Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, April 10, 1868, Image 2

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: 4 Af.
Farmers, who are in want of’ a #1
: 4) oi
and Reaper, will do well to exan 4
Kirby Nend tor a deseriptiy » Lali
or cail on
STOR Bellefonte
ahvils Han, ft t i
sf 1 », 13
ahi = iN sad
° ! < rn
Pll & MOWER,
J. Marsh
w not work second
made to
redit gives
Two Horse Wagons, Spring Wagons &e.,
al raters at Harrisbura
had YP ar ana
DBR Lo Wokso, Von nite
time that this warte of the public mons
drummed out. Million
Hy thrown away upon
nee around Harrisl
How long will the *
That is the
tax=paver sweaty, while these hungrey vas
@ de
SHUGERT contested election case has
eneth been decid: d. The commitiee to
ep NL d ady ersely to the nhon ¢
tnt, Was swat'll
from this district. This case has en-
predicted it mld end, na
ine Mr. SHUGER
A elected, pat ont by
K. ROBISON hen Lured
RonisoN now, in part
Moshann !
pproved April twenty-sec
one thousand eight hundred and
or mechante. not having a
swarc-hon=e apart for his manufac
* wr avis ahh s+] YS 11s ve}
i Wall Hil, tor the PUTPO=¢ Velie -
1yier or i { Cacibiirar or 1 tes
INS Tools, SCH manuiaciurer or mechani
The Connecticut State election was held
last Tue day, th, nd the Dein rats clee-
their candidate tor Governor hv over
Pry, a rain of several hundred
list year,
World, and ask for it the careful at-
“Although Mr. JonxeoNn has not
incle witness, and
mony they will chiefly rely on it is not
dificult to form an On m on that
ha 3 th i, . aww 1
Charves whit it 18 neccessary or the
. » * ». 3 .
Preside nt to prove 1 his defence
nough bhotre nn statements of
ints ef” law, it happens in
\ 3 .
weed tol ¢=upported hy oral festimaoeny,
and not, as is wun’, by mere citations,
of statutes and authorities, and by ar-
‘ , ] Ysors
HINCHES founded oh legal HN2LOTIeR,
it :
the Constitution and laws, all
‘ a : aa i. o 5 :
HH porial fReial acts of the | resident
of advice ; ancl if he has sought and
tion and laws conten plate, his motives
are justified and hiv errors of judgment,
by the advice he has received. The
I’: e ident Hered
s airaiened for
Jation F th laws:
E Yar es bay t ti cry |
Los iulion i ni
advice, and if 1
Has ee in parsuahce
1 . . . 1,
«olved Irom eruninaiy
1 } 3
hould seem to the court
wi 3} »
ii al
} 4
{ ‘ . 3 5 : 3
dd many ol the questions that
administration, render it impossible
; iT : and while
I'eCGLal ag 11 rad Ii 0 Sil WiIlli¢
him by prop
a fess Important pr
» that he enter-
tains certam views in relation to the
Tenure-of-Office net, and can support
them by wood arguments, than that he
views were not merely his own, but
led law to assist
} y
executive departments shall be advi-
sore of the President: and mm enu-
10TH, 1868.
appointed i meet person, learned in
law, to net as Attorney-General of the
office, whose duty it shall be * * *
ove his
questions of Jaw, when required by the
President of the United States,” This
than he can form himsel!, as the Consti-
need on other subjects hetter opinions,
that in the multiplicity of his duties,
*. *3
dizregard them, but they nevertheless
lowed ? If the Attornev-General, on
the Treasury, should advise him to n-
<0 even though the Attorney-General
peached for bringing such a =uit, he
ized by Congress itself in creating the
give it. Nctiher the Constitution nor
laws regard the President as an unad-
vised offic r, but as au officer Pequr-
ine, on all important occasions, the
protect him, not against mistakes—for
no advisers are infallible—Dbut against
action which they have recommended,
there was a CONS racy to violate the
the advised should be impeached to-
aether as accomplices in
the President a
V1s¢ I'S, depose him {from othice for fol-
lowing their advice. The Tenure-of-
Ofhice act leaves him no choice of ad-
visers; and now, by the very same
Tenure-of-Ofifice net, he is to be eash-
- * i
“1f the for CONE reasoning Is 8 wd
flaw In it
ortant withiesses of the
1 1 y* . :
-R10 WC ODCIIeVe BACre 18 No i
~the most
of-Office act,( even suposing it constitu-
moving those heads of departments
The orist of the whole accustion, the
very head and front of his offeuding, is
her of the Cabinet ean be brought be-
force that has kept him a voluntary
prironer, but a forcknowledge of the
President’s purpose to bring the ques-
tion to a judicial decision.
“The denial to the President of a
renders it proper that both the press
and the legal profession as may occur
should contribute such suggestions as
may occur to them; * * 3
g / and although we have offered
nothing which will not readily occur
to his very able and eminent counsel,
others, in the exercise of the same free-
dom, may contribute romething less
A planter residing a few miles from
Montgomery, Ala, relates an incident
onal legislation bestowing it. While in
ed him that they mustall go to Mont-
comery the day following, and that at
the same time they desired the use of
a mule team and wagon. Alarmed at
the losing a day in the gathering of
pose they needed the wagon, to which
tle legation replied.
Well, Boss—de trufis dis: We's bin
sued to-morrow, and dat we must all
be dar to to get our share, and we
Knowing full well that to object
ruse to save his crop, and to prevent a
“suffage” lying around
loos en the plantation. He took out
of hix pocket a letter, and told the
read to them, from the Superintendent
1 1 «in > 2% .
be deprived of ther
on —
Three persons bound for Halifax
Me, on a charge of robbing Adams
xpress Company in Pennsylvania.
The large storage and commission
[1l., was burned on Tuesday. Loss
The Metropolitan Mills, a hotel and
Il houses, were burned down
An extensive fire occurred in La
{'rosse, Wisconsin, the other day, Loss
VOL. 1.—NO. 1
Governor Ward. of New Jersey:
unwilling io fipprove of the Harsinbs
Cove bill, allowed it to become law
without his signature.
Sumner is very week over the pros-
pect of losing his re-election to the Sen-
he trial of Jeferson Davis was postponed
till the 24 of May, pasipo
John White, a respectable citizen of
Powhatan was founded $#i that ebunty on
Sunday, with five hallet-hoiés iit hig body.
In the month of March 147 lost children
were picked up in Brooklyn by the police.
Thirty-five years ago a merchift of New
York was’ crossed in love,” sold out his bus--
iness, and’ went to the wilds of Michigan ’
where he established himself as a hermit,
wore cotton bugs as clothing, and slept ina
coffin, In this singular bed he was found
doid the other day,
A garg of Vickshurg negroes recently
exhumed bodies from the Jewish grave
yard at that place, apd cut off the fingers
Serunton, Pa. March 81. —By the breaking
of a chain confieeted with the hoisting ma-
chinery at the Dimond Coal Mines tn this
city this morning, a platform containing
seveuteen men was precipitated to the gbot-
tom of the shaft a distance of 155 feet.
Eleven Were instantly Killed, one has sink»
live, They leave eleven widowsand twenty-
cight orphans, This is the most disastrous
ccident tnat has occurred in tne Lacka-
wana Valley coal fields for many Tears.
The bill to exempt manufactures from.
taxation passeh the House finally and wilh
probably be signed by the President 0 that
The Democracy of Wane County. fii
ral Sherman for presi
eee etfs ft
RIO JANEIRO, March 11, Via LON:
DON, April 2—The allied forces have
passed the Paraguayan fortress, Humaita
and captured Asunction;
General Flores, Presidert of Uruguay,
was murdered at Montevideo. ., a
Colonel Lorenzo Battle, who was Minister
of War, has been elected to succeed Genera
Flores ut the head of the Government.
There is great rejoicing in Rio Janeiro
over the news from Paraguay.
ty ftp
Sen. R Unionvillg
Win, Cross, Halfino on
Joseph Carson, Potter,
Samuel Slack, r
Jonathen P Eckart
Johu D Long
Simon Lingle
Janes Eberts
James Chambers
Wm Miles
Wi Geary
Samuel! Rusman
Peter Lanek
Joseph hessinger
Wm F Courter
Fred Decker
J B Fisher <2.
Isnne Klinger Bellefonte
Gideon Wolf Boog:
Thomas Hosterman Haines
Joseph Marshall Berliner
Jumes F Weaver Milesbu
A RR Barlow Wort
J S Boal
John Bailey
Daniel Derr Beliefonte
Edward 1de Snow Shoe
Daniel Kuhnes Liberty
Benj Hinton Snow Shoe
William Bible Potter
George H Zeigler Philipsburg
James Jack Harris
Ebenezer Records Worth
some administrations important exec- | fy on oath that they¥put that construe-| A large axe-pole manufactory in | Andrew J Shivery Benner
; utive questions have been decided by | tion upon the law in pursuance of | Seranton, Pa., was destroyed by fire 3 emiah Stersit Hustos
: ow required | y vote of the Cabinet, the President | which the President has acted. The | last week. Loss $30,000, Jeevi Cl ey Bellefonte
A ey oar eid that an | ;yerely counting as one with the rest ; | strength and pertinence of this evi- Brigham Younes is a widower to the | Isaac Frain Mars
* i] Par nviow of hi ied oo MBdavit before an alderman or justice of | 00d jy all administrations regular | dence do not lie in the fact that the | extent of five wives, fallen a prey to John Davis Harris
Ivy $1.50. which includes one yenr's sub consultations are held to wid the judg- | Constitution and laws make their | pneumonia. 31 FR ster Botner
ment of the President. The distine- | opinions a proper ground for the Pres- The Johnstown “Tribune” (radical) | John A Whitehill Poe:
tion between correct opinions and jus- | ident’s action. Their advice protects | is strongly opposed to Andrew G. Cur- | James Lingle aT Otter
tifiable action is very apparent. If a | him whether it was right or wrong, un- | tin for Vice President. Jun oerville Buoy “hg
physician were put on trial for mal- | Jess the managers of the impeachment A techy hushand told his wife they | David Delong Liberty
practice, it would be a valid and suf- | can prove a conspiracy to violate the | could not agree, and must divide the | George Alexander Unionville
Johnathen Frazier Potter
' 3 1 sider] -—u : w}
nisde to order, fund warigited to give salis- 1 +} ' : . '
. | { =f not he classed or required to pay the
facie IN Very I . Are ho y tag : .
AH kinds of repairing done in short no- |, ‘ : Sas y | Annual ax wt
% . zs - & . 3 boundine these vi TH he north and 2
th: INiiririt's r=
sontn, is beautiful
| the peace, or any person authorized by law
j Lo administer an oath or affinmation, selling
4 : hao 4} TP uns -
oll to the LWEPORTER, Ee . :
vit | 8 : 1 . 2 i . { forth the fact that such manufacturer or
onte, 1a. | Should any of our brethren of the press a
} Whi, Tey, 0) { mechanic has not a store or ware-house
x TYRE Ia TTS rp EEL the "hau n their areary =sanctuams |
' i
, apart from his manufactory or workshop,
& ("0 eenrrel ol some Bidd
en building, let | ‘1 . .
ding shall be sufficient evidence of the Apprais-
Hinge, } av Al \i ris vinilx Mas 1 ¥ an . 3
: . oo : | er of Mercantile Tax not fo so classify sald Lin . ays i . . . ‘ ” ys .
tha 2hend a day with uz nour pleasam |, oe cturer or inechanie : oor | ficient definee ihe were able to prove | laws, to which all the members of the | house. “Very well,” said she, “vou | pa : :
manufacturer or mechanic Provided, : ; | iw d oh : . r no? Fo Robert Meck Ferguson
that the course of treatment was adopt- | Cabinet were parties; which would be | take the outside.’ James Hamilton Benner
This Bank i= now oreanized for the pur- | ametun, and they will be enred. ry
ed us the result of a counsel of reputa- | a most singular commentary on the | A Clearfield co. paper says: “All| Henry P Harris Bellefonte
. 1
24 } 4
B.C. HuMES Prest. - J.P. Hanns, (4
: atal any person swenrine falselvin
11 1 1 .
pose of Bankine under the laws of the Uni- | -—» - { ¢ : cx at
fod Sates i TT OY 3 RRR y any matter provided for in ) 3
d ean ates issned by Humes, Me Allister, | THE INPEAUHMENT. yy ble physicians ealled at the mstance | wisdom of forcing upon the President | lumbermen have been bugily engaged Jacel LIAY Halfmcon
Hale & Uo. will be 3 id at mnturity, une | cof the complainantz, This defence | such a setof advizers. It would not be | for the past ten days in rafting in their Henry Rynmn Mido
LA I i Firct ie Sy | would not consist merely, nor mainly, | more absurd to tforebid him by law to | lumber and getting ready to run the | AO Deiningar :
tienal Bank. ile 3: Ras << olA lati sain ; 3 Lin citations from medical books show- | change his cooks, and then punizh him | same to market. The recent high wa- Jelentinh Haines
Particular attention given ts the) Pea Loh HA ramble JE i3pD in a hurry, and putio press just ast ewe | ing that the treatment was regular, | {or eating the food they prepared. ter has, however, put a stop temport- | David M Wazoner
and sale of Government Se * | trom thecompositors’ sticks, which account: but in the testimony of the consulting | + “Next to the members of the Cabi- | rily to rafting. As soon as the water | Conetanee Curtin
| for uny errors that may have been found | physicians proving that it was in pur- | pet, the most important witness of the | gets low enough a considerable amount » Hii Mi yess : :
aa | suance of their advice. No matter | President ix Adjutant-General Troms of lumber will be started to market.” Tora Hom Sa Slo
THANKS. — We tender our thanks to our how mistaken that advice nity have i The impeachers charge the President 3 oung, the Norway Savings Bank Jesse W Hin Huston
i 1 F " ' . " . y on ‘ : at (or
neighbors of the Watehoman. for the use of | een, no matter though a college of | with an intention to oust Sraxrox by | robber, was sentenced the other day to Benj Cor) Ferguson
; | £gs
“. i, : | be deemed guilty of perjury, as if said oat
The impeachment trial is getting stale; | : 0 Prati, omy
\ 's . : {Ha be ¢n taken 1m any leon] Jr ceeding.
the radicals, . )
instituting these nroceed- yg
: : w————— A re Arsenate eesstatann.
Her 2Hotael Hin (JUR advance sheet last week
Del lefonte
a i With 11d any i
{ 5 . 1 i711 i . -
ani C8, ACTH. Pa, avidona nthe radie: ; Ja | :
: i : CVI . } Fe 1 1s Ge i a on the acniae
il iit dill,
srGERT, | 18st Friday, and the witnesses or
President. {
| of the President. were to commence
{ 3 . . 1
their evidence vesterday, 9th.
+ : = 3 : tthind it ot @
seats, and the judees did not think it worth |
be in their seats at the precise!
{ ings, as only about one-third of them were
i 1! 1 12, ne 1 1 ' ' rg
Bellefonte, Pa. | TON Wis to be removed, and GEN, THOMAS
gi : ~ xp yr Te 1 a : i aphointed to il
» D.'NEFPF, M. D., Physicinn and | “1 lok
s surgeon, Center Hal om. i npn Ap
Offere his professional COTY
of this |
A ILLIKEN, HOOVER & CO. At the opening of the “high court,” on ir power press for working off Inst week's | physicians and SCTZCONS should deem force ; and General Tromas will Byer nine years imprisonment. TO dacs Huston
4 GENTEE COUNTY BANKING CO. | 20d int. only 25 senators were in their | issue of the REPORTER. | 1t unsound, the fact that such consuitn- that Mr. Jolinsox never ordered, di- At Russellville, Ky., on Friday, the Alram Pweitzer Bellefonte
| | ER | tions are customary in critical cases, | rected. nor even sygroested the employ- banking house of N. Long & Co., was : B N Hoa : Beilefonte
XECEIVE DEPGSITS, | while to Our neighbor, the Lewisburg Chronicle, | and that the attending physician is | ment of force. 1f he had contemplated | entered by five men and robbed of He he Yer he ei
| tite: ahd the: “worthy gocusers A publisl os Vie following fair and sure expected to be governed by them, and any but peaseiul and legal Mens, he *4.000 in currency and an unknown Adam Bair Miles
And Allow botnet, IN oul | rot onwmi tli “uve lunigors tha | Notice for the benefit of candidates : | that in the actual case he did follow | must have disclosed his purpose to | amount of private deporte, They PETTIT JURORS. 2ud Week:
; : 0k i Buy And Sell tinembers of the House themselves, seemed | Ly AL ! AND] PATTIES, J REL | the ady ice thu « btained, would Secure somebody, or there IS ne proof of its | shot Mr. Long and knocked hira down. Jno Brackbill io Bellefonte
Government Securities, Gold und Cou- | to take very little interest in the proceed- | GOS 70 1b perons, (and tis with regret | his aequital by any impartial court, | existance. General Trnomas will tes- | He subsequently recovered and gave | Juo Witherite Jr Boggs
pon. Gi npites. : for office within the gift ofthe ole | even if the pantie nt died the next hour | tify that no such PUrpoOse Wis commau- the alarm. Creneral shooting com- Win Johnson : Hun
OHN D. WINGATE. D. D. 5. | present. The people seer to be losing in- | stalking t and fro with money in their wal- | after taking medicines, nicated to him; and if not to Lun, as- menced, during which a Mr. Owens de Potter
: i Noro 13 hia | terest in the matter, and the galleries are | 08 WRIEH shottd be in ours, potwithetund- | “Phe case of a public officer who, | suredly not to anybody. was slightly wounded. The robbers | G M Swartz Fore)
Wish A RO ary hi | HO longer crowded by select spectators, | edness t the printer— Now, theref re. His | 1 the c ntemplation of the Constitu- The President will also be able to | ezeaped to Frankfort. Geo A Bayard Bellefonte
First two weoks OF every tnonth. ; | The evidence, so far, only goes to show, Lis to give notice, that henceforward the | tion and law aets in pursuance of ad- | prove by members of the Cabinet, by | H. J. Johnson has just married his Heo w Ray. ; Worth
ax Teeth extracted without pan, what was before known to all, that STaN- | UIE? Will ho Teverseds we *hali rediice the | vice, 18 x rfvetly analogous, The | his private Sceretaries, and, if neces- | former wife, Mary J.. in Cleveland, TO Larne Spang
npl0 68, tf. | ne es TO J 10 2) tenn | strongest part of the President’s de- | cary, by the other witnesses that he after a year of divoree and separation. | Jesse L Test Philipobite
} 1s prince. [iawariably is ndemcn, E3cen! by those with fence consists in his ability to prove | stated within a few hours after this | A movement is on foot to connect tI Tl Ferguson,
og ee how se beacon nd ane | dh is opinions, both as fo the conti | transaetion that it was hix prose to | England, Austrafin, India and China | is Mune Shing
es | 85,000,000 Al i ROT RIA 'MON FOR | Paitics ordering rickets for others wilt be | fulonnhity In the consti uction of the bring the vight of SPANTON to hold | by a submarine telegraph. Thomas Raper Haifies
Dr. Neff hus the « xperience of 18 years in THY STATE. [req to pay lor them, a | Lenure ol fice het Were the apn ans tie ofhee to “ judicial test, meh tes. Tre TT Pig Samitel Conta Bustier
the active practice of Medicine and Sup- ER REBT . | OTS Proper auViIsCers, Phose advi- | fimony will show that thiz was not an Mr. Wm. Wold, from near Penn David Rhinesmith P ES
FeTy. plu, ly. 7 Te Autorun LY ii who was arrested m | sers were not only indorsed by the | afterthought, not an excuse trumped | Hall, is now canvassing the lower | Thomas Ehrhart Het
: {its pds ring predeeessors in the at | pan yaks A, re lo | ope ol their fir Indotion ci up after he found that he Wis in dan- iD ine 0 Satie; sibseriptions Bm kanhaeh ined
SPAY AARYY ER & BEAVER IM of approprintion. Last year we thought | boil Frets bok oie he ale | oftice, i We re agai Fore en) abi ger. hat this was his real mention | the io lon Ag Take resting WORT, Vidi | Richard Atherion Philindhusgn
il ALL; J if Ld dolor L the Lesisliture was about a2 uneconoienl | puldings in that ety witinn the last Ceally indorsed by both Houses of ( on- | and noi an afterthought, can also be Alex. H. Stevens areat work, “The Jacob Hoover Union
ATPORNEYS-AT- LAW, | as any body of that kind eonld be, but the two months, ATO in this very Tenure-of-Office act, | corroborated by the testimony of | War Between the States”; “Smith's {J 6 Kurtz Bellefonte
Betiiatonte. Conte Uo. Porta, ate | The New England Methodist Con- | by which he was compelled to continue | General Graxr, who will be com- | Dictionary ot the Bible”; “De, Chase's Jahn Foams oS tons
| propriation bill foots up some five million | ference, at its session in Boston yester- | them in that capacity. Not only are pelled to swear that =uch an intention Family Receipt Book,” aud other val-| jon, LL Rookey ri
dollars; made up principally of hig! | day, unanimously adopted a report in | all the heads of departments made ad- | was uniformily avowed by the Presi- unable works, whiclt are doubly worth | Mich Gephart ens
ries to radical office-liolders, wnneecessary
jo J2. tL elorks, and hangers-on, who neve
present oie beats it by far. The new ap-1
4 YD Il »alii-
pte, Pa. ap G8,
of Ing |
| favor of the prohibition of the sale of | visors of the President hy the Consti- | dent for months before the act for | the price and should be found in every i sili:
Bana pr earned | liquor, tution but the office of ond of them | which he is impeached, and that this family. Mr. Walt has engaged in this Min Swith
setietomie, 4A. 4 an honest cent by labor, and who fatten at | Juniata county continues in an uproar | Was created by law to furnish him an | intention was in the first instance, {trst- | buriness for the benefit of his impaired | Davis Evans
ie crib, 1 who! remaoveing the county sent to Perrys- | advisor on legal points, We quote | puted by General Grant, himself. health, and we ask for him the kind Nm Harter
ville from the net creating the office of At It also corroborate by the action of | encouragement of all upon whom he SAmeb A. Gunde
| Spantoy, who hes remained in the | may call © | Geo B Rumberger
i 4
. 1
he extravagance of the
Y hot
1 pi tig git Pithale during the oil | '
v} if Hy : } I : iia th A111 torney fioneral:
nt for =REOGD, has been sold for ‘
) i . i 3