. FIBA PTITZELL, | y Milroy Mittin Co. Pa. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER | TIN STOVES, TINWARE, Xe. His stock consists in part of . ae SPEARS ANTLDUST COOKING STOVE, the best cook in the world, : : The Celobrated Burley Sheall | Tronsides Cook, Oriental Cook, Fulton Range. Oriontal Parlar Furnnees. Spears Parlor, Spears Orbicular, Churches, School Houses &e. A full line of Tinware and Self Sealing, Fruit Cans on hand. Particular attention paid to Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing. Close cash purchaser< will find it an ad- | vantage to give him a cull. Hie Store near the R. R. Depot. Junel¥ 68 tim, TINWARE! TINWALRE! J. REIBER, § ' Yaspectfully announces ta the citivenc of | Pettar tewaship. that he ie now prepared | ta furnish upon shortest notica, and ax | cheap as aliewhare, avers article in the line of Tin and Nheatiren Ware STOPE-PIPE SPOT All kinds of repairing done, wave, an hand buckets cups, ¢ ed, Qe, co. 3 SILVERPLATING. ¢ and most His char- | yo They, He has als Hppers, dinh- for Wazgiad executed in the Gnes durable style. Give him a call. i goa dre reasonable aplOoy 1y, cas ce —————— H™ FARMERS, LOOK HERR. GET THE VALLEY CHIEN RE\- | PER £& MOWER, Manufxetured by do Marsh & Cog Lewis- bury. It 1s a eolf-raker, ! Coats rain or ors no omadter how much Yo, vid gtd TENG MN may ha —s , yD ef ree enii nf tae rosiden of Walla tare, iron and eel an iwi HME) eat and warrsntes i i 1 ER] eat I is the tion, all eas eration weairhe only t ewheel machine sadisfierorilv, an lift ing to uaran it will be at the agn ae of the manufacturers Price of machine ! m oanths ere bt 3 ined, Diy aa IHR cash » a5 Mower BHRHARY \ W als ie. 1} WM ap ly 5%.3m, i BUGGIE 1) J. 3 Muonnay, Hall. Psa Manna . Patio kin le of lu THIEL waonld re<pectiully tH? : . the eit zens of Contre county, that he hus on | hand # fr EW Bhd IE “ 1 wor of al (Centre urer of all ¥ . ' ¥ Qv D, Wiied cash, and with an! without top, snl sold ar reduced prices for sonhle ere lit ~iven. Txs Hore Wagons, Serine Wo made te sedan and warranted to sive faction in avery reqgeect, a0 All kindeof repairing done in short no- | lige, Cdl and see hic tock of Bagries be- | for purch«ing elaew here, api 63.1 you NATIONAL BANK OF Bellefonte, Pa, (LATE HUM EA M ALLISTER. BALE] J (0) wi. P. Hannes, (4s! ~~ 2p 1 £& 1 an1zed for the ~ .- i F.C. Hooves Prost, This Bank is now poss of Banking under the Inw: tid] Statoe / ( ned by Tames, Me Allister, H Jo & Co. will be paid at maturity. sng (hacks of Janadite at sight a= usu! on pee. | WY i of the Uni- rtifiextee is suatation at the counter of the said First Na- tional Bank. Particular attention given tothe purchase and «ule of Government Securities, R.¢. HU ME aplO 6s, Presid lta . t Krrerire nn hie Adrance, (' H. GUTELIUS, 4 Surgeon & Mochanical Dentist, wha is perinanently loexted in Aarons burg, in the eles formerls agcupied by | Pr. Neff. and who hae heen practicing with vatire suceeas—hayiag the experiance of » number of vear«in the profession, he would cordially inrite all who have a< yet not given him a call, to do xo, anel jest the | truthfulness of this assertion, Teeth Foxtracted without pain, mAvZAeS ly KIIUGERT, ! Cahier. HENRY BROCK ERHOFF, JD. Preddent, Af LLIKEN, HOOVER & CO, “URENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO, RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, te Diecount Notes, ; Bux And Sell (@avernment Seeurities, Gold xnd Cou- pone, wp 1076S, OUND. WINGATE. DD. 8 : PENTIST . TOMen on Northwest entubraof Bishop and Spring st. At home, except. perhaps, the first twa woeke of every month, “a7 Tooth extracted without pain. Belie nte, Pa. ap 16S tf ) D. NEFF. M. D.. Physician and! 1 . Surgeon, Center Hall, Pa. Offers hie profecional servicesto the citi- zens of Potter and adjoining town hips gery. 2p 6R Ty, H. N. M ALLISTER, : b : be WALLIS LPTOR Belletont Aa FARVIS & ALEXANDER, 0) Attorney-at-law, Bellefonte, Pa, ap lO 6s, / DAMHOY—ATTORNEY AT. Office on High Street, Bole! anlar an tf, JAMES A, Ass 2 A xr 7] * ) i (Tr i { Pa Jon ic Watchman Office, 12 W. 11. LA 11 M iadk, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bellefonte, Pa. "Office with the District Attorney, inthe Cours House, : g maya) 68 2 i EN £12 ap WHE, R. BB. SMITH, offers biz Professional RC services. Office, Centre Hall, Pa. apl7i68 LF TERMS. The Cesare Hat REPoR TRE ix published weekly, at S100 per year in advances: and [2.00 when not paid in advinee, Advertisements nre square (10 nes) for 3 al ot por weeks, Vidvertises- or three months inserted at y Cand neatly and exes al reasonable char 1 A= «l A Joh-work, l CENTRE HALL REPORTER. FRIDAY. JL LY 3nd, INOS DEMOCRATICSNTATENOMIN. TIONS | FOR AUDITOR GENERALS HON. CHARLES E. BOYLI, of Fayettr County, FOR KURVEYOR GRNERAL! GEN. WELLIXGTON H. ENT, of (alunibin County, The bast Outrage of the Rump. Mckee was euchred into the House of Kentueky. He just as much represents the majority of the Butler ©) wt = [en represents the stlversmiths of the na- Thad. men of Ameriea. Sevens the chaste-wo- The je ly-eleeted 1 { a =eat at the | be Te pring 2 adhieal ('om- 3}: a. } » NEY Ai, 1 3 3 S fhe Sessioll, ans (0, +) teil Op iin y= f.:1 tiny Jie Wit i 1 . . i aan dite [QC Case and vesteraay Ww ’ - » t ‘ i . %1 o soe if any Radi- - uy I . ! ue Chere 13 not credulity + to accept 1 12 other than a fraud. The vote in the list rict Younes, Dem, 9.042: M'Kee, Rad, 7,0o63—majority of Youngover MK oc stood : 11 Me TT. ML Green ran on an mudo- A «\ whieh made John tv Over both 617. w " ‘ 1 Yeats In the face of these figures the Rump 1 : } election Ang i presumes to nullify the Any ill be trazh. this Willi + cooked up ta sustain the ontraze will } “Dee Chies He (o , Li! Any report | 1 i is a Republican, and Mr. he] be tra<h., Samuel MeKee i< put in he- | he Young was outrazeonsly unseated he Nor is there a Ralical Coneressmen or eslitor | cue cause wax a Demoeaat. rin who dws not know this - > p> “The L The Harrisburg Palriot speaking of oitor And Spirit.” i Platform avs: If it he trac that “ - the pleasure is ax | re<olution mmnst have experienced a duplicate joy, in| Does the resolution | redeemed at maturity in gold, or in the | for the law is silent on it. LE ‘ i= J “LEE ANS 3 1%} 1 i] sisted baat buds: uhlie debt shall i Othaplearned \ I}; I aOR, i - i. take the f. ty v A Jay AVN 2 Co. agents at home and abroad assured the subseribers to the loan, that it would be paid, principal and in- terest, in gold. But Mr. Stevens, who, was chairman on the Committee of Ways and Means, declares that it was never intended that the loan should be 4 ve J ot BRAN RTUL : - ~AL eB: tr) HALL aha ITE paid in any other earrency than green. | backs. Jav Cooke & Co.. had no an- | thority, says Butler, to put anything that the law It i= contended on into hiz advertisements did not anthorize. the other side of the Rudienl party, | of the government, as well as the spirit | of these bonds in gold, It was this wide and irreconcilable division in the this important ranks, on question, which the resolution was de- | In these differences will not ome one in stened to bridge over. view of | authority in the party (General Grant for instance) give the public an exegies the meaning of this resolution ? Do these members of the party who propose to pay in greenbacks, contem- | } de- Does “national honor” Do the Radieal leaders intend to fish for vote< an both sides of this question, explaining the “spirit” of the | law in favor of the payment in gold, | and the “iotter” or rather the want of it, in the law, to win the adveeates of eenhack 1 ‘ r payment? In fine; isnot | this a most cowardly and hypoeriti- eal resolution, charged every wordand 9 risy i an bain Beast Butler's board of inpuisition called Thurlow Weed, a leading Re- | publican before them, when the Beast propounded the following pertinent woeontri- ii LB | helped {tu raise So 000 | ie the next question Here Court was somethin. east hit alas! } 111 ti, ws \" i} tartan d Y on Will SUR { Wil it is: what vot it?’ Vals hile ee i+ LR Weed, the Republicans to carry the | wiz uzed,” ] sh is . \ repiied Mr. “ta ona Now Hampshire election,” _ an War, Ah » rue r : “ee . . 1¢ ad hm 4 ia 1 i Ti: WoMes or Paani IX THE | Fron. Avan, SAL May] male Dy t. a: . . 1 progress since last mail, unprecedented The aziavan war has A ia its ildory., Hamanita, thestrong- | hn ld, the pred fort, the result of thirty Jdie- Ul frowning defiantly at a htuio of 4 Wstayvan , Ix si Gort turn and nacrow channel of the Paraznay River, bat it is to-day com- | ostedd the land defen ses are strong, aod they me- pletely my on I'he Judea large si i reteh of low, wet ground and these nds are believed to be Kr tmpassable to an attacking toree, Ail almost ineredible report of Lopez hav- or information confirms the | i ine ormanized an army of women, in| fortifications, and in foraging pacaes, | in preparing ammanition. | In every ease one won does well the work of one man. The nunber of women doinz duty in the Paraguayan they can wickl the lance on horsehack throw the lasso, or dix a ditch as well as the men, What will the hrought bhofore a Allies do now of of women ? | "ys { Which most honor? 1 i Ioarmy can the To the men best alford 2 When they re- | turn, will they prefer to be hailed as the men who whipped the women, er 9 . the women to whip them att : adagasear, | Loxpoys, June 22. Advices have | heen received which confirm the pre- | viously reported death of the Queen of | Rani sneceeds to the | sovereign power of the, island under | the title of Konavolo 11. st ag Hay ti. Progress or rue Civin, Wan. Havaxy, June 21. —The eivil war in Iayti continues with unabated vio- lonee, i" ) fenerals Preter and J | val Wibii 1's Jonge ile commenced the siege of Fort Alexan- \ General Sadnave to resign the Dicta- torship, which he had assumsd, and | retain the Presidency ; but if was not | entertainzsd. ; The assassin of General Moutas was killed in a recent battle, nronosicion had been made to | —h, Ex-President Cibvad of St. Domin gro, with his followers, heed joined the revolutionists in Hayti, in revenge for the assistance given by Salnave to Gen- ernl Baca. The latest news from Port an Prince is that Salnave has just fought a das. perate battle with the Cacos in which @ o @ - - The Late James Buchanan. Mr. Boachanans Will-<Legneles to his Relatives and Friends 1868, “Death Valley.” A correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, with Gen. Palmer's engineer corps of the Kansas Pacific Railroad, writing from Camp Cody, on the Mo- Bequests to Charches, Instd- tutions, &c. member: 85,000 te Esther Parker tion to $2,000 heretofore given her; $2,000 to Martha J. Lane, widow of James B. Lane, deceased. Peter Hil- lier, Mary Smithgall, and Lizzie Ston- er, servants, $100 each. Buchanan Henry, to be divided The balance of the estate, real and personal, ix directed to be divided among his heirs, as follows: One-fourth to Mes. Harriet L. Johnson, one-fourth to Rev. whom are to be charged with consider- advancements which have been t! ill Buchanan Henry, son of his sister, Hie an, and the bhalanee to J. : 4 Hulide 10 his nephew, James is. Lane, decensed, Mary E. Burham, daughter of his sis ter, Mary Yates, deceased, to Maria B. Jes and Weaver, Jessie Mavaw (formerly B. Weaver <i¢c Weaver,) James John B. Weaver. The testator states that “whilst l # i Ww “Death Valley.” er than the level of the sea, and wholly destitute of water. Mr, Bpears, our in- telligent guide, who visited the remark- for its terrible name, The valley is some fifty miles long by thirty in breadth, and save at two points, it is wholly encircled hy monn- tains, up whose steep sides it is impos sible for any but expert climbers to as- It is devoid of vegetation, and the shadow of bird or wild beast neyer darkens its white glaring stand. In the cend, for California passed, under the direc. tion of guides, to the south of Death “old Mormon road.” In the year 1850 a large train some three hundred emi- When near Death Valley, a dissent broke out ina partof | | i | i i i { i | { i i wood, T <0." mointinr to the vard, ’ . “Yes; do vou know him?" “I have seen hing” relied’ tine puede dler, “Where? he?” “AX jail-bird awning Who i<he? © What is antl the peddler hi< pack over his shoulder, Oh! there was something =o dread- fal in the word “jail!” The poor wo- things she had hought of the peddler ; nor could she he easy till she called the boy in, and assured him that she knew that dark part of his history, Ashamed and distressed, the boy hung down his head, His cheeks seemed bursting with the hot blood and his lips quivered, “Well,” hemuttered, his whole frame shaking, “there's no use trying to be better ; everybody hates and dispises me, nobody cares about me.” “Tell me,” said the woman, “how came you to go so young to that dread- ful place? Where is your mother?” “Oh!” exclaimed the boy with a SIRI rookd 3. # f grr §~ “Why do Vout slow Ey Syed PA favor to your the mii towed. “Do § ai destroy MY Cilcinies | by making them my friends?” was the | Emperor's ‘noble reply. Kindness is I the hest weapon with'whith to beat an $8 Fie adversary: gos ay shai Fv iat STA sy U7 § ’ - : 5 i : * » . [Asie iL Csbaipdstg ae daneror je { J FEA . John Newton once said : “The art of spreading rumors may be compared to the wrt of pimmaking.’ There ix usually womse truth, which Teall the wire ; as this passes from hand to hand one gives it » polish, another a point, others make ‘mud put on the head, and at a the pin is completed.” The Galena (TI) Gazette relates that a citizen of that place recently met a menher of Grace (Episcopal) chutreh, and” rallied Kim’ on’ Tie absti- neyce fromm amusement nents, during Lent. He continticd, *1 Believe your church keeps Lent?” “Yo,” was the reply, “and Thelieve your chureh keeps mort- put on one part of Tris Iand, on which was written, “I will ‘give this field to when an applicant came he always said, “Are you contented?’ The gemetal reply was “I am,” “Then,” rejoined the gentleman, “what do vou want no mother ever since 1 was a baby! If I'd only had a mother,” he continued, they appointed one of their number a leader, and broke off from the main party. with the families and =) kicked, and cuffed, and horse-whipped. stole because 1 vias hungry. Oh! if! davs, and then deseended into the broad valley, whose treacherous mir- ace promized water, They reached the centre, but only the white elaring met their gaze on every hand. Around the valley they wandered, and one by I. Johnson, the husband of my nicee, Harriet Lane Johnson, vet 1 deem 1t i ngaans= ’ i the unforseen coutinzencies of point my hereinafter-named executors, the hot san. me for water, died at theie mothers’ breasts, and with swollen tongues and burning vitals, the mothers followed. chanan, or the survivor of them, trus- tee or trustees, and direct them to re- tain in their hands, and investand man- age to the best advantage, free and dis- her =aid husband, two-thirds of’ the The testator appoints Rev. Fdward 13. Swarr, Fay. to be the exeentors of his last will and @estfment. After a week's wandering, a dozen survivors found some water in the hollow of a rock in the mountains, culous means, got out of the valley and followed the trail of their former com- panions, Eighty-seven persons, with i The strength was all gone from the | bing the hot tears away with the sleeve of his jacket, The woman wasamother; the thonhet, | all her childeen slept ‘under. the cold | er still. She put her hand Kindly on the head of the boy amd told him to look up, and said from that time he Yes, she She kind words, words of counsel and tén- OL! how sweet wis her sleep of a sinning but striving mortal. The boy iz now a promising man.— nary 27. 18646, and a codieil of the 9th to Mrs. Mary L. Reed, wife of William of Death Valley has been applied to it. winter, after the lapse of eighteen many plitees side by side, woh @ i pon Had no Mother. ———— “Mayn't T stay, ma'ma ? I'll work, William B. Reed has undertaken to All the deceased's private purpose. The estate is estimated at £300,000, A Kentucky. A FATAL SEQUEL TO AN ELOPEMENT. A few weeks since we publixhed the whe lives near Shelbyville. As the The man Lewis, it { i ! | a half miles this side of Shelbyville, he espied Lewis sitting in the house. He immediately commenced shooting at and it is out of the Jesse, up supposed that Lewis came house and ran, pursued by the turn-pike, where he was afterward found with hisskull completely erushed, It ix supposed that Jesse, after overta- taking him, stoned him to death. There was no one except Lewis at. the cav tuey heard some one erving for help, but did not see the occurrence. Thus bloodily avenged, consequently the Taw comes im now for its share, i { | { errands.” The troubled eyes of the gpeaker were filled with tears. It was a lad that stood one cold day in winter, at the outer door of a cottage on a bleak moor in Scotland, The snow had heen falling vory fast, and the poor boy looked very cold and hungry. “You may come in, at any rate till my hushand comes home. There, sit down by the fire; you look porishing with the cold ;” and she drew a chair up to the warmest corner; then, sus- piciously glanciug at theBoy from the ting the table for supper. tered wearied with his day’s work. A look of intelligence passed bo- como tothe tableyand was glad to see how heartily he ate his supper. Day after day passed, and the boy hegeed to be kept “until to-morrow ;” x0 the good couple, after due consider- ation, concluded that, as long as he was such a good boy and worked so willingly, they would keep hin. Ome day in the middle of winter, a peddler who often traded at the cot: to go, when Ie suid to the woman = | | | | no want. The “poor outcast,” ix her | suppori. Nobly does he repay the trust i reposed in him. “When my father and mother for- | «ake me, than the Lord will take me ." rts lly. AlN Hp 3nd Coven Ceres=One who has tested! its efficacy, atl who is desirons’ of als * . 1 ¥ i Take a | spoonful whenever voureoigh troubles | It ix ne good as it is agreeable | ticed, selected a tune with: the wrong metre, to be sung to the words, “With hyssop purge my soul, O Lord!” He tried it twice, when some old lady cried out: “Mister, you ‘had’ ‘better try | some other yard,” Ee i e—— A clergyman observing a poor man breaking those stones,” © The man re- plied, “Perhaps, master, you do not A well-known judge, when he first speaker, On one occasion, when he was trying a case involving a right of property to a lot of pigs, he said, “Gen- tlemon of the jury, there were just twenty-four pigs in that drove ; just twenty-four, gentlemen,—exactly twice as many as there are in that jury-box.” Of all the young women mentioned in the Bible, Ruth seems to have trea- ted her sweetheart the worst. She pulled his cars and trod on his corn. Johre Adams, of Shirley township, Huntingdon county, was killed by withmy field? Fifteen years ago Moses 1. Oakes, of Boston, <ailed to Hava, and. soon after the kady who afterward beeanme his wife sent him a letter enclosing two gold dolkus. Both of the parties have been dead for some time, but the letter, with the inclosure safe, was only recei- ved by the young man’s father Jast week, . “I'm afeaid you'll come to want,” said an old lady to a young gentleman. A New York Judge has decided that a boarding-house keeper has a right to box the ears of his guests when they complain of the manner in which their food is placed before them. A fireman's row éecurred in Phila- delphia, and ™} TONS were injured. oh A young lady in Philadelphis was seduced on Sunday evening snd made Vv - Alexander Cummings y-ill r proba- bly be nominated for Mr. Rolliny’ place. The Tyrone Baptist talk of erecting anew church building at am early dav. 4 COACH MANUFACTORY. HARDMAN PHILLIPS, T IIS manufacturing establishment at 4 Yeugertownm on the Lewistown and Bellefonte Farnpike, inte now oli hand a fine stoek of Carvinges, Bugeries, Silkiss | Spring Wagons, whieh he now offers tor sale as <sunorior 9 ina! snd styles to sat ™ SOE Thay sensomed «tock by at HHEpea stale that chindlepaes. connpuricon with work out of or Lrthe Ea cities, and can be sold int lower prices than tlie<s marmifactured in furge towns and cities aiid <t high rents antl rairons prices of liv- ing, : Being wast of his own situation, % neh to devote his ssion and his customers, rendering satizfaction alike to all patrons, opeTAtives, his country, and ppc h wk Call and exnmine his stork and fearn his prices, and you canmet fail te be satisfied, EPATRING of all kinds done neatly; promptly, and reasonably. : Yengertown, Jone l2 1868. iy. J APIES LOOK HEE FAIRER & .€C0O, Bellefonte, 1s the place to buy yowr Silks, Mohaire, Mozambiques, Reps, Alpacas, Delaing, Raitt, Shritiiny Mustine afin » Oalieoes, Tick- ings, Flanels, Ope nels, Ladies © ing, Genta’ Cloths, Fandte rqu White Pekny, Linen Table € ‘o Crib i . e a Colored gvand Bdgin Tarlton, Napkins, Ks Sa White Lace Gustine Zaphy ness, dre has tine and abifit terns, Tidy Cotton, SUNDOWNS, Notions of every Kind, White Goods of every See tin, Perfumery, Ribbons— Velvet, Taffeta and Bonnet, Cords and Braid, Veils, Buttons, Trimmings, Ladies and Mjases Skirts, HOOP SKIRTS, Thread, Hosiery, Fans, Beads, Sewing Silks, LADIES AND MISSES SHOES and in fact every thing that of, desired or used in the can be thought FANCY GOODS OR NOTION LINE, which he bas eoncluded to sell at figures as low if not lower than Philadelphia and New York retail prices. Also the only agent in Bellefonte, for the sale of the ODESSA PATENT COLLAPSING SKIR Its peeuliarity is that it can he altered in- to any shape or size the wearer may desire, so as to perfeetly fit alt Indies. G. W. FATRER & CO. lightning on the 6th inst. june568 Ty. No. 4, Bush's Areade.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers