The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 08, 1851, Image 3

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    ALZPuti SD & TE4Z131144 eazzi
With 400 Pasaanners and $14100,000
in %iota.
The Steamer ere,• 1 t C•ty arrived et bee dock
to day, bnogir.g 4100, :,,,,r very, ana SI ,tOO.OOO
In geld dust, bveldea a :sego quanti t y mine bands
of passenge
Tae train* 'Dee the llamas, ailaded to yester
day, .1 bete r.:btato, jsts. :snackedr,s
antleteets, XD plOupti..d DI SIOO,OOO la gold dust,
ill of tabieb,eceet 5.5,000, tut bean recovered.
At ten oki t, r. M, yetaredry, tad ofieets at
Ilto Creecrot ply direttvelea 'a bellientera; on
busing devri !t.. it,ibei found a: to be a e net on
roe; and banit Cala.: to the wst.ea edge. the
vassal Was a •DxtenDy of 115.201 230 fin. burden.
ST,las Creseen Ctity:ata.---1.1 mind eb 39 t, bet =WO
dlseoverno b at ' • ,
Congressional. . II
Waseueolon,JUi. T.
Srsosz.--Sonery reports end petitioni were
1,,,,..etfte, which the Senate reamed the
eonalderation orthe ' , roust order, beieg this rasa
' tattoo of Mr. Bradbury,. ceiling for /Merman° n l o
relation to rcruovilii - Ttem °Mee by the odolll2fria.
Lion of President Taper. • •
Mr. Ewing ton: hone Ilier,Ood defended tire to.
wavelet Mr. Weher—reset hisinteniverate , habits
indned him for this duties of the offlin and be.
cane he wu a d; tiller in tie two Bate.
. Messrs. Bradlio , Geri and - Downes continued
the debate mild the Senate eijourned.
Julian made en I neflecipal eau
to amend the limiest to OA to mate it appear that
his object in movie . suspend the tides Fester
day, Wes la refer the mernookl of the anti slavery
Friends to a COCIMIII,, with Ins , fuetfo23 to report
alga to repeal the tiled toe alive law.
Mr. John Bell, who ,wee elected in place of Mr.
Wood, of Ohio, appealed end took hie seaL
The New Retopilitte coniested election cue
Was they taken up.,
The debate wee cOnilaued until the South ad.
la the annte•ted eketioa in the Unit, nitTillol2
is the member ncruiya_g, the Seel, and Perkins
connate his tight id Onl,l
BOSTON. Jan. 7.
Tho Coalition party have agreed to • divisioti
of the akar!. The Damottrats are to have the
Governtv, Lieu% ltdarrnor, and Stela Treasurer,
Ave Doormatlore. nod a Senator fur illetshott term.
The Free Stollens la I hitvc • Senator Dr the long
term, Siiretsty of;ate, fair Counse l lors, State.
Auditor nod Zorgen lat arm..
E .61 7 1/0 NO l . ll 4llitharCASE.
Now °smuts, Jan
The District Court nefurgd the p 'titian to repeal
MiDonough's will. It Ir Intendeo to appeal io the
Supreme Court.
Jou. 5.
General _ flow cm teal ,
Code/ Ohargo of 1,,0u4 concerned is tha Cuban I.
It:cautious, Jan. 7.
' Lfa rumored ibr the Democrat 6, eaueste has
nominated Psyne,er Olevelend, far (he long term
end Samuel Medary f C3letubus 'for the abort
. term for U. S. Senat4 t.. ' •
. .
In the Senon lecticst, thn Hanle resolouon
to to Into an ekelion agaal hod on the table.
Lemsvn.x.r, lan. 7.
'h. Wisner hi.gnoNa ts 101. Sank ehe was al
Vlekslaugh on the WI int%
LouziviLts, ha. 7
, .
per 100. 'The mime.
ted number picked, "trace the tallai, is estimated
Hail aro Inning at 413340, at Tern liaate.-t
The number peered Ni you p - .:at will ba increarF
ed to 53,000 agaititt :"..8 CC* Int pest.
At lintabai, M 3 , Le price la $3 2:i per 100.—
Thant la A f ll in g akin Le.mbar a:ll,one third.
- Jut. 7.
Floor-;-Sales Of bbl.;. City Mills at MAO
cr bbl. Howard sot tit Is seletog 61,53.1 per
Gtain—Wheat Ia a id,ct change, and Wes are.
Malted. White corn a selling at 60,61 e, and
yellow at 57556 c per buaLel. Sake of 010.11 at 42
Beef Calt;e'--Seet of S7s!ctrl at Sit 53,75 per
/00 lbs. arra., equal to sleSO on.
Hogs are aellatg at P-3 254.3,75 per eat
Jacy 7.
Cotton—The market is arrive , wilt. nar further
Wes of 3000 bales at yertorday's prices.
Flour Is hueyast, with sales of 4000 Obis. at list
Rye Flour la firmer, with sales of 200 tibia. it
63,23a513.81 per bbl.
(hoist—Wheat is mitabanced; Rite Is better,
with small isles at 75.783 per bushel Cora is
• Irmer,with Wes et 12000 bushels at 6 0i890 lot
new,and 70a71e for old..
PRVitliCll.—PtilDO Pork is Eimer. while bless
• /gassier, sales 0r.500 bblic Prlme at $12,37at12,50,
sad of biers at 59,12104905 per Obi. ,
Rep are stSany.
' • Lard Is *cost, with salty of 200 bbis. old st 74
ado per lb.
Whiskey ie lower, with allot of 1.50 Jbla. 11261
!Sipes lb.
Linseed 01—Sales 4000 yeller, et !nsl quota
Rto Coffee has advanced, with ales 270 tacks
•1114allle por
Bilolaswar44. Primus is weedy, with tales 100
OWL at 333 ye, gallon.
Flasseed—Tbe Market lc Er 13, and -supplies
lfjhs sales 500 hosbe's Americas at 61,82 per
bushel, and some Ca:netts ai $1.05.
Rico is firm, with talcs cf 500 tierces at 91a3 i le
per Lb.
a‘iux, Jan. 7.
Theis are& feet water in the canal and falling
The Weather le col:
The 'steamer ()repo has arrived from New °r
ises, with &um to the 31st ult.
Tobacco ;t a: 1:4 for tale:: lots, and 10 for
B. se was active at en advance of 1.; Bales of (air
Oat gn.
si i
es ef Mel twine at 210211;
Floar-4 374
4 .. --4,100, For baghcl.
Rio Cotten 11 Ora l at ill:, -
Sateen( Wh:they at xi: pot
Citeirotali t hrt. 7.
Tlont—Tte intact is steady, but quiet, at 53,73
per bbL
Rags are i.r rallerrale• reincri at 405 per owl.
Whiskey 10 ',toady 51 21 to,
Proviethat—The roar koi iv:wady at 510,57 per
MIL for Alert. park. Oslo of inrJ at 7ee.
altrerica— The market active et tail totes— I
Sales 200 hb.ts Sago, .1 .rd 3.3; sod of 1000 bide
MOllliset at 752751: wr eall.
Linseed o.l—Stiet 200 I'M* at 07(3100c per
The firm hat Wen el& io the 111124
hart. The westher a einudy end mild.
Jen. 7, 0 r. x.
E O P — T I,3 ne'ket - ct with no change.
' Lard —Sa'rs 040 bb's ai 7e per
Taro ;Val of hip; up to this evening,
SO 289,267.
ilAt the tot et ar hisysvilla, Aberdeen,
Mathesier. nod It vii.neyori, on the Obin titer.
there have been 20,000 hogs packed this season,
144[440, 'WO year.
Nrw Oz w 5, hum. 5
The Baldea tr.wa leas reeeivain'erderday.
Cotton—Tea =arts re 6 . .1/1 tomer. Bales at
ZOO bawl on Saturday or, for Woddiiug 121013.1
per lb.
Cdree—Ellei 7000 bnit at 101. Per lb. •
dotz •• Olt A.PATlTED,feberfarg for the seaport or
arehmr, and mattering Wont general debility sod
_ 1.4.ta1t"0.72%;:1i="
MID YOU A Martini,
leammeig from freeract to which tamales aro 'mica
rally =Weer, are lir. a. D Sanapardla
will certainly cure .yet. -
Qllateordepot.orw , meofoaragentcalls, Mel lel •
- Pamphlet, Malta where yea rod that the Shaker 1
Mareelparib‘ as reMece by Dr: D. D. Stowe, has
been the meana o. perm:. writly curing mem dilemma
to which the harm. tacitly ore comincelly eateeet,
pura to ether preparation et Smoot/ells ever yet
iambi behire the public. •
Wak medicine II caloblieced Ire high repetetion
by W matcrous end well imaged tofu*. :
I. la heart i nWey end la Da may Sawa
parrlia that per. Cn the Litt 16dnerv, and.Sloa at
the Mahe lime. whim, L.Z.UIOSI:cI/199.111a
g she to tem, opt, o lutitgo I ally to (melt, • •
s jun,, , ..„ra.,evitnerce Ur.n. B. titiW) ASII.AnaI
]ABSAPARILLA end take no othu.
pee. py per bottio-4 for CS. • -
For We by . • ,
DE 9 D 110 WE& CO,Proprimora
I . ohere Deli. eine:Mad. 04, • ,
To wheat all order be rddreiced •
Alger for vale by J. A. Jon ce, .I. l ictioonnaker & Co.
w . 1340, W. Means, J. hi. Towatend, I. Mohler,
po.J.,aerw,Pittirhorch ; A. allpou, Al:cgleny city,
W. E. Illotttelland, himic hewer,. . Crocker, Drawn*.
p, . LI. Petrone°
~iy, 0. Acme, netrarillo; Mlle. A. Mum,
• c...".latlorT
• -
X.,,CIEtt LLENGSfIX. 'ltt It WORLD—Twenty five
Dolton reward w VI be paid to any one who will
' pot of pa int, green tr dry. that cannot be
atttseted with Holes moment! Chetnicel Soap. I
have the yetis fietiOn of using to the people of tele
edseffthat that artfele. by my oyrn isn provemm or, it,
Sm stands unrivalled in this 0050101 for extrsoting
MAW, tar, pet., oil, pa Sr 00) Otter greasy sub.
senate, from [Cobleds uf pent:men'. l.eieet
tsq; srertne thawls,
bee:mu; On ,-without any thi ng that Sore
Mier will not ntlaro. More ittan One Lottasnd per
sons le &Cereal part. of the-coal:try have acid see
Ferould not be ...Pert tlt boat It &tate. In
al. Seep on roots than 270 articles of lied
%satins, &peace,. end esileoee.l and
gall. 01.1114 MO of &putts, and fear of call.
go, en which it chanted the color; therefore{ Wont
Wilt ‘ al a th i t i s g c 4 alTlTa s tl e = r2 t * ttl=
easiateattp nay Apogee-than •1. knowso
Onkel from eceottrY szterchautsasd Doan , progro ,
Is Wooded to of Ito vittiortkor. • as a
, "
4 6 OM= 161 , 0 2.1112• LEA- imaurns
• 'pa TUX ware EMS* IAB. 7.
• Dazing the week Just closed, very link of 'manna
hr, transpired in the market Al usual, daring the
fi""..ek In laoauy, the time of our merchant* has
been Principally occupied in making settlements
and balancing accounts, in order to take a fresh Stan
with the new year ; conaequently operations hare
generally been at, a restricted Beale. Therefore, in
Presert4ng our muter, WWI this review, wa earl glee
them but little more than a general =nor priers, which
peseta no important changes from cur last r.Peri.
.titur Ycal,Jau. 7,
AS/3EI—MM moiler-to trausaatkon, we quote .
follows :—Pearle at el; Salennuo, Soh; Soda A.. 3 4
eat and or Pets at deffato.
APPLES—Secegts of Green Apnles have been
loss abundant. The usual prices are 73051 from lint
hmids, and 11132101,25 from more, in small lots.
BACONWe actlee the receipt or several consid.
arable lots of new cared, bat owing to the high pnoes
asked, sales have been moderato. Very fewsidesare
.offsred; we quote plain hams at eio; of eller
cured et 10/ 1 / 1 14,_ and of Shoulders at gene
BUTTER—There la • fair demand for the better
gas/hies, while other kinds an neglected. We quote
roll atl3ol4e for chtoce; and Ilea tor common and
prime qualities. Keg is 1101:1111III, at Sarno ♦ lb, tram I
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—We notice a ccatlnued
scarcity In the marts; and the ankle Is he'd hist
We quote from store at *1,22k ♦ sick of a tbs.
• CHEESE—wo ootie..rer snapUe., with • cSant
Market Fair sales of common W. It. at 6061, Ronaf
omf.m at we ♦ b.
CILACJCEEL9--The following I. We mmullicturePs
jot of prints:
Wet, gra eters, per bbl 14.00
Rot:, do" 17i
laYeOe' • e , "
Elot C. 00, " •
_ Sugar enkelref. 7
Soda do " o
CORDAGE—We note oo ebnege to prices la to
various articles under elle head The following to
list of prices.
MatoHarare, by cod,. • • ----leep •
White Rope, by coil,•-------•110
do cni,-- ..... --••12n
Tarred Rope, by coil, • • •—..—
do ..... —• II
Packing Yarn, fine,---- •••
do common.---... Sc !,
Manilla, 61,8702,81013,11 p dos.
do ¢ c ,oil
Hemp, sl, 3 ,24)3,00 p dos.
do p —toe " lb.
. swarm LIND.
Itt,i . ---- •RamP, P do..
Em,yeed,cordage Is sold rein:lull , at 1210
chor Mills, is selling at . ej, and common or rionarcok
as Po ¢ yard, and very Sim.
COPPER—The reenter Pittsburgh manufacturery
prices or take and Ingot. are 1909ds 10 lb Prices of
other deseriptions are unchanged.
COTTON YARNS — Viip. are generally very firm
at the. recent advance. Stocks are unusually light
and sales have been necessarily confined to replan
limited rransamtons to Customer. We give the fol
lowing bet of prie n s, with .an improving tendency:—
No. 13 eta pen lb —.23
" 14 " ''•
15 " u• —25
" IS 0
17 " "• --97
16 " "• —4B
19 " "--99
" 20
No. KO, cts pada:n-8i
" 9441, ".. • -
"1000, " "• • .14
Candlevickg. -- —.37
Batting, Nee I a. 9.•16, 16
roe during the week. This
of prices of some of the
N 0.3, Cts , Der lb ••••::.ti
.1: „
"8, " " --•21
' •
— ,"11,
" —22
.L 2, t.. •
N. 300, aspen lb • • • .iof
" 94
70 0 0,70 0 0, ,
-Carpet Chalon---41
Comte, Yam,- • • •-23
no important mange to pie
following ,la a correct list
principal males
Aloes, Ds' 1501
Aloon••••i 3101
Astatretlda 2503
Armor gtaat.—• 413012
Agnototta 100 H
Horar;,tegoted 25039
Bak Pere. • •112A03ED 3
Do COparla••••332M
Brimstone 110 5
Campbor,iref 4300
ChlorideXtese, ask 54
Cochinotll•. ..... 1,6001.75
Cream tartar 0,095
E b orerae 140
111131 , 1
Gum ArIF. 310761
Copal— 36050
Ipecac i 275
Littn •. —6106
JAIAN ma POlNdered- tu3
quote at Elo gr
DRIED MlT—The market to teraparatlrely gall,
with to damp in prices. A moderate barium. ass
been d at 75e kw Apples, and 51.0 for read".
Receipt. se been magenta,
FISH— e glee the faltering anzatimm, with Ilm.
2104 tons , —Mackerel N. I, UT; No. 2, IMO
10,94.n3 a 3 at $707,23 P bbl. Herring at SOP%
Shad as Al 011456 Cod.F)sh 4101251 P cwt, and Late
Fish al 2,230 bbl.
FEATERS—Tka minket to taltt supplied.,Lat sales
ate moats ecolned to small lots at ad prices—say 37
013le fglo, as in quells.
PEE Receipts base 2ec Izmir ratz, ANA s2pplit
ro bobkpatatlvely E L Sale• rf brm from starc •
2101$e, and °Calloro at dal.
FLOUR-Dori og the par mere het nolo of Merest
has tertsvired to the you markeL.Receires hays been
scodecate, and sales . from first hands confined to small
lots. Priees, komever, aro ' , ltem: any material
charges. IThe elating rates are. 1236302,70 on the
wharf and from VII., and Li t sleae7 from sum
At the City Mills, th e prices see,t4 cwt for Plemeir,
acul OP for extra.
Rya Fthire—We emote nominally from first hands,
at 8J„15 ge ,ObL Very title is coming forward, and
sepplles are
Cos? Mrs.—This article Is coreparatinsly doll, at
PlWlsst. with sales attire nsllhr sod from Mors, M
ClOs ht. •
FRII/T—ha demand Is fair, with attics Raisins, at
rifiter box. Bales of Almonds, at 110%e
11:5 of 441179114 1112% at 81=121,27 V bus; of Ponca.,
none; Of Frlberts, attic; of Cream nuts, at 1407 e; of
ante prirrant...lnebi, and or Eng!Leh Walnuts at bei
eirances,l3 per COO, Fig., 12919 IP lb; lensons,ls
GIIrICEALES—We have vary link variation to no
tice in the Grocery market, since law week, artless it
Ee n .light Oleeline In Sugar and biplanes.: The sees
have not barn heavy, being mostly confined to small
iota tor city conaaroptlani - at the following rates :—N•
0. Sugar, Cdirif; Me; Rio Corfea.l2olflat
Loaf l9.gai, 9111 b; and White Havana at et atonic.
of Rine at 9, In ...n lot..
GRAIN-relnly a small business has been tieing in
Griinosseipla basing been light. The follosrthg see
abaci the soling prises with small mirsnetions :
Wheat, at ibe mills,:soEoe; Rye, GOe; eon: at 44045 e
be. Pales of Barley from Gm. hand., at 70e, and of
Oats et ;Ger be.
GLA..4,91-01 :Window. Glass we antes heavy sop.
plies In the market. Prices aro generally the same as
quoted but week—eay, for city brands, 8 by to,
tO by 12, 61;10 by 14, $4,95; and :other sizes In pre
portion. •
Coontry brands are sold at lower p nets, and may be
quoted ea
S by so .---$1,75 10 by IS
10 by 11-----3,00 10 by 103,73
10 try 14 10 by
The abode are the timAprites. • '
HOPE—f - astern tore aro bold at 330770 p
111 A V.—We notice • good demand for the.'berlir
qualiert of Timothy, from enlace, at 1116017 ?ton.
flOGS—Sreall tots are taken by butchers, atll4,ZO
4 Lair 100 tbs.
lIIDIS—SaIcs or .71X1 dry Ilini, at llio P 19.
IRON& NAILS—We oubjoin • Wile! prices °Nome
principal articloi, aul•J act to a redaction for cull:
loon—Plat ,or .40.10
Arland and sotillo I bar.-- --2.103 0
" !Band 910711:
a j . f c ,,,p .----. • ..,.... 41060
6 aso
a kacti—
riarra--, ID to .20 penny 113,.Z pr keen.
-. ] 9to 9 gem 3,60
4 . .
6 to 7 penny 4po
6 penny CZ
f E'22'. M 9 !
••• 3 • penny
Sttrai,Citt, 3 to 4*Mo*.
Co:, 6 me loch
Cat, 6 in 7 inch,
LEATHER—We notice a regular demand at fell
pricer, for all articles under this bead. gales of Bald.
nuns sole arElo2.lg and of New Tort do,at 1601Ee
iff Dona. ' •
• LEDlBEl4.—Silita are generally effected at SUMS
frocrtie,llYer; and 1111.1=3 from 16c yard*, for rem.
Qatrazufelear. i.
LESO—Thereto n rigida 4.1240 le the muter
6 lei Pig, aaa 61051 for bar.
Lao Pui-Tbe pi•ettat rump of 64..,6 of Laa4 Plq
la 7014 e accoldlas to atm
Saar laao—Salcs at Oa b 7 this abut, and 616
When tat
Warm Lula—Pant lead is sellid at giS, and No la
81,80 keg.
LARD—Salcs of 60 bblal6 lata, St 7010, tub 0.4
blaLT—Salts from atop and lila Brewers, at Me
/An IP b.:
OILS - We node. • concerned bask demand for lard
oil, at rele. ter lea.e, sot G 00330 No. 2. Ltareed Is
Pie, fn limited
POWDE R — teatara.itelPoo4 .4 Lakin a Amide..
Powder stay be gamed in lar4e Quanxides,ll4,73;
end b Watts hi. al 113*.k/kGe IP ke r. Rook 'Por
ker as WWI to SUR or lore aeel task gram:him
R•o9—We gam grit haze sake at 30 for mixed,
aid dent io for white.
P.ollol—aalaa as 53,75 r bbl for;No.
HAId--Sahib • Mph., way al 8143 p bbl,wideb
1•0 0- ritillirtY Crab 'tatted price Olatt
liffoT—Sales at SIM." bag.
. SPIRITS 71.71EPENTINE-13 de II in b bill at —pas
cin,,,,b—tbla antra
. 13PICES , --Cisaii —Otte; acne*, tserwk...d rim;
pep, at, for No. 1114001. ft P
!CAP AND CUIDOZ4ak-s id Mill tog. IP 4
Review of tae
Smarm:Jam, ;lan
Tba offerings Ibis meek. eel:prised' IMO bead of
Beef Cattle, Including 330 drreen to Now York; 440
Cows and Calves; Liti Hogs, and about I,alo Sleep
and Lambs.
Beef Cattle—Tim demand Is moderate; sales at 11173
to 96,79 par 100 lbs.
Come and Calves—gales of dry nos. at 870110:
Springers $l2 to ISM, and blileh cows at 1111 to WO
Hogs are in fair request at da y 4l 005,75 per 100 lbs.
Sleep a Lambs meta mostly disposed of at 11,23
030 IP 100 lbs.
Bassirstoay, Jou 1
The offettn g s of Beeves at- the scales MondayMo nd ay reached ,620 head; of winch lumber 47 0
n head were
sold to city [anthers; 42 were lea over unsold; and
135 were driven to Philadelphia Poen ranged from
Sit to 63,50 on the hoof, equal to 14 2 / 2 8,75 anti so d
averaging 2275 srosa.
Slop—the marker his been quite active throughout
the week. We quote the range from 25,121 to 115.50
I/n=lW fa Cernarare Hooc—The number of Diet
Cattle wet/bed at th e State Lie. meet Scales, from
the 10 Nov ,1.40, to lit N0v,1849, ems— -
111,807 eattle, eighing %,639,174 De.
The number from la November, -1649, to In Nov.,
IESO, erne
-91,477 Cattle,
num c' trr ' of Hoglo'fietol'gNoe I:449l,llollllove'elberi
1649, wen—
Thhe~nlimber from !November. 18:: to No ember,
WS% teat
- et/601Ln
--••-. -^
Rtrxm —There were 4 feet 3 !acne. an channel jut
dusk, lau evening, and falling.
NASHVILLE—Fort Pot:, 10 L x.
NEW ORLEANS—Editor, 10 •. x.
ClNClNNATl—Conelduati, 10, a. st.
wilf±SlNG—Diamal, 10 - x. x.
WELLSVILLE—Arena. 10. X.
The regular packet suor Diurnal , Captain Consvcll.
will leave for Wheeling and all intermediate ports'
the monies!, at lit o'clock
Fen Cuweinairr, —Tbetp!eadid amt Caue!enau, Cap
Rinaireham, le the packet lot t war!, aad will on.
at 10 L. N.
(1 BUILDING LOTS fee role in th e lowa of Feu
OLP Liverpool, Ohio, at low price. and on favorable
terns—M23 for corner lots, and PlOO Orin lots—each
beinnVA that front by 130 feet dup. Live:peal it In-
cited on the Ohio River, 43 mime below rids thy,
midway between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, 4 miles
foam Glasgow and Lilac Beaver, and the same dis
tance from Wellsville and Calcutta. It t. rimme
healthy and beautiful part of Ohio, has 120 Inhabi
tants, and onnr one nova., FIORE ESTABLSR
RENTS for the morroftetore of Roektnyham and
Queensware, several hotels, dry goods, and grocery.
norm., end mechthit • or warn. goods, fear churches,
and public school.. At the recent Isle of lots me
were pothered by ruanafamarers who design erect.
ing daring the coming season, potteries sad other
manatanurins eriablishmeets. Qacenswere of a
pare white, In addition to Roeltingeam and yellow
ware, havoc been manufactured in rho town, n is
reasonable to 'impose that at wall rapidly Improve
Permom desirous of virmieg the property can do so
any day, try a rear boars soil Odin Porubilmh, some
, en Olney' oar wharves every day for Uverroat,
and Wheelies.
Terms of payment—One (mirth in band and the ber
et:tee In three equal annual payments, with more..
N. 13-1 will eirime of a number of Lou far car
penter work, briek Urine, plar...lne and ram.* to
be done a:Liverpool, donee the mest Wier and Soat
wee. also for Leather and Wick_ 'Apply to Sandford
C. Ilill, Esq., Liverpool, or to the sulocnbor tribe
Olce of Enna. Mitchell& Pa tap. Atromeys at Law,
No 123 Fourth Orem. JAMES LILASIELY
• Liquorice root---7, 0 9
. " bui--.1903)
• Leo Dr , . 0045
if 9g9e,i 9-Carb ..... ^5030
Madder Mabry 14014
. ?dyne, Turkey 50056
Oil Vitriol. .-- do 5
Cutor 1111.250450
Ceuta 3.5004.40
" Clue.-•-111.5003,00
" Lemon• ---20003,00
" Pe4.omq 4,0003 GO .
. Opium, Turkey-4,7303076
Ithiinine• •—.4,4004.50
Ithabuit, root 730100
Sal A m u ..... —16040
Sal Soda --_x.._.10 5
' Tartarie Acid 44007
Vitriol Mao —• .11019
lantarood. bbla 60 7
Feuer, Mlle 94024
Logerno4l. chipped •-.-•91
. • ed upplieli la markeltera
.ad 0..., Aeknoveledgdents of Deeds, de.
Olee—Founa sou, above
:0 INIRCI is Wilkins Post Office ; AJleghchy
enULtY, P.
Banks Rev J Fleet William Mora Wilirran
Brock Heinrich Hobovgh Sam! ' M 11. Isaac
Black nos Higgins Hannah Meer Charles 2
Barr Rohr Illotfro. Geo W Mere, 2ml
Bet ker Jacob ritinghtlin Hex hirers John V -
Vulcan locathardohnztora Wm 2 idrClintock J R
Clarke Joho Kilgore Konen NM/resin Rohert
Craighead Jno Whlmlock Wk I 21 . 12hInnie Mary
Cart Overton hire:doors Thomas hlllanio :Yoe
DOherty John hitrold Andrea , Wilson Alcinda
Danaher Pala Monroe Joel Van Ylook
1a3m21.9 DAVISON, Postmurer.
Fanners. Davoslt Bank a Plttataargh.
De ember 31,18:0
THE following is a list of Depoti watch tar three
year. prior to this datc, havo inalcui in., thot
Dank unaltered and unclalensd, t gedhar twilit . she
names of depositor. and data nf dep its,s-
EL.Hallgock,2ll4o deposited /alp 25,1847
-- tiee Wainhoff,Bs6 l do 8 1 1 P. 2 . 1e 47
Both of above depot ta are at Latent i at the rata of
Pauper cent per annum. -
j i
Affirmed unto and subscribed before inc.
J rdeD DU NN, N tau Public.
Pittsburgh, Janu t ary 2, 5831—i535131 w2iS
- 1; t ' r e is N N o is l ii, now landinir, for sale Or
dint) thiAlitll DI 'KEY & CO
LAIN OIL clurerz, certived thic In, at the
Carpet Watchonsc, e.s Founts it.
- -
3 ilni a aIAcANDAIATL., t• store annor.
dela • WU Map it'PITUCK
PENNY LINLI ALT ,Galore and kir nab, by - -
J daft WM Me 31..INTOCK
Q [AIR EtOcklNG—The largest air ipSt IAITIM.
1.3 ment ewer !Armagh to this moth as. f r into cheap
(111E.4NUTS—IU bu recetved *or sole
d. 14 ttIIRIVE R
R Ol ti l eil sliTlEß—lu brio ptez,irii'l'
Ilarpratta , Bleaching Peder.
2A CASKeI belt qualisy, hand mu/ for sale al •
.2 reduced price, by
dell tlr & M MITC IfiLTAFIF:
lt/rt:reill. Ili MUM ClAitii tor carrot ecovei• and
LTA hoepleal atioctirigjeou received a for slain by
SPOOL COTTON-3MA doz toOd duet from Me
nufacory, nad for silo by
11ffebiANN'13EJAXIkt—Id ain tut sal • by
dt.lo 1 NIDD it co
TRE Conntry Year Boor, or the' Field, the Forest,
and the Fireside. By Wes llowitt, author of the
“Book of Beatons,” "Rotel Life in Engiand,” ac.
I vet rano.
Fire Venus of a floater's Life in the far taunters of
South Africa, with notices of the 'native tribes, and
anecdotes of the Chase of thy Llon, nephew, Hip
popotamas, Giraffe, Rhinoterm, ac. By Rnaaloyn
Gordon Cunningham, Esq. 2 rota Ivrao,
Iledtt, Disease, and Remodyjamiliarly and pre..
heels considered in • few of Ihtir relations to the
IllooL By Geo. Moore, 111. Member of the Royal -
College or Phyaietena, kc. I yol
DTs Eltstery of Xerxes the rent. By Jacob Ab
bou. 1 vel lEtao. Just received for stale by
•n 025 70 A .ailn Haildln Poona st
Glft Hooka for the Holliday'.
LESPL,ETS OP MEMORY, edited by Reynold
Coats, M.D., splendidly' bound In Tarkey mo
The Iris, edited by Professor John S. Hart. brand
to Turkey morocco, with numeroollllatWoationa and
Gems of the Simon, elegantly Illustrated.'
t'The Keepsake, a gift , for the hondays,..bound in
Turkey mortice*, with illunduations.
The Crystal Fount, for Zeta, edited by T. B. Anhur,
with engravings.
Sons of Temps mono *during,. Or 1651, by T.,
ChiistauTilbme, tar 1851
Lna6's Of erlae,
Vaasa Flake, " "
Lot ;e w e
. 141. Mns.E. 8. Barret
Gees ef ...fterati Gia, tor 1850; edited by
E. Percival, bound hr Turkey morocco, with nurser•
out illaroloations and engravings,
She Role 01 Pharon. n relialeas ((Natal!, for 1831,
edited by Mrs Carnilr.e. H. Sawyer. .
Topper'. nerhstri Philosophy t Tenons editions,
lerrantly been and hlostrared.
Eesel'e Female Poets of antericir, contalalng pot ,
trans of Mrs E Oakes Smith, Mrs P - El Osgood, Mra
H Eligentney, Mr. E Eller. Mn Emma Embery,
Mn Amelia Welby, Mrs 13 llf hln EC Kinney,
aod on oLynch, Hiss Vara J Clarke, (Ornee Orem
w )
Shelly, Goldtralikt, Darns, Etoore, H aw .
en, &ramie, sled Kean; Cole - riage, bibelly, and Beau;
pope, Dyne, and Woodswonh , a Poetical Works.
Also, a large collection of parler oasche. paplertle,
albitarflis armee* and papier reactor binding ; also, a
largo collection of splendid /avenge [looks, with other
work., for sale by It C BTOCKTOri,
late Johnston & Prooklon, comer Hader and ad se.
dell • [Chronicle and Poecopys
CHlNEdkiel a VELAHLLION 7 -I hunt r Ws
A lU tal "41-""e
IL( ADDER-4 Wide No I Dotal, for oak by
- • •
SUITABLE Tar Cooke 517 e l , r b
" "2" Matt%l4hk,aTre
. of
the Dheneue.
.64,1 c; o . ll3tuencliee at 011121 c; amid tallerc'r, 10c
sod cwoznact clipped 0100 7I 1111
TAII-4tiles!nt 01;10 p bbl.
T.041.0*-Bales of 10 11,1, ta saull WU. at 7071 e
fat inttoct =fact
ernßAcco—The resolve ro (Of ben qualitka
aneverned are 10030 e, sod (or common do at 200
26‘. P lb, and very dna.
VINEGAR—The molar tatro for good older Vmr
or from non, are Sidge
Wol3(.—Tbe oalnn. doing in wool at peewe, la
hazel) , wonh emtieing. We ,irsote ' nominally, at
nage lot the •arm. grade., from 30 to 40e I , EL
WILISLEY—we notice an increase./ firamma in
the market, with some Improvement. Rectllied is sell.
lag at 250 M fr
For all articles not to the obey, list, prices are gen.
orally the same as last Ind,.
Oattl• MarkeiF
Fuhion, Peebles, Elizabeth .
Michigan, Bees, Beaver.
Beaver, tion/on, Beaver.
RMS., Bennen, Brownsville
Ailainic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
J. McKee, Ilene: iceson. EcKeeepurt.
Thos. Shelver, Briley , West Newton.
Dales, Elizabeth.
Wad/star. Cheneworlh, Si Louis.
Brilliant, Renee, CincLaatia
Pilot No. 2, Dared, llockingport
Diurnal, ConwellAWlecling.
Arena, Kinney, Wellsville.
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
Michigan, Bites. Buyer.
Beaver, Gordon, Beaver.
'Mae, Bennett, Brownsville.
Atiantte, Parkinsen, Brownsville .
J. McKee. Hendrick - wan. McKeesport,
Thos. Sheiver, Bailey, West Newton.
Reveille, Dales. fitizebeiti
Pacific, Campbell, Wbeeung.
Jas. Nelson, Mane, Wheeling.
Hibernia No. e, Bachelor, Cincinnati.
Parts, Bairn, Sc Louis.
Federal Arch, Bowman, St Louts.
Lowell, Forte, Clactonati.
• t
a uy
111102.21:17 !DI TQt /1111.3t4iirl /MILT want
Tat Eatcrton.—The eledion for School D.
rectors, Constables, and -lodges, and Inspectors of
,Elertions, :oar place is the vaiieus Wards yes.
terday. We give relota the relents up to 1/10
layer orgxbug,to picas
It athil be been that the Whitts have every
where he euemseful, except la the Fifth and
Seventh Wards.
.611 T Wino
• Seho4 Dlrewors--Wm. dlgw, three years; F.
H. Ectin, three years; Wm. Thaw, one year; }I
L. Eingioah , one year.
Judgdol Efections—Wm.
laspentor of Elections—Samuel Barnes, Alex
ander "Common.
Asomlor—Charlea Crs.g.
Conslible—James Sharp.
School D.reetora—.l. W. Basler, Minns Tindle
Judgeim Eieetons—lohn Ross.
lave r ote uf•Eleetious—George Fortune, R. G.
Asaesior—John Mcßee.
Cons:4blo—g. Hague..
SohOollDir-ctort--Juhn M, Quewao, John Beck.
Judge !.,1 Election— Wm. Mackey.
kapecial---Thoann J. Duo au.
Cones Win. Is.. F.tztnorrin.
vocal's Waal)
School bireetore--Chriatira Yeager, lintel Wig
ledge of Eieatotte—M titan McClellsod.
inspectors at Dec.. .A—lames C. Pettigrew
wee tflettenflt Jr.
Assessor—Richtird Hop,.
Coottable—lobo Wesley.
&two! Directing-10.m P Blase, Dem.; Job.
IL Kalgoe, Whs.
Judge of Eiecticnn—Wm. McCabe, Dem.
Inepec.oeol Elyetiono--Thowes Hoye, Whig
A. C. 8011, Dem.
A04<1,1101 . -.-DtiVid Ellie, Dem.
Pemeteble---Galiriel Kelly, Dem
School Direclom.—A. G. Mcizodleas, James G
Judge of Election.—John T. Cochran.
litapector—kbaht. n Mackey.
Aesemr—Emanuel Ecker.
Conetable—George Boyd.
Alderman—F. A. Healey, Independent Whig
Win elected by n majority of two over John T.
Whalen, the regular W hig nominee,
School Directors—James Irwin, 8. L. Kline
Judge of Eiecilorts—Lswil Gook.
inspectors—Wm. blhorheacl,.C. G. Rodgers.
Cocrtrb!.—lamas Reed.
11011 . 1 sumta.
School Ditaccars —ha Arica, Elw. Dtt bongo
Wm. Everson.
Indio or Electgono—Thos.
lospeclom—Henry tiOmplc, M. Medico.
AoscePoc—.S. W. Caskcy.
Comittbk—Rob',. Cria a ch.
understead that tha Whit, ticket is elected
Scutari Marc res.—We arc pleased to observe
that Cbrianno Yeager was yesterday elected •
School Ducethr ,0 the Fourth Ward, receiving a
bighei vote than any other gentleman on the tick
et. He has be, a fAch.l L/Jrector for some
years, and Co on Always an fauhfulky discharged
bin duty as well to deserve the mark of the conk •
deuce reposed ID him by hk fehow ClLieo.
Birratoitham Coon
oils have paned tt r , S11:011.1 retotortntruling that
• mashie Ste mroo,l c procurrri for the con
[auction ci a Meter Ir, to supp , T the borough. o
East and Weer Bnonegtom, and South Pitts
burgh, with watt,
CAILICATITILT.-9 caricature repreaintlog lb.
race Mr the Mayoralty between the diVereni can
didates to Ategheny. was pealed up in Federa
street sesterriuy, and etched much merriment
Mr. Flee:nun wan at coarse Inc ahead, though th.
pa, , er taw 1101 lour enett4Lia put turn at the p
per decance bail rcti.e open candidates.
litoneeor linearair.-4Wro. betty , Samuel
Etter, Ceartes NI:p1111, sed Divid Smitti,
ed men, en,O, ttl of ttnatto t try rcitbery, en alai et
Wm. Boone, mete yesterday nnotly coml.:fled
to prionn to wand ;heir trio:. ti Alderson Moja,.
RIITAIIID.I.I2IeII Coen, weir.e sod case we
noticed to the Gazette 01 Monday, seas yesterday
released bore piston, a "'efficient amount basin`
been collected to pay his boo, and the Cforarral
sleety, rcirat:re the costs.
A !• crmeoca —6 r • r.,e, re .. r.. Ted by a PAY
(prioctp•t y r irtp tor et them at the
amen of the .pocals sir give me a
few prow, to bay p leaf of firsait,” or tome each
phrase. Now the ; rtsorntiii , ,M in the Wad of •
reneger is that snob eribln•n fin.• !CU{ out by vi.
nines reroute io op • [alterable pittance m
this tray, to he ezrended for canvases erin•lly de
'pedlar; yet it is moral in pars by that plaintive
whine, and even more NI, to rewind and encour
age what he believe, to he infamy. Now this
thin; noght to he .tops-d. ❑ these hut< vagrants
are really Ea:Terme, let them he cored tor; and it
they arc what most persona take thorn to be, they
or their parent, eccbt tote puttisbrd
Court of quarter lerstons
Present, Honorable William B. McClure, Pres•
Ideut Judge, and Wdliem Hear aud Samuel Juo, a,
Asecimate Judaea.
Jared M. Brush—Examination resumed—Me
produced the : original reword of the Bye Laws of the
Guardians of the Poor, and rend Irma n as follows!
"The Board consoling of twelve ehull divide it
self into four classes, each emisisting of three, and
either class shall he competent to net. It dell be
the dunes of the Committees to attend to all mattes)
relative to the Board during their respective it wa")
The name of one Guardian is all that it a aw . to
put to indenter.. The Acting. Gomm itteet the
the month of October, 1849,'were Mews. ny,
McKelvy, and Rowan. The inPlication for the
binding of thechildren was made loth, Committee
by Mr. Rowan on the part of Mr. 'Connolly. The
application were inserted on the minutes at the time
of binding. Mr. Rotten took the matter Into .con
eldemtuns. He called on me et the cube in the
course of three weeks and directed me to execute
the indentures. (The minutei was here read which
stated that the klecreutry was instructed to bind the
children to Menlo Connolly and his wife.) • The
application having been made In October, Mr.
Row. had the authority to act in that ease. 1 at.
Inched the seal of the office to the indentures as
Secretary of tine Hoard. The Board of Guardians
bad accemco these minutes and expressed no dia
approbation of this act.
Cross Examined—This particular case was nev
er before the Board to my knowledge. 'The board
appointed their Committees monthly until Cebrua•
ry 1849. 1 affixed the seal to the indentures on the
2.lth of November by the order of Mr. Rowan.
Esimination In chief resumed—The custom of
the Board was that the person to whom a matter
was referred had charge of it. Them apprennees
were band, under the general regulations of the
`Board, as all other apprentices are bound •
Theindentures were here offered in evidence,
but objected to. A long argument ensued, hut
/ridge lideClure decided that the indentures should
be admitted to evidence, thou. h he declined giving
any attpiotori ns to their validity, without a more
easeful examination of authorial. than he had
The Court then tool• its USWI tnidday reopen
AFTZILNOO3 1113110 N
Martin Conolty, racolled—Mrs. Conotty paid for
tho litho girl while shc rerosisnd at tbo Asytam.
Mr. Dwyer left oo money to fiat his expenses
Benjamin Lunn, sworn-1 was not In the
Mayor's ormo at the time the children were ta•
ken away. Capt. Naylor and 1 were in hie ottlce
on or about the 19th of October. We went there
for the purpose of giving hail for two of the
Watchmen who were in jail. When we wore
them, the Meyer commenced a tirade agareat the
Court.. He stated his action In regard to Min
matter—the lotherofthe children, Mr. Dwyer, had
gilled on him for his 1132ittAIICC, sod that he "aid
that In about. fifteen minutes tlnto the children
should be there. 1,
Theo he mit an officer to the school house, and
goy tho children. He thou g-avo thee into the po
session of Mr. Dwyer. There were several per.
sena there at the lime. He wa busting of what
he had aerompluhed al Mayor. He stated that
hallmarked to the lather of the chtldnerr, and a
(deed wbo wu with hies, to take them, aid:
leave. I don't think he gave o l t nimems dir thla
ee s
advice. He *ld there wof revokers eislaited in the teen by the of the chilliest!,
or Ma friend The revolvers s4re Mailed. He
told them to take the children and leavv—if pa,
sued, not to bring Woe Satoh beck loaded. He
said that the declaim; of the Court, with regard to
the children, was wrong.
Cross • Examined—Barker was boaantig. He
said tbathe had done more than any other Mayor
dared to do—that he had released men from prix
on, *o. Captain Naylor we. reading the law to
him. on the subject of taking ball, and Bather
said, give us none of your insolence, or I6io pot
you in jail with the watchmen h ew. I had no
conversation with the !Wayne. Haptalo Naylor
was talking to him.
David Hastings, sworn—l was engaged. in Wil.
kin. Hall at the time of this occurzence. On the
evening prior to it, Mr. Dwyer . me in, in coin •
pony with acme othergentleman. He asked ter
tome milk and pepper, complain gof the dine
rt.,. I told him we had a Mint re for It, which
I thought would do him good, an betook it. ,He
then naked me where:W.l4,l[er u. Field Mkt
I would go and see. When Iwe : to the May.
or's office he was out. Next um ng these gen
tlemen canoe is again, nod I ren down for the
Mayor, who came up. They t Wed for some
time, but /did not hear their eon / creation. Hero
her then alerted out of ibe here, and said he
would glee himlia children in or twenty
' minute.. Ina short time an Iliker came top, and
said that the children weredy for Mr. Hwyei.
This wog not more than hal an hour after the
conversation, if It was that 1 ir. The gentlemen
then went down to the Maybe's office. Ido not
know the offmern name. I /went down through
curiosity, to the filayrit'is :dies. A carriage was
standing at the door. I a w the children In the
mem, and thevacemed very much delighted With
their father. Dwyer then took the children Into
the carriage. -'Mr. Lowe, and Mr. Hill, to
pater with the orange • gentleman went into
it with him. I did net listen to the - conversation
between the Mayor end Mr. Dwyer. It tasted, I
should think, about a quarter of an hour. Lowe
and Hill came ant Cl the Mayor's office, The
•rsriege eras ■ elomooe.
Cron Examined—Major Hinm Kafue was in
he back room at ihe lime.
Examioatiodia chief reaumed—l have never
heard Barker ray ■oy thing about Ihi. Com rx•
Cum when ho was cuing down from the Court
House, and then he mid that he thought that b.
would gat thraugh the trial without much Won
lodge McClure observed that he hoped and
prayoS he osight do VO, hot VIM very little pros.
peas of it then.
Thomas Patterson, nworn--1 pas two men
take the children into the Mayor's °Mee. Barker
wan standing in the door. The Children were
taken into the back room, sod the door mu lock
ed. The carriage referred to, mu driven by
Che Hen McCoy.
Croce Examined—l heard the key turn in the
door. Some person come to the ddor, and It mu
unlocked, and he went in. Then the door mu
locked again.
Ann Marta Vi r iggans, sworn—lnto • teacher M
the Fourth Ward Public school, and taught them in
the month of September Inst. T*o ehtldren same
to the sehooi from Mr. Conolly's family. The lit
tle girt, Mary Stele, wan ender my care. They
seemed to be of the ages of me and four. 1 recol.
- •
lect uf their quitting the school. They were taken
way by two persons calltng themselves utfteers,
and by another person Macy Jane screamed,
and said that she would not go pith them—that she
wanted to go to ber Mother Countly. She was cry.
mg when atte was taken away. The little boy did
not any any thing: The 6tlicent came in quietly,
and the peace of the school wasnot disturbed un
till the hula girl commenced !screaming: The chil
drens• genend appearance na to eomfort; while
they remained at school, was very good. They
attended eery regularly. -
.I wanted to sead.for Mr.
Cannily, and the officers sand d made so diderence
about his being there, as they would take them
whether he was Mere or not. The children were
. ... . .
carried our, I think.
Cross examined—The children were called Jo.
mph dot:lolly and Mary Jane Conolly.
Thomas Hagerty, S worn —Aa il was pealing along
dear the Mayor's Odle, I saw i crowd, and went
there. There was* carriage .ii
the door, and two
children were pm into it, and drireet away. The'
Mayor talked to somptae Ire Me corvine, but I
did not beer what be said.lllthinkil heard hum
direct them to take the lowetifeHy.
L' ,
..‘" Pt ollorlotteworn—lgulkerion Was ono of
1 ..6 , 3
Barker's police)) wes at theyor'e ce In Sep-
tember last. About the twee of at mouth, I
think, the Mayor said, after the {rote house eases
had been tried, to Mr. Lowe, mu Hill and myself,
that he wanted on to stay about the office, because
there were two children in the Famiti Ward Scbool
Home, whose patents were here, and wanted them
He said that their parents would coon be there to
make information about them, and ho wanted us to
go and get them. I went up to Baeardstown,
and when I Crime tack, Mr. Lowe aid Hill had
rine, but I beau, of Deflate* wllteh trkleara
red a her that, except by report; I. believe he
said uint Mr. Hill and I were imiable men; be did
are Pay what kind or men be /wanted,
Colonel Black produced Mr. Pinketton's state.
meat, made ea oath before dildenti Steel, and
coked hint whether he had st;;ce it. He said
he had. I understood from the Mayor that the
children were to be taken Mime; heityld us not to
any anylittog about it, as Me children might be
removed from the Fourth Ward School hones be
fore the inforrnahon wee made .
C,taa examined. I don't know !hat any info,.
IZIILiOrI a - am made; no uousoal cawing wee given
The Couti aillouroel at the coaeloilaa
lea.—A large nomter of beagle are eaVir
played to gathering io the tee haryeat4 Il if not
ao shirk e• it generally tin at this ...We, bet there
be little proltalitlity of geting any hailer, no the
dealers In that article ore laliag ih ea teach u
they can (or at:tanner consumption.
For** Bali. SO*4,e, the street preacher, was
tclearwd from Prison OD Ssiiirdsy, hawing at last
procured bit! to Reimer the charge atalsatler pro.
Erred against
lictloioN Pt ells l'otint ficiuss.—liar Kirk.
Iced yesserday •ddrersed a crowd 4 gsplag los
the !intend* of the COllll Honte.
dia,csietted Firemen'a litsurameroCrerryty.—Ai
elte , lco for Directors for be Aesociated Fire.
men's Inturartec Company, held yeaterd,hY.Mmell•
W. W. Dallas, Body Patterson, R.H.. Hanley, R.
B Stemma, /mhos Rhodes, C H. P• 0111.70,
hi. Ligc, E Gregg, War. COUiIIZIVOINS, Wm.
Gorman, A.'P. Anaheitly B. C. &wipe and Chas.
Kent were elected to stave for the morning year.
At c meeting of the Btiatd,. W. W. Dallas was
elected Pmsideot, sod 'Baran Pinney Zikeretary:
Fen —The alarm of wan false.,
SINOULAR Peaucenan.—,Patriarph Kirkland
has pohlithed a bamphtet containing.* leUer ad.
'dressed to Bahop O'Cultuor by .PrOfeasor 173mol
orir, burn which we make the follltving extract
%But d the lekunal Spirit whom you common!,
c o o to )nor follow, is, cleeltterl me, the citizens of
Pnistortgh sod of Altraheuy Comfit. will tetd mp
Trottmew, at which Patriarch Righted, Deacon
fd wor Butter and Bisbee Sharpe are requered to
be Eteemors, and to awaken t Wilt fellow citizens
In Pinsburgh cad in the county of Allegheny to
etearao mecordloy lo my Teht.tpent their county
from ail Pniesir, zed thus leach' by their example
gals,. of all eteeres,how , io cleanse lois Re
iron Por4sh &Main itedilniquity."
\ aa•aist Boat , ander*
EXaTl%,%T.Tutt.VcktV .7,°.7*X17,r,
any, and for ante loot, by
cad IVO Wood at.
• •
1 umrs ived for sale ht
MANN F.R.e.' OIL—•D bele ter iale
j dell) INIGHILehI
11010 E GREt.N barsCdelo LITTLE. k C 0
tril a In t ; at 12 - r:od i t thd"
s7 7il ,l 3tlll::fit brli retcl,e • ror.ale 6j
deele Wood at
WfWI:E.KY jusirecCl
or .rio by tc I. . (IRAK
te_e Ile Willer or
it. ° . l 6P -'ll.Er---.l °.itglbFg" ' Rezn. b k. •
,11,Pleekita ER erd T er, too 0010 by
DmKEY Ud 3F,R, do le ROlnik T.DALZELL CO
I scnoo.oNmArati'&
0. Wood street.
R --Z--
001N8ON , 8 Greek and English Lexicon of the
Near TOftIILICOL tly Edward P °Limon, D. D
l.. D, Prole:rot- of Bibll sal Literature In the Union
Theological Seminary, New Volt. This is • new
edition, revised and In great 'pan rewritten, m one
volume royal octavo.
English Gram Mar• the English Language in its
elements and terms: with a hytory of Its engin and
developement,deslgned for 11.11, In colleges sod
schools. By Wni. C. Fowler, late Professor of Ilhe•
toriek in Amherst Collage ivol Bro.
Just required ntid for sale by B HOPKINS,
non 78 ltpollo Belktings, Pettit et
Plaskett arriving at anddeparting train
tho Part of Pittsburgh.
- . • -.
. The rplendld new PICIMet
• Wsa Conley. conmandrr, InII leave
or above and Intermediate pans on
9... r, theinh IPS.ASIL at I o'clock'. Pr NI
Per koala or paeenee, apply on toard, or to •
i. 9 .: NEWToN JONES Agent
- -_ _
_ .
FOR ri A StIVILLE _— __
• Tho splendid steamer
Miller. master, will leave for above
and all iniervnedtAe ports on this day,
the eihinst., at to o'clock A. 11.
For freight or passage, apply on board. Jae
The plendid new 'metal.=
A. G. Mayon, ter, nth leave for
the above and Intermediate poru,'.ott
Wedneedae. the 9th Insteott, at 4 o'clock, P M.
For freight er passage, apply on board. ta6
The epiendid new packet steamer
Dolmen, manor, ie now performing
her regular ly trs
this city end Wheeling ; lea : k ving Pin:Lipurch teiwee
'reelect, every Illonday,Wedneeday, and rriday. and
returning, leaves Wheeling every Thum.
day coil Baturdty in rpch weer
r er freight Qt p.m:, apple on Loma....
The grainer
D. R DAP, master. milt !envie Pitte.
boron every l'unrday i l'hurodny, and
Snturlay, warning. K . ..< Wet
every Monday, Wednrsday, nnd Enday.
For freight or, apply on Incite or to
on= VP 13 WHEE/ YR A •ent
Et: LAN ELME:St/A1 Patthe-T—
Tate eptendut hunt woo no,lt by the
owners er the warner. lone Newicti,
and other., (at the Cincinnbst end
Pitteburrli Parket trade, mid will
Mare every Wednesday, ft: Cinetreati. in Pk, of
the New England, N 0.2
For freight or pessage apply en mare, 01 w
REGULAR %YIiEBI.INB ttliN Pl , ll ricki:r.
qT The /but ran nine utetmer
•. S i
Capt. B. Voittsg,w./1 run en a regular
packet .hoween Plttelieralt, Wheel
log, Bridgeport, end S.W., leaving Pittsburgh every
Monday ancrnoon, for
Sloneen/iiie, r,d
Bridgeport, nod every Thursday erten:con Ibt'Steatien
vilbe, Whee!mg, Bridgeport, Cuptnia, null Sunt,h.
Returning, leave. Bridgeport and Sontlsh ry TI/[l4-
day afternoon, and BouLsh every Fri Cay rn<lo7 ,
For freight or peonage, apply on hoard, or to
ktp7 WILKINti. Arent.
likaTait I , lVhiffiF6L - 7itiiitiVELL VILLE
o a t The light drought Mesmer
D. P. Kinney, master, lets
borgh Monday, Wedneodey.
day, MID o'clock, A.M. Lease. Wellaval,'
Theredity, and emorday, no 7 o'clock, A. 71.
For freight or paam•ge, apply on hoard
71:1,1411•• St•NII•la•
Vir areennatlle and Cernbeetod to Italawate and
Fan TO BALTIMort •- tip Ili
to. Prrthanmama---- V 3
11111 a. morning boat leave. the wharf, at m. the
hada, daily, at e O'elOCk precteeT r.c., to
Baltimore, 32 beam; time to Phdadelphie ,10
boa: leave, (eT,eot
Br at
ft o'clock. Pasaer.eem by iehtung on ibe
aver.; boat, will oroaa the mountalca ata.ea nes.
day, cad thou avoid night 10000 I.
&tato yoor tietem et the Ilitce, tdoaonah e l.
Heine, or at. Charles lintel.
nell4-17 l. ZISF_ , I:IhIE.N. Anna:
36_11(.111,103.1'0 1.1111:AVELPIIIA.
243 =lts Fad . Road-62 Surgin¢.
iGicind Intent Telegraph t Express Lin•
Stae Coany.
SR. Ith,ir Liam g
of rimmy p
Cosebc, for OOLLI-
IntYliliUßG. and from Elie ,h,
sylvania Rail R o adMOLAIJI,LYIII.I, SRO'
YORK, mil iIAITIMOY.Y. • _
Dining Ma riApencou of Canal Nmiecion. liaz
Daily Linea of roarlim am 1r.., for ilaindayabotr,
ard (rem throe by the lien rai,irciicanto
Road. 120 mom) m Phaniiiiiiim lane dm ova ad.
Fare to Phtladelphiu• •—••-- OS
Fare to litattitaore•-- . ........ is so
Coaches wit! lease over) snonine, et tt• o'cinet,!y, ard every stealth t• c tame it or
XI RA,: to lease at arty isnao ekes" to res.denotts.
This is the molt direct, cronfartatle, sod ext•edittotts
tOuto to the saner, sittes.
.• . .
'Pas...arra for Baltimore take Vit. N fLafl Road
at Ifartisburg, threes, no tot snivel tith om
can it that
~place. For ofoaaao or InforoloOon. apply of
W MriffilllP.O f), St. Char
DrubJ P, IFIOLAIna, M. - monad:6a Flou,e
Pat.bargh, Dec 4. IRXI--del
nONTINUE23 ta fere/IVO frclett to l'itol-wth yin
RaII Road and Cana,. on very reasonable terms,
end with the. usual d••,t,h. h. No. 2:11 Market Fltret.l'llitode;pnio. tot/net:y * ocent, ea
Sleatra. Bola= A. DOet.
anghitthtta 'W POIN DEXTER & CO
Central Railroad Coosa to liottldaytbu r g
/0d milts Canal to Johnnarrn-250 nab.. Rail
Road frval John-ammo to Plalarlelphla.
TWO DAILY EXIREtS P.lflti ET A.1,1T:.,
ninethrnanh. !amt.. —•• •
I9N an sit, Motet oy Pep.r.rta, i• .a.o daily
Pflti. El Breve ad! !raw .1. al • • en,
nee (4t, nJ:d n.•a• • :o
I•lllladelpten, g I
p. sine °err •
Rail Pond, on , 'lt ''
The Increased sp.r a d
1.1 I, mai,. I :be mart
desirable. as veer. a.; P-e meat e, ant
eastern gait,
A Parket Boat twill leave r. m•, . n.-
Olac it, and every evrn ter al a . . 1,,
ell , The Portage F 1,4 ,14) tight
For pa go-or inform:rear,
W I. , rrc LI,
pepll "ot D co, Cutts Basin
A I.TON LOCKS, I'oo4or and . an eut7.l.t
°graph''. I voi Flom mos
Popular Educati.kli o . the , usA I.•ion-
Clll, .4 tor Toone IorIAZTI4 . 13( 1,14 pr. pared
and published to accordant, with • re .r.toto. 01 toe
Pence tout House of Repre+utt.uvrr .1 the Stale fel
. blicingan. Hy Ire Maybear, 8. , tate , uperlottod•
dem of blic Instruction I Vol Ilon, out.
Abbott's New vi
by Jo. A Si. Abbott, altb ettes flying , 1111O(111
the former volumei of Wl..popular 1.1, tor l
For sale by R. HOPKINS,
amt..) i Apollo Fourth at
1Id) FlBll—t4m tr
punle • ttorr, &r
dela - h t:011.111.1.
13F:A V F.ll UUnIiETS- Y 5 Joy Ulu; tleavyr blur kr;
uu hand OM fur rate by •
dai,;(ll,l W(.O RAMEY, :271 I ibtrly
.:M-11N bag. landint (turn T. re tort, by
del9 IYAI
OITA SSL.:,--15 brl3 ne Plat111110(1, , Or sloe by
del9 u , gIERT DA 1 , ell
25 sR. •••k . , Po. Wat., various Ibran.ll,
2..0q• casks *Tree. Moho.. Gan I.rnud,
Atom aud for sole by W AI All rei I VI, CRI..E,
fit RI u FRIA r—Dpcd l'euc.:rs;
` 1 A ; d:t 4 7, 6 c i •
PIG IltON-15 rout bi eralin/min Roo,
bio by d. lAs ooli ovHI4N
'ILOV ERgEED—.2S brie f or 1 7
Li_t_to23 .1 104 A II UTCIIISON (XI
RA ACK I. REL—ItII Utla No 1.1 313 a, ask L 74 AS A HUT '111:413N h C
SYRUPS--21 , n1e Gold., Spups;
Cr ktrt e!I
Id bill Clarified do. ju•L Lud
Ara St Super r;-r
SUNDRIESL•3O bible promo N. Ci Supt.;
75 hr l o do. do Nlslttosek,
Ital bap Ilia Carte;
dtlbes Arm, for skirl by
Y FIRS lb CO'S SPECIFIC, for 5, d of Ike
LEI Undary Orgess. Lennorren, kflortnvoloo el
the Bladder . litdboys, to. El ZAtprr brAle
Sold by it 15 PFLI.ERs, No 57 Wbort it
rod by A. B. it IkitsrAk liew York. drlt
WBITE FlBll-15 boo for tale I r
dell s P VON lION S IIIOIIn r A CO .
TAI3I.F. CLOVIS—Linen, bolt, on , d We:ldled
Damaor at.dlhopbr pkttroto Ar rate by
dell C A
, .
CRACKERS for ‘ solo by
BUTTER—.vbrls roll runt reoolvod Int gale tiy
dell . O, S. W HA II tln lA.
LARD -43 brio leaf lap recotond lor .a.• bil 1
deill - el. & W HikßilAtrGli
dr 110A115-30,VUO,cotutoon, reenbre.ll,r gain of •
Vdal :3 h W 11.111:11All•Cp
TAidt2V - 4° br'' 'tc"R'7l'7 gale Or
TYLAT - IIIITA - Tfl, IN fectearth lor onto by ,
I swirtl
W /rh•Mli
hOlrt h CO
11robl meet '
New Books past received..
Tite Ufa orlohn Randolph of Remark, Ey /lash
A- Garland, with n portrait, d lemo mow.;
klesaofantP• System .1 Leornine Lacnovcea, ep•
Plied ao the Had). of French. hernial Treneh Rentr,
Illastrared with Historical. Geonraphical, NtilevrOn
cal and PhDologieal nnticea. Dy J. Homer. '
sor of the French Laneusec. and Lltorature In Om
New York Free Aeadcmy. I vol then
The second volhine of the Memoirs of the Life ev]
VirninFit of Thomas Chaloarr, D. 1.. L. D. fly
his sea in law, Bev. %Via Hann. ; L. L 1)
flistoryand Geography of the Middle Anesjor
college. end schcrils. chiefly from the en h .
Omega VFashington Greene, author or Life of co.
Greene, Historical Plante, Cc
The Pathway e Rod Abiding Places of our Lola,
lastrated la the Journal' of a Tear Ibtouch the Land
Premise, with nomereee Enera4 he, By 3. ''
" , ,oeright D. O. 1 vol. royal boo. For wale by'
d 1 7rJ Apollo flaildinns. Fogelh -
2e, OZEN LADIE.S' Black; While end Gold
ULF !Cloves, also, Garb rocre,Fllk azd Pele
Thread do. I
Ito don Gen creen'e Ahl Gloves, all gel e ip.: ge i th
epleedid asoortseept of enahmere, - Ileelin jlnek.
skin do, of the beehquellty ' ;e
together with the beeeo
and toot extensive /lock of Maim ever •hroelpet to'
pil e etarket,lon teen d, andavill be end et reduced Ili, by A A'MASON ic CO, '
02 tr. Ot ?Mattel
epim fojlneridvropertie• are for rent, viz:
STORE, ee on
Marketunke and ealeldetely ernilteed
on West, benseenThird and Fount,
meets, suitable for Dry Goods. •
Several RVOM. Ir. Pon Eluddina• in the
sieeend and third stories, suitable for Artists' Iloorus,
OLiees, &n, _ •
A forge and convenient DWELLING HOUPE,
tot:inert part alike city.
Poesconon of the foregoing can ha given ott th
eta Aloft next.
A . a SMALL STORE on Third street, next door
to it, sisecie Oster. Possession given immedistsly
FOR SALM. an unexpired Lease on the Nue.
house. an Third knees, heretofore otcopied firths
late Mr A. Becien For terror, apply to
fi D GAZZAM,I64 Second It.,
jai or to H McCORMICK. EC Third sti
rim REST y
ATWO story time House and back building, with
two louy situate ou Bedford at, Sixth Weld, ad-
Aining L. Shunt. For terms, on ply to•
del2 ZS Liberty st
• •
T H 4o d ow4 ~Y llig g3t i t a o r kc e , ns . N i n OSetond ertretl, between
meet:, now occupied by the
atzt.erther Rent 1200 per annum. POO/M[slop Oren
an the Itt arNoyember ken. JOHN H MELLOR
oatnaf No. GI Wood street
Two well finistFO R
ed offices in Post 01Soo Buildings:
Third street.
Inn[, all ilanted room, Mower, entrance M.
ket Form, between 3.1 and 4th Meat,
Al., a .mall brick , house, in Hit Township, near
Pennnrivanin *OOOOO.
Inquire of F. D GAZZA
No 16$, Seeond
1„0.,,x, n y
altdtal" ' roof b'h
at 40 Water urea oven,l49lltr
MME Trr --
8 & W. 11AR1111.176/1
C ILTIESIE--40b bys ree'd lode by
de9.l S a W lIARBAUGH
MEESE-240 boxes W. R. Cheese,
1W do Cream Cheese, for sale by
deg 4 WICK & bI'CaNDLESS.
I IHSSTNI.III 3 -5 bogs this day reed for sale by
ID RO d , gOM4 S-40 dos a upenne Cohen Brooms for sale by
- • •
FET e l:4lERP—Prime KY for ..le by
pkOn for.ala by
, Lia T H sneka on bond and
,o r l4 oiI7iTIIegDLESS
1 - )01 - ,4811-22 exakn pore for tale by
DurlER-69 pkg r s co hand .3 for sale by
13i1A/11..-44 oasis Grii sorts, filiWe ,
'!r2l WICK & ateCIA DLESS
coati tinal 4l Lis for aalo Lyy
1 1
10 budlcm;
11/0 PIA cilp, for sale by
dry 4 kIeCaNDLESS
1 'A
ft -4
7 ' "l le Ili r 100 0 I.( ' ia sale by
s‘,l":!!!4'—'°'9"; ti
i--" trIIK " 1 ' il:l Ka :1/ 1 :4.1S
K 8
srUboiretr Kaii,ls In rolls. ler sale by
13t1 &PI
JAl.sAbt Col./. VIA CePutrt-S-3 arressus
) h Ids2ll J KILOS CO
Iris Si Lea. Sugar
s Syrup Melons., on ernsicersect, for rale by
..6 7 .62.e/jej t ;e4lo
Carnal. Third and Market streata.
Tlie rally Climaxed inguratian at rho kind in k'zitslti.
of AcrOantePeming, Principnl bar:Tumor is the Stien
O. K .7hamberltn, Yrofeze•r of Penatestup, Me
CArollie Compete... he.
tVatrOo . , P y. , Lemuel on Commerci
TI,•••• de••nne a emnplete knowledge of Rook Rep
ine and its oppltestion to every branch of butanes.,
r iot and rapid penmanship, are invited to
call and r
amine thr arrangements
Lecture on Commercial LIO> corny Monday even•
Ilrl'••rence to any of the residing city scerchassts.
Ad ministratara , 7Y OGee.
V WTTEIid of Admtnistratton on the estate of An
t bony Beelen. late of the city of Plurburett,
n•-d, having ibis day been emoted to the under.
ndhce is hereby given to aft hewn!, indebted
c•tate to make immediate payment wieldier
oi end all potion. having efaims agamst said
c. 0.- ere requested to present the dune, duly mo th ..
poicd, tor set foment. at the wurctionse latelg ccco
pied by told L. Iteeten. EL Third st.
ANNA AI. PEELEN. Administredne.
- GAZZAst, Administrator..S
Pvfchu rah, Ltee ttd,
OULD rcspcet'allv acquaint thy public that ha
timmeteced practice In the above profession,
km. be ho
rare ul attention to whatever is entrusted to
urs In give 'anti:action.
connection :stilt Jamessilardie, forte Shoe_ftg
end DiscSoctithing in iteneWil Will be carried on, at
tit It:Tumid otreet and Penalty lvaroa Averse
' _
Horses for Nato.
7.111.1 - and WORK 110 SEo , —Perscos wishing
r dedetigtion are c ienn na to call at litowo'l
st. 1t1r.4) R znaa.r.ies
:Sombertng Aoneo■ }ad Pittsburgh
g LI. ' , throng indebted to the eithiscrlber far mm
-11 br nag boueesor Pitttithryb Directory will plesse
r utc iloacto of the Rotted of Trade, corner of
IVuott nod Third streets, between the boors of 9 and
he 2 o'rtook,. unit remit. their hilly. Sithscribers nod
wishttur to overhaul the. Pittsburgh Dareetory
wic etto create roll FatitiEbTOCK
Itlit.euthe. Pre 18th
ANA ell:111—dd I VI mane :cd rrcrived for
I O t:RIDUE lOitrilßAM
110 Wiiirr
tamkxe Yard to Rant. •
A LArra.: haid, Situated on Dmittesle
ay, ,onr the l'enet. sufficient room to hold
el hL-n n0n.1.^.1 th.umnd Mot of lumber. to rent na
Car. Peon A. Imoin s t..L
I NT'ALLItII..I , , (Sr renewing, invigorating, and hand
-1 wring tho HAIR, ' , moving ihe scurf, dandruff, and
a I •treezinnt o i lecalp. and eating eruptions on the
in.dittnara or the giant., muscled and truegnmennl,
“nd ,enev,ng etinat. brazen., 'Trains, an. %Pith
r,puratinn, her nu eachwotd as tail " The
iret uoutnale
nrn in America. medical 'pen or the higheit
, •
prominent ciumns of thl profeehio;',Wd
loth-, who Imae used It for year, to their deeming
er.% unit nnierre.,ndrutt it with one accord, that tot
ttspz:lll, e.g., gloss, lux tumor, and curl lathe hair,
sr, Jeutng feud end damn aid; beshog wound.,curio(
cr:nano., syn.., snug, Se, rod relievoi& temise*
vf oil, tie and the muscle., it has Ed
c sl memos The Gulltllode or compounds advertised
in the yobito prima, or used in Nivel: pearlier. la
clacapnent ve4ll as rifle Derry'a TricopherL,
ts etivatted. The numemso cash sales o( tho
arn. tr, l
enat•icd the investor to .upply it et retail
st eh fent. per bottle, which is from
GO to IN/per cent
less then tint price of any other preparation tbe
I,tor now to ute. The alcientAfie treal!.: on the c hair
a . t d the skin eretgaemc the valuable directions for
cohere and pm...mamma of nature's darkest or.
in which each bottle m cneloactl, is aloud
worth the money.
Tbri eihinty between the membranes which constli
luir the ,nti, and the heir which draws its SYstellittllee
Inart tine triO. env...lone m very clOte. All diseases
01 the bait. ougtuate 01 the stilt of the head. If the
imir, Of the ,cult , aro clogged, or if the blood and
miler I!tttis do not edentate freely through the small
V: el, wt inti food the root with I.lnm - coma' Impart
tar loth; Gimes. the net IS 3:ltrt, tlattdrur, shedding
of •Isc Ilsir,
In gr.veln,s, dryness end harshness of the
1,Amm...14 .il entire beldnem, as the case may ba.
IntniLlßle ,he skin to healthful action watt the Trii.
coy.iicroim, and the torpid Amami, recoverilgre thyir
Elelv.t!,, will annihilate 14ti , Ilsclore. In all affection?
nt the skto, end of tie imbetratn of Muscles and In.
tca4n.iiiim, th, presets en Atte efieet see the ehme.,—.
It I. upon the 'duo, the mu chive Grim, and the glands
then the 'relcor hem. he Illi spectfie action. end to
01l nffeetionv end Injury of these organs, it is a co.
Vrreig itct.y.
to ia al ,-, bottles, Oil, 35 sent., of the princl•
pal ~3,:e. laFnecad‘ral, Nem York, rind by the prin
cipal tacrettnn“ and druegifts throughout the Untied
nt eters mid n, Bodo. / deZl:d3l7,3;t
ljg?i , , cirlay that lobtalniono, maw:none to luny
)tern thcorend five hundred dollars have been
pied in ca.! cli We [Meek el ate ' l • cuusylvania salt
Ala •litectu ring 41
Mi . , llllllr. xml that the debts due and
unbid a were nine n red dollars, on 511th November
iaet G EURO F. T lOMPSON. See l y ri. Thin',
tafitmed to and hcbac . nbcd th 1.117111 day of Dn.,.
(Late Jobririon & Stockton'in
Ard Bleak Book and Ssattoarry Warrhouse.
Iprepared to executi every style of Legal, Com•
in-retul, Cad. rod relearn Boat Job Printing and
Wok lbadine; and farnigo every article in Me Blank
800, Paper; and otsuotMty one, at Ne sear eat no•
tare, and no int moat relleettgl,te leems.
toardc Bock and StottoeerJ Warclinnve, corner(
51a , te, :111it eernnd orrete,
I't tats 111Tret• and rotic. Bindery, No 30 Third at,
A aINOLD'et. tubber
Ai Burman'. !Once.
Langdon's, /act-
— i7onlni4., Fabers, 11)
011(1 Mont.', Mr
ii;l7 , ti l e7, — deVereht,
and other matt
?h,tth's oneeuutor
Gold Pens, with
I kavinds of every d,
gold nod wirer eases
Wannmats'a Lagltah Ipo,—antiquarian,
dont..le elephant, atlas, uper.royal, royal
804 . elephant, Iltiatot ltl Peaty and medium.
Pertaratetl board, fan gun, plain gold and
stlver,renta , actl gold, it army adored papas,
stud •ntreetered gulps . era, and lithographs
t or . t o ner ooze, pmpu.- Amen[ of all alset,
ettitattte for &via, charteni and diplomas{ Errant
ante paper, alma on band, tbe most desirable styles,
our rue, plain, gilq embossr.d a
el nd silvered,
lunba. (or bail., tateddiAga tmd mourning.
Fronob nott envelopes, plpir and embugsed; kite,
envelopes, broad; white an ••hie; laid and
brrive onve lopes, bull; blue and astute.
Nl,..(crs, mate; caps, varinui patterns; smiting sand;
k eon nn, cocoa and - Turketr baravotreand boats,
captains oregano, lobs, binshes, Fteneh and English
copy Ing boots, and oil ',paper; heroic napes no a
co:{ TN red nod rebus. patent blotting paper i pen
krutres, he.
Tut attoae, with nil giber artieka in the Stationery
rind, bath tunny and staple, tatether with a large no.
...tit:cent , of blank books and murnorandstm books of
ell nornmon form. of ruling, In every 'Mb, of binding,
sol ;lupus of all sta. ataigualtnes,lorsaleat reduce d
tat s on the mon reasonable terms, at
I W. ri. /gaVEIVEI
flub Book and Stationery Warthal..,
_IV_ Corner of Markel and treeond
Ma No I tart
brl No I Tallow;
17 brla 2 do,
In brio Tallow 011:
I nCTCV netitrltZ;
04 bags Ground Nagai
71 bags Try roach, oi
sa bags Dry Apples,
. tri bags
F e Lel bogs Foattrirof to arrive on steam.
or inaenrors, tor sato by IPLIail MONEY& CO
deli Water FrOnt
1s t.le IL lif 8 11111 A C;9l.
lkieent fin the Penn Lift I.inn•ente (704 e Phila.
IFFIe)' of . the Wevern lnaataric
NI met ' , nem. l'iti•hcree
l'acephiets. Wilh erect:a:) , iiitee'pr t n e ,
form, rill be furnished.
Husbands r earl Misr* theft lives for the tenellet
debtors, wives and children: eredners the lives of Mens
The whole profits of the Ceti/pans 411 'disrldsd
among the holders of Life Yob cies.
The dividends of Mem., t..eyears have br en essb
is per cent, each Y.?.
CAPITAL 3309 e 000.
J. nettle, Jr., treety. 1 B. Maim, Jr., Prits.i
Ni /1/ insure agUrtrt all kintle,Oerlgro,
ALL loans will Es liberally admsted toil promptly
A home IngUtatren—managed
and by Dri.eir, wh o o wi ,
well known in the community, Taro are detereale-•
ad by pronouns. and Itberttlity
enter which they have aorurned, ag es 4 rity the best
prnteetlon W chore who r'-riff to he
Erraarrolg—FL Miller, Jr., Ceo 10e..h, I.IW. Bailer,
N. ilolmes,de., Wm. B Helmer, O. th.m.r.a. Geo.' W.
Jackson, Aver. M. Lyon. Jame , Ell.;tiorOtt, George
Davie, James Bl'ArJey, Ales.
Oases, No. 92 Water atreel. (rearerno, of Fpasly
k. t 0. . up stalreEPittgliurrh. • tally
= = M-I
" RANCE COhlPANl'.—Officr Ninth Burin of the
Exchanger, Third street, Philedelpria
Free Merchandise and other
property, in Town and Country, inauted ratilsi Nei
Or eMellge by fire, at the lowest rate of !ireful...
Malin ifitllleerCe.—They also inert.. Vc...ela, Ca,
goes and Freight., foreign or coil...hie, utider open or
special policies as the assured may desire.
/21[4111) Terlree/01erellOrr—They afro maitre Inerth
andlorannsponerl by %Veg.., Rail Road Carr, Canal,
Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers .nd lekevi.on thy
most liberal IMO,
JohRFAITORH—Josepn II S, P A Saur,
n 0 Davis, Robert Ronan, ea! John Aniaild R
Fearer., Sam de e,
Visa G !Aler, FAarraril Lairlinelon, Isaac
R Davis,Fo John Newlin, Gr R hI [Oman,
iva C Gala?. Theo!,Hiss Paulding, II Janos Dresses,
Henry Sloan, Hush Craig, Geoige Serrill, Spokeer
Aiello., Cherie. Kelly, C Johnson, Wrn Hay, Dt
S Thomas. Jahn Sellers, W. Eyre, Jr •
Ilagh Crap, John T Logan.
C HANG, V., a Prenldant '
Jos.. IV Cowan, Seey.
ID"OliEve of tba I.'-omponv, No. Water aces
Pittsburgh. of
. C• 1 1 .2•1. tn...Ct CID Sl,l.
T ilEundernrcned Lan app.: tcd am' th is
aid and 7f:spoof:talc cAnpavy, tic -acceed. Mr.
Fayeite Rrown, and I.ready la the
Elm and Marine dapartmn;,on c!! , vorablc term:
as ary dicer regpancitte ccarp.ny in tl. ci:y. !
OMa. F. AR7;:ti,D,
74 Foarth it.. next o thank m.r PittsbMak.
Al. V. FORTED., •
..tjkA TTORNET zed Counsellor of Lees. (Mee Nd 17.1
PiL Focrtlf ,tree•. Wifains 11.,11, Pittstruegh,
nett , 11TercirrIVS
A otteo to Stookholders.
1-7,l:rrro:anjo'n.oLtsh'APn''nun'l'V'eelLf.,thocf Chnr:e~ of
the Etirot
holders. of Dm Nl , lniongeliefe riorviestion Company
swift he held on nduy, the Cob day of Jrinufirv, thal,
toning the firm Viacday of the rrtnotifj of dropTiet of
11,0 hold conspany4 in Tilghman carrel. of G ant
u d e:o 7 : i n a d Dia mondalley, Pit:sir/A.of, aTioc in
fbe afternoon, for thn purpose of elecdoc efficend for
h o
ensuing year.. WM. LTA grAVLI.L,
J. T. Decker, Woodward to Co ., I
Builds," end Erectors qf Lightninc Rode,' on
Scientific Prlnesptes.
ORDERS fats 1, thotnflid., or ,he Pon; ca,4l; and
for person,! trdervie SFS can hn nee,. on I.OEIII, It,
residence of Dr. Dont, between DiarLel nod Fel.
Referenev—Prolessor &Horan, If.fitor orplifim n's
Jouruelf Professor 0 .51 Much ell, of fhe Cindin
Observcory, Professor Robert Peter, orTrensylvsnis,
Urfire'shY, KY. Professor Cherie( Dr,vey, It. D , ft 0,
-Neer Fork; Professor J. ffevsel, Cfesrund
versify, Ohio.
• In IftrAburgh—A W. Loomis, John If aincr. - Wilson
hleCendless, Mr. thrills. Colaucl Moreno, Iten. ; lsh.
f?parks, J. D. Willtatus,Plvfor !larding, ff. Aruennl A
irwin & Son, L. Harper D. h. Who; W A.
Mersbull, John BionrisOu, Illeior Davis,Jor, lisehdensi
berets', ipiffahtarts3
/OEN , Russo op.'',
nOAL Mereirrnis, soil Defiler, in Dr, Gooda, reef
tIIfIES, Iron,end Naila, corner or flu'odf sireeti
mod Washington Turnpike Ter.o.frenctivili .
ncl*.d.terlasili •
.7 , 1.171E.,3 WILSON,
95 Wan
FL d Ts corner of Diamord ollsy, .9% - re,iieferrp„
'Treat rarfeiv, Afaccinetured cnd Se:c-te d ridth
care releienet io price, en ar:l ece.ici, kw
Yoit city, ond be offered a: t, noel of
recool tole Whole Tale Rote
WOORD, ttr, CO,
Wholesale & Retail biernitaetalsrs L. Dealets
Car. Wood &Fifth sta., Plttaborpih,
Where they ea's,. roll anti comb:etc nterik
Ce.P., For, tcc., corrects. quality non *tile. by IVhbllee
sale and Retail, end Intite the mutation of their ear
tome.. and pare. Renerally, ester - 41X them that
they will on the NM KyVANT.A.MICITL.I4.
G. Wd WAIF Lon,
112 Secoad etract.
STRICT ratebbon ill be givrn 01,11 bo:tbrra rn
trotarel to Lis corr. l!ttiaborrh trAnt,..trd
ortielts nb , nys or prom,-, r. , `tort
Notu, I:ontir. Alrtt„,3 • :b., bo
able .11,11 !Arab, rt. r , :tdr., re,
Hoviro? C, , Xpialro "IC p . pip
04PR0V - 1:nr:::. 0? TIMM ,1%
North-East tor. oC Four( h Plairk•C•tl,
On :Mondry clarnalag, 2.4 ;Set r.lrr.
im With a Lane Stack of ltrw Goods.
J. fC. /jELA DV.
sso Pisa.
LEF.CII it CO' n
EalVen Flrpdt'„lrg'rrg'7l:e"
agru Holltdaymmfraln and from thtnre
SY LVANIA RAIL ROAD 10 Philndelphm. Throdth
dd ,, Y , Li. Emu , . Emun padkatem sty rail I.t taken.
dell•dtm D LEECH S. CO .Cdual Ea s ml
hird story), Plltithurch, P.
'VIEWS of Sends a( Sw.
V papers, Frontispiece . .. Landscape., Droc Lane's
in cogen t . Seals for Focietien d Oei
atiolis Cotton Stamps, ko.,intLe Lest style c( act. arid
at the lowest prices. no(Gally.
r i R. SPEER henremoved to Liberty street, below
I_l Pitt Greet, No Ind. Ofhce md d eit,ns in De
same building._ augalniddr
To Bostbarat W !Merchant*.
Eg g subscriber reqpectfally invitee patd.c. attention to
Ms este:Wive smelt of Periemery, Boars, clivsnia
Creama,.tc., to whwb seven :Silver and two Gabldn
' Medabiliave, within the last no yenta. bebiantirddd
by the. Institutes of New York, Doown, •
dept., the latter being the only Goldeu iddatt aver
awarded for perfumery either in Europe or this
cheep.). i
Rousata's Unictraudta Stamm, Carus,
Rest, and Ambrosial.) nalversady rteknowledened le
be auperior to any Shaving Cream in this country or,
Europe. I I
CLAW.= rot fituvrita—Bcactifully tradopirent,
and ponvising highly Rannoaccons nnd retained::
properties; Su s Compound; Ambrozial bug .
tug Tablet; Military Shaving Rosy. I .
noredrama Tait= Roegs—Aimond, Rose,
Borg et. Potacbto, Munk, Petchouty, umatbas,
lug, irensparont, Olive Gil, Windsor. end ioircavalan..
ErMArt• von vie fisaccueoiri—hode, Jitinatit,
Bouquet de Carniti.e, Germilum, Jenny ;h o nes
line, doom' Club. Magnolia, Octane:,
hinsiG, and many other ail sit.ty trios
Tomer Wadruce—Florida Water, EAU de
Orange Flower Water, and a great satiety e Can
Wanes and Lavender Waters ;
PUZI , LitATIOn• ran nu Ilsap—Gennint Pearls fil4
Antique Baddaltne, Eau. Lestrate, tilyine,Gaaw
pound On Marrow, flair Dyes, Inlaid end In poyirder,
and Philaccme.fticintne, and Jenny Lind Damisites,l
WhenP[ll7.lil.ll—her, 1-I,,ROSE
Tenth l'astc, Charcoal llsrarifice, deritinc? Tomb
Cosi, and Tann cubicavica—Ve Cosmetic Cream, Arcandiao
far eh.pred inmds, Cold Cream of Roves. limn:. do
Pew. Lip Salve, Raspberry Cream, ae. •
Depilatory Powders, for removing supereuttion holy,
Pearl Powder, Vinalgre de Rouge, Aramatte Vinegar,
Victoria Unit COmpoution, Presien Bahl, bysidea
• great variety of other melee, too nuzzle- run to be
namedin this latlvertiscluent.
The satiscritietlhores. raemtain Rio re
which this establishment anancquired, by
of nothing bat firth rate unicies, and ri in fie LOS vy to
(linden Shone what may wish in patronize :td.., citner
11 - hOlellllo en rash on CP retl.'ollnble a: ail ni , •
tahhattment in ilia United Ettics.
• x A VIV.II 1L57.175,
Seemelsor and former N t eg r e ... i•
of 4
Cite•nut nt;cez.}
Mr. Buhl'. Perfumery I. fOr aide by all ttr,s 0,01n41.
Vol Druggilto lathe country ' 007:41TP
ANT Pnsn wigiting to engage in Om Nhliinglimq-
Ues. may Inlay of a very demi - am° proper's,.
51 bry
application to • Wfl JON;;:. in
.y ''
de I lit i-ecritiii ,i
in FALL FASHION. 6-1 0 ,4
ryllilB beauukt styli, of flat la nom mccletii. mid
j mill be Intraineed on Saturday ill:: in'ii. by'
. Ak&ntu ~.cci [ •
Coo. Eittli &.. tcrmd yis
Muspratts , Paterit 1404. :tali:
236 AtinS, mostly. Glow. 31'stete, on
Z... , for the IOW", utcr,loT
e.ttat or.PP-r-ove
es a KIN, by
W &
Libtny st
' •q Austad ‘o CA
• LIOIIT Draft Stern Wheeled :31.100
Apply to ACA/F7: Os ATKINS , ' /!..1
oe•X Fifth st., between Woed h Mar st-1
giiitcationatchool Boots itepostiorr-
Cl 7 Ems Normal Reads's, apt,oloc.. no.
IT 133 aII G rat= szs, Geog” p hie I , : stss. P,ltunn•
cry, lllaps, Globes, and every wort 04.1
pnvate scowls.
Also, I general assortment at Maps to:lslas ter
schools, dwalllus and ofhess. Also tam: di Orb '
publications, at SS Market 61,007. offocalb: dog;
Rder, •
Ell dry Calf j ,L 4
t bandlolker Skutt; landicx tor set
tag IionarDAIXELL*I3O.CJ''