CENTRE HALL REPORTER. 0 Centre Hall, Pa., May 22nd, 1868. Home and Friends. O there's a power to make each hour As sweet as heaven design'd it; Nor need we roam to bring it home, Though few there be that find it. We seek too high for things close by, And loose what nature found us; For life hath here no charms so dear As home and friends around us. We oft destroy the present joy For furure hopes—and praise them; Whilst lowers as sweet bloom at our feet, If we'd but stoop to raise them; For things afar still sweetest are, ‘When youth's bright spell hath bound us; But soon we're taughttheearth hath naught Like homo and friends around us, The friends that apeed in time of need, When hope’s last reed is shaken, Do show us still, that, come what will, ‘We are not quite forsaken. Though all were night, if but the light From friendship's alter crown'd us, "Twould prove the bliss of earth was this— Qur home and friends around us. The National Lutheran Synod. HarrisBURG, Pa., May 7.—The morning session of the National Lu- theran Synod was occupied in hearing a sermon by Rev. Dr. Brown, of the Gettysburg Theolegical Seminary, and the discussion of credentials. After some debate, the delegations from the New York Synod which were lately divided, and from the Illinois Synod which was also divided were received. AFTERNOON SESSION. The admission of the delegation from the Pittsburg Synod was contest- ed, but finally admitted. Rev. Dr. H. N. Popleman, of Al- bany. N. Y., was elected President for the next two years; R. M. Sheeleigh, of Stewartsville, N. J., was elected Secre- tary, and Mr. A. F. Ackershouf, of New York City, Treasurer. The Convention will visit the Gov- ernor in & body on Saturday. They will continue in session for a week or more. ete fp Lazy Boys.—A lazy boy makes a lazy man, just as sure asa crooked sap- ling makes a crooked tree. Who ever saw a doy grow up in idleness that did | not make a shiftless vagabond when he became a man, unless he had a fortune | left him to keep up appearances? The great mass of thieves, criminals and paupers have come to what they are, by being brought up in idleness. Those who constitute the business part of the community—those who make our great and useful men, were taught in their boyhood to be industrious. S. C. Herring, the safe manufacturer, , has a horse six years old, nineteen hands high, and weighs one ton. It comes of Canada stock, and is said to! be the largest horse in America. New York incomes for 1867: Wm. | B. Astor $977,452, C. V. S. Roosevelt | $93,086, Udolpho Wolfe $33,905, Jo- seph Sampson $174,868, Jonathen | Throne $145,818, Orison Blunt $21.- 953, and H. T. Helmbold 822,040. Mrs. Langdon, sister of William B. Astor, has began a suit against her brother for the recovery of property valued at several millions. ..The new bridge over the Susquehan- na at Columbia, Pa., is to be erected on the piers of the old one, and will be completed by the first of January next. The Republicans carry Louisiana by about 17,000 majority for the new con- stitution, The Senate stands 22 Re- publicans to 14 Domocrats ; House 60 Republicans to 41 Democrats. The celebrated Natural Bridge in Rockbridge county, Virginia, with a hotel and 162 acres of land, was sold on the 25th ult., for $9,355. tp eee V. Bho WANTED To sell the superb New Engraving: Ideal Heads of American Women. : DRAWN BY CHARLES A. BARRY. Reproduced on Stone in Paris by Lafossee and Fuhre, " Tue Most EMINENT LITHOGRAPHERS IN THE WORLD. NAMELY: THE ANGEL OF THE HOSPITAL AT THE FRONT, : THE COLOR BEARER BEFORE THE BATTLE. : ARMY NEWS. Price $2,50 each or the whole set for £10 GREAT INDUCEMENTS CAN BE OFFERED TO AGENTS, Single copies or the set will be sent by mail, post-paid on receipt of price. Read the following r SN 4 3 ™ T , FESTIMONIALS: “Are admirable speclments of Art.’ — Oliver Wendell Holmes, “These Heads in the delicacy of both drawing and printing are worthy of th. hihgest commendation.” —Benson J. Los- sing. “Never were there more speaking face on these revelations of sublime woman- hood.””—Dr. J. 8. Holland. The conceptions have great purity anc delicacy.” — Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. “Must pronounce each, in its own style Iastollges, 3s, Harriet Prescott Spof- ard. ” » “Creditablo to his genius as an artist.”’ — Boston Cominercial Bulletin, ‘*The pictures merit the commendation, which they have received from the hiches sources.” —Springfield Republican, “The Ideal Female Heads, typical of the faces of American Women, represent with: fidelity their charities, their sympathics. heroism, devotion and attachments,” — Philadelphia Press. “The subjects handled with the spiri and pathos which mark Barry's drawings.” —N. Y. Evening Post. : ® “Parlor adornments, they can not bui be immensely ‘popular.’ — Phil, Methodist Home Journal. Agents wanted everywhere, Addres Pati D. SOHIRSON: ublisher, Springfield, Mass. may 15°68’ 4t F Pong TriaL oF JEFFERSON Davis.—The bail bonds of Jefferson Davis were re- newed in Richmond on Saturday. Horace Greeley, Cornellus Vanderdilt and Gerrett Smith became sureties in $25,000 each, the remaining $25,000 being guaranteed by citizens of Rich- mond. The accused is to appear at the next term of the court on being duly notified. The Judge amunounced that Chief-Justice Chase would be pre- pared to try the case immediately af- ter the impeachment trial closes. Judge Underwood and the counsel on both sides have agreed to proceed with the trial on the 3d of June, pro- vided Chief-Justice Chase is ready. ——————————— A A Furniture Reoms! J. 0. DEININGER, respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he hasconstantly on hand, and makes to order, all kinds of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHISTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES, &c., &c. his stock of ready-made Furniture is large, and warranted of good workmanship, asjitis all made under his own immediate supervi- sion, and is offered at rates as cheap as else- where. Thankful for past favors, he solie- its a continuance of the same. Call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere, Ap24 68 lv, UNION HOUSE, EAST MARKET ET, LEWISTOWN, PA. A CHANGE of proprietors of this Hotel was made ou tbe 1st of April. The estab- lishment has been refurnished, refitted, and remodeled, and will hereafter be conducted on first-class hotel principles. The present roprietor has had long -experience is this usiness and will give his persis) strict at- tention to the comforts of the traveling pub- lic and others who may favor him with their custom, THE BAR Liquors, and the Table gotten up in first- class style. FOOD STABLES #-e connected with the hotel, and obliging Os ers are always on the ground to attend 7A portion of public patronage i2 80- lieited, and good accommodations are guar- anteed to all. R. A. MATHEWS, may 15'08,3m, Lewistown, Pa. GREAT FALL and GREATVICTORY! At The Old Stand at Contre Hull, In favor of the Finest and Best Selected Siock of DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES Just Purchased at the Late LOW PRICES, And now on Exhibition at Wolf’s Old Stand. ALSO, A CIIEAP LINE OF FLANNELS, MUSLINS, CALICOES, AND SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ID SYRUPS, COFFEES. also a large stock of MACKEREL and HERRING HOOP SKIRTS, the best and cheapest in the market, WE SHALL TAKE PARTICULAI CARE TO MAKE IT AN OBJECT FOR New Customers, AS WELL AS INVITE OUR OL: FRIENDS, TO GIVE US A CALL. A ap24'68,1y, I A little son of Joseph Clemonts, f Juniata county, died of lock jaw a fw days ago, from the effects of a stioke on the cheek bone by a whiplash. —————— i tt ——— It is generally conceded that Gener- al Butler will be in Grant's Cabinet —Radical Correspondent. If Grant keeps his spoons in his eab- inet, and does not keep it locked, But- ler will get in. mm ————— #0 Not1cE.~Tho subscription price of the REPORTER is $1,50 per year in advance, which is less than that of any other paper of its size, We are printing this paper ut cost, and therefore wish to remind our pat- rons that it is of great importance to us that payment be made at once. SR. PP. SMITH, offers bis Professional SOrVICes, apl7 on tr (COUNT Y MERCHANTS, DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, OTHERS, CONRIGN YOUR Ashes, Deeswax, Beans, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Flour and Meal, Flax, Cotton, Furs and Skins, . “4 % . Diied and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval, Stores, Hops, Ginseng, Feathers, Hemp, Provisions, Oils, Lard, Tallow, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molas- ses, de. de. TO JOSIAH CARPENTER, AENERAL COMMISSION CHANT, 442, 444 & #6 Washington Street, NEW YORK CITY. MER And receive his weekly Price Current © Produce snd Groceries the most complet ‘rice Current Published in the Uniwd States, SEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates and Cards, Furnished free, [.iberal Advances made on Consign- ments. Established, May 154, 1864), WHEN REQUIRED. aplres ly. M ERCHANTS HOUSE. AYR 413 & 415 North 3rd, st, PHILADELPHIA. H. H. MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR. 1. C.N1prE, CLERK. This well-known Hotel, will be found by all visiting the city, one of the most desire- able, both as to reasonable charges and con- venience, German and English is spoken, apl0'68 tf, JTATES UNION HOTEL, Philadelphia, This Hotel is conveniently loeated on the south side of Market street, a few doors above 6th. ; Its central locality makes it desirable for all visiting the city on business or for plens- ure. A. BECK, Proprietor, (formerly of the Merchants House.) apliros tf. NENTRE HALL HOTEL. J JOHN SPANGLER, PROPRIE- TOR. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, east and west, This favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnicshed by its new proprietor, and is now in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will always find the best accommodations, Per- sons from the eity wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in the country, will find Centre Hall one of the most deau- tiful loeations, and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con- venience, ap lias tf, RL UssELs HOTEL iz AARONSBURG, PA. JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR. The old and well known Hotel, situated in the centre of Aaronsburg, has again been occupied by Mr, Russel, former proprietor who now invites his old friends and the sravelling community in general to eall and sce him. The house has been elegantly furnished and is kept in the best style. Dro- vers ean always find accommodation. aplO G8Lf, PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD, WINTER TIME TABLE. THROUGH AND DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, HARRIS- HVRG, WILLIAMSPORT, AND THE, GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA, ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains, On and after Monday November 25th i867, the Trains onthe Philadelphia & Eric Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 1015p, + 4 4 Lock Haven...02 un. n arr at Erie WK) 1 frie Exvress leaves Philadelphia 12.0000 t 4 ¥ Lock Hwven 1015p. m. arr at krie WAou, 1m, wWhoira Mail leaves Philadelphin 8.00, un) ” Ie Lock Huven T.4 p.m arr at Lock Haven 7.45 p.m. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie *“ oe “Lock Haven arr at Philadelphia rie Express leaves Erie i 4 * Lock Haven 2.404. 1 arr at Philadelphia 1.00 p. 2 leaves Lock Haven 7.10p. n “ Lock Haven 7.108, m arr at Philadelphia 6,10 p. m Mail and Express connect with all train Warren and Franklin Railway, Passen cers leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 M. arriv. «t Irvineton at 6.40 a. mm. and Oi City a LOU a. om. " Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 p. m., m1 ive at Oil City at 4.35 p. m. All trains on Warren and Franklin Rail say make close connections at Oil City wit ans for Franklin and Petroleum Centre Baggage Checked through. ALFRED L. TYLER, LL LE) La] “h 1} 10.25 a. m 10,15 p. mi 850. n 4.25p. un i “i is i Jmira Mail ‘é é i General Superintendent, Two fine cows were killed in Bel- in which meat had been packed, and which had been carelesly left in a far- mer’s yard. NELLERS & FOLWELL, SN WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS A ND FRUITERERS, No. 161 North Third Street, Philadelphia, zo~Orders promptly attended to, aplo 68. w aay VW HOLESA LE WINE & LIQUOR STORE J. B. ETTELE. (FORMERLY NEFF & KTTELE,) Bishop Street—two doors west of Lochs Meat Market. All Barrels, Keys and Casks warranted to contain the quantity represented, The proprietor of this establishment takes deasure in informing the public that he os constantly on hand a supply of choice foreigh and domestic liquors such as Old Nectar, Old Rye, Monongahela, And Irish Whiskey, Cognae, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger and Common Brandies, Port Maderia, Sherry and Lisbin Wines, Scotch And Holland Gin, New England Rum. JAMAICA RUM, CORDIALS Pepper- mint, Anniseed and Rose. The attention of practicing physicians is ealled to our stock of pure liquors, suitable for medical purposes, Bottles jugs and Demijohns constandly on hand. We have the only pure Nectar Whiskey in town. ; All our liquors were bought when liquon were low, and we sell them accordingly. ~All liquors are warranted to give satisfac- fon, Confident that he can pleas customers he respectfully solicit a share of public patron. nge. Liquors will be #old by the quart, barrel or tserce. 1 have a large lot o BOTTLED LIQUORS of the finest grades, on hand, apll LN, —— ———— o_O ——————— US ——————— ——————— —— A. BAUM, Basement of “Our House," Bishop St., Bel- lefonte, WHOLYSALE DEALKE IN w The subscriber respectfully calls the at- | at the lowest eash prices, which are warran- ted to be the best qualities according to their respective prices, His stock consists of Rye, Monongahela, Irish and | (vin, Port, Maderia, Cherry, | und Carraway Brandies, Pure Junnica and He would particularly invite Farmers, Ho- ing in the city. to give his liquors a trial api ix, A PRICES BOY STERNBERG ¢ BRANDEIS, | Bellefonte, Pa. RULE THE MARXET, hy having the largest and best stock, and selling at LOW PRICES! (Carpets at old rates, from 50 cents to H cents per yard, for the best. DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And selling from 124 to 16 cents, the best alicoes, and musling in proportion, at old tes, oes. common good, to wer & aie Hoswnaner, sl S00 per pall Fine Boots from $350 to £7,50 for the 3st. CLOTHING it the lowest rates, and sold at 1857 prices. SUITS, vom $12,50 to $18 for the best. CALL AND SEE, nd if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. They only ask people to come and see, even if they do not wish to buy. anlQ O8,tf, TREASURER'S SALES, OF UNSEATED LANDS FORTAXESR FOR 1867, AND PREVIOUS YEARS, Notice is hereby given, that in pursu- ance of an act of Assembly passed the 12th day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled “An Act t umend an Act directing the mode of sel- Ing unseated lands, in Centre county,” and the several supplements thereto, there will he exposed to public sale or outery, the flowing tracts of unseated lands in said county for the taxes due and unpaid there- on, at the courthouse in the borough of Bellefonte, on the 2nd Tuesday of Jone, A. D, 1868, Acres, I"er. Warrantee Name, Benner Township. Jumaos Bartram Benner, John M Hale do Burnside Township. one third of SHR 2 Fol 420 §of 128 144 4348 of 216 do da do 534 416 » a 408 RS $22 397 415 aR 416 415 {10 433 do 415 0) 216 100 S00 100 129 433 Taxes, 100 8,80 $1 80 124 Walter Stowart............ 08 Paul Cox......oo0i0i si John Vaughn.......... Henry Harris Joseph Wallace......... Jeremiah Parker......... John Donley Sam’'l Scott Joseph Morris Alexander Greaves 2 GeorgeEddy............... 2 John Wheeler John T Hoover.......... : James Hall Chas Ball... iii iii David Lewis....cceee unin. John Shyn Jereminh Waln Joseph Waln Jesse Waln.......... John Barron... een Eli Canby John Rugg Molly: Morton............ . Henry Harris. omni Francis Guerney...... Michael Obrion Henry Wheeler Benjamin BR Morgan... oggs Township. David Lewis Win Gray Thomas Greaves......... Jonathan Hervey P R Kuhns Morgaret Butler John Cochran Win Russel. iinisen Thomas Russel,.......... David Careendon 433 do do do 200 433 315 468 $5 163 do do David Carseadon Daniel Reose Jesse Kvans.........counse George Aston Jomes Roland Jolin Seott Wm Wistar...... Wm Hood John McClure Packer 7 Luens. James ID Harris.......e.n Ann Daud. .uiiinan.. Curtin Township. bs David Corsendon....... oe 4 of | 113 do do } of | 300 { 231 37 Murtha Godfrey | 100 Peter Smith 100 Mary Lanc.....s etn 208 Joseph Kelso 15) Paul Custon 194 Jno €C Hyleman } 433 pl Alexander Chaz Hall......... Ss assastan Calib Lawns... coconeeas Irane Longsireth Chus: AHen.....cieiveens Joseph Taylor... : Andrew Eppleaa.. 80) Robert Irvin 188 NL Atwood ....ocoinina 2 04 Job W Packer 19 N L Atwood 32 Job W Pucker do Peter Hahn Susan Hahn... aus 2 i Joseph Thomas........... Jacob Waln Nashaniel lLevy......... 2 Thos Humphries Robert Gray Willian Gray... woe Wm Yardley Samuel Baird....oovivinn. on Muthew Leech h Joseph Kelzo Sidney Coats....c...uie. Wm Gilbert Caleb Lewis Lsane Longstreth... Juities YY 0. sesissn Ablinh Davis......ue cu Joseph Bighee Jereminh Jackson Jesse Hall......... . Esther Eddy herd . pr Wistor 48 Philip Myers. weer Sion Myers. 43 Valentine Myers, 48 Michael Myers............ 150 Sam’]l Scott...... caoredees - Rober Aimsley Richard Mins.............. Henry Donnell John McCauley... JW & LC Packer... Mary Tallman........... : Fishburn Whorton Jd W & LC Packer... Thomas MeEwen........ Ferguson Township. 26 Robert M'Cartney Gregg Township. Thos Gray James Laurimore Jom Mercer Robert Askin David Johnson Win Hopburn John Cowder Andrew Carson Bernard Hubley do sesansssnese i | HR i eu ») — - nN) do 163 163 do Henry Antis James Tower Jacob Anderson Huston Township. Andrew Kuhns... Adam Rulhins.............. John Price John W heeland......... : John Rolington........... : James Baxter Ruhns................i. Howard Township. [sane Green Samue! Custen John W Godfrey........ 31 4 W Godfrey 28 Jozeph Green RR! Jesse Evans... 20 Roland Custin Paul Custon Joseph Taylor Joseph Kelso Wm Packer 10 10 — ELT — -— > x: ES - i - do do John Buyers.............. Mam Young... wane Benjamin Young Thomas Hamilton Jacob Weidner Samuel Pancoast... JS Fu Wm Ramsey..........on : Joseph Greysburg...... do weer Green, Hale & Curtin. Harris Township. Sam’l WHSOR....i:ceenvene John Mitchell... en John Reynolds....uen. S Henty o.oo Thomas Sankey... John Stael......c..onn ns 5 Robert Saple Adam Conley David Wilson Joseph Wark David Work Nathan Simpson... Wm Wilson... shee Allen Steel Edward Willson James Mtoel J ¢ Fisher verans SER rnbennnen Peter Wilton Elenor MeCormick.... Peter Willson. .......... Kearney Whorton...... John Bell.......i.ioun Thomas Johnson......... 1 Wm Irwin...... or adesiras 1i Robert Patterson Willinm Hoffman........ Dan’) Laver sssicsn Dan’! Smith........ * contin Samuel Young John Irwin. conevnmne. Wm Brow... James Reed....ccooriveee. 2 solem Andre....... Serna 60 oh Bs John Bolinder........c... Henry Bolinder......... Frederick Bolinder..... Adam Bolinder......... - Albright Swineford.... JUIES ROW iccinsroppissbens Mary Jenks...cooenieens Thomas Barr....... Saree Michael Gratz Simon Gratz John Simpson......eeee Henry Antis........ Saeed Hepburn Harris......... John Mackey.......... awa Benjamin Young Peter Cramer Wm Mackey Peter Swineford John Bidd....oirsesrsssin Maury Bale ce ccsncssncenuions Wm Harrison....ooonee. 310 292 150 400 308 4086 406 400 0 $0 40 £20 198 415 154 82 Margaret Bradford William Scott Sarah CUstON..ccaeesssecn Job 'W Packer............ Robert Irwin......ooneane Stephen Stevenson John Danwoody Ebenezer Benham Dan’l Pleteher....... ge Peter Leitzel...... BRARARNN Christian Smith... Robert Irwin Joh: Potter. ..oeecssneine- Jeremiah Jackson...... John Jackson Dan’l Krause Wm Hays James MeGhee John Quay Simon Lingle Hugh Shaw Christinn Neslerode... ed oe whe uth eax re holy Whe be 14 Henry Toland Sam’'l Norton Dan’l Williams Win Beady Wim Harner Richard Parker Jeremiah Parker Dan’ Singford Strochecker & Rernold Thomas Grant Hannah Brady Robert Gray Thomas Grant Iiobert Brady Win, PP. Brady Thomas Grant Win, Stedinan Robert Toggard Thomns Smith Anron Levy John Reese 1 Peter Houselo.ooviiaenns James Crothers Dan’ Ringford......... — Strohecker & Revnol i Simon Gratz... ou. do do do do sean Robert Young Alexander Scott......... 44 Wn Thomas. ...i...cseess Joseph Blair. Thomas Gordon John C Reed G Jacob Themas Falls.......oneee John Norris. Robert MeKimn........ David MeKimm Job Browhuaeessn. James MirirC oss isscnsss Josep Cowgill Willison Harrison... George McClelland James Forbin... Penn Township. Wm Cook........ datviomave Drvid Beverage Martha McConnel James Glentworth........ George Latimer Edward Moyston Andrew Armstrong Sharp Delaney.............. : Wi McPherson Wim G Latimer Thomas Grant John Witmer John Lowdon...... aes Christian Hair Jaen Stike.....comeenr ion Christinn Hair George Slough... Andrew Schuec. k David Hair Alex Scott . Michael Schneck........ Christian Schneck John Hand John Allison Wan WHER cee inniae James Allison do G0 ioaeees Casper Scheapner Robert Spear Choistian Lenhore John Funk..ccceennaons : Casper Lawrence... Samuel Chestnut Owen Jordon George Slough Win Wilson Bartholimew Wistor... Richard Moris....coeee.. Thomas Wistor Casper W Morris... Isuac W Morris... 37 Zaciug Collins... cine Wm Beach Nathaniel Matlock Jug. Mautloek......cco cies : John Burg Wm McCoy Henry Hess Christian Stoner John Stoner Christian Hess........oiin Ben F Morgan obert Reed John Lowdon Thomas Grant 18 Benjamin Rush........... 18 Robert King.....cicive.a 15 Robert Irwin 3 John Musser Richard Poaters........... John Wilson Jacob Slough A of 50 i of 400 3 of 300 433 88 112 2 120 300 433 J? 3 i vo. . Robert Kinga Robert Baines beso Ess ears Jueob Rush........ John Weidnom Jueoh Weidman Edward Bryon Joseph Bauman, A Reighart, Jr Hugh McEntire Thom’s Hamilton Elenor Siddons... Robert Bainey Brkeus as 147 pd 2 n % R 3 R wi Thomas Grant..... Peter Mi Samuel Showers Joseph’ Pim............. Henry Pim George Pin John Miller.............. Dan’! Fitzgarrolds Henry Pinkerton John Cundinghnin Win Gray Sabastian Graff John Musser Wm Wilson Sam’ Showers Pau! Bush Paul Black Paul Such John Boreland John Kelley John Bush John Such John Black Joseph Wells David Old Suew Fhoe Township. Wim Banks David Williams Alexander Martin lewis Lewis Kearny Whorton Thomas Greaves Luke Misner Duvid Carseadon do do do Moore Whorton Wm Parker lebecen Waln B RK Tullioan Elisabeth Whorton A S Valentine TM Miliken N J Mitchell Jumee Gilliland Eobert Waters BR Murgan James T Hale dunes MeManas Sumuel Linn sarah Whorton Phebe Waln Sam’l W Fisher NSam’'l M Fox Sarah M Tallman James C Fisher Burd Wilson Sharp Delaney Wm McPherson Edward Moylton Wm Lewis Francis West Jasper Mayvlon Benjamin West Wm Bingham James Hawthorn Biair McClanahan Edward Scott Faul Cox Wm Lewis Thomas Cxthert Robert Morris Felix Burnt Thos 8 Shippen Thomas Hawthorn George Meade George Campbell Francis West Wm H West John West D H Conningham John M Neshit Richard Jones Kenrney Wharton SNam’'l Dobson Henry Vandyke Margaret Spear Joseph Hammon Job Riley John Pim David Carseadon do 80) Mary M Wharton Spring Township. Thomas Johnson, Spring Thos Thornburg John Long Rose Johnson J J Lingle Sam’']l Fords Taylor Township. John Lamb Jolin Sherrick Henry McEwen Polly McEwen Josiah Williams Hugh Hamilton Jacob Vanpool Christian Vanpool 94 Richard Downing Michael Weidner do do 128 George Markly David Rahlston Calment Beckwith AME Jdder do do Union Township, David Kuhns Isune Seely Adam Kuhns 40 Mary Karnacher George Hoover John Mendenhall Robert Hall Ira Fisher 82 Thomas Burnsides Ludwig Camacher dames Long John Dunwoody John Irwin Etlinger Wm Brooks do do WimKuhns John Coopa Wm D Kuhns do do do do James Long Walker Township, Sam'l Barickman David Reed R Rodenson B Pyle & Co Jeremiah Parker Richard Parker Sam’'l Miles 54 Richard Robinson Paul Zantzinger Worth Township. John Mifflin John Sandwich Thomas Hawthorn Joseph Maylon James Hawthorn Walker Township. Iolmfatalafatiaint® - Wl wh wd pnd pod oh vod Wh oh ok slelslnl=~y wr _” On EREE xr ERENABE: ei eta ZN Emmemmoe a PIR ro On or thie xr ol ww WW Ve 2 ! 0 va m1 Rao RESEasRY ds bt wt x S1=1 609 2 _— [ rr i 5 NBER RXR8Z 8 EERE. ® 5131 25. ANTHONY C.