np id ms a CENTRE HALL REPORTER. | Centre Hall, Pa. July, 81% LOCAL ITEMS. 1R6R, Two Nrw EMPIRE SEWING énixgs, warranted, for sale at this Office. | Iron City CoLLEGE.~—.\ scholarship to | this institution for sale at this office, and to | Be had at a bargain, ~ Braxks—Blank . Summops and Vendu Notes {for sale at this office. ees df te pines { Locan News. —Our readers are solicited | to furnish us items of loeal interest for pub- | Heation, Send us the facts only, and we will get them in shape for publication, . iil pr Oufreaders naulde oblige us’ hy ocen- sionally mailing a copy of the REPORTER to thelr relatives: and acquaintances outside of our county, especially to such as tormer- Iv lived in Pennsvalley, It would be the most welcome matter you could mail to | such. and would be the means of inducing | many to become subscribers, Any person | conding us 8 new subscribers, and S12, will | Lhe entitled tothe RErorteErone veur free, | for 4 new subsribers) and 86 the “getter up | of the club will receive the Rerorrtenr t months: free. This offer good from this date —the names can be sent in as they sub- scribe, : a - To Business Men. Weinvite business men wishing to | advertise: to call and examine the subseription list of the RerorTer, and | satisfy themselves that it preients a most desirable advertising medium, | especially for this side, the heart of the conmty. This has been the experience | of alls6 far, who have advertised in | the Rerorrer. We venture to say, that since we commenced the publica tion of this paper, the rapid increase of our list, unsolicited, is without prece- tent in this county. pp prs Tur Farmers Mutual Insurance | (‘ompany, af Centre county, on last Monday, insured 860,000 worth of] property. The matter between Mr. Shell and the Company, has been adjusted, by the Company allowing the former 2. 500 for the store destroved by fire. ay Mowing Marcn.—Our friend, Mr. | Izra. L. Spangler, has sent out a chal- | lenge to some of the reaper men of this | neighborhood, which has been aceep- ted, and a mowing match was fixed! upon, for yesterday, near Clmrehville, i . 3 ' * 1 * Mr Spangler’ mower isthe Hursheine; the Kevstone, Excelsior, and other machines were on the ground ; as we went do press, we had not yet ascertained | the result. lp pene Severe Cur—A son of Mr. Wm. | Homan, named Jacob, fromencar Far- mer's Mills, Gregg township, while cutting thistles, in a field, one day this! week, accidentally struck the sythe in- to his leg, just below the knee, causing | a severe gash some 7 inches long. +> — (‘are MEETING. —\ camp meeting of the Evangelical Association, will be | held in the woods near Joshua Potters, coiatencing on Friday Augast 14th. . ee Gr. W. Sheneherzer and David Kel- lor are executors of Philip Sheneber- | ger, deed. 2 > Tur corner of a new Enzlish Ev, | Lutheran church, was laid last month, | in the eharee of Rev. WW. H. Schock, | Stephenson county, lil, five miles northwest of Lena, out on the baauti- ful prarie. A good congregation of farmers and loborers with their wives and children, were present. Mr. Schoeh | was formerly from Aaronsburg, this county, : CorLicrors.—The following 1s a list of the tax-colleetors for this side of’ | the county for the ensuing vear: Fer- guson, Peter Lanck., Harris, Fergus | Potter. - Potter, D. C. Keller. Giege, John Goodheart. Penn, Samuel Wei- ser. Haines, Jacob Hosterman. Miles, | P. 8. Beirly. Marioh, Isaac Frain. ie tin immer Tir abolition county convention is | ealled to meet at Bellefonte, on Wed- nesday, August Hth, to place in nomi- | nation a county ticket, poor fellows, set up to be knocked down. —— Ex-Gov. Curtin has become Presi- | dent of the East India Telegraph Com- | pany, which proposes to connect ihe ten principal cities of China by a sub- | merged telegraph eight hundred and | ninety-five miles long. The office of | the company i= in New York. | eee el Ape ee ! Ruyaway.— We are informed that | a team of Mr. Daniel Garman, of Bel- | lefonte, ran off a few days ago, smash. | ing up a £600 carriage. - gt . Attempted Robbery.—On lust Mon- day night, about 1 o'clock, an attempt was made to rob the store of A. Alek- | ander & Son, at Millheim. The thieves had already affected an entrance by breaking through the front show-win- dows, but the noise occasioned thereby alarmed Mr. Wm. Alexander, who slept np stairs, and when the thieves found they were discovered, they took flight, without having time to carry oft any goods. : ee tl A horse of Mr. Walters, from near New Berlin, was stolen from the field, on last Tuesday night ; the thieves left a note upon the bars, statine that the horse could be found at Cdmming’s stable, at Bellefonte. Parties left in pursuit. : oe i The weather for the last week still continued dry, but not as warm as be- fore, the mornings and evenings being somewhat more tolerable. On the 30th there were signs for rain, which is very much needed. The grain is now all cut, and far- mers are busy hauling in. The crop na good one, but not so overabundant Pr > ports of short heads and light. The orasshoppers have done considerable damage In some localities—stripping clover, oats and potato patches of their leaves, and destroying garden vegeta- bles. We direct the attention of our eitis sens, especially desire to make a cood mvestment,. to the notice of the possible scale. dll emia Aceident.—Mr. Jonathan Weadnesday evening, preparation on the loft of his barn, to haul in grain. Neff considers of a very serious nature, lp lp Taxing Government Bouds, The State (Guard, In its 1s=ue of Ves- Radical members of Congress who Taxing Goversmyt Boxns,.—The vote in the Iouse, the other day, on a proposition to tax Government bonds, goguery on’ the part of members who have been shamefully derelict in other noinvestment. Hence, when this sub- rebuked; pass the Senate, we are quite sure the tional. The Republicans who voted for this proposition in the House, are benefit personal interdsts. Among the Radicals thus denounced, we find the names of B two of the impeachment nunagers, chief of the G. A. R: of Covode, Law- tive Radical “demagogues” Pennsylvania; of Julian, a prominent al from Indiana; of IYrank Thomas, of Maryland; of Donnelly and the whole Washburn family ; of . . * a ' Baptist persuasion from Tennessee ; of the three Arkansas travlers; of M'Kee, Scofield’s minority man fron Ken- (‘hieago platform 12 not yet two months old, and fifty-eight Radical Congress- men have turned their backs on it—if, bonds would be a form of repudiation. On this resolution of Cob’s 92 voted are Radicals. Adding the 12 Demo- cratic absentees to the vadieal to the minority, (which is by no means piobable,) and there is in a full House, a clear majority in favor of taxing the bonds of the United States. If the hitriol, Ap lp pe DEATHS. On the 24 of July, at Centre Hull, Cul- Reiber, aged 3 months and 7 days, PENN HALL ACADEMY. day, the 8rd of August, by W. HOWARD GUTELIUS, benetit of those preparing to teach. Joarding with furnished rooin ean be Juue2b'o8 tf. ( ENTRE HALL J. 0. DEININGER, respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he haseonstantly on hand, apd makes to order, all kinds of » BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES, &e., &e his stock of feady-made Furniture is large and warranted of good workmanship, asitis all made under his own immediate supervi- sion, and is offered at rates as cheap as-else where. Thankful for past favors, Ire solic- its a contiruance of the same. . Call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere, ap24 68,1y. | Latest News, The funding bill passed! both houses of Congress. Congress has taken a recess, and meets again in about four weeks, The bill prohibiting the sale of gold did not pass, A bill providing for arming the | Southern negroes failed in the Senate. Jeff. Davis will soon sail for Eu- rope. ldebt during the present month, a Baltimore, July 27.—=Four more | child were recovered to-day at Long Bridge. Gold stands 1-433, PRIVATE SALLE. The undersigned offers the well-known | at Centre Hall, Centre county Pa, | vate Sale, The Hotel building | Store room, large and convenient stables | and sheds, and with all necessary outbuild- ings, and 1s known as one of the best coun- try Hotel stands in central Pennsylvania, Also, if desired by purchasers, there will be sold with this property, a lot of ground in | Contre Hall, containing about 4 of an nere and another acres, near Centre Hall fticulars apply to : WM. STUMP, Centre Hall, Pa. For further par- junel9 685m, perv selline goods for the undersigned, are pro- nounced swindlers, as we never any agents or peddlers, STERNBERG & BRANDEIS, july 17,58. a DLERS. trevelingthrongh the coun YHuAnLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALLE! The undersigned offers his Farm, t 24 miles below Centre Hall, on theturnpike ! leading trom Old Fort to Lewisburg, at Private Sale. The farm contains S06 ACRES, ' ' . } »" s141t which will he «wold Hs nN hole, or to sui purchasers, us follows: I'he tract on the sotth-sitle of the turnpike, containing 66 F ACTOS, 5 of cultivation, will be sold separately : the will be sold in two siearly equal 'e two balance . racts, upon which n 3 1 wood=house, a wood Pwagzon-shed, hog-pen &e, A good young appleorchard and a variety of choice fruit- trees on the premises, | tern near the house, 50 ACRES OF TIMBELAND well wooded vation, nnd under good fences, For te dersigned upon the promises, | WM STUMP. juneld@os, 3m, Potter tp. “TAR GALVANIZED LIGHTNING ) ROD. SUPERIOR TO ANY IN USL. This rod combines all the recentimprove- ments in Points, Insulators, and attach- ments iron bars, five-cights of an square ground, spiral twisted and galvan- ized. They are warrnnted neverto corrode, } v perfectly fitting solid copper burs, which form not only aperfect { and continuous connection from the points ‘+ the eround, but by a combination of met- als, form a Galvanie Battery enabling the Rod to discharge the electric and are connected by { les ~~ 3 ral’ = bo? Sponting sued jedbing promptl y wl temedidd to. Chazgss reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. juneb'€8 ly. + ( ERAXND EXHIBITION Of new and cheap goods received froa New York of * Phi ns ROW , opened at the store of Graff & mpson, | Milroy, nearly opposite G. W. Graham's , Hotel, consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress and fancy goods, such as Mohair Clothe Al 5 L Dea arn Ginghams, Calicoes, Lawns, Musb¥ims, Cassimeres, . Men's Summer Goods, Boots & Bhoes, Hats of all kinds, Hardware, Progs, Wall Paper, Queens Warm kets and Tab, Sv y.of different yinda jf oal Ui And a general variety of sther mershan- dize, usually kept in sountry stores, all of which they now offer at the lowest priees. Farmers and others from Centre ceunty will do well to give them = and exam- ine their st else- where. blanks, instead of being east, as is the case in all mowers and reapers heretofore in use. The principal points of superiority of the | i formity of form, durability and the same fuller information than is possible in an ad- vertisement, respecting the Progress of the ersed by the Road, the Means for Construe- tion, and the Value of the Bonds, which pany’s offices or at any of the hdvertised JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York, WORLD MUTUAL Life Insurance Company of NEW YORK. : agents, juned'68, eral Agent for Pennsylvania. B. O. Deininger, Millheim Pa., Local Agent, Contre County Reference.—D. 1. Hilbish, M.D. PT Musser, M. D,, Col. 1. P. Go- burn, Hon, F. Kurtz, Wm. Harter, Den- 1st, The World is conducted upon the mutu- mb piraciprope-y. which policy holders are insured free—as all the insured have the benefits of the profits. The Dividends are paid annually, after the second year, by which the insured se cure all the advantages of the profits. Thus tha dividends increase from year to year, until they reach the sum of the annual pre- mium, and then exceed it. Policies ave paid in thirty days after due notice and proof has been given of the death of thein sured. £ Thirty days grace are allowed in the re newal of premiums’ After two annual payments all policies remain in force. apl0’68,1y. FIYHE highest market prices paid for all kinds of country produce, at BURNSIDE « THOMAS’. wheel and cog being cut to a standard