Pittsburgh daily gazette and advertiser. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1844-1847, March 29, 1847, Image 4

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, .- .• L ---;."::
-....---'. .
:A. t. 5 , 4 i
1".k..2 r, . AIREKt.6,i
rcAllfrity.,,vANlA CANAL k. INAILTLOAD.
, .k.alus4vey for ra.uf.,,,,.., . -•
.. • .
will eon rtmn3na on
111". paldie are rropeet(ali Informed thatthir Idne
r about the lath Intent;
- J
al d ronbenc th roughout the vaeort. The pmpflutord
h4oe torn penned a napericr e a. of Par held and B
~ a b,04,1
,04,1 tat. ois th e route. wi t extra accommodation.,
.witch will give greater comfort to traveler. '
A Packet Boat will rthray• be in pan, and them.
cling public AtT rn , n.dated to nail and craniule 0..;
prevna. to Corning. D
o oroß. , p. , ..p. , , 1.wi , . , .. •
-rein , . Nl.l - . ..t.A , . • .
°neat the P,elons wAll , 00 r ,,
c.o.c. :be landutp..(opposan
'the United Srale. Bort,: co:ner Pion litrf.sl and the
C.al..circry idgbt elk o'ckkck: ...,....
I . IhIE di I/A TS,l..r,' '.',..4 -'-
For mittencoa apply td the n:tee. Atonnneabela
ilort.c, , v coo .'rect. or to B I.KWICA , Co
caehli . co• '.I ces and Canal
p. LEECH 4. CO'S.
OLD Kiir.ll3l.l.SllCO. TH.% N.POSTAI lON LINE
• ilErsvlms virN111111(311.
mock of th,i , f.<1.111 uf n Jambi< Jaill
lane co% Tavvoca by then,.Deg
which orr in pouf ontor - rho 4,11..cnbe. ore prep--
fed to forw-otJ u iaic.• qoaiat.ty oiAlettlt.todisc and
l`rodueo w.th Oerven,ly rthd g1;11111.1Cd.
produro Irrch.b.nrl.,oo.o3oed to ttn un
atr.oprd.l.4 forwortfrd free Ca any chug,: tor roMsFir
lam at .ioncc. 4
Bills Lad Lag vrinent.ae.i and nil in•tructional rang fly
atzenard ta.
The bu•itiees of ibis Luoi is conduCted on strictly
Sal,bath-lEecomg prinetples. , Address, on applym-
1.441 , A311 A. Co. Proprietors.
Catud Bast, PlttsbUtcli
11A RI4IS Is'. LEECIII Propnelaq
,No in Soutit 'flrd riner.t.rbLladelptua
• .311 S. '1%1)1.1 111 h 0.1.31%5. Agents.
No 114 North lin, and me. I. 11.01. snore
' W 1V113.4.115, A gent.
no 1.13 7-We.t.otte...t. New York-
1847. act ---- •
mt th.n tooi•portaPoil
M43.st, Co us ttattAs,plu,nlY.
. . .
IL, Ix, ,u,.1 th, ~.n.ei t urrn nvt nt dorm . . own
i.r..,,,.....e,i.,,,ut5t.ik w goodp. ..
Froj•reton . .
1:01IIIITI t P61: A. I.l.Asir
No ...,". NI:trio:I - q. l'hlladelpy.
for :1,.1 NV..., al ,
01NINNtrIZ Z 1 Co North .;•.‘ 1:410,3t0w .t
%v e. +t•so; ? -rr,T,dotoli.t. NY. 1j
Etwourpg.2o • :”en
frn :I‘litt lo :trul eitendc.l the, :11“ , ge
otrrti, ilpr.t l . • 11“ r. ddrOdr ,
ss•rttdd'red; 311:11d15.:11.r.1.1,.,......./ A
.19,110, , rid
.11411:.11 dnd ot do. N.lllr
:1011 1 ,1 1 11: rill:1 11 4 1 1 01 . 1:1. .41... air
/WU: Ihely et,,,emeot.
Fold :T41,1E111.04.: saktoki
the p.a..: a.. a r.ontizod hir dI run/re. the ' Vre..!p , clows .
C 011.1111.1... of 1:1111.1.131:1119%. %OM:41110 \IOW
T.d. IVConnor will lie reed
mid forward...l ',wand/oat , :Lary , prod lat.d
• Ildohng fr,a.irdli . .! free cd ' Ato . thargc
-I , due :flaying '9l tertero4 Ji,etls' or
Indoor: 1 y ,eand , oarm.the-iblr l , l , l of the
1,1111:41 y objeci
p edge ihesoF.dve.qo (comma fu ,
con•Lg net' th.ti pzoir.pll) uod on the mold d.dr4ntn
gror O . yrr , o.d e 01.111f1.1
18 4. laii.H:ll
4)Vrthrfel Trasit . tor.ment....C.o .
Goode el:mimic/I to oar core will be forwarded lertAl•
out delay , t th e'loWollll4..entre9ll.lCS. Bat. of LattillK
tranamotet : and all orstruedAna promptly atleadtd to.
free from any extra charge for sunupq or ammumoon
Addrerf, onapply to U.L MeANULTY A. Co
Canal llatin, ltttsbarg&
listing a vcry large anti cougno•lieem
we err prrperrEl to waive .(111 r ailgllkal 63 neigh% for
hlpfeentl,a large zgrerate r t of ,k-c- Smrage at
low roof.; g. [mart). C A PIIe..I):CI.TY
v XCIAIMVI , IN for the nani.thivatid.n V6' 0"
!.dth.nninPith:thrg Blaribnl r o ns
n, Hon,Uldaysthvgh. Worse f , dreet, Vsti im th
nateduidthste Warn- :" • ,
Otte ILra will leer_ the warehouse of 'IA WA. by
& Co., Pittsburgh. every nay, fe seers riands‘ • )
shipper. en° ultv.i,• depend on harrug their rinds ,
Warded without Leahy utakel fair rate,
•' This Line wan lot Mei/ for rite•pcsail qerouth , d at on
of the tray busitth•s. , and !thepothrwtors respectfu'py
solicit a Itheral share of patronage .
. -
• JOHN MILLER; Ilollldayrburgh
R II CANAN, lolaw.w.wo Imam
C A 3IcA NU LTV & Pittsburgh ,
ti.r.ricAutcx&—. •
jMOOTIN nalpalt
, acnith, Citlawlch. • , ea.r&
14E13 . 11111E AND LINE,.
1847. tiillEkkia
pins Line beirtg compose dof StelimlioataLake Erie
1 and Michigan, manning daily between Pittsburgh
and Beaver, and height and. hassenget Canal goals.
Tanning ... between Lleaverund Lne r land ennacciting with
C Reed's Line of Sicamlmat Propellers and Vessel.
on the Lakes, will be prepared agent the earliest open
ing of Navigation to carry Freight and Pluming - ern to
sill points on the River, Canal and Lakes.
Haring every facility Inc conveying freight and pas
sengere with promptness and , diupairh. the proprietorand agents respectfully' *alien from their friends and
ho public gcherally terns strummer.
C 51 REED: iris, Proprietor
. .
-REIMS. PARKS& Co, Deo ye, AO
JOHN A CA UGHEY, Pitokb'gla do
• W hecicf, Colckcr & Co, Near York . - •
Geo Davio, Iltdfalo
N Poke k. Co. Cleveland
Jan A: A now.; 1c Lieu.
MelJlthe A. W Altlorookie •• •
: 1111µ011C l'orter.elacogo
Wzu l'owcfK,Powqr.t.own.
Geo Evan..l , urich. rent. :
Joint Ile dim. ;lent:town,
KIV ick
ernEAeaktept, o Gr , e C e i nvsne. •do
Pr o m,
ntbn arl,:tle, d
W 2 hartt o
•-••• It W iCutio+or : bato. New Cattle, do /0%5
'1 . % , . El...isi eri - rstluituti A)il.l Tk;E EnsTEEN
;:,...;;.,, .1111ot, T0Mnt.11.1...'.. .-
rpi IF. itoprov,duti.thod of carrylog used by this 4p.:ng
I I:n2ll4:Abed Low., s* nom PO we'. ktowy OW 6e
nt tinion IL 1311 net eq.:ty. Goottn arr not too( bed oti do:
not c; On. bil Iron Ovpinent meat. handling in sarr.l.
• ~ Itaan urn of Pght tineoFhl .0 ptrfono tilcaponps
Ldi ro na io ...yen darn_
I ,e "apnen)-of tad Won•housrs ennl.o., on al .tare
anteMU' , Omar on, larn!. to ay. Iteeelinng, Knf ing, and
ad lower (fry or ri,no-,0 ,
I rom fop ) , ~,,,:i . 0nt1it....21., of Pro4lOCr. Re
entt., np,nnt conl. i7ntrotn of svc , teln lieu,
Kt 00, I.2;ii auti,r.Tln . :na, Wool. reatLeni, and ogler
an b.. ht. ..a.... on orlurb 1.1,,r11 ads:toots will be
tn.ll o and,fibr noonl farinno. •ffortl , ll, pfcdgio: oar.
..I''' . atat. vury Lo.woom .lotoqed to or SIMI lot o.
p oily' .{treurn-d and uN.o at fair iron. 1. by any
oilier hou.O. JNO McPADDIVS & Co
, • —Canal Ihtin.Patstorrgh
' • 1 . LAS hi I,AVIS A Cu . .
grMt.l ll" 1 Till_ and Ol Motet st,lllilado
ataifai 1847. '4ll2tiE
Pon tilE instrerorirsTi
„ Phlladelphka. Ba/tl.6ore, illes•Vork
mad Boston.
cocouragement 11.1 lion Irak received SIPCO
its commencement, has induced the proprie
tors to in &case the stock by adding a number of Aril
clan heart; and instead oft:icing receipts as hereto
fore anareents, von will give our own receipts for
freight khmped by this line.
'I he boots are all portable, consequently freight
is taken the whole distance without. transhipment,
thereby presenting damage from frequent. handliug
ba the route, and as .each .boat is owned by the
leaptsin who rank then., which is a mitficient guar.,
*Mee that Were will ho no delay on the route.
All Praia, or Merchandise consigned to the
undersigeed win he forwarded FREI. OF COM-
M I sstory for nitrancing and .forwarding, and . n ill
be, shipped without .delay at the lowest rates of
We respectfully solicit n •shsre of public patro
nage. WALL! GGVOIt D Ce.,
• Canal Rosin; Pittsburgh.
Broad Stieni, Philadelphia.
-.1 I' MILLER, Agent
Rowley's-Wharf, HaitMOto.
Pitts urgh, Feb. In. ' . •
• L, TO THE runpxo.
MUIR Tox:mra'i Portable Ibmt ttompany Lung
Mired, the Company again went into articles of Go
pannerubm under the name of the: lkeinaten'e
likeausei arced relit the Sleek au lo knee a.
number of DPW , Mr the pormem earryinn goods
thiough at fn./out, to eight eines, wide certainty-attn.!
feel cnenueng el by the . blimielity, or last yearke parcel
age, to make 40113 eltellAiVe arrangements for Um em
slang year.
Wet avoid therefore rt.-p..0;111y mired! • continu
ance of our former metrineamal Wm all niereenstomen
as Moro are hare done Maine.. fur. - ' •
akiiiM lB47, Eafiall
- ,Fierthn tramporiabon of
'ALT. 11065 F. Mrn[1141.1.11.1., .TO Alp carat
P1111:41a11.1,11 1, 1, llatitelon4 NM. Vats, inn cares.
SAM & Co,
Comer L.berty etteet seed Canal than. Pituneurch.
No Ned Plarketatrect, ratkadetphia
• • • nneetift'icEs. •
PITTEIIURGII—Jers. Ale Cully, Geo. Dads= & Co.
WCully S. Co! IVA Simpson/SCA, M Allen&Cn.
PUMA DELPIIIA—Morns Patterson &Oh FlnynOld«
.11ePArlendls Co, Plenticg & liady, Pew Wrsglit &
tlo '3 flisplonn,./oseld.l4sts.
NEW YORK.-Gdodbue & Co, Thee. Perry Co.
• 130STON- , •Reed. Nina &
CINCINNATI—Adams A Creash, W W &arbor:
PT. PLEAt.SANT. VA—P A Nimbler.
No —All mereEinds.c Irons New York end Boson,
consigned trrA fre:harl & Co, Phdadelphis, wdl her
romptly forwarded gin of enonnrssion. PLIS
AllANDSOMEnisolument of Pomace, of s swim
ofles and prices. with the leteoneproveseerds,
selected b y
by the se beentier.: will be rscerre din. few
days and offered for sale stEastetn price.
Persons intending. to buy this o.pring, am requested no
call and examine dion on their arrival before snaking
their parclutscs,ns they may rest smart:dine pricesSrill
be 'invent, the quality unsurpassedlN II ! in this market.
No SI wood streax.
D SIZD APPLE . 94I.Itai.. rec!d . and for sa)e'bi
I ' No 35 wood Otreel
rpm; eoderogned we now prepared to foriswea p.•
;-.Lodure,iteloollt. traWerrt Mortal. Miring Me ch..-
oht Winter.. the Irwst hworoble term., by'this cape
rlitakih route: '
All timparty conogocti to u. ertilbr ', GaretWrtleil at the
loWeet raterrand with denpatch.
htereharldlw. revewesl lit} tln. root promptly to:
eraret.3. 3 C 11111W11.1,-Atet, l'ittithursh.
war, E EGERTONSt Co,Curobertaahl
' .
1846 "D • 1847
• 01$11itggfa
111111111.1 0HIO RAILROAD.
n 11 sul;erit , er. I+lll reeeqn forth< delivery of Fri): 1
llett.ounetsy LLc 3lottutzahela leloulrgrote7
al Ih,. follow.ng lonees.—
A.hes. Bacou. Dauer, Lsod, toed,. Pori.. Tallovf,
lChi.kcy. (1h ac 211 etcper lOUj
Flax and What-07 ets per lUUlbt.
(Po.) Apple., fhtere, 1•lux-t 1 / 4 cd, liens., j 1
Leather-1110 et. per lOU 114
011., St pt.. tVool-110 et. per IUP lbs.
Iltdevex. F.:timers, Furs. liinseug, end `3nake•Ro4l
e:• r
All property eanei,oed trl tuber of the Oider."*.q4
will I c rurtvanled w,t.,root delay, free. of Corm:v....oN
of bitOVC II t:/.Alilifil./e , unille• I
let," air • •
. . .
vuoitunsu comussum !URCHIN?,
East Bearer Pow and kfridgruatter,
rnaggieuer and Agent a ntealtnent
LADJC. ie..D.1.1.1 AND 7111OIIIUA d.
DA, iILTWEEN rurr”rnall
A; 11.1. Lo. p0 , ., 1 .
r 0,0 o) w L.. whin, .4.:
1d:0r...0a, tot qll r“...0. 17.r.0 C
14rt, itd .I,to 1.41%•./k 1.31.0 1:1
1A1e..•,...14...r.r.tra radon., Av.!, I',
Aisp:y to or m 10re.....
As 11:U1.:PN'.
h CI.EV 11) 1.1.151
is - l b. •
u. Ii . T. tuannon., 3. Co.
vormarditag Commlos A lona Illerchan.
'1 , 111: Agent. nod Irronttermv to itti, Line I,:z 1,,,
i dy sorra, to Mr puldre I. wi It be .,00,
.emit onetime ot 'tenni nay.gatcrit in b....ive P r o t ;
11, ui trehdrureli nod Heaver. nal •rel....lthe rho,- re
any letllll on the 01610 canal, antral...on 'led,- Era
end Machias,. with Llr greatest despatch told 10 teak:
01140 C mica. I 1
The 10/0/11,00. 01 Mrs Idris 'Alert the busriterctFr3
thmr - former e.unners Pith C.lllOlOllCr, lorowdra 411
rhea "ordain. are tccond to none. E i
App r address
li3l lIAIITON, AV, Pit.b;lflrlb -i'
• cLaina:. Co. Itca.er.
JaarkiT FUCHAIOND le irk- r r•alsaiL 't
For the 10.01004 and, erramtent r eure ur ad oiscasas 1
arisrug limn an Impart stale or the blood I i
or habil of •the system nil:
Sr-nit/La. King', Red, Itkrueration, ()Urinate traumata.
h raperredis, Piorpin. o. I...stoles on the lace, Blotaa,
Rif., Cloimie Mc. Eyes, Ring Worm' or Team, Seeld
Ifro , l, Salary...at and pain of the - Saul and Joints,
Smetana Ulrel, Syphilitic Symprorns,.Sciakika or Lim
hag,,,, h a d Di sr ion ociriagfrom ars injudecrater o f
dlercury,Areirrver Drool - y. . 0 ., or broinornsce in
1 Life. ~ Chrome Content end/
1 IT.I , :na LI
tty athmairwatrou has Leen ...tended with the
1 hupplest result many anomalous elfectionv, but ,
I. it is cluefly intended to fill the void which exists between
I mahout. rind aperient medicines; hence its wanks op-
rand/ la that of an alterative .dnectly—lndircelly, pro
ving a Intl tonic to the system.
It is highly,coucented tor couvefiience and porta.
lillity. contathing
.nothing bat the enpreucd casette.,
I 1 and is the rep.crentative •f th e Sarsaparilla Rook in
the sante another ma lialuthe is of Peruvian Ilask i or
ililorphate of Oplum.. It Is an established fact, that a
few grains of either (bent ne or Morphine contains all
the medicinal value of a large quantity of the crude'
tel0111111Cc6; better the supenoory of those preparation.
, —mid no .nealid would done io tlnuk a gallonfiliWlS
I et hen a half pint contained th e same medicinal .alue.
l'he.Sarsaparolla Cell lie diluted when taken agreeable
, ro
the dtrections, and made la toil the taste or the pa.
The following certificate addressed to the Agents at
Chicado,-thrmalics mauclasiv a pniof of its great Teller
in eaters of Fever SOC..
Cele t teCte t ll.l.Sept. P1.1E46.
3lcssrs. StcbLin"..k. Reed—tlemat In May, I1:1ri,1 ole
Ironed at yea, store a lion:ear Sand's trarsaparills,aad
v•-,. then confined tamp bed, withou, sir er, air a week,
oecas.oned by violent pain mom a regal. fever sore of .
bug standing, on my right leg•
soy phyaician s advised .
rue to have the bulb amputated, ying it yr.. the ally
means likely to preserve MY te r- Alter asing hid( the
bottler the pain be:. ...b..", and by. the comet I bad
tared nearly there Lades. I erasable to transact siry reg
l." business. and before I had fintshed.-the too. Lot
ile. I was . wed and sound as ever I hail been. 3 have
n o hesnabon 111 saying Mat Sentra Sarsaparilla dame
means, under Providence, of =nag my_ timid and I
doalonot my life. I most cheerfully it as
the beet article extant for the purification, of the food
- Tours, most respietfolly, -
The folkiwing eevtikeele is only amber link n the ,
greatchain of testimony to its onevithr .. •
SeemCuicroa. Canada goal, April In, leg.
!desert. Sands—Gentlemen: Exposed as ore .to
the atthcks of disease. and at frequently die be
loprupo.ed remedies, we cannot lint look on the efforts
01 successtul proscribe... , -ea teedmieres
-Sarsaparilla. I have bccuseverl) atllated tor years
with a duienae 'aboot which "doctor's &eagle ." and
their preseciptionswere .41 more diver.. I tiled va
rious remedies but /sand no relief until Ico cn red
sunRR year ageellent medicine, at which time I wee
whollyponfined to my lied. Auer using it • few months
I ant now able , to
wars abouhruie out, and copy a eon,
Salable degree of health, wroth I attribute entirely to
she ash of Sandi to la. Pleas accept my a,
ell/111300 of gratitude and regard.
JOHN 31 .OR 1 '
tk- so
farg personally acovarated watt the abo t ...ele
ment, I hereby certify that the same i• true.
Paten. Toircaosr.—The following islib c. 0..
from• seller rtte/ved from Rev. IVilhant Haloshar
B.astitaa, Ifh,Oet 'rd. IRS
.ldesina, geode I ha. been 109 erode. It.•HTett
I cannot convey. but since co king your Sarsaparilla, I
I hove been meetly relieved. ao tuner% Father I have been
r shrew artrcal to my busines s and prench ccreaeronvll - ., -
, ter the tact finer,, months:. 1 arliony tii. , afded all other
T.-Jane, and thomughly teed tbe Sarreparil la, whirl.
I eau Mid in troth and innecrity.to a ir the. , who
Int w .ty urfirrted with any .peele. of ...lulu..
mistiermt• • There laws been come remarkable cures
elected It, t r, , u..t. ccribts virinity Mr, r Shat ...by
Mr db , •. a hottlea, we. tenor,: to better he:J.lll.n
Ire bad berme em red for ten yearn, and hits. t.r. ete
vn. surto hail been acvcrely Warded wrth the I.:rys.p•
el, a mtirely cored hy tl:x nee of a dew bottle.
Your. truly. r With GALLI:IIA
For iunherpartic Wars and einneluelve evidence of d•
superior value and of ark-pamphlet. , which may
l be ordained of Arm. gratis. I b
I reparedand yard by A. R. /k 0 Snarl, Ilhugghtts,l
l'iriton vt. comer of NI, rlliem, blow York. I
Str.l also by L. %VILA - III:, Sr.,, Pataburgh; II
w o rai. Braver; Wm. Wars.. New Castiv. lit '
iron, Hrowiorvillr, A Crcrgb, %Varthingtohr
Diuggrela gracrallf lharughout tin United :tut,
Pr,cc SI -per bottle—lie loud, for for 61.
Tae to ,
chile a t e 'venially rryitcsted uHretner,
Mal :t le ./43t511,SarertpurIle Mai n.. convremly leCet
Mg sac'. reansrlalde cures of tlid on dirricolt eras
ih•ceser. to which the liumnn nettle . outiyect; Mr
-„,,, i „k f or t.,,, i p.S.,..i.iptiallik eel/ Pier neletthre
THE Ilaemnboot II A 11l ,
'4l and refitted in hoodoo° . I
a iL le li n now at the MononyobebraLr ' l b A i a
libel. improved the to well oillfiroJ for
carry org frcdglia and ,pwaengere, or for towing eh has
peal canoe:fly...ad powm. Any nelson d
parthasy ogeouran Wheel her.—
I also propose la kali..., (Orson or wore year, my mot
Works; and to o mall of energy and haolnem babas they
nefer great advantages. I all farawh the is.sann, s oy.,
on sale or chart tow boat "SIINEIt” tin can
also have on fair fron t Larsen, Jaren fiats, and two
coal botiono, p e earl wall ropes, fixture, Jw.,
mode for Orfl .prtsl.ol.4 e ianlinn.on Of tbe e
talatistsinena invited. l'emosia dmposed to neyrohate
with me in eracream to oat or the mmoe partismiar
may address me at ray o:fira in slition's Balkh° •9a
street, Pittaasugh; or at Harlem. near Slonoowsobs9- rj,y,
swan TllO4. 11. LlAlllfit
LET, a few doom below
Wood sweet, toward* Ilia
v -a*
ißtlll, been regula - rii ed•
tmaiiM to the mediral pro.
.Wrszeili. and linen for .nine
time to general ptteatiamre,
Dom confines losaiou
to the: fleatelelit 01 those
private arid defiestc coin,
Iplainte for which his oppor
wadies and experience
pecalistly quality hon.—
Eleven yeare•essaluons I devoted to the study and
trellierni of thetie apmplr nts, Planing which limo he
film had mare prstifteesetd la cured more paliests than
em ever fall to thelot of a yr privuto pracummerl ale.
ply qualifies Chub" Ogler an 0IWICe• of speedy, perms.
oent.mfd SsfutfuntrY Cure mall afflicted with delimit
diseases,,aad all disuses arising there/I
Dr. Brown mould inform those e afflicted with priests
dmmises which harm beame climuis by lartuntsggreva
led by the use of any of lila: 00100100, nostrums of the
day, ffistfficir complaints deo be medically and Mor
ooglay chred,he Lavinggiven hie manful attention so
the menu:Scut of such cases, and succeeded to hundreds
Sif fiats/tics io coringperwits orb:Clamant:to nibs neck
of the bladder, and ktudied di.eses whicla often result
WIZ those caw Where other• boon eelliliWtea Run to
hopeless despair. lie Willieninlij Invites such es bare
',retained and usruccessally treated byeers to ems
salt WM, srben every at will be n ohms and
their eases treated in ac arers!. thorough and intell*ent
maraca, pelittell out' by Inrigeworteoce, study and
•euigation, which U Is Mous:We for them engaged le ,
v oindonsediec of mundane to Wee WI, 0100 'le
Henna ketoses-4N.. Balsa ' ihso I.vites
pumas afflicted with Henna us call, sale Ims paid
partieular atteritioaltds disease.
Skin Discues; Vacs, Palsy, etc-socsiffily cared
—Pastelits of either set living at • dimmer°
by SinUeg their disease 311111Tilithr glutei all the:mil
WOW, ohUiel Medicines with directions far um, by
addreedog T. DROWN, !I. D. pest pall and era.
Office No an-Dutmeml alley. eoperaite the Wneerif
'.. 0, 01 ,0 0 line.
./1-f REM EDY—Warrented to cum, or the moe.
ey returned. 'flue medicine is prepared from an In
dian Recemt,obtaieed from one of them Mlle fat
Went, at great moon.. Thew who base been
familiar with the Indians, know that they ten and
do core Venereal without the knowledge of Mei.
miry, Balsam, or mythieg of the kind. Ilre
thchrd hese now an opportunity of- being cured
with. :the use of R01m... Thin medicine e r
• lentant to the tame, and lessee ¢o smell on the
Prepared by ROWAND & WALTON, and aold
bolrule add retail; by J. T. Row and, 376 Market
For aalli itahtiabargb by E E Sailers; 67 wood
street, and bY,Wars. Tbata,te Market at., oe6dail
-- RirsizfeatirHATE/..
OuM, Indiana . Renunky, and Peens- larid,,alae
. Conley and city Orders purchased at redneW rude
of diacaant, by ' N HOLMES& SON
deo6 Exctutata Brater, 63Matken at
• DR.:sicrtiotAlre
D • . •
SHVEItt AN has discovered a waY to make =minim
Osumi m ehihlren will Hie k readily and cry fot.
more— See dal Write{ ginat7e mound each bus uf Loam
gm, a Iht of Tooth Paste on the hick of each rlasler r and
Ball of Directions.
Thew:Lozenges ore the safest, IMMI sum mut eternal rem
edy Mr esnfghe colds enermsziptious, whooping coughs, asilt.
tightotss of Mel:ins or chat,Me, elm OM propr,etor
era never 11.71•11 in instance where they did not gne prefect
eadleactkri. Several thousand bumf bare been mid - is ifhia
Me pre year, rtstorizartn brahls persons is almost retry stir
of consuiripeme,ami those laboring ander the Most distress.'
Mid. mid coughs. They do ma check and dry up theciumh,
Mitrender it MI, yownsole expectormkinoinsy the tickling or
tation; ond,' remove the prommate or melting
yma made (rum combinatioit of • mist upon,
- mesa, ortough ronlicims, arid are undoubted ly superior eel
7:7 ls ... eriltt . e . foracise .
b ra .. phitims ,, Hosslre . tq d bim:
toes:frobis lone been saved from en uslinielygrre r e..
and essistredta perfect health by usiag dom.
Whole there is much pain in the Mortar side, one of Sher
enait's rave Han's Planers (pricf Only cents,
) should Im
applied peer he put, and Irmo till relieved:Al amended
with einahrenres,f'rew.whartis or hootivo loomge o . aoy
mtid eathartic medicine, should tie used or arm. mamas
SHE/O[A :VS Lwonal LoacaOss-
Thaw woratiozenges ham hem proved in more thao 1,490
000 cams to lc the only certain worm destroying
medicine cur duo:mere& Maoy diseases mime from aroma
and occasion long and intenotsedering, and even death, with,
'out their eier bung suspected: grown lemma, are 'cu .:Hen
attiiceed with them, and are doctored fai various complain
without my.bcasfit; when one dose of these Lessen. would
speedily cure them. •
Symptoms,/ 14, nat;—.Paists in the joints or limbs, offal.'
sive breath, picking It the bore, grinding of the teeth &mai
lcep,and et wars e palm...boot the bpswitliflushed cheeks,
bleeding al the note, a gnawing ...tattoo et the elocucti, dui
es of ton. over the aurbee of.. body, elight chill. or thiv
eriogs, headache, drovisittess, vertigo, torpor, disturbed
dreams., made. earwig id Ileep,taith fright sod screaming;
sometime. • trouble..e magi feseeishstasl, thirst, palbd
hue, Wee, tad taste in the mouth, dieleult breathing: pthist
the stomach , . bowels, thugs., muses, sommishoese, Tors
cants anted., 1ea..., bloated ...eh or limb., gripiegs,
shoatiogyorns to venom parts of the body, a sense of Nome.
U.., ruing io the threat, ttehlog of the anus awards night, r
• freemen. desire to peas anesethsog from the bowel., tad soar
time. di ehews of slime and mom..
They give immediate relief urnersou• or sick head e,
pdatam ofthe head, lovelies of the tpiriM, daapondeary,
lithium... 7 or putrid m sore throe, bowel mmmer calor
pia Mannar, oppreion or a acme cif a.along of the chest,
.holte, .puma, cramp of the Mums+ or boaircla, hplerical
Memo, and .11 ueriona diammiv, dmersinem - llirangh.the
aktiolueu through the hied; cludera us dna.
,limbo., Imaitiole;or a lame of fatigue ?cc
ins imeellnda, id mantling las„—e die Lott p .
ia red) tomg,and imparting the lauyanc) )outliguard
Qer d't"liJoinathey.veilliedore Ilse tau °Cilia area& geol
and reamie all the nopleamat s)inpiaim arising Irma
ate living. reradas ales have been um high liven, mJ
WndoaedtL.ir diuipettil will find thesd Lineages ad ,
iaahle caraimorre of t h e cents.
Vic heat strenceheuing plaster in the markt, anal a aracceign
Mel. Id.. side- neck
away tor pain., orw7el:ites, in dhr Inch, Lion side, ow
IwL., feats, rhinointima, lumbago; &a. kr. tawmdlwe ,
'ra. nano, supply the demand. They regmrealitde warm.
ing hetiird applantuni. Warranted superior to all ottienhand
for on , qua,. r the natal price, ranking ind mad die best, Ind
We cid-aped' plantar in the swell. It alLitids tidal Iu a few
VA., nod owl. nstocnolung cures.
to rr complaint and ityspepda, it should be worn over
.regids, the In er stomach, and it will afford vent and
intonidong relief. in coughs, colds, asthma, difficulty of I
bn aching, ltrprvuivo of the chant or staisach, Lid
soidli and gland, benefit the Persian of
sedentary habits, or !tail ohliged to stand much,will men - .
derided iopport from ion of Clic. tint, streogiluming
• •
Alq• .Cl.llO j ruer it reemanseacithem,i:prefeaore
I,7e l l:74etgra ki. 72:; "" . ' al a .
4, They are COM pu2.l cf entirely dillf. ayff
ent ot®rd
au twin utlaer, atnt lama from the enema. uf =1a...,
a..., who have used them, as well as the milted testimony of
all the celebrated tud distinCsished deep awl phywciam,
L w a
be the usuctlssefol.d highly awdicated plaster.
Serena Remus have called at tlik warehoux esp..
their surprlw md thaults, at Me almost miraculous mares these
phiters have creetcd.
I in-ador for me are oo tl e back .1... h plaster with `a
fie iodic of Dr. Sherman ti.une. It is importsoat you should
al teak for Sherman't Poor Man's Plaster, sod see that
'yo get thcegennimos there a s ansty worthlces Imitations
knl about. sold Car the true bh.man's Plaatars, by
ipled dealers.
wholealc and retail by W. JACILSON at his Patent
•Nle Warshouse,'No. by ,
Liberty. and', Siv of the
Olt COOT ; jam
o tale amjecna.n ewe foe Consueepuanof the Leap
Spittin e Wiled, Caught, Colds, Asthma
Mein In the thdc..lintnehitis,
Whooping Coogh,
and al I
• Pulmonary Affection.
Chat es Wade, Feb. lull. Charles Wade. July 1, 47.
Reese what the celebrated Dr. Riebards says—a Pby
sid. of more thou 30 years smarting.
no eei ales that in the ease of Dr. Chart. Wul
that after hard. retorted usewer, mesas within
knowledge., Jul me treatment of eoasomptivra wilbou
the slip...benefit, he pern Med him to rtra Dr. Ragan
Liverwort sad Tar, liy which be was restored to per
eet health
tSigliedj WM. J RICIIARDS, hL D
:fpPlease gm a pamphlet and Bel tha eertafmate m
medieta c perfotror CURES that seem
homt incrmthic..but they are here •od o m own
e,ghl,nr* whdieretomony can be had Rom their own
wroth.. most convince %be Most weeplaca lof the.Wollll
• .
of tilts medsetne. • .
1 §':,:',.4 • QQ
q 1 * q §
Another remstrkable euroof CONIYUNIP fION —Mr
Pabnel Whaelread, of lite (ay, was reduced so low
that ait los (needs, and even hut pbyysetaus bad stveu
him op to DI I-..., ..
Mr A I. Seuvill—As low,. my life lota use of Dr.
POgers' Idscrwort and Tar. I feel it a duty, and shwa
wttoout fear .delmacydrice .4 temeantl••.-501 , .. °
that Miters w may be afflicted rob Consommes° or
doteesed Lun s may know that this medie,de is not a
11CM111ai.t ,.. 1 4 . ts worth ten thousand ph) VA :ans' pre
sermtions fo tbed.seasefor wlitch it,. recommended.
.1•41511111 , 3,r 'was taken with a most Dltil'ltE.?sl,llti
CUCIIII. ieridashout the first of July my Lungs were m .
iiceawd thSt I tiled in a short brim ',rem/ gnarls of
blood, wh,eh reduced mew low teat allay) , Oseudsand
even my phyGeiscs t bonen I must "coo DIE with Coo
suipbon My brother, bows we 1. to ard of some of the
1.4111/.11.11 ciires'made by this medletne and procured
bottle-and before I bud taken one half bottle t 1 seemed
to C.lll the tPry sem
of she ,bsease, and ral,ed a large
nottouty of !than . , and /Ideate, and my - Comb was
slopped as by axbarna I Lase stneo used some two or
tbree bottles, and am caw able to tweed to raj haleness
as wel tire,
I feel v sery 0
Mankfal to lac ,n I,t of Poch a teeth.
rate, for 41 . 1,0,1 not lore for some all powerful me,b
.....Erilave i .0 w:el the matter and phlegm, and healed
ml , lone , I shoold vettboot doubt 1,000 now Inn,ll in my
It 'arty one Yeti; 0111 on me on Catharine street, half a
s.tuate below 1.401. I wll/ glee them Me parbeolars and
ivies then% to 1111111A1111 friends who trtaded me during
my •lAt...
/1,11. 111. 1...17. . GABRIEL WIIITVIIEAD
Statement of Pr. Hiram Cox.
Lore Professor - 1n thejlmneinnati Kell' elle Medial Col
lege. and' a pot a,ciao welll known. who has an eaten
moo oraeuee, to relation to the sum of MM. Deli,
one , having been peen up to DIE woh the lag stage
of CONSUAIrTION, by a oar bet of Able Physt-
Mr, •
.A I. Scovill—ttol However •reluetant Ill•C
_hem, is permit my stunt ID appear, attashed m a rertifii
catc reccomnemitng Patent MediCIOCS. Nostrums or
Cadoil wool., I nevertlicless %blob it my dory. not ooly
toy patron., but in ;be community, and all afflicted wetb
der's. recruit mg Cough toodiemes.“, state Nat in three
poi:mute+ cases of In CON:WMPTItrN, Or,
Miss 11,11, step dougloet of Mr John Coil of this ciy;
Itlts• lihrger, sister. law of Mn V. Wonder. Ltateke
er. RIM Mr. R Cog. ore of our Coy COllllOll. that
W.Ollf and TAR om-rated more LIKE • SPErIFIC.
!bun any retreAy of • character inn a operat•on,
lull tot, e.
r .
in MY Praetrt , One of the ease.
above,v,ot Mist Bet, appeared 10 be laboring order
liIC LAST STAGE of Peroutour Consumpuan, pro•
nonneed by several Phy. refer. who were ta attendance
preen., to ray being ea:led to treat her cane. eng in - at
We time in the ernoyment of as apparently good hehlth,
cod from appearance,. a. hkely to die with may other
doeake. a. any Other ruing lady of thi• coy. Art tt ro
mped,. the-health of theothee tie" eagea,nll premon
tu,ry mrtnrun scein to have rdolded, from the toe of
a few tontles of dm etyrup above
Cineurtall ' lg W,V9V2 '").. k I ' aDATI COX, hi' D
Cull at the Agents and oblate n pamphlet, containing
e rr ~mu:kale. of wonderful curee, from • groat number ot
apectable an d -
, rub known gingen.. For nate by
'OA. Peovill /a Co ' corner of Sth and Rare itreer,
cateinnati, Ohio, Wbeleralc Agents f,, the Wish
D C Kneeland—Grant tt, Pittsburgh, Penn.
1 Kidd b. Co., comer Oh and wood els, Pittribu . rgh
Jahr, 11 Canselt-Sth word, Piit•hurgh.
H P Schwartz, Allegheny.
. Jahn Sint the 11. rniiii•bant • artehl
"USED IN TIME:.IIe'. lat.. IT utrno.of Sic Mrni.
din Society, . Philadelphia, was afflicted with tiiii
troublesome ...elat for sesetel ye...which:coda°
ed bon unable lei: attend to hie ministerial daP...•
preacher of the Gospel. Ili. morninmswcre • dry and
painful cough, with boar..., pain in the ob./410'
and bscasi,..sense of auffocotion, to much . et time.
that he co.' oenrcely gel his broad:. Ilia body sod
strength became reduced; coontepsocc pale and sallow
showing an the symptoms of a speedy terrain.oo of
his him but forninatcly a lady, one of the members of
lila. chereh, called to 'Mat:. while he lay prostrated
I) r.;a US sick lied. Beholding his awful situ.. .he '
al mice advised him m send for DR. DUNCAN'S R.X.
rEcroiaw RELMEDY, which I,t , promo. at the
Philadelphia U6ee, with hitt Mint hopea of ewes reew•
‘r i ng . Ile c ommenced toting the medicine according la
Ow duertioist,i The erect or. wonderful. lb. hem
week after using the medielne, the cough ceaud—
hoarsentidietygirsred. Aber itsieg three boulesJii•
toutingth began to increase, which enabled him to go
iown states, stud Vibe ume he hid used eight bottles,
be Rigid hints.' a well person and is now attending to
I'''''' Y 'l P' e ""7 - b, 14 Ilboilta Episcopal eh cell i
AV , members of r, u n
Itinlphia,aris well negutiat. with Father Watoon'a
Hans, and eam certify to the teeth of the shove.
' :t - ' , .....,.. ,,,,..,...., SABAH PHILLIPS,
Philadelphii, A IS, 1515. - 1.1
Sold in PltDhergh,Asy.%Ttl. JACKSON, cornet of
Wesel atoll Liberty sue -• •
COPPI/41,..1111114141.--alitill, -A--Iib—VIIII-------
Na S Market street, Pittelusgh,Penea:
T II ,.
~.7.' "'4' ` l " 73 . P i th ' el ", M1iVe67 37 4
so .cifully ill,. p er
ersons building Stennibmite Us can
n• gamine before purchasing, noose e. supply them
wit Deck Sion.; - orges, nod every other kind at
Cop s i Tin and Sheet Iron work nee essam in furnish.
III( Steamboat ..
e also make to order on the shorirstootlee Sol
es .4 Climber; Copper wort for Memo Engl..
and every Variety of wort to oar hoe.
..... - •
. ' • . 'Sellers' LlreeP/Its.
f 1 ii originEth only true rind ccraustre Prat arr:
offctett to those Auferlog frootlAsrr rottlitl.hloroh
the lenns or no <tor, no pay. - .Reid 'the fottotyistr
Barton, I'l, , Srill 2.1.156. -
Mr• II E Stiles.--flew, S, I feel that It in-da dory I .
to to punkt-. n - welt .., mai, a alo,of 'ye. I,trer
Pills, to state the good rl, i prentthed by them itt .1
own case
Donny the 1.10114:. Ot June. 1.94a, - 1.-knok ver7
ortorll, my •pt , eide lairdand ray strenr.th was te
nthly pro•trated. web is severe pane in nay side and
shoulders. I was add by tnedital Me , ' 111 0 1 /ny disc..
was a severe work of he, r rompluoit. I toot -several
boar: of 37 , 14 , 30 , Piq. and some syrupa wh,ielt .1 W/64
toldthere good for mat diseat`te,hdt'otter n(lloast.
ling Worse. 1 conclude , / WPleetryorli under the ClLrn
l ribl
of a ph)... elan tor honer or worse fortonatety
jolt tai thie time. 1 w-as mid by the er.l. iblock, of
that plate that a flaraidof has lanai wall b . a box of
5,.11,,,..1„,,,, pith,.j.toot P,ttsbergli. winch I ad beat. ,
led bon very touch. 1 forthwith .., , ,i. a-r a hot of your
Liver Pill-cowl hy'ille time it vv. done, I was satisfied
that it 'was jUst the nthcllarte Rot suithil My enth, I
sent for more look five or his bores, and found myself
intithly coreA. In Marra !am, It-aught n raven cold,
winch bought look the di.emec; and in ashen tune I
was ash.' as tv, r I again hod recoutheM your 1,1,
er Pills and Wok them cvety other night Or adz wk,
and Oefit:l,l 1,,5, ev. r ~ni v.; .11 1 now eat say 11101
feel little if soy . you-mons abate Liver-coMPltoth, and
my den, al health JP 83 (00! an II Imo been for the Dot
ten years. My ne.shbor• ask MC, who vv.. my Doctor.
I 101 l them tbet teller at Liver-Pills was my Doctor, and
by, the bles«incs of Provoker-v. Me 11100114 01 Cillr./1,14
QM; 1 unconfident, a• die public !meant.% acquainted
with t h e milee of yoor Mlle, the demurd for theca will
thcteaw. Many of my nefehliors, to wtOot I tiVet, 1, I
commended the pins, can testify to them - value and to -
0 4 co.' ''''•"""" d. v "l4:lV;tfir. MILLER
As there are either pill~ roll..! I fiver Pills, nelsons
who want the-1:1:N 1,155 atur le should wet for, mid
take nonther, than those palmed
ito--5 61(1
. . its
me ' 57 aa l :street
,t , XPO4ITION of the Fp:3tlc To the Romano, with
.1:..I ranarka on the Centnetnnrlevof Dr. Mactuicht.
-Profeasor Moths Stuart, and ProicsmrThuhak; l.y Rol,-
on Holds., tot. Fnen 11,0 fifth F.dmhorgh edit-on, 1
vol. boo, 7311 poem Prtrefa . :,o
The Wieklatter or England au the rater-nth century;
by Mrs. e-dtaie: 010.001, author of the .F:amity, at Ilea.
' thin - dale,"
-. Persdnol Oectetthoon and Revival of Reltatan tu the
Soul; fly the Rev (Inman. 65 itisloW
Jade Tao lot` Voin,,lo th of 13 Q. , a vols 19-no
' - M, m.O ,i, orth
or.Porrevpondeurci by I,
'Pat Int. : ,-
- - IN-n, i , Morale. SCPth•loml Rana.,
.. •• 1101,...r id- Mush.,
....,...in• Portn..
Ilt•'d,. a la,.
TI11 . • ill 11, r, 01 -,, om: 1.,-'ll.-r livery - Don
o, D. D. 1 , ,,, .th..l-,-, EI-1,10 rr A AlN,•l.isti
mehl: No .at Minket street
W'S/ Lite vet v 1.,
men: the auhoet.l.. , r leeeiv.,l
o store
h.. bus lot.ohrd [outsell in Micahooy,
tpluepl haul° tale lea-u. for a
term of year , on the propt . rty
<temer , In Bit •treet..nanctitately beat.ie ;le
l're•!.ytet,att riola the, Wig caw. pee In the
twome.. oho !p.n. to pease. he. hop. , to titer•
a on,. reeerve n whom ot itublte putruoage.
Now uu band mod fittisihttg to ant. r. , Koekawray Bad.
pea. e.oeu atol top Homes, and et cry de,riptinn of
C.llrltagVll mode to Ord,' r. frt. sevrmy five dollars to
eirrht hanaret JOHN SOUTH
CONsu u /NI been a dire ot CI
And . I,ll till holds . a terrible re sv
Doi Science now sitaimlce thi• munceisithlnli,
And rweeps all hi, wirers away.
Anton, the-many medine& for the, `Cure of Con
gumption" end disease ofthe longs,: Dr. Duman . ..
Expectorant Remedy maids. foremort. Publie canto
denee him given it preference above all ether. ior•the
wonderful V{lreS it daily prem.. In all diseases of.,
the Cheat. Longs and lover, dos nivdteine will I.e ford
to-be We only certain remedy that will effect a perfe
care. It immediately retnocesthe arcreied phlegm moll
matter Mat a ceurnulategut the Trachea, Air Cells, and
Bronchial Tubes; sable!, Cantered to retna.n,obstrums
fee die rimpiration.orbreathing through the longs, and
causes disease. Ilene , Consumption and speedy death
u sed to time, will remove all obstructions, suengthen•
and impart lire and new Vigor . to all the organs throcgh
oat the Lungs. Cattalo, Colds, Asthma, Drisnehitis,dif •
Scotty of breathiug and soreness of the Throat, Spitting
of Wood, Night tiaveata, and all other @anti:melting
symptoms of Consumption; use the above medieine In
time. when yoc wdl he certain to have a'l these evil
seeds of disease driven from year .7Mo:bind your life
Sycamore street, priciangut.
00-Be careful and ask forfir.Duncsn's Expeetoran
Remedy, and take no other.
Sold to Pittsburgh, by WM. JACKSON, .comer o
Wood and Liberty streets , mat
rERSONS afflicted with Scrofula, Ring's Ent'
Cancer, Eryaigelas,Old Sorer, Ulcers, Tetter,
reurial Disetues, or any other complaints arising
from impuptiee of the blood, are requested to read
the following teattmontaliti to prool of the wonder
ful properties of the above named medicine.
We. the Undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaac
Brooks, Jr. at thh office of Messrs. Itowaud and.
Welton, 376 Market street. Philadelphia; consider
his case the carat remarkable one we have ever wit
aced or heal t of.
His disease was SCROFULA, and tertible moat
have llCes h i twelve yearn' conflict with the de
Weyer! I.
Hi•Palate,i to entire roof of his mouth, Nose ,Up
pen Lip, and lower Lid of the Right Eye have been
destroyed, hm nearly eaten up, and part of the.,
Jaw Bone sonnet! away. And yet we can give no
&scrip/donor his case. • !
Mr. B. intorrna sot thaCin January last. the whole
interior of his mouth, as well as mom of Mr face
wash moan of deep and painful ulcers!,
On the lith ofJanuary let, he commenced taking
CEA. which checked the disease in a lew day. and I
ram that time the cure has progresied without
New flesh hansepplied the place of the deep of
cem, and - though badly disfigured, his lacejs sound,
and-his general health is restored.
We are assured that In the treatment of Mr.
Brooke' rise, no Mercarials,Ointment4, or Caustic
sppheatrons have been used,—ln fact, the PANA
CEA ALONE. has wrought this wonderful change
Damd Smith, Backe enmity, Pa.
Charles L. ROWIOII, Meadville,.Crawlord coPa..
J W Jones. ht D South - Second street, Phila
Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J.
E W Cale, 440 N Fourth, above Poplar st, N. L,
S M'Cullough, Lancaster, Pa.
/I 51 Maddock, 711 North Eleventh st. Phila.
C W Appleton, hl 1'46 South at. do
Timothy Calthirell,Marion co. Attuned.,
Daniel yeakci;Chematit rib Pa.
Jonn Hanted,39o High ntreet,
William Steeling. Al D, Camden, N. J.
William Hale, 3711 High street, Phi's: •
J H Potter, Manufacturer of ;Mineral Teeth, 109 S.
Ninth +trent, Phila.
L A Wollenweber, Ed. Phila. DernocraifT7 N 3d
meet, do
George W Menu, Brush Maker, 317 Market St.
Eva Carr, 159 Chesnut street, Phila.
A 1) Ciallette, Pastor of . Eleventh Baptist Church,
John Bell, Erie Street, Philadelphia, INonh-Arrieri
can office.)
Aaron Sands, 164 Cathenne Street, Phila.
Daniel McGinley, R els! e r's Alley, do
Andrew. Sweatoo, Camden, N J.
H Evans, West Philo.
Richard E. Young, (hider, itri Market at. Plida
John W Ashmead, 60 South Sixth street, do
SWagner,Lithognipher, 116 Cheinut street, -al&
J Kermit, 123 Eleventh street, do
Peter Shen Smith. Kdifor Native Ea le, do
Joel Bodine, Glass manufacturer, Williamstown
Witham Steely, Farmington, Van Buren co. 10W3.
rok., M U, Boston, Maas.
Kassel Cardicld, Phrzrolno7, Philadelphia.
Thomas P S Roby M D, Harnshurgb, Pa. •
Peter Wnght,2so Market rifest, Whtla.
Tatum W Newlin, 103 Filbert • • •
John Gond, T 74 Spruee at. •
William line, P a worbt.Patirishl.E.,(7lLCatlrsribe
St. Phila.
John Chimaera ; Pastor Id Wei,. Church, Broad
at, do
T 1, Sanders, Publisher dl Pledge mid Standard
F I' Sellers, Editor 'Olive If inch, DpyleaLown;
Bucks co, Pa.
Wholesale and Bernd byliowand b Walther, Pro
prietor., 376 Market St. Philadelphia- It V
57 Wood at. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. Th Mar
ket st do.; E B Perkins, Marietta, Ohio; caton &
Sharp,Mayarolle, K Y; John W Danenhuo
Ohio; Sidell & Reeves, Madiaon I a; r: Noble, Louis.
villa; IVY; Deverouck & Pullout,SL ,Louis,fvlo.
P 11 McGraw, Natchez, Mi.r lardawav & John
.ton Vickaburgh, do; Charles Jenkins, New °Bean
vo-rsievitt: ,
DRS. SeliEß k KUHN.
rpm: object of th. utabltskunent 13 to eupply a ire,.
J. greatly fah by reaped:Ml.3 travedersou eur wesiero
lugllways—bymaiden., without family, token awk—
Rad by palm,. from the eurrounding towns and cournry
who restart to this place for relit (Dem surgical aturother.
• Mitieasca. Such have
garroted how the want of tom.
=rano,. entrain. an d attentions w lowesaary and:agree
able to the sick, and from caret.ss and unfaithtul nudes;
sabj, cull to heavy and tuimasonable caarges
Inv-allele will Imr
ndapcc, be d
a ed mith
ra e coestano, %DOA
and cemforrable apen AL b e l ow
thu anal charges,
Whitt the care Of bott, physt c lane MD be calerdcd
elerj o rioiseaue, iris Upended tby Dr. Steer
glum:rectal Intent.% •
ratrterrtaacr TO
• •
To these branches o(61. mofewlan be has given a
large whereof his attentlOri km the lasttisentyAue l'extrs,
and he.will kronur.. to devote to Mari the experience
qq 7oTrort n P2l:i ' rls i f an " e ' x ' pe i' fint h e ' n m lfX el ut b.
lishment suggested not only ncerullrY 10 supply an
evident seam to dos eity, , in k ste
t enure misname. of tam
e ta ° M .d ee. P C
:71 ' l2 3 ntrirotlit r utiOn u a et . Cs w e a cinna t t ' i 'd a:POr
Orlealte (Muter -und e r the care of Um Talinferso
Marstiell and stindet—she Inner under Plater Ve.Sione
The buildlng selected
to purpose to platimutlyel •
eateslop Meet's:lb bulk of the Allegheny neer- neer Pt
Aqueduct. It is cartmodhius and roomy t and.fartushe
with all iteeensmodnitpne'neeesseri for the Mek.
Apokubtue btr ishbissiOrt tols made to she calmer
bets, at their Office On Teem nowt, Plusheigh t er at
establishment. - ' : •
ICT No earcipgivipi due**. will be admitted.'
J. R. /PEER, M. D
to KUHN. O.M.
Marmaralvo Iltssnitrase Warturosposa,
Nordssars soma .41 rAn /Menem! and Federal sneer
7jALLACK• Cabinet Watt end Chair Alanuthe
/1 rarer, at thn'abore stand, rutheetfillly tall. Cleat
tentlon of the public to 'ht. °stearin. assornaear , lif
parmlusre, soattlati ng I n parlor North:Dressing
and Coalman Herta.; Mahogany nod Marble Ti,p
Centre Tables; WaltlmbeN Brenteach and Chalth. all
of whist lien ready it Dania/ mule or the best '
Halt, by good Isotherm, at low cash pricer.
_ . :_pt.ly
►YNE'S HAIR TONlC .— Alter !smog thls article a iir
J tr ai, hr unhesitatingly pro:same...it tube whit It gniknr.
r —lb. best artletr, without soy exception, In tun the
` restoration and pen/Heim n[thr Inman Dab., Welltermr
00r0 . rr0 . i „,„,,„ air sre hair Inn Irma masted is heads
wDinh bare bent baldedersrst and tr. dank Ireeithrm da a
ma Deer th an to tritatthiratio all oar wqo
rousetheir hair, to lathe a that of this Trmie irarmAtatlly.—
Bolton Ma •
For de in Pittsburgh netts Pralon'Tes tore, 1C0.12
Faarth Area, near Work tears.l6.6T
N.u.?itc2nso.k.e s i r n i t 1 . 3 , 7 1. k.
, 1 1 7 , 1
. 74
Pa =tad
' t
/ or'
• d' , 4 74
at J.,
• 1 • ' • RHEUMATISM
'WI. 'though the mutate:lay eat be explained,
Sitter their (fern ale duly ascertained,
'Lei not delusion, preiudice, or pride, •
Induce mankind to set the meat. aside;
nn. which. rho' simple, are bi'lleaven desige'd
afir 'MUM the keneLr
rills remarkable invention. vetneh has received the
• nrsal approbation of the Tnedreat profession of
Great firemen. malariacs an entirely new application of
Galvanism, Re a remedial agent, by means of winch the
ordinary Galvanic flatteries, Electne and hlagnetle Ma,
hines are entirely dispensed with and the myste- '
dour power af,Galvimism applied wehout any of the
ohjeeterin which are inseparable born the (ennui made •
now in Use. The strung doses. and irregular inte rv als. I
to which Galvantim is applied by Mt Machines, leas
been pronounced, Illter a tea and impart.' trial, to be I
&Tidally injurious, and it was to remedy th..decal de
feet that tht new upplication woo pnatecled, frith, ter Once:mite; land perseverantee, as lie.. limaght
t. preseat state of perfeetion. The Gedranie Bingo
all the purrmses or the moat expenitive
chines. and in teeny other reipects are monsafiand
rennin in aecomplimaing shed nued effect.
The Gatranic Rings used in connection with the Mag
nate Fluid, nre confidently recommended in all dime.
deco which arise/nes an offselisif or unhealthy . ..a of
• nor.. or vital sateen, and these (Implant. are
among the moat uniVetual ha which we are
some.. They anew. V/1111014 exception, froto one
• anise-1 dent...nem of the. Nervous System—
end it way in thew cases that other 'remedies' hiving
so Mien:ailed a new opinions greatly needed. which
it es confidently believed. has been found in the proper
and teed:emus applies...eh of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Reap leave been lied with entire sur
er.. ell rare. nt Reflex...GM, Scale of cbroner,
ple dm to the head, Ere en Semi Tsallalarear,
TeetharAi. llerinNitis, Vertigo, Nova. or Sisk Headaeba,
Jadigation, Paralytie, Maly, Rpiisay,• FOY, Cum?.
Palpilation of the dare. Apoplexy, suf.. gt
.'pined Cempiairen. Lumley., Alcuralya. Nerrous
of as Hind, pain its th e Chat and Side.
Senna' 11,bilily,.Lejitieacy of Nara. and Physiral Em
irs,* 00.1 all NEIIVOUn UladiltliEllti. In cases or
tuuhrtnctl Uyseepme. which IS SUMO, u nerree• de
co...memof the thgestevrorget as,they herein:ou round
equally mice:m.lM. 'There ratosordmary effeea upon
die system must he sinner...ll to Ire behaved, and ass
dertain preventive foe the preceding complaints they
arecquadH recommended. 110 alma. MO of diffetent
inter.. Wing made of all 111.01/, alrd of 1//1/1011. Ores.
mount pallets., and can bar worn ley the most delicate
(renal, ...the. In lac
tit, ...neut., it Tether aareeteldr tiger otherwtsr,
The Galvanic Delta, Bralteicts, - .Bands,
it:niters, Necklaces,
la some cases of a vete severe+ cbaratteaduad'of long
mending, the es applied let the Galvani e Rings
i. net suffireent to arrest He ptogren of dime. and
ultimately restate health. The improved modification
..me Galvanic Belts, Bracelet., hi.- entirely ream
Ares tlint abjection; any degree of pottier that la req..'
reef eau readily obtained, and no a n which
ttintni swam. agents. Galvanism can effect will lad .
m ho
permanently relieved.
Thee articles rte ad up
red to dm water, arta., wrists, limbs, unele., or DRY part
of the body, with perfect convenience. 'The Galvanic
Necklace. are used with gleater benefit in eases of
Brontha. es effectual. of Me throat generally; also .en
eater of Nervous Deafness; and urith almost maroon
uccor* at a preventive for Apoplexy, Einicptic Feta,
and similar complain. fl
Chtintle's Magnetic
ism./ re counecuon a rh the Galvanic Maga..Kan
their modification*. This cesinun has been arll.
lammed by the Framlt.Chem situ be one of the most
ordinary dtscoveties of modern Scre e
It eved pe”ess the reutarlublep ou - coff nouieik g
now* /omit:ire tognlcanic action by this Mel. eaucng
a concentration.. theinfinene, or the' Pear of d.m+ er
thus giving tepid and permanent mlief., No other
composition in detai.tr. is Imowntoprodaeithe same
effect, or to imparts similar property to die nervous
ay ntemby rneuesof at autumn' local appliesteon. The
ague. Fluid contains hothtng capable of the High:
est tentryi applecateon is age able and it is •s
A et ii• anion as n is beneficial IJS.SS
rrsr la.
Full ciplatationa pod direction. accompany 11 The
combined invennong me in every way perfectly harm.
I leas - they are sold Sr prices Iraq. the reach of MI and
theducoverer only teemed. a fair trial as • test of
Meer surpnising efficacy and permanent benefit.
Christle's Gairanic strengthening Phu-)
These amain farm atueber'eraltrahl%ipplication of
the •mysterious influence of detrainieta: l'hey are
1 .1101/11‘111 SUIJUSCI SO the genuine Galva lei Rings and
their modifications, act rig upon the same ptuteiple, but
having dee advantage of more Meal appleration. They
I ire confidvatly recommended as a veshiableethfitton tn
the speedy cure of She as h
or etiranie, pall
conaplaints, sod as a pompirc retsina] In came
at Pain and Asahners in tAs Chen Or Bac Painii*ths
Sid., in lidirnagie Affections, and Fiat
Hon of the Porbno,ary o , ola.t.islihnl etain
their rifted. are at the most decided eliarae er, at y
• have ellen been used with complete anent.. I'll
al io of the greatest advantage tuPans and eaeiN.
o r the Bream, and see highly recommended for many of
those complato.to winch female. era especially liable. ,
As an effectual means for strengihentng the system I
when debilitated with disease or other causer as her
d to Constitutional Weaknels. us a Preventive
fur OA.* and all in affections of the Che t, s generally.
the Galvanic. Strcrtgthentnn Flamer will the Mond of
nd ..d laseraia.euatlial.e. lo a few word( i+
erebra.. all t he L
venue. of the best rotor
with the important aeldition of.the.galvatiec defier nee.
south is neither Immured nor elliamtof, , arlette the ac- ',
sou continues- Thom article, will bele:baud entirely
bee from those objection. whecle an a constant goaree
f of Complete! with the ordinary plasters trionamolll,l*.t.
pl:r The great celebrity and sceesa fry; tcleee aniele. ,
he: caused them to De couverfeetedmprencipled l
persona. To provlde Ireton '1211PP316011,' Dr. CuentYll
ttae but one authorised agent In each city of the Unica. •
The only ascot In Finsburah, AV
Of the hip,hest and most respectable, e Lamour, are con
stantly renived. regarding the extrantdinary value
and surer.. of the 11110VO articles', leis believed that
the city of New \'ork alone, upward. of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS during a penod of less than
a year, have .men enurely relic•rd of the most painted
chronic desotdem some of tithe eh huve carol lady baf
fled all former effort. of medical art'. Indeed many of
the'firat plsymmans of this coy, who didapprove of the
Galvanic aial Magnetic llachmaa , constantly revue
mend this application in their pram., and with the ex
repine,. of those whoare t rocreduelecrif to give tri
al. she invention has teeter anon , mono Corer Willi
the roost intelligent foamy th e Amen.. Fernley Dr.
Christie,. at all venni ready and most happy to gore
every facility to physerians, and all eincroned, for W.f.
ing the troth of his, anentins and the efficacy of has
Oaly agenry in Pntshengh, corner ills and Market st
'rASCES tins tneonsi tome:lnn frmnds
and the pohlte 011 large 11. hit Factory
's:now in fun operant., on the East ..de
at the Onunond, oy. where • cool
aeon Purply of..lllines, of rarest,. colors
andqual,nr...a re constantly keptoll bane,
also at No 5 %Vaud ot. l'Otsburgh.at .1
11. Flnil.pe . o,l chub wan:room.
enntati•ehottela ittudc to. ant., to the boat style.
thawla repaired at the alautleat notice.
N. U. Ilie Blindly will be put up. without nut add.-
uonal ro 1.1 they can be removed in • tut,
Meta 111. A” or fire Of for wa s hing. .il without the Cod
or • en , . dr e oety I yeawl mut Y
N1°,,11tt!f;*.T7.11.1:"..', ( 07,7.11,' , ?""Tra
was the <artesian old man who hued the :gyro' ,
rieysat.aan, Feltroary I. letl7.
510,CAIII:—Tlits niay certify that being attlecterl
with a troublet.are attenu ttntes.l bought • bottle
of Hot t osntg CO.Mit Syrup.. and • h hop,' to as n•lter
using it, ray cough ta entirely cured. I pronounce your
Cough tJyrup the best medicine I have ever used. No
;runny 40.1 he wtthoul Hod valunhla tnedietrw. •
DA VII/ Aleit(lllF.HT:t. Allegheny City
try-This medicine is prepared wholerstle nod - retail
11.1) ha Drug Store of JOHN fir 11101ZHA N
Wood street, oat door below Jiharnond Alley
'nee * ZS cents per bin let $ (obi
DAy & CA OTT S, linwofncelfrillof II mulcted
':lt/ads. and Shovel., trspertfally Ink" t !tett
ft rads .d the public that-they bare tem°, sit
Manufactuvng tetabltstonent in No. 4aSt. CI treat,
Ep c ,o / y tately orcupwl b 1 Coleman, Ha Iman
Cu,,dC whoa they wilt .Lay. keep OR hand •• full
pplyf4b,ll,l4. Sanda., Parka. blistiocka,
rob,. ko, allot them own nannufnarrife. *hick PIA)
Jell low wholesale or retail on the soon
dot rhg Wr would call the attention of Canal
controttnrs to en , enttal If - hovels, which, fur mammal
and,worlanunsh.p, cannot bet turpaased In thls of any
other country. Purchasers vldltinajhe city will plcser
cell and exalt/Inc oar stock tu•fore hnylng elsewhere,
se we •rr ronfident al.-, can he areummodated.
lanior Partner hns charge of the hlnnufaelaylng de
by any: Those purchasing nsy lw aiaurrd of not bring
II A full
san ely 0 steal apringa and mfrs,
smarted, and for sale wno!csale nhd,acnfil at the man.
fiernferie print.. • II R_ Q .
iV3tbEr..l ,
vPp, Glease spots, Pismo, or harks frota
ltiloolltos.Corpets, it., 6e., and rendering Lite spots
wher,gi '4144 1 . 4 clear, brixel, too. 11110
.._ r7 l 9.7 " 1 ' ; ll
1 Z 1 ...1:;41t 1 V e ' t it head
l l s‘ - uo4t, ' Ett . lps hoot ono :ilia., 'mars, s•gp . o '' . the 11,
I — • •••'
1 I) Lime.,
_C W Aaamsom,
Lyrae Viitsbarga, Pa. [Let , " or Not h Tens.
L101J11.1511 & ANDERSON. peak COMM;
Forwarding and Commlionon Iklercharns,
Front strrel, abo•o BMW c.. 11.111.1, !Am,
Bar. 70n
Racx Smltb„ Phishurgii.
Wm:Dumbed •
Pony & Shepherd,'
Moron 4, McAlister, Nashville, Tenn.
1 eamnd k nimlstead: '
W F Lane & Co.. Louiefille r KTr
0 .
Si' jern ri volYtnm W o b ille i r ' 74l. l a 1: •
Ilemn & Coo:3ler Orleans.
Mager gen & Morvis, - N r cie loth.
Revell Keighlre tt Co.. Rehm:ire.
tombh,l/ssley & On., Philtidelphla.
DAniti Deshon, Homan. I lad
rrniE moinusit, DVS— For permit.
nently dyeing Ligh wham or Grey e Dark
grown or tllwk color, dyeing or injuring the
skin. Sold with full dirroctiopea Price Alt cents. or RI
• bottle.
eiwi- Sold by WM:JACKSON at his Puna hledieitn
rtUchouse, toe Libetry street; bead of Wood, at the
ern of ihr lloot. . fa
.1, Li. W. LaAwicA. W. Wilaon.
AndCome:llse et PI emulate.
PARTICULAR attention paid I ponvlgnments
Sugar Engines, or parr lin Les for Opelousas
and Atiakape.:
REFER T—lessrs Sheffield & ..giglow, Mr Tho.
eras Limerick; New Orleans.
• Weer. Lefton& Helloed, Me Z N. Sherley; Lou.
<Wows flail & Speer, Sir. Wm.' O'Leary, Robert
Wiegman. Armstrong& Nicholson; Pittsburgh.
. Ent., Todd & Cot Cincinnati.
Newts. Hynes & Craighead, Mesh. Este-ands &
Whitest!, lion...Zenon Lahaura, Ron. Jobn Mime;
t bagnemine. La. deele-ly
Dr, Jetnehi medicine,' for the eats of the SORE
THROAT, hes been doing tesnders during the Isle un
'demise' weather under foot It is better In attend to
slight made In time and to procure the remedy applied
from skilful physicians, thin from. unknown arid irre
sponsible ijuseke Dr. Jayne has' established repute
um 100 since for profenianal skill, and. his vetoed.,
form:webs and coldsitave teen proved ammeters be
thee xperienced thetdedos-o-Sat-oße.J'ett.
Por male in PLituiburgli, at the PEKIN TEA STORE-.
T 9 rough sUval,.near,Waid; sod at the Dreg Store
P Schwartz, Prderal street.AllegturnY Cut . '
_rstE*Envu TEE TEETII.
FAR ben" .• it to cure U e Teeth•
actin in oneminots by using heeler's
11l ~tial~i Teaberry Tooth Wiwi, than to gaffer
the aching:llw tenure serenest of the
gouts softness of the gums, mop bleeding oldie Puns,
nd aln ot • Seep the lee th. cumu and mouth plc MAUI,
an.l to, wow co I.• sib
hd.t •formlfic t% TI: 111..RRX
TUOIII ASII Is the pablte, no: the pamtul dui> et
the proonmor ro state that tins envie, whoa I. dm
ngtulnal and onli, genet.. Teaber . ry Tooth fmh, 5 .,
been instated by numerues Tea •orry To •11 Was n. •
Trul.e.) Tooth l'auw, and a conetentart e•- t '
du. Jiatne 11roberrp sonnied W thew .la- „ r i.etr, Mot
oracle so the first that ever born the ,sum ulTeaberr),
and 34 the only one tetteh prune.. the real •rtm
the Mats sod erahlothed all the celebrut for /I which
uit:rend other , lomake — ose of in name, tatingh the) nos •
ev dut present as intrlnllle ID Elle pulrlie As
evidence that this is the Ent preparation of Teal‘t
ter the Teeth. the copy of the certified recOrd• of the
and sues.. District Coen is published.
Faotern Distrtet of Penn, leans,
to veto Re is remernhered, Thal on
t. r• . the second day, of bebresw, an.
5/Wllr, Mann? one thousand, eight Intridred
gad foal-Wee
• s, •
of the mud Drowses Imth deposited in
rho Office the Tithe of a Rook, the
de of sehtch . 4Z a to t nes T =inivtl s a i r i tt:
The right whereof he clean. as Propraftor in eon
onsury moth Oa An of Coerces entitled "Au An to
amend the severed Acts reopeeneg Copy Itlghto
Clerk of U S. Dr. Court
1542, Feb 2d, Copy depooned
The above Copy Hlght for the 'crupper of the horde,
sheering the Title or the At:bete In legal lairgiror, and
granted in the legal forst will prove to he the or g•
;nal Tout errs Tooth ash and tall others are btu firm
to dohs. which home gone Dot OS ore wherever the (fro
nine Tenberry Tooth Wash to sold. Then, remember,
Wee Su Kenai. hut WIIEELER'S
Certificate, of hlagutrales of the thy of Philad'a
Having made ow of lour much Polobrilled Testier rs
Tooth Wash I feel constnced that it Is the beet arucle
bane ewe known. and hereby wane!) weoromend
e se m the public In general all a pleasant nod elfin.
oom emelt for preservutc the Teeth and Hums
For a umber of years my Teeth and Gains were
. nett out or rider as to preVrAt me from earn ern
plearure. and,caused toe much pain. Haring hearilh
Wheeler's Teuherry Tooth. Wash, I do cermy than
tried nor small bottle of it. and in less than two
my Treth and Guma were wend and amid. I Lido,
that lbo oar odd would be un advantag Jto m Z any Ott
Certificates if Members' of the Philaddphio B
Ilavtug treed ‘Vhcelres Teaberry Tooth Wash an
pounler.l have found them to posses. eleanting and p
rEying properties. and while they 'whiten and benot: ,
the Teeth, they have o beneficial ,ffeet upon the ghat
by imparting to theta free and healthful aehon.
I have used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, and
its aerie , upon my Teeth and CIST3II Issue gIVetI to me
winch opinion ofts menw. I cheerfully recommend
3 to the general use.' It KNEAdlde
My daughter has used Wheeler's Tcuberry Tooth
Wroth. toad powderi- and has grand its edicts la b.,
cleansing and purification sr the, xums, and sweeten
ing of the mouth. I have no hesitation in recommend
ing as the moat beneficial prepannion for the tent. I
have ever seen. C J JACK.
- Certificates of Ladies and Gentlemen nf.
It a with gratnode yhat I send the followmr
a t
hoping that many who sudor will be Ird by a pe
foul of n. io °bona Wheeler's Teaberty - Tooth Wash
which snide I used, and n has adeontally chord toidl
sehr, soreness of the rums, removed scurf from my
teeth, nod I fully believe has entirely rrested all de
ea or diens. I trust!that vrho suffer, having eithc
of t v
he same Prete. of complaint. will as soon as possi
ble toe Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wa'sh, that they
007 be relieved. JIILI ANA CLITIIIIAL.
Owing to having , taken cold, but mostly In conse-
Tien, of the acid ore paint nwd ru coloring potato, my
teeth became very much infrared, erin&
fp~ainterval's., for between toro - ann three yews
W ' heeters Tratierry Tooth Wash aiotiused, iodbas
entirely rated them. which, in certificate Corm I send.
Mar Mote who wish a periret remedy (at immoral teeth,
and also desire a pleasant Tooth Wash, may with min•
fidener by Wheeler's Teaberry.Too4 . l Wash. •
.Wheeler's Teallerry Tooth Wash' having removed
scurf and mated wryness of the gums. which had trou
bled me for two years. It is my belief that it inn bikhly
useful article, and that it :s advisable to o f
who sa
fer with the teeth and pima tornake use of it.
- ' - • _
.VourTestherry Tooth Wash tensed the moth ache
imd also serene.* ot thc gums to My istroly, wad I send
; you this eerfilteme hat there who sutler with tooth
ache or soreness of the gums may know that it to a
remedy for them. and a nary pleamut Tooth Wash.'
W. Wheeler. 149 Catharine meet
f•Wheeelr% Teaberry Tooth Woahl• having , cond .
aoreneer or the gams, and etreemally mopped bleeding
or the gums. I deem it a debt or graditude Ow the relief
which ti %fronted me, lonia duty neared Xing fellow he
. that my, that it Wag tetiou, that thorn who
wSI WheelerfaTeaberry Tooth W for the teeen
and,gams, tell! find that on an important •rtlele.
Yo. S3^ Calowhiit at.
'Tree much !severe suffering of myself, and others
of my family, wribstmayed Teeth and ante and
the many respmtarla tesummunis laguly i 'favor et
Wheelers Teabetry T.. Wash. I was induced to
so y a ., a too, after winch my fancily used it, and I re
pee to say that Itdid perGyrur • thomagh and effectual
cure for all and is the best artele that I ever knew of .
I would let remand its use to those who
klme) br so
E, der.
V Wirt cicr 4117 Market at
Many more testimonial. are esoseng ajTtsovortg
Wheeler's Teaberry rpoe:.
Held ci WM. JACKSON”A More, No tV Liberty st...
Pit.bumh, head of Wendt.
(Principal OM. No. .5a Chesnut at, Philadelphia I •
Dloserre this muckhook' be dilated, the tersest
bottles make quart o f the wash, nfld the smallest a
pin p t . t
t o r the toothache it should be used on the tomb.
C 3 t il aa! i r b e -r m l e N t C; to e s ' sl7 s C P Os7:l1 1 :;:fr. S i2= lo' .
lout attectlons; Cough Syrup, Croup Syrup Con
centrated extract of Sarmpanila, decidedly
super:or to ell other ettracts, having given rebel
hen all others have failed, betng through a new
p ocess more concentrated than any other ever
offered to the public. ASTHMATIC ELIXIR,
having elected pertmirent cures or that stubborn
disease, when al more than It years raiding,
bones it stands without a rival in that much dreaded
Dr. Rose's LI lalltlE‘T for all case. of Weak
newt or ram and a ro o opoor .übstitate for Mutters
Dr Hosea I OSIL SOX I Eltla, an intallibta
core for shit • nod ferry., and indeed is more el a
specific fur fevers of all ..1.,d. ti. w It.ak or Qui
where hooey,is used on preference to any other
Verunfrge preparatton
lire Roses Tonic AN ri-DISVEYTIC, for all
diseases al the Stomach and bowel., Ch „!era to
fectinn, the Too high an encomium cannot be
fia,ssetit:,:::.th.e.imsit• edi . eit t e 4o tet . ma w re of_
news of moonset ot bad digestion.
Dr. Roses FEMALE 1111 5, meet Valuable
remedy for those general complaints to which fe
males are subject.
No pill ever before offered the public an happily
combines the_qualittes of a Valusole modietne,us an
anu.dispeptte, LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct
ing those diseases, and thereby preventing rho
emptier,. A young Lady 1.5 years of age, hartng
a dt. tm m
d liver for some tie, tier atrength pots
Mated end appetite gone, was completely restored
in mg weeks by the uso of the Aeti-dispeptic mix
ture and these pills alone
ENINt. PLASTER,tor weakness tat tho ku.C4stods'•
breast, the.
Dr. !tone's SPLCII. IL EVILEPSY,the most car
reMedy for all eases of fits or sonmastons,
whether to infants or adults. So certain a eremite
is It for this formidable disease that the most ph
mutate cases, and those too of lung atanding, hare
yielded sae once
years of dilment research in compound was Maws ,
coed, and es, Whom efficacy place. efficimic3
above all others tor the cure of Rheumatorn
Dr Rose's AST 111 N t.f.f Dahl P HUN 13, • cmusrn
remedy Mr spitting blood, tordeed for thscharges of
blood whether from Lump, bowels or other parr. of the
Dr. Rose's ta,l RUP for Chnle-a and Bowel ...plaints
his mtu
ure. will egectu•ily ease bowel complain.
D) see tery,Clootera hurries, end chatters.At me tune
the Asiatic Cholera was raging of Philadelplda tt was
found to be the most succetwitti n strmttng u. estotre
none tenths of all those war used a
H. hat may be motto( one of these remedies may Gs
all. Were value will only he appreoutud be
those who try them letters mom those who hart:been
eared of the Tara. rodiadles Mac eruct the Yuman
Daly might be green bus we ere whikrog to enMe
matter on the int rits of the compounds. We b ane •
n for wetofull it. var. m forms, r a y catidensed
p mod I.lt,rinalf 14121 Lc rechliag petelerltas ItAlnitothell
nom) Aerie of Cunt. • f,clerfuling in the wife of
Iron Governor of Delaware, wits emnplrlrly elf to
few month. Ihe cancer had MIA twos cat nut try
ant'surgeons tool Fen., • rti it.lf wilt M.Litt.,'
pol) Jet nopvillonninllng the debfitt)
nd removnl of the soft parts, the use of the Pro
phy lactio completely removed every vestige of the ,
Cases mount...lc of the carrot. cures that Liam
hollowed the use of theseremeatesafeu. ant P.m, •
oton, but it is not dremod necessary to enumerate Mein
as the use of them wilt recommend them to all.
J. SCiIfrONMAKER, lie., 11l Wood Street
Agent. for Potaulchobradly
y sons put off from time m lime Mat
H O m W etst n ;pottant calling—attending to Oct health
before a toe , too late book around us parucularlj In
midst, and we will (Amid htinilmd• of pen.*
whoar codownances bespeak rafferong, with dt , eams
of Me Looms, and a proWecied cough, ft..p9ruachtng
Mew Immortal dm:nation.. without. perh•mt, hemg
sensible of their scrotum situations May this warning ,
awaken them on doe s.ason—and m niter w i ck eviler,
which. lo be mend in Dr. punceiee Ernes-tenet Run
edy,'a safe, pleasant, and certain nowtherne, for the curt
of 'Caret and the prem.:wt.y symptoms that bad to
Consumption. This medicine inunediately heals the
attuned membrane of the Menai pod Luassmess
a naa ph and ssprqn n, the enfeebled frame thou cans
mg the twigs to throw Writta is id seemed mane,
that accumulates and Fettles ape 111041.
(V-RenlentheS ft in DR DUNCAN'S. Medicine-dm
le porkrining such wohderful Cure. A fresh supply
jost meeived frdm the ponctool offer. jam
Bold m Preshurgh, by ItAL [AMMON, mother of
Woad and Lliwrie me
No Can, No Istiryl
. lbekson . laddeeetises Nicer Fade.
milk:RE are few disesees more common or tria
-1 blesoute than the Piles, and yet. rietwidatand.
ipg vest efforts have been made to cure by the use
of pills electuaries, linimeets, &c., all were futile
and of little benefit. Now the Embrocation is the
only molittne used. Apeman who has been auger
log with the Piles of the worst kind came frorn
lees, New Jervey, almost en purpose to expense his
gratitude for the speedy cure that this medicine had
effected 'obis care.—Phila. Sat. Post.
rErFer sale in Pittsburgh at PEKEN TEA
STORE, 71 Fourth at, also at the Drug Store
P Schwartz, Federal st. Allegheny City.
•VSZAIII.Q. ROBES—Jun reeevned It few word
nze of !boa* splendid colored SWISS neon ',Wend Robes
as she Kew lOa Nsoreol Martel sweet.ARRiRD • •
gala • WH O
`CUCiki~A" ,I ~'~'L rf i;
subscribers beg leave `to annortioce to iho
• It mittens of-Pittsburgh - and Western ('or. that
they arnse commenced the manufacture of 'this Cell
ebratisl stove and will have them far sale whoietale
and retail at their warehodse,Seeend at, betsrice
Wood and Sinitilfieid. They feel confident tnej
can supply persons wishing to buy cooking ritovei,
with the most perfect astir-loin the World.- it pos
sesses all lbw mtv.sitagesel arty other Stoleow ,
u sc, with at leant one-third more Oven which ,
heated w Perfect on:fon:ray ryasl; Thete
are dues in the oven sn. constructed mi-w;earri of
steaut. wising from the cooking of various kinds rkl
meats, into the pipe, thereby presenting the mkt.'
tare of flavors. The economy, corrientence• sr(i
&rip:lob in all operations of cooking. render Una
Stove decidedly the most preferable to any.othor,
ever offered to the public. They have all the riv e d,
the smallest suffielent to conk for 5.116 '
persons at a time, and the tomcat, of sufficient, Mt•
pacify to the cooking for 460 persons at sneer-
The limits of a newspaper advertisement will note
admit the publication of many ce tificates, but We
hare hundreds of them from gentlemen in all pms
of the foundry and the principal eines, testifying,to
the unparalleiled superiority of Ills' Steen, after
',lying it a most thorough test by purchastnir and •
using it for montha. We refer to our large hand
bills tor alew of the great number. So confident
are the advertisers ol the supe•ior qualities of ibis
Store, which they have been manufactoriog y ied !
selhog by hundreds for several years past, and •
pledge themselves
the Stoves do not perform as recommen4cd"
they may be returned wars three...ankh., and the
mone will be telunded...i g • , ,
The y
follosang certrficari from hlessrS. J.- IL &
D. Bascom, proprietors of the Franklin lioute•in•
Cincinnati is one of hemireils—
oWe the underiigned, proprietors of the Franklin
lion', in this cits.bate now in use one of O. Back.'s , l
Patent No. A Cooking Stoves. Harm% uteri •the
same for the last three months, we unhesitatingly
give it the preference of any Stove we hose ever
mon. We bate Mod different Patterns of cook*
Stover, melt as the Irge Steamboat Stove, queer.
of the West, &e. The Na 4 Buck Patent Stan
will dir the cooking for WO, pertona, with one:Miro
less fuel than soy other Strive we have ever used.
The Oren lurking as well as any Leek: oven, being
the whole rite of the Stove, together :ooh all its
other advt.:doges ref boffin, broiling, Lee., dyke it
the most perfect Store we 11100 ever uhed." •
CinCinnati. • J.U. B. S. IfASCOM.
The fallowing gentlemen in Philadelphia-haw
used them and' ipven pianism testimony. . '
Mr MM.. AletClls[li. held •• • • "!•
•• J A Jones,Jintes' •••• •
H A Charter. AmericagEnurie
" J Sturdevant, Ciliiigresellall
11. W Dunlap. City Hotel ,
J S Adams. Mount Vernon t
• J Peters, White Swan Henan - •
J Bun, Ithigeway House _t. . •
J gent st House • ,' • ,
['Mown. Black Bele ' t • 4 a ,
Llancan'&Piket Klerchanle 01131,
J S. it Ale:Lakin. Cape Island
Sle C Weiss,Golden Swab • i f••' •
Buds, Bahl I.:agle Hotel
S King, White linne 0 '
" J Arcbundiatilt;Back - • .."
•' J Berger, Black Horse I,
w Geo Stratton. Cape lamed , •
o J Miller • " ' I
.pins J W hobo, frame) Unit '
In, Harrisburg We refer In Ate D Herr, Wilsons
Hotel and to Alp Goo Prince,
ICI-,They; are teMlihrt toruitufateamboats in the
West raid arq''o fat rate:article for' them •
i& Bights to mannfacturi fitr Wei;.ian Penon!••
salvia can ho obtained of the aubsenbers. ! Letters
mustbe post paid. ' -- J OYLER '6r. Co
• . 4
...% • ,
;' 1
,'..1 Z..:. `:ZjQi 1/'';'
- "-..'..
4 e
~ 4
. 71.1 , , /;; \ :sA2j.' V , ' l ;, ; 4 _t
tt . ~.r . .
Sa- 0:0 l'- '
, - - . 11 1 W-
h z-,..,
- . .
MMt /A*
Colds, Alt Arms, Erandaiis; &natimption,
and all our. offletions of the Vranthial tufo.
KED entirely irosta.tho Ginseng, and new ,
rooted to column no prtpuratton of AnOmony,ltlc
nary or Opiorn.
. 31300 HATS, pkin , ar. SOLD .JIT ISTAIL
The Ginseng Punnet. is nod- ordered by phyttielans
of the firm resod . tutoloy. HI their regular preen ce, and
In claim to Inc considered de only muck ever dlgeoy
ered expnb!e of tpue,Fi iv sant perm:L.olLp anal ina•
bromental fr 4 don.sa 'add; is the sole .111.1.1 of cough,
asthma, brenelints,,and recording la Dr, Eberle, who
but expresses sheave's. of all the fins t aushurntes in
Europe and America, of wrowitilds of all the eases
sweetly teaseled no, true tulmfmlo..numplicul must
be considered as forever lathed. . , ..
We scions she following names (torn as rot of haw
e Mt, WhellaVe felt ins heating idluences esdbentselVes,
and seen it in their families. bemoan *any of
ffCll knowe to she hesipest cadatunity at rinstsumh
den of stanesug ;pa influence itt!Litteillaall, WitO
I .0111 it no for a domed. lead either their names or In
, ernes settle at...dullet oian assiele; eseept,fresa the
)nvlction of ns Tait utility lode attested. , , ,
6 , W Philips, Drorlwat.,liet.dh,dsd bluriKut vs
SA P.M, 11(134dWay.1.11 . Yeuntspet
, 6 W coffin, Sucker. Poll Fst..:taiql.4 if' . r .
J Vandusen, at IbTe'd warettouse,Spye as pore sit
' J A Trn , ;:r. Surgeon Demist, Dangtew sit , '
, - Mums, fine ofJ F Dair k Co, Sys.: SE L Market
N Noble Canal Colgretoes Office: ; _
J inner. As.istant Clerk flans. Co. s itspenet.Crent:
I: II Wheadon. Inc Whelidon fc Dams; Ai1t110.14 , 40q
Pr Rosser, lett sl. between Vine and Itacei._ .•
.- Kerioan, firm FsuLbino tel:dreartu,3.lasni
0 P I tens amiss, imposer, 341 st. bet. Main and Sye;
A Newell, Tanner. tit nitnes at ; '' , . .. -
II Lion. Finishes. Ffont sh .
W Johnson. eirproder,2 , l st;
Copt Adam.. Coluinloss 'louse; ' • . ~ 1 „
It V Jone., eanser Lelpdare. enlisted. '
Si SIC/ our., Vine and , •
N M Fiore, Srcnntord et. / • •
For sale by 13 - A Fihnestorii & CoiJ Nold
D Morgan, R E Sellars, W Thorn,l. Vide... Drawn
& Rears. Hays k., Uroek wig, Edgar is• Thom, C
Kneeland. and F Snowden, cur; .111 Cerrrl
die Mh Ward, ectsorasta,r;o4oral taroet,
AlLeatteuy Coy. • . . •
Sold. also at Smtepor'i Health Depot, Smith
Held a. between 3d 'and titb; Pittoburgb...•
• • • s. , ItRI•7IrT,
Fifth oarncl,arirvisite rho • Iron Coy Iota; dizaritroting
Ad... Star Pittsburgh and viosilv.
T. 4ALTF.R. Proprietor ,Dinfillnildh ( !ii
ID l retee. only So cults por mottle.
4 s
t• - . . 4E"
tioLD§LIVIS 111.5 spreiBl, uu ivarru,d
Li erminand r.lirnl iuteruul..extroral.
bleed in: of 41iuL, ski, ha. trill... of 11., kidoeys 5.1 LW
isms iu tht but .d side, Itabllit3J , whoa , *.,erur
aiaw~ Se.
IsrAns. 1.1 all. eaalloeutrerare 0(641 tronbted
it!. corotlrtlinli on)e bc r rifeb en•girento,ua 4rep a. The
an intetwya., the Sp
e. taken wqt,t per-
Gri maTety,..4 cirt • tl • The tlpeeitc •not It
pvrgatar, aul atllatirelt eke
of f rant • par
ark. busibor,coloclper or iloes—plitaciot tar w e per
• ' '
• TUB is to certify DLit) lernitd.do.. , lnotildvby's Pile Breaks
lobe • emmin tore end Ode remedy. Marin .eat Ita eQest,;
in weeial mom, amneetm CsmilJ.eeeneiio?ylaeeeeial '
firmed end UTOTV mum ihe piles, silvan it mods en miles
eterein entry ear. MINDY; WEIMEHEADe
New Iran, Yiley, • 311 Shtth etreet •
I chi...11,11y give wry lestannerje-le,the treble and sstort
ishistreffeets of Dr: Inguldebre we I *how /I
from my own erpteierter` ntwereati.m 1.3 be inedlihte;
having sreOit need with venom In'tesenil does orptm, male
end female. - . 6F-0,
New Ytnk, May, • XenSisth
Ntw Yard ?far iBVI
Breh- , Ditr Sirt , -1 t' Ifi
your conlkine, Dr, lugehlehre was pie.,
fart mum /nth. ea
vide mour give you my
Met I hese teen tuirpriterat it, se it ,vr. in my opinion im-,
reeible enro Heim, I con s” med.!
Mse being inaliblr, and do edriniall whine lobo am M
Mont in the-like 13121211,, la M... 4'7 Mel;
West Chester, N.IY., May Ify
Dr. Iniultleby,-Dyar Sir:,-21zat you mil heneM °then!
the may be suFerleg, newel] es to mime my grmstude for.
Moe& I lave from Me net
dye. dug& srider p.,
s woh Toler raltseet, end netted., give my testi.;
haring bresi.easeil of it rime ioniek of
the tit. Om Imam, used other refund'. Oithout tome..
• T.rs 1
• W3l.Pit hit!
cut Medicine Wareham...l6.i. nd Shoe Atom ogi
Lawny street, hem) WooJ, rittsipegh . • rriee,..sl.lrenti
perhoe.• • 1 , 441Y
Dor ItloLanoll -Liwor Pelts;
F.PIIRP-J KIDD& 4.3o.—rien”:. plisse ler me hoed
boxes of Dr. hlet.ases Liver Pills,. .44,..ertfel
bas usenkleo hazes of the DOM es , Mlle "Passers yon
May bseedone her mere good rhsh my itsnilfr pbruthni
booby two yeariaheneanee. Two idditiortat toms,
think, will effect a tore. . JAMES JUNEd-
•WillWrs Townshhe
These vaktiblo, Pill. for sale - Pr I lit DD h Co. No,
ISO Wood sireel;Pnrsborgh. -I ;
r 1 ,6 b
SI V.11.1,1 , LAP ;MOTU PASTE-v.._
l'; 'lntr. be vt a4t4:17 te ° l4.Te r reenl ' irwld ty'tlterin;
.. e
JI the, Teeth. rtredgth at:4 the gam-, AWEti.ling iI!C
brf3dl:"...e. IS 'Llptild ttt Used evcrY oleo witlt n mit
,h 4 a,thopid Y. let Wel 4totall' yrallails yrqotyr a-light
t,,,i,th, . 0 lb-. tottrot ti. NVI, the illtlo` or-..S ' , mu
'lvsar.r. m cold 'lt'itt anda.4, usal tvb .., a rely iinte.,ll
Ike ita.,10.. sYtttt votaLth tyttb,atlhete tar drevatha ,he
• tyellf. 'it 1 eavevb drlttruY ttr.te'ln the ottoolt, atm an
; p•,..• ..../..lot...blilli 4r,r1114,119.1ne 'death. It ttavd•
untivatled at tt' ptrataaL efhdactotes colleen:v., and
/male derdnher. tthi liatratited mato inAre Me teeth.
bup, lth preter thve
cylap r. eaL
, 1
0 , 00 , r y, it will rt'll.Ve th e lariat and
_ •
i prevent • Its aecanrlaboa—,provent:thc_ioothache.
i i „
L it ppagthen the 'glad., a'tid prevrat all th.e.1,1 .11.311.
i.,42t.611.4., p:ystcuats, sid th e elerzy teearatartad tLag
decidedly ,apetior to exety ththe of Ilty kind to u,o,—
Ask Cor Sherman'. Co pilaw! Oivia T.v.th ..r...-1,. , abil
obverve Iv• lbgesatute v aPdebed to each pot.
Racquet...thy 11, c.i.e., let B..thlay, o d e of
our hest - Itentirts. and by , thort of the old emaldtalied
.oaeeda the Coded: ter,,,ated ever attnsively wed.
by ilie' Nobility Of Fa land,'riad Prr • ....
A into prnporuen V the iLsease, bat aftliethaankind
wive rrOlia rollle arra . gyineta 01 tlat 11,l0t.Ch UT tiII,SCIA
vrh lest n timely 11 , e a the earld:de borer:Et waled
entirely 0t05.... lb, tons of bilivat babas should ad
reays have a box al Laval, and talc • oboe whenever
they feel the 120. t de ,art,ttocultntlteli Litulth AI nth.
c i. 0 .,.. of ~ 0,,, Lbvenger would prevent kousand
or c.. ,
.Forkalett - W:11. 3 I ICIESON . S., corder of Wood and .
LibleiW Y 1,.. f., • deeld
_ -----;.
. •Ca
I.S. now iniveriallet 'ackeowledged to be thelN•
, PALLIBLE..HPHEDY fur Rheumatism, spy:
tint Affections, Con. Mellon, or thc bleeder Sore
Throat and Ktuins)l. Emma, Old ti leers, Paiir. in the
(loch and.-Dbmt, Mr, It the Breast sad a'ace. •
!faith Ache, Sprai a, kiruises,Snlt Rheum, Sums, '
Croup; Frosted re t'' and all Nervous Mimeses,
• . Tito TRIUMPF ANT . . SUCCESS which bias at=
tended thenprili •i' . thismost DiONDE.REUL
Id EDICI N 4, in . ripest sere to Caw it oil' the '
different Dimities above named,—and the' HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that have, been bestowed upon it,
wherever it haibeenintioduced, gives me the tight
to call an sun -AtI,PLICr.F.D In resort at once to •
O ~
The faculty unite In recommending their e'en '
ated External Remedy. limit's Liniment.
.The following !letter • from the I highly teener t •
IlliyiiiCiana Who lillin been attached to the Mount
Pleasant State Pit ion for ninny 'years, is . the beet
L eild ex. of Ile Salim ollibis eelnbraied'Einlinent.
hen Star, December ii.. 1845,
NI Dear Sir-1 reeeived your note of yeaterilsy,
anti gory opinielt in relation to Hunt's Linherat,
as prepared-by Mr George. E Stardom/ Knowing
its compositiehand having Irequentlf osidit,- A
can recommend it to you as a saleTaleirial Aerie
dy, and in my niiiirion, the beat Liniment now la
use. Very t ruly and respectfully yours,
.Col Pierre Van Gortfandt. Croton Manor.
I fully concur '0 die above opinion.
, ... W N BELCHER.
.1 Toneless', Jan. 14, 181.5.
Sir—ln .
reply in your letter. I world nay that 1
ha. 'used yoar External Remedy'," mitten Hunt's
Liniment, in n, practice since ydu made rim no
quainted with its cemprisition, and unhesimtingly
say that I believe Ain be tiro best Extern a l Reme
dy:mow in use for itic.complaiabill r which you re
noupend it. 1 Yours texpeettully, . . •
i • 'BEM D MILLER,:iI. D.
G eriK Stantonl Ere.
lielrion the N Y Sun. , •• -
rrA,,,,, n 0 may Of wroiLlerli ;Melee and
liUmtingla that e poured forth at the present day
upon the country; it is veally-refieshing. to - find
somathlng of real practicalTaility.liuMothing aim.
.ple , speedy and effectual in its operation, and ct
the Rause' Um! tree from there injure,. enema
kith - gener a ly attend powerful remedies' Huttt'a
Liniment, p pared by Goo. El.T.'na ton,eit bing '
Sing 'though lit ha. been hat a short time' before.
the public, baa already obtained the confisfeace, not . •
only o(, our t wealthy. and iniluential
but our most. eminent physicians All arknowl.
edge it to be a toscreign balm fin inany.Of the ills .
llfat flesh is hhir to, Soothieg the aching limb,, end ..
by its genuine stimulating Influence, banishing dia.
case fel. thelaY.tem' '
. Mr. , Stanton—Sirn-Sneing your advertisement
of Dories Liiment, f ions induced to try its effects
on my son, /to had beer crippled with a lime
hank bum an infant; and it ii.with gratitude 1 bear
testimeny Mustswonderful healing properties. ..My
child; who is , ow (are Iran of age, sa omelet. fair
way ofantin ty, ' , I ! Your, 6.4' ' '''' •-•1-
. , Po, ()Fein e, TOW el Ite i •Putnam Co . ~
I certify that lime persenallt aivahati !Eyrie. -..
the above na tied child, and think the father Weald
be safe in m tog that his soo is almost well: -• ' .'
. . : IA: W DYKMAN,.•
Nov.), 18 .1 , ., . Depute Post blaster. ~
1'.•§...11 nnuld else state that I limp burn for
number of y •ars subject to Ireqnetit attacks of the
Rheumatis.l., whichltsnmany instances prevented
my attc.ridirj, to my haslet.... Two ar three sppli.
catiens.of the Lintni n nt invariably remove. ali Ah .
fectiona eirAtii kild.t. 10 cares of Incases, spisint
hildanrei, :Lei nimierein to . mcgtio .1, It bas ba-thia
vicinity. p lied triertairc remedy; Au video min ..
only beer mated lay those who have givcollta fair
, IC-
Ptia Eldimeint ts irk ii.-05;edlid cotta per-boa.
ale, - by 'air hiss Princi p al Drmaista and' Metehe4 o , •
'throughout the 'ten:Ultra. . . ' - , ..;
WkOkicile , ..4lints in - New York. • '
- -110ADLEV;PISELPS & Co,-141 Water st.: ! .
RUSkITON 6c Co, 110 ..roadway..- • .. '
. , • A. It id 0 SANDS. corner Faltonend William.
ASPIPWALL,IB6 William street , i.•
- Ogden. addressed to me at Sing Slag, N Y, will
ba alb:meld:to.' ' l - GEORGE E STAINITONi.
! ' ' •1! - -
. Proprietor. -
? ~ , . ..
Varicellal. Pittsburgh-by L WILCOS,Jr, and J
KIDDY '6. Allegheny City,JOHNSAIWEIIers
• Rilmingb ei, ! ..101.11% SMITH. ! pcllll
-. Velgeltsible Pollasiosanry Ilalaimai. • :.,
1 , • • Ilmeron,Jutte 110..
. rc .1146... - -
- "Mess* Reed & Cetlei=l feel it a duty I e
Wavle haw 'creattirea, to state smiethiag ! mbio
'respecti :your !Vegetable Pulmonary - yeses. .—
I used the balsam,: abort II! ge;
the beep effect hr which I abed gave on acceant,
I have . h soverat porde complaints and attacks
et, my lirrn a. locla elhe days atone ) and in every
matinee I,bare axed the'Ealsa alone w•th•cont.. _
plate ne perfeciluciess. It has ctlocted relict tai
cove In iiveryTeir day.. • It is certainly a sari m :
icine.' that to not know it wlileure a deed non.
mimed° i!, but I,believe it will in many esies be •
prevenlive, and prevention is better than cure; I
do. the fore, for the love of my fellow men, ear
eestly cernmenif tliellie of, this Balsam. In ill
Ca m e 7ittte'alimsZli;lie.ticlnl'Eloytdeetnollist it ha.
!• I. ! , :. Reassess Pennons. !
Sold wholesale and retail by
!I •,.` . i II A FAHNkSTOCE & CO.,
. . 'miner Sixth dr. Wood sta.
)4.1 'Will ; use !delve's. Cough , Syrap. it *SI
you of the Influenza and bad Cough. . Try
, . ~
i'lrealititiGtl,-IDDi i; isn.
,Air. J lin 0 Altirgao—rThis s• to certify th.rz:
had beeh laboring Under a severe COUGH-tor, my •
eral w eke, which •Uumpetted me to leave my
work. w as persuaded to - call at yen, Drug Storer - '
and pe chat& a bottle of year Coq!, Syrup. and. 1
i i
found . tveliet 'from li; and after using the whole
of the e I Coned • myself entirely cured of toy .
,ceugh. I have secommended it to tnany'others of
, my acq aintanco, whom it never failed to ewe. I
eon sa that hriirgae's Cough Syrup is the best
modici e I have over mica for Cougho• It only
casts 21 Dents at hottle.". Jamas A Vitit.slac
. ' , : Third street; above Grant..
Sold 'wholesale and retail by JOHN D AIORG.kNr.
- Druggii t ~ „ ; , _ „
/ . t febla
YOU 01 . .1fillAVAN1210138 SUONU
BTU Ufl. nanaartessesm erpintrours.. Look et your
V. V fan yonnenr*, lank her boshmanny Men! hook,
at yourati,putettrih cretinous and blotches: let
you-hr too - mean - -to glYe filly
. erntv for a eaten( tbe ,
great I t, tan Missies! Soap, arbyel would entirely Ilea
ri . n itl ' ili;l " rat 1 4 1e d ellie Y k ' so " rtr I l 'I Te: i tteZi n ' t y c o at.
Nutty.. h, and get a cake.
it 'Jiel t rul's,is Om:only' place in rittabauglt,whete
I E . 1 . tote abtatited. Beware of Lower-
ID - AS EIFIAT. the Digilicanautnila in the door:pay.
~' • r UOILEItaI VOR HALE. .• •'
mu EE tamed hand l
A loag, .16 i chat dianteler i t t s n ot a oi l •fe ' ;, e at 7 Dlrefooll
lota itdtplied Air 40001. Cuprite of ' . -
.- • --.- I .•• • • iDAYIO IlitlthltiS. Ilasket Street,
novShf r , ..., . . or IteIIINSON A MINIS.
DR: 49 . 1....ti E N'S , INDIAN VEGETABLE SPE.
liCine is last taking the place of every
Viop'heretelbto used bird incases wilting
End in other anise.. All that is Dena.
ire:Alai tnedichie a place in the Dawn!
•.,!, every gamily, when such a medieine
for itaelt-ris innocitnt in its operatioe,
ry emserivo hot:Oita use at Any time. :
nand. Pintail by EGWAND &. %VAL.
setori3i6 Marktit Sheet; I l liila ea.
itirittabargb by II LI !teller., IT Weed
.iiifin.Ttinro.trl blanket at. straw 'r
:t4•flAlLblAN,rt hurl. coMPle:ted
worts t are DOW peel wed CO 0f141.160.
le,rerlitlicat Coach Ynd.Eliprc eprings
—T,, u., illUter,spring cadcad ploogb thud,
and Item. Of.traall Kn
ea-a. round Ito_tr, when.
they tr, -oh te rale. Ot did! trrt•OlOgil•
'Nal Wood street/ whew , they. alguteep outtewl a
ens lite aadi birtdrome 11.00110 1 Col Coach ctiok
cauum.hantrenut, walkable castlaga; Nails
• C. 11. &.Cla; have Mete arraugeoluate with Alecks
.Day Pc Crops, I:eartureetarars ad•' taltaUeli; Rjrades
• Fin will' keep. eseruArly .ome,
am emu& tip Mem. Unites are respectfully 406
elte.4 to eall,ss priers end lemur mWe tilgser."
• • :. • • • • _ '
sysie..cLorrinia_siosa i
1 -
. . . . ..
,• 0. I.lok i r CIOD NCR= PITISBUROLI,N___
' 'le emel. 4eg I le .aanounea to calk swawataen sad
, the public ge ncrall F. that WO lona meopenod air
.ear , abotterielwilb a NH' and splesdid Owoelanwa of
Ppr ne and e!amnt er Ready-m.4a Cholas& IWO.' to
eta tio stile and wat Itenanahtp ea anal be aarpeyoed
by rty boasoi n
• - - , L • ..• • • •
1 ,
.. necerro laito era 111 NW ilifii3 ( ,any mitts iaese lawn
w it find it to: Orew tofironwee 10 frICC . • ) ..tile dara
pa 6.10 obiewbere: wa nor owl-, on well low
..,,,i et our toads, reili enable- a• to plee.rereN.whe
. am' l ard PI .ith a call
L-1 la Lonueei•eary foe as ea enannerate the irides
eolprioing our stock, ea we aeG ...rikly. sum:dip:l-.4
. aril !tame Brine sap that mall times oueaaaolll3llo2l
IVrfil liP,tainplele, wittievery aniela PertalahreL la the.
tr.'s- , l',:`,. .- . , , ..ANCRER kJeIAi'EN
1. , 1,, ~ , ' g, .Holden Pear.°
0:s —tleratemen. who leave sedan at ear taxa; lir
say Galpseut that the, wise re Mee nude in N. rose.
aod.ba finaoawd in two weeks alter the receipt *err
•- .. 'ens. ... rarlo6 Alf X
. . .
-. . - '