'PITTSBURGH - GAZETTE. ql.LlSiititi Iry 1 ••Z , It SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. t,-1551 CrAnrianstas are earnurry ',cue m 4 to barn 111 oo...faVert-b[fCllt ;r. otd early lathed*, is practital le. Adrtqufeencals 11,at 11 el tot • spell. led of oWill InvarablY yo aharac4 H ” , i1 ardateil ua W6la 'al, A TICI.TiON JOIIN J. ROGGEN. r=l:Z=.l:C:= HUGH S. FLEMING. Oaring to an accident to which printers an d very aubjeet, a part of. the Sheriff's Sales are uoavoida• bly omitted this morning. They will all appear in our weekly of this day. Nonce voAuvrainecas.—Our yesrly adcer• tisers are tcquetted to rend is each iiivertise mints, durum this week, as they %lett put in Dew typo, C. 5 We do not with to reset old tuition which Wily woo be ordered out. We alto itivito pitch as with to change their cards to give its early no tice. DIPLOMATIC COSOLYSTOIDC4CM. W., give op with rlea.ure a large portion of our epic°, n day, In the in wrOing correspondence terween the Ant:Tian Charge d' Affaires and Mt. Webster. our Secretary of State. The aplendid lever of tto Amee.cart SecretarySpeaka in the arrotg and eassic diction of the writer, the acetic/ewe ei eve era trne.Arcerican However we may thf for on other aribject%, here the heart of every citi --sec irate in unison. Mr. Webster speaks for tie whole people, gracefully, manfully. and as lees• useashoWd always speak, firmly and rour:rou.ly. The Government of Anstrit-e suppose, will not like each uppeletable troth*, nutted in such a mwalyEpirit, from tie young AftitOClOk Repub• ty, bet it Will hardly provoke a further exhibition of our feetmge totem& iytalay and oppreetion sty a further coutrovergy on the eubjeet. I . We ara regncried to ratna•t that the etatcocetit af our Waillingion correspoadent, predicating the , • return of thr Hon. Walter Forward on account of the death 01 Mr. Auttin t in , 77 holly incorrect. Mr. . • F. canntc, even to this day, have heard or Mr. Analin's death, and it Ire far more likely that in. reead of hayening hit return, it will Punish tuna trr hie aoatinuanee t-hln elation. • A ELcirMr.—Mr. Woe s of letneasler, Fe., has presented a memorial to Congress, eettiag forth a scheme for navigating the air by means of a grett bellcon. He offers, if Congress will old him, to rise over the Capitol in t flysng swains, asps. ble of carrying sixteen tons, out of the reach rf gun shot, and there show hoUrdestructirs missiles Costa bo discharged upon a tort or. city. He proposes, also, to rise at St. Laois tad nevi. • gate his serial vessel to New York, there lake op sams half dozen passengers end et Info beat, std ' across the Atlantic, to alitlid the great fair.— Ho says it can be done. Oar Caramerated Reporter is still confine t the Jury Boa, but we hope for his release t. day. NEW COENT7.II.I4IT.—We Were *hewn, fester \'day, e cennterfeit 011 the Bank of Pittsburgh, Five Dollar, letter D., the only flee dolor tell of that Bank, 13 circulation. The plate M well deem. except the face of the female on the vignette.— The aisnatures of the President and Cashier ale .well done, hut that of J. Harper, and the No. and date are imperfect. The whole appearance of the anal is well calculated to deceive, and on there is good reason to believe that of the., spnnour notes "many arc is circulation, the commune) ' !Mesita be on their guard. Pun - mane" or MANVFACTVOLS —Tot Ratko Traeserpt hos a list of altars Ca.tor Factori-v New Erg!sod which have sstd work with,. the last three month. The rrgrezate octrab, • spindles now idly to as bailees. - N. kimputure. Mutrachuaetts. Mole Connecticat.• • 715.300 Besides thosoconmerated are many which err mooing short time. At Fall River, one bend', O and Cm thousand spindles having been eopped is consequence of • strike sweeps • poruon of tt, otieranom, the owners have det•rmmed not attempt to ease again snot the business prom.s,t more prefitablo result. • AtliEng these to thu num ber previously stopped, and those running Ono time, and we Lava wet got far from one million lora spindles now In operation in New England ther there inero a year eines. In New York. receipts - anis, Virginia and id e ritand there are also many TWA wh,eh not enter. ly stopped, or running •hort t;ie, Wh• ft:f &gasmen% can be adduced in ,nre. t - cati oorogo or the tariff ?—Bah Amer. Ora FaTlMM — ad I..thicre. they •As , enniv taw cam seven years; Porn, ply, or 0:0,r. bore breeches don't come round any more. They say when Governor Bawdoin reviewed the troop .of fdasswoboseus, 1755 , he wa• dres,d in a gray wig, tooted Lat, a white broadcloth coat and wriat cost, red sonalleothes, and black silk st,ck. • inv. Toe judges of the Supreme Court of Msassa ehoseats, 113 We 1773, worn r ot ' , of no rlet Vffraced with black velvet, nod in summer, black inik mawori gentlemen wore coats w:leve•y yam ty of -color, generally the cams tad cOt•ar et tittt!ret, different Tutor from the coat. In 1755, Goo Washington arrived in New link from Mount Vernon.to assume the dot,. ' Of Ma= Pret,d,neY• He was dressed :n e lull lull 1.1 Virginia home,pon. 03 his arrival in Nem .1.0. gland soon titer, ho wore the old contareotal eu . except on the Sabbath, when he appeared in black. - John Adams, when Vied Pretttdebt, were a sword, and walked the streets with his be! ood -r his arm. At his levers in PbOrdelphia, Pon - tient Washington was clad in black veivei, h:ta trait wee powdered, nod Inhered, 'ten.] of ailk bag yellow gloves, knee and shoe buttb..e• ; beheld in his hand a cocked hat ornatbebizd a Goetadc, =iced about au inch drop -ow frchrra; a, loon sword, in a white seatiosral, wdb itt polished steel hilt, bone at has hip. tidalanaleS Ruse Oreasxttd..—P. T. 81111113 M, of tho NEW York Museum, and now the the prowls of Jenny Lind, la the greatest prosional tool, man to too woald,and certainly the moat armee,. fat money Leaking man in America. Whatever hq touches he Ineradly totes to gold. Hit I.f.rae of\ Tcm Thumb, tie tour through Europe, his tn. trance to Quhen's palaces and.:ente , talomeata 10 crowned heads, was thought the chef coves of • • shOWlnati . ; but , his engagement Ltd cons.. guent soccer.. with Jenny, throws the Tcm . Thumb lost into the shade. He cleared half hhillion att with Tom, hewill cress. a million ria alf w Jailor ; aod still hut Muccum, elea and ng • Pont IMO to $5OO per day, it his male depen, dance for wealth. His "ant operation," however, exhibits b r it the genius of the man. Most Cleavelanders .111 remember a few years vgo a small dense a B (aloes passed through Pon city on their war ._oat to he exhibited, but the owner being no showman could not pay t hyena. VMS them, sod whin nn f get to Utica they were seised and at eoneta ble's tale to pay the otarer's dabta. ilarriem bearing of this, lost no time in buying sold Bona- , teen, getting i li um cheap He took them to Hole - ken where he hired them hey% taYlog ntv ea t he upla?. He next went to nil the P•rrymen ca .1 t r,,,er and asked about what their daily wee pin ..irenm. A verminlog that, ho propound to charter .their services; tor a ale& day paying them a st,ght there:art above ordinary remit, s To this they merited/ and he boned the bargains by ad. mane a portion of the pay. Next appeared barn door Wale daming candela posted all over N.,: York the . en inch o pay there would 1,,' a (Shad Balralo , Chaso at Hoboken. Eighteen lore Blflaltites fresh from tee Prunus, and wild Indiana mounted ne actin chargers to chain them, are., arc., all to be free gratis ondfw . oath Eng N-str yntt inched out as it poser had beton.. TOe I nt• ry bosh ran tree' early 1 . 01 . tilt 2 o'elock the mint isintrninC loaded to their guards Pri , h rt. Toe nen proseco• fifths tattle Operat.ou nor.uttb aid to fine thotiatupt Collett, and t h is wan me be. • &ping hi Branum', corneal and cis •nlaequen fortune.—Ctsserload Pasindrirder BALL 111POSTATI011 UN . 11&ROW,11,E. LOGAN, WILSON & CO. 199 WOOD SerREZ7r, Ar . now' prepared t r d ith I T l:t , rf n e it i rt;Lar „ V e r i tnelt ,,, tgo'; l i n t il t re::;e:t to Loyeta. 11,ora att-lez n ., purCbase rein promote t.tt . e , tr d iTutett hrouith our atock k theT etourot sati he most zenfoosb. term, _ east LICOIJILAGOGCIT 110 IZEN dIR INSTITUTIORA S' INSURANCE otrCOMgPANY, Itta. C.O. IlurifEY, PREP: , •—A. W. 51Alth:R,R.-‘, tace—No. 41 Water *treat, to the rya te r.r 11. GRANT. MILS COMPANY is mow preparrd to Inn,. I I yt e d, 01 'dirks, On boUTry, nlantrattOnne. mercEnwdisa to store, and or reanenu vetarls, e r An n nwin g egeenry for :be ability and inner., or the lastrtetron, is *trended in the eortracrer or V,„ rector*, who are all cnixene of Prasterre*, wen a a 1 fee...arty known to )he commenny for their prn 11.14e:tee. end tong - fay. Iltextross—C. G Horny, Win. Regaley, Lcr Amer. Jr., waiter Bryant, Math D. limn, Reuelton, John flareorth,'S. Rerbaugh, rt. M. kin • ap-riredl OR. D. FIVPIT, , . asA Dermal . , betwof oat!- 17in ►fate skiliarri =SS t .. i • . .. . 'AufPrallAA.lslD TEEM EIIINGABIAAS I Ame ape eras received front the President of the United. States by Mr. to. P.• Filmore, his pri vateSecretaryii. dated the 30th instant . communes , ling, in reply to a resolution of the Senate of the 26th inzieni, certain correspondenee - between our Government and Awawm- The correspondence was read, and is as follows : DITARIXILOT OF &rase, Wassailer:., Decamsca JO, 1550. To tee President of the Untied . States: The Secretary of State, to whoa has been refer red the molution of the Senate of the 25th instant- I requesting the President "to communicate to the Senate, if not incompatible with the public interest, copies of any correspondence, if any has taken place, between the Department of Stain and the Austrian Charee d'Affaires, respecttng the •ppoint. i'ment or proceedings of the agent sent out to exam- Inc and report upon the condition and prospects of the Ilungarian people, during their recent struggle for independence," has the honor to lay before the President a copy of the murespondence called for by the resolution_ Respectfull y submitted. DANIEL. WEBSTER. Clammily . J. G. Ltresann to Sc of tau. (Translation.) Ararat Arr Lraavon, Wasmaoros, Scrivener!. 30, IESO. Toe undereimmd, Charge d'Atfaire of his Ditajcs• ty the Eropernr of Austria, has been instructed to make the following communication to the Secre- tory, of State : - Ai soon as the Imperial Government became aware of the fact that a United Staten agent had been dispatched to Vienna, with orders to watch for a favorable moment to recognisethe Hungarian Repoblfc, and to conclude a treaty of commerce with the rome, the undersigned was directed to ad. dreassome confidential but pressing representations to the Cabinet of Washington awns' that mace, ding, which is an much at variance with those principles of intematioual law, an scrupulously ad. hered to by Austria at att„times, and under all cir cumstances, towards the United States. In fact, how is it possible to reconcile such a mission with the principle of nonintervention, so formally air pounced by the United States as the basis of Amer. can policy, and which hail just been sanctioned with so much solemnity by the President, in his in augural address of March 5,1848 7 Woe it in re, tom for the friendship and confidence which Aus• tem had never ceased to manifest towards them, that the United Stales became so impatient for the downfall of the Austrian Monarchy, nod even sought to accelerate that event by the utterance of their wishes to that effect 7 Thiess who did not hesitate to assume the responsibilityof sending Mr. Dudley Mann en such an errand, should, independ cot of considerations of propriety, hove borne in mind that they were exposing their emissary to be treated as a spy. It is to be regretted that the American Government was not better informed to to the ticlusl resources of Austria, and her histort cal perseverance in defending her just rights. A knowledge of those resources would have led to the conclusion that a content Ice a few months' du . rition could amber hare exhausted the energies of that power, nor turned aside its purpose toput.town the Insurrection. Menne has struggled against the French revolution for twenty five years; the cony age and perseverence which she exhibited in that memorable contest have been appreciated by the whole world. To the urgent representations of the undersign ed, Mr. Caytnn answered that Mr. Mann'. ens. Lon had no other object In view than so obtain reliable Informetion se to the true lute of affair, In Hungary, by personal observation ; this crate.. nation can hardly be admitted, for it says very little as to ' the caurelof the anxiety which was : felt to etcertnin ,the chances of the rer&nllOnfelL Unfortunately, the language in watch Mr. Mans's instruction. were drawn gives us a very Cornice Idea of their scope. Thai bangs was offens,ve to the Imperial Cabinet, for ti dssis• , nate. the Austrian Government as an iron rob, and represents the rebel chief Kosauth as an 11. lestrions man ; while Improper expression. are In r doted in regard to Howie, the intimate and faithful ally of Austria. Notwithstanding thew hostile demonstration.. the Imperial Cat. net ha. deemed it proper to preserve a coterie. tory deportment, braking ample ilowaore for the ignorance of the Cabinet of Wiwi:Mame ' a the subject of Elongation affairs, icii its Siricai• lion to give credermi to the mendacious rumors which are propagated by the Montalto peers. Thfs egtremely palatal incident, therefore, might hove bees, itsseed over, wider et any written erl. decor befog leer, or our cart, in the archives°, the Gaited Stalest fad not Genet al Taylor though , proper to revive the while ea) rot by comments ring to the Senate . in hi, me...a or ins 18th o last March, the instructions ca s h which Mr Mann had beep fern...bed nu the cc:moil - in of hi. minion to sham+. The publicity wh ch ha. been given to that document has placed the lop , Aerial Government coder the actepkler eater mg • frond pro's st, through its edit al reprepoth tier, egoinst the proceeding. of the AA:aerie. OnVernreerl'. lent that Government should MD strpa our silence Cato approbation, or trderahoe even, of the prior , plc. Vb.ell appear to have geld ed its Arbon and the moon. It ;";sa adopted. fa view of all fixes crencistaisces, tea Order - signed has been inwruci-d to declare that Ise id perialfit sacrament lathy disapproves, end will always copticue to d !twopence of tbmie pr./egad. Ingo, so °freeai se to t‘e lawsof proprie . y; and that itpratesta against at Interference in the tater. pal affairs of its Gsverorneet Having her mi nded hie duty, ton ondcraigned coneld re it a Gnettlitato eirearnetancl that he has it in fis power to encore the Secretary of State that the Imperial Olovernmeot is damsel to cultivate relations of fnetidehle and gold understanding -o ;is the United States, relations which may have been momen tarily weakened. but wh oh could not ogee be seriously Msturbed without placing th e cardinal interests of the two countries In jeopardy. The Inotructinno for addressing the eomatintsko. don so Ur. Clayton reached 07whingus ar !be time 'of Oetwinst Taylor's death. la compliance with the rrquisnlossof mopriery, the undersigned deemed it his duty to defer is, teak mud the raw aidrateriitrelire had, tiers C iusrielei• orrrec v.% re &Iry whirk he no-: ~.i ova, t, as n aas gill tan ti,- ern ores ii . I* a• carts on.. fr ir. the ccv.Freefdant hull, r OP it -, no itairrt r.l the re..°..ttort of eta di,rloino•re cni pa, the - , 11.0 fun in: nr.,,,nte poluy of the Ut,r4.-1 :Ss e., .o , r , lute :lir reellitned. Wasitil void. ion relation , . iit the Amer.,. G,versmer.: sex! thc ether P.-.wi r• roma if the G .r•mment. c , inell , nted SAM,. were to think it proper to take so h.dircot parr in the political movement. of Europe, Auter,,tna policy' would be exposed to acts of retaliation and to er 'alit InCaprettlautee, wbier ensild pot tail to ildect Ito commerce Sad the lades ry of arc two ar eds.. plated. All condem n are üb:,ged, at some retied a - other, to dreg, Le against Interpol it ificult et; all firms of government we exposed to such dl r. grecabli ephrodes: lac United s , atcri have had icon experience in this aer7rei•ently. Clad war • possible OCCUrrenre everyuii,re, sod the no •nregerneut wtoch is groan :o the earn: rd ins,- ,erica end of disorder most triquerily fele bst-ir pun those who neck, In aid I , in It. d. - VeL3pCle3IN V aorta of just... and vr.an polo,. The ttridersigred aryls himself of this is casino i renew to the Secretary ut 'Stale the assurance Phis distaguished Cossuiteraid.a. ilui.i3E'llANN. Spindles .112 500 .135,000 .202 000 .•zIJ sOO . 53 i'oo O the Hon. 1).1.1. Wassatea, Secretary of Stu. critic United State*. 6'os-re:erg of &are m Mr. Ital. mann . 11 ge..i.rarrr or Stare Wasureorns, Deeireaker 21, lAN. The uederingued, Secrets/ y of Siete of the Unt• fed States, Lad the honor to !impel., soma rme ago, the 'tumor Mr. Hulactoutn.Oharge d'Affaires to his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, of the September. Causes, not arising from any leant of personal regard for Mr. liutsernarin, or of prop. er respect tort his Government, have delayed so anavrer until the present moment. Hoeing auto milted Mr' Holsemann's latter to the President, the undersigned is now directed by him to retort the following repli: The objects of Mr. Holsemaanio note are, drat, to proven, by order e f his G,vcromont, Km... , the steps taken by the late President of the United &Casio sicertain the progress and probable re salt of the revolutionary movements In Hungary; •ad, secondly, to complain of some expressions in the tostrucuone of the late Secretary of State to Mr. A. Dudley Mane, a confident,al agent f H United States. as commoniested by Pres o titeni o Taylor to the Senate on the 29in of March its, The principal ground of probe! Is tonnifed on the Idea. or to ilie allegation, that the government of the United States, by the mission of Mr Mann, and his Instructions, has interferred In the domes tic affairs Austria, to a manner nomt or disre• spectful toward that Power. The President's me,. sage woe a communitation made by him. the Sen • ate, transmitting a correspondent:a between the Executive Government and a confidential agent ol its owe. This would seem to be itself a domestic transaction,. mere instance of intercouse between the President and the Shnute, iii the manner who h is usual and indispeusable to mantoriniecrinras bo tureen the different branches of the Government It was not addressed either to Austria or Hungry! nor enn+ at any public manitnalor to whirl, any for ru State was called on to reply. It was an ac count of all transaction , cortimunierrieri by the Ex seutive thavernmentto the Semitn . at tloi request of that body; made public, indeed, but med. politic only bea n ouch 19 the common and mural <mune of proceeding; end it maybe regarded as somewhat strange, therefore, that Inc Austrian Cabunit did not perceive that by thetnstructious given to Mr Humelmen, it was itself it with the do. mesfic conceros of a foreign State, the 'MG' , Sit'g .whlch is the ground of its nomplaint against - the G. :States. This pepartMeut has on former occasion., In formed the Mlutalcra of Foreign Powers that • communication from the President to either House of Congress is regarded as a dortiestio eommunl i •t' on, of wtxch, ordinarily, no foreign Stale has , Mgt:tisanes . ; and, In more recent Instances, the groat Inconveniences of mr Ling suet. noMmuni• I nations suhjecia of diplomatic correspondence I ned diacuasion has been frilly shown. if it had been the pleasurn of his M.jestv the Emperor of Austria, donna the %impure in Hot:pry, m have admonished the I , ovis.onal Governierot or the people of that country Nt.i..l involving them. selves in %bower, by following the evil end due ' gem, example n' the Vetted Stater of America In making efforts tar the catehliahmont of indepen dent Governments, sorb an admonition froth Mar Sovereign at ha Illingarlso anbjects would not file. orlarnaled here a diplomats cortespous 11,991. The Preedent might, perhaps, on this amend, hear &Mined indirect any parlieular re y to Mr. If elsemaeh's note; but. out in proper 'eq.': for the A cecina Ormornment, it has been iboushr proper to answer that no's at length; and 'he mitre crprelally a. the (-trees,. Is not unfavor• ablo u r the correction or the peneal eentimenti of rm. iloVainment of the United Siete* open the lop en whien Oust here direunnen. A lading rattail in Me. HulYernanna note in that of %Co corrc.pontlence t00ce , ..1 Mr. Huh.