Pittsburgh daily gazette and advertiser. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1844-1847, March 29, 1847, Image 1
, . . . • . , - , - •:' . -,•:, . t• . ' :. :- . . • . . . . . ' • . '.. . . . .. 1 ; .. .. . . . ,;-. - , . :- . ) •4 0 . . . • . , • . I • • ~... \ i• ..,.,...„.9..;i:';% 1-'. , • . • . . !• •, ' .....-..--,, , , ,, :?V ...1 ,,, , ,, ,"•••.•••. , - ,,,, ,q ,,, ... - • _ ......._ -. .....__ . .... . . . _._ .., . . . . _._ _ _ .... . . .. .• -.- •- " . -' -• [l' i • • "-• ' . l' . 1• • '. . -'•• .'• . . •:* ": _:.., .:.: ~, ' : '....' 2 : ., .. -7------ .• - • '' .•. • -. ' ;: ,' .,:•:- : :21 , .;' ' '..j-; •:;. -, - '''' .. .. :: ::17- .. 1 ., ' '''•7 7 : 7l l -7': i . 1 * 1- , ,i - :_ci , ; I : i ' . •-• ' - ' .4----- ' - ' 7 .. Y: ,.- -:: :; -,-- -....- . 3. 2 .- ...:'•,.:, :1 -•;: p .. . •. :: G • TT •.. A •-.•.1)': - ' - ': - : ---- :•••';; - ::: . • . . •. • .. ... ~ . ._.., ... . .. . ''P..' .. . ' ' ' ' ',' . -..'. '. .. '.- .-:' -..., .. - -..... ;- .- .• . 1 •-• 1 , . :.. . . -.- :I. . - - • - - • • I • - JUL - I -lE•__R.'..-••: - .. i.,......... , _ -_'~c~. `M P-R CE SEVEST DOLLARS Efts DIRECTORY A LIMAN 11. ruirtant Plaabrrsts. MIL aostmoic, Ciatinalkdon lad Macklin, 54 .Wm 4 aad IDS Vtoatus, • eschil - ,W•, POSTED" Abotney'. UPI COULISCUIII at' A• LaMelßee in haste's he atrew, r.wni.nanhkeld. A VIOXANDICR . ftrwanlmg A TWiiOD, JUNES L Co.. Ommission and Fotisioling hdorehmte, have seumad =Weir old s tud Md Many amen, ralsbesp. • oetil j r i A - hTUA*rr, liercifyiux Dwane,. and wholesale c: 33. onser:sX.#l-113,,2±474 . 1.74 3 tferfitt t 3 ..411 5 . A kiiuic.lJEWLS, Amstay al Law, Fourth 711•411SC14. . • aarj±_ydi m. CILEST & By d' lo all kinds of lm .Dknoced and /Mom, Venom ftanssi and Ye ckwrerw.. I wlsooll Mewing Toomeo, wholesalb tad O F :wail...N A. 'nil rdp.r..nlkiksinksp. lent . oneownsmon. Mosanemin. • • .111)1LAVU 6 icurr . ir.a, Wholesale ow/ tuuti lkonnint, comer of /Away. and Clan /MC% 12411.110WW0 TIMMER,- Wholesale and NO lo rano!, and maple thy floods, No. 40 hlarlest :1,3 &sr awn 'nod. say 4 Ts A. p&lisgsvocic & CO , Wholesale 4k, IJ. rood Nnigh:slx. eons., Wood and Mats. jyl , . on, B. .13 . ",...,!12`."41;:i - 'l, -- .7.",'Y..ti.'ri I '.'„o. hi.tt: turcaaritelqle, No. la Lawny . street. Pa.taboret. 4WD I) AGA m j . y. & 34111117'14.WhoiriaJe ILiMeen, 19 13ii and W.rat eari. harburik,_ . : , iii . 11. LIACiALEY gt. CO.O ' AVi.c 4 .. , aiii.; erre a . .. 4 l'n.Zure. dratem, So. ikel Market meet. be• wee. .:k and 6.4, N.r..e. dr, l'hiladalpkaa aors• G. `,„‘r''.'„`::',.!`.;,`,., 1 '...,„ . ,1,', , f1t I;"''',it.ntuiti, tiliLAlll3o LOOMIS, Anowney atLaw,of- IIJ: Lee on 411.. tr. w n.. etnithSeld. npl7ly Conn.. John F. Jan. V. Hannan. / lIALLNANO , OOi Mnentneworn. lJ of W-lnn ter.SponVirrow Axles, A: It. and Spring - Ineel. and dm.. in Linnet! Trimmings of enemas ,plnn,ll.3inductutr Cl) M. Warel Won ci Chottlri . _ LCaNWera iIIUILCIS CArLOTILILWk Wholesale On errs, sod &airs!. in Nodose; snistin W aniele• of l'iushorgh alsishosurrs, No. 61 WE. and 115 Front mrsess.. ime • COINS INGIIAhI & lIO3IIIILB, Wholesale Ora CoMMLI3I.OII mod Forwarding Merchants, dealeorue Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, No 14111siliesiriti Patt.tugh. • • *ma. - TrOilNa•-•1051. a. 3. &morn'. CIALCDON & /11*KNIGLITi bineceraors to - IL ,oboer• ao....lleliolesale - eirs, Colitunarion and Forivareme Mercantile, Dealers' in Produce and Pittsburgh alariulantares. :kat* &reet. believe* Wood and Lovrte. L`a . INO4 r&t- GI , : futponer and wholesaler and-retall I a./ . dealer la Panty and Staple Variety OoodsOilgati Ore t. Cuait), 10a .Marko{ street, near Liberty. Pilne ' oCL 771 14.1114/.31C11, Dealer in Produce and PartalY _Las Rebut 83 roes% No 46. Liberty aLvinnt door to eori •• rier et Math. • - lib ly ler aide eo rue,. Cherry auAillsoy".N:ftLet'critorrleEr.' James_ J. Harrison Harrell nlLlZlLOP as SEWELL, tiliorneys..at Law, Otatos 'on Sandifield, artanien; 7d snd'ilth su niebs-1y: _ Oro vwavr, . Wholesale J2d ten, denier. in , prodata and PM...burgh manniu ions, earner of Libeny non! Band s., finabargh, Pa Wll. 11.'1.01.161/. MM. 1. IrINILIT. t BEN NUT% (inter English, Old- X.. latter & Co.) Wholesale GrootocCommission and Forwarding hlsrshantiri and Dealers' In _Produce Ind Pittsburgh illanufactsres, No. 37 Wood Wool, lietsiton Second and Third ' ' ' oeN I' It Friend.. • .„ Geo, Me James Wbod. All KY 411k-C.l3..Wholesale.tinaceni, J: Cousnusoun /4.•rchania, and ilsgentstor Wight. "Gam. Yarns, Nu*:‘,' N atcr and lud kromplyeets ern. :121%11, ca. the 11111X111r, Pinno. Daum 51.nfacturc; snidenl - .er in Arosical InAiNnteno,o3 'Wood stimknear luchta . - ;MAI A.. 10.21119... VintETTii &110, Oxessission sad Farauding JC Mere ad.Waer m. Pitadmrsh. mart ICIH' SELLERS. Grocer, - Gornorissiou X Mershant. sat dasier in Produce Coalsas, Oils, dcs,c. N: I.7Libedy st, isear Canal Blain, nasbarsh, N. H. Oakum, Pitet 4' .Rapa; alway• om hand. earn SEITZ, ockniCsolis and tozoililealer Loothor .oils,Candlia, Quer:lmmo, to, No. HA Libeny in, !and corner 6th and Smithfield ots. • jrli3 540. KORVAI. ' minis RUM' R. ' GICOILGE noncuur 4 . oo, wtiolow. ono eer• and Commirsion brolehanto, 163 Wood street. PittsMirgh Pm .t. ' amrll —.---...--s.--.. 11E0. Au BEILILY Wholesale Grocer aud Cm l7 mission Merchant, and Daaleriin Produce and Pittalmmir Malutrablerco NO 19 Wood st, Pittsburgh. 6.4 W - 14;11th. • XL D. Brown. GEO. W. SAITLI & Co, Ur mem, Meister., d Maims in Bogs, Pilistiorgh tut NM .IS ence,Pcniimid PM moms. ioM —'-- ---- -- ----- ' (11C,0111illis COCARA.N. Commission had For • k.T wmillag Marc/taut, No. Al W • • areet,Cimbargb. ma - 17-: (. - ; C. UM.. • G. Browne. 11 - 1.11 81114V1T9 =. 6; .ro m to Cope( &mit:mt. - at raper 11%rette — Thu 6 7:,17.V W‘O.l uree4 rmobuncet.. .ur 11. 11015 WORTH t cd" e r n e .4.1 him /S.A.-id sirert, uszt ihasr to Thtr.l surer- taxi opey• ing a new had extrguive4saiortsueut qt . Looks and du tiiinery,'sigoeh 'they will - iell,' whole tale and retail, V-___ at Elsa lowers! pm.- • - _—,...- , ll' ANN tr. 11B.00UMIT.A.Y, Drum., No. U Ca. J.L. menial Itourotear the es bairn, Pittsburgh I I • VITEA.VER, Whereasle and Retail Dearer, Produce east Pittsburgh reanu(ac t tu .:2Alai! Putsburei, Pa__ rant • 1 iII...AJAX , BILDNUTs IVIIITE RED LEAD 11 hlgUltiliaelll4,Piunt hLerebant, censer of Lib. rt anal 1)4 tan et, Pittsburgh. • • &bib - DICKE, gosocar incetzr, %Water soul 1071Proil rllllol4lllb- 1:3" 6 .105/11.4 . , Anomaly al Law, Plarbarp, ' filet reaantra ate araettaa ktle prtgeastrat het oat. Ao 7, Asia etrit'a lttnisitags, lirant arrees.oe.. • taaPica.dalter bit al.eenca by T. J. Stattaas and J. I.ll.lwje,l , :fiqrs. . ' JVENNIGT. Wltqle ale and Raul Gret ems/WO/ate, nt t•ru.ture, No lit /Arun aUttet. 'tool 1011 N D. ISIONGIAN, Wholesale b r, and .r dealer' In Nye moda. roma, trii6 Vamooses', No 231.W00d es toes, ~ .1,,0r sada Diasoond rittolarch„ . ' ant essm'iacf.lt.. J Co. (successors lo Juseph Ca. uslic, Water st. pc3i 4/1:1I ALIC-10/, algent for :Jump t Son's enceh eh WoJel Invent; hie manual, on hind in Went uh6.-iment of Horn ;emh, Ci.y Degble sad Bit, gle Same, the heel English Mime. Nteeh aetect he no the meal eenowneedathee term, naebtn TOUN L. nra.Loa, Wbokaale and Ratail &ai d rar hlutie and Malian! liktataF,rai &Wag limb., PAPar,igater, Steel Pena. Clain., Fruiters' Cards, aad Putioratry vaentlly, No. al Wood IN, Piatbargra Naught...taken IS trade.: @spa 501100WMAILICU i CO. rad:amid Drtig. J. rm . , No. di wood .1 . , Pdabd , sti- ' sepO ____________ _ _ yougpu J 013.0881 fr.: 80Mo ComoMica awl el Forwarding hlerottonti, No lb ldboet . c. I.IIV , elwabGeld st I nosonasn'ontwe• ISM AIL. GALLATIN, Anonsey • Low, ONG dO 'Ont xi, between Grant' and *nithfiell, south slde, I=-Pa. Wilt alsolattond procapUy so hGinen oinitto counties. I -v. i ohms* cih;hti......, , irrrattatuz. comm. TAJO/ZS C00P16.41.. CO. 4V*4•441.4 . Omen, .J 414,14%w:is 1'n4444• P,44644,11ka5am1ik4144.4.N0 &I 1 , 4 64 M N. 0rp4441 , monk of Mb st:. tetra -- LOILN D. DAVOI A /CTIONEEB, comet lath. ~ e l had wow atheth,..n not ... " .tll 4 ital . :a:C. :- iiiikidalb,..s.pat, ,Til7botesal• Gm , ce and I.4pounisAion ,lierchant., Wager urea, and &par ve:d.lll64l , 4galtfla'l36lls4,lPlagaugh., Imiaixili,lilus,44. at oweesetarers. prices. Jos en i. ro 5r ir,•!'s4)43K9fOlf, llOakaeltets 1., mers'and neernftetorni4,Jfix 41 Marko ~14,114,4454: • - - 4 • i. 6 J.,. REMY% ' [kelt 'fryer 1 ,1 4'1... / 1 . 1 A mi d "4.'..ll'unrieat 13 4 2111lsat.4aQJO 0,0 - Diiii•Ad my e.... An ., erehanq w arciu. o e9 oll ..T. o . —li t Water ist,.Yittsbetrt; . w...11011M1ZTA011117 , 2 00,• Makers aad l at ;claw lirokoa, canard/ Wood and TWA street Igatchasen noel A:Winded rittabanb, IP--uot.frwratitthatect at [be maxi runs. add! 101131 OWlEll4.l4lolrnaln•Gniter, denier in Pi, J luxe, I.,itubargb snanudieturet,`Tus Plata, 11.1t.c, - - Joi, Fk4d. T aiebani Thld• 111.. F.LOYD;flate &Co] Wilotessie • Uncert. Mkelllll.llPerg ' TAAISCS ZPALLZILLU WloletaleGmeet,Coadds sing ilare6ant, %Ad dealer to rnadate , sad rittstutrei z.utufsetaten Nol4.Wmaer Pittalkerh , ' janlit L W 64.04 Ogeer. For -11,14 rd1.4.11.i0* SkrdiANl, Draltt in VittAntite- Mil:mac:6m. and Pridite 'Not. 31 ra.cr r irwis ruiT - cutiox♦ Vs., Wholesale L Groecte, Yortsah:Pea god C Merchants, asol deafer , . in riuslkosh • .bleosohetasee, as.. - No. 41 tt"*.il. l .. 1,12,.,•• _ - - • A![DlGtT,t SUIPTCI, Wltotoorde g Graters,' roceton:ln; mud Carapaces= Dittreboota, Anton o Traduce.; ad riuAlugh wasoofactoreo, Nem limed: isSiVond PittOto!olt. i kke3 ; • Jobs MUM •S. B. DULSeId.. ' 4u. D. !COM 1.4 .041:LS 'Jr. '1114141r1.1M14, fliSeituis4 INA • amoue McFebaus,'ho.lll.4.llruly ,srut, • ere.. - F or t stk ALLZ2I( COs, Cogosiptigie rdtsi re bltstts, Watcr,a9d niatiot,bettreest Wood M , ;to ark • Ajar. WALdWTOA. wholewe•orseer,Ree ii.)•/14 luoultes, Veskria Prochtee, • rilltbUrAii ~.,,,fav n ued.,.utd Nl ki6il• of Fonsigit and Doeierve Liquor*. thaisliell'amet, between Vaud, si rev sad Dux ad Atka. ilosbomk. ' • .ape 111MT/04115, Co, V/ Wool. Omer". • tile/13MM Wiaie - sias 701ILLILYR , Ora sad Coaraassiaa *creams; 1711 Marty arrea;ratobarala Pa . cat eCOBD & KiNP. ‘koksale and retail flat ,a-ser•lr Fevo7. J..SLA - 7101;WiiaTaiieCiPierstIZ oad Salt, ilnd Forwarding and Commix' Nos ealibon7.aad. 2 Wood Erma, MY* Wll.llO/11 ♦ CO" .Wko Deem, N. 5 Wood supet, Pantrugh • 5c69:1 rp . d. 6 out Me Mom. , OIND ,• • mod Comm Wolsrmrcet. JrL itt!. itßallo Ilion rusburgh Me M. hid R. Patul RICAA/1/.. in Lea T nt< ti i Ta::T. 1 RUBE T r and Pittsburgh. ity.. r , ....„..ttnzzyto . C,., gb....i. Gr. lan s Prodnea and ' , imbues Manlacrrahsr=y saxasss_Putsbatgo, Pi • (els% SOOT. Itosiaos. saver.. 1. 1001103. I r R . . ac n e l and N a 'so C i ' o:ilir ' ereh i n ' n 'a ta le n 'i n‘D ' oll ' er l s .t rr; Final. fgh.lktannfictures, No. lECI Litie ' rty at!eet, Pins be Pa." _ _ jimlU Ro 0z wr Noonic. Wholesale Urocer, Recur/ log Pinillt,dealer in Produce, -Pittabargh Nano faerales, nod all kinds of Foreign .od DINIIeAUC Wines awl Li. itorn,No 11 LIN' ray are., Piushistgli. lEr .13. On baud a very lug. .took of gopersor Old Blv •ngthe : la Whiskey,Whiell will be .old lair for way.Z.ir O. Reynolds. ''• ' J. L. ice . ;. D Y 'OLDP it SHER, ,Forartirding and Com. /X tit • ••• n Me I 0.11.11, fin the Allegheny RiverTrnde de tit i • Groceriea.Pealtioe,Pinabargh alanarselsre e an le 'de of Lime. The,hlstiew prices, in euh, paid at all innez Tor Coon* Raga. Corner of Pe. and Irwin au. janial B C Entehlen.Thos. R White. QUACKLETT /h. WHITE, WhoLesale *m a, leis in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goads, No all Wood street, Pdt.ttrall & W. 11.11;71.11/1.11611, Wool Merchants, deal. las ere In Rom and Produce generally and Forward. Eng and ComutieSion Merchants, No 3.1 Wald meet, Pittsburgh. -tent I§ ANUEL PALMER, Attorney al L. 01See. in Breed's building, No di Foorth street. between % and Smithfield. ' noteddhstrly STEPIIEN BARRETT, Mmufeetqerof Fan ey,Sliating and Toiler 'Soap...Winter aka Summer prom,' Lard Oil, de. tio 17 Fifth a, between Wood and Market eta, ['imbrue, . rw3l SV II . VON BONNOUST k Co, Who Mule .onmen .oraranlng and Commission Merchant., Dealers in P.nshurgh Manufactures and Western Pro duce, hate maraud to Mean., warehouse, lord Maori/ No 35, earner of Fmnt st and Chancery I.aae. nor? SANDEL, X: 10103 end Com . Forwarding amis *ion Mercissilt, Dearer to San, Produce und Pitt. burgh manufactured uncles, Canal Damn, near That d2l • N. WICK-ER.BIIMM, Dealer in Seeds, Flciar en. Flail Trees, and Aarieultarallaiplettienni,No ITI Wood street Pinstiorgb. fete! TOM2I PI TOIVNIIEND. Nmegmt and Apothe el easy, No 4 Musket at, twee dorms aboce Third sa, Pntsburah. will base constantly on hand a well select ed assortmeniof the best and freshest Sled:Macs, which he will sell on the meet seasonal. sews. Physimans sending ostlers will be promptly attended to, and sup plied with articles' they may rely upon as genuine. Phymians' Prescripuout will bes accurately and nemly vepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day . or night. • d i lao for site, larFe stock of fresh and goosfPeefe ite_AT. TT Forsyth. R 'Forsyth. TP. FORSYTH lc Co. Commission Alerehanm, sdesders in Salk Lumber. Gnoteries, Preduce••mid Pinsbarth Mannfaetares, Canal Rosin, Liberty street, Pima...karts, • - • _ t bIEI I.A. HILLIER, Looking Class and Picture *Frame •Alwuntruirer, and Priperter of Looking Glue Plates; dealer to llouse-furnishing Hardware, tad Fancy Goods, WI Wood street, war Wl'Aftk7ft.lLD,ttchtil'.°Ft" - .,74° Coramisiion Merchant, dealers in Iron, Nails, GU., Conan rag. and Pindeurgit Manufactures generally, corner.' Wood and Wag:, sls, rood,arob. mebll VV. en A. M t it e PU' i,;‘.7v,..bn:lMTO'rkedoi.!lcl.llaarnad write a. loot a 0 cents. . mthly ATALLINGFORID & Coo, Aasolo for A. La • T•mont, ha.o on hand an sasortarcat of hla rapertor solid Boa Viera,Skarre. and Spades. )ooh it p Lect imb h lu&Lpiar kCo, Johon.aldent2ein, UTHOUSALE GROCERS and General Comm a Gan Merchants. Gateau} RI. aori9 W. ° idieg a . rul °. CorottilusTri ;121 .- tre7l cis. in. Produce u.sid Pittsburgh_ Manufactures, eosin of .IVt4ci and Smithfield so4noturghLtsr.. • nardt wt rry:conk a. WOLFS", Importer. and VI Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, CitUery, Etad diery,kei.cner Liberty and Si. Clair streeta, Pitts blW2 ap2.9 'ATMs GLEAN. Bookbinder, h. removed tothe coer of Wood .d Third au, above C. Kay, where he n is prvkared to do every description of Riding and Binding. ar. WW. WAlsir .4 d 2 i4 stood as:drain forniab .i g eatablistitamt. N 0.1144 Liberty rich, near the ; oimi2s was. 1017. N CUTCHLIIII. Vk r a k 2l - 1 1 L CU ersUg!t e arriAN ' an i olatT= Waimea Pmsloce generally, ho. Libesty mix; P stab m.ll IXT & DT I MITCHELTHICE,' Wholesale Gro h' V. ems, Rectifying Limners, atid Wirth manlier.= MerclisoN, No. 160 Liberty meet, loirposne tistib al,) 12itLabjLqh_ • ' • XT H. GARRARD, Dealer iu Paney and 9taple 11 Dry Goods, No 79 Market stre'et, Potabargh. mrl7•diT lA7II, Llat M. POMMY, ramify Grocer and 1 , 2 Dealer in llovislons No. 210 Liberty, 2 doora bone Hand sayetilPiusburst.. i ' oG3 /LLA.III - 14 . 1:11:LWORTht ift — lTir die r, .- 7, - , i W District.) Wholeinde Gower. ne r now located al No. 118 Weal a, whereat:rayoder torsi.* a large assert niento(Grocertes and Pittsburgh blawilacinres, at low .. Pl.. and on favorable tenon i wayld WW• WILRON, .I.keler 4n %Yawata Jewelry V a • Si/V. Ware, Milian . Goode, a r e, No. 0 . 7 Mar. kel BUHL peva • - WUI - 7 ELY, whelnitala dealer in f m. vain n l!rl_Do o. ear nh •tie Dry God north east cy- Wu. P. IRWIN, Jr.. had a4'parehesed the Drag likora of Edgar 'I hoot, donut. or Pen, mod Hanksugets, will teep e es commit supply or the beta atedieinea, porfaatry, Physteten's prescriptions eardfollg .4tiatroandpd.— ltdediethes eau be had at all hours of thr night. fettleldlya AVM. M. DARLINGTON, A4freey Pitu.bergh, Pa, ..oeunisitioner ka take the /m -kt:work...lpr= anti proo Deed., Leaser, Conrneb, Dela...ll4pm or soy mho- wrating (orator lor net t ) to he. mod or eartotahrd r Pine of Ilto. (Mee on reinfiereet,alarveStott arid. %Aro. AUGUINBAVGII, Anocney at Law alllb mem, oar Smithfield. 411erumt, !gen ' and other Miaow. attended to with punctuality. Bra ' eriu St Clc , Wm- &Dem& EM., B A Fabtintoek 44 Ca, John Marron, EM, Ural, Lionday & Co, , John Wright, Dey, • Jas.. Sicently, EM, atm. wilinam LatuaL AUCTIONEERS • AND COM'ISSION MERC ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. CINCINNATI & ST. LOW ' iFTgn to eell at miler einablishment,iill amide • f hierehandiae. At tlie kneel rates of Communions en • Ste . 1011.)11 prepared In raisins adranees. The hen of referenees•ynren, If required. Letten addressed ha either Iloonsrein be promptly attended to, jyhddly • 'Lia VIOLFFSLI 1111..6 IN FOREIGA Is DOMESTIC WIRES Is LIQUORS Na 114 Liberty at.; and 53 Diamond PtrI'SBURGII, PA. • MARRICK MARTIN lc Co.. .Ikmleen, Dont, in Embangs, Sash: Nati, and C , ' • Corm, of Th.rd and Wood sirens, rorelAdlo Pita . Pa.. II W Win..lll (Summer 4r Letwit VIIIILLIAMS I SHINS . ATTORNEYS AND LVENSELLQRS AT LAW. 07 4 )13k Norh olden( Foonh above SuirMfie J•i GAIMIAmIyP• SECOND, NEAR WOO 6 STREET, .Annt int Nana &C , . Sint. Have on hand a WI ahantnnern or, curr. rebid BUST= and Urania Sin A JR Wallinaknd.' ; , Jahn F Sloe.; ,UITALLINGPORD & Co., VII wardinathantehum, Betoall, war Wood rtsre Pit:l;6l2mb, rih. . jiCWEilianTi•-ian amoral:lent of linelry, NoOt Wand stmt. ata Cam., Coiner and otbe Bmasmine, Ear and Finger Itinga Gni& Patio, Pens ot aim qaality,wiMin oration! llotitaia jutt,res . at tom prices. TIJO IC "iiiNF.olr. Jr E. J.' HENRY. •: ATTOltlitEr and Commllea .11.4 u, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Calm -aka. in &althorn Cain Mal on Indium and in Kattmay, promptly and coattail). ationdod io. SW.FERTIV-11m. nicht& DWI, l 4 mliellt eon. C atua.Wmlitiltnight.Cituch &Carothers, Wm liars, val • Jan.. )..?man. Witiailt Dam. Jra JOHN N. RICHIRD ; , • 2 & SON,-No. 53 Market great, ace (nra„coraer of Fourth, Dealer* *For ; she "WU of Exchange, Caltilcales of 'otos and Speele. modem allckeprinciracingsammfa . deol7 11-61 " W • TER & Cei4 Wholeinta Grianert. 1141C0 et:Mtwara:rant Merchants. No lt decd : & CO, Wholesale Grocers, Cantons i cholas, •641 , thEalors at Prodnee end . often/re., Liberty et. opposite San& 1 . BARD. wholesale and retail dealer , blarney& shoconarene Toots awl Find !.d Con iers Maas, end Tanners Oil, No. ittaborgh. ' . '..- seplb .ON ,k 'LEPPERT, Piodure Deal imatiasion mactssals, No tra Secoud at, 1.010 J.' BRYAU, RECTIFYiNxi DISTILLER, 1111411 y • K7 ADAM uoumm.E.nd HOEH Made A '" all ds.r IT:cm, thaaktag and Chewing I rolweenand - atreet. near the Diamend, Pinatengh ine4 'Aid lIIOFORD & • COMMISSION MERCHANT, I; NO. Sint WATELe y. O . '.. 0PP0417% CHEAPANN: 11TINOOW Ohms, wun li arc le :Dneal Penn Bee. -- nt aalCoantry Prodoee. Advanees made on cansigonsenta. Intistacteni ref. =epee io tbene addresuu_aita,aiL my 17470 MANW4h, reeehn, J011 . .11 IrCULLOVEim dr, arui Farwardm r ifrrehank PioB. 99 ir.,95 80Urli barar BOWUNCIII Witaitr,saithaere. PITTSBURGH. % '. MONDAY MORNING; MARCH 29: 11847. • IL V. ZACSIOX. Late a i];- Astor Muse _Of F rthoo, Roe:cavity . 'EUTAW HOUSE. BALTIMO ' JACKSON A CRA NSTON, floral lktochte rill be 41 readmrsit ot the krors and slog to t etaney PaGengers, e charge, to bkohtly the Howe 611111 INGRAM TACK AUTO :1. & ES S, man - racrnucts 0 FINISHING 'NAIL.; 11001( F.AD BRADS, Iron and Copper ow., IRON AND COPPER SHFE NAILS, no Patton Makers' Paints, of arry , deacription. (Ate No. Ssi. Charter llotel,iThlni • IPlttaboagia. J. B. ziWEITZ-Ekt, , -- ATTORNEY AT LAW., 9ftlee 2d Bq !opposite NU Charles Hotel, PlrrztliUltLah Wi lL ngto l. :, l ; : e n rielkEtt ‘ re ' e l Tl t'oCaunt'6l'::' • Rxsas Er Ifbacknock, Dell .4. Co • Church,fr. esiothers • D. T. fifolgan • .13Dy GEO. B.' MILTENBEItdEIt, • 9TI.:AISI 110 AV AGENT.: COMMISSIO!i PIibIDUCE k AIERCIIANDISE 11303131, atirill Okae. No. 38 Water Street, Pittsburgh Pt ' WM A. WAIL°, Dental.; removed to his name's, restarntek on Pena street, two doors below it-' where heikill be bonny to stand ito orbo. may requitable service, (rum 9 n ova e , antilAl.; ark, which hour he will wind to recent in ew, scs of necessity. Ito smuld Umbel my to chose who may think proper to employ him. that be Oak...swum-, dime paymont.withon the neeesank on hi•parnpf send ing bills. tellSaf J. S I.l.3bright. • 'Llosibrighl. J. S. & W. noNmuowr, • IMILIFLCT U It EILS OF STAILCII. NTED sf not *opera, 11l any made V I unne United thaw, and which dr; will thisrow. Of al isaW rficeiranirnts toad Terms,. orl.llyr Beaver, Pa. BOLIVALL FLUB BUICK% ITAIt RANTED in/pr.:4 ILI the !Jest. K. Find. “Senor it YY ot! kuted nnd for mode at the Wu,. Louse 1 h rf, Caniti llo•••+n. 0e22 ' • M AI:LAREN ql/10 .1 ..ILENNEIrr",Jr., Looking eildee Manefecto rer, and Dealer te elocte, combs, and VerietY lioode.corner of Wind and Vaun, Puente jlil •' Remittances w the 'Vlit EMintry." M°NEI' wet eli pen. of Eng In en, Ireland. Scot land and Walem, in none of XI and opwerdr. go reit purchasers.. ALLEN KRAAIER gown Exchange Broker, cos 3d awl wood iti GEO. W. SMITH & Co, : BREWERS. AIALetTERS AND HOD 'DNALEIIB PITTSBURGH BD NM BREWERIES. Commit:talkers Alley and Penn St, and foot on•ill St, Pittsbuigh, Pa. C. DODGE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAI[PAINTER, No. 49 Markit at, between 3d eind 414 ata, CONTINUES w otecore Signs. Ohioan , nags, Bar, eta, Trausporoncieq, and all kinds of crAmocotal work at the shortest Oolice, and 'at wk., eat canoe prwaikly rail to 'air tor emoloverk ' jrort TILIOS . .rEASSOIN, & CO. ' • • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 9 wad 9 Light St, . IBALTIZIORE. V•Catb advsunrr will be made out cousignmeut to he Wove withers, pint ly CARSON b. AIcKSIO FlTMisdi IBEIWISE OF TIM JUNIATA IVORKB, ' YOU TRU SLit OF ILER IRON, BOILER BEAM FLUE h. FIRE I== E. F.:SHOENBERGER. PITTSBURGH. PA: ----- lI%Mg Laken the %Vardaman' formerly occupied by 11.11. Ithey k Cu. Water 6 ----- • near E•an'a Steam keep on hand • full ,pply of all m00...0f I.l4ulcr Iron and lleada, Flue pnJ Fue•ltad Iron, made from tusks, Juniata Manna which ad! hdrold ta the Towel. market noes. Cogit, 11pOdera and L oth,i arc inraed o dal' and 152•211111. Ins mock. Orders ltrompny m ended n. • jval .11 Wm P Young. C thmtun t' I'luntett. YOUNG, 1117515E2g & PLIINIILETT, YLINT GLASS 111ANUFACTUREltS, WIIk:HOUSE Nos. 53 Wster and 104 Past suers, V V Pittsburgh. 'lle Gists trigouractured by a. .11,11.111rti equal to any in the country. All Ortlnr. reemel, prompt outman owl filled on rra.onehle roue. fiterchunts and other, vis.tioa the city tiee zed local ttessre pooch In& sisserh em. fe51.1 FRESH I:IIPORTATIONS OF. HARDWARE. LOGIA & LENIII3I, I.IInOtTE .4 OF AND WHOLF.OALE DEALERS IS II ADWAII.E., CUTLERY. te., No. LOD Wood direct, P TTSBURGU. ARE row in=e coarse of receiving large n to their eensive sleek at !Sardis-are,- Cutlery, Sad Ivry. dce., slueh having been purcharrd on the ron• I advantageous tonna to England. and direct frogs Abe Oanufactwerivit di.s country. eiable• them to of for clods on terms surpassed by none and wpodled by few Purchasers are respectfully Invited to Set 90 ------- rtthagrawc w " 3 "`iiiiisiPsost a COMMISSION MFRCHANTS And Masaa.footswers of Lloveed Oil, • No. 20 Columbia &reel, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Cl:yelfd PAD, won , 1x....zefEn.„.0) serrm,.ty WHITMORE Q. WOLFF, !lIJOILTEiuf •NO 1.....11E■s Ira lilardware, , Cutlery, Saddlery, Le., Comer Libel'', and St.,. Chair man, PITTSBURG'S, A RE nowreceiving par ships ntiavatinne,' 'Samle /1. hanna.' and •AJbamina,' their spnag importations of ardware, Cadery, &a., purchased for ass& duvet u the raanufactonea of Stun:moat and SnICTICI.D. Al ~.g eneral assort ent of Amenean Itardware from ihn vtanufaetories of the East and Weal. ,yen are respectfully invfled ro on examonvon of oto Woolf. as we. are • de:crooned town ow for coati or op , ored.croda. 1 wpb THE PATAPSCO I STITUTE N 6,1111 113ALTIMOIC OPEERS ADVANTAGES TUE VON or YOUNG LADIES, • Wow farad noised among these, atc.lnc Itsiecarion, io the mountainous egiusiaF.ll and enellooking the Panty...en Hirei . ond usrvoodingention7, is munendy elalsAfrocapd tombnite Si tr i high degree the beantirid and iiietaressine se scenery. V, satin a few minuses walls afthe dep. a thd ' t ,Mis r tyre hears travel by falrad fryml Miuldrigisso Cosy, and are hoar from ibis easy er r lo.., traiellers from all sections ,ii, tnenannor. and - from Ikhisresre aSsrsi a con•srient to6lollnicati. with that city. Vd. spaciou n deems and nornoludwus s hams el , end private ministate. fur mats, for lagingsand p,c midy, Sur,rectlanno, musk amt lectors rooms, duiselatni othrr coortniancisa fespired lor the prfec, argonizaiion el 6 63Uerialt i6lptttrue,. gel Its canister Ervemds, laid nut in panto add siatitts . r. vita amidst lawns sod grant., afford the pits as an opportu oitifor the cultivation of nursers, and offer tnduceisient• Lr K earteiee and recreation, in Use pure, open sir:, • 4IA. A large otahl•thmene Pry/fawn-1, nada. and DanY•liC Supiriterndontr secures tu the onkilo earn. of instruction and care seldom Iss Ce out with is, any oats isitino of the ki4d. 'At th. present dine/burners Prnfrssers and Tascheraariengsged in their witnal departments ofjo ettoctionttlie 'crater number of thew residing In he faintly, and devoting tick teens, exclusively to the benefit of the to• The Re , . bier Clarke, resident Chaplain, Cis vaduate f Vale College) is Prof.:roc of Mendel Phi lirophy, sod has chugs of the gradtudin data, to the department of English Coingmition. Alice 800.., so well known thy able sod egesesit VicaPrineipe4is assisted iu the care and disciplirser of wheal, under We-direction of the Principal, tog servo /c -ondi ied4lo3, 1110 d of 141101, in addition ton WurSugh nits. cation, have had Ike misfit of long espcneote to Miaow the yams. Tbeseladitalive iu constant internam. with the pups% who are air:stoma./ so aeon! aro not only os instructors, but osfitiddi and compuive, Til Fe,rtr4 drporanno under direction .tur n weomplubed Proles- MY, MIX. La Vie, • gniduote free UrSißflay .Irenro •'keln nate &mai; who render in the lutitum, and demon hiarcif to the inspnwelnent of6i. pupils, afford iric them ere. sdrantege for acquiong AM.* us:J.:Worn rnamerention. TO , prownal prar.or of mat oat sosowenental music T: liirattosd, Damer,funserty • pup' of the ito,al Arad. C, of Marta in London, (under the ralrlantrd Signor eelti) awl for some y . teacher nt Kew palm, the resi dence of hi. Royal bighorn, .the Duke of einstherland.— I Drawing, Painting in lYster mice, and 911, and Dann ern I Magid by Prod...ors; andlhe Natural Sciences are esp:siu. ed and Ilm.rawd, experinselLy in lectuivs, by Prof. Li am, of the Unionist e r r :w.ri 4 lbw rrinewal lontlfure, Sin L../14D4„ Vann has had long evermore In Stevan% a lertan insti tution, has lag pang many year . otr Pri!ol and Vv.. 'scanted of the ',Mil 00 stirand Troy i+eniorry s fonaled by tier sister, 11101 Emma Wilard, end ago the p:an of wLich, the Ilstaporo Institute b iu tuanyrospectstooddalle4. The Primiyal of this institution is 1041 0000000 the public We author of LJigoln't Botany, and uf *moor book. on Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, lac hod of ound.y works on dr subject of 'Eduction, 14, some of which Late been tepublialrd in Europe ad translated into Preterh and Asaciated alb lais wife hs aht general caw of the barite.. and as Mad of the (amity is the Phelps Lamer ty a distinct:wised loner and (enrol. of Venom, ab. Tbaseclorion. of Nor Miritate and the strict siva of rn ewers aloha hope* pan. and guardians trig perfect earvidenor in wpm to tar safe!, of their dare...sand words, litho arc yontiitted to mare no wints except such as we moctioned by the diemion of pant.. or by lettered' Mirada:lion (roan theta. An orperimedunieoo has charge awe the claim, health and tomfort of the par pits anceig whom, no death . itutispcaideo or accident of say hind las seer yet marred. ' - The wain topears pc-mum tar board and education, ryael frame= io 4:1510 and fit WO, mooting w tas studio ne enannplislueentt pursued. Circumstances may 1..1 we a de white fami a established lonia tmt in general, liberal pet 2se,:itiZr ''''''lll"Prt" °L . promote own t, ppi news or improseasest of the poPils • The Iticia;Res, Bishop SinittforgAster, who is ofScrally, shit= to the Patayma Inatitim, Marts, .The late rthatina• lion kw &Est still potter - iron MO, were needed, how tampons Airs rbelps to ramie'. Dutiful'. inferi or to rows in country of Its knot The "glowing is w extract from • roast to the Voodoo of the gentlemen appointed in 1046 affic4te wan "Exam king she ~ The coast of audy, in the InWitateos pomaded to es in the monination cabman a amp; ohm. Geld of wholesale layairmawl ad werompashment, .ad the tamer in whirl. it is pursued, as web as thr mulls which haw bees ruined. we think are h clay ereelitab's to the teachers sod mle, and cina erten - aromas to the public Wet the great sawn.of - educative arr the Hated sad Neared In the Liatitarts, to a degaiw whkis sr, we believe, unsurpassed le'uy caw, Female Institution its the countty " • Sigurd by llar nem, ILas, J. P. Kennedy and flow A...1y • limited numb. of papi's rais hem-rived, it As desirable lhav applications for advairima, &damned fo the Principal, Elistotu,klifts, Amid idler k. early as p o ssible f A few ramswies its the Normal or Warn does are to to p a d, and two (idealise of the bullish, are deritorn of ob. Meting ribs:akar aw towhees in pinta (mill. 0" wheal, i The Loaner Swaim will omen.. the Sth or !fey and twerawee ire nosollt. ' inchlaglw : , 7111•11$11JCWS•011.2 - 1 0 Tanner . • oil On oak J. by J SCHOODIM AKER & Co nebli 'No 44 ood o . F. . rrrr itediflN WORK,'S AND FOUNDIVI%. NOTICE.- ' PrrtassitarK.Pa- • • lON OF 'PARTNERSHIP...4'h° JO1111•WRIGHT & CO, A RE prepared to build Connti and Woollen Machin- JO l n S ePenn . o r rnhie bbmwrom calkAg..nder nt ewer eekwipttoo, seen at e - name al Wl, SW)tlfll dr. SON. was riteOlfed_ Oa ehines, trphinine Pones_ Speardeaw Draw-Ws Ftinwea, the 2lstsd inky teat, by tho _decease of the said - Railway !leads Warperw'fantleaWSPlan , .. on Wm. Swaim, and the hpsinesa is nevi, andirill Frames, tqonis, Coed Grinders, Ae.,,Pfroaght Iron is future, conducted exelnilsely bithe :Meing tureed. air. of , Cmt. Iron ,Poll. a who ban bad the tole charge of the manufacturing . Hhangers, Of Ihe famatPamr., i. ',.. ?