g=p air._ .1 .. .4 I.•' - ur large smelt . - .1. • -..,. ..i.17.111ch ;ley an , ......,,, -.- ;.it: 3 1,1 fte .... =35:42 ( 1 dor• I ~ .,-..- -I .,;ir cl u n; and °than visisfag ° err Ir. Dg01414 5a.138 mownyjitiset., respaelfolly w torah* Ids amateur, !Elands I) and eastosten, that hells just receiving his new tall stock at CLOTHS, CASSIBILERBS, and VIM , . IN6B, of Qs newest aryleibedapted for the approach. lug fall and - wroter.seassna.. thine in want of cheap, flahlenable, and good clothing, will tad the largest, MOM harden-able, and best steak in the Western et:gantry, at thlgestabllaketenL septa opesking 404 stall NiaassiriaiiiTiTaiinciia • • • • so Pittalnurg • - f(tUS . Peanrylmia Hall: Road Company having bu burgh, thas eolineenor the Portage gad . , Road i e° Johastawn. and from thane* by beau to Patahurgh, are how prepared to reentry and forward march.. ..=prOatice, do, to and from Piusburgh and Phila. The boats will leave the depot of Cie. company dolly for Johnstowg theca tonneedng Watt, the daily dabs of ears for Philadelphia, thus t.useirteg the de. Hem of all freight In Philadelphia within flee days.. BELL& LIGOLTT Agents for Pa. H. R.Co, Canal Bunn, Pittsburgh. ' CRMI3 & HELLAS, 'Arcata, stela:did Philadelphou ".111M1i9 OT., OP SPLUNDID PIANO/. I uno and 'M . :triad bastnerats, Sign f tbe Golden' limy, No lot Third street. "filmii. /ELMER respectfully informs his friends and tha peblic, that hemas Jam retained from the east, wi a most elegant and exteneive mom ,Ment of Pianos of Canons mice and prices, selected by abase!, with great care, at the celebrated remit. at Nonne.le_Clark,N..Y . ., and Dunham, N. 1%., (dm 01 Su 11 Sudan & Danham,N. .). Haring selected itta above from an immense stock Just brushed by the above makera tbey are warranted of mparior quality and tone, and ertll in •11 ewe be told at NesNork lac ton,prices.. Purchasers will receive a written Klllr eni. mist Barb Piano, entitling them to so excheage or return fit same, if found denthtive. dim, a lot of splendid Gniuds, from the factory at eakunidt A Maul, N. Y. They are a-mporb mole, and manunied equal, if not Imperial . , to any made ID Ike world. • Also, Ono selection of titan, Clarionets, Violins, Suing% Brno tostraments„ and ths newest and most ~ popular music, incl./tog Jenny Linda eelehram d sou. wren . E===l MURPHY lc BURCBPIEL.D, at north east cornet ALL area* snd Market streets, are now supplied with a fell assortment of the venous qualino of shoes desarablo goods, and having been purchtsed .' tram the Importers - eat be Warranted genuine.. oc3 asiLlEtasprast Os Beim. Patent ;Soda Ash. i 834 i.CjaStOKrtferm'7le . rm'aftittekebr'uo'"a 4 robsTtl!isPat j atm month,per "Amia Ittch,""Enrope," "Be rim," and ; elan ship., via Philadelphia and Clalumore, warrant ', std espresso in both etrength and q uality to any in am .! market, for We at the lowest felon for cask and op ! prayed bills, by W tc hl MITCHELTRP 'i —'2 6l . . Liberty street E - .Largo Supply of Fall i Winter Goods. iurvitrint tr. BURCIIPIELD incite the attention ALL of buyers to their large stock of goods adapted I tor the season, consisting - in part of— Blk and Cold Frusta tderinoes, ! " " Coborgs end Cashmeres, Changeable Poplins,: Dress Silks and Turo'Satins, I Itlk and Fancy Alpacas. Super Long Shawls, Low Price do., Seeking Flan. 1 sals,Welab,Entleh, arid American Flannels, white and colored. their stock or HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, such as Phoeungs, Pillow Cue Muslin*, "table Diener', Towel ling, de., le large, and at tow wires for quality. Buyers wall find it to , their adren• age tor:X=l3M their stoik before poi has at the ! north cast corner of Sib and Market as. act 7 /.here' LI; er..rttsß hp* reed* an others Ciiileston, :leo. Co, 18.. M. • Ms. It. E. Selletm . —Your Pills biro become so pope. .. . .. .. . ... .. ler ln all thie region of conotryi'me very mock A ! sapereede all others no a Liver or nt.lllLlons Pill. 1 ' Yawn', As. '' .lAl=3 A LEWIS \, - . (Extract of Leuer.) . . Pow haler. will recollect that R. F. Seller.' Liv Wa — aro eta original and oTlf Erne and tisnn riiii,7lfLATi., Wood st., end or elm generally in the two city. and vicinity. 1 . 30 • 61 :- .31synaltVa Mxtreiet of tallow Donis mad Mu•iapar • Pußpo ura eloadaras sge r d . bo p 2 es, , lo . nt . ai n ns y o nrol preparallot extant wrath is ehentiealiy combined with IneYsiniet of Yellowpoen, Extrseiof Wild .Cherry,ind the Balsam Of Fir, this Making the re dynamo thoroug hip alleent roan my other Stump, ran before the ;labile, MU° emote ume it in ferric 17 free from all mineral poisons, which cannot be said - of my other of the Isathaperilla cornea... The In. mild Mould beware of poison! Mercury, Iron, (gal MOB, Potash, lodine, Sulphur, Arsenic, and malty other mineral tad metalba poisons enter into and , fora the active bath of most of 'the Sarsaparilla and renames of the day. flumetthi Composed Extract • .of Yellow Doc& and Sarsaparilla does not mutate particle of these subsumes,aa any one can easily meertain by applying the neemthry testa The poisons may occasionally remove discs., hot • they so same the blood,: and no completely impreg nate the whole matte with their baneful effects that the Ara cold, or the first meek of disease, prostrates • the Patient'. =Vesta, and emblems him or ner to the Most exemtlating torture, and renders another mare alma Impossthie and Impel.. Let all poisonous Sereaparilis preparations Lane, and use Geyserite • - Iftrereeed Extract of Yellow Dock and Sartaperilla, Which is thoroughly efficacious, perfectly bermes*, .• • end palely vegeta.. All Ueda of dims. yield. u. Ea genial influence. CORES. genitals, Cancerous Tumors, Crinuartam Eruptions, ltrysipeles, Mica Penuiles, or Pimples on thence,, _ Canute Sore Ky., Ten., Reath Bead, litheame tem, khriargement ar Pains in um Bores or Joints, Old and stubborn Ulcers, Fever Sores, Nip Duca., Swelling of the Glands, Blotches, Syphilitic Slim ' toms, Lumbago, Duipay, Dyspepsia, Jaaailee, damage, Salt Shea. Affections of the Kidneys and Mecums wising from an injudicious rise of Mere. 27,Mmiater's bore Tango, Weakness of the Chest, Pelmonary Affecuons, and all other diseases mail ing toward. Consampann, Liver Complaint, Female ',Masai., and Complaints, Stet and Nerve. Headache, General Debility, Low Sprits, Loss et Appetite, Night Sweats, Paths in the Side slid Shudders, Emmaus or Imprudence to Life, Chanu te n.”. isitional Wonders, and as a Spring landfall Purifier of the Blood, and General 'Oming for the System, it la unrivaled. AmsasfDkerotal Lateliserenteets yams sfecultne The taloa leg is en extend of a letter dated hardi 27,1930, from li. D. Perkins, M. D., • highly respecter Me physician of Simian., Oath. Joni Psex—Deart 51ri I have under any care a young ennuis who, tor sixteen years, has been n.! Ming from Ulcerated Limbs, and whose ease bas • bon pronounced hopeless by them of our best phy sician. I took her tete my family, and have used Ottleottse Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla freely, and em confidan permse Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla unit effect a et cans. She is better in general health than she has ever been before, and wants • mite or two wunout fafigue or pun. A year ago abe wed crutches I will report the cam in see nine. Very respeedull),.“.. FU E. B. PERKINS. St-MDLA. It has been remeektd, by eminent men, that in the varied mtalogite Drama. to which man is had, then is scarcely ono of Muth linpOnanee, and of soh barest as Scrofula, whether we look to the obscurity .of Its °Signs. its insidious progress, the number and mist)of organs that v lt Macke, or its remarkable tn. Se ca has b end ud the themon eminent Apothem foible country and a Europe. lint there Is an antidet e for this dionthe in tic Cieyou'e Extract of Yellow Dock ind Sarsaparilla," which is proving It a ported mullet th , the most mvere eases or • eatade. Aft extraordinary case of Scroftila eared by the sole ma of Doctor Guyou's Compound Syrup. It will be seen by this eartifteme that this men ea* ben • miler the treatment of mveral celebrated physician., UM put eight years, without deriving any benest, - gad ha been effernitallY cured by the me of • few UM. of Dr. 0 trysou's Compound Syrup. New Yees, .1.417, ere Grrrsorr—Dear Sirr-Owing to you a debt winch camel Per, tom seduced to mans public ao '' knomedgment of the benefit I have derived from your Invariable Syrup.• I was sorely afflicted with • tern -DL Serefaione disease [ harlary in oar family, witch commenced on my mak, end, commies to meal, soon reached my ears, raturiog into my head, acid extending all over my face, 'neck, and lower at ' Densities. I became a disprieig oblect to leek upon{ limas my distress saes go great that I was unable to sleeper Ile down; end the dims. extending the my Mrs strongly alerted my hearing. My face was one ' andurtom sore, from which' a discharge of matter and 'rain kept co l mating oat. People avoid - al me, mapposmir I had the email pox, or some other InfircUove dowase, end Imam consegamtly obliged to relinquish my business.: Notwolistanding I hid the - test medical advice. and tried different plans of treak Mime, the &mese continued toff row wore, miff I gave L despair, FOrtusataly I tell In with a pommy. • en the stesuntom, while travelling for my heath, erne utiblesed me that ms son was at one time in as bail a medians ne I was, and that by thing year Syrup he was speedily eared. I immeduriely procured the at. .L title, commenced urine noted now, after having need wis than six hooka, ott well and able to attend so MI baldness. I send you ads statement as an act of NM., only hoping that It may induce tKiitiliticted to magnum of Mensal medicine, end thereby save than Mach misting and expense- I rednalre your obedient screw, JOLIN SPALMIVOn . Core of tin aggravated case of Eryripdes. • - The cares performed by .Dr. Geyaott's Extract of Tallow Doe" end Sarsaparilla are lasting. The pa. IMP* general health centimes to Improve after m ama is removed.. Caesars not chronicled seW time Les tally tested that there can be no retiPm or return diews.• Noway, (Herkimer Co.) Feb. Ift±o. • S. F. Bmturrrk Co., (lents, it marlin arcalplmilunr that I Wile yen about Ma very happy effects of your Yeilow Dock end Sarsaparilla upon my eon, who haa . long beee eateries under that dreadful, loathsome dis ease which he woe rttacked Intl, lind was "event swath. Mended by some of our tea pm setas.,wu Wad their skill perseveringly for Iva snot alts, without any beneficial Meets whatever. kle become reamed to a perfect skeleton lle had [Man blp Ms knee, which were continually' moonorgieg disgustingly olensave mailer. Medical mrgieel skill was trained. Phyucie n said that his ease was liepelear.iliere could .be nothing done to "T riad d' giu e ' lltlitug i'l iffird7ri h ole s u k iin er n ' ea M r Y ett g nt ' . Gee of my neighbors, who had caned a child erector , SW With. your Invalable Medicine, studied Ma UN ma , trim of it, and more from the restless desire to . go Wittle life leered, then from say hope e t- math' relict,' procared three bottles of yomMfebo fleets and hiersamuftle. , !.. and cominewed song It • was to my astonishment; he commenced Immo.* hi had used the tard Mime, and oeforo he had used • ' tall death bonus he coubi walk out. He used in aft . twelve Pones, and by October lest he was perfectly r estore ,e v er vertigo of the dimes@ except the man • Is 1110S11.1, and he ratans in perfect health up to the =time. Bow ing vey mder the blessing el entirely o lathe use of your Yellow Does end Stampsuida, and 1 assure you that I feel myself Mac great obligations to you; and it is with greet joy that law= ye, of what you Sarsaparilla hes don • I ' ll 7 ! en. _ B"Pe' rgannuna.L. wpm.e gamins unless put up _in large Mules, - iluestalning a quart, and the name of the Syrup blown fet the glue, +Ohl. laymen eignatere of S. P. Ben. aet4ag the outside wrapper. Price It per bottle—or -- DOOM for SS. It le sold by 1. D. PARK. Bath East corner of Fourth and Walmit Meets, mtraoce on Walnet Ctharthati, Ohio, to whbm all orders meet be Mama. Garter Dm, Erle) W. P. /Musson Co Water. died; Oita Clanums, Crossingrtlic . Abel Turret!, Maperose; Hlrtin Mix, Towanda; Robin RoT bard; Itodetiet, Cale - estrum L. Wilcox, JrJ, Pitts- WO, meter of blarkel street and the Diamond JOSakvelvat ONIBLAP TIM AND NO AMMAN= MONIUS AIIAWoRTA, In thep..0.4....u. tag exesllant T. at 60 Sti .10.-4AIr•INIS Awn .._,,,,,:,•-*Ol, - .f.;.l:it . A N.K1,1.4 ai, 1.1•0 U SE. -. • .... CACITICERS&CO., • ark Is Wood Ilt7lleti rietabillirAt CV/R617 MONEY RECEIVED. ON DEPOSIT Collections male on all the stincipakeinnt ot,the . United SIMS. an 1 allY /L. WILKI3S.& CO., EXCHANGE BROKERS .S; Corner cf Third and Maria sr.s. ALL flanacrf on ST II 0111 . UMW. ILATI. O MO. M. ARNOLD 4. 00., BANKERS, DEALERS IN BICIINAE, COIN, BABA NOTES, Mo., Ho., ■e. 74 POURTII IaTIIMMT, tNekt door to the Bank of Pittsburgh.) aitgaEknat.7p. Z. 110LIII.E1 i BOX* El•ik•re, Ezchaafi• Brok•ra 1f013.1.11.1t1 1 NOTES,DRAFTS,ACCEPTANGES,GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOTEs. COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and.Aceeptances payable,ln any part of the Union, collected on the mon favorable tonna EXCHANGE on New York, Pldladelphia and Bal timore; also, Cinch:wan, Louisville, Saint Lonis and New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANK NC Notes on all solvent banks in the United States discounted at tho lower rates. All kinds f Foeig ore .d AmencanGolo and Silver Coin bottaht n d sold. augao 13:=121 i"HOLMES & EONS h....moved th eir Bank -1111 . tog and Ezshange Otbee to No G 7 Marko , at., o or doors below old stand. aus27 (,) 4 ca: r.l. (,) BOs England, Ireland, and Scotland bough t any autos= at flit Current Rates of Ezehangsi Also, Drafts payable in any part of he Old COMMICS, from SI to 1.10011, at the rals of to the .f. Sterling, without deduction or &scam, by JOSIIDA RothlN• SON, European arid Gomel Agent, office 6th one door west of wood. octleti slut sumcs it to r....l, lenwsur uars RABBI, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROILERS, dealers in Foreign and Domestic udij aLgirl.p.se, Oar- Uticates or Deposits, Sank Nt . -411:161 . of 3d and Wood striate, directly °ppm. 0, ciarles Ho. el. mar.Mdly. 2,IIOLISH & LIZNN/TaTs u ca-EsALE GRGCEnS and Corninission M chants, No 41 Wood street, opposite Si Chat Howl, ars ease receiving and offer for sale, at I. taws, as follows: 150 p kgs Y. H„ Imp,f.i. p, su Nhf Spanish Cigars. •nd Blank Teas. :2) N Havana and Yalu, 200 pkg. 5s En lb and hi lb in 1000 package., lump &58 rollloti en. i 25 N Havana, cir tits. 200 bags Rio, Lagimplii, 1 if Id Regalia*. anJ JavaCorle.e.l 15 51 Prmeipts. 10 50 khdso Sugar. 50 bus N Raising 50 bids N 0 Molasses. 00 bales feberts, English 40 bets powdered, ernsied Walnuts, Brasil Nuts, and loaf Sagan,and H m round hu 20 lids Alum. I Ai boa Lemon Syrup. 20 brLs Tanners' OIL 300 .1 lamp OIL OY b [ls No 3 blacsereL I t!.5 bzik &slats 10.112 (Ross i W bss Rosin Soap. 100 dor. rot. Eibeketa. Ott hi* Popper Sauce. !.0 cases Stoktca, 10 rates spied Chocolat. 'mad Elptccs of all kuoti 50 boo Sasttnea. CO boo Starch. YS br. bbo - e - olate. 13 bee Rock Candy. 43 b. White Pipes 10 b. :Wetted Almonds; IW mos Wrap. raper. I 3 cases Liquoi ire. CO bra Pepper le Moyne. Rinehart's Cot and Dried 3001bee0ne5kRapeoband Tobacco. tp me Rice 10 roes Blanking. Together with a gemeni iergthaera of rake shy kept in their hew, am welt as as factures. eep Cfa62ra - TB s - 611.. -- 01 - .I3ITUBs 666. 61eCLINTOCS 1s now operand at hie Carpet • Warehninee, tee 7C tooth guest and 76 Wood meat, a very handeamo assortment ol Carpeting, nom. prising i, part of the fallowing vanctien , — Rich md elegant style Velvet Pile Carpet; Rich and elegant etyle Tapestry Brussel+ do; Saperior Englinh and Amerman Brussel. do; Extra sop. 3 ply Carpets; I Rugs, extra Chenile; Superftne do do; hop. Totted Rugs; do Ingrain do;Chenille Mau;Extra finch fine do do; I Tufted Mar,: Coro. all wool, do dot' Ille Rods; do eintha chain do do; Coon Maw; do cotton dodo; iota It, - Also, tvery lane assonmeni of Trimmings f• Steam Dom*, Curnsgen Houses, de. CNI Ciatist. A n y n. ery .i l s s arg r a w as th aorna .m en y lot is w e al b lna o sorLY dOClothe, kn ylea, cal En tit any sued roots, Valol7al , • e week of goods will be pie a• ap ai they ,be mehayett in any of the esarerr. _thee \i•e iie every ball to call who with a bataatn. ep9 W aIeCLIN row: 100 Las UMStuand 1% . II Cheese, Iti bai,if old Java Coffee, to Lags Laguarrit do; 30 bap !alley km do; 10 Old...Chalon Ten, to caddy bit eilm 00100 0, 40 do prime Ureen; 30Kehesta do; to a boocla Balms; 3 bale* antt shell Almonds; p dos pant Minimal Lemon Sugar, bssilorneepatbic A MucyChocolat 10 b Brom*, Cocoa arid ICo I do, 5 no ga t Almond and Mild, Soap, SY boa Rosin nod Vartexamd coop; 5 dos Olive and Bordeaux 2 dos Pepper Sauce; 2 dos Derain A Wamoi P.M.; dor Rose Water, 1 case Italian Macey... 5 cassia Qt Venmeellu cue* pore India Currie Powder; 2 eases superb,. Bice Flour; 1G Orbs ernshed R palverned Sagata; 10 brio .mall Limr4 10 brio pare Cider Vinegar; 00 dos Corn Brooms J D WILLIAM , it OD Cor. 1500.1 A. I , IIM Ma For sale by -p7 • JOlllll IEINLVerIS SPOOL SILK, Eirpremly for •Sounug. rrio avoid the rawly toconventecere attending the ,I, Ina oi the customary :Skeen, the oboes article Wm been couch, and for • emu time wanted. It haa attirays been • matter of amomshotent, that tourist be common 010010 of Cotton, wan convenreptly spooled for gene -0.1 ono--9110, so much more valuable, shoal,' nave been supplied in Skeins, from Whim so mach vont,' votallo. and loss his aroma . . ulty has al Imo teen overcome. rna pu good *suck, handsomely pm up In m for domesmc use. Thy only objection urged against du. article is the apparent small quantity on each spoor This is cur. explained. Each epool i warrantee to cntain . .11 yyard. old.; while the ordinary Bann, at o the rune pi ice., has bat an uncertain quantity, •arying from is to lo yards. The !spool Silk to ready for ase at de nine of pur chase, and it only needs a trial, to convince the most skepucal of iU supenonty in quality. Independent of We at and convent°nt form in winch it la itimistied, it has great advantages near the kite., aa away with the tedium of winding, the vexation al Magnum and the loss of time in preparing it lot ale. Sold by W5l. U. 111.111JTMAN & SUNS, 51 North Third at, Philadelphia; INYKST&LkIiN, EEO'S a L. S Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Agent. • xvinu N 013179771,01 FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS A. A. MASON lk CO. DEALBES IN FANCY & STAPLE DES HOODS, Km. 6a 1111111K/liT STIMILT, Between Third 6 Fourth stream, ?outmost, INVITE the attention mei:awaits visions we up, 1 10 theey camerae stock of Fail and Wilmer trouts, Meted with great cam and 1•11.1.11 M. retest Importations, large cotton sales, cud from we lead ing mu:latecomers, by their resident panner at New took. Their stock this tell will bo iound to be much larger amid more vaned than imp they have ever umore 6[4:night to this market, Ithing repiehished by receipts pees gds elmost duly through the sason as the tn the ration markets, render e ing th eir Clo c k e at all times fall nod aerie., thereby cheuthig them sae craftily to compete with eastern tomes 414 GUIVICEHING'S PIAMOR. TORN MFLIA/R, Na 61 Waal area, gale aged IT for Catclertng'r ?mho Forts, for ‘Vcaterts Penn 0) ltamm, has reeeMed, add stow ready for .ale, tbd fallowing aworusem .elected by ifunseli from 20 mmmfemary, and wail ue :supplied as atoll at Alt ealcaertag, poet., •11,—. 2 Caned Loma XI P.O octaves. 3 elegant Rosewood, 7 do; 2 do . do GI do, 0 do do is do; 1 do Mahogany, G do, ' I do Waft., I do, 1 fall carved seougrand. 1:5=31:1 A CARD—The subscriber hes; tha pleasure o anuounetng to the Citizens or Pittatturgh, that tie . made arrangements with Mr. John H. Mellor, fur th eieluel e sale of his Piano Pone., in Pittsburgh an Wester Fermaylitanta, and therm washing in pm chase ybe assured that their interests will he faith fatly nded to. l PHICKBRING linatod, March D, IMP. In additioa to the above await of Pl.Oll front Me Chickering, a new supply is Mimed from the tartan. of Adam Madan, Bacon k. ILimen, and Worcester New York, and Hallett, Cammen 0 Allen, Boston,. prices 'guying from two to three hundred dollar. sena. LEA NEVI AWN riIL,Y brAtiAetNr., N. jls for October, last received and (or rale at Apollo Bolldtnea,4lo et To People frool . lbe Old Comatry. ELcity tee tame Mad of Small Leah Fame, strong, arodßough Flavored Meet Tea. that are used in WO Old oonntry, can be brought at We and 7be per lb. at Mortis & Howoratal Tea Store, cut ode 01 lb DtadlonA . , "and no where eau In Viabahareh." Devi likkiriu reek:H-11e beat an rati:f . ter earl U. Yhad it the agency of Clinton ll ma Wood IL maple I W Mi ll s, MARSHALL EW NOVEL., UV T. r 3, AILTIIUR.—Tue. QyAtian N Chltdrein a late of Cruelty and Opuressian, ts the ho roe author a bent prodeetion, for We at Ilohoca Ltteraryi Depot, Third street, oppoatte h al m Office; also, theßfont JfAight of Su John, by Richard son, an. 'LAWN LIVIIIff Aga No Tel..; ocl C l 4 ! eH bus st i re i 'Vc 4 r N aNtay isi i10ur.1.6 Goods. Air UR 11-A. BUKCIIFIA:LD haat , recelagd a nip .1.1/1. ply.. good. adapted tar mnuming wear, such an Botobtaincs, Canton Cloths, Coburg. and Farman. Franca/der.. and at...re., Moue do LO and tdaurrung Alpaca., Mounung Collars, Illaek Cravat., littadter• mat h 2 II , LASSES—GA Mao for sole Lole uts a ay, op men 1,7 lains,fust rectqvcd and by JAB A HUTCHISON & Co oct7 Alenl.slLasts Steam aagar ReSucr7 GLUE-8 - bblkon hand and for axle by 0007 • . N WICKERSHAM eIHEME-40 boxes prime quality, toy as a by oCt7 laelAll DICKEY fr. Co_ loW need - for ado D) W . & WILSON T AN O I , 4 4 EILS , OLL-25 brig N ur OALL.4-700 to. past reed r dr ioj= E l s oet 54 Wood et tUrk — P_ .4 Pl./WDER-1u bill roc .1 for lade F SELLERS receiialor sale by (2.6.L.150DA-4 00l ' . 00.3 LOX ' Gi...—R, bin forsale by .1 It E SELLERS , rt' U `ActST4tiii — reininiai a - cidlira.. "apping medium, doable nuedlam, crown, and rown, a vel7 impeder aRIVe, on nOOKTON hand and ‘'' 47 Martel . ON I • Gut!t . dee le . A 7 for gala single VSOIIMMRII3; .1. U. EINCLLOHL, - icragi, W oo d Iruee, Ma hut recelyrd a stir as. mucient of .?.141.N0 MUSIC, anatoncritlea r an •,... Molly, do you L Tye me by S. C. Enter. Ok may the Redl Rose Live &twiny, do, racily was a Lou :7, do. Uncle Ned, . do. Gwlne to Run all: Night, do. Dolly Do"; do. Soldiers - Wedklb g, by Glove, The Roble, do. gOb., Tenets the Ce Wd_yet nee again: Sweet Memoirs 4Thee. ellen Moon. Lament of the Iri eb Emigrant. A New Medley S ong. Thou but Wourn led the Spirit that Loved Thee. The Onneriptit D'epartere, by Glover. lie Kind to the Lo red One. at Home. 'Ti. Home when . o'er the Hearth. The Yankee Maid. Low 13ackt.1 Car,lip Lover. Do you ever think ann. Slumber Gentle Leidy. Jeannie Grey. Cellarios, Wedding, Wreath, and Daley Waltzes. Batchelor, Maiden; Bella Welts, Concert Ladies' Souvenir, Gaily, Elam, Lily, Abbe, Evergreen, Sarat oga. Adieu, and I.,inytolkn. male TEASI TZAR I TEAIIII3I WE enter not into the Set of putfors,we say nothing about Hundred. of Cheats, Importers, Large Capital, Bought for Can, ac. In fact, we will not humbug in any manner or form, we simply invite the public to compare our Ten with what they porch.. elsewhere; this Is the ben method we brow to Wee lain woo sells the bent and cheapest Teas in Pints. burgh. We are now selling Good and strong Tea at 40 and genets per lb. A prime article .--•••• 7r. do do The best Tea I mported lam the U. States, II Low priced, dunned, or inferior Ten we do not keep. MORRIS & HisWORTB Proprietors of thelTea. Market, Ent old- -Thamond. jeS ai de of I - _-- Greet Ameirteart /Reeks MAI Work. D. Appleton & Co., New York s to in counts of pub lication, in parts, price twee t five cents each, A DICTIOME a /VerAirtio, IllerAansm, En Work...se:DP gtheerto der gmed for Wit Men gi , and there n o An tAs Eesgr rternog PnArliOrs. Illrire Si 01.4•131 aranc VMS WORK in of large 800. sae, and will contain K two illoelthfiD rears, and upwards of mix Tone. earth tobosseartons. It will Warta working-draw- tugs and descriptions of th e most important machinet in the United Slate.. ' Independeat of the-ftsults of American ingenuity, It will contain complete practi cal treaties on MeeheilieS, Mae Meer), Engine-work, Engonerinr, wi th all that is uthfel in more than atne thousand dawn worth of folio volumes, mega attics, tics, and other books. The great object of this publication k e no place be fore practical men and students such an amount of theoretical and scientific knowledge, In a condensed form, ea shall enable them to watt to the best adv.- Inge, and to avoid than mistakes which they might otherwise comma. The amount of useful information thus brought together is almost beyond precedent in such works. Indeed, there is hardly any sablect within its range which is not treated wlth inch clear ness and ptertsion, thateven a man of the most ordi nary capacity cannot fail of understanding it, end them learning ftom 0 much which it is Important far him to know. The publishers are, in short, determined, regardless of cost, to make the work as completeu possible; and it is hoped every one destrousto obtal&the work will procure it a. issued in numbers...llW .courege the en:el:Mien The work will be Issued in easel-Monthly numbers, ennamencing to January, IMO, and will progress with great regularity. The whole work will fiepublished in 40 numbers, at PS cents per nambernd completed wltlon the cur rent year, IMO. A liberal discount will be made to &P.m Any onlioamitting the publishers lionorisons, shall receive the wort: through the post once free of expense. Opiate.. Of the Pe... "To ear macro. M.ufactnrers, Mechanics, En sneers, and Arns.s, it will be • inns of wealth."— Providcuee,lll.l.l Journal. "Young men, arm yourselves with its knowledge.— We can with confidence recommend our reader. to possess themselves of as numbers as fast as they ap pear."—Amenceit Artisan. "We unhentatingly commend the work to those en gaged to or ...and to mechanical or scientific par snits, at eminently worthy of then examination and studY." — Ttol,lN Y..) Budget. "It is truly a !meat work, and the publishers de serve the thanks of inventors, mthiunlats, and mans lecturers, and Indeed of the public generally."—N. Y. in Vis n ti7iionary will. highly asefal to practical mechanics, and saleable to all who wish to acqaatht themselves with the progrells Of !nein:llloU In the me themselves !Seaford Deily Mercer). "Young mechanics ought to keep ported ap to the oretical s well ea prainvid knowledge, end this work will show them ;net bow they stand."—Roxbery (Mass.) Adveruser. "Wats. it to be that the work that scares and hun dreds of our Intelligent mechanic. have desired ta pO. sess. So ample are its desettptions, and so full and annuls its specificano., that seems uv es that any mech.te might contract any machine at describes, on the a:mouth of wiener...nes and instructiona"—N. Y. Commercial Adveruser. "All eerested mech.,. should ay. them selves of ite advantagee.e—Schnylkill, (Penn.,) Jour nal. "A work of extensive practical wilily and veal im portance end value to the tepidly increasing teacreits of the country. We regard the work as . mien s ) calculated )pro mote the can. of seien. and the mech... arts, and val.ble Informa tion on these 10[1km...ft—Farmer and Mechanic. "Practical men in all On sanest walk. of me "pit and mentifcturtne indastryi enethecting, &e., will n o in ens w o eso a yea.. which it will be to their pro. to porsevve—Ttoy Daily W. "We have,caretully purused comaem i and Bello no hectation In saying that it is the best work for me. chum., tradertn., and setenufiemen, ever pablish ed, for it contains minute hibernation on every branch of the mechanical arts i end selennes„ expressed in a stile and language intelligible to any reader of Ortil- MIT eapacity."—Cloncester,(M.a.,) Neves. "We net sure we are doing the mechanics of Nei wtett and Other pane of Connecticut a service by bringing the work to their attentlan."—Noserich, (Canal warier. "to !elan nice a ware as every mechanic shima onsiesi."—Freenien's dogma! Wo consider it one of the most useful and Important publications of the age. No mechanic east afforti to be setthoml4"—Nowurs, J.,)Commerrial Covrirr. ail the sari.. publication. having tor their ob loot the etundation and advancement of the mechani cal era and nienees, none that we have seen, so fall of premise es this.—Bilffelo ColuZAdi. "It n the hell and cheapest work ever °demi to the piaenfific and practical engineer end excels,. The tee are i•eautifully executed - -Washinguim Globe -This greet Dletionify is one of the most useful work. eve, published for titers, and the low price at which it 0 sold makes ,t acceptable to all . --Soeth Camlinte "We regard It. one of the Most co elpfehenwee and saleable, al well ch.pert worts ever published." —l3¢lnenore AdvertlAsr. "Ought to be talon by every nor desiring to keep pare with the progress of art and setenee incite,' one of the labor• of emit.. life,"—Rondout Canner. 'lt I. dceigned after the principle of Ure's laen on. ry, only that 0 is moredevirted ta the leech...el and engineerin professions, and above ail, I v valuable mu .eorlipll g utong for America weal U. has done for England, iris deicribing American manhole. and woe. of art "—Scientific Areencin. "It. pi:binned tri numbers, and at a prier so mode rate, I.kine at what is eantuined in each number, that no one who has the lean interest in lurk matter., • need be deterred from procartnitl4 sod ever? one who dees in, will find that he b. to a condensed farm an amount of instruction which would be obtained, if et all, only by the purchase of very many volumes!'—N. Y. Courier and Enquirer "Thecomprehensivene. wall which the subjects are treated, the admirable manner in which they are illuatrated, conspire to make di one of the most dee r rent. works ti— lle Review "this wore should ben the handset every meeliatne, isrtjran, and manufacturer, especially these who have the least airatione to etc.:a in their respective bort . ceases W th e ht. carefully examtned it, with • view of recommendine it to inventom To them we would sly in the string tan age of tn. nib.: "It is good."— ;Baltimore Inventors' Journal. Nati. to she Proprsetortqf Plcampapirre through.. the Lleurti Sopa creel Conada. If the foregone advertisement is Inserted free times donor the year, and the paper conning It sem to us, • copy of the work will he sent gratis in payment. • apleidtverllT Ctmtaming no /Herrn/T., nor other Ilineral. ne intiowine tesuntial was given by the costa -1 Waled Dr Wenner I :oh. the author of the great medical wort entitled . The American Practice o. Medicine and rawly Physician." -Having been made sequel:and with the ingredient. which compose bleAllaters All-Illealthg Ointment and baying prescribed d tented it in several one. is my private practice, I Wse 40 hesitation in saying or ceru n fying that it is a Vegetsthle Remedy, contsurung no mineral substunce Wth haver, thinks lava:Ww o combined as they a nod use as directed by the Proprietor, are noronly re, harmless, but of great valise, being s truly scientific Remedy of great power: and I cheerfully recommend nas • pound which has done mach good, and which is adapted to the each of a great tenet; of cases. Though I have never either recommended or engaged In the sale of setrefTnedli eines, regard for the truly honest, convelentious, hu mane character of . the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the value of hie dam:Mary, oblige me to say thus much regarding it. W. BRACH, D. D.^ New York, April 22d,1b46. DURNS.-1 I is one of nhe beet tkdriga In the world Dar Dann. PlLES.—Thounands a g fe yearly eared by thls Oint ment. It never fall. in wing relief. For Tamers, Ulcer., and all kinds of ; flores, It hes no equal. If klothoryl and .Narsei knew Ile value In eases of Swollen or Sore Oream.o.bey would always apply la each eases, if aced according to directions, it gives repel In • 7ery few honrs. Around the hot ere dirsetionsfor using McAllister , . Ointment for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysraelm, Tatter, Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy, Sore This., fironehites," Nervous Affections, Pains, Disease of he Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Ache, Rums, Ceres, all Diseases of the Skin, Bore Lips, Pimples, Jac , Swelling of the ftitinbs, Bores, Rheumatism, Plies, Cold Feet, Creep, Bevelled or Bro ken Drams:, Tooth Ache i ßree in Me Fsce, - From the [leading Eagle. There nree nese, perhaps, a hledimne brought he. fore the public, that boa 111 so abort • time wan loch • repot.. as /11cAllmter'n All-Sealing or World Satyr. Almost every pemon that has made trial of it 'peak, warmly to tie pron.. One has been cured by tat the moat pan.] rheumatiam, another of the plies, • third of • troublesome P.m le the side, • (moth of e mwelling in the limb., ay. If it dem%not twee imme diate relief, in E• 111 1, C., I. can un bernS applied utwardly. •• another - ' It eau ..- ”ndenee the wonderful healing po! * As another ctn.. •r possessed by Ons at , re, we enbintn the folitArtn,„ certificate, from • respectable citizen of Miudencreek township, in this rountyv filaidenereekßerks eo hlarch 30, 1547. Mende. flitter 8, Cin I desire to Inform you that I wale entirely cored of a teem pain in the bank, by lila use of McAltiater'e Salve, which I pur chased from you. I suffered with It for about Y. yeara, and at night was unable to sleep Dartng - that Moe I tried cartons remedmie which wren prescribed tor me by physans and other ersons, anthem% receiving toy relief. and at last made trial of this Setae, with n re- salt favorable beyond erne...on. lam now enure, ly free from the pima,and en.. at night a peaceltd anJ sweet sleep. I have also used the Harvestmen (or tooth ache and other complate., with medlar happy maul.. Your (need, loan llominmach. JAMES MeALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. principal Office, No M North Third street,Philadel. phi. PRICE SS CENTS PER BOX_ AGM. to Prersscaon.