Pittsburgh daily gazette and advertiser. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1844-1847, March 29, 1847, Image 2

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    _M iMI=I MCI= 3 3
DatUld/IIXIT. Aim
ouzo.. poblisheit Wookly.
1 1 Ton Doily lot...wren nollow!per winnow the Tri-Weekry
•. is Five Dollars pOr annum: toe Wrokly is Two Dollar" .
jw , onnosootfiestriss
--r-r-- " --.-.
?I ot ice to Advertisers.
t • MT rolrerrtolent..to .a• . 4re -...,, .. b„,.. b..
b t : ii rld ,. d . i:toy „; Is ve t ii i oloo, k in the ' act ' omoo 1. ... TA ilalow. '4 .
u. pl.. o our CUPIAInc.. would be ends.
recoesistualkserd2.. ....,-,.,....
t Ott GOVOLRon.,! 4 1 4 ,
O. cans/ amar.) ••
ErliCtiat.l Covxl.l)
ED"Vor Telegrapido News.. mat Page
the people of. Baltimore, (nen' if ) Irto tt Rail•
1 tool connection with flttrien)M. will wee from
. Ma Proceedings of our Stockholifere, Mgr turd
ing laatSattudaydhal the way fano* open for ne{o•
- nations on easy and egnitahlo teems to high parties'
:and that it now depend," tipon ;the sitiiplaof that
i,. - city to my, whether we attallbe united in sdltbne to
come, or whether the route thrriugh this state shall
. .be.closod to Baltimore , toirner.
We ate, anxious that the friend! of Pittsburgh'
I in Baltimore: should &Sealy understand the
t.aysisitien of Pittsburgh, and calmly . confider. the
~ relative siltation of Inith 'Cities. -if the door is tl.
i flatly closed, of which we'rearthe.re is nosh dart.
'.. ger, Iwe WWI the responsibility", should not rest
Fr..'.: :.',W; badaytteCupori,alktutds: that the 'PIM
-I.Pal,l4lAtlintieillavilln*Sirterorii which we in.
1,1• - •.Y'.°4 • - - ~ . - -.. a 'f... , ...-Ir DI to , ••••tmeiin g •
3 i` .. ' ' ;''X' 9l *: 4,- :SPIII*BiagFip.;- ...A , at the
ni;"...*l44*itini line Is the heisfehatiet:evergrards
1 1 edits.the Sate, and one entirely unexceptionable.
I'. WeseTer con expect, In all Mute time, to pro.
I - • curnroa advantageous a charter for • Railroad. All
i double of the validity of this Attain, Raley were
esti entertained, have been removal by the Sop.
pleMental Bill, passed at the last seMiself . our
1 ' Legislatrue, which distinctly, recognise-1; the char
ter in all its length' and breadth. :I •
i . 011 this charter we ' cirri Baltimore the right
.I. of way to Pittsburgh, on fair snit equifable leans,
i onlytquiring /tom boy, two Milne-LAW that
i, . -
the 1 d Mani. constructed on the nariluan, er
'" Cassellmon's river route. Secondly. that. Belli.
- inonl,shall in good faith 'devote all' bar energies,
land all the means she can' control and spire. for
t.he extension other road from Cumberland, mar,
• i to title construction of this road, Midi it is finish-
I eilarel in successful apicaticin.
.I' , We think we have stated the matter so plainly,
i" that there can be no toisonderstanding,our lan
, page, mid we tell the Committee aPpoisted . at
.the lam meeting of the Baltimore Stockholders,
Rut if they can case prepared to 'negotiate on
inch truly reasonable terms, we invite them most
;; . cordially to visit, this pity, whOre they can conduct
I the maths to an immediate and successful nego
i But ~ we amore tell . ° r friern In Habi
-1 more, pl , that Pittsbargh. never will consent
1 - to make the rood on the Sou ; route, as pro.
I posed by : Mr. McLane, and' . fiat bioright to a
1 4....
i sudden close fanner negotiations. , If such coon..
. :eels prevail in Baltimore,the two cities, united by
M 3 many besiness ties, end so-many parallel in.
t : tercets, will:never be nilitrAtapailros.l canner
• Seen for if Baltimore chooses to atide by the
1 couniels of Mr. McLane, the Coinielfsville char
-ter,'se excellent 'hi itself, and. so , deeirablo every
way for Baltimore, will be given up by the adop
tion of the/ Western Supplement, and the-arm:Me
to Beatniore closed furrier. . '
' - We have in the above spoken plainly, and we
t' . hip:pour:Sims* in Baltimore Will hear us patient.-
: ly, - while we teli-them in; all candor, that we do
not /relieve there is the . slightest chance of any
sinseessfal negotiallea while Mr. McLane remains
at tbe head Of their Beard.'
. i)Ilf moons are as
renews: . . .
r • '.. id: McLane has ever. :Manifested an nailer*.
ble determination to make the minCipalterminus
ef thnltaltimore road in Virginia, and in his late
. . negotiaSons with the :Pittsburgh Company, hue
A exhitrited a diterminatio to make Pittuourgh
eubsidiaryitothat'dmign;by clioosing the Southern
i route--thiie taking, PittAtSriigh by an expensive
and circuitous route, of - h grates, in order to
I. prose:So the meccas of ! the Parketsburg terminus
He; also, in his 'late speech before the B.alti.'
A '', , , ) more Stockholdera; distinctly stated his preference
I: - ' . for Wheeling over Pittainniti provided only . one
road is iri.be constructed. I What hope,' then, re
: • maini for Pittsburgh te I rioltate. with a nun who
t , ._distinctly and unequivocally row his preference
1 'Tor another route which is now open to hind It
i . . is I tisaless-..it is mere child', play to negotiate cm.
der such eircureoppiees. .
I . -The whole oilier is now left in the Murcia of
• ihe people of Baltimore. If they prefer Railroad
A connections with. Pittsburgh, on the shortest and
I T cheered Alto, on an admirable charter, mad with
I ' the pecuniary -aid,, and energies, and: sympathiee
1 : ' of this city, to waiting longer on the trimirtain kg.
. 1 : id i oms of Viiginia, In to accepting the :route to
, .-
'Wheeling. they 'will know whatmearri to take to
1 ' secure the ; desired result. They have - Ma the
11, r.S'th of April to decide, and on that decirnm will
rest the final issue, of this moat traportarit mat
Wo deem it 014 . ditty to elliktba t the resolu.
'Sons in relation to the BalticaortCompany, adop.
' .
~ tat by our Stockholders on Saturday, were'paased
by • unanimous vote, .at a tugs meatier, after
the riots deltikratione of \ torp_,,,,dayi These
eolusione mil titerefor•bo dewed irrevervi
. reMirmoust..—We rejoice to Itarn that Dr,
t r
Morrill has crown 1.1 to deliver, on this, arta to.
morrow eventogs,- c a Lecture on the BMus and
Nasstms System. he Brain4ill,,be ttahibited
to: the .audience, and the mode of edam of the
Nerseti.will be illtuilnited by reference 10, special
acme, sight, - tretrellrling, &e. Th , generai
. , leiociplea of Phrenology and Mvnusi 4 es will be
' 'disehirsed, showing, how far ,their prettneiona are
• etipported by • the,, Analommil strnetrite, and
14iown Phgaiologieal law; Of, die .yam
Ltrrs gaveireat delight in AUegbcny 4Sh. and
caused 'sow dl COSSiOU in our - inhume. A deb.
et" intelleetintlitreat thin thew two•Leefareu of
to our citizens hoe been r usty • inilbyttil. Let
• Dr. who is most intelligent 'lna gentle.
ottinly mon, be eneOurnipul by a full
' ar lsA proof slip of the Irish R)sticf meeting
k g bold on TORY last, was sent: to as on Situiday,
evening at (palate an hour for litsblicatiod today.-
The proceedings sue very lengthy. :WO 4eans
from thorn the' whole .mount of (sushi roceiv.
cd, exclusive of a large 111110110 of prOir s, isions, to
$19,221 64. Resolutions wore pined t oitake up
further subscriptions, and. Cointiitires appointed
for the purpose
. The Horses. Fool: and how
With illtistrstion. Wri. , Mi
the third London edition: An
t for every man who keep. • hon
S. W. Cook, Foulttibtreot.
. .
.* LEECH & Co's.. raw Mitt, gioxErts•
'F:: : - , : We should omit idirfy, did . viegbaci to call
C,`. , ....stteritkin to tbh irldendid Haiti of, ' ger Pack
-1... .• lota to Philadelphia and Beldam h o i l si one of
*•-• ,- , the Most important accommodate to . pabOe
r ! 'chase, end is now in .suecensfel 'offerition.-r-
V! ~ .
-• L tayaCket leaves every night at 9, o'clock:4 The
I . : • Bashi /TO all superior. built aipreinly for the ta
i - !... alneei, and are:Ater up In elog‘t ;qtr . ; with
t • .., separator:shies for Ladies arid Gentlemen. lip+,
I • I . emir in each ;taping accommodatfrins Gut; par.
l i, :t \
.;Sengors.— Fie' families. wo can' conceive of no
i ' we're' comfortable means of usvel4 than are fond&
! ed here, except by Rama, and , erne of
t hat we
! , Me not sure. • •
i - The Line has been thoroughly filed up for ad .
'.. , .aos q u'a twines., a new Boat &Lied. dre. ' Irony
I : , person wishal to see how ipscrican be eve:Minima,
I . 'we adobeo them to minim a Ho 4 in this Line. ._
! - : Bee eavenimment in another Mini. I- `.
... ~..etrOCHW t Eltlr.'7llllJKßlgnbier%".t„'
Pittsburgh.' arid Orasaaireeille Reigroad
'i' l ' i'' 7'...Hig.r . entraan Mara ft6tiq' 184*. 1
:. •-, -,, • • t . ,.,-, ,
In meinianal'of ' ourracitat, and traf dutrirelie
*notii* the ritoc Meraid the Pittinugh7.64
Vonnellivillis Rift Compaq met and orat
. ,
genital by WM. EICEIBAInst,. Esq., acting se
Manama. ad Enver} I). Geese*, as Becratery,
Wa. Reetasom. Ereg., President of the Com
grifiy, made ac brief repot, and laid before the
meeting the rogrodings of the late meeting of the
litioantdera of l3sianitgra end: iilio ROliroati
. .
Company air- ;so a letter from the /foci. J r , i'•
Kennedy; Clreiisn" .• of a itcauitiittee appointed
by the said mac g.
The followin g Preamble and Reeolutions, stir
witted by Mr. DUCie, were, after. an animated
lean 100, uttaxii ously adopted:
Whereae, an was imolai At the last session
of the Legidature of 'Pennsylvenia, authorising
this Company t o act a Railroad to any point
within tlus Elate, ich May be mutually agreed
upon by this' . p ang end the . Pennsylvania
Railroad Comp= ,suitable to -farm a continuous
Railroad 'connecuen between ao'cities of Pith I
boigh and' Pht elphist Aid also to consteuct ti
Railroad from the 'ty of Pittsburgh to the line of
I the Bute of Obio. Therobne, '
Resetrad, That Commiuees be appointed by
this meeting, m of the before mentioned pro
jects:with pivret enter into a fall examination
of the merits l ate.% h,aoll report thereon to a meet
ing of the brarkh !dere of this Company, to be
held 'for thejair et and ita Committee to be
appointed' man Mutant connection, are here
by directed to en r into correspondence and no
!vitiation with e President and. Directors. of
the Pconsylvanial Railroad Company, after they,
shill, have been elected, with a view to the pro
per cooperation irecinanti to form the mid con
nection between tae mid aim
- Committee on the auhject of the Pennpitea
aici Raihnad--,Megani. Thomas S. Clarke, G. A.
Bayed, George W. Jackson, and Daniel Kane,•
(of Fayette County.)
. . Committee an. Oat subject of a Western - Rail-
I read—Mesas. A. W. Loomis, J. K. Moorhead,' .
Rata flans, !Wm. Eichlistun, R. A:yalure- -
" t r ic ", . -
',A-lonely of oi lier Resolotiorre and proporaione'
-were submitted to the meeting, and after sVrof
ed discretion.were all *ally disposed oil b.j;
the adoptioq o it ho following resolution, eared bj
Thome. Harwell, Esq. f 1
Resolved, That the .sevoral Rgao!ottani nowi
before the meetloite referred to a Committee of
five, with iiirtru , • e,to report propeeitiorts, for
the amaidcration of an adjourned meeting, to be
held at this place to-morrow, (Baturday,)" at' a
o'clock, P. AL, whereupon the Chair appointed
the following gentloinen: Mtwara Thomu Bake.
well, George . Darsie, Wm. Robinson, Jr., E. D.
Gazamm, and Wet. Ebbe. • • • .
On motion of Janice S. Craft, Erg., the meeting
tben tteerned, to most on Sattuday, the 27th
inet,at 3 o'clock, P. M.
• .. WM. EICHBAUM, Chem.
E. D. GAzzAg,E3cliy.
In pursinneo of adjournment, the Stockholder . *
of the Pittsburgh and Connollsville Railroad Co.
inotthisday,at 3 P. M., and were called to ordifr
by W.m.Eichnanm. Esq., Chairman.
Thomas gakewell,•Eaq,, from tha committura.
to repro!, resolut(ans, giubruittad the following Pre
azobloeend—Resolutiona, which. upon due CCHISiIi ,
tuition, were thouoimoualy adopted.
- Wnealso, A nommtutiestion basin been IV
cebrod from a Committee of the Behi ore and
Ohio liailnrod Coinpany, announcing it appoint,
meat and intention to visit this city for the pus=
.pose of roneming negonationi with. this Coma ,
pony, it is.proper and becoming that acid Commit:
tee,befom leading borne on the business enb tasted to
them, should be made acquaintod-with the present
disposition •of the etoekholders of this Company.
Therefore, be it ,
• Revived. Twit the Stockholders of this Com•
parry cannot perceive anything in the late action
of the Stockholders of the Halt 0 R R Co,—ea
penally when taken in connection with the re.
marks of ;the President, when be nays "if the
"coaspansi were to decide upon one terminus, and
rreilreef ili undieidat resources towads the mm ;
"pletion Of one; mail to one terminus, and fhaf
"mere to be either Pittsburgh or Whaling, Men
"Wheeling emir; beyond question,' Me desirable
.poinr—whieh woad jortify this Company in
revoking the February, lotion of the ;sth 'Februa or
thal•hatis oat a y reasonable ii, pent of a favo
rable 6.111:4 o ithar negotiati ns, while suds
counsels irered
igt2ditt44T t if a sub , Inp .., proposition
shall have been larade ant ecodeur 1, the 25th of
next April, duly authorised by dui Stockholders of
that company, expressing their aiillingnest to de
vote their nudiridenl energies id-the connection
with this city by the shortest and Cheapest route,
than the President lad Directors of this Compa
ny are hereby notherized to re-open negotiations
for the settlement of preliminaries, and report to •
.futorm,meeting of Stockholder. to be held for
that purpose.
' Resole:ad, That if
,the. Committee of the tlalti-
more and Ohio Company Anil, ender
their instructions, vial: this city, the President
and Directors of this Company are requested to
tender to them n hospitable 'reception, end 'afford
then every fecility of becoming acquainted with
the manufacturing and commercial ; Scioto:. of
this city, end the advantages it presents to their
Company, and to tho city of Baltimore, as the
point of connection with the Ohio river.
Hashed, N.ll. Craig, Thos. Haswell ; Wm.
Ebb, 0.. Duale alai C. D. Gemana,' 1;a• Coirp
.mitten to communicate a copy of th ese proceed.
ings to the,Committce of the Baltimore and Ohio
ComFlany, accompanied by such remarks
as they may deem proper, no expressivo of the
music:mats of this meeting.
• Roamed. That when this meeting adjourns, it
will adjourn to meet again on the 27th of April
nest, nate' sooner convened, for the .iarpows of
receiving the reports of the various Coinmittear,
appointed at this meeting, and of caitaidering each
other business as may be brought before them.
Oa mutton the meeting then whonmeid.
Elvin. D. Oasesx, filecietary. .
Tag following preamble and resolutions, were
passed at • cralting of the Board of Directors of
the Western finisenity of Pennsylsanhi, on Fri.
day. Much 26th, 1847: s I
Whereas, it bas . ple er d god, in hie ma/trim:4
. - ,
Proeidance, rot:nowt by deatk-the Rai. Robert
Dunlap, a number of thin Board 'and of the Com
et:aloe of Eduositioa, the ,following resblittions,
exyressiee of thWeonso of the Board, wain anon.
imously adopted,:,Yi=
--' 1. Rewdeeil, 'That in the event, that boa re,
moral from no the 'Rey. Robert ,Dunlaii. we p. '
cognise a to.. to this community, of which ha was
au prnament, to the church of God, of Which be
was an efficient and awful minister, espicially- to
thin institution, of whose Board of Ditectors, and
Committee of Education, ho was a most valuablei
and Scale member..
That as a Baal , and indteidtmllj, o cher-1
edi • grateful sense of, the excellence* abd worth
of our deported friend; the urbanite of his mail
amend the peculiar blandness of his spirit, his.
promptitude in the performance of duty, Ms Uni
form courtesy and, bonorablis bearing, exhibiting,
in his personal and official Intercourse with us, all
the qualities which constitute a Christian gentle.
3. That we tender, as t Board,. our most rw.
spectful condolence 'to the bereaved widow and
family of our .deputed friend,. mewing them of
-our eincere sympathy in their desolating bereave.
meat, and that in addition to °two:4l3dg law, we
freLthat this alllictlen, hii 'wandered strong and
pleasant ties of personal affection* ind friendship.
-4. That the foregoing nuolutions, attested by
the. President and Becretay, be pubßehed, and •
copy vent to- the family of the decanted.
1380, uproLp, - P ! es't.
A. W. Macs, Breerj. -
. keep it wood;
r Esq.: From
I odmitabki book
For ale , try
. .
f tg ,
o 11 '
i r
c 0 - The following article, possessing some in
turd to the pol i tical public, we have copied from
the Wmisington tfhtfen, Father Ritelthee paper,
but as he Miscued the tam Ftelavaliat, in every.
instance when probing of the Mk Put/.
we- have taken theterty of subilittning
the term Torin for that • Danotrals wherever
he has coedit; as Tory is quite as applicable to the
Locrtfoce platy, so f r mkruf is• to thai of the
Whig party.
Representatives in the mat Congress are yet to
be c,hoseofn. Rhode Wand, Connecticut,
land, Tuginis, North Carolina, Alabama; Maris
A ppel, Louisiana. Kentucky, Tsunami% and Indi
ana. Eighteen States have already held . their
elections.. The nomber df mpreemitatbres elected
is, we belie's, In. Of them, 62" are rods% and
76 Federalists-10ing. of the tnembeia already
elected, a Federal majority of 14. There is good .
reason to balm, this .the two &Mid' in New
ilenipshite, which hair fink' d to elect at the Gist
tetl will at the next effort est= Tory members,
'ft- the Tory candidates lead their competitor
by arms! hundred votes in hod% thole district,:
In tide case, tbs Federal majority. of dismembers
already elected win be reduced to' twelve. In
Maio; there are four =ander; and in - Ohio,i the
death of General Hama in.ifericannike• one en.
liampshire darlattlix whole of last Congress
Of the asoidire yet to he eloped, the Tories
had Atha last Constar siiXy niernltees, and the
Fedawdista (11!2Ity Calk befog 10rari itllofifje'ol
et BoPP , Wieebetro Objets of Neer =
ti le to elect TosleX„ - and kdieludting;lrota
thisOo . rtnsajOrity ofettirlyinne,;,the
_Atowir rcd,
end inayonty of twelve, theta will remain, if no
further shams paw, a Tory , nsejority in thenext
'Noeoe - of seese - tien. Oat Meth Carolina.
where 'the delegation now wands six
.Tories to
three Federalist., the Federal ergistanue !Wisher,
ed the districts and whelped up the Tory row
into a few'districts thar they expect to gain three
wembera. This wHlaaill leave a Tory t majority
in the Douse of fbirtmeri: We tree, tearever,
that this lou in Niirthearplins, if it accrue, may
be partially ionipeninted by a Tory gain in Don
na:tient, where the ptssent Delegation are all
Federalist. and all esuididates for iseloUtion.
_ . . . ..
Upm.tite wh01.3, it appein highly pr _.
ble that
the' political complexion of the next Conno
maw be decided b 1 the election which ' Mon to
take plar-iiin Viightia; ' sU,better bat groinul
of could not be chosen . , The Tory of the
whole country looks now, w herMofont, .th un
abated confid mco and hipe to the time b oral en •
ergy and patriotism of the Old Domi n. The
moral effect of a Tory, triumph in Virg Ilia, will
be felt with irresistible inflow= throng out the
Union. . .
To "An ad to' ineorponde Ike Pittabargh and
Cantlelfni& RaiGoad Company," paned
April third, eighleut hundred andthirty omen.
