Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, May 08, 1868, Image 1
FRED'K KURTZ, diter I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 IME. COAL 4 The bast WOOD COAL BURNT can be had at the Bellefonte Line Kilns, on AND LUMBER. prices, ann'a. who burn in and Proprietor. TERMS. —The Crxrre Hath REPOR- TER is published weekly, at §i,00 per year in advance; and $2.00 when not paid mn advance, Advertisements square (10 lines) for 5 ments for a year, half year, at a less rate. All Job-work, ¢ peditiously executed, are inserted at SLH0 per weeks Advertise or three months sh, and neatly and ex- * L Ww hich he Best White-Wash produces and offered to the trade. The best RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, ~ih . 1 dry Coal at lowest prices, ond quality PALING, SHINGLES and plastering lathe for sale cheap. Office and vard. near South end of Bald Ragle Valley R. R. Dupat, SHORTLIDGE, & CO, aplO es iy. Bellefonte Pa. TINWARE! TINWARRE! J. REIBER, Potter township, that he is now prepared to furnish upon shortest notice, and as of Tin and Sheetiron Ware. STOVE-PIPE & SPOUTING. All kinds of repairing done, es Xe. &eo. RILVERPLATING. for buggies executed in the finest and most durable style. Give him a call. His char- ges are reasonable, aplO68 Ty. H" FARMERS. LOOK HERE. GET THE VALLEY CHIEF REA PER & MOWER, Manufactured by J. Marsh & Co. Lewis- burg. Tt is a self-raker. Cuts grain « may be lodg evr + » » x ¥ 'his celebrated | it > Re latest inven- tio 1 when in op- eration weighs only 30 pounds, It is a ! : : swo-wheel machine, and warranted to worl of Wolfs store. It is the aat CH ing to guarantee, it will be made to work at the expense of the manufacturers. Price of machine 3% each, or $210at six months credit. Price of Mower S175 cash. WM. EHRIHART Agent, aplOr68 dm, Wolfs Store. Pues ! BUGGIES! 3 J.D. MURRAY, Centre Hall, Pa... Manufacturer of all kinds of Buggies, would respectfully inform the citizens of Centre county, that he hason hand NEW BUGGIES with and without top. and which will be sonable credit given, made to order, and warranted to give satis- faction In every respect, tice, for purehasing elsewhere. aplO GR tf. I RST NATIONAL BANK OF Bellefonte, Pa. & (COL) E.C. HUMES, Pres't. - J. P. Harris, Cash, This Bank is now organized for the pose of Banking under the laws of the t ted States, war- ni- tional Bank. and sale of Government Securities, E. C. HUMES, aplO 6k, President. HENRY BROCKERHOFF, President. A { ILLIKEN, HOOVER & CO, “CENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, Buy And Sell Government Securities, Gold and Cou- pons. aplO'GR, OHN D. WINGATE, D. D. S. DENTIST. Office on Northwest corner of Bishop and Spring st. At home, except, perhaps, the first two weeks of every month. as Teeth extracted without pain. Bellefonte, Pa. aplO G8 tf. P D. NEFF, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Center Hall, Pa. Offere his professional services to the citi- zens of Potter and adjoining townships, Dr. Neff has the experience of 21 vearsin the active practice of Medicine and Sur- gery. aplO' G8 1y. H. N. M ALLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVER, NY? AN NRSp = Mm )yENN SE MCALLISTER & BEAVER ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Bellefonte, Centre Ce., Penn'a. Orv BER... IS & ALEXANDER. Le Ap10768, , Attorney-nt-law, Bellefonte, Pu. A DAM HOY—ATTORNEY AT-LAW £ 12 { Cashier. Office on High Street, Bellefonte : ap 10’ 68, tf. 1 OHN P. MITCHELL—ATTORNEY - ’ AT : ic Watchman Office. - apd GR, CENTRE HALL REPORTER, FRIDAY, MAY Sth, 186s, DEMOCRATICSTATE NOMINATIONS FOR AUDITOR GENERALS HON. CHARLES E. BOYLE, of Fayette County. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL! GEN. WELLINGTON H. ENT, of Columbia Lundy, Is the Career of Cholera Ended ? Er ———— The warm weather and season for article upon tho above subject will un- Two hundred years ago there were to time smote the human race with sud- | den and wide-spread destruction, hur- | and filling the hearts of survivors with unspeakable terror. One of these was plague. The small-pox yet lingers ‘rope. but both diseases have ceased ' been shorn of their terrors. The small- | process of passing the disease through ome of our domestic animals, The des of living, thouy About forty vears ago a new and ing much from Asia, and it like its two predecessors, has been con- quered by the power of intelligence. Among the many substances that are manufacture of illuminating gas, is a of carbolie gas, through, as its proper- It is given man control over the last and statement that pestilences among men have generally been precedad by epi- prevalence of pleuro-pneumonia as one reason for apprehending a visitation of cholera. Besides their advent as har- binger and follower, there are other intimate relations between those two epidemics, croscopist in Michigan has discovered minute animalculae in the faces of cholera patients, but this discovery be- ing American, had to wait, like anaes- thesia, the Ruhmkorft' coil, and so many other American discoveries, till it could be rediscovered or appropriated by some European pretender. When an Eng- lishman, Mr. Beale, found similar ani- malculae in the blood of eattle sufter- ing with pleuro-pnenmonia, the most eminent masters of science proclaimed the important discovery. In the case of pleuro-pneumonia, Mr. Crookes passed the breath of diseased cattle through tufts of cotton wool, and produced the disease in healthy cattle by inoculating them with the matter thus collected. In a recent lecture, Dr. F.Crace Calvert declared hisagree- ment with Mr, Cookes in the inference that the breath of the diseased cattle must have transferred to the cotton wool the germs of the anim alculae which | My. Beale found in the hlood, As the presence of carhelic acid even = an NT I pL Tl RE PE a Sek BERR ali SINC lin the form and in ex- tremely minute quantities, i# death to of vapor, ‘nia from diseased to healthy cattle oo I'he Chri lant success of Mr. ('rookes in the might he effectually prevented. | practical application of his theory, as set forth in the report of the Royal Lod in our columns, Dr. Calvert, in the as in England, by the use of carbolie "acid. There is no room to doubt that pleuro-pneumonia in eattle can be con- trolled by carbolic acid: will this sub- Health, "a2 the most efficient agent which they employed. cipal cities. merous cases in England where the spread of the cholera was absolutely stopped by the same agent. i i discovered for stopping effectually the i | spead of Asiatic cholera, and that ter- Co more, the nineteenth centurv—a prolific in great discoveries. | > Tur Baxxkruver Law, | May TAKE ADVANTAGE OF | | desiring to take advantage of the Bank- ‘rupt Law. who do not fully understand the law, we furnish the following abstract : law ? cipal, or surety, or otherwise. What does the law demand of the | applicant ? | except such as is hereinafter mention- tribution among them, | plicant to keep ? First—Iousehold and kitchen furni- ' ture and necessaries to the amount of five hundred dollars. Second—The uniform, arms. and eqipments of any person who is, or has been, a soldier in the militia or the ser- vice of the United States. Third—If the applicant is the head | of a family, his homestead, to the val- ue of five hundred dollars, If he has no homesteand, than in lien thoreof | money or other personal property, to | the vaiue of three hundred dollars, | If the applicant has only =o much | property as is above enumerated, of course he has nothing to give up to his | creditors. The result of the benefit of taking | this | tedness. aw is a discharge from all indeb- ! i it requires from sixty to ninety days to procure thie discharge, et re Tur hostility of the “narrow-minded blockheads” to the mysterious Ku Klux Klan is due to the fact that they fear it may retaliate upon them for the erimes committed by their own secret proseriptive organization—the “U. L. A.” and its offkhoot, the “G.A.R” They are very great blockheads, how- ever, to suppose that they can succeed in retaining a monopoly of the secret political society business. Organiza- tions like the shoddy league, which is based upon political, social and busi- ness proscription of political opponents, must, sooner or later, beget counter or- ganizations of equal virulence in feel- ing and action. So far asis known, the Klan is no such an organization, but, denounced, misrepresented and as- | self-defence, it may be driven into the adoption of retaliatory measures, oN Cpa UE, ES HALL dia x abu dict nh—_.,y Tie Pr a i i Le JUSTICE AND OUR COUN Y. 1868. ihe land who believe that John Wilkes Booth was hired hy now pronmunent { Radicals to slay Abraham Lincoln, him up to destruction by their minions | The closeness with which the other intercourse : the unfairness of maturing to complete the work which the assassin left unfinished i. e. to fill the measure of proof against | them. Abraham Lincoln fell a victim not when he performed his most arbi- but at a time when he was healing the tile blows for following in the last foot- steps made by Abraham Lincoln! & py CENTRE Socrery.—The annual meeting of this Society was held in the Court House, con Monday evening last. This being the time fixed by the Con- stitution for the annual election of of- | ficers, the following persons were ap | persons, therefor—Messrs. Judge Al- i lison, William Keller, H. N. McAl lis- | ted the names of the following persons as officers for the ensuing vear. President—Samuel T. Shugort. Viee Presidents—Samuel Gilliland, | John Bailey, Robert 11. Duncan. Tr Hoover. Seeretary—\Villiam Hamilton. warer—John T. Librarian —John T. Johnston. Forecutive Committers — Benjamin Cable to present here with a subscription | » » . . of five thousand five hundred and forty eribed he purchased, they have no | doubt will be greatly increased, and the Centre County Agricultural Socie- tv be placed at onceupon a firm and solid basis, D. Gi. Busn, J. D. SHUGERT, H. N. MCALLISTER. The report was then adopted and the | proposition accepted, | HH. N. McAllister, stated that after consultation he offered the following : Resolved —That the Committee for « . accepted, be and are hereby authorized | and directed to contract with William A. Thomas’ trustees for the purchase of and that a committee of thirty be ap- grounds for the fall exhibition. Which was adopted. The President appointed the follow- ing committee under the resolution, son, A. J. Shivery, Robert Valentine, "J. Dunlap Shugert, R. B. Valentine, | H. N. McAllister, Edward C. Humes, | Peter Hofter, John Bailey, John Rish- Harvey Mann, Jr. Elias Zimmerman, | John A. Hunter, Andrew Gregg, William Holt, George L. Peters, John (eo. Buchanan. The following was read and unani- Resolved —That every person who Andrew Grege, Daniel G. Bush and | HH. N. McAllister. 1 1 + 2 » t's 3 vember last, to make selection of suit- v 2 01 the society, being 1m order: were su'table and could be obtained. One was Hamiltons’ meadow, near th was held at £100 peracre. The other From neither place was there any offer 1808, William Keller, reported that at Centre Hall, there were three acres, which could be obtained for 8750. The ject £1000, H. N. McAllister on the part of Bel- lefonte, made the following report. The undersigned, a committee ap- pointed under and in pursuance of the resolution passed 26 November last, of which the following is a copy: «Resolved —That Committees from different sections of the county he ap- and report at the next January meet ing, where permanent and suitable grounds for the annual exhibitions ciety can be obtained, the terms upon which they can be obtained, tozether with the contributions offered towards fitting up and fencing the grounds, erecting buildings d&c., for the protec- tion of animals and articles on exhibi- tion in each locality respectively, on condition the exhibition grounds be : “9 permanently fixed thereat. making a very full and complete sur- vey of all the different localities sug- crested, within ono mile of the borough of Bellefonte, they unanimously selec- ted a lot or plot of ground on Buffalo Run, adjoining John Cole, the legal ti- tle to which is in M.T. Milliken, Dan- iol Rhoads and John Irwin, Jr., trus- tees under the Will of William A. Thomas, deceased, to he laid oft’ some what in accordance with the draft here- to attached, so as to contain twelve acres or thereabouts, as the most suit- able for cattle stalls, trotting course, exhibition grounds de., &e.,—that they applied to the said trustees and obtain- od for the Centre County Agricultural Society the refusal thereof at two hun; procuring contributions towards fitting up, and the fencing ground, erecting use of the track subject to the rules and regulations which may be adopted for the sovernment thereof without charge less ten per cent, of the sum =o contrib- uted, and that every person who shall have contributed ten dollars and up- & ol The (Curiosities of Crime. The “painted cell” in the Eastern penitentiary of Pennsylvania has long Austrian named Charles Langenheim, His experience was that of At first there fell up- a living grave. Then comes, as a i i tion. can be visited upon a conviet is to de- prive him of his implements of labor, A lazv man who is at liberty looks up- on it with utter distaste; when incar- cerated in a solitary cell he eraves it, as the only means to prevent his brains The severest punishment that from becoming addled. Langenheim, during his long term es. He elaborately painted the inte- rior of his cell in a design that upon a adorned a cathedral or a temple. For seven Jong years he spent his leisure time at this work. Dickens, on his first visit to this country, was shown this curiosity, and in his “American Notes” he makes allusion to it. Lang- enheim served out his term of impris- onment, was liberated, and again con- his earnest plea, he was placed in an- other cell in the same prison, and upon its whitewashed walls he again execu- ted the wonderful work, making a fae simile of stained glass such as had first marked his efforts, Again he was discharged from pris- on, Mr. Warden Holloway received him in his private room, placed in his hand the money he had earned by over- work, made him some presents in the shape of apparel, and discharged him with with fatherly counsel as to his fu- ture course. The unfortunate man, after enjoying a period of liberty, is now in custody on the charge of steal- ing $36, from, the store of Messrs, Row- land & Erwin, The money andia new chisel were found upon; his person when, he. was. arrested, a few feet distant fron | the door of thestore. Hie had; previously: 4 ae S.A VOL. l.——NO. 5. pried open the door of a store at Front zed nothing for his pains, It is prob- able that he will be retarned to his old | quarters in the Penitentiary. With Chim burglary is evidently a mania. A large portion of his life has been spent in prison. It is not improbable that lie there may breathe his last. . a Axoruer Warsing.—The follow- ing from the West Branch Bulletin, | wo hope may carry its lesson home to | | | | | the hearts of those who, in spite of all pleadings and persuasions, still persist | in tampering with the demon Alcohol : | “One of the appalling consequences | which frequently follow the use of al- | coholie drinks, oceurred in a grog shop int this city on Thursday night of last ‘week, A Mr. John Hughes came to this city on the 8} o'clock train that evening, from Philadelphia. He was | accompanied by a friend, and they in- | tended to remain here over night. Af: ter drinking at the restaurant in the ' basement of the Herdic House, they went to a drinking house keptby a man named Sartori, on Walnut street, cor- iner of Lycoming. Here about 10 | o'clock in the evening they drank at ' that bar, when Hughes sat down in a chair, "and without uttering a word, | and he gave the surviving companion | a certificate stating that the man died | of congestion of the brain caused by ex- cessive drinking. We leard that Mr. Huges was a car- | pet manufacture, and a man of consid- | erable means ; but, for some time past | has been the victim of alcohol. At the (time of his death his friend was ac- | companying him toa rural retreat, with | the hope of effecting a reformation ; hut the fatal ‘one glass more’ suddenly delphia. ee——— ada ————— Floranee Nightingale is the leader of a party in favor of female suffrage lin England. > ee A GREAT TRAVELER-—Lhere 12 a | stage driver in Pike county, | stage for the last fourty years, avera- | ging 30 miles per day. Deducting Q ’ | the 12.520 undays from fourty years leaves working days, which at 30 equivalent to fiifteen times the distance around the world, and 600 miles over. He i= now sixty vears of age, is hale and hearty, and probably has traveled more than any other man in the State. | IST OF VENDERS OF MERCHAN- DISE in Centre county for the 4 year 1868, BELLEFONTE BOROUGIL Class, M. Sternherger & Bro. store J H Sands: bakery, Loeb May & Loeb store JW (look store Sternberg & Brandies store Charles Frevberger store F 8 Wilson store F P Groen store George W Patton jewelry William MeClelland store J & J Harris store George DD) Peifer store W W Montgomery store J B Awl store N Hillibish store David M Wagner store Hoffer Bro store George Livingston store Burnside & Thomas store Irwin & Wilson Edward Graham & Son EH Kinslee A Sussman Zimmerman Bro & Co (! Derr store (+ W Fairer store Adam Herkimer bakery Howell Gilliland & Co store | Haupt & Co foundry | Harper Brothers store | John Brackhill store i i Lic’ », =1.00 7.00 20.00 15.40 AN) 10.00 LOL 00 7.0 10.00 25.00 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 2.0 20.00 7.00 x) 30 T - 1 10 2H - ‘ 10 7 pl 7 20 10 7 7,00 7,40 Edward Brown store Michael Runkle | Seckler & Moore Shortlidge & Co 13 10 John Zimmerman 13 10 | BANKS OF DISCOUNT & DEPOSIT. | Win F Reynolds & Co 20,00 Milliken Hoover & Co 30 Wim F Reynolds mill 7.00 T R Reynolds & Co mill 15,00 Humes & Co Spring tp mill 7 Humes & Brother Worth tp mill 14 T JM Wagner & Co 18 10 BILDIARD TABLES. OT Stoneroad 3 tables Henry Kline 3 tables BOGGS. Linn & McCoy store J B& AG Curtin store BENNER. Peter Kerlin store Christ Dale mill Henry Brockerhoff mill BTKNSIDE. 14 11 14 50,00 50,00 11 12 15 12,50 14 24 14 THs 14 J Gaines store David Betts store CURTIN... Weber & Singer store: Kline & Bechtol FERGUSON, Grey & Wilson store. J B Ard store J Bi: Ard mill P: Lytle & Co store. Juno I Musserstore 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 10,0 A i Thomas Bollinger & Bro Shorh Stewart x Co Bre store 113 Shorh Stewart & Co mill W E Birchfield confect GREGG. J B Fisher store Fisher & Gettig store BE H Duncan & Co store R H Duncan mill J B Fisher mill 8 13 HAINS. Jacoh Snook store 13 Weidensall & Speiqlemyer store 14 Weidensall & Speiqlemyer mill 13 M M Musser store : 1 Myer & Mingle store 13 Thomas Yearich store 18 HUSTON. Joseph F Williams store J 1 Tompson store [sane Richards mil) Joseph R Shatfer store Hoover & Brother store HARRIS, J J Price store Geo Jack & Son store Daniel Hess store Jacob Myers mill John Reamy mill Samuel H Stover store John From store J H Hahn & Co store Jogeph Potter wlll ( & G Wasson store C & M Houser store Thompson McFarland & Co Bank discount apt Moses Thompson mill J H Mattern & Brother store HALLF MOON. George Gates mill Thomas M Way mill Jumes Love mill N 8S Thompson & Co store Henry Adams store Isaac Fisher store 1% J V Gray & Co store 12 HOWARD BOROUGH. | Hotter & Swyers store 14 Robert Cook store 18 | Balser Weber store 12 James Mahaffey pat medicins Joseph Dwling store Lucas & Bro store HOWARD TP. Howard Son & Co store W L Gordon mill LIBERTY. John Brickley store B & FD Ligett mill Quigley Croskey store MARION. Best & Bro store Jacob Hoy mill 12 15 13 14 12 H 14 34 13 14 1% HH 14 14 MTLES. Andrew Ocker store | I. C Pelman store Simon PP Wolf store | SS Wolf &Co mill Frank & Paines store LJ B Crawford mill Henry Krawer store | TX Wolf store { David Walker mill { Jacob Wolf mill MILESBURG BORO. J H Hahn store C G Ryman store i CC IL. Green store Shope & Weaver store J B Hahn store {| P Tipple store { Wm Cook store { HT Ryman store B PENN. Reesman & Compble store Smith & Musserstore Jno D Foote store Alexander & Non store Jacob Kisenhout stors Ertel & Curstetter store Dan W Zeigler store David Finkle mill Jonas A Fry store Davil Ertle store POTTER. W J Thompson & Bro store Wm Wolf store C F Herlacher store James Battan B D Brishinstore A A Kerlim store Jacob Strohm store W J Thompson & Bro mil] John Allen mill Peter Ruble mill Maitre & Bro store PHILIPSBURG. Harper & Atherton store Thams M Way store D = Dubree & Ce store Smith Robinson & Co store James A Ganoe store (! H Moore store ; McGirk & Perks Bank diet & dep Jamss Test store 14 Geo P Zeiglen & Co store J D MceGirk store David Ayers store Flagel & Ganve store H Smith store | James G Wighanr store Thomas J Myers store Wagner & Bro store Wagner & Bro tastons: J C Williams & Co store’ Michael Jacobs rtore Peter Swartz store J Adelsheimer store A C Bumgardner & Co store P H Smitzer store Jos M Way store C Coplin & Co store J P McClag & Costore A Montgemery store W H Macauslin store: George (Gates srore A T Bradlex store . S Wagner Billiard 2'tables B F Wagner Bowling 2alleys Elisha A Potter do 2 do RUSH. J S Reed & Co store Powelton Coal & Toon €o J B' Williams agent Henry Richard store Perry Mattern store J D Simlar store Retar Smith, Brewery J € Wason, Bowling alley’ SPRING. 5 wt od ed I~ ' > ger EEE ot ~ ed aaa a BEELZ. = EN I. Haas Brewery Lawrince Macentyre store SNOW SHOE. May Loeb & Co store Hoffer Bower & Co store: A Chrisman & Son store John Uzzle Billiard 1 tabiie TAY LOR. John Coppenchver distillery Wm Plumer store UNIONVILLE Berry Rich store J & G Alexander store Cattow & Hurley store Win Smith mill WORTIT.. C Beckwith: store: Barlow & McKernice store: Jane Campbell store : WALKER. Jontitis &: Biddle store iz Henry Brown store Henry Beck store ; James Gordon mill 14 Robinson & Shoef store 14 Washington Iron Co B F Eday 1: An appeal will be held at the Cox | sioners office on the 12th day of May. JOHN H MORRISON, Mercantile Aprs. 1: