© ENTI RE HA DS BER. FRIDAY, APRIL 15th : = 1808 DEMOCRATIENTATEY ov « . . A FOR AUDITOR HON. GHARI' FY af Ie GEN] RAL: ES £ BOYLE, L y County. yelt - YOR GENERALS FO SU EN. W IVES G NT Ear IN ho 2 ELLINGTON H. ENT Column oj tice (0 Hniy. re - - "we. ———— ARMS —T] ie price aper a8, pl wars amrint in sunseriplion ,o0 per year, in advance. FANorier. ~The subscription price of the RerorTER is 81,50 per year in advance, +1 which is less than that of any other of its size. cost, and therefore wish te remind our pat- rons that it is of great importance to us that payment be made at once. lia NEGRO SUFFRAGE DEFEAT MICHIGAN. On Tuesday on which the radicals were defeated in Connecticut, they defeat away out wm Michigan. of last week, the dav with another A state constitution had been formed, and met - ple for ratification. Th it contained some rather than to vote, and altho’ good features, negro suffrage, the people yct, of voted down the whole thing. another rebuke, and comes which last year gave the republicans 29 000 thousand majority. CONNECTICUT EL EC TION. In last week's REPORTER we chron- irom a state the gallant Democracy of Connecticut Gov. James H. Englisl state ticket carry by advodsed majori- Last year the vote Dem- 5, Radicals 46,589, maxing At the 1638 y and the entire ties. stood, ocrats 47,5 087 ids for Mr. English. recent election English received 1 majority We consider this glorious result a deserved and withering rebuke of rad- icalfem, New Eng land. ear now, | the people of this country and from % For one w co min he a le ave protested, through the bailot-box, volutionary course of the radicals ; for one whole year have they rolled up men’s bureaus and negro ill are deaf to these u m 3 {i OU rule, the radi mnistakable mutter- suffrace, and = ings of discontent, and even grow mac 1 . . . der and more reckless, in #pite of al Connecticut gives the radicals poor comfort in their scheme of impeach- ment. The great middle states, New York, them people. Pennsylvania pronounced ag Ohio h N Al and have rainst was washed her hands of Eng- tones. it. So has New Jersey. New atiseim, ean not follow to the Stevens and Will Congress ous extremes to which his crew are leading. take warning? Teli In the constitutional convention af Richmond, Va., on Tth inst., a resolu- lution was offered, prohibiting th tablishment of = IN eparate schools white and black children. the negro members of the convention to their fect, insisting upon the tion of the resolution, and declaring that if it the Virginia would vote against the rat cation of the Constitution. should have stated, constitutional convention, mn ot 1tifi- did not carry, liogzos This, occurred iu the evidence of how the blacks will use the power that has been by the radicals. When they can and hold the balance of power, Vy 1 tne Vo it £, . (I ~id in order to secure the black vot thus Ww ill ti i tate institations shall De shaped. e, and e blacks be enabled to « i whites how their laws This clear to any one. en opr i cies iy nl mre Shaeart “coptosted election case were concluded on Tuesday evening. to take time to: The arguments deliyered by Messrs, Mr, ¢ Shuganrt, hay 3 mented fv nls extraordinary legal abil- ity, and the learest and most forej! he common sense reasoning. — Put. &, Un. 16. . ee ep lee fp meee The General Bynod of tl Church have determined to establich phan’s Home at {.onisville, Per- ry Co., Pa., end hav nted Rey. J. P. Willard the Superintendent, The eastern Synod of the German i i xy an Orpha anpol of Church has eleciad Rev. a) . 