--B A. Fabnestock I Co., corner of Wood sold Fleet sts.,• Woe. Jackson, No. S4O When, street; L. Wilcox. Jr., corner of Market street and the Diamond, also comer of Fourth and SMllbriGi4 stern.; J. R. Cassel, corner of Walnut and Peno streets, Fifth Ward; and aold at the Bookstore In s o ,fa,ged s treet, 3d door from Second- Anua,ayCaylactv.dJ.Datiglas. Ily J:O. Drniflo,, hars; D. Mlle), East LlberrYi Ro.t.tts , erseoristai; J. Alateadei k. Bearer, Ply Broanogshela eiCitlle; y; John Barkley N. B. &mason Co and ur, r, Ply John Walker, Jr., Elisabeth ; Bonbnght A Erwin, Roehestar. fabllartglY Y all ilED—Mojag/fagot .aleAbtro **/loglntrsllsOglwi Ownigh pcat the ons.of Coughs,' Colds, llotrageless, ful rig Tickling Berunnon In the Threat. VntooPisil Coach, ag; preconnud to be the moil . effectnal geet =ear DOW In We. "- .802422' Imperial• Coach flyrop—Professor 'Porter luta, wlthout aoliditatlon, given • certificate of the ex cellence of this popnlar cough medicine. It wall be latereating to an who are aMicted with toughs, and are eerdef &teal for a safe end speedy mere—Pars burgh Daily Pon, Eichuge nolo, some time EsD Dream Editoter-tlavillg been for some put very'much affiltted with a severe cold sad almost constant cough, end haying tried, various remedies,' untp, dc, and all to no effect, I Isms induced by my esteemed friend, W. W. Wallace, of this eiry, to mete a trial of it. F Sellers' Cough Syrup. I did so, and m invlt great eurprise, I received almost Immediate ;viler was with the greatest difficulty that 1 lee r:ma befare my respected cleans but on taking, el the Weepiest benue sa urian mYleelate r mm. I could speak with perfect rue danny the e rennin. 1 would particularly retest:a/Mudd to clergy men, lawyers and other public speakers. I have °w° two bottle* only, and on now perfectly eared. I feel it to be my duty as a philanthropist, to make this cubist acknowledgment of the efficacy of tne article, for I consider tt to be the best now before the public. JAMES R. PORTER, ProPr of Mathematic.. Prepared and'uld by R E SELLERS, deed 17 Wood at SUNDRIES -40 bets LTrujeed Dilr 13 brig 'Fallow; 13 beta Pearls; tO bar feel Apples; 4 bets Cloverseed, A brie Selenium; mob:, do 20 beta Roll Batter, __ED kegs packed.do 75 An Sutter, 10 Las roll do; 2:210 bas Chun,: 1 bole Sheep Pelts; for rale by drib J it CANFIF.LD - FULES HAUF.I.N MEDICATED NYMPH SOA P. —The limn of men pis sfiured limb Might eruption., et pimp) es, ersons morphew, di ike., g and when this Is merely • disease of the .kin, im it a in natty nine eases out of every h.udfed,it 1. very easily re moved. Jules tieuelis Nymph Soap is nkprelsly adapted to diseases of the Wan, twin nets directly upon the minute pores which cover us wince. cleansing them from inmetrines, and by i. Pals2MIC properties healing and animating ail captions. and rendering the ducat and roughest akin .on, fair, and blaming. Persons who have been In the habit of using ord. h r i i r i. as p tc h nlN: s h . ed at i. the . b n eauti . ar d l , r c le . e . l tloom,itreventing the neck, f a re. orKands from chap. ping, allaying all Irritation, and removing all entane. out eruptions It possesses an exquisite perfume, and is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties,renderteg it the only article which ran be used with safety and comfort in the nursery. All those whose facts or necks are disarmed with pimple., blotches, tin, utal of Jules Haunt'. y r" .l7 tte 'u p d p makeM r positively MIMS them, thm in use will render the meat discolored skin white, the roughest skin smooth, and the most Obsessed skin healthy, pure, and bloom 'ink. Jules Hauel's Nymph Soap Le the only article which will effectually produce the above effects in no short • time, and the only one which is at the same time all powerful and entirely harmlem Prepared only by JULES HAVEL, Perfumer and Chem... PM Chestnut street, Phila. For sale whole”le and bttait by Id A Fannestock & Co., and it. F.. Sellers, Ihnshorgh; and Jelin Sar gent and J. Mitchel, Allegheny city, Ps. lee ;J SECOND HAND PIANOS. AGOOD Malang - any Plano Porte, 0 °atavism second band-- ...... —.MOO GO A handsome upright Piano, will Rosewood Fotnitare, 6 °ma'am, and in good ogles . • • • k A plain octave Plano-- • • A good 6 octave Plano- •-•. —.•— 75 A goad 54 octave Piano, with handsome (wor m., 73 CC -•-- 45 00 -- 75 00 BISMI JOHN H MELLOR ei Wood et 1111•tallo aright Light. QUPERCEDING the Wooden Floats. and bring in• 10 combustible, thereby economises the oil, end pm. vents ,rnition, heretofore to much objected to in all other ff.. One elite spoonful at the common lamp oil will last Nine Hoare, or any further length of time, according to the additional quantity 0(0,1 Reeetved end (or eel, by JOHN 0 MORtiAN Mart , Drum. - 1315 - ITilLah TUT RECEIVED, at the Pittsburgh Family Gr. eery and Tes Warehouse: S rase. Fresh Oyster., In tin cant, 5 do Pickled do, in nu Jars; 5 do do In, in pint do. The above Fresh Oyster are parboiled, and pot u to a highly concentrated soup, enclosed In hermetic. IT sealed cans, and will keep much longer than the put up to the ordinary way For sale, wholesale and rethil, by - WTI A gIeCLURG A.. Co, m 730 :VI. Liberty' in Illlsiokissaleall Work. DAPPLETON & Near York. have in coarse (ppo üblication is saris, pace twenty five nest. cacti . , • DICTIONARN Msehines, Tlethalites, En gine Work, and Enrineerins, designed lon Prartical Working Men, and those intended for the Enrineenng Profession. Edited by Wirer Byrne. This work te Of lame t•vo sire. and will contain two thousand pages, and upward. of six thousand Illostra. non.. II Ira present working drawings end de.crip• nuns of the mon Important machines In the United Pinter. Independent of the results of Amerman in. ganutly, it will contain rowpktr practical treatises on Mechanics, klachincry Frame Work, and Engineer ing; with all that Is useful in more then one thousand dollars worth of folio volumes. magazines and other book• Sig numbers concord and for sale by the R 110PKINii, ' •p. Apollo Balltlicra Fourth et 7191, on-RuicirteiL. "There are more things in b.. even and Garth Th. are dreampt of In philosophy ^ rrfis VIRTUF of this remarkable remedy, and the constant application ler it, to the proprietor, has induced him to have it pot op to bottles with Is. bele .d directions for the benefit of the pub.. The PETROLEUM to procured from • well in this comity, at • depth of four hundred feet, is a pore one. dahended refit la, wlthrn2l any chemical change, bat met as Roma from Nature'a Great Isisbratoryd. That it contains properues A-echoic a number of direavesdis no lances • matter of uneen.nty. There are mans things in the area.a of aster°, whleh, if known, might be of vast asefelnes• in alleviating /Annus, end rt. stones the bloom of health and vigor to many run Steer. Long before the proprietor thought id polite it ap to bottles, it hail a reputation for the rare Ili O s .- ease. The•nd daily increasing palls for it, and severalconsmnt remarkable rbres it has perlorined, is • sure indication of it] Cetera popularity and wide spread am/Heenan in the Lore of dn•eare. Wa do not wish to male • long parade of vend rates, no we are conscious that the medicine ran Won work its way tote the laver of d ate who suffer and wish to be boated Whilst we do not claim ins it • aalversal application in emery di•Cll,e, we nnhonne tingly say, Nat in • number at conic Discuses it Is ennvalled Arian, Net mar t.O essosnernied• ail diseases of them..one ureue, such as CHRONIC ONSUNIPPION o n eari y.otge.l th Asma, and al C l diseases nt the sir passages, I.l's Ell COMPLAINT, DI - 5PE1 .,, 1 A, bliarhces. Charente of the Bladder and Kidneys. Penis so the filet or Side, Nervous InseaseS, Neuralg is, Palsy, Rheum... Goat, Erysipelas, Teller. Ringworms, 'turns, Scald., Bruises, Old Sores, ke., /he In raves or debility r e . salting from exposure, or ping and protracted rinws disease, tats medicine will bring retied It 1.1 act aa a general TUNIC and ALTERATIVE in such r ases, muscling tone led cherry to the whole frame, ratiaos• en onstroeuent, opening the sluggish functions, which cse disease and • broken constitution, end giving increased and renewed energy to all the organs of Life! The proprietor knows of ascent cures of PILES that resisted every other treatment, get well under lie use of the PETROLEUM far a short Wee The proof ran be given to any person who desire. it. None genuine without the signature of the proprietor. Sold by i the pnct Id KI rop ER, Canal Beata near Seventh at, Aka by It I:. SELLERS. Si Wood at and - EYSF:II A AUL/SMELL, ~L 0;1, 1 d e . r , W 1 . 4 El VIIPRATTIII PATCST SODA AHD allrell=l= • bl T IIE BUDOCUIDERS. 1.1 sell ospratt'• b. and jytutt test Glass and Soap Nate Soda Ash. warranted .opener to any edger brand 31 by the spetmuty of 1 Inns or upward. (or currency approved Note, at font months, or II (or a leen Sus my. W A Si MITCHEL.TIVEY., I.lbertv utra..t. CARPET WAREHOHSE, No 76. Fourth tttttt . UTM'CLINTOO% now constantly rerereina h • nt PP../ S. or On ET RP ,OIL Trimmings, ire., coaspronny in part the following, or • Extra Super Royal Velvet Palo Carper., o Tapestry English sod AMCIICILD Brussel. " Extra Superfine barna! 3 ply ^ StiperEn• Superfine Innrain Carr Exult fins Fine E... ...1 ,, - , patentChen;ll4 Rupelito do do Rug.; .• Tufted Rog.• Common, all wool. " " canon 4-1, 4 and 1 Tap Rea Car. 41,1 and TorilPd Carp. 1, and 2-4 plain Car. Last and Rag Carpets, 11-4 Printed Colton Carpets . . Fine Common Exit. Wilton Common do Chenille Door Nam; 64, 7-4, 64, 64, 44 and I 06 Clotho; 6-4, 64, 4-4, and f Manioc 16 mob parent Oil CLothe for rum. Qum Tanoasas. •sno ; Extra printed piano cover. table Embossed Plano Table Printed woolen Embossed Stand Linen and wostetd " Damask Sur Lmon; Torkey Red Chintus; Chintse Bordering; English Oil Cloth Table Covers; Brown Linen crumb cloths Woolen Brays Blair Dads; Du. Drumet Carpet Dandings; /ate and Coco Mats; Ahearn and Skeleton Mau; 5-9 and 41.4 Green Oil Cloth for abed.. ' Huctehaek Diaper; . . Dias and Drab Clothe; Ontoson Plonk Coadt On Clo Lla lth.; Damask. for arn; Watered Riordan. Ilo!lend for Wfthades; Trakeparent French tramp. Ventre. Bland.; 24 ' aalei n T F a i all nen; • Inas Cruhi torch Diaperei town Linen Naptle • omen Oil Cloth Table' C 0..,.; Roam OIL Cl.Olllll from the most approved Eng- Rh and Aromaan manafeeturera from 12 to 24 feet width, which will, be cut to hi rooms, ball., and estibules of any aloe or shape. The andenigned haviny Imported direct from Eng , •d, his Velvet Pile and Tapestry CARPETS. These meta winch are of the latest and most elegant It. and patterns, and of the MOO gorgeous colors, dl be said et prices a. lair as they can be purchase d r In any of the eltalern ,I Having the largest assortment of the richest and Most fashionable BRUSSELS, IMPERIAL TIIREE r.... LY and INGRAIN CARPETS which far surpasses n quality and cheapnemof price,any assortment ever fore brae& wills city. Ile alai:imam" titeamlwat en and Coach Manufacturers to his large and well lectod amortmentofTßlMMlNGS,and other articles ceessary in their business. The undersigned La WO agent for Um only Stair Rod ufactory in PhiladcAphia, and Is prepared to tall owes than ban be purchased elsewhere in OM city. meld WM. MICE! riToc roma Clowla, A. MASON & CO., GO Market street, between . Then' and Foots, are now reeelvia& • 'ere... 0m0. 1 . 1. BmndeDa Loins; Penton Clothe, an en. ire new article; Pelletal% Crepe De Lam, An y with • f laassortment of Lawn. and other NOVI 14 , 0. d., rge style. and aeon faehlanable ap3 Papi — alt.G., iql[llllll. §PRINO BELECLION.—WiII be received, by first emu! ship:nen% a bear and choice assortment of all Paper, of the latest French and Eitetern styles, n gold, c battle* oak, plain and high color. __,.. W. P. MARSHALL, Hate 8 0 1181,/ EMIR SS Wood intact lelle V triMer7!Lnuaiss ' loera i nTl ' F 'c o ' rer m a i Pdln W si l ll l; i: • ase, my two Boas, R. N. and W. D. ;Vete rman. The neMese Wise will be conducted ander the .plea( cl;s. B. Welaimen & Bons, at me old stand, N. nt W. r end From amt . L. 14 WATERMAN. • Pinstamsrh•Ma.h 1.0505 TR INSPORTATION LINES . 1850 algal 1850 :ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. BOATS or this Line ssiW lease regularly, and de livar (Mats without tgaualdpmena J C - IHOWELL, Pittsburgh, JAMES COLLINS, do, levet. BIDWELL !BROTHER, Rochester,' • mayll 1850 mem BILDWELLM SANDY AND BEAVER LINE, From Pittsburgh to Columbus and Clevelan d Fr elm rich mid populous emend iss f Coluvu Carroll, Stark, Tmarratras, Goshoctro, Muskingum, Licking, cad Franklin. The completwo of tic, smay and Beaver Canal open. up to out city through LW. great natural osatral route a direct communication to the above as well as the adjoining counties of Wayne, Holmes, Knot, and Delaware. , Front thin notion of Ohio, the trade with Pinsburgh has been, to a great extent ern of, in consequence of the high rotes of transportation, which are now re dosed 10, At. and 50 per rent. Boats of this line will leave daily, and run through without transhipment. The Canal company have bestowed upon thin line an Interest In the unpin.- dented advantagce of their Charter, and thus secured to the middle portions of Ohio in orderinuthelr goods by BIDWELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER LINE., an equal Interest In this inlvantage. Agents: J. C. BIDWF.LE, Pittsburgh; BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow. - • R C Halmos, Spear'. Mills, Ohio; H A A Goy, Willownspott,Od George Ramble, Elkton, O; & Hoffman, do; Hanna, Graham t. Co. New Lisbon O; AuerANicholas, Hanover, 04 !libbers & Booty, M. nano, o.;•Speakei & Foster. do.; Joseph Pool Ji Co, do; Hon & Bass, (Mead. Mina, 0.; 11 V Ilever, do.; C R Ilurythal &Co, Malvern, II.; It K Gray, Wayne's. hum, 0. F. Reynolds, do; boor Teller, Magnolia 04 fi .1 Barks/011c Co, hlagnolla,o4 Wrnilhirtness, do; J ISPFarland & Co, Bendyville, 0; P Later, dn; Fast'. bough Stesolmosh. Golmar, 04 Willard fr. Masser, do; J J Holman, Massillon, o.;' Cummins, A Co, do; John linbinvon, Canal Fulton, 0.; Fenik & Canal Dover, ; A Medbary, RCMP:, 0.; L K War ner, Newark, 0 , t rite!, le Ilale,Coltnbus,Ce, 1, 0 Mat thew, Cleveland. O.; Rhodes & Green, Jn. taas9 WOMain Trani lon Company. •- ittatial 1850 ' laliat D. LEECH BO'S LINE, UETWEEN PUITSBURGII. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW TOM M=!=a2ZIMICIS rpm: Boats and Can of thts Line have beetkina In I compete order, Nod with the addition of severs new ones to the Line enables ua to cony'. I tag. quantity of produce stagooda The entity stock of the Line is owned and contra it by the Proprietors. —ATILT TO— HARRIS k LEECH, No 13 South Third O. And on the Tobacco Wanton., Doek Phi ndephla, Pa..; JOSEPH TAYLOR & SON No 144 North Howard at, Butimore,llld4 OFFICE, Nn u Went 0, New York; D LEECH & CO, Cana /Main , Penn at, mrlll Pitoburgh. Ma= 1850, m at - - . UNION LINE, TUZ PCNN , A AND 01110 CANALS. CLARK, PARKS ts CO, Rochester, Pa., Prop's. JOHN A CAUGIIEY, Agent.. eor Smithfield and Water sts, Pittsburgh. CHAMBERLIN,G/LAWFORD A CO, Agts, Cleveland, Ohlo. rpms well known Line are prepared to transport freight and Pusenaers from PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND. to any point on the Canal and Lakes. The Mellon, of We Line are unnupassed In number, quality and ceparay of Roots, experience of captains, and efficiency of Agents One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, ran ning inmottoes., with a Lone of Steam Boats be tween ITITSBURGII and BEAVER, and a Line of Firm Clays Steam Roam Propellers and Vessels, on the Lakes CONSIGNEES: Clark, Parks t Co, Rochester, Pa; N Parka ft Co, Voaneatown, Ohio; M B Taylor, Warren. 0, A t N Clark, Newton Falls, 0; ,J Brayton A Co, Rave.. 0; Went, Gnnnell t Co, Frank., 0; II A Millet, Cuyahoga Falls, 0, Wheeler, Lee & Ca, Akron, 0, CLiasoLentn, Crawford A. Co, Cleveland, 0; Iluhhard t Co, Sandusky, (C Peckham A Scott, Toledo, (a, G Williams A Co, Derr.. Al.ch, %Vahan,. A Co, Mlnvaohte, 0,.; hlorley A. Dutton. Rarkne, Wo., Georg< A t.thbs, Cbteago. Thome. llnc, Chicago, -AIN n CAOGIIEY, Agent mr3(ocorer Wokter an4omsthheld rts 1850 - witigita LAa LIU AND MICHIGAN LINT, tIN lIIE ERIE. F—XTENSItiN CANAL . CLARKE. PARR} A CO, Roearwr. ..•orietort iTBE Proprietor. Of ittia old god Born Lute woult roforni die puhlie in, Ore eraiton cor pre •11,1 t Ave min•nred receving Freight sad Cou.en,er.. C. lit. font , prepared In carry to .1. rood• no the Canal and LAKF.Jt ERIE A NIP AN. At the lowest rare. One of the Boats of the Line will he ecin•twitly slide landing. below MogoViglthei• Bridge. to receive freight. JOHN A. CAUGREIe, Agee, Mice, roe Water and AuldlAeld Plusaarga. CONAIGNEES. R IV Cannoneham. New Caelie, Ps. Idnettedree & Co, V'n!astt, IV It Malan...Ahern, & V Rah, Stiltrpaturg, Achre k Co, Lieenwilla, Weit Henry. Ilartsiowo. Wm Power, Coniteeetville, Jahn Wt. Al,, torte J Flulliaidt A Co. Buffalo, N V mV --- Olta•blargb Part able. Meat Mad, NW= 18 :) ( 453 a -••• .11.411. ITTSBURGII. 1 . 1111.A131 NE:W VORI. a. THOX/1 LloaaaiLoa., ) maarrea & (reolana, Philadelphia • t Pawns h 1(1111.: Canal being now open thr propnrtute of this 1. long established I,iie • •s areal at their old stande, receiving and Ihrarrilding Merchandise and Pre - Were at low mint. and smith the piorapinew, cer• minty, and alit.), peculiar to their system and mode of transportation. where intermediate tr . ... Moment I. rimileird. with. the consequent delay and probahihrly of damage. reli andiee and Produce allipped eor weet,and hill' of Lading forwarded free of charge ast for commis• ad•aneing, or storage. listing no Interest di rectly or indirectly In rage. Mat of the owners is solely consulted when , hipping brie goods. All communications to the following agents prompt ly attended to. THOMAS 11ORBRIDfiF. No 209 Market tome:, Phlladelk , oa. TAAFFE te O'CONNOR, Corner Penn end Wayne streets, Pittsborytt 40.113: John Nivel:llmb k Co, a North se, Bath P. B noes & CO. 9 Doane ot, Boston, W al T. Tareeott dCA • eh :tooth et, New York ; •Janare ‘Vheelarrig hi, einem • e lNodem`ri mr?-fe TRANKURTAiION LINK, Mk= 1850. Ilinttsysen. PllttsbWirt. an astern s ea. tie Cun.d now pen,, sac rendy leectve and forlnned promptly, pica., mu, Knerennodi4e • eno add ••••4 Freights alwaye alowest rates, charged by respon lble hoes. Produce and raerehardire will be received and for larded east and west, maven any charge for for arding or advanetng freight, commission or storage. Dols of lading larerarded, and all threaten. faith. ally Wended . .. Address or apply Is. Whl HINGHAM, nal Unita, car Ltherly and Wayne sts Pittsburgh. BINGHAM 1 IA Atli, No 191, M art et at. ltrinl , ll 4th & Sn,, Nara JAS WILSON, Agt, No tert, North Hayward it. Ilaturnare JAS. lllNlillAhl, Carla No in, Watt artist, Neer York RLIANCE of PORTABL BOAT Philad LIN elphia E. , e RE LIANT the active par E tner, In lithe tie Jame. al Dar u,l Produce. no fmi'mnPlien o the buriners—arramerments have been made which Involver the same Inielowt. precisely, which have heretofore existed The titntinaill is continued under the time name and firm, air • D.ms & Co., Philadelphia; Joan N•Panals b Co.. Pinaliurgti. The continuance of the pntronace of oar ma • 1 friend. Is respectfully snliritcd. If any perm. have demand. against the concern, they art requested to p tarot them forthwith for payment. Pittsburgh, April In, iSO JOHN Itl'FA DEN, aprlitf P•0•413.1101r 1.1.1 Remit t Omen. AIIAN It RDEN CO. riming. to bring .scroon• from any port of Englend, Ireland tirolthnd or Wale, upon the most liberal term., with their mealpunctuality and attention to the ...Ix and come fort or ertimignote We do not allow our tismeugere to be robbed by the swindling scamps that 10(051 the ports, LK wr lake charge of them the moment they re. port th envelvet and see to their well bring, end welch them without , any devotion I,y the first Alps.— We say his fearlessly, as we defy one of our possen• gem to show that they were &mined 40 ',IV. by us in Liver Liverpool, whils t ils thousands of oilirre • e detained ay could be mien s some .4 etall,•l a, eh; p rate, which too frequently proem: their coffins. We Intend to perform Our contrents noonrehly, colt what 0 may, and not act. aa was the case last .eaten, with ether otlicers,—wo uller performed not all, or when tat suited their convenience. Drafts drawri at Pittsburgh for any 11111 L from /I I £lOOO, peyable at any of the proctorial Henke In Its/ land, England, Scotland and Wales. JOSIDI /. ROBINSON, European •bri Denote! Agent, Febl Flnh strism, on• door below Woo!, LIQUORS -17 hf pipes Itrandy—Olard, Dupes', be pipe. Holland Gin. 3 tete N II Rum, 400 hbls Whiekey. Ins sale by „neell.hr 1.11111141.1.11 0. A. Vain " k £ Co., wIOLESALE DKU1161.0131, corner of First and Wood wee., offer, for male, on favorable iernalf iuo bhla Whiting, 500 lb. Carb. Ammonia; Gu do Alum, :MO do Aslultruda; 300 do Dye Wood% CAM do Crude Tartar; 05 do Lampblack, SOU do Liquorice Rook 00 do Ven. fled; 300 do Dub Mons, H do Camphor; val do Red Prempitata; II do C , :pan. Brown; 150 do calomel Amer.; 20 ,do 0 allow Ochre, as do do Eng.; 10 do Ditmmona, :MO do blucher Leave.; 8 do Cloves; 800 do Ithuborb Root, 3 do Chum. Flowers; 400 do Sarum do; 34 ems Ref. Boras; :Nu do Remota do; 33 de Currie Soap; do N.l Rochtele; 10 do Fromm, Blue; You do ta,dlitz Atmore, 20 do Cale. Magnum.; .suo do Poo'd Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Green, 050 do do Sl p. i Ulu; sdo do Vollovr, It* do do 6. Arub m sdo Am. Vermilion; Inu do do Lig. Hoot OD reams Hood {loner, 1110 ilo do . 1 . 14 P, barroStelly Soma, DAll do do Af.llayenne 45 bale.- Boma Corks; :Ai d o s o lo,. zi nc; 7500 Satoh. Morphia; LIDO do Bar Tin; 1100 lb. Cape Aloes; atiu du Tamartodm 1900 do Itcrtbrom Potash; 150 do Quick Silver, TAXI do Pink Root; 250 do Oranac Peel; 1500 do Turkey Umber; 75 do Cochineal; 1200 do Cream Tartar, To do Hyd Potash; HO do Tartaric Acid; 00 do More; l ai c : s ata Hrak 16 do Grimmll. Lotion. CH - H - CiMlllorCe but - Mack Lead C - r — us elate, monad tine, tor Bale by 001 J SCHOONMAKER h. CO. ... - ,r,i , ..i - ...c. - ; , .g:gp.icAL - .• t l Ste jaswea ,66MDF-1:1_ under itie immediate care of 0a In eatabllehed Air upwardly( thinfyeasi. This - elegant preparation is recommended •in all discs of bile, acidities, indigestion, gout, end cravat, at the most mite, euy, and effectual form in which kfnguesia may, and Indeed the oat) one in which it ought to be exhibited. pea/casing all the propettle.