The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 08, 1851, Image 2

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3`S OUR6iY
- _
walo crrt snrcunom Iroa tusok
Teette or our. VerM.--As we unman -. •
our readers some Limo aineti, the terms of OUT Dui.
ly paper !nee been s taged, from room dollars to
tit dollars per annum, In advance, or tern dollars
payable half yearly, to tete efieet from the fine
p. N Whits Hest.
Ozer IS tr—ltt reply to the charge that !had any
thing to e;,. tr. -cutely up a handbillmwhich the
v.r3rd "Whig andKisti•Mssorl-" were Mantled,
I, have only t ray , that 1 knew nothing ahem it,
toe dui leen t until it i had been pncted and die
tribu'ed. On :ceding the Ind 1 discovered the
=Weise. Ode of my friends, et ene request, had
the awe:. 'alerted and to extra number tamed.
Bacirre brio nominated by the Wh.g and Anne
Diseen,e 0 ;y Ccnvectine be tho eselidate of the
„petty fouthe effice of Major, It is Can to the natty,
to h.' Oilyentlon and to myself that I . .boold. be
eglatty urders'o:d le this natter.
Respectfuiy, JOHN J. ROGGEN.
httOßTs Alto EMIT,. or Nrur Yess..--The
tots' itnuortt from .January to December of ILO,
Is - valued ar.5129,334642. yivicg es iheteaao el
5t0616391,0ver there of 1640. 0! Ilia antena . ,
13106:411,P59 were dutiable, 50,815, 2 40, free, sad
.of epeee 512932,413 teem received.
yhir, the New York perm call a “prospemr
cover= of commerce,' wed ecrtelely it In, co
it, tint ery, fa eoueereed; hat how will to wee .
an luo-11,f foreign coinweeiies, withcot a cur.
re./on it-g paste of expertr, affect the c-trlatty it'
Wall our iron and ecetzu efivblithilients
evochre ; with rawly ci nor geople cot to
totp!..v recto, such e ate-lean - at a the ebove
tal,tdoltd to excite feel DES of envie , y and wham
rather thou of grlttolation. All the got. What CI
from Cal:'omt• meat tthC op for the hem bel
:ace of quit new spine, ob.
England and Rene.
It cannot be chrgutred that the very relent ep
tx6.tion wh®h the Roman Heirarehy has met ordh
in Eng and—an oppmidpn not much characterized
by Chri,lmn temper—is arousing sympathy In fa
vor of the Popeand his Archbishop, and confirms
Romanist In them bed opm ion. of Protestant*. The
corre.pondent of the New York Comrnereml M
yer riser at Rome, sap :.
""Homo was perfectly cool and confident of hair.
inn the brlcnntage in the controversy before the
Arclabishup'sappeal to the British people; since then
t:thy eonmdcr it quite safe hero to announce 'I
clornois victory." Some of the most tofhiential
jourrmb of France, which were disposed at first to
allow t.l England a scrim:aground of complaint at
the measure of the Pope, and partieularlyat the in•
solent tone of his bull reinstattnathe hierarchy, now
with Home. It is rumored, moreover, that
a letter into been received here from the sing of
couched in very flatteringtemas team 11 the
Pope, requesting some simitar appointment at re
omanimtion_ of Burnish eccicsaustical attain In
That the Pope way rainy of a grans end Inso
lent introtion epee the gayer omen zed Chttrch
of England, •ro freely admit ; bat that the Erg-
• lish peonle 'have made a_great Wender, to given
no harsher term, in the violence with whieh they
repelled it. Is, we think. equally true. True
Chrintirarty, for welch `they ire conten — diagrdoen
....not Warrant each proceedings as ha ve teen bed
on this ccensron.
Cruise of tko.Preble.
This U. S. ship Preb b, Jaatas Graver. commas
cr, arrived at New York on the let instant, &her
a <retire of onwards of lero ycale, having left
Neer York in September 1546.
The Preto:e reraninyti on the W 0616114 Milt Of
Mexico, until the termination of the war, when
shr , isi'eri to Chliv, Via the Sandse.vb Isfatda
6i,er cram:lag among this different puree of Mina
for cov,oral menthe, she .sailed Mr-the Leer •
tdands, and therm to Japan, to look after setae ,
sbleurreched American seameo, who were de.
rained as prisoccra and barbarously Erected: Tke
arreouot given by the New York Courier and
Enquirer of tom pliant affair, is so interettlng that
vre g.,ve it in full.
A• t 1 a Preble neared the coact of Japan, signal
guns were fired from the prominent Lead land. in
vac warning lo the attrentladtegceolto t ry (alit Wall
rif era, run Birecv•used ) cf tfu appearance of a
arance ,hop. As the entered the harbor of No.
gestki, the Preble wa• met by a number of large
bore.. which ordered her off, rod attempted to es
pc., h, farther isareay. Bur by mand eg steadily
to orth a file brew, their mutts were aeon bro
ken. and • desirable poetion reveet foranehoring.
Feats of boats crowded with ee!cl era ebordy after
began to arrive. and from that trine until the Pre•
ble !el, they poured in to one incessant atreun
day and night. Eschampsderm were banners or.
e.0.m.:4 , d with distinct timbals and devire.,tehich
were transferred with the traps to their encamp.
meets cn the elevated atoms aurroonding the
eneto nee of the Preble. From three kie , obta
Were ...en at Intervals a onsaaked batteries of hei.
or •niilery,numberinr in all onward. of 60 gem,
wh:ch were trained upon the Prcb!u' decks. It
Van to toe fact of this array, and with • cordon of
hosts drawn around the ably, that negotiations
Were carried on for the tele... of American car
s from an innonstnions end clue 1113.1120.61. 11 t
of rattly set...teen months. Against these mire
the Japanese urged not the slialreat charge--,2-
rapt the e.fficully they had had in building prisons
and canes siring enough to hold them--yet they
were thrived with inturaar: hsrbart , y, and when
Oct. confined were made to bumph, on tte cruet.
fa; b e i n g told et the ease lion that a we. `the
Dev:t or Jape n;' . and that if they refined to now.
ply live. would pay.the forfeit.
The demand far that relearn inn, at first treated
with A well effected, haughty irAfference by the
Japanese outhoritier. Tha suhrrqoently gave
plane to an evasive diplonn•er, but upon being
.perirp , orilvio`d by Captain Glynn, In largesse
that enuld net be misisndentood that they most
• itemenatety deliver no the men. ere means would
' b- found to eomoel them, Prot that the Ameri,so
irrnent alma,. knew bow to recover And
pro , em in; .cliratos when improperly detained or
abused by try nation whatever, they quickly
changed their tone and deprecating any anger or
ex-pease no the subject; the Lent (Inverter
'who hat cendw.ted the interview on behalf of the
•• Irparese, promised !bet they should be trent off to
' the ship to two &estrum that time
Teri vv.. ..netts fu . Fed. The Prehlo an
Tepee io Kong, mopped at the encsolar
port, of BLoinchat rind Amoy, on the east cmvi at
Clyne; gad, Detain hal et dieg a delay of two days
et L.n Car, nine a, Japan, seven et Shringh•i,
toks or Wneroun, and two at Amov, she arrived at
linen Bens in fiery nine davit from the time of
Mareta. The was one day less than bad been
Riven ber by ha most experienced men about
Canton to man Nagasaki alone at that mason of
the VAT.
03 tin' 18th of June, fn lat. 28 deg 17 north
bee. 123 deg 23 red, the Preble discovered a
latge It'ead not laid down in any chart. Bedouin,
It to he n nevi dideoVery, Commander Glynn
named 1 Pants hurl). The extent of the
. Mend wee not ascertained, owing to the prove. ,
lance of dysentery of a malignant type en board
the 10:115, lahlell forbade any delay. It. shore was
[treed for 31 miles to • direct , ot E. N.. E. - The
island h mountalneras, and riven into a remarks.
b'e peak near its southwestern extremity.
Arriving at Honolulu, Sandwich Mandl, • hoe
, pita? was erected an shore, to which the insdids
were removed, but too !ale far am-tarsi of the poor
fellows. Here they remained until December,
-when she leaded far San Francium, and ultimately
to Benicia, thirty five men being left belied at
• . Horololo.
Thu term of etc/vice- having expired, the men
were discharged et Beattie, end the chip taut left
without screw. Obtelnire e few men !rem the
rtinedrni, the Mehl° sailed for Veleetrtes in As.
gnat Irv% ivAch rho reached In lA day., Alter
staying bore one „month to refit, the silted for
he7Mo, where she served av ettive stated. The
ttli'p railed in aft nearly 100,000 miles,
In cone-Woe the Cormier remark,
"Every poor of any importance whatever, in
the bruit, Perlin end CMhe rats, end upon she
waft roast of South Arocrice, Mexico, end
:omit, have beta visited, and many et them tee.
oral 11.11 CA, tThrff Et the crutev. Unfrequented parts
of tic ocean beta been trevorsed—a nember
elvenor pools have been entered, where no no.
tionst vowel had ever helot • bows mar fieg—and
n, commerce Ins received teeter end proteeticn
item the Preble in a number of most important
terraners. Thus it will to seen thet the rtable
Its made one of the moat Mterestine;tra ear
-Lately the longest noise Mr ooih dorttion of time
and distance milted. that believer berdaf , ritatie by
'an Arnericen Inamofwer.
rht/adriphns Cantattadal Lut.—ThinadoilFat!)
o ntaacchat Journal has, eqnstquenee of the
niotcating demand upon Its aavertislatcohim .
hcco very materially enlarged and tmproved. It
h doetdcaly the most ab'e commend"' oboe girths
rod tatoll'd be coned in tho 000ntiog ;outs
of emery mtretarati miaufacaaer sad ant*" fa
itta Slate.
Lain Mown= °a Astriarca.irThe Earl of Car• .
lisle, best known in tlns chi:miry by his former
lie of Lord Morpeth,bashitely appeated in the char•
actor of a popular lecturer, with great success, et
the Mechanics' Institute and Literary Society of
Leeds. It is certainly/a good sign to bee a British
Peer end Chamet Min ister m no novel a position.
Ha Lordship's Erna lecture was on the Works of
Pope. He avowed himself R warm admirer of
that poet, and gave a derailed and appreciative cri
tique of his works. The next evening the subject
was AXaCries, from which we take two or three
extracts :
Joan Qtneur ADAM Vt'hile I was at Wa•tung•
ton, the quentoa of Slavery, or at :east of points
convected with Slavery, gave the chief color and
afiinsauon to the &scansions in the House of Sop
rmentatives. Old Mr Adams, the ex-President of
I the United States, occupied, without doubt, the
most prominent position ; ho presented a sera
sinking appearance, standing up erect at the age
of se:reeve five, having once filled the highest post
attainable by an America citizen. with trembling
Intadsand ea ger eves, n efence of the right to pet
tition—the right to petition agamsethe continuance
of Slavery in the District of Columbia, wnh a ma.
jority of the Hous i nto g uainet him,
and • portion of it e
lashed noise and storm. I
thought it was very near beteg, and mistime extent
it wen, quite a miblirne position ; but it rather de.
meted nom the grandeur of the effect, at keg, that
his own eXelteMeat Was so groat as to pitch ha
voice a lmost into a screech, and to make him more
disorderly than &eche rest He put one in mind of
• fine old game cock, and ocean ionally showed great
energy and power at earcasos. 1 had certainly an
opportunity of form ing my opinion. as I sat through
• speech of his that lasted three days ; but then it
is lair to mention that the actual sittings hardly
lasted above three hours a day—about four dinner
ta ready, and they go away tor the day, differkg
much herein ftom our practice; nod .
aton,they frequently allowed Mr t
dawn to rest. All the time I believe he was rot
hunrell for - the discontinuance of Slavery, cavil in
the District of Columbia, but he contended that the
Consetneou had accorded the free right of pelt
tiou. One morning he presented'. petition 'or the
Much:Mon alike Union, which ritsed s great tem.
pest. Mr. /Marshall of If er,tucky, a fine and grace
fulspether, moveda vole of censure anon him
Another member, Whom I need not name, the
ablest and fiercest champion whom I head on the
Southern or alaveholder side ,
. made a most savage ,
onslaught on Mr. Adams; then up got the "old
man eloquent," gad no one couldhave rept (etched
him with not understanding how to speak even'
dangers. His brave but somewhat troublesome
spirit has famed teem the scenes tiptoe which he
played so coupleamo a part, but he has left be
hind him some words of fire, the quirks of which"
ore not yet extinct. Nothing came of all thin stir.
I teed to meet Mr. Adams at dinner while it went
on, very calm and kmdisturbed.
Ms. CLOT aim hit Winstrmr... , 4 heerd Mr.
Clay la Ike Smute once, but evert' one told mei
test he was laboring under feebleness .r 1 ex.
asunton, so that I acid poly perceive the groat
man in the tones of has voice. 1 Mich tilts meet
' attractive quality was mare perecivalie tit private
tritest:oolse, no I certwely never mci any public
nan either in his country Cr in cite, ewers ex
cepting Kr. Canning, who exercised etch evident
melnattOrt neer the minds and allecuors Of as
viands and Eines/Ms as floury Out. . I thought
nn society most aitrectere I
ease temple and gest
al, with great natural dignity. t hie ear.utte oleo
make better men Presidents, I should applaud
their virtue. in reset ng the spell of as eluquent
attractions. When the actual Lat is ccosi.lered,
my respect to fits fi l acernosent elicited by wei•
venal suffrage .doe. net stand at a eery high po , nt.
Another great Moo, Duna Webster I cot. not
hear in either House of Coalmen, because he wee
lied, as he does 113110, the high office of Secretory
ce Stale; but it is quite enough to look oe his int.!
Mg dark ertrar and cavernous eyes aad asuman I
forehead, to aosanered that they are dm Rosen I
of as much, if not lawn, iotel.ect teen •ny head I
you perhaps ever remarked.
I see many, if not for ail reasons, tam Weil cone
tent that hashoold be elate at the head of the i
American Cabinet, for I feel sure that wale he it
ever latenaely American, he baa mai ghteoed ,
love of poem, and a cordial sympathy with the
fortunes and genial of the old, so well es the new '
Anglo-Saxon SIMI.
Tan SOlng rim apott a Cirtnight
at Charleston, the capital of her more eneneerle
ter, South Carolina. This town and Slate May bet
looked nixie as the hood of the ...e . eveholdteg lo •
mosr and repeatedly, when they barn thought
the pley of the North too encroacMcg either
upon questions relating to what they term thew
peculiar methane., - whinh la time ennhohiolliS
description at Sielery,oe when we thou id rei •
jester sympathy With them upon qo cot.. re ottleg
to the protection of the Northern matinfachorr• inn
opposition to a liberal commercial paliee, they
have not only held the very highest tone In favor
of • dissolution of the Union, but have premeded
to orert acts of resistance. I am beard to sae
that I rewash], time there very &neatly. There
Was much gaiety and unbounded hospitality. I
have made no denies of what my opinion, upon
Slavery were, are, and ever men he; boa it we o'd
I be uncandid to deny this it, in the Steno
ern States; has mach mn_r
-:to'La cancer ard
mode of intercnoree thabootembies the iiegfe b.
teettleu7.gentleman time any °tem Maw of his
coartemetten; 1. - 6 therii — eaer, companioneMe.
Loud of actuary life and cat of doer petrut.w. I'
went with a remarkshil , r agreeable Lacy to spend
a day at the neat plantanno of one of !heir cltitii
prenrietomj he hod ate credit or being en excel.
l ent intmean T, end hie Peerecr, young and old
warned well taken care of ane leoed •f er;
mpelled the ( o not of edueatia; i k
highly penal by the law of the Stoic—bet at letting
them have any religious Mamie:on. t was told
by others that there was comaiderable Improve.
meat in this reaper. Many whom I met enter.
taitred no doubt that Slavery would subsist r..moea
hem forever; others were inclined to Pi nit
it wooed weer me. While I Was
shut my eyes 10 any of the more cerm et,. r t•
oil ISWOMS or mitigations el bit, iv. oil. r
ndtoetionarrould not come across my pain ort.
out producing deep repugnance.
O. the cern first rays; of um arrival I tear.;
deep sound ot the code setae; on Irv, iv, I n o
told that after tt Sod sounded eve... slant
nine eclectic, no colored pencil, alas( or for,.—
mark *hoe—might be sere in the streets. One
morning, ageordingly, I saw a great crowd of e
(red persons ln the street, and I found they were
welting to sae a large cumber of toter color, who
' had been rated up the night liefre on their re to to
tram ball, waned in their ball dresses fere the
goal to the cacti haute, lc deed, it sae almost
ptiocipally with bestioa to the free black, that the
anomalous and indefecalle working or the eye
tem appeared there to develOpe itself. I was t id
that the sleets themselves looked dawn span
the free blacks. sad called them rethat.h.
Meet not omit to state the( I saw a Save otichon
to the open street, arising from the tosolveney
the previous owner; a crowd stood 'round the
platform. on which sat the auctioneer. and beside
nits wore placed in aucceaalon the le.e of from one
to five negtoea. The famthee seemed to be .1i
pot up together,
but I betel. they must nitre be
uparated. Th e, comprised infante ad all arm.
la far as I could judge they eehdeled treat is.elf
fereoes to their changing destiny. I a.rd the
octioneer tel one old man, whom I contd
have diatingnshed from a white penile, that be
had beep bought by a good master. On, acute
hot help abadderirg at the Turner lot of those who
were not the subjects of thlti contratelalline. In
owlet of neatn est, clean linens and order, the Sbit.e
holding Statee •ppeued to nand in about thrum°
reintion In the Free ea Ireland dm. to Enelene;
everytntng •ppeara slovenly, ill•arrragerl i lanom•
plate; windows do not shut, doom do not (eaten;
there in a aupersbandance of hands to do every
thing, and little 1.1 thoroughly done.
A Nov. PROPOS mos.—The New York nation
make, the following novel proposition in regard to
the election of Pmident End Vico Powidentj-
. -
We doubt, however, whether it is rufacleatly prac
tical for adoption, although we should rrjoiee to
r • -
see tome better plan thin the present adopted :
'All full inside?' queried a lookerm at the doer of
Loedon,onnbus ''Can't my for thereat," reopen-
Ided Movies Lamb from one of the liens ; "but that
set piece of oyster pro did the business for am"
The bun Wing National Convention at Philadel-
phia was equally efficacious in our case We had
attended all the previous Whig National Coaveri
tiortemce 1832; loot from this we were as John
Van Baran aptly expressed it, 'liken ch olera pa- ,
tient dischuged cured! Ws earnestly desire that ,
there shall never be another. We are sniffled
that such, no matter of which party, tend to !unit
the freedom of thought, to impede p rogress in the
discovery and establistunent of Political Truth—
to enchain men to organizations, to catch words, to
dead formulas, when their minds should Ito
Open to the ready reception and aesimilation of
moral truth. 11 Mere could ho some National pro
ems akin to die reading of the Riot Act whereby
all stibsistlog parties could be dieperseil, and all
I party namesabolished every fourth year, the Conn.
try and the cause of Human Progress would he
unwisely ners ; but, in default of this, an utter
disuse of National Conventions will be of vast ben ,
alt. And this, we trust, may now be occurred.
—.WIWI would you throw an election of Freer
dent evermore into the House of Representatives?'
—No, Sir, nothing of the sort, car ides Is to keep
it evermore out of that Home, and have all future
Presidents nominated and chosen direatly by the
people. Oar plan is briefly as follows
Hove no National Convention, and no exclusive
candidates for President and Vico President on
either stde;bet let the claims md qualtficationsof all
our enimeb, citizens be freely discussed throu b
the journals end in muter assemblages with
eye to their possible elevation to th e Presideve .
let this discussion login as early as the public I -
tercet lathe subject shall suggest, and . be continuo3
up to tbo day of election, welch ts now, through
out the entire Union, the Tuesday following the in
Monday in November. Meantime let the State
Conventions of the two great panic. (and a* Mutt
more as shellsee At to) assemble es used, sad owed
ionic Electoral Tenets to be supported by all
shall prefer at the approaching election. Let these'
ticketa bo printed with the names of the enjoin
candidates for President at the head—the,: Over
the-Whig Electoral Ticket, "For President, Fleury
Clay; Vice President, Washington Han;" others
IWO,. President. Daniel Webster; Vice President,
John J. Crittenden," others "For President, Geo.
Winfield Scott; Vice President; Edward Bates, of
Missortri," and so on Those of the Opoosslon
would In like manner bear the names of Gen Bet
lee, Gee Houston ; Ckm:Cass, Col. Benicia, (toe.
McDowell,Jetterson Davie, and so on. Then each
elector coming to the polls would rote the °leant-I
ml ticket of the party preferredbyhim,bis ballot at
the some time expressing his individual choice for
President and Vice President. The ballots thus
voted to be counted se, voted—for instance: The
State Canteen declare that the vote of N. York'
wows ea totkrers :
For The Whig Electoral Ticket, 250,000
Loco Foca, • 240,000
Liberty, ' 5,000
Awl Ilturt the Whig Electors are clime „Bat they
further report that the Whig Electoral Ballots were
headed as tollowu
Per President—Henry Clay 129,009; Winfield
Scott, 69090; Daniel Webster, .40,000, Horace
Mann, 10,000; and that 20.000 were voted onthotit
any designation of a Presidential candidate. They
m like manner state how the Loco Foco ballots
were headed, and so with regard to Vice President.
And so with other ticket, that might be voted.
Within ten Jaye aver a Preicelential Election, it
might, t y mean, of the Telegraph, be known
thratighout the Linton bow the great balk of the
vate•ef either pertly had been set,—not merely '
which party had carried a msjoray of the Eiecia
are, but haw that *celerity had hew isestrarred
vote by the greater *wetter cf tho. by that •Tofrer
gee they had ken elected Teen the Eleonierarould
arm:snit in their rooprctive colleges, not to ratify
the decrees or time newt • thee seeking cabal,
some gatoMlng of reheating selfish politicians,but.
to announce tend auttioritatively ratify the
neennelfatoed choice of the PeotOe.
—.Snot is nor ides of and plan for a real Elec.
lion al Preald nit by the People, dispensing with
al 1 , : 11101111 Conventions, Coogreiainnai Cal:lens
Nitatinattnne and other noothincy to forestall and
ntteuain the choice al the Potpie. We feel con.
dent that it would work tern, and that, aver the
Lrmoity al hat i xpireng and 'Minim it in ape-
trm . , hat been serrnellnt./I, it FOOlll Lean? be I
re i inquished. And it could not he a difficult opt.
rttien to coi.vnice the People that they could ma
Well tierneute the loan of their confidence by
their bent is 55 any Convention could do it fi t
them Then s &nap!, set of etch legislature. In
structing the Inspeclara or Judges t f Elected
count eve return the inducer tr.enta es anti an the
camel or thole voted t tr es Electors wand at u'a
the question. If any State chore to stand or, ha
Eke or. could vote is they plc eyed. bat their
Slate would exert no tefiaeuce over the decition
of ethers.
Friends of Pointer Sove-eiguir ! help as to
perfect and put in prover genie effectual and 515.
o ;p151.1e sUb.,llUte for National Prestdentemaking
Wasironatoe, Jan 6th, 1851.
Venetia It eturres—oreateying Results
North. and south -catteoeuta Laud.
Claims agate—Character of the Con
troweray—Postsge—Uattte of the Pape
and Tuppences.
The censor of Elaryleed show • total Impulse
lion very close upon six hundred thousand, show
ing the lery gratifying increase of one hundred
nod twenty tkieteand upon the coometation of
1910, ghoul eeventy thousand of which bes been
in the cry of Ilaltimare and viciroy. The in'
etre«, of alsves hes been merely nem:nal, indeed
there in yet no cenaloty co any Incieace among
th er clots of persons at all. If tre estimates upon -
whit![ 2 "art o• the rerul, depends be corne r , the
d:sluction of two 11th, of 100 Slates from the prom
the Hartford Contact
whole population, will not taro the effect of des Stoppage of Cotton Mils,
put leg Maryland of any tepresentailve under the
he n umbe r
Ites , to o n . T , ra n leLtri n t p Helms a 'minuend of
i I bye of the New Eughind
nett apportionment. It seems probable that the L ow. w s Z ich i i&-inirt reused op,,thiithw within the
Sisto will retain her present lattabst et represent• lest three months, to consequence of the depres•
(olives in Centres.. of
in this branch of manufacturee. The number
of mills which have stopped is , about 130. Betides
D r '''''" " iis "' is rt.m.sisslY In VW"' these noany are running shorttime. At Fall River'
t, ii " , or rather has token • iiskt .t. " i,° re lative one hundred end tea thousand spindles been stop. l
incres.c. S i' o us. now a t a l e upwards o f nine. pod iii ~..,,,,,i , t hrth, of a sulks , th ,,,, thi .th e open
ly titBuwir'd 't , b•'' ittr ". .' s 'iL. 0..r.r- d tw e lve uvea Adding these to the number preVleutitlyl
Vino Rand, er sOotti dAcen p r coot, since 1810.— stopped, and those running short time and we bane I
, 'e... glen, et tit , : t ,,,,,, for rte I . • century Post of one inillton less spindles now in operation thou i
I minpulaitrio. rhiura prinwsoc to neve beta 11 assay r r„, e , were a y ear a j ars . C a laulac jos one no d one
fi" , 'd ....U.,Y luny frame aZo, nay, ditty eighth yards per day for each spindle, which is &ni l
ir years hnve made hilt eampanstive riser, in het average at Lowell, andllhere are row one million
i!esed.tien or reletne• Inwa•de her nemhbors. to ore hundreduid twenty fits thousand lees yards of
111 kt D=lswatet hart sixty thunrand people , we.sle cotton cloth t ortnitfactured daily, than when al
Georgia, which line an. , nearly a m.dioa, tad were`nunningiult. Teo dovecot :ele c t; mtlls o c itt . of e
but eighty two thoa•nad, nod Tennessee which New EMI."' Is i rS ° s c .° t _ t _„,,.. ° : nthe t th, ., i i°
tow Mt:tains to pingo...nue ehmulanee over a spindles are slop in onnominui
million, had but thirty Eve theuserd. Is 1500, mill.
the little Sate bed grown Iv Orly 44,000; in 1810, This depression has tit cause. It cantos traced
to 72 000; in lion, she bad Jost if s twine, and op directly to the enctiuragement which the existing
to 1910, she had grown only to 7.8 000 Tariff gives to the importation of foreign labile.
Free the hest infrrmroion atiaineb'e, it Rectos The anthem and advocates of that taw denounce
probe that Vireroa has sated about 200,000 on the PrinctPle of Protection to American IrebM,,
1110,000 of hoed and free watch she had to whet. its practi . m . effect), toce7 . rtfis t, aoo pre .
180. I,lnstlr the e-holo of this gem has breo to i''.• th i. Nib.' . 1 'Jr.., B aha m a 1 1.. 0 1 1 .,,
ration, there handfed and thirty mumemted factor-,
the Western Distlirt.. l .:C!‘ COMP'tees I rsreewe• ..,. w, of lout z ,O OO ~,,,,.$.
rather more Ora tar( h • terr e itiria oxicot of the ..r,.._Ti!-;,. e mp loyment . ~ stave been th.i.,
x y earnings coma not
State T.he slay., of coal part have Increaser lit ..•
than 5100.000, or an aggregated oyer aspoo,ooo 1
I a very sloe- me, nAino , 7 form G'iy Clot to any
per annum.eight
eight thnumitrd. kelerrle from 1.00 of the ler. u ., cis the pm .. s ., lan ~, , u. ,,,,,, d. 5 , 00 ., ..,
.._"' “"".. '''' '',' E i rrii ',', l''''.l et li isSi ' iris eon al noolior of FattOriCS lilt! C0111:GCL impend- I
seow a eery conriceran e attlatett , on 111 her b f ree 4 , •ti dun.; the -cure of the present year. The
nod r ''''' L'iuthii.”lr' .01 the decrease ' acre i, clut,cos of dollars which three opt:alive.
coarksble that 1 epprehend some error In the 1 upho ld „,,,„ if employed, will be paid lee the
em , . , . 1 . The P.,,:r.... of hr 5, . 0 . , t , 5, • ,,,, poultice., erant.trolniell to Europee. That amount
however, r''' far .. any t'''''''s of i ' e ; ir ' ,. ; e liri ' 2f money will be kept par rif the coceria of oar
hes been upon the whole highis natio! aczory with, own people tad rut dt . o , i . p,..,,,...:. of it...
tr * . to pY”" P" ; nirie. 4r ' rr..iiir '" l"‘"lT i° het ttrans of Leeds, et.,,n , r, ot w ou,tet.
Of the Northern S:ates ‘ l am lad to believe, than I B . ~.......... wilt cot rap",..._
derimr tee nre,reatee ten Ye w.,.• i. N.',
Den Evrtty oil), interest, ex,pt the foreign importer,
any other decennial period ( ~ the !rat half 1
..,,.., with t ... , t 0.1 1,.....,,.... . •,
Mel. Far the i .-. oadliens wht h would ha oared by
The Serte ha. its 1.-.... in realm, to day, and ith.e 25 IV.r
,004opersi.vee, would be diluttod, in
indeed. doe. very. I :Y. ,, inl''. l'"W".. . when
~..1 tio - oat ennui preportihns, to ibe ha le r, 1231 , •.9 0-
does lA. loan sir e reicio•ii itiotiovantaraist Mt
Miq lanner e lechoulm.rottr, ate. ate. No oee .4s-
diricWisirtz tr ' iiic i'rit. era_ C•-'-; to at i ' i ' rra:t ltsarneeil of 411.4 e eon be &palmed -,yritkrlol l l
during its ~0 1, n ) , he sestina, hetwesa Corot el I dear erg, n ,,,,,, 0v te,e, iti othorr..." , ''' s s-- - -t
Fremont cod Dr Gen. on tic lard claims nod l 1 ......,.. n .,,,,, ,
~..,„..r, runty to b w a . 41 .
WIC, Of Ca i '.l) rn iI, .: 01,1 BaP.lOll conies ten mane branch al todostry. The Iron 11 tit 1 , 101 . 13 01F16-
no" Inn Gera. " t t's !su e r .... ii°^i. ri g ht tome to eed than the Cot= interest .A is suffering much
,he mark, eernevates.. C . I. person got a little more inth ,„„ w q. In this department, nearly en
out of temaur seyituday. sod nuke rernewbst eq.' number, ordinarily earnings pester mount
utoenatarisOy cf sad towards the Dr. cod his Pm• et wages are thrown cut of employmentllo This
tests, but took little by the mason, for the Cedar. dearer/ion must colon in., and grow worse, liming
nsea 2,2 been e , ticated in a schoel ghat al as our laws discriminate to tater cif Alm Iron wort.
Vmsbnigh cad its cr.viroar) which Its Mtn to en of Europe. Tbd men woo are Most prOlUire In
piss Ns - slit:err pert b. - rotoeel encounter,. I their prufessions of sympathy for the working men
It see • 5 that the splendid piles which.:ere of the country, are most hqtalle to their teal lee
be-n in the CO 'or 1 •eir tiro. loln.eed tom:.
tn . ' ti - r- 0 spine of ivo •• .i .. • ..,-- it'. o'. They° aro thorn who an lexitung fore toed dr
,1,; the lonic ....5,... , .' i-b . • r• - • — ^ l w'lb nation of the tuff durst the present era. sloe of
, a ~s 1 ..well es in t e r. rust e-sg tle of tae Congress. lis modidcation is detranden by eve.
aWalr a ore, Twofer,. hsr.• thus , .•,1.5 , 5 1 11 consteerattoo 01 jest.. and rotitierl poiicy. But
tee ,d seitlers, or ter, ton , 1' . .1 faro.r.r. sod thwc the alms are not anapicletta. Thera te an •FP••
rt._.op • , nd r torso fir e•sret rod Ville•••ev l ium rest C 01131,1 of VMS!, among the friends of poo•
tb z ,, , and the equal err: c ii,,eto a . 1 the nu, nectinaf white there 'stens bet little doom:too
with or 17 th , •• nand. r at ., te , ..1 5 , tr. , ndoor. , -ble. :It the opposite dormien to breik frost the ruins
s- , 4 ~,. g. , "*.d tw''tww, In whatever .net ens policy wheh dietmed he present oppressive
underite.:. Three is touch to be eatd fir the law. Tot indostrisl totetests are banding ender
Wlnekem much w ''.e St.., la' 'rich p. , ii , N•nd the the went at of lute-go cummotturm. It will ha fro.
no. ter will em .1 to a eareeproinira. The Courts team Ice the country it Congress Mall interpose
will generally •ustatn tee old settler', but oust”m before they are entirely crushed order its press
and their urn emery, wlll sioppUrt the mciatiers ante.-4/
The tatter will sutra, and CI coarse they who , ______ -
work Wi•ll to earce,at drienhineliOn to lecere the
frattsrcf heir tab,: will to the end got all they
wont, which in •hlr cue it' the leads Benton is
the ,slerdy ch a mpion of the old sealers. Col.
FreMcnt none dl the most lergel Interested of
Moo, )}tit Guam and the Califortta notate:an:tin
general no m for the squstiern. There will be
uvh,ng cona'asively dem: ot the 'erasion. Fr,
man r+ . probably be beet by Ohs monster 01 the
let February.
The House sat to ilea snit tearer! over t h inst
age 'old. the Itippenoy moo making a be
debate. hot the fippony'r roll held nu their awn.—
The trreeFenny'• will be heard and felt when the
Voting comes on. 1 , she a middle wend, and go
M for a comporitiem between he threepemv and
gppony tact,. Justus
Corre, , pondcace at :he Pittgbargh O•setre
Nzw You, in. 4
Snow fell to the depth of three or lour inches last
night, but un the appearance of the son, to day,
It disappeared like the dew on a summer's
Now that the holidays are well over, business is
, picking' up a little, and the lower part of the city
.prawn's a good deal of ammation, though nothing
to what it will a month or sin weeks hence.
The advice, from Europe by the Niagara, are
considered favorable in a -commercial point of
view. Politically, the news le considered of but
little importance. It will be rain' that the atlalrs
the Continent were beaten tog to assume a new as
peel, and the conferee= to be held st Dresden, on
the 21d inst , to looked forward to with a goed deal
of interest
. Owing to the continued indisposition of Judge
Judson, the Fugitive Slave Care is still undecided.
The ease was railed this morning, and Judge
Betts—who officiates in Judge ludson'a place—an
nounced that the case would be continued on Mon•
day, whether Judge Judson is able to attend or
The shipping arc complaining a pond deal, ju
at pre•cni, owing to the scarcity of packet chips it
port. There are nowt due at this port about scamp
ty vessels, from parts in Europe, roost of which
have a large number of env grunis, among wheal
there is, no doubt, a great dent of suffering, ass
usually the case on long plaseges. The cause of
tenon arrival of an many vessels, is doubtless on
scrotal of the recent 'Severe weather off the coast,
as the few vmseln that have lately come into port
have experienced Very severe weather.
The total number (4 enugrantz which arrived at
this port, during the year poi closed, was 212,196,
which m a decrease of 6,5 17 ,. compared with the
previous year. 01 the whole number, 116,532
were from Ireland, which is an increase of 3,941.
The emigration from Germeny decreased 10,303.
From France, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Beni
too, South America, and Poland, the tide of emi
gration has, considerably increased—Englstd tats
contributed toward our population 29125, a de
crease from the previous year.,
The number of foreigners naturalized during the
Year, was Lon. The declared°ns to become
naturalized during the same period, were 3,560.
The total amount of city taxes levied during the
year, wa553,29 0985 02 .
The whole number of licenses granted for the
sale of spirituous liquors In this city darieg the yetr,
was 4,512, for which a revenue of 545,140 Was re
The number of person, convected at the sevetal
law courts 50 the city daring the peer, he 2,795,
while the number acquitteddurlog thalami , petted,
cons 404.
The whole number of buildings created during
the year was 1912, and the total number for the bail
ten years, 10,409.
, .
Ovei 8211,000 nun expended in building and re
pairing siisren, Ibd e'en miles a Were
to dune sheady bath v The sunray ma gr
7- ---- . !
rho feWere bta . tdutiag the . - yhir, - shin t 151113 1
per mlitin - .
The total number of death during. year, was
15,1360, which Is a decrease of 0,913 from the pre-
vicars year. The proportion of death, estimating !
the population at 517,800, would- bel three and a I
quarter per cent.
The total value of the imports of mercandize and!
specie, at-this port, for the pear, s 11138,334 r 1
642, against 597,658.251, the previ year. Show-
Mg an increase in MO of 340,578 1. The total
value of the exports donee 1650 ' 860,119,248,'.
against 2.39,73 7 .969, the previous ye r showing an !
increase in 1800 of 820.382,279, The total value I
of the iinporta donne the month of December,lW l3 .l
wa553.020.539. and the of exports daring the
same period, 55,501r411, showing an. access of ri
p rts over imports of $089,602 —Tho amount of
each dirties paid daring the month was 5 7 8 7 i
9039,40 ....
A. large vale of the mortgage acid convertible
bonds of the Hudson River Rail Read Company,
took place yesterday, at the pulslic auction. The
sale went sill with spoil, and grimy at I can learn,
'to the eatisfactlon of the compaey under all cie.
cumstrinces, though they contendjihat a safe seven
per c tat eccunty ought to bah !brought a conatd•
stdemlfie advance in the presentatate of the money
market. The ainount, pffeted Was $1,572,003 and
OM bid offprincisally by capttabsts,et P 5 to 991.9
perceht. The lath at the latter price, were sonde
under le proviso that the amount of 81 500,000, as
advertised (or,
"hated not be exceeded, and conse
quently all pal es over and above that amount be•
came ntigathv-55,000 sold to day . at 991-2.
B do fur 8190,000 of the Washington and Rutland
Ratl Road bonds, were opened in Wall Street. to
due. and the accepted bids raised from 84 93.100
to 90 per cent. The whole number of bids meet,
ed amounted, in the aggregate, to 3359,000.
The total amount of specie exported from this to
foreign ports, from the Lt to the 4th diaant, Is
The stock market, without an exception, is very
firm,,and the advance within the last ten darn ,
from I to 10 per cent.
Cotton—Cotton continuea firm, and the quota.
doh axe 1-8 a 14 better under the otearaer'a
Flour—Floor Is without change, and doll. The
rale, of all d.acriptions do not sac r ed 5.000 barrel
dady. at 4,87 for good mate; 4,131a5 for western
5,07a5,12 for Genesee.
Gram—Whom is dull. The demand Is good for
minute, but et prices considerably above the view.,
of purchasers Rye to yelling slowly at 75 oho,
delivered., Corn is tonne, and firm at 60c for new !
and 63 I.2aGtso. Oats have advanced to 50c for !
Canal, and 40 12248 for river. Barley is inactive,
' and quoted at 90c.
Provtsions—Pork is a shade bluer, sad Fells at
12.25012,50 for mess, and 0 tor prime. Beef is au , '
changed. Lard is firm, and selling at 7 3-4sB: for
old, end 81 late for new. Dressed hogs command
SG per cwt,
Whiskey—Whiskey is lower, 24 3-4 is lb
price for Prison and Ohio, and 251.2 cent. 14
Iroo—lron Is very firm at the recent advance, bit
Coal—Fall prices are readily obtained for Anthra
cite, and the supply is not large. The supply of
foreign is large, but pnoesare without change.
The money market remains MI noticed ia toy lost
racist TlAMlL.l.mnieneles. Mr r. N. eggnog.
it Ls Well lanes,. Mist the Spantards am greatly
latridivaed to ienee. fishnet—in inert. dePtive /hem
& ladle OrMiksiat KtAiketiirta sfef NW:oth
'aiik)loild Stier aVal be mann more likely to
' revolt !Stamm Miy eppirmsol, ol the Gogernacent.
Wed.. 1 Won in "Trude ad de Cabe, in April last, 1. ,
wee tOel la very Ind./cell stelae this occurred.
to the eon •pit in that city. it simekl be linden'
stood that urcelt &plow re a very popular and
flablanattleannuseement, and Mal gartiblirg On thy!
result of a Sant II carried to an extraordinary'
height. Their ~,,de are vets , mall. and beteg
deprived of all their lealbers,e3oept ante on the',
Wings, and two or those sirloin entitle the milt!
Coy . peseut a very diminutive any naked up.
pem acne. "[bey are never allowed to fight Wittl
•gelf,' buo ttea there natural sutra, which are
sharpened to a unity, and they tight with a cool
near and etre omen indiCilles bow carefully
they have been treined.
An American Cantata of a vetoed, looking at •
gat that bad bees acme time protunged, at
woes burst cut, with—
•• ilia opt with leer birds ea them ; Amy ain't
bigger than • toon.ol, and ain't worth • curse,
any how ! ' Them are some miserable Cabe cocks
/ matron ! ran god en boar! et my ship a gen•
nine Yei.kardmd, that'll lick any three or font of
your mineable Welts before you could say beans,
and 11, tar high on it, too I . '
A bet of fifty •onaceti illtiso) was 'lntently Mien
ed on the Captalo.'• propealtion, who, hotwith•
fol. atandios the remonstrances of It. friend*, pat up
if than the money, and mid be 'would be. thee, acre, Mid
give all rush email try cock. at hand peruonlar
thunder" '
~ ha. boon claimed, therefore, b y it,. Paine , Now: be it understood, the Captain had an old
the water wan a alenplesubslatiet• Ply manner grey eagle on board hi. ship, alaa hie ant order
by which hi arrived at this eencieron •as n trey was not to give it any thing to eat for the next
Mime one. Br fOrrirao.le. , l , lWAP be wet, twenty font nom,. He also stripped the eaten
with one yote of Ins separator, he ohm.: CI all hr. 0f ail cc plumage, mooing the ehd fellow to feel
drowse, Lt „ e „,, c7, di] rzy ,„ . T e ea ,,,. a t tietodedly 'rimmed of hunch%
,^,111.109 would be that if aCCCTIIV•4I toe MCI The day of trial arrived ; the pick pit was
took place he!ween the two united y , m ,,,
~ ~y crowded io see tbrl great trial of one bird against
three ! Tho'Ciaptila arrived in time, wok bit bird ,
which sower is composed, the tw hlotratech
smelt !Would both rnsalfest themsel r. They mid.*
did rot tun manifest themectscs, ao • the enn• " Wbo Oita your cock. Captain I"
twa,,,,, we, that ,be caner case eh , caci „ l o d , i Who 1 Well I rather thick rii attend to
lot, oxygen or hydrogen, depending u• a wheth: that husizeu Inuit," sad be, stepplog over Into
or pomace or negative elect:v.Ay we o used IP ale ring.
The old eagle scented ashamed of the company
the race...•
he wan in. end did not look very courageous :
A day or two before our:visit to Mr Paine, be
had hero visited
a y Prof Doremus of mow York, and as they examined the Yankee cock, many
.who offered him a solution al ma m., m], whine were the molls, aide glances and nods exchanged
&mug the Spaniards, for, cacopting only hie size
ter. Paine immediately admitted the elsonsble.
there Wag eat anything very eacouraging in the
nose or, and Watch we doubt not all do away
with acme of the preititlierscOneeiVer by annuli. old eille'm appearante. lie was wretchedly
fie men inward Mr. P a i ne —m e claim t h at mai , poor, • d they also discovered teat he had no
was a simple anbstance, being in an • °alertly:oh &Pure! i
well establiahed feet, Prof. Doreen a s uppossi i' Why, Captain,' acid they, ..your bird late no
:Set decomposition really lakes pine , and that arms."
the oxygen, combined with the byd ogee. is all " Not the find spur r' raid he, . but bee worse
loan a wild cat where he teratches . Or hltei; SO
liberated, bet that a immediately aid -a with the
hydrogen In the undecornpeacd water forming the go ahead!"
