“Yt 26th, 186 STA OR STR UN RRS PY 2, TA DE i fr PY v OF 3% 1 1 1 LX vergnn } » chlor op hg A105 CAS { ' 15 3 greater probably "11s Melia. | not less than 000,000 per an- | nd rily p ® num, a than the all diseases to any other damage by have been | kind of less the past year than for several pre- domestic animals, vious seasons, yet is so destructive as to cause a general despondency among | swine breeders; to interrupt the pros- perity of the surest corn-growing see- tions, and increase the cost of living to consumers of ham and bacon. In every irection calls for a remedy are made, but they cannot be satisfactorily met. No remedy is likely to be found, as in the ease of rinderpest in the cattle of Europe; but veterinary seienee, if such a science exists in this country, should do something in deyising means of pre fon. It isimportant in its influ- upon the health of the human family. It canngt be possible that the flogh 6f these hogs that partially recov- er is fit for it goes into consumption in some form. In Franklin, Kentucky, our reportor ays that “the sickness of several per- sons, it is thought, resulted during the winter from eating diseased pork ; no death ensued, and no investigation was Our correspondent in Chero- seems to believe—and vent nee Ronan food ; and yet made.” kee, G QO rgl a, the reader will doubtless agree with him—that something is the matter with the hogs of that country, when he says that “they can be fattened, but have all through the meat something like fish eggs, full of corruption’ DIFFERENCE IN QUALITY AND VAL- UE oF Mink.—Too little attention is paid to que ahity] in milk. Much is com- plained of adulteration, and very just- ly; but l&tle is thought of the adul- teration practiced before milking. -Dr. Voelcker has analy unadulterated milk, and the difference 62 to 1.79 f food accoun- ny » Ql zed six samples of in yield of butter ranged per cent. The ne At- given to | ted for the reduc tention shoul selection of cows, not only as regards | | but An example of | the Pall | e, which for eight consecu- quality. 1 1 COW 18 given by Mall Gazett tive ye gallons per am ars gave an average of 1,210 | one year giving | 328 days, which yiel- | valued at! It took pounds of butter, 3 p mt? LAR “sl a> nts per pound. to one of butter. lp Ap FrepiNG.—Daniel Alles . ¥3 ” follow ine iis 1 {ren 0 i ASSO, rhany ra Ty 1 £0 Trier SHE feed LU ry * r White bh i \ Adi ery satistactory results, except Tye} : Lia ty sho win {r that he Nr Pigs, v ting the sour milk and the clover: Permit me to relate my first experi- ence with the “Chester White pigs,” a pair procured last June. On the 10th of July the sow pig weighed 95 pounds, the boar 55 pounds. They were kept in a pen until after the clover bloom- ed, after haying, when they were let into a clover field. Their principal food was unsifted meal, cooked by boiling, with a little salt, every pound of meal being weighed. They had about a pailful of whey or sour milk daily, besides the meal and clover. On the 6th of October the sow 187 pounds, the boar 159 pounds, a gain of 226 pounds in 88 They ate 3d. pounds of nieal, 3 pounds and 9 ounces daily, producting 11} ouncesof live flesh for 1 pound of meal. eet > > Axts AT THE Roots or Frulr Trees.—Rev. W. P. Smith, M. D.. of Fayetteville, Texas, communicates the following successful mode of dealing with ants at the roots of fruit trees, which are very troublesome and des- tructive, particularly in warm li- mates : I was raising some tobacco, and op- erated with the green leaves in the fol- lowing manner: I removed the earth from around the trees or vines as much as I could without injuring the roots ; then I puta handfid (of the tobacco leaves around the tree, or vine, where the ants worked, covered them nicely with the earth, pressing it well. In a few cases I had to repeat the dose, but I have tried it often, with uniform sue- cess in driving the ants and saving the tree or vine. etme tf) mn A At the promisiug Western town of Cheyenne, recently, woman, who supposed her husband dead, married again. The husband soon after made hjs appearance, whereupon the woman and her second husband poisoned themselves. * The real husband, unable. to sustain the catastrophe, then com-. mitted suicide. weighed days. a a A duel took place on the 30th ult., New Orleans between two Sieil- en. The weapons selected near UL . p13 13 aby aan Ian sieri “ore ‘ | than ten minutes they thrust and | yf 4 1 parricda af dealing more | i cach other, deadly blow. Both parties and probably mortally wounded. pl # June 12. Cuicaao, A very des Over one hun- of the town, United States including forty stores, Land Office, Custom [House and County Treasurer's Office. All the records were destroyed. The Railroad, Jackson and Lake Superior The loss is estimated at one million dollars. iron ore docks were also burned. Insurance very small. I ———_—e—e, The seventeen year loc sts hava made sad havock with the young fruit | trees and shrubbery in the District of rr eel tle Ae Two silver dollars, of the coinage of 1804, were lately sold at Newark, N. J., one of them for $400! only five dollars coined that year. John IH. Surratt’s trial will be post- pon There were * J. 0. DRININGER, respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he hasconstantly on hand, and nankes to order, all kinds of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WABHSTANDS, BR CUPBOARDS, A CORN TABLES &c., his stock of ready-made Furni sion, and is offered at rates as cheap as else- Thankful for past favors, he solic- Call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Ap24'68,1y. UNION HOUSE, EAST MARKET ST., LEWISTOWN. PA. A CHANGE of proy ade on the Ist of lishment has been refur remodeled, and will hisres on first-class hotel prine ples woprietor has had long axper ie nce is this { msiness and will give his per onal strict of the traveling pub- proprietors of this Hotel April. The estal nished. refitted, ‘Ont {ure ‘Led Y- fer be al- tention to the comforts custom. THE BAR is well stocked with the choicest Brands of Liquors, and the Table gotten up in first- class style, GOOD STABLES are connected with the hotel, and obligin Ostlers are alwayz on the ground to atten to Hi Department. A Ties 1 of publie patronage is #o- or he ite L anteed to all. R.A.LMATHEWS. m: iy 17 768, Sm. Lewistown, Pa. GREAT FALL and GREATVICTORY! at Centre Hall. Stock of DRY GOODS, AND, GROCERIES Just Purchased at the Late LOW PRICES, And now on Exhibition at Wolfs Old Stand. ALSO, A CHEAP LINE OF FLANNELS, MUSLINS AND " CALICOES, SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SYRUDPS, COFF KES also a large stock of MACKEREL and HERRING. the best and cheapest in the market. WE SHALL TAKE PARTICULAR CARE TO MAKE IT AN OBJECT FOR, New Customers, Fach combatant fy as the General custom is, to Ulddd ab Od hold a hat in the left hand, and for yar 1’ AS "WELL AS INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS, TO GIVE US A CALL. A officers of the Board of Health —R/1 1NCrease census old hienro taken by the | a population of 239.727 [aynan, the Austrian General, was r women, Be: 1st Radieal An exchange asks and a good many |W hipping | Butler | why other members of Congress, | on the lookout for brickbats when they | A voung lady in Newark committed | suicide yesterday. A love affair and cruel parents, 2 NOTIOR. - * ——— The subseription price jo the ReErorrer is $1, ol po rt your fn advance, which is less than that of any other paper of its size, Wo ar printing a this paper at cost, and therefore wish to remind our pat- rons that it is of great importance (o us that | Duyme nt bo Wide at once, i — ie (oY NTRY MERCHANTS > v | DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, AND OTHERS, CONSIUN YOUR Ashes, Beeswax, Beans, FF bE Flour and Meal, Flax, Cotton, Furs and Bkins, Dried and Green ¥ruits, Butter, Cheese, IS Grain, Wool, Gamo, Poultry, Naval, Stores, Hops, Ginseng, Feathors, Hemp, Provisions, Oils, Lard, Tallow, Tobaceo, Molas- Seeds, Sorgham, ses, dc., de. TO JOSIAH CAl GENERAL \PENTRR, CHANT, 442, 444 & 448 Washington Street, XEW YORK CITY. ‘rico Curret most complete tho LU And ive h HD 1 yes $ PTO Uge and (rroceries the » £Y + ».. 3.42.) } I ee Larrea Publi { UO NH Qs | DIAlas, i ' y rece Ws WEeaKiy yYYN vil | MEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking } Cards Advances made’on Consign- mants, Liberal Established, May 1st, 1860, S GIVEN 3. FIRST CLASS REFERE WHEN REQUI apples, ly. MN H. NCE REI CHANTS HOUSE. 13 & 4.86 North 3r PHILADELPHIA. MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR I. C.Nrre, C12 RK. Jl-known Hotel, will be fi ound b { Cli y, one of the de bi th As to reasonab | venience, Ge apl0'6S tf. xt y Ble, H. This Wi mo hie. 1 lecharge { 3 rman and English i {TATES UNI This gouth ON H(< ITE Ls, Phila a, x Hotel | ix convenie ntly located on the Market street, a few doors i ie ipl side of above ith, [ts central locality makes all viriting the city on ness or for pleas- ure. A. BECK, Proprietor. (formerly of the Merch: Hn se.) aplO' 68, tf, NENTRE HALL HOTEL. JOHN SPANGLER. PROPRIE- TOR. arrive and depart daily, north, south, east and west. ‘his favorite Hotel las been refitted and | furnished by its new proprietor, and is now Lin every respect one of the most ple asant | country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will always find the best accommodations. Per- { sons from the city wishing to spend a few | weeks during the pi iu the country, will find Centre Hall*one of the most deau- tiful locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con- venience, aplO 68, tf. » USSEL'S HOTEL AARONSBURG, JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR. The old an vd well known Hotel, situated in the centre of Aaronsburg, has again been occupiod by Mr. Russel, former proprietor, { who now invites his old fn and the travelling community in general to call and #00 him. The houso has been slegantly furnished and is kept in the best style. Dro- vers can always flud accommodation. apl0'68tf. JOIILADRLPHIA AXD ERIE RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. THROUGH AND DIRECT ROUTER BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, HARRIS- BVRG, WILLIAMSPORT, AND THE. RE 2 Ol L REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains, On and after Mond Iny MAY 11th 1868, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..11, Top. m, Lock Haven... 9.530 a m. arr at Irie 8.5) p. 11). Erie KE xprese leaves 5 Phily wdelphia pe 2.00 noon “ Lock Haven 10.11 p. nm. 4 arr at Krie 10.05 #0, m. Elmira Mail leaves Philade dphin 8.00 a, mn, i i Lock Huven 7.45p. m. arr at Lock Haven 7.46p. m. EASTWARD. Mail Tr: iin leaves Erie “ Lock Haven arr at Philadelphia rie E ixpress leaves Erie 4 “ Lock Haven arr at Philade Aphis KE Imira M: ul leaves L ock Haven “ Tock Haven 7.3040. m. arr at Philadelphia 6,10 p, 1m. Mail and Express connect with all trains on Warren and Franklin Railway. Passen- gers leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 M. To ut Irvineton at 6.40 a. m. and Oil City aj 9% H0 3. 111, Leaving P hiladelphia at 11.15 p. m., rive at Oil C ity «tt 4.35 p. m. All trains on Warren and Franklin Rail- way make elose connections at Oil ity with trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre, gage Checked through. WR, ALFRED 1. TYL} HL! le a irab! Te iv! busi Si ages for all | Pe 11 15, PA. « La LR Gi i i“ a. 1m, . mM. a.m, « AUR, m, 0.00 p. m. 7.10 p.m, (x ih h ‘“ i ‘ie ar- Bag > | | b | | i a al NER Y. 3 3 A voung horse thiet yArmitt was arrested in Huntingdon a fow days ago CL. of Altoona, is to the MeKierman, £22 000. nice little sum of 3 The trees, bushes and fences in Juni- ata county are covered with locusts, [Haven't made their apperance herea- ways yot, A lp pee {FLLIRS & FOL WELL. WHOLESALK CONFECTFIFONE INL FRUITERERN, y, 161 North Third Street, ’hiladelphia, Orders promptly attended to, ap loos, W HOLESALE STOR » v RS Ni - vo WINE LIQUOR Is X J. B. ETTELE, (FORMERLY NEFF & KTTELE.) two doors west of Loolya Moat Market. All Barrels, Kegs and Casks wu to contain the quaniil The pronrietor of this establishmen: takes Measure in informing the that is constantly on hand a supply of choice foreigh and dome gl Fquors such as Qld Nectar, Rye \ nongahera, And Insh Whis skey, Cognac, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger and C ommo Bry andies, Port Maderia, Sherry and Lisbin Wi ines, Seok » - fy * Ana Hei'and Gin, New England Rum. JAMAICA RUM, CORDIALS Pepper- mint, Anniseed and Rose. The attention of practicing physicians is called to aur stock of pure liquors, suitable for medical purposes, Bottles jugs and Demijohns constandly on hand, Wa have theonly pure Nectar "Whiskey in town. All our liquors wore bought when liquors were low, and we sell them aecordingly. All liquors wre warranted to give sutisfac- ion, Bishop Street o vente UV 1'¢ » Ie sented. public he Old Liquors willbe sold by the quart, barrel I have a Inrgo lot of [TLED LIQUORS in hand. BO) a of nost saplo 60H, A BAUM, LX. . of } the f Krades, o t “Our Home," Bishop St laf WIHOLKSALR DEALKR IX AND LIQUORS tfully calls the at- Lo his esl: hl ish nen, rnish all kinda ot Hors’ w hie olesale ich are w n- ld to be the best qualities according i i +} . . ti: ‘ A thet PRT) . Y DIPICOS 1118 RlLOWC “i pe . nent The guhseribor respe ation of the public epared to fu Li 3 1 i is : 4 : } ‘4 SHI LC CARND prices, fii a yf R, Whiskies, ure, he Lary I" tie jes as can be hy 1d in the city rine, Cherry, Bla y, {xin ov Bra dies, Pure. (HIN LA Wi es mnble rates l ays kbel 12.4141 Avtiilg, art larity i Bias Lid . sand otners to © sUppiy, to jul RUIN Inrgo i and be certain of proecu when ing in the Cily. y y y Can seidoln be Qe &« Physicians are respectfully reriest to give his liquors a trial, R a til + MIRA | ) | = | apt 68, 1y. WM. WOLF. General Superintendent, ( REAT COMMOTION X | TAREE LL i “hy STERNBERG & BRANDEIS, Bellefonte, Pa. AULE THE MARKET, by having tho largest and best stock, and LOW PRICES Carpets at old rates, from 50 cents to 76 cents per yard, for the best, r DRY GOODS, NO ADV AN( “ 1, And selling from 12} to 16 cents, the best calicoes, and muslins in proportion, at old rates, Women's Shoos, common good, to wear all summer, at $100 per pair Fine Boots from $3,560 to $7,50 for the best. CLOTHING at the lowest "EY 3 sold at 1857 prices. IT I TS 1 from $12.50 to $18 for the best. CALL AND SEE, and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. They only ask people to come and se even if they do not wish to buy. aplyy (OH, 3 aay - YOCK ET ( pried Ps | JOULE! up y 1) (ON. and | ON, LY all makes N& WIL UTLE] ut ' W LE AND SINGLE BARREL fowling piecd IRWIN & WILSON. "AROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS, best Janke at Irwin & WILSON. ap lO G8, ( {OFFIN TRIMINGS, a laree assort- ment at Irwin & WILSON'S, up l0'68, HH" ad 10’ HR, | ) RY BOARDS, for sale by ap lO 68, ND BELLS and DOOR BELLS, ull sizes and kinds at IRWIN & WILSON'S. Plank and Seantling Irwin & WiLsoN, APANNED TOILET PTS, AND e) other roe Anvil Store. apl0' 68, Irwin & WiLson, OOKING-G LL ¥ for sale by ap lO'G8, ANS PLATES of nll sizes | Irwin & WiLsox, Np INDL X SKEINS for wagons, all si- vos, ut the sign of the Anvil, aplo' os, Rw IN & i ILAOX. h BY: Al TS for Bug raies and re arringes, all sizes in use; Fire Bi ite, ditto, at aplO'G8, IRWIN & WILSON'S, Hi BLANKETS AND SLEIGH BELLS, at low prices, at up 10°68, [IRWIN & WiLsoN's, TNION PATENT CHURN, the best ) in uso at Inwiy & WirLsox's, | NEI, | 3 4 ’ ) IX PER KEG for Nails at >, 50) G. F. FRANCISCUS, ] NW ARE of nll Kin: Is retailed nt whole- sale prices. All kinde Tin and heet Irom work done at old prices. F. G6. FRA CISCUS, N- DOOR Hinges, from 12 to 86 in- ches lung, Barn-door Rollers, Rail, rreatly reduced bs ices, by B®: &e., forenloat g F.G. FRANCISCUS Blinds on ASIIS, Poors and hand at much lower he 8 than last season at F. G. FRANCISCLUS. oN ap24'G8 ly. ke Ki ERMEN will now find in my stock | kinds of Trout Flies, Rods, Bas. | Ga ac., Pike Hooks, Fishing Lines, | ote. F. G. FRANCISCUS, {: LE RR Y SE k DE BS! Being Agent for | Buckwater's Patent Cher: I will ha Please d to sell them to merchants at low pric they are in P hiladolphia. F. THE at poli, y Sevders | country sold | than FRAN PH, al’ Wedge sud . 5 4 I' File by F. G. FR A x CISCUS. steel, Cultiva- | Nut, j ANCISCLUR and osher Gard Seed " 1 2 as pd rs or by the quart or on pape : : tad a (aur a ens IMiviled LO ties 1? » IF, ( Are { Tat 1 WWiCes Al i. Fi NCISCUS. ‘el tl i } 14 VITT Hard LWAl'e Hd prices, ANC ISCUS. all wid Ins, do ¥. G. Fi 1 3() Pai f Window Khades, .) sty le 5 A! d Hew in Moon an the Lake, and Panarck. an Gold Collars, with lords, Tarsnls, Le. atl | cent less than che usual prices, F. G. FRANCISCUS. | dex r ‘A Oa "w art 13S AT, Ri GXITR en aces of Wall Pag HL POr- in hs F. G. Fran \'f BARGAINS AT C.F. Harle ® chor's CEXTRE HALL, PA Dry Goods, Nations, Groceries Hard- | | ware, Quesnswware, Woodand W iow wire { Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, a wm aguifice | assortment of everything kept in a lirst Class Store, iI now ready, and for sale at marvelous low IRAE, GOODS VERY MBAR AT THE OLD PRICES. Musline they will sell you the very best brands at prices that will astonish you. Now spring Press Goods A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelttes of the reason, at lower rates than ordinarily charged wt other places. White Goods & Embreideries The finest stock in town, both as to quantity quality, and prices, HOOP SRIRTS The best makes, lites styles and lowest rates, (Hats and Caps in great variety.) Linens, Towe Bre checks, Denings, cloths Cassimers, Cloakings. BALMORAL SKIRTS, everything, and will sell at a very small advance on first cost. All we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR. STOCK before purchasing elsewhere, as we do not consider it any trouble to show goods. ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, silver plated and Yankee Harness, double and single, bridles and halters. t I ( may 68, 1y V AGON FOR S ALE. A vood twWo- horse Wi Lon, apply at Cle ntre I yi 5 mays 68, LC F.HARLEC H ER. ND L U MB 1 R. The best ‘ v 1 (COAL BURNT LIME, wan be hud at the Bellefonte Line Kilns, on ending to Milesburg, at the lowest Wo aro the only parties in Central who burn in COA, ena, Patent Flame Kiln. which producos the Best White-W ash and Plastering offered to the trade. Lime, The best ANTHRACITE COAL, ressly for family use RIE ’ { : dry Coal Also a lot of first and sec- nd quality rr SOARDE Dy, S3R30AD AAIL PAL ING, SHINGLES i fo CHCAD, <) ' Inster ny lathe sila and vard, RR ,. Bagle Valley R. SHORT api C8, ly. RANENY Br. 4 ANCHARD, .M. VALENTINE, Valentine, Blanchard & Co. Office Near Depot, ADGE, & CO. Bellefonte Pa. AS VALENTINE, E. M. BrLaxcuarp, BELLEFONTE r Mill, Manufacturers of | FLOOR: N(3. SID [ 3, Plaining LUMBER DRIED BY TURNING OF EVERY DES. CRIPTION. Orders from the trade solicited. mayS 66, 1y.» 3 N & WILSON are constantly re- ew goods im their line, ARDWARE coiving r. H 3 . 1 * . ry description al redueed prices-- ery day. EVERY VARIETY IRYWIX nao w 3 pened ev MIS OF A 4 kind at 8 1068, & WILSON'S. ETERS and Thermo JAROM ' IRWIN & VTLS PN » in nn sEoil ol 1068, ii PR ANVIL STORE "Ww ge nid Well seve rd ware, Wo vos, Nails, 1 a Rho Paints, Rheet. Bar and Fen on } . me ww Peay ing * i SLock { v, (3insn, 3 3 5 OCA © + #1 ¥ 1x 11 Suppiy VOour- t le rates at N & W I} SON. ThW1 cheap, ‘Ww IN & W 11. SON. aplO 63 oe TAB a Bh CUTLERY. 4 y pis ka, kpoons, &e., at IRWIN & WV] LSON. including vod ap li os AL ) SCA LES, of the {0 20.000 Irwin & hest make, ibs, Winsox, OR COOK STOY Parlor Stoves, and four sizes PBarners consis wntly on hand end for sale at aplO 6s, lewis & Wirson's. m 4 lbs up { FBR. ES Cor. of Penn and St. Pil] Clair Streets, SBURGH, PA. Larg rest, Cheapest and most Success- ful PRACTICAL BUS LEG qe { >I NESS COL. E pited Nistes, in the THOUSAND STUDRENTR From Thirty-Three States in Ten Years. FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR Outline of samples of Cowley's PREMIUM PENMANSAIP, View of the ( College Building, different artments, City of Pittsburgh, &e., &e., ad ny ws the Principals, ap 10°68, ly. Course of Btudy, Ie SMITH & COWLEY, Pittsburgh, Pa. GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE. Great Attraction and Great Bargains! VHE undersigned, determind to meet the opular demand for Lower Prices, re- s the attention of the public SADDLERY, Designed as- , Harness, Collars, Bridles, Saddles and in fact everything complete to a first- A better variety, a better quality or finer ered to the publie. Call and examine our Determined to please my patrons and’ hankful for the liberal share of patronage 1eretofore enjoyed. 1 respectfully solicit a rontinuance of the same. JACOB DINGES, apl0'681y. Centre Hall. - { i | | CENTRE HALL Manufacturing Co. Machine Works, CENTRE HALL CENTRE CO., PA. Having enlarged our New FouNDRY and snd AGRICULTURAL MACHINE Suors Works, Stocked with all new and latest improved Machinery at Centre Hall, aa- nounceto the public that they are now ready to receive orders for anything in their line of business. Shaflings, Pullies, Hangers, [RON & BRASS CASTINGS of every deseription made and fitted up for MILLS, FORGES, FURNACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIES, &C., &C. We also manufacture the celebrated KEYSTONE HARVESTER, which now stands unrivalled. This Reaper has advantages overall other One advan- Another advantage is the nd lowering apparatus, whereby the driver has under his complete control of the machine; in coming to a spot of lodg- ed grain, the driver can change the ent of he machine in an instant, withont stopping the team, varying the stuble from 1 to 4 inches at the outside of the machine, as well as on the inside. It is constructed of first class material; and built by first class ma- chanics. We warrant it second to none. All kinds of Horsepowers and Threshing All kinds of Repairing dene. Dif proved. ferant kinds of PLOWS AND PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated Heckendorn Economica plow which has given entire satisfaction. We employ the best Patternmakers, our ed plans, Plans, bpecifcations and Draw- ings furnished for all work done by us. 23 We hope by strict attention to busi- ness Lo roceive a share of publie patronage. TINWARE The Company announce to the citizens of Potter township, that they are now prepar- ed to furnish upon short notice, and as low as elsewhere, every article in the line of TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE. Stove-Pipe and Spouting. All kinds of repairing. dons., They hare: always onhand BUCKETS, CUPS. DIPPERS, DISHES; &C: All orders By mail promptly attended to.. CENTRE HALL MFG COMP. apl('68,tf.