1) 3 erhart, D. D., rita 1 s } 132.. Yara E 1 Reoiaxieral vrofessorsiiip of Lancaster aR PVR Lid BY FOUN i 1 Fh aura, PI'SL MORE DEMOQCRATIN RIES . ‘ x : We give the reaaers &{ hor string t 2) +3 Liat of f Demoeratic victories in this 1800, is working Impeachmoent fiture of radicalism, and the are impeaching the inpeachers in and corner N. Y., last cratic by 1X) majority. nook Kingston, week went Doemo- held in on Tth, the Democrats At the eharter election Rome, amo state, carried S00 majority. In Schenectady on Tth, , the rads were whipped to the tune of 70 majority, Che Democrats earvied Sandusky, on Tth 200 majority, In (1 on same day, i the I rats did by electing a portion AN moe nobly of their I< "innat city ticket by wmjority, Cincinnati an stronghold, I v 11} 1 ! + svansvitle, Ind., which for sey wal years been going republican, on the 7th elec 1 WY td the whole Demoeratic Leavenworth, Kansas, elected a Demro- Wi cratic mayor, on th, by from 400 to TJ ma jority—a heavy Democratic gain, = In St. Louis, on 7th, the Democrats made handsome gains. & lg ABuUsE OF GrrMANs, Inrsn Carnornics.— Whilst the hill throu ch 80 disgraceful lay evening, they became wi geer and hate fore igners with- Ou Friday, Philadelphia amend- discussion a simtlar John Hickman, of declared that “an intelli- was better ent'tied to the franchise than the Irish Coth- Landan, of the Senate, 1s re- orted as. saying that “the Negro 18 weir en tied to the elective france hse than an Iris ana; ' and Fisher, of the same body, is charged with declaring Democratic party was com- the ni whilst Thorns’ ment was under ene took place. tlouse, cent negro elective ole.” Lhd Pewng-bell wed lag tr heer T hese and of I CIN design of the Registry bill—an infa- £5 i of dist ranching not naturalized citizens pur pose the of hig hands and is poor. ~—Pat. &. Union. > p> 1868. in Camden, N. last Sat- of February, 1 and both buried mn one grave, NY 3: . . i nn] > wags Four dangerous (burglars), nen, in Philadelphia, last Sat- One of them, Geo Black, S03, ng pri roe (ie has signed the ill re- ff 1867. > 1 a of snow tell wv. (Geary lignor law 0 On 7th inst, nine inche at Concord, N. H. Fs Geary having vet ed the fre ad biil upon wi hat are almost gen- - 1 re i Wh les, the eed ay, by a unanimous ain the features It pass the Senate, doea not con Should objected d LO, 1 1» nape. month in the Montana. Sphow falls in every on the mountains, of The rice of Pennsylvania Su- premce uu ( Fourteen fell in Cent January 1 sala {or and a half feet of Ww 1] Park. New York, from Mareh 7. S1i¢ I't to Huil of Pitts- nt 1a napoiis Road: 1 The other day, A. burg, was on a train on the India {0 ih .} : } . WHC WH dassenoer on the up near Cinein nati. and h's Wik of Yor) were hating . 11 Jerome Hewett Johneburgh, New took fire and the barn with the cow and hay, was Mrs. Hewett was fatally oil oxen, and hu A short time Ago, at a leap year party in Philadelphia, a young gen tle- man wore 81.800, worth of jewels, and had three hove. Atasimilarp oun man had a in Boston a dross i from the Paris ix Ran Francisco pays more internal revenue than New York. A Borton match he Cz0V Crime, manufheturer paid last year, In Washington, the ] have fixed 84 H0 a day for the amen and are it. A lady who had betl legs broken on Brooklyn ferry-boat has been awar- ded £10,000 damages. At receiving Akron, Ghio, recently, a man ‘ ve 8 4 rg \ infant, seventeen months old, id iniely SW al iy a piece of tohaco given another child. thonzand Chinamen live California. Of these, about 10,000 are emploved on the Central Pacific Rail- yoad, and 4,000 managed to find work San Francisco. ployment to a large number, and the rest are scattered throughout the State. rs sree ean A me cr Cd DIXLY . An states ie Case thsly vy: For him we wateh- For him we work vor wight and day, — oppre wed radical tax-payer r him we pray, }, 3 % 3.4 Rin We oath regs i . Phi th lopedienss {1 inxs pay. Africa O11) THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL. | WASHINGTON, April 12, | The ued vesterday +3 #111 itll impeachment trial before Wis an overcrowded | The diplomatic gallery, the only Senate Chamber, 10%, Minister Thornton, sal CONSPICUOUS, Thomas first azecen Butler ers, among whom of Great Britain, Adjutant-General upted ww the adjournment last evenr ine. The devil was in Butler's ugly and his manner was an inearni- nse [Ie had taken a in worrying and hrowbe- | toehle old him and he sated his propensity tion of Menee, ht ating the man before YOR | SIriness at General Thomas's expense, this af ternoon. The up under the infliction with the dignity ot a gen- tleman, and insisted, in a pettifo {re WiTHess hore SONG correc. worried of bullying remained had out him by mterrog stories, The fact when General Thomas tances about the exeiting time of as Socretary of \War ad interim, his tes- at all. If he ever threatened to use has expressly sworn authorized or he Johnson never Fy olfce, weeding {o toatify, when which . Wt, was mucceeded by objection after ob- | from him. Geen. Sherman was allow- President had ever offered him rosition of Secretary of War ad inte- rim. He stated that the President occasions, and gave the dates, the purpert of conversation ho- Gien. Sherman and the s. as to whether the President the ever mid anything to Gen. concerning the wse of force he War offic nt of an » TO gel pos session of t e a3 to wheth- had ever spoken to intent to employ ( 101, she {ation rman miantor or threats to get? out, and a what Gen. Sherman all after sharp dix- Atlantic, Se nate, the the were Oppo MIC Coli £ hase violated statement took thus the 1 DY the General's of that . " 2 . “a 14 . 3 1 conversation between Dnuscit and tae A . off admissible. Mr. Stan- Iovarts, le the strongest Wis Mr. dents counsel ma 1 dl of the Presi- montis to show how vital the evidence and that as tl +} "a Q ) the CR, evidence to maintain their charges the ; i 3. declarations of the defendani made . 2 + 3 . time, <0 there deciarations were ich the defence were ready to were cquilly compeicnt. EPs . \V ison, of i and assuming ap to the pi reieted in ¥ the deel: that aration > ident I w hel ys aqjournt the Pro nent, fore the acts for which I ng tried were committed, perore futil not to Finding were rept ated pa rently to a ) ad it 1 AYN DY attemmnt ai valu def to interrogate Gen. (xen. ih YC I's ye ie counsel for the Cnee reserving the To with the decision of the Senate on Fri- dav, that some re asonable hope st, may be found among the negative revere their dee H 1 thereby the result. when such change Antho y admit the tes the tri- Radicals as Swnner, ny and Morgan vote fe Sherman, and give semblance of a fair 10 ho President the Wl, thor ought no contrary As amone the extremists, Me, Stanhery stated yesterday, the portance to the President. They Mr sherman that - Mr. Stanton w Departing nt in harmo [re tod {0 prove by it thot J hn- { son informed Gien, | Pla ¢ the Wal nious relations with the the did as coming Departing nt of the ) Mn Cilia ment that President not re- gard Stanton under Civil Tenure law: and, finally, the Constitutionality the desired to lest in the eourts. act Substantially evidence would have Sherman. i first be elicited from Gen, SHERMAN'S TESTIMONY CEIVED. Washincton advices of the 13th, we glean the following: Gi E- uN. Fr ym rtain fell upon a to allow to-dny. AR motion er 13 direuson to modify rules #0 8s motion and i hile. ren. ~n Prosident’s counsel, and Mr. Sta mbery at once proceeded at once on the same cours of inquiry that had heen cheeked ions of the Court on Sat- urday afternoon. The frst aiked Gen, Sherman wos was his opinion, after the restoration the whether WY nent But! ier obj ected, of « ‘OUrse, A dchate APFANg Up upor ham and Butler on behalf of the Man and Messrs, Stan ihe ry and Ev arts on the part of the du Mo Stanbery explained that the counsel wished to offer in evidence that not Gon. Sherman, but other general “ qence 1 via ofticg rs of the ) Lpevr wl] SLL sled, 1 proposed i a1 ue they LS hich thi advanta: r -~ upon th \ \ . GOW LAL motives acted was to ¢ ‘rosident and 3 1 hosed on the 2 bd Pi nti mit il nate decided vot to al- + TV 108, wis Fyn nt 4 Yon? competeldt ol phi but t eS nan to of thirty-five to fifteen. dy Johnson then pr pounded the qu tion to the Fires Did you at any y bi forse the President r the removal of rary of War, point oR 1201 Cn- WW! he gave the order LALILON AS secre Pr stdent *' which was pur 1 TO dis) voted tSOWH DY si abhi fo a) anoitihet Sill rs. not see law vers ' tur '- ACC IslOln did o the Spies ot thi we y residen 13 CRlise, WE bided the ute, au 1 eallod Mr. the U nited States District Court, ! { the rth rest of Gen rai affidavit upon whic At the key iL warrant issued fi Thomas, h the warr close of the Mr. » AL writing to the Clerk's desk, whieh 1 . 