 37,50 for ine i . CLOTHING 1857 true, Sternberg Thov Ont isk people even if th (0 not wish to ap ly’ “a1nt tI . all makes and OC 12 VIN & WILSON i wl ND SINGLE BARREL wiling I 1OCOs il IRWIN & WILSON. AND MILL SAWS, best Inwin & Wi! SON, 1068 {ROSS CUT mike itl 1 OR, i TRIMINGS, a il Irwin & laree He WiLsoN's IN {iN nent ipl HV GR DOOR nd kinds at IRWIN & Wii AND ull wa 1 ON. i BY a APANNED other Ja BELLS RIZO8 1 ' ina BELLS, BOARDS for siule by and Seantl N & WILSON, Plank Inwi 11 TOILET SETS, punned ware, at the Anvil Store, IRWIN & WiLsoN, LATTES of ull I OOKING-GLASS PI yo 4 IRWIN & Wiison ale by 1 ‘ pil) as, INI ir LE SK it f y 444 RINS for wagons, all the sign of the Anvil, ‘aplO'G8, Inwix & Wirsox. JOALTS for Buggios and Carriages, all alzes in use: Fire Bolts, ditto, at ap ly 6s, Irwin & WiLsoN's, H") BLANKETS AND SLEIGH BELLS, at low pric es, ul aplO'U8, InwiN & WirLsox's U NITION PATENT CHURN, ) in use at Irwin & WILSON'S, ap1GE: $4, =H 7 KE R K KEG Nails at ANCISCUS for FR sale priees, AN kinds Tin Irom work done ut old prices . FRANCISCTUS, | Sheet ee... I Shen Do b in if ‘hi low aps ’ om 12 { r Ro 'e ria a. price i FRANCISCUS and Blinds on er rates tha F. G. FR ers, Rail, by JARED DOO IR Hinges, Ruy "now: vatly ee, hand it 68:1 ANCISCUS, I all k Kets, Gut, &C., ele. F. ( C0 hu % § SEEDERS! i - Bi +k water « Patent ( it will bo pleas ed to sell them vprehs low prices th an they EF. 43, FRANCISCL N, inds of Trout Flies, Rods, Bas- Pike Hooks, Fishin: FRANCISCUS, Being axent for to country 1 are solid Yi» HOW tors Teeth . TEETH, tee], Cult we and Nut, ] for sale by F. G. fH FRANXCISCL THAKER'S and other DDP OS lntest etyles Caps in gr cliecks, Denning The { ile (il : LY > Sod Ye oh BE * ) 1 a Res, ala 1 wi t wy . und ent art Fowellings, Cussiinors, Cloakings. BALMORAL SKIRTS = a}]l at SUL dl everything, and will a very small advanece on first cost, > All we ask that you will NAMINEOUR STOCI we donot OO». AND FE purchasing elsewhere, as tronh lp to show o ALL KINDS OR HARNESS, | lve lat iE Harn double fara LOR, | consider it any nice C88, Y . 3 ~ at rT . orl and; SINE i TGCS QAQ Li | inlets ———— CENTRE HALL | anufacturing Co.! Machine Works. CENTRE HALL CENTRE CO., PA Hav ing enlarged our New Fouxpnry and Suors and AGRICULTURAL Stocked with all new and latest full, Works improved Machinery at Centre 1 fin- to recolve orders for anything in their line Pulhes, Hangers, IRON & BRASS CASTINGS . FORGES, FURNACES, | FACTORIES, TANNERIESR &C., &C. We i also manufaciure the celebrated | - 1 i KEYSTONE HAR ESTER, D i | now stands unrivalled. Ny. ry 3 3 This Reaper has advantages over all other ed. One advan i i i * ! yy 1 . » “ we Call Ver power, ba WS Psi TY neo | Yidl Bess stand _} We Rin On aunared per lL over : hich i olirer nmehines, racivantage is the | Yatiy 1 Viva .: . ind 3 1 Hill and IOWeringe apparatus, wheres has under his complete contro tenn, varying { the outs structed: of elauss ma- first fer risals ar Haile ringg ¢ We NICs, second to none. All kind ng | of Horsepowersand Threehi Hay and Grain Rakes, latest im- Bo All kinds of Repairing done. Did forant kinds of | i dA XRT | PLOWS | AND PLOW CASTING. |] The Celebrated Heckendorn Economien which has piven entire satisfaction. We emiploy the best Patternmakers, onr 14 I new and of the most improv- Plans, Specifications and Draw- ings furnished for all work done by us. #47 We hope by strict attention to busi- TINWARE! The Company announce to the citizens of 3 ed to furnish upon short notice, and as iow as elsewhere, article in the line of TiN AND every HEETIRON WARE. o < Stove- Fine Fal v8 and Spo i {re ding. Al kinds of repairing done. They have “Br “KR ETS Se DIPPELRLS, DISHES, &C 1 to. MP All orders by mail promptly attended CENTRE HALL MFG aplU' 68, tf, ju is the place to buy DRY GOODS HATS € CAPS BOOTS & SHOES NOTIONS, &C. + Having just returned from the city with assortment of carefully seoleeted Muslins a large Clothing, Hats and I Shoes, Groeeries, ete. r places. may not be able to reecive at other prices, and I feel confident that if you Room No. 6, Brocker- apl7T eR 15. benefitted. x * ou Row Be RX larges s in re faire county. for yourself, reesd end Best & Ste ok of warran- 3001s and Shoes, wariinted to give rices, only to be & THOM AS. ee (SIDE & THOM. AS Os er to the Public ono of tho nd best selected stocks of mer chan- Cull, examine and co | found : Bil RNSIDE round to ordor d warinite d to be strictly ure, 18 only place can find nnadultera- Try ther h for vour own satis{uo- You ean onl f all varieties, iY find the In at BU KNSIDE &"7 ROMAN N DSA WS, knives, spoons, cofleo mille, shovels, fpiden, rakes, hoes, forks. eh 1a. ns, Kc.. URNSIDE & THOMAS. : OLLARS if vou don’t w: (ile your horse's shoulders guiled and ge : LO a herse ¢ wllars Rt BU RNSIDE & THOM AS’. H lanips, HO SOTe, " i ? i NESS; cellars, cart wh IPS, CATTIASO w hips, iti arent varieties, OVER suddles, br martingales rears, tug harness, Everythi; KUEN SIDE idles, Lugs v 1x in the sxd- & TH OX MAR. SHING TA AC KL . 5. rou Is lines. hooks. it ‘ . a flies, sen hair baskets, ete. Rig rou h trot at "RNSIDE & THOMAS GEERIES ¥. Java, hast tO ong I tras, on eS mocka ot i qurlity Rio cofles, oreen teas, lovering syrup, Drips fine article bak- rice aud evervibine In the * line at the lowest exsh prices in the t BURNSIDE & THOM, AS’, is the - a ASE JN KE Ce} o ”re ~~ black y 3 ) Fun, Raided * Dio asses, - T IS ki own ail Fe Bellen ente and . through the county if you want s rticle o0 (o BURNSIDE & THOM AX, ER. of all desc riptions, french skin, Sanna 1 sole leath mo- Every thing 1 1 he leather line warranted to give satis- it. BLU RNSIDE & TINO M. ANP {io a en * ‘ rCLicn, 5 TOOLS and findinzs, heir; varieties, at o JOE-MAKE} S BURNSIDE & THOMAS". inallt " CADDLERS BU CK LES, h ok, bits ) pots rings, Fane thing a saddler wants for the manufacture of f harness, to be found at BU R NSIDE &« THOMAS, » ASK ETS i inall {their varictios. childrens cartinges, willow ware, guns, piss s, powder, shot, ApS, eariridges, ge BU RNSIDE « & TH MAS." Top of = fall kinds, at BU RNSIDE & 1 THOMAS’, TEW PAT TERNS of oil clot ths, at re- duged, ric es, at JURNKIDE « THOMAS. TO I TONS of ail ki inds, Stelring sgloves, i Handkerchiefs, combs, ocket 1 books, in all their variety and very Jo ap, at BURNSIDE « THOMAS 8 ANNED FRUITS, peaches, tomatoes, J pine = DIN and peas in great varie ty, at RNSIDE } & THOM AS. BAvis: SOAP, Wm. Ha gan and ong, olive seap, Dobbins’ soap Jes@g™s Oukley’s soaps, old castile, pure, P almsoap, Eldeviing's soap, and a great variety of other sos tps, at BURNSIDE &T HOMAS'. WHITE FISH. Herring Fol 2 n17'68, BU} THOMAS 3 GOOD NEWS FOR THE] PEOPLE. Great Attraction and Great Bargains! r§iviiE unders signed, determind to meet the popular demand for Lower Prices, re- spectfully calls the nitention of the publie to his stock of SADDLERY, now offered atthe old stand. Designed es- pecial’ y for the peopleand the times, the lar- gest and most varied and complete assort ment of : Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, . Whips? d Hs NSIDE & ut of ever y desc iption and qualit y and in fact everything complete: t 0 a first- class establishment, he now offers at prices § which will suit the times, A better variety, a better quality or finer style of Saddlery has never before been of- fered to the public.” Call and examine our stock and Pe satisfied DLefore purchasing pttfo ns and utronage. please my thankiul for heretofore ¢ i} oy ed, T respec Tr continuance of the same. JACOB DINGES,. apl0 8, 1y, Centre Hall: