fy CENTRE HALL REPORTER. LL, Centre Hall, a. July, 21th 1868. A French Romance. Oneof those little romances of which the French are so fond, has lately taken place in Paris, and is thus des- cribed in a journal: M." Robert an immensely wealthy and. highly . accomplished gentleman well known not only for his valuable colleetions of paintings and medieval relics, but for his rare skill asa design- er and ‘painter, hearing that one of his tenants, a Mr. B:, whom he had never seen, kept one of the most exten- sive ateliers.of fancy boxes and orna- mental objects in France, called on him, with a view to make his aequain- tance. Entering the counting-room, he found a goodmatured, encentric gentleman of middle age, who greeted him, and ex- claimed : “I suppose that you have also geen my advertisemé&nt, and come to apply for that situation as designer ?” For a joke, Mr. Robert replied that he had. "M. B. supplied him with paints and brushes, and requested him to produce a design for a casket. Mr. tobestseonifotnd that what Mr. B. really wanted was an artist who would strictly carry out his own iedas, and . that these were puro, and formed on an extemsive: knowledge of art, In a short time he produced a sketch, which sui- ted the employer to a dot—‘a point.” M. Robert very gravely engaged himself, exacting good wages, and in- sisted on having several new articles of furniture placed in the room which was assigned to him. But when he was in- troduced to the work rooms and found one hundred and fifty girls, many of them young and beautiful, busily. em- ployed, and, was informed that he would be required to supply them with designs and show the young ladies how they were to be carried out, the young artist began to feel as if he should have to'be“earried ‘out himself sale in papers or by the quart or bushel.—Market Gardeners are invited to examine the varieties and prices at F. G. FRANCISCUS. 8 Ba adn Hardware of all % kinds at reduced prices. Oil Car- ets, yard wide, 50 to 55 cents per yard. Fin Cups 70 cents per dozen at *.G. FRANCISCUS. WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS The subscriber respectfully calls the at- tention of the public to his establishment, ] where he is prepared to furnish all kinds of | Foreign and Domestic quote: Wholésale | at the lowest cash prices, which are warran- ted to be the best qualities according to their respective prices, His stock consists of Rve, Monongahela, Irish and other | Whiskies, all kinds of Brandies, Holland Gin, Port, Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines—the best articles—at reasonable rates as can be had in the city, | Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger | and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and | New England Rum, Cordial of all kinds. | ted direct from Liverpool by me, and is of- He would particularly invite Farmers, Ho- | fared at much less than usual rates. tel keepers and others to call and examine | Fi Gi FRANCISCUS. his large supply, to judge for the mselvey | ——mas rma Ee arts and be certain of procuring what they buy, | { \LL and examine my large tsock of all which can seldom be done when purchas- | Kinds of Window Shades, Window Papers, ing in the city. green and mings, &c., &e. Carpets, from 19 inches to 8-4, of various designs snd most fashionable patterns, Druggets & Table Covers at greatly reduced prices; at aboutthe prices some of our deal- ers pay for them in the eastern markets, F. G. Franciscus, —————————————— ——————————— — — ] 5() Pairs of Windew Shades, all new *) styles and new designs, done up | in Moon an the Lake, and Bismarck, and {| Grold Collors, with Cords, Tassels, co. at | 20 per cent less than the usual prices, ig F. G. FRANCISCUS. 10,000 Pieces of Wall Paper, all extra new stock; a large portion of my stock 24 Physicians are respectfully requested to give his liquors a trial. aplO'os, (i REAT COMMOTION! xT WEEN DON, STERNBERG & BRANDEIS, Pin BARGAINS AT C.¥. Harlecher’s CENTRE HALL, PA. Dry Goods; Notions, Groceries, Hard- ware, Queensware, Woodand Willow ware, Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, a magnificent assortment of everything kept in a Bellefonte, Pa. RULE THE MARRET, = by having the largest and best stock, and gelling at now ready, and for sale at marvelous low rates, GOODS VERY NEAR AT THE DP IHAS LOW PRRs) OLD PRICES. Muslins they will =ell you the very best Carpets at old rates, from 50 cents to 75 | brands at prices that will astonish you. New spring cents per yard, for the best. DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, Dress Goods And selling from 12} to 16 cents, the best calicoes, and muslins in proportion, at old A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelttes of the season, at lower rates than ordinarily charged at other places. White Goods & Embroideries The finest stock in town, both as to quantity quality, and prices. HOOP SRIRTS The best makes, latest styles and lowest rates. (Hats and Caps in great variety.) Linens, Towellings, checks, Denings, cloths Cassimers, Cloakings. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we keep everything, and will sell at a very small advance on first cost. ; All we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK, before purchasing elsewhere, as we do not consider it any trouble to show goods. ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, . silver plated.and Yankee Harness, double and single, bridles and halters. may] 68 1y. rates, Women’s Shoes, common good, to wear all summer, at $100 per pair Fine Boots from $3,500 to $7,050 for the best. CLOTHING at the lowest rates, and sold at 1857 prices. (i nn 1 SUITS, from $12,50 to $18 for the best. CALL AND SEE, and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. They only ask people to come and see, evenif they do not wish te buy. aplQos, tf. . CENTRE HALL Manufacturing Co. AND Machine Works, CENTRE HALL CENTRE CO., PA. Having enlarged our New Fouxpry and Macuixe Snors and AGRIOULTWRAL Works, Stocked with all new and latest improved Machinery at Centre Hall, aa- nounceto the public that they are now ready to resolve orders for anything in their Hue of business, Shaftings, Pullies, Hangers, IRON & BRASS CASTINGS | of every description made and fitted up for MILLS, FORGES, FURNACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIES, &C., &C, Wo also manufacture the celebratod KEYSTONE HARVESTER, - which now stands unrivalled. { This Reaper has advantages over all other | Reapers now manufactured. One advan- tage we claim for it, is the lever pewer, by | which we gain one hundred per cent over other machines. Another advantage is the | hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereb; | the driver has under his complete contro of the machine; in coming to a spot of lodg- } ed grain, the driver ean ehange the eut of he machine in an instant, without stopping the team, varying the stuble from 1 to 14 inches at the outside of the machine, as well as on the inside. Itis construeted of first class material; and built by frst elass ma- chanics. We warrant it second to none. All kinds of Horsepowers and Threshing Machines, Hay and Grain Rakes, latest im- All kinds of Repairing done. Dif proved. | ferant kinds of PLOWS AXD PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated Heckendorn Economica plow which has given entire satisfaetion. We employ the best Pattornmakers, our patterns are all new and of the most improv- ed plans. Plans, Bpecificadions snd Praw- ings furnished for all work done by us. F4r-We hope by strict astentien te buei- neces to receive a share of publie patrsuago. TINWARE! The Company announce to the citizens of Potter township, that they are now prepar- ed to furnish upon short notice, and as low as elsewhere, every article in the Hne of TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE. Ny * Stove-Pipe 1 Pe and Spouting. All kinds of repairing done. They have always on hand BUCKETS,: CUPS, DIPPERS, DISHES, &C. All orders by mail promptly attended to. CBNTRE HALL MFG COMB apl0'68, tf. J Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE, COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE, Joe's Dyspepsia Cure, Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. This world renowned remedy for the un- failing cure of * Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Sourness or Acidaty of Stomach, Rising of Food, Flatulency, Lassitude, Weariness, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, finally terminating Death, Is urged upon the attention and trial of sufferers from this most horrible of all diseases. Dyspepsia shows its ravages in a thousand different formes, in fact, all dis- orders of the Stomach and Bowels, with all their complaints, such as Sick Headache, Heartburn, Depression, general sense of uneasiness and feeling that you are not well. Food distresses you, rises and sours on your stomach ; breath is bad ; skin at times flushed and hot; don’t feel as if you could move or stir about, and worst of all, Indigestion or Constipation, are nothing more or less than Dyspepsia. Thousands upon thousands suffer and die this way and neither them- selves or physicians know what ails them except that they aresurely dying. Reader, we repeatt it, this is all Dyspep- sin. If vou ou have proof of our state- ment, if you would save yourselves and children from an early grave, if you would have health and energy and strength, again we beg you try one bottle of COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. You will see how soon it will dispel your bad feelings and gloomy forebodings. How soon it will chase away any species of Dys- pepsin. How soon it will give you new life and vigor, and how soon it will make a well man or woman of you. For your own sake, for the sake of verybody suffering we beg we entreat you to try it. For Liver Complaint and Bilious Derangements, It is a Sovereign Remedy, while for Fever and Ague, and all those diseases which are generated in a miasmatic climate, it is a certain preventive and cure. That its wonderful medicinal virtues may not stand alone upon our statement, we append a few unsolicited testimonials from those whose position in society and reputa- tion as citizens will place their evidence beyond all question, and carry with them strength and conviction to the most incred- ulous, Mr. Lester Sexton, a wholesale merchant of 30 years, in Milwaukee, one of the mest reliable and careful men in the state ays under date Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 24, 1868. Messrs C. G. Clark & Co., New Haven, Conn, Both myself and wife have used Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, and it has proved PER- FECTLY satisfactory as a remedy I have no hesitation in saying that we have re- ceived GREAT BENEFIT from its use Very respectfully, (Signed) LESTER SEXTON. ! | Foam Rev. L. F. Ward, Avon, Lorain Y,, O. Messrs. Strong & Armstrong, Gentlemen, —It gives me great pleasure to state that my wife has derived great benefit from the use of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. She has been for a numberof years greatly troubled with Dyspepsia, accompanied with violent paroxvsms of constipation which so prostrated her that she was all the while for montis, unable to do anything. She took, at your instance. Coe's Dy n Cure, and has derived GREAT BENEFIT FROM IT, and is now comparatively well, She regards this medicine as a great bles- sing. Truly yours, Jan. 13th, 1868 ° L. F. WARD. (From Rev. Isasnc Alken, Alleghany, Pa.} Joseph Fleming. Druggist, No. 81 Market Street Pittsburg. Sir:—T take great pleasure in stating that, after having suffered fr.m dyspepsia for about fifteen years. at some periods much more than others, T have been entirely cured by the use of Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. My friends know that of late rears: my case has been an extreme one. I had great suffering from eating any kind of food and on an average would vomit about one- third of my meals, in a sour indigestible mass. When the severe attacks would come, I would lose all strength and be ut- terly helpless. Some of the attacks wonld be so severe that for days together I would not retain anything on my stomach. savea little dry toast and tea. For years] knew hot what it was to pass five consecutive hours without intense pain. From the time I took the first dose of this medicine I ceased vomiting. gradually all soreness passed away and flesh and strength return- ed, and ever since I have been able to eat any kind of food set upon the table. Six months have now passed without anv symp- toms ofthe return of the disease, My case was considered by all, even physicians, so marvelous, that for a time it was feared, it might be fictitious ; but I am now so well convinced, that I have been not merely relieved, but ermanently cured, thatI ean conscientiously recommend Coe's Dyspep- sia Cure to all victims of dyspepsia. ISAAC AIKEN, Late Pastor of the Beaver St. M. E. Chureh Alleghany. CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. New Haven Ct., June 1, 1867. Messrs. C. G. Clark & Co. | y 1587 Gents :—Being anxious, from the great benefits derived, to assist in spreading the fame of Coe’'s Dyspepsia Cure, I would state my case, Something over a year ago, I had a violent attack of Diarrhea which lasted eight weeks, during which time I employed three physicians, but without relief, until I tried Coe's Dyspep- sia Cure. The first dose helped me; I took it three times a day for a week any was entirely cured; and I believe to-dad that it saved my life. Being attacked ina similar way this season, I took one aose,. which put me all right. I would advise every family to keep it on hand ready for immediate use, in case of Summeror owel Complaints C. DUNN. The above Mr. Dunn isin our employ; and we can vouch for the above statement being true. E. ARNOLD & CO. . COE'SDYSPEPSIA CURE Will also be found invaluable in all cases of Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Summer Complaints, Griping and in. fact every dis-- ordered: eondition of the stomach. Sold by Druggists in city or country: everywhere at $1 per Bottle, or by applica- - tion.to : C. G: OHARK & CO. Sole Proprietors, New Haven, Ct.