a OR SN & Ca HALL Manufaeturing AND Machine Works, SN FURST ETE EN ALERT RR AGON POR | SATIN PRT. IEC OWS PE ONO WY EJ VT CR PRR ETI UN ORL ORG eh SR 1. [HORSE , SALE! f ‘ It] 1 in dorsi ned Worse to the at BE we Spring \W neon, “well put up in every | respect, and good us new, Wl be sold Vhargadn, A. D. SWARTZ, HO, | api 68R Centre Hall, ih uae hh» a TT & He, CR ERE FELT ONE a EE TTR VEIN ERD CALE RI TR TSE TTS I INN GA EY OR TUT RA CENTRE HALL: REPORTER. Taw Belicfonte: Adve to we this week enlarged to about double Centre Hall, \ 186 ita former 3 PORE I (FER idence the | 1 a SATIS ET WAL AR ERA SAIL PN RAH B10 AF of oul P ouny {1 {0 Ns th Vivin- LOCAL ITEMS we mark with plessure, and | le but what | is destined to me ares | BRN an before lon. | Hundreds of Physicians recommend SPRING WW {'} Trg 5 \ \ yo . 1 LL} PLise« Came ly olie, { Paling nnd Ly SL Lv) ) weld TLE EAN Ir. Wm Wolf from near Penn all, is now canvassing the lower town- ships to solicit subscriptions for the following interesting works, viz: Alex. H. Stevens’ great work, “Fhe War Between the States”; “Smith's Dictionary of the Bible”; “Dr. Chase's “amily Receipt Book,” and other val- uable works, which are doubly warth the price and should be found in every family. Mr. Wolfhas engaged in ths business for the benefit of his impaired health, and we ask for him the kind encounragement of all upon whom he may call. B® 00M CORN SEED! at On Hs Dnia=curative properties, . at ONCK to i | Liil=(N i VC FO Lit for ale, n two | » 3 i 1 ad of ctly innocent, aod can be given iid No X Uhi1Q, INYO IN Patent be sure DOPSON OF Younes confidence 1 will and remember to your friends, ter, if you have no Maoedicinoes buy again v this, and you 3 the least doubt > IO their paper otintoes 1,49. . ‘ Lard per pots id I: 4 itm Pork per pound & St : | their nretio \ Nino gonnine unless signod Jk § a5. 3 i ‘ . Id Ta hiae Puli, M oh ; { + I evs XD M advan Faw Asvonshuare Aeademy, for tl S. L Tobias" Price 50 cents per bottle. | ni: Ot : thy tot hs tae | { A (Lanta Vii, als commenced, De pot, 56 Cort to YHE DEAD M1 REY M ny aid mn rR ot. 4 . > 1 hay COONIZOd OY Present suBeei al : 16 hie with the arhzerip- 0 3 10 n- heco oro { aRitiel ou } 11a 4 sw i ~ ON I I) th The undersigned would respoetfully ane nonnee to bis {i ‘ id the surrounding | community in general, that he i in fully pres | { parad to furnish Coffins, at the shortest no- | tic , and ut reduced prices, H. 1 i tiie 1s =) in Phi tor per ton =i. LUMBER: Panel $40 Re AM. Run mill, dey S514 per M, Sumples 314 por M. Bill tuft 18be20 per M. Hemlock bit! stall | fen IN per AM. [8 inch shingle No 1 57 per M to No 2 =6.0K) do No 24 54.04, do No 3 34.00, 2 inch hingleNo 1 514, . atl Stoaik’ if do Na Ri is . : ih oni. Warrant Noi KT. 0), AGO MARKETS nt $2 1842.20, Corn nt 1,014a BELLEFONTE EE (being lower No, 1 at Seale, NO, 2 ut Weald, Outs quiet at 71e. Rye quiet aiming Mill i st . the | : ered 196. Dry salted shoulders, 12%¢ ary alted Bollies, 182¢. Live stoek dull, Beet | ( nite quite aut SRant JHdi for ire youl to chotce { hinping r Peeves, Sold hy wil the Drugeists, landt SEreoet, Now \ ork. | meen and SMITH, 1) Cliutahvilie, Q people ol that He jo! hhorho vi congratulation their su 0 Knan ND BLaNcuann, f the kind, 5. M. VALENTINE, wed to loan that this old | . Instution continues to flourish, under | Ya&I@ tine, Blanchard & Co., the eharee of Prof, Gotwald, and that never wore fiver, which is | of the confidence of the | The Avademy con- | uninterrupted, and to edu ute wii could | heal addi =~ Grotwald, nerd \ tanh ol ir tows) C00 farnisi pon A.S. VALENTINE, | a p24 686m, KE. M. BLANCHARD, YURNSIDE & THOMAS, | B Offi to tho Public one of the | | lnrgest nha best nd leetod stocks of merchan | dire, in Centre county. Call, examine and | r yourself, fy ol sustaining an Institution « We ar ‘ENTRE We CENTRE HALL CENTRE CO., PA. pauper, : Having enlarged our New Founpry and ADYND dreualation gu tarough enn and bn : ar wilh do ow etl to anit avidonee will ICON | in 1% Superior Long Brush Broom Corn Seed, (new kind), for Sale. Price 40 cents per quart. ddress, H, DASHER 8 Centre Hall, Pa. is : 13 prospect i | ; Warr. | MachiNe Spors and AGRICULTURAL el Log ive | rediieed Lilies, only Lar URNSIDE& THOMAS. alles, will Wonks, Stocked with all do and latest CHIC be | new | found apl7. 4t < heretofore, ats having ehildrent Aavonshure all that " Ya DION, npr vod QHic [CES of all Varieties, ground to order i warranted to be strictly pure, | It is the on A place Voll Ci ted Spice i, Ary them fur xour own You can only find them at : BURNSIDE & THOMAS. ANDSAWS I mill Inps, forks, H {naa Wheat easier Machinery at Centre Hall, an- x Othe THE WORLDS Mower & Roper A year ago wo yirssentod this novel Har- vester to the farers of the West on the Merits of its Constryetion, and with stron Rssurane e that its equal waz notto be found Fo-day we are ed to present it again, on its Mdrits in the field, and feel tafe in re-us- rerting its superiority over all ‘dompetitors, in Constraetion, Simplicity, Ease of Man- ge he nt, Lightness of Draft, Strength and: arability, We have abundant testimonials, from the’ intelligent and influential farmers in the State, to the fact that this Machine will not only eutanere grass or grain, with greater ease to the team than any othemMachineg in use, but thet no trace of ware ean be detec- ted in the working parts after a whole bar vest's work. These facts triwsmphantly prove that cut gear, as applied to Harvesters, is even a greater suecéss than in is application to” tationary machinery, ane silence forever’ the selfish out-ery agninst i Remember! t= a, is of solid iron’ and of a Sin ele Piece, The journals, shaft and gears cannot change their re lative positions, The Gears and all cut out of solid irdn, and run with the precision of Clock-W ork: nounceto the public thatthey are now ready ind unndultern- sr Lis tie- \ | . as ¢ =i fr? ii} ORE Q oi i thin histity tion 1 Tor side at this ofiice, and to to reecive orders for anything in their line be had at a bargain, sgh particulars Wm TL >» “pe - f 1 of Why ; ' : | Dale, of Harris township, | : x vg 13, 104 00 1 \ \ FLOOR . Wwhtie i pelicionte mst Week, ost a . pocket-hook worth 8125 mongrel paper For fturtha as Principal, Prof. {of busing ited \ Son old account Jobh-work, rently oblicen anxious {rom our son R SONS inde Hogs declined 1Henie it SE 080 060 for common to good grades, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Red wheat 2.802.406); Rye 2 G0nl, U5, Corn 125. al,20 Oats ats, Now 1 30,00 to 6,00; ) lo J { \ of this pa Manufacturers of coffee | Ni, SIDING, MOULDING, BRACKETS, SASH, SC. knives, spoons, hovel les, rakes, | i, shovels, spindes, rakes, hoes, | chains, &e., nt don’t / rg, chains ke | Sha fling galled a) ns ORSE COLLARS, want | » 2 ited" | Pullies. your horse * THOM AN ™, (IN NN [1T08, | \ serpiion to i IT. ARRAN soettline an, A . * Qed. A" VOrtisig us h 5 4 i white S8ud, 20. : IN edd of ¢ i if rou ied AR to have 33¢ " gd : nection at Milesburg.— Moetenwean. & chon a paper at Erp spp 8 : | (‘lover y Rot gdod hore BURNSIDE { sare i { y ) A ud i §) f ’ Peace. |: LUMBER DRIED'BY | . diswthy Sed zd he |. GATT : and th’ 114 per heau- Buck y's Pat i ryer (Ua 104 cen NESS, collars carrin gon “rls , art whips, in great varieties, oF Hen bridles iret }io waddle Wiis, 1hartimgales cart gears, tug harness, buggy Everything inthe sad- | ~e at 11 + 13+ . GuUnilly | sors were sold ight for best for rood. and 6 to B for ordins. ‘o i ts L rvers the eo doteur country, IS eXU0 dingly and satisfnetory, indeed it would not heart that would not rejoice | Wave, and tumnlt, and horror | | W ve 8] yO Peat, Ri 0ov, TUYY TY v v uy 4 - ~~ | We haw lmre poate, and jor TY RNING. OF . EVERY DES: fills the in agination CRIPTION., {Yh tar fh obs trast Hangers, TR IN & BRASS CASTINGS. nd fitted up for rd wont stat H ¥ AR) i WW i Hit \ nine » vy wo Wit hina 1 elor 120M1el, | fhe hips, on last SIR - : went gear lines, hauimes, ete. + that tiful ms of four years aeo, ' shy sags} ry quality. CHeCK 200 Cows sold at Hh Calves at $50 to R75. | diery line, at 4000 Sheep were sold at 6 to 8 per 1b, Hv RURNSIDE & THOMA weight. | = -— re n(x i t wml. + | - VE xX) a - PvE di al Hog 200) solid at Hh to 314,70 per I VSHING TACKLES. rods 1 vir os y+ . orloan {aen rn ualits Al flies. sea hair baskets, et \ is f here seer Li % hind Will from the {rude saliilted. PHTLADE ‘ 1.P{ out 1 venteh trout at | $15 not welght tod to the Tri ITA RETAIL MARKET. 24th, next. Thi is distant and oppressive with sighs, When oureves | ju o@ es 1a I TREE ReaR aul od a: 3 i hiua val : } REL 3 =i " d 25 MN), dried 25. NINE GROCE i, ve 2p Le ' bys a hen human 245 to Biba, and, Cows | harness, erties sr tle Mp ee rs ABRGMION, that insted and om antl hay itn i Arnage, Wed pe Ness, fou T al Was wks, voll . Vv; VOSS igo, lines, hie ¢ : of every description made 4 MILLS, FORGES, FURNACES , ] ) Shiga tf ( 1840 all \ Lit { IVE | eats, x THOMAS. ranipsie RN ~irloin MI quarters 17 VEAL Foregquarters - f 0 {ers {7 (dL IN, cutie! — per | 1 PORK—Routs IR RTES, hoe t mocha cotfee, old | quali 6. Rio coffer, 3 ts, 1OVe rin 14Ge 15, hind- Ih, 17, hindguar- | jlaarters = 18, PP 1 (1 ; . (og 2A, from Plou=ant (39p 1 miles, apd Gmiles | Were turned toward the ; rir . . 4 z . . I, 1%: DRed: 2 Siler 2 waocauia TTON Fore i arom en 18, 1 : Lest oolong blac i=, SVIrup, golden = Dr ps fine article hake | ing mol ree i everything in the grocery Hine at the lowest ens yo es inthe | itd ox ‘ . market BURNSIDE THOMAS. 1» the 4 Chic k chs =, i8, tur- | ar ATI y TANNERIES 1e case incloses all the works ‘and pro- per 1h, i TF 4 : cribbing i tects them from sand, gress, rain, rust, &c. - IS Known to all Beli [tis made to last a farmer his life-time, ii! JLES— A pk 850m 40 ; ielente and o(! { through the cobmty Af ou want Cy &C. | We build two sizes, both of whieh en be {ried penches Nit i ‘tl, i { to : a : hy ad 1 fis single Mowers, ur (omdined Ma- BURNSIDE manufacture the celebrated chines. —It mows, it reaps, oi and ean \THER of Foi fr ; the used ax a hand-ruke, as well J 2 of Gesceriplions, “neh ing enlf skin, sp inish sole leather, 1ino- ! have sheep skins, linings. Everything | ather line warranted to give satis- NSIDE & THOMAS. tle ier? gOV., avi Son tel s crashing 3 nnit EXHIBITION cho . QCCASION, 1 h, th Hithis od , Rio A . ; arg 3 ML ; ) I ACTORIES ’ A vTiONY Uars CAM new GW edd and che ap goods ust received York and £hiladelphia, now at thie stare. of Grit’ a Thompson, Ww, nearly opposite W. Graham's ; H y ' . uA 1 \ ; ' |' ( int ‘a ' 1 | fiotel, consisting of splendid wssortment of i ify EY such as ‘hy 5 re one 3 Pron REELS er li Mil 3 IWfes » bd ao (40), | Kk toes § pK te ! hear hb 0, A), ah: : a We I I i bare 10 to 15, beans gt. 23 ed wi MY, in pounds HO: Peace sil ol jIle goods, RU. (ul Hi al Man 1- In carryin i k They have a large | hoas would bring with them when they Mohair Cloths, | : hr = ee o 4 we doubt | teiaed But how was it with the o » Alpacas, | " ALUABLE OOS inthe 1 «hop in this coun De Line | faction, at “5 med vb] Ie ONIONS + bo : ‘entre : THOMAS Contre och fo ~~ Ol 55. all the celebrated “Johnson Rake, atta he made it the best Salf-Raker, ever of- int this. country. | We offer you the cheapest machine in the marke, beeause it { is the best and most diirable, ; i | E. BALL & COMPANY, g 3a 33 as em npnany, YS, a at work, and y =, fered 133330433 iia : t z ht, vo that unholy cont , th: Cains fe ti AA WHS | Muscling USS Hneres, Mons Summer. Go Boots & »i Huts af all Kinds, Hard yw Hite, hast bgp ‘ : ‘y Pei ht evert fianily {HOX- INS DE & MAKERS TOOLS of hi findings, Clanton, Ohio. - ISAAC HAUPT, Agent for Centre and Mifflin counties, Sub agents wanted for the Southern part’ of Centre and all of Mifllin counties, apply: Beliefonte. Apl7 6X, - A A ———— A ———-— pe Life Losurance Company. of NEW YORK. 1. F. Frieauf, Hollidaysburg Pa, Gen-- eral Agent for Pennsylvania. $3. O. Leininger, Miltheim Pa., Loexl Av iis, Contre Couaty Reference. —D. 1. Hilbish, M.D, P.T Moser,’ MN. D.; Gob 1. PP. G- F. Kurtz, Wm. Harter, Den- n . i rowh i © trat the rish PHOMAS'. 1 i): . ¥3 eu it tollowing va tir O er, of Centre all, is now sel the | 1.1 me fn * : haat ry 4 y . LN « ay hooks, bits | 1 1 i hy 2 xr op anddler [68 | | i ) E n saddler : | to Isang Haopt. manufac ure of harne .., to be : i i i a .-. a p Laree Hlastrated Family Ani ae 0 ! ' . # 1 . 1 4 ound ni 31 R NNiDE x THOMAS . Our Departed Friends, or Glory of : the Iamorial Life. B le Dictionary - wrringes, willow ware. guns, ! Dap Cavs, Artris Siaith’s Bib Ci et, ctween the States : ] ods ling * TOMAR i.e Wind | “th ng Bibles; 3 » ASK ETS in all their varieties, childrens | 20, &« 3 - * 1 Hat's DU=nC 4 | "HOMAN'. ahd and ¥o y wive-hitu a eal Wir 1D I RNNIDE & 1 Stephens, This ks are wort raps of different Kinds, in gold, and » family. : A () x i Mi saat 3 3 Or . { i *he CE EE eh ‘ LIME LI YOU 0 of all Kinds; at BURNSIDE A Ny ay THOM AN dotid ashor w of this ERNS ~ of ail . at IDEs THOMAS, cloths, at Te. | SODICW = ] ih EE} » » . $i Fh ich now stand: unrivalled, 15th ont rnd Maes itanvvallet : ‘ fr FR ny A Ye HOT { th fe Hund! . wowiey, of BN nn is 3 sinh . . is { Wit OLRCT | | i advan- | yyy) p dad op w by dy ian aa aaa — sO Lt)! gt PN > » ad » athhage =o oer Tle » ept in country stores, ail of | JX OMESTEAD AT PRIVATESALE! 11. » . : ye } # } a} (Fer ww aet the lowest Prices, i A ! $ naer offers the ani lowing described proberty, sittiated iil exa- | ena em reek rece owns . " — m——— - me 3: ites LIPING srioves, - pocket Imi burn, Hon. tist, The Wor y \ i» 1 GIy of olner ner jm noon indieat for viel : Sin ) “od, oY N Hundkerehied in all th Li iors ir heap One ! FITC A a ———————— DEATHS. Id is conducted Epos the mutu-- al prin 1 which policy holders are insured free—as all the insured have the benefitsof t he profits, The Dividends are paid annually, after the second year, by which the insured se- cure all the advantages of the profits. Thus Wering ho dividends merease from year to vear, ibs. ? nti they reach the sum of the annual pre- as in great varie- | th i has under his complete contro] | 13H, and then exceed it. Policies are in gre AS | paid in #hirfy days after due notice and y : i : ’ achine; in coming to a spot of lodg- | PTO! has been given of the death of the in- near the door, r further | — mee | | sured, ! rs apnly to LTS Si ) iersizi aul Kalb : ) : [. . . pply ABITS SOAP, Win: Hagan and Ke- | od grain, the driver ean change the cut of | Thirty duys grace are allowed in the re- ti y olive soap, Do} hbins' soap Jesse newal of premiums’ peas : pe : kley old enatile, pur y. | he topping After two aunual payments all pidieies I RWIN & WILSON are constantly re Elderiing’s soup ] | remain in force. apie], ky. pd, AALLG 0 fre 14 | Tr oe on vy hers frog ciple, Lf enitre { Ty : y od is the lever power, by nein no« i. - : - are purelia me y ro . Kate | Whee gl Cider aon abot A nore i ' W e 8 y \Warini-Ronse wile a 1, ig li {ANNED FRU a iad her e fruit trees, just in good pring git boda t ¥ 1 126° © re. ad i will whereby low. Hs goods, our to =ell uarine ners , smoke] apparatus, . A ITS, penche es, and hb UR NSIDE cal t o w 1 « 3 * . } i Tt rofendent sentence ike it an abject TOOUSR it REMEMBER THE PLACE IS bearing condition, are Graff & EN M1} runmnge water . o} particu may, WILSON BECK. SO . ». Palin son variety IMAS. Ait I Lis | A \ y FREE highest market prices paid for x a : kinds of conntity pend ee, at BURNSIDE « THOMAS. Thompson yi, : } machine in an instant, without ‘ Ha RNSIDE & TH ROY. the tea, varying the stuble from 1 to new goods in their line, DW ARE BU Coeiy ing HAR Sordid a SUF’ 8 aide of the mschine ac 'w tinh outside of the machine, as well Commanwenpith vs. Levi Jones, eut- | staading she) neht the fi rhit, un Phey also have at their Tw i i 3.2 : ; : aasoriment of 1Rery Lo ww ) : : STEEL { inside, iL Ir constructed of first HT RY cod ’ api VERY VARIETY " is 2 =eription at red ! ery dnyv, wing opened ex AMPS OF EK I; Kind at HITHER 1 & Lrg 3: VET) tine tnpoey : } Cor. of Penn and St. Clair Streats, PITTSBURGH, PA. { class material; and built by first class mng- | We She ALY vv i) celebrated confect ‘lel rated chocol; ate, Inte, Smith's ¢ hocolate, China Ginger, English Pickes, SONS American Pic) : Klos al BURNSIDE 8 THOMAS ISH, Herring, Mackeral, &« BURNSIDE & TITOMAS. itm Whitm Buke in = OAK SOLE KIP AND CALF ANDHARNESSLEATHER SKINS £11.02 1011S, SH TL. Wom ain's ce i : to} irs ¢1 ined 3.0 hocol HCN, warrant it second to none. # Ive jo vofore the i i had i [ERE . Sie " : he Largest, Chenpest and most Suctess- ful he bloom- 1 day's LOEW 1th 6 448 By & \W 1 Lt All kinds Of "Horsepowers and © ‘ ‘hreshing Land will he | ark and Hides Wanted at the Tannery in Milroy, pound for 13 for CO fireside whe he The hirhest ji trade for won and bastardy sold Tow verdict, suilty. {Commo uwenlih vs, ey1 jie it Mac hines, Hav and Grain Rakes, latest ima | PRACTICAL BUSINESS COL. LEGE in the United States; FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS “ Ten OME apli £3 ) Al he rinotnet i > : WILSON 8. [FTPIYHE ANVIL STORE ix now ! lareoe and well H sorted Hurdware, NLOVEes, Nails, Horse Xn "<, Nid - (i linss, Paints, Sheet. Bur and HH. np Bugay und W ngon Stock of | i ~{ ‘ull snd supply your . Pros ihle rat at IBWIN & WILSON, WHITE F The =e — OR : proved All Kinds of Repairing done. DIF }: apl’ 0X, ! I \ All RIL . 1 dane, - tered came the mother into ithe bonds rec ceiving | foe k of Grive a £100 i and y ; nds of PLOWS AND ; “ | ferant ki nents apnearan cat ne : ; ated from time to etor- who doeth reshitiog of a - 4 { EO. D. PIFER. : { lery, ( fron, every % lone do From States - Thirty-Three Years. FORLARGEQUARTO CIREULAR wili 9 for Steer and Cow hides, clear of and scares, prices will be paid in cash or good ok bark. (: RA FF & for which we Bull, nlf skins, PH =e. per >t > Jenne, aisturbingr : City : whol a | . 4 he “air. EWTN 'S WILSON, ‘heerful storms blow . 1 . je i Yery { St, Verdier oil teen hilo hut are oh nse COnrt Vaal 1 Too $5 soc anlage ] . Containing full information,’ Outline of Course of Study, samples of Cowley's } CHIC s Tih) Hise ny THOMPSON, The Celebrated Heekandorn feonbmica HU i tbh + nines Lo a a Ui do fend: HES as fine of afty del inty i . Rvp wm : fyi d # 1 Irs aig Cosi Ql ji pail cittion, Commonwealth va P: Re Hing, cause ¢ «Oniine a. Jain 1 1 apo monwealtiy ve MceMoni- Loin Liner timber of Jury found not Costs between guilty, 3 Ty “1ded him a vl! tiv Taree ; da 5, «4 ‘ 3 1 count, stolen Jury on eeeiving Sia Miller and outlty on first count and re Oi i. second, and th ie i * of culty et al. va Hannah Dewey, Fitrs #134 SITY TIA £ro0e yy yy, poner not. assman v ; P liniff suffers a non- AD alt mm Liguor at Belle- Store. {his variety is eqiial then Hit. ountry | 1 AAs, all os finr Ciby © i! with the sane aby ot His trade 1s an ext i 3 ' 1 foc { WalO0RQ 10, 3 Vii PRT HOURSCS, City : 4 O11 . 1 da Jun parti HB to render sa wy lf Apr mre hes i iY se ized upon company had week whieh : BB. 11.% rn ab 1C1ie10Ie informed that the dwelling house of Mr. George Gramly in Miles townsh ip, was destroyed by fire on Menday evening last, The house was insured in the Centr ( OM pany. Fire.—We are > | ther th I ou rh the i niry ike dope nding oh hand dd TODIAS VENETIAN MENT, sure vit Chronic Dauggists TY isiv. kD JEBRAY instanta- Rheuma- Headache, Toothache; Cuts, Burns, Cramps, Dyscéntery, ete, have aston- civilized world It is but an article that has stood The enormous Y.ivofh « 1 v} whose wonderful cures, and neous action, 1 Cases ( Colic no new i : caten- pei iy, twenty years, increasing demand is evidence of its use Try it and be convinced. should be without a bottle in the and t= 1 11 hundreds of dollars, many tri 1s . ’ » 1 » of sutleriug may besaved by 11 = OQ} i i { i { i i i i | | { {ENTRE HALL furniture Rooms! . DEININGER, FOS ifully informs the citizens of that he hasconstantly on hand, county, all kinds of to order, ADN LAUS, BEDSTE BUR SINKS, WASHSTANDS CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES, &c., &e. his stock of ready-made Furniture is large, ¢ under his own immediate suporvi- sion, and is offered at rates as cheap as else- where, Thankful for past favors, he solic- its a continuance of the s Call same. and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere, ap2t 68 1y. THE KIRBY. the Send for a descriptive Catalogue and Reaper, will do well to examine Kirby. or call on SHORTLIDGE & CO,, Agents aplQ 08,51, Belle fonie, Pa 1 }\? baba dn Wi MAL TABLE CUT late d for! as, IRWIN & Non. (Ins anlityy 03. i 'TLERY —ali mmkes and POCKET Cl i IRWIN & WILSON prices al ah lO G8, ho ap las, Bhi | make nt aplo 0H, AND SING piece IRWIN & WILSON ANDMILL SAWS, wi WIN X WiLsox., TRIMMINGS, a large at Irwin & WILSON'S. 10F FIN ment ap ley (3, | AND BELLS and DOOR BELLS, all sizes and kinds at ad los, [Rw IN & WILSON'S, Pr ap lO 68, APANNED. TOLLET pi Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store, Trwiy & WiLsox, Seantling WiLsox. Plank and IRWIN & BOARDS, for snle by SETTS, aplty os, QOKING-G LASS PLATES of all sizes for sale by Irwin & WiLsoN, ip 168, NDLE SKEINS for wagons, all si- zed, at the sign of the Anvil, aplO 08, Irwix & Winsoxn, TYOALTS for Buggies and Carriages, i izes in use: Five Bolts, ditto, at IRWIN WILSON'S, LO SCALES, of the best mike, EDs up to 120,000 Ths, N & WILSON, ap le 6R, & JVs a: aplO'6s, RW P A RL Burners constantly ODOR COOK STON ES arlor Stoves, and four sizes of Gas- on hand and for Irwin & WILSON'S, ap lo 6s, YK ETS A ND SLEIGH ORN BLAN x at low prices, at BELLS, : ap10'68. IRWIN & WILSON'S, NION PATENT CHURN the 1 in use at Irwin ge W 1LSON 5, ap lu og, » ii i =ule at | | | | | BOOTS & SIIOES NOTIONS, &C. Having just returned from the city with selected of Clothing, assortment carefully Musling, a large Hats and 1 you Dress Goods, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etd, ean offer inducements to you which may not be able to receive at other places. was bought at the very lowest prices, and I feel confident that if you should favor me with a call, we will be mu- tually benefitted. Room No. 6, Brocker- wil Row, apl7’o8, ly, whieh has given entire i i i | patterns are all new and of the most immprov- ed plan Plans, Snecifio: tions ant iit ' shed for: ings furni W ul work done by us. 20 We hope by strict attention to busi- ness to receive a share of public patronage, WARE! The Company announce to the citizens of us clsewhere, every article in the line of Stove-Fipe and Spouting. All kind= of rep always on hand BUCKETS, airing. done. They have CUPS, DIPPERS, DISHES, &C. All orders by mail promptly attended to CENTRE HALL MFG COMP. aplQ' ug, tf, PREMIUM PENMANRAIP, View of the College Building; different MITH & COWLEY Pittsharrgh, Pa. GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE. Great Attraction and Great Bargains! r i undersigned, determind to meet the Papal ar demand for Lower Prices, re- spectfully calls the attention of the public to his stock of SADDLERY, now offered : at the old stand. Designed es- pecial y forthe people and the tities, the lar gost and most varied and complete assort- me n of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, Whips, of every description and quality; and in fact ev ervthing complete to a first- class establishment, he now offers’at prices which will suit the times. A better variety, a better quality or finer style of Saddle ry has never before been of- fered to the publie. Call and examine our stock and be satisfied before purchasing elsewhere. Determined to please my patrons -and thankful for the liberal share of patronage heretofore enjoyed. 1 respectfully solicita continuance of the same, JACOB DINGES, APIs, ly. Centre Hall, BETT ER TH AN GOLD! OUR XEW COMPOSITION - INDESTRUCTIDLE GOLD PENS. Are recommended by Bankers, Lawyers, Professors, Teachers, "Merchants, and all aplO’G8 1y. Sent Postpaid to any address for ol) cents per dozen. Or, samples of these Sample copy of an Hlustrated Comie Paper, and large [linstrated Circulars of our Books, Stationery Packages, «c., giv- ing terms to agents, sent free to any address Dealers supplied at Address, ROACH &« THISTLETHW AITE, Indianapolis, Ind. ~~ Please state where yeu saw this adver- mayl, 4m.