a I A Tu BN IS A HT PT rua SAC A PT CRI . . . . ‘ TvIn or 1 ' "a } (AR ’ sls ' : 4 A pe - “ - yy ee N OY Ho » 35 Xi 1 1 A dashing voung widow in Detroit | A man living in Cohoes, New York, | The Managers are still hunting up | FTREASURER'S SALES, Jol Mite htt 0. bert Rings wi 3 47 y } Yaa voile # ha 1 A \U og ap 11 roa’? Js 344 HLF 10 vy 111. | PTUNNEATR » ! I mm @ HN | JON weyno Ql eevainnnnn wee | - an rg 1 oh last week applied oil from the bowl of | digelosures” which they hop : will M- | OF UNSEATED LANDS FORTAXES | S Henry 459 | Andrew Graff.......coeo0e 87 | fluence the vote on the remaining arti- | FOR 1807, AND Thomas Sankey. 4 23 BR Morgan.............. 17 Notice is hereby given, that in pursu- John Bleal us. grees « iw Joseph Harrison ance of an act of Assembly passed the 12th | Robert Samy 705 John Harrison.....cu.. day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled “*An Act Adam Con ey / bo | Robert Buiney to wend an Act directing the mode of sel- Duvid Wilson {bo ducob Rush........ *eenerare ling unseated lands, in Centre county,” and Joseph Work. 7 65 | John W eidinan the several supplements thereto, there will David Work... ... Pn 706 Jacob Weidnan........ . 69 hoe exposed to public silo or outery, the Nathan Simpson bo i" Edward Bryon............ . * . . ’ re se | 5 following tracts of unseated lands in said Wm Wilson.. 6 | sontphi, Bauigun ‘ . f ' stir | i i nr ve county for the taxes due and unpaid there- Allen Steel... i hs Hugl Ni ¥ ir ; Tue ol Kdward Willson 65 ugh McEntire....,. on, at the courthouse in the borough of Innes Stoel 65 Thom’s Hamilton : Nal srba nd WT eaclan of Wo . ag. Nidal... | aS: ese 4 15 l]ofonte, on the 2nd Tuesday of June, |, Elenor Siddons........... Acres, Per, HALL REPORTER. —rpelind (Centre Hall, Pa. June, CENTRE ora | prepared a pleasent surprise for her Oth, 1863, fio . ‘ . + . ‘ 000 ine { . yi PREVIOUS YEARS, sgitora few evenings since. Expecting | 8 tobacco pipe to a burn on the lip of a | . : QS te: Ritle dnsiohtag sit «1 | eles. la call from him. she hid herselfin a | his little daughter, and the child died 1 y . . 4 S i" ‘ A Cus Answer QELLERS & FOLW ELL, A WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS AND FRUITERERS, | No. 161 North Third Street, Philadelphia, | mf Orders promptly attended to, anlu' on, CNY HOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR in convulsions twenty-four hours after 'econvenient corner, and as he touched | ! I a ——— ‘the knob ofthe door bell, sprang out | Linthe darkness of the evening, and | A radical campaign scng was recently sent to one of the boys in this county, en- dorsed, *‘show this to your boys in blue,” He immediately sent the donor the ace companying significant reply.-~NEWPORT | (V1.) NEWS, A SONG FOR THE “SOLDIER BOY.” Tourists to Italy will be pleased to | hear that after many delays, it is nearly smothered him—with kisses. | . . officially announced that the railway wn over Mount Cenis will be opened in | May. The line will be worked by. Lis cool reception of her caresses star- | J C Ficher........ eed : 40 | | tled her with a recognition of the fact | 216 Peter Wilson 16 x Vooin Javan alin Ws : Robert Bainey............ i that instead of her loy ol shi had be t n Warrantee Name, Taxes. 40 Richard Atherton AIr“—Rosin the Bow,” Come all ye brave boys of the Union, We'vesomething to tell you, what's true | What Congress has voted the nigger, And what they have voted for you. CHORUS. And what they have voted for you, And what they have voted for you. | Three Hundred they voted the nigger, | And fifty they voted for you. To give each darky a bureau, You know what we tell you is true. They voted some ten hundred Miilion, | But fifty they voted for you. CHORUS. But fifty they voted for you, &e. So when you come round lectioneering, | We'll tell you just how you must do; | You voted the nigger Three Hundred, Let him do the voting for you. CHORUS. But fifty they voted for you, &e. Jut as for themselves they concluded, One nice little thing they would do; They voted foreach memberfourthousand But fifty they voted for you. CHORUS, Let them do the voting for you, &c. You Democrats, now on our ticket, You've ever been faithful and true, We'll do all our voting for you. CHORUS. We'll doall our voting for you; We'll do all our voting for you ; ‘We pledge you our word and our honor, We'll do all our voting for you, etiam — The 1,000 Mile Walking Mafch. The two men who are matched to | walk 1,000 miles, in the same number | at last account still of hours, were journeying on their weary way in New York. The Times says on Wednesday | morning they completed 600 miles of | their task. Already the exertion and | want of rest have told fearfully on | voung Miles, while his competitor, | John Goulding, who is a much older man, appears to be comparatively fresh Miles looks haggard and'worn, and. complains of his feet and ankles, which | have swollen terribly. Goulding’s feet too, are beginning to feel the effects of a { i i 600-mile tramp. Both men complain of | cerebral pains, induced, doubtless, by want of sleep. It is not supposed that | either of them can complete their task, | and Miles will probably give out before | 700 miles have been got over. Yester- | day the 608th mile was walked by Goulding in ten minutes forty-five sec- onds, and by Miles in eleven minutes | twenty seconds. This is better time than Miles was able to make on the previous evening, when he took over 14 minutes to conplete his mile. Bet- ting is all in favor of Goulding against Miles, and time against both. When itis remembered that but one man ever completed the task these two have un- dertaken, that he did it under far more | favorable circumstances than they have | to contend with, and that while walk- ing his last 100 miles he had to be roused and keptawake by flaggelations and prickings, the propability would seem to be all in favour of their failure. ee The Lancaster Intelligencer states that the condition of ex-P resident Buchanan’s health is very critical. He is still confined to his bed and al- lowed to see no one ; the prostration resulting from his illness is such as to occasion, owing to his advanced age, the gravest apprchnesions as to the result. — De ES GENTS WANTED To sell the superb New Engravings Ideal Heads of American Women. DRAWN BY CHARLES A. BARRY. Reprodvred on Stone in Paris by *Lafossee and Fuhre, Tue MosT EMINENT LITHOGRAVHERS IN THE WORLD. NAMELY : THE ANGEL OF THE HOSPITAL, AT THE FRONT, THE COLOR BEARER, BEFORETHE BATTLE, ARMY NEWS, Price $2.50 each or the whole set for 310 GREAT INDUCEMENTS CAN BE OFFERED TO | AcgENTs, Single copies or the set will be sent by mail, post-paid on receipt of price, Read the following TESTIMONIALS: “Are admirable spechinents of Art.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes, “These Heads in the delicacy of both drawing and printing are worthy of the hihgest commendation.” —Benson J, Los. sing. “Never were there more speaking faces an these revelation: of sublime woman- hood.””—Dr. J. S. Holland. ‘I'he conceptions have great purity and delicacy.””— Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. i { “Must pronounce each, in its own style matchless.’ —Mrs. Harriet Prescott Spot- fard. La. “COreditablo to his genius as an artist.” — Raston Commercial Bulletin, “Phe pietures merit the commendation which they have received from the highest sources.” —Springficld Republican. “The Ideal Female Heads, typical of the faces ot American Women, represent with fidelity their charities, their sympathies, heroism, devotion and afttachments.’”’ Philadelphia Press. “Phe subjects handled with the spirit and pathos which mark Barry's drawings.” —N. ¥. Ecening Post, “Parlor adornments, they can not but be immensely popular.” —Phil. Methodist lavishing her sweetness upon the con- | ductor of a street car, who had come absence. The widow there-upon, with | great propriety, fainted on the spot. | ( ENTRE HALL J. 0. DEININGER, respectfully informs the citizens of Centro county. that he haseonstantly on hand, and makes to order, all kinds of BEDSTKADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, | TAB LES, oe. &e. . - hl : : 1 “ry his stock of ready-made Furniture is large, and warranted of good workmanship, asitis = ll made under his own immediatesupervi- - . - 1‘ sion, and is offered at rates ag cheap as else- where. Thankful for past favors, he solie- its a continuance of the same. Call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere. ap24 63,1y. UNION HOUSE s EAST MARKET ST. LEWISTOWN, PA. A CHANGE of proprietors of this Hotel The lishment has been refurnished, refitted, and remodeled, and will hereafter be conducted | The present | proprietor has had long experience is this | yasginess and will give his personal strict at- tention to the comforts of the traveling pub- | estuh- THE BAR GOOD STABLES obliging | Ostlers are always on the ground to attend | to this Department. 2% A portion of public patronage is co- licited, and good accommodations are gunr- R. A. MATHEWR, may15'68 3m. Lewistown, Pa. GREAT FALL and GREATVICTORY! At The Old Stand at Centre Hall. In favor of the Finest and Best Selected | Stock of DRY GOODS, i GROCERIES Just Purchased at the Late LOW PRICES, And now on Exhibition at Wolf’s Old Stand. ALSO, A CHEAP LINE OF FLANNEILS, MURSLINS, CALICOES, SITAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SYRUPS, COFFEES. also a large stock of MACKEREL and HERRING. HOOP SKIRTS, the best and cheapest in the market. WE SHALL TAKE PARTICULAR CARE TO MAKE IT AN OBJECT FOR New Customers, tuns, r= Noriek.~The subseription price of which is less than that of any other paper ofits size, We are printing this paper at cost, and therefore wish to remind our pat- apl7 OR tf, DAIRYMEN, FARMERSK, AND OTHERS, CONSIGN YOUR Ashes, Beeswax, Beans, Butter, Cheese, Fogs Flour and Meal, I'lax, Cotton, Furs and Skins, Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval, Stores, Hope, Ginseng, Feathers, Hemp, Provisions, Oils, Lard, Tallow, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molas- ses, de. de. TO JOSIAH CARPENTER, CHANT, 412, $441 & $6 Washington Street, NEW YORK CITY. ! STORE J. B. ETTELE. (FORMERLY NEFF & ETTELEK,) two doors west of Looh's Meat Market, All Barrels, Kegs and Cashs warranted to contain the quantity represented, The proprietor of this establishment takes Measure in informing the publie that he ims constantly on hand a supply of choice foreigh and domestic liquors such ns Bishop Street Old Nectar, Old Rye, Monongahela, And Irish Whiskey, Cognac, Blackberry, ( herry, Ginger and Common Brandes, Port Maderia, Sherry and Lishin Wines, Scotch And Holland Gin, New England Rum. JAMAICA RUM, CORDIALS Pepper- mint, Anniseed and Rose, The attention of practicing physicians is enlled to our stock of pure liquors, suitable for medical purposes, Demijohns constundly on hand, We have the only pure Nectar Whi key | Bottles jugs and | All our liquors were bought when liquors were low, and we sell then accordingly, All liquors are warranted to give satisfue- | ion, respectfully solicit a share of public patron KZ, or tserce. I have a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS of the finest grades, on hand. aplO'6s, A BAUM, A .® Basement of “Our Howse,” Bishop St, Bel lefonte, WHOLESALE DEALER IN | Price Current Published in the Furnished free. ments, Established, May 1st, 180, FIRST CLASS REFERENCES GIVEN WHEN REQUIRED. aplO'68 iy, A ERCHANTS HOUSE, A 413 & 415 North ard, st., PHILADELPHIA. I. C.N1prFR, CLERK. This well-known Hotel, will be found by all visiting the city, one of the most desiro- venience. German and English is spoken. ap lO GR tf. TATED UNION HOTEL, A Philadelphia. This Hotel is conveniently located on the south side of Market street, a few above 6th. Its central locality makes it desirable for NES AND LIQUORS, The subseriber respectfully calls t tablis! where he is prepared to furnish all n Foreign and Domestic Liguors' w best qualities accor His stocl Monongahela, Irish an all kinds of Brandies, Port, Muaderia, Cherry, Bin and other Wines—the best articles reasonable rates a@ can be had int Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, the of Rye, 1rland He would Rum, Cordial of al Thebes ee at iculariy i ure. A. BECK, Proprietor. (formerly of the Merchants House.) apli 6s tt, {ENTRE HALL HOTEL. JOHN SPANGLER, PROPRIE- TOR. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, east and west, This favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and isnow in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania, always find the best accommodations, Per- weeks during the summer in t will find Centre Hall one of the most deau- tiful locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con- venience, aplO os tf. ) USSEL'S HOTEL AARONSBURG, PA. JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR. The old an in the centre of Aaronshurg, has again been who now invites his old friends and the travelling community in general to call and zee him. The house has been clegantly furnished and is kept in the best style. Dro- vers can always find accommodation, apli 68tt. PH ILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD, SUMMER TIME TABLE. THROUGH AND DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, HARRIS- BVRG, WILLIAMSPORT, AND THE. GCREAPOLL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains, On and after Monday MAY 11th 1868, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia... 1115p. m. " H i Lock Haven...9.80a. m. : arr at Krie 8.50, m, Erie Expressleaves Philadelphia 12.00 noon — bi, * Lock Huven 10,11 p. wn. = arr at Erie 10.05 a. m. Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia 8.00a. mn. 5 B¢ Lock Haven 7.45 p.m. arr at Lock Haven 7.45 p.m. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie i i" ** Lock Haven arr at Philadelphia Erie Express leaves Erie " : ** Lock Haven arr at Philadelphia leaves Lock Haven “ Lock Haven 7.10 a. m. arr at Philadelphia 6.10 p, m. Mail and Express connect with all trains on Warren and Franklin Railway. Passen- gers leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 M. arrive at Irvineton at 6.40 a. m. and Oil City at 0.50 a, m. _ Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 p. m., ar- rive at Oil City at 4.35 p. m. All trains on Warren and Franklin Rails ‘ ‘“h bi 10.00 a. m. B50 p.m. 7,100, m. 7.40 p. m. 6.30 au. ni. 5.00 p.m. 7.10 p.m, ‘ ‘“ ie [23 IKlmira Mail ‘ie ‘dé “ i rtain of procuring what t which ean seldom be done wl ing in the city. 24 Physicians are respectfully re to give his liquors a trial, nN STERNBERG & BRANDEIS, Bellefonte, Pa. r rs 1 rr \ r) I oe SULE THE MARKEE 7, by having the largest and best stock, and selling at LOW PRICES! Carpets at old rates, from 50 cents to 75 cents per yard, for the best. DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And selling from 123 to 16 cents, the best calicoes, and muzlins in proportion, at old rates, Women's Shoes, common good, to wear all summer, at $100 per pair Fine Boots from 33,50 to $7,50 for the best. CLOTHING at the lowest rates, and sold at 1857 prices. SUITS, from $1250 to $18 for the best. CALL AND SEE, Benner Township. Jamos Bartram Benner, John M Hale do Burnside Township. one third of ahx H } of 20 fof 123 144 433 i of 216 do do 100 Walter Stewart 68 Paul Cox John Vaughn Henry Harris.......oooun. Joseph Wallace......... Jeremiah Parker John Donley Sam’! Scott Joseph Morris BARREN Sunnnn Alexander Greaves George Eddy John Wheeler John T Hoover........... James Hall Chas Hall David’ Lewis............... John BhYn ii iii: Jeremiah Waln Joseph Waln.............. Eli Canby John Rugg Molly Morton Henry Harris Francis Guerney......... Michael Obrion Henry Benjamin R Morag Boggs Township. 16:3 16:3 do do Wm Gray Thomas Greaves Jonathan Hervey I’ R Kuhns Morguret Butler John Cochran Win Russel Thomas Russel......... . David Catscadon Duniel Reese Jesse Evans George Aston Jomes Roland John Scott Wm Wistar Win Hood James DD Harris Ann Deal ‘urtin Township. David Corseadon do do Murtha Godfrey *oter Smith Mary Lau Josenh Paul (nston Jno C Hyleman Chas Hall Calib Lawn: I snne Longstreth (Chas Joseph Taylor Andrew Kpple saATRs sana . labert Jrvin, .......... N L Atwood Joh W Pucker Shas AsasIre N Ls Atwood ter Hahn Susan Hahn Jozeph Thomas Jacl Walltecocn ren 2,80 2H aR v | 415 | 4306 D | 359 1110 22 iB { 1606 | 329 | 228 | al i 189 | | 400 i 310 pat A [ 150 $00 | 308 | 4086 | 408 | 408 £0 L406 { 439 | 420 | 198 | 413 . Thos Humphries Rohert Gray William Gray Wm Yardley Mathew Leech Joseph Kelso Wm Giibert Caleb lLowis............... [sane Longstreth Jame: Aha Davis............. Joseph Bighee Jeremiah Jackson Jesse Esther Eddy............... Casper Wistor Simon Myers............ Valentine Myers Michael Myers... Sam’ Scott Rober Aim=ley Richard Mins Henry Donnell John McCauley JW & LOC Packer... Fishburn Whorton Ferguson Township. Robert M'Cartney Gregg Township. Thos Gray Jame: Laurimore John Mercer Robert Askin 2b A ndrew Carson Bernard Hubley Henry Antis James Tower Jacob A nderson . . Huston Township. Andrew Kuhns John Ruhns..c..i.nui rg. - Howard Township. Isane Green John W Godfrey JW Godfrey Joseph Green Jesse Evans............... Roland Custin Paul Custon Joseph Taylor Joseph Kelso Wm Packer Jacob Pack John Brady........ a eeneunse C B Weleh............-. W C Welch A DHarris....cooreainen do do Alexander Hunter John Buyers......... Nam'l Young Benjamin Young Thomas Hamilton Jacob Weidner Samuel Pancoast I 8 Burst.....ccouisrsresenss Wm Ramsey 24 11 2] 11 O07 32 28 28 65 14 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 53 07 70 11 11 10 I GO 60 60 150 60 60 3 16 | 483 do 91 | do mw do 80 | do 5 80 | 177 30 | 216 230 | 216 65 | 433 65 | do 6h | do 6b | do Hh 30 do Elenor MceCormick..... Peter Willson, Kearney Whorton John Bell Thomas Johnson......... Wm lrwin..... Bsisnarberasn li Robert Patterson William Hoffman Dan’l 1 Dan'l Smith Samuel Young John Irwin Wm Brown 0 40 | 393 James Reed.....iveoise 15 20 | 219 4 Lwlem Andre IRIE #21 [nines Township. 8 John Bolinder............ 434 Henry Bolinder C43 Frederick Dolinder..... | do Adam Bolinder do Albright Swineford..... do James Row do Mary Jenks..oonienne | do Thomas Barr | 217 Michael Gratz............ { 917 Nimon Gratz............... t 430 John Simpson | 216 Henry Antis 443 Hepburn Harris......... | do John Mackey | do Jenjamin Young { do Peter Cramer ido Wm Mackey do Peter Swineford SARA RNS i do John Kidd | 400 Maury Barr ' 312 Wm Harrison 1) 154 32 144 Margaret Bradford William Scott Sarah Custon............ - Job'W Packer............ 2obert Irwin ...coiinnn 25 Stephen Stevenson John Danwoody Ebenezer Benham Dun’'l Pletcher. Peter Leitzel........... Christian Smith Robert Irwin John Potter Jereminh Jackson John Jackson Dan’'l Krause Wm Hays Jumes McGhee John Quay Simon Lingle Hugh Shaw .....cxirserens Christian Neslerode... Henry Toland Sam’l Norton Dan’'l Willinms........... Wm Brady.nnnnnaisnna Wm Harner Richard Parker Jeremiuh Parker Dan’l Singford..... Strochecker & Reynold Thomas Grant Hannah Brady.......... v Robert Gray Thomas Grant Robert Brady Wm. P. Brady Thomas Grant Alex Hunter Jereininh Jackson Wom. Stedman Robert Toggard Thomas Suth Aaron Levy John Reese James (rothers Dan'l Singtord Strohecker & Reynold Simon Gratz... do do do do do .... Robert Young Alexander Seott......... : Wm Thomas. ...aseeess... 163 do do do do 10 Andrew Joseph Blair Thomas Gordon John C Reed (: Jacob Thomas Fi John Norris Robert MeKimm....... David MeKimm John James Josep Cowgill William Harrison George MeClelland..... James Forba Rush Township. Drvid Beverage Martha McConnel........ James Glentworth........ George Latimer Edward Mayston Andrew Armstrong Sharp Delaney............ . Wm MePherson Wm G Latimer Thomas Grant John Witmer John Lowden Christian Hair Jacob Nttke Christian Hair............ George Slough Andrew Schnee. k David Hair Alex Scott Michael Sehneck Christinn Schneck John Hand John Allison Wm Wilson James Allison do do... - Casper Scheapner........ Robert Spear Choistinn Lenhore...... John Funk ('nsper Lawrence Samuel Chestnut Owen Jordon George Slough Wm Wilson Bartholimew Wistor... Richard Moris............ Thomas Wistor Casper W Morris Isanc W Morris........... Zaciug Cullins............ Wm Beach Jas Matlock........ Sanaese ul John Burg.....cecc connie .“ Wm McCoy Henry Hess................ Christian Stoner John Stoner Christian Hess............ 37 Ben F Morgan Robert Reed Joseph Hopkins........... John TI John Lowdon............ 23 Thomas Grant....,,....., i 129 Jenjamin Rush,..,,...... 300 Robert King.....occoocosee 330 Robert Irwin......c..... 408 John Musser... u....... 425 a0 a3 3 of 0 $ of 400 } of 300 433 88 112 Richard Ealone Isaac Britehes......... John Gundager........... George Slough Michael Gudager Harman Philips Thomas Hamelton Thomas Grant Peter Miller George Hoofnagle...... John Bryon Wm Gassel.......... Sam’'l Jones Rudolph Keller.,.......... Snmuel Showers Joseph Pim Henry Pini...........o.s George Pim John Miller........... ... Richard Lowden......... Dan’'l Fitzgarrvolds...... David Ishler................ : Henry Pinkerton John Cundingham Wm Gray Sabastian Graff John Musser Wm Wilson Sam’ Showers Paul Bush Paul Black Paul Such John Boreland John Kelley John Bus«h John Such John Black Joseph Wells David Old 100 Hardman Philips Bnew Shoe Township. Wm Banks David Williams Alexander Martin Lewis Lewis Kearny Whorton Thomas Greaves Luke Misner David Carseadon ht do do do do Moore Whorton Wm Parker Rebocea Waln BK Tallman Elisabeth YW horton A 8S Valentine T M Miliken N J Mitchell James Gilliland Robert Waters BR Mor nh James T Hino James Me Manas Namuel Linn Sarah Whorton Phebe Waln Sam’'l W Fisher Sam’'l M Fox Sarzh M Tullman James C Fisher Burd Wiison Rharp Delaney Wm MePherson Edward Moylton Win Lewis Francis West Jasper Mavlon Benjamin West Wm Bingham Jumes Hawthorn Bluir McClanahan Edward Scott Paul Cox Wm Lewis Thomas Cathert Robert Morris Felix Burnt Thos 8 Shippen Thomas Hawthorn George Meade George Campbell Francis West Wm H West John West D H Conningham John M Neshit Richard Jones Kearney Wharton Sam’ Dobson Henry Vandyke M argaret Spear Joseph Harmon Job Riley John Pin David Carseadon 80 Mary M Wharton Spring Township. Thomas Johnson, Spring Thos Thornburg John Long Ross Johnson J J Lingle Sam’l Fords Taylor Township. John Lamb John Sherrick Henry McEwen Polly McEwen Josiuh Willinms Huagh Hamilton Jacob Vanpool Christian Vanpool Richard Downing Michael Weidner do do ed ea Sh ad vd od halal Sis wile mimi sl nla nli=10 bo id ~1n Rh - 144 138 ™ George Markly David Rahlston Calntent Beekwith A M Elder do do Union Township. David Kuhns Isane Seely Adam Kuhns Mary Karnacher George Hoover John Mendenhall Robert Hall Ira Fisher Thomas Burnsides Ludwig Camacher James Long John Dunwoody John Irwin Etlinger Wm Brooks do do Wm Kuhns 40 82 John Coo we WmD Kubns do do do do James Long Walker Township. Sam’'l Barieckman David Reed R Rodenzon B Pyle & Co Jeremiah Parker 120 Qichard Parker Sam’l Miles : Richard. Robinson. Paul Zautzinger Worth Township. 141 John Mifllin John Sandwich Thomas Hawthorn Joseph Maylon, 153 James Hawthorn Walker Township, 120 o4 Joseph Greysburg do d Green, Hal Harris Township. Sam'l Wilson 250 Acres Land assessed in seated list to L Mehaffey and returned as unseated by collectors as per Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. $131 25. ANTHONY C. GEARY. April 2 1868 Treasurer. Richard Paters........... John Wilson... Hugh Hailton...... Jacob Slough....... Jane Miller 3 Paniel Turnér............ 19 and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. | way make close connections at Oil City with | trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre, Baggage Checked through. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superintendent, 70 Home Journal. evervwhere., Addres 3 17 54 Agents wanted re, L. b. BOBINSON. Publisher, Springfield, Mass. mayly os dt AS WELL AS INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS, TO GIVE US A CALL Ags WM. WOLF They only ask people to come and see, even if they do not wish to buy. apply 68, tL ap2i ugly