= J fia CENTRE HALL REPORTER. i sao “ FRIDAY, APRIL 8d, 1868. This issue we publish as an advance sheet, free to @eg subscribers. a see This copy of the REPORTER we ' ' \ ' T} issue gratis to our subscribers. lhe paper will appear in its regular and en- arged form in a week from this. We'tk the kind indulgence of our friends for a few days—until we get fixed—when we will promise them a paper welcome at the fireside. siti - Gp Political Constellations. With giant strides we are approach- ing the period of an incipignt struggle for the election of a President, in which may be noticed among some of the prominent politicians some peculiar turns, which must be viewed from a political standpoint. Strange and sur- prising developements will not he so rare as in times gone by, when party was not arrayed against party / with the same degree of bitterness and ani- mosity which characterise parties at the present time. | The two political parties now main- ly differ upon the question of recon structing the southern states. |The radicals endeavor to effect: this by ex- ceptional measures, which are to sqrve them the double purpose of securing their permanent control of the goverh- ment. The Democratic party de mands that the work of re-construation be perfected according to the require. trammeled actidbn of the southern peo- ple themselves. All other great ques- _tions—the finances, the conversion and reduction of the public debt, the specie sPstem—are not, strictly speaking, party questions, as we find prominent them. The principal step.Jeading from the one into the other party, rests upon a condemnation of military rule and a upon the other hand, a defense of the same. In the approaching presiden- tial-campaign there will be no lack of prominent politicians, who will choose the one or the other of these steps. "Already are such indications present- ing themselves. We instance the Cincinnati Gazette, the recognized or- gan of Chief-Justice Chase, whith pub- lishes an article upon the position of the Judge, which becomes the more interesting, with the growing impor- tance of his position as the head & the Nam a SRN DIR SE sms ¥ the present” moment gs president of the impéachment court, before whose bar President Johnson has been sum-g moned to appear. Subsequent to last fall's election in Ohio, the Gazette declared that Mr. Chase never favored negro suffrage in Ohi. and would not vote for it, and that he pronounces himself a conser- ‘vative and nota radical. Consequeut- ly he disclaimed any responsibility for the defeat of the radical ticket in Ohio. And now the same journal an.1 nounces that Mr. Chase does not at all harmonize with Congress as regards the military subjugation of the south. That he is opposed to the re-construc- tion laws, because they inaugurate a military despotisn®, and has steadily favored impartial and not universal suffrage. The article then goes on as follows: “Should the Democracy nominate him upon his ows platform, he would in all probability accept the nomination, although he has made no positive declaration to that effect.” This article may be viewed as a very distinct knock at the democratic door, as if to inquire whether Mr. Chase cannot, under certain conditions, receive admission. Such are the mévements in the political constella- tion} . And this one will net have sol- itude as its companion. The growing inclination on the part of the republi- can party to disregard the Constitu- tion and Justice and its leanings to- wards forcible measures, will yet open the eyes of many an able statesman before the presidential election comes off. ’ It is out of the question, however, that the Démocracy will nominate any other than a ripe statesman from its own ranks as theif candidate for the next presidency. # * »- 4 O09 Democratic victories still keep com- ing in, as elections are held. The la- test we chronicle as follows: On 20th ult.] the democracy carriep the boro’ of York, Pa., by 396 majori- ty, which is the largest deniocratic ma- jority ever cast by that town. On same day the democracy carrfed Bedford by 65 mgjority—a gain of 41 over last fall. ; ; At the election in Middletown, Ca- meron’s home, the demogracy gained 121 votes since last fall. The democracy carried the boro’ of Lebanon last “week, by 30 majority, a gain of 110 for the d.mocracy. 0 pfativos at Harrisburg, of the Senate, and Mr. i House, have our thanks * * - Our neighbor, John Shannon, esq, met with an accident on last Saturday afternoon, which might have proven fatal to him. While engaged in throw- ing down hay from his mow, a board upon which he stood, broke, and Mo, 8. fell down a distance of some nine feet, striking upon a log with his head and face, receiving some serious cuts and bruises. We notice that the following persons have made application for taking the benefits of the bankruptact: Whar- ton Morris, of Boggs township; Wm. Reed, of Milesburg; Wm. L. Musser, ) . . Y »v ofePenn township, and Ritzman & Kel: ler,oCentre Hill. Aprth-16th is the day fixed for creditors to appear before the bankrupt commissioner, with their sworn accounts, at his office in Belle- fonte. The Messrs. Bell, masons, on Mon- day, 30th ult.,, broke ground for the erection of the fine brick dwelling which our friend Jacob Dinges is hav- ing built this spring, and which, when completed, will be one of the marked improvements of Centre Hall. Our neighbor across the street, Mr. Alex. Shannon, will also have his new frame dwelling loom up on Church street this week, and ready to “flit” into it short- ly. Weare informed that some half dozen other gentlemen intend putting up houses during the summer, in our beautiful and thriving town, which will add considerably to the stirr and busi- ness of it. By the way, we might as well hint inthis connection, at the decided im- provement it would be to haveat least pavement along its whole length. Let our citizens talk over this matter and wesobve to do it. Our old and never-to-be-forgotten home, ancient Aaronsburg, we observe, will not be on the stand-still this sum- mer. The firm of Myers & Mingle are about erecting a fine store-house, and Mr. Wm. Harter is tearing down the old Clingman property and will put in its place a new and neat dwelling house. A bill has passed the state senate, prohibiting the catching of fish with any kind of netts in Penns, Pine and Elk creeks, in Centre county. We see by a letter from Mr. Meek, that an act has passed both Houses, authorising the Centre Hall Water Company to increase its capital. Also, a bill has passed the House, compelling all rail-ways in Centre co., to fence in their roads. The following hotel stands change landlords with the 1st of April: Abs. Harter, at the Narrows House, (Stitzer’s,) moves about one mile far- ther east,add opens up a new hotel stand. Mr. Elias Miller, of Madisonburg, has purchased the above mentioned Stitzer stand, and a son of his, Mr. Harvey Miller, becomes the new land- lord. .¢ Mri George Miiler, formerly of the Old Fort Hotel, has purchased the Condg hotel property, at Woodward, and ig now “mine host” of that old stand.’ Our old friend and prince of land- lords, Jonny Russel, has left the Great Western Hotel, near Lewisburg, and stand at Aaronsburg, formerly so pop- ulfir under his management. Mr. Franklin Hosterman takes pos- session®of the well known Penn Hall Hotel, formerly kept by M. H. Guise. Mr. John Spangler, after one year’s absence, has again moved back into the Centre Hall Hotel, just vacated by Messrs. Stumpf & Keller, and greets his old friends with his accustomed smile and accommodating manner. Our friend, Col. Keller, we under- stand, will take charge of the Hotel at Yeagertown, and his whole soul will undoubtedly be found with him, asusu- al. + There may be other changes, which have not yet come to our knowledge. We never before