The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 31, 1850, Image 2
# r J AZo • •`. IMPOIVI'ALVT ANNOV liXDlX:rricee oP•- TcLim The.Caord Coca. of Ltda:halt , have,) at loop - ndo a wile policy of rod tolla on.,citidn aud merchs2dj,te,cirrietk toe Worka,lmtwczn Pitlebhrgh and POlndch. pb‘a. Than {moo:tact' mcamite hee long. Lech ON lied for, 2.15 car, dietkied by,tho phropidett .oulationa from date fotpded aa. caporoacc,. cad leo have. co doubt it will be produrlmo ofprrat br.tefim alike to the pllhlie treasury and the paa' . . . We any look'for a gleat increase in the Lusk nets of !rant port rion throat& the Stade, alnrint , the coming ocaron, as we lave no doubt nor Vnorr porting hsustal will adopt a polio." as liberal or &lit or the Gcninain..rioncre. The Colicralott is a rtsternent of rho row 'war of toils on articles of acrobat/6st tronepnrlefl or the ..tete v.-ortr, between Philede'phiad ,P,itq • "burgh, idoptc4 hi tie Cd 1221 , Tck !.tt ticmtrcecen most of she enieles on which IC:l4itlions tire' been made: • ADOCTIONAL CISANGS ON IiAXIMEN.ADS , . neselard, That upon all Wick's transported or. the Improvements of the esnarnentoe.ilta, upon whitt a max.:num rawer teats paid, o..x.eept cost) . thorn shall I.e charged in addition to toe said ma. tanr ladle per one thonaand pounds per tnile co the:Ph:lode:phi. and Colombia Rail Head, and ten tit fee one thousand pourida per.rnle snn'tho Ad , gimp rortage Rail Read, sahich :ads- Ilona! tolls shell he raid et the [lke tesuirgtlx ' rail ,}l,l cleassicr. Ito:Salved, Tat esalshipped ntaxictnzn rtOes than he•eittils'fla,fintilonts ball of the teguisr car and satectitoli on. the Allothenprortss.e, nod Fhdedelplott and Onlutntsis tto td Road!, cr.d_an to:t of cam and a hilt ode damned petto.ds ea said.ntil road. ' • lila sired. `llot en lit cost shipoed st less than maximum talcs, set draw heck etuttl'ho allosadd of throe. fourths 41 one per tort of van li,VT • sand pounds o:r rroolded that this Arnt , hack shell trot ha ail 'wed on the .11elaware riot,unie,a I.e.htgh .Navigation .Cornpsos sonk , o'n carosssoadtag redaction lio n thesT sates of toll for • ICU. CS 1111.11.1 1,11.1:41.A The to•I ott ettr% ettliglALl ettrserger c freight toes...ger the <total Kn.! railroad.,ri sneett - ttoi:rt• lit )•••. at fo'lrter4 t• VO•org Yloltrdelphitt FY4trt Cioturottto to l'itttletottin .... • net orLoto ten. to b Paid at l'ltgintlelphir tun %hellehttrlted ll^ cat: snottrhater.tters vette the taltrna:t. ARTICLES Tnit per mite per Pan be- in :•,a . • Oil raga. grimed and ongroand , 3 ' •• -• S r timothy, and n'l.ctilet, • .'.. ition!a: all4o dried romes and pane/6cl , 4 . . Tobacco not'mcaufactured . ' Dec r. 1...fir,17, and Macon Skint - • • • .... ~ A • Feadiera ••- d. le 'Purr end nal II Len... , ' Ilid7a, dry- •• •. • ... i .._-- iotalitt,ciremeed and andrciowd • Wool al . id cheeps , perts•-•-•••••••• ••• Alain •• Hare p. and ba ggin••---- •• • i • Hem.p, hempen yarn and hoard bale- • il Draggonelannes. grocerica, foreign 11l ' . gone, ridr_n, cordage, rice, and ono. lo ws •-•--- —. I r Drown a agardn bormbendagolog'Wmi CI _Dry amodo mid next fanyinrs ..... -•-• • O .. EarOccavaro, domeinc•—• ---::.••1 , 41 .liida,capeabcoLNrimen.booncm,iruaks 121 _TC•xrileca re, craleryi and nil circa ... •.. ,C 1 i gazona arc hod c tint wart. 11:. • • . 1.,,,,im, de pomg7, innnafactireed tot Ifd• / , I , /to, ./I.tnr . ocitl / ./. -. ..... ••••••••-r - 2 Tinware •-••••-• -,--••• .. .. -.. r_. n . Wbiaircy•--•-••••------_-., .... , 4 AuriM, and Ipasist.ornitiing•--c•• •- i 1. , _c.,.....1, r.......... 4.' Arabrache 17 1 • .,...Rai"road Iron -•••••••—..----- la , , . - '• • 13:fti . ' ;.. . rkincr , ritcc.c. lard tad lard oil— , 3 - _,TITI/Acr and egca•-4.------------• - • d -.• . Dim n, pork art tiee(4111.11,,,dr7 and . 1 ~. •nl o ird c r ~,hero ice; sperm, adammi• . , lion cartglea and ramp--- •• , ii, ' ' Beef cod per:, called and in pictle• •. .21 • Flour A 7.7171 meal , / 4 Mit bi, 1.1 tdockai cnaddi if,' • ~...,_ ,__, rord.acamornd )4 A ",- .. - .1. , m1 ,4 4-'-rer: - deartglaaalrew oin-. anti. .., • condi', t:IMMO/1, hit:l.l.o h eidpaam 2 Dil oral: 2..nca,nacept anima:Lad L c oil . G Straw - paps co rnOring gapes, Madera' bbardi nc.l r, a:roan ' n. . ' • Peper-rwiiinc chit pnoting-.....-... 7 Ilir • Thob mid rOsin • 2 Iletawni and c•rdieng C ladipt im. crude nnci °Menai, • NSW INVETrIT , IN PEl:rm.—The New V Sun notices•inventiOn for , the meltlftriu 9Cpriotiag ,type!, lestal thy:, fu [ it [ The ons.rennti of im provementA set of steel punches are made, strati the elphabct,il lesson, ligtl 11)w is van, wale wren struck on a raised imptesaiort, instead' of.iats, —bee.tng ensolly.the reverse of the Now, tar inntanne, by , tanking, tint a staunch piece of copses, and tin. N, the ward SUN - is produced op plate no relnaif, or re.sui, and imps printed thereffnai. A sheet of Pepper ono eighth thickness, sad as wide, wo [All toy, e 5 om *or cOlumas, MIA an long; in prepncii, --an:trams poefcetly polished and tisn. 11 no deem! late a mortaine Install:4 a series of Ley,. entavacring,to the ,alphsliet, arranged sannney.he.: like a anah Int machinist of the instrumen t we arrong=l.lbat by ressiog 000 of the ta a a letter :he nilphabet fa prodecel, In re , ef. n,t en the eoppent platei and, _oh another Letoc ; sed, anonhee leiter is preidneent-nejanalog the. lettei,ond on steer lite with it,nannl. to on, t aline of lead catennling .e-croJs the'llnenne l n . o the copper ri!nth hen hea it cadet The reacyn.ln so arranoed, than ea fast es one aL ••n-n [mania, the copper plane is savedgl rtes r ,, another lice fia[loas,streek by the kern. te , t• r .letter; is before, and , C 5 -on, .tratil WhP'l., of knee in praltaed, or until the nonn-t id coop ii, an it ;Wei'', oanearted Into a stereotype n[[ t en' ' toady Ins rrietio7,. An l' iti!var.ti , ge if thiS Plea:nein it. mach of cTaberconte mt.ol7f.r.fy for, print;, • be d.) , 1011. ,. .a'r kc:th, far meer•pper arms.. be btat 119 Ci.,411 , 01 LIDII6 filhedtra,,ort ;ro.,1•• tielltltafmatl;Anftiomet stfy rrrift A mo:e,:4l; drx^rlr' f but bilc i1r.51/1 1 03 marl. public 1 ' 12141.1J, f o rer patents SIM Ptlcreri. tt Union:eh tort of no.; the ettel,inetnnnt Ins ulnae a• pix>. perfncte . . - 1, gnbn r n the prornunent <4ii,rll end Q^cu era wilt be inn'ln.4 to b! 'present. FAUTZ . L.7.. - eau who ,t2oit ilkoi blj rq, toil, who le,".!a by . tb, T a git,n4 . , lad:errsqlloh tr.. laws et wetwvs-i'SSi is the nE l'o+ excirispro otwlcr - flr Ise.lssd Which ho tills, 1., thee. c3nrlltalicis oh 'our e.Aliiet wh some irlilenc4r, eiolcatily,ithlA el f , o , a any o.e,:r ~ • , - aonrce. strongly thanes:a:her, the character n_wt cite en .._the lore a{' .ten tartermate world. Of it-i. sn.e , and wer,rerfdl faahioned by 1-r heed vi G.b.l,'and ec'et4ed tax power. a re!: I leg iflrmGh that-bonnets, a pert litoceti , !r the.E.try.• ,It is the soiceon whkh • - the gerterabara hero. him. moved in en regal - at derle,„eed he facts tarbsell cannenned 'link with thor'.o who letoiv-hrto, nod to whonaa • is to iranamdta homer'. .Perbelas kin lane bre, con,. . •-,down to him from ht, fatneta. They heye srar. to their lent hems; 'act he cari,trane their fn.:lnlay• over the arjr.e. of his dolly labeen. Te which rtlar:tern 60.. reared by 0:100 vi whew • owes Some. iotcrata,rtr reecho ditto, in coaaerfed . , with ,crety htewern. h- ! . Z favante Sark tree vas plswci tyies hand". trotted tn . hie huitrat brook. othickPriill ctEroogn the teeser , “ . ,— Throe:M/ha field - lies the park to ice viErien . 'chesl . or.e. ; !Nr do'e. He. still heart iron', windoar it, vetee of the:3B , l,mM loan, which Ma ar.tra to the house of Gad; arr. her r: : hand tha • loot where has percale had daa:ri to teat, and wLeredeco Mg task an tarree, he 165'1 • Ire lai'd by bit ch ' iiren. rre the f••••fives • : • the owe, thean:l ' WOrds CAr, not pair:: —EOM OM:V:1:11W thezittiLy dew en t of the a •ep elt r,,..:.•ta;us or the heart; they are fresh,, healthy, and cencralta tatter:lel OkilrO.C.lfl.-..i/on. ..Crirror4 . • . . FORE'iGN IrEN;S : l'rriond M.; Turk . The Low. Morning Chronicle, mpg that 1) , . TOtbra inelOw nt thes instance, of tithe, Aoo 'cnn goveranketzl,” ex:mulling the Enc,lielt law Clare flow. is to ie occupied as Woe of 4eftylissient . duringikeexilibilion to Loakkti Tk ceobrated.sasc, tba gallary of lb . • t • Our at itor4a, at ppese to I , a Ulu c4Eitinanc .ashcs of itat +tolls of Otramparq—coma ~gyp r: AClpagell—rai recantly!hlPTCß fasan Eby 'rile fa , tiac of a caladaw, driven Jail a film, Golden hmir acre . cow (4hlocih`, ;Three tni.c:fel nitre, Roman medal! , hnne/vr'e -fiend 7u errs tiro, at Itintnres, in France. - .icrne ihem Mn v4ry rem, at leant of tbone meet,• lo a allvemenith tmtnrlunately gnt linteemnen of belt ; olthn number, And met td theta up., -.; Tt a Kim of Nap'es' has pr*hiljted 411:v or .perasal the - wag:a 'el, Schiller: Mcise; Inwartino The Costae, of Ilusholtli k Tblars, &et- Tsatasai,Shatspeare,Ltte4n,Lacietiosond Sop.): getting 10 i#o6das,'Svlll now. duly bus salght•o2 l on Paris kr 25 tra ueS*ll4 W:nti rhea; -the par has bete, 2.4 inrkeh - Cannot Mtge the cause et the' depreeiziic. - * . - o f L 4 ,4?nnri, except,' by sOppeSie* 'the 211VI!F : is mainly tbelrenett staS4arti,'hasth'elt in, ralac. biti..'VtOWCitlf,t,..Ttekllo)lll as , T ett, the pe l vess, easeVered by ,, oee English en *beget, as .the crewels, itoziziwgive• wziter,f K 2 that the et,ustry has ever produeel." , . _The eeetrie light, as saw engaged' by Mr. All• mats. is said *a be perfea , 7oll that)" man *mg* - . - ' + l , e , c ,.....i .„. , i, teeee „.„l e t ...„,f,...„,,1)„,hier.hi; thei clause ofthe eonEl 'finial r - trjuirtngthot fo• Lved, theft:lli five, in court to ntiontrin. 7Pc ex- {, tp ,it,ta.CollAlry, ill Jitty„lt ,- , wiii,._hrt . , r dived frem, arirmett or labior shbuld not be d! char cifernont is dying ro , .r.y, there being bet few - abe• to a , h o i„. b „,, b o r - „,d,.. tn , r.ftt, ',. to t•, ; ,-,... emfinni r lurh NORM , " or l nltoriby any law Or reg. Inn:iambs ILA colored ample assembled In ihti If. i , ,,n,... : 01 ~,, ~, „„e g ~,e , ,,,, b, 1 r . „,.., , ...,,,, i ;Illation ot tbe _Nato la they may have Carla ala!y of the start. next co, to the offirraor to, 1 . 2.,,,..t . t i, , .....n- i r , i, bni.' l ';.'" ld l ' - ',' l '" . '' t l iP• ci , drain °r the 71 - 4 :' ennt"ndllinuor fieanddslaffsm. , pre.v?lis .,, .., party la I, aolllsll[ll, ...erlll Or, or labor may be_due, ly „„t m . r t „,,,,,,,,I, ,th e „,„, e 49lm,„„,Y.iLf.:,::',p`.Ci'e7,'„,?,:r'e':;',1•e' .1,„i1!,..'','',,',...,"•:;-. t .‘ 7 , t. r. , ,z one t, rie d, tlaxt ,.w. n ai tt i lin ,u n ch eitt_tra ,,, liil ti jign w t o i, l b t i V e comna_et bey . e . „,... de , b e eb , c . ee r e ',.7l. l2 : t :4, e bf , !, ri l in cut fmbicallAo l' ,, n ,• 'nil'''' . ; 7 ''' e '' '''' 1 ,, ' r how rif t tioltiwittiil ltlllellriaiell'on'and C' ' ' ' ' ''' P'o cent ea coil and ?rime r i p n i" '• Oropl,1•11rd yoang leap , . t t 'iv, i., , .r.• r. r- -. n' 3 "Y I ppmer;iilitizitfiteatni4ht fihd n are retreat by ere« ".. , , x months. The Runny divlden , ' , sciraL,ea was:eve!. i tme - the slate line. Oar =tumid bond, by many o f 1 ra d , ., t., be paid during do aixt vreek,lokien •. t - ltt i 1. , Ltiften *rayon, to, rorlairr, fa - lla to Sena bads the ' , .' iner 'f fi . ts Ito Yarn al fbmins T-Plt ..,• f•-, I ht- rive la Ma aria,lar: . 1 nallary interest= U. . Stocks SyMphil 5 • ~.,NV ill art nom:suit roarse.ratla le it may FeCore the 1 I ,ll'. "i :o,li no. on Coupons 5Y20,000101 diii 3 I tom. ,c or a terar, will it help Memat h d i i firt 32s sfit. • ty t of s a , , . I ~, .., ,, ,,I, ~,4 er, „„, „,e e ~,,,,,,, r ,...p.i ~•i: . 1•., ; hots , ? %VW, i! m.rmado to o4r views the South ' - -"n mnlkel is belles ander the is see is 1, - ,...,,5t 10 f.., L alab..abea•on t.••. 'alt . ', Jl Sir y.a. . tali ary .. rltr .. of . s,ove.t.., .or bein„ Mtn to better ter . Africa's' . newt tre,ra, h,,,,, b een bee „ b „. rd t, roo llolve-a. Tor fdtt,, me t ..t,.. r•-rat.di, pr* by 0 , 4 ~ ~,,, or hitter , ep mehes ? Washing. , • t.: t , the merket to day dare. quilt 6110 .0,210 . ,/ . ~ .„„/ a •,.,., a —lc 1101111nd Marlimm.Jav and Elloratorth, Hamilton and •; ' l'ir Upload, Dad 131allfri for Gulf. Tlkro le AMart, mat nmny of their faltr e ean, toot, deemed the. , 3 e. , env.. In the sleek la thin rite of 48 . fidgi.bil, a .. .. .0 - .4.1:J. cr lh•: Gcratvrn'i, 'IC. d:-pulydclrdomitt woo imputation. the be, t to he IY/1131.SBURGII A zr,TT E _ vm„ rumnteManee Mewvolenee that pa , = . vive by the tic] triballa • -• 01 1 tun country, esteb • lll,lted decide all emmatutilmal may, and lord t la, tr . .: the ean•litutam. the 4reat fundamental law oat I mon. Into Iln own band, and tear 'out waal •• areaumptuately declare, to be exceptional_ ! tralatet 1 eanno• bylleve 'at 1. believe in the . n. null Providenee of t lavl.almi the ember mind.' onr,41••• Wale , wlil .nand by the 11m—will •• ••• iv their word, giver untie eueb inured •••erm. •at ,• e 're Mermitte ary wburn our forefather , le : up•m the rer tehmiitlea of the state , in wore car a qterattort Ye VAT( a. ... •• •• • ” s•t• '• • • • .4011 N .I.•liCitzGY•i. ( Wee‘3' Gear, Be., I ler,i.en:Che....e, A,. Li. Ildtvt , m, Genrce ' Dougla” and Mama T: Brady, E-.1311ev., Conteultue, " T isur 1.1 USX:. issu. • r.rA PrA,l:oo;4t. ert.c.m:Lt zna 214110 , U 2,3 TOM MA:011. Or AU. HOOP S:yhEmINC: . ~ ,T Ht" Is t , .. r,,i7 \ ( Why pops's just Itpotol ra Unr. 1, , , - ,.h, .. 1 ~„,,,..,.11, t.; '...., L'itt-I,orr . o{l,lt , C r ''' 11 , Itner sla c.... NVe ete g';.: •,, ,7tl-1 11-. 75...ttineye , , De. • ", , y, I St,Cl : •re P t ,. ttt•teitillty itnik , et: , 1. ,'. -, -... -..',,. ;Mr. C (11,C in.. ficpoti tits 4 flip tristrifysl2l.4l Vs tty tetrsn bi tile - test of tle . - ts t..-• 3..:. , ,,,..X.,1, : ..elppcs4.loll t.ilttd.thill.PLlCl•Wliteli-bit•ligT• 1 1 •tlt Cntt I , Y , itte'il:heen neettittt. ' , ' :I." . t • 1,1 Veisiei ”...i. ExiierOttetree—rrhettesti , '- —...--, L....---..--- - •`- -- 1 -t' .'"t•tt:',SeKtillcilstgt . tt i Free l'ilide. \!' -i1... ''''''' EST , im--(h ' r - ''''',''''Fi'''''''-'. ~.' -i';'‘..l. -' ::; ; ::T. , ,H , .. . .t „ n. .on of tt , / „etsty Cxeesen ynst, in spent:leg of, the centitepeee., te,1,1, e t , - r : t t;.il., tty: ,e; e- -, of re - s - e- le ew be - ettleteled , he the eity - e( .New York, Beetektve, non Wo' letlitt:tti tt. -- e. `i 1: ,, ; ' f ...,',' .. '. i''''iq 41 ". I .4nd ' '. ' . -- , blllg 11, ?Ily, '. .., ? , " . .-.,,i".ri+ :,:, :, .: te.ettletiner In the main argnme_nl of “Vl'd Vol : th em . beett r ef the Ante th . , 0.4....,..1.,,t:::/ - 4 . 1., te , :e4.isi dell, tn.. r• J itrory 14 runlIMC burgh and s Allegheny .ettirts, trit . , ..enkr Is tth the' Otl,Y. , lfti;:yetiett'Y it:7e e.vt, ~,,I P-r^.. 1, 2 , nh , 1 Io P.” I Int:tet.ehs, should Ise im11,:l ,n ol.t i., , ri...41 ^ 1, -. _,..,- . . „,,,,. ..; N . ,t' ~.,.., ~....•.v . r may 1,.. tirn. Their interests ate intisle:y :•!-.1, ,r- !, ' i . .....`r . r^ ' . • ..'' - ' -' .' ' '''. ' , qt.i - cr, a ettiteett a ;Ms . : T w t• nt_or I, tt.l ,nlhe We mete tech herily ot to “ , e,t,tet, ,inlit, 4:,,,. ,, ~„. i. , : e. ,,, i ~, t.,.:, ,t J. • _ _ should he aceedingiy,ghtd to `4.1, ik,' . . le , l 4 T . 1 i-e.i., , • . 1 Thera MT be'no deans -Abet, lehOtrtt trill eet l -;.:;:it . n , y lessen' the exit,: wan 01 the , isio 1,, gi., , ,i,.,i 1 ...,_ tinnratinte, it :will greatly. &I d, to Coe trtes - teett . ."4'; ' '' each, by having their InteettSis pnitett. 'a:c..,:..3'. -.__ o 5 a•a! JI• `7,71 . 2 , e0 p:All 01 rn ••••,. Mvel an ergnmenf. ws mi. grant I ; r • • F•••nr1r1 , 11 •••,quilinon may . I e ift ton lia• rote red ten ••ryami .11 • rai °ply of n Waltar or nl5 •••., ~tarL. the WM: mloietrallon • I r, !!••• I•int ndillir,••••-shna ti ,a - annul In I,s , llftrak .V7O years, w ,h !11 111,1•1 hale roved. 'nun la, c - a f-t pi er,tie Minlatralmn calloo , - tri.stnift, with e debt of , • moil an average .„ ••• ••• •••••• r.mmlr n•• •rtAlmo• and .• , ,••- infstralion alMaAl .•• •••• zaa! asmaago ripen ••••; ,•• m•n.o. ea • ,•.• 1 unj wrfat nu: M . _ ,•••,• na !An •!••••!! In alma; Itt,[l3l( r,tv told. sad leas .I.g mnl I nlnnmia\p , usinn eherg , •• ted scd u:lfrc del Fnidions ron-fb. or a min 1.1 floo•Irmi and ilk) . •.a a ..4 ,-, -Lot the -..n.•nd by Oro ulei.urcani Af: -• •- •,•n••• nntalsl 4 :••• •• o Ten, onnog ' d nor, f, era of the C1P , 1715 of those Ero-aaoows r. tcx. r st,ess.ors e!•••• 0 , 11•41 , _!,•.• ela , urnnt• • an, —1•:-••••••!..M. l'oqg aMin•r h :nitata OFF! , 1•7••••• nr•ni,an!inf. She anith mat in •!: mOMlnedmmand it,o make ••• I n of It:. I,.•• • can'4•l In lorert In fr,at nii f nt And be ' • at:in the If:lth yrts r: ; iri,l , p„.m7 t. „r diiet. . I 4.; f t 'ft. , . ee olnn:7 Jh t farm. N.' • V !noting . °car 'Mr • rro; - : fp- a - 3 Ls,n m, COI Asa ad • ses w.. 1 firs larpr. fac l a rfn I top -••• • - •• • •-• 1 r . ,. ••.•• • •• a \!,l •••••Cly .arro r• lime • mAI • • fa•!un, ,, , • Cf s,t..New V • kin - I' V' ... t I 111 9 1.1 •iar I , , t. .1 1 111 '9l II •1; ' ri ....,,_ PR. Brltifll LRCTintS nt , 11[7: - .1V.I.ri , , , -71„ ..t^o Ls t....-6reds;ive - edin th.l'.:iil CIT{ PA 4 e 1... P!..,.'nettOlta. en M0n4.17 e.,raint: I).... , ^'^trA - 1t.5.),0n1ve-3.....,uit - .; - , 1 ..A: the .E., ,Jl..en'all..;:i;lfri.' I) , thelutohnr ofd t.,..- St.t3.;:l ~,,h1?-11*,,le.',F,„.,. a . ..*^Z:nf,on.tba l`rtletl ,,,, • ' e1z...., antints Ne , th qteat . i.l.V,ll• .. . fun4c.f . .,!n'orraakiir. ar: , iaarst'na ar 1, popuTarnutl . 1 ..,.._., t ty 1...,. Trahl!f.',l ~, A neat ract,s l <.. , , \+; , il 1 ,r.1e11. , ft , 1-I.a;ra., , D^not - .Third - - --=.- i :: -.7 : 1 A ..-1..,...., ~--tte ~.t ~,.- _A. • • , Isr a it•Nrr. from 1.3.141.t{,.1 e....hg.1..0. ,, 4.13 . 31:f TiFt , T. , - 2,, , hT -I. A , tr.,r.At 5, titttkpg 1., . 1 ., il ~ "L "..?;:i•-• 1 1 - H 1 I -. L. I 111 piIII/, 2. I I I II 1.1 l JI e 4. aid • iva maim of zA ,I I,V.= 7 T. ,' !n^ Sr promy3 hrraff , s, exiant: •.^...httrt •.• 1 lii': ' ; -,:, tUrirc • Ik :5 1./ It I EZEffill= et t , apitnnott.. , Jmr , , • ... • .n..- • •nrentty natl . 60(10 , 1/, - c, , c-ork ,r our r 'ti".w r 7 !". • b • t.ev.lot , trtyr.t la ether wOrdlat • I u I • • ~ n t tn The -011 net: t . • • . • t.txn. nod gypentn of nottryn t . nut: fro, tt tt. , tt-t 1 1 :Logtacnv bryls ttt Vre int•tn. - t ,he ett• the ndt.ttrt nod .tty , diter irderyrl or vtdritartl n7r,t,.l.. protettlion. •, t•• r 1 - ,trayrt tradint, and of . . ,t•rt. W.• ft u.,onr 1 , .: trnd - Can , tt , ,•1: rndto t trn Ltvo I, the Itredttet r....b tV,41.-170;ii 314 tut tn.• ttyt ye. rt nen ter , Ity rn It; lit , ir-ntl nr. Prellaglmysen npp ' Slave Law• ai uca atd o.t, t c3pper, !ea, n. preScpt. 9 - et. , itucch .8, 0 , 0 Ti,Fen ael part cht atlrtD",' felt,j sll.lllly Iccc: p,t churn:Col of ••,;.n. .• r.• • !• . • me r.• uprn ft•o• • r: 7F•• rr Can ctc a . roferecc, l committee, nerd On the 22• J , , atmartywadente wit.tread, ar,d'ord - tr,Tto n•"' liabed:; I_7 .1. . , • IMEMIE Yew Von: N • behalf ut .." 11.. mt.• L'l,lo6`l r0..-arnblnynr of kt t' , I" , coy, tro /tutor now . tar totor - ''""" • - T to heobject rt our - yoottot-• t • ' tee in 'which tte liaton IL t ' , tut:notion atlontre; rf. , . n ii 1,0 F7Csl,• of hw Country. to reit 11 ., ' teerr Aiternin tutu • - I Port nt the c-Ittutry.frutu to rot' crtr,r tu:Onu no C t I - at 0t.0r," tic I,yt '''fl'Prtond that rot,. rt. o, .t tot Jot n,,,,on.f,ftymrpnt el . roof et , ;otbloo• • t • •: • o t t- • mcnm, nt. •,1 - pli.hca 01,7:0% - 07 nentrot, tnn. woo • 1-.1. 4 t,.7 In noa, th• •.' ohoul:l brave h,hncor 41&0 (101”14, , . I TliratVllE t: Now P,arrt‘nitut.t. !), , tt , t i t i,,ltavta 1 dare Only r,..a. ,, ,tit .- < alar.u...t; iltt . 2'7 . lttNatttt - ttcw :t, t.ra. 2 . - . , 1 , !...Gt t‘ ~ t 0, . ..,,,f, a:, 0 I il - pittr,..: twp'..'itt! ci .. .1 , a., VA 0/ I: - , • ~ 11.:,1 : t 1.. , I• 13 •.1::11::7 Ce.:( ‘..,; 3a. , .arai lonE• tu I , rt,quambrup.l ~ flu i :t....., -••i .Yor; , , It, rm.- , h out :tor .ent - i - eatil! .. 13 '-; Lei... ••• ,• • I le - ti ua not - Teruo, 11,1 •....• u•,,,..., .u. ,-..0,-...., _ I . .ua - , t.tiau salil,cli 51 -, n Irttas ti , c.- ~. t , . ' ,rtaunwd to enllTar a rtfuot cuO '12 . ,• • •,,, ;i• ....:1 V: el reS 4 ,, ,, , ii,u ,A. i . ip !c , ....C.:: :/, 1i.1.1c1 1 e1:U.1(. 1 4y. ...A11.3 IL el enle.ll - e.. Cgz.:•. l :ie. ;hunt:', 1.....5; 1 n the rt ,, , - an t., .. - .to to nuto4taka . a' - kttuu. 1 tt • . • . t ;uttwl .9 'au ......11.....n, red ht.c....1 . ,....c . r.,,,,,,nee 1.. clay 031,14pri,. , 8 ,, 11e . I 12 1 41111 jog any :aw.losUse 2,... ; -.1,-, 1 (ho the! nue:suns. • ••IA es cot V: - o , tr.• : --',l- fui 07 - 11 11101 should he Oat:tart! ' If ' ..- • ,V , Well t, n Y...ry:gcn - ral eglncl,l-.1,-.- . 1' ~-.. "0.e... dt . ,ty,, to citi%taxor O. U. 0,, ...,.. .... , ratur ..ttriotts 1114?! 14 implied tr.! - pi :i• ~.••• i . p3,i{iCr . ). Mats is Chen 111.3.eArenp 1 , - ..... d , 1.. rocions..aarl ewn.t!alleca, that ii, 1.r,, 1 : fa, t.ll(l..ereal ebeeitleelllictl, Fe, g.f.r • , ....., ui alatutt,rm it. :Such apprtut, :,, Iw ,-,r - El.- 111:71:771111Velli011.. Vi.:. c,..::,:•,, c ,- II . 310I111e. tre On 103(0 •Nte'llte. of a 10.00.,..,,, .005 33 , ,,e!1:11 c"...11r.i . a11: 041100 Ile et., . .• 1 inn Ito.! er,r1(1101,1111111e19.111,111 .1115 101.,.3:v.. - tither„ rithe e.31.,,,L;,1 ~,r, .-, , ,, , i, 1 , ,., ,%,) •,. ol a hoi:ed go.= in:: ~; -3 .: ;oh, - .....11, of 4tetiact :led udlecc.3l - ,... f idlrri , r ‘ ..,.. -.. 1vj1 , g (((3,1 nvire....o ll o r.:1.,--. 'rta , . ; ;!.. of ,1.11 .......m. ~P d ',",',-. 1, • . fA. ,•‘.1,...,.., efl/1111411r, 11011 of en111 , ..t... /.1e , - , e . Xi , :e.l.: it; heteel of the :i'•‘` , :i r•. -.. .:, i',3•.••• , : 1 4 1 1• • •.y. 7 . 1.1 . 0 York, end C....c . .....,....... i I - . , .tyt tor., e. , Itw., Upton or. (lea bit, i.: 1. .. • ,11, , F!Vrei 13'0,0117, $1.1,1 Undletfrbell Is i I. A: d 1.0.1 . !I covccreecril, thig acil .nr: Er , . ni. - .CIII ”11......1. They oghccd 111,1 ct , tt ....:tould an oull, and by dolil, 0c4.....! ~.• ..1 . i ../,.. ~ oehuy 10!......;t of c...v..:v. :1 , 00 , ... .r.thel,,bov, they could On', tin-, ‘ , .:•,1 . 17 .I. 1 vo-d of It M.. to !nevelt vele/ thc ‘.......• W ,. .. fleVt Talk in . ticsc.) - cr!ey 4y..“ . ..,, , c, 0,0,1, ! . s t . ..... ,, 0td‘t !sly alh.. State or .I.l , 'Wiro '. - :tat..• akautit. tot‘uterU with thaw at: Son to 11, 4, a. oil, - ;noun& couttorn , Sa e, 1t,1121,1 of P. ata . ,:i . .otiotl'art , .. - w.t.ti; awl 1. i , IIP! • . : 'o;elnel ?. 1 1,1111.1,, , 111 .5.117 hoe,: y n,... I ' • ' Tiwy ! avitd 'thal tito tru- , STeVd 174111il 1,1. 1,14 rearenimd tri t.t•t• - : ..., , r , r--- . - *:711,!,0:ryc.,,fi , ,ir.1 Eft hone 1. , ;1 : r• t t ~......k.,,,, ,oCeu 11 tritwao ,1 . 1. 1 . (71p1,-.uel , ,Dlte,;:le..r : •,•..:,;•:•:•,' -1... j ~,:t7111.07,:111: gra .111914mf 1at...11 . ~ti.ulltuittt• all - that t...,011t1 Mottle 4.14{1 - 110re5,,, . - ;t:..:',11:1011r.t ny e!,e;ett. ...110.11nV, 2 , 31 a v.,,, 30.• . •••••••:.. 10, 1 :11, 0, ,i,,t, 4)0:11 . 0 licit C11 1 1111 , 11,..4, It!?! - 4,1n1-,., el,. nizelc.e. tel repturo.tho Goode o.:. a I : olon fie., by euch a' rite corebitettion.of......!so , un,! 1,0 100(1!3,.: ad CY.ll.6fihrly.4lh.. 1. , :.:i.1.,11p.5. to oh., 10,,Iyee antrto Mu erbotayacehld!...l on;:. LC 0.,' Idfrtheithht panto on the otislay.-_rd' let rheo . *712 forlhe pfecer of kind oontilh . !, fa! , bcci•ch ibg<i. ot PtoY:l3 , 3lu , ' and Itta yrt - .1,,t,1; of Ittuta WaU lottg,4ait hlWhy!, halifec icral, ka li',.F ITlit& a' ftv;:no and mb , itioapurr.?. trwa:. n .ll , .. XTGAt l'uttladerzur tato Inkto . ahhh,lagnehdr.; CHI: C.:.l'dhet . 611 d dishonored; ma. - tr... , r TO d r Vt 0.1 54 egyrayeted by; bad aid cchona.erimina . . Wet, no longer brottvas hi peac e , bliffillettivith C:MO4IIIOA.S.-.4111:0 alk4lsll of aculle: ; ... '.,: ~.-_,...4,:i:.....AL4,....,......,.'......:,..L......c...; PROM %V ASIIINGTON r.m , Pe r r. lo.n • 7.. etZto vF7j• ,•••• ttr..•;•. I:er o...tnr;rtry 1 yea: nay number of did th•• loth n r. a , what h.-nmdnl ru , e 1•• nut' V. 54 - rodtpromt.r of 1533 work ed 'A lito Wh. the rot t relooon tort:deal upon and t•t•th;t etl •o; tree dna.. In Ildit •••ner tnetnrirahie ad. • thrtpn •rre• the: dust, hrep by step. al r •Ilehht Went the eountry on ~•rere: nr• veld, sold the poyernment ;•• o ••• ni teelltimlly the ',hate ;.• •.• • /- •.,• or; hh!tv rpo:laraot of the gill l• -••• M• penises •11 ,, C.13 ~•I•. m. and to prhetront that the m ,tell That cyst •M: NV ; dllr . t . he. trv•tt Y;ht Ii •holem,r open ho.••e•tra •7,;i11 , ,1 trt Tt ioW.,ret Itl,l •vnh ,tlet the , unit, • .1,0":01:6,111 , h envoy♦Ean. n, , ~;, • ~ r it,11011,, , rnercnig.le and iut xi cted , • • 1.• lon , as tlmy dad. n 1341;111 , 1 161 the vitrerpiert , criultt not Want Imartna l,• ay, •r•• it It, nn ••• ern ;;; 11, thltir. • , to :vit. 00 ill I , :tvr .w.vv v ()len (kr. I 1 '0.r..1 , ..1t,1 1.,: v:1011191, Ils u.ual 1 I,:rd:ty. ,11uN11,.. Itiruoiltion the vili . WV, 01101 Iw re;il;:nits..).enn , ris tilial • The wontl4er was vtry unit 1 1 , .4,) 1,4 , 1,1 a •litny. .tvrni.lool I rel l i lt nil .idler whin ilkyrc w:is poly. I he cl:ty NvAs Itiatreru3l. Ir /-;“ - uolotay,, , 11c,ef" strwily .1, 1.-tgnrh the ca , c. oh n CiasOmun .1:• MAW; pt:optu ittrbn , • •., in...lnv pan rd off very • •.. . ..... ... , ••n may have olw.rvril, there , • .il ,e dhr, tv.l ie. IT+. uliola the “res.peetablo :101t1.11J‘g 1,1,••••• .11,1'Vipt, len" blackleg., Cr,' ,01, bel.e!tte: .. 1,111r1,ng" 01 tine the3peri eneetkled t - h-oy .1 , 0 in south, at lint IWO !ALI , ' 11, - 7 , encht. , .0 ,oiy tron?;,llowever,C.,lll{l3llllf -1, J. berth:,, ~,,, 10 (ire6.l/:, the ,nitentdoh ore • evil , hee, nn ev.yrtvol, .tod .111 K quirt ~ . .'biet,,," „f 7t,- :'ni Ika • ..,.. In - ork •nt-tnl tn ronhequehee ~, ~,,, , 1' ~, Up, 4',,,,1y I.,d,ellere baumg rhil the ..•n• `I, .. /11,101 ., • 0.1 ' 11.. lilt , ' rue re . -Fay It, due re ,••l • I lerelyr. knn •'a, 0,11 dollar. /1/• did et, the . teept.tott :;.1.e.1 Ille eprole ,, ,opht .7 ~ll! . lest 1, reholeo 01 ~., ,vl,o,v,hed to poi a . -1,3 lo lliC, inlankutt , pniell ,. ., did 11, in lilt 110pn IVO , to, horrol.. ,•en.ipi,theed el, WO hard, would nol rcrook boo io visit dour but/L.:walk A, nite , l.V . nr, int, r• e.e , d r-ahln to believe linsi lbe arr. ei eel eleerleihed at :ill ',... :..leme:hip -doleo," ire. 11,„ - Mta, willi the. (! - ar.: e ilt.l 10,1, ItrtS 11., yyl :It' i 0,1, liven ri l eleek, 1".: ) ).10) a.), inninr,Uinil , ;,' loren de:Lintel' at Havana, liv the non afoulof the - Paco.ticp" from • ha• - rce. viluch IreP•el ronnei•in wall the. Ohio, el. the (tenter tea e. • The "Fab on" ie.:le the placo ill iho ob., )), d ay, I no,l rall,d ler ilavana Willi ilo ,, nta Ili and trice 4)), ' , der ihe Pacific. • I •• The .tent. .hip lsolithanipton is receiving Arne. at the 14.1.1:15, Nave Yard . , the the trlgtiailroh on rho i iiitli cud Norte Paciart(levant ) , and will probably Inn, for her pinto of destination riiitle'lllnn Thin Week): .'rle: rcle etramer Mal , we, council of the cfler•cie," cf • Our No, V... and Savutita4 . Lion, thezt Irlrl ir:p .ever dap, with•elhaUt 100 noittd vire , ts err J..,,,'. tli r. N. I. Michell, the , g,:ll En , thalind, ~,,, : , ,p , ow worked admit. ~ .h2y, t,14.1rE FeV:htecri hone oil hour: ) wilb • gOcit 1 - tat. )), 'rho Ilitel , au:h iti etil) l earn ieeael, 0(1500 to ~ , bO, ty..try,,, I. nu lalkli;ar..4ght,ll.-Ntrittb., it,. , ~,r h.c.ty.,,t,t as 1-.1:1,4t In thti , Nhvely, LVcike „. -,. „ . ."•- ' •d /r. 1 . 3 qty 1111. f, eSrce 411. tbo. Supietne this rantnifilt, rlitcll,ll,tiiiri W.:4 ao tavo b rvn isisee by Mr; firirso.isviOner t Oa a,' Writ of Habeas irrool on TOosility: lq t lnrri, howo ier, reirg was ailjr'urniiii over 'all to rwow. Privioua to the adjountmera, Mt. lay, coalleCi for the prheoner, to Mr. Midi with nit order fmai the Court, ao produoo tho tody ot i• w./I,o[l, nECOUIPIaredR“,h FC.,nr and Grain era ucehanged, withlrilcry 1‘01.1..d hos;acta e,,lrg. Pricer. ot, ton fhti fir export, and the local trade are buying.wary apnr• ine'y P,,)s.ons are alto drill. sod Pork to lower Tut current trleza are 512,50 for Marc nad 5,75 for Prne. Lard is arilltng at It (5r fair, a aft S., ter cat.tre. 13,:er Rama enunztand.sl4.' Wh.•kcv is ecaree, or held &Mar. Too de. mewl i• no:to setae, ead .101 - 11 are matuag et 27, for Ohio end - Prire.,and 25)1 drodt, 1 - 1,” mar ker It blioyealt, nod preasthoce nr , n pweid ten?nacy, Induca,d inn greet 1-7 On abundance at money.% "Thetc.;.!:ene In , -,t n emica of Penna. s'a to da.i;• 91. "if: and 05 ask% d. 0:do and Penni: Don.te are quoted alga. •sracresutt. ALLEM:KEAY COTTON FACTWIricp Pzntt Corm., Um., Dm. 23, 19'0. To Atuirs It l m- Doordson, R. H. Demi', .51.±rn • /1111 i, Allen l a,, Mad odecws .r ) . , ,_._ .. • ,•: _ • lisartrestn.—Weftave.rctellijonr counli. n_,irittno actlinlitedtlkAtroor!alaraolithefarera/ 'Celan •rdir• or A1.'% . *1., - ..1i5t1,1g . ; C 9 40 044,16 - , 1 fewelei 053,0, V4lllOl act adveilly to ti ,- rr:ll.Pl''. Lon 0: ot.erata.nai and nnlyiline, If ltoef.1711: le , n,gemton of aTr mcldp. in reply, to ,hit;,', ve Is, prorxed TO give a few of the leerlmg I ato mere:lnn woh (hi, mattei, hosed orlon ov . omc , cop,tlence, and the statonionta tnedo to .. . 'n non - b2r of tam{ solo, teemed at difietenr. point. in 1 , 1,w England and oar own State, orbfah.artil I en,-lie the mannuntly at largo, a. Walt is ye:il -1 azivro, to 11 , 4 appreciate our true p,aitiorl, The lead' g local Catl,ra grttleh hero 01,,,,eil in romps hog ua to cloy, our Works ate ratpf..ll.- er 0 to, the great dtapropOrtion taalttg be tw..en one ban,. of Intro, to tad the Rage. p. a ntal hr.:, of Now Engine!, ftOrn qfh• n ,r , rt, I-111 . chef ecmpc!irion. Ilst the .iqnl . oll' ttl•lVit`ger li4 •.I leb, in toirty tre.u4 per week Ice,k:e6l .1 tLe CAlnn *lle clan. pleen be failhfey rein p ltd with Its p . 10911i03., whdo to every other pnrt ~I the . cl i v sett tinder gee;l; inn monoinctor• ed, namely, Coarse Yarns, aid Heavy Sheet '‘,: no AttonVon what cent has been paid to tie Is e ao Int as the Wars of Nixie aro coodetned; tall the mil. hare roatinucti to run under thy aid st.s.,i tem. The tulle in rid true Philadelphia, hay, scone.). ;-„,p tut the linty hoots per week their rritleipsi hOrdYtlf, la • 1.4 struele cubto ti there in but little competition. 11.1 Laricite•CY, is this State. aro throe millaj wit! , twenty flat thois.nd spindles, which have under the old eystern of roletny t •vn beer, et, wcet, at in overact of twenty two e , rota. .114 labor tato we kIVIS nenn t - iih an in:reased proact over OCT ono, e.. In twenty per cent. The oversee, runpinit tope cr theto owed, evd whet New England_ Nail quattor hours per-dal—hero bet lee, or 'Fiat! pot ueelt—while their ploduct above bbl ib twenty raven per cent S'xtr per cent. entering iota the cool of nor proartt..,ture Int lab3f,frOripicee tedrt, Itt., 1.1044 g ;le' 17er etnl. for lha Urbtie ;Winn rt. ilos item, In the enoolll nniO while ice have been paying lot oboe nintioN tinteen cent', a rilrerenco .of Inuit Own pe t wont .; there m Rico n large margin ,game r:• o, maspug, dreams . , and drawing depart! bleat. Cardio,; end spurner aro MOM en an c‘orany. • fit eta Vie, we pay ruby twenty nee per set more ler labor than tae average EasiSern fut• the product there ifimoniva to twenty per cent, alsaire et/rein. A. matter* now. steed, a bale °grew toiler, co, be Li-seep:Tried from Pilaberith to Llarel!, toed:. tem .:10th there, returned asain,ruldsold at utprcli' zn Thin market; while to make themme hots, Pro mantesenire• wants! Sustain a lent The chili ttnt trim Lowell to Pittsburgh Weald fa inter then lour per rect. .14:1brsto nor chef cumptitonhaseome Irma the East , it aat.a, however, ;hat catlfti pelf.* r :..x , oitt: tienl,t , t..u4yii .i irfapo..r.iLY:t. , to on: rat i can Weatinll &GAL • •-••s- • ' • A large and elegant toil/ at Con:tette°, Indians containton . 10,M0 rpfudfee, has jeer, born cent. plated, and about to Clittaeltneo operettods, end,. there:pemmican el then. Clan. T. James, che alt bnildor of Cotten faillasnilsoccewful moo uficutrer to the country. Tam point peeresses many advantages ins ma, 01d, tura.g purpotes over this place. the roe. 0 , the law Wattle% oust and en.penseit of heir it beief nr.tly laviir of the afttatri, to eddltud: to which rho Mat to In be opperalad entirely be hands imported trom New Znaland, already op the grotind, and under contract for two years at. well prices. With such odds-against the manukteturer of Al legkony, it ie plainly evident that he is not able to made' the COllln on market with his products on enyth,a; ;the an equality with bra competitors, rod orders a Change P.Ont the Emsont etsr.a of strnro lutes place, We see GO hope that this tinpir!ant blench el industry one be proaecutld or meinctout I e nt - . . ,ifs I ,n permanent Noir; srd noretotitso tl p,,bfa,turer other Moe in Cr ra, erns'': tlbt machinery to {Cane other place where he will or Coo from snob ieflUeneee an Surround him Isere. To enable ma to rue one mill without lote,rwould recoure the Intatitution of seventy two boor, of labor per week. in Mb place denary. 01 Unreatei reduction Wage, than perhaps would he either de.oroble or practicable. Of these rwoallematise. the loiter would, to effect, he the meet deplorable; &reale, al a would, the better informed portion ad the help to seek other employmeat—thaie plum, to he filled by others lower In the wale ekettoml , ` and intelligence. neolleelen, to a, POinoWemeot of The mcF t pre:Lineal reCle.trilten nrtirel.6 beiring collar gtrct non in which every citizen of this oommutitty, In Venn - tutu with the operative and employer, is derp le and are entitled to the serums OM ',adman,un of every well Wl:atter of the Itrospertiv of ,fitt r ay. Wenril willies to resume operationa. .1 practicable to do re, at seventy two botosper week, and pay an average rate. for Werte. of two dollars nail :iota two cents per week to girls, tram drfevA year. or age and upwards. Thee would moMprlao threnjoortne of pll the female crpenuivoemployet l to our a,ll, or hereafter, hijbed waged titonthetd erns, rule paid for similar work to Lowell, Mid ul , l principal menUfastunen towns In New DSC ttnd r an 011 0 ernie, we could hope to atittain our mei voi without but not With the remotein hop: 01 deriving a proftt of ell common' tura...vim the outlay of spiral inquired to keep our worke in motion. To procure huppl? of quo., and inane the enxagemente forennung, would regime werdra Ii.ENDI4DY, GIUI4) - 3 . CO. Mnses.sotr Arretirsar Fasmet—Tho Dab. ht. Erring Mail has Its psstioular, to rt.- Ls the destb, &trials Yostof Simile I ISisn , a;sisushter std Seltetist4 tha-10a Mr. Tbs., Mt.,. M. p., or (hi coot IT t I Griv,V. TherkSlt P!ogerty 1 - sawa Is the e.tstssitz. which tha taecased 1,33. raccs,m..l, wit 05/5 among the E.ak bsosshi intr ty F:01 ambeTed Eitetcs Courtoind be. been r,,c Fast xdStsliS* Tit muse. The vicissitudes of life hare Seldom prodo end a exudes or mere rapid mettle') than that which the foramen of Oda_ excellent lody wee. d ‘el:er and uvcrlhtotwn. Morn et e iierdloLg;•-ithlgh extended mver ale rtitell hr •r ealr g the dome ROI many a Mixt:dog Oermeat name waa known thm.gbc.l the lino and li. , rgdan as that of the a 414 beirme: Five year her expectancy was considered lo over and above silertrahreneee' end Moe to a yearly n flee 00. 411 . p,.11,1% 'trollop. Before Van years of Oa ittg vat had emptied, aho found loused at the head . t.l her pg mutinied eig<el Withciat et shilling obe could call her own. 'The ,fallare of the paid map for !Amine nod rottenest Which followed. the . ..homing laws enacted and enforced by en i i i hermit ietishidurr i in redress the ellartfily.and claims of money tandem, swept every itch pic riiiiit from under bar feet. - : Her hopes toil prtilpeclt were forever blighted. Her protect. it, • the improvement of the wild dialect river _which she bed thigned aye soot calve omen *reign wore at in end ; and she went forth Irani the drat' of her fathers a wandsieti without • b°'°" sad, no it would ahem appeal, without a friend. Sorel' was hard lee less deorved ; for her lie' thing arid relive benevolence...hod been devoted.' limo her childhood to the somfret and relict ot (ha, cello mattered, and her powerful and oval WI coca arcs itcatttlitly employed In derrining torn. of laurel and physical imelloraCon in ilae rnceliiiiniof the tenauirrouber totem's estate!. She. govt- up her whole tins to such putsuil l . not iteg•Uu hseets of fashion and theca 1100UVF , deem widen might be cotteldered suitable to her plane, debt ate Might perform the various ihihnt pliyidiatf i lliatht7, aohoolmistrem and mgreolionol instructor. Her almost daily bele'. • wee to visit the poor and Mete in the remote roe crews of that wild region, w nw erimen on foot; more Penitently to bee Ilttle boot, well provide' , with Modicamenes and food, which she Impelled .14.M0 vtgai of her Owu Imo throegh the Intres which tuela' along the foetal tits mom:tutu , How solemn It it to, reflect that alto thould vu moon have been driven annws the ocean la 'comb ofd ploCe tOlay . ber..beadl The American to virgin:Oki that the objeat l oof her voyage wee to - collect materials foe [kitty works. We have na doubt lint :ouch seat among her projeWlso Au In. ' 0 0 , ./101 ' erri .11h0hingeilleed • writer. and would by, 0111 Te mettle °Mike hieod ht . plisiners /mdepec dee re; hot, there is retina to bellame theYEVIIISt a mitre i her, at nit O . lrlutdedl-Weriod of ifin year, and he a pecudaill delms.° mate cf her Ile, whoa ewes peaeaam Whei Acoli bring Myth an oddly," remain no shored in sincoules the ten= and perils of • coy. iii oea,br.g youth We have brae, in fact, from n quarter which ought to becortectly informed, that' she was Itiroceedietso the maidens . ° of a II ever relative of her Lather, with the Inlet:Wood remaining there till mime favorable °taw might axres over the ooknorerherW, . . - _ (From the N. Y. Taihune.l - ' Polnes Groat Discovery. We.,nt morn the Damon Chronotype the follow -1,,, inicre•ring explanations of the new mode of 1 ean,e,ina water. into Intl light, and motive Poo- er. eat,: to he discovered Ly Mr. Paine, of We, eecter. Toe editor of the Chronotype, an we ecoil, et befare cooing sad onderetanding the ',evoke. thing, carrodered the results professed io It. c,wee,t . by it es lintle impossible, and pebleih• cal aa are I , I : ient,fie orgne.ent to the elf,t,tee• .leg irrt.e,,hi I he ratite a tnllea by Prokateor Henry, in a bell, a leek tee pub fished to the Tribune.— Thil gives, ~ ,crospe, a little More force to his pre rent state ion;. • For the rest, we nave ourselves cal...crud with a gentlemen of great personal ex ' 'wrier., in the menufarture ..1 gas by the old made, who hen been to Worcester, andseen every part Of /Br. Polic e s apparatus. lie assures its IMO tree no mistake skim the discovery what:ever,. end ,that the remarks of the Chrouotype do not e mirain theta shtest exeiseretiou. The invention, , as I,e btua rteen sod, consist, in the Imitate/nee ..mi 1. - ..yed in the constniction of the helicon end in th.,. kern n 1 UM electrodes. The helices have teen . a e.ismed to us, end, remark. bin as is their pint o ~.le, big must, so - fat, as we con judge, in ;ekes, hove on astonishing effect in the genera. of M... electricel golf. The arena from the I;;,,,notyee, as cc fnitoaaat: t It may be a true .mechanteal haw drat what is gained in power it lost to lime, that a Bran cannot I 1 i 0i..1 hitnself by his waist band, make a clock I which will wind itself. op, or omen a mill stream , to rue rutted a hill back into us own poed. And it may - bun good cheniloal law that the power of decomposition io not greater Mae that regimed fori tte..emposittun. In ordinary chemistry, little I or, we hove not been abloto get much without hoeing it rout some, bang. We fell a pine tree, nod burn it in a heeler, mid it carries us to New York much quicker than a horse would. And, taking into view the saving of easociationiam in traveling. it I,a much cheaper. klet we one up alesult of cage. table Mein one ensMs well at of animal life inthe ,dice. Thin name of vegetable litir we may eon. chive to be the effect of electricity, operatineaccor. thug to a cantata law. Well, what if, instead of uniting forelectricity to decompose the water and tither elements of Bid soil and air and elevate them 'into a tree,lwe could employ it to decompou wa ter mid then use the force of the elementer of the seater in their recomposition to propel or, pile on we use the cembthtion of the pine tree ? Does Oleo: seem any need,. when we can command the Come of electricity', to wan for its slow operation neeording to the late. of vegetable life' Now it may be very true, dint it will lake jest as much terce to .separate the oxygen and hydrogen. in a drop of water as,they will afterwards Oxen in commg together again. But if the Force employed ' l to separate them is n pater power of the universe which mono% Lc employed directly to our perimeter, • ..nd watch it cost ea force or experre; only c i. com p'.., with certain condition, to employ, there may hen great gain. . a certain combinatian oft e Magnet and ;,.. liebx nt iasbleica wire is kno a to be a coe d 1, m spun which a permanent torrent of roe: t c:v may be kept 10 flawing. The effect of this eerrect beg hitherto not been greet, nothing to lesil coy ore to suppose It could ekeeed the slight, rtteess•ry to give the revolving motion to i rks La.', But a hen Mr. Paine discovers that the of the marmot depends ePon the mode of em..erceting the nelix.•nd, that Without lucre... ins ea motion or on friction one atom, the force , ..' it' Oectrie cur .ant may he incrossed a hundred, t 1 ,, a thou•sa,l, ar, perhaps,•e mlle times, then, of entree, he discovers the means f demacdpeeing v..t:tec oiler ut cinch.. if ame hided force A, .a-efejon a:mar:cured helices, willjnoduce an elec. Ire ettr 13 rent , which will deco pose a - drop of %ewer C!,•:atill re SUppetall the recomposing Or COM• lillstire r , tee of the elements of •C, just equal to the Inver eierted by B, and feet equivalent to the meal free A, thee', if withdettnrfeasing the meet - as teal 'rice A, we' can so arrange the helloes as to lobby the eleoric current. or taste 88, it treoiooalkO,C two drupe CC, Theo we may use hed tht• power to keep up the mechanlcal motion end have the other half clear, That is to say,, Itho mechani c al throereviler. tot produce elec. treety be the otencebeed helieen is a caul.; I neent.ty, while the entreat developed is veritable . , loiten•fisg upon the atrecistli of the magnetism a.t me composition of the Wee.- It may be legs ~.a ‘,, ~,o ...lent to I;,e conatial mechanical e may 1,- more. In the case of Mr. tees.'. rtaastru,ifon of the beltlAt is in:re, Ids ~-., • e-t - elr mere. To any one erqUniated with eltruiral runnipula. t. 4.1,• we in ght illustrate the above principlepeso itrally by the well known &Harem results of het,. cc= voile of different aorta of -wit+, or revolved lie %seism magnets of different degrees of strength. Ile farce reqaired for the revolution remaining the ... . %Vt. have therefore no ItelitntiOn in 'saying that Mr:Paine, by itniting lii motion Magnetised belie., of hia recruiter cousins . ..lion e vince. el e ctric m-,e- I t* . olt , which mert a titarrtate limbs Mote degthitii . O. ;agm: (4raeltrawitall wlllatt.ta equivalent to beep up. , the Intieitatti , at r“,.., for anOvinit the helloes. Ile' can 1b.:W.640001r one put of his resultant. force to keep'up Ida productive foree,attil have ninchuse &eel and ninety nine pastel) clear—no nine!, that kw rant hint nothing.• . 14,, 2 , 2 pvreAttal motMn with a w;int st—per rcial motion to all intents tel norposel—per. petit. I nt . ntion beyond the Winer &anal:110e dream, o• no 0 ralltt , attraurr. Hero the grant elemental ; , I. , rhninc.:, tanned, and nuh;:ented to the do. am Li roan NI ,00,apiet.rly art tgawindi or water': ever nion were. The mortar pet need of ail. ellarogarl, •;., t noz:gh lo 119 let the amie toles% Intellect. It moat ionizea tvvolotion in are a, e and-in rtirtely. It ail, •neellt under new ,••• ititionn, by virtue of whieS A loihdred thicg, in . v cagily happen which we now ihiat impeasild. Wealth mar Inge ii. nolneccon, and tyranny .1. motive. Enesneipm, le l front ptilitatnl labor in •tt great a awatisie,and ta un t ed a sg mind] bi,lher di vie ciphyaieul Gem i ni,, 11, roue may advance in Imartl culture and decchuometit more In One geneittlintj tban It other. ould in a ticusand yearn. Given halo, i.e al nail rower, tree as the water, and we are e ruled sasinft ail other wants, and orilfied again., all enemies. , The,. Ginasexpeneea are sal:overwhelming that' it neat.. iinposielole to believ.m there. Yet nary, ail tenn,c irromotahiv hum faces whiitlt the teillInlo• pv Si o,lr ~ utilises ea to believe. We saw, evamined, a n d handled, the secrets of tdr.'Pause's lo.foe, and the peculiar aearrade net:canary to gle• WP ,• to no potent • correitt. We paw% as no ene ermlel help weing, how, ifihn common hellcat would do any thine, thew, °old do Infiniti. ly more. 'l . We could now easily Constriont the appa• Taor.t, , nedi..ons,l, anti 'Magid hart no doubt of . 1 la,, adit.,. The Sentillsedhic we wlneszed were too rbinitimi and overwbul ing to leave tte p!eined doubt that the great d glaucous tetchier el. I, in fee-within the hoar of truth to ray that the vie! tunnel ,pnwer that old reacit f rom t h e uoittu.,ion of the hydrogen Whieh we saw eyed, eit ir.oin omit, by turning the, helices one minute, ii co hi e ,00nor to turn them liM kittut; nay, %then M e i tome. on welt the ireirsed whom tntstil lave voiced at the name tile, it wooed have Iwo , hilt , .until in the antllll4,a al that ectithrated pr. 1.' , -: .-- o 1;f1 fOrt , lief by 1100 v,:aint hsnd. ti •eor 1, ..) L ur it. ' I litnerglit in the Doty fuel of it, .1,14,1 world, we led,sceedingly ItrllOtlel th,i .iiii vv nhonld se z, the uppOrittraty IttfOre a .e . ., It has tool bold of it, o add thin splendid no. ei, the rk.ment in our Ceachituate ble••teg.— Lou the oily at once loch into, the affair, end pay. Inc the iiitcoverer the ruin which is jitney hie due r mile, that which will Satinly him—far the ,:,,„, ~,,,..., t ua up r ,v,y, 4 0 gar am Maton le can .•--•- ' • • . tr-iml. rust,. it t,-prriperiy I al the eit/7,11•, MI rr.,l. us Pio twat, situf. Ono half at. moth Mutiny's, to: Lit, onortritteir . q pmcdrina the inivity of V74let, min Make 111 sysilslilc fur rill . Inn p.-.r o:',. F. . lig lit soil fool riY the crino'e city-tote ,, ~:i b., it, more roll and sold to intprit I, nod 0 .,• •., ir .it rlitr Oat o..uopisY, which has pmfi. slily ant fin-k :Is exults! rioters! time. &ready, will poly bruit tu minis., sloo con or KO fir tll/ 11'.r., ^,I etili.i,s. I P. dd.,rll rri,ilcr a arrow,., us host strange It mi. , l i.- ills, Mr. P. ii.o luta oh, room, introdu red Ms il.r..rry sod invention II the w .rid—that h j,„ n , 1.0,,i op thn Amor intro, or ooh bsed in Encent -.rt. owe reran the thing done, and erntu tr. Ti., I fill tvliiith site basil st-en. toirq, dor e, rill I, reit r,..i.,., t ct ~,c,.... olio as fay I, 's In: r 1 , 11 r.,—,11111 mg Ia..MOM Ma driven from t c ~ nr ,,--i r rotti ri • run will:Out aptoke Or spar' e, . the entire smoks, nuisance, and all loot II d n., • ..1: ...In 41. In b.ut, Pki..iim horn all r. i ix id .. ~. 3 and mit. Wit... Eve. , portion at Pie too Id I 1r0n,!,,' fl&i:1111-0. Physical darkni as is attonsh rd —...,1 l, are mistaken if Itl4 morel dtlll.llelM du 41 • ,q,1,70.1.1,tt ..71111 it. At AI * . V. , " onr Fag 1.1114 will Ite litthtec,t, :a r.ruti dud; giro tte hii ligLt, 1.:334 . q 11°,3...1 , 1;:.AI . Iv. lami t e varivi 16r ouirolvea ac rIIIf A. trvi+.l n K, Oil Ili) eentinel, moznza At , harped, the, rohhat of the Itharlaalowit Bank ~v 1,..., arreel we have heretolJlClllolll,llell, ' in binn.te.oint of the rah, y, nod anittoluent loss et r.,n I:1,y. niya that ho , , with hie accomplice, or rived tit (;,,arleatowti about nine o'clock to the even - no—tit At I:wy ilupledilitelY commenced ape. I etkol.t., 1104 beam twelve tb' had ideeed the i.t beat, put 100 ~taboy tutu the wagoit, and lee n vtilatie. When they ntrive4 at the foot olhe lu g t II bet .t. , en Itteweville aril hi artiaw,they both eV rut ci th...tvaknn and wallad, for the purpose , of one e xii the horse en much el posy:tale. On e el ;limo waltri. tl , tatteh loner thou tha home, mot the a 1,.., t 10 , t . r, and owing In the darknrna of the night, itaitht, of thorn happened to beep In night of Inn. Witt, kith had .17044 at the too (tithe hill, each were Mron . li tntprh4d that thd brow+ Roe writun were not to the Carl, of the ether. They idonattfaott7 rettared their aleps, and made nheale. Int an nnandertion of the mad as they could ; tut they , 1-7 n chic to dtt.::tover to 'Tilt,xa or the leg tatter" i ii,it tante Openttnali LIB ouch time or they a,,,1 in, they teparated, and sought their perano• of sickly I y 11.gbt, It appear. there wit II narrow road, turning at rtght ant.,:ea with the main one, .wlooli the lit.rne took, and tichieb entirely escaped their notlea. Inriird was arrested about 100 mallet west of Al bony, N. Y., and made a lull confession of the act eud expeclied is willingness to attend the othcera to this State, without a regirisnierfoti the tiovernor of New York. When he had arrived at Chatlea• tooin, he requested the carers of the bank, to make out a mill of all the manned expense they bad incurred by repairing the blink, in advertising and pureeing the rubbers, and the reward .offered f the recovery of the money . ) This they did, and e paid the hill; insisting at the same time that tll . tree, who found the money, was entitled to the to reward of S4IOH?, of which only $4OO had.been psi hue. The reunites and penitence which be had exhibited throughout,and the anxiety manifested to snake complete satisfaction for the injuries be had done, may tuiveprnduemlw flute sympathy in ho fa vor. He it as It may, he Was finally arraigned be tote a justice for the caner, mid waived an exam ' ination,—the prcemeutiog allorneretuthag that this defendant had fully fettled find paid alt expense jos curled by tbe bank, winds statement wan corfo , berated by the Prentdent, 3':z Gov: Hubbard. The•Jciittesi misted MO to giTelail la' du) atm of 52500, with two sureties for his appearancest It,. neat Court of Common ECM An wan es acted thus otdcr he complied with by depositing SI :A) in the hands of a lemons:bk. prraon, who become bail fo: $1250, sod but brother a man of property in Itimenchosetts, became bail for the BON. Th brine don . , he fought a sleigh., into which . he harnessed his horse, and then de. mended of the othoers a the bank, the tools with which he had forced it. This the President and Crahier declined complying with; hut bring threat ened with a suit, they concluded to have no mil on t•rstanding vri h the gentleman, after so agree attic an intercourse, and they accordingly:delivers d them op. Lamed 'Mocked his beaver; and left, M good spirits, congratulating himself,very hknly on his fortunate clear, with the means at band of replenishing, by professional altill, Ids purse,which had proved to be a friend in need., When he tut reneera himself for trial, the officers of the bank. the justice and proseentins attorney, will probably be called as witnesses. RICHARKAOLE CABS I I EVIDENCE IN OUR. MIDST!! Me. timu—Sir, I cheerfully comply with your to quest that I would give you an account:of the almost miraculous eure:of my lode doughier's eya by the ate of your "Petroleum." She was attacked with it very tote eye In February or March net, when I immediately applied to the beat medical aid in the city, by whom it wan pronounced very bad eye" and all gave me no hope of doing her iwy good. After which I took nee into the Coun try to an old lady, who:bad been vet) voccearful In curing eyee. She told rut that her caYe was hopeless, al the weal.; certainly loYc Cot only that one, but also that the other wouhl follow—it being a screfulotte affection of the bloat. And I do certify .that :at the time my father (J LI. Vachon; came to the conclusion that are ball better try your Petrolcam," rue was gamma , A tin , of nine eye. It about two entity siore she began its Ilse, and rho eau Low See with both eyes. good at ever the did ; and, Mg tee nu I can toll, I believe she hap, with the binning of he Almighty, beerfeured by '• Petroleuia” your., respectfully, • • M. Fairer. Valnom Comte. Pittehorghh, Sept. do, IFSO. • For Fele by Key'sey S Aleldottrell, 140 IV.Ameet ; R. E. Sel:ere, 57 Wood meet; D. id: Corry, D. A. El. Hop, Joseph. 1111130 v., and IL P. Selman; Allegheny, oleo by Itte proprtetru t S. N. 141 ER, nem:et/en Coital Clem, Seventh Ft, Pitteborgh OinCe 0! Ohio and retina. IL IL Co, Third st. l'invanton, Anoint 5,ltiCA. Tno Stockholdent of the Ohio and tiennsylvonto Rai! Road Company am here," notlGed to toot the eighth invialmcal of five dollars per abort, nt the office of the Company, on or bcfore the 00th din . of Aunust The ninth Instalment] oil or benne the :lath del of September. The tenth inthalsent Po or before the 20th arp of October Oen. QT The 7th taltalment woe called for 00 the 20t4 /KIT lan.' angaidif 107. Worsts i Wont., —A great many horned treatises have teen 'gotten, explaining the origin et and slay/Oleg she War,. generated In the human system. Scam:. any topic of metliseal serene, tsar elicited more Arnie 0iai1.4.11011 and profound IC' search, and yet physicians are vet y Much diioled in opinion on the seances it muss hc! admitted, Low/ eyir, that after all, a ;node cLexhellthg there morals and purifying the body from their, preirerice, to of more value than the tritest disquisitions as bo the origin. The expelling !meet hoe at length been touni—and to offering to the patine Illbrone's.Verralfrge, the pro prletors are confident that it will only require to. La used to prove Orel( superior to any new In use. (17Tor sale by J. KIDD k. CO, No t*Wocd Mont. deffrodftwS 1611W0,11101•11t• In 0•111.11!try• DR. 0.0. RtEARNR., Into or Dpann , pprspteodm 1,1 ". M.O. Tina to whole p DI SC., 3Liclintl or AUNOnnt c Unction ri!ttei Ct,to to /WV M n cie, where the nerve t Imposed. (ace and residence nest door to the May orn diee, Feersli nrter, Ria•sTo—J. U. liPredden Raton: tali FALL INFOUTATION OF lIABLIWARE. LOGAN, WILSON & CO. 129 W 001.1 ST Are nos' prepared with• v lame . add Creel idrisk 01 l:ngtiab, German, and Americanlorare,Ao oder ...crier inductive.. to buyers. Thote,a•tralni to ~.101ft, will privemte their Widmer by Mumna hwegl, mit atm k, ar they are dateemmud to dell tit marl ac.t.ta ihrma. auels n. -14*LItIt OA. C.Oiqrf OrrOCtUl 44.1 Oecatra, betwiaa z.ektilostt{-.- . . NYW STOCK OS' PIANOS. fiffli,to. JOHN 11. MELLOR, el Wood .c. ti v. rrerivol et se end F p lend i 4 a•lorwr.nt of Pianos, w now opcn.and reed- ~ .a snle. ' . dell M R" st 0 F ?II A 5 I l . 4o.oltrin-ittuttit lrj A VINO eonelui io mehe Pttsburgh her p manvnt home, ori a ll ecirv [ ntie ,i to give lasso. er- In Voce] and Instrumental Mame. RC•III.CC at F. :Ststks, 21 Fifth st. dent:dtlist Splendid Olft Bonies t to. rr EA MILTS of Memory. Snow Poen/ Carden of Modern Art. Clean of !noon'. Frrendnup•a eldenne. Amerenth'. Winter ille;sl- Prenqterinn Psalm and Hymn llooLel aplendidly Loond. Eiliserpal Prayer 8.A., ipleudidly boand. nronne Preceniation Lloota. Albomslke. For enael the EDUCATIONAL. BOOK STORE, oclo 61 Market a 4 eor. In Fourth. IN Ft PIthiATION WANTED, of :WILIIIA3I BUR.. 1113,5, I% native el Aebtan-ondcf-Lyne4LnneheLith, Erg , nroh by trade a wesr.; M ter, who ea Tr 4 10 Neer _York on bah.' the +hi- liveop, t. the 1203 of Noverubrt I hlt, 4ohinvie ohiiiv a buy° b h, which he WO or forar_ord to rto , bpfgh. All (1110141.10%1 re• yfeedni r ,v,H he thkok(011/ r eer red, for the 'CO.V,I. a Ur, box. by WILLIIM 1 MN. 4Aw ! Of the llonod Iloueo, l'otahuretz, Pe. • LAFAYETTE 114ILL', -- - ' A Ching. weer Woolf:Pm: ro at ACleiiron World. LIVER': individual of the eirolicilee tilight the ITC ro 0 of A fi 7 / 1 1101'01.tie Y. or theddratrie &Score of lAfe—liow tobar nrue uporatopi in the ...aria, Skop ., or a n y iier,on tedido fiparutora instantly, to thole great a... h=oot. 1l R out 'YEW tot. plenrure In Announcing that ho will untold ohi the scents of a sct.. which the world ha' poonouriced diromprehensible; for i_e, lea sou it..dor-den in Biology, Psychology, e, Instead of throwing light on the solerciJ have tido there k. ~„_ mid their MICICIICC acenituglY thlieulo s l'initrsor ltew is the only lecturer on Anthropology in the world, and gager ear 'meals twee, before at, te To pmted hy noo. . r co. 4C wad cow/slot fire lorinroa with saperi mottle, cownenetnir en Mend, hirear.x. Pee li:Cili, c o oi di el lig dr.6114 am wars Dole open at 0 o'clock.' eta, locket, to the course TS sty_ See bulls oi L 1 1 .5 day In r particulars. dean /liver can Wantall, F OR which th e tughow premium will Se void at We exelmnie triter of A. WILKINS & 1,10 eor of Third Pc Markel ate To Dlechanlce end Otters. fj , 111: esteoFere verge of tool4fobe formerly ozen pie4 by Alevo. Loch h Co.,Obtoe POlob between Water .beet and Ibileesne IVoyi will ts !cosebl for fecal 01 yea;.. Tbey e n be Neatly solgea, with tww bobeer, e teborneble,l6evity bind of montifoe• Yoiee*ob yiechl imfoedletely Apply fa VII PO. BOI.ILLY. I t o j usil Lobies (lam Hoot, '1 Jo 4o do Over blots 4 d> to de Bustle, , 14 li,tats' Over Shoes I do do do Sandals, for •rile r.nlariale marl :'re ti Wood at, by .k3tt , n PHIL.LIPS •- - lld DIA UURUER 1101,1. 0 .--.1.1 :eve tr. from New a fer.. ; fun &viva India Robber Ladle, It heatnital artielogar re:e et the India Rubber Depot, %co. °T. . It R, U"Un "()"-- gli t i T dfn ' a " a e p °' e k rl:Ve h tt r lreleeset; Id pair Long Legarnera IJ pair etihed do 0 Horse avers; 13 pair Gehl.' Slot Gloves; pair Plittialf Roars, for sate L1c2.11 Ja II PHILLIPS TA lb. NOTICUK. AVII)! f.l.lftrtiflTO THY. WORLD.— thrOly toe pullout ryvnard wall be ptld mai ronerrilb wall prodere x !part 0i pent, goon or dty. that eanuot be etztidetcd wltle•lled froyiroar4 Chemical Sday. hare the settafseatir, t t eayinel 10 the people of this place that Iltts ortirL, by my onto , ituProreturnt on it, how ottauda unfiredl el in Ma reentry for elleacting , aa e r , tar, pitch, of , paint, or any other grrasy cub. fiance, from oil kin. s of gentlemen'. or ladiesleloth tug, estate., table 'peeled*, manner allow It, ladle.' bonnets, kr , without fittortog!aity thing that.pure water will not tow •. More than 000 thousand per sons in eildrrent pans of the houctry hare told ma they would not he I thoot O if it coat II a r•te. fe wpm; this Yolp o 10000 that/ nt!!! ankle.. Of light fillo, sauna, alpaer s and CRllOllOO.f have truly found Ultra ',Were 017t10, !aro talpurras, and four 010.11. en, on which it chinace,i the color; ttrecifitie, before putteng to on a light 000111, try d mule or the Qtr' Lest 1 1112/01,0061140 I, eon 1.10 1 ,01100,004 1 . 00 . 1 001010 001 / if ...V clCocer than knotte to bu strictly fiate ifidersfedosoonntry nierrhantord prdlarsprompl r if altrudetitet by the subscribe SF.f.LISRS dellte 47 Wood at ATENI:3ON IVAMS-9 las (mt Venison Mtn. just V received nml for tole by W k F deal , CO Wood el BALAitittF.A De.Oofitt Ilreh have been on• changed for three year. anu upward., In the Er ni...Be Rant of Pittibus W.,1141M DIVIR, rnridence unknown, Aug It, I odd, can Npeoctr blanley, Z 'noodle, Oct r 4131 7 .., 45 I certify, that the forrgatng Itatatnces appear to he doe to theparedne'roinieil, or their legal represents tt vet, cierfird:ng to the - books of this hank. T 91 110W1., Cathie, Sworn and adbacribed before 'me, Ode 29th day of December, 1921 C ERNEST', dtadoltm Notary P.M , ' . . POWDER MANGIANE.dE—,ROO flo j t fgat i lLlB6 de:10 GU Wood et AfrMANW La KID 5 El,llllt—lS dor for :o Ly 011 cialli D &CO Nic b o , A . LUSTER'S taTlilkNT-4 Fos. far eele ide39 . J iiIDD et CO LA lID OIL-5 brit. for eels by ' de:11) •INDIGO—IXICITs klpo 1.11. IFIOZ Illsiirtia and Me.- .1. Hilln, for imio by _lde,i7l4 ..I KIDD &CO SODA ASll—i3 casts Korik'hrond for sale by • dellb $ & W lIATEHAUGII ROLL BUTTER—SO bilk rime, rechl for solo by , deaf• 8 & W lIMIDAUG4I ' .-__ Ati.otv—ao brls prime ,or kat. or ' -„ ~ ~,3., o o. W tuatunitat C. , - 0.....4 . - i bar W. It. Cteeke tar kale. by "' . ; - ;:i,. ---' •) . 1.; W lIABIMUOR Lk IickkIVIINAT IFLOUR—.'d Lap rdo'd tor solo by 1' drail • ... . $& W SibilklaUG.ll L} tifklat.—ao bade for tiokliVicke, fii icoleilcy 7 L___dedo ki klt WIIAIIDAUGH INSEED 011,,- . 10 bre toe'd for sale by .L 4 don e 416 W eißeAum t , FIVENTH GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF DRY GOODS, AT nil Olr P. CI ATO. or A. A. MASON & CO., OA aad Blasket atr••t, IA7II I. ewe mer.c ,, rl Monday, oneember 30, and rwat• inmate tie month of January , On War orestrion. we art ole of their immure eatab lishuret t vvili he teroven open for Paull Trade, and. Weir ex tenvwe monk, amounting ta One Modred and. Thirty ib ou ,, a a will he offered at Retail, at rally or a fentlh Ices than ardal priers. Illenollee of Weir Semi-Annual Sale ID any one of the thesitend• oh, aueneed the .ale of Int year Brill Le stan,lent gnat...lce for a call this seesaw They Will. Ito Never mention a kW cf the Goods and Pricer, for the atnetil ofthese who have never attended Weir in:— Welt C whatereL ...... - SOU .. pg Cot'n &Wool Cosh mores :55 37Y 1500 ps do do Doltinve 15.121 do 2:I& 23g 00 pe High c [it'd plaid do• —.45 do '62/ 50 pa Stripod and Flg'd Silks 50 do 75 EU pt. Owen do Chino emd Not , 571 do' 115 5U pe Black egiozg educed 25 ' oor, coot 100 F.eoch Morino. 1 oo do 137 i and Lyonese Cloths, redaca iier cent 2t.,0 ps Alpacas, all colors, reduced 30 per cent. 23e3 I,na Sqaare Shawls, which will be sold from 81 to 85 iCR% than usual prices. :000 yds Bonnet Ribbons at B&10e usual 23 East eored Calicoes at Gle, alma Price 00. 100 Cli•F. English and Ameridart Calicoes at B 310 c, avail prteelll end 12/c. Do ci. ie. llicachrd Muslin., reduced 20 per yard. 2113 hales Brown Muslin, ell grades. Al. laces., Embroideries, Trimmings, tlotiery and Glove, Linens,Ched ks. Cloths, Camimercs, Caes4net. and Jr 1111; mei:tier with immense variety of ether condo, 411 s t -which will be Marked Doom tti Pticvi. than any of their previous sale. Then Invite an early collies many of their choicest coeds Will mOOll be The lowest price named at first A. A. MASON & CO ad& fa Market lit A' or" mid Worie 1-11 aid Times! gOillr oat of practice No Chriatelas tr:lts . hi,eJ servants!. Nothing but dttygg e, eockma, teething dishes, and availing tahaer:Vony.ortirrrong to night, wherein, they amo to 'act the' day for them 'OA pleasure and a bald.= Ci.,4.'014 Gilt; but non a days Moe is nn gift— nodose but drudgery. licit the narfilon, thank God, 4 1101tIlti rely exhausted yet, as two ladies and gentle , ' men in Allegheny city, gave their female domestics as the rote argon dollars each—Mar in number—wed time man nearly 'a full suii. IVe hope May will be liberal at New Tear. MANY SERVANTS ileYereal* Mara Hod for Softness TATEM ENT ef Deposits and Balances of Deposits CI in he Banc of Pittsburgh, u t the smooth of len dollars and exceeding Mar - nem, which, within the. thorn) cure preceding the date /ATM! statement, have not miner been Increased ot diminished, with the. nature Jibe depository, the mite when such deposits were made, no ,balances accrued, and the amounts thereat: This etenement exclude, all deposits and be lettere of dCpOlii whack have heretofore been pub he4for three eacceiodue years—they having, elicatelt to the Cemmonwealth.— iames. feeee Itonglieny • • PV-pheit Gmnt Kesime 'amna sltrml, Wan. Tomlineou Dater. Amounts. • -•Inov. $155 00 • • -Nov. 4,154 - :45 00 • • •Ang, Mt, 1845.• • • 150000 —Jan. 5, WV-- MS 00 • • •June 20, 1e47... • 100 00 s . ..• • , 1 certify thn ,• the torrent:lg appear to be hula.ea due the perrone nurnsd. and noying remained to Dank anennosed for three yea,. JOHN SNYDER, Cushier. /IWO. n to and subscribed before me, this 2111,h day of De. mnber, ISLO GED. WATSON, detlsadtkvr•ltS Alderman of the Chy of rausturgh liloirola Jo I{ , lllla'. Flame Journal, Sabi,' hid cooly Saturday in Nna Yuri. City Al wo Dollars • Tees• nrceilile in nil roles in nJvonao. COAIMISoNON OF AGENCY. • Office of U. Homo Joufoal ltq Fulton Cl. N. York To all whom It may concern: This may certify that le. M.. in duly author-I ed to act as event tr MORRIS R WILLIS'S HOME JOURNAL, on& that all receipts given by him in punnet,' for earn paper wtll be duly acknow ledged by as at the other of pablicancookod It to ei presely acrred and understood, mat all seffircriptient ara pr.otltte one year to advance. TbeNtew annum. will icoonneace on the .first of I y. Subscriptions keceived by J. U. Holmes, Third .trees. oppoeite the Soot Office. MORRIS &WILLIS, det& &laws and Proprietors BALK-5 new for sale br OLASSEttt—bi taint' an crop N Holmes land- M tog per rm nLi eaer u bele bunt, Indult, by drat JAM A HUTCHISON & CO. NMOLASSES-3 Grin nen , crop, inn reentael . by It A CUNNINGHAM, 3 . 29 et _ syn d TLlAltri—thito ei t k; ,. .A.gvietlii i . :tom. turr pt-4 'Ms lost ried by L r • erta It A CUNNINGHAM iNcINNATI hIO M ULM CANDLE ban Mire C btand, for sale by R A CUNNINGHAM den .la - Ths CUII/1 or Caron. Elea d Alleglinry Ordia " : " A47l;77 , 4 .'' Alt a r i Cla=l C 2t. P ' T ": To 11.. i about defend.... Ynat anlitherrApilly that die - atione plauniLf 2 taken and appropna Ii) nre. Me fo ll owing onion or your real he city of Allealtony, benta parzorloZ, Licl it IHHE 17 In Thala:es plan, bonntie,Yhy hat on the ndnh of the centre Cue at rail T.somd ,ynnlys thrnott,, tr,,td Inticittninnalfy 211 fart IVIO7, a drallAnd description of sableth ar g hlea in the abuse ease. W. S.COURTNEY, dattdattr Pal. 1. PI M: roit: Annual alerting a the Stockholders, and J. Meehan or Directors, fsr the Ohiii and Pennell. genie Hail Hoed e.0.m . , tint be held at the ofri;e• fis the company, on the jib of January, In t between the hours of It A. M. Rod t/' • . . • . . . . I. deS7:cte I. J. FIROOSER, &cream'', - —CIlt .. llEtt . .;; illT—Now N. R. ITtutelt Raisins at 121 ea'nts perit.-111 It,' ler St, er ahl9s per hoz. for t4la by MORRIS & 11A.WOICTII, de & • In the 1/tarnontl j a ll'atiEls OIL-5 brie pore New ----- iiiMilai 1,1 Fee eived and•for sale by delis . . ~... ('FOLD P :;JO—We have now on hands a large rirof tge Urn Gold Vens. from tee leatting trot einem ro to New fora', *Ad made eve...l7M , Alm, eleg nt Gold Pencil Cha_wi and Pon Belden, filitirr CUP in eve ty vp-,...0 y. PoreulArte Pan/ Hold; err; Pearl d AA rot. rile wholewati and retail 14 New York -, we, ' Dletl7l W W 'WILSON _ ( .. _.. by SlNt'Alt. 21 blots N EIIisZTVATZTAI6K, 0027 i 141 Liberty at _.. . -• • • . 14.AIRINS-1 U bra new,ree'd on consigrtrOent,aa4' jy for sale IoK by del? Q Ipnacnto, reypnr, Clo Yes an&Not meet; for trY 18.11&11 DICKFS & CO • drY.: tVntei & Front nit . AtTi ... -.lXtbrl, No t kit morn and rot *IN by ' ISAIAti 4EY & CO. CI! 1 1"' '"" & CO *TO i NTACKVAEC- for f•milY nx des 7 !, 11 /.7 FISII -73 Lut•ey gcbled, tar sale by i.. del' I: 4 AIA II DICKEYIt. CA) Tj/ ex. mesh hence, far vale by de27 DIONEY B. Ca Flancy Good°. IUST received and now idpex a cr large assortment o iFancy nnialal rytaile fit r hrinmas and No Tea; Pradixtii,tri which dm attention of purchaser ishorticalarly invited. Amongst Menssortmerit rail tm. found Romorcrod Regency Fiartr . Pearl Inlaid Fanny do Farley Rosewood Toiler Boxer ininid Patin Wood do do Black Walnut and Rosewood Toiled Rages Fancy Rommonri Perfumery Boxes i Satin and Rosewood nevalntßaxes Pearl Caskaaa far fine Jewelers Alen Genslemdn's Morning Eltrelkei • • du Traveling Cases do Finley Dressing C 11411.. . at dad, F if PATBN'S.'eat Fourth at' I.IARRV'S TP.l , l(lelf Efir)Uri for rale by it.E. L.) 9t'LL4Z.4, (+55 et, tole egem for Pareburo. Price, 25 ceror per 1.12 e de.2.5' SIIOII,T8-400 D lust received pee 'teenier Jenny Lind, und for sale I,y der. • SIIRIVER & BARNES.; b"' ""1 71 1 i12111a 114RNES N 0. ,, , ,.. 1 5 .1F11) : 1ti brio anlll,ll5*e—k.AART,E, ""'s'Agg..4l%r web ARNEI ISCNIZ.O& OIL-3 bTls Teh'd fin sales by detl SaiRIVER & BARN&i &25 . SURLY ER k BAntif3 I\ - r O. ttIOLASSE.4.—nn bl i lit il lohngit t o . t : am lir . 0 1 . de23 y - Aitirk . REA 4 ,::: :. - tii --- 77- _I, • • z barrels Orman, now landing from stear.v.k :fort N. 4 nilit;) , i i itzle i tio ncsu ' den Froninet et ,' , -- 6 Eta irgilti—Tin efts WOirniFitOok Fort li COP Lan 'ISAIAH' DICKEY & C batin g lbothyDeel n, Isle of rho City of Piubtne b,do geual r this tiny Loon $11.111“1 lb the wader. adgited, pollee hereby Ricca in all pen.. ludebted to the told Salute to mite Immediate payment teeilber .or no, and till: pence,. h,a ;nu Holten opting,. maul <Mate are tettuniiell to preaent the same, duly authegr 'pled it art Imam it the warehouse lately "'CM 'pled by nail A. Ureic, ad Thild ANNA AdMitti ttra;:ti. 11. %TA.. AdminittraMm. • l'ittahutert, Der 03,1F - 0.-11rdta diva L ti ,ar,bree E and to Dont. : A. LARGE Lumber Yard, enuated cm .ThlqUettle 'Way, near the PAitlt, aufficlent room to told eighteen hundred thourand feet of lumber, to tent on a tong lento Enquire of OL REYNDS & 9fIEE, dethiSlm Cot. Penn & Irrain Oa ADAM HARDIE; VETERINARY SURQI2ON', (Lae from EdinhayldiScoiland,) w LuL e n p 7 v ,e..t. t . erfor,V ar4aaint the pubiie that be dere e:ice In the ati eve prottivion, . r ,o bye,:re:ol atientioo to whatever la curtailed to him, he hope% to give catinfaction. In Conneenon with Jame. {wilesla, Ilotte Shod.* and fithekininhing in general he cattle 4 an, at carper of Tunnel 'Met and rennallxunia Avetue. de2l:dtv Uoiikes for Sale. MILY and WORA HORSES—Persona Laiitild ria• Feither description aro rcquested so call at Chown , * Stable, Third at. 1de.141 A II BALI,ERS ED= DRIED FEU - IT—Dried resell.; do to gored; da ,tni,,,Veg.zir4TV I*.A Liberty n 8T13A1117 GOOUS. GHEENb; St CIL. Itlgoofactetrees of Fog /A • eigtt and Dentritt4 Parser Goad', all 'be ottext toot of buyer, to their goods tor indite and utiewea.--t hey rani offer, inducements to 'treat variety of style,. etc., to perdue.* slip buy by the maanlae Aimee package. Sample. exhibited at their atom, No ne Pearl .1.21 up ethint Ness York. deYeadene ABLE HALT'-900 met% W. lb. each. Caned Table salt, in atom and tot sale try deMdeal W ht GOBBLEY, 111 Ltharty AMUSEMENI rowan,'GELERS9.IIV9. - TS word truirsicted donne anti lidbited at Philo Hall, over . the Post °Ste, ifeta dal% comtueneinaldoudatakeetaturtll.. ' Roan oft hibititut, from 9 A. 9t• tip Bi idtal.slautaSetr, season Octets,so anzpa.ft 6 cants. • P.' S.—The Statue la 111. propertir. Is• Paw" , and is echiblte4 for Ida beutat. 403 WILL SOON CLI. LECTURE, ROOM, ATHENEVICILDIIII, Liberty Streeti Oyen EVERY - EVEIVINCi, fahort mum ierietof4* - i?ANORAWS,' iisnal price CEO • . . .; VOYAGE P TO . JROPA ' Mtn-a:chi moirorteeniiileou of lA,; it. Mato% llalifax, the:Atlaouq Livezpool, • •LO,N DOI From tie Timmer, paarirq ondei 11mtges, lad ending widi a magnlSeent maw O. . . ' TEIAIt In T 1 . Illatolnatea, and both hoof ihat;eautifid . unis.• An Exhibition einyi WednetZand Satitday afternoon, at 3 o'clock: - • ' Adinn‘ion„2s menu. Ctildren,.xr Il.pesra 01 1-t. 15 meat.. 110ar• will open , sa delock - orama. • ponce moving at o'clock. , • del3:4la, TALLOW DIL-4 tat tinarot (Fort Pint by dew ISALSICKEV &NA "Dun bT Is Ohio BaUc - rf; keg* ee' tarr.9 FLUE_ dozerv,in rt?re and ily,s•t—l'tio , 013ACCO—C - 0 bxs L's Pocedt' • veal;' , GILLS ROE , - FLARD-5 hge on 6kno•lrn , d for ilhln. N by' ! RICKEITiON, ' de24 : : ' • VI 1 Libeny REESE-1W brs Ceef(•loro fo r nab by • , .WILLk ALCKEISON,, . "NT O MOLAkIE 3 -20 brim f,r op foie ealebi J. S AVORTII &CO' . ECONOMY CRAGCIDER4. 1% in nom' den. mchn-rsom- OIL Ffi:AL—SA bags In atom' eak by de2l • ZA. t. HAN IIIGLI. • SODA A9II-40 auks vcc , J PRId bT • delq DM! POTASH -10 outs iu !tort FAIc by deny $V WN DOW . GLASS-400 o.y..Artcll 01200.'4 far brands, received and too b9' • • Ale2l • UTTER-10 brie fresnEo/4?..!l l, l,bji i iiiio n i . l :, de.l3 • 1 ." ttA CUE TSS-440 bx. tc , c'd fo T 1 Air dtel - - 1W nARItAtIon CHEES.F.-2401toxeiRir - W. U. retc, • , LO do Crearmeme;fne rale Irio dad Wiec AVO.A.NDLESS lIESTNUrs—s bagi-this 41.'4 rot aZ2 I3 -. det WM MeCANit dozwuperi l v r Vin h augiat i eAbi F E L T / 1 1, ER'hi.'im l. " 41 1 3: ZCANDLESS. GINSENG -4 pkg. fox .10 de4 'Ph& EWAN DILEI39 • FLAX—I 4 !meta an land'. Jar irate b 7 dat' W: & /51cCANDLE£3 10101:$11.1-42 calla pale fate, e 7 dells W:& M'CANDLIMS. inltn—sa pkgn on nnand for min by & M cCANIILPBEN PLA' RL:I- 1 41 casks fi rst a, 'or gale by den . at McCANDLESS SALFRAT4F-35 calks 00 brig tar We ' dal NV 4 NeCANDLYBS W R/iIiTIN PAPER—NI rot* osp. for vile de2.l „' , . VR h McCANDLEEIS- . . „ TIVA—aOO brls N C Tar; of brio do for aby de24 • : IRK ea 'Mee ANDLES'3' Q HORTS-10p0 Du Has dtec , .l for *Co by RIVER to DARN= d Ptaetin 150 '°11' .1 1° 11Ittli;i7 1' deal eiWAN, ep e ssi.s-2 pens tirati, BD by , • WM) '; RIMY& Co_, , r SH. MULAL , SES-31) ti St Louts augur Hint:: . Syrup ?Soloman, ou eigruzeot. for oalotry .das • .- R'&F WILWN I. • • IW segued", ArtigiisZ C Cif:o4ollo=r w" I e;,ole• rent j, pupae. on .Thinid oecna!A • next. Cireuhtro, omit-m.1,m0 610. 4 , of 0..1.4..1, I mode al Insirectioirwat alodyi discipandi.; Won, inaY be ho d , to p stores of - • White, and Messrs Hay /1.„, or of the frinetind,,nt- ~ the Mononenbeht'llo7o_,Nin to 4 P.M., eteleh • butanes., day of ttoment ' ' • ...441,100,.... . 'llll If-Toilbaltsfotel r[urn teniartbe, presezr nee Ir4iiior . do the h* Alrk i tti:tx " Vo L teh P arPtPlTTl. ` =!%%- .''' therough end com oa litmnt tuff .u. e:,, end °Sere it ;ortor , : tf - . BlNSON,Atilr,st , Lsw •,•• ttet Vbartli street i' • , •1./ ! • 6 7 07 A 471 alir6/ et% 00 74 Cornet of Thirdtd Market sueau..' The °illy Chailered leaden of.the Wad in Zahn Plera, Prlcclr Inemactos. In thet!!lfitri,,i. , „ 0. elaareberhn, Pisaor of Pernianshin;bll% - : Ale Compateuon, tee . • .'• Alex. M. Watson, .E, Leclarei on Cottinera. Thou desiring acorece Irnoteledie ol Doak RoetY . • mg and Its application 'over,' branch of beilttefli also an elegant and remestrianship, arc Imitate ~; . ; ; . 1 call and CSURIIIIC the a.ngeraeute. - =a Lecture on Commerti Law every Monday e'en Inr. of e ' i.e Id . Cl . ' 11' 'Reference to eny cut I) mere an Ifattrine Psalr6_d 78 ! r iurctiam ( 1 1 4 ',.. , ar w F .113 ` - ". b lot R 11 1 1 1 4iiisciNT!ii:eitt1 7 ,:,1 A d C IN ' EL-111) tv, No Thfited. nr7ale At k ai ' IS A 1111T , 11120N At.:WP. • brls byrnya; • • ' ilt.2:cia ,do ilbstlabcsied for bb by JAlf; - A drb MN, libui•Pbbybr . • - Ntemb•rusg lantiPtttalringll',.. ALL 'germ. ituleillo the sulureribit for Irueb-• ,hertoa hour es or Eriburgh Director, will Orme. glut M the Deimos ore Dowd of. Trade, ember UO WoOti und.Tkid streebeween Old beam of .11. sod 2 o'ciock,' she senteleir bltle. Solrecriberi And. thor,..oh,h4og to noretie . the Pittsburgh Ihterbirlirf will olph please . • SAML ITIIHNESTOICIC Ptturborsh, Deo 21, 11-4e2tratto . 2 siv Pent lne,re.rioos bratv;,r, 9: jewks SwiMll7loka, Gun hiranda' an atom's and MI sal. biW & 1,1 3,invE l glaisiN4 . ' H.15.1n7.,i :OAA kt , depl ' t ' - 110, Wale, m , Q UNPRIES—a , b)kdsnirte N. 0.0222.; - F FJ Tibrhi 40 do Mobutu; • 100.1mano C02227,_ . • • 20 bisononx -07- deli URBAN:Kik; 2. INQNRA2.4I rig YESIS al C 0 ,9 SECI VIC, for all dieessre ea , , IVA Orintry OTgleas.eacborreit, Inilammation of, ` ': the Vtatder, lOdneye,). Price Si 301,y boul., - Hold by le )381.1..E.Rt.,' No 51 . 3.V0akt and by A.ll. tr. D. San, New York. : yrrinTE f sale by VV defy ,V 3 'VON LIONNIMIri.T,L6 POOL COTTON- 00 dux reel dim... fuaik.. S ntanalatany, andr sale by dryt -(1 ;oatuvicior CLOTIIB4..inen, bia'snn. 1 Dam./ and Dias. patiptas fa; sun bv de9i _C ,• • `.; . Flttg sale by ' C ARDITTRN. i IOpIITTRIt . -;:i.0 rla II last see: teed bar role L .L.i, *lest - Sk. w 111A,IlLBAUGH. ... LAEU—GODS ltaiard Ideetrot for rife by ' i. 4 ,d ea. . Sac 1 - : llARBAlitili rifaira--30, WsoooTiFeeVi r ialWeiOleili , 1.7 V' • deii • ,S ei It , IidSTIAUGII . , It MIA-OW—SO beiges iia (Or- kite til -.. j„ dell , - S re. IV HAIIBIty9344_ , ' - TIVI'LIi-a — itiiiiiicliriieb • •` 2 "7 1 - .d. sr• ,), ~ .SCI .aelllA hitliC dal , - 2 1 'aced alree.'4 IllakEßS..A.X:il. eli for sale Er - , 11021— J. _ i Al de.4 ^ : ' ~ WM A I:4eUlStinG 4k. CO. , Q lOttiP—it E i;if4vett laid tar iselerby . , 1,3 8 DfM OICT es II CCI Tohaecti—iu) UiZa, V. trs I lb Intim. for teterbT/ !.. dela , . 1 Sl3ll,ll43EtTlf t. CO, PItACIIIES- 7, tpslsoe Jet s se elsclhy tic% -. , 3 S V11,W0y.t . 11.a. ,.. Q5t . rt i )rTEß—ltt brl,liima ftestiroll; 0 4, .101 i 3u le r !'ne lnte.RT3lllVgi,f, T'Wll - itt''"' .- f' "''., s';`,t,voias...o.-, 1X13,4 11A1114.'1.411A110:0 C4E3l4,—Whae,N la the man who do( ea appreciate at lorarrarat thavel If anybere be; we do not add rears Over to him. Hot tall cam we ay, yeitwirli tender staving nteaure,poreandas bor .4.1.1 es Httrant Almond PMehlo or ApatroNial, 0.4:113,g • etesam it nuertlmporelble In and acribo the feelinn a yenta who ha, tean mad Is Shaine with cedilla rota, earn Metter Irbil °Cala tx• the fiat time. In eon/bast/I,w et wonder ' s& ;JUL,L IfhtIELVEIA I7O ;: , ; tatrahld a crewed, Italy a ft rearing ikiradat tad =Autry beard aft and plight red•Jang no whoirableltau, sad by its extranert Wore itilayindr irrita. tied, and placenta r.t applaud: nod optf rano' or tbe skin which W., coca caperiveced slier Ida} Inf. Gentlemen afit Jates Itcasi!s Staying craw may fac e the coi-.„, and Moaly titer 'As wititont tbe alto beaming wlada chopped. .And, tiskarto area we it, Fre talaatfigy say will Mora/ tie dy ocher. • . • - • thur great Ldvantle, which c'Pe-did._ premien thowyrno Wear avardaelll, lot faat that wt , . not dlrror the beard, which most,sam. . 70 •••• , d..altnatt •WY or onnwonie to. Ma rage n't the whirkeriJolea ltour.Vo:‘,Maing Crfabla 01 ., 404 bud pm , rions, compounded with sal% to -the Mira &Selo A of an mocks eidiealatrid a oder the ¶noid( abaoira adpirassor, arodpitt. .'d,e_appre_eioed DI a larla mate want et them. nd as • P:rfamer 1 ;•it '- For sale arbalesalind by It . A Fatamateak „dm E. Seas, Itittabszak,tytd/ohn Barran' and Allonon• City.• stp9ll.o M'aV E "