CENTRE "HALL REPORTER memes {omens Centre Hall, Pa. June, 12th, 1868, LOCAL ITEMS, VALUABLE BROOKS fit of grown persons, but also for the proper following valuable works: Large Illustrated Family Bibles; the Immortal Life. . Smith's Bible Dictionary. War Between the Stites by A. Stephens. } . \ o . These works are worth their weight family. Mr. Dasher will shortly call v ' on » . . . hah ia” BA upon the citizens of this vicinity, when none should fail to svbecyibe, * —————— Pe — —— 2@Two NW EMpPIrRrR Sewing erin ks, warranted, for sale at this Office. IroN Cry U§ryrani—aA scholarship to this institution Ter sale at this ofhee, and to be had at a bargain, Braxgs.—Blank Sumnmdng and Vendu Notos for stile at this office. "og . Et — p——— - . Hawrer Hovse.—The attention of the travelling community is directed ern end of the Pennsvalley Narrows, Mr. A. Harte? has been eiilively refitted. is always lcoded with the best the sea- son can afford, and his bar stocked | with the ¢Rdicest liquors. The sta- Hles and shedsare new, largeand com- amodions, number of horses. Trout-fishers, hun- Yers, and othéf pleasure seekers, will back again. of Hartleton. Tire WeaTurr.—6th, fine and warm forenoon, thunder showers af- | ternoony 7th and 8th fine; 9th rain; | 10th clear but ¢él! 11th coal and rain. .s ond oO ; Boxyers.—We actually overficaid | two females the other day, conversing | about the ltdie’s sun-downs, and they | bith sceiited to object to them for the | reason that a person could not tell | hich was the {Foiit or bitck part of a | lady: Hw much more serious will | this oljection he with rehts ? ER ER Rip—Citten Kine sy Lica Nixa.—~ Daring the thunder gust on last | Raturday teritoon 6th, at about 4} | o'clock, as we were onl our way home | from a walk in otie df He by-wavs near | town, we werd dariled By a most vivid flash of lightning, which séemed fit Have fallen into the very héart df our village followed by # terrific peal of thunder. We felt apprehensive; bit Hitle did we think that the fiery holt which had | just dazzled our eves, was a swift death- | messenger from the clouds; sent - by (rod, to eall a little innocent one home to Heaven. Aswereached the village a tew moments after, the sad intelli- | gence reached our ears, that a little | son of Mr. Alex. Shannon, aed about 17 months had been killed by light. nine. The electric fluid struck the chimney of Mr. Shannon's new dwel- | ling, and shattered it, following down | the stove-pipe, scattering the same | around the room, went throught the] cookie stove Kirocking out all the fire, | from the stove into the floor which was | somewhat splintered and ignited, and then made its "way across the floor | throuzh the back door into the earth, | leaving a scorched track, about an | inch wide all along the floor, The lit- tle bov was standing near the door and | i! =~ . down, wmd was found lyn almost lifeless body of her} unfortunate lit- and skin further injury. The tle boy had the hair left side of his head likewise a large and severe burn just below the elbow, and a pattion of the fingers. He lived but a few after the sad occurrence. house at the time, and all felt the shock more orf less. On the following Sun- unfortunate ave by a large concourse of people. itt bmi Rev. Zettlemoyer, Lastheran pastor o #11 ing. ———————————————— & tp 4 ——————— - Turer AND Arresr—On last Rat- and the owner charged with having sto- the individual was arrestod by consta- ble D. Keller of Centre Fall and was held to bail: i fogigeane Messrs. MeNitt & Sample of Milroy have now a large supply of goods on hand, and will give their patrons of Centre Co., a changee, of steing their advertisenient iv the’ REPORTER short- ly. my oH Tir Narrovar Herrr at Millheim, under its new proprietor; ot? good na- tured friend, J. W. Hostermiiiy # ob- taining a wide reputation as one of the best kept Hotels in central Penywyl- vanin, Mr. Hosterman has gone to great expense in refitting the National, and a tastier, more convenient, and better conducted house for the accom: modation’ of travellers, caw not be desired—theé genial’ nature of the host and hostess makes VOU 84 4 2 pe | that the appatité can crave. His bar Is | supplied with pure liquors, and his | stables roomy, and comfortable for horses. Drovers can alwavs be ae- Leommodated with any numberof hor- SOS, oo June11,3t ——— RAN : ON Saturday afternoon a fight took place in the circus at Milheim between a few knockdowns; as we are informed. | - > >. The package of the Mepdrren iN- tended for Potters Mills, we ave in- | | formed, has several times failed to | reach its destination jas our paper is mailed regularly each Friday morning, | “we are at a loss to know who “dispo- ses” of the papers intended for that | office. Norice—Mr. Ezra Po Titzell of Milroy, has just returned from Albany pr oe kets, with a large and ample supply of | - A ———————— & fp Ap ——— The Departments at Washington DEATHS. Shirk, aged On the th inst, in Penn t 8 years, ownship, ofin- hood, i al postponed until November next. v successiul the Inrgest and most This doubtless, College in the Union. 18 of practical actual husiness means, of whith it has been abloto secyre to is students A renter rd Ts graddates are everywhere recog- nized tho hest and 10st relinhle n= countants to he tound ; hence their sory qos ins cipals, Smith & Cowley, Pittsburgh, . >> r% FIFTY THOUSAND BEADS now clothed with masses of rich black and brown hair would, if they were unfortun- ately €UTOFF. . from a supply of CRISTADORO'S DYE, begin to ’ TURN WHITE, red, sandy, and gray. Manhood and beauty, with the oe defect in their personal ap pearance remedid by CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE bk 2 . rejeith ill their good fortune, and recom- spect to ex-President Buchanan, = ———————— An insane man at the alms house at Philadelphia, has jumped out of a third ow and killed himself. eR inn St. PererssvrG, June 7:—The | Emperor of Russia has issued an ukase | setting {rec all persons of foreign birth now exiled to Siberia, and all the na- | tives df Russian Poland who are sen- | tenced to less than twenty years exile. | | de The Revolution i Venezwnela. Havaxa, June 2.—Dates trom (araceas to the 11th of May have been | General Rojae, at the head of the | ty fled from the city, and large num- | bloodshed was expected. General Faleon had escaped to the | Duteh island of Oruba. ii delat | Rev. John M. Chivington, the suppresser of the Indian massacres, has | married his son's widow. The funeral of late Levi Lincoln was held yesterday, at Worcester, A Negro girl in South Memphis at- tempted to poison her father’s family on Sunday by putting powdered glass in a pot of veretables. On being deteeted as a reason that her father had refused to allow her to join the Methodits 1x a Baptist. Me the rain-storm last Friday a waterspout | Rockraxp, M8, June 2.—During | hip, Knox County, Mec. | cuttine three ravines down the side of the mountain, one of them four rods | wide and eight feet deep, and also up- | a i diameter, and raising Lincolnville | Pond, in one night, three feet higher | than ever known before. Reports from the grain erops in | (‘alifornia are remarkably favorable. | The rain storm on Switdidt may do | some damage to the hay. ree le pn Mp | In Canada, Judges can hereafter | sentence boys guilty of larceny to be | The cholefa statistics of Brussels, a | o. exclusive of the sub- | Lh number of deaths from May 24th to Noveniber 4th, 1867, at 3467—or one | in fifty-eight. Several hundred shad were caught | last week, in the Juniata river, 1m the | having tushes several inches long has | been discovered in the woods In a voter of. An Irish woman i» Lock IHaven | At | present date the mother and triplets | Can any of our sister | We move that a the happy mother. We understand Democrat. The Charleston ANeiis asserts that him social respéct the motive being to punish and humiliate them for their ostracism. The lumbermen and land owners aleng Beeeh Creek ave talking of buil- ding a rail-rehd from the mouth of that stream to Snow Shoe.—Watceh- man. EA MARRIAGES. On the 4th by the Rev. Mr. Wagner of Millheini, Mr. John, D. Keen to Miss Har- riet Breon, both of Penn township. Long way they live in joy and peace, and may their cup of happiriess be made to overflow soon by the admittance of a young iember in their newly formed circle. HRA On the'8lst ult., Mr. Henry Laird and Miss Fbsebeth Shoffer, both of Zion, On 11th, Mr. ¥aare] Flory, of Benner, {and Mizz Paony Grumbein, of Centre Hall. { J Mamifacéturad by J. CRISTADORO, 68 Maiden New York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. Lane, June d, > — WHYT EVERY HORSEMAN WANTS. —A good, cheap, artd reliable liniment, Such an article is y , \ DR TOBIAN LINIMENT. In Pint Bottles at One Daélldr, For Cats; Qalls, Colic, Nprains, &c., warranted cheaper than any Lameness, It is used hy all the great horsemon on Long Isdand courses. It will not cure in existevce that will, What i of horses will be without it after tryitlg ore bottle. One dose revives and often saves horse. and Bellysche it has naver fitiled the lite of an over-heated or driven For Colic Just ws sure az the sun rises, jist so sure is this valuable Liniment to be the Horse i ¢e dav: Use ] Embroeation of th it one t Pepot, | - Ae Y ork "T'S, june, 68, Im. LEWISBURG MARKET. W heat $2.50, Corn, new, 1,10. Rye 1.50, Oats, 32 1h, 70, Timothyseed, dull, 2,50, Flaxseed 2.25, Cloversed, dall, 5,50, Butter 25. Ham 20. White | Eggs 18, Lard, dull, 15, Tallow 10, Potatoes 1.50 Dried Anplis Pore Qf : we 8 ation! ‘or i ontis 3.4K) LOCK HAVEN MARKETS White Wheat 2. Red do Common do Rye 1,00. Corn 1,10, (ats HO. Butter 20, Eggs 15. Bacon Hams IR, Bacon 1. Potatoes 1,50, Clover Seed 4.00, Timothy Seed 2,00, Flax Seed 2.25. BELLEFONTE MARKETS. White wheat $2.70, red 2,60, Rye 1.0 Corn 110. (rite 65, Barley 1.50. Cloverseed o.o0, Potatoes 1.75. Lard per pound 16, Pork per pomid 1s, Butter 15 Kegs 2, Plaster por ton $16, LUMBER: Patio] $10 per M. Run of mill, dev $14 per M. Samples $1¢ pir M, HR St 18622) per M, Hemlock hill stuff 14618 per M, 18 inch shingle No 1 37 pér M. do No € F600, do 3 No 2 S§.00), To No RX 34.04, 24 inch shingle No do No: do hill MILROY MARKETS. White Wheat $260, Red 2,50, Rve 1.40 Corn 100 Oats 8, Plaster per ton 10,00, Salt per sack 3.50, IFiour (family) 6,00, Suttar 20, Kegs 18. Bacon Sides & Shouldors 1a. Hama 20, : Lard 14, Potatoos 1.50, Apples dried 123 Peaches do 47h Coil Oil 65 per Gall. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. (zold 199, Read wheat 3.00, Rve 1.9, Corn vellow, 1,1811,20, Outs 88 western, 90 for good Penna, Hams 20821, sides 174a18, Cloversedd 5.504%) Timothyzeod 2. 50a2,70, Flaxseed 2,830a2. 835, Breer Carrie. —About 1.OOOhead arrived and and Woestren steers, 12¢ for a fow choice, Bal0ic for fair to good, and Gu8e per Ib gross, for common as to quality. Cows—Were in fair demand ; 230 head gold at 340a$60 for springers, and 3456375 per head for cow and calf. Sueer— Were unchanged; 6,000 head arrived and sold at Hia7 lc per 1b, gross, us to condition. Hoas— Were firmly held at full prices; 3,400 head sold atthe different yards at P13a314 50 per 100, Ibs, net. MILWAUKEE MARKET. Wheat irregular at $2,140 for No. 1.'and sy jies - . 2.6002, 80, 2; Oats stcady at 68¢ for No, 2. CLEVELAND MARKET. Wheat quiet at $236 for No. 1 . hb . ( year winter; $215@218 for No. I SpPriTe 2,000 bushel at 934¢. , Oats dull at 75a73¢ Rye held at 31,80. Whitman's celebrated’ confections, Whitman's celebrated chocolate, Buker’s chocolate, Smith's chocolate,’ China Ginger, English Pickes, American Pickles, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS ae LI M ADAM FOY'S iv A . CORSE] SKIRT SUPPORTER. This supporter combines, intone Garntént | A perfoct fAtting Carset, and Lhe nisl dust- rable skirt supporter ever offered to public, I the hr Riors instead of the hips; it 1m- proves the form without tight lacing ; gives ease and elegance; mended by physicians, The universal and unparalleled suecess which has attended the introduction of the article, and the many thousands of dozens its werits are appreciated. For sale at Wolfs Old Stand, ( {EG DD. PIFER. 3 DRY GOODS HATS & CAPS ‘BOOTS & SHOES NOTIONS, &C. Having just returned from the eity with a large assortment af earefully selected | Dress Goods, Musling, Clothing, Hats and Bg | Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, ete. | { can offer inducemaonts to you which you | may not be able to receive at other places | The stock was bought at the very lowest and 1 foel confident that a call, we will be mu- i . wally } v » . {1 enefitted Room No t id | hoff Row | TIURNSIDE & THOM | 3 Utter td tho | inrgoest and best selected dise, In Centre county, see for yourself, P43 . t ullie one stocks of merch % 'y Ail, Xiu HE Largest and Best Stock of w ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to g | t nt i IFICOS, «utisfact t reduced Bl | found at "RNSIDE& THOM rick } and warranted to he strictly It is the only place vou ean find unad ult. ted splees, Try them for vourown sil tion, You can only find them at BURSSIDE& THOMAS, : A NDSA WS, knives, : mills, shovels, spades, rakes, ho lanps, forks, chains, &e,, at i BURNSIDE & THOM AN {old Onin SNS of all varieties, ground to spoons, { Vil ¢ ORSE COLLARN, if You don’t want your horse's shoulders galled BURNSIDE & THOMAS. I ARN ESS, #dllgtrs, cart whips, earring. j whips, in gredt varieties, govern saddles, bridles; martingale check lines, eart gears, tug harness, buggy We sad Foars, dlery line, at TST RURNSIDE & THOMAS, [FANG TACK LES, rods lines, hooks, flies, sea hair baskets, ete. Rig you out to cateh trout at BURNSIDE & THOMAS. rs gov. java, best quality | Rio coffee, re st oolong black teas, green teas, lovering grocery line at the lowest cash prices in the market BURNSIDE & THOM AS . IS known to ail in Bellefente and T BURNSIDE & THOMAS", EATHER of all descriptions, 4 . » . . roceo’s, sheep skins, linings. in the leather line warranted to give satis- faction, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS". {HOE-MAKERS TOOLS and fin'dis), in all their varieties, at BURNSIDE « THOMAS, A. bh spots rings. wants for the manufacture of harness, to be found nt BURNSIDE «a THOMAS". PASKETS in all their sdrieties, childrens ) carringes, willow ware, guns, pis- tols, powder, shot, caps, cartridges, &e., at BURNSIDE &« THOMAN eys of all kinds, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS’, NTEW PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re- | duced prices, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS', i JT OTIONS of all kinds, Stelring’s gloves, Handkerchiefs, corrba, Hoe fet Fo ks, in all their variety and very cheap, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS, FIYURKEY PRUINS, rajsens, fetis apples, oranges, lehions,” all Kinds of foreign fruits, Hams, bacon &c., at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS", {ANNED FRUITS, peaches, tomatoes, ) pine " les, and peas ir great varie- ty, at VTRNSIDE & THOMAS. PABITS SOAP, Win Fagan and Ke- fy ows, olive soap, Dobbins’ soap Jesse Oukley's fons, old eastile, pure, Palmisoap,. Flderlin®s' sotip, and a great variety of other soaps, "at + - BURNSIDE & THOMAN FEVHE highest market prices paid’ for all } kinds of country produce, at . . BURNSIDE &« THOMAS’. WHITE FISH. Hering Matkoral, &c.. at Lapl7 68 BURNSIDE & THOM AS | 000 MILLIS Union Pacific RAILROAD A ro now finished and in operation, Sixty miles of trae Lins 0 heen Intd this spring, | and the work Along the whole lina between [the Atlantic dnd Pacific States is being pushed forward more rapidly than ever be- fore. More than twenty thousand men are employed, and it i3 fot impossible that the Omaha Lantire track, from 5 . MEANS pro ied ure aniple, and all that en- completion of this GREAT NATIONAL WORK, | at tho out ik if possible dur, will be done, {TAR UNION. PACIFIC | RECEIVE: I.