saw as much mov- ing in this county, as was done this year from beginning of March to first week in April. The sledding was most fa- vorable for that kind of work, during fore part of March, and since has been pleasant and spring-like, and the roads «in remarkably fine condition for this time of the year, and it struck us as tho’ everybody wished to have a “flit- ting” of their own. Quite a number of families have left our county. John, Jacob, William and widow Oliver, with their families, Michael Bower and Michael F. Hess, with their families, all from Haines tp., have gone to Illinois. Jacob Freder- ick, Samuel B. Stover, and his son Al- exander, all with families, from same township, have moved to Union coun- ty. Martin Dreibelbis, an old farmer of Penn tp., and Fred. Seltzer, and W. Kerchner, and other families from Pot- ter tp., whose names we have forgotten, | Have gone to the west. We wish them all success. Adanz K. Stem and Michael Pauly, with their families, have also left Pot- ter tp. for the west. Rev. Engel, from Ohio, has be- come pastor of the Ger. Reformed charge of Rabersburg, lately under the ministerial care of Rev. Mr. Hofmeier. The installation ceremonies of Rev. "Engel took place a few weeks ago at Rabersburg. SINCE the above was in type we learn that the following citizens of Potter town- ship, with their families, are ready for the west. Mr. Israel M. Stover, Mr. Francis Fleisher and Mr. Jacob Gephart. ‘WE regret to learn that Mr. Freas of Co- lumbia Co., father of Dr. Freas, of Aarons- burg, was accidently run over by a wagon one day last week, while assisting in mov- ing, and was so fatally injured that he ex- pired in two hours thereafter. INCENDIARISM IN BRUSHVALLEY.— We learn with regret that some evil disposed persons have spread consier- nation among our quiet neighbors in Brushvalley, by burning down prop- erty and committing robberies, We furnish the following in brief as rela- ted tous: John W. Sholl, in the east end of the valley, was set on fire and burned to the ground with all its contents. The incendiaries, it appears, entered the upper story by means of a plank which communicated with Mr. Sholl’s new dwelling and the store standing in . . fr \ close proximity. The store was set on fire in the upper story. Mr. Sholl, as accustomed, slept in the store-room below, and had with him a large and faithful wateh-dog, but the villain or villains conducted their hellish work so quietly, that neither Mr. S. nor his dog were aroused, until by the crack- ling flames when too late to save any- thing but their lives. The building was of brick and new. We have not yet ascertained Mr. Sholl’s loss, but it 1s partially @Qovered by insurance in the Farmers’ |Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Centre Lo. AxornER+The dwelling house of James Wert, in the lower end of the same valley, was consumed by fire, one day last wegk. We were unable to ascertain the origin of the fire. No insurance. / More Axcespiarisy—Two inef- fectual Attempts were made on last Saturddy night, to set on fire the stab- ling Aonnected with Mr. Daniel Har- tep’s Hotel, at Rabersburg. The first | attempt was made about 9 o'clock, but a timely discovery frustrated the plan by an early quenching of the flames. About midnight the stables were again found to be on fire, but fortunately the discovery was timely enough to put out the fire, and prevent a most disastrous conflagration. The object, it is supposed, was to draw away the attention of the citizens by a fire, and in the confusion caused thereby, a fa- vorable opportuniiy would be offered the Ah to rob other houses. Certain individuals, we are told, are suspected of being guilty of these crimes. Suspicious looking strangers were seen prowling through that sec- tion. RosBED.—On Sunday last thieves entered the house of Mr. S. Condo, near Rabersburg, whilst the family were attending church, and robbed it of $150 in money. il > Mr. Wm. Wolf, from near Penn Hall, is now canvassing the lower townships to solicit subseriptions for the following interesting works, viz: Alex. H. Stevens’ great work, “The War Between the States”; “Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible”; “Dr. Chase's Family Receipt Book,” and other val- uable works, which are doubly worth the price and should be found in every family. Mr. Wolf has engaged in this business for the benefit of his impaired health. and we esl for him tho land encouragement of all upon whom he may call. * BR gp The work on the railroad between Lewisburg and Northumberland, has been commenced, and quite a numbor of hands are at work a short distante below Northumberland bridge. We also learn that an additional subserip- tion of £100,000 has been obtained in New York City, and from parties from whom still further aid may be expected. i. During the past winter, up to the 22d inst, according to Mr. G. T. Zahn, of Lancester, it snowed thirty-five times, making a depth of sixty-one and a half inches. When it snowed two or three times during one day, it was called but one fall. SpE The lock on the stable of David M. Zook, in Menno township, Miffliu county, was broken open on Tuseday, night, 17th inst., and two valuable hor- ses stolen, the one a bay seven years old this spring, the other a sorrel from 10to 12 years old, both with stars on their foreheads. $600 have been re- fused for these horses. One of them was stolen some years ago and recov- ered in Perry county. A note was left on the door, stating that two weary foot travelers had borrowed the horses and that the owner could find them at Milroy next day ; but this ruse did not take, although the tracks led that way for a few rods, but then turned and went up the road. It is strongly suspec- ted that a party before implicated, and eported dead, had a finger in the rtransaction, and if so it 1s hoped the eward of $200 for the thief and hor- ses will fetch him, bl ry SUFFRAGE BY THE WAG- ON LOAD. A planter residing a few miles from Montgomery, Ala., relates an iucident which entirely portrays the fitness of the negro, as a class, for the exercise of suffrage, and should silence all whe doupt the propilety of that Congress- ional legislation bestowing it. While in the very act of gathering his last cot- ton crop, whice was in a condition urg- ing immediate picking, a committee represending his hands one day inform- ed him that they mustall go to Mont- gomery the, day following, and that at the same time they desired the use of a mule team and wagon. Alarmed at the losing a day in the gathering of his crop, he anxously inquired why they must be absent, and for wat pur- pose they needed the wagon, to which the chairman or speaker of the darkey delegation replied. Well, Boss—de trufis dis: We’s bin deformed that the suffage isto be is- sued to-morrow, and dat we must all be dar to to get our share, and we want de wagon to foch it over.” Knowing full well that to object was unless, the planter resorted toa ruse to save his crop, and to prevent a wagon load to “suffage” lying around of his pocken a e p was sent him to be delegation that it read to them, from the Superintndent of the railroad, announceing that the car containing their suffage had broken down on the route, and would not be in Montgomery for a week from that date. By this deception he saved his crop, as the negroes returned to work, regretting, however, that they were to \ be deprived of their “suffage” for an- other week. : ite oie A movement is on foot to connect England, Australia, India and China by a submarine telegraph. Brigham Young is a widower to the extent of five wives, fallen a prey to pneumonia. The Johnstown “Tribune” (radical) Is strongly opposed to Andrew Gi, Cur tin for Vice President. A techy husband told his wife they could not agree, and must divide the house. “Very well,” said she, “you take the outside.” : A Clearfield co. paper says: “All lumbermen have been busily engaged for the past ten days in rafting in their lumber and getting ready to run the same to market. The recent high wa- ter has, however, put a stop tempora- rily to rafting. As soon as the water gets low enough a considerable amount of lumber will be started to market.” ¥ Young, the Norway Savings Bank robber, was sentenced the other day to nine years imprisonment. Three persons bound for Halifax were arrested yesterday in Portland, Me., on a charge of robbing Adams Express Company in Pennsylvania. The large storage and commission use of Messenger & Co., Warsaw, I1l.,, was burned on Tuesday. Loss $50,000. : The Metropolitan Mills, a hotel and some small houses, were burned down in Springfield, Ill, involving a loss of $20,000, An extensive fire occurred in La Crosse, Wisconsin, the other day. Loss £150,000. A large axe-pole manufactory in Scranton, Pa., was destroyed by fire last week. I.oss $30,000. Sumner is very week over the pros- pect of losing his re-election to the Sen- ate. On the morning of 22nd ult., a fire, on Bennehoff Run, destroyed 4,600 bbls. of tanking and 2,100 bbls. of oil. The Philadelphia, Shendon, Steele, and Getty wells are the principal lo- SCS. At Russellville, Ky., on Friday, the banking house of N. Long & Co., was entered by five men and robbed of $9,000 in currency and an unknown amount of private deposits. They shot Mr. Long and knocked him down. He subsequently recovered and gave the alarm. General shooting com- menced, during which a Mr. Owens was slightly wounded. The robbers escaped to Frankfort. H. J. Johnson has just married his former wife, Mary o., in Cleveland, after a year orarviree and sopecation. Governor Ward. of New Jersy, unwilling to approve of the Harsimus Cove bill, allowed it to become law whithout his signature. re > DEATHS. On 20th ult., in Haines tp., of droysy, Susan Louisa, daughter of Mr. David Kor- man, aged 7 years, 2 months and 26 days. On 22nd ult., in Millheim, Miss Harriet, daughter of Solomon Long. REGISTER'S NCTICES.—The follow- ing accounts have been examined and pass- ed by me, and remain filled of record in this office for the inspection of heirs, lega- tees, crepitors and al others in any way in- terested, and will be presented to the Or- phan’s Court of Centre county, to be held at Bellefonte, for allowance and confirma- tion, on Wednesday, the 20th day of April A. D. 1868. 1st. The account of S. G. Stine and G. W. Stine administrators of &e., of Samuel Stine, late of Halfmoon township, deceased. 2nd. The account for Francis Jodon Guardian of Adam C. Shadel, minor child of Martha Shadel, late of Centre county de- ceased. 8nd. The account of Conrad Singer ad- ministrator of &e., of Peter Wensel, late of Snow Shoe township, deceased. 4th. The account of Jesse Jordon admin- istrator of &c., of George Jordon, late of Potter township, dec’d. bth. The account of David Gilliland Guar- dian of Anna E. Stahl minor heir of the es- tate of David Wasson, late of Potter town- ship, dec’'d. [The balance of these notices will appear in our next weeks issue. ] NOTICE.—Persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, and not wish- ing to pay cost, will please Make immediate settlement. S. G. SHANNON, Centre Hall, Mar, 31 1868, PENN HALL ACADEMY —This popu- lar Institution is situated in the pleasant and healthy village of Penn Hall, will com- mence its summer session in April, under the management of Prof. W. HOWARD GUTELINS. of Franklin and Marshall College. Stu- dents will find this Institution one of the bes: in this section of the State, to fit them- selves for college. apstf. TREASURER’S SALES, OF UNSEATED LANDS FOR TAXES FOR 1867, AND PREVIOUS YEARS. Notice is hereby given, that in pursu- ance of an act of Assembly passed the 12th day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled “An Act to amend an Act directing the mode of sel- ling unseated lands, in Centre county,” and the several supplements thereto, there will be exposed to public sale or outery, ‘the following tracts of unseated lands in said county for the taxes due and unpaid there- on, at the court-house in the borough of Bellefonte, on the 2nd Tuesday of June, A. D. 1868. : Benner Township. Acres. Per. Warrantee Name. John M Hale do do Burnside Township. one third of 3068. 02 Walter Stewart Taxes. 68 Paul Cox.......ovvvinnssinnns 3 87 John Vaughn Henry Harris......cooon . 21 42 Joseph Wallace 22 08 Jeremiah Parker 5 52 John Donley....cceerinnns 22 08 Sam’l Seott...cuvresviinins 22 08 Joseph Morris 16 32 Alexander Greaves... 22 08 GeorgeEddy..oiiinienn a8 41h 41h 415 433 ARIES HALL ovies ieresnses 29 D2 Chas Hall..........c. coisii 66 24 conn David Tewis.....ooreiii0. 2025 viva JOR BRYN cennss iiesnss 21° 15 Chm LEAR E] thie Shiny Shh 163 do do do 163 do Jeremiah Wallluosus 19 58 Joseph Walnu.iin 21 10 Jesse Wahi. .viinnrens 21 1s John Barron... 21 Eli Canby John Rugg Molly Morton Henry Harris. i Francis Guerney Michael Obrion.....cu. Henry Wheeler Benjamin R Morgan... David Lewis... Wm Gra SRRRRRRRR ARRAY Thomas Greaves....... Jonathan Hervey Andrew SoOmers.....cees.. 3 PR Kuhlns......cooearesens Morgaret Butler... John Cochran... Wm Russel......c.. REE Thomas Russel......cnns David Carseadon David Carseadon Daniel Reese Jesse Evans... ini George Aston Jomes Roland John Scott Wm Wistar Wm Hood John MeClure...oou inns Packer Z Lucas. ....... “ James D Harris...coonnn Ann Deal Garret Cottinger......... Thos P Wharton Joshua Haines...ccoeeeses 2 do 50 do 2 51 Martha Godfrey o4 bo Petor Smith............sss 10 70 Mary Lane........ Crvirem 11 36 Joseph Kelso.......... ww 31 Paul Custon 4 28 Jno C Hyleman......... hl 20 Alexander Bell 56 Chas Hall 56 Calib Lawns 08 Isaac Longstreth 08 Chat Allen.....coaevesision 99 Joseph Taylor... Andrew Epple............ Robert Irvin N L Atwood Job W Packer N L Atwood Job W Packer do i I Peter Hahn Susan Hahn Joseph Thomas....cceeem 3 Se Waln Nashaniel Levy... Thos Humphries......... Robert Gray William Gray Wm Yardley Samuel Baird Mathew Leech Joseph Kelso......covuii, Sidney Coats.......2 0000. : Wm Gilbert Caleb Lewis............... Isaac Longstreth James White Samuel Hall 2 Abijah Davis.....iien 2 Joseph Bighee Ruth Elliott Joseph Roberts........... : Rebecca Kelso............ ‘ Jeremiah Jackson Jesse Esther Eddy Casper Wistor Philip Myers......ocrnen 22 Simon Myers......cocouu 11 Valentine Myers......... 1 76 MICE ry Ors 4 Sam’l Scott Rober Aimsley ‘ Richard Mins......coienen 10 70 Henry Donnell Alex Hamiltin John McCauley Robert Armstrong J W & L C Packer..... Mary Tallman : Fishburn Whorton 23 JW & LC Packer..... 6 Thomas McEwen........ 24 26 Robert M'Cartney 3 129 127 James Laurimore John Mercer Robert Askin Job Packer James Packer............ David Johnson Wm Hopburn John Cowder Andrew Carson Bernard Hubley Henry AntiS....ueiein James Tower Jacob Anderson 43 John Burgh J & D Pyles Josiah Lamburn Andrew Kuhns.......a. Adam Ruhns.......c... John Price John Wheeland John Rolington James Baxter Kuhas......ccooinesinss Adam ‘Buhns............ Isaac Green.....cveeesses Samuel Custen.......ou. John W Godfrey J W Godfrey Joseph Green Jasse BVAans.....cv.uu. Roland Custin Paul Custon Joseph Taylor Joseph Kelso Wm Packer Jacob Packer John Brady C B- Welch .civnsescnnsine 2 W C Welch A D Harris.......ooivienne do 40......, athe AO. QOuieserssisrresass Alexander Hunter John Buyers.............. 1 Sam’l Young Benjamin Young Thomas Hamilton...... Jacob Weidner... Sarah Benham...........s Samuel Pancoast......... dD Furst... icniininen White & Nestlerode... Wm Ramsey Joseph Greysburg do Green, Hale & Curtin. Joseph Harris John Bolinder............ Henry Bolinder Frederick Bolinder..... Adam Bolinder Albright Swineford..... James Row Mary Jenks.....iccon . Thomas Barr... ccs Sam’l Wilson... John Mitchell John Reynolds S Henr, Thomas Sankey John Steel........ faves iens Tobe Sampl x wid Wilson.........us. setae Bessa s senna ane sess sessrnsannes FIT = David Work.............. Nathan Simpson... Wm Wilson...cusees snes J =I ~J Allen Heekiionetf 3 SE882535 LAER REE snnen Sean Rha hes Keane hes ian . J ames Btoelu..onnsinsnns : J C F Bh sisisnss sirsarvis ] ’ Poter Wilson.....ioeeesia A . . Elenor McCormick..... Peter Willson......ueeeas Kearne, i . ‘ William Hoffman........ Dan’l Love..... FE Dan’l Smith Samuel Young . John Irwin... , Wm Brown. James Redd......coinir Absolem Andre...... se Michael Gratz.cocenss aii Simon Gratz. vs , John Simpson Henry Antis....ooueiin Hepburn Harris... John Mackey......cosenen Benjamin Young........ Peter Cramer.....ooeeees Wm Mackey.....coornsen Peter Swineford John Kidd Mary Barr Wm Harrison PODS et ln COMM Cd SEDI BON 163 do d 0 do do do do 163 163 153 153 Sarah Custon.....cceeeern Job 'W Packer......cus.ns Stephen Stevenson John Danwoody Ebenezer Benham Dan’l Pletcher Peter Leitzel Christian Smith.......c... Robert Irwin....oeenien John Potter Jeremiah Jackson John Jackson Dan'l Krause....ooreeense Wm Hays......... chaaveen James McGhee........... John Quay ...cevessessenns Simon Lingle... Hugh Shaw...... aisageen Christian Neslerode... James Parsons Alex Hamilton........ — Miles Township. Hengy Toland. ..cosssics Sam'l Norton Dan’l Williams........... ‘Wm Brady Wm Harner Richard Parker Jeremiah Parker Dan’l Singford 5 Strochecker & Reynold Thomas Grant 3 Hannah Brady Robert Gray Thomas @rant...... eats Robert Brady Wm. P. Brady, Thomas Grant........ a Alex Hunter Jeremiah Jackson Wm. Stedman Robert Toggard Thomas Smith Aaron Levy JORN REeSe....coscsssssesns Peter Housel James Crothers..cae. Dan’l Singford.....ceee... Strohecker & Reynold John Housel...... io Simon Gratz do do do do Marion Township. Robert Young J M Mchinney Wm Thomas. c..ceensessans Potter Township. Andrew Duff....... aii John McClelland Thos Gray Joseph Blair Thomas Gordon John C Reed.......... dee G JAeOD...coossn seins ait Thomas Falls JOhn NOrriS.....cssssssess Robert McKimm David McKimm John Brown James Moore Josep Cowgill ‘William Harrison........ George McClelland... James Forbs....o. atacson Penn Township. Rush Township. Dryid Beverage Martha McConnel........ James Glentworth........ George Latimer Edward Moyston Andrew Armstrong Sharp Delaney......coueeens Wm McPherson Wm G Latimer.......... Charles Lucas.....uuse. Thomas Grant...... a John Witmer... 65 John Lowdon Christian Hair Jacob SHKe....ccooniinsn 42 Christian Hair........ oe DE George Slough Alex Scott Michael Schneck Christian Schneck John Hand John Allison....ceenes reas: Wm Wilson........ assent James Allison...... aris do Casper Scheapner Robert Spear Choistian Lenhore...... John Funk 3 Casper Lawrence....... Samuel Chestnut Owen Jordon George Slough... Wm Wilson....... abe Bartholimew Wistor... Richard MoriS....cces Thomas Wistor Casper W Morris........ Isaac W Morris...coeese Zacius Collins....vuveree T Wm Beach......... aabeiaek Nathaniel Matloek...... Jas Matlock John Bur Wm McCoy...oon - Henry Hessen, Christian Stoner... John Stoner... vei Christian Hess....uu. ae Ben F Morgan........ wit 3 Robert Ree Joseph Hopkins.....ccees John Hopkins........ ave John Lowdon.....c.e.. Thomas Grant......c.ee Benjamin Rush......c.e Robert King...oieeens 1 Robert Irwin... John Musser....... craters Richard Poters........ a Joh 'Wils0N...cssserares 3 Sean = Jane Miller...ceeasinees 1 Jane Milles...cviisaresssss Robert Kin ny ep Af neires wieih Joseph Harrison......... 1 John Harrison......eee.. 18 Robert Bainey.....eeeee 1 Jacob Rush.....cceisseeenes John Weidman........... 2 * sssene TRUBSRLSTS BBE SRSICCED TREE == WWW WWRWLWBWLW® SANBEIISIIIZS8S = gt af wy cron J Long John Dunwoody 3 Walker Township. Sam’l Barickman David Reed ro R Rodenson BPyle& Co Jeremiah Parker