..; <ti-. ~• =i=liZZ=M WEJDNESD, mortNiNu, JAN. 1, itr'Ssatattiltas are earnetuy reiaeated tei tbur favor. bedre sroc. r and as early klub' practicable. AdTertlsclaenus not snacned for I Sad time yell lIVIRSI ably be ebarped until dr..' wizie CITY evrxnunon rot Navin. , 10IIN J. , IIOGG EN. • • 2461117477011 )01 1 / 1 1011 as ale... • HUGH S. FLE2HNO. la ootomod r ,with oar catemporaties; Lane nopapnr to. 11110170 W. Printer* pa 'ennaldering lipw You's* holiday. lillehad inie4ei to have primented oar elides's, 4... i. . ~;ohdt the compliments of the 111:0011 ma 'entire .nas dress, bot, owing to o r type not having arrived, until long after the tim • prom. •, we are tumbled, to do so, until Thursday of • el:suing Week 0 take this Op ity of wishirptcrenr many . ;• d 'friends indpa ,of both town and country, • • i to their fataF, all:imanner of hapirinew at thaspeculiar ra , and pray that health, prosper ity and long life, ay attend one and all of them. - . ahtetingl of the Legleiature. The Legislator of this State meets next Tues day, at ilenedittre. They will,. we Mot, go to wo . rk in calmest, a d endeavor to relieve our Sotto in Same degree, rom her present embarnisaing position. It ice s, heretofore.• to have been the 'Policy pf oer ..,.., uslature—by the enactment o: most absurd law—to depress. , in every 'way, the prosperity of the State ; and, u less some new laws are enicte , and some of ones abrogated, We shall ber, fai hind - meet of neighbors, in ell the element* blob are n to adios/ice our prosperity. 1 The madmen: of a Free Ban ng Low, based upon tee steer of the State and f the general Government. 'would be paodneti e of immense beside to the entire community, well as the State itself, is the absorption of Bette Stocks.' by . . the various hew institutions thattis Quid iminedk eel., spites into ealsteeee, mould neatly eabatee -ill value. Since the establialunesit of the Goon ,. alßanking Eaw, in New York, t 'tacks of that '_ State have advanced to fall twent per cent. be yaad thetr:pir value; and the ea e effect would be produced in POrinsylvarus. It id a well sea. . —aewledgedfset that our kerma btking capital - lientirely ton beaked for the wants f the people, and weahink that the Legialaune Will show true wisdom In paying a little heed to ince wislieo of them who have sent them to Sarrisbmg, not • merely to corum(' their t lam in political scheme& . but to do something •to relieve than from their ,-- present embarrassment. . • i ! . The doing away of the prevent universally odi. ~ ous Five Dillar Low, is atm • very neceasary matter, and shonld immediately be acted upon.— /Um the repealing of the Usury Eswv aid the . taxies of thastocko of the Stale, or of corporations, held by contrentrdats. This loot ie a moat ridice. boas law, and has the effect to prevent a very large amount of capital from being sent into the State. Every other State but ours endeavors to fawner by the most it:taiga ancsue, the investment ofeap's ltd from abroad. We elf:merely trust that Mrs etate of thine' will n. continue so mach longer, or are shall dad that se hilceor neighbors on every side are idintriang in rapid Medea; to sonod and fa/01VMM prosperity, Peansylvenr4 with all the elm:menu which the God of Herren has ao liber ally bestowed upon her, and Which - eleould, and eseakt, it her interests were carefully heeded by 'those having authority, become one of, if not the weilthieat Scats in the Uoton—in languiahirg and gasping for aid, ist order to keep her Gore bank ruptcy. The Ten ?cur Lave to another very serious in jury, particularly , ro tratbustlhr whore benefit it email:tended, li.baitirdeilindrWrgeriev toss:pond orb, and :ipaae.9eeatlr e:l ern en immense eiumberuk 7P:thy:and buid*liiihs pane ris,rif both it L in the hem '4r divn;di . i . pliiiiitri:Ocerrect, and if ni l :thin them diArifiest oh the toroxi,vi . t.*:iitt a state of Wgs o naturptiy etictifithekto arouse, and which ere , dinue will expirevinitseif in tuna at thunder. .We have received, by the tamimer Ohlo, large Ilea of the San Francisco papeia,u late as Nov. 151 h, they da oat contain ar - 4iiews of importance. The death. by cholera conrinno to be very large, • Ming pearly three columns of am California Cat:trier, from the Slat of October to November 15th. A Crones ra. 'ASTRA/LT Mtn arm Wotan,— The Propriaiot of Sartin's Magazine, Philade! phis,- Kara imp thattsand dollars io Premiums of one hundred dollar, each, for lea prize articles, to beitablialred monthly Is that psper. The weather - at the East has been exceedingly cold; at Albany and Rochester the Snow ie some three kat deep. NOILEPIONC2t Puce Itoso.—We mill the atten don toile following report of Mr. MeGowin,in re:t eepee to Ma contemplated work. After a thor ough eutmitailoa, Mr.McG. is satisfied that the road teut be made'ata miett lass grade than Will here adore strppotied;artd et less expense. It I. a nat ter otconsiderskile importance to Pittsburgh that the road shouldle made, and we sincerely believe thetas stock will prove on excellent investment All over the, cotatry where Plank roads hive been made they have been folmd to pay heavy div idends, and espdcially so venes leading:into large cides. Wa that some alma' asterprisam ciii um will give ft their attention, . 'lb - M. E. gratin, Rodart Woad, Gwen twilit; '- and Jester'. 21-suncL-, Eup: Giarnsmet-al have made an examintion and' survey of s portion of the prolapsed route of the Plank Bond' rout Temperancevllle to Nobtestown The part surveyed coalmen-vat at. Temperance. villa, near. the mouth of Saw Mill Ran, thence through land of Warden, McCartney, Obey, Gut. tam, Jame', Wood; Smnh, Allikll.l4, TOW, sad other terminates at Samuel Bell'. on Char ...tier'm creek, where the present rind Noblestown batentectsagith the creek. 1 And the thaw ethmediugly falde, th em:cent from Tempevancevtile the s mu in Capt. Wood's faun Rate Smith's) being aly 2 degrem 31.1.uunutes or 4,366 feet per 100 feet; and from thence to Bell's the road will descend nearly the whole orgy at the mama -low grate 2degrees 30 mutates. Frbm talloblemown the road may be made at grudessus extmeding 1 I.2,degreea •Ibeitatance to Bell's is 41.2 milth, being about —one mils abater then the present read The ad.: -vantage of the new tome,over dte,told, In distance -sad grades haul so great, it is surprOung -the road Roblestouna was out on it, wean ago, • Respectfully, pour • " • - : Ob.Wientservant: - R. E. mebowiN, Pittsburgh, Dec. 30. - F Kee- Reg.! M=t=a . - - • • There is Bloch - sound 'senee.-na lwell as s lain __. • „ . Inall, In the knottily article in referenco to the "New Year,", which we tako• froo the Miner's Journal: • , Ths Nam Ilsor-4 PrastiasZ\Tali. "Next Wednesday are shall have turned over a new leaf. With 1851 at the top of the pare. Tali. Iu it ( argziiedhaourruaderhyesput a .f ctm. Lz ewi,ttbemitppyi l dna= to the New Year, with all atio - itnal. :table blessings Dame Tertede may have In es.' serve (or them. Many practical, thoughts are suggated by: the truisition from One year to an other. The besioeu of 1850 should not be sof *wed to struggle - Into 1851. "Short nettle. menu make long friendatups," is an old and pointed maxim. Its applieatha I/peculiarly ap propriate at the Close at the year. ALL business 'cocaina, whether smell and apparently hurignif. rant, of large and eoroiequently troublesome, should now .be dammed or, end the new year be opened with straight amounts and • clear con. science. Delinquent sulocriiiers should forward the amount of their doer, ad the save us tenth livable, and themselves so • dunning. ' • • !deny are the en:protest victim of bad hub. lie--the glares of some pre emlosot appetite or pasakm, chewing, cookie billiard.playing, or fuerpreeting the teri-pin alley rbaps worse, tip. pang (we mean to be poach D. They have been Indulging themselves for yearf, foolishly spend log Money they amid ill afford to gam; and promii. lag a Mare o f cafor ade ate and Gnat if. fort at reformation. Now ii e time. The loos 'gee deterred the moni diffninit the attempt.— " Where there is a will,there la a way." Roads but the deteradnation andb art/effort. If the pre. viola yearn of your life have beetV registered amilnat you, revolve that .0 part of 1851 'hall be polluted by a similar desecration." . - Some have wasted their dram for looker Indus; try and • spirit of enterprise. \ They probably re• proem' themselves with havila as yet stained nothing—sbolutely palling.- ey have bone tiled'4.l:, nei th er themselves nor hers—they have bow so durma Open society. While they have bent *deep or ittandingatlll, others have been ae. live, aid at work all around them. The come. gortnee is, they' awake to And themselves Jost where they word yearn ago, andleirea body elm WPC so much time or advance of them. To sue.h we would ay, it a not too tate yet. "Life Is &Won, and action 4 ilk.. The difficulty here afore has bum your butt.—not your miskirtune, thank Providence. Your mound abilities an. p o d "trough, if only wellosed;,but like the slogs MM= _ yY i~- /`''. .. , . gard girdea, you have but the More to•da. SA an utraemetu for your previous neglect. leittlia catalog New Yesr*tkevtaibupolot, reader, sad Our word far if, curb succeedurg one will be brag bunimark in your future "coward and upward r Marie. ALLEGHENY COTTON FACTORIES You cc7").ce:b°c,i'Wile.nY' To Magri. .W.A: bards., Thomas P. Dole,and Ohm. Gmeruxon—ln reply. to,yom.commtmication published the Enterprise" of the 20ff: lest, and addressed to the several firms owning the Cotton Mills of this city, without issuming to ex. press the opinions of others, we cordially acquiesce to the views suited in your letter, to the effectthat the manufaituring operations of Pittsburgh and• Allegheny aren't, chief buts of the wealth and prospenty 'of both cities, and have contributed more than all other causes combined to the increase and maintainence of their population, and there fore that the prostration or general depression of the buxinesi of the manufacturers would fall dims trously on ninny,, and more or leas injuriously on all classes of the communay. The esgiiries, - however, are addressed to the Cotton Mill owners, and their chief object Is to ascertain--If it is peasibie at all—how aeon, and upon what tetras the said owners can be ludo cad to mole operations in their respective mills! We sympathize Most cordially in the solitude you reel for those who, at add winter, anffer•otsey and sore privations for want of their 'aiimistomed employment and wag es, and would gladly en them nervier as well as our own, resume mud eon dove,. oneratiors. But to routme, at this time, the Manufacture of cotton yarn! or the supply of th c Western marker at the highest current prices at 81, Lernia rtroold be attended with a lots of not less thin 1115 on each day's product of the mill, while we i estimate the expense of standing idle at somewhat less, with the advanugo erre. "'airing lasi active means, and' involving much less risk. The prsvailng high price of raw cotton, and comparatively low price of cotton Tama, preclude all idea. of running our mill prepay, either at ass practicable Seduction et wages or increase of boon in the dap work, until the umrkut price of the one declines or the other advance& . . . _ It may be saked, if Cotton is so high, why do you not advance the prices of your goods P To enterer thii Dolly would be to give you a history of the National Legislation, to show how the mentos lion of atavery, through Its champions in Con gress, his demanded to nourish Itself on the se tale of Northern Capital and Northern labor : !mil how reProteerafives of these great national, and especially swarm Intfesta have, for amemuble as reons yielded to th emnerksand superceeded the Tariff of LSO, under which Capital and LIS hoe equally prospered; by the tariff of 11116, under which these :wedded tnteream me now equally and sorely downtroddea—tbe truth of this propel: lion lade abundant illustration in the cotton mane oracturing,ertablishmenis standing Idle throughout the weary. , Hat steely coarse aheefings and yarn are made In-Allegheny, and , these are not imported, why are the mills of Allegheny idle I The imswer in, that under the tent of tat 6 the Importations of Minis, de later, chintz, and all the finer cotton fabrics of English and Trench manufacture, have been largely attgmented, and the American mills lathe:to employed on dateless' of goods forced out of the Amato& markets, and as far as practicable their machinery tarn,: upon the coarser fabrics, not aerially imported; a largo over Production of acute, ensued, of the very hind of 'mil 1,4 the nalnutactere or which the Allegheny mills have been erected ; hence tho Ward 0111:110013 between taw and manufactured cotton, and_hence also, the importability of running our mill profita bly at any attainade mefitfi.ation el customary wages, or-bones of labor. We suppose what has lust been said te be true oral! mills similar to ours, wherever •ituatml.— Sot the mills of Allegheny experience a difficulty local and peculiar to Allegheny. The Legislature of the Bette enacted in ISM, what as known as "the Ten Hour Law," which has, however, proved in. operative, except at Philadelphia and here The forty or name cotton mills to L.o e p oer, Dauphin, Montgomery, Delaware, and other co noes to the State, and all the mills in the other Slates have not run less than 12 hours; and those of Philadelplun which run but tea hours, are working on fancy goods ; to that accoriug to the accounts we have received; there re not a single mill in the United States, employed on such gm - dans we nitnafacture, that has run less than 12, or 12 1-2 boom per day, which is one sixth, or equivalent to two months to each year, more service of their capital invested in real estate and machinery, thou is permitted to us. It may not now be am it was hitherto always num. and—the best policy of Permsylvania to torte, and eneouragernanufacturing within her borders; how. everahm may be,she could not well devise a more effectual obstacle to the further investments, or. sum meara for the gradual destruction of the cot. tea malarkey exiame, aloe to enact that ten months shall be a year . penuaylvanie, while in every other State they penuat in having twelve to the abstiact we are friendly Lo the ten hour ii . reform, and would mte in any'piaci..:l ef fort for its general a n among - the Stales; hut it is preposterously t, as it must eventually prove futile, to imp s hole burdenon the cap ml end peoPle of Allegheny, or of Pennsylvania Under as operation, already, in this city, S130,06:1 less wages has been earned by the operatives for whose benefit it woo cetmoibly commenced. 120,- 000 worth of cotton was sent abroad to be told du ring the pant year, which had been brought here foe the use , of the mills. All ideas , of new cotton factories have ceased. Some of the old ones have been brolan up, others sold at immense samsfice All the mills base stood many mouths idle, nod other untruseshable stens exist, that the business is paralyzed.. Indeed, a must he manifest to every nonmt and Ingenuous mind, that unless our mina can manufactarei as cheap us the mills of other ci ties and states, we must, necessarily, in the end,be driven from the field of competition. ~ Our mill-has been in constant opera' .e for are comae years- We have built op en emended valuable custom end correspondence, which, if suffered for a single ant,on to leave no, and obtain their =mains from the mill; row 1/0 not. memos at the South and West, er more of the Etat, it might be impossible to Moor, strap We may cling to, sod struggle a little longer to Olen OW largo investments; corning riff stopping the mks at interval., as may be dictated by inter. eat or nereasity,"hopmg to avert the 1033 of ens, Comma, nail!, on the one hand, we 41‘2n11 be forced to despair of final Emcees, or, on thenther, case fie and awned that the Legialstate:and pcople,espe r. malty the openrtives, stall concur with on that a is their tree interest end best policy, as well a, I once, that The capital, tot more than • manor,) that remodel, in the catton business of Alle;;henr, be relieved of all undue berthena and restratans, and placed on a footing of equality, as it respects the Antra ot labor st least, wals the capitol irises:4 ed for like purposes elsewhere. • Dahl this shall be done, there MO be no ahidiag preeperity, no constancy or certainty about the business, as the mills wends twelve boors whenever and where ever they please, to contest the market with us, can drive us from the field. We ay. tically, as brim.% that owing to the high price of CSIUGO, both to England sod this country. and the other onfavotab'e we eon nee, or lorome 2a motive for running our mill this minter or the roaring annoy., other than the reteneion of costomeni, tag to polliwog of more than k brief resuMPl ,o l2 4 -stieor recent ex periment of 0110 month her prcived that it will be attended With it comiderablo leer. -- - • We ere, very respe,thal:y. yeas, KING, PENNOCK & CO [No are iatherized to mate that Mr. Arbuckle, of rho Anchor Mill,, fully endorses the nentimente contaiced is thn ob., ae, which mill render a On. rreoettaary foe that company to sthlt,Pei feisty. EDO. -K72141.11112 . . By rho arrival oft (need, who for the .ten three yearshu been travelling io Brazil and the. BnenopAyrean Provihees, we are placed in pot: session or an item affray of notice. Our lefar meet (spealcing . of • journey which he made , . through tiro Province of Rio Grande do Sul, to Juno tact, ) says :-41ero York Courser. °lt was my gaud femme to moot in Sea Bode with Mons. Bonpiand, the companion of B us Izmir lac some of his most remedial:le travels, and as he was about proceeding to Mooto Video by the river Urugpay, for the purpose of receiving hie pension which is allowed him by the French Gov crunient, and this being in my route, we' nude the voyage together. Mona. B.mpland, although isevenlyeeight years of (age, is 50 vigorous and 10 full p/Mlll.llOll of everyfeculty. His conver sation Is lively and very otterastics, and hie plans for the futures,* aunts as ono wouldexpect to bear from► man in the prime of life. He still corresponds with hifitiond Humboldt, and, tin• Idle him, has determined to pass the remainder of his days in obscurity. Near the retired village of San Boriii to occupies a cottage, and cultivates the ground attached - to it. He her • native wife and a number of small children, to whom. he to moth attached. -Mona. Bonpland still continues his botanical researches, and dnumig our journey from San Borja to Montevideo he collected and described over two hundred new plants. His collections are !foments, and doubtless very val. liable, but hall probably destined never to realize any benefit' from them, as nothing can persuade him .to return to France. Hie long residence in the interior of South Amerisa, (since the year 1817,) ineludlug an imprisonment of nine years in Paucity by the Dictator Fusel*, his co ac. austelsed him to the rude and simple life of the nat i ve . the nothing could induce him to chaos o his present modisof II '10g.4 Lovmvivi 11.1111. WAY PACCIMIIINOs.—Large meetings of:the most ingnential eitteens and others have been:lately held at Louisville, to Dash forward the railways leading from that city into , the interior. The proceedings were spirited, and ! indicated a firm determination to go ahead. A city subicription,of a million ,f dollars to the stock of the road to Nashville, with a branch to the Idiniarippi river connecting with the Mobile and Ohio Railway wee resolved on. Other subscrip 1101111t0 the Jeffersonville and Columbus, Ind., reads were also recommended nod full confidence is expressed . that the tax payers will , 12111Cli011 the recommendation, almost nuanimonaly. Gen. Collins, President of the Maysville and Lexington road, addressed the meeting in Macre sling. the jotimal up,. with great power and el fret.^ lie reviewed, - in • clear and litchi man ner, the anticipated benefits to accrue to Louis ogle from fhb construction of the Maysville road to Liengton,which he satisfied the meeting would certainly be Constructed, and at • cost not exceed. mg $1500,000. He dwelt also on the final connec tion of the fine by Legbgnin and Maysville with either the central Virginia roads terminating at Guyandotte or a mid running through The manila cent permlle of the Maysville road 681 miles, and three meets, is $4,000, and its income, at 10e per cent. K•aop,Pl.z—Cottaf. The paramount Importance, fox Dom e yen; accorded to cotton as the meadsl of textile fa. brier is novel, oficatural, and cannot endure.— Not to.speak of wciel—s more valuable, but more croaky material—it is noveriontr that there is produced • far greater quantity or weight of cleaned fiber per acre of hemp or flax than of cotton, nod a lees expecte. Wbitney'a haven. non of the cotton gin, with the stoat at simultane ons invention or perfection of prone sea for card. ing, spinning and weaving cotton, especially by steam or water power, has given cotton its recent predominance. While the menufactum of cot. too thus obtained a rapid and extraodinary de. velonment,ltlat of hemp and flax hot especially of the latter, has been thrown back by the obsta cles encountered, not only in spinning and wear, log, tiot in breaking nod cleaning -it—that in, in 'separating the fiber entirety from tee weedy and worthiest porno° of the stalk which it enfolds. We believe ripe fax might be profitably grown in nearly every State of the Union for an average - of2o her hmAred or SIW per ton, provided ma chinery existed by which it could be broken and cleaned at a. cost of not more than 620 per too—and .that ought to be abundant. BM in fact, by the rode end clumsey hand brake and ewinglingknife which have come down to to, probably tram Noah'. time it is worth at least $lOO and really nearer 6200 per ton to drew Flax well; and thls heavy charge has very obviously contributed to keep tutor years in the back ground. It has been byvtomeane uncom• mon to grow large crops of fiat for the teed alone, throwing out the threshed atalks, fiber inclusive, to rot and return to the soil. 'This teed is exponed to countries where the'pmclice of pulling the plant green, in order to secure greater eoftne ea and foe. nos, WIZ created a demand tor it, while a gooddeal to tannufactrired into oil. We do not believe all the flax fiber grown in this comory during the lam thirty years has nettled the growers $3 per hun dred weight -alter deductiog the cost of breaking and cleaning. Now, it as we understand and believe, machinery and processes have been devised and perfected In our Western States, whereby Flax may aow'be rotted, broken, and cleaned, at a coat imilde of HO er ton, with every prospect of a speedy reduc tion to one ball thatkioal, while a saving to effect. ed over the old, rude methods of at lent twenty pm coot. in the quantity and quality of the fiber, and if correaponding Inventions, discoveries, and improvement.. have been recently made in Ea rope, whereby flax fa rendered pliant and feasible in the hands of the spinner and weaver a. cotton a, it is evident that a revolution Wiest open Even now, good flax is worth but tittle mare than half the price of motion in the market, •Ithough all know that the fiber of the former is by far the stronger and more enduring. With the best machinery and ample demand, we believe Flax could be produced on the mat prat. ties of the West to good profit at 11100 per tun, isnd delivered hinny part of New York or New Eng. hind for $l2O, white good Cotton , so delivered, will now command 4280. We say Flax could be deli, 'ered at the mills for 4120 per tun, if itachinery were common whereby it could be thoroughly dressed and all the fiber mved at a coat of less than 130 per tun ; ton'we tram it need not be sold for less than 4100 to $2OO per ton. Even at $2OO, pro vided it can be manufacturedna easily and rapidly as Cotton, or any thing like it an opening clearly exists for a new manufacturing bossiness of signal profit and prom be. We hear and trust that it is likely to be extensively improved before the close of 1651, and mean time we would urge our most extensive rind enterprising farmers, especially in the Great West, to look earnestly into the subject of F. culture and Flax Dressing Machinery, and re, Theiher they do not proffer good chances for investment Tits Ium[OVIE6III . 3 IX ins Matis—lt will 1w soon, by the notice of the Postmaster in this day's paper, that the new arrangement for the Western mail goes uuo operation on Monday nest, when the express mail for the West will lease the city at nine o'clock, P 21., and regularly every evening at the same taiiir theresfier. 'llia mail will connect with the morning train from New York, and the evening mails from Philadelphia, and also with the evening malls from Washington and the South. The passengers by it will mach Cumberland, by railroad, the neon morning at five o'clock, nod thence be canted in tinges over the mountains by dry 11,-Mt, and will get into Wheeling in about 24 boors trdm tee Mac the 7 left Baltimore. This mail will afford groat advantages to the travellers over this route, to and from the Wen, and cannot tail to increase the travel. It will al. on afford great advantage to the whole Weat„ In he rt,,ipt of inteiligehee from Washington, and from all the patois Oa the seaboard. Under the old arratgetnent r thers was but ono will from the West, which left this coy at 8 o'clock in the Enmities, so that the mail and travellers from Washington and the South, were detained here for twelve hours, sad the passengers and mails tram the East, who embed an the morning and afternoon cart, from. Philadelphia, were kept over; those by the former eighteen, and those by the latter, twelve hoar. Now . , ender the new arrargeinent, there will be only the necessary de lay to alliier the mails to be transferred, when they will be scot right on. Is this mail the great We.: gri:li;et the latest neway.direeg from Wash• region, twelve hours :gi . a..ilgeeri of the ti me it Is now received. We owe this important improvement m the Mail service to the present Postmaster General, mho his given in iFin etrattl al the seal see ability he halt brought to the direhvge of the due ties of his office.—Lialt. Pamat. A hamau TO TUE Ucaloit.—"Oh, don't do that ,❑ I am dead."—The Atlanta tChnaette i t Republic On the day of the meeting of the eeeessetaists at Klncsion, a revolutionary soldier returned to his residence in Cobb county, on the rail road, though his eye. were to dim that he could not very well see. Ile eras told that they were trying to get the people to dt,.o lee or secede from the W hereupon, he drooped his withered face, and seemed to be in deep distress for one or two MID' es, niter which he raved his head. and, with • faltering voice mid, "Oh, don't do that till nen dead '" While he uttered these words, the large terve chased each otherdown his way worn cheeks. "fie was told that • great Dumber of men would try to prevent them," to which he replied, "Don't let them do that till I no, dead." An old Soldier, hems. At Harper's Ferry, Fa., being entitled to 184 acres of land under the new bounty act, ultuaiceil from the patent 061 'o the necessary authority for locating his land. He to. leafed it on a tract of unaccepted government land at Harr...et'. Ferry, beteg more conventeut, in toe estimation, than traveling over the wilds of Ore gon, Minemta or California. The old uldier has consulted able legal gentlemen, who have given It e. their omolon that he can hold the land, as the bounty act allows the I tcehoo upon try unavrtt pied government Land. The property rhos indeet ed ra aid to Le worth at haat $lOOOOO. YAM E.—The Ni, Eoglawler says Letogfellow Is lettomts iu Plashed as ''the man that married Mr. Appleton's daughter," and Herman Mel• "the (clow :hat btu& Dr. Brotswer's farm." Lacy GRAY, va.fe of Sth Charles E.lvanrd Gray, Governor of 1.1)11103, died;in England, Nov. In, mix, giving birth to a will born child. The wife and hrthan.l have not lived together , nor seen each other or nevoid yews, he having gone to Jan... ...wart, iron, hit wife and rredia and rho resenting his appropriation of part of her separate 1111 1 113E11110.. They be. long to the "um fowler,' of too Eritis4 what/te m,. REIVLARIL MILE OAHE: 11 EVIDENCE IN OUR MIDST!! Slut /itait—Sir t I eliverfally eordply with your ft quest Out I would give you an account of the •Imeet tulineulotte eurefo( my little daughter@ eye lay the use of your "Petroleum." }the wee attacked with a very sore eye in February or Idarch lart, when I immediately applied to the bean medical aid in the city, by whom ft was pronounced " a very bad eye" and all gave tee nn lisps of doing her any good. After which I look see into the coo n• try to en old lady, who:bad been very sneccayful in curing eyes. She told my that her ease was hopeless, silt would eyrtainly lose 401 only that onc, bat al. o thst the other would follow—it being aacrofalous affection of die blood. And I do certify .that :at the time my fa:her (J. H. Vaahom came to the conolardon that wo had better try your " Petroleum,• anti was maim, RLIND. of one cps. It is now about two raw.. since she began its use, and she can now see with both eye.. good as ever she did ; and, as far .1 c. tell, I beliese she has, with the blessing of he Almighty, been cared by " Petroleum." Yours, thypeettelly, eft Fzuhecte Ymmon Comma. Pillyborghh, Sept. to, MO. For /bib by Keyser Pe McDowell, 140 Wood meet; R. E. Seller*, 17 Wood street; D. M. Carry, D. A. El hos, Joseph Dougless, and 11. P. Schwan', Allegheny, also by the proprietor, S. M. KIER, nnettlk.re Canal Dann. Seventh la, Plusbarsh 0.15 ea of Ohio aad rev.. R. R. Co, Thlnt et Prreseverni, Reimer 5,1850. Tus Stookbo/ders of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Witt Road Company ate hereby notified to pay the eighth Instalment of five dollars per skate, at the °Moe of the Company, no or before the 20th day of A2.9ust. The ninth instalment] on or before the 20th day of September. The tenth instalment on or before the 201 h day of October next. I The :lb Instaltutot or.. coiled for on the 202, o Italy last. ireg r,do Wht LARIIIIER, Jr., Treasurer. BY" Wants! Wont. !—A emu many learned }treatises have been written, explaining the origin of and class lying the Worms generated In the human system. Deuce any topic of medical science has elicited morn acute observation sod profound re search, and yet physicians aro very much Minded In ',opinion on the subject. It mast be adrunied, hew. Over, that After all, • mode of expelling them worms end purifying the body from their presence, is of atom, value than the wisest thmaisitione ma to the origin. The-expelling agent ess at length been found—end lred.' to the public hi• Lanes Verrulfage, the pro printers are coafidant that it will only venture to be used to prove Itself superior to any now in For sale by J. KLDD& CO, No 60 Wood MOS . lemprove eats to DeralUstey... DR. 0.0. STEARNS, I ate or Bottom, te prepared to inattaleetare and ant litnea Trait ID Whole and parts einem, upon Semitones Atmospheric Suction Platem.l- TOalletatirCarOn to VIVI lerdellin, Where the nerve it exposed. °fee and residence yen door re the Nay. nes efEes, Finerth erten. Pitunarelii. Nernst no—J. 1 4 ..14 , Padden.F. Eaten. 1•10 PALL 1111PORTATIOM UP HARDWIRE. LOGAN, WILSON 4 CO. 3519 WOOD STREF.T, Are now prepared with a large and fresh sock' of English, German, sod American Ilardwere, to oder eopetior Induremenie In lieyere. Those Inettng to pawn:, will promote their interest by looking hroreh seock, as they are determined to tell on' , be DM r Mine 00115 . • 1.1•:,. DR, 0. limm, • twmtut.lco.., froar,A Mar,. and Dicatar, betietla •nd Fern' street& aett-dlain ENCOURAGE HONE INSTITUTIONS CITIZENS' • INSURANCE COMPANY, Of PI ttsbn C. G. HUSSEY, ran' • • -A. W. NARKS, SIWT. OinCG-•No. 41 Water meet, 11l the warehouse of C. 11. GRANT. riafilt; COMPANY le now prepared to insure all kinds of slat., on houses, 112•1311faCtoMF goods merchandise In Gore, and in transits vessels, &v. An atolls rannamy far the ability and integrity 01 e Institution, Is afforded in Son character of the rectors, who aro all citizens of Pittsborell, well and (notably known to thecommunity for their prudence, intelligence, and integrity. Dunecloaa—c. G. I lusacy, Wm. Ilagaley, Wm. La. Imes, Jr., Walier llryani, flush U. King, Edward • Ileuvaltims, John linworth, 3. Ilarbaugh, S. M. Kier. an.llnst DIED. On tbo aven'on of the 30th Decomb r, EL,o The funeral will take plack on Wedoirday, Jan 11 at It o'clock, from the reudenee of her, hootrand,lb , Was It htellwaino, East Lrberty . On TemNay, 31s1 December, at d o'clock, A. hi., Mr.. Marone I: KINCAID, wile of %If. It. Kincaid. The funeral will Snare the rendence of her hus band, corner of lozireock and,'Nlorgan sir, Allegheny city, thu day, at Saltary, at 2 o'clock, P. M., to pro• ceed`to the Allegheny Cemetery. On Tuesday, the alit Instant, Mr. Jon 11. Norma aged 9h years. Hie funeral will kayo the residence of E. Holmes Yeecock street, Allegheny, at I 0 o'clock thin day. A QUARTERLY MEETING of the Educational A2llooiltiOD or A.H.o.ny comity, will bo held in Pittsburgh, In the Fourth Wand Public School /louse, commencing on Pnday, January act,itt 10 o'clock, A. M. The Rev. W. D. flowand, will address the /immolation in the Second Preebytenen Much, at 7 o'clock to the evening. The meeting will be 000. tinned an Saturday, when aaaaaa I Geom. on the value branches of education will be delivered. all (nude of the cause are respectfully invited to attend. By order of Ex. Samminec. C (3 RODGERS A C MitiilKNer I :31=a :a AN Election will he holden for President. Manse , Election and other Mimes, of the board of Trade, to the Reams of the Aetoeletion, on Tbureday, the 211 initent, CO oltlork, let /MIEN 11A1111:R. Secretary 1:115101LUTIO 111 OR PARell Mtn 111 P. 11111£ anlweribeis, trading under the firm of W & 111 Idaeholuee, have this day damlyed partnerahip by mutual conien.. All pe.ons haying claims against M. late firm will pretest them for payment, and Ocoee ladobted will ea., Nall and wale their bet °CAM WI LLIAM 111ITCIIELTRE11, _ .• MONTROSE MITCII6I.TKI:F riusbetrgh, /annul lot, 1e.51.-lal fiIHE rubserther retiring from butinesr, tales th opportunity to tender id. best thank. tohis timid d ,an th e coroner. of th establishment, for Met 'tharalpatronage through a long period of threnty-foa years, and at same time bjs leave to solicit :Or h brother, this dote perfect, who Will still early o • the holiness) a eniihnoancr of their kind thews •rant WILLIAM 111:1:SREE MOSTROSS ESITOUELTRICE, Vocoosoor to W t M Mttettottree.) WHOLESALE GROCER R ayt U A T , IIIL L 7 , 4 1r . ..e . ;72 , p i.. 1110 1, Boas , Vada •ed ' llle27tlng l'un - dt, YIA Labetly Ohl t" - MIMI DAM AR-1509 lb. just receivrd and 1. a , c by LIRA UN b. REITER J.l Cot Ft Clair! Library • CARLIONA PE AMMONIA (Ilanituwal-4.4.1bs Ice sale by 11.11 UR ALIN A eturrEs r)ow DER} D ErrINCGR A 1 , .. - -.leo lbs for sale by 1•I BRAUN t RE.ITI..R IRANC:I , .IIERRILI.I 3.0 los lot sale by DRAL'N a 111 , 17F1R A GARIC-40 lb. (or sale by — I. 1.1 BRAUN a REITI:R B "DRIE-'- 1.1: ! b " s toraie n :ta ' Veed, 20 lb. Powdered Ilethborei 30 lb. Ton:newel Root. 30 lb. Angelica Ile.. ItoBo Henbane 1,11•er; IMO lbe Prunes, Co. saie by 1.1 BRAUN & RErre.rt IV !Hit: BKAZW- . 13 brls far role by WM H JOHNSTON 1001-10 brirm IRA for rale by 1.1 " WM H JOILYMN 8R071.115--lau dozes m, sale t• i. W/1 7 11 JOHNi.TON 110Y,-... bales far sale by - tal 11 .101INS7[IN DRY AYPLh —: G for We by 1.1 w 1H /WINSTON - - barrcil. for sale c 4 NFIELD LINSEED torrels for rale by 1 D CANFIELD IDIOLITFER-.-110 brio roll, tot sal.. LI Isl I D CANFIF.LD DR0051:3-40 doxem fur pale by 13 Jal J II CANFIELD L ALI:FLATUS-1W Loze,for ellc tj • 0 lel J U CANFIELD / 111k.E.14E-11.0 hetieel. wain II %.-., /RI J U CANFIELD FTIIERS—e7 Lie, received for *ale by jal S I W HARUALVII 11 1* '. 5— "' 4 " Ll ' d "' ' " e7.i`i , 7llAnnAuali REAPF,-20 tat. rcecsvul tor sale Ay IIARRAUGII !FOR RENT. Tfollaissitig properties ore far rent, sir 1A !arse well Earthed and earopiniely turn:shed STORE., au Marker .trees, between Third and Fourth streets, suitable for Dry floods Freverat ROOM+ In Yost CM, fluild.ngs, in the Omer., a third corks rnitab le far Musts' Rooma Others, AC A largo and Convenient DWF.LLING Roust . , • toratnara part of the city. 1'.0.31. of the foregolng can be given on Isl of Spill next. t SMALL STORE en Third creel. rest don to the titre tie Office Poonereion given mooed...lv FOR MALE, nu onerpired Leave ou don Wale bocce. on Thal ntreet, heretofore occupied by late Mr A Melon; For tenon, apolylo M U riAZZAftI, teg Secoud tof in to AIeCORMICR titt Tllll.l [Tribune, Diepaten, viii Pont. Wert.< copy I , HMO/ ITOOKI OP PlAillai. JOHN iII bIELLI , II, al Wood 1. liffilli bus Nut rcenved o orar and opiendlo assotonent of rtonos, nom opena s p ready for tale. . . Je3 M 1113. HOFMANN. - (Formerly liornstetn.Rothi la AMINO ennetutted to make Plutt,inett act per JUL toonent home, Willcontinue to peer le.son. it Vocal cod Intaremental Moue. Residence at F Fall de3l:dam flpUndid Gift Hoek.. to. LEAFLETH of armory, !an at a a par, Cstaart of Pastern An. Desna of tteadly. FriendahlroOlDrlng. Arnttransh. Walter Bloom. Presbylerran Canal and Illytun Boot*, splendidly bound. Episcopal Pityer Books, splentlylly bound. J •ventie rteiNGlllClOll ik , oll/. Albany, to. For salts at the EDUCATIONAL 111)0k STORE, atrall Market it, on 01 Fourth NFOIIM AMON VIANTED, of WILLIAM DUO I GESS, agative of Ashtnn-unster-I,yne,l.anettat ire England, by trade a weaver, who arriveil In New yorit on board the torn Ronny Clay, on the Nth it NOY embor 1051, having :11 charges urge box, which he oral to lorveatd to Itiltal,orglt. Any Informarion ro• apeeling either will be thanklO ily received, for the owner of the bb:. by IVILLIANI PRICE, Of the Round Ilabte,Eittaborgh, FN. LAPAYETTE HALL A &mat gamin Wore tiered to the Aousitan World VERV lodimdual of the audience taught the secret G of ANTHROPOLOGY, or Inc Ificetric Silence of Life—bnos to become operators in the seance, Skep tics, or any person made Uperators instantly, to tam great totoolstiment. PROP. TEW talcs pleanra In minouneing that ha will unfold mil the secrets or science which the world has pronounced incomprehensible; for the rea son thatoperetters to Biology, Psychology, ike, instead of throwing light on the mildeet, have Made them selves and their eclence seemingly trillculows Professes Taw Is the only lecturer on Anthropology la the world, and Om eipenceente never before at tempted by man. The course will rionslstot five lectures with expert- Moon, commencing on Monday evening, Dec 30th, swimming . during the week. Door open at 6 o'clock. Admlssrou, 25 eta; Tram* to the count! 73 ate. Bee bills of the day for particulars. de36 11111 v... Cols Wanted, "V OR which the hlgheat premium will he paid at ,ho r Ezetiango °Mee or A WILKINS& CO. ile3o - Cur. of Thlrd &hterket .1. ma ifiein - matio• and Ottmes. lIE • extensive range Of buildings formerly emelt / Pied by N Lac h at tne Point ; between Water street and Duipmene ‘Vay, will be leased for • term of yeam. They eau be readily xdopied, with ammo power, to accomodate every kind nf inanefaei Luring bumped,. Pemenion given immedialrly apply to CHAS. U. SCULIsr. Ag'l Fourthst, PittabArglx J UST RECEIVED —3 eases Ladles Gucci Boots; t ' o a d: 4 : 1171:11 5 n h a; °" do Gcsatsi d o Over Shoe. do do do Sandals; for sale wholesale and retail at 9 lc 9 Wood at, by de:o J a II pilicups INDIA RUBBER DOLLW—Just received from New York, a few fan &tarred ladle Rubber Dolls, • Genoa NI artiele, for sale at the India Rubber DePu4 7 0 Wood et Idt9ol J All PHILLIPS „ R UBBER GOODSV Masers. Corns, lorgel ,.. .; p ß at i l n to C n; P L:Vir In pair shined do BF 0 Horse Covers; 12 pair Gents' Shon awes; • 3 pm Fishing Bost., for .01e by W7OI J _k II PHILLIPS VVENISONboo fresh Venison Huns rest received and (or ode by W F WILSON, dO3O 111 Wood al •- - - POWDER MANGANESE 2000 lbs for tabs by J KIDD & CO de3D DO Wood 00 IifoILIIIN'S ELMER-DI do: far tale b o co J KID S in da• gARIETII IELEGRAPH. 'SI:PORTED 6 TICLEOIL4PUED OR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZLII b ADDITIOINAL PAnTICIIILARII BY TIIIC 1332033 Now Yana, December 31. The steamer Baltic put into Provincetown on Saturday evening, and remained until Sunday at noon; Capt. Comstock endeavoring, in the mean lime, to purchitse coal, which he found difficult to obtain. Should he not be able to find nude eat to run to New York, he will put into Boston. The Baltic pawed off Halifax at 10 o'clock on Thum:lay allernoon. The passengers left her at Provincetown, and proceeded to Boston by nul read and other conveyance. They have all reached Boston. Arming than is Geo. %V. Kendall, of the New Orleans. Picayune. POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. England and the Continent do not present any news of Interest. 'Affairs in Germany are becoming mare pacific, d the prospect of peace is more promising. LIVERPOOL MARKET. Lwasiroor.., Dec. 14. Caton—The market is firm for all descriptions. American hos advancedlald per lb. The week's Wee are 41,180 bates. Other deacrip. lions arc wilhont change. Breadatuffs—The market is limpid, with large receipts. Mohr has shakily declined. Wheat is heavy. Indian natal in selling at 13a eau. per bbl. Corn is reld at 30a Cans per quarter,' • Tobacco—The market continues firm„.'lit salve are note. large. Gro,rien—Cc free in firm. Sugar mud malan. t a arc steady:- Rica is 'lulling at 144115, 8 , 1 par cwt. ProuieMns-,The market is doll, with small Wes at Firma rather favoring buyers. Money Market—Money is easy. •Cons - ils are quoted at 9 7i697i o. r American stock. are firm, and In good request, at lot quotations. English seen:hies are' In gacd demand. CONORENSIONAL WASIIMITON Dec. 31. Scum—Several petitions and memorials were presented, and appropriately referred. Mr. Badger's resolution to amend the Hiles so as in cui cff all debate on all preliminary no. thins, taken up and referred to the Select Coin. The resolutlou orbit.. Davis, of Massachusetts, Gar directing Inquiry into the expediency of amending the law granting registers of enroll. menu and licenses to vessels, Was adopted. Mr. Benton's resolniions asking the Secretary of (the Navy to ,report to the Senate upon the expediency of traxisferrieg the Coast Survey See. vice from Ito Treasury Department,' was taken op. . . • &tenant. Jeff. Davie and Dowries apposed the Alio; a long del:We, the resolution woo ■o amended by calling on the brewery of the Treasury to give the marries why the charge: should not ho made, in which form it was adopt cc,. The vole by which the Senate refused to per. net the extra eOple.l of the comspondehee with the Auranau Charge, wee reconsidered, •ad .1. ter some debate, 6000 topic. were ordered to be printed. The Senate then adjourned. Mum—Sherily after the meeting, the Home event Into Commettee of the Whole co Iho bbl to modify and reduce the rates of portage. Mr. Hebard advocated (actinic. to tielarapa pet% Mr. Chandler 'poke ;n favor of reducing the postage on rnagaamea, when the postage an. pre• pa.d. t: Mr. WentWonh' moved to induct the postage on nr wsparre, when it skull be paid in advance. Mr. Fowler wan for the two cent ut.tlernt poet. Mr. Poucr g.we ounce that he Would pica. the vole on. the quethoo, oo Mooday .11, at 2 clock. Tnc Committee then, after much merry proceed ing. as to whether the Hunan should adjourn over to flared.). cr Frtday, decided in the later slope. The House then adjourned WAIIIIVIOTON. Dec. 31, 1550 In lbe Conan.. oroe eedittga.gestentag, I a • bounced am, the rreatd.nt sent to the Senate el., of the cc;.apondence between the Aut. Cbargo and Mr. Webster. On tbc. motion to print 10,000 [Vw ropies, very acinatad Lobate arose. All the Senator. Who lock mot in it. bore inst.:cony to .he roaster ly ab• Hy or Nit Weliatet 'a tette:. 11. Nlanyorn ...in it.n it cootatned oat oust ili.otriorm—Aniert vi eon deonet .penty of nnaolu ly athranE. Id. it lb.: cll." of all tbs Whirl Th , eorroixiderien ts published m day. Ten Austitne Charge. wnto an important letter. ehoneintan the minion of Dudley Mann to the Hungarians, o a vielaticnlof the prinetplo of TlOnOnterventton, announced by Gen Taylor, and yokeelly protege, mite name of his GOvernMent, wine! the , rolmee .. lna• of our Goireturnent it treat. hitter; ea n epy. Mr. Wrhater refitted at length, and handles Hrileelman wt.°. Ono. Hejoribee threlively internal taken Itv our people to the events nod moniarnta of dir extraordinary age, wherever ohttated. fa As compared with America. he atm the pea. icemen. of the Hoaacot lispaburg we but a batch upon the earth'. aorta,. Mr. Weboter's reply rr. • ived :be encomium. of 'al: who heard it, sac is mach talked of to day. NEWS 11E45. lAITISVILLt, Dee. 31. The river I. failing fast, le:th 61 feel on the Falls, and 10 leer fir the Canal. Tt e weather La clear. The rdeamor Ci4drator pursed op this morning, and tte Ohio thin aheronoo. • • . The Ohio eared the freight from the a:reek al the Talleyratol. She mar maimed here for 575,. 000. A destruett Ye Ere occurred at Roahstllo, sathett destroyed property to the value of $ll,OOO, And arrival at St. Lout. from Halt Lake, hriaas tatelltsenee that the valley la 10 a prosperous con. divan. NEW YORK MARKET. Penember Cotton—The market, if aoy thing, t• better, with intlf of 200 bales. Fleas a The ma rt le very quiet, bat steady, with sa l • of 1000 Lbl• al yesterday's quotations. Rse . 'loot-1. o,m , with axles nl ICO !Ibis at $3,62 pef Grwo.—The wstket Is inactive. .latc• 2000 Lu oew , ltortest 65,1 pet bu. Prueloons—Pork a 11433, with 4311:1 tilts of bltrg It, 312121. Dressed Hogs aro needy it 66 per 100. I,,ard is to good request, with sales of ILO bblalll former rale,. %Vl:holey—Sides of 60 bbl. at 27a per gallon. Cutlee—sales 100 bag. EWE 1101140 per lb Linseed tail is unchanged. Spout Turpentine I. held at 400 per gallon. rvictimo Inver Dcccer Cotton—Prices have advanced 31. crab sale. of 3,000 hales. Flour-The market M quiet, with further rale. of 2poo bbl.. Rye lour a weedy and quiet. Grain—Trio market la without ebonite, with lea of 500 bull of sound old yellow at 1117169 ftSr per Ouch. Hurter—Sales of 300 1 - .lilit at 1210141 per lb. Provisionr— . •lfterrs pork Is uninnut rbsogei an dao prjrne liner. Mtn !wet .• nnarel .1196, unib role. or 1,600 flower, at sinats Ile per tinter.— Heel barns are timer. Hop are 65En as ZG per 100. Lard II aready, Whtskey a warm change, with of 100 , bb. Orneetiea—The market in quiet. Bptrata Turpemlue— Further males 6(240 HI. at 5o per gall. 01 I,MIICIlat1Xiely In beginning to h jell by C01:1•11111CIN on account 01 the 'my mail 'monk on hand, and the prospect of higher pm. Cos for some mooing to come. Salto have been Made to arrive, delivershlein March, Aprdoind May, and it la understood that • considerable part of it is not yet purchased In London at present prices' on the spot, at 9161/050 per gal., at orbleb 3000 gallons mere sold to day in lola. BALTIMORE MARKET December 31. It has been snowing all day, and nothing I. lag In dour. Gratn—Salea of good to prime red Wheat at 103 c. Sale. of white Corn at 58059 e; and of eel. low at 59316010 per ho, with light recaipts. Oitd are tallow at 40,01gc. Whiskey In unchanged. CINCINNATI MARKET. Comm:say:, Dec. 31. • Hogs—Sales to day of 1400 head at $4,10 for fair, and 34,2144,25 for rot. averaging 220 to 214 lb., and $4,40 for 100 averaging 275 lbs. The fowl number arrived, op to tb:s evening, is 265,- 237. Men Park to latlemand at 510,75 per bbl, and held firmly at Ell . Lard—Sales 200 Gbh! prima at Tie. Salted tdeata—Sales of 100,000' lb.' dry tilted spies cl 5c per lb. Flour—'rbc market la brief at 23,7503 . 60 per bbl. Cheese—Sales at 61a7e. Gtoceriee—Molesees le eelliag et 28/619e, end Sager et 5/06e. BCes of Coffee at 1110114 e per Lieteed al to hold a 950 pot gaL Whiskey—Elkin at 2590. The river hat fallen 2A feet. The weather Ia cold. ALAINCES ON DEPOSIT, which bare been un changed forthree year. and upwards, In Om Ex hullo Bank of Pittsburgh:— Virilltam Deem, residence unknown, Aug P, I MO, IMO Spencer Manley, Zanesville, 0., Oct 140., 13 I certify, that the foregoing balances appear to be due to the personi named. or their legal representa tive., according to the books or this bank. T e, tilo hie Sworn and tabacribed b efore m W Cas itt day r. of December, 1830. C W ERNEST, de.lo.llm Notary Public; - - 46CALLISTF,WS OINTMENT - 1 gy fore J. by Ne3o 1 haDD tCO A 6, OIL-6 Ms for sale by ia WO • • J KIDD &CO .L for szt• 1 , 7 RION J KIDD &CO TAB 1101'161e A Wa i n produce • spc attracted or have the mu place that th nom stands maze, tarp ascot, from carpet., bottom, ac yra cr will n• IiOS in dire the n y atoottl n saun., flues piece co, on which Catung It on Brat / aline commend tt a IrUC ENG E TO TUE tfOßLD—rwenty fiVe sward will be paid la SDI SOS who• t or paptl, peen or err. that canno wilt t be m' rth Ilos Improved Chemical Soap. I d traction' of. saving to the people of this • lettels, by my Own ilapralleteent en it, ••• rivalled in this eptntry for eitricting p teh, oil, Imam, or any other greasy sob. I kinds of gentlemen'. or facie.' cloth , table apreads. comma 'bawls, Indict' without injuring any thing that pare • t tabus. More than one thousand per. • ent pant of the eouotry have told run Ibe withoet it if It Coal St a cake. In '•ap on more than 300 article. of light 'macros and coll.:its, I bare only toned f ails, two of odpaccam, and four of call It changed the color, therefore, before light dreas, try a sample of the dress hr. becante I am determined not to ro -7 stronger than I knots to on strictly Orden( uml ly attended to, de:tt, country merchants nod pedlars promo by the subscribes. B E SELLERS 57 Wood st • ' , ODA ABll C•]o I== brand for sale by 8A N HARD-MARI ROLL. BU eta ER-20 WI. puree, reed for rile by R & W HARBAUGH TALLOW-, daD VZlvlitatuAucii C R.Ligr.-13 b.: . W. R. Ch .faryr itIII'AUGII .RiTIK 3i IVI AT FLOUR -sgliev rf i c A l t ht y t a by riiiiiii lit Eia.,= - 21/Tlit g l - TIC - , r inmtl V i i fiirlif V de,7o 8 & W B e, ARBA UGH iNSEED off.-10 brim reed for gala by de.9 & IV HARBIUGH SEVENTH GREAT FEAST-ANNUAL SALE OF DRY GOODS, A. A. MASON & CO., 69 mad MI Blanket airs.[, W ILL commence on 'Monday, ztecember 30, and canna. through the month of January. On ado occalsion. the whole of their Immense estab• Jtattracal wilt he thrown open for Retail Trade, and their extensive stock, amounting to One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Dollars; will be offered at Retail, al fully one fourth lens than usual prices. The notice of their Seun-Annual Sale to any one of the thonsands who attended the vale of last year, will be anffielent guarantee for a call this reason. They will, however mention a few of the Cicada and Prices, for the benefit of those who have never attended theit antes, yin— Rich Cashmeres•-• • •—• •• •;sa, usual price $1 00 p. Coln &Wool Cashmeres 25 do 372 1500 ps do do De!eines 15,102 do 20 & 25a 0 p. 2112 h cold plaid do•---25 do C2l 50 pa Striped and Stied Silk* 50 do 75 00 ps Stun de Clidne and Satin 67i do 1 as :ups Black Silks radoced 25 cent 100 Fr ench Merinos 100 do 37/, WO pa l'arametwa and Lynne.< Cloth., reduced X.l per cent 20D /n. Alpacits, all color., reduced 2/1 per cent. 2500 Lone Square Shawls, which will be sold from 81 to 35 Ica , than eau. Orion. 5050 yds Bonnet Ribbon. .SA usual price IS In 25 Paid colored Calicoes Ole,, Usual al price Sle, RIO caws Krigliab and American Calicoes at Pc 100, usu. price 10 and 12/c. 00 cams Bleached 51051111., reduced Ide per)ard. 200 bale. Drown 010,111,, all grniles. Also,lAces, Embroideries, Trimmings, %Beryl and Linerw,Cbee kn. Cloths,Co • sirocco., Cavainew and Jr.., Inn en et with an unmet,. vacety of nthe gonEs, ali f which will he Marked Down to Lower Pries, Irmo any of their PleVrall• notes They invite an end, call. ne ninny of their choicest Roods will soon be wild. The lowest price named ni Gr4ti A. A MASON All) ===l Wen•• dad Wot•e I—Ward Tines I 11.1? Custom going, out of practlre ! No Chits... ,1 Gilts to kited Ker .]. ! Nothing but driving carnage, cocking, war lung dishes, and .waillog at table Irmo morning to ritght, vrt.erviA, they ti•ento get thei day for their own pleasure and a hinntioran Christmas flirt; bat now a days there is no mit— nothing bat drudgery. lint the fashion, thank God, is entirely I,l:suited et, as two Indies and gentle. men in Allegheny city, gavetheir :relate domestics at the rate of five dollars rack—four in number-4Md tl me man tienily It fell sots We hake they aid be Wien,' at New Veit,. MANI SERV•NTS. dedytats Unemdlod far Balanced, TATEM ENT of Deposits and B.lsmer. of Deposit* in ;la. Bala rdtaburgh, or the amount of ICU tionars and exceeding that emu, whxch, within the three years preceding the data of Ow wawa:Lent, Sate not etPit, been ttorcased en diminished, wnh the names of the depositors, the a,. when such dep.. Weretra•de, or hslancee accrued, and. the amMints thereof'. line statement "eludes all deposits anti balances of declaims wilea have heretofore been pato- Iltleed for throe euceeneir tear.—they having es cheated to the Commonorealtaz— . Names. mates. +Amounts. Jean megh,r, ..... _, 0153 0.1 St, pben (irent •• • • ......... -Nov. 4, 1 5 47. •• . 243 03 'I horn.. Id earn* Aua. 0041014.• • • If= CO Jamey zfmort, (painter)... —Jan, , •• - Si 00 Tontimrea..., hardalo,,D4 - too 00 1 certify 111•1 the foregoing appear to Le balances A the person. rtem-d. and having remained to Bank one nailed for three years JOHN SNYDER, Cashier. , a-of nto end •dild'er,Led before me,thiettf h day of P..—einiwr. I tin GEO WATSON, Ed A smart of the Coy of Pittsburgh Mori 1.4. IIN Mies Ilem• I 1. ,rery .v.vs,rday in New Yea- City, Dol,ra o }car, pavehlo In all eases in • advamee. COMLISION OF AGENCY . • . (Ace att, Homo Journal IV Fulton y I t. N. YbrYsDeC.^4, EGU. To all whom it may concerto This ruay certify that J. II Halms is dolly author. ,1 to art as agent fur 111t)HRIS A WILLIS'S HOME JOUIINAL, and that all remota given by ton in pave:tont far loud paper volt be dole aclrnow• !edged 14 us at the entice of publicanoa, end It Ise.- prosily iserced and understood, that all zub•cripticm are payable one year In advance. The new volume wall conameace on the Oro of January Subiiertationo received by J. U . Holmes, %VIL I P Thud street, oppoaite the Yost Office. ItIOR HIS &. deSti Editors and Proprietors (Iv lINNY lIALS—CAU flew large, reed for sale by aij Bela S A W HARII4I.IISII MOLASSES -6J bets new crop N 0 Molutae• land. t n. per steamer Sockeye Hate, for •ale bys Lei JANIE? A ourcausori A co NAISLASSES--30 belt new e rop, ;ta teem eed . for eel e Ly It A OUNNINGIIA3I, de.S. uueny. . S H I..lis"Hho—A;ho on eona6h for sae bv '— - F RI-. 2 3.2 ROLL BUTTER-4 brls fiat maid by R A CUNNII46IIAhI 1tfi0i,C,,T.7.;;1.,T.1., n hr 1, CINI/I;liiwr,r:ViallAl'a datlS In chi relief erCernorion i Pl 7. Allegheny Co 91110 and Penn+ylvanta Rut Road Company yr Lydia eihtrell. rto e i March teroa 10.51. o the abov ot e defend•nt—Yon ars hereby notified, that the or nve plaintiff has taken and firipropreated to ii•e, Ib• ponon of year real maw, In the city of Allegheny, byno4 pima lots Not IA and I? I n Thou tramplers pl., boarded by • !lotion the north tide co tho centre line of said rail road, and ranntog through tank lon ditiennittly 9i feet Wade, a droll and di/ter/woo of which are bled in the above CV, IV. S. COURT:4FX, defie,tilis Sol. for FM. 11 ,. % n 0 n ' O 2 l 1» rector., 4 J ' a f r 't t ' l c te Vfi e o ' a h nU " Mm a ;ll enota Rail Road Company, aril be held at the mike of the company, on the ',oh of Jaoaan•, IE3I, hetween the boor• 01 II A hl. and 3 P. hl, dePP:me J. 1. BROOKE'S. Secretary. Illd:Ar R. Lunch Raisin, al Irr rent, per lb—ll/ Ids for 111, or fr LS per box, for rale by MORRIS& dead BrE_ Ifl a mend reee,yed and for isle by AWN ROBISON, LITILR & co GOLD I'ENS—We bare now on hand. n lunge wont of the but Gold Lou., from the lending mentileeturere in New York, end nude expreesly,to mike eleenril Cold Peneil Croes and Pan Bolder, Pile cr reoem in every variety. Porcupine Penillol4 ere: Pearl do. All tor eale Wholetate nod retail at W W WILSON SUGAR-211.1We N O. Beet we'd f or or FRIE BROWN & KARKPATRICK, niv.o 141 LlNlftly-at • .- • A ISINS-150 conoyouieur, and XL for an lroy 4 • ' BROWN • KIRKPATRICK 71 _ -.Cam, Pimento. Pepper, Cloven and Not. kJ mega, for .ale by IPA lAll IBCKEV & CO P: Water it Front ell LARD - btO No 1.0 more Nod for nub. by dele: ISA 1 / 1 11 1111:KRY ACO ' •OFFCE-21.0 bate lb Bore and for tale by • den ISAIAH DICKEY A CO NO. 1 •lACKEREL-r• qr bele, for family Bin ile27 ISAIAH DICKEY A. r 0 _ bid, and bf brie r e ae ay V`f ile27 BIAIA II DICKEY &CO 11111.1./i - N(B , -Biu d zc i i i ele ntlectit,,r,4aiejl.7, - RAISINS -100 bao free h bancß , for ode by de2l ISAIAH 1110 KEY Zr. CO Fancy Good• I UST received and now open,n large women: n J rattay article, sumbla !ammo ma hin Veer Presents, to oilueb the attention of purchaiters In parcculorly invited. AFga,gut lte maorment will be found Rovewood Regency Doh Pend Inlaid' Fancy do Fanny Rtnewood Toilet Rosen Inlaid Satin Wood do do Ripen Walnut and Rommond Toilet Boom Fancy Rename:id Perfernery Bonen Inlaid Steintand Ration-owl Sennett Boon Pearl Casket* for fine Jewelry Also, lieutieram'a Morning Exercises do Trayelang do Fanny , Dreoing Nei!, fee, at de2s F EAT ON 'S, a O 7 Fourth at TRICOPHEROVS for aa:p (L 1) bELLERS, t 7 Wood st, agent for PitObtirth. Price, 25 cents per bottle dew SHORTS-1(100 1 - i=receired per streamer Jenny Lind, audit - 1r sale by dot's MINIVER & BARNS'S rI 2 ALI,OW_Su beta « e<trcd tar sale b 1 --' de 25 I SHRIVF.R R BARNES,. N(J. 1 LARD-10 Eris and lh Seer for rife - by - 77 dc2s (SIIIIIVCR & DARNER Th - R C S'PE.lift:NEEtninora received toe Fa EAy .1(.0 EIHRIVER & BARNES' O E v F.CA OIL-.S brie reed far sale by d SHRIVER & IJARNES griTE Re'77il' tar. pri me Tae or .510 by) deS SHRIYER R BA RNES O. SW/LASSES-SD brit, to army., for sale by N detS SIIRIVER & BARNES ticart< ETtir 7 -S[WI i • I barrela Grease, now landing from reamer Fort Pitt and for ante by , ISAIAH HICKEY It CO dell 3 Front & Water at r -15. Ilictinitsiis from Post Pitt bY ees ISAIAII DICKEY & CO Adman' 'Bette& • ETTERS of Administration on the estate of An. thany Beelen, late of the eity_of ceased, haying Alija day been granted to the nada , signed, twine is hereby slyest to all paten; indebted to the said mime to make immediate imp:nerd teethe, of on, and all tenons having claims audaet said estate are requerted to present the same, duly antbeits totted, for settlement, at the wareheue lately coca. pied by said A. Beaten, (*Third st. . ANNA M. LlKELEN.Aditheleteatrig„, H D. Pitt/Wirth, Dee Illaldadeninlattatirt. . •••••!, • AMUSEMENTS. • POIiVICWS ORRICE BLAYM. in?. - word reeoweed nt.mae Rill be eildblfic4 at T Ph ,o Hall, over the Post °Pee, for • few Jaye, ca llour • of Ezhthitten, from 9 A. M. till 9 P.M. A. ..• 4 + 9 9, 93 ete; wawa twkets,93ets, Pamphlet., 5 Cents S.—the Pattie is the property of Mr. Power, aeo! is thititeS for by brne fit 1162:1 ILL SOON CLOSE. 16CTURE ROO% ITHEIOI3I BUILDJNI Liberty Stmt . SVRRF EVENING, fora arta maws Parre'reelebtated rerlet orgigaitie PAN (IR A RAS, A VOYAGE TO EUROPE, Llntit tieing insgaifirentlnews of Boston, its ElVlllar, Holder, the Atlantic, Liverpool, LON DON. From the Thames, passing ander the Bodges, and ending with a inagnilkent Weis of the 11 Albs T17.81111111L. 1411livaly Illtainated, and both bank. orals twantiful RIVER RHINE. Aa:Pghibition every Wednesday and Saturday aftomoao, at 3 o'clock AM:a:onion, ,26 cents. Children, under 19 . yingatiti age, 15 canto. Door will open at 6/ o'clecki Panorama tO COM. menco moving a:7l o'clock. della4w • 91AL L019.01L-1 brl from Fort Pin, by cb.23 ISAtial DICKEY P. CO BUT rER—IO brls Otuo Bolter; 211kogs do; tor solo by bIeGILLS & ROE de.24 flL7l.obertY ot TUB --1 5 dozen In elore pod for eelo by e, : McGILLS a. ROE TICIS-50 bit MI for n le 'bv _.! MeGILLS & ROE LARD-6 '''"oolkFTlvatitr:* 221 Libenv .1 • bz• W R Chee.e in vizea r : I,rZeNtry N. 0 4 !LOLASSES-30 brls new crop for rale by J 8 DILWORTH & CO "VCONOIIIY CRAII CIDER-20 brio in More de.* MILLER & RICKETSON OIL Al bags In store, for .I LT __d 24 S. A N. ImenAucit SODn ASII-40 reed for sale by '!' 11 B,#. W. HARDAUGII _ • DOT ASII-10 casts In •tore and for sale by d' 9 5 Jr. AV RARDAUGFI WNnow GLASS-4DO bie neared size; city brands., received end for rifle by i 1.24 8 It %V HARDAUGII But - I.2l'D' °"' "'" 0117.RnAucifi n 11E8SE-400 bskree'd for rale by d , lll t_B Ir. AV lIARBAI76II CIIERSE—YIO bezel. W.' R. Cbeeoe, lee do Cream Rbeeye. for Yale by oR-21 WICK k bI'CANDLESS. • bag, this day ree'd foe ule bY - WICK lc eIeCANDLEBS - - - I OM$-4o &a noperior Corn Aroma for nob, by WICK & bIICANDLLKS. 112 EA VIP:ES—Primo Ey for osle b• dettl • %VICE & APCANDLESSI. 1 N „ ...bi Gfor "" VIVA bIoCANDLESS X-1.1 sacks on bend and for sale by WICK & MoCANDLIMS • DOT AS/1-0 casks pima foe sale by deal IVICki k IaItANDLEB3. DLI'l TER -59 pkgs on hand and for sale by dr2l WICK & Me:AM/LESS YE` 111.2-24 casks first sorts, for sale by tittn WICK & MeCANDLESS AI. KRATUr enalt..d Obse for solo by 21 WICK &McC&NDLI S PPI G PAPER—aiI) rm. eroorti Zro nor medium; 'lO2l WltlnZraVitrar , I "An — ll " jftrit C to T to r , ' ..,b by , • Jen W WS. AIoCANDLEBS SIIMS-1.0 by DO/. deji;f l c i : „ l4 . lls it at 150 LlS 2 rortod Plyylers In ralty l fw i NeZy CO liki.u — AiiirOPT.brnr — llKPoULS-3 groat to( ..1e 1 by KIDD & DO_ 0101.A.,SES--30 Las SI Lou,L Su at Douse Syrup Plylnsee., ..ntignmera, for sale by &in W & P WILSON PITT/111744041 11101.4 SICIa4IIOL, Anton' Hall, 44 Grant street. REV W U . PADDOCK, M. A, Principal; W. T. Me DONALD, 31. A., Assoetate. lostitation will be opened for the reeeption Of pupil. on Thursday, the second day of Jana neat. Cirrahn, erplincirdr the object of the lartitas lion. made of instruction, course of study, discipline, may be bad at the stores of 311. O. D. White and Messrs Kay it Co., or of the Principal, at the Alononeahola Cease, from Ito 4 P. Al. of teat ine, bee day of the area. The iCeobasge Hotel for ILent. term of the present lessee expirinp on theist 1. ore pnl next, the proptielor of ant t2l.lliVe and wet! /flown nowt Alford to pot it in • tate of thotteugh and comp/etc repair, cod offers it for aat on liberal semen.. Etotaire of VII. RI/1.11N59N, Ally at Law, • delu,dfw 69 Fourth sweet. - - - rirrsßußGH ,e4ZetZ6/•e/A;ees Cernet of Thly4 and Market went. The only Chnnetedlnstnation of the kinifin Fifteen Zahn Viewing, Principal Instructor In the Etienne of Account.. 0. h inicenberlin, Preemie of Penmanship, Ater. imitle Computation. he. ni ft Walton, Fag., Lecturer on Centmercial ni ilThee, &tiring n complete knewledce et Book Kenp. ia end iis tipplientinn every branch nch of basineas, &to on elegant and rnpid to pet manehip, are malted to call and ermine the emengemenri to Lecture on Cnmmetetal Law every Ittendsy even lieferonve to onx of ;tic tetaJont coy merebanto. det3 PIRON—IS tn. hot Nast Hanylog Rook, for ole by — d JAS A HUTCHISON &CO CLOVEMIEF-D—yy, hr 4 coy doO JAS A HUTCHISON & CO CA: r 7 fra—.lls bra No 3 by• OM /A SI A HUTCHISON t CO 2t Wit Golden Sr*. 6 keg, do d brie Clarified do, Hot recetved azd JAMES A HUTCHISON re CO r A. St Lolls Huger Re6ner3r Numbering Homey and Tit Waugh Directory. ALL pet - ions indebtal to the subscriber far num. benne homes - 9c :;ittsbargh Directory will please call at the Rooms of the Dowd of Trade, earner of Wood and Third streets, betwoin the hours of a and 2 o'clock, and settle their MIN. Subscribers Red thaw wishing to purchase the .Pittsburgh Directory will also please call. SA.ML FAIINESTOCK l'itwburrh, Dec 21, I.....—dc.2tutew 25 4,r 1 . .p.t . k , 117Z111,717.31L't°,1.,- in store and for sale by IV A. NITCKELr.EE. Iron ',berry rifest A - X, NA at/NA pits Jn reeNveCCr 11 sale by UURURIDGES INQURAAI dO2I Wat4r . Q tINDRIES-30 hkdr pr.talb N. O. Sagas: _ 7 1bOs do do Molasses; Off bags Rio Coffee; int bre Lemona to anise, for sale by BURBRIDOR INOEIRAM ViERS a CO'S SPECIFIC, for all dieenses of tko WA Urinary O'S SPECIFIC, Letiehoffes, Inflammation of the Madder, Kidneys, fee. Pelee IR 50 per bottle Sold by It k SELLERS, No St Wood et end by A R D. Sands, New York. deal WT.II FIOII-15 bile for rale by S F VON lIONNIICtiOST it CO - - - 1 001. COTTON-3CW dos WI , / dirac --- 1 tba CI manufactory. and for ,alo by 1.1r21 C AltCaiiNOT 'MOLE CLOTHS—Liao, kro , ;YA aad blanched and Mgper vAgertio for auto by _llea C ARBUTHNOT Vit .. CBAeiTERS for sale by C ARBUTHNOT ; ... brls roll just 7 3 71 , dzr i a,A t i l ARDbib leaf lard roc:nlvfogek;3l[aii eiriTAS-20,000 coma:lona rriliValtsbadan Iv v. rina rectri47ol4l&W - - --- & W kIARB4IIOII 2 E'l4/ BOATs.I,n rIYMI:62I& co Wood street • IIELSWAX-•-.1 f.fi for sale by II de di WM A AUCLURO aCO S YRU P—l 2 brie received sea Die vale by dacl • J 8 DILWORTH &CW TOD I N;CO-1(0 to b's Pc My 1 lb laciDiforoale by 4L J S DILWOPjkId CO - 13 EACH E. 4 - 75 bri pr, i ,,,,, ~,,,,,.."1 J 3 LWOICI &A PI H & CO I l iftrLii-71-41 'iiii irea rTh - h — ff , mir 777- 7---- i/e2l : 4 0 kegs prime packeil i lusi lending by; . J 3 DM NORTH & CO . e i r rA -14 NE11 --- 6 - 14itTrii - iri rtore --- _, - 7 1. &R.I. ' J n ßpi - ORM& CO, .._. J IIAUGLO silo VINO tp the m. who dom. be we luxury op, lay Olivet litany there be, we act put, p p ,„, Oyes to him. not to ell othera ere say, If you wish o render shamus o pitnsu,e,perebesest box ofJabto ifeneYs Almon( Picaeleo or Ambrosial Shortie Creams. It la etteilr iraspossible to And wont* to de in:tribe theretliege eta person who hot been used to Shining with ordiv ry. eoop, opoo tasking trial of thla the the first time. It Is a combintultat of weeder, ad iOrsan, and pleasure. ~ XULEi II Aup.vra isi i iivOitiSßEA24 is exceed. tatty emollient; rendering the omen and most wiry beard soft and pliable, predating an admirable lather, and brate extremely mild oaten allayiug all Irrita tion, and preventing that steak . ..tend elitl feeling of the skin which is so oft. experienced after shay. op. Gentlemen aline Jules Ilauella She Omani may. face the coldest and most plereins wolde otediately alter its urn without the Ate becoming chopped, And those who once are it, we tin s py will never ego any ether. gaiety Ono great adventhge, which will be especially Ms preetated by those .Who wear whiskers, Is the Con that it will not discolor the beard, widen 610t1 Map Will do, aim a a sandy of ratty a co to .tha edge or the whiekenn • Jules llotere=g Creams pro dedightfal preparationls; comptmaded grant skill, w the :Mier eicluion of all ankles ealdbbited to render the operation of shaving unpleasant, and erill bajortaista by a/I who make trial of therm • * PreparedOki] by 8/4E114 ITAlMlL,'Perfameir and chemist; LlOCkestnet et, Phila. :Por sale, wholesale sad retail, by B. A. Fahnealoch la On, Ind IL Edgidlera, Pittsburgh; and Rolm Ste" rage and blitekellAllealmny City. war LeILD-44 bee No al m a - k a t 11,6 FOR, THE HOLIDAYS. . OBILISTIMASI P1111N111Wril• .Aeir: LA. RGEbariety of French, English, and Ameri • eon • Parley Btationety.soltable for Christmas and New Year Gifts, weh as, Nola, Noche, Pearl, Ivory Wolff,' and Bona Card Case. sod Porte Norma. Pore Nonoles with profile. of Wasunvatom un, throws, and Tatum, etched In ivory. .01namtmal Paper Weights, of Glom Marble, Ala. histeh and LI ionse... Bottum. than Wafer Romps. and NYenghts, Witt danders and other beatnital dulyn earionly moulded idlths centre. Gold Peneii Cases, vidg and arithom Gold Pens. Portfolsos, Parkas* patlerns. Roseweed Work Bob.e Portable Writ. Mg Deets Beektamboon Boordo Chew men Scrap Bo II erbariosn'a hlnale Ponfolios. Fianna Nola embossed. Min* 004 colored edge,—lams, and Other styles, with envelopes to son. Pomba' kk. stands, nehly-gult, a great variety. 'Paint Bores. The above, with. many other fancy articles In ea stationery fine, for WA bY Vi` 9 HAVEN, &murmur Corner Elute[ and BerorAl' BOA TEIDI HOLIDAYS ALEXANDER A DAY him jest received by ez• prose splendid WOOL LoNG SHAWLS of Um most dedrable patterns and colors, viz! Blue and Orange, Drab and Nue, Drab and, Drown, (hey and Mack, /et- . • Boantlfal Rene! Clotho for Ladies , Colds, French Merino., Brocade French Poplin., Pliks,Stre Satiny and other handsome goods for ladle.* OfeW.S. WI of which will be sold at the lowest cash pneen :de.2l:dlw : • A LEXANDER DAY nth& livibber Wows JUST received by canteen Nom New York, for Ui. Holidays, a great variety.of those heantlfel and defeat, Toys,. conaining in part of the following: dads. emitted a 1... Doll Heads, Dogs, Lions, Flats, Battle., Bell and Parlor Balls, /Se So, tor sale et the Goodyear Robber Depot, No.L7 d. d Wood At ! U PHILLIPS llparphy Os Burehneld ARE (ally impelled with ennsble goods far Holiday Presents, such us, • Madame .. .Dien !NUN' do French beelines, Poplins, to Needle Welted Cohan; Skierls, Mari . Fine Linen Cambria Ilundkerchlefs,tei And Invite the culls of [awes,. deb. PRESERITATION pooics, AT , the Educational Repository, No ea Market et, linty be found the Zinn splendid collection of •rt. Duals and GM Rook.. The stock comprise. every variety of richly bound and illustrated GUI Books. Also, Episcopal, Prayer floolts, , and Presbyterian Byoo Book., Bibles, kc, for sale at the loarerai prices. 4e13 ` HOLIDAY PELEBWNTS. vit W. WILSON has very 4 M...a rkb VI . eartment of Vine Watches, Jewelry, and Va. rlety Goods. mutably for Christmas. and New Year .0111s—ornmental and useful, for silo very low, at corner of Market and Fourth streets. dela Perfumery mad Veazey Articles suitable • for Holiday Preemie. PREPARATIONS for the Growth and Prearriaums of Malt, vitt— 'Rau La.tralt; Beira, Roar, and Merriest Ode; :Portatoroi in pots, and stiekx 'lndian VesetableCili Bandalinr Fizaterre; Lip flalre; Cold Cream; - - . Antadine for Chapped Mande; 'attel', and Ytouaell flair Dyr; Cologne Waists, at all prier., from IS cents to ons dollar pet bottle. I ' ' Forlorn. fordo Itaadkarrbirl;• _ Phasing Creamaand Sospa. , Tallat and Fancy Sorsa& every satiety,, •Toredtrli with many (racy snick. too nasterons to mention hers. N: WICKERSHAM :des? • ' , Cor or Wood Sixth aut. TOYS. . rpfir. andershrged boo just opened a large stock of •..L. Tyrolean Toys, and various other goods naves men here . belbre, The finest wooden works of stilt as wall as the nicest playthings for children, express. ly selected for the holidays, which he is determined to sell verrlow, wholesale and retail, hy ..11311N 103 Smithfield sweet Gift Book. for tho,Mloilldays. , EAFLI.I3 OF MEMORY. edited by Reynold Coale., M. D.,rplerdsdly bound In Today son nem . • • _ Tn. Irl. , edited by Prefemor John 3.llsrt, tumuli a Turkey morocco, with numerous inn:Mash/mu and amusing*. Gems of tho Season, elegantly illustrated. The lieepsate, • gift for the holidays, basnad In Turkey morocco, with Illumination.. with e The ng ra ("rpmving..) Fount, for Ithl, edited by T. S. Anhui.-- dons of Temperance Oderinn Er 1851, by T. S. Aid The Christina. Tante, for 1831, Ironies °feting, " Snow Flake Forget Me Not. " , try Mrs. V. S. BMA FriendshiMilOtleting, " Gem. of Beauty, or Literary 111, tor 1850;editedbp E. Pmeival, hound In 'Paltry morocco; with 6111111. 0911112Mi.1.10111 and engravings The Rolm of Photon, a religinna souvenir, for UM, edited by hire Caroline M. Sawyer. Trapper's troy erbial Philosophy, various edition., elegantly bend and lib:mimed. Heed', Female Poets or America, contalohne per. 111101 oflars E Oakes Smith, Mrs P S Mooned. Ph. L. It algourney, Mrs E F !dm Emma 0 Btabory, Mr. Ameli. B Wein), Mrs J Bele. Mien() Maw, Miss Ann C,Lyneb, Miss Sara/ Clarke, Mutest preen. snood • , Shelly, Goldsmith. llama, Moore, Coleridge, Bow en, Milman, and Keats; Coleridge, idhelly, and Maui Pope, Byron, and Woodrworth's Poetical Week*. tleant"iinitini"og"eaollarlrpaglel;r7unr"l'' Prsty‘it lart7 lo e collection of splendid Juvenile Book., Irk& yr Late Johns.= S. etnektokeonier Nada 4,1 su, dedl , [Chronicle and Post copy 1. . HOLIDAYt, iiiirr , sooscat - Ctili.P 11007 K for ISIOg ,' AT 110L14.48" L LIT EBART: DEPOT., • Titrd et, appetite Um Post Oillee: TARR Saviour, with Propeeta and Apeattas ~..V.l..3l.ThsLmstionvenir.CLallery, ev.:lf d t Rook - . ..'The, Iris a ri d Illeminated Sourenir .:The Gent of Reatil7 .•- ' ' . , ~T he Rosary or Illustrations - ' • . ;.The Leaflets et Memory ' 'The Flora Keipaake • • .. . ... ' , The Gem of the Season . The Winter Dleasonta . The National Temperance Offerkag • . , - The Scum ot Temperance Offering .Cttrishio-Seirretur and kliettumer7 1gn0.f.1.1 :The Keepsake of Friendship • • .The Amaranth, or Taken of Remembrance ,The Erring Offertan •Mhtlr.Serire4 OMIerY, with t 2 Engraving, of Dia- '. Th ti o nited Whims • , ~ , en of Frleddskip ' , .. The mertean Keepsake . The Snow Flake . , ' .• Gees of the Western World . `The Crystal coma ;The hsmsat Blossom: - , • . The C Chnrietem Whiner_ s . - ' The Garland, or Token of Friendehip Scenes In the Life of oar Smarr - T I he Ladies' Gift . , , • ,:: , , The Forget hie Not ',. , , : ~• -.; . The I.ily of the Valley-% The Gift, a taken of Priemittinp. . _ ,-."' gonna Ladirs' Album. - - ,• - . de Children', deeds. 1 J UST:reeelvek great variety of Chibiren's Glares, Hosiery, Hearts, Minerva, Caps, Cone,' Shins, Hitters, Boots, de.. • Ale*, • largo amok of very superior Fine) , soapy, pythons% Cream or Soap, expressly 'designed for lades' uteri or No IC Fount moot, • doIH F KEATON • .• °boles Girt Books for tkali nelldosai. ; ~' TNI7 Women of the Old and Newfiestammats, • '., The Women of the Bible; i r Saviour with Apostles and Prophets; The Path WIIT4 and Abldine. Places of our Lae % Sacred Parties Lathe tile ofour Saviour. . . Banyan's Pilgrim's Prom ' • Soma Interpreter and Pom .. o* Flora. " I Evenings at Donaldson Manor . ' 1 Topper's Proverbtal Philosophy- " halaYall's Holy War •', Ballookar Poetical Works I Bunyan'. 'complete Works BohismitlP.Pomos .tories on' the Beatitude. Thompson's' Seasons Path of Life • Leaflets ofltleatory Failh and it, Eiß•eta Poemby °salon, owhlimz ye Campbell's Poems Sholeme Milton's Poems :Preps at Nature, . Wayof Ilellaem. 1 hlontgornarya Poems My havlour Book of Um Passions • Peace In 8e1b,...,,-,.,... Taken of Friendship F.mtnentr,‘ — i.7. hire Heaton& Poems TOW* acomplew work. r polarize Boom Serapßookiluor, e D n .. . Floral Keepsako . AO 4k,,, ire eee ' m e . , Dos e. otrizotef Beam l• ..: .floy of hlount Rhitl,/e 1 : QLi - .. For aale by .. . I de= i i ...; .. ,L; P. HOPKINS, : .' -..7l sApollolluildinmt, Fourth at Immailtaar A LARGE Litobei Yati, shoaled cuilDuque•nis CA., Way, aaar ;Me .Rolut, no:Relent roam to boll eighteen handre4 theusmail feet of lainhcr, to tent on • tong Mare. Enquire cf REYNOLDS &SHEA ree2s,llm Cor. Penna. Irwin els , ' AbAId:HARDIE, TIDIZI NARY BIIIIGICOA (Late irom.Edatbargh, Scotland,)' • - WOULD respect/illy acquaint. the "public that he hu enntmeneedpiletice in the above landeseion, mi,LesrVtninllltoZhntaveris antruned to4hoi s gveu.l. In conneeunn with Jar..as 11ohoeing gad litaokonutiong in general will.be c arded 04. at comer of Tunnel wrest and Pennsylvania ATOM. deNntly ! • • , II far 'Sala. FAMILY and Mktg HORSE'S—Peinotormialiow caber doscOptioo an reptuoted to ton Elk o , tt Steil., Third at.. ttle.44t_lLF BELLEHiII ThRIED Flan—Dried Peachev; ►Jr do do Pattdi:, d. And..; fan reedved.. caa WA[ hIcCLUROA Co, ; - • • .216 Lit.rty AsTRAw coops: la GREENE ,k. CO., ll lantifartarire Fa. AA. oft Domino Stra Ocods,ooll tbeattoa- bon of boyors, to their good. tor latitairand nitres.— • They will ba'rr frdtteerneure kr • pest varkt7 • style., !to., td parchurs• •rt• boy by OW Maroftlf ; tom. , pooksre. SamploCeibibiled at thnratmo.y Jo i Pekrt .C.(oPistaltv) New. York: : FINSILG SALT-400 nets, 20 'ltis Oath.. Go mad A Table snit, In mote and for rude by •- , _•„' . _Arryl:lnat • !NV•M GOJIII4Y. 211 I..Xrert yet In thialinairtUlt Common Plana, ir ..ati•. , • ' , loymisr cynanti.. TN, the .matter of dm View of the Be, ire, 'Road in il.,.. s Sosne ro Townettip. No TLC = s r oe.Gruter Term, Vte gers " fikd7ottl w atted nit: m ad ore . dad iWiroll A i • there - of Le elven, by poblieadon Fan maks in the Pima:arab (Arena. • By the G0G1..• - • dettdoStAwliT f • Niw Soelltalmat lea aalvalt. , ' ~.,.. T HE taf. 'of Jan Saudolph of FAii t eoke, S. Garland, W.!b a portrait, f syw.,. new em. Lhtenotaeles System of Leh ;tier langlieget, tip. ' _- plied to the shut, of Vilma- I d arte d French Neidhr, illustrated wile thiamine!. Gs oarsphies4 ildlososii. cal and rhhologital riehaea. . Ity J. Roemer, Proles. .or Cr the French Lange./ a and LiMnincro In this Neu Fork Free Academy. 1 Vat. 1im0.:.: . The mend vellums of a • Memoirs of W. 14. ms, 'a d s= n 77lT lal D I f 4 I' ty le, /epoG1;; l lior and C,ograt Clof Ihs .filtddle Agea, km, colleges and sehnols,l irately from the /tamed By • Georie .Waahlunten G , erne, author of Life of Gen.,' Greene. Historical Stud tea. de. • - ~2. - ... 4 Th e pethwsys and I.bl4lng MGM of air Lark • Hi Crlammed o r -hi 'a .TO I: throllxh., the Lahr y.isein Lb.' JO., yd,b • Wale mei Engra•Lote. jpe..l. • Wejemlght, MIL 1 - vol.. Mal e 1..... For We W .., . -k• R. HOPKINS, -, d'r deif , - ' l3 .diloll ... _o"Bullalngs, Fon,* it -V rirtaNtiGHlF6ll...-Sts, R. umbir thy .... - -,„r r , . ... J. for sale by ,1,1109] F & R PLOW mcot e ir Ds ,tenii;iii lore,i fs7F L ai - ii-i N G :::lan dl24 din:frose &l 7l• 4"t :-.--..ims rtsTAuill..ae:ro"rDra,l7clk""--7felrora::ralasil:::: • IsEnTßE,ll,i,tli • MOAT / . , . I : . • '• • " = . . =ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers