PITTSBUBGB GAZETTE WIDTE 3`S OUR6iY • WEDNESDAY MOHNiNG, JAN• 8, 1651. „„. - _ walo crrt snrcunom Iroa tusok SOON 4. ROGGEN, IVOICDIAZIoIf - 1011 NAM Of ALIZOItin CAT , HUGH S. FLZkIIIiG• Teette or our. VerM.--As we unman -. • our readers some Limo aineti, the terms of OUT Dui. ly paper !nee been s taged, from room dollars to tit dollars per annum, In advance, or tern dollars payable half yearly, to tete efieet from the fine hrteut. p. N Whits Hest. Ozer IS tr—ltt reply to the charge that !had any f thing to e;,. tr. -cutely up a handbillmwhich the v.r3rd "Whig andKisti•Mssorl-" were Mantled, I, have only t ray , that 1 knew nothing ahem it, toe dui leen t until it i had been pncted and die tribu'ed. On :ceding the Ind 1 discovered the =Weise. Ode of my friends, et ene request, had the awe:. 'alerted and to extra number tamed. Bacirre brio nominated by the Wh.g and Anne Diseen,e 0 ;y Ccnvectine be tho eselidate of the „petty fouthe effice of Major, It is Can to the natty, to h.' Oilyentlon and to myself that I . .boold. be eglatty urders'o:d le this natter. Respectfuiy, JOHN J. ROGGEN. httOßTs Alto EMIT,. or Nrur Yess..--The tots' itnuortt from .January to December of ILO, Is - valued ar.5129,334642. yivicg es iheteaao el 5t0616391,0ver there of 1640. 0! Ilia antena . , 13106:411,P59 were dutiable, 50,815, 2 40, free, sad .of epeee 512932,413 teem received. yhir, the New York perm call a “prospemr cover= of commerce,' wed ecrtelely it In, co it, tint ery, fa eoueereed; hat how will to wee . an luo-11,f foreign coinweeiies, withcot a cur. • re./on it-g paste of expertr, affect the c-trlatty it' Wall our iron and ecetzu efivblithilients evochre ; with rawly ci nor geople cot to totp!..v recto, such e ate-lean - at a the ebove tal,tdoltd to excite feel DES of envie , y and wham rather thou of grlttolation. All the got. What CI from Cal:'omt• meat tthC op for the hem bel :ace of quit new spine, ob. England and Rene. It cannot be chrgutred that the very relent ep tx6.tion wh®h the Roman Heirarehy has met ordh in Eng and—an oppmidpn not much characterized by Chri,lmn temper—is arousing sympathy In fa vor of the Popeand his Archbishop, and confirms Romanist In them bed opm ion. of Protestant*. The corre.pondent of the New York Comrnereml M yer riser at Rome, sap :. ""Homo was perfectly cool and confident of hair. inn the brlcnntage in the controversy before the Arclabishup'sappeal to the British people; since then t:thy eonmdcr it quite safe hero to announce 'I clornois victory." Some of the most tofhiential jourrmb of France, which were disposed at first to allow t.l England a scrim:aground of complaint at the measure of the Pope, and partieularlyat the in• solent tone of his bull reinstattnathe hierarchy, now with Home. It is rumored, moreover, that a letter into been received here from the sing of couched in very flatteringtemas team 11 the Pope, requesting some simitar appointment at re omanimtion_ of Burnish eccicsaustical attain In Pru-tn.. That the Pope way rainy of a grans end Inso lent introtion epee the gayer omen zed Chttrch of England, •ro freely admit ; bat that the Erg- • lish peonle 'have made a_great Wender, to given no harsher term, in the violence with whieh they repelled it. Is, we think. equally true. True Chrintirarty, for welch `they ire conten — diagrdoen ....not Warrant each proceedings as ha ve teen bed on this ccensron. Cruise of tko.Preble. This U. S. ship Preb b, Jaatas Graver. commas cr, arrived at New York on the let instant, &her a loca hot troProriate the usury an asy shave?, Jdany.tbere he, we do not uodre , e oar elect to V.l. 13,utito ell oilers we Piny, II you >diet,. o render ehneriag pleastor,purella.e a t....xlirdnion Hand': Alroord floodlit> or Arrltatonl Sinn,, Creams. hie utterly Innporad.le to hnu words to scribe the fielineelof • were,. "bobets heel, an d to. Ginarloo with ordinary soup, ep n making thud cc , tbb for tbeGret It le a CombIIVIILOO of n00de,,,,,0,„ nitration, arid Neonate. 11AULL'. SHAVING CflEAGlie,ireeed. laxly emollient{ rendering tie diffrat and i Go,t retry beard eel andprOnlicing. an ad 1nit.1.16 Tither, and bytto exttrmly mild nature &Haile./ ell trrlta• non, and provresiOa that :unplenenro toil,to? feeling , of the skin OilliOhroCro often ospertetet,d niter shoe tog. Gentlemen Using ?diet IlaurVa Flaying erearo may face the oddest and reed pier ring mediately without the_ Om Leemlog ehopped.• And'llfrie oerkitt ante one ,t, pan can minty say will nevem>. any either. One areat'adamttago.Yobith veil) be lieycelnlly an- . 1 prectated by those who wear eebiskele, to {tellies that it will .not; director li o Leard, width seed. wan. wilt do, givlog Dandy ler Tasty Upper.ra•to to tan ~>:; edgy Or the, %whisker& ?des Ilene Pa Pit nett Telt - IMS are delighlfallfreparatitms, coroptranded rant chill, e tbe'ntter exclusion Or nil ankles cr..,rdeted to render.thl operation of envies, unideueae{,nni._, 4 bo apprecteted by all who Make trial 'of tarn. Prepared only by • • 4131.0.5 11AUF.1.4 Perfumer and Gbertlett • , Chretnat , For sale{yrba4crale and retail, by D. A. Fe hnellock !,"".{ or 4 it. Po Pellers,Piterb acab{ and Jol:c bareent {led J Altoona:iv Give. ItAldltd*-4100 tad - fresh bunch, for wale ilea 1"/ ' blear Home Puilarhe4 cry ' Saturday in Arm ro.t AY Tan, Dollars a year. plyaltle in all t.f.or advance. CDDMISSION OF AGY:NUV. ;. II °Zee of tha Heine Sott , r.al, Dt7 Fallon rt. N. ,or:, S To all whole; it may concern: Th:a nthy certify that J. B. Down t, Platter . 1 . Dad ,ta act , ay. agent for AIURRIS & WILLIS'S 110.NIE • J01Dt.N..1., and ;bit all rccelpit given 'by him lo onyint•nt Tat xaia raper will be deli aCtuaoar lodged by iLN at Itto °Mee of publication, it t,....fgi presaly tlii<2..l and ondenslood, tool all klic,cripti... a are payable itne ear an advance. • The new cc elante will Commerce on. Ito brat of Jimnaryi Stilacriptionx received by 11, Brim., Third !Weal or-porile the. Pon Office.. • MODINS h - Wli LIS ' ' 1 . 1 2 ,4 2T , rv , er1y - 111 . 0iTiNSSES-45brla new crop NTS - irllatie.i. a d, jsl d e 29 l og , P'3 cream e ' JA B gl c E t ; 71D m i e r. , fer it! l g. CO o i mAtlit:REL—co q t ho , t 0t 774- der I ISAIMI la BRAUN Rtmo. VA HITE 75 7 P3H— 6;4 and twin for talc by •• w den, • nic);F:v &OD IuERRINGb•-190 bra Lcb,c waled, for b, deVi ISAIAH mexcy& co LVld loruavtavi—..4o b:la new V OROWN KIRRPATRIor, V764s.4•Canl a tPliten , . , P ePert.Clo”.saiaNsi. kJ men. for We oy, 18614 H .u!ClrgY eCO e,271,. • water fr• From au LA . , MID bes NO 11n mityvkaffki l li i i ; N . co frF . L . ..Figr.ep" bop In Core and for tun by .9' MIKE DICKEY Zr. 00 • • argc. i