Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, July 17, 1868, Image 3

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Cetitrd Hall, Pa. July; 17th 1868,
2® Two Nrw Empire Sgwiva Ma-
Cithxxs; Watrantod, for sale at this Office.
Irox Ciry CoLLrar. —A scholarship to
his institution for sale at this office, and to |
© had at & bargain,
BLANKS. —Blank Summons and |
Vendu Notes for sale at this office. |
at |
Loca News. —Qur readers ave solicited |
to furnish us items of local interest for pub- |
ication. Send us the facts only, and we |
will got them in shape for publication,
: mmsmen—— of A —————
Our readers would oblige us, by ocoa- |
sionally mailing a copy of the RePorTER to
their relatives and aequaintances outside |
of eur county, especially to such as former-
ly lived in Pennsvalley. Tt would be the |
most welcome matter you could mail to |
such, and would be the means of inducing |
many to become subscribers, Any person |
sending us 8 new subseribers, and $12, will |
be entitled tothe RerorTERONe year free,
for 4 new subsribers, and $6 the getter up
of the club will receive the REPORTER 6 |
months free. This offer good from this date |
~the names can be sent in as they sub-
—— — -
To Business Men.
Weinvite business men wishing to |
advertise, to eall and examine the |
subscription list of the RerorTeR, and |
satisfy themselves that it preients a |
most desirable advertising medium,
especially for this side, the heart of the |
county. = This has been the experience
of allso far, who have advertised in
the Rerorrer. We venture to say,
that since we commenced the publica- |
tion of this paper, the rapid increase of
our list, unsolicited, is without prece-
dent in this eounty.
w— reilly tie Aer i
Disrressixé Accrpent Iv Bes-
NER Tr.—On last Saturday a little son
of Jas. Searson, of Benner township,
aged about 6 vears, lost his life. Murs,
Searson and her two little sons were on
a wagon loaded with hay, which, ow-
ing to the bad state of the road, upset
into the creek, by which the one httle
boy was instantly killed, having his
arms and legs broken, and receiving
other severe bruises ; and the other lit-
te som was so seriously injured that
fears are entertained for his life. Mrs, |
=, we understand, escaped without in- |
———— so
(GRASHOPPERS, we notice, jare very |
numerous insome portions of our coun- |
ty, and we hear farmers express fears
that they may do some injury.
Our Jan.—A Bic Harn or
“SCCKERS."—The Centre county jail
1: now jammed with prisoners, and one
more than it has capacity for—it con-
taines a small portion of the freedmen’s |
burean, namly 4 negroes, who now |
drow rations from Centre county. The
number of prisoners is nine—14 nigs
and 5 whites. The colored gemmen
all in one cell talking Grant and Col- |
The Sheriff made quite & big haul |
inside the last ten days. A Mrs. Miles, |
of Milesburg, was imprisoned for
threatening to shoot her hushand. Two |
colored boys, Frank Johnson and Jack
Turner, of Bellefonte, arrested on |
charge of disturbing a religious meet-
ing, aud Turner for stealing. Kate
Fatigan and Thos. Dougherty, of Bel- |
lefonte, on charge assault and battery |
and adultery. Jas. Wetherite, of
Boggs, on charge of stealing a horse of
Chas. Lucas.
Tre Crors.—Last week we passed
through the principal agricultural dis- |
tricts of our county, making some ob-
servations of the erops. The hay crop |
is larger than it has been for many |
vears, and is now gathered in. On|
account of the large yield hay will be |
low, the figures being mentioned at
from £8 to $10 per tun or load. |
The grain fields present an unusual- |
ly promising appearance, and we think |
we are now safe for a large yield. Our
farmers have commenced to harvest,
and in some portions of our valley some
grain was-cut last week.
The corn-fields owing to the late |
rains, are beginning to make a fine ap- |
pearance, as a greatdeal of it was plan- |
ted rather late, fears were entertained
for a short crop, but with a continued |
favorable season, we think the yield |
will also be good. Oats, rve and bar- |
ley will also yield well.
The fruit crop will hardly be an
average one. The apple trees do not,
as a general thing, hang full, and we
hear much complaint of dropping off.
il a
-y 9
Pock er Prick En.—Mr. Samuel Din-
ges, of Orangeville, Ill, recently of |
Penn township, this county, had his
pocket picked at the Pittsburg depot,
on the evening of the 1st inst., while
on his way in from the west. He hap-
pened to get into one of the customary
jams just before entering the cars,
which are in most cases eaused by the
pickpockets themselves in order to make |
sure of their vietim. Mr. D., felt the |
hand going from his pocket but the
pressure was so great all around him,
that he could do nothing. The stolen
pockethook contained $27.
Persons when travelling should al-
ways look out for. pickpockets, when
thereisa “jam” at the depots or on enter-
ing or leaving the cars, for these “jams”
are mostly gotten up by pickpockets to
facilitate their operations,
tert Af ———
Tre weather for the last few weeks
was excessively hot. On the afternoon
of the 5th a severe thunder storm pas-
sed over our county, accompanied by
hail which did some damage to vege-
tables in Haines township. On the af-
ternoon of the 8th we were visited by
another tremendous thunder storm.
A snory time ago the millat Wood-
ward, this county was struck by light-
ning, no serious damage done, Fhos.
Hosterman, of same vieinity, had three
theep killed under a tree ‘which was
strack by lightning,
rt ae
~Hesry Fryer, charged with rob-
bing the mail, was token to the Pitts-
burg jail to await his trial,
Tur Harrisburg Morning Patriot
has beeri enlarged; and is now one of
the best dentocratic dailes int thie State,
See prospectus in another column.
cme iaicmsimsnianecncne
Work WELL. — The Kesystone
Mowers, manufactured by the Centre
Hall Manufacturing Comtpithy; and
which were put to work in the hay-
field« during this scasohy; have given
most complete satistaction; :
A Sarvre—Upon the receipt of
the news of the nommation vf Sey ntour;
the Democracy of Centre Hall fired
about 50 anvilsalutes in front of Jacob
which went thundering through the
and reverberated over the mountain
tops, making our radical friends foel
that they are about to See-more next
Hasson collector for this
resigned, and our young
friend, Wm. H. Laurimore, Esq. has
heen appointed in his place,
rt A
Tur weather is exeessively hot—
thermometer stands from 96 to 100,
calif emp—
Norier.—All communications
Mur. Jas.
county has
paid for at our advertising rates,
re A ef Mp -
Tie Worth Rarer Aurpan.—Mr Me-
Alister said in his field that his World Roa
per works admirably, and no machine
could do its work better, and that it was the
best he ever saw to cut down grain, Sold
hy 1. HOUPT.
. Bellefonte,
> lp»
The undersiened offers his Farm, about
leading from Old Fort to Lewisbure,
Private Sale. The farm contains
\ y
which will be sold asa whole, or to suit
purchasers, as follows: The tract on the
south-side of the turnpike, containing 66
acres, all of which is clear and in good state
of cultivation, will be sold separately; the
balance will be sold in two nearly equal
tracts, upon which are two
wood-house, a rood stable,
¥ vagon-shed, hog-pen &e.
and a variety of choice fruit-
trees on the premises,
Ad. Hosterthatt itd And. Stover are
adntinistrators of Michael Stover, dec'd |
of Pentti towhship.
Stryvexsod HARY ster Cott Snare. |
ENER, has stood the sevdrdst tdst; iid been
protounced perfect. By it the kite is held |
firmly to the stone; and the bevel sustdined |
alike on every section. The kttives on the |
antire cutter-bmr are uniformly anid rondily |
ground. For ale by ISAAC HOUPT, |
Beélletunte, Pa:
oo 8
Wi are assured that the firnt fo Bastian
& Keliddll, 85 Hunover Street, Boston;
Miiss., advertised if our eolumins, is trust:
wdrthy and relinble. For 10 gts: they stind
a patetit pen fodtitdin, dnd d sMeek doseri-
bing an articlé ti Be sold tor $1; THeir
club system of sélling goods is Bécoming
Jiite popular; particilicly with the ludivs:
t is worthy of o thlal:
> —
Tue deaths in New York city fur
the week were six hundred and one; or |
two hundred and one more than last
week, The increase is caused hy chol-
era infantum and sun stroke during the
* >
On. 30, of June, Mr. Israel B. Harter, |
(formerly of Haines tp, Centre co.) ane
Miss Mary E. Wagner, both of Stark co.,
On~tuly 9th, by Rev. P. Wagner, Mr.
John Zerby, of Potter tp, and Miss Sarah
KE. Stitzer, from Haines tp,
Ou July 4th, in Georges Valley, Fredrick |
Zettle, aged 72 years and 4 months,
walking Wp from his nap of twenty
if he could only have moistened his
1 voung Tim
pszeelof land. Thi
her, in
cluded in last mentioned
land is all under the hig
vation, and under good fences, For terms
again, Marvelous, indeed, is the effect of
rejuvenating gray-haired humanity,
when you can baffle |
him ?
Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 68
Maiden Lane, New York, Sold by all
Denggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers
The ron
but of the most rigid, correct and
It i= an entire
business world in itself. Every possible
contingency of business life the ot en-
counters and works out independent in the
course of his own experience. When a!
weparing to do business, actually done
wisiness tor somo time, and graduating is
dersigned upon the premises,
junel®68 3m, Potter tp.
This rod combines all the recent improve-
Points, Inzulators, and attach-
bare, five-cights of an inch
ized. They are warranted neverto corrode,
and are connected by perfectly fitting solid
als, form a
Galvanic Battery
ty of the most terrific thunder storm harm-
The Star Galvanized Rod
always to remain bright and clean.
Manufactured at the North American
Lightning Rod Factory, Philadelphia.
These Rods are put up by Samuel Harp-
ster, Centre Hall, Pa., at
25cts. per Foot,
ded to. Junel¥ 68 Sin,
Wholesale and Retail
One Door above Reynold’s Bank.
We will not mention in this advertise-
ment the different varieties of Boots and
Shoes, and Gaiters of every description,
that comprise our stock—suflice to say, that
arand nothing
extent or price
Our ready-made stock was bought from
manufacturers in the East who are careful
of their reputation, and would not sell an
article in the least inferior to what thev
Ve would invite especial attention to our
custom made work, —well knowing thatup-
on the satisfaction rendered in this Depsrt-
ment depends entirely our success in I
ness. Kmploying none but
First-Class Workmen.
We are enabled to guarantee satisfaction t »
all who may favor us with their patronage.
74 A liberal reduction made on wile.
sale purchases,
juned’68,1y. P. McAFFREY & CO.
VN] Dan FOY’'S
TI $. . ” . : : } A a
1s supporter combines, in one Garment.
A perfect fitting corset, and the most desi-
rable skirt supporter ever offered to the
public. og
It places the weight of the skirts wpon
the s oulders instead of the hips; it iow
proves the form without tight lacing ; gives
ease and elegance; is approved RE le
mended by physicians.
The universal and unparalleled suecess
which has attended the introduction of the
article, and the many thousands of dozens
sold annually, is conclusive evidence that
Ms merits are appreciated. For sale at
Wolf's Old Sta a
rood, cheap, and reliable lintment,
an article is
In Pint Bottles at One Dollar.
For Cuts, Galls, Colie,
Sprains, &e., warranted cheaper than any
It is used by all the great horsemen !
It will not cure
Ring Bone nor Spavin, as there is no Lin- |
What it is
No owner |
on Long Island courses.
stated to cure it positively does,
bottle, One dose revives and often saves
For Colic and Bellyache it has never failed.
he the Horse
Use it one and
Depot, No. ht Cortlandt Street, New
Sold by all the Druggists and Store- |
Liniment to
june, H'68 1m.
Wheat $2.00,
Corn, new, M0,
Rye 1,25.
Oats, 32 1h, 70.
Timothyseed, dull
Flaxseed 2.00,
Cloversed, dull, 6,00,
Butter 20,
Ham 20,
White beans 3.00,
Eges IR.
Lard, dull, 18,
Tallow 10.
Potatoes 1,50,
Dried Apples 1b, 10,
Pork 8.4,
Side & shoulder 15,
x 1th
White wheat $2.40, red 2,50.
Rye 1,50,
Corn 115,
Outs 60,
Barley 1,15.
Cloverseed 5.50.
Potatoes 1,72.
Lard per pound 18,
Pork par pound 20,
Butter 0.
Eggs 2,
Plaster per ton $16.
Panel £40 per M.
Run of mill dry $14 per M.
Samples S14 per M.
Bill stuff 18:20 per M,
Hemlock bill stuff 146418 per M.,
18 inch shingle No 1 87 per M.
do No 2 %4.00,
do No 24 $1.60,
do Nod £1.00,
21 inch shingleNo 1 S14.
do No 2 S12.
do No 9 37,0,
(rold 139.
Read wheat
Rye 1,80,
Coen yellow, 1,17a1,17,
Oats 83 western, 90 for good Penna,
Hams 20821, sides 174418,
Cloverseed b,50a6,
Timothyzeed 2,60m2,70,
Flaxseed 2,80a2 85
2.4002, 45, white 2,60a
Wheat dull and declining; No, 2 spring
$1,9001,92; No. 1 spring $200a1,05. Rye
quiet at $1,75a1,85. Oats dull and heavy at
834a84c. Corn at $1,0841,10 for new mixed
western afloat and %1, 1241, 124 for old mixed
western in store. Beef quiet and steady.
Cuts meats firm with a fair demand. Bacon
quiet ane steady. Eard at 17gal8}e,
Money stesdy at 4ube on call. Sterling
steady and unchanged. Gold opend at 1424
and declined to 143, and closed at 1412.
Wheat dull and whanged ; sales of No
Tat $F 92.1 04, nd No. 2at'$1 78al 784.
Corn No.1 at 92a92%¢; No. 2 at 9aH ie.
Outs at 961a97c. Sweet pickled hams, lode.
Lard, 18e, sellers September. Dry salted
shoulders, 12¢, buyer the month. Beef cat-
tle very dull; sales at 86a7 50 for fair to
good smooth lets, Hogs dull at R19a15 -
lower sales, $8 35a8 60 for fair to mediam,
and from $8 55 to $8 75 for good to choice.
Letter from the Loop.
In your last paper you stated that there
would be mo pMprer pu ‘ f
the next week, but murty Waving fabled to
perusing the “Reporter Ist week, and,
cme nt the usual howr for thei
little reerettion on the 4th, disappointment
was pliinly visite wport the face of every
ont wild Tam sure tht if #ou could have
sedi them, the very piettire of despair, you
would Hereatter forfeit the privilege you
tlaint to wnt ocensionul otiday, and would
JRiih your paper regtilurly. Although
he “Reporter” 1s yet tf its infancy, it is
ludked fir With get jiltasure in the Loop,
ind td filmily cirdle is complete without it,
Considetitig the price of it, no paper in the
State tdrtiins so mtich instructive and in-
tetestitle fading tiintter, and, considering
the tertitory Over which it is circulated, it
varttot WE SHrpmssed as oan advertising me:
iti: The turmer, the mechanic, the mers
tHerit, the laborer, all tke it, and even
somie who think that Kurtz is a “Brick
longed peep at its columns; afi it does
But our object in writing, is to tell you
how we spent the 4th, Knowing that the
printer had closed his sanctum and was
“bent on fun,” we employed a substitute
left our counting-room in his care and tried
We lett
home early ; scarcely knowing and not ca-
ring where we went, After going a short
distance, we concluded to eross the moun-
After reaching the summit we over-
caused by the scorching rays of old Sol in
his anger, were having a “'tete a tete’”’ un-
After congratula-
ting them upon their appearance, we
agreed to aecompany them to Milroy, As
we passed the labyrinths of the seven
mountains, we could not refrain from re-
the present month, Our
it does the heart good to look, from the top
of our mountains, upon the verdant grass
Then turning our
and magnificence do we not behold! There
and from among them spring up the hem-
lock and the pine, beneath whose aged
boughs the laurel stands in tull bloom, ex-
quisitely festooning the whole with that
beauty and perfection, which none but the
of God can do. On the other hand,
the deep ravine, its waters clear as crystal,
fair test to be pro-
atoga springs of world-wide renown. But
we must puss on. At Milroy we stopped at
the Union House, 8. 8. Stover proprietor,
and partook of dainty viands with which
most fastidious epicure could have
found no fault.
Stover is one of those whole-souled, gen-
erous-hearted and obliging landlords, who
ter cheer followed cach sky-rorket that
wis sent up into the wir ns t bit had
wings of an eagle,
Next we commenced playing Sresbmlls |
this was the most exciting part of wht | here
our young mati performed their work with
dexterity wnd exertions; sending thvome bree
| ning balls up into the air, lighting op the
henvens brighter thin at the fils of the
moon: This eaeitiog pay was kept wy for
nearly the spwee of i} boirs, whet we ros
tarred to the store mgain and started opr
OviE buttery § Bere our young wen again did
remarkably well, keeping up a constant
fire, whicll lasted over att henge, * +»
Flows poesced the 4th of Jaly at Chareh-
\iffe. ¢ 11 peturn our sincere thanks to
re From, for Wis kindiess in giving us his
thedd for the ocenston,
ls A AA HD Ws wna
(} EO. D. PIVEN.
is the place to buy
Having just returned from the city with
| a large assortment of earefully seleeted
Dress Goods, Musling, Clothing, Hats and
guests, and his table is always supplied
with the best in the market, regardless of
* & * After dinner we concluded
record. The thermometer somewhere bee
No doubt the price of fans"
Many of the ladies had left
cate cheeks painted to perfection,
fanning they could do, could not prevent
the paint from flowing and causing the
Stars and Stripes to float beautifully in his-
toric and traditionar remembrance of the
“Declaration of Independence,” —but, as
labored under no inconvenience in that
We returned to Milroy and found
horses hitched in front of the
House. We tound him
in the parlor, and were
meet us there, We proposed driving to
the “wonderful cave,” fntely discovered
below Milroy ; and, Mr. Kurtz, believe us,
that the most wonderful thing we saw, was
door. “I will give it verbatim et literatim :
are requested not to brake anything of from
the Cave.”
We returned, took supper at Milroy,
and sarsaparilla, porter, wine and beer were
at our service, * # * We then re-crossed
the mountains in the friendly light of pale
“Lana,” whose rays were much more
friendly than old “Sol” had been during
the day. Since that I have resolved, ‘‘en
masse," never to marry a woman who car-
ries a paint-box on the 4th of July, but
have agreed to make a reasonable nllow-
ance and to retract somewhat, since this is
Leap Year,
Tessey Mouxtain Boy.
Loop. July 13th, 1868,
A pr
Letter from Milroy.
Milroy, July 15th, '68.
Dear Editor: — After the week's vacation
we expect, once more, to have a paper; one
whole week have we been without a paper,
and since that a very interesting time was
had here—the nomination of Seymour and
Blair was received with great joy, and to
the satisfaction of the entire Democracy.
We have organized a Democratic club,
which is established for the whole cam-
ciety, to indoctrinate those who are not
of themselves eapabld of judging, with the
true principles of Democraey:.
The 4th of July was celebrated with great
enthusiasm, both by the citizens of Milroy
and the strangers here. The Good Temp-
lars had a pic-nic at Nagney's eave, besides
acar full of passengers from Mifflin and Pat-
terson spent the day at Milroy, and a num-
ber from Lewistown and vicinity. The
day was very fine, but warm, and it was a
rala day throughout our place; we even
had the pleasure of a number of gents from
the Centre Hall Manufacturing Co.
The farmers in general are now busily
engaged in hauling in the grain and hay,
Letter from Churchville to the Reporter
The 4th at Churchville,
Although Churchville is situated in an
humble loeality, called the Loop, it is not
#0 tur from any public place that its inhabi-
tants do not know when the birth-day of
our Country comes. It is quite a small
village, about 24 miles west of Centre Hill
and Potter's Mills, on the direct road that
leads to Boalsburg; it has 8 dwelling how
ges, 2 churches, 1 school-house, 2 shops and
1 store, in short, it is the home of the Patri-
otic. Early in the morning our worthy old
citizen, Col. W. W. Love, hoisted the stars
and stripes, those emrblenys of Liberty under
which our forefathers declared themselves
free and independent, under the title of the
United States of Awerien. While twenty
guns were fired to usher in the day that
should never be forgotten by the American
weople, but should always be burning as a
fright flame in theiv memory as the year
rolls around and another one presents itself,
During the day every thing was quiet, un-
til about sunset, when we opened our so-
called battery amd kept up a Constant fire
until dark; this was a very amusing part to
commence with. All seemed to énjoy it
very much ; we then took a short recess; as
the heat was too oppressive for us to keep
it up any longer; hn our nunibe¥ soom
connmenced to imcrease; they gathered in
from all directions; antil we had vi
of 70 representatives on the round, We
then marched up to a field of Mr. From, in
the rear of the brick churek; on the sum-
mit of the hill we opemed our fireworks;
this was as beautifel a sight as ever a hu-
man eye witnessed at Churchville before;
every heart was filled with joy. Cheer af-
Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, ete. 1
muy not be able to receive ut other places,
should favor me with a enll, we will be mu-
tually benefitted. Room No. 6, Brocker-
apl 768, 1y.
| hoff Row
Offer to the Public one of the
| Inrgest and best selected stocks of merehan-
| dise, in Centre county. Call, examine and
| see for yourself.
| Ts Largest and Best Stock of warran-
ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give
| sutisfaction, at reduced prices, only to be
QQ PICES of all varieties, ground to order
bh and warranted to be strictly pure,
| It is the only place you ean find unadulters-
ted spices. Try them for your own satisfac-
| tion. You can only find them at
HA A WS, knives, spoons, coffee
mills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes,
lamps, forks, chains, &ec., at
ORSE COLLARS, if vou don't want
your horse's shoulders galled and
made sore, get good herse collars at
H ARNESS, collars, cart whips, carriage
whips, in great varieties, govern-
ment gears, saddles; bridlées martingales
check lines, cart gears, tu lilitness, buggy
harness, hames, ete, Eve ng in the sad-
dlery line, at
Jal TACKLES, rod: lines, hooks,
A flies, sea hair baskets, ete. Rig you
out to eatch trout at
>= E GROCERIES, mocha coffee, old
: gov. java, best quality Rio coffee,
best oolong black teas, green teas, lovering
syrup, golden syrup, Drips fine article bak-
ing molasses, rice and everything in the
grocery line at the lowest eash prices in the
Mazkel BURNSIDE & THOMAS. is the
T IS known to all in Bellefente and
) through the county if you want a
good article to
EATHER of all descriptions, french
calf skin, spanish sole leather, mo-
roceo’s, sheep skins, linings. Everything
in the leather line warranted to give satis«
faction, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS".
in all their varieties, at ;
{ADDBLERS BUCKLES, hooks, bits
4 spots rings. “Kverything a saddler
wants for the manufacture of harness, to be
I ASKETS in all their varieties, childrens
A carringes, willow ware, guns, pis-
tols, powder, shot, caps, cartridges, ac., at
of all kinds, at
W PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re-
duced prices,
N We
OTIONS of all kinds, Stelring's gloves,
Handkerchiefs, combs, Posies ooks,
in all their variety and very cheap, at
FEIYURKEY TPRUINS, raisens, peaches
: sppler, orsnges, lemons, all kinds
of foreign fruits, Hams, bacon &e., a
*™ ED FRUITS, peaches; tomatoes,
/ pine i sles, and peas in great varie=
ty, at
PABITS SOAP, Wm. Hagan and Ke-
ons, olive soap, Pobbing soap Jesse
- Onkley's soaps, old castile, pure, Palm sowp,
derling's soap, and a great variety of
other soups, at
WHITE r ISH, Herring, Mackeral, ac. at
highest market prices paid for all
kinds of country produee, at
I uve just recgived sg very lutge
goods, which with be sold st
rives, at
nssortment of
the lowest *us
1 RUGS AND MEDI KES wif oar.
3 ithe *
tions led at all A ea Wines ph
Liquors for Medicinal purposes only. A
large assortment of Patent ‘RIN "
ER al
A ———— A
WARE. Persons building will d»
well to give him a call before purch-
aseing elsewhere, Barn door hinges, from
twelve to 80 inches long. Barn door rollers,
| Strap hinges all sizes, ut
| Ie Loe
RON. Iron all sizes, Scollop and al}
heavy Iron, from best manufactures
al 41 per pound, at MMANIGAL'S,
Norway Nailrods,
Cast Steel,
— Mister Steel,
. Bpring Steel,
Bie Springs,
mi. re
&e., &e.,
ST 11 Hicory Fellows at $2.00 per sett
Hubs and Rims, 8 ok es, Shafis &e,
SA DLERY HARDW ARE of every des-
be eription, at M'MANIGAL'S.
{UTLERY. Alurgeassortment of Pock-
J et and Table entlery, Ten and table
Rpoans. In this line we defy competition.
“aitersand ten trays, at
NKS and Travelling Bags, lage #s-
sortment at M MAN GALS,
Culf skins, Lining skins, Toppings,
Shoe makers finishing tools, Ju at
b quality, at M'MANIGAL'S.
Ww LIL PAPER, 4000 pieces just re-
ceived 37 different a good
paper at 10 and 12} cts, at
| Churns,
Scythes and Snethes at
ARGE assortment of Table and Car-
| 34 riage Oil Cloth, Table and Stand
*aterns, ut M'MANIGAL'S.
( You ean boy your Oils, Paitits, Var-
nish Print und Varnish brushes
| (ground Bristies,) n new Patent Bedstead
fustner and a great many other articles you
need, low mt M'MANIGAL'S,
A large assortment of Fancy and com-
4 mon Soaps. Will be sold whole-
sale and retail, at M'MANIGALS.
Ten Kettles, Bake Pans, &c., at
¢ You ean buy your Plains, Chisels,
Saws gnd other tools low, at
< LOOR OIL CLOTH, 12 Different Pat-
) terns, 4, 5, 6 and 8% wide, a good ar-
ticle at 55cts, Oil Shades, all new patterns,
Whips, :
Broom twine,
&e., &c, at
Hardware Store,
may 15°68 1y. Milroy, Pa.
Durability, Efficiency, Simplicity and
Lightness of Draft Combined.
Mower & Reaper.
By common consent the most perfect piece
of agricultural machinery in existence
Manufactured by
hy - - if sh inl
A rew and com : : .
been opened by rte fee lina
Ey tr AIOE. mista they are brat
ated tose 4 n Ouse
Fiirwisking Hardware, Tron, . ni
KEY W im setts, Champion Clot
Wringer, Mill Baws, Circular and Hand
Buvws, Fenton Baws, Webb Saws, Ice Cream
Freezers, Bath Tob, Racks, a tull
tssortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of all
sines, Pictire Frames, Wheelbarrows,
mps, Cond 04] § .
ulloes, and Habe Prim. Cultivat
Plows, Plow Points, Bhear Mold g
ahd Cultizator Toot eis Cutlery, Shov
els, A “a nges,
ne Tp ge, ! ' y
| Norway Rode. Oils, Lard, Lubricating.
| Com], Linseed, Tanners, Anvils, Vices, Bel-
| lows, Serew Plates, Blacksmiths Tools,
| Fuctary Belly Hotse Bells, Dinner Bells,
6 Is, Ten Bells, Grindstone, Carpen-
| ter Tools, Fruit darsand Ca Paints. Oil.
Varnishes received snd for sa wt . *
| juneh'68 ly, J.& 4, HARRIS.
J :
Essay tor the Yeung Men, on the Errors,
Abuses nnd Disewsrs which desiroy the
Munly Towers and vifute inipedifients to
Marriage, with shre means of relief. Sent
in sealed letter envelopes free of charge
Address, Dr. J. Skillin Houghton, How-
ard Assaeintion, Philadelphia Fu,
June H'8K ly.
N. ;
Wholesale and retail dealer in
f le 1 F
Stoves & Tinware,
Allegheny Strest, Bellefonte, Pa,
| Hed only a partial Tiet of Cook Stoves;
Wellin '
Royal Cook,
‘rinee Royal,
Sea Shell,
Atid America.
Parlor and Office Stoves
Morning Glory,
i Bri Hatt,
New Egg,
And Parlor Cooks for Wood of Cosl, and
Wood Bloves of every deseription.
Attention is ealled to his stack of Roonng
| Plate, a new size, which he has just reeeiv-
| ed, size 40x20. It makes better job (hah tha
old size, and can be furnished cheaper than
atiy other establishment in town.
Fa Spotting and Johbing promptly i=
tended to, Charges ar “ry atin
faction gtuaratitesd, junei 68 1y.
Of ew and cheap goods just received
from New York lh deus ia, how
opened at the store of Graff 8 Thompson,
ilroy, nearly opposite G. W. Graham's
Hotel; consisting of a splendid assortment of
Dress and faney goods; such ae
Hohais Cloths
tti's Suite Uoods
Boots & a :
ats of all kinds,
Fall P
eeris Ww at .
uckets and Tiihe
fone y made clothing
: i=
“ny nt;
Brrups of diferent kinds, §
onl if
And a general ¢ariets of sther merchant
die, ua 1ally kept in country stores, all o
The limits of an ordinary advertisement |
will not admit of an extended description of |
the Machine, but we may briefly indicate |
the points in which its acknowledged su-
periority over all other mowersand reapers
will be seen: —
Ist. The gearing is cut from solid iron
blanks, instead of Being cust, as is the ease
in all mowers and reapers heretofore in use,
Fhe principal points of superiority of the |
cut over the east gear are accuracy and umni-
formity of form, durability and the same
amount of power required to propel it; every
wheel and cog being cut to a stands
. 2d. The shafting i» 4leet turned with per-
fect uniformity and actiifsey; and the
wheels—which are Bored to a standard
guage—keyed upon them, formitig a #on-
nection so perfect and permanent that there
cannot possibly be the lesst vibration.
3d. The trame or foundation consists of
a #olid iron shell or case, sufficiently strong
to effectually protectthe gearing from dam-
age by strain in passing over rough ground,
and, with a closely fitting hinged-top short,
all external enuses of destruction.
4th. The boxing—which constitutes a
part of the frame—is, with its caps, filled
with habbit inetal, the adjustment of the
shafting being by guage, so that the bear-
ings are not only perfect snd uniform
throughout, but the alignment itself perfect.
Sth. The box enps are secured in their
places by being bossed and sunk into cor-
responding recesses or counter bores in the
et A s. The bolts used are turned
and faced to ft tightly and the thread cut
upon a lathe instead of squeezed or ground
inte the irofr. The nuts are of the best quaki-
ty, hot-pressed faced and hexagon shaped.
The attachments combine all the essen-
tial improvements in common useand some
of superior merit which are peculiar te the
machine, the whole being gotten wp inv the
most convenient and substantial msnner.
Circulars containing specifite deseription
of the machine, with price list fornished
upon application to the mafifacturers.
Agent for Centre Co., Pa.
A two-story dwelling
Hotes, and two lots, in Centre
Halt. Anabundance of choice
fruit trees on the premises, and
hydrant near thedoor. A ply
Siro sd
e undersigned would respectfully an
nounce to-his friends, and the surrewnding:
community in general, that he is fully pre-
pared to furnish Coffins, at the shortest no-
tice, and at reduced prices.
they no# flor it the lowest prices
Farmers i othe fruit Centre county
will do well to giv
ine their sk
We shall st all times be pleased to
show custoniefs oir goods, and will
make it an object to sell goods low.
{ thom & call, and exam-
efor ptirchasing else-
Graf & Thompson
They also have at their Tannery a good
assortment of
on hand and will be eold low for eash.
in Milroy, for which we will pay 8c. Jo
und for Bull, 9 for Steer and Cow hides,
3 for Calf skins, elear of cuts and seares.
The highest prices will be paid in eash or
trade for good oak bark. :
may8'68ly. GRAFF & THOMPSON.
Whitman's celebrated confections,
Whitman's celebrated chocolate,
Buker's chocolate, Smith's chocolate,
China Ginger, English Pickes,
American Piekles. at