Snow Shoe times. (Moshannon, Pa.) 1910-1912, April 06, 1910, Image 2

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    Candy for Children.
The average healthy child of ten
or 12 should be able"to eat of pure
candy the equivalent in weight of two
or three Jumps of sugar efter his
midday meal. This, however, should
not be given him unless other proper
Joods in sufficient quantity are eaten
land should never be allowed between
meals. Butter taffy and molasses can:
dy made at home of pure materials
‘are especially to be recommended and
may be consided valuable articles
of food.—Woman'’s Home Companion.
A year Is the shortest length of
time to wear mourning for a parent.
‘Some persons wear crepe, or crepe
‘trimmings, for a year and then go into
‘second mourning, which is black and
‘white, gray and purple or lavender.
Deep mourning may be shortened by
wearing crepe for only six months, go-
ing into the lighter colors of second
mourning at the end of that time. In
the latter case any colors might be
worn after a year. One never goes di-
rectly from crepe into colors.—New
York Telegram.
Smuggles Trees, Not Trinkets,
Smuggling if trees seems a pecu-
liar action, but several women have
engaged in it—not as a business, of
course, but on their return from Eu-
ropean trips. The trees are these at-
tractive little Dutch cedars for Christ.
mas. In American cities their price
is high, whereas over in Rotterdam
fine fat little trees in the most showy
of majolica pots may be bought cheap.
‘A thrifty matron from the Quaker
City who was abroad recognized, the
possibility of such importations, and
she bought a round dozen before she
left Holland. When she disembarked
on the side with her little forest, she
suavely explained that she was pas-
sionately fond of green things, and
sympathizing friends had presented
the plants to aid her in passing the
time on the ocean. The customs in-
spector did not have the courage to
suggest the lumber duty applied to
such trifles; so in they came. Friends
are following Mrs. Penn’s €xample.—
New York Press.
The Small Waist.
The dressmakers say that the aver-
age waist measurement this year is
28 inches. Women with good figures
own up to 30 inches, and one dress-
maker who sews for well dressed wo-
men says that the smallest waist she
has fitted in two years is 26 inches.
The doctors and health reformers
should throw their hats to the skies
in joyfulness. It Is they who have
preached from the house tops anent
the terrifying evils of tight lacing.
Fashionable women paid no attention
to either cltss.
When Paris set down the law for a
large waist, women followed it like
sheep. Whether this reform is perma-
nent or temporary, no one knows, not
even the corset makers.
One thing is certain: it remains
in style for this winter. The new cor-
sets are built on these lines. There
is no use trying to pull them in. for
they won’t pull; and the woman who
wants to lace will have to go back a
year or two in corsets and get old
American women are not going to
the extreme that the Frenchwomen
are in padding the front of the gcwn
at the waist line with an oblong pii-
low to keep it straight. - We. allow
some curve in at the waist line, but
precious little in compariscn with the
curves of other days. :
The wonderment of it is that wo-
men do not care a rap about the size
of their waists. All they fret about is
the size of their hips. They will go
thrcugh any martyrdom to keep these
on a straight line at back and sides.
Not much discomfort is experienced
in doing this with the new corset. In
truth, it is the most comfortable affair
that has been invented and perfected
in our time. Dress historians cannot
go back to a period since Catherine
de Mediei evolved the boned stay and
introduced it to the world, when ‘it
was so easy in fit:
Even in its infancy it was perni-
cious, for de Medici made it a court
tule that the waist should be only 13
inches, and women brought all kinds
of ills on themselves by adhering to it.
Even Elizabeth of England, who in-
troduced the stay into British society,
allowed a trifle more latitude, for the
beef-fed women of Britain were not as
easily compressed as the chocolate-fed
women of France.
It is a far cry from these days to
ours, and, while the map of the world
has been changed, the shape of cor-
sets has remained the same.
The small waist died hard and some
women there are who still think the
‘hour glass figure is the mold of form,
But they look hopelessly outclassed
by the woman with the healthy fig-
mre. It is ouly in their own minds
| when before their own mirrors that
admiration is to be found.
It is rather. remarkable to hear the
tirades against the extra long corset
by those who have not looked into
its comfort and its physical advan-
tages. A great deal is heard of the
way the heavy bones bruise the flesh.
The truth of it is the bones are not
continued beyond the ordinary and
comfortable length. - : :
The stiffened coutil or brocade
makes the bandage around the abdo-
men, and it can be pulled as tightly
as a woman wishes, for it is no more
or less than the bandage that physi-
clans often urge every women to wear.
It supports the sensitive organs and
keeps them from being attacked by
cold. It gives a strong support to: the
lower muscles of the back and the
end of the spine. :
Another comment often heard
against the modern way of adjusting
the corset is the way that the flesh of
the hips and abdomen is drawn up by
the hands into the waist of the cor-
set. It is true this is done for the pur-
pose of gaining a better figure, yet
physicians endorse it. It keeps the
abdomen from sagging, which it is
| likely to do when it gets fleshy.
Of course, the greatest advantage
of all in the present corsets, and the
modern silhouette, is this large walst.
When a woman does not try to pull in
below 28 inches it means that her
waist is not constricted, that her di-
gestion has free play, and that her di-
aphragm is left unhindered,
Of course there is the other side.
Ther always is. There are women,
usually misguided girls, who attenu-
ate their figures to a degree of ab-
surdity. They do without meals, al-
most lap their corsets, cut their
clothes as though they were building
a tube instead of a gown, and are
obsessed by the belief that the more
they resemble a lead pencil the more
fashionable they are. Flesh is bad;
none but the Turks uphold it, but the
figure that is reduced to a phantom
has not beauty or charm in any coun-
try at any time.
One wants to reduce curves if they
become too insistent, but one must
have curves to reduce. It is difficult to
make the American figure look like
the French figure, for the latter is
famous for what is cleverly called
false thinness. It has no muscles to
take into consideration; it is as soft
and pliable as a kitten.
The American figure, or silhouette,
must be individual and American. wo-
men are making it so. They refuse the
padded waist line because, as a rule,
their figures are quite straight. over
the front of the waist. As their shoul-
ders are wide and straight, therefore
they do not affect the narrow, droop-
ing line that is characteristic of the
With the modern corset, tight at
the hips, loose at the waist and nar-
row at the bust. it would be absurd
for them to indulge in the old method
of padding the shoulders. So they
adopt the French method without get-
ting the same effect; that is, they cut
the shoulders right into the armhole
and no further, put in the sleeves
without pleats or gathers, and omit
canvas.—New York Times.
Fashion Notes.
Some of the white leghorns have
the brims facd with black.
The Russian blouse is one of the
prominent features of advance styles.
The coming season is to give much
importance to thin stuffs of all kinds.
Flowers for the new hats are lovely
when fashioned from tulle, braid and
Gret round bolster muffs are riv-
als to the flat and large envelope af-
High shoes of white buckskin prom-
ise to be very popular the coming
Dresses of colored embroidery on
white will be among the unusual
Quaint is a bag of white suede in a
raised pattern of a swan outlined in
Quaint is a bag of white suede in a
raised pattern of a swan outlined in
The new embroiderd French linens
are very attractive and will be used
for waists. =,
Many a gown will have the skirt
made up of a series of ruffles of vary-
ing length.
The newest black silk stockings are
embroiderei up to the instep with
tiny jet beads.
As long as the tunic remains in
vogu¢ border trimming will be con-
tinue to be liked.
~ Bilk and cotton and silk and linen
mixtures are to be much in evidence
in dress materials.
The marabout handbag,
matches the turban, is one of the new-
est things to arrive.
A Californian Deathtrap That Ante-
dates Adam,
The western portion of the North
American continent has been so gen-
erally recognized as one of the most .
interesting regions of the world for
the study of the life of past geological
periods, and has therefore been so as-
siduously explored for many years by
geologists and paleontologists, that
the discovery of a new field for inves-
tigations of this nature almost with-
in the limits of a large city is dis-
iinctly surprising. Yet this has recent-
ly been made in the location of a
great accumulation of remarkably
preserved remains of extinct animals
in depocits around prehistoric tar or
asphalt pools at Rancho La Brea, near
' Los Angeles,
Of the recent discoveries made in |
the asphalt work one of the thost in-
teresting is the find of a gigantic
lion, representing the group of true
cats as contrasted with the sabre
tooth cats which has been found here
so abundantly. Although fragments of
the skeleton had been known . for
some time, the first recognizable spec-
imen was obtained in December, 1908,
by Dr. William Bebb of Los Angeles.
The skull found by Dr. Bebb resem-
bles that of the modern African lion
in its general character, but is larg- |
er than in any other member of the |
cat group, recent or fossil, of which
any record has been obtained by th2
writer. The species seems to be the
same as that represented by a large |
| jaw fragment obtained in 1836 in the
vicinity of Natchez, Miss. This animal
was given the name American lion by
Prof. Leldy, who first described it. It
probably had a wide range over North
America in the last geological period.
It is interesting to note the pres-
ence in the same asphalt beds of the
great American lion along with the
sabre tooth tiger, the two represent.
ing the highest stages of development
of the cat group, and being at the
same time two of the most formidable
carnivorous creatures that have exist
ed. They represent two quite distinct
divisions of the cat family, which de-
veloped concurrently through many
geological periods, but reached their
highest stage of efficiency in these
two types. The true cats, represented
by the lion, although very ancient,
have been less important in past geo-
logical periods than the sabre tooths:
They are apparently a production of
the Old World, having come into
America in comparatively late geologi-
cal time. The sabre tooth group, on.
the other hand, has flourished for
many periods and was represented in
North America by numerous species
and individuals.
These two great groups of animals,
represented by their most formidable
types, existed together inthe envir-
ons of the Bret pools. What battles
were waged between them we can only
conjecture, but we may feel certain
that encounters were not to be avoid-
ed. The sabre tooth outnumbered the
lions at least five to one, judging from
the number of specimens found, The
combats were, however, not ordinar-
ily between groups but between indi-
viduals. The style of attack of the
two animals must have been funda-
mentally different. - Both animals
siashed and tore with their claws.
The lion, with its powerful jaws and
monstrous miting muscles, throttled
its prey, shaking and twisting it as a
modern cat deals with a rat or rabbit.
The sabre tooth slashed and stabbed
with its knifelike teeth, sometimes in-
capacitating its adversary with a sin-
gle blow. In some cases while lifting
its head to strike it gave an opening
for the lion to attack its throat, and
the battle was quickly ended. At oth-
er times a blow from the lion’s paw
may have broken its long, thin sa-
bres, and rendered it a comparatively
inefficient adversary.—Harper's Week-
Necessity, Not Choice.
A young woman stepped on board a
train at the Grand Central Station
one evening and sat down, placing
her dress-suit case beside her. Pres-
ently a gentleman, who had dined not
wisely but too well, wandered down
the aisle, sidled into the space beside
her, and deposited himself precipita-
tely upon the dress- suit case.
“Excuse me,” said she, “you are sit-
ting on my dress-sut case, If you will
be kind enough to rise I will remove
it. ’y
“No, you needn’t—s’pose you think
I'm sitting here because I want to.
Well, I'm not. There’s no osher
place in car, that’s why!” responded
he aggressively.
Too Many Club Nights.
“Katharine, when I was courting
you I called every evening and you
said 1 was your star.”
“Yes, dear.”
“Well—er—pet, do you notice any
difference nof?”
“Only one, George.”
“And what is that?”
“Why, you used to be my evening
star, but of late you remain at the
club so long you are my morning
star. »—Chicago News.
A grape basket more than sixteen
feet long was made for exhibition in a
recent parade at Westfield N. Y,
Se Moshannon, Pa.
t ‘
says Say
*G 0 d / i
Morning” to og Bye" for-
Ja million happy ; ever to cooking
housewives who have
found kitchen satis.
faction in the only
ware that will not
break, scale or rust, ‘
nor scorch the
mostdainty |
an U3
troubles by throwing
away your old rust.
ing, corroding and
scaling iron, tin and
enamel utensils. Re-'p
"place them with
“1892” Spun
J. T.
House Gi
eaning and Fur-
nishing Time Is Here.
Now is when the house-wife will g0
Toilet Sets, Etc.
right price.
all customers.
all over the house, and dust the accu-
mulations of the winter’s coal burning.
She will find that so many articles
need replacing with new ones.
wish to let all know that we have just
what will be needed for the purpose.
To enumerate a few articles only: Cur-
tain Rods, Curtain Fixtures, Picture
Wire, Moulding Hooks, Clothes Bas-
kets, Chair Seats, Hat and Coat Racks,
Salt Boxes, China, Crockery, Glassware,
The most important
of all is, we have all these goods at the
We mark the price all in
plain figures and have but one price to
We find that it makes
us too much trouble and very unsatis-
factory to the public, to work price
with the percentage off plan.
See Our Illustrated Bulletin For Bargains.
[There's a 0
mS a
iis b
: ;
ii 14d 4 Wi
3 iN
If your Walls are Artistically
the HOUSE becomes
a HOME and
Novel and Exquisite
Collection of
= Will work the change at an ex-
=: pense much more moderate than
$:i2oz: can be secured elsewhere.
= A postal card will bring the Sam-
ple Books to your residence where
examination can be made at your
leisure without the slightest oblie
gation to purchase.
Clarence Lucas
ee a
Send your next order for
to the office of the TIMES
Webster said, “The past at least is |
secure.” The past is never secure,
objects the Christian Register, for
all that it has left to us may be
wrecked or thrown away by ¢ an im-
provident generation. :
Reorganization plans are being con-
sidered to get International Salt out
of pickle, puns the Wall Street
Journal. :