Three noblolooking game -chiCkens weti now
per oxide of hydrogen. Title to the •ely ratlocal
bieltight In, end St d bgdues commenced. rye! ) .
tree one. It
feint:on of the difficulty,'" and il.• de thdd i Oi lha
Hldt l ll offered bl.the Cep sin or Ma Mends. were
0711 , I bus be earn theta '
er cartgletg
~,a d„. ,,,, p „,„,,,, 0 ,,, foe e.,ieemb of , ma what la eagerly taken op by the Dona. The Captain, It
left in the water asr Isnot pure ter, nod the lira "aa"'ad; took all beta that ho could, and
nceerrey of frequentl y . replseirg be fl ido a !run gutct was rearmed, Urgently patted the
and aobe pot It Into the ring, where
practical use, becomes obvious. H . Paine *aim Old peek,
/the game etch were attuning aeiderowity, be
be Is net disposed to adhere tali the ,w, pAhy he
get, a better one, and we should - ] •Ata that he !aid—
"Now. go It, old fellow, for the honor of your
bad op the coo to which he w s eo estutel.
cautery i Give 'eat Hazel, I"
ly le.l. ' 3 The reels stead still in the centre 01 the ring
The R epull:cau has thc following .regraphne cooked ha head ore aide, end scented to be eye.
to the invention 9n coneral: e log the game little retro... that were advancing to
• wards him, but he stirred not I At len
gars the
All the .ecientieu committee." in Chrsteto chicken made a dsah at him, and doubtke
him isobar's blow, for, with a kind or wild acreage
dram scald never chest Es out of the . lief in whet
wit row, via i l'al by a Pemlair o"."° of the old bird 'Opted, took cue- glance at the chick.
hit helices Mr. Paine has obtaitied he power of en, pounced upon 1,, and with it. claws and hick.
oil blll tore 11! In to pier •; and, to Me horror
decomplaing utter, heretofore on ,
and utcaintiment, of the Spartlardy•besso to eat
large galvanic batterier; tact the g a deeektiied
0 ! Tno eceolid‘hared rho ISM or the Bret, and
in the r ompo•laori is hydrogen, au that the by ao would OP third' had it not been withdrawn by
drogeo, in pusitn through Minn tie, recenres
the eareged and motrified Spealuds. who had Morn., and re Vera It !bus
dread? lost two valuable blrda by a
very serum..
Mr. Paine, In a letter to the • •ringficld Repub• ry procesr. As roon ea the Captain arse declared
bean, lays:•
winner,be switched up his bird, collected his
WilithLtd crowd— er,whero he turned tad
iti inschiree:workrig two au mcgriets,es yen 'br
edl o e c ss d ed s rho de b ewildered
revenant!, kept my-little cot age warmed Iwo „Gook h ate to da s •d h i i y opinion
menthe during the last Wint r. ned would now th at the cent ' . "I
" a 'm
know t h a t b tr e ll 'a n a l b ° ini Gg t h h t at a . uTwa nn p l' s e 7c.Es ock ;' l° ::d il
be le continual loss but for th. fact that the •pple
tuna. teeerber with ;ahem, ire now being ern•
ploccd In prescontiog ripe :meets, havieg the tr i P e l e n e gt s m w ii c a ll a fi re l e i p oc a k i a p: h a : C c altal i a
co a c a k a ,,
employment of the &move • , to a motive power, mc ,,,, e . ~,,p 1e. .,1 3:4 :t a . c ° l -, a , cudercient. _ .
In view. St. Loco Revale
Patae• Light.
The Splashed Eninnifiewn fatnithe
lowing explanation of one or Ito clynte kw of
7 ,,z ROLINGI El$11:03. he force of habits ergs
well ilhfstrated by a anecdote told us of a former
professor at the Medical e - , - ptincl In Cambridge.—
S ,,
We have a from one 1... f be tandents, who was 1
;regent on the 0CC.11910, •
A fer the delivery of a lecture. 0e professor
geld ; t•Oretle. , ten to.u.or w 1 shall have the
pleasure of dissecting a bod before you. I had
hoped t.., have that Gliti,rantl 11 Chic aftorocroo,tbut
unEntonstely the :abject v..e rot exactly ready,
not bums grate dead. He 1., bowekerogithout a
doubt defunct by thts rink. and to.merrow you
may rely upon a fore treat "
The next day the stadenti were to the hall cur
ly to gee the ecalpel med. There wps no corpse 00
the dissecting tabte, and every time the door open
ed. every eye ma, termed to VA , 13t161 the advent of
what Natasha* would slyly a.deln l d body. "
.. By.
god-by the protestor solemnly suede down the
Cale to his desk, wah hie/mots behind kiln, =la
wearing n mein( belt' look. Taking his stand, he
addressed the students thus!'
.'Gentlemen, I expected Yesterday, as ran
policed, to bane the plewbre of asserting a sob
jeet here this strew:moo. But lam lorry to state.
gentlemen, that much to my disappointment, so tt
will be to yours, lbe dlsemse, noChrtungtaly, has
taken a favorable Roe, and the patient is now in
a late way of racanly."
. , •
Far . Yuma - LAIC—We have bektre as the Ontr•
.shy Rearm of D o cemher 3, fa nu which we
are t• at the '
state of affair. In Yuritao by uo
••cans (aeon the tsetse of the whites. 'rte war
with I • o Indian., a hich ter so long a r erod has
dl.Eta ed the conntry, ao far from approaching
at term ciao: epperas to be more undecided than
TOupPois are bind qr. with official reports of
march s cod counter rieereheit, in all of which '
1 .
enthe whites claim the advantage, but
notate definitive boa occurred, and the general
malt r recent operations Seems to favor the in*
surge ts• With this bed prospect before them the
Span! rds caollat preserve harmony among them
solve. They era constantly quarrelling even In
the fa of their savage foes.
At Valladolid crest ffiscootent was manifesteJ
in the army, and it was supposed that aprvonsses•
=etch agates' the supreme governmeot wall In
prep. mien. On the other hand the Governor of
the State the Commandant General, the Commis
arry General, ace Ger. . Lope: de Liergo had ami•
cab',, arranged their ffiffienittee, and had cocoon.
oed a ,determotation to week together in future.—
N 0. [Pie. 24th ult.
- -
TIM TOW closes an editorial article on the
ett amen of Mr. Thompson to this country, with
the billowing remarks:
. S' very label a question of time. It Is anarcely
posai lc to conceive that a hundred year. hence,
they will be one slave In the United States, not
to m in the whole continent of America. The 1
Can owners see the ramparts rising, the trenches
ope d, the communicat toes catabilatted, ante the
btu ado closing round them that la to reduce !,
thesti to uneondinonal surrender. We doubt not
an 'natant that our children, or our children's I
leldten, will see the chains diop in one bout from
no limbs ol three millions of Waves. The Fugitive
lave 11111 W only a last leglsletive effort , against
/that Which is more powerful then legielatarea—the
progress of human affairs. Evety acre added to
the territory of the Union. every free born child
ridded to us population. and envy Immigrantetost
lands on its shores Is another eight In the scale
of abolition. Theo why, except because they ars
demented and doomed, do the slave owners take
no caps whoever to peeparc for that great day of
recleaning? Way do they impulse the perpetual
clan tiny el an Institution at variance with the
who, tenor and course of modern elvtLzation?—
We do not beeline to advere them to set their
haus •to order. If it le harder to do ao now than
,it wet seventy Teen back, tee Watt of being ea star,
ae the great statesmen of that day hoped and ex
pected—l' lime has hitherto aggravated rather
than removed the enormous dlllculue• of thug
queattoit, what will be the case thirty years hence,
when perhaps them must and will be abobt on
without either the slave or his warier being pre-I
wed for the change, The chance liCh between'
sudden and gradual abolition, and It la for the
Slave Since, iliemseiven to choose which of these
they will hove—tor one they most.°
Purrs:masa Arch Iharxessnw Cluer.—We h
_ .
jolt burned of •roact grautying incident connect•
ed with New Yea?. Day in ourclty. On Wedoes•
sy morning a pang of gentlemen connected with
'the Arch street Presbyterian Church. walled on
their patter, Key. Charles Wadsworth, and pre•
tented to bona au elegant casket, filled to the brim
web dee do lir told pieces, amounting la all to
VOL The reverend gentleman was wmilly taken
by stunt'ae at the reception of such a gift. pm ,
eemed In inch a very flattering manner. It was
la genuine free will offering, sod contributed by a
few gentlemen, es a Wien of the very high regard
:in which' Mr. W. a held by the bet under his
The cuaket Containing this munificent and sub-
teaettal present Is of metal, richly Olt and ask.
emelt wrought. It was constructed In Paris, after
one deigned end executed by the court artisans,
to the teen of toms Philippe. It is • novel and
corona, but etteeedtugly beautiful piece of work,
and will be nu doubt highly valued by its trauma.
bile tic;pmet. I•ts greateet value, however, we
should think, wooed be from Its arsociatinn with
- so /neitiTni that must ever be remembered by
tuna with &num.—Buie. Bolts:Os.
A YAWL! Horst. .— On e of the pleasantest Pa
'blame.s is the Hotel Garai, and some Yaakee of
gaunt, whiny that for his model, proposes to erect
in New Haven a building of a similar intent, but
of somewhat more generous scope. Theplea is to
erect a bode: of some 140 roans, exclusive of
kitchen, poblieparlora, reception rooms, dec. The
average rent to be about 1145. The en
m tran '
each suit of rooms will be upon n +Reus eo
eam hall, at the ends of which will be bath rooms
and other rdices, dumdum, eta., to save start w irk.
tnere will he no necesaity of keepiag separate
cooks, for- the superintendent of the building will
procure the cooking in the house, at the lowest
rates, and n regular bill of fare, with prices, will be
daily wet tothe occupants. Atihe end of each.
dewier, a settlement will be made, and d the re•
oelpts exceed the espesuass, each occupant will be
paid prorate its share of the penile.
Row mnn hundreds of families in New York,
living in se i•poverty, would cordially cooper.
'ate in adeai nof thle character, which would en
able them, a their emeriti expewse, to Iles easily
and well.—N. Y. llittrits
Inapeoveszsenta In Denalitry.
DR. 0. G. STEARNS, late et Boston, le prepared to
manufacture and act IlLocx Tenn in wtole and pans
ofsen, upon Suction °, Atmospheric Suction Platea.—
Toor.atxcesue ilr elvs warns, where the nerve te
expend. Odice and residence next door to the Slay:
o r's office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Sans to—l. G. MT . ..1111 , 1,F. Eaton. lala
• . •
• -,. Denttst.Cornnorponvn
• and Decatur, between
. netl4lvn•
warcomecez moms inismirkullis
Or P1,1110)9E1521
C. G. HUSSEY, mAgss, gee,
tidlee—:co. 41 Water street, in the warthonse of C.
COMPANY Is now prepared to insure all
tint. of risks, on houses, ontritifattones, good.
merchandise In store, and in trans cement, tre.
An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity 01
the locatstion, Is afforded Intl. Character of the Dl
motors, who an all chinas of einsbor,O, well and
favorably known to:the conformity for tbdroadencel,
intelligence, and Integrity.
Doscrolis—C. G. HoMmy, Wm. Dagale7, Wm. far
hra, Jr, Walter Bryant, Erma D. Elio, Edward
Howelton, Elsimne, 8. Hazbaugh,6l.llL
' ipZIAS
. .- .
11E111.A.RIC ADM& CIABI/ t I . " .U. at. B'i; 0 ,I) K.
2. 0 11,
'EVLDENCIE IN OUR MIDST!! (Late Johnston k Stockton,/ ..
Ma. Krse—Str. I rheerfallY smell tilt your to Bookseller, Stancher, Frinttr and Binder,
t that 1 would giro you an a.,7count.of lid: almost - ur .. , .1,1.f, terpertint, inv.. o,.!asentliti of Met
inv,L, of Ely little .1-.lachtet . rt tire 1 . . Y tno , a , , ..Ft . at , d , a. , • ‘0 h, ;arse nod ounetittr .
.Prt:otroon." I t.l .ca tit t.A 'itt not.i.. , r,n.,.., v( Dar root a,
.10...1 ,,, , !...dcers.l, CaJt.. /a bet, and Letter
s. unacted seta, a very •oto cy,c to Fet.tuary . 11,,-,k. or .very tttz, 0, tilt bra psper. end
a n,,, I ~,.....tioittly orpltra lane n,. I Lou cd ~. tr, monk ,!crx , , , -, w . toch he oCers
~d t in ite cap, lty whom it seas pronounced V 0 t: 0 ,,',Lt7 n Tir.. C .'.'::,,,17 ,, ,.....= I :?,,y r , k :
ty bad eye" end all gave too no or, of doing in.o of evert. desertonon rirtutXurilfi neatness end
any pod. After which I took ter into the roansdetpatch. No 47 Merkel .tract.
lo an old lady, who,bad been veryl saccesated in . ---- -
.I.(irlg eyes. She told nth Ulm Ler taxa was hopeless:,
on she would certainly lose not only I that one, but
also that the other would follow—it bethe a scrofulous
tiffectlon of the blood. And 1 du certify that at the
.time my father 0.11. Vasbon) came to the conclaalon
that we had better try your " Petroleium" nth was
UM= roan. of one eye. It le now about two
nee she began Its est, end she Can nOIR.<I
MI good as coat she did ; and, es far
s 2 I c. tell, I believe she h., with the blessing of
he Almighty, been clued by " Petroleum' -
Your., respeetf2 l ly,
M. Ftunctes VANnon Conn..
Plitsburgbh, Sept. 30, IFSO.
For sale by Keyser A McDowell, 140 Wood street;
B. E. Sellers. 57 Wood street; D. M. Curry, D. A. El
!IOU. Joseph Dougl.s, red 11. S. Schwartz, Allegheny,
silo by the proprietor, S. M. BIER,
novDd.s.l, Canal In.n. Seventh ot, riusberet
113•Wontes Woaots t—The symptoms of the Ph ,
thrice of wonns In children should ho carefully watch
ed by ;arents, and SO POEM av there Is reason to the
peel their existence. every means should be toed to
expel them promptly and thoroughly. The prnprietors
of Ill'Lane's Worm Vermifugo are confident that they
offer the best means of secomptishing this revolt that
has ever been thOwitted to the notate; tont they to
te it the IIICDOOSI of all who hove the menage
children. The medicine is ovate and plea
rd nutter fails to preduee tee desired effect
by J. KIDD it el), No Le Wood street.
Od.ce of Ohio and rerun, R. R. Go. nisi el
Pll76Btratal, Acgast 5, tSSO.
Toe Stockholdera„of the Ohio and IP cnnaylvam
Rai! Rex) Company. are terror notified to pry th
eighth Instalment of Ree dellem per share. at the ofic•
nI the Company, an or before the feth day of Aufiest
The ninth instalment; en or ben, the 21110 day o
September. The tenth Instalment on or before th
21/th day of October nem.
Q' Toe eth instalment wu called fur on the 20th
Are now' prepared with a ;urge and freak stock or
Fangllsh, Berman, and Ameriran Hardware. to ale,
superipr raduresuents to buyers Those waking to
wilt promote their interest by !onset%
brea{h, our sloe}, es they are determined to wit en
he moat lellsoneade tern.. strata
European Agency
TlMittbsentrer intend. ei•:ttng the principal Cilie,
Gtriat Britain, Fiance and . Germany, daring the
monthe of April, May and Jona next, leantag
bergh?on March i7th, and mill be pleased to attend to
any agenetee of a bounty, character which may be
confided la his Clare. JOHN D DAVIS
On the 7th inn. by gen D L. Drnweby., Mr. Corr
anar bLours to MI. Mill lamb MiLLza, nil or Alan
TnilVttirt and Antunnecna Ward
will meet at the flood Intent Engine. House, on Mi.
Wedgelttay evening, at 7 o'clock.
Splendid Olft Books
FEMALE P. or America T. B Rawl
Dar Pavir , s, Wan Prophets and Apostle , . By
Rev 1. M. NVainsvrtieLt.
Scenes in the Lim or oar Savioar.
Faintly Commentary on the Fear Grapelv By Dr.
reacted ererrea and Churnetere Fly T flewGT.
euered Mountains fly J. T. fieedey.
11:ululated slllallpeart. try Gulien Verplanek.
Faired Puma or kugland and Amerien
Poet's leaned by M,,. S 1 Hale
Evenmp a Lreauhreon Man, lty nl. J APlnteati
Genus el' Beauty In, 1,51.
C.bunt of Niolern Art for GC/
Temperneer 07000 ,- g de
The kern GLlcrieer da
The Irk., eo
'rho Remember Me do
The Moiher'e Recoropewe By Grace Ambler ,
tether of the Vibe ar Cedar., a.o.
Vieer• of the Mierorcepre World. By John Brock.
le•by, A. M.
Baobath rizhoqi Boma Bache, to fancy brOdraYr
het Wel voice,.
For oak ty
710 Wood.
118 T reeetr,J fro, the PlPlP3s•die Oil cloth
0 Factor,
600 Tanis SAFI.: 0.1 Cloth:
300 yards r I to do
nt yard. le , ' Vistor. Olt Cloth.
to dos s•-ote-J site. Table. Beane and Bureau
Coe era, of patent tear.... chalet, and eesnululpetterne•
for solo whelcside ee,d at sus rehentt, Nos
/ ..... L.LWLott et 4p.51 J h 11 8.111..L1P8
i NM& StirTEit`P/IrSTrwtell grimmaf that superb
toleM far Prowl and timely etraievnt theta per
fectly waterproof. and
answer th e Ole as a. pier , ot clods.
Th a artlets a warranted to purports re.
presented, on Owl:vont, refunded. For talc sr/Joie
wile and retail. It 7 6 p Weed Stint
- -
QOTTON-21 bt„les lcznmg from reamer Geneva ,
•nd }Or Slit by Inel A ot er& Fronll DlCtaX t
1r CO,
lARO It'STERINR—G drl,s Lard tad G bris Start.
d now lauding from eleardar Grarra,RT +ddo by
ad ,I3Attal DIGIGEY tr. CO
GtIKA2E-9 landlnV front Oevnaor Geneva by
_1:3.11A11 DIOCEY & CO
FEATHERS—td tnekn now landing Ilan odennet
OVlerril add for liale by
,nd ISAIAH DlLlittt &CO
Priam Stook "Faaa from ItaegLand.
rre A ci ' v V e3 l( p r e i r l' p ke ' ; ' 'e
1!t tats dal
ancoit 1600 be of Fine dirong and Roach Fineored
Stack Teas, `he very bell net mraid ho procured in
tee English rnerect. Poen 60e and LOT per
Ike Tea Plarect Di.ntocd, east We- }O3
liE Prtsidror end blansgese or it.
Northern Libernes Brie go Compact' hwrinir thin
clay &elands dividend of one dollar .d 6 ity reclti
on cult dive obthe reparl stork of said company,
the coma will be paid to be ernekholders on or ensr
the ifhn instant. O. E. WellNEß,Treaserror.
Allegcleoy, Jaciclarf let, iESI.-I.7nlat.
Thirol street, opposite the rota Offtee. •
;HARPERS' bia,seelne for Januery.
Olive, a hovel, by the etutor of "the Ogilvie "
The Mother's Reeceoieuec, a novel; by Greee
Ayollor •
ellc ritarcintro, or vivo tosrringer, a novel;
The Ladder of odd; en Enxlish tarty.
To Love and to be Loved; o us:,
Cat oi'Lronsvnek , by C 17 N Reynolds;
The Rortitsh Contentions'.
A Lecture on the Jesuits, by Or Berg.
Bt. Berg's Cepty' w itteecp ilot.ho•, :be
of rrotearnotiht.
'tome Journal; No I anew volume,
ItIIE STORE nposi, No. as Market et, adjoining
theWmsh andlJewelry mom of-W. W. Wen.,
and recently noun ',Ltd by Messrs N. Holmes &
as • Rankin; and FAchringa
This morn is keitsd in ine MOO, central and best
business pond in ilia tiny. and well nitapied for •
Ranking and Exchange oaten, and Ineuranco
os a mom. A npleudid new front with English Plum
Wass, will be put In an's., as the weather permits.
ror...ion given the firat - ot February. it reamed:
huguire of W. W. WM.:WON.
.17 One Market & Fourth Os
FOIL gair,,,=•
THE dace story Utica Dwelling, No 10 flay mom,
onydee, Byer —pnco tuna. Terme, tom ea.,
8900 In ono year, and 1110.9./ in Goo year', no be so-
Yfra by coorlpear •0 the Clear of e.ll
:entioranoc, .d titlo irydorionealu. Apply to
191 Liberty ea
AiD-16 to* and 05 k6za Z.To I for ode by
LI Water 6:63 Prent
, D RI4 4 %ITLE9-82 ?ts,ltsv:rl4l.ZsAril.Zps
RV Pr... Lang-9- 5115 um kg ttnallbris fqr sak by
4.7 L 8 Mi ATERMAN t=oNe.
ROLL DUTKEH-13 5 bn f p l . e=lb
W kek., /or oak by
a 7 L A YERMAN A rim,
H• • NE$9,4O dux pri Florae arid Mb!, Mmes.,
far sale by . L D WATEHAIAN a bUNS
pr 7
lOKORY NUTS-6 bag* for sale by
LAHD La—o SAO s, /ocor.e6 o consignment, mod
for solo by WALLINUFORD A CO
167 . I.R \\ Ater st
CI "CA.'R CANDLES-17 bzo 6hi b. 77 awl 3c is bx 7
1Z Ciboixotatt manufacture, ..lo by
OJLD CAN DLES-2tlglbyMl.7.atz;olto
imlla No I Roil:
u rlocp,
SMat ir Z r o ya l) &
„ .
odsUeSTaAtR oK—e4ra i e o o ns tnnt .upp yl bc
br IC ICC STOtia, 01 . 1 hand and fat sVp
O T ON YARI-20:0 dor Hope Yarn for solo by
RANGES -35 brie lust trceival 11.12 d for no Ily
11G Water et
FLI:10ll [1:161) Nis for aalo by
=era caning Caminoemelt.
THIS Compound is werrozned to produce the with
. la d.enned effects, when need tor making bicad,
tea flake., buckwheat cakes, 6.. e. by a acting
is egected in the flour of about 13 per cent.
Tqq Mau Rant.—To cork pound rid boor add two
teas oontuls of C.cmpo.d sod the want analogy of
Salt info them thoroughly together whsle drk, ,this
Makes a prepared flour taut Ton; Can set aside and
lIYo al lelnure,) then add as moan cold water aa
Male the dongh the astral thickness, knead it well.
and let It Mal filteen minutes before bssins—one
Or wo hour* *al do no bort Sonia should he
mixed mock thinner nod baked at mane. There
no danger orgetting too moo, of dn. coMpound ln
bread, It will not tonthe bread yellow as Valet.
alas does when used to corers.
Yea can pat the abate crtettcound into teacake,
b.d2irtliarlobany eakes,lrdlan cakes, ginner cakes;
corn meal esker, nowt bread, brown bread, blveutt,
batter tato_ buckwheat enkes, apple dompllngs,
potpies, ocelot all baking purpost.:
Just reed fur tale b 7 RE SELLERS,
Jai t: 67 %Yowl st
Barer ColndVrir —L ated, -- j
FOR wh ich the highest prisoiere crill he paid at the
1-oltenge (dace of AI W11,141' CO.
deato • Cor of Thlrl Market ate •
OLASttit*-46 brie pleattation lealarses:
10 brie batlle innate, B H Molasses;
teeelaing per stsamerlionfi River. for salehe
019 • JAMES 04,Zta,1.,
LARL Isell-0 auks pr:lu Jastree.e
F 1 ,p11, 60 :1 I
Vet oitEUEION hlitTe. for tale 14 1 •
deg WM lifeCL
RS Wood rt
11I(1 EON.-50 teas Wash ergot Pur..sze PIE Ina
L for sots bY ROBISON LITTLE oo
Id •Y 56 idlnyta
qv*: pattncrehte heretcfnreexulting between the
emened. d endved DY
eon.ent The u , Peighed bewnew nt the Fret Will be
attendet to hy John Fazenatene, who is antinetteed to
Wet, any money duo the hem. end here pt for the
The urdere l nned stillcontinue to curry an the
business as usual at the
l'eis Carson &Tina am flints Ward
6rq. I 1
Rit latcr, S
Ilil br” rte 6 PemrhDd
J 6 I 1 ,, C6t.< 6 t'Y
36 LITII :b CO
rvite. large foot stony thlet Woreboosn.nn be , ty
.tr.M• Mtn, now occupied b 7 Jno
1M0.., bate , Also. Ibe Unck Ehvellinnr ad-
Joining ina:dtf S CORNILEY
O •
NE of the mast obeible loentions far a genteel
private tc•ldenee io the coy of Allegheny. The
lot contain. a front of GO feet open the ttotith Common;
and to, gin feet in. depth to is uto r silty, Imth a double.;
two story brick. d vireding heart In front, and a frame
stable in the rc r. Tie title tc indisputable, and the
terms of payment will lie trade es favoranie as the
pulcbseer enuld reaeonahly desire. For farther in
formation, spp yto H Lothrop, A beghenTi or to th e
underslgnef, No t 1.4 Wood rime!, Potsbargh.
cruet, T enr.ven,:eat DWELL'S lIOURRS on Thad
n novo and near to Bmlthfield. Poesesslm
given, on the let of Apnl nest. la
ADO. to
for one or mora Tem",
teem Lots on and near the Alleghenyßiver, In too
Ninth N art dppiy to WM. It. DARLINGTON
Fourth as near Wood
90.01 Hopis.
Maminstr enly
M...,/ct St. c rnero Foartit
bsfra co,o,
6 bercl. No I lard
horrrig 01,1tte;
bat reb , 4ie per:
11l I.h4s tealtr? .
sale by
j. 4
. . Fn arrive, and for
Islam; inorrly &CO
Water tc.Front AL
(100F111111-14 ratk.. codto.h;
5 half e.lke collet, For •ale by
B1.11111111D(11 . :&INCIRM 11
No. 116 Water St.
Mbrilti. mola.P•Cthnd , dnd ,
11l and lad oAie ny
j LtUil BRI
BACON tiIIOI.3I.I)EH lie in Awoke house and
JJ for yule t,l ICIER Et JONES
ind Canal Itnein 7t• St_
ROY loos ludo, Tog trno for ra.
Th• Right rinse for Toad.
ONE of We very hest pleues In Patsburgh to buy:
Tee $s et Met its & Ilaworth's Tea Store, in the.
Prnnr Family T7ll, -•.•---E 71 50 per lb
Finer 47O•Olic• 7 do
irn •surrerfitte•—•—•--..—. t do
Than . Mach Tee* at :Se, 004 their Green Teas at
SI are the very Lest Toes imported into the United
CI " T: ME "8""M— , 7 1 l
ill/ 0 Li,170 b , y 60 Wood et
p A
i lly Ont.:EN—OO lb, for -ale ley r
Cli YELLOW—' , SO :br for , n i rri c ta
Oi , F. PINK-014 lb a for rate by
• J KIDD 2r,CO
.• .
MERICAN VERMILLION-250 f K or sale by
j 34 IDD& CO
re•o ettort of the congrentrolt
p v",,-"T'" S econd
Chute " b7 " Vrtlt M rtr p c e r "- t, ' Pi n ttaborlh, tfill t b at e
l o o fr o c c re o d ,k ,
public rule, on Motilny, the tt A th
t ri!tn o , ,, I
A Al in Itot church.
tatltAdt Bccretaty Beard TfII.CLII
rxrrirr. end Mermen or the city. are rnne.t -
OJto.ct,.wuhtho flea:tures no nr before Tuesday,
the 7th In,t, the elping . committee will dose the city
ur, that do ° y Ity ordrr M Auditing Com.
ia3..tdt ISAAC ./C/INF2.,
VITANTED tonlmn a. Clerk to llai-reanule
Itotoc, by a y-wie manwho ',well acquainted
•initt Book lieemnr. ht atop`, and doable entry.
Addied• Y Z unx No X, loot moor, P ,robot go, Pa
T il l ' ot f. t r oTtu r, C. by N; L „l E t N .Ort e cho w trup= " ll Le
enoufotel a. herrfofuto ander the style of itiiMICE
& CO.,
Lam M. A hey Jr. Co,
~R, 4 ARDINI.; 12 , .! Commimtio N
%Vat, end Trout ctr...,P.l.urth.
rrne lam e fon, story Worrboaie boar ant ablelf by
LL -. rro on tr. S.M., on Water and ?root els.
ii door arcs. ar r,,,yth tr. Co's Porrescion given
"' Opel
'o' lnit ' illjiSNA,
('or Wood and Thirn
w op., above beoltbfield.
ra mrp or &lion Line tor !Ind
. s.
lIF. ruhthrther offer+ for vole the eto I k 'coot. will
I I cue of Mambo/tie' in Phtladelpr &c., of the
Rch.tcrLitte 7he patronage of
demon establiaged
careen ia well worthy the consi of peewee
wiehteg to cutback to •thirt Invoice, or of hour who
may he aircecc Irithreeted In the corn tor trade. Al
de time I. adAeremg for tasking arrargem•nts for
the epnos ha•me~e. ii i. imooriaor early application
shortie be mtge. JOHN c'EnDEN. •
Surviring rin•r 011011 M'Faden Et Co
Comet Huth, P e l on It.
UGAII=IO bhez Time ucw coop, lanifiqur and fo.
f,,j &La by R D&I.ZELL Jr. CO,
tk.rty st
• .
4 a/t.ort‘Eo-100 bee New tr {eau., rooo , rolr
a'. for solo . by lja3j R UALZ ELL it co
• HE nedersirsed ban Net opened largo rock of
setyea Tor, end 'anon. other goods never
been, Tie fincat so:laden *sok. of Skill
well as the rieestplerthings rot children, express
sSelected cm the be , ldee telneh b. is del.trAlted
'erg vrholcso S le .nd be
93 tiontrifteid street
chr -- ;7731 hint cote 07
PEW..ASH-SS ca for Fla
--.- ----
riIIEPT/IUTI.r.-10 borr••l9 for sale by
V ie3 , Ir. DAL2ELL .t. CO
10LOillie,lbr bile imp: rune Flpar,ree'd per .roamer
•-• en. rp, :2, and fu; rale by lk II FLOYD,
Jai . Ronal Church Bolding.
Prffirli a-10 casks pare, in stare mod for sale by
ja3 . J& a FLOYD
to RODu l pr—Cl brk prime Roll Cutter,
0 Lila :So I Lazo,
9 bu Cl,esooloo
• :: beer pt lap. Female., received this
day, by wirrron, sod for ewe by
A. A. MASON 81, CO.
62 - 43sd 64 Market street,
If.ft v eontnienon on aload .
a'y, eterember 3311,,
ant ont. throor,ll e month of Jon• ary.
on thin o easion, the wank of their Kimono e Mb
lorown ET. for Bunt! Trade and.
their v.:moose meek, amoamina to One Ill.dre and
rfy wit' he olfrred nt Reth I, at
follyonelfoutth lc.. than maul price..
The neater tit thrtr SemsKonnal Sale to any o e of
the thouiamla who attended the wale of I nit year will
he wardclenr goons:toe far a rail this starer.they
Waal; harreter monion a few of the. Goode; and I . teem,
for the brnefit of those who More never almaded i thelt
Inles,viv— •
R io
natal prier tit CO qattn.t.Wooleirahoterra S 3 do 'J7f
1.51.10:pe. : do Delainesl3,lsll. do act
t 3 pa *Pell rapt plaid do.--.. 45 do . 621
Sop. StrrPed .d Plaid Sit. rot do 5 5
tti t.f•iin de tante nr.d af'} do 1. 25
_ '- rehired
per cent
IN French Merinos I 09 dojlsll
MO Iturcirtettss and Lyonesc Clothe, redueod
PCI teat
tiin) Alpacas, all color., reduced 33 pet cent.
11 Lung. 22 Square Shawls, NVIIICLI mill he sold Its SI
to es le, than usual prices.
5000 yd. Bonnet Ribbons or E.loc usual r totili
Feu colored (Innen., at etc, usual price 00.
100 citron tilighsh and American Calicoes at 5,a 100,
ails, srico 101,111%21C.
00 ease. Bleached hlusline, roduced Pc per yard.
2611!..a1e. Brown hlnelha t all amides.
Al so, Lesces, Emlirotecries.Trimailtlps,llosisjyy and
Gloves, Linens, Checks Cloilos,CaantmeenS,Capdneta
and Jenne, ingether with an immense , varlet) di other
cond.. all (which will be Marked D0M11.40 Lower
Price. teito any of toe; r inevious soles.
Thee inane no early call. as many of their choicest.
enods will noon be raid. The lowest pries .choicest.
A..l.lA. ?darkol%ek CO
devE f 2
SO t!tr " c""
itoLg, 3 F7YEI. :le p
<,; v. -44' ". ;lARB 1 1 , 61
C IZW-59 b. P r .Ch' l. M T T n. I LW,,
f With iar.M..—. Last lot tua. y cm. 'or nle •
4 ,1 de::0 S& W iitiliti UGel
_ __-.
LINIZVD Oil,— °""l".,llNititiniuoll
11M11 DAMAR-1:0 jut retched
sale by • ' BRAUN k R •
• • Ccr St. Clan St Lip
fnr BRAUN k
Ino`.r DERE D FCENL;GRAEC-400 Ihe fa sale by
OR atiGt.lfEAkta+': 7 -3 - inie as I
. 1311./.. UN le RCITF,E
A Grc-40 lb. form,
al handsomest anornmeat ot•Sheepoldn
i : r . meter
brought to this market, Or tale by_
del{ MIW I
lEU?URE ncom, 111111DiNG,
• Liberty Btrde c r
Oren EVERY EVEIVINO;for a Ahori se c.on
celebrated ierica of gi garlic
Exehracitig Ittlltfieentaiew4 otOoston i. t Ilatlxl,
Halifax, the Allaarte, LivetTohl,
Prom the Thases,y parsing under the Made.. and
ending with a magnificent view of the
Illutainutedotudt!oth barks of the beautiful
An Ekh biilon ekery Wcdrolrday cat Patuckay
aftotnoori, o.IS o'clock .
Admtallok,,2.3 Cent*. cThl!circrt,OraerlC. Tenr•
age. 16.4031. k- .
Dr.kt.**ll/..Pc. tk O'clocki Ptir.olacat Ent,
menu, ckoktrui al 71 o•olotk. tett.-da
QUIIRRIESiX O lbs Al is Rom;
- 30 lba Co)chicum Seed;
7011,, Powd6sad
• .30 Ms Tarmetrill Brtal;
31, lb, Ariaeltea Flatt,‘.
30 Ills Ilanbane I...eavta;
• 1000.1bs l 100.5 f'ol
" j 1 :1 1: !'"*. r l ' ,4 r
CORN -93 brit in .unti an 4 forsele by
BRIT do mk ror 7 .: ,?
6 ,11 11 joimmit,
OP S-9 bales for sale t 4.
WM it ,10iiisit'areN
PPIA." " 1 1 171 I MAINSTON
T A I;
bbrreli , for!eble by
1 - 1 - 11 , 1EED barte/A tor
TITTER -20 big, ro4, In!
etorms—c , dom. I;sr talc by
jltt I n CAVEtELD
ALERATUS7IO O tract for rslo
J cANrim.D
CHgrE—IWO Loseo fcr sale by
3 n
p Et i k . TIIERS—S 7 basi ter eived for .kle
S& W
IDES-143 dry tildes, ror sale bT
st ; .Y. NV IIARBAD(111
; ,N
GR fa .AsE_2. brls recite , l for nee by
t 9 t W HARBAttill
JOHN 11 1 . Ilt : LI.rOE, Et. Wood at
baatutt 'Feiv d ruorand titian/id
a.sortmant of tams, now bpeh and
.adl for Isle, I Je-2/
Sppskidl4 Baroires
LEAFLETt or Mearioryt. Silo' e Poke.
Cabinet of Lode kn Art ems of Roomy ,
Fsiendshipht Offering! Amaranth Winter Bloom.
Rresbrertait Vaalrit nnit limo Books, splendidly
Wood. I
Fpisetipal Prayei frl{ndidty boand.
JOVOllile Pre.entaiOn 1104 Alli Albol7llg. &o.
cols OS klaskSt et, ear. of Fourth.
. •
II Arndt *Amer &faro dead to th.adlourtrens Mad.
EWEICT indisiduallof the smdienee taught lb...mese'
of ANTHROPOLOGY. n the Electric. Sneer., of
Life—haw to becomeopnatora in the science, Skep
tics, or any penes madeltlperatars instantly, to than .
Great astintishment.
PROF. TEW taken ' , Mecum in mmetincing that he
anti unfold all the ten, ts of a science which tho
world has pronounced incomprehensible; far the sea
son thatcperators in.Sioloky,Psyrholegy, he. instead
of throwing lift on the eabject, hove made theca
roi,Tel and thew selcnee!seenthoily IldienlOUS
Professor Tow is ale Only leCiater on Anerrispoingy
in the world, and gig. experiments never bottle cc'
tempted arsean:
The cowill eoniiit fan lectures with elocris
menus, cocimeneine: on; Monde, evening, Ilea Tath;
continuing during dm Week. Door vont ot I o'clock.
Admission, 75 els; Tickets On the cuume 75 est.
See elini of the day ler partieulam. de3a
To Dlociiiaxidcs and °Moro
TIIE eltentive rence Lnfldinge fOtZlonlY *CCU.
pled by bleeerej Lttelt k Ca,, ine mint, between
Water street and Ibiktiirene Way,xeill be !rated for
roam or Y.. , I'4.y [co. be tete.ily nettpied, with
steam power, io aviienbettitte every kind of rannufne.
luring Li:mulct& r.J.i.tvitsten given tinretbliatbly.
Aply to eE-Liel;
debtp Foutilt et. Vitteborelt.
UST itECEIVE,OII , ey. Lst
d drs
Jo lj
4 d o
do c,,,te. do Crydr Shoes
. . . _
.1 on do do 99.41;
tor sale [ e.4 .7 it. 9 Wood
4,30 . 1 / 4 14 P1111.1.1P9
RU BLUM 00L4'--laat fro , . irtd Iron Nei
1 York, a fee , Ml kteraard India linhker Dahl, a
bract fat trhele, tor oho at the India Pe.ber Depar,
7 k 9 W 9911 'J. Jkli PuiLLlrs
r 14
ow Long V 27 i:24
12 odu .1131 , 1 do •
lloyie Covers;
12 pd2rds , Pod n Gloet .
• ' 2 pad . robidcllo , ... thr, .cue
eN] rtiii.wrs
TrENISON 11.1NIS-11 *cat Vea•onmit=
reeetvcd nod. tor l cat
poWDPR MANOANESE-21100 fgge jt ha i, :.
CO We.% '
j AitD for ca‘a bY
.1 ee.7o r tmn co
0. MO La.$S.E.3-35 brig lair.- crop, PW•rmeind -
IN • (create , by I B a cuyouNctimv,
-I) I tber4
bu or colieS,ln for IiAIA b
dAZ ;rt A CVLINING 11/01.
MIRESH4tOLit, IWTTER—S, bjaion recd by'
del9 Ft A cup:rtiriGuraa
brand, for geleltry r^ 'll A CIiNRINGaAIII
• ••-
- -
- DALAPICES OM DEPOSIT, which haVe tern as.
ahanr,d loth rearm erd cpwarda, In thft
change Bank of Pittsburgh:—
Will:am Parte, reildenee unknown, Aug 0,1 5 350, tEVO
Spencer Manley t !Zartecuite, ft., fzet,*.p,pay t
I ocoify, MP fOrtrOing Ifttl.ces appefir to ha
due to the perionalnamed, or their local represent*.
tires, according to the Woks of chit bur t.
T M BOWE, Cushier.
Sworn and Yebicribed before me. itinefith day of
December, ISIO. I ! C TY ERNIEST,
de3Yudlnt Notary Public,
to the Court '
nenalsno7:..Plin.i:l Allegheny Co - . 7'
(Arno Polnsyleanin Rail Rand Cernenny Vs.
1../ Lydia Shnrwell. .ja ! t!. 0, March torn IE3I.
To the *Duce defer ,: eatu,ton a, hereby notified,
that the abotni pinto r he. toter, end approfftiated to
its tom, the follawbruk pardon of Tont teal <Wale, In
the city of AllerhYny,ll . lire Sett of to Non 10 andlT
to To o . 5 n0t ,0,,,,,1an, „sanded by n firm on the manta
aide of the cehtre ) f said roll rood, and running'
through taatd Into kiagnifttlly SI fort wide, a draft and
deactiptlon of Nalift:, ore filed in the above core.
defSalaw I . . Pal. for VIII:
T I L E < r j : lo n n ''4 :f l h s i l reet l ;fs, f ' d l r o%t iC' ea ' n ' r.l l e " li . rts7lll
'rano Rail Road :reemploy, will he he'd et the office
n 1 the company.On theloth of January, 021, between
the hears 0111 5.31. nett 3 I'. M.
denote I ' a. I. Tinoorr.s,
lahi. GItEkNE CO., Manufacturer.of For
eign nod Doltneatte Strew Goods, call ate atten
tion of bnyere, tertheir;goedr for Indies and toilFam—
They will effer!ladneeraenta In a peat yattety at
mien, do., to purchnehre who hay by the manatee
tams, parks ge. Sample!. exhibited nt their wore,No
1'33 Pearl at, (en staireh New York Ile_11:dlot
ULeite 11/IA VINO tat .'. • —Whose to
{3 the man litui>loca hot troProriate the usury an
asy shave?, Jdany.tbere he, we do not uodre , e oar
elect to V.l. 13,utito ell oilers we Piny, II you >diet,.
o render ehneriag pleastor,purella.e a t....xlirdnion
Hand': Alroord floodlit> or Arrltatonl Sinn,,
Creams. hie utterly Innporad.le to hnu words to
scribe the fielineelof • were,. "bobets heel, an d to.
Ginarloo with ordinary soup, ep n making thud cc , tbb
for tbeGret It le a CombIIVIILOO of n00de,,,,,0,„
nitration, arid Neonate.
11AULL'. SHAVING CflEAGlie,ireeed.
laxly emollient{ rendering tie diffrat and i Go,t retry
beard eel andprOnlicing. an ad 1nit.1.16 Tither,
and bytto exttrmly mild nature &Haile./ ell trrlta•
non, and provresiOa that :unplenenro toil,to? feeling ,
of the skin OilliOhroCro often ospertetet,d niter shoe
tog. Gentlemen Using ?diet IlaurVa Flaying erearo
may face the oddest and reed pier ring
mediately without the_ Om Leemlog
ehopped.• And'llfrie oerkitt ante one ,t, pan can minty
say will nevem>. any either.
One areat'adamttago.Yobith veil) be lieycelnlly an- . 1
prectated by those who wear eebiskele, to {tellies
that it will .not; director li o Leard, width seed. wan.
wilt do, givlog Dandy ler Tasty Upper.ra•to to tan ~>:;
edgy Or the, %whisker& ?des Ilene Pa Pit nett Telt - IMS
are delighlfallfreparatitms, coroptranded rant chill, e
tbe'ntter exclusion Or nil ankles cr..,rdeted to
render.thl operation of envies, unideueae{,nni._, 4
bo apprecteted by all who Make trial 'of tarn.
Prepared only by
• • 4131.0.5 11AUF.1.4 Perfumer and Gbertlett
• , Chretnat ,
For sale{yrba4crale and retail, by D. A. Fe hnellock !,"".{
or 4 it. Po Pellers,Piterb acab{ and Jol:c bareent
{led J Altoona:iv Give.
ItAldltd*-4100 tad - fresh bunch, for wale
ilea 1"/ '
blear Home
Puilarhe4 cry ' Saturday in Arm ro.t
AY Tan, Dollars a year. plyaltle in all t.f.or
;. II °Zee of tha Heine Sott ,,
Dt7 Fallon rt. N. ,or:, S
To all whole; it may concern:
Th:a nthy certify that J. B. Down t, Platter . 1 .
Dad ,ta act , ay. agent for AIURRIS & WILLIS'S
110.NIE • J01Dt.N..1., and ;bit all rccelpit given 'by
him lo onyint•nt Tat xaia raper will be deli aCtuaoar
lodged by iLN at Itto °Mee of publication, it t,....fgi
presaly tlii<2..l and ondenslood, tool all klic,cripti... a
are payable itne ear an advance. •
The new cc elante will Commerce on. Ito brat of
Jimnaryi Stilacriptionx received by 11, Brim.,
Third !Weal or-porile the. Pon Office..
• MODINS h - Wli LIS
' ' 1
. 1 2 ,4 2T , rv , er1y
- 111 . 0iTiNSSES-45brla new crop NTS - irllatie.i. a d,
jsl d
e 29 l og , P'3 cream
e ' JA B gl c E t ; 71D m i e r. ,
it! l g. CO
o i mAtlit:REL—co q t ho , t 0t 774-
7 P3H— 6;4 and twin for talc by
w den, • nic);F:v &OD
IuERRINGb•-190 bra Lcb,c waled, for b,
deVi ISAIAH mexcy& co
LVld loruavtavi—..4o b:la new V
V764s.4•Canl a tPliten , . , P ePert.Clo”.saiaNsi.
kJ men. for We oy, 18614 H .u!ClrgY eCO
e,271,. • water fr• From au
LA . , MID bes NO 11n mityvkaffki l li i i ; N .
frF . L . ..Figr.ep" bop In Core and for tun by
.9' MIKE DICKEY Zr. 00
• •
argc. i<t'• for .ale by