FRED'K KURTZ, TE ——— A PPE Commissioners ALS. Notice Is wilt hela heres ven, that the | # of holdine eloe- « follows to wit May 2 anid county, at the | tions in said townships Bellefonte Borough Patten township Haltmoon 4 Ferguson tp Harris tp Pottar tp Gregg tp Penn {p Haines tp Miles ip Walkor tp Narion tp Boggs tp Howard Bor & Howard tp Curtin tp Likarty tp Union & "nionville Benner & Spring tp Worth tp Tayler tp Snow Shoe Barnside tp wash & Uhilipshurg Huston tp } 1 } . DY org er ww} PEMA i 5 IRON, of Commissioners, Ap mays JN. MoraN, Clerx CPINWARE! TINWARE! J. REIBER, Respectfully announces to the citizen Potter township, that he is now prepared to furnish upon shortest notice. and cheap A alsew Here, 5 ih of Tin and Shaeetivon Ware, SPOTTER PIPES SPOTTING. All kinds of repairing done. He has al- wavs, on hand b Xx ay Qo. SILVERPL. for bugzsies executed in tl durable style. Give him a call. His char- ges ara reasonable. aplOos 1y. us ed i HY FARMERS, LOOK HERE, PER & MOWER, Manufactured by J. Marsh & Co, bur. Itisa self-raker. Cuts grain or grass no matter how much it may be lod red. This colebrated R per X Mow he gan al the ras lence of the agent, one mile si of Wolfs store. [tis the inven- Or, can Tous * TE gion weigh: enly 000 pounds. It is «a n “3 fant arly adigAaciatily CENTRE HALL, PA,. FRIDAY JUNE, 11th, 1868. MS The published weakly, at $1,010 per you and $2.00 when not paid tn TER TER 3 advance Advert ar square (10 lines) tor 3 for a year, half year, oi \ nes rate isemoents wooks, Advertise i monts thre nants at 4 AH dobawork, Cash, and neatly ata ex- poditionsly exeented, at ressonable char CENTRE HALL REPORTER, FRIDAY, JUNE Mth, 1868, - 3 4 i » ge re st the expense of the munutuciurers Price of mach S28 cash, or : bie >a + Hioning Ciredid i rice of 5 Tey YRTY PRY RL, WM. EHRHAR Agent, Wolts Store : 31} at oy ina Tait Al S11) ye rhe 3 . MOWEr Nii Cited. an on Si. "GGIER! BUGGIES! MugRay. Munuinceture 1 J. i ¥ 1 1» antra Hall, Pa. of Buseies, would respectful - 1 rv tis Hire cotlityv, tian’ wita and “witiinout top, and Which Wig bo yo 3 * Tia 1 gold ut reduced vrices for cash, and 8 res- }. % }is * ronnie credit sven, Two Horse Wagons, Spring Wacon Yur and ware : : LA Li? {ide t rraiice Tes Sdatl, } Quer nl aiVU sales- faoetion in every respect, All Kinds of renairing done in ~hort tice. Call and see his stock of Buggies for pu Chasing elsewhere. aplU 88 tf FMEST NATIONAL BANK OF te; Pa Aa NE py . . M¢cALLISTER & Cl. : » wf - J. 1 HOW afriinizeda joj the nir- 3 { t } Wie wird th aw th { } X80 Buankine dor the laws of the : . : i ~~ i ‘ , $ “+ ted Slated, i" - ¢ : ¥ 3.) ertificates issued by Hames, Tr..3 . “11 3 * 3 tinie & CUa.. will be paid at . ‘hecks of daposits at « * 7 wanturiiy, ana rit : 8 fil sentallon aithe counter tional! Bunk. Particular attention given tot aird sule of wyaernnie nt Seend Ap i6s, “t ie UH (CF { f H.CUTELIY * N¢is ND Surgeon & Mechanical Dentist, who is permanently located in FOR AUDITOR GENRKRAL! HON. CHARLES LE. BOY Ll, Ytuette County FOR SURVEYOR GENRKRAL: GEN. WELLINGTON H. ENT, : . , nota Cowaly. Washington. WASHINGTON, June 2 REVOLUTION. e Judi- ANOTHER STEP IN Trambull reported from th ston of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana to lurking fear of the Southern States, for immediately after be a Sion, shall have declared 1d roconsteriuc- tion acts. Thais isa daelaration that cals they will be exeluded from the referred to the Ju liciary Committee. TEXAS. In the Roconstruetion Committee divide Texas ONE ELEPHANT SUFFICIENT. Batler produced a private Wo “pe 1% s if’ the telegram LE 4 . ] slenedt A. witnes was his, £7 1] 12 } Wendail « put Lh 3 13 ¥ é . teCiNmed to 8nswerl. nv with Col. Woolly, Mr. Wendell “Il hava : . Pal, (" dy} is -“] have on fear of that, Lzcoueirui; 13 us many as OREGON. First Genoff The Campaign. ELECTION OF A DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMAN BYERY COUNTY INTHE STATE DEMO- CRATIC BUT OXE. ‘The eloe resulted in a SAN Frascisco, June 3. Wis tie thovs=and majority, ‘ Congressman All the county which gives a Republican majority of Portland City gives twenty-one hundred Democratic ma- jority. The legislative and | county officers are nearly all Democrats, * >. Civil War and Anarchy Prevailing All Over Abyssinia, Barrne Fovanr Apri 207i. 2 —The Herald's letters from Abys- the [.oxDoN, June special says: sinia, dated on River An- archy and civil war prevailed all over The released chieftains had raised arms acainst Gohania, and the General of the pursued one of the named All Furrus. A battle was fought on the 26th of April, in which All When the Waldamen released was victorious, chief, they reversed spears and rushed Mashesha defeated Queen Mustelar, with twelve thon- Meuelk is stories are related of the eruelties practiced The priests say mate Kine, Sad hy King Theo- * . 1 1 It 1: believed that when the dorus. ‘ English leave the country the Eevp- { ly lp Ap sn re Power of Forgiveness, A soldier, whose regiment lay in a to be brought before his commanding He and had been often pun office: for some offence. Was vd otiehid ‘ 1 : 23 “Here he