4 CENTRE HALL REPORTER. mle Centre Hall, Pa.. May 8th, 1868, L LOCAL ITEMS. Za May we ask our friends to aid in in- “reasing the circulation of the Rerortenr? Cannet cach one of our present subseribers tend us at least one nune with the subserip- tion price, which &1.50 in advance, Triends, try it at once. aplout, e— Locar News. — We will thank ourfriends af Potter and surrounding townships, forall loeal items of interest they ean furnish for publication. Cnly communicate to us the tacts, and we will put them in shape tor the paper, is * gp @ vallies, which business men will do well to note, Asan advertising medium they will find it all they could desire. @ Pe 2 Two Nrw Emprine Sewing Ma- CHINES, warranted, for sale at this Odice, re tp A coon Watchmaker would un- doubtedly find Centre Hall a good opening—there being none nearer than Bellefonte. een le pee Trix Bath (Me..) Times savs, John {.. Weston, recently killed twenty-three shot, in the field of Mr. in the north partof Wool- vrows at one W R. Lilly, wich. This beats our friend, Laf. Neff all hollow, and he will have to try again {or the prize. ~~ meme lt Mer Far Law.—An act to prohibit all! kindsof fishing, whether with hook-and- lihe, net or hasket from the Ist of Sep- teniber to first of April, in Penng-creek, Pine creek and Elk creek, in this conn- tv, we learn from Mr. Meek, has) ed the Legislature, and ix now a law, having been signed by the governor, In the months of April, Mav, June, July and Auerust, therefore, fishing with hook-and-line, net fish-hasket, 1s not prohibited. HIN S- or et indie snd Tur Rerorren office has been ho ored with many visitors, sinee its estab- Lishment here, and all admive qur fine location and the splendid view to be had from our windows, frout and rear. Amon our visttors we counted a crood- Iv share of the fair sex of this vicinity, who encourage us with their smiles, Although we have a printed card up- on our walls, inseribed with, “hoyg not | allowed to loaf here,” we wish the la- dies not to mistake its meaning and think it may apply themselves also, but we will have it distinctly under- stood that they can “loaf™ in our office us mach as they please; and the more the better. to - > lp pe Di. Rmith took courage to furnish the Reronreer office with three com- fortable arm chairs, one day this week. The Doctor, ne doubt had pity for ux, seeing that our editorial tri-pod consis- ted of one of Dr. Avers medicine boxes —we don't know whet! : worse than the first California Legizla- ture, which sat upon empty nail-kees. | Now it any one has the heart to put a nice, easy lounge into our office, we just dare "em to do it. The Doctor will please cossider our hat off, smi oil frames Fier ix Haines Tr.—The dwel- | ling house ocenpied by Michacl H Mus ser, merchant, and Michael F. Fidler, farmer, on the pike about 4 miles be low Aaronshure, better k as Hu- | blers hotel stand, was dostroved by five | on last Satarday morning, 2nd inst. | Nearly ail the furniture and household roods, belonging to these two families | were consumed. The fire occured ear- Iv in the morning, and it is sgpposed, | was caused hy some huriine coals from the bakaoven, which had been heated | the day before. The fire was comna- nieated to the barn which stood some role distant, but was put out again before much damace was 1] | only through tho efforts of the neich- ier thix was any Howil ar Wid One, that remained standing after the fire. The property was owned by Mi, Hen- ry Fidler, insurance. db pr > — when first tried the ease was decided against the complainant Jameson, who up last week. case were allowed to go home over Run- claims that will be brought in against thereon, to some S1000), each. rr sine ff rtf. MP mem one Mr. Bush is about to erect a hotel near the Bellefonte depot. reel eat mse emma meat and fish a few nights ago. eel te ing apparently good health. tee iri We saw very good carpet sold at shoes st 81,00 per pair, and syrup at 50 cent per gallon. Go and see. a - We call the attention of our Penns- valley readers to the advertiserent of Graft’ & Thompron, merchants at Mil- vev, Pa. It will be seen that they have one of that kind of stores, in which vou only need ask for what you wish, and they can accomodate yon. Their dealings _are extensive, and embrace various branches of trade. Farmers -— o 5 € sn Mi otf Mp Howry, Gilliland & Co., at Belle: town, and in their establishment 1s a constant hum of business. Their stock fied. —————————— & EE. > — - STATE OF THE WEATHER. Tth rain, Seare oF tite Mop—Qur mad the mud here, to be aver tro jeel—we don't mean 24 inches, but real . i. x Pavements and side-walks noae ; these lieve in ‘em at Centre Hall, ert: Some Inea or HE MAGNITUDE of the Seale business may he obtained from fact that the Messrz. FAIR- BANKS alone employ over six hun- dred workmen in the manufacture of their ground. exclusively 3 and are almost They received thoughout the world. were acknowledged the N cot illsase For tue West, Mr. Philip Bow- Mr. Jacob Condo, both have just returned from a trip Ho! eU'soX, Haines tp, to the and from have purchased of where they } » ayy West, farms in the neigh hood Moccasin, of settling d own there. Some Sor 10 Hains gin t . sys yoo ) tp. tuntlies are already living the i . : neizhbe wrhood, corel A city of Williamsport, Dr Rabiedt Notman, convicted of pro. - | flay, in Montreal; to ten years in the | penitentiary, | YALUABLE BOOKS, I Goo Books wre | sity inevery fifriily, rot oftly for the bene- BOE also fi the proper Mr Hl ; \ 4 ' $y { Dasier, of Centre Hall, is vow selling the | fit of grown prsohy, training of the rising ceneration, following valuable works Lirtge Hlusteated Family Bibles: the Immortal Life. Smith's Bible Dictionary. ' War Between the States by A. | Stephens, : family, pon the citizens of this vicinit none should fail to subscribe, & ol» Care and examine my large tsock of all v, when green and buff, Holland Tassels, Trine mings, &c., eo. Carpets, from 19 inches to 8-4, of various snd most fashionable patterns, | Druggets & Table Covers at greatly reduced prices: at about the prices some of oar deals ers pay for them in the eastern markets, designs F. G. Franciscus, cy ta. pea MARRIAGES. On 2rd inst, by 8, G. Shannon. esi. Mr. Jane Bechtol, of Sugar Valley, and Miss Catherine Weaver, of Groggy tp. DEATHS. On the 4th, in Potter township, of dropsy, Mr. Christian Shupe, need Gl \ ears, 1 m's, p and 21 days, : W AGON FOR SALE. A good two-horse wagon, apply ! at Centre Yall to may 68, (C.F. HARLECHER ‘ ' REAT BARGAINS AT cratic candidate, ann ol C.F. Harlecher's { A * M7 "Wan. Wolf fiom CENTRE TALL, PA. following interesting works, viz: War Detween the States: able works, which are doubly worth the price and should he tonund family, hushiuss for the benef fh i encouragement of all upon whom he may call. 3 GREAT FALL and at Centre Hall. Finest and Dest Stock of DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES Just Purchased at the Late LOW PRICEN, In favor of the And now on Exhibition at Wolfs Old Stand. ALSO, A CHEAP LINE OF FLANNELS, MUSLIN, SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF 0m also a large stock of MACKEREL and HERRING. HOOP SKIRTS, the best and cheapest in the market. WE SHALL TAKE PARTICULAR CARE TO MAKE IT AN OBJECT FOR New Customers, AS WELL AS INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS, TOGIVE US A CALL. WM. WOLF. ap2¥ os ly. v Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, ware, Queensware, Wood and Willow ware, Lean, Sedt, Fish and in fae, a magnificent assortment of everything Kept in a First Class Store, now ready, il or sale at marvelous low nies r . l GOODS VERY NEAR ATTHER OLD PRICES. the Very 0 Lois h Vieni hs Will Muslins they will sell that i brands at prices | New spring 1 is hess Goods \ most beautiful variety, lower rates } rplaces, ni | i b the novelttes of the season, thar sc litinril SDhareed ii HH oTainariy CHrg "White Goods & quality, and prices. HOOP 3X | Wi BTS | Linens, Towellings, checks, Denings, cloths | Cassimers, Cloakings. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we keep advance on first cost, All we ask that vou will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK consider it any trouble to show goods, | ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, { and singie, bridles and halters, mayl ts ly, sale prices, All Kinds Tin and Sheet Irom work done at old prices, F. 4. FRANCISCUS, B I Ke, for sale at greatly reduced prices, by F. G. FRANCISCUS. | { { ASHS, Doors and Blinds on hand eh much lower rates than last seasen ap24 68 ly, F. G. FRANCISCUNS. Tam PER KEG for Nails nt $5,00 FG. FRANCISCUS, ete. F. G. FRANCISCUS, (HE 1 Buckwater's Patent Cherry Seeders | Iwill be pleased to sell them to country merchants at low prices than they are sold in Philadelphia. : ARROW TE ETH, all steel, Cultiva- tor's Teeth, Wedge and Nut, just received and for sale by F. 4. FRANCISCUS. F. G. FRANCISCUS. {HAKER'S and other Garden Seed for sale in papers or by the quart or rices at ANCISCUS, TYOUSEKEEPING Hardware of all i kinds at reduced prices. Oil Car- fos vard wide, 50 to 55 cents per yard. ix Cups 75 cents Ber done at *.G. FRANCISCUS. examine the varieties and i » (i) I Xx. Xa. NEW YORK MARRETS. GO LD-—1304, Whent, mixed, 2.5002, 45 ; 2581a2.02 for Nol, 2% for amber state, and 3,01 for white Canada. | RYE OATS 8.6, "90 way wt Lard 193. 1,871 1,00, Dressed g Butter 4oad8, Coffee, Rio 13s, Java 2064, gold, Eggs %n2e: Hops from 15 to 45, Hogs 124a13, Sugar, Cuba, 103a12: elarified Porto Rico Hala, refined 164. Crude Turpentine 24 TOnR0, Coal oil 204, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Red wheat 2.800295: white $iad, 20, Rye 2.000200, Corn 1, 16a), Oats Saath, Clover Seed 825,00 ta 6,00; Timothy Need 2.9 to 2.2.) Ila seed 9 RY CATTLE. 1300 steers were sold at 10 HX) (ows sold nt S10 {a 80, and (ows with Calves at £74 to $80, RK Nheep were sold at Gto R per Ih, live TWO-HORSE SPRING WAGON FOR SALE! The undersigned offers for anlo, # two horse Spring Wagon, well put up id every Will be sold at A.D. SWARTZ, a bargain, Centre Hall, apd 680, | 1 | { { | and extra quality at $15 net weight, BEEF—~Ronsts (od), y rutmpsteak MUTTON —Farequarters 14615, hind- \ EA 1. wr Ih, eh) ee] PORK bh POULTRY Rogts IX, hums steak Chickens 28, geese 18, tur- VEGETABLES The undersigned would respectfully an- pared to furnish Coffins at the shortest no- tice, and at reduced prices, H. R.SMITH, apd 68 6m, (‘hurchville, JURNSIDE & THOMAS, ) Ofter to tho Public one of the Call, examine and se for ) ourself, HE Largest and Best Stock of warran- ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give satisfaction, at found at BURNSIDE & THGM AN, Try them for vour own satisfac. You ean only find them at BURNSIDE & THOMAS. ¥A NDSAWS kuives, spoons, coffee mills, shovels, spades; rakes, hoes, ted spices, I BURNSIDE & THOMAS, H your horse's shoulders galled and BURNSIDE & THOMAS, H' whips, in great varieties, govern- tatoos 4 pk bage 10 ta 15, beans qt. 2, Butter, rolls 436400, in potinds OD 65, Fresh Flys ae IN, CHICAGO MARKETS. Whent—Nao, 1 P20MaR2 10, Corn firm: new Rie Oats active at Hxie, I eo dull: in at SLRS: sample lots, track and deliey ered, Sl. Tons Ror MitwatUker. Wheat firm at $219 for Oats advances Corn 9, for new No, Na, 1 at 90eat bo ut S22 15aS2i stor, un for No, 2 it 07 Aq Derrore,— White wheat 295200, winter 2 aon i), Corn new Oats GhenfOc¢, Ryve 1 Road 60, Hoos dressed 10,75a12,50, rolls 46048, Lard 1502), Beeves first qual- ity, 6,53a7.00: second quality 5,50a6,25; third quality 4,755,500, Sheep, 5,0005,70, LOCK HAVEN MARKETS. White Wheat per bush 270; Red 255; Oats 70; Batter, 45; Tallow 12; ear Gat Burley 1. 000 Euaas 23; Lard 17; IN: Bacon Sides 15: L256: Green Apples 200; Turnips 40; wl Wool 40: Unwashied Wool 30; Clover Seed 6.75: Timothy Sefd 3,00; Flax Og. whe LEWISBURG Wheat 82.00, Carn, new, 1,20, Rye 1.50 Oats, 32 1h, 65, Timothyseed, dull, 2,50, Fluzgae od 2.05 Clover-ed, dull, 5.00, Butter 40, Ham 2 White bean Exes) lard, dnll, 15. Tallow 10, Potatoes 1.20 Dried Apples Ih, 20 Pork Nath Side & shoulder 12, MARKET. 4.0x), . . dru ceiving new coods in their line, ”~ HARDWARE of every des ription nt red ug ed prices now being opened every day. ap lOos, | AMPS OF EVERY VARIETY 4 kind at ap lox, FYE ANVIL STORE is now receiving a large and well assorted Stock of Wes, Nails, Horse Shoes, Sad- Sheet, Bar and Hoop lron, and Wagon Stock of every description.—Call and supply your- selves at the lowest possible rates at apres, IRWIN & WILSON, IRWIN & WILSON'S, A\ROMETERS and Thermometers at aplo'al, JTRWIN & WILSON'S, Paints, also Buggy : i y at wholesale and retail, cheap, JRWIN & WILSON. apl0'G8, JNE TABLE CUTLERY, including plated forks, spoons, Xe, nt . apliyos, IRWIN & WILSON. I JOCKET CUTLERY —all makes and prices at IRWIN & WILSON aplr 6s, dlery line, at RURNSIDE & THOMAS, isn ING TACK LES, rods flies, son hinir baskets, ote. BURNSIDE & THOMAS. | best i gov, Java, best quality Rio coffee, a IS known to all in Bel |” good article go to BURNSIDE & THOMAN, EATHER of all descriptions, freneh 4d BURNSIDE & THOMAS, VIHTOE-MAKERS TOOLS and findings. } in nll their varieties, t BURNSIDE & fuel ion, at it THOMAS, ADDLERS BUCKLES, hooks, spots rings, Everything a saddler wants for the manufacture of harness, to he BURNSIDE «a THOMAS, } ASKETS inall theirvarieties, childrens carriages, willow ware, guns, pris- tols, powder, shot, caps, cartridges, &e.. at BURNSIDE «a THOM AN. "I YS of all Kinds, at BUANSIDE « THOMAS. PATTERNS of vil cloths, at wiees, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS, N TIONS of all Kinds, Stelring s gloves, i Handler hicts, combs, pocket books, Heed BURNSIDE &« THOMAS, lemons, al Hphies, Oranges, BURNSIDE &« THOMAS, pine apples, and peas in great varies BURNSIDE & THOMAS, 3 ons, olive soap, Dobbins’ soap Jesse Oakley's sonp=, old eastile, pure, Palin Sonp, other soaps, at BURNSIDE « THOMAS, HE highest market prices paid for kinds of country produce, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS. Whitinan's evlebrated confections, Whitman's eclebrated chocolate, China Ginger, English Pickes, American Pickles, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS. BURNSIDE « THOM AN, fowling pieces at ; : ap lye], IRWIN & WILSON. {ROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS, best make at Irwin & WILSON, aplios, TRIMINGS, § Irwin & WILSON'S, {OFFIN ment at aplyeR, all sizes and kinds at , ; us [O° HS, Irwin & WiLsON'S, BOARDS, ! > for sale by apply 68, Irwin & WiLson. APANNED TOILET SETTS, AND other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store, Irwin & WiLsox, OOKING-GLASS PLATES ofall sizes J for sale by [Irwin & Wirsox, aplO'68, APINDLE SKEINS for wagons, all si- ; zes, at the sign of the Anvil, ap 10°68, frwix & WiLsox, OA LTS for Buggies and Carriages, all