- _ '--- ESTABLISHED pL'OU9IIEO BY 4HITE:Iic CO. tg. inn..amcd, THIRD 'MELT, MT • • • TOIL ?On OFTICIL Doi , pa prr TrlAVontrty---'- • +PO " Weekly, ln adranee).-- 2,00 • • Do. *Pubs,: n. seed Mel • OAT CI OP A VICIITISISIS AGREE. U 1•0 1 .4 MY.TIP IS PITTS MOIR PUBS On. Sqrsr r 11011 es of Nonpareil or ins) One I nenlan---•.-....--- —110,D7, Oise Sqm is, each additional insertion- • o,p', . •Do. , on. week.-- ---•t•-•-•-•• 1,7/, , . , Do. .two weeks... --• 7 . 7 . •:•••••• • 3A17 D 0 .. . • - thee one month k.-7 —4 4 4 - DO. MO months- ..... 7,00 De. • threp autinthi-• ,, •••••^ 7.00 Do. loon months •—•••••- • lop m. slx month..-- --. 17.70 . • twelve month.. l-. • .• 1843 - 'Standing Card pilots or less,) per nam• 10,00 Onellopanqatmagmble atpleasure r an , nom) =native of the paper---• Lu h • cm . For each additional square, Insertedver eon month, and for each additional square Jammed er the rear imd Adverthicatenta exceeding a aquaret, no not over lumen noes, to be ehargad as a vinare and a ball. gMblishent not accountable for Legal advertisements inuier u the amount charged for their publication, candidates for office, to lte charged the moo u other advancement. : . . Alvirdisements not merited on copy for a sped. Sad number of insertions, will be continued till forbid, caul Identettregaeted accord. v. The privileges efyearly advertisers Militia roomed riskily to their regular badness, and WI other wirer• llainseuts not pertaining to their regular baldness, as agreed for, to be paid extra. All advertisements for charitable methadone, Are ward, township and Whet publ e meetings, Id each like , to be charged half price, pa able strictly what:ea. Marriage notices to be charged 60 eon ' • Death noticearimerted without charge, en aceom. pawed by funeral invitations or chicory tie., and _when ao aecompatued to be paid for. Sepia &dreamers, and' all others 'end of comma alrnoWna, or requiting notices designed 'call an en lion to Fain, Soirees, Concerts, or any p blip enter teinatimts, where charges are mode for =em— ail notices of private associationt—eve notice tee =call attention to private entemon en ellen!. M to ended to promote individual into skean on. de be Irwerted with the understanding tb t the gala Alto be paid for: If intended to be wen in the W OW adman, the Caere will be charged at the rate of Ut leen thanlo cents per line. Bishop or Fist Notices to be charged triple price, ..Tavern License Petitions, et each. , Legal and Medical advetthientents to be' charged at fell mew . • Real Estate Agents , and Auctioneers , . *downer diens not to be clawed ander yearly rem, but to be allowed discount of thirty three and one third perm/. Rom the amount of bills. • • 1 WE= OA nu-guitar 111 VAIIT raw. One Square, area Loolutiorrs••—•—•3l dli D 0... eta additional insertige, 37 °l.P.'""“"Vair"...l'=.7:ls ° `!t• .141 transmit advrlsereats 10! . !..4 Ina? is` vine*. WRITE at CO Grains. teoll l DnlttE, ES P. BARB & CO., Chronicle. FOSTER BROTHER, remak. JOS. SNOWDEN, Bloomy. • ; JAIMI W. BIDDLE, Sceericon, HIRAM RUNE, Evening Trip ewe Passings, Dem.. 1,1819. • CARDS: SOUR Ji; PARKINSON, 111:P.RPLAN, WPM, Pam street, , benreen o , llan and Walnut: AM Muitmps pmmptly y9 tn. • ma ALICIAIDAR WATSON. STORMY LAW,o2los, on Fourth erect about Wood. sorl9 , DAVID O. TIIVTLD. • Arrozmy AT LAW, and CommisoMoor for Poonsy/vanio, St. Louis, Mo. , AS eaMAZlLLielliolla promptly answered. ' oarirl.ty JAMES P. AWNEY. .I . lfiteev.2'l,l , Vat." - e'• "am, M;OcUM;U3=I A ITORNEY and Counsellor at Lam. and Commis .ll. stoner for the State of Pennsylvania, St LO{Liaj 3119., gate of Pittsburgh.) Retemnees-11111burgh: Hon. W. Formerd, Ramp. les t Miller, lirCauulless it McClure,. John E Parke, it Semple. MeConl tr. King. engle.ly ' BIDWELL ,00. 3 .011.1iVARDINo nonAllr IP Si, Campo, Pa. (.lasitd4 Ferry Port Gfam.) pavan permanently laeatW u %hl place, a new sad sabstanttal Wharf Sou, we are prepared to ro od. sad forward promptly to all Pointe on the river, sad Sandy Thum or Ohio Canals. B & Co. Yana 15.—1 D 3 lIEALD, EVOIEWOH. tc COL) IOBACCO. No. 4Norllt Wows Street fr. No. 111 North Whervea A. J.ltocutos. ' t PHILADELPHIA D. C. NoC sou. t " oot J. L.WAArson. S nog (lessor to Morphy uo,) Ivaorb - 7u To h "L:6r.t. th ! esbit7Of L.A. NAM. MRDY, JONES & Co., ( tteeonors to Atwood, lone, & Co.) Commission and -Forwarding Mn. dealerson Pittebernit Manufactured Vi ;Itubmt, Pa. • Mohr/ - Oncesseol TO 104101 'OATER & Dealer In - Frei af Hangings and Denim , Purim, &c. Also--Wri OBS raper, No.d7 Woodetret and Diamond - alley, west side _ ikbl3 PATTI'6O9OU CM JOELN - AONEW, late or thi newt Co.( would respect' Mi and the on public genets ((seeo curl , the Green i varieties, and le pre_pared to earleei Furniture, Minerals, - Mtug Me Minium. Ili kil to tract., between Fir & t. lir7o. — ltiOAG - gr.N7W sr in Dye Mlle, Paints, 011 alt Wood .treat, one door . So PlUseargh. Merchant, end dealer in. • anafactures, No hi Wei. , lIILIAZ stereo, IMDICKEY a Ca, Wilt elYn Merchants, and den , 11,01; and Fh7 Front streets,,' Job s. t•Tiwonk— • T .B. DILWORTH & CO., IP • Agents for (loosed l'evri • • MIN Y. TOWNSEND,. - • lgo. 45 Market M.; three dt berulywill have comiantll , mi Wielment of Ma beet and fres) - will ion on the most 'Meson SAWMILL Mitt', Will be prom pined with articles Wry may n si qrhyelciens Pmectipnou !ph int PrePerni Rom the best yor m . JO/01ot eels, a Isom *Loci Jplut Eloyd. T &IL HAY% Wholcit IP • Merchants : end Dell Chetah Ilatidinps, fronting Bulk !meets, Minirama, Pa. toJNCAW] met, Michigan Una Sem a the corner of. Water and V -Urals HDiret d it tin la Co tbr tehlson ~ 'SalltAgarts of the 151. Leal, WAS grater and 02 front gm: ball B( IOONSIARERit. a), _ • No 14 Wood area, Pinsbaneh. - .Vg ,,,, Micigio - reiiie and Retail deal. hi grub and Macke! Insiramems, Scheel Rona ig Slates, Steel Pen., quills, Primers , Canis, an lassionary generally, No. el Waal st., Plus/nigh. grr Ants banight for raters in trade. . 8.0 D. CANFIELD, Date of Wansin, Oillo,/ emelt. fbr don and Forwarding Merchant, and wholesale tYlaa In Western Reserve Cheese, Dauer, Pot end 'Pbscd.flett, and Western Produce generally. W. 1., -II not, between Salthteld and Wood, Pittsburgh. r: it M /OH - Forwarding and Conontssion Mar charts, Dealers In Prrdeca laud Pittsburgh mans • • _red ankles, Hanel Desist, near Vdt st. • . PENN MILL, PITTABIIOII, PA. is: NEEDY, CHILDS & Manalneturcrs very etterlor (4 Sktailar, Carpet Chain, Cotton • . and Dianne.. • • itidOdY .IL C. STOCKTON, I .FIL M TS /Aims k BtoettoxOIOI:IICSELLER, STA ONEY, PRINTER: ER and PIND, comet of stkok lat 4 Km% PitusOstgb, ra. ffkkdif . . ' - • . - • • - , t -•rc • •,- , . • E • • . ..•.. ••.... . • . . r• . • i • • BUSINESS • CARDS. Pittsburgh Clty Glass Works. OdgiliallAlt & ILIANUFACTTRERS OF WINDOW ()LAS B. 131. NO 28 Mutat street, between First and Second, Pluabargh, Pa. _ DlSTatdralar attentio n paid to odd. saes. Madera is FLINT G/18, VIALS, BOTTLES, ka. STEW'. _ w. caliamaaaa, a. mner4ll, cawarinisiaa, aitewnia. W. Hiner rhila&" -; C. W. Mahatma, Minibus,. ILLER a. Rtcrcrson,‘Vhol nal e Grae r eta and WA Importers of Briiidlei. Wines and Bagani, No. tad 171, conies of Labarty and tryinatmats, Pt. sta on h a n d.' P 4 Nails, ms, he. has a Go.' nd, John WOW. James D. WOW. •• Weiss C. Hoe. AWILLB a. ROE, WholeasJe Grocers and Commis sion Merchants, No 194 Liberty IR, Pittdburgh apt itrrsinliEGlViritri.--WWI27UM r n7Yk n . • . true soon, sors V. 110101. JOKY,/CllllOO, ILTAISTUFACTURFLES of spring amd blister stal, 121. plonk steeloteal plough .andcoach and clip 'le springs, hammered bon sales, dealers In road 'sable eastungs, firs engine lamps,and coach trimealne ts a naraliT.mnar of Ross and Frost lna, Pit sba '. fob Y. fr. J. Tandem. Com=l.loßß MI re huts. NO. nt Old Levee at, N Orleans, keep constantly on hand Marge assortroent of Brandies of the follow ing brands, which they offer for sale as agents for J. //grand & Co, Ikndertax, vial Maxtor), J. Erand, 3 Du rend A Co, Laroohelle, I !Donna, (Jaguar:, A de Mon tenon, A L A de llondore, Jean Lords, dn., do; also, Anchor Gin, Borden= Rod and White Win. in nuke and cases, adeeted with e are by John Darand &,:Co; beside. Champagne Wine and Sweet liturandy Port feb7-17• LHOLMES & SON, No 83 Market n, second door lb= . to comer of Foertb, dealt Paroles and ao Mils of Exclumge, Cortificares of Deposa, Book Note, 5=114 r , Col all rho pension! eitme • —.— nr sCliutlatANN,rbiA st, opposite Ms V Post-015w, Pittsbarst—Blops,Landaeapes,l3lll. hi t 4 ... mAttrilts, „ La ... bel d s, vi t i cld .i sv a art e d . l , lao m h , inA or dnnrn on none, and printed in colors, Gad, Broom or Black, In the most approved style, and at the most reasonable on ee.a.kly ROBINtiONXITYLE & CO.!. o. =Liberty etreet Pittsburgh. Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Connuislion Nerehanis, and dealers in Pltubargh Plano!. urea apt? • soar. lostsee. nom LITILL at&T.. B. MUM.. ROM= broom, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittabarsh Mantifac titres, an / ell kinds of Foreign and Domeetio Win. land L stock quo o f f superioro. Lib old Monon erty street. ahel a On hanwank d st very e vskiel, .111 be sold low for cash. g Toll 'Are. L. L. REYNOLDS &-SHEE. Forwarding and Conran. elan Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, Leaks . . in Groceries, Produce Pittsburgh, Maness tares, and Chloride or Lime. The highest rice, in 'cub, - paid at all times for country rags Comer Pm. and Irwin eta. min DOEIE/T DAL/ELL & Ca, Wholesale Greenly, Cominission Merchants, dealer. in P ro duce ran d Pinaburgh Manafaentrea, Liberty street, Pituburgh, Pa. , —a. A. 'HUIIIINOIIMS, WHOLESALE GROCER, Pminee, Forwanling, end Coxittelnion Merehan; ti Pins. burgh Alanufantare. No Ma Liberty street, Pitubargh, P.JTC • • Q HanCiLETT ic:WHITE, Maclellan Dealers in la Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. IN Wood erect, Pittsburgh.apl7 S''t, Vfaiiiadfirw - . 1 et•ive.l:7 - Dwer. to Floor and Frodnes generally, and For...ding and Commisalon Merebaras,'lls IFlret stayer and. 116 Second street. Parana a. 17 T. =LW, iirrnintint. MIN 010013, ZaiWAND. ELLENS & NIOOLS, Produce and General Con. A Weldon Merchants, No. 17 Meng strest,Plus burgh. Sperm, Linvecd and Lard Oils. apl7 F VON BONNIIOII.IIT t CO.,holesale Ons -13• Forwarding and Corandeeion Merchants, Dealers to Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western Produce, have removed to their new warehouse, (old stand ' ) No. nd, comer of Flout street and Ch.ecry Lane. 11917 •.• 111011.11.111 & 8AW011.211. TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, East ode Dimond, PittsbarEh. apse µaz. P. swami neausze, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Prod.; and Comaisnas /11erniants, And dealers In Pitisbarg h Nana seamed Articles, Nola 130 22d 132 lhootid lamest. Between Woad A Smitilfield, Ptiasbutita. saga rons wars] Doss smears sons WATT di CO.. *llO Groan, LESALE Gans, Corstalsoion llsrehants, and Molars in Prorlls. and Plarbstill Mann. 'iretsres,76 Libarcy Pitubargh, P.. .5112 brts thiperine; .02 63 bd. Pirt gmd for sale by //OWN k. KIAKPATiIIcIiC 13KIRD /WOULD inform tho public, they Ease taken the warchoote rothotely occapied by the line Mr. Solomon Sawyer, MI Second Moo theme a large and comsoodioas waraboaso,4l,ar Would invite the attention apses... having goods to consign or sum. They will also give suenUen to the purchase and sals of Notes. Drafts, 'Bands, ke. aogl L. S. W eterraan• •R. N. Wueeau• •W. Watena. L. H. WATERMAN f. lONS, TITROLERALE GROCER 4 Comndation and For PdYlet :=1:113 " 1/t d"1" Igc115 1 kt.d. of Pro for We of Richmond and Lyoohborgn alZafacto t re% Tobacco. N 431. Taniurt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butter, re WILL also amend to collections and 01 antes ram. one entreated to him to Cedar and Armstrong aositticiLl'A. Rater to & IL Floyd, Lenart, al. W. W. Wa llop, 40 • lames Marshall do PittsbarllL .o7 417 lay & Co., Wood at. ) SOHN IIeFILDEN & CO., FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Basin,Penn street, Pittsburgh. , caret JAMES fl. DAVIS & PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.227 Market, and S 4 Commerce at, Philadelokhb Advancer made, by either of the above, ea eariln. menu of Produce to either How. W . ItOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILIi}satOCERS, Forwarding and Comae.lon Mardian% and dealers in Country Produce and Pittsburgh blanufac ture:,.c.ejner or Wood awl Fifth Miaow, Pittsburgh. Wm. U. —•—• —l. U. AlcVay. • Wei. ii. WILLIAMS a CO., HANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North East comet of Wood •ard ?hint •Itteti, Jaal )'thaw m I t s. U. 11•••1.1", 7.••• a. C01.••14 W. N. WOOIMAIIID, Il•LrIf WBl., BAOALEY & CO., Witolesala Grocer{ lB •8880 Wood Elvel, Firtabragh. ..pl7 - 101121 A vino, DAVID 1114,102.1133. 'MICK M'CANDLESS,GnicoaI&i. Wick,) Wholesale Grocer., Forwarding and Commission Merchant% dealers in Trot, Nall., Glass, Cotton Yarns, and PlttAb argh Manufacture's general- ly, corner of Wood and Water averts, rittsbargh. apl7 VV.S. M. Wholesala Groom, • Reou6mg Distillers, and Wine and Lawlor Merchants. Also—lmporters of :Ws .oh sad Bleuh ing ro.dor, No. Ivo Law, aueat, Opra.ll. Binh upeat4Pitismargh. apt, WWTWILSON, Watches, Jewelry - 5, 'lsar Ware • and Military Goods, cocoon of Market and Fourth struts, Fivaboratt, Pa. N. 11.—Walahaa and Clouts carnally repaired. - apl7 Ira Immo. lona S. trita. 'WM. YOUNG Le Co., lie . Ctrs Is Leathe ta r, lllde., !V kb" 143 Liberty street. JaoSalY a e bIeCIITCHEON, Vihoiesale Graeae P V t V tatl arg d zr=i2Z:Vren "' e l rTli, N l=Teer 1.17 T lIAVP. taken WM. iIARR into p•rtnership with use in my business, which will from this dale lw carried on ander the name of "John Parker !Co.. .Much Ist, I tt.so. JOIIN PARKER. John Parker—:--- ----William Carr. JOHN PAILICIGH. i 00., Gnxers, Dealers in Prodace, Foritgn Winn, Liquor; Old Monongaheln and Kooified Whiolog. Nn.s,Commerelnl Row, Liberty moot, g a y,* Plushorth, P P*l4l3ElOl, FIANNA & CO., Ciaccessors to Harley, Hanna k. BANE.EILS, EXCHANGE UUUXEILS , and dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposit. Bank Notes, and Specie—North west CORM or Wood and Third tweets. Current mono 'received on deporite.—Sigki Cherkr for rale, and collections made on neatly all the prineipat points the United Stows. highest Th e premium paid for Foreign and/la:aerie. 001 d. Advances made on conaignments of Produce, ship 'pad ESS4 on liberal terns. area WIC it. it'ciana.] 10143. a. 110.11,1 WM. A. .8011.17R0 & CO, Glt Merl ANDTEA_ ;;. DEALERS, • Are 2s6 LtifierrY arra, above Wood, Rave always on hand a large assortment of Choirs talntlies and Fine Teu; also, Foreign Fruits and Nam, Wholesale and Banal. Dealers supplied on the GLAIR WOlilics. JOSEPH D. ABELL, A4ANUFACTURFR OP GREEN GLASSWARE, MI. Vials, Rattles, and Flute, Porter, Scotch Ale, Mineral Water, Patent Medicine end Wine Bottles of every deuription; also, WIND6W GLASS. Keeps onmaantly on hand affeneral assortment of the aboT9 articles, ALSO STATE, as the other G reen Glass MeV:fries E. ALL roman, as it the caster, in Wainer, Tua Femme to now us Ms oreurtois, and will maturate in °parental both semmer and winter. Orden rupee - V.llly eolielted, and will he ailed on the shortest notice. Warehouse. No tll Second. street, between Mood sod Smithfield sts.Pittsbanth. 'ci theitialf SMIL. P. SIMMER and; CHAS. P. BARNES hairs this day associated th emselves together, under the firm of Shaver A Bones, for the transaction of the Wholesale Smears, Products, and Commission busi ness, at No I= tc I= Second street, between Wood and Smithfield a. Pitudersh.Anguit I,lB3—seal WOOLf WOOL ! • Milt highest market Wee in Cuh will be paid fm the diferant grades of Wool, by igt3 8 A-97 ItARBAUGIII ECirirtritBlol.-100 0 lb. far ..le by sung II A FAUNbsgubir. k 00 MISCEILiNF,OIis, s FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. , His . megnifieent eitabliihrtieni being now eemi Joined and reedy for basins:estate Pulsator would. meectlelly eolith a share Att the public patronage; R e nom by giving hie fall attention to the herinees, to make the home a pleasant and somfartable reran for the eithens of Pittsbargh and Tor . the country generally. Good attendants will be in welting, and every es . e , t i e ,,, oe d e to reader the eamblishotent worthpthe countesses.. am werortofau Intelligent cowl:tunny. The TWO SPACIOUS' 41ALLS, fined for Parties, Careens, Lettere., Dally and publics meeting', will be let by the events& e. Week, on as lame' terms an my other la the city. *no DAR and RkSTAURANT, equal in mole and beauty to any in the world, will be .kept fernished with Pure Wines, Choice Liquors, Cordials, Porters, Alen, and all the cooi, tight, retreehments et the season. Poultry, Game, nab, Soap, Ortel., 'enil Clannb served ers In the best style. The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, being on the first door, and easy at looms , will be cannel:WY repelled will all the Luxuries and Delicacies of the season; and alsoovith such mtbetentials as the markets afford. Boarding by the day, week,. or year. Dinners or Sappers for individuals or pnntes, furnished on short 0011 CD. Gentlemen with their families, 'telling the city can, be semplied with refreshment. of all kinds atmly hoar of the day. Good Sutb.lng and an eztenemo Weary Establish merit b connected with the Hall. Dinner at I o'clock. Dreakfutuad Tea lathe usual hoar. - Entdbitee for Ladies to the lee Cream sod Ditung Saloon No 67 Smithfield street. Nlfitalf K. H. VAN lIEN&SELAER a. WmflYfl., SIL.I ia. wstruirata, an A. WESTERVELT & SON. WELL KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKERS. NV V keep constantly on band or make to order the am antic in their line ' et their old stand, No. In St. ( 7, irs•re,t; also, at No.all Market street, second may, C 1"... in the Diamond. Venni. Shelters made to order, and old Minds neatly repaired. -• J. OLICIIIN. Book Madera. Nrare sun engaged in the above business, corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, whore we are prepared to do any work in our line with *le:- patch. - Wo attend to our work pent natty, and one. action will he given in regard to its neatness and do lgaßooko ruled to any or and bound sub stantially,: Books Nambers or old kooks bound rare. I t repaired. pen on boot • In, gilt letters. Those that have work In oar lino an, inmost to call. Prices low. myStra Peat flacklsm 511t.p. WlGHTMAN—Alantfacturer of all kinds of cot . too and woollen machinery, Allegheny eirj, Pa ti! above works being now in fall end suceestie ep nntlon,i um prepaeed to exesare orders widi disparrh for el kinds of machinery in Ay Lee, .ash t. wil~owq piekent, spreaders, cards, grindrng mu Lines, rnisway drawing frames, speeders, thressila, loom, woolen eards, double or single, tor merchant or country work, Inules,jackartA; slide and hand lathes Imd tools in gen eral All kinds of shafting mule to order, er plane giv en for gearing (*merles or mills at ...enable charge. Rmnn vo—liennedy, Childs de Co., Blaekstoek, Ball Jr Ca. Ain.. Pannork (1... Ja. A GrAir BENNETT 8. BROTHER, QUEENSW ARE MANUFACTURE/In, lIIIr soda g ham ,(necte Pittsburgh') Pa.. Of f ice, No. 37 'Warn si,! &scarcest Market cowl Wood, Partsitttet. irWlLLeonetardly keep on hand a toed Olson went of Ware; of oar own manufacture, and ruperiorq.lity. Wholes:de and countrc Fila chants are respectfully In tiled to call and ex. &Millo for thematic., as we are determined to sell theapir than bat tyar before are offered to the pub. [lTOrderp sort by mci apeomp anted by the pub or good roferonet. wJI bo promptly attended to. mrll ants coAkon FACTORY, IN • A. WRITE A CO., would_respectfully Inform Mc Cie public that they bare erected tr shop on Laeoek, between Federal and Sanduelry =teens They are now making and are prep.; rd to receive orders tor every descriptive of candle., Coach:. 'I. ChAdol'a, ha ranches, Duryea Phew., he., do., which from their long experience In the nanufactore of the libelee work, and the facilities they have, they feel en able they are enabled to do wort on the con rearonable to en= W ese wantalLtrueles in their line. Paying particular attention to the wlection of mate and broth= none bat com-retent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranhag their work. Vie therefore atk the attention of the pablle to =it matter N. H. Repairing done in the bon =tarter, and on the moot reasonable teem,. POIIStf SGAIPId A AMIASOIII. Fla MT, szkorin Weary ono , VIITIMI.I4III, (RDNTINUE: to vornaforture •Il Imola it COPPER, Na TIN AND SLIE.ET.IRON WARE. ALio, Natl. smlth Work. Steam Boats built to order. Special attention given to steam boat morn. Have on hands • fine =tormentor Copper and Pram Kettles, Tin Were, Jae. Pte. Steamboat C.ooklug Swaim, Portable Forms, variom elms—n very convenient so nde for steamboats, California gunsmith., or rail road " Vesito aid respeetfally invite stems bind men and others to tall and see MI anieles and pries. befet• pmeliashas sl members. /Fl 7 Itirtrafght and Cast Iron Italllstg. brg luve to inform the public that they have obtained item the East all the bate and fashionable designs- fox Itonitaillag,hothleenottarn .2141 ECSllttette3l. Lemons Wating to procure hand wine pattern* tylll please nail and at and Inky fer ttn-maelves. 4KII be farniabrd at the alier. of notice ar.d In the beat mannar, a Craig and'Rebecca Meals, Allegthen yn t . lyrne corner .MOM-0V A. LAItiONT & Mita. DEG leave to Worm his friends and cartenners tha %LP he Issas' esteeming his new spring stock of Gonda comprising, as Instal, all the newest and moat fashion able styles of Cloths, Cusinseree. fancy Vesting., cot ton and linen summer Muds, and every asucte sattalils for gentlemen's wear for spring and summer. It being trispoiimble to desenbe the bennty, quidtty, or quanuty of the stock, the prepnetor hopes all who are in want ootl,chetp. fashionable ' arid well Inuit d 011..., ill g give hint a call, as there is no stock this oda of Allegltentes that can cotepats with it_ llto randy =ado department is very extensive..d.V" d to all tastes. Hell road contrac tor., country merchant., and all hp patetismo y,ate particularly invited to es• inn th e stock before PILYCIIIISIIIK, as particular at ntion I. paid to the wholeaale busmen" in this mut- •••• • Every &Melo la the tailoring line made to order to the moat fashionable aed best manner, at the shorter node", tor= ECM= Tparthershtei heretofore es.isting under the Eno J 1 of A A C BRADLEY,. dissolved by the decease of Mr. C Brodley. The business well be earned on by A Bradley, who will settle the bonne. of late firm. . _ • REMOVAL-A Ulan." has remosed hisreundry Warehouse from No lid Steenoil street,to.lio lb Wood street, between Mott and Senond tame., to the ware house lately occupied by G A Berry, wh ere be will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Cast- Ings, Grates, Moves, Ceetking Stoves, tr.e. iyla SAMUEL. ncluci.v - r, ANUFACTURER OF CAST 5TF4..../ and No.l •nd No. 2 American Blister nut. Also—Best Cast Steal File*, of all sires; and Blackunith mad Shea Rasps, alwels on hand and forsale, t W ard at o r unt il. Steel Works,” O'llara street, h, or et Os mince in the loon Store of BOLLMANS A GARIII- EfoN, No 4, foot of Wood street, Pithiburigh. stahnhallin CIRO ULAR.. We, the undersloted, haying need, with entire eat lefaction, the Cast Steel and File. made by Samuel McKeley, at hi. Eagle Steel Works, In this city, take ple.are in recommending them SS equal In quality to any ever need by us, of foreign manufacture. PiUsbargh, Much 13,1850. 0 k SHOENBERGER & CO, ilmtufacturen of Iron and Nail., Pittsburgh, Pa. KNAPP & TOTTEN, Iron Pounders and Machinist., Pittsburgh. Pa. COLFZIAN, MAILMAN & CO, Ma.nulactarers of Springs, Axles, Spring Steel and P & W Rivets, MrPFABER, ttsburgh, Pa. Engin. Builders and Machin. Card Manufaetn• tars urgh, Pit tsb. Fa A FULTON, Brass Founder, Pittsburgh, Pe. GRAFF,LJNDSAY & CO, Manufacturers of Iron JOSEPH and Nmil Ts, OMLINSON, Pittsburgh, Pa. Locomotive Engine and Ship S W Wunder. Pitt WALLACE sburgh , , Pa. Mathle fiLanafactarer, !dada. and Engine Ball& tur2s •r. Pittsburgh, P.. DlNl•olettoss of Paftworehlgis rrLIE Partnership heretofore existiug betwevrthe nrbscribersoinder the firm of Chambers, Agnew & Co., Glass Manufacturers, seas dissolved by wawa! consent, on the first day of July, Mall. All persons knowing theinselyee indebted to said firm we request ed to make payment to either of the pardes, without delay, sod all persons bevioe unsettled accounts with said Jliely. •re dished to prcsent them for LellierlOnit ALEXANDER CHAMBIIIte, /URN AGNEW, iylaidam D. 11. CllAkilltlltki. owner. mad consignees goods arriving try tho "Citimnial Portable Coat Gm.," will please take notice that Mary will be requited to pop (might at OUT warchonm, according to the receipt, before the goods are mourned. C A tiIaANULTY ACO frt IT..Thr - T - liJlffhllJliiffl Inascnons—Pen the clothe. Into cold water and let them soak once night In Namorning wring them out and put them into a kettle of boiling meter, to which add the proportion of ono pan of fluid to eight gallon. of water--stir It up and boll the whole twenty [minutes. The clothes may then be wrung out and wall rinsed In clear told utter. The arse of gro - moots that may be most soiled, such rist and collar a or shirts. may be slightly rubbed before riming, and clothes will be found perfectly clam, white and clear. Wemumed net to injure the fount fabric and to gin perfect eatiefutton.or the money will be refunded. Fold wholesale and retail by Ft F. SELLERS mole 57 Wood st • - - — tileeliacL7 - Viarren ud Plltabargh Telegraph Company. TN pursuance of a resolution ofthe Board of Dime ," tors of the Cleveland, Warren and Pittsburgh Telegraph Cowin.), requesting the Secretary tomato out and cease to be published In the newspapers along the fine, an exiSibil of the financial and other affairs of this company. I submit the following Re The line orltelegreph commence. at Cleveland and terminate. let Tittsburgh, passing throagh Chagrin Fall., Fritnkliit, Newton Falls Warren, Youngstown, and Lowell, In the Slits of Ohio, and ew Castle and Rochester, in the State of Pennsylvania, at which point, there UTE °face. . located for the receipt and transmissior busincth The whole leinktit of the flee is VW miles—Cupttal st e ek, vest per .m.de, making total capital clock of $43.50, of whiett amount SlOden m held by citizens aloes the line, td the balance is held Or Cornell it Speed, the conemetors. The above amount of rub utiptions by eipzenr, hove been paid to Comet! k Speed, for which the Trusts. have their receipt. jacar JEPRF.RPOfII BALM. Becreterv._ TO 190 AT 13011.011,1111. 100,000 tea Seasoned Desk Plank; 100,000 feet Coal Bost Biding. For only by ROBERT MoKNIORT, jakalf /Wormy in Law, Noah .1. PirrstußGH, 211010A1C MORNING, J INSURANCE. Blare Molina Fire. Insurance I Company, HARRISBURG, PA. t 1.16 vary liberal putronage Amended to this com peep, having Itrued pollees to the sunountof near One and • Hell' faallonist Dollars, daring the last three months, is safficlent temilfestatlenlof the eel motion and confidence of the public In the system of manegemeat on which its'husluess is condor:led To city or country merchstts, and owners of dwell* logs, and isolated or country property, it is believed this company tavola advantages In point (cheap ness, safety, ud stoutly, interior to no MA. Company in this country. Conducted on dim equitable mad greatly roved system of ClandSeaden of Risks, excludingtrpecial hazards, Insuring only a limited &meant MIT one totality, thus precluding the freoneneY mo drreneo of large fires, and also on both th e Broo k amt twang: glen, it not only penance the cheapness anf.neertM- Model:en of botismethods,tut entitles the uttered to it pantsipation in the profits. it is under the control of the following Director. , John F. Rutherford, A. J. Gillett, !John IL.Packer, ,Sitrouel T. Janes, Alonzo A. Carrier, Philo IC.Sedg. wick, Robert Rims. J ROTHERPORIkrnisk A J GILLETT, Sec'ys• A A C.IIIIIIM, Artaary Drench Office for Weatem Peensylvarde, 4 Smith field street, Pittsburgh. Persons &hiring lusuranee will be furnished with books of the composy . by call icy al the office. oek LH* ash Health 11/1111•11.111q. Tm; Mattel Life and Routh luseranne iftmpanY of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Let islatare of Pennsylvania, March, 1b49. Charm perpcutal. Capita, SIUO,OOO. RaiW,LOINCSI 'Mal MIT 11.11141 , . VANS Cintrear, and fall. 101) per cent. tower%ban ate us”l rates of lAA"Lesurance as the folliAng com parison will show: Thaii, pe rs on of rho 0130 In suring for COO for life man pay in the Direr 162,11 A Penneklynni . a,r,3l, keno alatual l. r f i t.l6 l ; ° . EV n tafiln, b a rn, ; o2,7;; l Litiral l re c ainl Dnorroas.—Samnel D. Orrick, Chance D. 1 .4.11, 49: F. lloone, Robert P. King, Charles P. Hayes; M. W. Baldwin, AI. M. Reeve, AL D., Chu 0.14 Cam_tbelli Lewis Cooper, I. Realm. Rafter, E. 11.Butlet, Edwin R. Cope. President—Samnel D. Orrick; 1114 e Prod dent—Rohl P. King', Secretary—Francis Bleekborne. Applications will be received and every inferniattort given by BAWL. PA . IINESTOCK;AA4 Mice, Commercial Rooms, corner of oet27.dly Wood and Third sts, Pittaburgh ItHilit AND 111AZI0IIE1 INSUILANCE. unit; INSURANCE CO.of North America will make permanent and limited Insurance on - pro- Crty tAthis city and vicinity, and on .hipments by Canal, Rivers, Lake , , and by Sea. The properties of .th Company are well invested, and Airmail an ovall abe fond for the mole indemnity of all tenons who desire to be protected by Insurance. reytii WM. P. JONES, Agent, 44 Water IL Sire and Marino Inaaranoa. rftHE OFFICE or the Insolence Company of North .1. America, bee been removed to No. 111 Front a 1 gut or Wood. The tabseriber, agent for the above old and respon sible Compel'', will lotto Yob.. on Buildings and their contents, and on shipments of Merchandise bl Steam Mats end tither sensed ev3 Modern ana Antique Varaltara. JARS W. WOODAVELL, LO S Taus 5.., Ermsrunt.. J. W. W. Respectfully Inform. tha publio Mat no has cola plard his spring stock o FURNITURE, the largest and monomials.. =cut ever offered for sale in this city, complisingavverat scone Rwrzwoon, Msuosisin, and Rise %Vamp.", caned, ornamental and plain, saizablo for Parlors, Drawing and Bed Ran., all of which seta at the lowest prices. Persons desiring rumiture of any description, Sr. spectrally Moiled to: call and examine his stock, which embraces every description, from the elespnt sad plainest to the mcarelegant and costly, of which tha following comprise.:• pare Tem atom Sean, tear • Tete Divans; Canyon.. Chairs; lizabeth:. Churn Reception do hosts XIV du Eg,,,,04,• Stil es ares Eitiguet tVbat Not.; Toilet Table.; Los. XIV Commodore: Duke of York , Cote& 60 :lam with and 11.-elolli a- lees; SO Divans, do do do; -40 dn. Mahogany Parlor Chairs; I Reacorood do do; 12 Bilk Walnut do do; 41 " Cane Seat do; 4 " Mahogany Roartr.. do; " do Nano Stools, to Marble Top dent.: Table.; Mi do do liVala Stands; 10 Mahogany BedsltadS 12 do %Vacant., DPIt Walnut Chain dn A very tome 0.,01-Itnodt Of Coadoon Ch Llll sad oil, •r Foratons inw tedious to oloctlo9 Allfr:goo. Routs furnished vu Wes annum 111111tO. odess promptly attended to P. S --Cabinet Makers can Le nipplied with all sort. el Mahogany, WsJaat., and V...., at considerably reduced once.. Solar • HERSEY, FLEMING tSi HAIM,. /FOR SALM, FROM TID: MANIMACTU EII:?., AND AT RANT. INLN MANI, FACTUUV.LIIS' WAitc Flannels, ill Wool. lTh 11/11.1c :frown do wp Ica Lhal, Jol tlt.ek Cammers. F.uy do Faocy Tweeds. *ape. Mack DM.' Cloth. Sopa. Drown do tioper Garr. du Bap., Twilled do Supt. Ulack Dos Skins . B.pr. Drab Cuhroc.ca. Super Draw.. do Super Black do Califormall:antetra Scarlet Jo lhab do Gnon 'Drown 1.14.1t1., At the Manufacture.' Mo rutsburgL_ . _ TII r. eo-partematth hamlet°, extrung between the imbsertbere, Ban. of Constable, limke & ie this day thmolved by mutual eminent. !Hamra Hari, & Harem; anti tattle the bemecte of the roneern, mhteh pewee° they ere mallet - mod to oae the name of the concert,. NATHANIEL C.(O7I;;TAHLII, , UNTO HURKK. THOMAS BARNES The undervianed h•vn thieJaY etthethted thhataeta.• 1 the name of 11 S. ItAHNIF.2I, for the of raahuturtatthe Prpor Safe, Vault Darr. Sc. Se , at lb. r.actlnf ,he late firm at Comma.le, Matte .SCo, share they win be plealed to receive the patron. sae of the cute:nese of that house and thetr friends. EDNIUNI)I3UIIKE, THOMAS DaItNES. In rcurtng frofrolie lon cf Conetable, Btulto fr. Co., I antra otnecre plcnaure recommend Maws. Burke d. Barnet to tne confidence of my friend. and the public. Feb. p, Oath NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. rebl.4drf lj AS Mai returned front cistern ewes. and in XL receiving large warmly of mationalde Goods, to vekich he respedtfully invite• the attention of mere EL anla and pediarol. No P 4 Wood .t. fehll WALL PAVER—W. P. 111 constantly receivlng, from the largest manufactories In New York and Philadelphia, and also front Frenelt menclea, the nearest and meet approved styles of ra per Banging, together smth Borders, Fire Board Prints, and Tester Tope For sale at g 3 Wood st, be tween Fourth st and I.lmmund alley, (stmeesevr to 8. C. Hill.) spJ • TALLICFAINt-5 brta tat reehl perstam, In ad for tale by the Petrel ur atngle poad at the Drug, Seed, and Perfumery Wertheim, roarer o Stith ad Wad mem: S N WICKURSIIAIII. aylB MILIG/111CAls STOVE POl.llllll 11F, ?broom id.olfactoring Company now oiler to T the petite their Premium Chenincal Stove Polisni tnd without exaggeration, or fear of contradictioo, by hose who have tested it, pronounce It far superior to any other In the market. The consumer need have no apprehensions of selling Celpel.S. &C., es its cent. position prevents dust (ruin arising when being ap. plied, which must be dons when the Stove is cold. The ou.iuty required is so hula to produce a Lea u• Oral lustre. A saving of over fifty per cent m insured to the consumer.. A coatinr applied to Moves, Pipes, rec., when laid away for the summer, is a sure ergo •caMti•el against mat. Alter having tried a once, lif it is accessible) no one any but the Puerto ea lint,. Company's Premium Chemi cal Stove roast,. For salti by N WICKER:WAN, Corner of Salts and Wno.4 streets. 01010/IgLIMAN ZINC. 11111: Viet ontagne I Minpriny warmly their ngents w Itanfiag and Flooring in a1ir,51117 11 to 1,4 iII:MCC% per raprare Piot Corrurat•,l In sheets 3.7, 1.1 ex, for roams , paw, building e and depot. Ship %Mtinch, 14 4'• lecher, tram 34 t01d.11,11 Nails, Spikes, Wine, Sugar Molds, Perforated Zinc, Zino Paint, he. They warrant their rectal pure, and free from any &dn. We of Iron, a nny mbar fIOnIVICV, and re• commend it (or the manufacture of most Mete. in the bow. furniahing line, as it does not Hirt, in not affected by the action of water, and may be polished, painted, and japanned. sample., model., plane, ape: dietitians, and other Information may be bed of Om agents:— YWCA.. h Srunno, New York; ATEINSON, ROL.. le Co., Coston; Narnair Thorra• It Co., l i bil•delphla; %V. h H. McKim, Baltimore,: Sham a Hai & Sraerraa, New °Henna; F. MILLIIIOIIX, ResidenPAgent, Hanover at., New Yolk.. Liege, September 3.-9iep7id3in rimy: Autobiography or Leigh Hunt ; with remit ineenees of Mende an 4 coutentoorarira, in ti •ols. earlylit's Latter Day l'amphlets—No VIII, subject, J. 1111.14111. History of Darius theOntaa Hy Jacob Abbott, rinth en ,ravings. Howard, a Roinanco. Ity Wire Merlin Bell. Pictorial Pith! Ronk °lsle Revolution.— No 5. The above Works received thin tiny, and ror solo by It C STOCKTiiN Coo. Market & Third at. =assn rglAßTri mistake, from rteam boat seven Kegs of Outter,ruarken J. Any iinforomitim rerpecung them will be thank follyreeieved. anti WM JOONSTON Low &iiisse• sompa—NV rraistoao - seviab DROWN Windsor Soap, liensom, Honey, Musk Vernacular, Oriental, Patin, and Olive Oil snaps • " These Po* are highly celebrated fur imparting amootbnew tithe kin. Purchased from lhe importer, and for sate by sepia R il PELLERS, ao Wood st INDIA HUIMER PAIJKIIII3-ntean — la — mrorted thicknesnes, from I-21 to I inch thick. The above packing prepared... Sou SPOdegreei Fahrenheit all not affect and is mperior to every thing else, as no substance has so mach elasticity which stands co high a degree of heat, and may ha usod shout all parts where parking IS necessary, van manhole plates, piston rods, steam joints, steam chest., cylin der hes... Sc. For sale wholesale nnd retail by J II PHILLIPS aftr7n 7 9 Wood ToLLALCO-30 bz.sbit : rv i r s ollLt i o;m7 rdlr 8008. MUSIC, k • rarsiiosoosa. AT HOLMES' LITERARY Third meet, opposite the Pool 0 DAVID COPPEEFIELD, No 18 London An Jouronl for October LittelPs Living Age, No 337; The Valley Farm; or the Astoblogrityl plias. Edited by Charles J. Peterson. Petticoat Ilerernment; a new noreli 1 1 4. I D C les Lam The Trastf I. a'ausibeibtvwart, car Life of 'ankee Genesi re; or Pleasant Love end enr De Lama tine. Oenoe hakrpr.-- yr lllii _ MUSIC I 11111i17 RUBIO I TENNYILANE; •beentitelEthlopien Boat ..• =Mt by theliew Orleans Serenader, Be we el and beware; ok I Dinah, take this hand; The Maiden's rear; The Rich Man's Bride; I Weald I were with thee; By the Bad Bea Wave, as nog by Jenny Lind. In New York; . . __ _ _ The Bird and the Malden, sung by Jeriny Lind; Take this Into, sung by Jenny Lind; ' Turn not away; a beautifel duet, by 8. O. Porten! Eleightint Polka; by Starkonh,Jenny.Limihrsitalion Good Luck; Jenny at the Gals; Lavine, and Dod wortles very best Polka; also, new Wpitzes and so lemnise selection of Guitar Preceptors of best Wasters r D KLEBER, 101 Third street. oelEi Golden Harp. DIINIIAIIIII FILANO/0!0 Bole Agency for Danharars 'Pianos. k I KLEBER taloa pleasure in anti Bing to the KA % public that he has succeeded in untie the seta agency for Dunham's celebrated Po Forte., for Western Perinnylvania.' The ..etanaa made by Mr Dunham, of. he firmdrif Stodan A Dunham, are too well and face 17knoirn in tins neighborhood to requ i re any corn ent at this timor settee it say, that for a long time no other pianos were known in the Western ertrl than those of /Baden Dunham and tenons l ark. ' Mr. Dunham,tba prseueal partner, of hhe above firm, has spent upwards of twenty yearflu the fac tory of said firm, mi practical manager and 'director of the business. Within a year or two Mr Mohan has bought out the entire factory and appurtenances of the firm, and continues to manufasture. 11.11 before, in his own name. Danbunes Pianos have attained each popularity; that In some of the wertent cluesl Cinein nod, Ao,tthey have sold two to one of, abs other manufacture. They are diatingnished by theiS power and brilliancy atone, and extraordinary Mira tiny. N. B.—A large invoice or the above elegant Pianos Sow receiving. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN HARP. ode awy Mutate, , ECEIVED this day from the curt— . La Serenade—Sehrubert. La Serenade—Arranged u Wets. Jeannatte and Jea.ot. l'or (Jolla,. Voice of by gone, days—hotter. Awar down in Cairo—l otter. Bo Watchful and Dewaro—Glovar. Bestdes many other popular Bono and Pies 11 SLUM& repl3 Sign of the Golden Nary, Th MMM New Beak.. HEALTH, Disease, sad Iterned7. BY Wit o .r. Adelaide LimlsaY, a mesh Dy Ike &Saar of "Lattices Arnold," "Nortnaa's Bridge," Au, ike. Life and Correspondence of Rubs Southey-01G 3. Gibbon's lionte-36 and (Rh vol.—completibri of the work. Received and for aide by se Seß C ETTOCZTON MINGLISIIGRAAIILIII— , Tho English in ,C 4 Its elation. and forms, t o a tummyM u te orn and dovelopomont; designed tor an in s and sehools. Wm. C. Fowler, late professoroto; to Amherst Colltige..ie, Astronomy—Va feeent regrew of Amato yi espectaly In tat United Pala. By its Lomais. Five Years of a Hunter's Lite In Ma far interior of Foe. Allies, with micee of the adivo triba., and anecdotes of the close of Cmlion, elephant, tMppop_ lag., giraffe, rhino c eros, tte., an. illostratiods.' U. G. Cumming. Reocived for sale by t 11 C BTOCIETON anti ' 47 Alaska st I UST resolved at H. KtAmprs Some &OTC, the (.1 tollosflog Poems:— to the Eye there tro• the Ileac. I Love bat Thee. The Watcher. the White and Red Roses. Nancy Cell. Ile teeth all Moss well. All IS tre, Where to now the hopes! e berished. La Remo east sop 7 11. Loudon, j:fr . t "( the Coon - of treaotsti at Holmes,' Literary Depot,' Third street, work hae beet, opposite the Post Odiee; also, Men Parry, or Theis or the Ileac, by Olivia; nicety. Casulet, =roamed Scanderbel Klor of Album, by Cletacnt C. Moore, L. L. D ; nod No MD of LAtelPs Living Age. 1, p;11 ALaktil: and extennve amo rt mant of PATENT METALLIC ROMER FA 1111.11Gli, among the simon muneo mutely embraced In the assortment, may be found the followine— • Morse Covers, Carnage Cloth, Air Beds, Al. Pd. I=4/at t als , hlog l., WatjP , ally T o 1 1, : c : Pos Part” e t te . s : Wo ' s7,7lo ll or o lg . tigft ° l7a b an:t7itil l'l‘ 33ol:4 Pen' emacei Mechem. Packtme;mp Blanketm r4 Paper Molders, Ufa Preserve., ,rave lling Bags ' , txtama. Dam Balking Maui Dolls , Bead., Dog*. Lions,Saddle Caen, Air Balls , Porn Ballet Emelt& Wan Gloves, Ladies' Gmn Shoe.. Gent.' Gum ....Imes; Leggings, &a. Knee l amuck mold at this emmbliahment is warranted to pomn all the chameterimmiem mamba' to water ra .o 4lt iferb t ;;o7:l:l; 4 o7 . e .l s= esZ4r e d ,r.Tbui num.& perfect impersioanremm i end. freedom fn.; NO,-for tale at the Goodyear Rubber Enspernme, Noe it. Wood street. septa J A II 1.1111.14 PS 12=123 -dlm *04.1 !Wipes, heavy god. Togo.' Goat. Bed Paddsno, roper do . ; Veat Padamg, Malraux, TailoriCarrrass, heavy do; Drawn Linens, Niacin's Drab Sew, black do, a and warned; 1;1.k and Manta Tare; Mack Tratat, Drab do; OUSE t SIGN PAINTING and (i Lazing, prompt H ty amt neatly executed. N. D —We wash ft darinctly understood, that we eon do Palmas and Glosane as obeopas any other patinaers in th e cloy, and are determined to do at. sex,. J A IF PHILLIP:4 ljatllataSE. LI FXTItAfrIN, SOAPS, de: - nny IX. Land Extroet: West Faust do: Jockey ' Club do; Santana Flowers do; Jenny Lind MU/ Gloss; Arcanum. V to Amonalane; Pooch.. :Mop, for orhisestne the slate; Almond Phoottas Cream; Hose do do; Ato• latowel do do; Hooey Soar, Floating do, Amami:ass do; Hosea Not latt do; Rote do; Mat•hanolloW do; Basque t do; Brown lama:Soy do; lle•r's Creme; Ac. Poe wile, wholesale end reasul, by K Ph. 51 Wood st. AND DRY ' , Amyl-9 nil all constant ly*. hand of tho ben queloy, also, Vornishes, Linseed (Isla, Boiled till., Paint Broth,., Saab Tools, Window Glass, aortae. saxes, Ac Sold wholesale and moll on secommodstine terms Worn CLeeks end Drolr,* tquari.`• 0 cord CO Cotton; do Lanen Thrrad, 1111,e nor •rtirl, anatnzen It,ex Satin du ttrown liollgod $c g SAM pa any.g. ere gat, kr , srclongs, Nu IV Wood • N parson. parr:buny thlyed or dry points ho wish to do shear own punting. con Neerrro the eccuary crryetrons gross. 1 & II PHILLIPS yorN 7 &.S Wood.fi )N ior toa ,i r: e .l zd . re m e d . : , from Na llothrtsattla Factory, Lou y. 3-4 Flew LW Cloth; . 35113 yd. 4-/ d 0; UM yd. 4 do. SOO yd.; 6-4 do; IMO yd. 5.4 dot MO yds sheet do, medium and Oaavy, from 4 to 0 yards wide, all of the aesseal style of pattarns, and cut touty glsra SI 141.. 0 00 yards 4-4 Parninnta UII Ciothst 400 yd. 6-4 do; 500 yd. 6-1 do It. dozen warted sues Tata., Stand, and Boren Covers, various patterns, and sendid.finish. non yd. 44 Patent Carriage till Cloth; dal yd. 64 do; 1 yds 64 do. . • . WOO yd. Oil Cloth Crash for Stairs, ..finned patterns; 501 Id . 4.4 Green Oil Cloth for Window Blinds, 300 yard. 54 do, Window Shades, a large sasorticent Piet rogaised . newcal styles. Merchants arid others astaiong to purchase, are la• led 10 call s catmint catmint our ...Meat of goods, Melt will be sold at the lowest eastern mom J PHILLIPS 7 ACP Wood *5 2 . iemou myrup. PO keg. Sarsaparilla Soda; a 0 nab do do; Lro bores Lemon @yrup,mada from pare lemon )nice', Just trammed and (or aale by atw 0111.1.R0 RTrirmmive ---__- WOOLLEN GOODS. T IIE undersigned bes on hood, an is this day re ceiving from the manufacturers, on conainement, • large lot of Finned. all color", plain and hared; Also ; tied "blankets, Blentst Coating, Deaver Cloths. Canine., Sannetts and Tweeds; which he will .11 by the eaoe or piece, at manufacture.' M.G. The attention of dealers In woollen goods le invited. if LED, Redid 119 Elbert) at. 108 rtarlkot litare•t, (near &Merin) AMERICAN, ENGLIRII,ANHOiIitMAN FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, MINIONS. LACES, GLOVaI, THREADS, COMBS, BUTTONS, SUS PENDERS,Is. Also, Saila use! Vaney Vsletiossys BLACK iNDPANCY SILK CRAVATS, PURGER, BANDANNA, and LINEN HUKYS, • Solos•I so r.ent of VANS, and cos ry oariely Of tomfalogs. !MARKET, East sine of the Diamond. i `T this establishment the public troy always do. 11. pond open being supplied with eircllent Teas al reesonahle prisms—May Lave Eecellent Teis at per lb Stapener gait Ines. —.—...• o 7.h Toe Hest T. Imported .—..., 1 00 This la decide. ly toecheapest and Lest store to rittslisithh to buy Tees. fill/lUDS hiIAWORTII sepia rroptietars. K WILLI I.S will open a elaiswel and Leg it.. bah Srlaal, on the lint sloolley of Sept. next. Roomr 1. 1 . /. %%Whams' stern, corner of Woad and 111th ove aticots .. Hoe. Wm. It, Ilasjtabl • , nr l Don. %Vatter 11 Lowrie, He•. Dr. Elliott, 1. D. McCord, Eau , Rev. Dr. Melia .1 D. Wllltame, Hub IV `Lr—lf UP iftAlll.lllS. MI.IRPIIY & tsr/ItC111:1III,D intone, the custom err and buyer. generally that, to eonsetmence of workmen beng , engngell In enlarging uld Improv ing their Store Room, they have removed their goode to the Sammo :trot, of the building they oetupy.anul the improvements' ore finished: where they will he happy to et. Mei} customers as usual, rod far the trouble of analog up renter, will try awl &trounces.* them by 'telling them Cheap Goods. Or•Entranee from Fourth street. aup• . . LAW d R . ENCIN lIAI IL Gldo rES,,,:iooglo.f,rr do do do do doubly,. dodo do do Utah. do do Strap fol Lodleo. do' do do for limy. do do do Bath. do lhorddaif Brothel.. Imported aod 14 sato by octl2 - ,1l A FAIINESTOCK . A Co - • xitußriir t duncirmELD have tug opened • 01 fresh supply Ica the various qualities of the oboe &ruck, including black twilled, very fine. Alm French Doeskins end Cu a, black and fames , and Mark Fenn Vesting, at very low pods s for qsulitY nolti Boy. , Battnats. MURFIIV & BURCHFIELD have received a lot of handsorde Fancy Mixed Satinets, for Boy.' wear, alto, Plaid and Plain Cassimerea In great riety Mertno bammteres, Kentucky Jeans Black T.kkp Vel•els,111, at north COMM of Founk and Mazteutree °MO - raUFFS BOOK KEEPIND—A supply of Mira Book Keeping and Blank Books ree:dby Holdß B ARY ,6, 'IBSL E=l2 171:3CrIM =l=M M=M C. YEAGER, 017171:CMIT"El trench Oroaaelo t hr MISCELI„INEOUS B. A. FAUN VI7IIOI.7ABLL a. OCE & CO., 011.0110 STS, First sm,Pittsb ht own limpet - tali it, direct Acetic Acid • r Vest Bole Armeniar Pill (loxes, pope tmless'il do wills Vial Corks, moo Icil. Adhesive Planet, Eng Robomns do t ' Lead do do Gallmnum do do Elated= do do Citrate Iron, Pug Preclp, Cub. Iron Aleppo Calls Tipton'. Lint Wedgmtmad Mortar. and Pestles Oil Lavender, Spike . do Garden Oil Origanum 011Rommary Oil Bitter Almonds Oil Cajaput Oil Croton Pidk and Blue Sauce:. Cardamon Seed Ralph. Zinc Realm , Team, prepared Geneses Root Rhubarb Root Polishing Putty MM. Red , • octi Comer of Wood and OFFER. for mle, of th from Ikrotie, Boras, refined, in eases Emery Corn & Pored, kgs Carb...ammori, mike &Jars Paris Green, In moo Rotten Stone, in emits Floor ',telpher do Castle Bona, In LL Cola Magnesia do Carb. do do Le ? e Poled in brl• Curb. ron. In k•g• Citric Acid, In lb bottles Pulo.A inimonialis do Aq. Ammon Conc. do Calomel Eng. do Oil Amber Rect. JO lodide Potash do Connote White do do in on vials lodine Eng. In hf lb bottles lodide Iron, in on vials Conf. Senna, In lb Jars ' Dl-Cneb. Potash,lb bottles Rhin Pill Eng. in lb lito Ref. Liquorice Eng. in bill Wood N aptha in lb bon!. Tan:Emetic do Pmssie Acid in on vials Tartaric Acid, in bas Crocus hisols, in kegs Rad Valerian Engin bales liC/111111.1813 . EXTRACTS of Aeonin Comp., Clean, Ilyosci (any . , TaraZicoll3, Chin an and Indian Ilan Imported and,for aalolby 11 • 007 'te, Belladonna, Collacynth Stramonicom, Atm- Cianzsia, flops; Col- FAIINFZSOCE & CO Car, flat & Wood st. DeSnag oral at Cost to Close, RlOS,lona, ALARGE sleek of DRY GOODS, fors:hien bonds. mortgages, Judgements, ground rents, or real estate, will be received in payment. JOS.& 11000, oe.lll 115 Wood st, Piusbor • h. iriWTH. a readying a large amonmento t.r. fancy and maple, variety, and . Dry Goods, normal. 6ilk, De tin, dbet, kid and p.Lkin Glover, Wool !an and Worsted Comforts; Alp...sand Bomtiminern !Woolen and Canton lanadat Colored and Bleached 'Afuslinm Cans loam and Cassimetes ; Ribbons and Laces Baum. and Combs; Threads and Bindings; Umbrella. and Dress Bone, fee. ; All of which, country and city merehants arc re. ipectfully hailed to examine, alb Woad st. sep2s CO.PA.RTNIKELSIIIP .. . . .. .... I RAVE, thi a day, &animated with me My 1.11. Clouse, in the Wholmite Grocery and Pralace Dizziness; the nyle of the firm will be A. Calberia:iv &Clouse. I/,3] A. OULBERTSI.4 a. eta.znasaal U. a. moon A. OULHICATI3OII & CLOUSE, WIIOLESALE GROCERS and Commission Mer chants, Dealers in Produce, and Pittsbutsih Manufactured articles, Sin Liberty et, Pinsburitb, yin OAK FLOORING 13011.11Dilli • 15 000 FEET Worked Oak Firming Boards, for silo by perfectly dry, and of a superior quells, S. CLAR KS. ariclaolif Sharpababei. St •am Power and Room. for • at. ROOMS partitioned eft in Wu., to suit leowtte, with Steam Power, (or rent, in a bwrine•s part of the City, by ECAIFE A ATKINSON, 0e.24 Finn et between Wood A Market. Apparatus for Gleaming Stara Pipit without tubing dawn. INVENTED by Fredenet Dienes and made by SCAIFE& ATKINSON, .9 Firm 9z...tweet Wood & Market sit. F. U. BATOR. W HOLESALE mud Retail Dealer tu Gidauat lb:attar - y . l and Yams, Dress add llavact Trimmings, Lace Good l and Embraidenem (teutlemen , s Furnishing Article, Zeptyr, Woomera, Patterns, dud Co.,,at ?add Board, Thane Paper, end Flower Materials, No 6i Fourth suer, Carpets, 011 Clotba, tn. AVM. IIteCLINTOCK .is now coaslainls reenlyina VT • Tory largo appoduncnt of Carpets sad Oil Clotko, con:prising In pan the lollowlrip; iranclieu— New and Riob Stile Vel NM Carpet.; do do Tooc6t7 y Br utscla do , do 4,, V. 12111.4 & American Brothelo; Net. style print'd Tarot:l4yr 4, 7-4, 6-4, 34, 4.4, and Carpets 3.4 IM Cloth 11.141.71 ingot 3 ply carpels Sheol I Ili Cloth, cot to 6, Superlitie do do 1 ney ciac ball or room, do • . ynglain 4n w•rtotio style* and qn all bledln sop. do do ItGA Fine do do tflortfle Rug, Common ee Jo rafted . do, 44.3-4, and 3-6 Dranalk Chenille Door Mott Irrotuan Carreto Tufted do do 14, :14, and SS Tapestry Thrum do do Vanatan carp.; Sbccpakio do do 4-4, 24, 3-o, and 2-4 Own Jcnrly Lntd do do Venioanca.twto Transparent IVlndoer 14.34. o-o, and 24 cotton Shad,. UuQ Wlndoar Laren Drab do do V emu. Minds, a c . •Venntan eerpete 8-4 eouon Draggett 44 woolen do 194 do do Woolon ittair IProgg.n All et which lowe been porch/ft-A (tom 9 l lte. myna eta nod roanotaatoresr, entaprralng the newest and richest style:, which we oder In euflocannr• a low to the Carpetehaw4 in any of the eastern e call al the Waryboore. el Fourth and IV Wood W. oetyW. 31eCL.ItiTUCK PITTSBUR6II GUM WORKS A. 4 D. H MUZI=I 11.4,2 ella 51 Saw, •.NlT• iro Would resEedally inform the costal.. of the late taro, as a the public generally, that they will continuo the manufacture of WINDOW GLASS. VIALS,WITTLIC3 La In ell their varieties, a the Old Stood, o 13 Wood et a Octoroon Floats Water. jr.0,1:40 GUILT/LIN 1100 DS. la F.CEIVED this at W. Illeillintoeles Carpe I I. ar•bouse. tan. h, Fourth *nee, sod Wrote street, a very splendid •woriment of Certain Goods, comp using to pan the follow - mg •arietica— Blue and Gold town Delstna, Blue and Crimson do. Scarlet and Steel do; Scarlet and Wline II•11.11, Crimson .181 %Vale do; Blue Jo dsr. Orange and Blue Satin Dainwk; Crimson and l'urple Jo, Embossed Turkey Red rants; Prated do , Plain do do; Duly Window Ltnen; Drab dodo; de ,hr The above goods beteg purchased direct Iron the Importers and Manufacturers, will ba sold as cheap tkey can be in any of the cutern cls. We in , wte all 'asking hue Carman Goods to ca rat the Car pet Wareham, 83 Fourth street ea I Whl. hicCLINTOCK Warraated Pare Winne and Brandin., QUITABLE for Dorposea, always on 1.3 band and for sale by the bottle, quart, or gallon at MORRIS & HAWORTH'S .01 Ira & Wide Sore. Ilomaitle Woiittan Goods. /ADE case Black Cloth Shawls, tl 1 cue Yellow Flanne • eacesßail do. I case Red twilled flannels; 2 cues White do do; • 3 cues starred do; 2 eases Plain and Taney Cush:nines; • I ease Stamen; 3 eases Clan Aligns; 1 caw Jesuit; 3 eases Illas Black Bianket floatitud 2 eases Gray Blankets; 2 oases Drab Blankets; 1 case Blue do; cases White Bed Blankets; :50 pairs Steam Boat Blanket, Received on constipate., and for sale at =matte toyer', prices by II LEE. septa 131 Liberty tweet. DIISCAD WITIIOUT YEAST. ritms compound is warranted to produce the m o bil deacribed cadets, os follows: Directions for making Bread, Tca Cakes, Duck. wheat Cake., do., by which a saving Is effected in tharluar of about 13 per cent. To make Bread—re each pound of Pour add two teaspoonfuls of Compound and the 11.001 quantity of makes nins them thoroughly together while drythis a prepaydflour that you cats se aside d nth at Wearer, then told as 'ninth cold water as will make the dough the usual thickness; knead it well, ar.d let stand fifteenminute. before baking, ono or two hours will Jo no hurt. Ili:Iona should be lamed much thinner, and baked .t once, bat will do no hurt to stand fifteen or twenty minutes. There is no don. gee of getting ion mark of fill, COMNIMIIJ In the nt it will no. pirn dd o bread yellow ~hiatus doe, ;then used i.dczcesa \ to can pat .0110 Compound 11110 relt Cakes, i'u I , lniae, Johnny take., Indtan Cakeu,titer CO,ll Mani Oaf ./, Into Brent, Drown bread. Coke., !Nei...vitt.. Cs rot I and for all baking purpose. ...old by if E .14 roic e4r7TottYnteCted on Ihn uorner of 114.1.cern. j anti Lintel cr.., annioug Lumuck 1..,•0ra 'trent, curently rot In Ilinrouc Plice mode.. mu, d tem. cur AFT!). to dole - 111'01•40N II 5 G 7 balcsiEtuttern, on 116 f futtl to vadat, . . . . nofJ DROWN & FISH -312 brim largeNo 3 Mackerel; 40 brle do No 2 do. hlle ido No I do. :RIM 1.0, do ' do. 10 drum Cod PO.h, •) v'.o for role by lllir IWN h. KIRKPATRICK' litekm Boat Trimmings. WbIeCLINTOCK invitee the intention of steam • boat men to loose: tentrec a•tortincrii of Irma -1:1;,,,, enmonsing in part the rnPowing vitriettes:— , ifich and elegant Slue one Gold Leann Mimes:: do Jo ernumn du, do : Sea. let KIM Steel In; do ' Pink and Blue do; do ' Itrtmcon and Brown do; Crimean and Wldic Linton Damask; Slue do ' do; Scarlet do do; Crimson. Green, knee, and Scarlet Sanwa; Watered Aloreenit; Woolard owl len Toth: 'Calamine; Striped Toilet do dm Turkey Red & I. lute do do, • Turkey Red It Glue do do; 7-4 and .5.4 Waittard Table . Covets; 7.4 and 6-4 Table bincto 5 4 'Reached Slieettng; Sentelt (hap c; ' 5.4 do do; Stotelt Napkins; . Emborsed Table Coven; Scotch Crash; Plaid Tollet do do; G-1 Blenched Sheeting; Mats, &c. &c. All of which .el direct teem the manufacturers and importers, of the newest and richest colors and pat tor, all of which wall he gold an cheep as any of the etenern olden. We invite steam boat men to give nit a call at our Carpet Warehouse, No. IA Fourth at. end 79 Wood at. Eac3ol W. NeCLINTOCK WrEITING, ot RAYYING & PRINTING TAPKR tor fide Whdlcsale and retail, by null 1 W 1 . blARRILbt.de MISCELLANEOUS. ginrwhrs deirSeniling Advertising an.. yclagas. • . . N 26 3 Masson xtrecl, Nam York. Ti!go"en,"b.e.,` litfitiVgrif:hmee.°4"l°T.'gp%C"„ 4 ,' ',1E... new arucl e a e is snorts ' Itt, before the public. The experieoce of years has eig tablisbed. their superiority beyond nil question anti he confidently refers :mike testhoony of those bast net. 0.13, who hare used these envelovea, and to hia rapidly inerenstvg tales, as prootuf their eacellince. The following ars e few of the concerts for their pope lit. On the place occupied by the sealpersointy have his risme, business, and adder's, Convict! sly and beautifully embossed, colored or plain, thee af fording perfect secutity against (rand. 31. The En velopes cannot be opened without being destroyed. 3d. Neither 'MX nor wafers are required to seal them. 4th. Upon the miscarriage of a tenet-the seal inning. Its immediate triton la the sender instead of bng , burled months In the Deed Letter Office,' hth, The Envelopes are ~u ed et almost the .arrli price rts plain ones, c Loch letter mailed is a moll effective edvenisement, sore to attract the attention: of all through whose hands it may pass. The following( is a list Or ',Tire, (Or tiles of en Lhasa:and which will hut fur years; and of Envelopes of the usual size, either white or bud; of goal piper, and made egi above with name, address, he. Prio ress of Dies. Mice. of Envelopes made letters'o l •• • 51 On • as above • - H 00 -• • • 2 20 ••:•- 10 20 la 00 20ww 4 00 30 lo 43. 0 gv 00 GO to 10 00 23 4 30-- .1000-•:• . • • ••• • • • CO to 100 Id OD 50W-- --•—• • • 1 5 IX) When It Is not conveu ent to forward amount of ordarier mail or ezpreat, 'Malcom to rispeolatde New 'ork ilonte will be wine... •All order. will wee: prompt auention if addrened. WILLIAM. AMAMI", MN Madison sl , New York. Orden will be attended to promptly if left di the Moms of Mewls Eihelf,t Mott, street, or of Meant. 11. leroliatan & Co, VN William street. N. ll—llutinces Cards embovsed in color. from same Dtut, at MO par Monaand. naladana • Fumilsii your Halls and Peirlono with Raps, which me useful and ornamental: • Maps of the World, United Statesiyenusyltranin, Allegheny County, Palestine, Mountains and Human Life. Chemistry. Also. Aatronomldal Maya, Stream of Time,Family and School Monitors,Out line Naps, Globes, Charts, Ac , et the • sets63AIEIHICATIoNAL REPOSITORY arket et WILALARTII k NOLILE will cell their Extra. Flour, delivered, on and alter Melia November, at 3225 per 100 Ms, superfine, at 32 per 100 Ma. A liberal discount to retailers. WILMARTH h NOBLE OHICKELLISIO93 P1A2190. fifip t JUST RECEIVED, a. new stock ot Chicke rs a, tli and 7 OSMVIS Yimos am, a richly carved Omni) Fund, the most beautiful instrument ever brought to this Oily. Them Pianos wlll be supplied as usual, at Bostsn prima, wsenour ANT CRAIG. ma Two. roirranon oa mt. Also received, a fine at of Rose wad plain and earned Plano Stools, with silk plush and hair elota mans For vale by JOHN 11. MELLOR, Agent for Chickeringta Pianos for Western Pennta. notti Pocket Chronometer.. NIT W. WILSON, comer of litarket end Foutrh . streets, lima received hi expres twen t y]rning. six splendid Chronometer Watches, ewels and eighteen Karma These watches were made ex pressly to my order, and of superior workmanship. Alen. on hand, the largest oAd her assonment of Gold and Silver Watches ever offered for pale in this city. Gold Patent Lever 'Wetchch. from 5.30 to Stalk three dozen on bend, from rld to Sty, of best quality gold, and WArrilli/Cd time. imtroilTArm TO STAUB COACH &WAGON MANUFACTURERS. ItirSRS. SINGER, HARTAIAN d CO. have 11. bought the right of an dile, invented by .Mr. Samuel lietaloger, called Sheffield Patent, it boo been tested by oar hest coach builders, and proneuneed to be the best in use. An ordinary coach, with • set of these agler, mantas daily, will .ristur.o hairpin' of oil in sox months The mall quantity of oil used roe el the bast evairneva we have of the great re. 44.,10,11 of froitton, and corsiequantly great raving of power; it win make who coach proprietors In save IS pee erns. no t bras and feed. Also, it will glift tweet safety to travallers, the nut 'resolving will' the wheel end not having any cohnesion with the silo will entirely prevent the wheel from touting GIL Ily proper corn, the patentees wits wo n sot those soles to lass from twelve to fifteen 7e.re a.fli Wan/user, 115 Water and liu Front omens, Fin. burgh. Pa. no:: ULM OLLATISE GURU D._ ff , I lt; unequalled ,uocess wlttelt by attended the o teof MORTIMORK'S RHY.UMATIO enhl. I , ,UN I) and LILOOD PURIFIER, in effectually car ng the Nevere•t nod moat inveterate cal.ea of IN IN,MIILIATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUAIATISM, ta a sufficient guarantee and reeontmendatton to in duce who ate afflicted with too dreadful theca., to to lee 'lrmo. hundreds of ca.c., many of them citizen, of St. Laois at a others from abroad, Lave horn cored wafr in the lost few month, to thc city of tit I.onie alone, while letter. !tem chnntA obtoatt stow file° that IL IS yerft.phote tho to witcretrer Mcd. Slimy of thew, were Chrmic illtqf • of long standing, and all hope of wworehad Leen Afyon ep. While others were of ore recent duce, of the acute Indathinatory form, eery lever, AIL however, yield to rue wonderful 101oth of thts inetlictue, and thoo.tostle who have se rfs-fa, hcocltta, and• ate now 01 . 1110 ethoyetent of health ofte-/Wit - etwolow-the orrForat :Monte/or and proprietor. a benel•tt toe of mankind. . It to well known' from the experience of the pan, that e outward application ran possibly effect& per manent care of this dreadful disease. 13y - the appli csoon of sumelaung liniments. perus! relief, in se= rows, may he obtained fora show time. But all the while this disease 'shams its grasp more permanently in the system, nod sooner pr later curl again develope itself in a more dreadful form, and alter a few peri odical returns, It settles into a chronic form, which, if VOL soon eatul, colas the individual. for life. This is verifisd b arr y the history of the past in all countries, and more fully demonstrated by the histeryfarnished of lam in the proprietor of this compound, as given by .ev_rnl bemired% of ilmse who base- passed under his miniediatel nonce 'nisi M111113.t during the last few limbo it fi t RHEMATIC CUNIPOUND and O'CRIPTER is no Internal remedy—cum issne, its °permit,. where the disease first oriel. mite purifyitig the blowd, passes through the halo isy stem, co-nil - ohm+ the impure or MUSUC sedi nt Wts..ll Lag scaled upon the meibbranes, muscles and tondorir— removes it entirely Irmo the system, and 11,10 yes the indioidual to perfect heaitli. - . Lei thosn who are aillteted not de c ei•c therneelveu, awl pot ell Ithe tan of rho ith•cli:ole leo lotic,. or until Loth.' arc ili‘lecateui or contracted to such a de nt., ill it they arc:crioples for hfe. The ea secane:ma of hand redn of thousands during the past, a, welt p eau Motile oil the pm...lday. denintoonates the folly of c apeeling, permanent relief from external appli cation, The uropnetor of this vithiable medicine. know. iron. experience, that outward application can puesiblv cam permanent t cure where thin disease tie_ Melly Use,' iu the cram. lie min and dove, prepare and apply an rmtirocanoti in vary acute eases, which gis e relief in cu hour's time, lon tine will not effect a punsuanent te. 'rho nature of lb. disease ia ouch that it rc rcu longer orne, and an internal romcnYitu Oman., the de riseu rat.e:, and Slott:mores Rhea .in Compound and Ilmod Purifier re Wennly remedy that has ever been oiseuvered, tit her in/Uteri. ea or aily ether country, that will effectually cure dna direase. . . This riedlone ran he hod, wholesale or retail, at 73 laud street, next to the Post Office, Pittiborgh. Price, $.l Per bottle l 0 bon es for glaS, or V, pet ' ; ' ,,, n r ` i:d "C''''''''' e o" J ' lt h a ll. 4 ;:l ' ;l7 l Al{ ? r.l7e L nt. • GIVJ I EAT CENTRAL ILOUTE 1 ---- TILE PIO BESS OF IRE NEW RAIL ROAD. urs.gh I. poop: D.W. ' L '__ TO PHI DELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. WE to c il!eesr.re in announcing ID tle . lllerchants of Pittsdurgh and the Western hotness com munity, that on and after Mosday,the 10th of Sep tember, wi, will recelVe snit forward goods via the Central Rail Rood, and guarantee theta to be through In tour D.iye. Our extensive stock of Cars and Boats enables as to oder rho above expeditious route to the public,whilst we still connaue our usual lines via llarrisbu w rg and Colombia_ . Merchants wielding cools brought from the East volt] certelevy end th4psteh at low ram, or produce shipped tt err, are Bolted to call on 0 CON NOB, &TRINS & CO., Pittsburgh. ATKIN:, O'CONNOR& CO., Philadelphia, Proprietors of the Pittsburgh Transpor.tlon Lilac Or the following-3,cent, O'Consout & Co., :11 North street., BalutnCrei E Dwelt, 6 Battery Place, New Yolk; Er,uorr & Onus, 14 Doane weld, Itosten. replitail . _ Intaspratts , Patent Soda Amt.. lIE salmcritcra are I:unr receiving. by canal, large .apphas of J .rave Nlumpratt.t.bton'.. WO teat, and bent quality (Ansa Maketa' bigda /Yell, which they will sell nt the lowest marketpre, for each or approved b IV ic NIITCHELTREE oe2l Liberty et. INSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO. th. t ‘.I l'atol•urrh A Cher: Y• thet hns Att , t'd. And tAulst., this est, lat perennhcht fellda:t re, lot ex tkurpust, nopArlttit t.truetton Ott the it Kt Mrs h ttos Wattling hnusv, I,,l.ettr 01, ur )1 Kicker's Musics Store, Tr 111 mces ' , lib pn yps 0..16 G ENI L.l : : 7O llliN'S untj,UrdNee,... • . do Warm Su - nny do; Vlain and Die'd Silk Cravats, Fine St , itt., ColAr, and 11-fron,.., Ootton. ; worsted An-penders. Wutkov Red Dre... 8,; Gown", Proved I , lstual Hu...in Itch.; Untbrolia.; Sdk :o.d Linen Pocket W.ntl .8.1 Buckskvi GlovciA Super Kid And thin (haver; Son., Con:limo., am) Muffler, Jun received nod for t.ole LS.I' II EATON, MI Fourth sa its Blalcarig Mace PP.., Le. yeu• In excel ni ihe uh of =Airing hlinee Cale., Puddings, Ay., you must use the WI. 1.0.1 Sound t7urrent, Vuterteiro., or Eliglich Buson,s, I.:a:idled Oren,: Peet: c!,indiedLernon root, Frc.li Caton reel; Gr:tpe Juice; Flc.rls Mandy. All the above entries ere for sale at lAOICHIS IIitWORTIPS no .17 Tea Store, elm side , of the Dmmond. ("I ' —'4 " sli2woßro &co t u . t I F.F....F,-10:f ble V. IL Cheese; lJ 1,11 Lrestut do') for cab by b. 3 %VIM, & McCANDLIMS VISOIE sal:scriber Invites the attention of merchant and others to his large and well assorted stock o Hosiery, filoves, Under Shins, and Drawer. Th• above articles in Silk, Wool, Merino, and estion, all sines and prices, constantly on hand and (or mil , l ow, by Ineztl F 11 EATON Bony In /Kinds TRE best of Wlnee and Ilrandiet,..ltable me .dieleall or other purposes,can always be procured wholesale or retail et MORRIS R UUAta ORTIVS urnlO Tea h Wuse Store in the Diamond lbs for sale by • - noT3 J KIDD& CO Tp.4.::.001.- , ,*0 - ..,1:2, I 1111-EDICAL r i e=ortht bladdte i I dn1;y:Boa rh=re pains In thick Dear; stifle inter old sores, runrdng nieces, Ice ,that they can bY. aced be tektite the Po. tallealvd ~a , a a Manta& ahoy to being a noutrusa mach as on please, batten deed not spike ',tan, for we proclaim la the face elan tiniest ..ettnity, that Won virtues which are ee, containo to any other remedy. The man who is ricked: withytiln and soft fenny from disease, can foe fifty cents. get relief front eeryerase ills ennumensicd, above. Reader it costs eery hole to make a trial. This iletralennt Is no mix• tare—co tompond, pot up for the pat rerte of imposing on the colmmunity; bat a4 a reme4 elaborated by the =stet band of nature, end bribblea up from the bo. eats of oak mother earth in its 'original perry. and of. Pere to sugaring hurartaity a ready, remedy, a certain and cheall cam . _ id realerll:y d ki l l ' el t ql r hait=t:ri i ligt . o f flgn ed g standing, Ono of the wont and moat painful character. It has cared Cholerarktorbas by one or two dosa,• it has cured old caeca of Diarrhea, In which every other' remedy hes been Of no mail. As local remedy in bunts and scalds, it better than any medical tom. b yound orititument that we knoW of. Will cure chil lains or (tasted feet,foardappllentions; undoubt ed testim ony c an be fumishe of the truth contained la the above statement by e idling on &mut! 5L Kier, Canal Basio,7th streeg or dither of the menu. Kayser a. McDowell, coiner of Wood street and Alley S. E. Sellers, t 77 Wood street,- D.A. Dot D. M. Corry, Allegheny elty, ere the - agent.. itta3l BF,AUTY—It ant a . venally iloneeded that beauty Is more eommon In this country titan in any other while at the same time it !slag the tin mo other emu, toy is It lost at so yoong in age' Now this Is • too certain extent, boo the lose is afters ceased by ne glect. We say to do Wet neglect your persona ePeemance, hot read the hallowing, tool you aced not lack good' looks. These Uncles ate . scientific. pre • paratiou,and hue all attameda nigh populanty. JOIXX HAIIRL'S FAO Omits I DX Vines AND lOW% fiosr, for, mouthing tan, sonbarn;:pimplei, blotches, and Atter eruptions of the sititz4le most perfect eon. sersator'of beaoty every el ° 'chase nothing purporUng to be Nymph &Ng, bas my mane attached. Join Rum's Pusan oiCautus Fourriso,for pantos to te a most bilious rcomplexisur. a radius whithaesa In othing should a person be more c are. fol than the oar of a:powder •for the eke:4 as mtmy of those sold aro very taloriocil/ My ChinesoPowder ta compounded In a scientific manner, and <months no tnuedient which can possibly inflict on injury. sous Mau'. DSPILSTOXI Powooe, for removing, appertnous hair. What Is More Unsightly than hair upon the face or arms of i!lady. This ankle will Te9lOY6 SI lestroment In • shoottime, wi th eutthe use of any sharp . hags Hem', Vinamsethi Lanni. this DTE wall instantaneously In tnut to red, whlfe, er Frey hair, a beautifully black, brows, or annum color. It wilt color the hair Ina thence time, and more elleentellY Wee say ether As, bolos t, We same time indellibla JeLSO Rums really a plea. =re to abase with , thla create. There is none of the amuses naiads. earthily eipcilericed in- the nth of most Soap,, On thecontrarhitleaves the skin mouth and soft as an infant's, end not liable to became chapped, RIM Ils ca l sßaseloarruPserul.-Next to the hair, we think the Teatime» Wended uthe greatestorna. runt to the human face; lauthrhen neglected, nothing te co disfiguring, or co quickly seen: My Both Tooth Paste will impart to the. teeth a pearly whiteness, at the same timekeeping the go= film and healthy. Also on band, .a complete assortment of French, British, gad American Perfar.m. and Fancy artiste. JULES BABEL, Pe:looks and Chamist, Chestrat, la. For sale wholesale and retntai lgree, by B.A. Phi Fahnostock & Co., and R. S. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Par gem. and J. Mitchell, Allegheny City, Pa. )127—Sp . - LIMPORTAJIT TO TUT. AS" TLIOTT.D. Dr. Base's Celebihted Remedies. 11,11... JACOB S. ROSE, thediseoverer and solo pro if victor of these most: popular and beneficial medielnes;and also the 'inventor of the calebnued Instrument for Inflaming the Lungs, In taming a eat. of Ohronle diseases, wan a.student of QM/ eminent physielm, Doctor Phytic, Ind to a oedema of the University of Yeensylmmlst, and for thirty yenta since has been cussed to the, investigation of disease, and ma applies:dot, of remedies thereto. - •• Through the use:of hls thllatieg tithe, in convection with hie Prophylactic Syrup and other of hie remethee, he has tuned an unpareiciled eminence in curing dune dreadful and Gnat melodic., Tabertalar COll - :Cancers, Serefule, Rheumatism, Asthma, Fever and Ague, bOvers of all bled., Chronic Ery aipelas, and all those obstinate ditexace Poculno females. Indeed every tone of diseasevonishee under , the nee of his remedies, to which humanity Is heir— not by tha nee of one compoand only, for that Is In compatible with Phyeiological Law, but by the use of ha remedice, adapted ID and prescribed for each peculiar form of disease. Dr. Rose's Tonle 'Aiteratite PRA, when nod are invariebly acknowledged to be enperinr other, y.ab prative or liver pill, inasmuch as theyleavo ovre perfectly free from cortmenene •11 his Golden fa admitted by the faculty or ponies. peculiar properties adapted te femeJe diseases, t being trended that a bare tri al setlicient to estalits e lt what has been sald'ln theminds Of the yeast skeptical. The 'Rimed are ',wiled to gallop. the agent. aed procure (grata) nue of the Bector'epenaphlets,giving et detailed account o:each remedy tied its npplication. Eor sale by the fallowingegessts, as well as by most druggists throughout the country. J Schoonmaker Co, 21Wood street, Pittsburgh; Jhf Towsmend, druggist, 45 Market at, do; Lee•A. Beet/ton, do near the P.O. Allegheny city; Jos Bartley, Derlington, Beaver co., Pa. Vi"ey ' " ' dc ' 'l AJamo.eavtr, do it 7; uuglßdly Washlsrulavld. _ ris used 6r washing comingof any descriptton. White geode arc bleached andperfectly cleansee_ Calicoes and o th er printed colored goods, ere improv ed in their appearance, and the coon look bnchter after' being wierhed in the Plaid. It i.e used sentient seep or DDT other preparation—it m less tremble to am Robed requires less time to perform the work— It cannot possibly injure the !ethic, and at is far cheaper than' any outer preparition. It bee no odor of itself, and of emir.. Imparui none to the cloth ! inc. which is made much softer, whim, and cleaner then by any other process 'of washing. It contains tether lowentioe, ammonia, .camphenc, potash, or oafs o any description—can deco pOsAble injury to the health, end will not allietthe elcm tired unnecessarily strong. 25 eCht.,7 POT Sold by It E SELLERS, deolo ' • 7 Wend El Galvanized Tinned Iron and Vie*. H . AVING iteen appointed agedits for the sale of galvanized tinned iron and galvantzed wins." are now prepared Co fill all orders et New lock prices, transportationadded, This article is very excellent for loafing chimney caps. tar:laces, being.ira pumper. to water and rust The wire W very superior for ieut to and telegraph purposes. ts fIARBALIGII. dsit 115.Fiwt it 11l Second las - - Ameatean Woolen Goads. • 150 t',l1 8 ,I',Te'g'ili p o..i, l cßtl':stre'rlocthll'nelb:"'d 200 pain Swam Boat Bilnked, Wilton bound. In pairs Gray Coating Blatant., heavy. lOU do Drab do no do Moe do •do I do 3 cases Black Blanket Cloth i do I do B Grey sBi do 3 do impostor Black French Broadcloth. 3 do all wool Tweeds untied colors. 3 do Jeans, owned do Came:torn, black and fancy colors. I do Benno , black and grey nue. It do White Twilled Flannel, yud wide 4 do Cross barred ' do du. The above described goods are all on consignment from various mantlfacturcrs; east and VFW, and an loran!. on liberal tenni° the wade, at muolutusent fires. [don't H LEE INFOIINATION WANTED, ANY person who ie orgiainted with the present residence of :John lleffernen, a online of the pariah of Clondsgerg, CountY Close, Ireland, ard who took shipping at Limerick, On the litth of Apol, HSU , for Quec, will confer a lasting: favor on the sub imiber by sending such ittlhostatton to her, at nut bu,lVlLll'ghcnY county, PgnnaTFanin. • a .usi. rechl— doz Delta RubSer.ftsalia, I dos do DOD: • u don do ' Lions; 1 don smell size Doll Ilea.* 3 dos anal alto ; dol . These are an entirely new and i bean:del deserin• Lion of Toys (or children, and cannot be equalled by any other, thud for sersiceors they ~.114ot be inured or broken in any way by rough 'usage. Aloe, 6 dos lathe Rubber Teething Rings, fbr sale at the baths Robber Depot, 7 A 9 del/ J A II PHILLIPS 111 es Goods. JOST reedl lo . : l4 . A.Lerdlubber ro.kip,; 1 dos 9 feet do: Zdoz Men's tong Sleeve (Hoz vs; 9 doz Buctrkin Money , sold at UP, Rube Rubber Depot, 7 du 9 Wdod se delo • !A It PHILLIPS v? AttrilCA FLO • , tz—t bale inn - Ll6i 4y SCIIOONIAKEIL fr..CO Feesnola Blesztooii; enc. I.O YIGCES Block French hlerleo, Su pmecs colored do dd I do Forman. Cloth, all colors. t do Coborg , :44• do Alllonno; last opened by A h/MOON CO, del:_ .RS n't hlathet at Cb rlslm 0111.57 -7 --- GENTLEMEN wtehldg to make moat oceoptoble remota In Omar lady ftientla.*lll frog. lilt at.BURCIIFIELDR,IthsIa cant Yoram of FOUTDI and Market tts,elloiee emseatadcel of thou Sian, Shawl, Scarfs, Floe LUICII Cemolinc Ilattakerchlota, Nark Itibbarm, Needle Weak Callan., fee. tledB s ur(DR.ll--Itl bfla Noal orl Crewe; it ben Talfew,• G 7 balm Featheral-lo arrive on etratr.• cr Cumberland No 2, for rale by " dell 4, CO 9101.1974:7, I , arreiieteri eto9,. 1. Jun reeenfed and for sale by '.. dell MILLV.O. A ulex-yrsi4N, WHITE 11A V. SUCAII-.29b# to teed tor male IT by del9 S UGAR—Id bhda IaCW in9P Eil , gll/: • 6 brls Loa dug., roccivicE bold rtc.n. er North H. 1 1 ,7, and for bale dead ://cdf DALZEI.L. c!rninc-±, rert& - Og born steamer Cincinnati, and for sale by - eld JAME DALY:FILL CO . AVI= LEE • c " E ' - ' 4 '''''ft7ism o 60 Wood o. PM• - JKI .4. CO jiKIDU rh7, pL:r 4 u .,l ,l A t fi t . r.l uTt ai", de.l9 TAB _ . inexr:rsoN lri Cils landin;,l l . t . rec. by JtlU a.. CO P Ity''2: co • —lO lb. for s • N u . --,l:=lNtils BlanciiieFe r cruon, on dcld JOHN bIeFA DEN & CO liii(iL&E'a bS.:.Nd ban - fiat iced pnr a&euner Nam. , 01. ula No Lt, toy W. by ' ... . NURLIRIDGr:& INNINIAM, JIB Water et _..__ noke:- - ii isle b 7 ja dels R E SELLERS., Wand tt,
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