Snow Shoe times. (Moshannon, Pa.) 1910-1912, April 06, 1910, Image 7

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Munyon’s Paw Paw Pills coax the liver into
activity by gentle methods. They do not scour, gripe
or weaken. They are a tonic to the sto: ver
and nerves; invigorate instead of weaken. They en-
rich the blood and enable 3he/ stomach to get’ alld gis
nourishment from food t is put into it.
pills contain no calomel; they are soothing, healln; ealing
and stimulating. For sale by all druggists in 10c an
25c sizes. If you need medical advice, write Mun-
yon’s Doctors. They will gdvile to the Pa of their
ability absolutely free of Cha if MUNYON’S,
53d and Jefferson Sts., Ph Tndoionin, ‘Yao
Munyon's Cold ‘Remedy cures a cold in. one ‘day.
Price 25c. Munyon's Rheumatism Remedy relieves
in a few hours and cures in a few days. Price
Cuba is vigorously enforcing collec
tion of duties on the personal effects
of passengers landing at any port of
the island. This is a pointer for tour-
ists to Cuba.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma-
tion, ,allays pain, yeures wind colic, 25¢ca bottle.
Freaks of the Eyesight.
Many eye defects, of course, are due
to the bad habits of their possessors.
Tobacco, for instance, is generally
held to impair their vision, usually in- |
juring the color-sense so that gold and
silver become indistinguishable. Ac-
cording to some medical authorities,
again, the connection between eye and
tooth trouble is more than an old
wife’s fable. In his book dealing
with the subject, Hancock relates the
story of a boy who woke up one morn-
ing to find himself blind. On exam-
Jim Jones was fat;
There could not be
A doubt of that,
As all might see.
Not calves, but cows
Backed up his shins!
Bulged were his brows,
He had four chins.
A sip, a crust,
Made him a meal;
Through rain or dust
He trudged with zeal
He walked, he ran,
He exercised,
Tried every plan
And all despised.
At last in wrath
He quit them all,
From Turkish bath
To rubber ball;
He ate just what
‘Was called a sin;
No more he fought—
And he grew thin!
Sinews unused i
Laid waste his trashe;
Pies unrefused,
Dyspepsia came.
And now Jim s
Begins afresh,
A rack of bones, .
To work for flesh!
—C hicago Post.
“What was the bride's, father’s pres-
ent to the happy couple ” “An order
on the butcher for twenty-four pounds
of sirloin steak. ?’—Detroit Free Press.
“Sir, 1 heard you using the word
“No, sir. Do you think you ‘re the
land Leader.
Benham—“We are getting near the
Mrs. Benham—“We don’t need
the anniversary to remind us that he
is dead.”—Judge.
“De extravagant man,” said Uncle
Eben, “is mo’ or less liable to git dz
high cost of livin’ mixed up in his
mind wif de cost of high living’.”—
Washington Star.
“We had an African explorer at the
club last evening. He talked of pro-
gressive Abyssinia.” “Sounds inter-
esting. How do you play it ?’—Lou.s-
ville Courier-Journal.
“Now, children, ” asked the teacher,
“what is the use of a calendar?”
“Please, mum,” answered Willie, “it
tells where you'd orter git yer life in-
ination, his teeth were discovered to "sured. "—Cleveland Leader.
be crowded together, and a few of
them were removed; with the resuit!
First Loafer—*“Well, ’ow ’ve ye got
on through the ’lection time?” Second
that by evening he could distinguish Loafer—*“Shockin’! Couldn't raise so
between light and darkness. More
teeth were removed, and in 11 days
his sight was fully restored. Other
causes which tend to show the con-
nection between eye and tooth trou-
ble have also been noted. = Very fre-
quently occupation has much to do
with one or other eye defects. Thus,
nystagmus is sometimes known as the
miner's disease—Strand Maeazine.
LydiaE. Pritam sVegeta-
ble Compound Cured Her
Knoxville, Towa. — “I suffered with
pains low down in my right side for a
year or more and was SO weak and ner-
vous that I could not do my work.
wrote to Mrs. Pink-
{ham and took Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vege-
able Compound
and Liver Pills, and
{am glad to say that
1 your medicines and
{ more for me than
§ anything else and I
MW had the best physi--
A'| cians here. I can
do my work and rest
well at night. I believe there is noth-
ing like the Pinkham remedies.”
Mrs. CLARA Franks, R.F.D., No. 3,
Knoxville, Iowa.
Vis success of Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Yegetntlo Compound, made from roots
herbs, is unparalleled. It may be
Pa with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam-
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir-
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi:
i dizziness, or nervous prostra-
For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least give this medicine a trial
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, and why should it
not cure you?
‘If you want Spooinl advice write
Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, for it.
X51 is free and always helpful.
Lstastly relieve Sore ‘Throat, Hoasseness
Cost. Unexcelled for clearing ¢ the voice. yin
futely free from opiates or anythin, g harmful,
Price, 25 cents, 50 cents and $3.00 pet boxe
ple sent on request.
+ JOHN L BROYN & SON, Boston, Mass.
i kind letters of di-
i rections have done
much as a fill 6° baccy out o’ ‘nobody,
fear of its bein’ for bribery and c’'rup- |
“No,” said Mrs. {onsiog: “we are
| not eating any meat at our house now,
except on Sundays. It’s frightfully ex-
pensive. Besides, during Lent I think
one ought to practise as much self-
exasperation as one possibly can.”—
Chicago Tribune.
“They tell me,” said the innoc2nt
maid, “that your marriage was the re-
sult of love at first sight. Is it true?”
“It is,” answered the round-shoulderci
man, sadly. “Had I been gifted with
second sight, I'd still be in the bache-
lor class!”’—Chicago Daily News.
Tourist in Holland—"I suppose, my
good man, that mill has ground out
your living for a good many years?”
Gentleman of Marken—“Bless you, no.
The old shack hasn’t run for twenty
years. I make a better living renting
it as a model to American artists:’—
-. “Your wife is qui
the friend. “I don®® know,” answered
Mr. Cumrox. “Mother and the girls
used to be glad to see folks that
dropped in off-hand. Now they send
out invitations, and seem more ticklad
to get regrets than acceptances.”—
Washington Star.
“See here,” said the irate customer
said this pair of trousers would wear
like iron. I’ve worn them less than
six weeks—and now look at them. Do
you call that wearing like iron?”
suit you ?"”—Chicago Daily News.
Reporter—“All right.” City Editor—‘I
edness on your part, or an expression
of your views on matrimony, but I'd
rather, when you have occasion to
write about ‘a wedding not have you
say that Miss Smith and Mr. Brown
‘underwent a marriage DeTeInAg. i .
Love Greater Than Truth,
‘You throw yourself away in black,
bitter, brutal antipathies and aver-
sions. You with your truth are untrue
Why? And I ask it over and over
again. Why? And I repeat it after
you: Why? And I say: Because the
best way to get and keep an enemy
is to be an enemy —Horace Traubel,
in the Conservator.
Professor Carrel, of the Rockefeller
institute, is able to keep flesh alive for
‘ing animals.
Did you apply it to. me?” |
only jackass in the world ?”"—Cleve-
birthday of the man who never told aj.
ous districts, either -
hospitable,” said
as he entered the clothing store, “you
why not?” rejoined the pro-
“Aren’t they rusty enough to
City Editor—“One minute, Jones.”
don’t know whether 1t is absentmind-
before false majorities with their lot.
truth never confutes and convinces.
Only love confutes and convinces. The
weeks in cold storage so as to be
grafted and grown into and Yoon liv-
- of Figs
by ll who value geod health.
portant, in order to get its
you have the* ‘gerdine article,
| Fig Syrup Co. culy.
With a better understanding of the transient nature cf the many physi-
cal ills which vanish before proper. _eflorts —gentle efforts — pleasant
efforts—rightly cirected. ‘There is comfort in the knowledge thzt so many
forms of illness are nct due to any actual disease, but simply to a consti-
pated condition cf tha eystem, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup
s and Elixir ¢f Senna, promptly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions cf families, end is everywhere esteemed co highly
ts beneficial effects are cue to the
fact thet it is the only remedy which prcmotes internzl cleanliness,
without debilitating the crzans cn which it acts.
beneficicl effects, to rurchase znd note thet
which i3 menufactured © 7 tee
It is pleasant and refreshing ta tha taste, a
on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels
colds, headaches and fevers and assists in overcoming habitual constipa-
~ tion permanently, also biliousness and the many iils resulting therefrom.
. The great trouble with, zll other purgatives and aperients is not that they
fail to act when a single dose is taken, but that they act tco viclently znd
: invariably tend to produce a habit of body requiring constantly augmerted
Children enjoy the pleasant taste and gentle action cf Syrup cf
© Figs .and Elixir of Senna, the ladies find it delightful and beneficicl
whenever a laxative remedy is needed, and business men proniunce it
linvaluable, as it may be taken without interfering with business and does
not gripe nor nauseate. When buying note the name, California Fig
Syrpe Co Pristen on the foo ol every package, Price, gos cents
r 7
It is, therefore, all-im-
rd zcts gently yet promptly
a bottle:
A Package
of “Paxtine”
Will Be Sent
Free of Charge to Every
Reader of this Paper.
Gives one a sweet breath; clean, white,
germ-free teeth—antiseptically clean
mouth and throat—purifies the breath
after smoking—disp els all disagreeable
perspiration and body odors—much ap-
preciated by dainty women. . A quick
FO for sore eyes and catarrh,
A litle Pastine powder dis-
cme#? 2 solved in a_glass of hot water
a makés a delightful antiseptic so-
dhl = y lution, possessing extraordin
7 cleansing, germicidal end es
A ing power, and absolutely harm.
78 less. Try a Sample. 50c. a
8’ large box at druggists or by mail. |
Mati: ponial paner containing hundreds of
advertisements marriageable peo le f:om all
sec'ions; rich, poo , young, od, P.otestants,
Cathnlics, mailed, seaied, free.
WARTS LAP; any kind, anv quantity,
anywhe eo. Write fo pricas, RICHMOND
BAG CO. INC, Richmond. Va.
Copitalize Jour brains. Advice
and book W free. Special of:
fers. Personal services. Patents
advertised free. R. B. Owen, Wz Ww ashington, D.Ce
gton, D.C. Books free. Highe
P ATENTS: i references. Best results.
P. N. U. 14, 1910.
gives quick relief and cures
worst cases. Book of testimoninls and 10 Days’ treatment
Vree. Dr. H. H. GREEN'S BONS, Box B, Atlanta, an
WarsonE. Coleman, Wash.
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. Oae lic. package. colors all fibers.
can 3ye, any garment ‘without ripping apart.
‘Write for free booklet—How to bye,
They dye in cold water better than any other dye. Yoa
Bleaca and Mix Colorss. MONROE DRUG CO.. Quincy,
ES Pneumatic Tubes ‘in. Rio." 3
Vice Counsel, General J. «J. Slech-
ta ‘writes that plans have been com:
‘pleted for installing in Rio de Janeiro|
a modern pneumatic tube system for|
transmitting telegrams and other mes-
sages. ' The ‘topographical position of
the Brazjlian . capital necessitates its
separation into distinct and widely |
which |
communication is slow, because of the |.
separated districts, between
circuitous routes, to avied mountain-
«py tramway Or
cther street vehicle. By the pneuma-
tic tube system telegrams may be sent
from one part of the city to distant]
parts in 15 minutes, as compared with
45 minutes to an hour. for. messenger
delivery. At first the system will
operate only in the more densely pop-
ulated portions, the service being per
formed in 12 statigns conveniently sit- |
uated. The equipment is to be the
“Blower System,” puraisked by the
American firm.
Like a Cat.
Experimenting with, the boli weevil,
‘a Texas farmer caught a lively one
and placed it in water where it would
freeze to death during the night. Next
morning he found the water had froz-|
en solid .and the weevil was in the |
cake of ice, and the farmer congratu
lated himself on the discovery that
cold would kill the weevil. But when
the ice melted the bug walked around
as lively as before freezing, and that |
farmer is convinced that freezing is
‘not the proper means to exterminate
the insect. He threw the weevil into
a hot fire, and at last accounts was
watching to see if it would come out
aliv e-Contervil e (Tex.) Jeffersonian.
Produced by Postum,
“When a person rises from each
meal with a ringing in the ears and
a general sense of nervousness, it
is a common habit to charge it to
a deranged stomach.
“I found it was caused from drink-
ing coffee, which I never suspected
for a long time, but found by leaving
off coffee that the disagreeable feel-
ings went away.
I was brought to think of the
subject by getting some Postum and
this brought me out of trouble.
“It is a most appetizing and invig-
orating beverage and ‘has been of
such great benefit to me that I nat-
urally speak of it from time to time
as opportunity offers.
“A lady friend complained to me
that she had tried Postum, but it did.
not taste good. In reply to my ques-
tion she said she guessed she boiled
it about ten minutes. I advised her
to follow directions and know that
she boiled it fifteen or twenty min-
utes, and she would have something
worth talking about. A short time
ago 1 heard one of her children say
‘that they were drinking Postum now-
‘a-days, so I judge she succeeded ‘in
‘making it good, which is by no means
a difficult task. A
“The son of one of my friends was
formerly a pale lad, but since he has
been drinking Postum, has a fine
color. There is plenty of evidence
‘that Postum actually does ‘make red |
blood,” as the famous trade-mark
says.” nL Rade
Read “The Road to Wellville,”
found in pkgs. ‘“There’s a Reasqn.”
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time, They
are genuine, true, and full of human
: interest,
‘ted in thy name?
R oasts—Broils—Toasts
BAKES oread, pie and sabe.
“bakes them perfectly all through,
and browns them appetizingly.
ROASTS beef, poultry and game
with a steady heat, which pree
serves the rich natural flavor,
BROILS steaks and chops—makes
them tender and inviting.
TOASTS bread, muffins, cracke
ers and cheese, ;
No drudgery of coal and
ashes; no stooping to get at
the oven; no smoke, no dust,
no odor just good cooking
with greater fuel economy.
Irons and water in. wash-
boiler Siege hot.
has a Cabinet Top with shelf of keeping plates and food hot.
' Drop shelves for the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled towel racks.
It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish,
with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove very attrac-
tive and invites cleanliness.
Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the
2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet.
" CAUTIONARY NOTE: Be sure you get this stove—see that the name-plate reads ** NEW PERFECTION.”
Every dealer everywhere; if not at yours, write for Descriptive Circular
to the nearest agency of the
The Atlantic Refining Company
Some men get very optimistic paint
ing their possi simism and the town red.
Consti Tation Sr and aggravates many
serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. The favorite
family laxative. \
{ . 3 14
Pure Food and Pure Butter.
Pure food, what crimes are commit-
A Cornell profes
sor, an officer of the New York State
Dairymen’s association, warns Co
gress against a plot of the oleomar-
garine makers, and wants every friend
of pure food to rally. The professor
is worried for fear that oleomargarine
may be colored to resemble butter.
The New York Times suggests that if
it is wrong to color oleomargarine, it
is wrong to color butter. Under the
law as it stands. oleomargarine can
only be sold under its own name. ang
the Times thinks that if any one
wants to buy oleomargarine, whether
colored or not, he should be able to
get it. = It pertinently adds that “Peo-
ple with short purses cannot see why
colored oleomargarine should be ille-
gal and ‘colored butter legal, particu-
larly as the matter used to give the
required tinge is the same for both
and entirely harmless.” There is a
lot of good sense in the pure food law,
but a lot of nonsense in the uses that
some weuld put it to.—Leslie’s. :
The ticket speculators in front of the |.
theaters in- Berlin, against whom the
directors have made war, will remain
active in their business. The author-
ities have decided that the speculators
cannot be driven away from their
haunts, but that they must not block 5
| traffic.
New Bridge Projected.
The project for building a new iron
railway bridge across the Neva in St.
Petersburg has now been worked out,
and the bridge is to be begun without
delay. The bridge will be of an ex-
tremely simple pattern, and its length
is to be 1.750 feet.
For Miners, Quarrymen, Farmers and All
Men Who Do Rough Work
Lighter than leather. Withstand rough
usage. Outwear the shoes. Easily at-
tached. Any cobbler can put.them on
or your shoe dealer can sell you shoes"
already fitted with them
Send for booklet that tells all about them.