3 ™ - Rr : » ~ " ™ & TTL ery OST CON I I NTR a RE ev —re WONT TORE TUR TIRE IN RATER ER ors WITTY TY Tree ETT a EY . A RTT RT My EFPORTER. |-- Mr. Wm. J. M Manigal, merchant at | THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED BELL ron I'E MARKETS. "[WO-HORSE SPRING WAGON FOR Jjruo CORN SEED! A id Ne . . Es { . 24 ” Milroy, Pa, has gone to the eastern cities, Parent Mi 10 mes LiNe—~Thege | IWVhite whea ; { R SALE! - : hd . ‘ ‘ Bvoe l. 8 | I'he undersiened offers for anle, na two . ‘ > 1 : 'Q Te v arora $ . hovaee T V W ” Y Rae, for No, Lend Tade. for new Ontsdull It is the only pin ¢wou can find unadultera- | #8s « to the team than any othr -M, «chine in I FE public that "re now ready . ; eh hh ' 1H v3} $us : xs Si . \ : iv . 2 : 4 ; i 1 - i ih A : : Vai lies, ! EL h DASIN iid do wi ii} \\ alls. Publisher, NR Broadw Wy, New GREA ICTOR ! { Se tor rec¢ntar ani {% dente lor Frosh » pipes thy them for vourown sitisfie - =e . but thi ul Ho trace of WHre can he detec. ¢ k / : : : ted in the working parts after a whole har- { 19 rece ive ordes w for wuything in their line tion price. which 1s SIM 0 advanee, |, . ; : X > pree : : ih © Reve Jubez Burns, of London; Maes HAL W. TwirMmeyen, is tHe agent for this lite Friends, fry it at once ap lle, Manville. P . ' litt Mut le, . oct: King Theodore, the Abys. and will call upon the citizens of Centre Local News. —Wawild tbh it Piriends | Sindang Handel; Haydn; Mozar . ek ’ ! i » : * . . > . 4 : ] «0 «forall { hoven: Bach; Mendelssohn; Rossing {| should be in every yard, ff Potter and surround ete, with engn note, n 2tising medium they will York { receipts, Rye digi; Noo Ling store, $100, | tan,” You eng only find them st B rl " 3 hw HTRNSIDIE AT ves work find 1 alt they cond desire, | thee PHILADELVYHIA WARKETS, | 3URNSIDE & THOM AN, Thon 1 nts Dv eysinpe & Tuomas, have become fa- | ee facts trinmphantly prove that eat UNSER’ = [ W I The toll wing i wots throughout the country, for their "nN { Red wheat 20500, 00; white S8ad, 25, ANDRYWS, kfiives, spoons, coffee | gear, as applied to Har vesters, ix even a led to iste i ] : i 1 ' . ; yo : F oe $.} i Wa eu 1 B 1 { A111 Rye 2 1600220), | mills, shovel, ites, rukos, hoes, gresier sneees=s than in its application to | © miseated lands sales « mls his tineuishoe rranted aots . 3 a . ! / 4 i aed te unseated lands sa Mons hight INI = hed rane POOLS & { A ( ¥ 99a] 04 forks Fara tationary machinery, and silence A dep Corn 1} Linn ps, se hniis, iat of business, mmc te im - Tue ramor we pul lished an i ago, | thing tettir and cheaper than any othe chunes their relatiy “ positions, 08. son hnir baskets wb ior vO ! w tt So L hi BN YY baskets, ete. Rig you cheapest maeline if than frket, becaise it Mnd- | Ye a os a ata . mm “ tis the best and most « urahle . ‘tad { BURNSIDE & THOMAS. E. BALL & (OMP AN Y. MILLS, - Canton, Ohio, Hh ISAAC HAU PT. Agent for Centre and | p Ole f= Mifflin counties, if Marclandize, They sre supplying ma ¥ i Clover Seed 35,00 to 6,00: reed = : Remember! It Frame is of solid iron ; to 8,50 Bo: COLLARY if vou don’t want { and of a Single Picee of the shooting of a robber at tore in the country, Their motto is to fur- | it Flaxseed 2.80, made sore, wot odd horse collars at p ullies, BURANSIDE & THOMAS, : : : i i ao | live qu or hest quali : “iy of i - : IG at the lowest price: We can say with entire .; : : to 114 per 1b live weight for best quality; RN ESS * cated : and run with the pe: eel n of Clock-Work, : ‘ “ Two new Empire Sev Machi y / 1 - | } hav | In favor of the Finest and Best Selected | 9 to 10 cents tor good, and 6 to 8 for ordina- i AR! ESS, collars, cart whips, earringe The case incloses all the works and pro- | 1d; 1} o> t . dqaenoee and AS=Ure our readers, thatt 10) { Sta k ww r\ quality, whips, in great varieties, govern- + tects the m {rom iv grass, rain, rust, Lo : | ] IC Ss S$ are war. | ' . 3, ranted to give st’, ction, is growing establishment. One of the 3% 11, fat BaTy, and unsheered Tak), cheek lines, cart gears, tug harness, buggy We build two sizes, both of which ean be | y vA oF { la Fig : ; nr * i] Net f thi | ) r 1 N 1. Hogs 833K sold at $15.00 to [1D per 100 harness, hames, ete, Evervthing in the sad- { had as sin cle AM weers, or Comdined Mae | i 13 IN by ev . . * siranoeast "alls oy THe He IYO ©) = "He . { : - . { » " - - 5 “Tur Nusery’ for May, isap:ety nue nes pty Ye exes!'enes dl { ) A ( x { A Va | net weteht, | dle Ty line, at Cchiges, It HIOWS, IL reaps, it drops, and can : A, 3 LR o "inet tdi "ye ist i 23% Nh resp | ine ti y ‘s Ee PT } ' : adapted for the erterthinment of the youn on the represetation of Burnside & Thomas, | PHILADELPHIA RETAIL MARKET. . - . in: ; this gelehrat ol: ha Rake, we adapt OF rterfainmeal A a Me» . ¥. ss ) \ : . . o ry om ‘ir is . have mace it the et. Nelf-iisker, éter of. yf : Ifyou desire to have first elass goods you AND BEEP Bowsts | 186 XN) . 24 I SHING TACK [LES rods lines, hooks, . ‘i. mls ! : , of eve ry d scription made and fitted up for of the author, receive attention; it is | choicest and best a tieles in the market {t¥) {t3N re MUTTON =Fritag triars 146,16, GROCERIES | orunirtme } = { VEAL—Foregnartess 136 16. hindqguar- in thor, not for pul lication, but that we have | their stock, they will In ak for its self. | { PORK~—RKonts 18, hans 2 a! ‘per \ ud hy Ho hest quality Rio coftee, s——— reason, A Noo Sag Sores Ni Just Purchased at the Late th , west oolong WOK teas, green teas, love Ying { of Centre and all of Hin cou nties, apply . : ow : «3 % dw i 1 0 ing wtolusses, rice and everything in 0 Lk tinues very changeable, and has eased One The tents of the prasent, fsue of The oA \ 3% 2. ducks A) per. ihs , Frorery Win nt the lowest cash prices in the to Isunc Hi Sg Belletunte. Ap17 US, P : RO : 1 Th VEGETABLES — Apples’ pk ( TOR LES, fr TANN ER TES, i , » coal 3h, | 1 4 ' ; stlence forever | w tan . Wy 3 paper. ) . . ‘ Nav . and thelr thousand of other articles Ones SOU | i} U Rk NN] DE THOM AN thewseltish OUL=Cry aeninat it, b Ll {NY » 2.0l) FhomasJohns n Sprine +3 Se ny ? Ia Ly ." ¥ C / Timothy Seed 2,25 to 2,50, vour horse's shoulders galled and The Journals, shaft and gears eannot | we lean was unfounded. nish their enstomers with the best articles, at Centro Hall, | CATTLE. —120 steers were sold at 104 | ‘ I'he Gears and all « ut out of solid iron, LULL sale at this officer, Them always get the worth of their money at i Sheep were lower: S000 sold. for sheered ment gears, saddles, bridles, martingales | It ism ado to Inst n Cartisnr hie life-time. . oJ ; ] : \ ' wp > vser a ¥ 238 rotr atl i al all tablishment 18, t! : {you cean always depend } | RURNSIDE & THOMAS. I