/ " .. 1" 4 "" , "`' or die Panacea and Vermitoge for the list thus:teen and toed. of. entomb. Casino of every deserved's tarnished ...Seri no. Pun. - •- • , " • ~ nee. reams uses to.orner . alitt, G.rine, Tho Panacea will be put op, at usual IA Many prtitua, !re.; Buya'r,p, r e , k u lorict, Can bottles, fluted longitudinally, with the el , ten " , n 4 ats awl hoop o. o op 'roue. blown 06 thtitlasr.—Swarst's PaPAeCI,, orders ktljat the t~'arebon . e of Pr'^wr "Slid the only change made Is the name erty wreetorill bare prompt attention.. OfJAS. taN AISI stampodOn the sealing wasitied • guru TO Fllack.ruick. Cell a. Co.. K aloarb.d Ca; Gft 'Written on ihe label covering the cork, and -a, new . tv sine, John I nsin Sown Madan:an. label for the side of the houle,-which hare been C& &J It R'aruer, Stanbenvidc., Janie turned for .the eselesire use or the ProPneter• by ainor4 woold;iaalmiegtstlvi Empee.& Ct., book note engravers ul Philadelphia. 7rrtlaapseribera are now eniargrag rierr enildrs4- . Fool' dies of different patterns form the hotly of the trout and are prepared Wrnaka•al.l *rads of Cation *Oa, and in the centre is portrait of the late Wm' ."' "'"flc_n , drudticrf,oe newt rarcctable ter_tto. Swain., separated Item the bowlers by 'two actin. On.kns"rewod tan elect With P.. 01 attention of lathe-Mirk. The words Panacea? , N & DALY. ELL • ear engraved conspicsoally on two turned swim, Laeoelisireet,:eileshenrCer N Wiehtecin, who has a patent for • very and a taiga Isaccri.eirCular me for. the upper mar impoitant nimmaernetton the Card, and who boa neon gin : The birders are composed of plain tat work engaged for the let. She learsime of lb. must stiles, outside of which in engraved In small letter. extenarre and suareasfal Cotton Pennioanf 'tr.; the: entry of the copy-right. 'JAMES 5 WAIN . in elvnbul pninonni anennOa .tun .Pr Philadelphia, August, 1846. imfaction or mow concerned, all machine, made ut this eatabhoharent. iantbdlV • _LADIES Who U. Comm. Prepared the., are often not aware bow' frighifully injurious it le to the skin! hew coarse, how rough, how - sallow, f allow sual unhealthy the skin appears ailor ustog chalk! . Ilehutea, it is injurious, coinainingalaige quain tity cif lead. D e have prepared a beauttfol vegetable article, whirl. we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY W 1111'0 1. perfectly nauseam. being Peri , " " hit deleterious qualities; and it Tiaparia to the skin ci natu ral, healihy.alahainer, clear, Irving white, Willemle nine acting•iosearlieresilhe skin, touting itwel Dr. Janice Andereon, Practical Chetah. or Mama haser.say.: either mtalysing Jane.',Span:M.l./11r White, I Emil it poweasca the most lwantifol mid' nays ral, at the 1.411, time innocent white I ever saw. I certainly can conscienttoculi reeonantend to vim to all whose skip requires benutifying t ^ g0,v2.25 b.?? 1, Shoe hat- qa " 124 GEOLIGE WEYMAN, fitananntitrer and Dealer in all Kinds of TOD ACCO,•SNUFFS, AND CIOARS. Al , his Old Stand,rdrner of SuothSeld street &nil Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa, would respectful• ly call the attention of Country blerettants, timer and, Steamboat parker pets to a largo andsuperint went of Imported Segars, among whleh will Le Grand the following brands, air hlagle, Regalia, Castellos, Principe, LANormaa.Sts. Ilrguid, Mines. and Dollar Beanbag, all of which will be sold at low no ran be bad at arty either horn. in the city • • " Alto, ronetantlyon band and for gale, a large and ell selected stock of VirgiibiVilissouri and Fine Cot Chewing Tohucco. Alta, Havana, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobaneo, "instantly orihand and for sale , oeS2dam • • .„ JOHN INHERIFP A Cp., Not. 03 and Pt Frant.sts, ißun. Forrtomm and ()rang . TWAS; Ilea of all sizes cast from the intent Inipluvralpltle terns and warranted equal to any Arn e _ Brass tmungs, finished If ordered, ass Iris {Mg! put'up.proinyul amt on rea•onable terms. noVlDally PATENT PD EIS DRICH_ MACHINE •übWrdiers h..mg obtained a patent. hey 16 1,46.1 ra Prva Brick hlachtne, and Maytag since then them ghly tested Ali ability, are now prepared to sell righw and eon earl to deliver machines to any pan of the I .ined States. The ItinCh.fle La designed to make Brick 'from ' 'code clay, and will make 30,010 good stoma firm brick pet day. stnheiently hard to stack up n the kiln; thus avoiding the expense and Labor rotor, patio the clay, dry.og and handling the . Inlet alter lc.eg welded. strook.stot liable to gelout octal repair, and is coastruried that ,t can be taken in pier,. And pmtogether won great frioltiy.thus render ng it onnble, iVe ore now building machines, and ran rut nishthent on .bon notice. Fora full description we aytld refer to n machine now inaurcessful opera twan It Mill meek bottom, near the Wear end ofqhth kw., where're .hall be happy to explain eye ing connected with it to all who may call. We ha at present M 1111liiMl.ed Agent. An letters moue addreall will be promptly,at tended no CULIIIUM3OII. MeIIIII.I.EN it Co.. senWitf • CINCINNATI. EU= IJENFLIiii.LEIIER., Dealer in .1.1.1 P/tllla Forma, at.,7 W- Wood•rell'a, No. 035TIOrd.Srom.. The PIAUI.ea may he examined at all hears, and the tmlteri her Talll he the. from II to EL 'A. M , and from 4 to 11. P. M ouch day. 1,5t.1ig, October ML, WI; thr onde . v . inzed ld intoun the clim of Pttuborgh and •tettv.ty that.e La.!. voi , ointrd Mr .11. K , ehve tole Agent for %Vv.:ern reorwyteatt,e. ft)? the male of our Naito Sales. from whoin mar 01. tamed it oar own [New York) prices NUN SS b. CLARK Nem York. Sep. k,ltslß-oerlalti New Shave', Spade and Park Mannlac GRIFFITHS & DIXON, ud VIM) commenced the manufacture of atpanlea. IL Shovel., lay andAtmlore Fork, Jac, o;t an ellen tine Af ale, are prepared in 411 all °Nen for sorb •rii- Oa Kaatern pees. For ate coneenienreof their coma:mien land dealers in suell articles, glop hare app.:an:ad George Cochran, Coonnwoon Newham, No Ni Wood •Ilret. their Arteut for the Isla of thew naastufactere• All order. add,. ed to ham will receive-prompt ottettizon. on the ;nomad vantagroua terms. UItIFFITII6 2‘. 1/IXON. Pa:42.o4July S--ally • WOOL, WOOL, WOOL r 1 ASII paid forell grades of ero ll 1.v.14 Fleece land Tub WaAred .d Pulled Wool, by rhe eul,aoriber.u,),,tware.hu.c . 'Sl9lo:field .t:"< - r, wren 4th strect and li..tabal . W11,111%1 IIAIIKF:R. EAGLE COTTON. WORKS. PITTSBURGH. AIANUFACTURE co rro:i YARN, Candle-Wick, Batting, Twine, Coverlet YARN, CARPET CHAIN. WARPS KING, PENNI,CIi & rb (Sucemorsa Al hurtles& Avoty,) lent Pruppelot s_ D. W. 11•111..W11. , • P. r. MATCII• , COMMISSION . MERCHANTS, No. 49 Water .Strltet: HT. LOUIS, MO. Wtll give parttuhir aticislion 10 the selling of Pro duce, and to orders for pu,ctatirl. Munn To— , leorgalklorg.ll.. to., Paul:no - et Po. aril : MM!MM . . PITTSBUR(III STEAM A1.11E131,1 . WORCit, Nei. 3N and I.i!,rry me. near M. (!stnaL ALWAr et on hand and made warder, a large varie ty of Itlarbla Mantels, Pie/; Gene Table, and Bateau Tup, Tomb Alontiments, de ; all which, hang rMe choicest marble. and roannlimtured principally by machinery. will be Fold Or for casti.' N. Persons artahtng to' purchase Maniels,..tro informed that it ts unitec•-oiary ,hem to gcs 1.1.154 as 1 eau furnish mein with an article to all restiectx no good, E nd (freight, insurance, Re, ror.ider, 14.1.) as cheap as they can purchase them for to the East. Call and lien'. iext JOHN WALKER.. • i•ainWoodorel • IXTOULD ( WI/UMW, to k ht. (viands and the politic lila* '3 r YY I. atll conlinuee the Hardware ituainers at the old .ottel, No ra tillad street. lie would respectfully twitch a continuance, of the pamannge heretofore or healowed T 1108: A. tlli,LlEß • • ' OOKINII GLASS Al AN UPAGTVBER, end Mile a y m Faralona Walichottre. Nn 104 Wond Greei r roar l's . ; Wholesale and Benin: l'amlori and French Engraving.; Japanned Waiter. ntid fray; • I.ottlieg by bon or ringlnilebb Table Cutlery; • lbciurc all Gael; Britannia Tea Were, in gene or '•,tele nier',esi - Fantail and Pirtate ntries; Fire lions and FenbeG; Mahogany TailetYlimses, o ith 1,2, end lldraufle German Silver and Itriumma Teach Table Semen.; Iland Magnifying alirrOrG ' rdindlesachr, :Ma cre And Tray., Gat, Pier, and Mantel Glames; Gentlemen.* Shaving Cases Combo. Bair Broils.; Se. (*CeU nt erehoa, lintel*, and Steamboat* supplied on finrral inn**, and peeking f arefally attended to' 'Vau nt disemmt Gar anon. febl7. DUFF'S 4 a'l . k A N II D' er ' • V iro '‘ e ' s n s ' . this Institurion 4041/ all tither* In the Western Stores.. Ira cab...tier hastier. amply to nail during Mr. D.'s estabirrhment in shy. city fur thelast seven team, and his now work upon U p on trook.keeping, Ithe Erin wrinkle treatise Upon this branch of o.e screnee pen published.) enables pint in touch this depasimont the Innen. In the most pei Gent Oran n r l'ereons lear. snag Gook:keeping in this Institution have another ad. vantage over all others—theidase an Opportunity at becoming ogee r t renamed. wlrbordevh•ch their mines. lion for tne coupling boast, remains Incociplcto Professional as irtaner plies igali eases or difficto ty is oPeomg and closing dlerannta or Steamer's Bock., makingout b. lanes Sheets, posting and adld.G.ol dc ranged books, de. ' • • . ' Mars of Business, Id In o'clock, .. AI.; It Sod and t rota .o rho 'sr scamp. rnh4 SRAVIaO CREAM--PRICE REDUCED Let all thaw now Shave who never Mitred beam. And those who &temp-Shave nrite Shave the soma' IN carmine this loperna.Sharing COMpound to the notr; nee of the poldie,l eta with confidence ierthat the opinion of all who have tried it pronounce It Me most pleasent composition that they h vvvvv ar used; and to tlder to place it within the reach of all; I have redeeed he price low enough to afford an opportunity to every :peewit to ;give it a'tpat mod jade° for themstdven. So, Lientktnen, if yon tomb On a rich, lanstrioue .have; on vide roof shnolue cepo,Slon't ho scent& •tt won't coal moat or fill thent;t9M,lrloteain not waded, the mon ey will be' rentmetL ' t STEPHEN BARSETC. lead Cdr Lard Oil raettimmad fancy Soap Work., red , ' sth at•opperstte Iron Car Hotel ULAfdli LEAD--3 rases best Mixic.ilver JJ Lead (armee by J SCHOONMAKER ft Co aubll No 14 wood .1 • • ....BWAIIPS. F C O E x LE TI B iE RA c T uRE ED ,t, Y F ANACEA, :Scrofula, , Geneml Debility, .IVhite Rheumatism, Diseases of the Liver . "aridSkiir, andel] Dise.isea arising - -; • from Impurities of.the Blood, • • or the kffects of Memory. .SWAIhI'S PANACEA hos been for more than twenty fire yeani celebrated in this country and in Europe for its extraordinary cores—for 'the eertifi- Cates of which reference is made to the - directions and. books (which maybe bad gratis) accompanying the Panacea. Ithubeen used in hospital and iiiivate practice, and hay had the singular foriune ofr being recom mended by the most celebrated phyairians and elk cf. eminent persons. Among others by W. Gibson, M. H , Professor of Surgery, Pa. 1.10.1. rersity. : Valentine Mott, M. D., Professor of Surgery, N. Y. University. - W. P. Doweea, M. D., ProlessOr of Midwifery, Pa. University. N. Chapman:M. D., Professor of Physic, Penna. Univeraity. T. Parke, M. v., President College Pbysielanv, Philadelphia. - • Dr. DerValie,Profemor Medicine, 11.1[2112. Jose Laurent, da Len, Professor Surgeri, Lisbon. J. Chipman, Member Royal College Surgeons, London. • G. W.living, late hlorister to Spain. Sir Thommfrearion, Major General British Ar my. Gilbert Robertson, British Coninl, he. &c. And eve, the wonderful cure. effected by Swaim's Panurei'hate for many years Made it an laminable remedy. The Panacea does not contain memory in any form, and being an innocent preparation it may be given to the most tender infant. • .. THE RETAIL PRICE HAS BEEN lIEDUG ED to One. Dollar and Filly Cents Per boffin, (contain. log three hair pititi,) or three bottletfur Four-Dol lars. ALSO—SWAIM'S VERMIFITGE. A valuable Family Afedicine:bring b highlyapi proved Remedy for all dimses arising from Debili ty of the Digestive Organs, such as WortiPL.Chole ra Morbus,Dyeentery, Fever. end Agoegillborling Piles, Sick Lleadache;&c. Arc. See the pamphlet (which maybe hid gratis) accompanying the Far. mile:a. - Prepared rat Srnim r Laboratoiy, Seventh Street, below Chesnut, - Philadelphia, and Inc sale by all respectable Droggists in the Dotted Slate.. AGENTS. New New York—H. H. Schioffeko & Co. London, Eng.—Evans & Leacher. LteerpooLE.ng.—Evans, Son & Co. flavana—t.D. Mrliora. Valparaiso—Ales. Crone. Buenos Ayres--0-J. Hayes & Co; • St. Thomas—A. H. Miss, Cantoi Swords. Sssidwieb Islands..fl. L. Re ne ... r:alculta--Hulinagla &. Cu. meld 1 Ow Pennsylvania naLtroad Campos,. T ETTER:I Pliant bearing date the !Dal up, of Fells fIiSIT, A D. INT, haring been i e i c ,d by ,b e Gaol ernor of the Commoi i vialth of Pennsylvania. in purse line"( the provisions of an 'Act of the General Assembly of said Cominonwealtli.entitled "An Act to 'incorporate the Peunnyleania Railroad . Campany;" . /Yuri« it /trill girpt, Thu ;he imilcsliined being maierhy of the nem,Commissioners, have and do hczehy,spimint a turning the outiscrilors to the Cap. ital stork of evil Company .be liehl Th,idsv, We ilny of llareii. D 1i.17. YI es . o leek, AAI the Roo m of the Morro orTinde No. 2Y Philadelphia Exchange, the Co , of Philadelphiv la order woe sawn said COl:ninny, and then and inert In eliict 13 (erector of sai.i.limipany agret-ably (Odic provisions of raid Actor Assembly. • Thom. P Cope Tor loon • Itebett 'rotund I George RI B.lronii David ftßrown , ID Wens i..leiracChingee Al Price George tV Veined: . 'RoliercFlinu,Jr J Fibber beaming ,At R Knees,. TC Gen t Carpenter • John's Cash 'Elliott Crewe.. C LI Chili. Robert Allen Robert Steen' Charles a Wood ' C Newsiest, EA:Penniman John 11Slyers ' Alex Function A G:Riasion Edward Siter • Gideon Scull Archibald Wright A 8 Radierts ' floury IVelsh Wm C Potter,. John 81 Atwood II hi Dutchman A J Lewis John Welsh. Jr fleilianiel Trotter Townsend Sharpie. i Janles Marl. Thomas Sparks Johli J hicCalten• - Charles Humphrey* ilugh Caiiiervancid James Steel (teary. White. , February 147: MMEr . KR 7 rTMVrti. Orrtca or TIM ktofroftoalskLa Saytorrion t•o, t • • l'illtbargh. March 3.1C17. 5 • 13 ROPOSALS will be retro:en at ibis office op io L titilock fit., on kloodat thoSthdar Non pril ar-ct' for the onnatroction of an additional cut Lock. a Dom flo 1.. to be fiftc•tik by two ha n ged 6115 foe the it amber. aisle the price. reir Casii.pay mists, al qui psynaints in Certificate.!of the Ciitspany I pays We eight Tsarrurer distsisrith interest. Plateaued apeeibeattonaof the work entire, exhibited at the trams ten davaigneelo44lo the 'antra. and infer matien respecting the,aante, ill be given by. Sylvan. LaTliop, keg.,Engitieer. PROPOSALS will oleo be Ct civet] of t h e Some 14110 end.plene, for loaning the Company Twenty Tbowand dollars. Upon the bends Ind etrafldalas akikeintid.' • • • inehald • J 4: MOORIIKAD; Preirilt eatlery. Saddlery, — te. 40UP WALKER, • : . FIIIFORTER AND DEALER in Foreign and Tine re g. c linollosie, would rtspecifoily inform 111. nend • . ' by ."' th"U"' 1"-"" r1 14.' th 'lktrm';7.7.f.l72.'"%kli“., 7{vg, , ...zr.v72g Iro:2;icrei, which be will iliipore of on themort rentonnhie wriee. Ile will be continually receiving fresh •unplies direct fro.. the Alanahatiarera to Europe and this country; whichwilt enable bun to cOlopete watt any establuth• ruent, either l'aat or IVcsr. Western Merchants are invited to call and examine bin mock before purr be ring elsevrbere anarh Dr. McLane's Worm Specific. Illy m certify Dint, by talcum ono vial of Doctor eri McLane's Worm Specihe , a child of James tillaw's passed upward. or 71, NVONIII, and by the me or paid medicine a child or my own pawed 14 100 weir:m— it is truly Um most surprising worm medicine I ever seen. I must bare two more visit. • WM GII24ORR %Vllkins Township For atie by J KIDD lc Co, No CO Wood street, Phi. burgh. I such%) WAFTED.:Fid. - reye'ral retiecrab - le ItOirla, boaid• tug boozes and are ate (kindles, several cooks thansbertna.ds. nurses anal housekeeper.. Alto Wm. cd oon. pincer for a nutilber of good clerk., .pr,p ne p atelaointemen, school toddlers, batmen, Ae. Alto fns several boys of different `sixes and ages. Al.', c .esreral calmed Inca and te.tneo,lx,• add girls. All kinds of Agencies attended In for moderate char rtes. Please Coil on ` ISAAC 11AltIt19dS Agency oad Intelligence Ogee No II St Clair of 2101VONOAIIELA LOESER OF WATER . & SMITHFIELD' STS' PI runu EEG 11, PA. 9 , 11 E undersigned, Prepsietors,of the llononruitel !luse, announce to the pottl that the llouseis no • open! s te reception of Viriters. They are Cailettoll• of Itaneog niste.l no expense It tonne out the estut.ll.huient. IR each a •Zyle Imo Yen& every esnotort no their (sues., Ter y.bnpe by canoe tit e ere artd wag nil. lo burins to intent the put mage., v. liberally 1...410wei10u die lot Alonongrahtla Moore. JAS. CROSSAN k SUN melAttnp.l LIPP)IISCOTT IliON Wilifitatfils TROY and Nails, Shovelsi•the. for sale it oar bew Warrbouse, No. 'A Water CMG!, near "Vend, run. ulna Ist Front. -- • Also, an assonment tha old kaki, McMaster's Row, loberty sweet. Roving teak treat additionc m : ilk Rolling Mill, all orders e. be filled prom ptly. 'no." 'GRAFF. hIMDEVAV & Co - !YOUNti - laktollttr - #ll3.LiCCT — NCticiOp, !t.illSloa(iradon ha. het seemly hreargmned ender 1 the tuitieu of Mr .•1. W. Melcul4 at the Coerferiwr Brdeddakralud IlleirroldurrY .ta. Tlie ...tees which has Wu* fur Intended Win nehool, in tut establishment and prOkrear hue !bit,. equalled the expecraltoo•of at. Irutructor an d Proprietor. and war rants the bone that be will he ...lord In his efforts to render it a desirable Inetitutten for the education of : Young I.ndkre Ur Allegheny and eielnity. The Fir..l oticanan of the nen Academie will commece n Monday. Feb Fth.. There n are o yet slew eatenctee W be Mid. bet. the notraSer of penile bt limited an aptly oFflritattors is ds. at rattle. Fbr riartiettlem, rertitive ito term, An. rental. Cereolor• or apply to tbe.inirrantrif. •- (MAW CABINET tirlidlLSTESti Aids lAM prepannl to do alrlinds of Cabbuit Ytudinl Sofas. Divans, Cheleti. (Asir Fsealistrtaktbd 'Orderi le ft sf Mr. Noblel• on Third et, promptly . , attrAds SCrftenadlnittf all kitsrmi ..swite-rf 4 - A P A 9f B BI AIV 9 T -C lrill..L li lO l U i r A Ll i Pt i, 1 17 MLR a I t!emfittailcurm the, known. ywn rid lo • :pli..hthis#ll-Kgkorktnt wink. . . . Shove nfDieitd with rtyspeesio„Stek Stomach,. Paio. in the Elide ead,lbSek; of APP.- lte, Weakness of the Stomach end :Bowels, Coothe, oess, Fever sad Ateei DtlllooveadotharFeiroll / shoold et ogee Obtelat box or mils( Pills:. -They puny the Bksol and revevale the system in each a meaner that II is itoposeible for Disgusts, tamale, when then are end ateording to [bed iectiotot. (jCy•A fresh supply of the above otedmiae lost 'reed by W}L JACKSON: ember of Wood eatloberor AL°7 4 , . Ilitner.• T 14'"11.1..8 b., .1. wr.d foil • wit , 41.11...jfar sale bt . "' ""I ' l ' ."1 - - . _ : . WM.." SCAI .. PE 4. Mt 1111.0•1 C HAD OLDER-4 bids CtatiSrd, kr sikle mehlYP C MARTIN <or szaithipld and hoot I NSURAN CE! . „ . loam wtisazit, JS., ietirr nmaau r ot ca ot o DELAWARE: MUTUAL . Whey, Dasurnuaoa Company a; PliktladoMo. PP?o bilitOingo aid Inercbandir.O .of, nary dcocrtption, sod MARINE RISKS. upon bulls or cargoos of vassals„ taken upon most Isuoritilo terms.' •• Utgce in the Waretrons6 of W. B. Halmen -ds ttro; N 0.737 Water, near Market street, riew N. D. The snecesmit ttiu Company Mato the ntab lishmont the Ageeet in this city-with and Siteraficy with mhich 'retry eium upon them far, lima has Isecin 'sitiusteeL emicrisst tha !Ism bath , . sTing the confidence Ind pstrolisso of his ineuds and the community et forge_to the Delaware M. ttjtmc ranee Compenrachile ichairtherudditional edranteges' as an institution among.tne mat tiourishtug to Phila , ha.--af having an ample paid in caphakuldch by thi - eperstiOnolitseharterisconstantlyincressing • 'as yielding to vita petsOn insured hit due shins of the profit. or the vmthout •ietutriss -Kim in ally responsibility whatever; sod thereinto as posses/int thelitottistrinciple divested *tansy; obnosioaa, ohnnandotrodunt, an Pin it. moat at ractive form. no NATIONAL FIRE AND 'MARINE' INSURANCE COMPANY, E=E9l2 rrms uul resoeentble company Is pre pared, through then ; Prrrs.Buitu il AGENct.., make Insurance of ever))` kind eormeetwl walk risks of transportation and inland ninkatiodt-to insure against, .toper damage by fitel3walllng Wareboneee,' Bonding! in general, Gowli, Wares, andnie le handier, and envy deeerintion of porwrial property on the twist Clearable tonne: • I h . r reiicatioo: for If EP teyone , a ,, is e tandad.to twalsout delay . , RINGER lIARBAUGII AO. '. I AT an Election field at the office at N. Y., May I . ?, ale followiug nitned aettilesmen Irate elsosen .. Ditems of lON Company, for the ensuing - year, arc • . - --JosephW., &Mote, • Stephen lloit, JolsAflios!mear. /tam Mega. . . W.Conlphelk Jaeob Maier,' Marcus Ypring, Joseph S. Lake.' Willie= G. Want, John Newham, William SI. SIOCIIII2, John F. Nankin, I==ta • And at a subsequent meeting Of the Board, JOSEPH W. SAVAGE, Eaq., teas unanimously re-elected Pres.. ident for the enemata year. Wm. JA)11.)3110068;• Post A Journal copy B.c!rWT. FIRE AND MARINE . INSURANCE.' . THE Insurance Company of North America, through its duly authorised Agent, the subscri ber, offers tee make o permaneet_and Raffled Inset- ante on property, in this ettfood its vicinity; and on shipments by the Cmtol and Retere. DIRECTORS. John C. Smith Prot; Samuel Brooks, Alto. Henry. Charles 'Taylor, Semi. W. Jones, Semi 1 , . Smith.' Etbrard . Smith, • Ambrose Whim; • Jacob M. Thomas, Joho,ll Nen, John A. Brown, John White, • Thos. Y. Cope, Richard W00d,.. Wm. Welsh, Arthur O. Coffin ,Sec. 'lbis is the oldest insurance Company in the Unised•States, having been chartered to 1794. Its charter ti perpetual, and from its high handing, leng experience, ample ; mole.,and avoiding all risks of an extra haturchins thneter, it may be considered or °Oaring ample secu ri ty to the public. MOSESATWOOD ' At Collating Boom of Atwood, Jones & Co., Water and Front streets, Pittsharsh. ap..93-tf INDEMNITY • Ag ,inel Leos by Fire—Tne FRANKLIN Fire lose ' toner Company of Pkilodelphia, WlLdmate Insurance; permanent and limited, on every deacription - orproperty, in PITTS BURGH and the SURROUNDING LOUNTRY, on colorable term. This compouy ha a perpotnol charter. CAPITAL • 5400,000 paid 10. CONTINGENT FUND,. 5500,(C0 °Mee eoreer ofTh ird and Market ala„.l tub'gb. aniat—ti WARRICK MARTIN; Agent. Indemnity *goloot Lois or tlnoiago by Faro. THE AILITUAL PRINCIPLE eaminNEri With the odninonal seemity of • Stock Capitol: 'The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co., of l'Aita. . • • CIIATITER PERK:MAL ItinacTon•. Gizmo W. Tolson, John M. Mean, :Thomas C. Roothnt, Lovria IL Midway .Wm. ft. Thompson; George N. :George M- *man. ' John J. Vandetketap, tinotno W. Carnanter. VITILL matte into:mime ttnonat Lora or D27111/q..[ tiy:Fire, In Vivrani.nnrw and vieinit.'; on Hennes, Stores and other Ilnildingre; and on coral tura;!Gooda. Wares nod blerebandme, on the moot favorable tams. • The /dotal Principle. combined with a Stock Capital, 111K1 the other provisi ~,, of the Chatter. of this Company, hold out 131/Liapal Inducements, buff or profit sin] pieta; to those ilesirout or eirntitig Insurance, towhicla the Company nsh the attention and ezamismtlonOrthotie leterestcd, '- • Those effecting insurance With :this I:ouspany bare,heaiden the usual protection sgasnst her, uj the.ordiney rut thod or lasurance, the .414.0.4.1 adrantagoor.tedireetparticipatien in 11.0 y, 4:14 the Company, withalt lane autriliry. GICORGII W. TOIAN ,Pre.uh.nt 0111, Mina:ran, Secretary. The subscriber, who is tho autboriled .tent or the above named Company, it prepared to malir nworanee, at the Office or the Agen.... in the hr. Chmlet Hnte:,Third at., third door fr..ni 'Veal ttreet,and will gme Mr (briber ini.rnittion dewed oxylard s. - l'aus. J. cAakt. BELL. INSURANCE. • American Fire Innis/tame Comp . /my O. VIIILAUF.LPIIIA. iistamari Pam Ma x, CAPITAL 5 . ...ki1l "Au fa OffiCe inl'Ailadelphia, No. 72 Strut Wlll. DAVI/MON ; lifea's Fasonsizer Furn, Secy. TtlIS old and iirell.nstablmhed Company awe muesio insure Bulldaimille rehandin, rill lure and prop. en, not of an extra hazardous . e i fiaracter, against lass or damage by . fire. Appizeauoris for imams/neer in Nabs/rah' and to ormbirerhood. bill be merman, and orbs taken either perpetually or for limlled perrason favorable tem. by GEOACICIIRAIn. Aran:. hio IS/ Wood It. Dlasotalliggis T GIF: Pennership herr tokdc egssting us:defile Gym of Marshall, Bradley, & Co., was dissolved en the M. 1.131 by mutual eon.. The businest-of•the lateGna will Le settled by hlarvhAll. Wallace & Ale. fleecy. ' • JAMES MA RSIIALL • ALEXANDER BRADLEY • Wm, W WALLACE HENRY hint/FURY. RnAvnNKof FOUNDRY. T"4:tr o Wallace & Co, inall it• 111100. branchcs..vie !follow Ware Gearing Moves and SIOIT, Plates Lsghld Heavy Afisch'ey Wagon Bores Engines Grates &Pad Irons s Fsgine C.tings Ploughs Ykwlgh Casungs, de. de. Medea the best insteri•ls, .4 asthe luwoal .Pumhasers are invited to call-and examine our Stock at the D'asehouse in Liberty tuxes No. St, near the head of Wood etrect.• JAMES MARSHAL!. tn. W. WALLACE • lIE_NRY Mr7ARY .4 GAUD. , AIS 'I'D ROCK - GORTON begs to quaint bla friends Matt. is atuo,le.aoe of the GA LT DOD BE, Louisville, By, same he bsrs to meet all Ids old friends, assuring sheet and the publicohnt eters shall be spared to make Olean& able who favor bun with theiraironue ionllday • 'TIMES MOST I ASTOUNDING; DOWDY. .1. ERY—A.l.llcsams! A Miracle:! j A Watder 11. —To cure FJuptinni cod Dofigurtmrgt• of the Skin, Pim Plea. Freckles, Sanborn, Salt Rhein& Scurvy, Bore Heads, de.. de, Four _sr- ' oar years . ago Itiocapital Of FIrloe• astonithetriit consequence of a discovery made by en liaesn Chelsea. Many doultied , -11 severed .elerosl an impooinility Mat ,anythimt Mmto by the htmdi matt. could hero Each powets as that claimed by Antonia Vesprini fbe hi. Invention.' Many claimed Inattend hit Invention o a humbug: bind. aloe! many foolish poetess without trying do the mono roved at length, after tortingilin the hotpital.. the Medical:lo - of Paris (the bettehmnive inthh'Worlilldeliseted tthe follomsof 'caw toSignot Vesprinit • "We have now untimely and carefully examined the timplayinvention of Vesprinl. We have suatystd its component pans-we have nod's, in.severol cates,and stre•hesitme • not to pronounce 11" [the Inl,aaChe,vieal Jutp) as • great 'Admin. and a truly Oottibitful remA. y tor any eelaneonemaption oi - distlittaiment of the Al.. Its ineentormu'emmider the trot phibtothrople of macr,. mankind. • • LEVPOLtb DUPREY BRAD TRISI '' Fmentho inventor himself to the tre.entProprt ego. • , • 1.41 e, 'ln conslderatiok of the cum of 13.0.4, f toveA t vi t it rod to-ble..Ti douocomitihm in the' ell). of New York.' • N. A., the whole process of ensno , ocidritig, together. with a statement of the Mueslis.. too:Moine tof Ital ian Chemical Poore Ile Is tombnufaclare u it:Taste in. the United Mate...only, and Mho:Atm prarilege of M anioc It.ittoes' Imitan Pheramel teemp.' • Wand.: Henry I. floldsworth.. ' ' (Signed)' - . "-ANTONIA PFSPRINI 012-Odd. by W,JACK . SON, OM:Patent Medicine' Warehonee, lalterit.atreet, head of ltoad, OM, sign f the WA Boot. • • • jot : Vheonly pl.. ist Pittsburgh okra the GENUINR ean be Mammal. Ad othe t eare Oeo tardeia, :P , E N lst TTO N -!M I L L - , T ope Yfuaru above estabittlitunt being, now ia booneseful ration...we •re 1111111tIfieterillg. Seer eitertoilllh. an article of heavy Sheetlme, well - adapted ttleraed Itado,seltiehAil below ; and quality cannot unexce lled - by eay tuber mike in tbe mummy. The anenbca, of parebosere ie io led•to rer ealrele•II00. • • fold tillmawittr XF.NNEDI 1:1111•11131bfle, •- rithatitrzni: IRON wonics. L '• Warehouse corner' OW lFrrmrstiteta l • • PITTI3BURGII, ' • !VHF. sabatithers baMaryporr.iiied Franktialten - L woma, gmaterly owned by kleunt.).:A. Stockton A 6 , ittive.adtlitione toilmai, are now PUtkOtti to &Minh to etraertrets & MAU of all emu,' • warmest.' equal to any MAU Mark. i• • •.• • • We Mao keep ,band 6lnmy mut, Antarimm "Blblet giant Mike best qualities. Om friends viskilry thin mantel will Indite minted a 'apply than mittia•firsunte article, andonks good: eons an cap baol>tained u the pity. . moll • - • 00111:YFX I L E& " - 11FOIPITAL - NTICIE -Promird - ‘l - v: 11 - enive mad Ur la day of •It'prdtldtr; tome sale • Lief LtoPndr contbint., pot leu , tbab ese sada belPerree, or more than wren aerm v ilium tad au, thump Ulm dentate Memento( Home; tad 'u sable -for • limplud. Euk propositiow onll eornam a brier tor the sise.d .locetlep 1. i.e.. se well est. ptlee nod term. T.peals my be iiddreiseti *Plaid; muM OSIMPTIPYYMMiref elate Oapsoblete: • , - THOPIAS IJAICEWEXA I commiam.-.Tohti Grthiim Saanberger, Wm. parlour, E. D. Guru& T. M. Home, IL Cum. ,nektsdtaprl [CPT Papers phase cap p.l OH ERMAN OLOSAON lAN,. • ASK. ILIM . I7VVIEREIit. .. I what bag relim. " ta rraMl .tied ag Mir ildied fat . . ar' fwuk.l a . .0 w..414 , ..did..41 , f b,.. k . , gnu WI 'pa It lint.!'iltr - thosomas,.. ALI - Ilralieg.bastia.p... "Ist lis allayed lid. Coadii i removed 6, raw ip ltdi Sid. and Ilhast,' cbeekett hi.didid .ittatid phimi Mime of 6' , " ..- Ibe 1.111•1411 you, • - t ' . EiIIEILIAN'S 01.11,8/14151414. . ' •••• ' ALL,FIZAWNO BALSAM. . ~.,..11ak your Cgicodoif lbleykilioutoltarycliimitbal sill to w s , daycare a hen wati.n.lious 'A:atrolsea, Ramat of Mood, r • . Chhh,'Dyrise CousorapHoo '1,I„ oarintwea, Inetantrus mei limit. of lb. Throat,nithe Chamonliii? end they Witt tilt yoot-No. Thaw never yet: ha hem a einnedy hthroduced 79 public 130 lid which h. , bl:l4i. prod ueti., of to meta ' &O, short 0 space of tier. Rawl the following , .. Arterattillaltsr Ceres.-- Wili. BONN Iht eskbrelcil Boalonerseker baler, lIS SW iett ~Boorkhrtal stela 'Wet Aft wife has beat Lakted,! with Asthma for :Olean, and eould bar de4 ad r1...i lief from, the test metlicoll Advice 'which Fe.r Tat andi Small,. could produce, vras loathed ta try We grwitentle-: J. She is now usaytyriell His daughter. who ses madmr-1 ' tvg from the rune donor, hied (toad was oho cur by it. Mrs Dual... Maw .io well Wit Ale it able to rim Areas Iter, b.d ..fly i. th....iing.di4t.4 w to.wadage.lll* the day without any armors.. fauna hoe diet may., ' r Hum, Jintsost, lath Met, udar He Hatholie ' v este to the mans isc Uri purport of obtalanag a of Olomanian, 414 bow adhered with the Asthma for man' Wass 33 ran, anKrear to nliustol ma his arrint dial bel meld Mt speak. Me purchased *bottle ' toil wade throne. , Four days allerwara be walked from his raid.. to the otf. Ace without Miguelw distuce of twat two milm,to WI of, the woodarld &left which he had experienced Goa ming . AGM we half df 0041 bOU*I - i . . • . Olf .d ~ - Coma nplipAl :: et the Lanier . _ . Mr. Cormier 35 Whi Rivet, wai - to lois an We swath of December bad! Wad he given op by hi. physician. His frieridsentertainsd an hope f Ids recovery. -He two pert.. dal to try the Olowendan, Whit euprite it Init. fmr rellored aim 1.1 health that he it movable to walk aimed the Met Arraar, the wife o Wm 11, Attroe r lawesllernea,:l Lop and tleo. :Hays Eo i Mir All hear teuttenooy brow thew own .r......-.e of th e been propeHies •of this Onst.. Remedy in Lonsurarldica of We Loop. . lipl tan Blood. 4 Mrs: Tappet/mum, Lorca sweat, who had bunt' Wobbled Gar a great ,Ingth of time by a sever. cenglo v and vain& qtatalltiell of blood, relieved by one bottle of tho Olomonnat, Lod declares at : graved remedy in the world, Damns Ratan, M W r sheet, owl teho re . r hoard tie sues complan‘ ha Ins eery m reduced .11. he coramencii taking I, haring boos ender as of his phytlehn dorleithe winter. Although he coughed . =1 .., ... very 'Wadded' unaided sweats, Si We remedy studded him to return to hi.. deny; - wmk. He was entirely tainted. . Demo If tonattstio, 60 „.ittiarect, O % en .W..Bonsely fonnerlyof Newark,'lll. J r Lid. 199 Rhingtoe t street, and atonfirmiothtr Fran ave been tpeedily and permanently cereal of the wise eamphout by Ads remedy, , • The Array of,Rhatatee which could be produced vi b co atos who here =Allis gnat remedy would mom than d yelitoos. Annan the sombe r w.ant permitted torch. A. id: Disarmer, lAA Bareley A., Mr.. Wilson of Hoboken; Mr. Bell of MorIIIOWW, N. J„ James II Devoe ' -.1e , . Mrs. DlCallfLee t tll Att= r st.; F. Smith, al' tb , a i nt tkaols:st kis Patent o Libel , Plum tsir bo! =l=! I stnel, head of ITPORTER OF" E R Papa, Onstentris. W Fire Beard Brie n'arer". zzca took ael eitensbn loch ha now toot 116.. fittlraL w A! respentf! . lly tnr _.... .. pp riece reach se. MU,. Mee, Clainber and Counting n om - Puper . oeevery quality. The adore nro brillan and durable. aid the etylcof pattern' unstopased. y she Regular Lae at Pack ets between Havre and ere York, and (torn the Fen ian, which In alwaysin entre - operation, and isnikain ly supplied with the best Orbital the country Oen flo ash, trequentsidilitiono, tiring th e springszdnutittner, will be tante to the go , in store. Prices, EIYMOVe . I,. will be 00 Lllltiatialf mad Oa as to meet the Clews a the Mi. erouciaalest, an salon Merchants end Ilouse keeper• dioporeo to eau ne said juke for iberrischics. that their M. Pill b e efscillittny unbarred. n) hultgat thiolstoteition . , 1 . . 117 . 11.aga, Tula and 1' • aaer'sferapa raken r Itrautlit at the regular arket pnres. .apls-ty, OtIL 031. Nell and Ornae Found. er, has rob • • I and commenced bushisaa at 1. io I" : ° l l :i i r . 2lritZo li m " e ' rt * o:l7ttr! L e ' ng. '''Fd ' tharch, titeatoboat.. and 'Belle et4p. tire, frogs IJTai 10,1100 Nand. hart Croat pattern. n(t YIP. approved ;lode]; and svarevned.LS 14.: of the treartnateria..l hltotirel Water rump., C/1.11.11.• :thei g, Ac. - o ethave d .ith d ezett h ar a ttetkoellxi o C m arang , e, tfregoi . r. 6 un t k; a t e l • ' Fiel ' i n prOp PLc netoi. of BA;811'11 Alert! Arrant= Altral....Junly celebrated for the redde r= of enctioa in,taarlite rh.lThe Doi= rtad thampo :aloe can be had othint taltafeacr. /SERUM'. • Center of Third nl'r new and * 'tep.tel „L. GREAT na t annic ...le, ans. sward., tra arthitect LS O as and station the ionmednite wieinity • INC," BANKS.EXCIIA NIERCANTILE !lOUS and BUSINESS lIIEN • f•' t IIOTEL. . streets, rroPeletOr... : 4itITEL, t w o dine, the I honing/ Da two of the toast reed in the country,whetlier ref nrraorments,or the ele f It, fornwhings. t.intated in the STKA.MhOAT LAND. 'GE OFFICF-w— and prineil it offers to TRAY • v.. ',curable eoneenteuees; whilst I•LE3tKIS of leisote. na in of ever, Accommodation the gre. The Parlor• und oished 10 modern NV., with • t , Etintiture; an eemient on ereminejle maintained,and the oand onth the eheiern dent:. re~nt.lr_ and. OF rtal !trtanze.menti alTi . moo fusutbou an th Ultsetwltses. age all fu •wlircly oew sod ele . - attentive aed obliging Table trill always al V the 'marbowiaord. I. hadl n6iperienerr 113 thin • • e pmete that no 2rOrt 011 his .fnetorilreoeconnaodele these their C 111•111110. • • Proprient, who b . eibf Lem mammyr mill be spa ma, yed lo e may favor him tot • An Omnibus awl B. mull neva for keens alsvnye bict yc WP..AVEI, Proprietor: 'Wks 111 c IMITATION HAVING recently .1 .menti Itte man arloyor ' helatest-irnpros J tenure , we are nosirpop•l door Glass. equal, rf S i made in the United Ota English Crown. We are alro very ern facture of Common Wlo grol.good call rerydeer' sorer-41 toend execs house. Na 139-Wood Or! - ogee ' I 1333323 ROWN GLASS. 4 c1,% '. n : P e Z: eastern wheel ore. for Las. red to Ilimistrin ate!. of uperior la any Cylinder Clatr, et, and but liule Infe:rior talkie t newels' dngaged tb i e m' nn 'sr Clare snit, Druggiinr nab; mum. Deniers leniently are re for tlicinailres i atonr spire et, Pittsburg/I;Pa. INgTITUTE._ ider the Care of Rev. rehleh all the *Mei and'or Ibrhatied - edueaboin are taught hue of pupils N. Liberty Street. Set.und Ile , saion will 'the ttla of February, and it. ir may eeriga entering should etierthlet4her before ur at that • PIMBURGiI• in.fltotion. Goittoss, men I.sP nsmannt liratiches of, .is sloe+ open for the rept No. 42. Irlolos• between 3LI 4lli commence on Plorday tospinant oh be prew tut COf a me. pr time. • • Tbr . y bare accon..l I 110 Ch• as teacher of whnn.. too well known the .rower of Mons.o . Cbremomatbio de In Sere.. of Profewoe Rua usie the Piano ond•Oaitar. need revomeneenlatied• • Also • %MIR LA DtliVT, aerhoter Abram ne Fla CAW." and other hi. native I Imago: Mime. ,alveraily auk Normal School as teneheri. 'blow who de• e and thyrotrgh knowledge'. of • Jdo well to:plaee thearselsea • valuable school books I L. is a graduato of iho of Parisi and stands big tiro Icahn,la an ocean dio FrencaLanguaitow ander.bes insinenon r.PPTi ath4 Prtncipal. For temp, Fee Cireul my • A A4llslEiiiiiiiirvic* thn.usEs 01 THE LUP4( S. uasit cam of. Counting ! la,• ef . lic. Ile,/ I. •OP the M a: !.I 01,,,,V,Cf illlg wale aed es . risd . i.saitty• elisaing eau ea ~ a that produce Conch p-' ttleehona of theSkia,Spl e, stye, Lila; Serolota, Pi s, 'oulphtints. It{ tules,s y, 1 cm a guide to pestectlaa• th sravinge, =I "gages., 50: ts. SAMUEL: Sit EL D • N at 707'1.1110AD-WAY, N ' W INVALVAZILIC : o Can.ca r l'icaenti Actium, and IdUcagns .or Longevity, and ml cicala health. iryinineer and core of dom. dlii lion, or •110. ion Stomach, Bowels. Ki• Ginvel, and Female., practical anal pure. to and Intig life. IT, F. 'Wage 9y eta. .FITCH, A. bl., NI. • Alty person rams rine copy, by mail, to Feb 10, 1317-dGm tiny trots, fron.w.llretely ny pan. Tim tlakto sappl I . • fIItOMPTON & tn o•'• Adaanonn War 'C . les t.) Wlll birfociad aith tom* Of Darnik Leath, : . the. field sweet, brotreeo 3it] 1141 4thl , 1 , ' nov27 ' : ___ : JOS , G. p- . —,.• __...- - • •pe Oliter Blackburn. : _ ' Coonin U. Jon O.•IILACC*I/U11111.: &TA?". .-.. . ' 1 3 401 " :4 4 aterrl giT4ZII7IIOOY: elu k r ' ,../' Lti gi c ; l et', 1 0". ott hand at. all octet . fall and rented abstainer to /,.. 1 s ill' 14 . i, - 63, . :I atut soca. mat Flom Jll II heal:tech: : lan 3 • • lIIIIINS Atcp SCALDS VPPPOTUALLY s d - •hledily turret by the u • the Great Remedy of More. .MFIJ{RICAN IL II almost miraculously tstlimas lagamertation, and .on uviently is warrantedlso all CIATCA to 1011110 no ae or Scild wholesale nods tail by Jti.{.:K.s.oii, a 6u ,Iloorandgboe..A.r. tiinl Patent Medicine Womb° Se; rL Liitiortystrretillicsul of - Wood, Pittsburgh- Fria ZO ent! , and !Piper bottle: I Janksots being the Esetueive Stglert For %V ern' !J r lIIVIZoI/teniteA.Z.'""!*-1-b"i...i44.41 iM ret Ap•rophleteantaittiagAmple directions. Wit/116e names and address of the Proprietor and I rit, up al Agent. is oneclotiedlellb Vriapperof cub .. • ibtindanee opeeitifiealei oso boa seen at the stot• •• ,INII Miff - 80Nntlin QAT MOM% - NO. IS MARNE* STREET. PrrNORDIN '1 .06 11,,11: IPAFJIINit areas 6t nab.. favor; able mink' ni any be..,: in llad4pll/4.. " fiend F trowenkie.lese. -•-, ittIOOILOM . 'flues, - COWISSION*. teORWARCING NIERCIIAMIT = Wolin Nests', Pcrrokunoe, 3 grION to trantect • Enacts' C 040611317 •• Itnsuseakespeciely in the parchuf and "Jai of Amerman Manulacttre• and PX041.C..-A.4 if reel:deli* and forme/ding 'Good. consigned teS ma. A. Agent for the Manufacturers, he win bei cowing) .o lied with : We principsd atticleic Pittabough Mainfacturs et the lowest Whelan pneset thders — and ca0n... 1 .N unrefPnfs. 4l Winded. , , - ' Peers Powder._ - .11111:aallioeribers, eganda for E.J DaZcalit Co, .I..epnstagaly mingled with all deNtalriaasatPairde, of tialarll.ta a btee ttry afar kw war op* 61. ~ erah Nifiusstroc±V.VitaoN 'Wan: West V L ,198 PIM)A. ADVERTISEMENTS. •, CRAIG.. UgLLAS as Co.„ - fLOUR,FACTORS MID PRODUCE COM IL L MIMINON MERCHANTS. T igEHAL ruoN edraaces . m.d ott receipt of eel, istmaroenta. These shipping teeter address will be rem throe-fa:inhered. ro adVance•al Can, by apply ing:Et oelLeetalet . .• Deems. WalluefordAiTaylor, 1 disrottgli. _ Meseta Thes,Beli Co ./ktdp , Pribl.m.. -- ~,PlaikatiPhot, /lard; ' maredf-- ts.: 0; All Patattate cons,isnetto to is ill. - r r e ahem im Ibp Warehouse of Walturybol Tavlor.rittahuralt. .00 MOOT store to Pallatle/phia... 11. It. ik (b. Tq MitATCIIX,AKEDS_..d DEALERS. LADO IV! US 1/11.0t. I.e. f s l , Vtehes. Watchmaker's tools, nib" Walsh AlaiefieS; who'sti,ele and retail, and la :net on bead • large asammtat of Lunette, Pat et. stsl .Plaia Glue; ?galavant, Verges. Dial, Watch Maeda sad a templet', temente..., et MlTools and Ma teriels bnilongeg to the trade; with e large assortment Of NOidand !.errs. Lemma, end Nam Watch.: all of which he twill guaranty to sell taWest New' Yogic . prices. MI older. hoer zbe country itenctuntly 'eut ri. Is —Pau, iktri Merchants aneothet. tire 'eened td call andeasmuse at the Oldolead, No. Mt So:tilt Fourth etteet.Phihtdelphia• jeutil dun ' 11A5EITTLIWPATENT DIRICCT.ACTION • • STEAM HAMIIIEIL Tlllllitueraer postsessea,,many advantages over ail others—among which may bet mentioned, .„. 1., ttleamtablenesa— a. rapt/Idly dad foreeof blew may ,bet 'controlled the atest_ease, while the hammer is In opt ion, end t. t. hammer mar be is stand? arrested, •, d suepeteded a bomb" , , of enpueirt. to • eke work of all kiadtt, ftma th e , gest-to the smallest, under me berme, lts Empkady Compactness and Chestelemi Its Accessth ity apes!' stdes,N: the workmen. Alkahe ,• •, mare made Pelf-Acting. The sabre,, rsicomiatte to execute orders for . these Itutmers, of II elite, Oman tenantable Icfl2l. Fat Oriker • ertieulandrerrom of .lAvat . tiIESRICII. &TOWNE,' • esbf Patent forthe United States, - ,.—dF 48.1 Y Southmark Ibundry, 5 EApratenurar. :WORKS. Mohr Ree abaft Spring Varant Sow, Philadelphia. eirMIISc blislaront trocrileteden an matured plan, and I) th e aid of Spam Power manufactures all irmthref • We Work-in a superior "tile, and at the looreerp ees for Cult. The I t =Wheat rostrtment of Marble Mantels ever he •re offered.ut the public may be seen at the Ware - I , • • to which th e attention of petcYasers Is tteupee .t 1 Invited. Imam , • garden Seymour and 'Vases of 'tNa atom dattletal calms. and pities.. made of the /nest And heath! .• endeserroben of /tab. Marble; Tile. Air , Floiarm .I:reported, and always on bend, and Sweetest :the meta- reasonable prices. • , urble Cutmrs ran he 'earthed ot all times with any no.. be , of linlebelf Mantels or Teble Tops, at re duced balesaWprieer; saddle Trade will be nudged at dat bonest.notiet with all kinds of klarble_m the block; . .c et to nixes for Moroiments. Le. I . JOHN BAIRD I , Ridge Road, ahem, Spring Marilee sr Ph lad's,. February 3,1e17. - BITER...IA & 0 0 . RODUCE ANIXOP.NERAI. COMMIENION • hIE,NCIIANTN, tt &hail,' of Fher,Graii, Seed, he, havinx two eatensive Warebonewhlnw shwted on the Dela. • arc No 41-North Whareen. and the other on the Rail .. et. Woad kreca,altereeltfell,Philadelphi. • All !consignments er trusted In their care will be panewsprietiended endtemittsnees made as 'won as cold, _ • Reinentable advances mole oh-.n entr if required. Rims:atom . AMAALICoonedy&Co, A.M. Borelar, Morn C.f -....0n & Co., G. M. Tmourom, Esq., CAMier of dm Wen.= Book-Phaadelphia. llayMey &Scab, Jos-McCully, & Rickelson -Panabo - Mll. - MeConoMlMStonfor—lVess 'ltnoton', Ca. Wm. IL Wallace—Pon Homer, Ohio. riso_cEn, - nacprnErts co.. COMIILSSION MERCHANTS, . Foram sale or genorpliy, .I.IIILADEPIII,A: • ' _, ft RiDiaacitkower .1 Remade Sink. , CILLULES R. DAIIIIENDIOWER & CO. , • TOBACCO . . MFA,CII . ; N.. 759 Soiadi WhiWees. arid No Wreath Wiper et ' Anna 11w tea c a m S T Pai s s o that Generally with the yamoin manufacturers and rlt:b r Unman of` lb* Weer, NI cei Indies, and oilier places as will Mauro a larip and '.constant.tuply °film following dmp, Mote of To which will be eald upon ace., maiming- *ans &zany oiler ramie ibis city or edam , where, and o i l goods oedema tram thiim will be ware. naiad equal to wpreeettlationi— . Moans; -- St..l.tondligo; Corm, • • Yettia; 1 - Forte Rico; Seedlicaf To , Cabin • /pun; ..d Florida, Flamm; ' • ALSO celebrated ..firomatic Stag CanetP• disb;irish large aitortmeut inhei popular brim& and etualitira ofipotuide, Eielti' . lGr . and 2Gs he Gs Ss and los nul; Ladies, Twit Virginia TWist. ke, slim el autrplaln,la whelk and h Loges, and tin, together with Avery variety orlartielo bidlange_ . Mc wilhe trade. . • ' • Jct.:l-d I V • DERRY di NICKE . RSON, - Ranufactureis of I , .AWNIAGSi SACILING !WTI 0111,%, 'WAGON GOVF.RS AND GRAIN SAGS' or ALL fCacnlmoie" No. 3kbk South Frost Street, Baekof T. A. Witsan's Cabinet Ware Manuf y PIIILADELPRIA. . A len with 8. Noon, dish.. office, of m a' ,klerehno t , flood, Pntsburch.will 'be promptly - attended to. Ttios..o. DERRY septpaky ' A.O.NICKERSON_:_- RUST t•ItOOS IRON FOR ROOFING, .WINDOIV SHUTTERS kt I'UR subscribers beg to call the attention of ell Minis iotemined i...afing, to their GALVANIZE:U.7IN PLATYS, and to the many advantages which they N..0.* peer all osmotic and other salute:mem hitherto used ifor this pur r ose,possessing as they do, the atrength and figkuleis of-inns 'submit its liability to roll, hoeing now been tested several teats, both in this country and inEaMpo. :They are also less 1.11b,j,1 to 'expulsion and contraction from sodden changes of Me atmosphere than common Tin - Plate, Iron, Zinn, Sc , or any other Natal:now cued for roofing, cud conseqmently, tarns a much Leger and tighter rmL mtlnifilig far less frequent'. Khali, Iselin the firm cost is 11111 it pule more. Ttui subscribers. mould also call the attention of all, dealers and workers in metals, to the many oth h rpue., pewee to which Iron thee ontneeted, can he applted.-= In general tenon it a applicable to all attielca of bon .sektels It to desirable_to prtiteet fmm the OCIIOII - of the atmosphere.. And they orcePtl , especiedly call the at. motion of those interested In YELEGRA.PHIC LINES, Melt Got ...Med Wire, whieh isaow ohms; enure , ly used in Enrol, and which answers ;every porno*, as a hondaetor of eleetricny, coning only' about one half ...much a. Copper, and possessing equal dombilis ty with that metal. • naming lately erected weeks in thot city for the pito , . po of galvantringVll. spike.; bolts. wire, feetirhoy , Le' leo to-tonna ny article which may be dem- • red. A supply ef P Imanoteetured'in Europej CO:W*1111y on band, from to to 32 wire gunge. _, • .. •880. B. 14011EWOOD &Co N 08.14 at e 10 Hoover at, NEW TOME. , The` Patent Right for tin article hos been leagued for the United Suuea as well an Great Britain, and other European courant., and all legal menoores will be to ken to, prevent' B.lli infringer/Zell ity iraportatto Of 0111• • • 1 BENNETT 4 BROTHER, 0 feItIENSWARE MAINUFACTURERS,_ _ flinssagsgßana, hear Plgtsburigh t ] Pa: ' nett/out No. 197, Wood sired, Pillsburgh. Wllleonstantly tarpon hand s good snort fa meut of Ware, of our own manucture =id • saperiorqualny. Wholesale and c o u n t ry 'bfc, i I chants are respectfully luvitedio call sod cell entitle Far_thernsclves, If wv are determined 'to sell deeper then boa ever before been offered to the pith,: • , Itr,Orders sent by mail, accompanied - by the cash or elm reference. will be p.... 1,, gt i c ,,,g..„l, j.,,,,,, , , , OA - 8281211 PATENT BEDSTEAD. ENT . 7 1'..-1---..,2 NOTSVITIIST-KNDINO • 1., , ,g ,„, •;:- "n i•antu,s 0pt.:630 to Ih/sloven: • v -, A ,.. ..../ . non of a g'insburgh Mechanic, a On, piny of the Cabinet makers of this _ _ - 7•......-1 . and Allegheity miy, And their humeri' our mittomershave shown themselves ~...,, ,dig, prejudice againstiumukeoutionfoutet tlicy'give - lnuram's Redwend dm preference, simply becalpe it drums it. beingthe ben, Irf =gest, and toms _anteurres Ltstittesd la cm. The follow - tug Mahatma* speaks for itteln— . , . • W o,Bie salncribern urge peat rablbet makertof tbe •citiw of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa., do hereby err. cry dimwit have Istioght the right to manufacture bed gaud% with blautones Patent Fastenings, and consider the sane superior to any fastenings with which we are acquainted . gnaws Lenten ' Soho brialrew T 113entog ACo • : ' Robert Penman /, tt Ylanley • James B Barr :__ . . _ Mal APB, Jr.. . 1 "' • 1 • 4 ' .1 & & ' '' a - • 'Lowrie te • Intim .• ' Riddle re rittan Pettey . _. Hugh. /I'Wallace .' - David titer-- . Ramsey& Welelland • '. Clash Wallote..._ • . Mous flulltmg • • / ! • , David Lukey . ror - Ri Is armaktrand sell the'nbova Bedstettli 't•1.14 . 4 ,0 ; , ,• - EBENEZER PO4ZZAM, mole' ' . - ; • Patentee .720..0. GILLESPIE - Es CO., : , : •Na 28 Wood 28.1., .. • --... ~. it ,TAPILFA Gii CTURERSortandhlahognny Looking, '/N.l.,Glasses, Importer. and Dealer., in !Aoki. Glass . rasps, ....Neon. Penn:Menu Gaps, Cloeks, th:robs, Jew.try and, Fannitiontia nenellally. ' . •, jhe nlrerneer• nee-making some impmvemerim in t ' hi bitsinesa„witlit summed fiellines in the rkrebit.'i F a . Gosiestic, and tha imporiadon sr Malty ' , ms g.% 0.4 they will be able to .11 al Eames r nem. They ally aoheis tbn attention of Purchaser. ' . pantgilif - .. A. AL Walla:saint. Jon F. Singer. ' ~1' . wAtiLtaraPbtarr &xo.,_ _ , commisalow & PC/RW.OIOIGO AIEACIFANTF," "1 ."111EAVY'liARDWARE AN n • - . ...privoituiell .J/11750 , VACTUUSGIN - , s VSJAREllgottitkiS Second street; near. Wood,and IF • ViCsinal Basin. Lilksty stMei, have on band tietim ' - sale/ 109,•000 IbAsisoorted Sieti,vim ~.,, Naylor A Odit Calt,Shear i lltlster and German Wel; ' . -Jones k. Qoiepe' , s ...Dinner Spring and Pork . ei doe Shovel. t•iiisid eir 'and I Carrie., arri, Springs mid Axles; . ' ---- Forks; .• , i. : '", Asnladosousettoloa Yeena. (P.M and ComMorti) ei Sledges, Sledgeldnalite,CrOWbars; Fismaireißlasert i avaiWit Ina;) . . Altittockei Clay and Coal Melte, 2 411 tn. Seq.., Metter. Log Chains, +be.. At: 'Ergabihnimiter Alm Proof Safes, 'ltein, Nails, Rave and our l'illsbargb ItiotufacturensoM at :he Woe.' . A:W.IAL IG—ASO cots l'arrinand:Yellow.3 doable.. 17 Carpet Chaim IMt axe handles, aseotted; wooden bowls: mistebes, by des gross orderers bntehessamlorl-i . ed; ?white Louisville Lime and Plaster of Pnris at to :taiLl i ' S. .lire " A yelled amonaseat ed . dbms.l! bem WWI." .orsite, MI sia.Mi file elle ta any- quantity tosait even. marp...,i, .- •• e ie. ' /SAAC lIARPIA"ie ii I I , ..Astent and Cosnalseil Merchant ; MEAL:kn. Trimanags and Vane) . idococ,Tigion,l 4 . D 'Thal!, &ay sad HOC!. combo; an enYarimalid Worsted*, Bottom, Nemilan Pam, Tapes, Braids, kre., No CP Market lik-betwean Diamond and 4th meet .•.' 1607 i . . 1