Sectioa I. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representative. of -the Commonwealth
,of Pennsylvania ire General 'Assembly met, and
lit is hereby etiacted by the authority of the same;
`That the Pittsburgh Sad Connelerille railroad
company be, and they ue hereby authorized to
:make end construct a rellsoashwith 'one or mare
tracks from the ell: . of . Pittsburgh, to any Point.'
within this State, imitable to form a connection!:
arith the Pennsylvania railroad compaky, at such ;
pointer place as may be manually agreed upon :
by the president arid director. of the laid Penn
sylvania railroad Company, and the president and
directors of the Pittsburgh and Uormelluille rail.
road compley. And be irfusther enacted, that.
the Pittsburgh and Ormaelluille railroad company
be, and they are hereteOrtithorieed; to connect
a railroad, with dim or more track,, from any
paint at or near the city of Pittsburgh, to such
point on the line of the state of Ohio,' as may be
determined upon by the president and director+
of said company; and the commencement of the
•con.truction of said math in the dinedloo o a f the
state of Ohio, within two year. after Rio passage
of this act, Anil ho construed to be a-compliance
with the conditions contained in the seventeenth
section of the act to whieli this is a sapplemenh
N.M.!, That if • connection .ball be agreed
upon, as provided for fn this act, between the
said :Pittsburgh and Cohnelleville railroad com
pany, and the Pennsyleania railroad company,
then the said Penneylvania railroad company shall
be refined from any obligation "to commence
their road et the city of Pittsburgh, and from
constructing that portion of their}line lying :be
tween the . said point of connection and the said
city of, Pittsburgh. But if the maid companies tio
' not mutually agree to connect their said maimed.
a, aforesaid, then and in - that case the aid Prism
rylvania . railroad Company may connect their
railroad or any branch thereof, at, or near the
city of Pittsburgh or other reliable poloior points
in the un,ty.of Allegheny, with an railroad
made by the said Pittsburgh and Co m41..16118
railroad com p any,' in pursuance of this Act, the
mid connection to be made in each meatier and
form on may be proper and cdurinient to coordi
nate a contimious and uninterrupted line of rail
-road.. And the tolls, motive power, and other
charges, on any railroad made as aforesaid by the
Pittsbiugh and Connellsvilla railroad csanpauf,-
1 when the can or other vehicle need thereon Cr.
famished by others. Mall not exerted the rates
authorised to be charged in like cases by the
I Pennsylvania :railroad -company; nor shall any
' charge be made on any euch railroad exceeding
threczents per mile for each through passenger,
and three and one half wits per mile for each
way passenger. And provided further, That if
the provisions of this act shall be accepted by the
said Pitteburgh and Connelluillerailroad compa.
ny, and they shall commence either of the road.
authorised hereby, they may within sixty day.
alter due public votive shall have been given of
the same, permit any;steckholder who, shall be
dinatia lolthereby, to withdraw his subectiption
hod refund to such withdrawing subscriber the
1 amount of instalment ho may have paid, allay
: deducting Ille pro rata gram of the expense. here.
blue incurred, and they Mall have the power at
any general, meeting of. the a'fickhohlers, to
Change the corporate name of thecompany to any
pi d,
name they may warlike appro 'ate. Provided
further, That if the Pittsburgh a Connelluille
railroad company commence Me nstruction of
i railroall under the authority o . this aitt, from
thp,eity of Pittsburgh to the Ohio state boa, then
th.V6th eedion of-the act of the 3d April, 1846,
' el:tidied "an Act to authorise the Court of Quar
ter Seamion. of Allegheny county, to vacate Del
eitware - lane in slid county and other perposel,"
'shall be null and void, conferring no right. or
• pririlegn upon mid Pittsburgh and donnelfreille
railroad company. Aird Provided further, That
if the Pennsylvania railroad companY shall find
it to their interest to commence the contruction
of their road from some point on the Cumberland
Valley Railroad, then the said Penturyismis rail.
road company 'shall be released frOm the obliga
tion imposed by the act of incorporation, to com
mence their work at Harrisburg. •
PittaNurgh, Mach 27, 147.
Humph ! I vroukPnt be • Whii !" said nation
Planter, one day, to his old itcqiraintance.!d3lum.
bee. Do you think I'd be a Whig Noah !
nonsense, sir ;-4'd sooner be a whale godlike in
the bosom of the mighty deep. Why, Blanther,
I seas rocked in the cradle of Democracy, Pleoo
indeed—l socked thi milk nf 'Democracid did
indeed—and I ate the rout beef and-puddings of
Democracy, if I didn't then blow I#. Blumber.
Do you think I'd prove • traitor to-all . that!—
Why Pm esteninhed at you, and I can hardly
god words spelling book. and dictionariei• to
express, my unbounded yttrium!"
After' delivering this eloquent eflunon, in •
style that would have done hector to Tom Benton,
the agitated Planter drew himself up into the
man diglii6ed Poeition his little body would
admit of, and then cast a glance of mingled pity
and contempt on hislat and comical interrogator.
"And you wouldn't be a Whig, Simon! Why
that is certainly a great pity. And you wits rock
ed in the cradle of Democracy I . and you have
been fed on the rout beef and ptiginp of Lo
coroco4 rn I—most astonishing! 'And what do
you think of Polk, Simon I Could you recontile
it with boor Ideas of cradles and moot beef to net
the aformidPolk down a. a blunderer I"
Set 'petit dowyras a Wanderer!" exclaimed
the lit; fusty Democrat, with a' nervous shake
from h dto foot: "Set Polk down aa a bliander
er! Not—, ru ho hanged (or • knays if I'd do on,
such a thing. Polk is the right stripe.' I admire
the crud for his independeoce; I don't taro • what
they !NY that don't. He makesthese fellows that
• want tri crow over our country keep dark,L—
He is s r nod man, and I'll rack to him like wax,
if he could get us into ;a war with all the
world." •
Why if fah are so very patriotic. Simon, why
don't-yru :to Marino and fight for ma you
m you
love ink .Or do you think that patriotism
thrives "estion mat ducke and otter' fixer.. 1
don't think goo caremuch about being a soldici;
though you ' talk lond enough about your idol to
make a perion believe you are. the incarnation of
patriotism Tho men who think Polk is
right in hill warlike measures should help him
through by I ,gning to Pie battle geld when ho calla.
and not kert, etickinigat home cranking him op
for • Solon,"
/Dumber, you are at your maisetwe
again. Why if we would all go to the war, who
would he Yen home to take are of the 11•0131a1
mud aundl fhildren I I'll4o mean to may that
my wifi woukl, suffer, fbr - I haven't got any—but,
there hal---;".
"Share! Shaw! nonsintie!" interrupted Slum•
bey. "You of some body ought to go to war, but
not ' men, Weave their wives suffer when
duty u awsy. - Yon , . aeknouiledge, then; that
single n ought to go,.yet you hsng about hero
yearn! while htmdredsof poor fellows, with fut.
illes; • fitiftng by powder. end disease. Such
logic wi not do far you. it might de for . man
who dpon Polkas a bliteklume r Aut it won't
do far y Simon; Indeed it won't" i .
•ft will basin". do," mourned Shim, betweei
big teeth. Like Polk, bat that dot paying I'd
like to be shot. The feet is %limber, I don't
think I could =dare the hardships, for I bass been
sill raised.'
..How do other men endure it, who hare been a.
w. 4 raised a. you ever have been! A lame ax.
eure.lnily. You soep: to think that :patriotism
anniits in landing Polk with your tongue, but not
in helping him with your rifle, your minket, or
your sword. Was that the kind of patriotism that
diningdished the Flowintiormq soldier 1 No sir.
Yon hive a wrong Ida. of the word. Pat:lotion
does noticonain in barking every demagogue who
wallies to diningipthhiuself at the expense of oth•
en. -.Patriotism is a principle that linui only In
that bout which lows its artintryao. dearly. that
it will cry . out agidost false ambition and foolish
natnmarabip, no matter'whether Polk,or any
other man in parte life would show suc e7h,P.
s•Yoa.isrei :net, Member; indeed I moat to.
Good diy, air:. and no Simon Fluster dinned off
pond et his Patriotism and Delmont" so any
other Mapleton need wish to be.
Foe the Pitteburgh dazelle.
mitten, of Sir... appointed settee ;Meeting of • the
Stockholders of the Sal limners sad Ohio i4il-Road .
Company, on Bfundaj,in pfocialW.;forthwithmto
Pittsburgh, in slew ofan anangetneit for tbit en
tension of our rood to that city; hero not' gone,
we orideretan4,' on their specified mission.. ',The
ComMittrie thought it best. it mew, oiritai oat
pouncing their appointment, before going to Pitts
harsh. in ,perscua....The tenons for this, mime
we have tot heenl—although doubtless the Com.
hpue have returns, which they deem sufficient,
The meeting. of the Connellevilleand Pittsburgh
Stockholders token place to-day. They are to.
efde upon the question nf g ling up Wa'pnvilegea`
°flitch charter in order to accept a recent net of the
Permsyliznia Legislature, providing fore connec
tion with ..Philadelphia and for an estensintinf
nil road connections west. his important that
the .hatentions of the Baltimore and Ohio Rag.,
road Company should t 4 known to the Pittsburgh
.stockholders, and that they should beimpressed
with con6denco in the eantatuess and sincerity
of our purpose to unite our efforts with theirs for
the proposed connection. of the two cities.
In view of this it sulkes us that oar Stockhohl
ers'iteating on Monday took weary proper step
In the appointment of • committee to visit Pitt.
burgh nod in the direction to proceed .forthwith."
We know not any better taelttl that viola hive
been devised for enuring oar Pittoborgh friends.
of the eunestneas end Cordiality of our sentiments
In favor ofM eatisfactorj arrangement that might ,
lead to the connection of the two cities, givink
them an outlet to the Atlantic and securing to on
an navy Betesa to rho Ohio. • The sulatitutitin of
an epistolary communication instead of • personal
visit may tend, we fear, to delay matters, at nob
els when delay may be fatal; and •it may ohe,
give to the negotiation 'between the Pittsburgh and
the Ualtimore tympanies en lard of banality
and reserve not colonised to hove a favorable in..
guinea on the resull'ortheir discursions.—Boll;
Ansericanof Thursday.
It. usu., istrirom
C. Yr.( AND Ati• ERT,SER Orrict,
Monday Morning March' . 19. 5
Baturdiy W 23 another exceedingly disagreeable
day—" March goer out like a roaring I.tan." 80.
since, 001-doore was sleek.
The weather continue, clear, sad was top plea
taro yesterilat . Seine pronpeet of rain' oon. -
Them 1/1011 4.1 feet water large in the channel last
evening at dusk, and falfrotalowlr.
The sales of Bacon Sato were 3,000 lbs city
smoked at G, 74fia74c, and '74 ~ hogrounit 7c.—
Sales few thousand lba city Cyr t 6, 74 and Sc.
Or Oat, further sales to cutest O bu at elsti°7e.
Lard continum in active tletuan . Sales CO kegs
and tibia country' rendered from ogon, and on re
ceipt at 741674 c. Sales 6 tons Wand keg" from
store at Cie.
A nit 50,000 lbs bulk po •ha ground, at 64c.
&Am.:MIA Flaxseed at it ft bu, (56 lbs.)
The transactions in Groceries confine to a mod
crabs estent only. Sales trl hbda Sugar at 'ladle,
and 100 EMU Molasses at 37e37ic. Cofreo is very
firm. Stooks improving by receipti from the east.
Cbeese n scarce and sells from store as ;ranted
at sittBc Is. lb.
la Cation nothing of importinco doing. Some
are asking Ilic for mid Tenn. •
Cotton Yams are firm with fair sale..
.25011 as Oranges and-Lemons at. $3,75 p bs.•
Salo SOO gals Linseed Oil, coontry pressed, horn
the wharf, at 75c on time.
The market lot Lumber tine not flirty opened
In Flour but a limited busineas doing. The moo
het. to price. is about- the mne, $4,1t4a4,tal k
bbl. Flat Hoop Ohio ii $,4,16d.1,14
. Wheat—.soo by at
'Barley—Prime retches 40c, sales .500 bar.
Sbeled Corn is in demand at 40e p hew
3 tensing Lead at 31 / e.
katract from the Circular of the , r egos
Commercial Times of March 16th:—
Cotton—Since the tiePartnee el the Cambria. the
Cotton market, alter experiencing numerous fluettia
Lions, has advanced luity et r lb.
The week which inhered in the receipt -or. the
Cambria'. account, and ester the delivery of the
printe correspondence a very animated inquiry
sprung up, and during the Int three days 2,4,Ct5,
hales were disposed elm an advance of 4tric. , ,, lb,
.swelling the total operaticoe of the week to
Under the innuence of a rapid falling oil tho
receipts coupled with declining freights, theitiquiry
&a. steer continued brisk, nod the transaction of
the/week amounted to MOM bale., at a 'either
improvement of Atite 1. lb. Vital amount dispneol
of during the peat month 100,000 bales. 1."
The extant of the crap, which, for *emotion pest,
ha. been a subject of so much diversity of opinion,
is no longer an open t question. When we lot ad.
droned you the receipts lit all the ports - showed an
eaten et 2.1.677 bales aver Int year, which went
on augmenting until the increan, on the alth utt„
had reached 41.564 halo.. Timid partite, whose'
impressions are derived solely from the comparati i e
position of the receipts with former seasessi at .
once abanden'd their previous estimateszted went so
far no to predict there weal.] be no material falling
off in the crop against last yeir.
'Poe estimate which was then considered in 'the
representative of ',the short crop. Interest is n'inV:
deemed so eitinVagant; that it no longer finis lop.
porter.. At this point the receipt,.. ore failing od
amazingly fast; and mans consider It doublibl whe
ther they will exceed 700,000 bales, some estimating
them as low n 675,000. The supplies at the interior
shippearpointa ate almost exhausted, and the only
gowns. where we min look' for or arrivals of note
are Memphis, North Alabama and Tenonee. With
the information before you, you Can form your own
idea. of tho probable extent cif the crap; our for.
prenion Bow ia, that it will not exceed 1,1300,003
' •
When we take into conaideration yhat the pro..
peel of a meat abtindant production,.b. Lb. been
frustrated :by the ravages of a small tweet{ that, in
fact, a mere Caterpillar ha. accomplished' tber de
struction rif no loss than 700,000 bales of Cotton—
ing' never did A crop promise more bountiful 'retire.
than the present Lone hi the beginning of Julylakt
—it became matter of most aerie. inquiry to
ascertain whether any datmer esists of a similar
visitation doting the coming stammer.
We have recei red information from variorum.,
tars of late, grating that the cold, wrather has not
destroyed the worm, and that, besides We larvae el
the insect, which is known to =bit the animal itself
has been round in the chrysalis state. Such alarm
his, inconeequence, been apressed among' the
planters, lest the caterpillar should make its appear
ance even at an earlier period than lastyear, bet It
moat be borne in mind that it requires a long con
tinuum° of peculiar temperature led vircather,to.
bring forth ttidiasect in such immense quantities,
no that the chanCes ought certainly to be most
strongly against the recurrence of ulna,
It will be perceived that there la a falling a fa
the arrival. at this port of 104,670 hale., agamat the
same p.' teat aesson. The quantity of Cotton
received at'all the porth who... a decrease of 41,717
Wiley, in the aporta to Great Britain there is n
lie¢on of 162,144 bales, and to France of 0.6314
bale.; whilst •to other foreign ports there is an
inciease of 16.171—abowing a total falling off in the
shipment of 171,017 bale. against last,year. The
receipts at this port mince the 10th salt amount t 093,
sr,bales. •
- -
Cotton-The unesampled' In the 're.
ceipta he. caused a very general excitement in the
Cotton blarket.lnd 'prices consequently are daily
enhancing; it M this and Baia alone.that hut nseenily,
no greatly increased the price of the staple, as no
ether intelligence or information haa•been received
to produce it; the Inn European , news being irefan
curable, Prices in our market are very irregular,
in 6onsequetice of 'there befog' hot little offering.,
W. Tonnes!. at 10 to I limimmstly et
with • eery Gran market.
s;arypu 0.15.1114.410‘1.
Inferior '
i Ordinary 108101
Middliog-to Good Middling
Middling Fair to Pair 116e
(load Fair
Good and Finn
• Bacos-Com has earm'ildoi Sides and
ShOoklers-,none triartet. , Bulk Pork 55,60.-
Flopr...crood Ohiolb,7s‘oBGt blisouri extra 56,h0
k5l-stock fair. , Lard o , olk--srpply fair. Corn
is iellidg at 604L6be F hte.,Molaseas-Com Pero;
S H 140415. Nails biat6c. Cheese ttd9c. Hay-,
9seregl 0 hundred Mess Perk-510611. p bbl.
Griia Seed-Blue gra. VI; Herd. do St; Orchard
do s2,2s3.Clorerseod $G a be. Whiskey is milling
•VBlalr-c. frish Potatoee p bbl, 11211.5e40. A p .
ples- 7 5303,25 p bbl. Osts-13.0.50.-[Eagle.
•§ROWNSVO.LE PACKETS at ¢ a. • . and .3
•SEAVER PACKETS at 9 A, M. and
•WILMINGTON. Sleaboavilla, S, r. r• .
•HIBERNTAA Wheeling, 10, A. as.
These are regular Packets
lor—,s7 Mt& bacon 63 bbls linseed oil, II (lialr—Sl
bbl. Maas, Chute& Tbaw—looo can banilsbbls
D Leech. &C0...11 bbl hominy', I do era..
borne., .1 Edioger , --3pop, Kay & Co-8 bre, , J
Shousaker--48 keg. and Mr bbls,,l Briar. • •
WKLLSVIL.LE—Per bbl. Boar,
r i tro p tl . b . o to tte e 4,
1 80 ,4 Irt i V i. litgall i s i. ,l!r ;
ronitook da Cs. ,
HHOWNSVILLE—Per Louis AfeLso•-16'1,g.
LaMar, H Graff—l do, .1 C 'Bidwell-1 do, Wm H
HroSin & kiso—G9 bbl. &Mr, J Richey,
MONONGAHELA CITY--Per Harlem-71 bbl.
Musk. ID do apples, ownor•-18130 by corn, T A'
ST LOUIS—Ye, Gormautowo-3 blold.Owoo,
6timoy-16p_ g Edo., S WOLlitomo--1/ balm Ion;
d 4 d skint, Wm LI Holm= & 4ro—tls Rek•
Horod &Co,l unk - ,J Bday4 hbl moLasecE gmd
—I tot, 19 - balm rum, Wogboll.-.3 Wes thee
S& thscaugh-10 bhda raw, Art:lurk.
& Co—Mbhdo bacon, Z:0 kegs hrd-Z bbls do, 5,
Ws, Ipork,• 100 tin do, 71 tree d?,.ft,tirsa—:s blots
Wiiaea A. CO-10 bids L sugar, Stith/. Sr. Sinclair
-:400 has oranges, 25 do lemons, 10.im tenthers
4do san4atiptley ei Smith-37 cabin and :441 deck
paimengem, 105 way Cabin aril M "ray deck,passen
gers—.4)homes, 2 head cattle. .
rzyr .LaBGL
DonvinieniTyler, CM.
Zanesville Packer GaHigher, Zanmville.
Mountaineer, Wells , N -Orleans.
Monongahela, Stone. Cincinnati.
II ibantra,Smith. Wheeling.
Hibernia No 2, Klinefelter. eta, .
Swatiri, Clarke, Brownsville.
Wilmington, Stevens, Steubenville.
, Despatch, Nelson, Monongahela city
Lake Erie, Beaver.
Michigan, Hemphill. Beaver. ..,
Harlem, Baird, Mon. City.
Coniul, Bowman, Brostmville., :
Wellsville, Catlett, Welhiville,
Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver.
Lake Erie;Hoopi, Bearer.
Louie McLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Consul, Bowman, Brownsville.
Wellsville, Catlett, Welleville.
Messenger, Linlord, Cm.
Now England, Ebbert, Wheeling.
Fairmount; Poe.:St Louis.
lame Nmiton, Mason, Cie.
Dsibuque, -, Galena.
onsunaptlea is • diseate that abutrymg tu
victims by thousenda to the tomb, without baying' ha
ammo at all retarded by the
; utetlielnut in commou
use; but o brighter day is naming; nay, him already
come, when thie dreadful &Arne eon be aurvernfully
combatted. Dr. Roger. , preparation of Liverwort and
Ter, not only give. relief ; to all rove, of Cold, seated
Cough, Or immediately. (nun the leatimoayof gen
tlemen of the highest atinding, iv making KIIIIC vety
rcmaehable cure. of Constunpuon. Improvement tithe
Rea:memo( difitase a onwertßand nothing can server
iia spirit in this pnigtesovn age; 111 evidence of w
.we invite the attention of our CilllGllll . lO the cern' ate
of Dr. Cox, late Profe.eur in the Cinclanan Eelctic
College, which we publialt in another column.
Imo - Remark bi l e Success 7—Never, perhaps,
Aid more tognal sure.. attend nn medietne, than tint
:of Dr. Upbeats Vegetable likaumq. It is a sovereign
remedy for the riles. and from its being taken inlet
natty, stnkce at the warren( that disetter, ;which
an external appliettoon can never elf.,
,‘ bolegale 6111 i Nelatl . hy . 111 YATT k.
KKltill A NI, Pultanurecl,Ncor York; Wlellioul.
klarket nue., ult.! r. FL SJ6vre.e., Smilhfiickl street.
Palsburett, Pa. Price it per 14. rech2 la
Fourth 'st, nearly opposite Me Rank of l'ittsbargh.
, CURRENT MONEY received oti Dcposite—Sight
,sale, cad collections :nolo on nearly all
the principal points in the United States. ,
The Ingtiestpremium paid for Foreign cniN Amerman
Gold •
Advahees made on consignments of Produce, shipped
Ent, eel libentl terms. • amble
$5,00. ~B OOTS 5,00.
'subscriber respectfully informs the public that
[commenced the inurtufacture .of Gsnatonen
• oars East, of good nuttertal and' work manstup
will warrant superior to any Boot ewer made
burgh for the prlce. These kowdsorne Boot
made Oreuuro,. and warrant them ns ream
at the .veey low price of FIVE DOLLARS .
Cenilemen arc requested to call and exam'
PA! • I\',ll ERSKINE:
FaJA. •
In l'lnt
will be
ite the
whets GI ins; ni:Panacei and I al. know several
lequatutanti - erholave used it, and they speak
,hly of it;
va I cerustolv have no headation In sec
tng ties a lued tnedtcone for coughs, colds
I rots' City Hotel, sMstroot, Iltukorgh
he follOwlim from E. Gray, Alice:may City:
r;ooNeng Pannen i. the ben.metheme that
ed fora Cough.. Cold.
East Camuinn..Allegbeny Qty.^
Barrett's. sth Pt, opposite hog City no
l lbuting Ahrnt fur Pittsburgh mud vicinity, and
.9 generally. re !dent Weliteill. dJ
ris.dence In Pine Townginp, Allegheny Co
y nun otng, March Mb, Mrs NAncy Snnarts;
r Me Jame. Sample, In the Mth Y.. , of Om
dy eYtrelned by a:1 oda, knew: her, both
, • . •
r. and her death arsi.nntly sadden a n ten.
to Iter (wends. Thow• 'whit knew her and
I in tho Chrituen IVA, expect to melt her in
en where the "wicked cenW from wouhhng
eery Ore •.
To the Ptahltd.
T .
• ,
BE subscribers. on board of the splendid Canal
Boat lodtasto. take dew method of reeormeending to
the piddle Capt.Berkey, for his kind end nein, attma
tion, and tender to hint not thanks.
P McKenna, Pt..burgh 's
P Shoenberyer, to
John Now. Portsumath 0
Yeagr, Pittsburgh\
John Linton, Johnstown
' '3 Cstopbeil. Aberdeen, et
Wolter Fahnestock, Pats'hurgla
'lloghllo; la. St Loots `„ •
Wm Smith, Jo
Arl.rni Parker, hroorefichl.
Robert Runk tit..Ncsr. Lisbon, (Y,
Si Itraeßchl, Dteoliefet, Tenn ",
Duct W 11 I Vgfreit.l.e.{-titton ‘‘,.;
A kletralfe, Pirtsborrly,',
(I II Wino, Wdrrstg.
Philip Balker. Corlttfr,
• . 11 Hampton. /Cy
lien Wittscro, Wisconsin -
Samuel Watson. Carlisle, Pa •
A M Elmrsol„ °vinare 111
J•acht Baal "
Lerch ..2u WV It
I bbi Nest... Foot Oil fo. .zip by
1t2,11A1l DICKEY & Co
watnr and front as
DOCK POWDER—Constantly hand for gala
nactrK/ wumr a4c/ front..
(IOTTON YARNS-oiciry ;nanufseTnte. • besi
qualni , , al marrufarturer'a prima,ton.tautly on
hand and far male Ly ICAIIII DICKEY A. Co
mehs wan, and trout sta
(1111 GEN APPLEII--10 WA. venoo. kindo, pont
recomed and for gale low by
$ & 11A RIIA G(;11 •
, z 2l wood aireel
mrlll9 33,root3atreet
AIILS-741 keno ninottnd, juslrec.7 on inifilgnnteni
1.11 and for .ale by . End. %V GARIIAUUM
mclrLl 37 wont erect
1.7 Lad,es• and Geastlernend extra hoe Kid Glovea- r
orcn au th e New Lark Store, 79 Market street. .
mel4) W 11 GARRARD'
S or i e N g Pia l r i k!l VV . r r L e7,3O N O " s
171 eTtriLL 1
Shawls. Intch2.Ml) Ns' GARRArtun
t:AP;PI4NTS ! LAWNS. ke— 4
rot C, 7 . g "i 4 wd Lew"l"the New ewyz ,..,to 1e
h .
FLAILSEED 01L-5) bbls jest reed and female
meh29 --- 170 Liberty meet
_ __,•- -- •
TAMED APPLES-00 bor., just reed anitior
JJ sale by S & MI 11ARLIAl1071.
_ltrb7o_ _ 33 maid street ,
ri V ILL A P bo l e . to •rrice, eale'br
declttO• ..
,14 Wood itreei".,
'EVIL RENT—A futge.,,,i oonventalASkare.9o4sf
X' HI feet, with °mimeo. anclehelving, and • good eel.. ,
ill—aitualed et the Nicene end canal bold lending at
Beaver. The .bore I. eonildered a good loontl en h it
anenertelve buentese in Clothing. Dry Goods, An ,
A gd:el dwelhng bonen minuted near the above, can be
had if wanted Apply To
CUTHBERT. General Agent
mete/9 • No 33 mateet *treat
of 'WA* osirk floe; New York load° shirts Also,
some okko !testy Silk Shifts arid Drawers: brook And
1 flooy Cravats. Yesuagtfri t i 3 Orsinferes, how styles
141the !f ew 4
kID V°'"4".rn.GARRARD
. .
The splendid and staunch wittier
Israel. muter, will leave as .bore on
1c'..... -.. ".!;:' .. Saturday. April Chad 10 o'clock, A. se.
For freleht or pump, hiseing fine 4IC•
:m.r.edatlons, opPI V' orlbo9l4,tniihifil
- _ _........._
. .
The light d auxin steamer
I ~ . AN ERIOAN ~ •
.--.. • Greenlee. mute r, will for above
thd ell intettoodiam ports, on Toosday
e 30th instant, at 4 oleloek, p.m.
or freight or passage apply on board. nichMk
ANTED—A mionlier of active MEN. logs Smith
nod Wee; also, mom in too Now Fsieud States,
vo mg . os &IF p e r N T
pole p00h,.,
of New
d td F e lt;
1 ',."1,, " ri ,;;; I t i gi t rid 'p.n.:7'4X Xd700w:1'0r1r,5,.74,1.
Ina moo now in ottr eMplAy will as ofouiit makeover
I mo ~,. year, elem . of all coutie, and there are
:moos for other* to do the um. tech man vril I have
V Medi!, and it will be mice...A/tor them Ai barest
least 1115 to 1450, - to obtain • good
Apply at
[op emirs.l Philadelphia. All letters rout he post-paid.
mehlArktT ,
484F/fall ST,
W.. °AR..
"ID would re.
ttfallr invite
Ledtea and
et to come
reatolne his
and well
tied stook of
le and Ate) ,
ASSillf else
tro, a. helms
great bar
, to offer- to
' Szeerei None/. .
MOTICE: la he'repy gen
_that thagaseregnary
/N upon the•Eetatho leat , %epler, Lau of Peoardro
Togiash , p, Allegheny 'candy, deeeageil hare beta
granted no• day nettle seithenher. Anproes hateteg
, italor deothada ;rename estate all ettakeinown
the spin e Winona spresnienee :n Swan tagratoltp
alevestalJ.• 'ALP:CANDI-OP pl Ea.
MiCeldin of John Shepten deed
Meath V. I f,47. doelgOargnT •
• -
ilex/LE/um, rivr.setsm% NALitinv,'ar.
tabgerl lbe re keep an ...Anent
ot alasaechenetea and Ilidifat g. or A. le
In lots es wanted at theirorarehoese, N. , io North
Wherees. Philadelphia.
ntetaldan • JNO Id ' KENNEDY a. •
e A n PZA , I4I. ,
Co nIS Appeal ,
grill be bald at the issues and places helms Partied r o! the year ,
bodis of io o'clock. A. M., ood
M. Of each dbyb aril
'Thursday, !Parch Peth,lllttectiuler and Birmingham,
el Commissioneee Office.
Friday, April 2d, Pceble'• Township, at Commission
cr's Mae.
Monday, April Sib, Mass Township, as Cownsissoon
er'e Office.
Aloaday, April 12th, Franklin arid Ohio Townships,
at Wm. Afornspies, Ohio Township..
Timidity April 13th, Pine and Wen Baer Town
ships, at J Blackwood's
Wolicitilay. April 1 4th, Indiana and Sharmiburgb,
at George Poiret'.
Friday, April 10L , Wilkias Toarmhip, at Comm.-
Matter's Mee.
Saturday, April 17th. Lawrenceville find Reserve'
Townships as Caounissweer's (Mee.
Mends,' April 15th, Plans and Versailles Townships,
at Ileory Chitliant's Plans Township. .
Tresdity, April :9th, Elisabeth Borough and To 4n:
ship,:at -
shi p. . ul3 O ednesday.lch.l Arhennril.2ls yht t, Jefferson aud rn
, Jefferson Township.
• Thursday, A ptil `L
day, and Sward'
n ?Man
ships. at Robs. M arc's, Baldwin Township.
Vnday, April .4d, Upper SL Township, Ja ,
Monday, April 26111, Non! and South rnycnoTown.
ships, at Nolilestown
Tuesday. April 270 C Findley and Moon Townships,
J Mc Minster's, Clitanc
Wednesday, A pril2zYtk, Robinson Township, at:Sarah
Thursday, April tad., 6y of Allegheny, at' Cornea,-
sisner's °Mee.
Ecceplay, hi ay !rtt, Cite of Pitisbusgh,l.l, 2d; and lld
Wards, at destrat•-Toners °Mee.
• .
, • •
Monday, Nay flth city of Pittsburgh, 4th,i tit It and Gth
%%runic et Conmoissionor's Oflke.
To esdny, May Init, City at Yittilturnlt i 7llt, Rh and 9th
Wands. at Comm itsioner's Office.
- ,
Wednesday. May ash, East Doer Toornshii, in the
Borough of Terranio.
Priday, May 71h, Lower St Clair Toy.4l.hip, at Coon
oussioner's Wise.
Each prior/rd Assessor is requested - to mired at the
Ward,i pl., of holding the Appeals, for his praiser
To•vontop or Borough. By ord..r,
Gqftfil cka Count ebmminioriere
1 0 4r. e, melglMlArr3tT
(F.leam.ph cow/1'
MEW WORK—In Prest—History of Alexi.
IA co; her Civil Wars and Colonial and Revell.-
tionarr , Annals, from the period of the Spanish
Couquest.,lso.l, to the present time, 1C47; including
an account of 'the Existing Woe with the United
SiEfret, its Causes and Military, Achievements, By
Philip Vourg, - M D: • JA& II P JAMES,
itiehtg Publinhers, Cincinnati.
.NEW MUSIC HOOK—Pamphlet Perm
11 —The Melodeon: a choice selection of Song.;
Quetta, Qwwletts, Hounds, Waltzes, and Marched;
with a History of Music. Illustrated with noose,-
ous engravings. Imperial octavo.. Price 'l5 cents.
Published and ferule by, J A & U P JAM ES,
Walnut street. bet. Fourth and Fifth.
Cincinnati, March p,
VALUABLE BOOKS.-Pobli.hed tar 3 A
& U P James, tValnut street, between Fourth
and Firth, Cincinnati.
Guisod• Gibbon—The history of the decline and
fall of the Roman !Empire. By Edward Gibbon,
Esq. A new Edition, revised and corrected through.
out, preceded by a preface, and accompanied ,by
notes critical and hi.torical, relating principally
the propagation of Christianity:lly M. F. Gnixot,
Minister of Public lastructiou for the kingdom of
France. The prelate, nutria and correction., trans
lated from the French cipeenly for thin •edition.,
Wyth a notice of the Life and character of Gibbon,
and Watson. Reply to Gibbon. In 2 vols. imp.
Bed. 1079 page..
Napier's Peninsula War—Complete. I vol. imp./
Oro. am pages.
Hallam's Middle Ages, Cfrrimber's Rebellion in
Scotland, Robertson's Virgania and New England,
Russell's' French and English War in America, and
Runny'. American Revolution. 1 vol 4to.
Li,rav ol American History—Containing selec
tions from the best anthem on American History,
Biography, Travels, Commerce, S Indians,
Rolutionary Battles, &c. dce. &c., Also, Atiee.
dotes, Poetry and Miscellaneous artices. Illastra
teal with more than 500 engravings, k vol, imp Oro
640 pages.
Dnivenal Pictorial LibraryCihritsining valuable
papers au swim's • aubjects, comprising Natural
Naiural Sciences, Agriculture, Rent Econ
omy, Biography. Fine Arts, the Orientals, Travels,
Geography, Botany, kliscellaneenis reading, he:
the. 1 rot imp Ben 640 pp, fall sheep.
The Family Medical Library—A 7 realise on the I
Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by regimen and
Ample medicines. Na* editton, revised and enlar
ged 1. ith the addition of a Vegetable Materia Med.
Ica, pointing out the virtual, prearations and doses
of our most valuable entire med ical plants, and an
outline of Anatennye and physiology. Illustrated
with one hundred F-ngravings, sin of which •re
colored. By J G Norwood, M D-664 pages Bro.
American Flower:Garden :Compatuon—Adapted
tothe' United States; by Edward Sayen, Landscape
and Ornamental Gardener. I 2 mu, third edition,.
reviaed; enlarged and illustrated: .
Paliner's Oregon, Rocky,Mountains,&c.' /cc.
Family Testament, octavo, with and without'.
Polyglot notex,and Psalms in untie.
. .•
Rice had Pingree's Debate. *Dural Works. Lady
of the Enka. Lalla -flookb. binre's Private Devo
tion. inventle tiooks. Cheap editions of various
works in pamphlet form.nicb29
Addre” Card.
DWA RD TODD, Agcnt fot Eastern manufacturer
far Me role of North's Hooks end Roo.; Copt dues
ponders of the flussell Manufnedoing Co.(); ;Toot k.
ef cry.y daseriprion, Shots, Bosom. end Collors,of the
Tr.SS monufrekrry, An.; all of which arc (or ode at
malndneterm's prow, wholcsal,
„• • .
No wood street, up stmt . ., over Geo Cochran
Orders nco rid for Anterm.lanbrare., melt%
A elerkablp Ws nand.
AA hIA R 12113) MAN, who - has hcoi about fifteen years
pracocal experience es. an ancountann under
stands the smelter of Mull - keeping thotourshly,bx Me
Italian or Double Entry systern,Angether with as pnie
nerd eppitcattotrto the front akstruse It indite( nivoness,
or the most complicated-oxpartuerth , ps; is acknow
ledged to be one of the bescPkame-n•in the city . ; I.
etrietly temperate In hot knhitn; pent-n•• • • 0 ••..••. ••••
00000pubio of enduring the teen 11,[111tEn . QUIr Intense
ellpileltiOn to lb. drat, and being new. oat of 'emplorr
mem, m desirous of obtaining a good' and permanent
somation. a• Clerk, in woe mercantile. manufacturing
or other establishment.
irrghe beat et referent...! can be given. Millen
O. 3'l, Pest Office.
BAR IPTii A TUUNKR, No Id Alsoket atreet.
aro to cialog chair stack of New Spring
Good., and Arne die attention of prirehaser• to their
aatartment of Greta Good., which is particularly dui.
ruble, consistinkin pane(
'Rich F.mbroidergd Lawns—vary choice patterna;
Rich Organdy . J.awni—Maltionable browns, Nigh
oilier color.. aery Windsor..
Printed Lewes, er r/getoot vittleoiri
Rich CaltrarnhiPittliNi—atyles very handsome;
Superior French Chur —entirely new and bmm-
Wel patterns: one Mt ve handimme at In cm.
Superior filancheriter itighams, ['rimmed] at PA
inch% Nn 16 inarkstreet.3 door, above fid
[Rzrivairely Pr,o ms,u 1
THK Canal ntpl Linii9 w eineilent
order. inii'tackets of this Linn will o leave with pas
yers. follows, every night at 9 o'clock:
lhankrt Ohio, Capt. Craig, Fridny, - 99t9 inst.
do India.. do Berkey, Saturday, 97th inst.
do Louis..., do Th...., Sanday.Vilt inst.
do Keinucay. do Troia, Monday, 99th ion;
do - do Craig, Tuenday.3oth
do lildiana, do Berkey, inat.
For piNnage apply at the Offien,bliinoniyabisla House,
or 4 I CO
~~Canal Betio
Sommer tletaion gill comm on Monday, of
May, loin. Par fonher particular.. see Eiteufart, at
Job. Irwin &Dole, No Water atreel . , of T 11.
Noylo to Cols, No IVO Liberty otreet.
inebtrid2or D E KEVlN,hridali t i
• •
ALL 'pumas kunwing,hemselves indebted m the
ate firm or IladaAir 4- Brater,:. ace respectfully
nonded to call is7,d gett/e their iteticents without dotal',
with the undeigned VIC CHM., who are duly authori
zed to settle up the hminem of the late firm.
.11Flahlyn _
REiIEI VICO this ramping a: Barroom de Tarner'•—,A
anti zeitclooll or Cdtlitorttla Plaids, new and beam:.
St yle.Wl French Oinaltains, very nch pattern's, at 23
Manchester Glnehams, warmintcd, at the tow,
price or 20 cam* ez m i,,, Miens; Brown plaids and'
stripes, new and handsome, at No 46 Market street.
rochlP Between ad and 4th streets
_o=4 119
lifEek(N d tala • .
Mayon, master. Will leave as 11/10.
10-1110frow March 1M.4 at 10 o'clock,
o. For freight or p .T ar i m3l l 4 ili x t: i as rd . Ir ,o to .
MoooOshela flow.
JUST Received - ietil for Sole;
from.tho Fotintiry °riled. flume
• lik gil & Co, Now Yolk, the folloretng
.-_ fentsof Type:
it •
i 11......,. 468{ tbs Iloorgeoirj
i .. UN Ms Minion Title:
Dil l l i l a liftTl i _r)i
•-t , ...Wiii 6 lbsTarotine MinionCopm
' ''' n. ' - - " ' : •&e ,- 1" Al . 0-I t :OiZV,l '''''. i• •
my of Second hoed Type, from Nonpared to 33 boo P,.
VI.YkIWCMI, OM M.S.. Rio , which mill be .old km
for moth. 101161113T0N & STOCKTON •
metal • 3941srtet et
TAXES' NKW Novel.. Received vu A
MINERM.—.Tho Castle of Fluensicin i Its Lords
$0,0.0 Dame
lehabnants Monthly sad
Unesriblyi by 0 P R i.e... Ran, author of Heidel
berg, jleanahamp, etc.
GrohatnN filmissitte. for April;
Nat Thal .1 • .
GraleylLailyWHooli,'. . . .
The &bore Maximum,. beautifully illustrsted ay tim..
Grabanths Plate No, being • mama
y . 0„.. .• 11001 a oimutd.4lBolloninefl.lp R • splendid
stesy 07 engraved expressly car this.hlsga.
a tie.
Thu F.lr Isal.ol. al 100 fanatics of the Ce• 0101011-11
tstle of the bylfeirem 15 4.
The first White Manof the Wess.or the ond ex
plain, of 0,1. LtaniilDoone i the fint seklerof Kentucky;
by Titabl4y Fbot
1). Nemo!talc; by Rrie. Gr& •• . •
Will Watc h—a tab of - the Coin
F... lleary.ora ensmitagein hip bk.
Thel3ilver Mips of Mexico.
Charlotte Temple—a tale orktuln by Mrs. Ammon.
pha cabers' lutonnation—No 13.
Nombt of Ckitymai by Lever—pi,,
Tele. of Woessals Trials—fresh road),
Acta of Patin* by limas, do d 0; •
Lcker Wrimr, a ".
And a great maim; of Rooks, tin numerous to Then
000 01101 advertisemsru—for Agile it .
„. .
e at very
Ce ta
tle r
Itprk mule
n de
ket every
114. , and
Ible eaa at
79 1119rket
--- 1 . ED 01L-ZO'bht• on • eoesllment. J
. ] :• 15.1. o.1 4 lon Bale by . .
' 4n
- Matlll.l44E - DUSIIIFIFLIC7
"' , 1 t . ' l - _ ','-' 1...,..7.! --.
- . " ' •'' AI •nci i i2 ., ,LLl
i•illii '. ii - 1 "- kir.r.a-1iaiblo finnfnliilnw_j_Tlc't ^
4 1., - (MUM DU.,!an.Kl.l,
mW47 • ~..i .- ..,. . . ~, 1 , . , .. •
/ 4-1C1 1t4 1 .4114'4Ei.
'oda: 104 Libe44l - even
AIL S 4 A , 1 ' Yt474.4i1s in store and fur .1e by
AIeGILLS.k 111 , 3411 - 1141.4
eld: -- • ' 194Libertv it
CIita;ENTINE,.2O bbli hcfi , ..; - jaii.
fir 1:44.044Y5ec4
'OHL* .40 U ert Dlyea
VV &ui in .tore lind Far nig b 7 •
SCHOONIUKE44./r-CYC. - : -
TA FIN MI WS' OIL-15 64 I • Ilypirsi
0 .4 27 • No 24 yroodfacer
BA CON —UM., Fides and Sboblaira - Hait 'reerlyird
from Sagokchmass, for axle by JOHN Q RIER.
mebB7 . • • "2 . 21 Liberty irtrair.
_ . '
.151 loci Orangesi . ,
51.1,4 x. Lornostri inn airived Eno tifder p for
tee lontby • ' .P; C . MARTIN
• cor sontlt6elO dad front u..
I AIM lb. Veniron !Dram; • ;- • ' ;
31X1 Stun; just receivcd and for ash, Mr
enell27 ' • ' • Nn 41 'rarer n.
UMBICIELLAId—A feli'es.c good Co . don ndd
thngtom I.lmbrellathqtt
a'opcned at . • ,•
_,.l_722l r cod_ Mrecd.
ARASOLS-4 rapes' Cation, (linznwn Fidpdk
IllACli[.tilr& WHITE
. *met,
24rett. extra large and hcavy Straw ninny;
Ido • orsorind - Jo 105
It* riir miJium Tnirar for sale
• Po'rtnd Cop
No Slwoorl wort
L geaufer Isaac INir.okuad for Pole by
R. mov
n.h.77 .t
IjICE4-itiberece Curelinn Ricelandi . xtif frotet'st..L..
Gbub!ttor, for sale by ~ Jr. Ra• LOS V • •
rnebl 7
L oXI.SIIGAIL-20 bids a rted Nict.., i ..'a . end for ante by .1 h R'FLOYD
ineLV . ' lOil.iberty n '
east pure C 2Ol, landing:run etmr
Alleeheny _Belle, fur sale Sky J R FLOYD
_mean!: Intieipit.7
71 ILYPEACHES-'4OO bus Tennessee Peaches,
1-1 in cote slid faradic LI
encht.l I
Iran r and. Ira tsE_ti_ .
larsso E r N in. e r n t A tn E n C s i ll7nrn Ltro j ir,•c r it 7' n ' sfar v itri ' ll
and including some of sup :o , nun Thy, at
Fl , Allt/trltY'S
lach26 ohr dtts'and :natant sti
011IRTING Marlins and Ida Lineni, a (faith omppl
1....1 of moat approved snake, Mat reeefired at the dry
goods house of W Itt AURPHY
melt% oar liaandrnarket ats .
- -
1)0W DER-4.000 kegs Hazard Powder Co'. man
utaeture, of the valleys lirandtor Mlle, Blaming
and Can ater—iu magazine and roseate. A tRIPto
meL)OI C BIDWELL. Agent '
Water street
IXSIXDOW GLASS—torsio boxes quality
T V 'Country Brands. from Can to 14120 n to store and
for sae by J C BIDIVELL,Agent ' •
rash= Water street
S liliEP PELTS—EDD tie
Raoa s o t qua d l o ity :4:11
for Yale by J C.BLDWELI,Agent
ruch2o %Val. Ntreef
JUST Received, a large invoice of Noish's . Hooke
and Eyes. For sale at manufacturers' list prices.
No 78 wood area. ap atales,over Geo Cochran ,
metal Alanntketureill Agent •
COTTON—IO7 bales Tenneasee Com* receive!
per steamer American and for sale by •• ' • ' •
nfebS6 Nal7:arater sr
13A00/41)500 Ibm (bog ;.(1111.)41 :} c:? t t i tto . t t et( C ( . 1(s by
Ingt(2s f. No =water .(1
SELF-ADIUSTING STOCKS—A large isaiennent
Lat , black 000 1 ..7. rec.v.d rion, thole anus
lacturer,.d for saki by she suarosticturer's 'AgentiNo
20 wood sures, up stairs, over Geo CocAran't Insurance
ORlce, wboleaale. • EDWARD TODD
!noble Alnneigeoctigrai's Agent
0 OHS OE. TEILIOSZLA NOE—Barre not Tus ,
0 nee open to.day a fine assortment of 10ani Satin
Ribbon' colors of blue , white , chorre and crimson.
Also,lrish Liumw of ' fend quality—low pricetl—,lnit.
able for Reralias, at int26l - No Id Market of
tUST Received and for aaltrrit the ummtfatrer's
prices, a large invoiee of patent Own lank
and Shirred Suspenders. nf th e Russell Manufahnaring
Co, Co. For salt by the Agent. No 26 wood street,. op
gam, wholesale. . ,ED WARD TODD
Over Geo Orchrtm's Insursnco.Office
Mcrae Massufactruterbe Agent_
11.4..nt ou Federal steel, bb rAy PA feet deny, lo a 23
1.1./ot adoiming the aboe. of thestarae Flee, now
leased lo.lohn kleGrovr for twelve Teats at their*. ar.
si per foot and the lases. The above valuable pioper :
ty vtll be told upon favorable tertne. Applptoi
CILITtIBERT, General Agent '
toeh26 No 33 niarket vtreet
WANTED SOON—Several good cootri4b.an ,
ff barmaids:and alrll far all work, for .yvernirrlvale
familia., boarding haniam and 'Duels:. Also' ormiladl
plallea for a number of dlarka . aaleamrn , boolakeepen,
Aielienniernao, rel.:alma..., and noes In *man,—
io-fila a numata of lahormg tnea, coachmen, Lyl
Clem , call at ISAAC HARRIS'S .
• General Agency'and Intelligence Off cc
enehD' ' N 01221 Clair ...eat
Paecatire Committee will litre alatellfor the
inharmistion of MI, tbr,t Saafle & CPCO4I2Ok hasie
odilmrited to provide Eraillitona morogn, In their iipa
moms ' , march.., corner of Pena and May..
where en donations offered for the relief of the poor irt
I rcland. will be received. •
. • .
rr.ch2l , l' ' - ly.til filltret, Citertem:
• - kit Al.l. 91.71eff.;” - ii1 3 1 , ..ti7i11.:5. re , riletiy
1) " , • ROill' ra 1..t.:1.1.. &co
meh2s . . • ' Liberty con ,
Lotikin 1011” .
VArmiTE°A i.. 7 " 4 . m:rin, itiLLtin .
F """`"r k "' 1.... -- 7,14`,k,...1,1. R .i tr i.
~,,,,, , • i •. • .No 1 01 le etesst •
WIIITE WAX,IOOIb; Jual reed and fey ;ale by
SOAO—Obbxf liydoN Shaving Soap foi sole by . '
L. J !ODD ft CO ,
meht No GO arced at •
IR 110 tOll f I b
N.° . 8 UGa
h ;1[0:6,11710Y l ' Oo . \
tuchW No 37 winter inl •
NINOLANSION,-750 bola N. 0. ldolazaaa 6,r
o.lo' ..;_ FRIEND, RII Y3Co'
web% No 67 water at
bar% os—miunn any Pipe /or auto
,rucias No 406 - ater at '
,----- ,
SCIETUE Sl,lNW'rtiiliti doh Proem, for ludo
Itt. ' - ' POINDEXTER tc Co
mehttri ' 7 :No Al water at,
,T - kraiff - 0.-10 Ws Jolt received and for sale at,
the acw)Drug warehouse of . d
. - , 1.1 A PM - INF:STOP% &Cu
aaacias : 1, i car tat aild wood sir .',
, •
rponACCQ—lfol.. en. Ida, and I. Honey
n.w Toliaato; 00 kegs 4.. e. Doer'es an. Xy:do;,
For soda by POINDEXTER &Co --
mcladb . .No/I watbr ai
135 butin;;;;;?
}.L, 9it2. DOOM 12218 and 12.18.
For sale by ! PCINDFATER, &Co !
melon Na 41 aoalar at
BOTTLE bitle - s - nrsorted bine.. just
ree'd and tor sale by \ BRAUN & RElTER
trielntS. nor Liberty and St Clair yib
TIAL OORIELS--(baleboidifet . entitibeiCo; band
V end foresde by GRA UN de REITSEL
meltZ : nor Liberty and St Cialret,
REIM ertilllsl I tIORIES , -1 bale heap o/
L/ band axrdlor iuda by BRAUN REIMER-
- °or lAberky &bd.% GAR six
Too conga-; We aritskriot 'sluts rai . kt
l•rlß..taetfar sste by • BRAUN RFSTER
ar/5 .. • cor tabeny Intl St ass via
F LO Blir , , l . O . oll r.....ttartc .i mil k e t Z l
mett2s : estlil2olyfolßLClt
i n Airrots on, .tt WA, for'saltit.y ; '
~ • .'' • • " LIRA UN &REIT..
ntebt3 . . -.- for LlGeny and St Clatrit.
S -- OAl*-IDCILi a CM. No I,ln itore and fel saki by
mskieS .......____entyratertrsnd chst.ty24ll9._
G/Lll9 --alt b. lestO.d 1.0.2 UN., instore and
Ftr.le by
ntehYS • • ety water et so d_ l r bet ry/nllsr ,
L A ltt ' lttle t , ii nt ( . It , „- I kj!_l, n s ow h '' 4 '''g C.n. '''''..r '
- ISAIAH . lllCKity l , i c o 1 - .
me 623 • : . 3i water .0.1 CO limn am
ULAYSE/ill3 NV ANTED 10W tet•luts Ctrod
I' F1a..G(14 W/ 1 11.11, fbrl, ~ h ...1 ..•.: r Iditlt be
pold in rash It:A . /Ail fIli!gc:: ': Alto
mehlA • . . lever an front sot
137A.LiARINEB ....ITictor open, • greaf wariety!o(
,j) Woreled.and W.ll. Badzartemt, froin.l64 MIS
tents per yaril, al the dry pode house of .1 • 1
ncrAt.,2,_ . .._____ :___ . tot R RUBY
rionectlona cut Cluctnniti, Lin,i.vii.e7i4ll.6.i•
V and .11arreasiblepeo.l. ta Me 3..'n; States made
PranIKCY, WO Mt. 1. west terms by • t. .
• --- t N /101.blE8 & SON,•lfieba ' Molter,
meh23: -- ': -- No AS 1/I_llrlterit
Each...Kor on' Nilo York; */
•• 1 ...!
b •
.4.ladeln...ar ; . . •
MI 114111 ore; nowntintly
Ng vale to .um. to .oit 'parch:natty by'
~ • ' '
N LlOLOlitA.KßOON . E.rottatge Brokers
nteleStf . .
---..—.:_—__ - .14 04 1..q. , r _
SUNDAIES—at dor Iloy mod lidtmoro Vert.;
ID dozen Pe) dm.; . , •• • • L
10 do Gardeu Rads; • ,"
P. 1 0 . Pck• N ." . -..---`" '
- No by wood street
_rcke Irtid 314 - 4444,
`11d). t,
o Twilled - 114g.;
dot tatoont'sTat soh.' box Vice%
4 do WedterriPs bright and c00t.,d44,
400 Kn. Natl. rtsrortzd; •
For gal a by WALLINUFORD
i=d- •• Serood .acct
T! r G l7 r Pt ' lcu stet i.:beweren T larlar. havin g
li-o:% - raor on Penn
by 1110 . 1;a4 Ifeep aa a feel Alai. For l'eohor
j er4,ll : No*o Palob -'
pEPPE.,II,I2O InsaLo c ;lo a
Lis ao
aaJ wood .t
W INEM)W yo U It;
4 1 , 4 •
10 do I 1
4 do Mi
b do - NZ_
1.47 tl 70T Ck.
IA7 -4 1 7
' - ' irins6, ce;;;
3 14; no lvto Alan and alr '
racie2o 4 "' " u i r efel n .a ytn7 .1'
4 ON brinday ndigninvilhe:ikb Thom, lit 10 &clank.
i h ill be acid —a nirraiiivennoorirneni of maple Alta -'
fitity DOH lioodn:110 giots rancynad plain nth coat
ninl veal billions, Cram.' gnngbani umbrellas, 3 01.. es ,
boots and sinari,2 cares baby Baps, Ai.
A large sarartment of bear and iiiciad band Ininr,.., ...
kohl and kitchen „Anninire, embracing troatly feeryi.:
i•arlity or 'Aida. nrualilynianied bY &bailer"... •nd -
whirr, feather bids: snarin bedding, kinking ibis. .-
•e• mantel clocks, eni•:•••••••• 0....4 mm. •Ondgng '.• ,'
',.l,l4rtngipaiggra gaarinigor gaeritriirart,grneirlis,
. Y ;-; Cl . .:. A:1;3701.11004 rz,NE , ' • , • , •
- •A gamily' of. Gennaii fancy Road Ar a lablg aw l
pocket , ontlery . , sold 4nd aitrer ....Whey readynnade
~,,c ,
clothing; Inaeleal inalrunieno; a retail mock of . y
Orman fr.c.. frana in MAI* In th e country
_ ... , tpch
OP Hourehold and giteheu Farniturn:— Orr Tann y
afternoon the 30th lima* at 2 o'clock; at ihe tare ; 1-
Antienr: Oar Nei It' DI/MP; ane'd.. On etdat Mei, in i.
it• qty of Allegh'eng,lol II be meld : Ike ebiire amok ' f
Kontehant and liiinheral Furniture /reloading hr.•.that
' the Let of
'FOREIGN AN 6 i:46411.T1C YCLCIIAfi6 , 4
iv.. 64 100.1.66r0r6 o door oboes /W.A., Zug .44,
i0c1641 . ne,
Pa. • Wk., •
_suitskerattlp. of
Hillk 1 033 CP11( 1 11. C 1.14.. (late of the Sno of Writ.' • •
Co 3 ithd k C. CURRY, OW tfir PA O' d
have xidered to Copirtoership. 'nuke the td!can •
WIZ tr.. CURRY. for ha paw of rknlCilred‘lht •.--
.Cank d Kkehande humor. •Ilits hrIotSbITUAC.
No C 3 Woo ku d•streek, thtee door. below: Foe/Ur...mole ; •
Ode—where they solicit the roktdun of theiihicodkrohd - '
the ti Llie getter, I : . Juw.pu
mehl4 .• • , • WM: CURRY,
J 1
remelt - 11. um!. sex. caitlft.
1111.1•4 CUMULY,
No Ci Wood stirrer, Bottldnor &Biro Fourth, well *lds.
'DAR Funds and Corrency received on lireposite add
collections made , 00'111116e Brincipal estir• in the
Unilyd ruses. ,
Sight Exchange
Co italtienore,:Philndel :sr. •
York. BOOM andconsinudyfor ..1..
Ohm, India no. Kentucky, Vapors add Prnirrylvania
Bank :Voles,bouFlo aindivold on favorabie
'Exchange , on Lucian:Ai licland, Groaners-oda ninon
prorated, de , I Inehl3
noixiirs.ws s—Carruars k Tamer
ate arentap to-day, very Large and beaetiral as
raiment of trete Phdaseta—the most appeared sty tea for
',bete mock {aerial! irk pan o - •
Superior Rtee Patent • Free.eb Lacey . •
Mira and ghee Pearl ; .Floiente,llraide;
EriglietrDanrialdh; 1,
Fine WO Straw; . -
• Rittlapile/ke., de., te.
. Nte.eeh Illou nett.. of all LI y ler mild go-at:tie:,
Aleo.-11onnet Whim, in pear rariety,-rary desire-
Mame Mallet ILitthreir—beaidifill
/*moth Adificial :Meyers, of different /dyke:eery
beaotirul—all of whiiih' offered at unasnally
r %liners eupplied walk Oa above goodr,(lnany
Lily) nn the maid faroribre terme r of
mch27 • I.' l . Na re diarkti week
DEtyl poons. , • , --7 7 -
CI RACKLETT if. WMTE, No 'PO Wood itreet, abooo
5.7, - Armond Alley, are rrow prepared to oter. to wer
e/x.4 allrge arid deilrable stock of • -. .. .
All of ibis rearwri's poichase—of alga nd dashable
stylet and' qtlalltiali, c
Comm aseihamwvisitii cr. reseisg- threa rti Oar
city, wißand d'e n
learlp to Lbw x
*do p wager so ew. a
call, as we are deternianed to serial esteh mall profits,
as will wake it assail to their interesita smaie a kip
Oar stock 'la. now tOn and•eot.pierL COUIpt•SI •
general, amonowoCot sash gowls as are usually 4 pr.
j r.
A good riapply kosteywad light brown Shoed .
always oe bead--; 1
" - -
no,IKAR A ., RTIAMMT BOURN,' Cluelamilhal,
A. OHIO—The subbelibete taring Lphrebasedithe en- •
beenrest of . Cot. G•it.lVillienuou, lea of this well
establiameii-b1 lame to moo to their friends
end the public general y, th at they here Late th is
commodious Hoteh'er hi ;term of years and will exert
their best energies to sake it a desirable home (or.Tnnett
oilers and Cliy,DoardeXal ,
. The Hotel iaspneathi ear admirably Omni -o t t ineea ..
venierta, ligatand air,, having 'a number of parlors
adjoining cheimberslpiesenting unusual ethracuous to
families. . 1 .
The preseat.proprththts isnrall i ied the e.f.sette.nt
'tars IA &ism,. and eliteottara, pe they will be able
to !rive gesteMe4l46itiaa. belair determined ea give
uauted anemia to the - base alone. -
T• ;
loostion of the re.l Street House tsonamtnonty
eligible. her jag fronts on Peed, We*Je el and Third us,
to that It fr avidly:datable in west of Uthreetirent.
once of bisinesamertor retirement for prints boarders. •
It. Is. cast' by th e Ilarthet 'the Poo OSee; th e Malone —
ImatOdd Edith. Ilea and but one square Mama f
Main meth and two:acmes from the City•Whitof, as
ofari.s* granted thd in...M.l eactially Wean a
me alternated relay lii all persons tinting' no
natl. i ; 3011 N riORLE • - -
m,h27. , \ . l c JOHN A DUELS'. .*:,..
- • . peep. A GG E . Efilirol7;thitlt 7 77 - 7 -
MORRILL solli deliver a Lecture auto Om
general principles of PerValaanGT, et 01 le Are
prerrlvatiras of Biala and Me pret-4300Ps ef 'r, tun
EVENING; at flathead Yo'clock, - -
a ... !
These LTuthowlil be enemata by names, largo
Painting., • again!. a beautiful titeletoth.-eplendid
Moilelsacc a Mlle render the various rabjecatrieW
of readily eadermodd. i . 1
Ept•For at ab=each !. , , , eutre.
1, 441Z4 .
• T.... , with thwarminues r went the
of Kay Jr.tha Woad xi; Jokes & ad and Elli
ott & Englia, Marta :ex I, t. Reud,and hi Cook's Lit
etery DepOljlth ell and et the door of P i Ilall, on
the eiren/rigtereaeß Leetha..l
.1" i
...._ ,•
cola tale. _----
Ecr.e.64 Srut refereed, bi taint; titiMlTTrt.Y.•
Tea, Oreeeryi Prate prOvlsiola 111144,4
NO. 141 Llll/1 w 41.T
...FITU.MICr '
.13 Eal i tlllN . /11 . 11'5 , N .
r zLd rest?aitt y lly , ; - . i .s fo h rm e
i t: .
again coupetellevainieuncet in t oabovanitiches. tart
doer to bli..Lid stead, where . htoPetti bY heat.X.
apply of rood selling. ow for than, and pay• ).
1 ,,,
ine i, strict ttention 'to his patrons,. tontheil a stare of
' wally leesperles.,
I to imam triode. & C0..1
..or conic, of EAVOSteld led Peek re'.
e tdoneepethela llottee—lieepe - sheave
vasiete of Pavsly, 4.leeeeries; arteehipe
ne for erti; enloelret veLiietiap, Tie
es* . I ' % sips •
2.4P1 Naomi gtollll Spieca;l2,ee,e; Pruct,te ,¢4l
mud Pinsbarijt filanursetnted Aitkita,
`tater and Ego always en hand. ..
1P le Warehouse for biderrin Only. ••• ;
rittUICI• WIMPS, /847. LEE, JUDSON + &Ego
1 the soacious Ava•abory We ZOO .58 Cellar,' it..
, c. Pork, (the whole of which is derOlosi Utile cihibitiON
...I brt"'thlth t"'"e&J or., r.... 1. by- pi., cr
p.,4";, , loot) LASESef PAINTED OdLICOLB, ewer
?ninny arm. a.i.bie .451. 14 .,* am mpoei. a
si &hi hiring beta ectitseetsrp
betars lb. hae rise in ihr
volllio mid at Insettiaa orsaubsetorers• prennie pet •
I ; . • ' - -
' Pi end this Ol e te . esery, per inkilhe handed b4 , -t& •
NO-11 I , L We moor, partner in lb. origind firm of
1 41
Let& Itecorotir, ( n104.6'144 oohed I. 1845 as johoodr
the ((nolo( Lae and J edam, arid &Deka thetas oc ri p, his
old Mogi. The Wowa ir conducted mire the item or
Felioutry PA, lielLkttp; . _ LEE, JUDSON 4. LEE- •
DOr; WOO D ? 111 I liersaparills and Wahl
Cherry alt.torth for tho can of the ihiloirinin
dineater, dmonolioa, Liver Complaint, ati if Moos Coon
remain. book Headache, limo Hoe,: ladiseation, hetet
tit' emni , nitelobrilmi Wye -ahoy of the Heim -Loa&
... Plitile s .'rhOdite s.r.. .. " Plio , .. 4. .noes atw irt i al ... ent m e n., ,Detil ium...... itsten
ti "' , ',iieini C4 fore • lerpti p tirirs ot. C.* the I Z:Arr id i W ro i p a lt ". n s i
ottulois 'on the Fee& Elemental . ) Ilinitors, Coid Soled,
end all dieemes ar(sie a , foto ant njudieloce lose of Met , -
"' "l 7 ke Meath:loaf the inviliii - p - iblie, and of all doer
adlieted By - nny of the „above domes. is respectfully
called to the IRCiltil ern -new and uweleablos prepetes
Coe troop an original reciissisf a dietiroyoisholphyanstent.
condo/nom munit the tiotst!octire ...die espperbee
of two of the very first mold. brake* Mantis wallets
The Sarsaparilla and ;Wild Cherry Diners were is..
trainer) to the public Olsson Moire months ego, =or
doriog that period their TALMie has been no Arent Ale to
iodine the prepentor tepher them with Mil more orto&S.
de-nee, oh the : firil,ticiiefithad joy..teiiiig into morn en--
t . tiwge n ;tor, ti
ee gz „ ineill ;pror
e. : b e-4,..hlessot to .d. all• Oro
Sold, npoletele and retail, by IT; ATT & KETCH- L .
AM, kederol agents( PlPPollon R . Now 'York; Wsk
Teo., Worker street, land P. R. Selma, Smidollekt.•
roma, Pottshomb, Po. PIiTS fl—Lutv booden.' - • - ••
oscheldem ; . • , , od,
[JAYS' haztd; at their sow menu/Mime . cam ,
.ELpteta tracomaent Ltfticomaah, Bay 13 4-6 !Yr
ornnous me*
Zr.,13.V:4 LIZA,Ittn Lelktdou..l
bd uhrlcd UT.'" lox prima; 0100 arms border, Wed ma
bound to any weir., at anarenotim.
asPoringn arid potacitic &same:7. • '
51. contra, i,ert4W an lnek and 11,
Pord.: 4 ,l'ock Wee* m m and r Freed Cam,
iLka, Ilk., Own Tatou, ,.l.r
Card; Baskamanum BoarM,Cboaara, Woe, 1..71010n,
Table% Raw Styr" Piak Tar, Tarim arelt, Tome, lin.
dm Ink, Parchment, lath Ream Enron, &Mara, Sheers,
_Marking vu., Manna
hoer. Tablet. FBA memo, Tara, Entions Tat s , acts
all otber mod. odd by ottoman.
'Cheap Amon' Boob.
A Lour riorlismemaily CO bud. .4411W4 Fit MOD tract,
mod country mocha.nn ak vry run -
lotep A Last Alsortmen
il t uf Wg g
roo. 'Rd C'4'r
V--.ll?4l'aper ' Colored
1 1 ,,,'''` .1 'it, "k jrker Fobs, Mtn. sisal Balk Fti " , I‘.
:'3"4 e l. pews, Ham H Testiag, iclsalemol d '
army mber &m0p...4 or faro at my km Nue, ,
Gold Mn,, IDianund Po i
t isodisTr. OrdarVii"Briclak,
imam mamEar maker., lo t tarse im utipim* to mclt patrimony at the amp-
Torty-tia diforat wird etpes—the Iron Comas'
ViPetah Irak aud one , the mum espedido... edemas.
Viand Maple mode of la sari a ropy of oar Imo" or Wt.
outmost orolag $t arm scabs
hammed lifergipb Leifer-Writers:
By which .ha letirr and is oritha ai tbram lhor:
largratafoorharat odirocrad at Mr borer ?Om,
Puttauldem, Beak., laphaara Compaalm, hierchauls and
others, ,fiertliebed vitt set at Aemaat Books, mkt asoll
boatel lo aby pare tart picliedm_ntiro_sadh
a 0 . 1 .1 1 ' •
< • Ardwitil Popues,
For Bo me of BMWs sued CoHoradm, aro the radar
sods Beak or Corporati y. on lothr
er,* at Y dorns`Mn — hr. 'This opera-
Bem i. s dariormed m..t i sm ual
jamoird a m by dm ATOM. honitata, M the Irk Fair,
For its. Barna/a Illodellooka—A Item Adedal
Y.O. I.4.llasikid Lollar Wrier's—A DCIOOOL C
tor brautiful taiiimiCepyiat l'omes—A Nitit imes
Haw Cat am{ &&.fYOOPTII -
13 , 115 - Thule mid CC, .fifenhoide Supplied.
- - RICH .
uud d. Watmesyd -
and maanteetarrnocl A.... 1 11.6.
klanid4.l Welters. Emelmor, Nod. - '
/arm V Rom ,
meet, in Y.
'Wm ki Lamle