. FIBA PTITZELL, | y Milroy Mittin Co. Pa. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER | TIN STOVES, TINWARE, Xe. His stock consists in part of . ae SPEARS ANTLDUST COOKING STOVE, the best cook in the world, : : The Celobrated Burley Sheall | Tronsides Cook, Oriental Cook, Fulton Range. Oriontal Parlar Furnnees. Spears Parlor, Spears Orbicular, Churches, School Houses &e. A full line of Tinware and Self Sealing, Fruit Cans on hand. Particular attention paid to Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing. Close cash purchaser< will find it an ad- | vantage to give him a cull. Hie Store near the R. R. Depot. Junel¥ 68 tim, TINWARE! TINWALRE! J. REIBER, § ' Yaspectfully announces ta the citivenc of | Pettar tewaship. that he ie now prepared | ta furnish upon shortest notica, and ax | cheap as aliewhare, avers article in the line of Tin and Nheatiren Ware STOPE-PIPE SPOT All kinds of repairing done, wave, an hand buckets cups, ¢ ed, Qe, co. 3 SILVERPLATING. ¢ and most His char- | yo They, He has als Hppers, dinh- for Wazgiad executed in the Gnes durable style. Give him a call. i goa dre reasonable aplOoy 1y, cas ce —————— H™ FARMERS, LOOK HERR. GET THE VALLEY CHIEN RE\- | PER £& MOWER, Manufxetured by do Marsh & Cog Lewis- bury. It 1s a eolf-raker, ! Coats rain or ors no omadter how much Yo, vid gtd TENG MN may ha —s , yD ef ree enii nf tae rosiden of Walla tare, iron and eel an iwi HME) eat and warrsntes i i 1 ER] eat I is the tion, all eas eration weairhe only t ewheel machine sadisfierorilv, an lift ing to uaran it will be at the agn ae of the manufacturers Price of machine ! m oanths ere bt 3 ined, Diy aa IHR cash » a5 Mower BHRHARY \ W als ie. 1} WM ap ly 5%.3m, i BUGGIE 1) J. 3 Muonnay, Hall. Psa Manna . Patio kin le of lu THIEL waonld re p> “The L The Harrisburg Palriot speaking of oitor And Spirit.” i Platform avs: If it he trac that “ - the pleasure is ax | re