—A GovkRy MENT GRANT of the right tions, iIL—A acres of land to the utile, taken in alternate soactions on enh side of its road, | absolutd dortgtion, and will large revenve i the future, | variaus set'tions to be built, i porting troops, muils, &e. The interaost is f now much | sides securing a gredt ting in time and { money to the Government, aid inbuilditig theroad, to the same amount SN: Ponds, issued for the same pur- The Goverment { ns the U | pose, atid Hd more, | mits the Trditees for the First Mortgage | Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the Company ofily as the road is completed, nd after it Has been examined by United in all tespeets a first-class Railroad, ith depots, stations, turnouts; earshops, OCOMOLIVeR, CATS, Le. V.—A CAPITAL STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from the stockholders, of which over Eight creased as the wants of the Company re- quire, r of the line to the Pacific, but they cer- tainly prove that FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS m such a property; costing nearty three times their antount, “yt cy. The Conapary lave abundent means in and make no appeal to the their Bonds, as the daily but f ir treasury, lie to purchase 4 becriptions are entirely satisfactory ; \ nvestment in the market. The Union Pacific Bonds are for $1,000 attached. and and have coupons ¢ thirty years to run, v and July at the Company's Office in the City of New York, at the rate of six per ent. in gold. The Principal is payable in gold at maturity. old, these bonds pay an annual ineome on NEA ANDIT MAY SOON BE AT A PREMIUM. the . 3 s1ihser 1 before the time of such advance. Subscriptions will bereceived in CENTRE HALL BY w 5 FRED. KURTZ, in New York \t tl gal Street, AND DY John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, No 59 Wall St., | And by the Compeny’s advertised agents throughout the United States, lemittances should be made in drafts or | other New York, and the ve sent free of charge by return funds par in Jonds will ! CX]PIeRs, Parties subeeribing through local | agents, will look to them for their sate de- livery, : A PAMPHLET AND Mar For 1868 Fas just been published by the Company, giving vertisement, respecting the Progress of the orsed by the Road, the Means for Construce- tion, and the Value of the Bonds, whieh will be sent free on application at the Com- agents, juned’ 68, JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York, WORLD MUTUAL Life I'msurance Company of NEW YORK. I. F. Frucaufl, Hollidaysburg Pa., eral Agent. for Pennsylvania. B. OO. Deininger, | Agent. burn Hon." F." Kurtz, Wm. Harter, Den- al principle, by which policy holders are insured free-——as all the insured” have the benefits of the profits.’ the second year, by which the insured se- ’ * - » 1‘ cure all the advantyges of the profits, Thus until they reach the sum of the annual pre- mium, and then exceed it. Policies are paid in" thirty days after due notice and proof has been given of the death of the in sured.’ . Thirty days grace are allowed’in the re- newal of premiums After two annual payments all polieies | remain in force aplO’68 Iv, MILROY it hae 4 oh ahr) EL i. uv OEE Ig =~ EN RX RUG AND HARDWARE STORE. I have just received a very large I at W.J: MMMANIGALS. DH" GS AND MEDICINES all war- ranted pura: Physicians perserip- at all hours. Pare Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes only. A MMANIGALS, —— i EL OUSE FURNISHING +s HARD- WARE. Persons building will do well to give him a call before piitch- Barn door hinges, from Barn doot Follors, Strap hinges all sizes, nt. M'MANIGAL'S. ER KEG FOR NAILS at MMANIGAL'S. RON. Iron ell sizes, Beollop and all heavy Iron, from best manufactures MMANIGALS. HORSE SHOES, Norway Nailrods, Cust Steal, Blister Steel, Bpring Steel, Springs, Axeles, Ke. &e., MMANIGAL'S it as dbs Hubs and Rims. Spokes, Shafts &e. B31 1} Hicory Fellows at $2.00 per sett MMANIGAL'S, nt ADLERY HARDWARE ofrevery des- eription, at M'MANIGAL'S. —— A ————————— ——— ——————— ——— { (UTLERY. Alargenssortment of Poek- X et and, Table cuflary, Ten and. table spoons. In this line we defy conypetition. ‘aitersand ten trayg, at MMANIGAL'S. FPPRUNKS aid T nvel | sortmoernt at MMANICAT'Y Calf skins, Lining skins, Toppings, Sltioe makers finishing tools, low at MMANIGAL'S. SILVER PLATED WARE of every M'MANIGAL'S. ~ Gi RAND EXUIBITION Of new and cheap goods just received from New York and Philadelphia, now Spened at the store of Graff & Thompson, Milroy, nearly opposite G. W. Gralism's Hotel, consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress und fauty goods, such as Mohair Cloths A Ipacas, Delaines, Ginghams, Calicoes, Lawns, Muslins, Cassimeres, |, Men's Summer Goods, Boots & Shoes, Hats of all kinda, Hardware, Drugs, AV all Pagar, gous, Ware, Jackets kod Tubs, Ileady made clothing, Fish, Sugar, Coffee, F apltr iii Syrups of different Kinds] Coll ei) And a general variety of other merchant dize, usually kept in country stores, all of which they now offer at the lowest prices: Farmaors and others from Centre county will do well to give them a call, and exam- ine their stock before purchasing else- where, 148 (4: "wt ‘11 1+ 8 " i hep 4 i it |. We shall at all times be pleased 5 | show customers guar goods, and will make it an object to sell goods low. REMEMBER THE PEACE §4 Graff & Thoiupson IN. MILROY: | They also have at that Tiinery a good | dssortnient of COAKSOLEANDHARNESSLEATHER on hand and will be sold low for eash. 21 ete, at paper at 10 and 1 MMANIGAL'S. MMANIGALS. up at rOOD AND WILLOW WARE Tubs Churns, Baskets, Grain Sexthes and Snethes at M MANIGAL'S W ARGE assortiithiit of Table and Car- MMANIGAL'S. MARKERS ou can buy vour Oils, Paints, Var- nish Paint and Varnish brushes, eround Briztles) t new Patent ul N ET Ho "MANIGALS, need, low at i Will M JORCELAIN AND Ten Kettles, Bake Pans, Le.. atl MMANIGAL'S. Hon Sou MANIGALS. PENTERS. You can buy Saws end other tools Jow, at M'MANIGALS. YLOOR OIL CLOTH, 12 Different Pat- I terns, 4, 5, 6 and 8} wide, a good ar- ticle at Hdets. Oil Shades, all new patterns, nt MMANIGALS. ROPE. Pulleys, WW hips, Broom tetine, Srocrn handles, + of if oy ig W.J MMANIGALY, Hardware Store; may 1568 Ty, Milroy, Pa. Lightness of Draft Conbined. THE WORLD'S tv of agricultural machinery in existence : Manufactured wv FALL & COMPANY, CHIL E. it of arf exter’ d v indicate the points in whiel its sekrowledgad su- } Il other mowers and respers 1st. sent from solid iron 3 WaNas, The gearing i Fhe principal points of superiority of the cut over the cast gear are accuracy and uni- fair 5 wheel and cog being cut to a standare The shaftirg iE uniformity cand accuracy, wheels—which’ Bored to a standard ~keyved upon them, forming a con- nection so perfeet and permanent thatthere cannot possibly be the least vibration, 8d. The trame or foundation consists of a solid iron shell or ease, sufficiently strong 2d. fect and are all external causes of destruction, 4th. The boxing—which eonstitutes a irefal, the aditstient of ihe werfect and uniform throughout, but the alignment itself perfect. oth. places by being bossed and sunk into cor- responding recé¥ieg or “ounter bores in the piller-bloe¥s . The bolts used are turned and faced to fit tightly and the thread cut into the iron. The nuts areof the bestquali- ty, hot-pressed’ faced and hexagon shaped. "The attachinents combine all the essen- tial improvements in common use and some of superior merit which are peculiar to the most conventent and substantial manner, Circulars containing specific description of the machine, with price list furnished upon application to the manufacturers. ISAACHAU PT, Agent for Centre Co, Pa. 1 RR SA LE. + 4 A two-story dwelling house, and two lots, in Centre Hall. Anabundance of choles fruit trees on the premises, and hydrant near the door, Apply to FRED. KURTZ: THE KIRBY. To Farmers, who are in want of a Mower and Reaper, will do well to examine the Kirby. Send for a descriptive Catalogue or call on SHORTLIDGE & CO., Agents. ap 10768 Bm. Jellefonte. Pa Bark and Hides Wanted at the Tannery in Milroy, for which we will pay 8, per pound for Bully 9 for Steer and Cow i. {13 for CxIf gkins, clear of cuts and scares. The highest prices will be paid in cash or trade for good oak bark. may860,1y. GRAFF & THOMPSON 4A 1 : . a s "The Campaign Age. From May 30 To November 23, Twenty Siz Numbers. Circulate The Docunients. | Bring the Truth within the reach of Every White Freeman in our Great Commonwealth, AND : THE VICTORY IS WON! | GREAT EKEDUCTION IN PRICES SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE! The next Presidential campaign of 1868 will be one of the mostimportasit and hotly contested which has ever stirved the nation- { al heart. Issues: of gigantic proportions | will be brought before the pegple, and up- on theis vende nt tHe ballot-box, the very existence of our free flopithilic may depend. —The lines are clearly drawn. Negrosaf- ferage, niititdry domination, heavy taxation, and Leedless expenditure on the one side; the rights of whitd wen, retrenchment, | economy, the Union, and Constitntion, | paese, happiness and prosperity on the other | In this contest the Remtie and Con- | servative pres must play a. most important art, and pe documents more potential can | be seattered broadeast aver the land. To | meet this, necessity, the publishers of the Philadelphia AGE have determined to make such a reduction in the price of their - weekly issue as will place it within the means of all classes, asking only in return { the aid of every true lover of his country in thedissemination of sound Democratic prin- ciples. Thev will: furnish the WeekLy Aare, from May te November 23 TO CLUBS, at the following rates: One hundred copies, all addressed to one person, Seventy-five copies, all addressed “to oua persan Fifty COples, all person Forty copies, «ll addressed to one person Sus Thirty copies, all adlressed to one person. . si Twenty copies; all addressed to one person , Ten copies, aif addressed to one person Five copies, all addressed to one erson : 2 Y here the copies are addressed to the individual, members of the club the rata willbe ten cents per copy additional. The ahove are our eash terms, invariably in advance, and, as we have no Traveling Agents; all money and names should be sent.to us. Drafts on Philadelphia, or Post{- office Orders, payable to the order of the Publishers, being safer, and prefferable to . any ‘other mode of remittance. All whe send money by Express, must pre-pay Express Charges. Clubs should be informed at once, as we | cannot guarantee to supply back numbers after the’initial number, and our offer of the foregoing extraordinarily reduced rates ap- blies only to the “Weekly Age’ for the >residential Campaign, -- : Address, WELSH & ROBB, may22 4t. “The Age,” Philadelphia, $30.00 5.00 82.50 23.00 22.00 addressed to one 16.00 8.50 — BETTER THAN GOLD! OUR NEW cONSPIRITION INDESTRUCTEDLE GOLD PENR, Are recommended by Bankers, Lawyers, Professors, Tenchbrs, Marchaiits, snd all who have trigd them, as the best Pen'manu- factored’ Sent Postpaid to any address for 50 cents per dozen. Or, samples of these Peps, Sample copy of an lllustrated Comie Paper, and large Illustrated Circulars ot otiv Books, Stationery Packages, ac., giv- ing terns to agents, sent fxeato any addres on receipt of 12 cents” Dhilers supplied af lowest rates, Address, .. ROACH & THISTLETIIWAITE, Indianapolis, Ind. F73~Pléase state where you saw this adver- | tisement, may! 4m, D B.. PP SMITH, offers his Professional | services, Oflice. Centre Hall, Pa. t apliyasid i mt i —