- tnannand the prootorerrar of the undorathwol, in which Mr. Clayton, by direction nithe Plemdcnt, Informed Mr. Holacmann ..shat Mr. Mann'. tow %lon had oo other object -in - inew than to obtaln reliable inklrmation:at to the true stile of elm. .. . in Hungary, by *two.' ohsernilen.. Mi. Hutriemseis near Ile that "this r xpian•liCto Mtn hardly be soindied . tor a says very little 0 tOthte Cause 01 the maw lv whicig was tell formatter" the clinic=s of the 1 sevolutlotius." • Al Hie, ha* oath,'" tee only pit spine which can with any sp. pea/Race of troth he attributed to the agency; as nothing whatever is alleged by . Mr. Huleamann to have been either -dean or said by the agent lenge...tent with . Suet nn ol4elt, the under signedi canoeist!hhet NIG Clayton' explanatioo ought to be deemed not only adinues le, but quite satiefactory. Mf.Hulzeroeun Mower, 'n the comae of his note, that his instruction' , to eddies. his present coramuitiestion to Mr. Cis ,ton, reach el Welshing - ton ahont the time of the lea:Canted death of the late ['maiden', end that he delayed from a sense oft ropriety the execution of his tack until the.cew esimiutetration should be fully or. , mtnixed—` a delay which he now rejoices at, .e it hes given bim the opportunity of ascertaining • trim the.new Prerdent himself, on the °contain of the reception of the diplomatic corps, Met the fundamental policy of the• United Stains, so Ims I quently proclaimed, would guide the relations of 1 the American Government with other Powers." Mr. Hnisemavn elan observes chat lit is in his power In ersore the undersigned "the k the Imperi al Government is disposed to cultism e relations of frienciehip ncni good nedentandin¢ with the United States' The President receives this enure ce of the disposition of the Imperial Government with great , Wife:Aloe, and, in consideration of the friendly , relations of the two Government. thus mutually recegnixed, and of the peculiar Were 'of Abe in. cident• be which their gaol understanding it imps poem) by Mr. Holsemann to have beeni f tar a mo• turn:, dietuilyd or endue Rend thee President regrets that fit 4 Hulsemenn did not reel bilueell at :Melly wholly to forbear from the execution of imeructions watch were of course .02n:toted born Vienna without any foresght of t e intim of things under which they would reach Washing• ton. If Mr. Hnimmenn raw, in the eddies. of the President to the diplomatic corp., ast Black,' y Pledges of the oentimeols and the policy of this Government, in regard to neutral eighth end neu• teal dud., it maid, perhape, have been better not to bricg on a divensmon of payt transaction.. But the undergigned 'sally admit. that this wee a quesiion fit only for the emeideretton and duds- , ion of Mr. 111.14cm:sae himself; glad although the I President does not see that any good purpose can be answered by re. peeing the ir quiry Into the, proptiety.of the steps taken by President Taylor,' to •acerlain the probeble. Maus orate late civil war in Hungary, jute m to his memory requires the etylersigned briefly to re.sinto the history of those amps, end to show their consistency with • the n eutral policy which ha invariably' guided the Government of the Boiled Siatet In its foretell ree Wiens, es well as with.the estahliahed and well. arnica principles of national intercourse, and the docile. of public law. . The underoigoed volt fine ohemire that the rr, cadent ia petausded Hie rslaj.ty, the Erepethy o r Amite's, does net think that the Government of the United Slates Cregbt 10 VleXi, With unconcern, the exticordinary event which have oncurred, not only in Mt dominions, but in many other parts of Europe, yore Pcbruary, ISIS. Th e Goren, meet and People of the United States, lane other Intelligent Governments and communitioi, take a lively intermit to the movement and the events oi this remarkable age, to whatever pert al the world they may be exhib ted. But the interest theca by the Untied States in those event. has not proceeded from any disposition to &part from that neutrality toward foreign Powers, which is among the deepest orinciples and the most Union treditions of the pnliiieal history of the Union. It has been the necessary effect of the ncexsmpled chancier of the events themselves, wfutti cupid not fail to arrest the attention of the contemporary world; at they will dooteleas dll • memorable page In !eatery. HMO, undereigned goes farther, nod freely admits that in proportion as them, extmordinery eve.ts appeared to have their °rig,. in thew great ideas of ressoneible and prouder governments, on which be American constitution! , themselves are whoily (weeded, they could not but command the warm hyropethyof the people of this country. Well known circumstances to their binary, in deed tapir cri.oje hictory, have made theta the reperscvaitya of parody p..pn'cr Owego!. of GOVetntnent. lo tEto light they now toted before the world. They rased pot, if they would, con ceal their character, condloon, or their dermal.— They could not, •f they an deared, shin oat from ,the view 'el mankind the causes which live placed them, in on that! a national arses, in the station which they now hold among the elvdtsed Steles of the world. They could not, it they de sired it, suppress either the moughte or the hope which arise in men's r0i1.% in other cunettles, from ventemplating their successful example of Gee eoventineent. That Very tritelligent end Me. linguison4 pmsatoire, the Emperor Joseph the Second, was soma. the `tart to dyeern tuts neces sary 00,00, of the' Amente.n ;Men:lotion on the sent:mews and °moth. of the peci g le of Yu. rope. In a letter to his bllnteter In the Nether. 1... in 1757, he obeerves that lit is rentarkalnin that France, by the assistance which she •Li...rdvd to the Antenna., gave h AO to refieelints on free d.n. " Tams fee- which the sagacity of that mon arch p•coaived al ei early • day, is now known sod admitted byitnialie...‘ Power. all over the world. 70 , , indeed, if ..'that um persica:a oa the attar entotpaent of senktments favvireb l / 4 3 I. republican t,betre, Is the result of the m action of America upon Fonope; and the souran mod centre of Ina reaction hes doutiVe. teen, sad now •e, in these II ~r ed &wet Tee gesitlen thins belong • tag to the U dArd Stmes is A rant 0 inwparstire from their hatery• thew conetitorional °mania, boo, sad thew character, sti the opposite ratan, of the Powers composing the European allance, Is from the blatory and maser:alarml oeguileatiou of the Gsvernmeota of thrive Pavers. Tne the:tenet/oa who hem that sib.ee have net unfrennently felt a their duty to Interfere with :le. politteal Moventerds of benign Stater, aril hove, in their mangeomes and declarations, de mum n d the pcpnbar ' dills Cr the age, father.. oro mprchen.ive as of wt.: wisely to Ikeid 4n the Voi ced Siete% sad loci form, 01 geverrieac it is Tani% 000 that one el the la-ding gotre . r ia i i go .. noire:mid be it, nlited Sovereigns aCer the rev..... rind of the p o inetiona, otthat all pepritlir ix W. oblational right. arc Weil', no Wherry'', bun as grants end indulgences truni roomed hesd....:- • Ilwful and necessary chances in legast on and a i :inthintratioe," ways the Lsytmeh e.t.d.' of May, 14,4 J, "aught note to emenato Irma the Gee will and troth:fore:it eninvirtion °Nose whet God' has rendered req....jibe ter cowe r oil that de...r ales from this line onocansoly lead. to dithrier„ commotion, and evls ter more motif..rel. that, i',eee which they pretend to remedy • And het litt• Allittlfiin MaJlity, Francisrerowted to hove dertlitred in en addles, to the littunisran Dal, in 1620, mat "the whore world had became foLlioli, and, leaving their ancient laws, was lb Witch' of iniaa.nary noumitutiona . Therm der lenitive. amount in n,...Jbleg lea% than a denial of the Istefelness of the origin is; ::::= Gvvemment of the Unced States, row, It in certhe Lott dual Goversment was ettlebtiltied et tons.equeree of a ch.. slid ,d net pr' eyed frets throne.. or the perruermon of erowned heeds But the G.". creme,:ii of the Gaited &ales heard these &mum e mu... or ,is lon. ruesiel principles Silthetti re tnearmsore. err the ittattn,tiarce of . equanimity I het yes thiriy year sea. The logos alb a Republic, at the area•at nee. Meet, is soicad ever • ream. end of the behest ' nod mat fend, on the slabs, a rl of no extent in comparison with Utah rho coseesgtoo• of the Hoets of liapiteng we but nit • patch on the eatikie antigen. la population. atircedY twenti• nee millions, will exceed that of the Austrian em pire within rho retied damn? urtueh a may he hoped that M. Holten - mos trey yet remain in the bononlde diet harm. of Lis duties to his Clevera Mont. It ßev:gonna and crilarnerro are hardly • exceeded try the Older and MOW contrnerei•l on. tient; its Maritime mean, and Its ortartbnie power hit aeon by Austria herself, in beastll seas where oh porta, as well as it may en, also, In all other quarters of the 'globe. Lite, liberty, property, mid all personal raht are amply sectl • red to all °Banns, and protected by juat ad Sta ble law., and credit. per sod private. la nd well established as in any Government of Guttmentel Europe. And the country, in allies lemmata end concerns, partakes most lamely in ill the improve• merit. end carrwoesi which distinguish the see Certainly rho United State" moy be pardoned, even by those men protest rotherence to the prin. metes of •bsnlnte 0 iecmmects, if they entertain an ardent affect= for thorn popular forma of po. litical organist! on which have an rapidly advao. cell their own prosaerqy and happiness, nnd rol -1 led them In so short 5 penod to bring their coon. try and the hemisphere to Which it beton., to me notice and rootlet-110 regard, not in asy :h• eilmi. reown, of the mall zed world. Nevertht lath.the United States hate abstained, at all times, from acts of intererence with rho polttical changes of Hemp, They cannot. however, fail to cheetah always a' lively intereoz in the fortunco of nations struggling for uniltiution• the their own. But thin sympathy so far from betng nreetearily 0 hostile teeth. to. ward env of the pare. to three grenfnattuntlstrog go., ie quite eiel•iWent with amicable relent,. with them all The Hutcarian people are three or four times . numerorm tis the inhabit ant of thee< Untied Sweet were when the American rev olution broke out They possess, in a dettinct lan guage and to other respects, important elements of aeeperate ...ley, Witichtho Anglo Saxon race at tthis country dal not p.n.., rind if the United States nosh 'sure.. io contort. contending for popular conantlilions and netional independence, it , in uuly because they rapid ouc constitutions end sucp onto:teal independence, not h as an Iniakittnry, but an real blessings. They claim no right, hew. ever, to take part in the.trugglen of foreign Pow. ers in order to promote these ends. It is only in defence of his own Government, and es princi , moles and character, that the undenigned has now egpreased himself oath. subject. But when the United States behold the people of foreign coon frt., without••ny such Interferenee,spoomneously moving toward the adoption of inalllntion, like their own, it surely carnet be expected of them to remain wholly indifferent spectators. In regard to the recent very Important occur cone. in the Austrian empire, the undersigned freely,•drnlis the difficulty which exists in this eoun• try, and is alluded to by Mr. Huleemenn, at oh. talniag accurate Information. But thiaditheulty is by nemeses to be Lambed to w bet Mr.Hulsemann calls —with little jtratice, as it seems to the underalgned —"the mendacious rumors propagated by the Amer lean press." For information on this subject, and others of the mane kind, the American press is. of necerily, Minns* wholy dependent upon that of Eu rope ; and if i'mcnnacioue rumors" respecting Ana Irian and Hungarian affairs have been any where Ir propagated. that propagation of falsehoods has been most prolific on the European continent, and in countries immediately bordering on the Austrian empire. But, wherever these errors may have originated, they certainly justified the Pendent in seeking trim information through •uthentie china nets. His attention was first particularly drawn to the state of Moms in Hungary, by the correspon den. of Mr. Stiles, Marge d'Affatre of the United StitheeilVienna. 'lntheitteumn of 1134 onion was made to this gentleman, of M. Bewsuth. formerly ?dimmer. o( Nina kingdom of Hungary by Imperial aPpoi i i at th e [Meths applicatemmts made, C RevolutioneryGovernmete. ' ' ' • _Tee object bf Met epplication wee. obtain the good offices of Mr- Stiles with the Tm nit Ones ernment, with *view teethe anspeneio et hostili ties. Thin appileallen bectenc the a bject of a conference between Prince Schweiz nberg, the Imperial Minister far Foreign Alai , and Mr. Stiles. The Prince commended the cot stderatloes and propreey with which blr. Miler had 'Wed; and, mo f.r wee disapproving.hts inter crease, lid ...Med him in case he received a farther commu nication 0.•,., the Revolutionary Government in Hoer to .ci have ea interview with Prince Wine dietreiz, who was charged by the Emperor with Ile etoereirogs determined on in refration to that 'ii poem.. A week after these. oceureaticea, Mr received, through secret ehanbel, • coma iniceelon signed by L. Kostutti, President of Dommetee; of Defence, and couriferregnedby aerie Patchy, Secretary of State: Oa the re. eipt of this communication, Mr. tiler had an eterview with Prince Windiest z. "who r° ' seised with the utmost kieditese and thanked him for hi. efforts toward recno ling existing difficultice.. Such were the ineide is which Scat drew we attention of the Govemm at of the Uni. led Staten particularly to the affai a of Hungary, sad the conduct of Mr. Stiles, tho gh acting In a matter of cinch delicacy, havie been viewed with entisfection hy the Inmeri I Government, we. reproved by that of the Unit d States. In the course of the year 1548,a d in the early part of 1549 n considerable numbe of Huogeriato came to the United States. Amon them were in• dividuals repreeenttng themeolves o be in the eron• tideuee of the Revolutionary Gone amen*, and by these persons the President was at ngly Urged to recognise the existence of that 0 vestment. In these epplications, and in the ma ner in which they were viewed by the President,there was no• thing unusual; still le.was there any thing author. fired by the law of nations. It is the right of every Independent State to enter lino friendly relations with every other independent State. Of cnurse questions of prudence texturally ariee In refereece to new States, brought by successful revolutions into the family of natione; but it nt not to be reqUlr• ed of neutral Powers that they should await the recognition of the new Government by the parent State. No principle of public law has been more frequently acted upon within the lout thirty years by the great Powers of the world than this. With• in that period eight or ten new Stateslave meth. lishen Independent Governments within thy limn. of thy colonels% dominions of Spain, art this mini. nent, and in Europe the tame thing has been done by Heigh. and Greece. The existence of all there Governments was recognized by some of the leading Powers of Europe, as wen as by the Unit ed States, before it was acknowledged by the Slates . from which they had separated themselves. It Merriam, the Hutted S ate. had gone so far as formerly in acknowledge the Independence of Hungary, although, as the resin' has proved, it wrield lime bete a preelpintie step, and one from which no benefit would hive resulted to either party, it would tot, nevertheless, have been an het Realest the law of nation., provided they took no part In her cosiest with Austria. But th • Uni. ten Staten did no such thing. Not only did they got yield to Hung.) , any lOW WIMP.. or succor; net only did they not show their ships of war in the Adriatte with guy menacing or !mettle aspect, but they i tudiote I Oxtail:AA from every thing which had nut been done la other ealeig)tl times past, and contented becreelves with lettl• ruling an enmity into the ruth and reality .cif #l s legal political occurrences. Mr. HulsemaCil an. correctly states, unmet:ilia ally certainly, the am, tore of the mimea off this gent when he elm Ma 1 1 a United States egged had been damitched to Vienna with orders to - teh for a favorable moment to recognise the linegerian republic, and to conclude a treaty of commerce with the mime." This lugged would have been a lawful °Neel, but Mr. Mann's crated was, in the firet matinee, pure ly one of iaquity. He had no power to ace unless he bad 11.icettle tattle conviction that a tern and table Hussman Government existed. "The princip•l ebeexdbe Pter leant has in view," recor ding to his instruelons, 'le to obey minute and reletee information In regard to Ilnagary in coo. cannon Sr:10 the alines of •ditlitneg roantries,the Mehrthle state of the present revelutionary move. mares, and the rheuma we may base or forming ehmther,sl srrangee, - ,epth with that Power favor *lee In the Baited States.'' Again. to the ' , Oro paper. oiled or the pre:fleet Is to obi reward to Hors., end ber pes, with a stew to an early todependenct and the iermat relation* with her." It was that the rem G%rernMent s the Opel.. e 4 the agent, to I -tout the President proposed to - Lm: limn Mr. flatworm,. le rinalif P.matent Taylor with the ep were. to irk.- tor granted Mt in ear r suotallou of the Pres, ' remit, wed that levershies to were ~ it armlet net obi... Armee. O%wernMsat sour truth; it derilred to kern theta hie ch•noel It to happened verwi.mlee of unman 'Taira I seem•r to the Herman rev 1 ie. ~,car—as wan slated in sot riffecely—bind the 00.. , rehire lass; prolamines lb In beett Eeeeved to lot. II eery, nor hold any direct ages revecnion•ry Leaden. • MIS r rwroqsltron of her indepen found that she itiad been neat, awl ruble goverment. IT as his Insane toes required. to Marlon, and the onderamoe Annual '_:owernMant lint le j ui from 'the eemmerneleane at Sea., Mr Heinemann will obsery .1 rum this eta,. that Me. Mattel mimeo wage . r unobv.,, hie, and strictly within the rule of the law of , noes, and the they of the Untie ti States ••• !MUM Power He will eneordiegle feel how little lone dation third . for his ren•rt , eant -three wading not !weenie to swarm the restemsibilite of Mr. Dudley Mann on such an errand should, Inds. pendent or considerations of Twomey, have borne In mind that then were exposing their crummy to he treated as a spy' . A spy is a person writ by one behaerent to train secret inform.l.l of the metes and defences of the other, to be reed for !wattle per poem. According to practice, barmy ono deception, tenter thelenalty of being tewfully banged if de tectrd To give this ardent. name end chanter to • moo dental erns of • aeutml Power, bearing the eotorniwiou of MS eoattlry, coil Son: for a purpose telly. warranted try the law of r.ations, in out only to abew languaire, but also Ito confound all test idea., and to announce the wildest and most extra• vague notion, Such as certainly were out to have been ...tat in • grave diplomatic paper t and the President directs the undersigned to say tin Mr. Heimmann that the American Gotimemeet would regard such an enpiention upon it by the Cabinet of "WWII, a* that it employs spies, tad that in a quarrel coon of lie own,im distinctly otlenalve, if ' It did not pre-mme as it Is willing to presume, that the Word wed in the original Gam. Was not of equivalent mean,ing with espy" in the Bilge. lan gunge, orthat some other way the employment of ..och an opprobrious term may be .plained. Had the Imperial Ooverrimeet of Austria •ulameted Mr. Mann to the eremite' of a spy, it would here pa. coil own %Without the pale of mattered names; and the Cabinet of Vier,. May be assured thatt if it had carried, or attempted to carry, any such law. re purpose tato effort, in as at an authorized agent of this Government, the epintlof the people of this country would have demanded immediate bounties io be waged by the ulmod exertion of the power of the Rcpub.c, military, and navel. . Mr. II alsernan pror , eed% V% ternirir that 'ohi• ex 'ferrety limpet , Incident, therefore, might have been raised over, Withiut soy Written erldnace being left on our part in the archives of thr'llnited - States, had not Gen. Taylor thouget proper to re vies the whole aubirmi, by enconienteame to the Senate, in his message of the 15th laShi et last March, the mature°. with which Mr. Mann had been furnished on the occasion Xi I his mesion to thee... The publicity which has been given to thrt document has placed the Imperial Govern• weer ender the necessity or menetug a humid pm. lost, thrilUgh its °deist representative, against the ' proriediren of the American Gneeremeni, lea that Unvarnrnent 000111 COMMIS mar tile°m alto apprOhttlion, or toleration even, of the principle , which serear to have gentled its aoaOn and the me,tin it ha. adopted." The underregned re's. .• 11^ It . Mr.flu's mann, and to the Cabinet of V, enha, and In the pretence of the world, that the ceps taken by President Payer, now protested against by the Anglian Onverntrilnt, were war' rented by the law re owl.. and agreeable to the usage. of r tyllead Stiles. With respeet to the ontruntiniCatiOn of Mr. Men'. tristrorbotot 10 the Senate, •nd the language In which they are emehail, it has already Moo said, end Mr. 1111 , 110• WM malt feel the . 011110 3 of the reneek • that lb,. are Someone: affairs, in which the Govern. meet hl the United Stater cannot mlwit MI .leht• eft reeperonbility I, the Government of h la I mpe• eel Mercy. No State, deeerving the •pellailoo 01 indepr Erre., can permit the Isegoage In which it may instruct in own officeni In the del - Marge el their duties to tech . In be called in question wider see pretest by a foreign Power. But, even If thin were not coo, Mr. Helfernane Is all In error its Meting that Auer'. Government Is called an flea Rule" In Mr. Mann's iestrue. cone. That phrase .not foetid in the paper, and 1 in reap.)d to the honerary epithet bestowed to Mr. Mann's Instructlous on the late chief of the Revo. limenary Government of Hammy, Mr. Hulse ' nmunteill hear in mind that a eli.Vetuntent of the I Cooed Slates cannot rosily be expected, to • elne fidentel communication to its own egret, to with. hold bum an Individual . epithet of distinction ,of which a greet part of the world thinks him worthy,.rnerely ion the ground that his awn Gov ernmeet regards him arra rebel. Man early stage of the American Revolution, while Wash in g ton sees eeneldered by the English GOVertlehent as e I rebel chief, he was retarded on the cnetinent of Europe es so Illuetrloun hero. But the übdersign , ed will eke It a liberty of bringing the Chthin° l O f Vire n a into the presence of its own predeceseore, and citing for its conaideration the conduct of the Imperial GOVerlnDellt Itself. In the year VITT I the war of the American Revolerlon was raging all over these Untied Slates; England Was pros ' smiting the war with c :etiolate deteallittenoe, 1 end by the exertion of all her military mean. to the tallest extent. I Germany waste that time at peace with Eng lend; and yet en Igen t of that Congrese, which was' looked upon by England in no other light than that of a body in open rebellion, was not only received wen great respect by the Ambassador of the Em. prms Queen at Paris, end by the,Minicet of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, wheedle...wards Mounted the imperial throne, but 'carded at Vienna lota con stdoonnie lane; not indeed, officially acknowledged but treated with mourtosy and reapece and the Em peror suffered himself to be persuaded by that agent to exert himself to prevent the German Powers from famishing . hoops tolegland to enable be to =pyres, the rebellion 112 &w ire. Neither Mr. Hnil.Menn , OM the Cabinet of Vienna, It is pre sumed, will undertake to eay dietary thing said or done by this ilovemment in regard to the, recent war batweenAnstrin and Hungary isnot borneout, and met more thin borne out, by this example of the Imperial Conn It Is believed that the :Reps ror Joseph the Second hablttelly spoke in terms of respect of the character of Washington, as' he is known to hive done of that of. Franklin; and ho .deemed It no infraction of Lean - silty to inform himself of the progress of the Revolutionary sung. gle in America, nor to espres his deep seoto of the merits and the talents of those illustrious men who were then larding their country to indepen dence and renown. The undersigned may add, that in lilt the Courts of Rears and Austria pro posed a diplomatic Congress of the belligerentFow eee, to which the Commissioners of the U. States should be adini tted. Mr. Huniemenn thlnks that in Mr. Mann's in. stnictions improper expressions are introduced In en to behatt" n ee foe Abe . UMW, bot • lel of the regard to Resent but the undersigned has no rea son to auppose that Russia herself is of that ppits, ion. The eery observation meanie those instrne... tines about Hann is that she "'has chosen to as sume an attitude of interference, and her immense preparatio. fur invading and reducing the Hun garians to the rule of Anehrin—from which they desire to be released—gave so serious a character to the contest as to awaken the mect painful to• hotted. in the minds of Americana. " 'The un dersigned cannot but consider the Austrian Cabi net as unnecessarily susceptible in looking upon language like this as a uhostile demonstration."— If wo remember that it was addressed by the 01T. element to its own agent, and hen received publi• city only through a COMl3l.lliCtlion from one De• palmate of the American Government to soother, the languige quoted must be deemed moderate and inoffensive. Tho comity of nations would I hardly forbid in being addrened to the two Imp*. mai Poweis themeelve. It is scarcely neconaty tar the undersigned to ssy, that the relations of.. the United States with Ruses have always teen of the roost friendly kind, and have never been deemed by either petty to require any compromise of their peculiar views upon subjects of domestic or foreign polity, or the true origin of Govern ments. At any rate, the fact that Austria, in her Coolest with Heogary, had an intimate and faith• fill ally in.Runte, cannot .her the real Delete of the question between /mien and Hungary, nor in she wan affect the neutral rights and duties of rho Government of the United States or the juatia gable sympathies of the American poop'. It is, Indeed, easy to conceive that laver toward strug• gllng Hungary would not ho dimlniehed, but in creased, when it was seen that the arm of Aestria au strengthened and upheld by a Power yahoos auloutnce threatened to be, and which in the end proved to be, overwhelmingly destructive ol all hei hope.. Towards the conclusion of his note, Mr. Hulse mann remarks, that "If the Government of the United States were to think it proper to take ,an indirect part ih political movements of Europe, American policy would be exposed to apt, or re• tallailno, and to CO , IaLn inconveniences which would not fad to effect the commer.• and Indoo try of the two herni•pheres." As to eau possible lutunet this hypbthetteal retaliation, the Govern• merit and people el the Gaited States are quite wilting to take their chance and abide their dea• tiny. Taking neither a direct not an indirect part in the domestic or Intestine movements of En. rope, they hare no fear of event. of the court, alluded to by Mr. Huleennen. It would be idle now to disown:wt.!, Mr. Hunemann than acted realiatfon which be imagines may possibly take plane at soma indefinite time hereafter. Toole uterine, will be discussed when thee arise. and Mr. Hanemann and the Cabinet a: Vienna may nal assured that, in the meantime, white perform leg with:orlet and exam fidelity all their neutral duties, nothing will deter either the Goveronient or the people of the toned States from exerelair g it their own discretion, the rights belonging to them 111110 independent nation, and of forming id expressing mete own opinions, freely and at I bmits, upon the great political events which tricuptre among the civilised porticos of the earth. Their own institutions stand upon the broad est principles of civil liberty; and believing those principles and fundamental Isar. in which they are embodied. to be eminently favors. bie to the Prosperity of States—to be, in fact, the only principles of governaield - which meet the de.. maidnol the present enlightened age—the President has perceived with great tallsfection that in the CO' recently-triiioduced Into the Austriah em pire, many of thew great principles aro recognived and applied, and be chart:she. a vineere swish that' they mar produce the mime happy effects thoinghout his Austrian Majesty's , catenatee dominions that they hare done in the United States. The undersigned has the honor to repeat to Mr. klutscruan the musclee of his high ronsateration. DAN . % WEBSTER.. tibia leformalinn 1 •ourne• and pro recogottion nt h no nf POOl ve,l nty In the r VI/ hould •prear, e arm •od nob recommend it, r 1:17^Woox. Wears • —The qv:voles of the pre _nee el worms m cbtldren should 0e ^or (ally 'Rick ing inene eerie I thet of =MI el by parents, and go than an then itreethan to thir• peel timer egiatenen. every means Aust.' be area to expel them promptly ant! thornaghly. per pthetars of hil-ane's Wnthri Veratto re axe eashrent that they ores the bee at accomplishing this reset that bee ever been setintithi t the pub'.; and 'he/ ',t ette ton the attention of ail robe barns the ?manna , nt of viatica. The medicine th a safe and plan tain one, sad haver lens u penile the deslirol erect 1:177F of tele h/ 1. TODD & CO, No go Wanl wt... jet-lira lent. have hug on Heavary. to he cnc. Bat IL 10, 130 , bluir ho 1 -to threnvh relt !n the cha rr nt. and hat rde aa% arum ~broo.The Amer LB I.llTirtiOL• to be Ma n n t of . 2 ? z ov ir o araz did net enter Hour rtuica 3,, mttv: . ar t. t , i , h her be fPart. OOP. tte-aase he to tot up a Gera carefully forbore, Moo of Ohio and roan. R. R. Chll.l ' rd at l'irroevowl, A afros a, ISM. Too Stockholder , of 11,2 Ohio and Peethyleania Ran Road Company an, toothy notified to pay tee &faith bona:silent of Soo d.,llars per *hare, at tho Dace of the Company, on or Otto, the 'Mb day Of holiest The ninth tostalatentl on -r talon" the Z2Ol day of September. Te• loath in• ,, onlit on or baton the MI day of October nest. L) . Thloatt, taitalmatt trey Ja:leil far on e 'Nth o July toot WM LA ItIOLEft. Jr • area a. pubboay to b: supputoa that lb nod In gi , 111.91. a ?maiden. to lb iliproVazinellte 1a Illent3ltrf• DR. ti G IL. of bow', tr rerOGert to mintatterturo and lel !rues Teat* In whole net parts of •Gl*, opan no ,, tion or itinto wheal:" Suction Platen— Tree! oxonlereen In r. a rtman, wren, Its nerve In •lierer. tele* end 'rereleece next door to the 10 ay otee, Fourth elm, Patahareh. Hansa H II V.lO/1. ISIP On Thursday ovro , ng, Jonuary HI, .t the 1.16 ed Soars Areenol, ty th= Roy Mr Lee, Mr. Arm. 1,00211. to MO. Sorou P. Union, daughter of Moor John tf Niter hi its, early In Masco oer,ollf the coast of Cubs, on his return Irom Cs!Corms, .1...0n C. Must., of leo tot, lowa, formerly of ibis esor.ir Unitarian Piaaehinir, On dandto, 5,h January, at I:mon 11411, corner o downedld and Filth everts. ISlornlrc at half put t” Wank Satyret—On the upentne ni • nerd year. Eveldag at seven o'elobk. natnert —The , true Clan, nag W3O/111. g INC of the mow eligible location. for a genteel t... 1 private rendeuee m the city of Allegheny. Th lot - contains s front of NS (eel upon the &oh Common ' and Is Ulu feed In depth to Water alley, with a doubt • two story brick dwelling hnuse In front, and a fru, amble in the re. r. ft, tole to indisputable, and th• term of payment will be Erode as favorable as oh • pocharet could reasorahlrilealre. For farther in tormatmo, op p y o 0 9 Lathrop, Allegheny. or to th• undersigned, No .24 Wood street Potz i hurds. Is{ 9CIIICURR CO TWO convenient DWELLING HOUSES on Tbird etre., above and near to Smnafreld. Rosarieslon given on the It or April TICII Aldo, to Lease for one or more ye•rs, some largo vacant Lots on•and near Ike Allegheny River, In toe Ninth Ward. Apple to WM. AI DARLINGTON or lIENJ DARLINGTON, .Ddtf Poneth st. ne:ar Wood DisCATION Al. woOls;Olnbes;111sps•InotameIIIII. r, Stationery, thrum' pablic clone. EDE CATION Al. REPOSITORY 1.4 LSdarter ds corner Li FoLoh b cotton, b•rell 1 lard. 6 barrel. •!enne; 9 barrel.. greaac; to bags leathe rt. TO al nye, and I -We by 1991&11 DICIMY 6CO. a 4 Water 6 Front costs coco.hi L.•:I oulgo cosfish. For .1100 I.y pot BURBRIDGE INUKANI • No. 116 W ter Yl. torla N. 0, moN*o.. 7.7 BURBRIDOE. t. I 13ACON 511OULDERS—an WO di mouse and for sale by • KIER & /ONE'S ma Canal D• sin 7io St_ RON=gti tons Juniata pig iron for sale by tai Alt R & JONES The night Piece tee Teas. P&115 °I the yet, best pitmen In Pittsburgh to buy Tee to at Morns & Haworth's Pea &tore, In the sunond. Prune Farnlly Teas'—' • . :CO per lb Puler qactues tt----• • 110: do Extra tloporfine.---••• 1 10 do Their Black Tette at 050, and their Omen Teas at al .re the cloy best Teas Imported into the United Mates. nil itO5lE GREEN.-700 W. 100 sale by J• 4 d KIBUO CO, Cri Wood at ARIS fIEEN--4100 C" 1 11 . 051E YELLOW—tat , sa j la tc la 4 )OBE PINK-914 k. tor rale by .1.1. J KlTth en MERICAN VEliblllAlON—Sittn Ins 4 int s IDDd ale by J C 0 In the Court of Common Pleas of All*. 'bony County. IN the matter of toe View of the Deaver Road to Reserve Taranatop, Ito. 171, Dec. mbee Term. MO. And now to wit, December thl, 18h0, Report or View ere filed, confirmed neat, and ordered that nonce there of be often, by pnblleauren two week. to the Plata- berth Gazette. By the Court. dent4:ol4wlt3 Nato oç Poarai nyttNUANT In a Mao Mid of the °admiration tua unsold pews In the Second Sresnyterta. hurch, Fifth street,• Pittsburgh, will be offered a nubile vale, on Monad, the 6th instant, at la o'e look A. 61 In id church. B C LOU 016, vadat Secretary Lloard Trustees OFFICERS and Aldermen of Chanty, are regeett to settle mitt the Treasurer on or before Tdcsday, the 7th Met; the sodsung committee will close the city accoonts Do that day. try order of Au.lothe Com. j.3:eat n CC .111Nrve, Chairman 37ANTED • at:inon n.• c.cra In • Mr aaoule Mass, by a.ynAn• man whu . well •cluainad if Book Kccona, by amain and daublo Addrola Z boa No a. Por. (Ake, Palibulgh, Pa :TIRE Eno of ALLEN JO CO=wao dinolv l ed - on 1 In fontant, by hmitse on.. The bonne** bh condoned no heretofore under he aryls oil . ' ainzoir..k. Co., • Late M. AlleO & Co., . , FORWARDING and Comadation Me ban% No 95 %Voter and It 2 Froo weals, Pittibungh. jaldst . Farmers. Drpmlt Busk of Pittsburg!. December 341650. tr HE following is • Ilst ofDeperits, which for three L wearsprior to WI dere, have remained. to this Bank unaltered,and unclaimed, together with the names of depositor. and data of deposits:— R. liall.teek, 040, deposited July 45 1 1e67 Oro Wainholt,gso,. do Sep. 0, lii47 Doth of above deposits areal Interest at the rate of four per cent per 000000. JOHN hIAGOFFIN, Cashier. •Cirmed unto and eubeeribed before me. J 111cD , OLENN t Notary Public. Plusburgb, January 0, Ina —isa,d3AwatS THE large four story Warehouse now occupied by L. 0. Waterman & Bona, on Water nod Front Its, door west of Forsyth &Co's. Posseislortalson it of April neat. for terms, sly to JOSHUA ANNA, Cor i,,, WOod Thiro „ or to J 0 0 BIDWELL, Wa r at, above Brochlleld. Dissolution of Partnership; TlloPt:g'a.h.thattl: e ttt dV= I th s r t; mutual consent. The Cosines. hereafter will ba carried on by John El Lee and Caleb Lee Je., under the firm of T. 5.. t. C. Lee, at the old stand, No 30 Market street. January 1, 1861.-I.J d3i FOR BALE. OTTON MACHINERY-One . Yleter, four Car• arid oe Mote. Also, a large lot of Magee., Etienn Dm Putties, Bolt., At., all second hod, but chiefly to complete working order, tmd will: ha .old greatly below their •alee. Eneutre of the outlet signed, at the Eagle Cotton Work• L Allegheny eltY• la3 - date F.Dht UN D HYDE Transportation Lima for Sala. Lea.becni.er GIFU:. for Philadelphia s k good will I of Warehouse in Arr, of rhe Reliance Lune. Tile patronage of this old established eczema la well worthy the eenilderatron of persons wishing to erriliaik la such hardness, or of thorn who may he already interested In the carrying trade. As tie time is advancing for making &Miriam.ts for the spring hatinem, it Is Important early application should ho made. JOHN Alc PADEN. Surviving , partner of John Ill'Faden tr. CO 1.3 • Canal Liman, Penh It. REMAINING In Main% Post Office, AJlegbeny eamity, Pa. Haab. Etral FYert Witham Mara William' Bmek Retouch lioboogh basal Mills Isaac Black Mita Higgins Hannah Maier Qualm 2 Bav Hobt iloffinenlico W Meyer Karl Becker Jacob lioughtbn Iles Myers John V Balkan Jonathan Johnston Win 2 SEClintisek J R Clarke John Kilgore Robed M'Elreath Robert Craighead Jon WMurdock W & bliWbinnle Mari Carr Overton !niobium° Thomas hlllardo Wit Doberty John Maneld Andress Alclnda Remitter Patk Mantua Joel VoltVleck Ii Jalts2l9 LUKE IC DAVIKON Postmaster. SVOAR-2.0 blots prime new crop, ebb, by R DAL' e or 3 OL ASSEt3-100 hris New O ' rleans recelmen and Mfor Bale by Heal H DACZELL &CO I'VE - OLEAN TOTE. - rum: undermesed has jam opened a large stock of TYrolrso To and vartou• ether goods never seen hero before. The finest wooden work. of skill. as well as the nicer: playthings for etaillren, endear ly selemed for the holidays, which he ie determined to sell very low, wholesale and retail, by JOHN HEST:VERT, SO drtatbfield street °UTTER-10 141. ;reit+ mu In cloth., for rote fly 111 1.3 R DALZELL k PEARL ASIf —32 casks for sal° by j. 3 R DALZF.I.L.b. CO riffESTNUT2-luifrhcls for able by V 10 DALZELL & CO LOUB—luJltta meet/me Floitt,reed per stem. 1: Pilot No it, and for nine by J& It FLOYD, J. 3 /tenni Church Bending_ P OTASII-10 cues pare, in store SO P ROMICE-Ib 6 r , l i s . p4erte .. ll ; Bntieri 9 bu Chestnut.: barks si•isee Feathers, received th is day, by wee on, .11 , 3 to t MI. by J & R F' SEVEN GREAT SEMS•ANNUAL SALE OF DRY GOODS, A. A. MASON & CO., 84 and 64 If arkell street. W ILL e . ore n m u :n u e . c on„do.hl,ohndtty., month••teeen h o e , r 3 30 . 0 1 a 50,. On this ocenuon, the wcole of their immenec cost, lialdneot volt be to open foe Retail Trede, and I her extorter. swee. amounting to°. Llandred and Thirty Thonaend Pollan, will be ofered at Retail, at telly one fourth los then newel priers. The mire of their SeustAnnual Sole to toy one of •,, thaw., ds uh, attended the rale of last year, will • • turiete •tge ow tee tern ceil Ibis reason. They t it, boor. et. mentiou I% few ef tag Goole and Priers, d the 1 , ..r. , fit of three , rho hove never amended 4heir Retro, vie Stich Ce•hmere.--- • •—• • • •758, usual peter 81 00 .88 ye Cre'n ft Wool Ceslimeree 15 do ' 371 '4soops do do Delelnes 15. le do 40&031 flips High col'it s•lald do•-• —45 do O r l dri pe Rasped and Fled 01100 CS 44 15 Onpv Soda de Chine elle Penn 674 do 1.3 pa ClaCk .Bikeredeced 15 ir cent 100 Fr p ench - Merinos•• t 100 do 1 379 300 r. Parana... and Lsonere Meths, reduced 33 per Alpacas, a ll colors, reduced 30 per cent. 0000 Long Suaare Shawls, wrack-will be spld from 91 to 93 lows than usual rakes. 2000 yds Donne! Rlbbons al & 10e usual price Id to 23 Fart colored Cancan. at 12c, usual price 9c, DO cases tinglab and American Caller/ea ate 9.10 e, aces m piles 10 and 122 e. 90 cams Bleached Muslin., reduced 22 oar yard. WO bales Drama Aluilin,all Kraals. A lsn, Llobroldarisn, Tetrcutings. Mastery and Olores, Linany,t2hecks.Cluths,Cannnerea s Casalnets and Jeans; togetber m. l / 1 1 an irencenservaret) clothe , roods, alt rt wLicluwill be blotted Demo to Lower r oo d s, matt top orthrtr preview sale. The. Invite an early CC3 u many of their choicest gruds will roan to turd. 'lna 1a../ twice num. al 1•1_ A. A. 21.1:10Ps et) dedi 62 it .4 Markel st A CHALLENGE TO THE WOHLDlNirenty five A Hollemowerd wt.' be pail to any one who will produce a epos of piont. green, or dry. teat cannot be clouted with Hoit's stopioved Chemical Soap I hue the setiefeenon of urine to the people of this place that this article by my own Improvement on its now muds unrualled in this cu ntry or curaeung greur, ear, pitch, oil, paint, or and other greasy cab. stoney, from all kinds of gentlemen's or ladles , cloth. ug, empeo, table spread., merino shawls. ladies' bonnets, , it mring any thing that pure water will not iodre More than one thousand per ittn. dnierent pelts el the country hue told Me they rsoubt not be without It it cost SI • take. In trying thu gone on more then 3a) uncles of light Wise, sauna, Mucus and ealicoes,l have only found three pieces of tilt, two of alpeceaa, and form of call en, en welch It changed the color. Oterefote, before nutting on a light drets,try a umple of the dn brat. I a slate Mt. homelike It 1.1 deteimlned not o r re• commend It any stronger than I know to be etnctly NIARILI/CD, • • mport hors country merehmussod pedlars prompt ly aimiLlsd to Py scbocnber. SELLERS dO3O S 7 Wood st MIX 33 TAli - gr - '""""'°'"T' \VIJAY B A UGH nIIEESE- bus N. R. Meese fur tale by d<33' kis %V HARBAUGII UCSAVIIEIAT reeld for sale by dao . & !SARUM/01i , use, for sul• by S & %V liAßßAtnail C 01 4:o LA T MIRED 011.-10 brim reed "le L 9 dra9 tl W HARBIUGH DIOSOLOT/0111 OF FARFAIIIA.KBEIIIP. THE subscribers, trading under the Arm of NV it Al Mittliettree, dime this day diuolved parthersbv by mutual chinch'. All persons hmitsty clams against th. lam Arm will preheat them for payment, hod thou indebted wilt please call and settle their account'. WILLIAM MITCRELTREA_ goNaktoar. ATUCIIELTOEF- Fitablirs b, January Ist, IP4l.—lal TIIE sabsolber routing from burl..., tales the opportunity to tender his best thanks table blond ard the customers of the establhatment, for Mal liberal patronage time • long period of Mealy-fon year.. and at rem time beg, leave to solicit tor ht brother. this late partner, who will still carry o the hoarier.) • continuance of then. kind favor.. . ant WILLIAM lIITCHELTRES SIOSITBOIIII3 211T08ELTIIME, Ineoceasar to W & ES MitebeißeW WHOLESALE GROCER, D ECTIFYINU DISTIL:ILES, and Wine and Lisps. 11. tiler:lent Also, Importer of James hlasornitie Sons' S ods Ash and Bleaching Powder, PS) Liberty street 888 GVAIN! DAMAR—lnnti lb. 3 net received and far sale by BRAUN A. REITER I s f . Car St. Clair & Liberty Os • Oar , —MO [=2l 6. ior mile by J KIDD& CO cm:a MCE=I 1. Itiding and far . ELL, tr. CO, Derry •1 11 rnl OTT PITS 1100101 1 casts Matt: LsaMl tar male of 8. N HARR/MOH SEVI CU. QUITER— . ..I bin pflue, reed tor bale by el3l S tr. W lIARBAUGH 0 ARBONATE. AbINIONIA (Hartthornb-6(0 ib. 1..) to bale by Uall ElItA UN tt. REITRR po LDERED FtENUOßAl , C l ar t4 lb:l i c i t u s i tl E b i lly O R n t I iGU 14RUJEB-1(41 lli i .4o A .rAllba nirm A IiARIC-40 lb. for sale by AN al BRAUN tr. REITER SU DRIES 3 70 ' i l b bt totte ß b o r . b o lteed . .. 30 lbs PowdcrbA 11411IDOM lb. Angelico Root; lb. Henbane Leaver, lb. Prawn; far ...10 Wiißs BFANS-16 Nis Ip v ;zl A bi o. N - f 'lO RN —6O brls In store and for sale by \VM 11 JOHNSTON 13R117"8—"'"""" .ale JOHNSTON bales for sale I ;el WBI U JO D RY APPLES-76 ji33HrisToN AI OW—Llb Hula far .s.la by J D CANFIELD LINSEED 014-30 barrels (or sale bI jai J. 13 CANFIELD_ Burrste—RO brio roll, for .nle b Inl . /II CANFIELD 8 H. J.T 19-40 doyen for rale by j B CANFIELD Q ALERATID3-100 boxes tut talp b D ' CANFIELD J.I C lit'"nr' ' ' "1* D CANFIELD J.l PEATIIEKS —67 bag* received far tale by 1.1 S Y W HARIMUUII Hl7-149 dry Ilides. for • P./HARD/WWI GREASE -00 brle received for sale by dal 5 k W , us , * irrobs'or PIANOS. JOHN 1111ELT,014:d1. W 0 .4 IL 111..1 hat reselved a aear sad sylanda lanatungnit a( rano', aver open and ready for sale. deSt ' Splendid Gin Honlath to. ' TEAFLETIS at afemory. SIARFatko. /..1 Cubit:et ef )kale= Alt Hems of Beauty. • Friendship . Gaming. nortiranta. Winter m 00... prceb)t,ono Psalm and Hymn Book., .pl.ndidif boned. 1 nt H.,,pit Prayer Bouts, rplendilly bound yaa.at,,Fre.eation Books Albums. E For ell/ at the MICATIHNAL BOOK STORE, .30 OS Market rt nor. of Fourth.. LAVATETTIC - Adatuef new &Jou rffertd to the Alumna Woad. I Evo;4VZttleclA7.`ourdtlf.`."°l l 4 . ,"l`,.":.".`f Lu c _tow to become opetaums In the seience. soy person Made Operators Instantly, Oath ig ,,, g t astonishment. pu,OF. TEW takes pleasant In announcing that he will all the went* of a .cranes wittelt the . 0 , ha. pronomeed incomprehensible; for the rea .o,, pat operators in Otology, Psychology, le, instead of 0 . 0 ..4 light on the sableet, havemade 'them .oe js nod their science aiwtatogly Makatea, ?redrawn Tew is the only lecturer on Anthropology lobe world, and eyes eXperiMetal never been, •t -. 1410 by man. ;The coarse will consistol five eta es with esperi pants, commencinft. on Monday evening, Dec 30th, utinalug dating the week. Door open ate olcioek. Admission, 25 Cu; Tickeut to the course 75 ots. gee bills of the day for particulars. - 4030 Coln Wantod, FOll which the highest {mail= will be ;mid at the' Erehaege Office of A WILKINS & CO, Cot. of 'third &Minkel so To Dl•chantea and Other.. • THE extensive ruse of , buildings formerly ores. pied by blesses. Patch le Co., at the Point, between ata weal, and Willem Waymill be teased for a teem of years. Tney can be readily adapted, with steam power, to accomodate every tied of manatee luting busloma rossesston given Immediately. Apply to ClIaS. Fourth )3. or. HC riI.b.,IOI,ULLY, Aet dal) TU rBT RECEIVED-3 cases Ladies Gem Boma' 3do do do Over Shoes 4 44, do do Baakitta: 2 d o Gdoa% d o O S ver d Shw ; a for sale setkidesale and retail or 7 a 9 Wood at. by de22 & H PHILLIPS NDIA RUBBER DOLL.—/tist TLCr ived from New I Yost., a few full dressed India Robber Dolls; a beano GI article, foreale at the lAdia Robber Depot, 7A. 9 Wood st. (drain . PHILLIPS " t uner( GOODS—l4oMeera' Coats, ledge; 12 Riding Capes, with sleeves; 12 par Long Leggings; 12 rail thrilled do Horse Covert; 12 pair Gents' Short Gloves; • de39 3 pair Fishing Hosts for sale J A. 11 PHILLIPS VENISON 11A51.9-11 bay freah Venison Elam jun rfteived and for gala by W F WILSON, do3Y ' 16 Wood .1 , • - POWDER MANGANESE— . 2OO6 M i t fkolai i la t tg o 60 Wood .1 cCALLISTEWS OINTMENT-2 pIDosiD for CO sale de3o J K OIL-5 brl, for gala by .1 000 KIDD& CO Spanlph Flom, dm, &alai Idea) KILID tr. , CO iD11.41-900 lb. nil for nit by BALAVIES ON DEPOSIT, which heve been un changed for three year, and upwards, io the Es c bailee Dank of Pittsburgh:— , Witilim Davis, residence unknown, Any p,1850, 8 220 Spencer Manley, Zanesville, 0., Oct tn, 1517, 45 I ccoify, that the foregoing balances appear. to'be dee to the personenamed, or thelr legal represen t . dam according to the books of this bank.. T M HOWE, Cashier. SProrn and ocbacribed heron: me. this Zth day of Dekeraber, 1850. ' C W ERNEST, dekc:lten Notarl Public. Norris as Mace Jou7nal, 2'u/tithed fu Saturday in Nem York City At Two Dolla rs. 7e.. payable to all eases to ' • advance. CGSIMISSION OF AGENCY. GlEce of rt. Home Journal, 107 Fulton st. N. York, De0.t4,1E60.5 To all whom it may concern: This may cently that J. U. liource is Maly author. Med to ant as agent for MORRIS it WILLIS'S lIUME JOURNAL, and that all weer* given by hint In payment for said paper wtll be duly acknow ledged by as at the Mike of poblieadoo ' and It Wes crossly agreed and .derrood, that all sabseriptlens are payable. one year tn. advance. The new volume will co:erne:leo on the first of January.. Subsenption• received by J. U. Holmes, Third street, opporite the Pout Ofkee. MORRIS tr. WILLIS, doh Editor. end Proprietor's GUNNY DAGS-500 bevilargei mkt for •ale by rlas •9 & ‘V'HAIII3OI6II lk °LASSES-0 btta new crop N Moltke. Iced tng per meaner Buckeye auto, for .ele by dab JASIE'k A HUTCHISON & CO NO.lat LASSE3-33 blls nee. crop, JAG received M . for sale by H A CUN LIbeINNGHA, del9 ry llg ARKS-2,0 On on ct i lne e le c t i f l. 4AWL lku S - 0 AYH H ROLL RUTTER-4 WilklotroeV by eel? Il A CUNNINGHAM CIINCEINATI hIOULD CANDLE.-40 bx. br.d, xalc R A CUNNINGHAM. daas In the Cana of Common Pleas el' Allegheny Co. TO d. an , ,t h Perfl;a a lei vi !lall u lload llompsay vo To tte 'a at'ove t Zfendant 2 Yo " it c ao• W il ' ereby 'notified, that the above plaintiff ha. taken and appropriated to ns nre, the following pardon of your teal taste, In the any a Allegheny, being pi...toile. No In and 17 la de o Th.., the tian,centre P ine pe o lan, boundedf r by a line on the north me veld ail load, and running. through said Into diagonally dO feat wide, a draft and deanyspcicn of Tablet. ate filed in The above ease. W.B. COURTNEY, Sol. lea VI'S. THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders, and Elettlon of Dixectera, other Ottto Penmyl. 'onto flail Read Company, haLl at the office of the etthaparry.'on the Oth of .1.1111.TY,1331, bemires the hours of II A. M. and 3 P.U.' O fItIAP FRUIT—Yew let. for lt ia bu o r 1 2, It s alAi r os t. for sVi l o ' ,. o ,r . P- th IVIORIIIB% tII de47 • thr ummond Litsbt.l6ll 01L...4 e. W Otis b pule New Caws Oil, in. fos y deli - LITTLE d CO G OLD PV.NS—We. have s OW 011 buds Ingi stcck of the best Gold Puts wont Ire leading manufacturer* In New York, akd outdo cacaos - 41X! order. Also, elegant Gold Potted Cues and Pen Nolchtea Silver Cues In every. •ttriary. Forewarn Pen, Hold ono Pearl do. All for sale vtotlesale and remit at New York • stun. W W WILSON SUQratr— bare N 0. lost reed for eale by BROWN A KIRKPATRICK,. nod? 11l Liberty et 13 A PSINS,-150 has new, reed o o copsigansent, ..w la, for rale low by den BROWN re iCIRI:PATNELC . motesst:2-4o Ws new crop for alle by • dy.i7 1)1101V:;A baItKPATRICK. . - Li PlCES—Caseter Pirateo, Pepper, Cloaca and Nat 10 friers, Fri sale by ISAIAII DietiEV 1 CO drl7 Water & Front it. - - LAIID—S) brim Nol in stortruol for role by d.D Ir‘ALAII CO fIUFFEL-200 bag" in cote and fcr talent,/ ded7 . ISAIAH bICREY ta. CO 1 MACKERV, - gr brio, lo del] WilTI F1911—:3 tiln ziusltrAtg UF:RlllNti—lbo Lis I.obee t 1,7 it/MANI ~ntsi~e-100 L. na . n i nncn a.fl INAIAt7 Fallacy CloOd JtiST received and new open, a Fancy 4StiCit• moo* k ' Year literenta, to ',Mak the atten l b s e p r n o tc:lany malted. Amonipt Rdl,ood iteqrn• netts Pearl inleAd Fond) . do. Fancy Rosewood Toilet Boxes Inhad Batio'Wood do do Mask Walnut and Rosawoed • • Fancy Rosewood Perfamory Rp Inlaid Ratio and Rosewood Be Pearl Casters for Sue Jewelry Also, Gentlemen'. Morning Farr• do Travelog Ca. do Fancy Dressir dcls F D EATO \ DARRY'S TRICOPIIEROUS for. aids by R., E. RR SELLERS, 67 Wood at, snip bout or Piitsbufab Price, 25 cents per bottle 5025 HURTS-1000 La .pank roeetand per annener Jenny S Land, and Int :sae by deed T' =EX4.II nut QE , ECA OIL-6 brls L de..l fo`,t` i i 7lC 7 4 DU & tlnklnteE-6 ed. wo _ n barrels crease, now landfr ton n<amer Fott Pin and fox...'l i bi . IidAIA DICKEY &', O dedl F r nt & Water . _ ipEntiiimis—a aackc landos2 from Port '.<----', r tens • ISAIArCV ..,1 ,b j c , firALLOW 014-1 tal lent Ing f on 1 , ; . 4, - ; - , ~- - I. del..) !BA IA I DrAiii(t Z . 7 ( ' ) B O ITER-I,,obircl:sOhmel.,l,fiito,r;4, 4b _ de24 7 42G1LLS fr. ROE ... 1 257 Lamm 5; • TULIN-16 5522515 cotc sr AA, ~, ebT - ; -.-- de.% ' SIcGILLS fr. ROE YrOBACL 0-60 bxs 3 . • I , A .,. b y 1 dal f MeGILLS it ROE "I ‘ lo. - 1 LARD -3 bYk,ind E iTgi just reed for ills 1.1 by MILLER h RICKETwv, dd V h Y9l Lawny 04 LI -- - - lEQ ‘oite Vir R Cis{ Jan M 11.4 dept 7 -' Trst7SeirA "CONOrtrCII — CIDI brlaiirsill E MI Ma. RICASTSON Onbag. In re, for Ws by • d. • k. W, lIARDAUGII. 06rin ABll-40 CPA. teV4 IWO by • - 0 dig* 9. J. W. DoTAIII-10 auks in siore s likd . r i al s z tjaii tlyl d— NIDOW GLAS-S-4-04 Eine% eitY ‘ brandy, raceivad and fa Isle by dal & W If &FIAI.IOII_ "DPIE - Tarit.X =filar, or a. ) deal W6I & MeCIA.TIIO & SYRUP -1Y brim received andY o vile by 1.3 BDILVORpti o tpCC-f0 bpsS's i,in I ..tatb _ 4 3zwcvo 1.) k 1 094 L. 4 -73 Lu pructellT timda it '. 570 grATER—Li tali pima fres4l7sll: de2t I". "ertikiftlZßAWA br. In 0010 deN, J DILV.VORTIit co . _ • auxxx FrFll3"irord.reviserted semen will be exhibited at Flub ilallonet the Post Dike tor • fess dais. COMIZtIICIDS blooday, Deeetsberni . . Hours of Exhibition, from 9 A M Ali 9 F. id Adtalsiion,Zets; ressonteketkiilets, Pamphlet.. 3 reels .21.. S.—The arid is exhitti St*tor tr tbe proper! of Mr. Power ten tor bit benefit tlett LL SOON C LOS E. LECTURE ROOM, ATHENEUM BUILDING, Llb.rty Screac, Opm EVERY EVENING, r a shoe mums Payne*. celebrated aeries of Rlßacbe PANORAMAS, A' VOYAGE ' _EUROPE, Etabracing magnificent views alliance, U Harbor; HalifeiXte Atlantic, Liverpool, ' LONDON. Frain the Thames, pasting under the Bndges, and ending with a magoilicent vie* of the T El • II Y, B. ToNzr.L, BrilliaaHy Illtiminated,, and both bents of the ha satital FIVER 11/111%11C. . . eft Exhibition every Wednesday and Saturday aftamoon, at 3O'clock. Admtssion,,2s cents. Children, under II year* of 'ge t IS Sent. Doors will open at 61 o'clock; recertllla to com mence tuning at 7* o'clock. del4td3w Hooke tar Lh• liollidays. • Gin r EAFI.VI ,Coiner, nee*. The Is, edited by Protewor John S. Ilari — belind in Today motneen,with numerous illuminations and enarasings. Genii et the Season, elegantly illustrated. The-Rtepaste, a gift for the holidays, bound in Turkey morocco, with itlaseinations. The etystal Yount, far l,hl t edited by T. with engtaelnga Uons of Temperance Manny, tel lEsit, by T. S. Ar thtlr. • bL OF, bIEMOILY. billtrd Tu r key aoplendidly bound in y a The Cl ristmasTilbute, for 1811. nving's Offering, Snow Flake, o Feoget hie Not " by Mee. E. S. Smith: Fwendship'stOffering, Gems of Beauty, or Literary Gib, for ISSOiedited by E. Percival, bound in Turkey monceri, with burner oat illuminations and engravings The Bole of ghsron, tcligudissouvenir, for lan, railed by Mia Candi. 11. havryor • •Topper'. t rovetbM PLilompby, maimns editions, elegantly bound rind illustrated. Read's Female Poets of America cauterising pot teens`, of Mrs E Oakes wraith. Mrs F'S Osgood. Sits L Il nigourney, Mes E F F.llcylllrs Emma C kliabury, him ?meth, It Welby, Mrs Si Hide, plea EC Kinney, .1111 Cjeylleil, Mal Fara J umm. wood) Shelly, Goldsmith, Duro., Moore, Coleridge, Dow • ett, and Keel.; Coleridge, theily, g g otg rope, Byron, and Wocniswarthis Yore:col Works. .14110, a laege collection of papier micke, pselle, :Littoral in morocco and potpie raael e binding; .Is t, o large aollectlein of eplendid Juvenile Books, with other works, for sale by It C :STOCKTON, Late Johnston h Stockton, corner Market sad ad ets drill [Chronicle and Yost copy t • irIIfINFSkyfiIIMILLIGN---1 ease 4.l'i del& L. • KIDD &CO. - D BUTTER -10 bels in More, rot tsit by ' • ROBlillf DALZELL Cci kIIEF-SE—NI4 Ms In prune ofder, Tar nabs bY : den . NOBENT DALZELL k. CO pOWLENED 'TURK VS gIetITKW 1 .-1.- 1 - -.del7 i4 Wood aireet. ._ _ fitiLSOW.-417il'NcT117 • , .17 brit No Tit now boding. for nale by del9 192.1A11 DICKEY 100 ----- .----• SIM MUSIC. ROSIGNOL Folk., Soireo•Polke, Scotch Polka,. Coquette Polka, Jenny Lind , . Bad Song • •• • do Echo do • - do Heldman'. Song Cana Dive, as slung by Jenny LIM ~ , The Dew 1s on the Blossom ; Jenny Gray t ' I bade tannethina aweetao say Pam dreaming of thee t ••• %emote I wete a boy again . I • Blanche Alfred. Ben Bolt s • Ceoronn Not, ke g r u Ce io t , l . :i . p o!. A Dog betty Cot:Slam ! Loulstana Ilelleovitla variations L Theo haat wonedco the 'pith. • . Joann and Jeanott -i' • Shower of Pearls Watts bllser Late Salta. Beeelred and for solo. • • II IL—A large stock of Now Donee to arrive this week. JOHN B. MELLOR, tit Weed as ron ER.,3btls freoh roll, TAZbtAI.ZELL deiB . _ tercets From., Mats, ast. 600 LEM Zuni. Carron's; 300 lbs Seedless Raisins; .. : • . . 20 bus Id. EL do • 00 hf 1.• do do Onus bus do do 40+ bah do do 234.1m1 - 8033mm FIX.; ' 3 eases Canon; Odor Lemon Bomar; d dor. Carrie 'Powder, 3tjars Bordeaux Prlar,, 3 east Wed and !dues Shell llmaddc • 2 dox ill" IMOtte 4 hales P.O sale by 3 D Cur W Wl ood & Fifth sts LLIAM'S k CO d • - .____ lel 9 9=2 - 6iii - Ider 19 mon; 8 brla No I, khekerel; JO of bela N.l it 3 Mackerel; 10 qr tale Not do 10 OA No 1 do Nhad and ILetili:, Mr tole by de'o J D 'MUSA midROAD MAKING; a manual of the principles ~ pt 6o:ice of toad Making, eomprasing the Meatton,l construction and Improvement of roads, earemool Macadam, paved, plank, Ac., and Felt road.. W. Gillespie, Gillese, A. M., C. E New edluon, with addition.. A low copies for by R . C STOCKTON, Bookseller; Printer /k. :note 47 Market sr • 1 Uhl OHELLAC Wrangel-0 eaten for rale by delb KIDD it CO p7MY-Liq s• Miq 4 fliigTil=l=M;Ml • I)A'TENT TWIN.—ZU Mr te delft I ODeID by OP I TO TOBACCO DIV.IZEfitS—We receavect Ihia day from the martufactecer, tamples 01 pound p&p, esdßee Plugs the poes.l, whets ere Ire authorise& to WI by 'The sample. WALLINGFORD I CO, • dolt No. Ve Water street. 0 - 04146,13 TA KCH—Z LIN ta waxy sopa^ yOO/0) In store .4 Ira onle by del& , w h M MI YCIIIILTREE, Liberty! I:CONALD'3 TOPA , PO-16baes Pa of this ea» bmell brand reecire , l mi f.ll In ohire un , l ' pie hy ; _ Nel6l_ wA M ISItTeIIELTHF2 . 122... k. erase .4.1 i Pena; bbl. toil Fincastann, in *wrote:a len y I DICREV do CO, enter & Ina •COIabIATION WANTED. al .1151 IN WIT ICH .' who 1011 Lionaauain, County Dawn, Trek .nd i ,10 years ago, was living with a Mr On en. no ; Pitreturab, and of SAli'L W. BEATTY, as d HUG WILSON, who left Analtlll, aame <minty, la um, or in 1049 were In or near Pittsburgh. Any I no &it 10fOrIlit106 el than, will confer a fat., on the brother*, Robert Dewy or Smolt Wtlsid, ea t . at 1 .Fbeitis i blift . Broadway, New York. doldidat CO LOAN'S MEDICINES—For 01101 and bean.= fall supply on hand and for sale dell Wholeaate Aa r "6 t . a l' ffi . r .L P EßS lttaeurghi (ototi'Wei HORSE OINTAIEN't ri - SkrAFGEHIF I For sato by 11 E SELLERS, Wholesale Arend dela r farm', use DICKEY re CO AAIb:RICAN ALMANAC and Repellency al ful Knowledge for the s . tar lEGI mmlaliont authentic, and mitred bdo , sasoon eoaeernm k ihr fairs of the General Sod Mime colon m equal to As lirnreermara fallneme &testacy, and will aucniln the high charatter of II "Amettcm Almanac" at a trartnerthy manual P reenact, and a fall re pornoty at a4<aal knoeslodigei Just receyad and Mr ml. , by It. C. t4TOCKTON, llackscllrr. Printer nod Under, , deli 47 Market at. far sPID I.y DlCia+l k r 0 d, for tale by DICKEY k CO r sale by DICKE] a CO etmae and Nam an of puzobleera o aUCIIMEIIt will , maw ncrakcs saw ritholisi A T HOLM.ES' LITERARY DEPO Third Street, opposite the Poet Office. • AVVhir L A CK' Tntthe '" Poet. By the ee.l Eyer. he. Be. Deep'. Ileply to liistiop Hughes, on the Deelif oiled Boxes or Protestantism. re.S • Whig Etyma, for December. lailenbt laving Age, No 311 Knickerbocker Magazine (nr Pecentber. Dolton Shak.peare. No p. Hottieultanot for Deromber. Coll:Sootorfor December. Caw, 80, at 'S.; 6:1 Fcatta at Divorced Wilt. By T. S. Arthur. •• Pride and Pruderies, or the Married • catak. d.! DDOLL BUTTER-IR* lb. r-for „Di Irma Taylor's Dairy. for tale' Beth UUR . Uin "Zit INIWIRAhI 1i T'B blerehanualere eA number of dos execlie „ huchhhh hh. received of Holmes' Worn , D 4 O , T,: Oak°. A il me.h " Auld lake this wore: "A met tbe new volume. e Arrted Mater. now novl.'l T. S. Anbur. Litter: A Living te. No 343. Ad": P PM?. BALM, :• ATE V ! 8 " . ••a Cliff Mine Stock; Coo, •••,....•%r ad Western inturruice Block. .1' PP' , .. rru'rd A Irvin, 114 Second lintel- '• Me Bleak 'Watered Bilks CI ,flPrilr e. BURCHFIELD have received .Ithevo Mete, of !numb , . widths for faselcms'i ata and cloaks; also, Black Mantida and Clear - stela - tea VahliLY S'ILLER-Ita bet. - r data • THENCIa OIL. CHINTZ—On tan FJr far rale cheap, at aka Carpet VLarhona,ll:, Por y _nb 14014! Wal hi CLANI-01%., STRAW aooiis Tt Vii. GREENE & CO.. blanufoehorera of 1 . too and lhariseatic Straw tidies cod la.: Urn of buyeta, to their goods tor ladies cod rolsse , '. They will offer Inducements In a great 'anat.: , style•. tee., m porehazers who toy by the mono them , poeksge. Samples exhibited •t their •tote., 114 Pp.: ..un colts) Neer net danid'iii fruLEs it AVALA3 OHA VINO. cityAnt—Whe , :the man who does not eppteci,te the aiy ,have t 'rimy there he, we no not o f dd ess elves to hint. Bet to all min. sey. if 700 •: o render shaving ay immure. rd“hase a hos of Hauck, Almond PistaeLln or Ambrosial Pim; cimtma. It it euerly Imposethle to And words to Bribe the It of a person who hes been ow._ Phasing with ordinare eetp, mon metier{ tria: of for the first tirm, It le a cambination of wonder. saltation. and plc ararn JULES tfAUELPS SIINVOIa CREAM. cue . : thirty emollient; Tendering the *naked we most y beard soft andpliable, pr° and by its einitrie/y mil od d namucing..e alloying L ail all te! von, and prevAnting that implement and miff fei of the skin which is so often erperieneei Mtn • tog. Gentlemen ming Jules lianclis Phaving may face dm coldest and m oat piercing wroda: niedLately abet its me, without the Orin tecor chopped. find shore who once are It, we ten sr, arty will never 010 111:1] other. " Ono my, advantage,which will be especiao7 nrectated th eme who west whither& is the! that it will not &nailer tie beard, Which nogg a: *ill do, rims a windy or =WY appeAranca re, edge of the whither& Joke Hanel!, Mewing CW., an , a a g a rarei prepandons, compounded with $: to the inter exclusion of ell artistes Cl i n t on ' render the operation of thawing nnixleasan; and ., be anima iced ht all who mate aid of them. Prepared .1;2.6 7 n . A IJEI. (Thera.4 Che.triq PhD& Foy sale, wholesale nod telyd, by U . A yobnaii A Cos, end IC F. Seller., Pa:thereat ens rot a , bar:: Sti,r/... •••,” es* In no tar onte by ER & RICKETSON ~' t~nu N'r~.eu—~u ~.Ra ~cc ..v~.s~ , au~ ~ e w xette.vi • I KIDOII, 00 itteg, vec'J JO I' 3 WAT C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers