CENTRE HALL REPORTER. FRIDAY, JUNE 26th, 1868. DEMGCRATICSTATENOMINATIONS YOR AUDITOR GENERAL : HON. CHARLES E. BOYLE, of Fayette unty, FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL 2 GEN. WELLINGTON H. EXT, of Columbia County. Notice—All communications re- paid for at our advertising rates. We wish here to state again, that all communications must come to us with the name of the writer, otherwise they are cast into the flames. For these asons a communication upon the Judgeship, signed “Centre, and one aport «District-Attorney signed “Citi zens,” will not appear. We in all ca- »" eood faith on the part of the authors. mrss tl fp Mn Is it Just ? Who acted the part of the patriot, the man who left home and friends rich one who remained at home to be- come a bondholder ? You answer, the soldier was the real patriot. Then why was it the soldier was paid-in greenbacks, and the bondhol- dér is paid in gold ? poor; road and school taxes upon the up, and pays no taxes to maintain the «9 NOOO! 1 { . J ust ? bondholder, do you like a policy that ders portion of the taxes? ted Grant. Is it Just, and do you like it, then vote Grant and Colfax. If you think the wealthy should bear taxation equally with the poor, then Can vou help calling that Just? ee Tre Union Pacific Railroad is being built more rapidly this year than ever. mas.” © Six hundred and forty miles dred miles more are nearly ready for the track. says he is not afraid of the Gentiles. oo through to the Pacific in 1869 in- with it an immense train of passengers and freight, now awaiting that happy event. Pacific has an abundance of ready money, and pays cash for everything. Its First Mortgage Six per eent. Gold Bonds are eagerly taken thoughout the country by parties of sound financial judgment, The sales have already amounted to seventeen million dollars, IT is now understood that Judge Linn’ will resign his office, so that the people of this judicial district will have at the next October election. the Damoeratie legal gentlemen spoken sq; and Jas. MeMannus of Centre; carefully considered in the selection of a candidate who should be a lawyer of experience, probity and morals, and one that can secure the confidence of the wiiBlé peoplé of the district. ha Won't Fight Square. show that they are afraid to make a {aie “and fquare fight on principles. if they have an idea that the people of this country are in favor of the revolu- tiotiry doings of the rump Congress, why did they not nominate a represen- tative man of their party, like Thad. Stevens, Charles Sumner, Ben Butler, or Wendell Phillips? In nominating one of these there would be no decep- tion, and every vote cast for such men would go for endorsing the principles advocated by them. Grant is an old woman and has no principles, and they nominated him simply on account of his military reputation, thinking that that will bring them the votes needed, an l which they would fail to get, if they placed in nomination a represen | principles. Should Grant be elected, Lit will be a triumph of the radical party | it is true, but we deny that such a re- | ly endorsed by a majority. The radi- they nominated one of the congression- men. is a cheat and a fraud to catch votes, and give the Jacobins another lease of power. This practice is in keeping | with that party. If the people of this country are in favor of bondholders, on principles. But as the principles of the radicals do course stand no chance to be elected. Judge Linn’s Resignation. | the radicals to Judge Linn’s resigna- | tion, .we have an evidence that the | radicals are opposed to the people of | themselves. If Mr. Linn is tired of be- i - | ine Judge, in God's name let him re- | chanee to choose his successor, instead | Geo. Geary, imposing our people whom they do not like. The one upon content he should serve out his full term, but if he intends resigning, let him do so at once, and refer the ques- iton of his successor back to the people | who honored him with a majority of | their votes. If Judge Linn has any respect for the peeple who elected him, Outside pressure is brought to bear upon the Judge, in order to make him long enough to prevent an The radical State Guard, in take care of the party in this county, Judge Samuel Linn, of the Centre The intimation having becom? nhlhie . ntl . } ATED I 3 1 pubic, we nouce that there 1s much on- | jection raised to the resignation on the owes it to his fellow citizens to remain Jench until the end of his term. | Without pretending to discuss the pri- | vate reasons which Linn in Lis purpose to resign, we can- not resist the force of the public as well | as poiitieal judgment which commands him to remain where he is. Among | the first jurists in the State, a man of | eminent and varied ability, of spotless men as Samuel Linn. Itis hard enough services, our friends in Centre county in appeals This district does not lack in com- petent men to fill the position, if vaca- vers who will make good Judges, and it i= no more than right and proper that the people have an opportunity of | choosing the man. te lp AP rm - The radicals in Congress are about Kentucky. get the seat. We do not see that the people are in duty bound to sub- mit to them. When, in the history of this Jacobin Congress, has a radical lost his seat, or had a case decided against him and in favor of a Demo- erat? Througlgthese flagrant outra- ges the negro-equality party built up their two-thirds majorities in the House and Senate. If this thing is to continue in this manner, there had bet- to be stopped ? | ter be a “blowing up” of the radical concern at Washington at once. a Another Atlantic Cable. Negotiations are on foot to have di- rect telegraphic communication be- tween I'rance and the United States. The new line is to be ready for service September 1, 1869, The Indians. A new policy towards the Indian tribes was developed in the Senate by Mr. Pomeroy, who introduced a bill placing the Indians in charge of the Freedmen’s Bureau. The bill does not put the red men on an equal foot- ing with negroes, but the next step in Radical progress may reach the point District-Attorney. Mr. Kurrz.—It being a Democrat- ic principle that there should be “ro- fice, always in office, that the offices be- long to the people, and not to the of | ficer, is true. Besides if an office is burthensome to the officer, it should not be imposed on him a second term. favors go | If it is profitable, then let round. should be sufficient for any one man, yers in every way competent to dis- other—and as deserving of Democratic favors, | chance by a nomination. There 1s Democratic lawyers, that I ean not call | Centre practice what they preach. L.oor. a | Letter From Ohio. To the REPORTER. Do you ever, at your quiet home in the beautiful Pennsvalley, setand watch | the golden sun as i { *11. 9 ‘neath the western hills? fr Laen as it lies, hills and plains, and dwell in fancy on scenes it passes in its west- ward course? One hour later, three hundred miles in the direction you are I tho stand and watch it, disappearing ‘not behind silvery-topped mountains, but behind a wide, wide plain. the scenes may be another thee hun- soon as the Tax bill is out of the way. This new movement has created a de- cided sensation wherever it has be- come known, but meets the approval of ol > w— Bondholders. government securities, escapes without does not amount to $1,000, which He is paid in gold, which he sells at a pre- mium of nearly forty percent. He pays purchased the bonds at a fearful rate eloquently depicted. Great conven- tions of the Radicals are held and the “honor of the nation” is invoked that with one dollar of the nation’s bur- 1: accumulating wealth, 1t might be sup which we have heard so much, could same alacrity exhibited in the purchase ation. ter. ted, the country is much improved and interesting, though wanting the beau- tiful scenery of Pennsylvania. The ing, and society differs very little from there. There have several severe” hail storms passed over the country during the summer, doing great damages, About ten days ago a young hurricane passed a short distance north of this, tearing down orchards and forest trees, and making the country a scene of dis- ‘order. In one orchard there were ninety trees bent over and broken to the ground and near by a large woods almost entirely swept down. Hail stones fell that were more thananinch in diameter, cutting down branches, leaves, and doing much injury to both fruit and grain, in some fields four-fifths of the rye is cut down. Storms are generally more severe here than among the mountains, as there is nothing to lichtning also seem more dangerous and terrific — probably because the mountains and are not felt so much in the vallies. Crops will not be so good as was expected a month ago. Grass is short and will not yield near as large a crop of hay as last year. Grain is late compared with other things, 1s not thick on the ground, and will remain short. Instead of there being more wheat than last year, as was expected, there will not be near as much. The politieal world is very quiet vet. Placing Grant upon the Repub- lican platform, has not caused the slichtest breeze to agitate the quiet minds of the firm Damoeracy of Ohio, or even of the party that advocated his nomination- The very intimation that the nominee of the Democratic party, and thus the opponent of Grant, 1s a much more than even Grant already strife. Fourth of July is anxiously Fawalted and as soon as Pendleton, who i= the choice of the west, or any other up, marshal its hosts and boldly and earnestly enter into the conflict; and ' will work as nobly as she, Democracy burg Patriot. EE Is H. v. Grant a Drunkard ? tant if he were an obscure tanner in an were the General of the Army in a his door and another orderly in the rear of his children on the way to school. But Grant is more ; Radieal- ism has made him the Commander-in- Chief of five military Satrapeies which rule millions of white citizens by means of the bayonet, and in this command he 1s even irresponsible to the superior officer whom the Constitution of the United States puts over hishead. With like to know if the man who wields cant matters as his own senses, Stil further, now that a party has presen- ted Grant as a candidate for the high- est office in the country, the people have the right to know, and they de- mand to know, if this man is a drunk- ard. As vet, the bulk of the testimony which has been made public is from prominent Radicals and Radical sheets Wen- dell Phillips repeats the rumors, “from reports about Grant's habits. “takably drunk” inthestreetsof Wash Tilton telegraphs to his pa- per that “occasionally a Presidential Grant is drunk half the time.” October; mongrelism wii have its | bands dissolved and its power broken, and the country will be delivered from its threatning utter ruin. W.J A, | Vermillion Institute, O., June 16th. rm —— Po Ape Freedmen’s Bureau. The Senate amendments to the House | now goes to the President. of July next, and the cost thereof will be at least twelve millions of dollars. Let the tax payersof the country make a note of this. A pee Impeachment to he “Resurrected.” Impeachment is to be revived again. | It is learned from a strictly authentic | source, and in fact, the matter is being openly diseussed in Republican quar- ters, that Thad. Stevens has prepared four new articles of impeachment against the President, whid introduce to the House of Representa- tives as soon as the Tax bill is disposed of. The articles are entirely distinct from the specifications of those so re- cently tried hy the Senate and embrace among other allegations the following: 1. The illegal use of power to carry elections. II. The abuse of the pardoning pow- er, in pardoning the counterfeiters of national currency. III. Overt acts, in attempting to de- feat the Reconstruction act of Congress. He insists that the country demands the impeachment of the President, and will push the adoption of his new ar- ticles before the House with vier } i reson Gent 0 tells the Washinston the Cincinnati Commercial that Grant has been in the Executive Mansion “i drunk that he couldn't stand Now statements like these, if they are slanders, should The testi- | the strictest investigation into his pri- -ate habits in respeet of sobriety. Once more, is Hiram Ulysses Grant adrunk- If he is, he is unfit for even his If he is not, his friends should expose as slanders the statements which Phillips, Tilton, and others have made. tp Are Secure Beyond any gency. The Union Pacific Bonds run thirty years, are for $1,000 each, and have ard ? : Contin- January and July at the Company's office in the City of New York, at the rate of six per cent.in gold. The prin- cipal is payable in gold at maturity. The price is 102, and at the present rate of gold, they pay a liberal come on their cost. The Company believe that these Bonds, at the present rate, are the cheapest security in the market, ane reserve the right to advance the price at any time. Subscriptions will be re- ceived in New York. L. A. Mackey, Esq., has written a letter saying he is not a candidate for (‘anoress, : Anna Dickinson on Gen. Grant. The gentle Anna is one of the ablest and most popular orators in the pay of the Radical party. She has done good service for the party in times past, Just now she appears to be stumping it in behalf of those Radicals who do not favor the nomination of General Grant. Annaspoke at Elmira, N. Y., and took occasion to hit the man who does not talk some severe blows. She warned and threatened in her loving way. She said: The Radical party eannot live upon the memory of its good deeds. Your works in the past won't save you. You Radicals shirk the unpopular necessity of putting the black race for- ward. You want to cover upthenegro with Grant. Unless you give the Northern negro the ballot you won't get the support of the negro South. It is not sufficient that Grant was a soldier, McClellan was a soldier—I itz John Porter was a soldier. It is not sufficieng to write against any man’s | name—soldier, By nominating Grant you show | yourselves cowards and poltroons. Grant is no standard-bearer when | principles are to be fought for. | You want Grant without a platform for the sakeof expediency and winning ' the next election. | I wouldn't have a personal quarrel with General Grant. I dare to say what a great many are thinking. [ don’t want Grant for President. “Speech is silver, silence is golden ;” Grant's silence is leaden. He must speak before he gets the | election. You can’t hurrah for Grant and win | on that issue. | Shame, shame on those Republicans | who say: “I believe the black man | should vote in Lousiana, but under no circumstances here in Elmira.” Distintegration stares the Radicals 'in the face because they are ashamed to come out boldly and openly for ne- gro suffrage. Don’t hide your principles, if you have got any, behind the smoke of one man's sigar. i i i Aimer Years ago, in 1847, Henry Clay, (Greneral Tavlor to the Presidential « B® hy chair, remarked : “If General Taylor, who is absolute- ly, without any experience whatever tion ever again of any man to the taken from the army. military men. Each in frage. ceed military chieftain, until at last will put ISI, That was a mast pangent appliea- tion to General U. S. Grant, as every one must readily see. linden oii Letter From Chief-Justice Chase. The followiuz letter has just been made public. It is to a gentlemen in New York My Dear Sir: believeing that I “shall never abandon the great principles for the success of which I have given my entire life.” [ adhere to my “old crexd ofequal rights,” withouoone jot or tittle ofabate- ‘ment. I shall be glad if the new pro- fessorsof thatereed adhere to (tas fuith fully. [ am amazed by the torrent of in- veetives by which 1 am drenched. | Almost everything alleged as fact is falsehood out of the whole it the fact isso pervert d and traves- tied that it becomes falsehood. ‘no motive far all this except disap- pointment that impeachment has not thus far proved a with | partisan on the other side. As presi- | dine officer ovei 1 ) | science testifies that I have been strict | ly impartial ; and I am sure that any | one who reads the report will say so. Individualy I have my convictions and opinions, but I have very saldom given utterance to them. Indeed, I do not think that the case, in any of its aspects, has been the subject of con- versation between myself and more than four or five Senators, and then only casually and briefly. No Senator will say that I have sought to influ- ence him. The real ground of denunciation is that I have not been a partisan of conviction, and this denunciation I am willing to bear. They may denounce and abuse me and read me out of the party if they choose. I follow my old lights, not the new. Whit the developments of the future may be I know not. I neither expect nor desire to be a candidate for office again. It would, however, gratify me exceedingly if the Democra- tic party would take ground which would secure the party against all at- tempts to subvert the principles of uni- versal suffrage established in eight, and to be established in all, of the Southern constitutions. Then, I think the future of the great cause—for which I have labored so long—would be secured, and I should not regret my absence from political labors, SALMON P. CHASE. ® gr The Radicals at the Chieago Con- vention resolved that the South must adopt negro suffrage, and that the North might do as it pleases, Reason. Because the South is ruled by bayonets, and the North is not. Great equal rights this. Lae (iil my ¢on Frightful Accident in New York. NEw York, June 18.—About 9,30 this evening, the Metropolitan Fire Engine, No 9, exploded in front of the Bowery Theater killing four persons instantly, and wounding (insome in- stances fatally) twenty others. The engine was playing on a fire at No. 53 Bowery which had been extinguish- ed when the explosion took place. A majority of the killed pnd injured are boys, who had gathered around the machine. Theexplosion was heard by the audience in the theatre, who poured out of the building in a panic. The dead bodies were conveyed to the Tenth Precinct Station House, where theystill remain. They presented a horrible appearance, some having their brains dashed out, and others with their limbs torn from their bodies. i ——— New Stamp For Whiskey Barrels. A new stamp for whiskey barrels showing that the tax has been paid, pre- pared by Mr. 8. M. Clerk, Superin- tendent of the Printing Bureau, has been approved by the Committee of Ways and Means. The stamp is com- posed of two pieces of paper, so that it cannot be taken from the barrel with- out mutilation. stamps is seven in number, with figures denoting the number of gallons, which are easily and conveniently checked in connection with the coupons, > > Case of Surratt. this afternoon the Grand Jury of the District of Columbia indicted him un- der the second seetion of the act of July 17. 1862, for giving aid and com- fort to the late rebellion. mgs ena A of Wp ————— FRIGHTFUL DISASTER. A Steamer and a Bark Sunk by a Collision and Twenty Lives Lost. CLEVELAND, O., June 21.— The steamer morning Star, hence for De- troit, collided with the barque Cort- land, thirty miles from here last night at about 11 o'clock, and both were sunk. The total number of the passengers of the steamer were forty and of the steamer R. N. Rice. Mors. Hackett, a passenger. Servia, Assassinated. of Prince Michael, of Servia, at Bel- grade yesterday : The Prince while walking leisurely One of them was promptly taken others will not be able to escape. Vig- i tion produced the most profound ex- citement and sorrow throughout the country. a — — The Huntingdon G/obe says a num- r——— ia d— Prentice thinks that Forney ought modate his falshoods. They crowd "NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PENN HALL ACADEMY. This Institution will be opened on Mon- W. HOWARD GUTELIUS, of Franklin and Marshall College. Every facility will be offered for acquiring a knowl- edge of the English, Mathamatical, Scien- titic and Classical branches, A normal class will be opened for the benefit of those preparing to teach. Boarding with furnished room ean procured for 32,50 to $275 per week. juue26’s8, tf. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS, be All persons are hereby cautioned against walking across or otherwise trespassing on the grounds or lots of the undersigned, near Centre Hall. The late Legislature passed a stringent act against all offences of this kind, and all persons hereafter not paying attention to this notice, will be dealt with according to law, P. D. NEFF. June, 26,3t. Y ALUA BLE TAVERN STAND AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers the well-known CENTRE HALL HOTEL STAND, at Centre Hall, Centre county Pa., at Pri- vate Sale, The Hotel building is a large, well finished, two-story frame building with Store room, large and convenient stables and sheds, and with all necessary outbuild- ings, and 1s known as one of the best coun- try Hotel stands in central Permsylvania. Also, if desired by purchasers, there will be sold with this property, a lot of ground in Centre Hall, containing about } of an acre and another lot of ground containing 2% acres, near Centre Hall. For further par- ticulars apply to - ‘WM. STUMP, junel®' 68,3m. Centre Hall, Pa. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. Coes Dyspepsia Cure. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. This world renowned remedy for the un- failing cure of * 4 4 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Sourness or Acidaty of Stomach, Rising of Food, Flatulenecy, Lassitude, Wearineas, Biliousness, Liver Complains, finally terminating Death, I: urged upon the attention and trial of sufferers from this most horrible of all diseases. Dyspepsia shows its ravages in a thousand different formes, in fact, all dis- orders of the Stomach and Bowels, with all their complaints, such as Sick Headache, Heartburn, Depression, general sense of uneasiness and feeling that you are not well. Food distresses vou, rises id 2miirs on Tour stir about, and worst of all, Indigestion or Constipation, are nothing more or less than Dyspepsia. Thousands upon thousands suffer und die this way and neither them- selves or physicians know what ails them except that they aresurely dying. Render, we repeatt it, this is all Dyspep- ment, if you would save yourselves and children from an early grave, if you woul have health and energy and strength, again we beg you try one bottle of COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. You will see how soon it will dispel your bad feelings and gloomy forebodings. How soon it will chase away any species of Dys- pepsin. How soon it will give you new life and vigor, and how soon it will makea well man or woman of you. For your own sake, for the sake of verybody suffering we beg we entreat you to try it. For Liver Complaint and Bilious Derangements, It is a Sovereign Remedy, while for Fever and Ague, and all those diseases which a certain preventive and cure, That its wonderful medicinal virtues may not stand alone upon our statement, we append a few unsolicited testimonials from bevond all apiestion, and carry with them strength and conviction to the most incred- Mr. Lester Sexton, a wholesale merchant of 30 vears, in Milwaukee, one of the mast Milwaukee, Wiz, Jan. 21, 1868, Messrs C. G. Clark & Co., New Haven, Conn, B ith myself and wife have used Coe's Dyspepsin Cure, and it has proved PER- FECTLY satisfuctory as a remedy I have no hesimtion in saving that we have re- ceived GREAT BENEFIT from its use Very respectfuliy. (Signed) "LESTER SEXTON. (From Rer. I. F. Ward, Avon, Lorain (0, Messrs. Strong & Armstrong, Gentlemen, —l1t gives ine great pleasure to state that my wife has derived great benefit from the use of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. She has been for a number of years greatly with Dyspepsia, aceompanied with violent paroxysms of constipation which =o prostraced her that she was all the while for months, unable to do anything. FROM 17, and is now comparatively well, She regards this medicine as a great bles- : Truly yours, L F. WARD. ™ J an. 131 h, 1868, [From Rer. sane Alken, Alleghany, Pa.) Jozeph Fleming. Druggist, No. 81 Market Street Pittshure. Sir:—1 take great pleasure in stating that, after having suffered from dyspepsia for about fifteen vears, at some periods others, [ have been entirely cured hy the use of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. I had great kind of fond and on an average would vomit ahout one- mass. When the severe attacks would come, T would lose all strength and be ut- terly helpless, Some of the attacks would not retain anything on my stomach. saves little dry tonst and tea. or years I knew not what it was to pass five consecutive hours without intense pain. From the time I took the first dose of this medicine I ceased vomiting. gradually all soreness prsset Away ana desh and igth roturn- 1 nid i » ¥ have bean able to ast any kind of sod sei Wjroll the table. Six months havenow passed without any syinp- toms ofthe return of the disease, My ease was considerid by all, even physicians, so 14 sires OVET, 211104 might be fictitious ; but I am now so well convinced, that I have been not merely relieved, but permanently cured, that] can conscientiously recommend Coe’s Dyspep- sin Cure to all victims of dyspepsia. ISAAC AIKEN, Late Pastor of the Beaver St. M. E. Church Alleghany. CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. New Haven Ct., June 1, 1867, Messrs. C. G. Clark & Co. Gents :— Being anxious, from the great benefits derived, to assist in spreading the fame of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, 1 would state my case. Soinethig over a year ago, I had a violent attack of Diarrhea, which lasted eight weeks, during which time I employed three physicians, but without relief, antil 1 tried Coe’s Dyspep- sia Cure. The first dose helped me; I took it three times a day for a week any was entirely cured; and I believe to-dad that it saved my life. Being attacked ina similar way this season, I took one aose, which put me all right. I would advise every family to keep it on hand ready for immediate use, in case of Summerar Bowel Complaints - CC. DUNN. The ahove Mr. Dunn is in our employ, being true. E. ARNOLD & CO, COE'SDYSPEPSIA CURE ‘Will also be found invaluable in all cases of Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Summer Complaints, Griping and in faet every dis- ordered condition of the stomach. Sold by Druggists in city or country C. G, CLARK & CO. Sole Proprietors, New Haven, Ct.