1 + ™ . . road to General Sherman decided upon, they had at present no to him. further questions to put agers and the series of decisions upon ec of a cons President is to he charg part of the It appears that tho TORS the motives Mr. iC 1¢RIGVEe Tr a whicn val, Stanton. the way in matter to a will not be th ..s jndicial decision, to be peaceful ] . nitted SRDOWIL er it will pursue a consistant line A including respect 5 Cl caftoer. fk vadieal Fessenden, senators summer, Grimes, Morgan, Trumbull, and Willey, (ten. Sherman's testimony. voted In favor admitting The action of the Senate in the trial the Sherman, even as the the President adjudged in refusing to admit among all parties to be so unfair as to give rise to the rumor to-day that the counsel for the defense ironded to go to-morrow and ¢ from the case, , that The and =o much at into court the veport has no % YATE a fanny Wat $1 Pa (4) Vi ioe the rulime varigiee tendered ye of War JANUATY, of the sam {ime YOu he Preadent ment of When t C appoint interim, 1868, and month, did he a king such t his purpose in so doing waa? moeretary sime » of ma 10 ender, Laie After some 0) pposition, {his «allowed ; hits to reply to it in & way not question We ding with Butler's notions, at last answered briefly did state his the P resident pur i sl, “If he did, what did he state | - . Liere agam » of Butler, whose vy exceeded brazen isolence w ith which he seemed one time to accuse Reverdy John- rthy of one of the the floor. The We ob] oe tion 3 ‘ Jans smartness was ol DY i wi con of & motive unw Senators on Mi. Johnson was in substanec as fol- One of the Judy res, he said, “desired tisly his own mind. Of course he was Th: at cannot he sup posed.’ ag tantly Senator Johnson arose, and a painful sensation disturbed the | ries, whole {frame shoo vk and "his voice trem- bled with emotion, wre noble old man elled the imputation which he sus- to cast npon him pect ted Butler 1 ii neant scathing words. with a fow brief and “What,” he first asked, * Butler, quailing a little, responded: “I mean precis «ly what I say, that it cannot be su pposed that the Senator was acting for the President.” “If the Honorable Manager,” pro- Ir, Jolson, © ‘ueans to impute 8 i 03 Je done in this ( ongsel, or in the acpded thi ul in a anythii man of who he speaks. 1 and that duty I | [ know the [aw i duty, propose to i «charge. " aR well n= he does, che Hao Butler set himself 1 Ye i had offi L (1 ¥ . Johnson announ ied, of the power om SB and Bing- Senate, until Mr. but was out ham which last-named gentleman secon- ded his colleague, to entirely obliterate ! wsion produced upon the minds | sympathies of the Court by the Jut- General Sherman's and Wil : permitted, not however without ! in his own way, what the Prosi- SO h of this 14t amd [t appears that the President stated to General First, That he intended to Wecretary Stanton of rr) al nua v in out office ; | That his purpose in was to mee that the War Department | and Third, That he had a right to eject Stanton | the law, and that if the ease it could mot stand in Stanton’s favor an hour. The President asked (Gene- | ral Sherman if he would accept the | position of Secretary of War ad interim upon those grounds, aud when the | der nt might see fit to employ if’ Stanton | the office, Mr. John- | Wikd LO Need ( { then, salu had no doubt that Stantom, believed to be a “cowardly” / iy roa OHO VHORLC J | yen i considering thut question that there whom ho person, Such strong and straight- { not tail its weight with every ro t he Ipe l to upseld malicious fallacy of an intent by omplis sh, by Stan- Lrotire, to have asonable person the administration of the Govern- and it showed conclusively how the Pri wident’s desicou -10lation of t the stalntes. The Man avers declined to cross-exam- ine CGenersd Sherman until afeer a pri- vate ¢ xanmination to which he wiit | ne : the cted before them to-ma ITOW. testimony taki of Om pRrELe i proper mens, Opposite Wis | } MO Po. ody Th rest of the wa td v (on Vid teil mporiance, MURD Otiawa, teadily ER OF PARCY MGEE Ap. The deree accumulating evidence against prisoner Whelan, They have | found that a house nearly oxite Mra Th otter’ 3 where Mr. Me (ee hoar- , has f time heen hat the doors have been On the back door SIPS of hous two track: vestnle. They re those of 3 man who ard irewards ad outwards o Whealan's boots | las in the snow exactly. Thi accounts for the sudde \Dpesrance o f ti e murderer wh tly od ¢ h the vacant y short : (11% THA LIves an the opy (le rome vacant \ ) 1 i » . 1 eft un- ang th thstaned, the are nee tthe tres h } 13 is UoOvery 1 (le 0 Ww here ninedint t ftor the fi “The Wi hela was seen ni wder. Wi HON AS Lod ¢ are T wore the night . ) 1 tne Hoots ou (3003 murder Srl niin Renawal of dian War wip informed Foars of a the Well partios hian » 1 » > 4x : Qian country, Wil0 ar Now i in rasad {ing of the various he extreme Northwest, expres - a renewal of Indien hefore the summer ral localitios, from which re- oo Le : i : trom Lire (to time been re- Cdisatisfnetion among some of mn a in fulfil ala on by The Commissioner of Indian trihea 1« manifested, owing measzure to the delay ling treaty stipulations, and Of oulre SCH itted comin whites, Affairs has re pe atedly ureed Congress good the promises and regulations Peace C ommissioners, but legisla- tion has been dotsived by Dp dated March \ “The Indians here are starving, There have heen thirteen deaths up to this time and prospects of a good 1 any more dying before spring for want of something to eat. 7) ney have caten all their dogs, a great ma- ny more dying before spring for want “| of something to eat. Ti hoy have eaten | a great many their horses and mules, and are killing thom | daily for food, to sustain the lives of | their children.” Lt z LE DISASTER. *T Hi LAKE STE. AMER WITH NEARLY 100 PAS- Berthonld letter 2, says: A Fort "A of TERRIB BULNE HEAD SENG Chicago, Ap. 9.-The steamer Sea Bird, which left Milwaukee last night, wns burn- od up off Waukegan this morning. The vessel and cargo are » tot: al loss No communication has been, as yet, had { } N( 1 ERS. 1 f RI R 4 supposed that all he ands were lost. They were in all about one hundred per- sons on board, including cight orten ladies and seven or eight children. ame etl pememeree fT here are sixteen Jirizane rz in the Jail (of Northumbe rland county. eh bor ough has appoint ted thirty-three men to net al holie © the coming year. Diver. [ Fe About twenty y the ( ( Il.) Di macrat ! am Hi well-known in Cairo, necepted hh n Mess I (arrn yoars ago Hix ns diver, and as such we propose t ment of Massrs Eads & Nelson period of vig row ony Mesars, oan and Co's. Underwriter, where we saw him yesterday, The nse of a bell, in di- The diver ving, Is now disearded. 1% woered hy an in which the head nt en Thick front to windows: and to prevent accident this glass ted by der Equipped in this armo inverted wetallic pot, and move , Lrans- ¥ } 3 fixed In SOTVEe AF TOL steed guards or fo i pair of lend-soled shoes, muds, lushe Lo his a piece of land weighing attaches tho tube, back : forty whic = ili= pounds, through the back of Lis head-pot, v for his geno werall iy de POCOIVOR BIT, ba submarine the bot- but and then 14 Trond He m of the river by the use of » lnlder, rations, cends to + Call, The the boat and sink to the bottom, witor wir supplying stream of fresh air. If, at wir creatas too great the any time, the pressure is relieved by flexed at the side of the not furepizh suf- diver indicates the fact ba tr Mr, If thse p does , The nnd the supply forms us that hoe has al The weight of lead fustemed upon his feet putng ETE is Increased. water five hours time, great body is necessary to evunter ancy of the wir furnished him hy the paoap. While on the boat, | al for Lnpose the Unde w eirht, Mr. lil whila under waiter form a a strong man, no realizable and in no impede motion, With forms us that he has, Os, jainped * oF Lw aly much greater : 1 cliunberod up stancd hatehwavas, ao distance ¢ wind fect, with des fifteen case and less visk than he might have performed the Takinz with ly worked for feats out of water, fre =i his tools, he hins quent snagged So INOTE, SAWING boards. holes, driving wails, ote., with perfect esse ' | and necuracy. When the water is © and at» distance of six the different Kind: of the rivers are highan d the foot vs ho can determine W hen ) mudd ¥, CVery t or three timber thing is Impenoetra- water 15 bly black, rendering it immaterial wheth- wr shut. er of the is has boen nt the charaet He 4 hy the mere walter the busi of touch 118s Si Wri ce he ean . > at 3 wortion of the wreek he La K&8 Or ermine what j “ih rac pate the pass Yeon CAN CoTX up ¢ ad terininwe loring; ad: sunken 0X} A! hatch to hateh HEN Aro sR .3 throug = the hold, end do everything else nn Ian that fhe that how 1 wale thal expert blind “ils orily; vase seal 1:4 st lIsNE ITE, Od (hili» es under, y life So neces and labor wider water, that feeds Se WHat lost when his ERE three sears of his der H In al ay ¢ He is of opinion that life have be } vet he ha rected, yO IN his body, waler, no seales on nn oof ins or aiils; not even w to all intents and purposes, of the $ i }. ¥ 11 + . 1.3 even partaking or any other fiz Opt In noen, Lowsil, le J temporary * . A’ » 3. ~ . Mas. on Wedneselay aller- es nosent trom 3 3T ALN tock-rertif cenrmties valued nt . $ 1 .e » - Wil Abbott. » lawver, was tes, bonds, of » 1 SANE) bhed edd wt Jenkins, farmer in :3 3 d has lived i { ir Pritid ii dT Hk Pa . the re. Conmmetion of larnnng ands , : Bucks COREY, present ahont S95 por wl wh) (KK the Xx presents 0 . Fey .% val wv PR l, nsfitu ArInETs Lina, ) (EX worth of callie gic anausshy 10 Sinton, ' A correspond Ploughman writes; ent of the “My pouliry see W ith twos simu of Pot 23." Indiana who uty Massneh setts i ix an follows: made the wha 139%. (Cr. hona, I Pr, The fammers of y i discomraging reports of the rospeel over that State a } ae Cran crop | now state that { fine rains are bring places wi and in entire many ere they believed it Iv killed before, At a negro meeting in by the neck, Negrags. bree negroes, one for the Senate NEW ALY "ERTISEMENTS. Superior Long Brush Broom Corn Seed, kind), for Sale, Price 40 cents per ‘Address, H. DASHER, Contre Hall, Pa. nmi AD A THE WORLDS A voor ago wo prosctted ti iis novel Har- the West on the (qn with strong » that its equal was not to ber ford. » happy to py resent i gain, oi writs in the fie 1d. and fool safe in re-ns- it NTC ts Meo Ense of Man- ion, Simplicity, Strength and Liglnnes ol Draft, Durability We higv “ whan Innt sestitnonials, from the intellighnt and influential farmers in the State, to the fact that thi 5 Mu Hine will not nt ore Irass or grain, w ith greater use, but that mer trace of ware am be detec ¥ ost’ wor k. These facts trinmphantly prove that ent 1+ even a greater suecoss than ie its spplieation to tationary machinery, and silence forever the selfish ome AA mgrainst it. Remember! ; Frame and of» Fagie Pre “we. i The jours, aft and gears change their relative positions, The Gears and all ¢ ut out off solid iron, is of solid iron cannot The case incloses all the works and pro- tects them from sand, grass, rain, rust, &c. Wo build two sizes, both of which can be A= chines, —It mows, it reaps, itdrops, and can he weed us a handerke, gs well, By attach- ing the celebrated “Johnson Rake,’ we have minde it the best Self-Bakor, ever of- fered in this country We offer voll the chemroest machine ire the nonsleet, Because it E. BALL & COMPANY, Canton, Ohio. ISSAC HAUPT, Agent for Centre and Miilin countioe. Sub agents wanted for the Souther: part of Centre and all of Mifflin counties, apply y Bessie lung £ Bellefonte, apl7 ox, Fanae Hanpt will have two on exhibition in trong of the Coury Howse, during the week Apri? court. A No. 1, with Self-rake side Deliverr. No. 2 Dropper and as a Mower. jEvS & WILSON are constantly re- ceiving new goods in their line, (If A DWARE if every descriptions re cduced Prices —now ap lO as, I AMPS OF EVERY VARIETY 4 kind at aplly » I} YW IN BA Ra ETERS and Thermometers at “pIPFGR. IRWIN & WILSON'S, Ta EK. and & WILSON'S, ANVEILNTO EK i= HOW Trees ving » Farge xed well ssorted Stock of ves, Nails, Hor. ¢ Shoes, Sad- p athts, Nhiee Bar and Hoop Iron, also Bugey ry W agon Stock of every deseription.—Call and supply your- Ives at the lowest possihi at ap l6S. SOX. . Gl wiles, der Vv pate Tales IRWIN G&G WI tC ALES at vo olesale and retail, cheap, by FRWIN & WW IHISON. anptiros, 1: 11 HS rm T AD 1. r > ET i. ERY, ial plated forles, spose. Ee. at ILWIEX & WILSON TLERY —all makes and JOCRET CC IRWIN & WILSON i IN ai) 63, { prices al ap lil 6s. Jrubh JE AND SINGLE BARREL { wo ling preces ; nt ply 6s, IRWIN & WILSON. is Hill SA W's, he Ems a WiLsox. (tLOSSCUT AN ake at a large assort- IRWIN Xx WiisoN's, ap lyas BELLS, ANI BELES ell DOOR ad kines at uli siz = AME no Jas Inwix ax Wirsox's srk and »y BOARINS, Pls for sale hy ewix & Wilsox, anys, : Scantlin = LET SE1TS. AND ware, at the Anvil Store, Inwes & Wisoxs. APANNED TEN other Japurered anitr or ] GORING-GC LASS PLATES of allsizes d hy wry & Wisoxs, a stl TOT sae IK EINS for wagons, all si- 1 of the Anvil, Inwix & WiLsox. i rT tae Sie apl063. POALTS tar Bugzies aud Carriages, all dzes ine ase; Fire Bolts, ditto, at up lr 68, Irwin & WiLson's, i 3” FFALO SCLLES. of the best Nk, rove 4 1h wp to 120,000 Ths, apliy 68, fewiy & Winsox., STOVE 8, wrlor Stoves, and four sizes of Gas- LOB COOXR Pp AR] ied by the if North ‘IToming the counties « Carolina, A Savant? dig in that city on Monday night, Dradiey, the negroes there present that if to ghts at they mus ETO mee yostiferous black raseal, thi v1] failed they +1 tne that they could get their ri { figh L for well 'Ea3Y + them : revolvers us ian policemen, and that one negro could whip two white at any tne,’ { il rtin WW Al its fo suceeed AM Ir. alew in the United Siates Senate. The Hannibal Ham- lin candidate for the Vice-Iresidency with said to be gaining eround. Gov. Buck- movement to make Grant 1s No less than seventeen men, all Radicals of course, are anxious to be Viee-Prest- dent. Information has been received that 20 miles more of the Union Kansas Branch, was finished for inspection. The road is now comple- west of Fort Hayes, and daily trains are runnine to the ted 66 miles passenger the track. aware river, and is now fairly under way. A fine run of this luscious fish iz anticipa- ted. It is said that in ordinary seasons two men frequently catch from 200 to 400 shad in a day, which they scll at from $13 to $10 per hundred. RR AL Rae 5 5 Irwin & WiLsox's, HE pi AND SLE GH , at low » awiees, at Irwin & YWasox's CHURN, the best I IN & WILSOX'S. aniline, OF DEAN BELLS api GN, + NION PATENT » in use at ap Yo, GOOD NEWS FORTHE PEOPLE. Great Attraction and Great Bargnins! THE undersigned, determind to meet the pos lar demand for Lower Prices, re- the attention of the public to his stock of SADDLE RY, ow of! ep d at the old stand. Designe St {s- Saddles {arness, Collars, Bridles, of every deésgription and quality ; Whips, and in factfevers ‘thing complete tao a first- class estabh ner 3, he now offers at prices whichwill suit the times. A better variety, a better qui ality or finer stvle of Saddlery has never hefore been of- fered to the pub die. Call and examine our stock and be satisfied before purchasing clsewhere. Determined io please thank! for the liberal share of § heretofore enjoyed. 1 respectfully solicit * continuance of the same. J ACOB PINGES, Centre Hall, my patrons and witronnge apl' os, 1y. lt is the best chance ever offeced io Agents ! One or two days’ time will secure a good Sewing Mac hine, Watch, Silk Dress, Revolver, or sone other article of equal value, Free of Cost! Agents wal nted everywhere, male and fe- male for the best One Dollar Pawnbroker's | Sale in the couniry. Send for Cirenlar. C. THOMPSON & CO, apl0 68. 3 Tlanover st. Boston, Mass.