he us wl ux ligend =n } hee HAW “1 By fqtine h- 0 A ST 11 N r 3 be I. Reaecing ant illustrat 23 all Well , . i . : : boon BF. 004 { rumpstenk | fered in this vrtrtey © Ware off ovo the | X MN y 3 v : : 3 . . ! . r “ $0» fr i ] 7 Communications W itheut the name ean confidently depend,on their firm forthe . GERRI. dried IS necessary that we have the nmune of the au- | We hope our readers will go and examine ' CINTODs 2), : m— \ i { Sub agents w At ited fur the Si mithern part | T ; . i THE ¥ Nv'rd ‘i : | rp YL "| . ‘ syrup, gol “V1 rips ) : n Fue Wearner.—The weather till con- TE Mat NUMBER ¢F 1308 OLD Guar, | POULTRY —Chickens 28 mee 1, tur- yrup, golden syrup, Drips fine article buk- Mi i 5 RN AC ES . 3 .,» $4) sd very much Deb t- Old Guar Lave of ese inl i rost sane Haupt, » vill have two on ex hibition : ¢ | Td Tis market DURNSIDE & THOMAS. is the | rl 24! { 25d Nature of the Rump Rey hii mm,’ by the [ ) ) \ A \ drig upples We P- qt, dri 4 peaches x Y place : the in front of the Court House, Sura athe week | Work 2th WN Joti We cyt) I" {il { i \ an . i ! ' \ { \ : 15¢ §) {}1., J 11s Hoes y Pp k aol i, SWoet Jie 5 . a of the Ap ril conrt. A hE i L with Self -rake i 1 and 28th very fine and ples Editar. 2 * Astorre A anfredi (¢ontinn- A A 5 tutors 4 pk 35640, onions 4 p'k 80, eab- | T 1s to all ii Beliefente and and side Delivery, No. 2 I Stn as | all dav ed.) The two chi apters, Xo snd XT, Caesar | t he i * 10 to 5 beans) jt. 22. st - | | thyoigh the county if v a Wahi al® Mower, 4 §C. Bh ie - ES. . * 4 { iM wv TIE ale, HU = OL, on, A ht oo}! : : 5 . An ; crt oan ide 3 — PP Borgin and his Evil Ledivs al, the Ab- | F te | oe : oe a) in pounds o = good 3 Je ob tad ) b- : Lares IN ok), Removar!—The ikon of the “Printers’ | quetion. sre'fitll af fowes: § Peal Un. | x slap’ dniritoie’ YF irrMmicr is nn . vrai! 3 It oN Circular” wnd Printers raising Ware- 1 gor the Roses” —Chanters XT and X11. house formerly located at so Hudson Kivu iy | BURNSIDE & THOMAS, | We also manufacture the eek rated w Eelibiti | LEWISBURG MARKET. J: ATHE rR of all descriptions, french treet, } When the Heavens Louk Troubled Thus, Ald now on rxhibiation at W heat SYD 4 cult skim. spanis ae 7 Eon Le ( : . | Vert : : : is . ' bur nF arts. Win arter, Den- | 1: RTT. Tr p i +h ve Str a a. re “Yi: ., nn . 5 A Yi | +X» i Otatoas 1, ‘ ) MIRE TS ing ull their varieties, childrens |,» : Fy Xm Wau. Hunter, Den C . the aft pio ' AFT) 3 1 . History of the cuure of «Mice Lind, Piried i: IH A ! MrrTagres, willow Ware, guns pis- | ie , . x A - A. 4 . advertises *> 5 Murrav, « . “Our Ro thle"? } rls OF 1 Very i R \ I ie . 3 Pork Nay tol POW le r. shot \ ( tri ! x { I'he W orle | I= « ondueted Hhan the muti- | } nt ] 2 } a : ng 3 Sad ais, powaer, shot, caps, cartridges, &c.. a y : “ . . ) . ye . . 4 “ Nido shoulder 12 , v \ " + al prinely le, by which poliey "Ps nee we. If you a good buggy or spring- | choice selection of dishes: and the “Edi- | Side & shoulder 1. | BURNSIDE & THOMAS, Delis, Waichh policy halders are | ; insured fFed=as all. the insured have the . . " } ’ wie > . ran to ud) Lats i Hoe i011 «of the irofits | RW IN & WILSON are cousta Uy re- | OYNS $3 KI ids, ‘ | ! acon, leave vour order with him and en- { tors Table) ! tile < 3 . 3 anmninalivy afte BUR NSTDE « THOM AS The Dividend Jarespid annually, after | | ivi in t} l the second ar, by which the insured se- J iQ r * *CIVING Lis goods 1 thelr Line . . . . aa " rss & hive re event. Val Borie. Hoston | THAWLS, \ EW PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re. | (ure all the hd antages of the profits. Thus oO : po ‘ { tho dividend merease fren Near to vear, , y I duced I rices, wt i ] street, | : HARDWAR] | * is AF until they reach the pum of the annual pre- SO) OOD ASSOR ; ? BURNSIDE & THOMAS, d. . : i. pre= Vudiich nuw sfande smi New York ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT 01 | | mivm, sid the oveeed it Policies are | YH h now stands nnriv alled. | ~ : i : “3 \ : 3 ‘ In }:* ’ i: after. dod” notd and esterase lf simi oF every aesdription at rea t prices Now NN oT Oo NN of Ri kinds CNYelring « gloves, paid in rd} t Hee and TL: - ! . | . i * $as ! ‘ dap } . : ; 2 . ns t aa Fr } MAR RIAGE S. : | being opened every day. aplu'us i Handkere :, cambs, I wket books, | proof hus beer given of the denth of the in- | his Re Ape rhas advan ages overall other 1 i dered His wWork- | pete ! Opes shot . - v1 1h 13 ] } MIDIS IIerS, (AV wo have been enjoving a visit by our Cousin | Aunnie I’. X., of Rebershure, with our Cou- te } i } of i «in Sallie \'. S., of = Rativ otter tow n- | ne very ¢ heap, at sured. arted to the mountain lone to en- | Sr fd Be Key r | TY RKE Y PRUINS, raizens, peaches | pomuin in force aplos, y., ‘ov the Surine air. bat to father 1d examine my huge tsock of all Apples, oranges, demons, all Kinds | - 3 + > which we gain one hundred per cent over. Juy the opning air, bil to.gatiie) | kinds of Window Shades, Window Paiserps foreign fruits, Hams, Buco a. at \ 1 Lerrias Yer the short tine of ifteon min- | . oN Er Hp RN ] ‘hines A her ady i i Irries, Afi rthe hort tine i foen nin ! hy iy H 1 pon ) T : BU Bo A F'HOM AN . | - fotiier machines, Anothe ra vantage is the . Ho . +. | green i yu olland }lassels, Trim- i | ‘eit Vann? ; : Nr fe utes we arrived at the foot of the mountain. | ©, marry : Toner 3 FESHE ANVIL STORE is now receiving {| —— tg . AE | It isidlie breil clianee ever offered to Agents ! : "" ; . ; Bose lo MmIngs, &c Xe: Also a large stoek of Oil i HE AZ “3 13 how rere Ing ; One, of two days’ tine will. secitre a good hoisting and lowering Apparatus, whereby Fhough short the time, it was Sutacient for C ; f° 19 inl Nd : ] SYRUPS. COFFEES. a large and we I assorted Stock of ANNED FHL re neaciifia tomatoes Eee if BV di HH.secitre a gooq ! $ ' t ry 3 ir Iv} $ i . - if 14x) } - . , : A 2s : . 3 N * » . » * » . x1 > . R I I amv on : ' al | tock of Hardware, Stoves, Nails, Horse Shoes, Sad- pine apples, and Pens Wiogreat varie Sewing Ma hine, \ ateh, Silk Dress, HIZEY la Ye STi © 1 , : ’ y . aY dd . MACKER I I d HER RING dlery, Glase" Paints, Sheet, dar and Ho op | ty, al BURNSIDE & THOM AS. Revolver; Mh «Avn3% 0a NN . ; : 3 hog nl : s Druegets & Table floveraat atv reduced | Iron, also Bugey and Wagou Stock o - aan or sone ofh article of eaual valiie Fre +} als inas $n Arrre un shone warmer than it Xad oy morning Rati ih : bared ‘ ' every deseription. —Call and supply your Cc at article of equal al e, Freeof | of ¢ em whine; in coming to a spot of lodg- 3 . yess * al wh t £ Fir 1 re. } WB “wa sin . : i i 3» re - i - \ . x ato. . this Spring Now we had already passed prices; at aboutt bhrices ome of ourdeanl- HOOP SKIRTS, | Ives at the lowest brid “atm at ABITS SOAP, Ww m Ten and Ke- Ost | 3 . i ! - t . ‘# - ; + 4 YT 3 e's jay fol them in th fester n InarKkels, ! - 10 ‘Q ! . 1} W IN \ W 11 SU NN OHs, oll e SOR, Dob Lins RORY) » Je a Ager t want “ ik ra y he rey aie and fe- ed grain, th ¢ driver can change the out, of a oeauntiiul spring of fresh Ante? hen we! : ap it a ws = Onklev's Sons, old enstile, pure, P wim soap, male for the best One Dollar Ps: awnbroker's 3 ! 1 3 : : i P, (x, Fu ANCISUUS, } oh ~ Hie bie We It * arke { .y t : 3 . “ . enjoyed the berries, and moving dow VOR | : : the best and cheapest ite the market | widerling s soap, and a wy variety of | Sale in the ¢ Sunt ry. Sen a for Circular. he machine in an instant, without ste fivg . : . » } & . i \ » . # he * * THOMPSON & CO, a, .“ : ld ~ LEN, at whioltkale and retail, cheap, SON DS, Ht | we dircovered a by "wh . EET A AINE FYE % » AK NN i : yn . . . ‘(KR . ( WF SHALL RY 1 KE: RA RTI(! LAR } hiv RAS IN & VW I J.S( IN. B1 R NN] DE & THOM AS. aplo Hm, 20 ir or st. Boston, Mass, the team, varving the stuble from 1 fo 14 we could have ta RL some relies, which stock; a large portion of my stock is iterhon CARE TO MAKEIT AN UBJECT { apli os, ! : were to us, and 95 doopt would have heen | ted direet from Liverpool by me, and is of- 82.» | i § gl Rhee market prices paid for all hd inches at the outside of the machine, as well 1 i s : * { , T 13 I ERY imcladi ’ nd < of con r roy wf . : : to many others, of great eurtosity. Leaving | fered at much less than usual rates. { ’ ! JM NE I. ABLE CUTLERY, including Kin country produce, at . E 3 8 Chg : : | ated for Wi Nd Wi Ls ro BURNSIDE « THOMAS. | y ) as on the inside. Jt is constructed of first a HE «3d apo, IRWIN & WILSON, {| — : ou . vhere we could take 2 Tiewor the val drt N Oo | | Whitman's celebrated confections NE 1 aterial: and built by £rst el : ' i : YALUCABLE BOOKS 3 - - - bw: te sos¥el owns : ’ class material; and bunt by first class ma- and not only its bills and vales—iir |) ALUABLE” BOOKS. ew Customers, | JOCK ET GUTLERY—all makes and | Whitman's celebrated chocolate, JOB PRINTING ! ; hors som ing grain . the stutolv wali (rood } (ks Are an indispensable NeCe=- | : ‘ ! prices af RW | AY & W l 1.S( IN " Ts cho oiate, Smith's: Cf +h oC ols We, ye chanics WwW © Warrap 't it s second to mang ; : : sity ir Overs analy not only for the hene- PF AS W ELL AS INVITE 01 R OLD anlreR, { ina (ring Ler, En: lish | 1 ke s I \RGE \\ D C n " - oF fit of grown poreons: bit ales for the wrones] FRIENDS TOGIVEUSACALL | .M gd | American Pickles, a « hk AND COMPLETE Il kinds of Horse powers snd Threshing ottage of the poor—the } © 7 8 Fak ann Je prop OUBLE ASD. SINGLE BARREL | BUR ASIDE « THOMAS, dnt ee ‘ . tran Her BPP rary } } \ ! : RTL t * . . f . ! tall steeples to ree nize the ( hurches of | trating ft I <= gen tion, Mr. I. api ox ly, W M WOLF. | ) fowln Fol Hand . “pe EE e Ik ! ; Dasher, of Centre Hall, is now selling the | + or mi on Bg, | Caploes, IRV IN & WILSON. | WHITE FISH, Herring, Mackernl: gc. at | & “ron FIRE INSURANCE CO. | = aplies, BU i NSIDE « THOM AS J AROMETERS and Thermometers at | = ) aplor, AIRW INE WILSON | « to realize that the gir was pleasai us to realize that the dir was pleasant the driver has under his complete control # : Ca . . designs snd most fashionable patterns, the Spring of gone-by resrs avd that the ; ! autizal pond. from which © 10,000 pieces of Wall Pager, all 65 tra new | this, we soon wi rived atthe te jr! f the moun- | F. (. FRANCISOUS, by the richer class of pred Machines, Hay apd Grain Rakes, latest im- 3 1 - * . ¥ : ea Penns-valley and the te wis of Boalesburg } & : aroved Ghd topairi , 3 and Centre Hall; but also the “iliage in- | following valtble works : 1 proved. All kinds of Repairing done. Dif . . 5 de ; enn J “ 3 | (AROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS! Dest | Y RA habited by our friends who do not Fnjoy | arge | f1ustrs ate vel Family Bibles; i OF NEW YORK, ESTARTLISHED IRS]. ( make at Inwivx & WILSON. | { EO. D. PIVER i } | | ferant kinds 2 $ xo A the pleasant Spring air, the warm ravs of Our Dep: ed Friends, or ( dory of | y | aplOox, i . A | \ I i A . 1 | op . ‘ PITA \’ SI'RP Td { ‘ X | the sun. They have no clock to tell them | the Immortal {afc 2 {CA AL AND Si RPI oy, Jan. }, | Pe arr ry . 9, a SRR | nit’ 1867, 8320.009.23 YOFFIN: TRIMINGS, 8 large assort. | 0 the hours of Spring, Sufnnter, ‘Autumn and | Smith's Bible Dict {fonary OD, my i ymtd, ment at Frwin & WiLsoN's, * b a} 1H) 6X, i i i Winter. They never have a grain to sow 5 War Between the States by A. H. | Ref in Phitadelndi ND - . ' . teiereneces 10 roiarirer panier, or reap. Inthe winter their houses are cov- Stephe ns, H. YVettetlein & Co. 111 Arch Streot. { AND BELLS and DOOR BELLS. . FYRY mow soa These works o Te aru theft weizht | Feavord & Sniith, 19 & 21 South Water St. res and kinds at PI OW é ASTING Establi shinent, d x. i all si . - oa a . ingly dead grass—in Summer with g®en | in gold, al should he found in every \ be Fino Bro 01S, Delaware Av. | an VOR, Inwiy & Wison's, | }§ thie place to buy for salt by Ikwin & WiLsoN The Celebrated Heckendorn Economica Erass and flowers. Their marble doors are | family. : Mur. NS, I Caldwell & Col8322 Chesnut Street, | \ = ree . yi TE aD S 14 fe S LIF LA | ap VOOR ’ : : Dasher avill shortly call Heiry M Phillips, Ks 0 126 South Sixth st. | RY Be, ARDY, Plank and Scantling always shut. All the village lie asleép upon the ettizens of this vicinity, when | | [ye PRAT RYT aa = | MANNED TOILET SETER. AND STOP MT ROBBER | INSURANG & oil | TAPANNED. TH LET SE i. AN : [ 0) other Japanned ware, at the Aifvil Store, That village Soon will hold = all. With ] none shold fairl fos arilyse I ihe this view we also saw and conversed about | Do vou ask, what re rr? Why. Fathe MH LaplO'es Irwin & Witsons, ) { it robber 2 Why, Father ¢ OF NEW YORK RLISHED 18% | a] ered with snow—in t ¢ Spring with appear- THE CENTRE HAL i R E POR TER. plow which has given entire satisfgetion, 7 r f D li ; G 0 0 DS Printing Office, patterns are all new apd Of the roost improv- CAPITAL ANT in PLUS i OOKING-GLASS PLATES of all sizes ; Ys or sale by Inwix & WiLsoxs, Pa i ane. oP Specifications l for sale by NTH ed plans. Plars, Specifications and Draw- ned u HE CAN'T BE STOPPED, 1867, 82,005.70 64. Ap10ER, CENTRE HALL, PA. that he might haye a correct view of Jesus | what then 2 His . a large Sveamore tree, from which 1 have : : ; We employ the best Patternmakers, our in days of other years, plucked syeamores, ! I | hough the leafless tree was nol an object i Time, of course, who is stealing the color of great curiosity, neither was it the syca- | from millions of heads o f hair. Alas! more tree which Zaccheus elimed up into ravages can be repaired References in Philadelphia, ings farnishied for all work done by us as He passed through Jericho on His last IN LESSTHAN TEN MINUTES. J. Patterson, President, Western Bunk > : : With facilities for all kinds of Printing Wo b : : 5 : . | 9 t Ph, 7 J oa ‘ , ; Po » B H We 3 a ak journey to Jerusalem, where He went to It is soon done, No trouble no danwror of Hon. A. Mc Inty re, late A ss.. Treas. r y. | > i : r y 1 2 ) x het] Plai Oo yg a Re re Opt by strict attention to bus. take of the feast of the passover Hic: : r . ; Jay Cooke & Co , 3 \ whether ain or Ornamental, from the : r . : partake of the feast of the passover; but it | injuring the fbers, Not a stain. iy Co We § So% Co z TC — i A ( | i " ness to receive a sharg of public patron: ge. . . T Forks A . Aa s» Pan « " o< QS Qanher, TCO 0, i 4 x 3 : : aid Timm } he fag thal Jos CRISTADORO’S HAIR DYE Stuart & Bro. : smallest Label to the largest Poster. We was hice pon earth, but has ascended to confers a superb black or any shade of The law wkjer whic h the eo ompany is Cor, of Penn and St. Clair Stifcect Fléaver! and is now the only source of true . i ' Yuvn Veabd Fi Va ndediti : < : . . : Fldaven' « sn > the y 8 D y | brown with all but miracalon ti iditv I's Dh arte il prov ides HY nt if the ( Capity al we heard the loud crack of a discharged DR. 8. I. T Ss fords this safeguard to Polic 'y-holders, : 3S C d discovered close by uv; Cukin'S PULMONIC LaFE STRED The amopnt of Profits since the establish- | PRACTICAL BUSINESS COL. gun, ana ( hi close 2 UE, tuasm'n. J 1: NIC LIFE SYRU] ) ment of the ompat Wy, ap portioned to the LEG E D. 5. partly hid: from our view by u large FOR THE CURE OF ¥ olic v-holders in present cash, value, was ire. I presinne his objeot in thus follow | INCTPTENT CONSUMPTION, Corns SHON, Judy in adelion dheretn, ir : aviin bina ol am . ps . ‘ POM aR aE . . v1 In rest at the rate, of. sig per cent p 1 us, was tohave some fun in frightening ( PR Oro 3p, ABE Paver (4 inte | p und interest at ' | 5 1 y TE TS se i i ing us, i n ghtening Col bi , Erolp, ! HD Liver Complaints’ per annum, up to the dtl’ of March, 1865, | FIFTEEN TITOUSAND STUDENT y FEY Y (4 And we féel confident we can give entire us. We met another spring, and following | Dyspepsia, and Genkral Debility. For | when the last dividend was mado, | « AY | 5 | i ( PN ~ &( ) only-a few steps the little stream flowing | several vears I have bien ureed by kind O. BARDENWERPER, Gen'l. Agent, | Front TRirtv- Thee: Stated in Te 1 4 : rgd satisfac tion to all who may | : 8 3 ged b, 490 W fel ib | From Thirty-Three Sfates mm Ter from it, we suv and killed two water snakes, | friends, who have used, ahl’ bien benefited No. 422 Walnut Street Philadelphia’ | : Yc LIS, 7 I and also found ant plucked some beautiful by, my Life Syrup, to put it up for general Isa aC H. sure, Agent at Belt Joule, Q 1 ) EUS AS AL L The Company announce to the citizens of Potter township, t that they are now prepan in the Tnitad Sta ed to furnish upon sho rt notice, and as low mn 16 L'NIed tates, 8 as elsewhere, every articla in the line of TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE. sweetly scented flowers, which were almost : hid from our view by the leaves that once clothed the tall trees with beauty, but were niped with the frosts of Autumn, and had fallen und covered the green moss carpet, and small flowers that grew along the little stream that flowed frem among the rocks. We journied on to another spring, where we for a short time enjoyed the moss carpet —the ever green spruce and sweet pine. A little farther east we descended the moun- tain, met and gazed upon another pond. Arrived home at eleven o'clock, thinking, if in the short time of two hours so much could be seen and le: arne d of the flee ting moments of time—the power and divinity of God; how mach might be learned in a life-tiane, of perhaps three score years and ten, K.A 8 Potters Mills, April 23, 1868, sale; big few know thé large eXPenze, now that the country i= flooded with patent Medicines,” which attend the same. For years past I” was reluctant to do so, 23 the capital required would be large, and 1 did not wish to curtail the operations of my Venetian Liniment business, But, thanks to the generous publie, who have appreci- ated'my Venetian Einiment, Fam now able to do so without any detrivient to my large business in that medicine, . The foundation my of success I attribute to attending to the manufacture of every drop myself, and shall do the same in regard to my Pulmo- nic Life Syrup. The Ingredients are per- fectly harmless, but act .on the Lungs and Liver with astonishing effect, Price 70 cts. Depot, No 86 Cortlandt Street, New York, near Jersy City Ferry. Sold by the Drug- Sha erate and S {(PPNOTS] = . ai 5 x { Ad zes, at the sign of the A yvil, an 10°68, brow re & Wren, Bo. ALTS for Bug ei "Ar a Carringes, all sizes inoue; Fire Bolts, ditto, at apl0' 68, In WIN & WiLsow's. TrUFF ALONCAL BS. of the host make, » from 4 Hs up to [0.000 The. aplO68, Inwin & WiLson., P BRBLOR COOKR'STOVES Parlor Stoves, and four sizes of Gas. Burners const: wntly on hand and for sule at aplU'68, Tewin & Wirsan's, HO BLANKETS AND SLEIGH BELLS 3 at low prices, at up 1008, Irwin & WiLson's, in use of InwinN & WILSON'S. ap liek, CB Containing full Yinfortpatior,; Outiine of Course of Study, saqiptes of Cowley's . Waving just returried from the eity with PRE MIT MW PENM ANSAIP, +a large assortment of carefully selected v iew of the College Building. a iffe wroht | ress the Principals, Viti & COWLEY. Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, ete. 1 aplO 68 1y, Pittsburgh, Pa. ! can offer inducements to you which you 4 OUSEK EEPING Hardware of ail may not be able to receive at other places. kinds at reduced prices. Oil Car- : i r nr tn rors) dn a a i 2) come per yart. | The stock was bought at the very lowest im Cups (0 cents Bers 0Ze > . : Li (+. FR Axe ISCUS __| prices, and I feel confident that if you > FS i y . . . 1 50) Puirs of Window Sh ades, all new I should favor me with a call, we will be mu- styles and new designs, done up ’ . she a ans ros ; . in Moon an the Lake, 8 nd Bisma irek, and tually benefitted. Room No. 6, Brocker- Gold Collors, with Cord T assels, &c., al : Hes | holt Row, apl7 es ly. > G FRANCISCUS Stove-Pipe ioe and Spouting. “All kinds of repairing done. They Neve: always on hand BUCKE TS, curs, DIPPERS, DISHE S, &0 All orders bs mail promp tly attended to. CENTa: HALL MF'G com P. aplyog,