EE LE RS NT a IN RE EE A ER WAAR a Te TB TB PE AT I A NAL EN mv ed 1 A ag ve rs hi eA WWD PRE CEEOL RE ERY nn RENCE mK fs EIA FARE RIOR LU RL COROTAT SN TT GO RRR EE AN SE Pn kK ry 3r 1 . . oD IRE HALL REPCRTER. growes such things are never done until ine “Hiagn Court or IMreEAcnMEXT! | QITRAYED. — From tha : ounty for thet dn l aid thar ‘ TE a a lifeless forms are shrouded in the habili- EH torrahiin ha vin thai NY the wil TOM hy tre Hal t] on: at tha o ae or htt | al CE Joseph Harrison........ 11 23 \ : % RG ments of the dey vd and pare: nts plunged | ON SATURDAY. ~1 10 Cee lines UN Ae r tho { NE \) Le ivy hn Lon ntre Al, on il 0. i I op # : 5 in : HL 1 2. dn po a of vissha Xe \ : APPLE . vs gol thn TiroIeOn sinus Pe IR 31 Centre Hall, Pa., April 10th, 1808. into harrowing grief and sorrow, impeachment articles on Saturday were un« | wil, last, two white pigs, abouthmonths | Bellefonte, on the 2nd Tuesday of June, | d cee Nathan Simpson... Robert Bair Heys: «139 , old, the lo i oar of oneh Dig h "Wne slightly A. i), 1 BGS, i] Wm Wilson... Sassase rents 1 3 10h Rush. : 34 83 pe RON fFiving intr mation i Denner Townehip. Alien 3 : it - : tr — om nm ent on oc re | important and equally uninteresting, They | clipped. Any So aus} 3433 4 ir Tohn oi man 36 5 in : : yo op \ nA E r were confined Lo tho ox il L101 of | of {Ih A y ino wil el PE iran ve Sak i sash rEne ! a LOCAL ITEMS DEATH OI'/. MISE iN NEW Wt] . SRR . lL abl Whorahhouts of tho sumep Will ho suite 1 4 re Poy Warrantee Namo ARE Kdward Will Jacob Weidman......... 60 14 — YORK Walbri {ge, shorthand 1» porter ol tho St, | PLY rewarded, | 19) : gs ! h M11 i , 21 8&0 dunes Stael,,...,., Kdward Bry ots 18 58 x ~y® 2 - . 8 y . rat ry 3 A i 1 John } 1 a 1 «ToL ee ee a Tine Graix Firrps.—Since the snow has i } : 3 y | Lowis Denroerat, of Joseph Dear, another ny 10:8 Ls OC ook 1Y [20 di y a "1241, 25 J C Fisheries Joseph h Bamman BM : . . thos yretchea Cans aodme ‘uy ype | Rpithai, ontre Mall, | Ae #1 ' Crasaas iene “4 1-4 0 Ee : vigrhy $ disappeared, and the surface of the ground Ygtehea coms doomed | gy gthand reporter, and of R. 8. Chew, NTS VP VE ; beta « a A Reighart, Jr 37 22 )g i tice I pass thwough Dife the vietius of the | NUOTICE, — Person kmowing thetnselye Bu unside Towns hip. : Peter Wilson : 2 : Hugh McEntire......... 43 41 become expared to VIRW, We 10wle (ue v . 1 } } t] hird of Klonor MoeCaor mie k. 3 } a Hn Thom' 8 Humilt 1n.. a7 4 I 4 Rd OQ OF Ju aig a RKiIaE a ‘ , s : - ona third o ' a “g » : “a, - and promising apnearance ol the as . 1 tis bridge testified to having st nographicully | ing to ply cost, will please make imaediante | a8 42 Walter Stewart + y 4 Elenor Siddons.......... 18 1 1 : 13 : : £3 21 ie liye {* { ~ 1 » 5 $4 4 de i ’ y hs of wm a » fields. Their present indication ¥s far a fulr am jv > v OF RaetIlous | panortod the President's speeches nt 8t. Lon. | Settlement A of Pi ter Willson, Robert Bainey............ 18 i { IDIOT, WHE ne. GRCLRRLG CUTPSE | is on the Sth of Septem) oF 1806. 1 f N.G, SHANNON, 1X) 68 Paul C a m= JZ Kewrney VW horton WK ' } Richard Atherton. a, 5 BS tt ; WL i iy t oh thi 1 Of aepiem CT, Ld, None ol Contre Hall \[ Lr 11 180, ue . 3 is Sh sssssssinees ‘ ( John ell a wa ; nosy is 3 Rie hind Ful oho 18 y a { 4 ’ { LA + ya] rs ee ¥ 1 \ . Ls hid ita. ¢ (hE (i Tirta 5» t thot roe s A wade by " by rise ins | Irox Crry CoLLrae.—A scholarship to veins he’ noma of tha miserable i peeches made by Mr, Johnson in | Jon JC pp this institution for sale at this olico, os , Loto be had at a ba rain, n : : Lendrickson, a | tive reference of the Radical leaders Tu- | INE neconts have heen examin ed nid pa .} : ia Joseph Willuce 2 (OR | Willian Hott ww gam : Mic 1 G dazer a= w—— wet ws Aa mrt ts nave o 5 . Gi Geviman extrae- | das Iscariot occurs. Tho nhoch Wars Fo { ed by me, and romnin filed f recop . 9214 i Jureuiah Parker... 2 | rasans D a [ : matann § ted pale) i i chine Philin sarees 20 3 % 3 . | Li \ ii iit ! it te } { . + . . : aby 3 Ah Rd i | HNO a : i aid Tae weather last week was romarkebly | 3 vhoe thos 1 life of se : in thal for the inspection o log A hin Donley 22 08 | ' I 3 - Aral Loy ' fine to the 2nd 1 . i : ip vr aalt 1 QC { ve uty | by the witness in their emphatic sentences wes, creditors and all others 3 ! ‘ . - Hin i Sit id : Thonuias Hamelton 0 a 30 ich Wann Lh ¥] a) Uridioy 4 naulenc HW pt, uns] y= | by order, of Butler, bat the dramatic recoil rested, and will be presented \ ‘ ‘ 1} Josep Morris i oi: or . I homas Grant... J hh wi Freres i Ari MM Peter Miller.............. 18 id and cloudy, with frequent sho ob rain i sd i $3, | . hapa tt . : : ' and cle udy, Will 1reqiuens sow y 1 en, It anpean nat Hendrickson | was greater than the dramatic effect. Dears | Phas ourt of Centre county, ved 4 od Alexander bGreave ‘ A ’ ' " s i . : IHU . ]/r: . . '% . ! ' - ds Wil i (ieorge Hoofnagle...... i wel elm] wt chief clerk, of the State Department. Wal indebted to the une ler hig wl und not whhe ty Wi Ey shgRaanE re ’ crop. Yaueh ( ween Thos Johineon a a0 Isaac Britches............ 19 . auehn 0 Four) : ‘ ae that city on that day, the pointed compara- REGISTER'S NOTICES. --The fillow- | we phan nrrls , W HEAEW HL asvngarenarsanes Jo a) od Jobin Gundags Parana. 74 . : “ - Robert Patter : { George Slough............ 87 2 © ‘ 3 * } 3 ar as clear wt Co OF, wlll, adit VE or wy . i : 3 ay } \ , Honte, for RICE i : Re - 2, a oA ih but colder x . i Meri pu: NO) DURING R of n junk | testimony was to th SRIne purport, Mop iL { wi i NE Ce | { i f= : . ur} 1 AY sassranntsnnnee fmm ( Janis i >: { John Bryon 37 cloudy, and in the evening wv had & stow fac. Xu .® boos ' y s ‘ ) nesday, the 29h day ot Apr i ee whiny tiv] z ! ) : : : : . fesnsersennennes Y, 3 WL . desler 0% wit ich h 10 TULGEe Bh astdera- Chew's testimony wie nt to show yvohane ¥ 42th ‘ . ! ‘ fohn fi : { ve Lode Andre oll] Win Gassel....... sees aT . $ iL , . . JOLIN i Ty * p- | Sam'l FORO er irseesnss » - house in which he died. besides sever- pointees since the passage of the Civil 1 : iia . . as "nt ‘ / 3 { Al other tenements Hla lots 11} the ViIC= | We dg, ho tite named prior had hoor int 1 : 5 had ' y . . » . . . Lmity. He was marned and had two | Sxow.—W ¢ had quite a fall of snow last | lave) ar ot a ' ir i WR, {0 oa Foy Prod { i i ih ll i Tuesday, i n depth a fil bout 12 in. Ni 4 Tov, { { ti iLL Lhig Xe Le wis . married ; i | : a. ; ; : \ " d 4 : Ww p : : : . yoo residing, one in Connecticut, an he | HQ Yhe condihions preseribed by in he | | Py . : ." . CV IN 2 0H cone James Bow. Se, Was bad by {he most violiont hig ry ch i ru Ard, The account of Conrad Singer ad- | 4 John Barron 91 15 | Mir fit A : other on Lone zion Vor ‘4 titer torn : blaine wer since the 11 bet 1 é@ , \ y by Ji try «Uline torm we have had for maar nionths, Oth, | | i a : be im a8 hh reassess Cuil { ANDY an, Thomas B esl but cold ken with mii : John Rugg wo 22 08 | uw; Michael Grats reiterate The argin fields in this county, present al Li} £ ont act 1 11 Nir ios, he { vrs ~ ’ P wid : i : 1 ” istrator of &e. of rn Tor ; ol ” ; on : . i i seeluded himself in bare unfurnshed |» "70 Maiiviin Na Slain Latitl, 4 otter viishii vil 10 ’ arnt Vianlzam - ttnns rian \ room and Lived (It 18 said for thi Ly : : ; tl i, “The account orf David vdand Guaps- |} Coatas : arr HD Hepburn Hr \ i t { QUT infor 3 linn of * A ini : Stahl minor Ethics ai OH : $s es rms hn? wp 20 FERRE . i! Haul | years) upon bread and water. His wife | ; 14, 1867, torm- | dian « VIHA Dll nin Joi Lie fee ts Ger . S| 42 John Mackey... 1 A | 1 IN th iter that 1 iL with the { Snmuel Showers... Joseph Pim... Henry Pim.......... (George John Miler Richard RKowden......... Dan’'l Fitzearrolds...... Pavid Ishier................ Henry Pinke rte "i John Cundingham Wm Gray Sabastinn Graff John Musser Wim Wilson Suni’ Showers Paul Bush Paul Black Paul Such John Boreland John Kelley day Sunday it had changed to real stormy, cold winter, with the ground covered with SNOW, NIKI KK . ~ fink and promising sppearanvce. Qur farmers during last week were busily engaged plowing, the ground having been tate of David W asso ter town. tilliac, rors o | 24 aL : in fine order for that work. for a considerable Period clune to the Civil T i j ship, dec'd, 1 ) aa | CNV W heelor an ( | : Leujarnin YOUNZ. ens ——— wretched man, and contented hemself | £1711 Tenure bill, Stanton had been suspen- | “gil, The sceount of Samuel M. Motz nd- | 48 1 Benjamin 1 Morgan... 22 08 | 298 3 Win Make 28 May we ask our friends to aid in in- | with the miserable fare which he affor- { ded and Grant appointed Seeratary of War ministrator of &e., of Ja ob Motz, Inte of | Boos Township 9" 3 Peter Swinehrd creasing the circulation of the REPOrTER ? | ded: reserving to herself, however, the oe SK o_ : ; : Oe Robust Mann adnyin. | 4a 163 Be id Lewis : aig ) : John Kidd Cannot each one of our present subscribers | ho juxury of a cup of tea per day. |: > ide oe Ir. Johnson's PeCONI= | fstrator of &e., of Dr, H. M. Mont rom: IY. | d doe Wim Grav... Mar : send us at least one name with the subserip- | 0 cost of this p altry it addi lence. | eh and ¢ Ahn Rolie under that DEL, te of Liberty township, dee'd. ri do Thomas Greaves... : Zen : Jeti Such tion price, which is $1.50 in advance. | however led bo. 30 JNRHY GUE ial atid A list, prefrec by the meeretary Seward, f Lh 0 eeoun! of D H. Y eager admin. | i Jonathan Hervey. ; 5 | Aberty Fownship. ¢ Toi Black Friends, try it at once. Aplo,3t | altereations hetwser Re that ‘the | “ THO o heads of departments sinee I oe ot oy Askey, Inte orf hi Angrow Numers Te Prodi PN h Huston at #1. Joseph Wells * s . h ! A . ’ “i : i the orenanizatio of © Cre rnmeoent. wa a as Ga ) . (id pnt ! : a . | avi i THE INCLEMENC = CFthe Wet athe r having wife was finally compelledgio abandon then Pt in hi ine ¢ ts But! oo Abbe int. | a St te Supp pe oi of Jo | 25 H Norgatet Butler Soi ais Robert rh on : HO DE Baiting parsimonious wretch to his fate. | ments t vthe same positions during the same | and trusted ‘ under th . will of \ I Hon 138 : W " acl omer 21 100 3 a a; Ste bi YD | HS 153 John Caningham | 2er, late 1 Hrris tow nship, dee'd, ah | hotas iss ST RRTY A ¥ he: on 70 Bor] shun... ... Snow Shoe Township. bly issue more than a half sheet this week. | ing his greenbacks and poring over the | announced the prosecution closed. Reser- ae The 2 ne oant Pollyunn Spurr | bi : warseid nth oF Daun’l Pletcher body Wm Banks We regret this more than any of our rea- | columns of his bank accounts, are, un- | vation wa asked and granted of a right to | Inet will id " an Eat opuinrs of far Bt 32 David (% 1 | us Pet ; F Laity tt) oh - David Williams ders can do, but the delay caused was un- | imaginable, The room in which he | submit evidence, oral or documentury. of Hof Harris town hip, dee pe Da, we | i 1.2%) Daniel en as Dey "10 Christian Sit =i # lezander Marin avoidable and beyond control. We were lived Was filthy fo the last degree. In a kind cumulative of faets already brought | 11) : The final account f Ge orge Shene go x11 . J tine Eva ‘ | . John Patter. = Nig » Rois Wo hrton exceedingly anxious to furnish a fuil sheet { one corner lay a Wisp of straw which { out. Mr. Curtis, counsel forthe resident, | i. hn Duffey ew ton py * Hi atthe t i i Ee oe | 3 iy ge A 0 a | 1 Jeremiah Keon i ; : | Thomns Greaves this week, and for the above reasons beg of | had served him fora bed + the floor | here asked for a postponement of procecd- sed, ? Be Jolin Seott. } 80 | Ts — Yan | Juke Misner our readers to bear with us, and next week | served him for table, chair and lounge, | ings titl Thursday. He stated the delay 12h, The necount of Daniel Musser Exe- | 5 “3 Wan Wistar = | = i +» | al David Carseadon will undoubtedly find us all right. He was seen occasionally bv persons | would enable them to systematize theirtes- | beh ‘ he Ja t wil snd testament of Kliz- yi H ood se - ) Di ot "m Hays ; , { All advertisements bearing delay, are living in the locality, and erizzled, | timony : would expedite matters when | dec'd. : 5 SIERON WWNaNIpy | LH) : Pucker Z 1a hi 6 / Jahns MeGheo or 3 + do do : : ny: 13th, The account of John A. Hunterad- | y James D Harr esas aenis X l yo Shao Lingle. ean : NT | NO do do sented the true aspect of the traditional | Which testimony would comprise few wit- In rye | " Samael H, Pyle, ine on SHI ea : 2 Hugh Shaw, Re 13 Moore Whorton | miter. Being missed for a day or two, | Messe, but would include considernble | 14eh.” The ac cou tof Jol 8. Proudfoot | Curtin Township, 1} Chadtinn Soden to | do Win Parker. { the police made a forcible : documentary evidence which time was re und Benjamin Walkor Exe utors of the Inst ; } Tho: P Halen, Tat oa NE, do ieleren 3 ain his room. and th were foun hin Wone quired to clasify, That the rogue AN h) will d testi eh! of Jol Walker, late of # wt Sr A “hag i | (= T vn=hin f do Elisabeth W horton Locarn News. — We will th: friends upon the floor. stifitned in the k | needed thisextended explanation was ap Boggs ‘ AW! ip, dee'd. Gs h : 3 hus 1 ha : 9 : i ; du. A Valentine of Potter rroAT AB tr Rint forall Ti - . : oe a re Jen . 1] rent so soon us Judee Curtis was seated. | Gl : Le Wo fon 3 “A dy : (Dnle A a sli E : 1 ye ry ton. un dn do T M Mil Ke: io! local items of interest they can furnish for convulsion of mortal disease. He had Conness moved that W ednesday | thsti- | Waa F wh | 4: Tan'l Willian a. : J Mitch publication. Only communicate to us facts, and we will put t paper. i he wes ye SST 1 t Tow 2 " We : aterm. Butler's attempted point in this - | SV | Wm Harrison............ ' it said detained the carpenters in the work of com- the pleting our new office, we could not possi- What his pupsuits were beyond count: | time were scheduled. At this point Butler postponed for ne xt 183110, racecd and em:acinte us he Wis, pre- ! they wore ready {o put in their Le stimo i —— di, qui ~ {60,000 worth of grain was shipped from Centre county in the month of January. EE A sl Ein slnlalsisg x ravantivy 2 . ing and Rob Waring minor ehl- am ly : ior nn i Ea : anparently strueeled long in agony, | cuted for Th ny '.s vie Faris CN pe i 2 uinor il of Cnty j y HH =r 11 aM ee Cillian oN .. 1 4 . i ¢ ib hn tae (of nursany Cries of rive the aren ol falinda ute ol iarn ; 1 $4 ¥ She} . 1453 and feems to eve y) \ 1S SDI what they ask “rom Senator $i "xd LOWS hip, feed, {i 1 : A tessa : BE i ds iin COLHEY sh i , WO INN i wills ' v . vy SEE A » : 3h roagter ois ana a J : g ! 16th I'he aceon \ ? { | oh tih * gps 1 With greater Ix of the ch un her pointedly refiecte the ; Ith a ie n.. 14 | a i har buspligane. y . A E. 1 . 0 PAINT ints ang . 1 ! oy 4 | " . ~ i aa deren Hae! ‘ » 1 i have been inferred On ve Noon r { repudiated Californian. Sumner attempted Logie gp ry A) Hp ho ay : brag" ag" bower rein ug A b i James MoeManas i uanted rman, munor at npied Pod in Lin titan Mii “4 Madu : ’ pt pid § . ! n in s : \ : i vision thet he winds 4 : “ip . : a Pi Ta. Ah, nS, 1 tar Mipitls ] wba vans 3 { 4 Samuel Linn DO that he dir to kee P sou! to ie tor the Chief-Justice ir allowing | late of the Bure Tl Bellefonte dec . a Ex heh ft Nirochecl or ='1 Saral: Whorton and HOY go -- Lae remains of | sureh: reed manaeers to oppose hem ton 1s . estan a : . 3 0 ) ln } Kk oo} Tm tt CL r ds . fu | : : Pliche W aln : 1¥2 st ‘ . » ' i : i il aasssssasnan Nain’ WW Fisher Xe $ i 1 y { ne wem in shape for t rr tf prem ADvERTIsE.—The REPORTER haz alarge circulation all throneh Penn and Brush- vallies, which business men will do well to . » . . tl L uniiappy man s asl meal, consist- i fi r Sul. Mr Chase dire iy died 1 be ! Fra 1, : of \" } Lk A £4 1 { j: seas Hl t = aha HW ’ bh : . . - note. As an advertising medium they will } ine of wate wildy erustzs. were | sn a A ca ; y 8 ie JE ota ~ ; R t Gera) hs | Sau'l M Fox 4 . oi LAR h Su Sumner, by econstrnctine the motion into v . i, ; . " 5. - ln : : Sarah M Tallman find it all they could desire. found carefull lal de tx ve 1 » wranosits spared i seein } fp t 18th. The accoun of John Garberie! . Al nder Bell | 1 dobert Br iv i |i = J , « Fi hea | ae . , i it pron 11 i adjourhime nnd t t ' : 3 . » k ‘ i : - 3 'y =a i i i : . Poe . oJ fililes he : Ts ua: eh for a bicak fast whicl De was omed | all debate. Sumi ahiided in suattorin Dr, Ut SRTY formerly Mary | : ATHY a edd sevens I’. Brady i Burd Wilson We would call the attention of our rea- n t tn) f x a i ae : iat I vlilen . W eiteht,) erand dauchter and heir of " ‘ a AVES he The es (rrant - 4 1 Sharp Delaney x: ever to partage o 1s body | exasperati Foto w qi the delay 3 OPI i 1 Le stretl | 46 i unter AL ho ders to the advertiser of Shortlidge & oh aE " I : ii hey | we oy Jr, late of Marion viship, | 7. Fy) a Le | i Alex Hunter... Wai McPherson Co., Bellefonte. They now have their Pat- | Were found $30, in 310 | 3 ills, and five | was granted; yeas 53, nays | nly Cam Sa 1 pi LT ’ Jeremiah Js : = B® Fdward Moylton -y a Me oteal IAN AN ; n i : 1 i " 1 ‘ . 3s * : | hae . + of i : 3 Sia 1. 14d RE si*]3d avior . H . sited ings t | 2 . Se . * ~ . ve - . . tf De ] - (Os IONICS } 3 } ‘To, } : oe . 13 i yyw ve bo is hte sid Wil iA iT ON. On nd- | J . : . i } 31). i hy . R" a ent Flame Lime Kiln in operation, which bank book : : ; de pos its te | ; ! y nn ministry r of &c¢ of Flizabeth Stas tes + HM Andrew Epple § \ hot Prscecoam P mn La Ne : : . + ‘ vay t of ov <) (Of Theee | Morgan ONICTOV. Ntewnrt ver and] on ey th JlZnbeldl ow, tue | Ho ot iD : Taan. Diode : runes = burns the best lime for whitewashing, pro- | the amouni or ov v2, 0. [hese | my nay 1 Art, dJhnayer, and {of Potter township, dec'd vuhert arvin AY 4h 1 ey mas Su ! e Jusues Mavion duced in the State of Pennsylvania. Short- er as wi : real estate of . 4 . a eo 3 ip a aaa saa 1 : ” werner of RRA .. 1s 1 mjaidn West . . . hie \ res OLED wurs}} 2 ]- : ae reatest of tl me ortho Proc "ai ‘ SIN nt Hind tars oF Qo A i-1 ad } A adan / : 1111 SUR . : lidge sells the best Anthracite coal offered whic 1,06 died 1A any will make the | regu gi en rena ' . : : } : (30 a y NY wy. uy > : Ym Bingham ie : we ; i r fhivrinne af aba \) {3 AN ahd ' a 4 Val ti th. | 4- o> 1} , : t ho ih + 4.] Xo | Luwtho i to consunters in Centre county. {snug fortune of about 220000, All —— Pome . hel) fold 3 Conthart sd 03% a} Ja whol 0: Or % ni y hot tn {the financial affuir 1 | Y 3333 aia bs oe Ca be 5s , da . Real BE } : t Blair McClanahan ¢ x »e 4 ne : re ! : : : i Slav NL ‘3 Nn Te Aha ea) s 1 . » i . “4 \ jo ry ' Edward NSeott Waar we have seen al Geo. Pifers i 4, ried over i ‘ : nal * . ia . il . VA i'l town { { ; ‘ 4 : 11h 3 ab { ~¢ ‘ ra v1) : 1 Paul Cox store, at Bellefonte, is more than we can | A dy,iy] Coroner Schirmer held | 3. ce BESSA II, Corn SLIBG LE § Bor Feammfon oF THe an [sO 2 30 ores Joseph Thomas... 27 1 12 dd Sid o Wm Lewis tell here. In short, every thing in the line | 5 100 \ ih Ys Sb ge RI ) N HE : ‘1 vy i . et gio A ns oy AK ua) SEE : : hi ; Phomas Cathert LL r Goods. Gi & ne . aii qt of hoo y ; peifial Xe) 9 ’ Liaw Hlih aw ‘ i iced by \ : ON Mididayiy y+ : \ ; 4 Robert Morris et : G : . Ost RLOTECIL Ni Hie | Mel hnintstrato) : ¥ - os I My - O rere = wth df Felix Burnt ? Hi ! Hi i) : ’ ! Li A i it Thos 8 Shim wn that men, womeio Hi naw ofock hag zt heen nad and IR IEW LOCK Nas just een openca, and our farmers will find it to pay by giving | . .° a rll yn iy 10aiz m2] = ; : ag eh 3 4TenEY Ae Ne - xi. Ni ss : ws x ' : » .1. | ossifacation of Lh itrai vaives ot the | 4. ry . : ; : es ii Le, a - x02 X phil d iy ssarnnrane : AF cia st him a call. He has the finest store in the | : : be 0 Cloverseed (dull Ma 7. Butter 35, Han 24 ‘I . : : sieses fF ie] Bald... 39 113 Ales PN 5 : —r A 3 } > hi i r accordance } \"1iC¢ > WV . ’ Pu XN) . : ' : ! {¥) $5 coxa i - yw xe rey § i i? ff TAleIs Brock Lord 10ft vO Ww, and none of his customers e 1 ’ : : rs ' R84 . . i = iT } PS ! \ . { \ tr; i anne ht Aa : : “he . § relat . \ tad : 11, : 1 Ww ‘ 3 ary found their verdiet. : wa, Lin ‘ Prd on : rly of H. \ } i -3 t I ACIS aciesniaine BF : . 3. ! 3 3. . everleaves him without acknowledging that {+ ! e ih. 1) 3 nN a8t. Vth a pe Vor, inten tow y, dec A Ty hs £8 od dbl er Town i John West . —— - i & wintl Shou rAd | neg : 0 exile o . : SN sirt, ne oud n.g : i b 1 Conni nicl ‘ vat his i3 the place for bargains, Try it ) I [t has Leen des hat under rman msl eet. pn mmmmnesmann J | NCHA PTIL «28 A Tur Phrenological Journal is fresh, racy, | NEW law Washington mversity, Mo, | 1,0 3 Thind I Lord. go rn af 1 ane Longstreth | | aie Wy Sr] a . Rearnee What vigorous. Among the portraits and he 15 hourd to pay = onnd county tax Murron.—Forequarters 15; hindgnai “ith. TI count of J.T. Shearea ad-1 3? 165 Ja hte... kd Joseph Hr eee B00 2 ! RT hay th acters are, Addelina Patti, Isaac Jennings, | €3, notwithstanding its charte o- | 177 chops 13, : hah UI ator of Re, of Jol hearer, lute ot | 5" pe I Dy ms ri Ty he sl 8 Henry Vandyke M. D., Atten A. Griffith, the Wester Elo- | vides for perpetual exemption. | ty w ae panp ts iy Ee i Hy YO nduang, EYOAYIT kj vas 03 SS lereminl Jduchson. Siang TYE Jaongl a OT : M: raret Speas cutionist, Charles I. of England, Kingand | Tl i xi il-| Pork. —Rousts 18; 3 wit steaks Id Rowen. {HY vue, Juste Hnl oasis S22 EH = Thomas Falls, ee BABEL HN ns a Qeen of Greece, twelve prominent Jewish | road Company n hee and ULTRY. ~ Rens 8. iS: tm 1 1, : mes NATE Seen ' a : Arr AE 3 John Phin divines. Price, 30 cents a nmunber, or S3 a | IIS ‘3 Inidiie 10 i . | Reps Zot d A aund | ’ ' A Lowy a : bh a eg . 3 ‘. -e Prnsrens { : David Coprseads year. 8. BR. Wells, 389 Broadway, New Tau Los York. P? Morris Soring Township. ary TY 4 oF gz nwt > a» sn Tr Tue NURSERY, for April is an excellent] UD Sngurday A 3 i I * number, an Thos Thornburg 1. a p, : John Long how happy it will make your little ones. | we urned and others were | Laub 18, Ere i | 7 | cone John MeCauley oo. fea | 158 Ros Johnson rs . ' 3 I 1 ' ener 21] PE \} il YAK... ‘ , | i yeild, aft I’ til Hark lu : Wii ty { YN \ yy . / ; 31) ov “7. : , . 2.4% 3 - 4 . i : : : § - . J Lingle iil} i : { Dl il i FA iin wis : : hr : i fas . eS er Mar Se : sy re oo Pirie ’ ’ i Sam’ Fords gy veniles, Sen d f ————— wy a din : ta i WE Py gee ge 4 Lod wind : Published in Boston, _T— trendline | £ + woernor FO TY } 1d t on T ’ i No 5 Y ran 5 > or oe g il ’ i=. Lire \ { i er 3 ’ "TT ; : r= 2 i ON CLA sity Ad \ : 4a 2100 SN . CW IstOoW sirhictont VIVE i hy : : > "ey il 2 WISE ] BA , . : 3 Tue FairBasks' Scan to-day ter | oct NT 5 . I FaaiiBirecn y ; th : : ) ; : tf Packor. 6 ogo Tavlor Township. than ever before. Their sharpest ri " auroaa bili on the und that it en- | Fish. tonte, 15 oh eb AIM. oss oF ves 382 (31 163 Dirvid Be pro. IR a wr : has been with themselves, and in t 8 they (8h railroad compan! ics to Inerease -— : | orn Pownshi | : IR ol aah ress ee Aha John Sherriek themszelves nave alone succeeded. we ther capital stock without limit THS. , - Fe MAF kK : . a : £14 : pie ed EP: Menvnass IR We Hes 4 She kwen excelle Nee an d rigid ace urac or with Z : . " { i y 4 : | i * rt {'ariney.. . . | {+) t : , "§ gui oT. : At (2 Polly ekwn en they have built up their splendid reputation (ity of Bangor, Me., to scenr yo. | : oe 1 hi te) adhd ystatlecesiin 18 Josiah W iliams is still keey ping Hiat fe pu ht! m bright i, aha } naname od the Foro) a al . Sl va ¥ ad y » : ‘ a ) ‘ih i} : a A hit , ! Hueh Hamilton R their scales stil stand far beyond all \raerican Railroad. and tl ; ra fey Maths LHI ty |} = . Ns tad n «tj 2 DE ar vy: = ed vi Jacob Vanpoal au in durability, uniform accuracy, and con- AAA Le AWRLIONG, ARMA THC { agec pays { ain at Ley en sdohin PCIT irsannnsss 3 i ‘Laer : I ' ; ’ - L y, I ; ¥, and con- | n and Pi De a AFB il a | v . . : Ly E » re Christian Vanpool 47 venienee. dancor and Pizcataq WE ndaiiroad has {Was pened, | *rass DOL, 4 Lf te i H failidey . 7 94 Richard Dowamg 140 ci i : ged 1 its credit tor s lf DOO.000 to the | _ : " ) . ; '- to ol phir . ’ 4 rn + . : , * In Michael Weidner THE JUSTLY CEL K BRATED | rmer and 813.000 per mile "id vy rea : Ct sts 3 1a. at NH do do i - y i i Lilt Partext METALIcCLOoTHES LINE. —These LCT. I Maa ai ‘seus : , - | vi Ld na Arson. ijt iy ITIStIIN slaty - 11 George Markly Clothes Lines are a practical, comnionsense | The New Harp hire Radi eal tate | ber, at Contre Hall, thei { th . ’ ml Bont s YY A David R: hls fon 5 . ‘ v . . . . a " ‘ x { ! ! 1" RE HA conrnnntnanes 0. § » § ' 3 article, and adapted to the wants of every onvention for the choice of deleoates | of March, a white pig, weirhing about 1 vA: 1 forth $ b in “tla ‘ ‘ - Cis Ngan - Calinent Beekwith family. This line is composed of Metalic the National 7 onventt 1s to mee ; ha ne 1 : . hd we o | a AM Elie ) i ! 1s tO meet Ey hi inkavrant . do do : m : i any shing mformation th, i . : substances, and will not corrode. The finest | af Concord en May 9, l Youd tothe detoetion : conviction of ti Iv) Len a, AL) } |] ib HY pTanrins Hr Xiex Seattle UnionT hi linen ean be placed npo! it without becom- A bral : + | thet GEGRGE DU BST { b And y on Dt REE En at NL Ne ony mon 1ownship. ing in the least soiled. The finest fabric | 1-11 A LE. 1 i 4 yh. Ane Hine from 128 Peon ho wt | i T : > i Christian S eel } - David Saha . a2 tli ALR ION in| : pie ay Hiustol OWR=N, 3 ST. iF. ina 3 oli SAE Deed) can also be removed in the coldest day of riictordnv ro . . | ‘OTIC 2a ina! to John Handi 87 95 | Adam Kuhns winter, without the least particle of injury. | lor w olf. 1k N enlicoes, and muslins in proportion, at ol Aa fe hu FHS ivarens sa Ba Suh by SOR. sein, SANG 16 Mary Karnacher : i . alone m zeif-defence ais hora il « . £11 I 8 Admin Kuhns... Lh ; Win sn Ale al i This line, if perny en tly fixe d, need not be : } . NOTH l } } l t the | hie { Lohr Pris | . Doe} i“ H \It 1. A 1 George Hoover take Boies te. . iv wh ies] aa Saturday . Visa Peark i : r persons RAVE nae np plic ation for ave. ids ) John PIC ssa irsnninnse : . -. anes - dson . \ | L- John Mendenhall laken dowin—18 fu ways rea y for use. Vy iil | I mT vw: dling TY ctl Sy on Licences, to be eranted 3 * | (10) (1 John Wheeland of ) t or) ti = } Robert Hall Yop: . i IRC Herne 2. a hie . . } m1 1 ‘ yy : a ‘ - oe : last a lifetime, if pr erly taken care of. | 18 es Alsen 11 Vy Ah, 8 Ixpute (3 - rid m. H§ ; John Rolin: orton : 1A { asper Scheapner 3 . we Irn Fisher . . { 17e vob wor \ . 1 L333 7 ni te | = . . on < Nh TE 0 { ovo to our 30 | Jam faster ’ i A a 4 or 3 ‘il RO oe "oy. : Retail price three cents per foot. Mr G. | cured between Mr. Canaingham, form- | Matin Dolan, aver. Dogas twp. : y COMMON good, rol / Kui HNC vers | : Reb, fl TE sari a 82 Thoma: Burnsides W. TwiTMEYER, is the agent for this line, erly of the Confederate, and Mr. Col- | Houseal & Krom, ellefonte Boro : a : | d WE Fu k.... 37 ow | Ludwig Catches . c Traded . Joel Kling an tu {all suinmer, at S10 per pai ward Townshi jo! ‘ Join unk ng 22 James Long and will call upon the citizens of Centre ins, of the Federal Service, about the | 7, ling Xd Moi EWI m Howard Township, Casper Lawrence } 3h Hues Sa ng . 3 i . i. 1 ' y I ax : ' tae I Daniel R. Botlean Miles<hu re J Isane Gree ‘ i ' cE y Athan Nant od John Dunwoody Hall, and vicinity, in a few days. The * line L electisn in Arkansas, Mr. Collins shot | lobert Llovd Philipsburg. | Fis boots from $3.3 : hai fa heer 1 Museunsvrererere «1 uo Samu IN KR John Irwin 5 J .. $y Le . : SL : TY. t i ole ro oN . ' . Samuel! tad 1} . ; ‘oto . 4 . : ar should be in every yard, ( UHNnmgnain dead. Patch 1. Vd iles, Huston twp. | nr= 12 John : wen Soh a Singer ras > artor Patior tw ! 4 - I thi t 10) © Ong NS og x \ . ‘Q aploat. Fhe Demoers tg havamalan uh Ih. IH. 1 rte: (1 : Poti tw) } 2 2 JV Uo wy _R v5 : Ww Tra a] sa Win Brook al CaO HRY made a gal I Patrick Nolun Snow Shoe twn, | } | Peas aaanes ee ve 1 Y Hison } Iw do do itl inci : y . ; ‘ A , oS a RAINY R3IIEN wih | ! "RN i 1s Ru Josenh (reo 8; 144s ¢ vy Jit pw Fiat, OP . . » . | fight and we hope to hear that they | T. M. ial}, Milosbure. | FN Ay Io ae Ie n Hursh Hi Ww Wistor.,, 14 Wim Kuhlins TWO CHILDREN DROWNE | have Fedacad the R: tdi ul majority of | Ln brown, Bellefonte, : 20 Roland Custin 7 85 fi) he : Wistor "AR A \ -~ i ARAL nanan v bop » he OAS I=tor. sans . . i John ( vape : oho y Fo I 1 1a] Wy ot 1 * * } - ! The Lewistown Gazette, of 1st inst. save: | i" ; E | Cliristian Hubler W OF iwi : wo e, of 1st inst. savs: | buat + : au SW dit red tinn Hubler, i r twp. aber : Paul Custon : | 3 \ al : | 1&4 ye i he y {os a! wlit ry John Copenhaver do Tay lov twp, | 10 jowest rates, and 8 : . prices. | an Tnsanh Tr ie SERRE . nape Es Morris : . 2 wm Db Wuthns ) { i oh $ One fo the saddest cases of drowning | 3 ; : . : that has fakon place in this county for a the eir PP ec ~ in fig hit 1 4 or WINCID BH. W aroncr, Restaurant, ili do do long time, occurred on Sunday afternoon | 2eainst overwhelmin Jobn &. Gray, Tavern, iil dn do Inst at the Mt. Rock mill dam, about a tors, Honor to the hrav op Wn JLT James Lone mile north of town, The wife, of David Ee A it tas NCH | George Trylor John Dunwoody ’ ty 2th | » 1a he > ulhd : y Riden of Brown township hd he: nen a er 16 be in the richt with a | John Hei Walker Township. visit to town, and was re turning home in a | IInority I rath er than tn the ‘ To / i iN LHC WION YY my? i. bugey driven ny boy. In driving al me | major : v Hoss Do) Sam’! Bariekman the pike at the dam,—alw: Avs e onsidered a | : J Hy a ney st dre BDuvid Reed dangerous IRC! the } norse took < fright i" i | Mr. E. i . AMILI0T. f P’] 1]: vlel 1] : .B. In=1in, ( Flaine tWi. { a at ‘Ad § i) 1 : , pr oner “3 > oe 120 R Roden Wall . “ir » ‘ . i p . i vend br unl han . ‘yn ers} { £ fh ) : Joh Stor . large rock lying in fro nt ot Stratford 5 formerly ‘ 1] Clit Du lishar , Er a yA ' *hilipshurg. Ti : ; pA y AMexander unter }, 3 { finn ve oO = > 0 OO quarry and commenced backing, As 5 it died {x ows: SL Ho cllefonte. | and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat, fd le Jol in - | ETRY a ; . B Pyle & Co Is no prot MW tion wihntever the bug roy | JUSL 16¢( { orn antowi. | orse went ove y Water Py avi 3okt in. Maa Leitzoll, lop Ti wh h ase w hb os er into the water, (probably A: )11 v Jittie afternoon paper called i : Oe [hoy only not less than ten feet deep) plunging all | 1) Ioveni oe, Thomas into it except: RB : 1C en in: i“ Ne Wis his st made ha | i 8 \ i A 1 0 IL excel ATs. Ia, Ss a : . ) J } Hall I | ia : : A . OVO if th 1 risk wh " Bin in Jacob Wain Sl vent herseit from falling in on the very appenrice in Richmond, Va., under | weneloy, hilipsburg, | © *° “0 Roy CHUL Wis boty. 0 a Samuel Panconst . sty J ’ oe v i Ca apply { : i Suni HNeONs ede of the bank. Th boy, although af- the } ‘ te. | i 0, Ui TS Furst ; vin as oy Xe ven : ; most unde: the horse, lo ey bot both davern ! i . td IR Hnsey \Y Hoiesale, : o> Jos ph Greys children sank and were oOWne 1 Su . tle, thelr bodies wer a dr TY Is d before O01 oa position amono » tt John Russel Tavern Haine TREASURER'S S Hea a Wi 4 eg overed. he oldest ; 2: Diy 16i¢ am ong ] its. f § 1 i A y RY I’, z HAI 3 twp, A <A ~ 1] 1 TILL Wy S ALES, 2: do do See iadish Vas aged youl t (0 rR 1+} | 3 Yaar . a : . § rrison 't Wi PTT ce v <i. . a ity JiUTeaisaserrueis was aged about three year » BG the young- | CW public ation starts it olin ot Trion du Wort h twp OF UNSEATED LANDS FOR TAXES Green, Hale & Curtin. Ni. 1 * 12a FOR 1807, AND PREVIOUS YEARS, Haris Pownship. others i t wt D3 et tr sterman, do = Sher y twp yi . : Thili nshurg Snow Shoe ~~ - T : | Jeremiah Parker Joseph Hopkins... Jolin Hopkins R 58 | 200 Richard Parker John Lowdon 3 D8 | 4338 120 Sam’! Miles Thomas Grant...... Soo A On \ od Richard Robin=on Be hjardy Rush. ; Paul Zantzinger Hub Ft rw Sah Worth Township. John Musser £3.) x 141 John Mifflin Richard Poters........... 65 » John Sandwich + John Wilson Oe Thomas Hawthorn * : Hugh Hamilton. am Gr | 230 Fosenh Maylen = 3 3 a 1 { } a ask Peo ¢ Lo come and ROC, | Benjani 1" my rivi ALessrs, homes < Sab ary ‘ | | \ | v fw ost sone of fatees mon r Ov. s : John Spang per, “Qo Lotter twp. enile | tog: ather a lare Bik Th : sad eve 3 Cver)y element of SUCeesA I>. WwW. Hoot ) do Miles twp kd 3 g aid 2 CHO neonle - indy y HI + Miles twp. i . . . 34 BY 1 { yy Tr . . . . yy Ie or 1 Hy ys 3 3 { S11 Sf i An t ! WN Iwn 3 ) } = } y "VO "sl ) } AT) 122 4 great many being out enjoying the fine NO il rests have been made of the Kli 1s M ile r do Sales TWh, Notice 18 ner by given, that in pursu- San’] Wilson... oh 4 Jacob Slough... 43: 153 James Hawthorn raeathor— and SOIC REVETe conn ne nis w ae nartics 3 iter I'CS tocl 11% tl x ; ' Lreorge Miller, do Huines twp. ance of an net of A ss¢ mbly Passe d the 12th a John Mitchell 5 oan Ju ah AL I “ei . . ; } $ teres 1 Ne cia air vy cn gel " . “ Yo 3 . : i Cit + A LT ! or as made on the carelessness of "len Ine sly. \ at reds Lin the New Orleans LG Uzzel Snow Shoe, | day of dune, A. D. 1815, entitled “An Act John Revnolds Ts hy Milos an 3 Walker Tog . ~ Ee AN Ve ol V1T wd 3% 1 J . iva \ A . 3 ’ ‘ v Aik A Desesrsnenss Sno r exo ed ov IF dunday on i pi iece of Boys WArCHO Us! re H: ay J Philipsburg. Lo ame nd an Act directing the mgde of sl NN Henry... ............. 4 59] a 33 Daniol oe Zar . 250 Acres Land as notoricusiy dai we TORS, and where sor re ren re al » I veri Gregg. | ling unse ated lan ds, in Cel fre Lopnty "and | de Thomas Si y Ed ‘oh 2 Eh ad I, Mchattey sn cidents have already oie nr 1. As Se Gein Hike 3ohOrIdAn ! Leavenworth ANH TON, i the everal supp! ‘nent en 1 i: will Fo Anke 1" Robert King.......... : 47 | Ln Mchattey and ¥ Ie udical | on Monday fio Omak: iin tha Penco Arl0 rucit] he posed to public sale of , thier ui Toh TOOL cernsirsenns WA : Hugh Hambrieht a= 9 collectors as pe i } Ci rat roth x | to public sale or outer) y, the Ser Robert Sample... ...... | 53 Andrew Graf : a7 9 | case made an MAE ad Yet wr ww ww Nw wd ww He tion will HW } NM bably compel Seine / . : : . ty hyp pra } Bat 16} . A sinner * fis I Sets : neoutod 1 3 : F A Yoi1 1 Bd > itd it! rds fe { 1h Mit 1 1s (o'he ro , OTM Pru, AML FOL 2.478 vliowing tracts of ullreated lauds in said { Adam Conley........... D1 A I BR Morean . ¥ : i i re . \ = * ¥ - < SRN AR AA Ses nar snnns ays be nie, ) David Wilson we T:65 n April 2 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers