ENTRE 1 ALL REPORTE R. Centre Hall, Pa., May 8st, 1868. ren) Thousand Mile Walk. At noon Saturday the walking match of 1,000 miles in 1,000 eonsecu- tive hours, for a purse of £2,000, began at 92 Chatham street, New York, be- tween “Young Mills” and John Goul- ding. The terms of the match are To walk one milein each consceutive hour until 1,000 miles in the number of hours shall have been com- pleted. In case both the contestants accomplish the prescribed task which will take six weeks, minus eight hours, then each shall coutinue their mile per hour until one succeumbs, the victor to pocket the stakes. Quite a large number of people, including some well- kuown sporting men, witnessed the start. Young Milles started first, and com- pleted his mile in nine minutes and forty-seven seconds. He swings his arms very much, his motion is a kind of gliding stride. He stands five feet ten inches in hight, and weighs 125 pounds He was born in Liverpool, England, on. the 20th of February, 1847, and isof Irish extraclion. Ii 1863 he went to. Australia, where he first developed his extraordinary pedestrin “talent.” In 1866 he visited California, and on the same a mile, walked a mile, walked back- ward a quarter ofa mile, picked up fifty stones one yard apart, ran a coach- wheel a quarter of a mile‘ and walked one hundred yards witha boy on his back—all within one hour. He has also walked 100 miles in twenty-three hours, and walked a halfmile in four minutes and two seconds, at Tony Pas- tor's on theeve of last Patrick’s day. At the start, yesterday, he offered level money to accomplish his first mile in eight and one-half minutes, but found no takers. Goulding came on the scene shortly after Miles completed his mile. He looks more of the pedestrian than Miles does; isa smaller man, five feet five and a half inches, and 120 pounds. Goulding’s motion ix more upright and isa handsomer heel and toe walker than his opponent. Born in Aldgate, London, 11th of August, 1832; he has for several years the distinction of champion hurdle jumper. Three years ago he ran nineteen miles in one hour and fifty-seven minutes. Ife has also run 300 miles in sixty-six successive hours at Tunbridge Wells, England. His record further mentions that he beat Miles of Newmarket for £25a side and the champion cup, doing five hun- dred hurdles, ten yard: apart, and three England, thirty-seven such feats are credited to him. his advent to engaged principally in training brui- sers and pedestrians. pils were Patsy Sm C Finley, and Mr. anateur walker. Though 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours have been frequently attempted, there iz but one ins ance of suneecess—that of Captain Barclay, in England several years ago. nm et re South America. Tur Paracvavay War —Tus Siege or Humarra—DEsreraTE CoxprrioNn or THE BESIEGED— Fricur or Loyez Paris, April 20.—Terxera de Macedo, the Brazilian Ambassador to this Government, has received the fol- lowing news officially by the steamer which recently arrive od at Lisbon from Rio Janeiro: Since ena, Humaita. The out forts have been aptured, as have also the positions at Curupaity and Paco, and their gun- boats sunk. Their Prezident, Lopez, has fled. Humaita cannot hold out | three days.” Paris, April 29.—The news from the scene of war on the Parana is unfa- | vorable to the hopes of the Paraguay- | ans. The Monitucr this morning has ad- vices from Brazilian sources which represent that the allied South Amer- | ican fore:s, land and naval, have made | themselves position around the fortress of Hum- | aita, aud it is thought that the place -annot long resist the combined attacks bv land and sea of the allies, whose troops are daily increasing in numbers, dp Ap The following portion of General trial is said to have caused great mer- riment and must have made the im- peachers feel smsll: Witness stated to ‘the President that he had delivered the communica- tion to Mi. Stanton, and told him what answer had been made. The Presi- dent then said to him, “Very well; go on, take possessionand obey the orders, This was all that occurred. Witness did not see the President again that evening. Next morning witness was ar- rested ; went with the Marshal to the White Houses told the President he Ea i The President replied “Very well; that is just where I want it—in court.” Witness then left. At his hotel on giving bail, he asked Judge Carter f he was in the meantime, suspended from The Judge replied in the negative and explained the effect Witness narrated his functions. of hig giving bail, the circumstances and conversations which occurred after he went to the Wa Y office, the members of Congress, who witnessed The same morning, after his interview with Mr. Stanton, retired, Gen. Thomas said to Mr, Stanton “The next time you have me arrested do it after breakfast.” ( Laughter.) Mr. Stanton, in a playful manner, ran his hand through witness hair: “Well I think, General, we have a little something here ;” where-npon General Shriver produced a bottle, and Mr. Stanton divided its contents, about a and took a Subsequently some spoonful, into two parts, drink together. full bottles were brought, and this was all the force used that day. (Great laughter.) SE A dangerous counterfeit five dollar national bank bill is in circulation.— The bills are well executed—the“Lan- ding of Columbus” on the back. partic- ularly.—The principal point of differe. nce between the genuine and the coun- terfeit is this: In the counttrfeit, the “I in the sentence “This note is se- 2. at the head of the hill, "while cured,” covers the “ni” in “United Stats,’ in the genuine it comes over the upper left hand corner. By this difference the counterfeit can be easily detected. i rae, StrarvATION.—We were yesterday informed that there are about thirty families at the mines in Cameron, liter ally starving to death! The works have been closed for several weeks and the miners have left to look for work, leav- ing their families in a starving condi- tion. We trust the citizens of the county will immediately adopt rome measure to relieve them, by appoint- ing committees to solicit aid here and elswhere. r=) ameron county Press. EE Mr. CrArENCE LoGax, of P hil wlel- phia, just returned from Savannah, having observed the election there, has made a statement that in one ward in the city several negroes were sup- plied by a wag withlabels of “Costar’s rat and roach exterminator” and voted ballots. zent suffragans notice ing a cut of a rat Some of the very intelli- on the supposed ballots, asked what it mant. ‘rat-ification of tne believed, and voted. They were told it stood fir the constitution.’ They wondered, After this, who prates a about educa- ting voters, doubts that the colored troops fought nobly? ee ep — Yesterday, in St. Louis, two street- Car conductors and who named Phillip Ryan the latter shot John Callahan cut in a fit of aberration, caused by whiskey. He wi ht rank Bu- quarreled die. Two men named chanan and Thomas Laher stabbed diced in a saloon, when Buchanan Lahr, severing an artery. He six hours after. ————— The California Democratic Convention met in San Francisco, yesterday, Haight indications are that Governor will be the choice of the for Prost ioss of the United States, EN four boys, who were fishing in the Wabash River, Mount Carmel, Ill, was drawn under a dam and all bug one boy we re drowned. John Stickler was accidently shot wounded near the same | place. tid pepsin Idaho advices to the 18th instant state that the Indians are committing depredations in Jordan Valley. It is | thought that the programme of the who are robbing, and | burning and murdering in every diree- The Indians have made a raid through Fayette Valley, capturing and driving Troops had been =ent in of them from Fort Boiso. ' Placer minings have been commenced in the erecks and near Sailor pursuit gulches HERR OR There are in New York 229 chur- ches and eleven missions of evangelical character, thirty-four Catholic chur- ches, six Jewish Synagogues, seven spiritualistic, ete., and nine of other denominations, making a total of 419 churches of all kinds, with accommo- dations for 290,000 persons. The resi- dent population of the island is about "| 800,000. EE . ferrari -— Ir men desire to see the rate at which in, let them compare our condition now with what it was eight years ago. Che principles of Democracy made us FURR what we were, opposite principles make us what we ave. a Trew C ITY COLLEGE. —\ sc drolarship to this institution for sale at this office, and to he had at a bargain, sc sein lp fp Ap ————— mr Norter.—The subs ription price of the ReErorrTER is 31,50 per year in advance, which is less than that of any other paper if its size. We are printing this paper at ost, and therefore wish to remind our pats rons that it is of great importance to us that pavinent be mado at once, a I’. SMITH. offers his Professional sorvices. Office, Centre Hall, Pa. apl7 68, tf. (or NTRY MERCHANTS, DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, AND OTHERS, CONSIGN YOUR Ashes, Beeswax, Beans, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Flour and Meal Flax, Cotton, Furs and Skins, Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval, Stores, Hops, Ginseng, Feathers, Hemp, Provisions, Oils, Lard, T il MCCo, Molas- Tallow, Seeds, Sorghum, ses, dee. de. wo POSIAH CARPENTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MER- CHANT, 442, 441 & 416 Washington Street, NEW YORK CITY. Produce and Groceries the most complete Price Current Published in the United States, ND FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates and Cards, Furnished free, Advances made on Consign- ments, Liberal Established, May 18, 1860, FIRST CLASS REFERENCES GIVEN WHEN REQUIRED. aploes ly, 3 ERCHANTS HOUSE, 3 413 & 410 North ard st., PHILADELPHIA. H H MANDERDBACH PROPRIETOR I. C.N1rF, CLERK. This ORE Hotel, will be found by all visite the city, one of the most desire- ible, bot h as to reasonable charg sand con- venience. German and English is spoken apl0 68, tf, ATATES UNION HOTEL, C Philadelphia, This Hote! is conveniently located on the south side of Market street, a few doors ality 1 akes it desir ble for Le city on business r for pleas- BECK. Vi pri (formerly 2 the Merchants House) anlires tf ; tENTRE | JOIN Lor, HALL SPANGLER, TOR. HOTEL. PROPRIE- Stages arrive and depart daily, for all | points, north, south, east and west, Thi fuvorite Hotel kas been refitted and | furnished by its new proprietor, and is now in eve ry resnect one ot the mos peasant { country Hotels in central Pennsylvania, { The travelling community an id ¢ irove rs will always find the best accommodations. Per- sons from the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in the country, P will find Centre Hall one of the most deau- | tiful locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con- | venience, appl 68 tf, AARONSBURG, PA. JOIN RUSSEL, ! The old and well known Hotel, in the centre of Aaronsburg, has again Of capied by Mr. Russel, foraer proprie tor, who now invites his old friends and the travelling community in general to eall and | ee him. The house has been ele gay | furnished and is kept inthe best style, Dro- vers can always find accomimod: ation. ap 10/68, PROPRIETOR. dtuated he ") Pr ILAPELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD, WINTER TIME TABDE. THROUGH AND DIRECT ROUTE RETWEREN PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, HARRIS- BV RG, WILLIAMSPORT, AND THE, GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEG A EEPING CARS On all Night Trains, On and after Monday November 25th, i867, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie tailroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. M: ail T rain le aves Philadelphia... 11.15 p.m. Lock Haven..9.25a. mm. : arr at Erie 9.00 p.m, Eri ie I xpress leaves Philadelphia 1: 2.00 noon ‘““ Lock Huven 10.15 p. m. arr at Erie 0.450, m. E Imira Mail leaves Philadelphia 80a, m, Lock Haven 7.45 p.m. arr at Lock Haven 7.45 p.m. FEASTWARD. Mail T rain leaves Erie 10.25 a. m. Lock Haven 10.15 p. mi. arr at Philadelphia 855a. m., E rie E xpress leaves Krie 4.25. m, “ Lock Haven 2.40 a. m. arr at Philadelphia 1.00 p.m. Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven 7.10pm. H “ Lock Haven 7.104, m. arr at Philadelphia 6.10 p, mn. Mail and Express connect with all trains on Warren hii Franklin Railway. Passen- goers leaving Philadelphia at 1: 2.00 M. arrive at Irvineton at 6.40 a. m. and Oil City at 9.500. m, Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 p. m., ar- rive at Oil City at 4.35 p. m. All trains on Warren and Franklin Rail- way make close connections at Oil City with trams for F runklin and Petroleum Centre. Baggage Checked through. ALFRED I. TYLER, General Superintendent. ‘h ‘é “ ‘ ‘e “h ie ie l ‘é - PE WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER AND FRUITERERN Philad Iphin, ze Orders promptly attended to. apl0'eR, Wok SALE WINE & LIQUOR TORE J. B. KTTELE. FORMERLY NEFF X Bishop Street—two doors west pf Loeb’ Meat M nrket. Kegs and Casks warranted ' { tle quantity PEPT EE pte! The propric tor of this establishment takes ensure in informing the public that he Pe constantly on hand a supply of choice forcigh nnd domestic liquors such as Old Nectar, Old Rye, Monongahela, And Irish Whiskey, Cognac, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger and Common Brandies, Port Maderia, Sherry and l.ishin Wines, Seateh And Holland Gin, New England Rum. JAMAICA RUM, CORDIALS Pepper. mint, Anniseed and Rose, "he attention of practicing physicians is called to our stock of pure liquors, suitable for medical purposes, Bottles jugs and Demijohns constandly on hand, We have the only pure Nectar Whiskey in town, All our liquors were hought when lige 101% were low, and we sell them accordingly. All liquors are warranted to give satisfac- ion, Confident that he ean pleas customers he respectfully solicit a share of public patron- ne, Liquors will be sold by the quart, barrel or tserce. 1 have a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS of the finest grades, on hand. apply os, A BAUM, A. “Our House," lefonte, Basement of Bishop St, Bel- WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS The subseriber re pectfully calls the at- tention of the public to his establishment, where he is prepared to furnish all kindsot Fore ign an of Domestic Liquors wholes ule at the lowest eash pric OF, W hic hare warra: teed to be the best their respective Pri 0s, of Rye, Monongahela, W hiskies, all kinds of Brandies, Holland Gin, Port, Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines—the best articles—at as reasonable rates as can be had in the city, Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginga and Carraway Brandies, Pure J; an: vena and New England Ram, Cor lial of ali kinds He would particularly invite P ATIC CS ied Keepers and others to ot nll ; nd exon his large supply, to jude for them sive and be certain of procuring what they | wile I Call el i be We iit when prise lisas- ing in the city, to give his liquors a trial, ap loos, ( { REAT COMMOTION! x STERNBERG & DRANDEIS, Bellefonte, Pa. RULE THE MARKEE 9 by hay neo the largest and best selling at LOW PRICES! Carpet at old rates, from 5H) cents to cents per vard, for the best, DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, rates, all summer, at $100 per pair Fine Boots from $350 to &7,50 for the best. CLOTHING SUIS, from S12.50 to 818 for the best. CALL ANDBSEE, and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. even if they do not wish to buy. aplO 68, tf, TREASURER’'S SALES, FOR BAT, AND TEEVIOUS YEARS Notice is her by iy th, that to amend an Act direeti ing the mode of sels ling unseated lands, in Centre county,” and the several supplements thereto, there will he exposed to public sale or outery, the following tracts of unseated lands in said county for the taxes due and unpaid there- on, at the court=house in the borough of Bellefonte, on the 2nd Tuesday of June, A. D. 1868, Acres. Por Wiarrantee Name, Taxes, Bo mner Township. James Bartram Be mner, 3,80 John M Hale 1 BO do 24 Burnside Township, one third of JOR 02 } of i.) 1) § of 12 John Vaughn 144 Henry Harria.............. 2 183 Joseph Wallace § of 216 WwW Jeremiah Parker ido : John Donley do : Sam Seott do On Joseph Morris aos 0 AlexanderGreaves..,.... : Hb wenn GeorgeEddy a John Wheeler {06 John T Hoover........... 3 IRN 06 Jumes Hall 22 1 (Chas Hall My David Lewis.......os ne ress : 1h John Shyn Ri anes Jereminh Waln Ho Joseph Waln.............. : 15 Tense WHI... cores ae Ha ) John Barron crhiaedbi ss ions : EL : i Yo John Rugs pon to oe Molly Morton.....icavee : th) a16 100 Te ‘nry A Fihsresenisrns Ux) wane Francis Guerney Michael Obrion. Henry Wheeler... ol Benjumin BR Morgan... 22 Boggs Township. 163 David Lewis Wim \ Thomas Greaves......... : Jonathan Herwey PR Kuhns Morgaret Butler John Cochran Wm Russel Thomus Russel David Carecadon........ 32 Walter Stewart 41 Parl COX.ovieererrersensensss 307 David Carscadon Daniel Reese Jesse Evans............... : (recarge Aston Jomes Roland John Scott Win Wistar Wim Hood John MeClure Packer 7 Lucas. seasssens James D Harris Ann Deal Curtin Township. 120 David Corzeadon 00.ccoceines : 04 do 2 do 37 Martha Godfrey aarsaes : wiiees Peter Smith 142 Mary Lane 106 Joseph Kelso Paul Custon isiiiweeinie . Jno CC Hyleman ‘sh 1X) \lexand or Bell. mheesanien do (thas “0 Cadib Lawns SR ~N I we Lon ('h TY o seerh Favior.......c. 4 Andrew Epple SN) Robert levi 138 N LL. (H Joh W Packer 19 N LL Alwond.............. 8 Job W Paeker............ } do thor SEABEBSA REARS Peter Hahn Susan Hahn Joseph Thomas Jacob Winln....cceerree Nanshaniel Levy T] On Humphries Robert Gray tae - William Grav. ....... x Win Yardle . Bi Sune] i vird he | Mathew Las J os oh hel Nidue N {> Win Gil Caleb do lsane ERGs mauris 11 163 James White jo Abijah Davis............ do Jose ph Bil ve J edit ih Ji Jesse ] Ysther Fddy anu... 2 Casper Wist Philip Mvers.............. > Simon Myers 11 5 Vale ntinge Michael My Sam’ Stoll. Raber Ainsley Richard Mins............ . Her ry Donnell John MceCaunle; J W & LC Packer. Mary Tallmahao.cn.. 3 Fishburn Whorton...... 23 JW & LC Packer 6 163 Thomas Mceckwoen........ 24 hl 1. - Ferguson Township. 26 Robert M'Cartney Greeg Township. Thos Gray James Laurimor John Me Robert Askin David Johnson... Wm Hopburn John Cowder Andrew Carson Bernard Hubley Henry Antis JameR TOW cvicriee inns Jacob Anderson Huston Township. Andrew Kuhns........... 22 Aday Kuhns... H John Price 30 John Wheeland 20 John Rolington 30 James Baxter Loar) RUBS. cir creineaen 20 Howard Township. Isaac Green......ciee 16 Samuel Custen 10 John W Gudfrey........ : J W Godfrey Joseph Green... honk Jesse Kvans........... Roland Custin Paul Custon Joseph Taylor Joseph Kelso Wm Packer Jacob Pucker John Brady C B Weldh........ Yivessans WC Welch A D Harris.......o.iiiiine do do Alexander Hunter John Buyers.........ce.ne 1 Sam'l Young Benjamin Young Thomas Hamilton Jacob Weidner Samuel Pancoast J 5S Furst Wim Ramsey Joseph Greysburg do Green, Hale & Curtin. Harris Township. Sam’l Wilson 89 17 ol whe 15 dn sh ches YE x IT wr WY ww ow Ww Tig John Mite he i John Reynold N He nry. Thomas NMankey........ John Stes Robert Sam) Adam Coniey David Wilson.....ce.... Joseph Work David Work Nathan Simpson Win Wilson Allen Steel Edward Willson Jnmnes Stoel Jd Fisher Peter Wilson Elenor McCormick Peter Ke arne y Ww ROVE John Bell Thomas Wm Irwin Robert Patterson William Hothan...... - Dan'l Love Dan'l Smith.....conniss Samuel Young............ John Irwin Wim Browh....cooeenni. James Reed 2 baolemm Andre John Belinder He nry Bolinde rr F re le rie k Bolinder, Adam Bolinder Albright Swineford..... Mary Thomas Barr Michael Gratz.......oeuns Nimon Gratz John Simpson Henry Antis...... ci. Hepburn Harris... John Mackey... . Benjamin Young Peter Cramer Wm Mune Key Peter Swineford......... John Kidd Mary Barr Wim Harrison Township. Margaret Bradford Willis Scott Sarah (Custon Job W Packer Robert Irwin Stephen Stevenson John D: anwoody Ebenezer Benham Dan’l Pletcher...oooeesses Peter Leitzel........conne . Christian Smith......... Robert Irwin John Potter. c..onnn 12 Jereminh Jackson John Jackson Dan’'l Krause James McGhee John Quay Simon Lingle Hugh Shaw Christinn Neslerode... Henry Toland Sa Nort .cisennne Dan’'l Williams Wm Brady Wim Harner tichard Parker Jeremiah Parker Dan'l Singford Strochecker & Revnold Thomas Grant Hannah Brady Robert Gray Thomas Gr unt : Robe rt Bra oasis iL EE naz Grant... Alex Bunter..........cc.ns Jeremiah Jacl Wr n. Stedman dobert Toggard The nas Smid Nor Levy John Reese Peter Housel James Crothers. Ds an | Sin gford.. Strohecker & Re Ww viold Nimon Gratz.......o.anne 6 do do do do Rol rll Young cb assannas . Win Thomas Andrew Dutt John MeClel Jose ph 131: ar Tho MHS (ord: "mi John ’ Reed x Jacob . Thomas Falls John y Robert MeKimm........ David MeKimm John BROW. James Moore Josep JB swell William Harrison (rooroe MeClelland James Forh: Penn Township. Wm Cook Drvid Beever: Martha MceConnel James Glentworth........ George Latimer Edward Moyston Andrew Armstrong Sharp Delaney... : W m Me Pherson Wm GG Latimer........... : Thomas Grant John Witmer John Lowdon Christinn Hair......... Jacob Stike Christine Hair George Slough Andrew Schnee k David Halr......o. iis Alex Scott Michael Sehne ck... Christinn Schneck John Hand John Allison Win Wilson James Allison do do ssasassnnne Casper Scheapner Robert Spear (‘hoistinn Lenhore John Funk C a=per Lawrence. Samuel Chestnut Owen Jordon... George Slough Wm Wilson Bartholimew Wistor... Richard Moris............ Thomas Wistor. cine Casper W Morris... [sane W Morris..oooen + Zacius Collins... ........ Wm Beach... andes vawers Nathaniel Matlock Jas Matlock John LL asiesssunbusaise 2 ( hristian Stoner John Stoner Christinn He ; Ben F A ma as Robert Reed....... “rearia Joseph Hopkins......oee |] John Hop (ins. srassatine John Lowdon Thomas Grant Benjamin Rush Robert King obert Irwin John Musser....... denies Richard Poters........... John Wilson Hugh Hamilton........... Jacob Slough Jane Miller ania a Robert King Hugh Hambright.. An dre YW (1? raf} ff BR Morgan Jose 1 h Harrison Folks Harrison Tt Bainey ol b Rush...... John Weidman. Jacob Weidman Edward Bryon... Joseph Bauman... A Reighart, Jr..... as Hugh McEntire... . Thom's Hamilton Elenor Siddons........... Robert Bainey...... Richard Atherton Richard Ealone.... Isane Britches John Gundager. George Slough Michael Gudager Harman Philips Thomas facihon Thomas Grant....... ees Peter Miller......c..conn - George Hoofnagle Jolin Bryon Win Gassel Sam’'l Jones........ Rudolph Keller Samuel Showers Jose ph Phin Henry Pim George Pin... ass John: Miller.............. Richard Low den Dan’l Fitzgarrolds David Ishler................ Henry Pinkerton John Candingham Win Gray Sabastian Graff John Musser Wm Wilson Suin'l Showers Paul Bush Pau! Black Paul Such John Boreland John Ke Hey John Bush John R[urh John Black Joseph WwW ells David Old 100 Hardinan Philips Snew Shoe Township. Wm Banks David Williams 16 06 Alexande + Martin 16 05 Lewis Lewis 10 70 Kearny Whorton = 17 Thomas Greaves 2 17 Luke Misner 10 5 David Carseadon 12 do do 17 "8 do do Moore Whorton Wm Parker tebecen Waln BK Tallman Elisabeth Whorton A 8S Valentine T M Miliken J Mitchell James Gilliland Robert Waters BR Morgan James T Hale James Mc Manas Samuel Linn Sarah Whorton Pliehe Waln Sam'l W Fisher Sam’'l M Fox Sarah M Tallman James C Fisher Bard Wilson Sharp Delaney Wm MePherson Edward Moylton Wm Lewis Francis West Jasper Mavion Benjamin West Win Bingham James Hawthorn Blair McClanahan Edward Scott Paul Cox Wm Lewis Thomas Cathert Robert Morris Felix Burnt Thos S Shippen Thomas Hawthorn George Meade George Campbell Francis West Win H West John West? D H Conningham John M Neshit Ric hard Jones Kenrrey Wharton Sam’'l Dobson Henry Vaundyke Margaret Spear Josenh Hammon Job Riley John Pim David Carscadon Be ddd ee deel el EE Loni mtimingolngslagnlininfalsliningnuing=y 8) Mary M Wharton Spring Township. Thomas Johnson, Spring Thos Thornburg John Long 138 Ro=c Johnson J J Lingle Sam’l Fords Taylor Township. John Lamb John Sherrick Henry McEwen Polly McEwen Josinh Williams Hugh Hamilton Jacob Vanpool Christian V. anpool Richard Downing Michael Weidner do do George Markly David Rahlston Calment Beckwith A AM Elder do do Union Township. David Kuhns Isnae Seely Adam Kuhns 40 Mary Karnacher Greorge Hoover John Mendenhall Robert Hall Ira Fisher #2 Thomas Burnsides Ludwig Camacher James Long John Dunwoody John Irwin Etlinger Wm Brooks do do Wm Kuhns x R—— _ 2 Kun maBi Ban - - » ot on RerwdZan John Coope WmD Kuhns do do do do James Long Walker Tow nship. Sam'l Barickman D avid Reed 120 R Rodenson B Pyle & Co Jeremiah Parker Richard Parker 198 120 Sam’l Miles £4 30 54 Richard Robinson 3 44 Paul Zantzinger 194 Worth Township. 141 John Mifliin 2 9% oy John Sandwich 21 52 300 Thomas Hawthorn 28 20 330 Joseph Maylon 30 72 433 133 James Hawthorn 40 98 Walker Township, 250 Acres Land assessed in seated list to L Mehaffey and returned as unsested Ahly inh oe case made Any Re Bast BH. t i THONY C. GE ARY. April 2 2 18C8. Treasurer,