• of the Meg - waist now in general use,wlthom betn g liable like it, to farm dangeroas concretions on the bowels, It effectually curer bearthorn without injuring the coats of the atortmehais soda, potssa, old their car bonates are known to do; it prevents the food of in• Mats turning sour; in all cases It acts as a pleasing aperient. and is peetdiatly adapted to females. Sir Humphrey Davy testified that this solution forms Potable - combinationd with uric acid salts in,cases of gout and gravel, Medi) , counteracting their mint - tons tendency, when other alkalies and earn Magnetia Itself, had failed. Fram Sir Yltitip Climploni Dart, Surgeon General to the Army, in !reined:— • • "Dear Sir—There - can be doubt that. Magnesia MAY be admintstered more inlet, - in the Mein ofkcon centrated solution than in aubstaneci. for MIA and 611017 other reasons, I am of opinion that the Fluid Magnesia to a very valuable addition to our Materie Medic. • PHILIP CRAMYTCIN." Sir James Clarke, Sir ti Coopat, Dr. Bright, and Mearrs.Gathrie and Herbert Mayo, of London, strong ly recommend Murray's - Fluid hiseneela, as bring to. finitely more late and convenient thou the' solid, and tree from the danger attending the constant ate of soda - or pout.. For sale by the taperer's and proprietor's agents, 11 A FAIIMM'IfOCI: ACC may 2-1 Cor. or Waal& Front et.. GREAT IMPORTANT CHEMICAL DIRCOTERT CHEMICAL COMIUNATION From ths Vv./a/o:Kingdom, to rum! DiUSW Dr. anysait , s liztriset"or Sallow Doak and Sarsaparilla. Conn consumption, scrofula, erysipelas, rheumatism, gnat, ilyeT complaint., spinal affection., Mean, f lO 4 druPrgiasildna, piles seamy, affection. ot lt bladder and kidneys, der curial diseases, cor rupt humors, rush of blood to the head, fever..abd ague, temale eomplaints, general debility, dyspep -11111, lots of appetite, headache, colds, [OlllVt gravel, night wawa, ebolic, organic affections, pa Ipitation rib the heart, biles, pain. In Lim side, ehest, back, &a. ft i+l infallible In an: diseases arising -from an inn pore mate er the ;Wood. or Irrs gotta action of the s 7 „ In the Vegetable Kingdom, an All wise Dung ha deposited plants and herbe; congenial tootle eenatita lions, and adapted to he core of dictate; and to the vegetable kingdom does the remnant man i a. wall a the instinct of ant alo e tarn fed antidotes to pain. The Syrup te a scientific compound of the most cal name plants in nature, entirely free from deleterious and enervating mineral eubotances, and as it expel , disease from the system, imparts vigor and strengtha • coreeepo nillng,deg rec. CERTIFICATES. An extraordinary ease of Sorokin, Ennipelas and errs, eared: by the sole use of Dr. fiIaYWV• Cola pound Syrup, Yellow Dock sad Sarsaparilla. ' Ilettortyn ; Nov. 17, ISIS D. tender my sincere thank. for the great benefit I have densest from the use of your trainable army. I have been troubled very had wit a screfolous sore, which made its appearance on m chin. I did not pay much auenuon to It at fast, rap posing it to be nothing but an eruption that appear on person't far t. It finally bega.s inerrase, until gorged to Sit .aek part or the bead. applied to • physiettui, who teen rne all to no purrose. I hail tried every thing tha vend be tried. I raw your Syr up of Yellow Dock and itareaparille, and concluded to line 11, for I knew dial Yellow Donk was one of the moat valuable articles in the world far the blood. I bought your Syrup, and from the use of one bottle, I could see a great rennet M flatten.. I cannoned to use it until I was man. I now feel hke • new person; my blood is perfectly cleansed and free from ell iMparitm.. Thera is not is tar but th• your newly discovered compound ta superior t any sarsaparilla syrup ever sentl. This certificate is at your disposal to publish it Von like, and uny nor you May refer to me. I shall he hap. py to gees them rill the information I can about M 7 ease, he: I remain your obedient servant. Gnosis. G. /mason, In Market 'treat Tha bee female medicine known The Extract o Yellow Dock and Sateaparilla .n porinve, speedy and permanent mac for all romplamts Inc:dent t rEMALE,I. Its mild, •ttcrative properties sender it peculiarly applicable to the clender and delicate constitution of the female. It Is I:tinselled in Its effects upon etch 4lnnti n Incipient cormaropuon, barrenness, leu• cot - theca, or whiten, irregular menstruation, inconti nence adoring, and general prostration of the nrielll: It team whew!) , counteract* that distresung action nes* and lassitude gocommon to the female frame, and Imparts an swim a eo nd buoyancy luaus - Liming as they are grateful. We have evidence on file which indorse to strongly to recomutend this medicine to married peopls who have not been Llessad with of aping. P 11114,11 Oral, or Falling of the Womb, of Bes years' standing, cured by Dr. Gilysottra Extract of Yellow Dock and gurvapaolla, after every nth., known remedy had horn toed without relict. %WAN .L 1611", Ohio, Feb., 1510. This cernees that my wife, aged 27 years, he. been lingering under the shove complaint for five yeurv—nevily al l of lb., time con.Ge.cd to Ler bed. I Lev. tor tour year. convex:lly employed the hint me 4 41 ta,ent that could he featured satins Sgf Uall of t. country, without any bench, whatever. I have ..1.0 purchared every Instrument recornrnenned for tn• i•• of •uch ittaraws, nil of wlnch proved wurthleas. . ,h e .rnmg of If 1., I war Induced by my friend. 0r.,,y,•4“1,4 I,luw• Dock and Saresperills, •• t+.• 'd r foi• month.. After the had use ibri,d • or et.o • sra• eetticnt to all that she •itipro•••• a•rd I. 0,51 trete Improved rap dew. r stre.o,, until the doom cntsety rera•,c.....• I Shl 19 now ettioong moo si cni 15 01 MIEWOKT hoghburr \A'in MO Julia Monfort. enure than 0.1 iildive atate=ent, es ta the sictnerd Monfon, and •. to IYe core hang etleethi by 00,sca's rtllrw 'lack and dersupantla,LO 1.41 JANE IiDDY, aneOi SARAH VOLVIill$: tarsal. t:•r• of tlonsomptiomo. I laiam - mti, January 1. 161. Mt Ur nne.t sr Nu. 11,, gr.; Leneta 'Ouch awe aenved INT!, ea r Kum., c(Vcl (rack an trdnee• tae, as an act of jue.c, to wok Lt r In!lovroflg rialement . Alter yr..., lot two years from constr. deL,ltty *torn terromated etnirompuon,l was elven up to, to) fro hds uod phy - iiviens beyood the of medic,i,e Isar re,irf, I 14,41 1/1.1/I,[ai to try tour Ks, met, and buying kuud Out two boutec, se. cop., Lc, )our direr tmno. I inoentirely well :1 hc woult trc torn! earnestly recondocod sour unequal ed Conimund to tho othirted who deslte • powerful, plcaptnt nod sale remedy Gratefully your friend, None et:twat unless put up in large aware Dolt!. oratoung n quart, sad hit name ill the syrup hin lit glaw, wnti the written eJtaatuit of It F. It. .tti un 114 r ouis,le wrapper l'swe II pet Lattls, I Witte. tar SS It L. wl4 or .1. U. Park, corner of Fourth and Wal nal ,trero, Cinemas. I gun, General Agent for tb booth and \Neat, to whom all Ont., 111.1 be addrea ed Carter a Bre , Eng, W. P. Judson a Co., Water ford, Ulm A 11e..., Crolatugaille, Abe! Turael Mont.., Hiram 511 x, Tearialla•; Itot , crt Roy, Wells Kure, Itralenek. Callenahurg; Wilcox, Jr. l .ll. I. , ara a, norm, of al arget weer and the Diamond. •p 11.1.1 Q ELLF.IIB' F/9111.1' ItIEDICINFS—"They are the inethetnee nt the day." Itraham :Ration, Ohio, May 24, le-49. R. F.. StIICTS-1 think right, for the benefit of nth mime some facts In relation to your excellent F 'fly Medicine.. . . I have and your Venntfuge largely in my own family, one vial frequently expelling large quantitin Tray lOU to OW wDrool) from two children. I have al.. steed your Liver Pill. and Cough Syrup In my family, and they t see, in every instatire, produced the edoet destred. As I am engaged In merehandnung,l fro able to alate.lhal I have yet to htu of the tint (allure where Tool meMeme• have Leen and in any entunt tit the rountry. In conclusion, I may Mate that , they are the medicimis at the day, and redeottned to have a rely eaten.re pupulanty, loots, terpeetfully, at PINISELL. 'ltrepand and void by R. E. SELLERS, No 73 Waal mrem, and ;told by Magenta generally in the two cities and mummy. • ley VAMILv MEDI 1.3 Medicine, nt the day." Finemma Yreitoa, Ohio, May 9n,18(51. 11 r_ Seller.: I dont isjight forth° benefit of °the to vete tome (ars th relation to year excellent Fan It Medicine.. I hove used y. et Venntfune largely la my own tens ity, one eta. , fia,cCrisly answeri Ing for expillingi .g quantitate Orly to ..Stoui worm* from two childrel have also Teed your Liver Pills and Couals Syne to nay lentil', and they have in every instance produced the edeet dewed. . , A. I am engaged In inwohandising. I am able to Plato th.. 4 I lama yet to hew of the fint i aore where your medicine. hare be. awed in my ton of the eountry.V. lit ennelnwon, I any ewe t ey are tea medletn. al the day, and aro da.tined to have a my eaten...: popularity Yon., reii , eattal!), 11. thenarnz Prepared and sold by IL LES, No 57 Wood Street, and mold by Dronyte • ',anneal.) in the two ci and trinity. m 731 izag:ce ariticrttr - LintIiVSEPEMNITLITie J °Animal, only true, and genuine Liver PI.I. SHOli liaaaa, Ohio county, Va. klarch Yath,lB79. Mr. R. E. Salient Dear Elle—l think Aduty I owa to you and to mitt,pic nners ly, to mate that I have been alPacted Ms' Liver Complaint for a long time, and so badly that an Mires* formed and broke, which tell me in a very low state. Having beard of your celebrated Ever rills being for sale by A. R Sharp, in West Libeny, and recommended to me by ray physietan, Dr. K temith, 'I eonelueled to Dye them a fair trial. I purchased one boo, and found them' to 'w Jest what they are recommended, TILE BEST 14- VKR PILL RV ER USED; and after taking four boxes :1 hod the Manaus has entirely lea me, and l am now perfectly well. Respectfully yours, U II COLEMAN.. Weld Liberty, M.rob felinity that 1 am personally acquainted with hi lein t, , and can beat testimony to the tenth of th atinve :reorient, A R SHARP c•outne Lover Pins are prepared and sold by R No 67 {Voted street, and by &niece In the 'or o chin. • • . . TO rult: PUULIC.—The original, only true and gen uine Liver Pills are prepared by R E Sellers, and have hie name stamped In blank war upon dm lid or each boa, and his sorrow., on the outside wrapper—ail others ate counterfeits, or base imitations. aplo R E SELLERS, Proprietor WATollial I 1-.CIIEAPER rll AN UVEtt ! Just ree'd, an invoice or fall jewelled paten Pa ver iVslehes, 19 caret, fine eases, which 1 can Bell a. low a. thirty and thirty five dollars, aud warranted to keep good time. Altio—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, cam prunng the various and IMeat •Cylca, and best pattern. K. W WILPON, Watchmaker A.m and le Jewer, a"... ....". 44U0D11. TA l ORI UIDODM, AT tAsAT. EVLAGY, FLEMING & CU, analog arranged to IA give their entire attention to the sale of domestic %Woolen nnd Cotton Goode, now offer their largo stock of Tallow... Trimmings, Vestings, French German Cloths, DOeaktna.hassior res, &e. at first HERSEY, FLEMIYUI . co let WA,Wood JUST riled, an nkgant Plan Rosewood 5 oeTiri.„, ~ from the celebrated manufactorl of Nunns & Clark, N. V., of au perin r tune, and very Mode ma Dries For sale by H. - KLEDER, delo at 7. W. Woodwells. WILLIAMS' I VOHY PEARL — T - 66TC POWOCit, V V for removing Tartar, Scurvy, Canker and al substa n ces destructive to the Teeth. it is delirious to the taste, cleaning the mouth, healing and strengthen tng the gaols, end punlying the breath, For sale, wholesale and retail, by Jr2u R H tifiLLEßfl, G 7 Wood et 8ra44d144, W 14444, Ulm, dic. 511 pipet Cog Brantiy, 'rations vintages; br og ll 20 te do do; 4 p ipes Holland Gin; 2 puncheons Jamale• Spirits; 2 puncheon, Old 10.0 Whlstteli 29 lir casks Iliaderia Wine, 20 do Oporto do; RO bhda 13aniesog ChirelL 10 hI pipe. Spanish Rod Wine; 60 big Hoidens Claret:: 10 bits Muscat Wine; 0 brie French Whits Wine Vlninger g _ Ract'd ona.ls by . MILLER 44 IIiCEETSON 4010 NM 107 L 10611741 GATES' PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING: SCREWS': PATOIS : TED )IAT 1, /4.1.', . [ . THESE DIES having been adopted and . highly approved in nitrite principal ahem in . Near TAAL' . and Philadelptua, are now offered to manufacturers, machinists, chip smiths, dm, w i th the thboll oaf. intent e, as the most perfeo article in use or ctittltig ' , crew , . . • Their. superiority. over any other Dies heretofore wed, consists in their cutting a 4ussittent • ' Sotasv.whether V or celeriac thread, by orox passing over the Oen to be cot, which require no reutfllig ''''' PT..... P , Parodoe, as the dies cell the thread out of the Solid iron, without mixing it in the kw% their greater durabilev, rapidity, rind perfection of, work; 'and in their simplicity end View iiikestry . get oat of order. . :. ' ~ i. ties maier,the capervisien of this DipirmatAt. P.. 57 13 ntrii ntes' "Patent In a e. lb e muting arrester/it inetet r iltn li , ,n been tried in moor tnelitrge arsenals. - . .t iqu.l to be very etkient and excellent - !, A. TALCUM', CoLOrAlusee. L': Pmesorerrna, Aug. 17,1048. TOl is to eently that we have purchased from Y. W. Geste. the right of •ang his patent Lire for eat. ring bolts. In one opinion, bte, Melia meek ape • tar n. any others we are aequaldted with tor the porno :e of cutting bolts. J P DIOUI9 . k co. • Pruhanstnne, Aug.4l, 1E49. Hatag had P W Gates" Patent Dlesln use In our es:N.4 , lolrue nt for the last nine cravats, for calling Lolls. we can in every aspect recommend them in the habest teens, as we have laid all others away,' tney :log so far euperior—conederlng Mesa 75 per cent cheaper than any oaten now in use. • • ItANEY, NEAFIVI.P. CO, Penn Work., Pa. Tut, is i 9 eerily that we have pareassed the rty,ht to ate. and adopted in out Lawne..? W Gales , Pa. tent R:rew Cutter, ',Wawa highly !snow* or. We can do ranch more work, and wend/eve It will into pals in durability and prdciafon,as =oh u economy of any dies known to es MORRIS, ?ABIDER & MORRIS. 9th inonth,With day, IMS. Now Voltz, Avg. 19,1849. Having adopted P. W. Gatee“Patent INca or eat. ting belts, we take plower@ in saying, that imam then answers our expectations, and have uribesita don in giving it sia oar opinion, that It far creels any other Man in present as. for tatting Lobs. T F SITAR It CO. • We haw. P. W.Gattie"Patent Dies" for cutting 'grew., and the economy of using diem is so ;very hinsid,rable, th at arro cot upon them an InnmPOn. ,— e to every rstablleMnene.having any quantity of aeragra to. cm: AfeCORMIU . DE/ 1 & CO, Cmcaao, May 10,1819. ' : Osunancs Omot, %Pastan-arm Oth 13ept.. MIL I hare parehaeed of W. 11. Renville, for o. l . 7 eitod Eva., the right m nos In all the arrenali and Emu. MISCELLANEOUS. 81e "Tawas Llnrray,• • Inlaid Nagatesla. PItCYARED ander the lsdatedlata ooze ot. the tn veator, and esiabhshed tog upwards Of thlwl years by the professmn. for removing Rile, Acidities. and ledtgesuon, restoring Appetite, Preserving s moderate state attar bowels, and diaphriag uric arid In Gra , el and Gnat; also, as an easy remedy for sot .kkceP3jand for the febnle aTection Incident to child hood it is It:weldable. On the valise of Magnesia a• o m . . reedl a agent it is unneeessary to enlarge; tat the Fluid Preparation of Fir James Murray is now the mow vslaed by the profession, so it entirely asps. the pot utility of those danger°. COICI.IOIIIIIIS 0 ItilY results ; from the uso of the MOB ingnowder. For ate by the importer's and propnetorfa agent, It A FAUN snc.TOCS re. CO reoll Cor. Wont A. Front Om y us oo. eelite H ß . i d s so bin n re . r s le's letStipji aq 70 bit Cullum' S's lump; 30 bye S. Myers' I lb lump; 70 qr ties do It lb lump: for salt by. MILLER& RICKETSON 0 C STUCK - TON has received for sals,drol athl 1.1. of Gibbon's Hungry of the Decline and Foil of the Roman Enema. Late and Letters of Thomas Campb4ll, in S nit. Edited by Wee Beattie, M D, Meta nasty Esetthea of Moral Philosophy-. D 7 the laic Re Sidney Small, M. A. Lectures on the AILIIItie. Eclectic Byrum of Bar-. serve' Ity Denim:ran IDE M.D. Talbr tan Vernon; • ' Novel. The Enoulder Knot, a tale of [le seventeenth eon. WIT The dcarlet lA;ter, a rOMISI2.I. - By Hitlmiel angle , ==o - - . LETTEns OF TllO5 CANIPEWLL. Edited L by William neut., AL D., ono of his ticenton. cola Ithno cloth. Railway Economy: a manse OR the .pew art of transport, Ira nenagemuty prospects, and'relationsr commercial, ananciaL and social, with to expontinn of the practreal merits of the rulways in operation in the Muted Kanedom r on the Contireent,usd in America. lip Dionysins Lardner, D.C. 4,&e. I voLltancloth The fast, Present; and Pelee of the Repablle,trans , lewd from the French of A. De Lamartine, amber of "The Gerondists," "Memoirs of my Youth," "Re. Omer,' Ac. 1 sot 12mo sloth. Hints toward Reform. in Leen:rms. Addresses. and other Wriuoge, by Horace Greeley. 1 'col 12Mo el. The History of the Confessional. Dy John Henri Hopkins, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of Vermont. 1 sell:boo cloth The Cnnquen..if eFinads. By the ontbar of ' , Bootie. tans; IGlliottrir.morton. Esq.d 9 nolo Inn°. Geom.'s; • sketch efn physical description of.the Dineen., By Mei Von Humboldt translated from . the Gerinan by It. C. tritt. • roll Inko cloth Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Hamill Empire; nub woe, by .11. 11. Udmurt. Harpers cheap edition. Irma, chth • col:opiate ;LII 5 role at 4oe pet iron 4 von tccrtv. Ino role by . It 11014ittit Aug, - 71 Apollo Lloilding• Founb et New Mush, • T - MOURN Mae writers. When other friends amend thee. Conscript's depanure and retard. Annie Layne. Are we ahookt there. law backed ear Hs dostb all thmu• well. Nulty was a led!. Istlver moon. Grave of Washmuttor Thou oast wrairte.l the num Board Soler Boy. Be kind to lowed o ,, es al borne. Cheer up my emu ]canned. • to, Lemuel !term, Flower Waltz,. llkn Want. Ilmurrhsro n elm Rental,. Yolk• Belly Poll e. Barn P•das. Jam, Lind Polka. !dada (Bucks. p' March nom Norms. Tbe at.oye gate pm recelyed, end fur boas by 3 II bIbI.LOR okuto el Wahl di E=MM:CiMZtel== follotreng New Iffluir-• say wan you nee by the truth's holy Light; dedi- W,J eau to Rev. C Cant . Oh, think not less I sieve Mee. Blanc he Alpen, I love them. When other (Bands yrounil ihee. The cut beneath rho hills. Wert Moe but mine Ann.. Laurie- Scotch ballad. The Robin —words by Pilot Coot, music by Sharphen• Wove, Thou hootemitted the @pita that loved the,. The Grave of W ashington . The Irish Mother , . Lam/Inf. Old Sexton—Runnel. lie doetti all Minks well— I Wooihury, WiJow hlsehree—Russell. The comps of my mother—llatchsnson.. Low hacked car-s-Tienver khan alues.—complele. The Magic Bea The LIBJaI or WeJdink Polka. Jenny Liad'a Ametican Polka. Lazy Polka. Poiree American Polka. Tip 'Pop Aim-neon Polka. La Belle Baltimorean Polka. Jenny Lind Polka. The advent Scollish, Polka— /alien. Salipanon Polka, Vim Polke. Josephine Polka. Summit Polka. ktosnangol Polka. •The Pro- phet Quo d e—olde year., Jenny Lind Quadrilles. The Wreath and Daisy Waltzer-Mrs Ernest- , The SW...Drover Boy—variations by Cserny. Mondial. Soundsfrom Dome. Wrecker's Daughter, gawks. . Louisville Alareh and Qatekstep. Wood Up, Qum • slay. " 171 strawberry Plant. for Nate as Greer - Wood Gardens UIEIT'S Prize, Hovers t•Jeedllop, and Victorlat .11) These aro Me largest and Lest favored traL &monorail the different varieties newsroom. • Orders addressed to the proptletor, Welt Manche. ter, will receive prompt atteouon. 1 kIaKAIN. avela O=EIAW;LEMI HAS targone an esrablilbed and almcat indlspens. able regalsite In every well proirlded family, Iron Its remarkably wholerome mad nutrithins gnaw{ ties as a food tar the healthy as well as a diet for In. •alldr, and elan Inc the sustenance of growing children and Intone. Venous modes Manakins and preparing it arc Given on the wrapper. Thonab well known on the east, I' has never been inuoduced to soy extent in Pittsburg., The tonbscrits-1 era have, therefore, made •trangeMn to be coal candy supplied with it, and nutria it to retail dealers or ratrulies en morn 6140 IC terms than II has ever been wild at In Pittsburgh. - WM A IMACLITRO & CO CM Liberty n lAhl now prepared to furnish ApplerTreerafroza the I well known Narserp of Jacob N. Brew. The thee will he delivered at the wharf al Pittsburgh for 512 per hundred. Persons wishing good shrilly trees rhould leave their orders ,00n at the Dnig, Seed, &nth Perfumery W alehouse, corner of Wood and Sthth der spit S N IVICHERSHAN I -- TT RLEGER jolt received fide lot Of nnesS lostrannems of the best manufacture, selectedi bLmrelf with great eV!, for th is Markel, nett a. Valve Trombones, Sarßorna L Dnaleat Coinets,Tabas, tee.; also, fine seleenein'et' Mein, Bone>, Malang two .d three Janes, Patinas, Aceordeona, tee. #e. Also aopertor Gennep and halt. :tiring*, and gene. inesNeapolitan F. !Emilie, four lersetls, splendid article. :lON OP TOE. GOLDEN HARP, lel Third street.' V‘filittTielebrated STICKING •SALVE AND STRENGTHENING PLASTER, price Inlets— A sovereign remedy for chronic rheumatic affecuons weakness an d lameness of most parts of the body scolds, burns, sores, of most kinds, cuts, twollin. sprains, bruises, corns, and felons when first coming Alto, the most convenicnt and safe &Coking fo strengthening plasters sod drafts on the feet, • For side by 9 N WICKERSHAM •001 Con Sloth & Wood sits Posta r'ilifava YeibloptaiTal•lialtesaT GWINE to Ron all Nlghn Dolly Day; Dole) . Jones; Go down to de Cotton Field; Nelly wee a Lad>, no. Ile Kind to tbe Loved Umes at Home; Row My boat lightly; True Love, by T. Daft Our way across the ma, cluntk A new medley song, by IL Covert; • Jenny Gray, mimic by Mullen Joys that were crowning, Weddlocklercir (rod bless tho hardy mulnei Schuylkilllo% Conscript's Deparuire,by W. C. Glover Sounds from llome; Waltzes, Meyer, ha Lau Rose of summer, easy Italians. ,7,7,7:, United Stales Polka; Ladies , Bony o f, v„,„, ; Coon Cracker Quadrille; Louis..' , m Qua ,. ; Beauties lull,Duette, Wier ac. A large aswinment of New additions are made weekly flak ealceby fob's . . MELLOR, el Wood e . . sts.P 31". Dpv thud Histrisys HullfEs OF ENGLAND is now pa • - t itr lg s . r& Jiro's, in 6 vols. cloth • d paper. at k 0 cents .eeltre,l for salts by vole R HOPKINS, ", • d apl7 Apollo RnlNinra. roorth 11 . 7 1 FI'Lt. -7. 4 bass prime Rio •1144 Jara; rtion!d, dipped, and spans: ~,_° C "Vati-Ns Cream and English DatrYl ~,, • F.X.s-20 do: Hemp and Mani la; MaIR ; Chava-1 barrel; Culan-60 Al Common and balrlipanin; 'Prrar--Z bolt and bait Lola Macke ral,and Saltann: 'Ghass-30 bra assorted tires; 11.11-1200 Prints Venison; \ 0 10011. Sugar Gored; ' Iltnloo-100 lb. S F and Manilla; Inx-16 do: llarnsons Blank and Copying; blossoms-1140a N Orle.a; 'l3 half bets Sags. Ilona; ' tdurraso-90 do: snorted lIIIIMMOM MACCALUM-511 lb. . VIJOIACILLI-SO lba do Nans-200 kegs assorted; Plexus-3 dos Jan snorted; Panu n-30 bushel. balers; Rama assorted, rsmas-]W Ihslbrdesatt; SIMI.- a , be. Rosin and Gast Steel; Tuna-1u /aids N Orleans and Clarilsd; pasksges Omen and Wink; Tobacco-20 bxa 12,5,1.1 lb Imp; W.1113..4-50 dozp•tent Znik; _.• For No by D WILLI/Cis CO mos Corner of Filth ad lirodd sts. 'gaol REED HOUSE, ties° &WITH & DARDICW. ProPriOltorgsr- Pubba Spears, Brig, Pa. • GENERAL STAGE OFICE-Easters `!We tetra, and ;13oalkern" Stages, leave this house ,solly. Car s ages to sad from Stem and Puket Bar dui emu. N: W,lCErra, late of Oa 610411C1111 H' Odi Ede, r G. W. BMWS, /ale OM, Mamas' pi* ' 5p411.4112 • _ ktogian or Vasa. ma) Docaa_ Waantravos,t3,ra 11, INr• • Co. ide ring (Jima' Patented Itoptovemeat for by ling 'clews okrnetal to be a. valuable eue,l hale, bir aviborgy of the "en sue of the Navy, nurebu eat of the.Attorneya WS. U. .P.tovllle, and Parquet Mower, 41, .the2ithi rtuall aqd au socid iretpliiVeMent lot 14 U. on. *. • JthiEPII SAIITII,ChIat et inn. In . opt to or ' / Rahnlo Works, Buffalo;, .. . „ Rue, .1. A‘ldoy, Reelscltter; . _ .. .:: Soule; & Co, Gloucester, IV. 1; ilavirood & Snyder, Schuylktll Conti: Er, teck, New York; / '. , Soca & Dclantater,uPheenX,” ti. Y; . li. k. Sunburn &Sky Netv 'Sorb; ~ . • , Demnced a. Co, hionticout 15'olki. i 11.14 .-, ' Van Caren, ItnabanthLro Molt ,k. Ayer; Pew York. AlLur 1V orki, do; : r..ik Nlkartkiy, do; • , i' Ni.'t 4 Scots Foundry; ,' - ,-,- • . . nrrix & Son, 1.111sWelphlt;: ~ , A Junks, Breedestuarch, SC; Wolysonit k Netson,ilaston and New Tort Lortell &Inehlno Shop, Lorre , , -,. ' Amterkesc t. l o,Maucheuter,ed lin -. ,• - ' Lyman & Sandier, Sots& Bove% Isla numernus ol4crs. . . . , • • • No iltfec63lo,lo iota dies &tap* re 2 to 4lo.ptf. 113.511 1 Hod o el o B'. " do. to If peke i19 N03 d o -' to 1, olio° 111 All order. addressed to Gatos & MtKolght. Chicago62.`.. Ilattzon, Now York.ll.l).2.luahallitteo: dolphie, and H. Scoville & 8000. Chicago, for Mao ojed.Teo, with or without Madill:to* tot ague them. will meet web prompt aueution. ,• Ctneeeo, Nov 3. teal. • .2 . t- ,{elhadest ISCELLANEOU& _ h..OVAL. PTAT, II A CO.' hnve removed their r }:change °Pic. ucinh 'Bert corner. of Wood aid Thtrd , Itor spricx, irs " ill , . ,rre ' r ' 4ln i P d el ' l ' fella " '' V TlOT:ri b die.7.l 6 ; ' n Uso th a " te. Co., was , II 1 ids., . issolved I, mute eeueent. Ti,, lb . us In es!, orate firia . vaill be e,tilect by .J.: W. Dar 1., ri .114 e. or Wm, AVilsou, J ',oldie i of whom le authoi -I.rd tr. Lo..e. Ihr new, or , ti.ei Grain liquidation., 1 • „1, W. lIIIRDRIDUF, • . . ' :WM. W11.,0N. Jr,. .I.ION, 91141K8 & !JO. l'ittch.are, Jolt' 1,.18.50.-IyV• • , , - -.— • bridge R. re to . tramuct Nvholesale . uracely - end lienerel Cooientssion Hasineve, theboitee lately deelltnec , Berbrldge. Wilson . 1 / 4 ,C*,116 Water IL Ptusburgh, Julv 1, • • r • 00.PARTBICREMIP: , TFIE ouh,etib4ra have this day farmed a co-partar ship under the firm of W k X NVlleau., for theyruir n,,,e of I renrattling_ the Wholerale Grocery and Con. poi,aion Owincee at No 26 Wood 'meet . - WM. WILSON" Jr. . Pie•bniel, I, lESD—jy4 ;FRANK: WILSON. i oniiis naticixt.TD, F.CTIiIING DISTILLERS, nod Tea and IVial J.Meretans, srlde or the Duaoad,Pitlabaria 4 ar,S now 'art e rinß• at the very Imrest prices for cash, nsed, V71.1,1G.y, Gin and Domenic Brandy; French Mandy, Holland Glee, Jarnatea 13plzita t ./44- don um, I ri,h ‘Claskcy, Rem. Con, IltarryKa.. • icirrk, Ch amp sigfie, elatet, • Muccatelf, MGcsa, Tana. ' • Itiffn and Liaton tVlnes. Whtderalek Retail PRINTING PAPER—Atoraya on hand or rude order, the various sires of Printing Pliper,' Rag • Wr.pp'ne Vapor; Crown, Medium, imd DonbleCtoWn ; sues Stria, Wrappler Paper; Crown, Medium. and Doable. Crown Ppm Office Vapor; Pastaboard,lls. to. P LTARSUALL,E.S Wood st,, mayl7 Agent for CantonMilla.. % — r 3h t rlNA ftt l r Xf:l} it' l c rm. arly a cna ,tr C k Colinierchairor,^ '•To so= and to vol Ltrao I,anerTuy Pompidou, No lt—Thri preterit Alm. I By ThorOal (unpile. _ I • CRA UM,. —Niemen of Lffe aad Chairman, 0 It, la G. EL. Precetiona on Brake, Analogy., PaleyisEvidencesofChrintitintly,axid 81111 Locum on Divinity, with two Introductory Loctittili nod tour Addresses &Mimed In the Now lldniburob, by Thomas Chalmers - , Di"Llt i i • CALll,—Life a (Jahn Cidiliion'itipiled =low tic P.ureca, and p er, from hui carresporahunia. Th‘dpnr Dyer, with portrait. 1 vol Mao. 14,r role ty I OA: 7s no nvidiam Ferentge.. • 11Joakbal Wombat . 4 CIA fißCe.g super Patti; 10 do do IrslififiE L 417 wn.s•d Reddthg; - 12 " super 171glisla Mora Haddon Poelet Combs; 1 Vaud verAk.flus tvory;' :tu '• • itthell'indo etuuttli 10 " super large Ilatralor - -•• 00 gross asti'd Sae Combs; reed and for nig by ' fcl , s I. • 13131 AGER, U Matta at ! ixecucto rouivonx. tout. r. , . . T " LT:t i .e " E ' rre " e ' ro 4 tr ' 11:e b' ettirr . tantill e at t E lti and forblic !;onernhp, that they , have rebuilt the GLt.copnuftv '.oc hre now In fell operatlOO, e. , Lave part, of their patte me ready ter the tettken— irathongue witch ate Coo blover, Coal and Wood Store., With • snlendie eltlight Coal Steve, whisk le BOW rupereetling In other elder lb. eahrdioo mead .8 WV, Ala, a cheap coal Codking §tove, well adap- ted for email, t el with a )VII assortetentfefectoo men and m ore prate. WO Mould partieulatiy vita the atterniore of persona betiding te at etta warrhonne bn lore purchasing, and entrain • eplonala *rode of enathetelled Grates, belittled in • fativetyler-- entirely new in titer matter. • Worthook, ta Llbert site 'Wood aort,tti ' NICt !OLSON& PAYNE. RITT/3111111011 INIPOILTAT/0/1111. 1. ; VEAGIiIC-i.oporter. cad Wholteska Deals, ln V. FANCY AND VA.RIETY GOODS:- t lion of the Gilt Comb, ICS Market wt., Weltern tiler chant., Pedlars, and othetw•rogitlint Pittsburgh to purchase Goods, Itro reapectfatty ' to call and examine the eitemahns as.ort.esu..r ZAP lob, Amerman breach amiGcnnan Fantty Goods. All Foremn Goods 01 this entallitllZOOnt ets 104.01* ed direct by myself, andpurchasera tray rely on gat. ; ongtoods from first hands. -1 hr.., the targasieliest. meat of ankles, to the trariely Une, In the eddy at 1 POn.borgb—all of ...bleb Mill be sold low for Mb as city acceptance.. . Tim Stook ponies,,part,,at i Lace Goode, I loclory, Gkerei; Ribbon. ,-• • Craver., Shoe and Padent,Threads,Zatixt Sint. : Spool Cotton, 'Dtpeet,Srupendais, 11001011.,.1.16.1,NM0. i. files aed Oahe and Stlver Walcbetklaald Jawelipoillkoila of • Brushes, Combs and Razor.. reuvrion CepA, Revolve., Pistols, Cloaks, Silk • Cotton Par... Sn.Otaelea, Steal Pc!ss, Make Bdiaa. II•gn and Basket.- ' - .• . • Modules, Ftnthogs and Trlnimlngs. Tors loony Goode: it?pither ea a thieved.. pot loony and SI.Ple DgY UOODS. ' C. sillAUF.ft le alai, agent for the eslebitted Last. *. coml.:, Comb.. IS seat iheimedys EIOR Coash Colds, Asthma and ConinuagaleOF Tbs. J (MEAT AND ONLY•REILIEDY Orr disease Of ihei sßove dines., is the 11UNOARIAN HALLZULId OF LIFE, discovered by the: telebilded Dr. Radian, int • London, England, and Ltitrodeoed Into the Vatted Bunas ander the immediate morbstesnlence etas Lumley The crersonlinuy success of this Mediebto, La iliss eire of Pnbnonnry disosins,, warrants Om Astiasiessa Agent in soliciting for treelinent the passible eel sos dist CUM he *and in lila “9:22l29Dity..eljeathlagmp relief in vain from say of the common seined'. of • dap, and have been given rp by the non Uarp.hed physicians as confirmed arolnicarable. r ut Balsam bas cased,wd wul earesthis most 4Or 1. of oases, 'ltis to quash nostrum, bark eta s& A irt m , rub inelleine, of koolorst and established eLLb Every family in the Ilnimd envies shank tr 0 - itsa with Reehan's llnaginiad Das= of Lilir ' k m - a y m warder-settee coarimptive tendenciet balm be used as [ ' preventive =Oda* hall km. 0 coni{tis, spitung of bloi4, pais flirt. heat, . iaiil , sareiccur do' ki . mrhim dsalty of becoming, ionic fetes, sou and general debility, asiltaisa sough and croup. Bold in Ives nk Per bon] stilt iaCsilies. dons roe the costoranon of hes' 41,, Pamphlets, ntotslinar( _a!" ,ass of English andArrieri• sui eernfiesies, an:a . evidence, stowing the en. ac b tladled c .u r ter...of this 10,-eaf t English Remedy, may be ° Foe -,4,ftr'tAMlVk E.d Wand and I,Vviod end Stli 9p QI 111'171 - ",carrrr lAL Tame Lea's Isl • ==M= Prue:Brun, Dlvelt92 4817. ^ it. It. Salters-( n Janice talon and your inemn• PF e .nle Cough Symp,L beg kesitele V' titatet,fitrlhelhen l!.. of the community, that my wife has been several anes ethic tell with th most denseesitit aougp 2 par. c hime, in January last, a horde of year Brap r pritlch cured a Conga of two months standing. Abott one month.inme, the cough returned, and anti in eaVent that Silt <weld lewdly mote-from weak:pets in 11. breast; I sent for one bottle of your Cough Synrp,'and a part of one bottle cured the cough. .Jgave Ilus other hi joutheymen who IV. 411•Orely lateted, it a 3 ,jo nee known words, "eaten enough tough yte cure ash the rOplC In, Yltlibtxrgh,'' If thecargy had teen as good m represented.' Yours,. resPectrnltY, Alio= ILira tint. Prepared and sold by Eh. F 81:1A,E11.9,67,W0ed street, and 904 by Druggists generally. in the two ALLEMIENY .1716IIITIAll" BLIND ANincAunizr WARP -ROOM - • . ....... „...1.,4id:R:::: r o r i ' u : folly Warm the pahlie. that ki keepaisti hand at Mandan the ghee** etty, a compieus wow*, mentollfeninan Modal Wel Yell tau. Admen aro mule, to or. der to the beat %We, warranted equal to any lathe United Slues. Ills Ifilads can be , tempted an dt• Mal the aid or v sem...driver. Ilaviag poechased ahl a'atora, 1.00114 tad wood Ofthe cabinet ea talchshmentot Flamm &Mae!. land, I ma prepared to furnish sliCir old ca.totnee*, as wall IS the *midic at large, with every Lang in *Wallas. Agency, No b Wood street, riuchurglt.t. •" .•- , meh2ls ' . , J. A. 111201 AN. l ......_ . • Economy, la Tawas . 7 .:i c . TAECInr.DLY the elleapest and .11E.1 plena la Phis. I_, harsh to buy Teals at 11w Tea Market, um dill of the lhamond. They. sell' . , • . e...., Ereellent Tea at ,•-•—•••• • • -*AO SO perm.' Supcttor Iltlailllea•••••••••••••--. • •. - {1.7.5,'JY . -, The Irrry t 0..-••••-• l•••••- •-.•-• • . i. (a , l." ' how priced, damaged, or Inferior Teantaa Mt kept Itt this !slab li rhment, therefore, whether ou go your self or lend a child, you ,am CM, In o btains dotal *their, and 'lt the flavor of.the 'rest. ls notlimAroved, bey readily treimnget ftDr mum the monsair hint dIORRIS & HAWOSLTII, Propagate. / COTHE BOAP-100 tab lin sals y“. xepl MILLER & ELICR6ort Paidvarised Owen elliniawder7;:i EF/NED and Diapered exptessly an dings, Cake., Costania, , . Redly for Boiled Castard.—Ona quart of new Wig, four eggshell' a teaspOonfal organ, two tablespoonful* of maned stareb—dig One:LIM in a small Muni, of the milk, till It it pettedly dinolvad the eggs, welt beaten, 0 the slush-lied' sad duel low the balance at the tont, Ingo mtr *was eaurentlytea u WI. tq.. once: gray 01.8.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers