D'K KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor: STICK HAY.L) PA, FRIDAY MAY, 1368. A ———— - ERR TOT. . rer "RMS The OC 'oR- VITLRINI YY TY TERMS. —The Centre Haun Re ADVERYISEMEN ren ip pblished weekly, at $1, AM) per yenr Tdvance; and SK) when not paid in NEW advance . \dvertisements are inserted at S10 per square (10 lines) for 3 weeks, Advertise. ments for 1 vear, halt year, orthree months t un less rate Joh-waork, Cas hh 8 IME. COAL AND LURXBER. lL best Wood and Coal be had : the Bellefonte in Kilns, I'ike le i Lon r lo Mileshiire, at the ITICeS, We are the only parties in { Fama who burn in Patent tb ani which pRodiess the hg a White Wash Plaster offe ! to i trade The bt Nh d WW kos! \ Anthrecite ( val, all sizes, prepared tN ly for family use also Silver B bry conl, at the lowest J Also a lot of first and WOO boards, brosxd rails, paling, plaste cing lath for sul cheap, : Oh e and yard, near Nowth end Bagle Valiey RR, Perot SHORTLIDGE, & RR 1 £ »y nly aS vy. peice ts . ' Apes, 1a FRIDAY, MAY 1: THI KIRBY pi 3 3 + - . s To Farmers, who are in want ™ FOR and Reaper, will do well {or oN I Rarby: fend for & des HON: CHARLES E. r call on Tid Pens SHORTEADGE & 8, Xeents. Fou Bellefonte, Pa. | y apli 6x dm, ats against t dred sad twenty p E3) J ose nl 1 Ris hel. avable in nine n ¥ 4 Ris havi g reeoived hie fort BY SX l refuse to pay it, unless compe Jed by law, HENRY KEEN, Pent W ARP! TIN WAR] }.! J. REIBER, urnt Li on lowest i ‘entral All Kiln, | pedi | aha Lots) mae amokin Pall rook prices, CENTRE HALL REPORT] HRATICOSTATENOMINATIONS of a GENER BOY LI, AUDITOR AL arintive ( if 3 ' FOAL TION. FAR SURVEYOR GENERAL: All persons: are hereby utioned “x Ta . rete: . SAY the purchase of a note for one han- GEN. WELLINGTON H. EN five de lars given by $e Sle Wn. Jay Le 187 ns, withoyt 3 the } ¢ aiid * lv mt € Sapenitn Crest, a——— Ton. —We last week mache Hon. John WOre Niis- Cornu on ot the death of Walls, of Lewisburg, We informed, 24d hod learn that Mr. Johnson Walls, algo a citizen of that place, who had died. nt nt n tw. me ap v1, ae. TEN IL Wus prominent apnounees {or fhe citi; ens of ry ot | { notes, afd as article mm the line Respectfully P. tter township, that be is o_firrnish upon shortest heal as elsewhere, every of Tiii and Sheetiron Ware. STOVE-PIPE SPOT Ras AT Kinds of repair ing done, He has; W avs, on hand buckets, ¢ ups, dippers, y Xc., &C. SILVERPLATING dred iu the 8nest and most Give him a eall, His char aplUes 1, £3 WN I - el lp Ape Bill Armstrong for Congress Again. A writer In Ei Lock Haven Re- publican brings ford fan Wo H. Arm- <trone, of Williams port, as a fit person = .« 3 ule ll= to receive the next republican nomi- or buggies exe Jurable styl ges are reasonable H FARMERS. LOOK HERE. | nation for congress, in this district This ix the ‘when =n same Armstrong who, of the congressional member leeislature, framed this district for {his own especial purpose, but never ihe HIN yet sueceeded In ¥CMIET REA. Feprose nt cieht | Her GET THE VALLE (‘ongrees; for the last years he haz beer defeated—ert mn oetting nomi mated, Hale * ¥ his CRATICES, A : YT he nomination. or, when PER & MOWER fata b . iit ¢} : } 3 ated al fie Balla OX, hed F Wil, 1 } } ( cerrvmander the and \ | . Hl RKRiIWAYVS Sp = y Arm could » {1a- strong Chat couldn't make and 1 ean be \ppeal he wont die, but will pop up | mile | gain for another heat. ¢ latest inven- il ! democrats carried Chicago last “the district ii : irate a olorticd » how much | things iit to secure his election, 1OWer, ent, one when in op- | The week, by 900 majority, a cain of 4,000 Epa wr ation weighs on ¥ Sh pounds, ta o-wheel mae hin, ane warranie ¢ last year. dl soli Laying the Wires. Patriot i aninst | t Under thie above head the & Umion, show that the fichf Andy” ix wot that Siren Hits Hi a whadk €hemever J Poet BHGGILR] “our vet af 20 cud, and | J:1). e HER all kinds of f Bu prTins, Ww fie citizens of Contre co Mernay, Hu pn fa furer aA. Py : i HOUT ix i! : i tful i he gots 8 chance: Ime that We take pleasure—ereat ease 6: | Cin announecine to the Radicals of Penn- svlvania, and we do so in advance, least three davx, of the is it?” hand NEW BLY 4 k at with and withonf top morning “what sold at reduced conable eredit Ive Two Horse Wagons, Sprisg Wagons Le, made to order. and warranted to eve faction in every respect. All nds of re pring done in short ne all and see his stock of Buggies bhe- Sh elsewhere. ap lu 68 tf {i T NATIONAL BANK OF Belief which Brees for cash, 1 arnel and our neighbor the | Jack Heistand, Hon. Ale X. M ( hh ire On his dri, VIsItd (dl ~Cn- | ] V hit- HNOTOSS . vr $3 111] way, inant with “pica fo f . = ator Cameron at his rooms at fice, for ney's Hotel, Washington { i{v | day morning at ten o'clock, ‘ixely. Sa? : 5 . We are thus exact, beeamke the visit | has more han ordinary significance in nte, Pa. i =, i. . ay it—hecauge, mm foet, it has extraordina- em I't that Curtin and ALLISTER HALE £4)) (LATE HUMES, M« . . . & haan 1't Yows, if it 1 [for- i "hr nenee 1s FTV Sif E.C. Humes, Prest. = J. P. <hows arfvilintg: This Bank is nov pose of Banking ands ted States! % ; nie a wl by, th Unes, : ale ¢ O,.. Wi ye ft nAtoTrity, Suse sUhB > Lo ‘hee b= of depos its i "«ioht as Ustad on pres { urtns fat dontatian at the counter of the said First Na- tional Bank. , Particular attentiofy given to the purchase ind sale of Government Sec UT | HY orgini rofl for r the la RRIS, i oY a 11: . . » the ney = alliance of offence and d ws of the I= about beine torn to shreds in this visit | } . . . . cy . » : MeAll of their bie Daniel to the Lion's den? ana ix sealed, and <o is For- | for the like | ney's! ('urtin’s f Vice Jarry Cornwall's aspirations Presidency have died out, “Hope of a gay to- And For- it ney’s éweer look fora seat in the Sen- Apl0 68: resident. morrow which never came.” R 4% ICGERT, Cashier. | ate bis drawn tears from ILLIKEN, IOV ER & 6 CENTRE CHF TY BARKING C0. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, A. sal And Aw Interest, 11 Discount Notes, Buy And Sell | Government Securities, Gold and Cou- | pons, ap yO 6S, J OHN D. WINGATE. ? amb. Office on Northwest corner of Bis hop and | Spring st. At home, except, perhaps, the | fir st fw weeks of every month. x Teeth extracted without pain. Be Ae fonte, Pa. ap lO 6a te y D. NEFF, M, D,, Physician and | Burgeo, {enter Hal , Pa, Offepe 1 lis professional services to the eiti- | 1 gens of Potter mpd adjoining townships, | hi TE hy oR N . ! H EXRY, wA he RERIHOFF, « P.M President, hig obfusea- ted vision, and he will never he able to cee—more than of the lars. Taylor's certificate | Thousand Dol- The triumph ix complete—the of the =it- | missing Forty reat Winnebago is master uation, More than this. The Hero of Snick- ersville, whose aspirations for the Vice | D. 8. p rezidency were so incontinently nip- ped inthe bud hy the “Soldiers” Friends” | arrived in Washington City on Satur- | day, (close in the wake of his petition, | | to Cameron for the transfer of Stanton | | from the War to the Treasury Depart- | wurs with the skeleton Secretary in ig fortress—subsequently smoking a calamat with the Big Injin., What | vidos tha 2 Mer ly that C urtin is not Pras Hays Hip Dr. Neff Lge the ex epiphone af 21 yegesin We acbine praatice off Medivine nid Bir aory:, ily RETH 68 1y, I PLO RANE AL BBAVER. Wik IETER § BE soni x = A 2 VELA: 14 ar VE op SER to be fuasiished with (35 as a salve for dis certain defeat for the 2; foi Pp erin a | nomination at Chicago, and that Stan- ton must take that place to make way for the Winnechago as Secretary of War, It’s all mapped out and written down, and it cannot be otherwise, for did the Great Corruptionist ever fail to his bribes or believe his promises? ito ie, MI TO HE £ i nay 5 Bet] tefopte, Ce uty re. AT TOR NEY at Pa. ap 10°68, oO ALEXANDER, y Atorney-at-law, Toh (+ aplO' G8. DAM HOY ATTORNEY AT-LAW $}ffice on Hi; gh Street, Bellefonte " ap G8 tr Jellefonte, Pa. when there was scoundrels accept $2 2 Public Plunder. Xt Edward M'DPherson, Clerk W lich of 231 wonld he funiltless in style, 134 iy oetitvo volume PRICK, if it HR figurative, es 8 #ERle- ment of il VE Pheer wu resolution of the Horse of Repre- the 4th day of [N42 which requires “that the the the contingent expenses of the Rep of connnunicates m obedience INC Of {on sentatives passed on ¥arch, (‘lerk deliver to the postmaster of 3 A ir. 3 4 .)» . ! MISC Suen Kanda and quantities of s'o- as to time {rome {or foeconut 3! : ONery tine may he NECeSSATY the use of the Honse! keeping an of the same, and slzo of the quantity and value of that (Clerk's and that, ased in the office : in the annual reports RAY Fe quired by law to be made bs the Clerk, showing the amount ¢fexpenditure from { of urately and dis- the contingest fund he House, he he required tO stile aed wntity and cost of the sta- hy the House and the Clerks office sepa All this is brief’ communication of Mr. M Pherson's novel, and the remaining 230 pages ave tinctly the tionery used rately.” tacodk IN] very on the fr pact filled with figures which will convey a It would take a good accountant a week to add up this Mders “Stationery.” hill, and whether it amounts to mit amd, of dol- one-half, or only hundreds of thousands lars, 9 items show that full and nrobably two thirds of these oh ire downright swindlers upo? the iri's Radicalism and robbery are synony- mous terms, The present hill of the House for the mere item of “statiowers” ww only for a It does not include any of of he pay of members, privting Put mostly single year. 1 i: the large | House—tl cgitimate expenses the the mere cartage of documents, Rradical electioneering pamphlets prin- ted at the of amounts to 85.56 a vear. expense fhe people, ol) thie tage covering 11,151 loads of trash Ciar- the Thom- ax IL. Beaton and J. B. Clark, “trooly the artiel have Mf the lot” of course, carting loads.” iON of really furnished to (My a members of the 1. House, it is probali Nat nearly every member fitends to set u ip A shop at the close of his term 's a Rep- ression 4,741 In a single vidting cards, monograms, and paper collars and cui; not only for the member, but for their present use and for several years to come, Ft should be remembered that CVETY menrber all the stato nervy hie meds with money for the Thereare now 190.1 which he draws express pur- pose. members and n Territories in the House, In a single vedr secording to M'Pher- th costine K2 53 cso members used 726 84: 1.039 costing S0.- 01's rommce, - ¥l ink- pens, stands, 2 726 pernknives, and H27 51,044 39. are b porte-monnies, costing tionery ir-brushes, natl-hrushes, Martinique snuff’ by the bottles, kid Phe Kid-glove business is one all the dozen cork-screws and and Fnrial” of a Representative, there EH ore] twenty-five and ‘costing 8762, o Other “stationery” | pears im round charges for coffee-urna, sauce-pans, broilers, flour-sifters, and It may be remarked fine There is gearsely a week when hig bill for two or three thousand Arms of the House, has a very dollars does not appear, and his “tra- alone would cover the entire cost of the British ian expedition, veling expenses” Abyss Columns could he he bare-faced: swindling manifest in 1st of the contingent expenses of the House. Prominent among these swindles is the outrageous one of sum- moning witnesses before gome commit- from New Orleans or Al- aska, and paying them for their testi- mony at the rate of $200 or £300 ach, under pretence that traveling expenses cover the bill. Every “loil” loafer in the South who went to Wash- tee or other to heg for - 1 ‘e . 4 or tee lia about his neighbors, Radical dirty-work agent, was sum- moned ax a witness and was roundly member, too, that this gigantic swin- of the of perpetrated hy the To the old eant ery dle Is Olle least thoxre con tantly prety in power, support the Government, of Radicalism, means being supported by the country, at the expense of the people, and right Ix from the Treas ury stealing 85,000, If there were neoth- er reason for ridding the country the now dominant party, mofiees should The entire revenues of the ceonomy alone prompt and compel it, country are not suflicient {» pay ex- penses of the Government and at the same time to fill the pockets of the thieves who are ptunderivy the publie Treasury. ) a Mr. Wm. Wolf from Hall, is now canvassing the lower town- near enn ships gr Nd Iweit subscriptions fon t be following interesting works, viz: Alex. H. Stevens’ War the States: Dictionary of the Bihle™:; “Dr. Family Receipt Book,” uahle “The “Smith's (Chase's and other val doubly the price and should he found in every family, Mr. Wolf has engaged in this business fox the Benefit of his health, and we ask for encouragement of all may call. reat Ww ork, Between works, which are worth impaired him the kind 0 upon whom he PR RE — TALY. Tue Maneiacror Prince Hoven. Froraxce, April 22—The marriage tn i Italy, with the his of the ang of Margaret, at the Chaple tive Princess CONLIN. took to-day Turin Kjpz Vietor Emanuel th Fredrick Willipny, of N apoleon Roy al im A rown Prince Pru Prince and the Marie Cl; tilde, and a great 1 i nota les were present. Gres ’ 1 forthe : id en the Prince and his wife vi» Brrw i of i [1 Di<rimi EN DDENdiink AND Prussia, April, 16. Prenmark and Prussia territory In ap) 1 AR ever iE ™} — 1 he nes COPENITAGEN, relative to the disputed narent 8 Bh] Ih of certain fi and territories by Benmndk alt . A mvzaterious robbery occurred at No. sometime during Tu the banking-office of Tanner & Co, My Wall street, day night or early vesterday morning. A tin bo<, (r- eptaining 833,000 in ten afternoon were found missin « when a clerk went A detective was de tailed to look after the case. Up to a late hour last night ne traces of the thief had been discovered. Pp» - W . ) gens » » mn * ] . "We | »] \ OF} Rt NAW AY.~—Two 10150: belonging 11. 1.. Dieffenbach, : farted and running with great fury down the residence of S. 1. Ball. his head and dropped dead almost instantly. The other horse was badly knocked up, Lut not pe: srmanently or The « ed no serious damage. — Republican. arriage suffer The Canadian authorities have found saves he saw the shot fired Arey MeGee, He has but feels confi- killed D vet seen Whelan, that Roberts and’ Scott, murderers, escaped from the jail at Springgeld, Ohio, on Tuesday nicht. Montana, for Patan n, frony Sam F The steamer gailed yesterday with 8679,0000 in treme, which is for Mew Yor?’ FANCISCo, Directions to Correspondents. A perplexed proof reader sends us the following hints and suggestions to newly fledged authors; The pretty well understood and practiced " pers, may prove useful to voung be- following instructions, thongh amateur correspondents of newspa- FINNers, When addressing the public through the columns of a ne WHR DET for the fiat time, it i advisable to state paper has the largest circulation of any paper in the United States; and if the citizens of the writer's locality were . .® * $ deprived of its use for a side hour, a revolution would immediatel v be set on foot.—Désides, whether be true or false, the editor and the pu lie believe it. Communications shonld he written sheet, and overrun- should he he lines with a pencil of the =ame on both sides of ning matter written across color. Correspondents whose communications have beem rejected when written on one ride only may now learn the necessity of adhe arine to this rule. It is immaterial what kind of paper i= used when writ- Whether using pen or pencil, the writer 1= usedk, thorreh tissue. ting for a daily paper should mnvia- that the compositor mav with the least difliiew]- riably srease the paper well, {v make out the writing. When writing on a supject that is thor, at least every other word should he italicised. This should be done to develope the humor of the compositor unusu; ly —a class of me n grave and indis sposed tO SW Rr, W hen a correspondent 8 dizposed to be jolly avd wants to “crack a joke” the sentence containing the joke should be put in italic capitals, precebed and followed by three exclamation points otherwise it might pass unnoticed, and the world would remmin in unhappy irmorance of the talents of the writer. initials should be made precisely alike long lists of names occur, I like e, aud reve ' ihe | -When should be writen neither we dotted. hike t, names should be writen in fu!l and no hound nade aml crossed, punctuation marks uszed.— YW hen mid- dle names are not spelled out, the ini- tin ls should cli S Ay be run 5, possihle. True, this may but fashion issuperior {o 1 tle. rules not only secures acc uracy in print, but promotes a spirit of piety printers amd proof-readers, N. B.—This iz sarcasm. a Suppose a man owns a kkifl’: fastens the skiff to the shore with a rope made of straw, along comes a cow : COW into the boat, refs catsthe rope; the skiff’ thus let loose, Now got to pay man the the for cow 12 drowned. has boat. or the man that owns the boat “Are you not alarmed ta the ap- said a ! i { | | | { | | | | i | | i | { i { r= with the queen ot terrors; the King can’t be much, worse.” A. RB. Mans Ofrleans yesterday, charged w ith com- icld was arrested i New Star, insured for 100.000. delegntes to the Chicago Clon- to any road they The vention are receive free passes apd 1 ! ( ‘hicago over may t. A freight Railroad ran into a rock slide, day, Westmoreland, Mass exploded ; the engineer, George Wright wae killed, Columbus, O., April 15.—The Senate agreed to the “Visible Admixture bill,” a law. cwgine on the Ri Pare near antl it iz now It prohibits per- ood . v i . cong with any mixture of negro blood A Baltimore prayer meeting held persoiis’ at Red'Roeck Ranche, in the Major Henry I2. Robinett, First United Stats Infantry, committed sui- cide yesterday 1 in New Orleans, The world has lost 1,743,491 men in battle since 1854. The deaths of three persons from in- | temperance, of seven persons from burns or scald: of nine persons from the mouth of the Mississipi is again filling up with the mysterious mu lumps which annually appear, At Fort McPherson, on February and two scalped. | tion, and of two persons who were killed | by horses or vehicles inthe street, were registered in London in a week, It cost $40,000 to recover Maximil- | iam’s body: SR Ber TRAST pe ae Tog Wangs Jaran.—A War Cxists in state of Japon and the Princes Satsuma and ¢hosin, vith (bet PB, Fg-fag All the parts of Japan are for the Tyeoon ; the South and West for the rebels. Ox the 31st of January, escaped on board the [roquiois., Coon adherents, A fter went and that afternoon few hours, he on board his frigate, of fir broken amek shift for flames, themselves, Ozaca was castle and fired it, burning up, sail, could not escape, . after the embark- all ahout the city threaten All the ters excepting the English and French, | NS. Steamer. During the delay on shore, by the guile, Moos Hr . . : Fhe next morning ation, fires wi Te Seen vhich seemed if its lors to bring down some of the archives The ~ pelled to fire on the erowd to themselves, mob and wennded several more. large “saw-pans” boats loaded with the or four or native Tyeoon’s woun- ded, came down to where all the Dr. Willis of the English legation dressed there deserted by their attendants, their wounds whic h. hs ul been untouch- ed, ond all the fore deners did ali they They nese man-of-war in the roadstead. ministers #H landed at Iicogo and es- tablished themselves in the ecustom- comfortably until the 5th, an Ly hy ’ 1 Tn. «I , party of the Prince of Bizan's 150 braves, and at least men amounting to about with a musket, a spear, two swords apiece, », and two three small or oe wheels, and placed in a sort of sedan ens nme es ememm The counting of the votes in Georgia is progressing, and the Democrats feel —- Mtl lf assem Pars elaims 1,780,000 people. There are 700,000 gas lights inPhik VENDERS OF MERCHAN- DISE in Centre county for eur 1868, BELLEFONTE BOROUGH. Class, 14 14 10 Lic's store > J H Sands bakery, 7.00 Loeh Mav & Loeb store — —- — 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 store FN Wilson store George W Patton jewelry m McClelland store I & J Harriz store rh dh Sd hd pd 10.00 25.00) 15.00) 7.0%) = £X) 7.00 i —— ww ery store . » J B Awl store store David M Wagner store Hoffer Bro store dh So —— —— ah — — 20.00 =) Burnside & Thomas store Edward Graham & Son F H Kinslee A Sussman tk al ET - ve od td 4 7 10 25 i “a (! Derr store Adam Herkimer bakery Vo TY i A LL Td Oem Lo ee Harper Brothers store John Brackbill store dd pd dh Sd nh Sd — store od Sd Shortlidae & Co; John Zimmegnmian . BANKS OF DISCOUNT Reynolds & Co — — 20 14 11 14 tevnolds mill T R Reynolds & Co mill Humes & Co Spring tp mill 15,00 J M Wagner & Co BILDIARD TABLES. CT Stoneroad 3 tables Henry Kline 3 tables BOGGS. Linn & McCoy store J B& AG Curtin store BENNER. Peter Kerlin store Christ Dale ill Henry Brockerhoff mill BTKNSIDE. J Gaines store 7.00 David Betts store : 7] ; CURTIN. Weber & Singer store” Kline & Bechtol . Sys FETC i SON Grey & Wilson store J B Ard store J B-Ard mill P Lytle & Co store ol M Lore 7 Ri 7,0 | —t rn - - — -c —- wisfe)=~} I 1 c . Jil R88] | Thomas Bollinger & Bro store Shorh Stewart & Co { Shorb Stewart & Co mill W E Birchfield eonifeet GREGG. J B Fisher store i Fisher & Gettig store su RH Dune wun & Co store ' RH Dunc mri tJ B Fisher mill aL HAINS Jacob Snook store | Weidensall & Speiglemyer tok: 14 X 13 12 HH 42 ke 'M M Musser store «© Myer & Mingle store Thomas Yenriel stors ** HUST ON. Joseph F Williams store J 1 Tompson store | Isane Richards mill Joseph R Shatfer store Hoover & Brother store HARRIS. : 5d Price store | Geo Jack & Son store i Daniel Hess slope Jacob Myers mill John Reamy mill | Samuel H Stover stord John From store JH Hahn & Uo store Jozeph Potter mill FC & G Wasson store | C & M Houser store | Thompson McFarland & Co Bank discount apt Moses T hompsost mid J H Mattern & Brother store HALLF MOON. | George Gates mill Thomas M Way mill James Love mill NS Thompson & Co store Henry Adams store { Isaac Fisher store d ¥ Gray & (Co store Hotter & Swyers store i Robert Cook stare Balzer Weber store James Mahaffey pat medicins Jos seph Dwi ing store Lucas & Bro store a HOWARD TP, | Howard Son & Co store W L Gordon mill LIBERTY John Brickley stare ' B&F D Ligett mill - ! Quigley Croskey store ;. | MARION. | Best & Bro store Jacob Hoy mill MILES. Andrew Ocker store I. CC Paliman store . Simon P Walt store a N A olf &( 0 mill | Frank & Paines store J.D Crawford ill Henry Kramer store T N Wolf store David Walker mill | Jacob Wolf mill J H Hahn store { CG Ryman store | C L Green store ' Shope & Weaver store J B Hahn store P Tipple store Win Cook store HT Ryman store as PEXN. eesman & Compble store | Smith & Musser store Jno D Foote store Alexander & Son store Jacob Kisenhout store Ertel & Curstetter store Dan W Zeigler store David Finkle mill Jonas A F ry store Davil Ertle store 3+, POTTER. W J Thompzon& Bro store Wm Wolf store C F Herlacher store James; Battan I> D Brisbhin store A A Kerlin store Jacob Strohan store: W J Thompson & Bro mily John Allen mill Pe Tor Ruble mill Mattrn & Bro store : PHLLIPSBU RG. | Harper & Atherton store Thans M Way store XS Dubree & Ce store Smith Robinson & Co store James. A Ganoe store CH Moore store —————————— [a ~~ ry rnd - a ua - - 2 ww we a Td “ . wn — ane 14 12 14 13 12 I 13 12 13 14 11 13 14 4 14 14 bk th bk bd dh sd . gy ht Lowe BO dn BOBO C0 SE 34 14 14 3 133 12 11 11 14 13 Jamss Test store Geo Pp Zeigler & Co store J D MeGirk store David Ayers store Flagel & Ganoe store | H Smith store James G Wighanr store Thomas J Myers store Waener & Bro store Wagner & Bro taxtors J C Williams & Co store Michael Jacohs rtore Peter Swartz store: J Adelsheimer store A C Bumgardner & Co store Joa M Way store C Coplin & Co store J PP McClay & Co store A Montgemery store A T Bradley store 2 RUSH. eed & Co store do Williams agent ! Henry Richard store Perry Mattern store J D Simlar store Peter Smith Brewery J C Wason Bowling alley SP RING. [. Haas Brewery | Lawrince Macentyre store SNOW SHOE. ! May Loeb & Co store | Hoffer Bower & Co store A Chrisman & Son store John Uzzle Billiard 1 table TAYLOR. John Coppenchver distillery Wm Plumer store UNIONVILLE. Berry Rich store J&G Alexander store Cattow & Hurley store VORTH, | (Beckwith store | Batlpw & MoKemieé store { Jove Cam pbell store WALKER. Jon tins & Riddle store Hen ry Brown store Henry Beck store © James Gordon mill Yobinson & Shoef store Washington Iron Co B F Eddy 10 13 15 13 14 = 43 10 23 10 : 0 12,50 7 12,50 1.68 7.00 4 1 ), 0 7.00 10,00 12.50% 15:60 10,007, 10,067. 10,00 740% 12.548 10,60, 7.00 7.00 10 104 hd > 3 ot - as ~ a | -l q 3 ot - SZPTEF wl tadal elegy - Se Ed a. Jo Al ale o~ Jos — ee -y bod bond M 01
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers