embracing several "A PAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SNOW SHOE AND SNOW SHOE TOWNSHIP. VOL. I. MOSHANNON AND SNOW SHOE, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1910. NO. 13. LOCAL NEWS Snow Shoe and Vicinity. The restaurant of Henry Sinclair on Olive street, has become quite a popular place for meals. Ice cream and confectionery are also on sae. It is said that J. A. Confer has ad- vertised his auto for sale since the broncoes have been enjoying so many rides at the expense of W. B. Hall, | taking ,his hard earned money. AN ANNOUNCEMENT Announcement has been made that Miss Maude Budinger and Mr. Harry Mann will be joined in the holy bonds of wedlock, on Wednesday, June 29th, at the home of Miss Budinger at this place. Mr. Mann is interested in the Hayes Run Brick Works, and stands very high in social circles. Good wishes are extended to the contracting parties. CHINESE RENEW WAR AGAINST FOREIGNERS Towns Fall Before the Torch—Recent Outbreak at Changsha Riva'ed. GREAT UPRISING PLANNED Rebels in Triumphal March Leave ‘Sacked and Burning Villages to Mark the Trail—Amer- : icans Are Protected. Hankau, China—The Chinese rebels are in complete control of a territory hundred square ‘miles in the northern part of Hunan province, and a war of extermination ‘is being waged on all native Chris tians, according to reports reaching bere. The mobs have destroyed all tele- graph wires, according to authentic information, as part of the prepara- tions for the anti foreign uprising called for Sunday. The disorders are spreading north- ward rapid: y, and in the path of the rebels a score of villages lie sacked or smoking. The situation at Yi-Yang, where the officials were driven out by the mob, is more serious and the torch is being applied right and left, ac cording to information, and a third of the towns has been destroyed. The reports say that, as in the at: tack on foreigners at Changsha, the places to be destroyed are selected carefully by the mob leaders, who des ‘fgnate what shall be left unmolested The ringleaders appear to have as per fect command over, their forces as if ‘they were military officers. One re port is even current that renegade Japanese offirers are leading the re volt, Advices from Chaun-Chia show that the first reports minimized the dam- age, the portion of the city burned last week being larger than was at first believed here. At Nankin signs of unrest are grow: ing worse daily, and a general upris ing more serious than that at Chang sha is feared. James F. McNally, the American consul, and Vice Consul John K. Davis have taken steps to protect Americans and their property. The crowds al ceady gathering for the exhibition there, to open June 5, are being close- ly watched by the government. ‘It is reported that the rebels will bring in a large force in the guise of sightseers. London, England—Messages receiv- ed by the London headquarters of sev- 2ral missionary societies in China say that anti-foreign demonstrations {hroughout China are increasing and that a widespread outbreak before au- tumn {is inevitable. - The situation is so serious that the heads of the missionary movement are tonsidering the advisability of aban- loning their remote missions and con- tentrating near the coast where for eign ships can protect them. The latest outbreaks reported are at Chuan-Chia, a short distance north- west of Changsha, where there was serious trouble and at Yi-Yang. At the latter place the trouble is more local than anti-foreign, and the houses of many natives have been burned.- Missionaries report that no depend- ence can be placed in the Chinese troops, as they usually join the rioters whom they are sent to suppress. The income tax amendment hag ‘een finally defeated ‘a Albany, : BEBELS WIN VICTORY | IN NICARAGUA Many Kil'ed and Estrada’s Troops Take 200 Prisoners. MADRIZ’S MEN STARVING. American Warships Will Prevent Bat tle Within the City Limits. Washington, D. C.—Severe fighting between the trcops of President Mad: | riz and those of the Provisional Pres- ident Estrada of the revolutionists, took place early on the morning of May 30 near Bluefields, Nicaragua, ac cording to a message from United States Consul Moffat at Bluefields. Many were killed and wounded and two rundred prisoners were taken by the Estrada troops. ‘Consul Moffat’s troops, which for several weeks have been before Blue- fields to the westward, again began their attacking operations. The forces attacking the city wera those of the government under Genenr- al Lara, who, Mr. Moffat said, in the last few days had repeatedly attacked the revolutionary forces of General Es- trada, but had been repulsed each time. The government troops during these attacks sustained heavy losses, the Consul reported. Government Trocps Starving. The fighting has taken place quite near Bluefields amd the insurgents, be- sides holding their own with the at- tacking troops - and repulsing them each time, captured 200 men of the Madriz troops. These soldiers when brought into Bluefields by the insur- gents informed General Estrada that the government troops under General Lara were starving. The Madriz steamer Venus has not been permitted-to bombard the trench- es back of Bluefields. This would have necessitated firing over the city, and following the order to this effect by the commander of the United States warship Paducas, the American gunboat prepared for action, although the necessity for this did ny: arise. DIED BROKEN-HEARTED Boston's Ex-Mayor and Ex-Postmaster Does Not Long Survive Defeat and Humiliation. Boston, Mass.—George Albee Hib- bard, mayor of Boston for the years 1908 and 1909 and postmaster of the city for seven years preceding, died at his home here Sunday of a broken heart, although the physicians give the cause simply as heart disease. Ex-Mayor Hibbard was a candidate in February for re-election but in a threes cornered fight received less than 2,000 votes in a total of nearly 100, 000. The bitter humiliation sent him to his bed. He rallied somewhat but when the new mayor sent in the ex- mayor's name to be city collector, but he was unanimously rejected by the civil service commission which under the new charter must pass cn all ap- pointments. The last blow killed him. Mr. Hibbard was a weak mayor but one of the cleanest of citizens and a man universally respected personally. He was about 45 years old. GIVEN A BIG ORDER $4,0C0,000 Pipe Contract Is Placed With Pittsburg Concern. Pittsburg—The National Tube Com- pany and the Spang-Chalfant Company have received an order from Booth & Flinn for 269 miles of 10, 12, 16 and 18-inch “steel pipe. The pipe: will be used in a big gas line from Shreve- port, La., to Little Rock, Ark., for which Booth & Flinn have ‘been awarded the general contract. About $4,000,000 will be expended in filling the order, which is the largest receiv- ed in the Pittspurg market in a long time. The Ohio Fuel Supply Company has placed an order for 40 miles of 20- inch pipe with the National Tube Company. Left $10,000,000 to Princeton. Salem, Mass.—By the will of Isaac C. Wyman of Salem, filed in the pro. bate court, the bulk of his estate, which is estimated at nearly $10,000, 000, is left to the Graduate School of Princeton University. f The pardoned postconvict has marked his release by writing some verses entitled “As 1 Leap Forth.” We thought, chirps the New York American, he had promised to refrain from that sort of thing if set free. ‘nounced his discovery of the bacilli of DEATH CALLS PROF. KOCH Noted German Bacteriologist Suc. cumbs to lliness of the Heart. Baden-Baden—Prof. Robert Koch, the famous bacteriologist, died here May 27th from a disease of the heart. He was born at Klausthal, Hanover, December 11, 1943. Prof. Koch became distinguished as an investigator of micro-organisms, but probably gained most renown as the discoverer of the bacilli of tuber-, culosis and cholora. He was graduat- ed in 1866 from the University of Goettingen, and while a practitiener at Wollstein began his researches in bacteriology. His first writings, cov: ering investigation of anthrax and the aetiology of traumatic infective dis- eases, marked an epoch in medicine and placed bacteriology on a scientific basis. It was in 1882 that Prof. Koch an tuberculosis. The following year he was sent by the German government to India and Egypt to study cholera and discovered the comma bacillus, the presence of which is regarded as an infallible test in diagnosing asiatic cholera. It was in 1890, at the meet ing of the International medical con- gress, that Prof. Koch announced the discovery of a specific for tuberculosis, but while his announcement created a sensation, the medical profession gen- erally did not accept it as a fact and subsequently experience did not fully substantiate the. claims of Koch in this direction. Prof. Koch received decorations from the German and French govern ments for his discoveries. He visited the United States in 1908 and attend- 2d the international tuberculosis con- ference in Philadelphia. SUGAR MEN PLEAD GUILTY Three Defendants Give Up Fight When the Government Clases Case. New York—The long series of sur prises in the sugar underweighing con- spiracy trial culminated in the sudden closing of the prosecution’s case and | ‘the entering of pleas of guilty by three of the men on trial. These three were fellow employes of the four checkers convicted last winter for complicity in the frauds on the Williamsburg docks of the American Sugar Refining Company. All of them worked under Oliver Spitzer, the dock superintendent, also convicted and sentenced to two years in the Atlanta penitentiary, whose confession and pardon and appearance as a govern- ment witness was the first big sensa- tion of the present trial. ‘Counsel for the three men who had lecided to give up the fight—Harry W. Walker, assistant dock superin: tendent, and Jean F. Voekler and Tames Halligan, Jr., checkers—with irew their plea of not guilty as soon 18 the government, after introducing some new testimony, announced that t closed its case. Sentence will be passed upon them later. PRESBYTERIANS VOTE DOWN HERESY CHARGE New York Branch of Church Cleared —Order Examinations Record- ed Hereafter. Atlantic City, N. J—Commissioners KNEW SPANISH WAR WAS UNNECESSARY. McKinley's Former firms Secret Told by Depew in Senate. Columbus, O.—“Senator Depew is entirely correct,” said James Boyle, who was President McKinley’s sec- retary when Governor of Ohio and was afterwards sent by him as consul to Liverpool, while talking of the declaration of the senator in his speech in the senate in which he said President McKinley was forced into the Spanish war. “President McKin- ley said to me,” said Boyle, “that ne: gotiations were in progress that would have adjusted the Cuban trouble with perfect satisfaction to the Cubans, to the United States and with honor to Spain, but a few hotheads of great in- fluence in congress, whose names he mentioned to me, and the yellow news- papers, aroused such a war sentiment that he could not withstand it. He held out as long as he could, knowing that the war was unnecessary. “The president told me that, know- ing that the war was avoidable; and he had not been able to avoid it, made he matter the saddest event of his ife. “I asked the president what tie plan of adjustment included for Cuba and he answered without going into details, that it proposed to give to Cuba the fullest degree of home rule. This the president said to me at Can- ton in 1900 when he and I had come home to vote at the time of his sec- ond election ALL ON CRAFT DROWN Twenty-Seven Men Who Were on French Vessel Perish as Re- , sult of Collision. Calais, France—The French subma- rine Pluviose was sunk just outside the bay here in a collision with the Calais-Dover packet Ville de Calais. The crew, consisting of the comman- der, two other officers and 24 men, were lost. The catastrophe was due to the recklessness of the submarine com- mander in attempting to pass under packet. He miscalculated the depth required for this feat, and the subma- rine struck the steamer and was near- ly cut in two. She sank like a plum- met, Although the sceident occurred in the full sunlight the captain of the Ville de Calais failed to see the Plu- voise, which was maneuvering half submerged at the time of the accident. The first the captain knew of the presence of the submarine was when the crash came. The packet was bad- ly damaged and put back to Calais, after leaving several lifeboat loads of searchers on the scene to look for possible survivors from the subma- rine, The Ville de Calais sent areograms to Dover and Calais for assistance and tugboats and torpédo boats has- tened to the scene. "The accident occurred in full view of several hundred who were on the bank watching the maneuvering of themarine. The Pluvoise was 150 feet long and of b50 tons. She was built at Cher bourg, : Secretary Con. LOCAL NEWS |Moshannon and Vicinity. ——— The dance held in Groe’s hall on last Wednesday evening was quite well attended and a very enjoyable time spent by all present. Another elaborate ‘moonlight pic- nic” was held on Friday evening on the old hunting grounds, in the vicin- ity of Lodebar, by the young folks. About seventeen were present and en- joyed the amusement of the evening along with the refreshments, which was no small part of the occasion. This is the second of a series of such gather- ings to take place during the summer months. The new mines near here began shipping coal this week and promise to make good work for the men living in this locality. About thirty men are already digging and more will be given places as fast as they can be made ready. NOTICE! : Your subscription for The Times is wanted, and you surely want The Times. It is not possible to call on each individual personally, therefore, send your name direct to the publish- er. State clearly the length of time you wish your subscription to run, and write name and address very plainly. A Post Office Money Order is the most satisfactory way to remit. Other ways at your own risk. Don’t forget the Times when any- thing of public interest occurs in your neighborhood. We want all the big and little things. HIGH TIDE OF IMMIGRATION Over 800,000 Aliens Arrive Since Jun: 30, 1909, or 52,000 Mcre Than in All Last Fiscal Year. Washington, D. C.—The April immi- ‘gration bulletin issued by the depart: ment of commerce and labor shows that during that month 135,052 aliens were admitted to this country. This brings the total for this fiscal year, with still two months to run, up to 803,001, or 52,000 more than during the entire year ended June 30, 19009. If the present average obtains for the next twb months 1910 promises to ghow the greatest immigration roll in the ‘history of the country. Five Brokers Taken to Jail. Cincinnati, O.—Louis W. Foster, Ed- ward Heil, Walter Scott and Arthur W. Baldwin, mem- bers of the O’Dell Brokerage Compa- ny, who are sentenced to jail on charges of using the mails for bucket shop operations, surrendered to United States Marshall Eugene Lewis. They were taken to jails in Canton and Troy, O. (n attendance at the Presbyterian gen. eral assembly demanded by resolution that official records be kept hereafter of all examinations made of candi dates for the ministry by Presbyterian bodies. The resolution was introduced by Rev. Robert S. Inglis of Newark, N. J;, who explained his belief that the lack of verbatim records in the heresy trial decided had left the examining commission without real proof of the claims of the minority members of the New York Presbytery that the ordain ed students, Steen, Black and Finch had really expressed heretical beliefs | The resolution was passed by unani mous vote. The assembly, by a unanimous vote adopted the report of the judicial com mission, declaring the heresy charge against the New York Presbytery, be cause of the ordaining of the three ttudents mentioned not proven. GATES TO BUILD UNIVERSITY Capitalist Offers $250,000 to Texas} Methodists. Galveston, Tex.—John W. Gates, who declares that he has not joined the Methodist church, has offered $250,000 for the erection of a Metho dist university besides donating a site’ of 40 acres of land on the edge of Port Arthur, Tex. He offered to double any fund the church would raise and lhe general conference embracing sev- eral states agrees to raise $125,000. The structure will be only one of several costly institutions to be erect 3d at Port Arthur by Mr. Gates, in- *luding the Mary Gates Hospital, STOP! antees all work. LOOK! READ!!! Save car fare, hotel bills and time by having your dentistry done at home by H. E. Brady. Dr. Brady is no stranger, having made more than 200 sets of teeth atand in the vicinity of Snow Shoe. visits Snow Shoe and Karthaus regularly and guar- Painless Extraction, Gold and Silver Filiing, Crown Bridge Work. No charge for examinations. At Alfred Thompson! s Residence TUESDAY, JUNE 7TH i At Fagle Hotel, Karthaus, Wednesday, June 8th | 7 He | i rearing completion and costing $350, 100. : Campbell, J. M. _ -
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