RTC CENTRE HALL REPORTER. - -() Centre Hall, Pa. June, 26th. 1808. LOCAL ITEMS. 728~Two Nrw Emrier Sewing Ma- cHINES, warranted. for sale at this Office. Irox City Connrar.—A scholarship to this institution for sale at this office, and to be had at a bargain, Br.aNks.—Blank Summons and r * . : \ 2 » Vendu Notes for sale at this office. —— & > ——— ‘ Locan News. —Our readers are solicited to furnish us items of local interest for pub- lication. Send us the facts only, and we will get them in shape for publication. lp - Our readers would oblige us, hy oecen- | sionally mailing a copy of the Rerorreg to their relatives and acquaintances outside of our county, especially to such as former- lv dived:in Pennsvalley. It would be the most welcome matter you could mail to such, and would be the means of inducing many to become subscribers, Any person \ . nil ' sending us 8 new subscribers, an 812. will be entitled tothe RRrortirone year free, for 4 new subsribers, and $6 the getter up of the club will receive the RerorTER 6 months free. This offer good from this date ~—the names can be sent in as they sub- scribe. EE - r Y - - Tur Narionan Hore at Millheim, under its new proprietor, our cood na- nN . tured friend, J. W. Hosterman, is ob- taining a wide reputation as one of the best kept Hotels in central Pennsyl- | vania, Mr. Hosterman has to | great expense in refitting the National, | and a tastier, more convenient, and peiter conducted house for the ae modation of travellers, can not . - * 1 desired—the genial nature of the host and hostess makes you feel so | much at home, that youleave them | with regret, gone he | Histable lacks nothing | that theappetite can crave. His baris | supplied with pure liquors, and his | stables roomy, and comfortable for horses. Drovers can always be ae-| commodated with any number of hor-! SCS, : June, 11,3t - LIL To Business Men. Weinvite business men wishing to | advertise, to eall and examine the subscription list of the Rerorrer, and | satisfy themselves that it preients a | most desirable advertising medium, | esnecially for this side, the heart of the | ¢ unty. "This has been the experience | of allso far, who have advertised in the Reporter. WW: venture to say, that since we commanceld the pablica- | tion of this paner, the rapt l increase of | oar list, unsolicite 1, is without prece- dent in this county. emesis fm ——— The attention of our readers is di- | rected to the advertisement of (Coe's| Dyspepsia Cure, in another part of this paper. This truly Valuable Medicine ix re- | commended by all who use it. { ee tee fp A M'MaxrtGar, at Milroy, offers nails at 34,85—=see his advertisements. reeset smtp tleresomem— ARRESTED ror Marn-Rosniva.— Henry Fryer, of Milroy, formerly Hains township, this county, was arres- ted, on last Monday evening, at Belle- fonte, for robbing the mail between Potter's Mills and Centre Hill. The readers of the RervorteERr will remem- bor that some eight weeks azo we ferred to a package of money, contain- ing $390, which had been mailed hy Mr. Alexander, at Milroy for Belle fonte. The package was passed through by the Post Master at Potter's Mills but was missed at Centre Hill, the next office. A detective had been on the watch since the robbery was com- | mitted, and as it appears, has fixed it upon Fryer, who was driving stage at the time. Fryer had served about 17 months in the penetentiary Jess than a year aco, for of re- 3.12 . ‘ ral} robbine a store, and wil 11 : ; > no doubt again sce his old and for a considerably longer term. aunarters eC t-—— BArY BuryT.—During the thander storm on last Saturday afternoon, the barn of Mr. Henry W. Stover, near Zion, this county, was struck by light- | ning and burned to the ground. Mr. Stover was formerly a resident of Wood- | ward, this. eounty. iiss Yt lf - Orr sanctum was enlivened on last Wednesday afternoon, by the smiling face of Hon. P. G. Meck, of the Watch- | man. © May he live to visit us often. | rrr ete Apne WE direct the attention of our rea- | ders to the advertisement of the Penn Hall Academy. This Institution has | for several years been in a flonrizhing condition, and has been conduc a manner satisfactory to all. lle bie, gs AxorHER FIire—On last Wednes- day morning the black-smith shop of Myr. Cyrus Luse, near Farmer's Mills, | Gregg township, insome way unknown, toek: fire;and burnt to the ground, with nearly all its contents. The shop was of considerable size and contained, be- sides what belonged to the smith-shop, | a variety of agricultural implements, | belonging to C. & D. F. Luse. The total loss is about 8500, with no insur- ance. te A ——G - The proposal to extend a Branch R. R. to Miflinburg, was referred to a committee at the meeting in Philadel- phia last week. - ep - Enormous Deficienices. The economical management of the Federal finances by the dominant party is likely to be still further ex- posed: The deficiency of the Paymas- ter General’s Office is twenty-five mill- ion dollars, and is attracting much atten tion. Congress endeavored to secute popularity by voting large bounties to soldiers, and at the same time to avoid the charge of profligacy by not appro- priating the necessary funds. Hence the enormous deficiency in the War Department. The Internal Revenue Department will fall thirty-five million dollars below Mr. Rollins’ estimates. er’s unexpected resignation. To all this will now be added a fearful de- ficiency 1n the Postoflice Department, the accounts of which have not been balanced since the 31st of December, the people, and the dominant party will not receive much eredit on the SCOTe of economy. * Barr township, Huntingdon county, inst., and entirely destroyed. V ALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE! The undersiened offers his Farm, Urivate Sale. The farm contains 306 ACRES, which will be sold as a W wole, to tollows: I'he or balance will be sold in two nearly equal tracts. unon which are two wood-house, a good stable, vagon-shed, hog-pen &e. A good young apple orchard torn near the house. 50 ACRES OF TIMBELAND well wooded, with good young Timber, in- cluded in last mentioned parcel ofiand. This FT YidS Har Pri Jdersigned upon the premises, WM. STUMP. junel® 63,3m, Pottor tp. NZRA P. TITZELL. Y Milroy Mifilin Co.. Pa MANUFACTURER AND IN STOVES TINWARE, &ec. tis stock consists in part of DUST COOKING STOVE, The Celebrated Barley Sheatf. Ironsides Cook. Oriental Cook. Fulton Range, Oriental Base Barner Parlor Stove, Oriental Parlor Furnaces, Spears Parlor. Spears Orbicular, and Stoves for offices, Cannon, and other Stoves suitable for dwellings, A full line of Tinware and Self Sealine, Fruit Cans on hand. Particular attention give hima call. His Store is R. Depot. | X ' tod um. vaittaye to near the R. jun ren GALVANIZED LIGHTNING ) ROD. SUPERIOR TO ANY IN USE. This rod eombines all the recentimprove- Points, Insulators, and attach- iron bars, five-eichts of an inch ground, spiral twisted and galvan- ized. They are warranted neverts corrode, and are connected by perfectly fitting solid copper burs, which form not only a perfect anid continuous eonneetion from the points eround, but by a combination of met- form a ments als, enablinz the Rod to discharge the elecir ef tv of the most t thunder storm huarm- les TRY about four week's ago.. a r Ned l speckled roan: heifer, about nine 2k - 4% months old. Any informati n of the whereatiouts of the same, will’ be suit- ably rewnrded, by the ndenigned; junel9, St. WM. HARTER. N. HILLIBISH, eX Wholesale and retail desler in ARegheny Street. Bellefonte, Pas. Read only a partial fist of Cook Stoves; ellin 18 x rly, y . Ornamental, Oriental, oval Cook. Prine Roya. Sea Shell, Artisan, And America. Parlor and Office Stoves = $orning Glory, ropie, Brillinat, New Egg. And Parlor Cooks for Wood or Coal, and Wood Stoves of every description. Attention is called to Wir stoslt of Rooniig Plate. a new size, whieh he Nas just receiv ed, size 40x20. It makes Better job than the oldi size, and enn Ba furnished cheaper than any other establishment in town. z= Spouting and joBbiag tended to. Charges reasons faction guaranteed. romptly si- le and satis- june5'68 1y. ¢ (+ RAND EXHIBITION Of new amd cliexp goods just received Spened at the store of Graff & Thompson, Milroy, mwewrly opposite G. W. Graham's Hoted, consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress awed fatey goods, saeh us Mohair Cloths Alpacas, DeLaines; Ginghams, Calicoes, Lawns, Muslins, Cassimeres, Men's Summer Goods, Boots & Bhoes, Hats of 211 kinds, Hardware, Drugs Wall Pager, Juedns are, Buekets and Tubs Ready made elothing Fish, Ryrups of different kinds, And a general variety of other merchan- dize, usually kept in country stores, all of which they now offer at the lowest prices. Farmers and others from Centre county will do well to give them a eall, and exam- ine their stoek before purchasing else- where. We shall at all times be pleased to show ctistomers our goods, and will make it an object to sell goods low. REMEMBER THE PLACE IS IN MILROY. They also have at their Tannery a good assortment of OAKSOLEANDHARNESSLEATHER KIP AND CALF SKINS on hand and will be sold low for eash. Bark and Hides Wanted at the Tannery in Milroy, for which we will pay 8e. pe pound for Bull, 9 for Steer and Cow hide: 13 for Calf skins, clear of cuts and scares. The highest prices will be paid in cash « trade for good oak bark, may8'60,1y. GRAFF & THOMPSON. THE KIRBY. To Farmers, who are in wantof a Mowe and Reaver, will do well to examine tk Kirby. Send for a descriptive Catalogs or call on SHORTLIDGE & CO., Agents. apl0' 683m, Ballefonte, Pa Whitman's celebrated confections, Whitman's celebrated chocolate, Buker’'s chocolate, Smith's chocolate, China Ginger, English Pickes, American Pickles, at ABURNSIDE &« THOMASYS'.