HALL: REPORTER. wpe Jr Centre Hall, Pa. July, 3rd, 1868 CENTRE LOCAL ITEMS. re ~Two NfW EMPiae Sewing Mas eniN ks, warranted, for sale at this Office, Irony Ciry Contra R.—A scholarship to this institution for sale at this oflice, and to be had at a bargain, Bradks,— Blank . Summons and Vendu Notes for sale at this office. - i ————— ~ cop ————————— - Local News, —Qur readers are solicited to furnish us items of loeal interest for pub- lication. Send us the facts only, and we will got them in shape pul ————— rst fr Ap - WM Oar rendors would oblige us, For LN hy ACC - ly lived in Pennsval most welcome matier vou . 1 Joy. It conld any to become subseribers, be entitled tothe REroRTER ODS for 4 new subsribers, and [i the gette menths free, This offer good from this date Bt riba. tl - - To Business Men. advertise, to call’and examine subscription list of the RErorTiR, and watisfy themselves that it preients a most desirable“advertising medium, especially for this xide, the heart of the canty. This has been the experience the Rerorter. We venture to say, tion of this paper, the rapid increase of our list, unsolicitad, ix without prece- dent in thi eounty. ee fem se no, paper ding 4thof July week, more reading matter for the price than a» Weeall the attention of merchants, dairymen and others, to the advertise- ment of Joginh Carpenter, in another column. Inducements are offered which i bargains, » go» Mss Arnie Tibbens, daughter of bitten in the hand by a rattlesnake ele pe MARRIAGES. On 18th, Daniel 1. Shope, and Miss, Blair, both of Milesburg. On 25th, hy NG. Shannon, Ksq, Mr, John Pat, and Miss. Amelia Conter, both RIP VAN WINKLE, walking up from his nap of twenty years, acres, all of which is eleur and in good state balance will be sold in two nearly equal tracts, upon Which sre two dwelling houses, gmoke-houve, wood-house, a rood stable, i on gonsshed, hog-pen &e. BE A good young apple orchard and a variety of choice fruit- WITHERED LOCKS with Cristadoro’s dye, would have looked like A YOUNG MAN Marvelous, indeed, is the effect of CRISTADOROS HAIR DYE in rejuvenating grav-haired humanity, Why yield to Time when you ean batlle Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 68 Maiden New York. Sold by all Applied by sll Hair Dressers. Lune, July 5, he. a A MODEL INSTITUTION. ~The 1ron It is an entire E vary Lorde ent en- business world in self, tern near the house, 50 ACRES OF TIMBELAND course of his own experiences, When a man graduates from this College he ns in propacing to da business, netunlly done ysiness for somo time, and graduating is For ters dersigned upon the premises, WAM. STUMT, y Mier th. GALVANIZED LIGHTNING i ROD. SUPERIOR TO AXY IX USE. - y - LAS TYT Battery ‘Hirye the leet Ct bor thundse ror havin vr Gav anizedd i= warranted hy in io ! Fire | and } : \ . . wied on the prinaeipd . x 1 y= to reat brio clon, H 4r COLLEGES AND PUBLJC INSTI TUTIONS ih aichont the country, \anuternred at the North Lightning Rod. ifaet . Philadelphia, These Rods are pat np by Samuel harp stor, Centre Hall, Pad, at 25¢ets. per Foot, by whom all orders will be promptly atten dod to, Juneld oss. i \ Orv NEW HARDWARE STORE! J. & J. HARRIR NO. 5 BROCKERIIOFEF ROW, resem oe fe fee en WHYT EVERY HORSEMAN WANTS —A good, cheap, and reliable liniment, Such an article is D R. TOBIAS ps at One Dollar. (Cuts, Galle, Colie, In Pint Dott For Lameness, erhotf s new bailding—where they are pre- Furnishing Hardware, Tron, Steel, Nails, Birgy Wrinzer, Mill Circular and Hand ‘ Tyr y ry Ee. Y,, Saws, Fennon Saws, Webb Saws, lee Cream Froozars. 3ath Tubs, Clothes Racks, 2 full assortment of Glass und Mirror Plate of all Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows, Lamps, Coal Oil Lainpe, Saws, o SIZ 20s, Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov- ela, Spndes and F a, Locke, Rerews, Sash Springs, Hors -Shoes, Nails, Rode. Oils. Lard, (oa). Linaced, Tanners, Anvils, Vices, {ows Plates. Blacksmithz Hn Neroew | tor Tools, Fruit Jar< and Cans, Paints, Oils, J. & J. HARRIS. junedy 68 Jy, are selling the celebrated Faber's Pa- tent Chimney Tops and Flues, usc upon every bulding—it is safe, durabie and cheap, and las riven satis- faction toeal who have tried them, For further particulars in puire of the above parties. > mr The Fourth of July will, make fits apputrancé in Centre county, immediately after 12 o'clock, midnight of the 3rd mst. It will hard- ly be visible before daylight, after which many supposing it will appear in the shape of an eclipse, will attempt to view it through a colored glass—a glass for instance, colored with brandy, repeatedly looking through 1 mend this way of#secing” the Fourth, «un down, and may cause noses. The Fourth, we think, it ix certain, will “remain in our midst” about 24 hours, when it will take its departure for the “re-constructed” regions and feast npon test oaths. The hands of the RErorTER office have net yet determined to sce the Fourth through a colored glass, for the same reason that Jack did not eat hissupper—as no one has yet furnished us with ihe juice by which to stain bleeding of anything betic, we will hail the chap Wholesale and Retail Store, One Door above Reynold’s Bank. We will not mention in this advertise- mont the different varieties of Boots and Shoes, and Gaiters of every description, that comprixe our stock—suflice to say, that is complete in every particnlarand nothing to exeel it in style, quality, extent or price in the county, Our ready-made stock was bought from manufacturers in the East who are careful article in the least inferior to what they represent. Ve would invite especial attention to our custom made work,—well knowing that up- on the satistaction rendered in this Depart- ment depends entirely OUP SUCCESS In Pr ness. Kmploying none but First-Class Workmen. We ave enabled to guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. ie A liberal reduction made on whole- sale purchases. junedytd ly. P. McAFFREY & CO. Norice—All communications re- commending persons for office must be paid fog at our advertizing rates, other, on Lone Island ¢ It will not entre MASS, i= there i no Lin- What Na owne: Ring Bone nor N; i will, ' . tn rh 3 ‘ry } 4 ol horses WHT Day WL hott] One dose revives ) the hfe ol ans ne hin all P)inot nil i York. 1 ovens, i day, hrocation of the No, db ( Ad Noid by all the Dror june, a 68, Tm, > A - LEWISBULG MARKET. \W heat 32.20, new, 1, ye 1.2%, 32 1h. mothyvs=cd, dull 2 4 eed iN), eed, dull, 8,00, orn, “H y 2 kyres Load, Tallow 10, Potatoes 1,50, Driewd Apples ih. 10, Pork Son), Side & 9 VALUABLE BOOKS. Good Books are an indispensable neces- gity in every family, not only for the bene- fit of grown persons, but also for the proper training of the rising generation. Mr. IL Dasher, of Centre Hall, is now selling the following valuable works : : Large Illustrated Family Bibles ; Our Departed Friends, or Glory of the Immortal Life. Smith's Bible Dictionary. War Between the States by A. IH. Stephens. white 2,60a M ADAM FOY'S A CORSEKT SKIRT SUPPORTER, This supporter com! A perfect fitting corset, und the ri hlo skirt supporter ever offered to the public, 03 Lt places welzht the Tors instead tho slaarts il of the of the hips; 1 ence and elegnnee; is approved and recom- mendod by physicians, The universnl and unparalleled success which has attended the introduction of the 640 MELISS QE CHE. Union Pacific RAILROAD Are now finishad and in operation. Sixty Atlantic und Pacific Btates is being sold annually, is conclusive evidenes that its Morita are vl For sale at Wolt"s Old Stand, \ K(), ' D. PIFER is the place to buy DRY GOODS HATS & CAPS BOOTS & SHOES NOTIONS, &C. Having just returned from the city with More than twenty thousand men are employed, and it is not impossible that the entire track, from Omaha to Sacramento, will be finished in 1869 instead of 1870. The means provided are aniple, and all that en. ergy, men and money enn do to secure the completion of this GREAT NATIONAL WORK, at the earliest possible day, will he done, THE UNION PACIFIC RATLROAD RECEIVE: I-A Goverxvent Graxt of the right of way, and all necessary timber pid other tions, 11.—A GovERNMENT. GraxT of 12.800 | | { Phin isnn absolute donation, and will be i solree of sections on each side of its voud. Inrge revenue in the future, HE A GoviersMENT GrAsT of United States Thirty-yvear Bonds, amounting to from $16,000 to 343,000 per mile, according to the difficulties to be surmounted on the various sections to be built. The Govern- ment takes a second montgage as security, and it is expected that not only the interest, but the principal amount may be paid in services renderad by the Company in trans- The interest is now much more than paid is this way, be- porting troops, mails; &e. money to the Governmunt, IV. ~A GovkrNMENT Grant of the right to issue its own First Mortgage Bonds, to aid in building the road, to tho same mmonnt as the U.S. Bonds, issued for the same pur- pose, and no mere, The Government Per- mits the Trustees for the First Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the Company only ns the road is completed, | i | { | in all respects an first-cluss Railroad, laid locomotives, cars, &e. Vv —A CAPITAL STOCK SUBECRIPTION Dress Goods, Musling, Clothing, Hats and Cans, Boots and Shoes, ean offer inducements to you which you 1.1 may not he noice {lo receive and other place \ \ 1 The stock was boneht at the and I feel Drees, hould favor me with a eall, we \ 0 i : . A) Room hot Row TU apli 6s iy. IDE & THOMAR, Ofer to tho Publie one of the li in Centre county, Call, examine and 1 i lorgest Nn ed est Stack of wareran todd warranted to give satisfaction, at reduced prices, only to | BURNSIDE & THOM AN, Boots and Shoes, and warranted to be strietly pare ted spices. Try then for your own satisine- tion. You ean only find them at BURSSIDE&STHOMAN, I "ANDSAWS, knives, mills, sho els, spades, Yee hoes, spooiis, 4 rakes, i BURNSIDE & THOMAR, ORSE COLLARS, if you don't want BURNSIDE & THOMAS, ARN ESS, collars, eart whips, carriage H whips, in great varieties, govern- ment gears, saddles, bridles, martingales check lines, cart gears, tug harness, buggy harness, hames, ete. Everything in the sad- dlery line, at RURNSIDE & THOMAN, flies. gen hair baskats, ete, out to eateh trout at BURNSIDE & THOMAS, J" NE GROCERIES, mocha coffee, old gov. java, best quality Rio cotlee, best oolong black teas, green teas, lovering work already done, and which will ‘be in- creased us the wants of the Company quire, YL Business, that alroa the interest on the First Mortgage Bonds, through teaffic that, must follow the open- y tiint MORTGAGE BONDS i property c tainly love FIRST upon aie] timas their amount, CY. The Company have nbundént lmean: their treasury, and make no appeal to the nuhblic mse their Bonds, asthe daily to purel MILROY l RUG AND ITARDWARE STORE. : I hiavejust received a very large assortment of goods, which will be sold at the lowest cid prices, i" W. Ji. M'MANIGALS, | RUGS AND MEDICINES wll war- ranted pure! Physicians perserip- tions filled. at all hours, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal putiatss only. A MMANIGAL'S, £ Nasty FURNISHING HARD- WARE. Persons building will do well to give him a eall before purch- aeoing elaewhere, Buren door hinges) from twelve to 80 inches long, Barn door rollers, Strap hinges nll sizes, at MMANIGALS. PER KEG FOR NAILS at MMANIGAL'S. y al 4,85 RON. Iron all sizes, Beollop and ull heavy lron, from best manufactures dt 41 per pounds ht MMANIGAL SN § 3 & SFr ere ere dk HORSE SHO BN, i § : Norw ay Nailrods, Cast Stoel, Blister Steel, Bpring Mee), Springs, Avgles, Le, &e. WHANIGAL'S. tg 1} Hicory Fellows at $2.00 per sett Hubs and Rims, Spokes, Shafis &e. nt M MANIGAL'S. 8A DLERY H A RDWA RF of every dos b eription, at M MANIGA LS { (UTLERY. Alurgenssortment of Pock- / et and Table cutlery, Ton ard table spoons. In this line we defy competition. Waiters and tea truye, at MMASNIGALS. ¢ nt NES aod Fravelline Bugs, Inge O=- sortment ut MMANIGALS. Be RED SOLE LEATHER at 20cts. Calf skins, Lining skins, Toppings, Shoe makov: Snishing tenis, MMANIGAL'S. ——————————————————— A] ——————— A ——————_—— py — {ILVER PLATED WARE of every quality, at M'MANIGAL'S. FALL PAPER, 4000 pieces just re- coived 37 different Patierns, good prper at 10 amd 124 ete. at M MANIGALS. MMANIGALS. WwW OD AND WILLOW WARE Tubs ! Churns. Baskets, Grain rakes Seythes and Snethes at MMANIGAL SS I. Cloth, Table and Stand Interns, MMANIGAL'S. LABINET MAKERS, You can buy vor Oils, Paists, Var- nizh Paine and Varpish brashes, rine Oil int beral returns, there is cortaindy no better investment in the wmrket, The Union Pacitic Bonds are for 51080 each, and have coupons attached. have thirty years to run, and bear annual interest, payable on the first days of Janu- (ity of New York, at the rate of six per cont. in gold, The Principal is payable in gold at maturity, fustner and a great mmny other articles you need, low at MM MANIGALS. large assortinent of Faney and com- Hon Noa. Will be sold whole- M MANIGALS. A PORCELAIN "AND BRASS Kettles, Tea Kettles, Bako Pans, &e., at WAMANIGALS. PENTERS You ean buy veur Plains, Chisels, Saws and other tools low, at M' MANIGAL'S. TLOOR OIL CLOTH, 12 Different Pat- terns, 4, 0, 6 and 8} wide, a good ar- Oil Shades, all new patterns, M' MANIGAL'S. ticle at HHets, their cost of NEARLY NINE PER CENT. AND IT IS BELIEVED THAT THEY MAY SOON BE AT A PREMIUM, subscriptions on which the money has not Subseriptions will bereceivedin CENTRE HALL BY FRED. KURTZ, and in New York sau Street, AND BY place, Br i through the county if you want wood article go to BURNSIDE & THOMAS. EATHER of all descriptiont, french 4 calf skin, spanish sole leather, no- roceo’s, sheep «kine, linings. Everything in the leather line warranted to give satis- faction, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS. QUOE-M AKERS TOOLS and findings, bh in all their varieties, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS. VYADDLERS BUCKLES, hooks, bits spots rings. Everything a saddler wants for the manufacture of harness, to be found at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS. ln in all theirvarieties, childrens carriages, willow ware, guns, pis- tols, powder, hot, caps, cartridges, &c., at BURNSIDE « THOMAS, FEYOYS of all kinds, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS, EW PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re- duced prices, at ; BURNSIDE « THOMAS". TOTIONS of all kinds, Stelring’s gloves, Handkerchiefs, combs, Pocky; woks, in all their variety and very cheap, at BURNSIDE « THOMAS. FIVURKEY PRUINS, raisens eichs apples, oranges, lemons, all kinds of foreign fruits, Hams, hacon se. al BURNSIDE &« THOMAN'. i {ANNED FRUITS, peaches, tomatoes, / pine apples, and peas in great varie Ly, af BURNSIDE & THOMAR', PABITS SOAP, Wm. Hagan and Ke- ons, olive soap, Dobbins’ soap Jesse ) Oakley's soaps, old castile, pure, Palm soap, at other soaps, BURNSIDE « THOMA! pas 1 hichest market prices paid for all kinds of country produce, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS, apl7 08, BURNSIDE & THOMAS. Wall St, And by the Companys advertised agents thronghont the United States, Remittances should be made in drafts or Bonds will be sent free of charge by return express. Parties subscribing througl¥locall | K et —————— a livery. A PavrineT AND Mar For 1868 has just been published by the Company, giving fuller information than is possible in an ad- vertisement, respecting the Progress of the | i { Pulleys, Whips, Broom twine, Broom handles, & cy Koh WW. J. HAXIGAL'S; Hardware Store, Milroy, Pa. at may iH 68 1y, I Viriubility, Efficiency, Simplicity and Lightness of Draft Combined. TIHHE WORLD'S ——————. ——— i I —— By common consent the most perfect piece of agricultural machinery in existence . Mapufartured By BALL & "COMP ANA{ CANTON OHIO. The limits of an a axgendid desgription o this Maehing, “but & Rahgliiany indicate the points in which its acknowledged su- periority over all other mowers and reapers Ist, § The ka ging cut iffom solid iron Wanks, ingftéad of Bring enst, fs is the case a ——————— ——" cut aver the east var arenéeuracy and uni- formity of form, durability and the same ameub lef paw ee foquiredtdpiopel itjevery wheal’ und cog being ‘cut to a standard gunge, ’ 2d. The shafting iz also turned with per- fect uniformity amd accumey, and the which ure Bored to a standard keyed upon thems forming a con- ersed by the Road, the Means for Construc- tion. and the Value of the Bonds which pany's offices or at any of the advertised JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York, agents, june 68, WORLD MUTUAL Life Insurance Company of NEW YORK. I. F. Frueauft, Hollidaysburg Pa., Gen- ernl Agent for Pennsylvanin, B. O. Deininger, Millheim Pa., Local Agent, Centre County Reference.~-D. I. Hilbish, burn, Hon. F. Kurtz, Wm. Harter, Den- tist. The World is conducted upon the mutu- al principle, by whieh policy holders are insured free—as all the insured have the banefits of the profits. The Dividends are paid annually, after the second year, by which the insured se- cure all the advantages of the profits. Thus tho dividends increase from year to year, until they reach the sum of the annual pre- mium, and then exceed it. Policies are paid in #hirty days after due notice and proof has been given of the death of thein sured. Thirty days grace are allowed in the re- newal of premiums’ After two annual payments all policies remain in foree, aplU G8, 1y, %l. | The frame or foundation consists of a solid iron shelor.case, sufficiently strong to effectually protest the gearing from dam- age by strain 1 passing over rough ground, and. with a closely hitting hinged-top short, all external causes of destruction. 4th. The boxing ~which constitutes a partof the frames, ¢ pith its caps, filled netal, the Adjustinent of the i, 0 that the bears it and uniform throng hou i nt itself perfect. Fig oo ah pe Thahox eaps ae Fred in their places by being bossed and sunk, into cor- responding recesses or counter bores in the piller-hlocks. The bolts used are turned and faced to fit tightly and the thread cut upon a lathe instead of squeezed or ground into the iron. The nuts areof the best quali- ty, hot-pressed faced and hexagon shaped. The attachments combine all the essen- tinl improvements in common use and some of superior merit which are peculiar to the machine, the whole being gotten up in the most convenient and substantial manner. Circulars containing specifiic description of the maching, with. price list furnished upon application te the manufacturers, ISAAC HAUPT, Agent for Centre Co., Pa, shalting being ings are For SALE. A two-story dwelling house, and two lots, in Centre gl1all. Anabundanceofchoice fruit trees on the premises, and wiih ydrant near the door. Apply . FRED. KURTZ f Bi DEAD MUST BE BURRIED. The undersigned would respectfully an- nounce to his friends, and the surrounding community in general, that he is fully pre- pared to farnish Coffins, at the shortest no- tice, and at reduced prices. H. R. SMITH, ap24 68 6m. Bs #8 Churchville. TE RTT 1) WWND (ame to the stable of the under- signed: near Potters Mills, on the morning of the Ist diy of June last, a light brown Taare, about eight Corrs ord and has res manted with the: subseriber since. The owner of the same is Nereby requested to come forward, prove property, pay costs, ud er JACOB KUSTENBAUDER. junel2 ¥t, 4 AONJUG AL LONE Wh ——— ———— nS ———— 1 J CANUTHE BAFPISRES OF TRUE MARRIAGE Essay for the' Young Men, on the Errors, Yicemmes which destroy the Manly Powers and exente impediments to Marringe, with save menue of relief. Sent in’ sealed letter smvelopes free of charge Address, Dr, J. Skillin Houghton, How- ard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. June 5681. : Eo 1%: ~Steaved from the premises Br of the sels awe Anromabiirg, about flevd week's ago. a speckled roan heifer, about nine 2B dB months old. Any informati n of the whiorewhout vof the same, will bo suit- oly rewarded, by the undersigned. june it. WM. HARTER. N HILLIBIS, ai I v : Whiolowle: awd setail denler in Stoves & Tinware, Alleghany Street, Bellefonte, Pu. Read only w partial ist of Cook Stoves Wellr », Waverly, Ornamental, Oriental Goyal ¢ ook, Prinee Royal, Hen Shell, Artisam, Aud Aweries. Parlor sad Office Stoves Morning Glory, Tropic, Brilliant, New Kgg, And Parlor Cooks for Wood or Coal, and Wood Stoves of every deseription. iE Attention is enlled to hie stock of Roonkg Plate, & new size, which be hae just receiv- ed, size 40x20. It makes better job than the | old size, and can be furnished ¢ wry other establishment in town. zar-Spouting and jobbing promptly at- tended to. Charges reasonable and satis- faction guaranteed. juneS' 68 1y. | Te | RF RAND EXHIBITION | Of mew and chemp goods just received | from New York and Philadelphix, new opened ot the store of Graf & Thompson, | Milrow, nearly opposite G. W. Graham's | Hotel, consisting of a splendid assortment of Press and Maney goods, such as Mohair Clothsi Alpacas, De Laines, Gingham, Calicoes, Lawns, Mastine, Cassimeres, Men's Summer Goods, Boots & Rhoes, Hats of all Kinds, Hardware, Drugs, Wall Paper, Srbines are, uckets and Tubs, Ready made clothing] Fish, Sugar, Coffee, Syrups of different kinds, Coal OAL And & general variety of sther merehan® dize, usually kept in country stores, all of which they now offer at the lowest prices Farmers and others from Centre county will do well te ge them a and exam- ine their stock before ng else- where. We shall at al) times be show customers our make it an object to to and will goods low. REMEMBER THE PLACE IS Graff & Thompson IN MILROY. . Trey also have at their Tannery a good assortment of OAKSOLEANDHARNESSLEATHER KIP AND CALF SKINS on land and will be sold low for cash. in Milroy, for which we will pay Se. I pound for Bull, 9 for Steer and Cow hides, 8 for Calf skins, clear of cuts Ta meh e The highest prices will be} trade for good oak bark. may8'60,1y. GRAFF & THOMPSON. THE KIRBY. To Farmers, who are in wantof a Mower and Hoaper, will do well to examine the Kirby. Send for a descriptive Catalogue or call on SHORTLIDGE & CO., Agents. apl0'68 3m. lefonte, Pa ‘Whitman's celebrated confections, “Whitman's celebrated chocolate, Buker’s chocolate, Smith's chocolate, China Ginger English Pickes, American Pieklex, at +BURNSIDE &« THOMAS.