iiiisc.,tL,L-ivti , tous!, liHACK.L'ETT Iliniaschu puss's; rx dU311,11116 DRI 69DD8, 21. 101 Weed almost,. NVITI: the a o ttention f toners totileir laxaestock ct /erten Goods now creme:in,' audwhich rerouted to well on very aeiesonicdating versos. We flail Le comtantii receiving (Asti goods. dur• ing the reaaan, and request an examination or oar noel by area:ern merchants, and *Meru visiting oat city! • ag3l _ 'No. 13 Liberty. 'DEWS tespactfidlyie thrlaw - his numerous friends .I_l and caitonacra, that he Is lost receiving his new mu clock c( CLOTIIh, CAShlelt.:Blin., and tit - r. INGti, at We ErWtet aty Ws, adapted for the upprosch. We sewn , All those in ward of cheap; fashionable, awl good clothing. will Laid We 1„r",,, Scott r a m,,,,,shie., , Pild best stock iu the lt'e.tern cannily, alibis catablishment. tepid tipenios of thoPoolsayivalals Itati Head . ito.ol,lltobusgh. rpm; Pennsylvania nail lload Company • having I completed the whole Imo at rail toad to Itolitdaya. berth, thus eontecung_the 'Portage gad Stead la Johnaterwa, end trout Ibtatte by boat. to riuo.rgh, w prepared to reetiTe and forward natlehalt dire.e proutme, at, to and lzom PoWbeirgo and raw , do 1, bak_ the teats will leave the depot of the eraspan) daily ter Johnstown. there vontucting with the daily train of ears for Philadelphia, thus 4nsenng the Ile• betel of all (might in Pans •eiphla *hide five data. LS 'Act...Err .01.04 (nr Pa. R. R. Co Cartel, Basin, Pittsburgh . C G A PELLA:, Agents, rktiladelphis. _ - X .W LOT OF EIPLZBIDID FIATIOS, - - • - - IMEI=I Sign of the bold. hazy, No 1017 bird street. IL /CLELIE.II reirectfally informs fhl (Benda and they ahlte, that he h. lan retained from the east, with a Mont elegant and txtenelec assort ment Of Pianos of germ. styles and pricetn'scietted by himurlf,wi th great mire. at the celebrated factories - 11 l Nun. n Clark, N. Y., end Lanham, N. Y., thin of Stodart & Dunham, N. v.) Illemg aelreted the above from au immense stock just flashed by the , above natters, the y are warranted of Mor tier quality and tone, and will sn all ease. be red at New York far. tery poet. rum... whit reenter rewritten go. e silty with each nano, entitling them to an exchang or retere of tame if found detente. Alto, i 1 11( 1.111C101.1d Goiters, from the factory m Schmidt & Maul, N. V Ihey are a stmt. article, mom warranted equal, if tot nupertor, tr any made in the world. *IRO, h /me selection of Flrms, Clarioncts , Vtolios, Strang., arm. instrument., and Mte newest and molt rootrar music, including Jenny Land's celebrated ung:. 4 . molt, Welch Apf urtrirc tr. DURCLIFIELD, at north cut corner OA of Egurth and :WOW Warta, are now supplied with a full assuriturat of Ma +smug qualities of -above 'desirable goods, so d having been purchased ircia the Importers ean be warranted pentane Gel Jaa.Dtuaybratt Itc." Boast eitant Soda Ash. 83 4 'tat! rrt '‘ D i e r' rt 'A o ' a d . eiVe . ;li ' a p er , ' nod imzt month, peralinna llich,"ahulope,aalterlic," crier slops vie heir Iplo a and lianeworeso y superim !- in loth strength and quality to m ite marget, for rain it the lowest price for cash and up. Kthil plowed bills, by - W hIITCHEL'i watt.) --- d oods 11.4arg• Supply of Fall NV Inter G. AiIIAPIIY &It IMCIIFFiii , D invite Cm earful.. Of basely .. .A. , title large mock of goods ....lapted for the mason, consisting In part of -1,10 ma cord French Marmots, Cabana and Cashmeres, • Changeable Poplins, tires,a Sills and Tura Salts, UM and Fairy Alpacas. super Long Shawls, Low Price do, Packlog Flan. it's, Welsh, English, and Morrie. Flannels, whire aid lolored. •Timir stock ot 1101:SEKEZFING such Fheenngs, Pillow One Ilusltns, Tab!: lltgeere.lowelltag,farge, and at too prices tor quality. Buyers will and it to their advaa• tage to examine their stuck before pus r Amour —at do north cast corner of tth and Merle; tie. oat a ' PUltrataparolid. all caller • Charleetoo, Va., Sept. SP, 11;.10. Mt. It.l.l.Fallers:—Your POI. have become mutt is, in all this region of ecuotel, az very stuarerde all where . Liver or Anti-Whew, , Vow., to. lAllEtt A LEWIS (Extract of Lettell Eatehalers will recollect that WE—Sellers' Will, ills ate the original no only True Kai Genuine • a MU, and ratty he had at No 57 Wool at, cod pf glatt generally to, the two clues and viol:tax._ .130 Iffr ISze.eraa. of Yellow Dace and dorsapardilo. • ___ 13UT up in the largest riled bottles, contain. m . of the pate Honduras Sarsaparilla than any suns prearation .Slant Licit it chemically .mlothe %vita p the Exuact of Yellow Unek,tho Eatraciof Will Cheiry,..l the flainsto of tir, thus insktog the reuse. sly mote thoroughly ea:isle:or then any other Sarsapa r.lla before the pulihe a • At the sante lane it is perfect ly are fin. 4.11 poishtu, which =toot be slid ol other of the Sarrapardla econywurals. Them solid should beware of poleona! Mercury, Iron, Qui nine, Potash, iodine, Sulphur, so Arsenic, and many other uohrrat ad eutilto poisons eater teat d forte the active toils of meat or the rtarsaptania &tt Panaceas oh the day. liaysutts Compound klxtrael of Yedow fader min Sarsaparilla does not cocoon a particle of - theme ,abataileca, as Roy ace can costly ascertain brappy di& the necessary w The poisons may oecastonahy ramose disease, Ins they la 1.1110.0, ar.l caginleteir tropreg• I tout the. whole ityeleal will, their bancrul eirecis that the first cold. or toe find attack of disease, prostrate.' the portent's strengm.and tub...pi hos or her to Oa 'mart tortztLf and senile , , gl+oolti Ciao , almost ltstrasitabit And . hoptlese. Let ell poiaonous IdsurApirtha; preperations alone, sold else' slaps - nes lorproved Extract in Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.: winch is tiosirorAttly . elltrachnts, perfectly hartn/esa, aOO purely vegetable ,. ; All triads of dble-uo peas id iu.gehtal tnAttenec.. _ - cDR Scrofula, Dirmerous Teague, elltranconontoErptions, -Rryensetu, Putedem or Steeples h Face, thlintm *Ore Lyu,Tettel,Seeld- (toed, an, C.Calgenicat of reins la toe Ilorte• or Joints, old eut.atitoborn line , , Freer Sorer, Dip Dise by ase, Sweated of the Glenne, Onectes, dyphildle tome, Lumbago, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Jaudice, Co aortae's, Soil Recant.Afeetiousof hliney• diseases or from en retemcious upe et Musa- TT, Aluteter's gone TiTorm, W caroms. of the Adunnoturf Antrim., end ad other oimuce mud .. Log tower. Conmartiptioa, MoreeComplarat, Female Irregelaroies h. ad Complaint*, trek arid :Mt.. ; I tentlachd, lieticag DeLnity, Low Opiate, Loss co, • 'APP....es! Abeht tivemas, fatten the Side ada latrelderi, likpowue or , arapt oderwe in Lne, Carpa -1 oft Cansntational Ilsoirde rs, end es Sum g s er feel -- rattler it the Blood, and ben:re! Tug tee Ms 'System. netrettled. 4 cease Clicerd.hi LieLsr ofslreges gears etanzhingo . 'n • The lediri. tint is en extradt of a letter dated March s 07, RAO, Dom L. II rating, AL IL, a highly respects pliyalcies of 'Aiming. Wu. Jolts l'eha—,Deanem I have ander my care • Fouag wutnan Who, to; sixteen years, has been sal- String fro. (Iterated Limbs, and whose ease Las ieh pronotteced hopeless by three of our hest phi iv,akiet•trop.taq family, tad tour used - glaysalt*FellOse Donk lard larsairanila freely, and ain coadent Mat the VeTtOrm Slone - and Sarsaparilla will eheet apereueut cure. She, is better tri general lieldth.then eke. Las ever beta before, rout walks • mils cr two witnout fatigue Of Pahl A year ago eke used crutches. laud deport the eaaa in due time. Very, respeurelly, SCROFULP. N. PrIUCUIS 'It has bake rentelled, em mat men, Mat in the vested cataiegue of diseases to which man Is liable, there Is scarcely one of seen wipe:tune, and of rue "'Welt retorWai whetter we toot to Me obscurity of tts Ca in, Mart., the number and variety of orgeuthat it ettaeke, or Its =ratable in terithilay seat extensive Scrofula Au bulled the etilt of the moat ' eminent phyneienr. Dill coutry ud Europe. Thathereds en utidot &for tea Elston re Dr. flayott's Extract ol Yellow Dock and gamesman/W . which Is proving It -, Self perinea apatite to the most severe cases of egrofala extraordinary cue of Sarofele cured by the role ate of Dealer Guy oust COLOpoand syrup. It will be seta bY this certificate that this men eu been unlace the pummel of %eyelet cent:wed phi melanin for the put eight years, withut deriving any benefit, and hoe been effectually cured by the nes of a few bottle of Dr. Ceylon's Compound syrup. , New You,..lene - 7,1'01d. Da. ticreorr— Dear Sir,—Owing yon debt se Met, money eanionay, h Ie abminder d steo coats ad ptro m lic se OnOWledonen - Invaluable Syrup- I was sorely sinieted with a terro Lie &rondoas disease, hereintary in oar Wady, Arai W Crsaineaced Da my neck, and, ,eentillelng LO great!, Logo Leeched my eats, Mailing into my hue, raid extending all OTer nil lone, neck,. end lower ex. animate. I ims...tme a al/gasbag Oilers lifr look upoo. At tames my dieter.: ems In event the 1 was unable to sleep or lie down; vattla disease extending lets out ears seetrasly edema my imensig. My (See watt 0110 cent/numb sere,llool LlOletk a ameharge of matter .d Wear kepi contumely oOnng OOL reepla avoid. kine, eapp.rug I had the amen pox. or lone other relettiO. diarlort, and I Was ConaPpleolly Winged . relingelett My' tolerates 'Notiorthstuding lied tha hest medical tolvice, end tried dtflerent plans of treat meat, thediateu continued to grow were, I gess ' .up ingespeir, Fortuuley INM in with • pruloaeget I.aadrost, alb e ciorslhing for Inc health, vino criormeil Lao that lila 1,0 wee .5 .tin tone in al tied counties aa I wee, din! Mal by sg yonc_ny rep Le was ...eddy eared. • t Imniedlalnl‘ Proolffd me er bele, LOrtancir &red win , It. and row, after haling used ICs then to bottles, dim weir sad able to cued to ray beau.. I seed you LLis statement as an .L of Justice, only night that ren9 lanaro the alarcind LO make use et the righ g t meet eine,and thereby um. them much ends m& and expense. I remake your obedient Servant, JOI Di Q. grALLINU. Vete of as aggravated case of ..617.tipdah. The cures puns - Med by "Dr. tieysetda ...street of Yellow Dime aid Oar separilla are lestnig• The pa. neat gene-rid Itulth cautious to Uprose after ...- ease is removed. Oats are Mat etworoeled until time Las tulip tooted that Men can he no refnpsa LC return of the distaste Nouvel, (Merkur,' Cr) Feb. ISAO. S.F. Dao nen h. Co.. Ocas, it is with g pleasers that I write you about era very happy elfeers ofyour Yellow Dock end rorra e serilla apou ray tom, who her long been satfefirik Linder that dreadful, !oaths.. QM. ...I Set Died., with Whirls he wee attacked in tn.., and was /or several month. attended by Rome of oat' Loon pyatoelle, wan tried their pr reeveringly for mouths, without any Liam:iris! edcrtswhatovet, Ile beecue maimed to n pearietakeletorp lie lied at. Sera from his tup to lap hoe., whieh were connually Matt:argo, drigastingly, rinensiee matter. Medical Saul ...Ere. skill w. Ladled. Pliyamieres raid (hat Macau was hopeless—mere reale be nothing done Dio Urea thou terrible gellgtraelng alters. My neg. Lore and myself thought/us dissouttion neer et nu. 0,,g of my nergtiturs, who ben e erred a child of Perot -- ea with your itivideetile medicine. wished tee to, mats mat 01 and more from the reline. deism to no, scant:inns white Ilk lariegh than tram o ut hOpt 01 MIMI, I procured Late e bridles Of rout . aenow Leek and sureperille.!!,esid ed using . it , to o to my. unstuntiment, ho eon:me:teed improving be aad used the third bott,e4and ocinte he Lan used I hall cenan-boides Le could welt out 'lre used in el, twelve trottlea, aud by Ottotey lard As WOA perfectly eimoted, every vestige of the cxceptine ear. yemosed, .1.1 he re to peeler health ispbotne present bme. Ilis recovery, under the blessing ki k;aa., entirely OlVing toi the tme of titye Yellow Dock sneers terseparnts, run bouts yell th et mysall groat Oblii;anonit you, end It is With greel/01 . snail OMS. you p [ that your Sarsaparilla Au dons for my. ma. lbs. Si r. , " a • 07lionegenoirdolinleIS pat ap to large.' Dowse: coundhlOg aque.m. and the name. or um Syrup blow.. •-• , in Ma glarsa wIM mO lenuen signature of O. F.l3en. ',nett, on the outrido wino. Paco Al per tiMay — or 6 banns for . - • It la mid by J. 0. PARE, New Rest carnet 01 Feint and ( N M V is t c l o o l whom sill xa ai m de ,. meat W be e l U a ludtr s. Clennath , , Outer Tiro., Erre; U. Johnson rr. Co., Web,. o r d, um, .Cmlneos, Croarinvinlley Abel Turrcll, •MonrriVrars alinjosvands; Rouen Soy, berm , eriet, Csulensbahr; L Wilcox, Jr, rim. bary.b,colner of Werke& street cod the Virmond. —lTltharmyrift • an say Tss &00 .2 w 14 44_ TAX.E. mor gt o nivii:Tl, we Diamond, nut sell ••a eat Ib.-7TM( IT SI *eel PXCHAINIE IiwKDS • ....., . . -- BAN Kll4 a H 0 U 8 E ,•:-..,':.; 3 CAMOTtIERS Et: t'Cl.. ' Sri., 15 liVoOd. strut. PlittabnMlD. EURRMIT MONEY RECEIVED oN DErol - telketintm made . all the principal cities el .th - - . United Smite. au al:al A. lALLIKINII AI CO, EXCHANGE BROKERS, - S. S. Corner cf Third and Maria ALL TAANISALTIOM AT KM. ISAVILAL SATZ. ieLti - O YO. IL ALL N OLD Q C BANKERS, MAMAiN EICIIA NUE, COB, BOK NOTEN me, P.c., No. 74 (Nen door to the ttsak of Pittsburgh. 0,514.7_:d=e1p, - ii: ilkicilii. 5-15:0iii,---- ,! 5 , 51.i.55• 15./AL•r., , AND DIU 1111 IN ) . GOLD, SILVER NOTEq,DHAFTS,ACCE CES, AND BANIs NOTtie. . COLLECTIONS_—Draf N o and Acceptances payable in any pert of the Um n, collected On the most favorable toren. VACUA:SEE on New Vor it and !ul timo.; also, Clocinuats, Lou wile, hetet Louts and Now Orleans, constantly for a le. •IIANE NOTED.—Notes no e i solvent banks in the Culled States dts counted at thelewes l rams. All kinds f Foreign end Amerman Gold add Silver Coin bought ostaold. aaglm —_ IthalOVA . • ,• .. N,IIOLMES a DUNS Lave smo•ed their Deb; tog and Exchange Oilme No GI _Market ot., -our.deore below old eland. \ augXf FFdaTETCTIII IDlCllif:ACklio ' B andi tt elLLS 00 England, Island, hotland boaght . .7 =O( SI NIO , Corset les of Excloolgsl 'ADO, Drella payable la any part of a Old Countoes, from 4.1 to 1.100:1, at the TING of 15 to the./ Sterling, without deduction or diaconal, Ly JOSHUA 20E11 , DON, European and General Agent, oats atil one de:r west of wood octlsll • • • 11.1.14...9[1.1 [sows. sazio 11139. t ILAII2I, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE 130.0XERS, dealers In Foreign and Domestic Bdis of Flohoof,o. Cot dtmates of poslteEtat Notes sad t.`ata, cOIDer oi .3d and Wood Itllt•tt ' , directly appetite t. has Charles H • .11111 • MEI=I MIN OLILS II it BENS liaT T, , WIIOLESALE GROCERS and Commission Mee- • chants, No 41 Wood assets, optimist° rit Chines Howl, urn now receiving and Wier for salt, at low rates, as follows:- 13 , 101ga V. 11,. Imp,G. I', 30 11 0..... hf fipsnish Cigars. and Black Teas. 1 60 6 Havana and Vim., 41,0 pkgs frs ea IL and bflb 0 lux) packager. lump A. 10 roll Tali to i 'Ts til Ilurssm, itS six.. lA. bag. illo, Wanly., 1 011 Itccaltes. .: stud Java Cake. IS 51 ninripcs. EU littile N 0 Sagas. 60 ?11 Ilamtuil 50 inc l N 0 lilolassea. 00 li lee Esltzstsi Esszlish 10 lists powdered, erusit'd 1 1051 , , llrazil Nuts, aud Mai Sugars. ' aid I; round Noss. no Nip Alum. 10 li s Yemen Fyrun. nti hiFiTsruters' Oil. I Mar 1 eCrptr hussiee, 310 gals Lump Oil. 00 c 'es rtrklea, 50 iris ,Nod Naeserel. its c es spied essacdlste .3 bisiFzlialtszle titan 1 G ro rdilinces tif WI bind t lids has Rosin:Soap. • 60 l s Unnums. ' 100 dos Yet Buckets. Ms as Ststren. ''. I '3 10 . Chocolate. .-lln xs ayes Candy. I Z 3 nsa Wt.= Pipes - 10 Iss gilled 'Almonds; 11.0 rm. Wrap. rapes, 5 coon Liquorice tili LIN - Pepper tr—aleptca. I Eirl ANT. Cot and Dried. I COUlbStatchleßapee.houll `wed. •• I El tea Rice lO rose tiro lop.. I Togo thes with a general got amens at e .0d,,,, a o r rr i . to met. ant, as well as YittsbuTga a O.lO O far..tares.. _ ._sep7 o.iiiii - qext - i - ,7ogt - ti txr 510eLINTOCh. 1. 1:47.7 v v Warehouse, nor Four .trees, 5 ter) handsomermsaria i pcnna in e art or U.e tollosvons RicU sail elegant sirle Valve Rain and eligant style Tapes Saperior Eagluits ardl Amens Extra sup. 3 piy Carpets; I dm dopesboe —do do; Uts do .Ingsain do,I t3is FAma (met hat Co do, iTu COP. all wool, do so; :.'lStai do Cas a etatio do do; Cos do canna I:0 ilis; - Jut ---- Also, • very hair 0r , Nrt...1 Steen 0M M/fa nizki A •ery largeossortment rc I I voging width from 27 androuin.q tr ff. : cat to CA al vcouloOr. The vtoelrgoals Ira Le coo be porehavell in any °tr d I trivrto every body 10 0.11 wt.o S 27119 tnil etea Mey 1 ..-“co ',ltms. the '"" ________„ ' aViTte ls : 1 SU SIMICZ-10 0 bus - tit : ea and \ I: VW ' Limes, Itt bags add I vs Coice, , Ut , /t ag s UM' Yta do, 'J., heat tutte Ulu dm 10 at chest... teat:; Ton: - IM caddy last iitse I tteods. 4U do read 6,ostii t3o ta chests , dm 1 , 55 Itunelt:lllamme; 3 Mlles colt het) Almonds, .1 1 - - 1, pure brystat Letdoni.ucart I 50;.. 45:110. — „ t eu &Mt .MucyClmesdste la has Drum', Cocos end 510.1 do; 5 Lin atm. arid : , 4151 Soap, 50 has Rot • • od V artegtste.l e.eap; 5 os 11000 no d Liordeettl ail, ' V dohI . CPPF -4 t s t o tccl , , O uogfipri:in 4: Walnut . rtekteg 2 del Close Water, , i L: c ti 40201,141. 5 cases do Vet:M.4i. o'. eases pure Indi• Quote PondOrl 3 cases superfine time Floor; 16 brit ettlehsd C. pulverized :items; 1U ittls small Lout ; • IU brls pate Cider %flutist; ).J of Cure Uri s, J It Wll,l.lAbltt S. CO Cps. W ood e.. link, ms Far bola by wra JUIIS ityLivs SPOOL tlk/slie Expressly for @Sontag. 'L ti, a a hid the 6nr.an.artyuei,nokoeslo. tie e Lech muck, and for alcmg hate 'meted. 'IL Limit:way , e bcdii s 01 as‘reilislinteitt, orm.st ...e eammed amide of tattoo, wait couyst ephs , ior - 141 Yet se much mer e vsiscia-, Are teed mptaiedra nketna, Irma attack Uoul,Le. r and lima lam 10110011. diatealty Mel allied 11000 overcome. the paints n sincere a good artier handsosimly put up en • vv,. rcuient Wlm for usanesue axe. Ike only casemate urged ugallal tk. article daantent =Lang...Wl on tacit s Licht. ls Casts, explamed. Exert p ool es warranted , to contain tis yards of Maki while the ordmary nasal, st the mike price, has but an emcentin eptanuty, Firytng from ti 10 Ii yseuL The Spool Silk Is ready for urn al the Time of az, chase, and it only needs a utak conaiace the most skeptical oflts supertoray Lo quality. Independent or the twat and convenient form In which'. is lefalfated, a has great advertitagea over the nketn, as LI does sway watt the tedcalet of cleanly, the vexation of .talms, and the loss of one la tempering it tor use. Sold Ll Wad. 11. 1101ITSLASt,n rs. SONS, 51Nortli Tnt n rd Mimic:pea. 1101telTh1MPIN, pictrs Lesekr Malden Lmte, New York, jy3o:4eod.'4l lit WY-SIP:M. praSt:rteth S. PALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS. A. A. MASON 41s,' DEALERS 1K FANCY k STAPLE DST SOLIDS, No. 05 2141.118157 13711/010T, Between" Third & Fourth orrecto,l4nAtorre, INV Fr the attention of Merchants sulne the (r city, I to their i. extensive stock of Fail anti vi W .titular oods, selected With great case and stterition from reeent impottations, Wife fraction sir.ics, and from the Lig..)- rog manutacturers, by Melt resident partner In Lacer ler, Thor o°ol this fad Will Le toned to he much larger sad ro om muted Man any they line over !rotor e to:ought to ad. market. bring mole...sited by Memo. of goods almost daily thtougo the season as they at. ,war in the eastern toruksta, to ,a ' tar Mock of nil tunes soil and reflect, thercuy coaoung menu suc• reastaily to radios'. a. , eh ateth teelltee. &cf. Iffil,low" roves or GR ICIVERINWS PI Amos. TOHN 11. IoSILLUIL No el Wood 'Meet, vile area tl for elueLectoglo ru•mo hones to Weluern Penn sylvaols, mu received, sod now reedy ior isle, M • lollowing amsorormut selected by toumelf • Mom tn• mans:seamy, and will be supplied as amid un hi iNdelterlogm pnecs, Sir:— 2 carved Loam XIV,. manses. b elegant !Lose wood, 7 do, 0 do do la do; a do do il do, I do Mahogany, V du, , I do Walnut, a do, 1 fall carved avvrogrund. A CAILD—Tbe aubsenher haa; Me pleasure of a.ollllCitig to the eiriterw of Ptusborgh, that Ye has made arrangements with Mr. John II AleltUf fro the cielouve ale of els Platte Ponce. in Plosuargh and ‘Yeateru rertnlyiyailla. tad those 'sworn W. pur chase may boas:aryl that their Interests wol be Moto lolly attended M. Ltaaton, March 23, LYS& In additicut to Om aboso stuck of Pianos tram NU Ilrocite stag, a tete supply Is oderett trtou the. litelortl of Adam tertstert, flacon W. Rayon, and Vrorerste Now tort, and Hallett, Como.. & Allca, llosto-lt pnc vary in g Word two ro th roe. hand; cu sep es s 5 LI It It YLK, AlAo.,4lNr, No 1.13 101 0.0,.+0.t recel.llnllil lor ealtl , 3l It HMI:INF Apollo Duilth .. To E r if7opio fiont Oho o r Goonity. Rama me same Iffool of Omni] J.te, On , .rolnf , sad Haugh Clafrorefl Inset Teo, that am ford of Inc. faXtl C.a.'', eon to Dos:sift'. ay. fool :' ye f 11, 51 Morns A. Haworth's Tea home, rost sod of Co lAntnottsl,.ond no otterr nhfc Of I mho Comfort , 00 , mlog liaNTii F . /WEN—Ie ono In foomrt Vat LK kind at t forcany of Gl k utton =or, 05 Wool v.. acrd w r MA ii.... 1 i A 1.1. --....-- Nt/W NOV LA, 11l 'l. tun L. IL—she ortman .hilaraa; a tale of Cruelty and thantaszon, le the lade nix new prise tall by T. tt A 1 W ar. It t[ la,d to to the alllbur'S bell p1C.11101.100, for tale al Holm. Literary Lep., That' Wart, oppatoe the Poet ()Ohee; at., the Moat aintehi of et Jut., by Major klehard ro.n2 and L velag „ A u g b e T 14., Oc t CjittE.Al;l-CIIkIESF.-- s z4 just j rVor sm atle E tj ii ounaing ANURPIIIt & UUKCIII J LLU hose re•ceiva • ray jiri ply of goods adapted for atoar.tag ‘rear. each. IsoatbartneN- • • 0..00 Chat., htPeates and • Franca Merino• and theehmeree, blow. are Lianas and htourtane Ipieetts, MOUratilet Coiluq Viacc.Oftesis, Ilandtct el., ac_ oath blilLAbriLS--00 bbis bi Loins lb 1 l byidp 0 lag... Lion received anit DU nib by JAS A DUTCHiSON a Co 0017 Agent 9t ;Anis tltni a thigar Re 6 nerl__ ILIJE-401.150n hand' ;Maier isle by . ou7 Doses prime qudifi: for mileirjr— am, ' • • ISAIAH DICKEY a Co WINNERS' irpneed for ule by Are 4 W a F WILSON _ NET0114....9-15Y les On me'd onirrTiT. n E alas Wood or p - AT - Est uer rownint—to oze recd for sue .oce ' n E SELLERS riceiaTinin gain' by VI - wall E Ski-LEVIS r , e — b -- 1 - I.lio y sale b oat • n E BELLEAS UUteri'srag anelii wrapping mania, doable, medium, cum., and CIOWth a awl superior ankni. rr i&d o ri far sale 1 , 7 wan 47 Markin S. MISC.4ILINEOUS . • J. IL • RILICLLOR. • 10 .0 ' 01 Wood . 0000 ' 'O t letVC 2 re a ceive : w a :IT rto . . 0 M olly do ?lAN Molly, do you Low o °I.'„I_SIT. F. 1,1 e. . Oh. may the Red Roes sAva. 72 do. - - .riely . 1•11.11 a Lady, • , do. Uncle Ned, do. Ovine to Ran all Night, do. do. Dolly Day, Soldters edding, by I :lover. The Robin, do. • 110 h, Tooth the Cord yet cane again: . BSweet Memoirs of Thee_ I...liver 22100 n. Lament of the Irish Entigrant. A New Medley Song. Th e Conscript's Departure, by Glover. Be Rind to the Loved One. at Homo. 'Ti. Ilbmc where e'er the Mean is -1 ' The Ywlkee Maid. 1... , Baektd Car t y Lovar. Do you ever thin of me. Slumber Gentle Lady. Jeannie Grey. Elfin, Celianas, Wedding,, Wreath, and Seirl %Venues. Satebelor, Maiden, Sella Welt., Concert, Ladies' Souveldr, Cully, Matra, Lily, Alice, Evergreen , Sm. - op, Adieu, and Liar? Polkas. ra TEASI TEAS 11 TEAS I ll ma wenter not into the list of peers, we say no th ing bout Ilundttda of Chests, Importers, L.ll. Capital, Sought for Cash, ke. In taut, we will not heathen in any Manner or fens, we simply in tases he public to compare Our Teas wi th what they purch elsewhere; this is the beat method we know to Ascer tain wno sells the best and cheapest Teas lii;Piuts burgh. We are now selling. Gored and strong Tea at 40 and 50 cents per lb. A prime article,• --- ----• • ... re do de Tee best Tea hatkorted Imo the U. States, IS Low priced, damaged, or Inferior Teas we do not keep. KOH Rte & IIAWORTFI Proprietor , of the Tea Market, ie3 Ran ride of Dtasnond. Urea.. outerioso Dloortasteal Work. D. Appleton A. Co, New York, h y ave I come 01, nention, in patio, price twent five cents cook, A DIOTIONAHT Qf Rfalehinel, /Mecham., Engine Work,ondEn gsneertitv designed foe reamed Wording Mtn, rissi ta n gended for the Rags. Pres-mum itierret ST OLIO= !MOM rimus WORK is of tergein., and will coon& rwo intosisenti reoss, and taperer& of sir moe ne turaraarton. It will present working-drew- Inge and deserlpuons of the roost important machines in the United Sates. Independent of the results of Rtheriosn iNt.rAity, it will contain complete practi cal treadles on Mechanics, hlashbory,Engloe-work, and FAginemlogi onth all that I. Useful la more thmi One thousand (MUM worth of folio collars, maga zines, and other (ooks. The gnat object of this publication Is, to place be fore prectlcal men and students such an amount of theoretical and scientific knowledge, Ina condensed form, as shall enable them to work to the best advan tage, and to avoid those mistakes which they ' might otherwise commit. The amount of petrel infermatton Mutt brought together as almost beyond precedent in such work.. Indeed, there le hardly any subject within its range which is not treated with each clear- TICe , end precision, that even a man of the snout ordi nary cap...ivy minim. foil of anderatanding It,and time ...mug from it rush which it is important for bon to know. The publisher. are, In abort, drlcno , o , d, fdlan ot root, to make the work as complete as poitublii; and it la hoped every one wo rk to obtain the work will procure nap issued to number., and thus encourage the enterprise. Tne work will e issud In semi-monthl numbers, cononnneing in / t sonar), e 1950, and will pro y gress with great y regularity. The whole work will be published in 40 numbe. et cants per lib e ra l completed within the eon re nt ear, 1850. A liberal Ulna.% 'sill be made I agents. Any one.nmining the publisher. Ito in adv. , ehOt recsiye the watt through the post canoe for expense. _—_ p.a. l 1, FlrillTi 001101. of tn. vr.ip. "To our numerous Monufacturerz, Mechanics, En gineers, said Artisans, K will be a Moo of wealth."— ProSideare, MI.) Journal. "Totm_Eroon, arm yourselves with its knowledge We us., vi nz, confidence regoromond ourresider/. In poa e e shams 00 r. d 7 p7z•tuss us Cast as the, peat.”—AMCMan Amsan. ' "We onheallatlngly commend the work to those en gaged inor interested In mechanical or sr:ten/ISo paw tans, ex eminently wo ithy of their examination and "—Tror,lN• V..) Widget. great work, cud the publishers de la/Vs the tfi l. anks of :;yiptora, maehintsts and menu fermiers. rid indeed u/ 100 ps.l , t, qtr. .4111/." — N. Y • T rning al has carpet 70 V, God onto! Caltcluz, s ;:3 • Pile Uorpel; 'ry Bruscds do; n Brussels doi c,.tra nut, T,11.1 Aleu t Aleut. ; 1 Rods; r Illatc; I d° ' at at TrIILIM inv. toy • Independent. in Dieuonary will ha highly undid to ptertinel mechanics, end •eleable to all who wish to acquktrit thenneelece with theprogreen of invention. in the me chime artre"—New I.ledfond Daily Memory. • `,"o nog weebullies ought to keep ponted op in the. orelikat it. welt ea met cal knowledge, land thin work alßinr ;rt how they stand?' -Roxbury II 4csoneou..lglotlta , les to 0 I{. 17 Stied oi tbthss.) Atl•eruser: •IVe Late a tot. Jost the work thst soots* oral Iran dreds of our intelligent thectizates haver:reward to pos ho smote aro its descriptions, sad so do nd oots its rporirUtarons, that rt seethe to es•thar tiny rsechanir math: cuoJrsitt Jay prsehtue LI describes. on !tv •drhita t °Ow c9Clsrsinsprw,4 instrpdtious.“ — N.Y. t..oroneead tour.Staver lrnterested covet.... tirodat rdrort .chr. or as advantsges.”—Sehaylkili, (Pato J Jour- nal. .A work of extensive praeneal utility and great tin. Far:ogee. sod value to the moodily mcremuag interest. truss so s niet . irgard the wort as eminently eat... Elated to room:. Ito OAP' ef setheee and the umckanicat arts. and to doismnition. li forma Lon On these suldectsn—Danser sad th eChae.• Provencal men in all the varied walks of mechani caul l and munnfacturtug industry; engtneering. ike knd in this wink a trensore which it will he to " their profit to possessn—T.oy Dolly Mag. We i kstetxrchally perused the numbers,,and have no hesnaticin h sayn,, that it is the butt v. - nest - or me chantey, tradesmen, mai ten, ever publish. ed, for it eentsinsminute intormalicihnn coFti',Teeth e of the mectianienl cots and smite., expressed In • tyke end !pupilage intelllgalle to any reader of Civil easy saitacuir.a—tiioucester,(klms,) News. "Mfg are mire we ve ;he ll:meltable , or Nor. With and other pa. ill Lopneenajit aservice by Lung.ng welt to thou atmr.boan.A.-florwich , such. most aa every insclualc should passeas."—Freerum's Journal. I conlider hone . the most enrol and Important publieatiom °fames°. No , mechanic emt afford to be xg;ihout Ite—Newart, (N..J.;Comme eclat Couricr. the venous publications having for their obe her: the clifiadassip and advancement of th e mechani cal seis nod sciences, Mat we have seen, so full of promise at this "—Unenoo d. -lt m the best and cheapest work civet °germ; to 'h o and practical engumer and meths.,. The ?Mt.* are beautifully executed.` , —WastungtenOntb e • eTiLls girent Dietionary is one of the most use= wi•rts a l ai beLlmi;eo fur years mid the low price at which it Is mid toms. to ail e—Douth Carolinian. ..We regard it as one of themes. a ottmeehetialift OaPnd vs:amble, on well na cheapen works ever publlshed.” Advertiser. .000bt to be taken by every one desiring to keep pace with the progress of an and science in every one of the labors of =milked Itte,"—Rondout Courier. L I D is design after Me principle of lire's Dm sena. ry, Only iSts4;t. is more devoted to the mechanical and mtglneering prnies.simie, and above all. a i valuable as accomphshing 'Ammo= vbat lire has done toy lingtand, vie newt/bine A.A. - : ek. sail wort. of mle—Scientigc American. elt Is published in numbers, sod al a price so mode • ram, looking at th e is contained in each number, thet um who has the leant Intermit in ouch matters, does h„,- deterred from procaring la sad every one who does so, In,: gni! that he has in a condensed berm amount of instruct:oil vicch would be obt•thed, lf at all, only by the purchese 6f Well F u ...sp; rnlttates."—N. Y. Calmer and Enquirer. “The comprehensivenms with which theneuttess are mated, the admirable manner to hick they see kiss oil, conspire to make this one of the most deal. rabic workse—Denlocratic Review. ..Tins work should helix the handset every mcehmie, arum., and manaractorcr, especially Mose who have Ule least aspirations tn excel in their respective ham nesse. %tie here carefully crammed it, with s mew of recommending it to inventor" To them we 'mold my iu the strong language of ttis Dane, "It is good.e— -linltheare Inventors' Journal. Neufrperpers throughout • tke &atm and Canada. tithe foregoing adverdastneot ircrewed bee lime. irony the year, and the paper gra ns li sent 0/, / 4, copy of th e wort witl he sent gratis to payrdent- opttrdAvri dr ' 111.ALLISTER.'S OINTIII Ad RT. Corarnoirof no Alereary, nor other AftrucroL fp/W. folio testimonial was given by the cc J_ brotdd Woostcr Iterteh. the author of the great Medical whrk "T'he American Practice o. Medicine and Permit Phyldt.da: . been ratan acquainted witti tad .cgr;:l7ents which compose Me AnntiMent and haw coq presertbed ltd tested a Ina aaaa cagey it my private practice, I have . .o hesitation saying or certifying that it is a Vegetable Remedy, containing no mineral substance whate that as inAredients combined us they um, and seed as directed by the proprietor, nre not only harmless, hut of great value bcdng a Italy scientific Remedy of great power: and. ch eer yepdpanend it as a compound which ha r done moth gonJ, and Whie4 to the cure of a great vanety of calms. 'Whoosh / ha , ye never either recommended or engaged In the Pale dr rcerm racdi rates, regard for the truly honest, efinwlenilbtit; Mt , mane character of the Proprietor of thin Ointment, nod the value or his ducovery, oblige me to say thus mach regarding ti. W. BEACH, D. D." Now Vora, April 2'1d,11548. BURNS.-11 ia one of the bed things In the world for flatus. PILFS.— It arp Sgt cared by this Oini. mem.. It never fail. in glving scida. For Tamers, Ulcers, end sit kinds of Since, It rfF V: l iberal and Nurses knew its value In ens" of Swollen or Sore Berndt. thry would always apply it. si such eases, 1 used according to directions, it gives relict in a very few hours. Around Magma are direr-aims far using McAllleter's Onitment for Ser.(llll., tier Complaint, F./Taipei., Telier, Chilblain, Scald Head, Sure Eye., Malner, Sore Throat. Brandin..., Nervous Afection., Pains, Biscarr• of the Spine, Bead Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Aclic, Hums, Corns, all Diseases of Me Skin, Sore Lips, 1 . 111110.1, Op., Swelling of the Limbs, ores, R heumatism, Piles, C s iLl Feet, Cronp, Swelled or Bro ken Breast, Tooth Ache. Apso in tlic Face, An. From the Reeding Eagle. These seas nraer, perhaps, a Medicine brought be reputationublic, that has in so shot a nine won stab a ea• Mc Allister's All- r Heeling or World Haire Almost ever) pe fora that ha made Mel of it sped, warmly in it. prase. One has been cured by it of the moat painful rheumatism, another of the piles, a third of is troptbicsoine pont to the side, a fourth of a swelling in the limbs, &v. If it does not per imme diate relief, in every ease, it con do no injury, being applied outwardly. .as soother evidence of the wonderful benling poyr •r possessed by this satire. we anbinin she followmg certificate , from a respectable dozen of hlaldencreck township, in this M conniyi aidencreck, Decks en, March 30, Worm. Pinta & desire to Inform yea that I was enurely cured el a severe pain in the back, by the am of MeCJlister's All -Denting Selve s which I par chivied from you. I suffered with it ior abed mi years, and Sr night W. enable to Sleep. During that tune I tried dimmer rEllledlCD, which were prescribed lot me by pbysidans and ether persons, without recessing say relief, dad at bud made trial of lb.; Salve, with a re sult Cassasohl e beyond aPPectation. lam now enure ly free from the pala, and enjoy at night a peacohd and sweet tinny. I have also used the Salve sines for tooth ache and other complaida, with similar happy . remits. Your f ri end, .1011,1 llotanneacti. JAMES MeALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of toe above medicine. Principal Office, No 23 North Third street, Phllade phi. PRICE as CENTS PER BOX. Acme to Pr#58.611.-11. A. Eatuustocli & corner of Wood sod First ste Wm. Jeason, No. Stn Ltherry StTette, L. Wilms, Jr., comer of Market greet and the Diamod,Also corner of Fourth and Smithheld streets; 1. fl. Cassei,Colll“ of Weltint and Penn a:m.ll4Eoth Ward; and cold al theßookalons to Southfield street, id door from Second. In Allegheny Clry by H. P. fichscansond J. Douglin Dy 1. 0. Smith, Druggist, Birmingham; D. Negloy, East Übangi IL Rowland, McKeesport; J. AleSsadcr Sou, Monongahela City; N. B. Bowman &Co, and Rogers, Droorawille; John Barkler,Deaver,,af, lobe Walter, Jr., Elizabeth; Doubt - 41st R. Erse* Rochester. fetilleodlT r IXLAX_RED—OOIieIe Enoratilif=l.2o MISC! ,ILANEOUS JUIJES 'IIAUEL'S MEDICATED NYMPH SOAP. —The fain of many perecas is diarogured %nth alight eruptions; a% morphew, /cc., and when ' Ohio lo merely II &Kase Of the skin, as it is in ninety nine ellieS oat of every heaved, it is very easily re moved. Idles' Ffacet's Nymph Soap is capresely adapted to dice.. of the skin, as. it acts directly UpOrt the luinUte pores which cover its surface, ele.sing them' from impurities. and by its balsamic properties healing and credieaung all eruptious..d rendering the &accent .d roughest skin sof, fair, and blaming Person. have been to the habit of using °nib nuel rear, r , :11 he amonished at the beautiful eSeat produe...! . Nymph Sono, in imputing* delicate; bloom ; . .ung the neck, face, or h.de fropx chap.' ph , c , alt irritation, and removing all manc e et It po.essrs nit exquisite ocrfumeomd •. void of all alkaline properties, rendering o to; t sruele which e. be used with safety and o; oursery. A I those whose fares or necks are diafigwed with • files, hiolehelki lan, :nephew. he , should make of Jules Unues Nymph Seep, so the posalvely “sunia them. that its use win i tnr the tot discolored skin vi hoe, the Toughest shrt smooth, the most diseased ak in healthy, pure, and bloom. hur Jake Ileuel's Nymph Snap is the only article which will effectually produce, the above effect) In so short a time, and the o,ly one. which is at the same time all powerful and mulrely harmless. Prepared only by JULESII.IIIEL, Perfumer and Chemist, 1.-1/Chestnut street, Phila. For sale wholesale and retail by 11. A.Fahnestock es Co., and It. 1,1 Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Sar gent and J. hi actibll, Allegheny city, Pa. ie9 e ILEGOIRD lIAND PIANOS AGOOD Mut:penny Piano Forte, 0 oetav_es, •3o 03 second hand•--• A handsome uptight Plano, with Rosewood Furniture, 6 oeiere., and in good order • • • • 100 0 ;11: , A plain Se ottece Piano. .... . • 73 00 Agood 6 o ctave Piano ..... A good 00 .,0ee with han dsome JOHN II hIELLOR 61 Wood et For sole by may 28 El•talle eight Light. SOPERCLIHNO the Wooden Floam j and being Oi comsbusuhlc, thereby ecouomisca the oil,Vmd pre vents .gottsons beretoloce so much objected to in all other floats One table spoonful of the common lamp oil will last Note Hours, or An 7 Wither length of time, secottnue to the additionalquantity of osL Received And for bate by JOHN It MORGAN Wariest IMEEEM JUST nEctAvr.D. at the Pittsburgh Family Cro eery mid Tea WarrLou,: 5 easel Fresh 0y..., in tin can. S do Pickled do, tit qtpos; S do do do, in pint do. The above Fresh oy err.MC parboiled, end pot sip In • highly concentrated Coup, enclosed in hermetical ly sealed eons, and w,ll keep much longer than those pin up In the hlrdlnnry wa s For saltovhotem le tutti re tail, by WSI A IdeCLURG A Co. .7'13 236 Lanett) et Great Azoirteas6l•almoloal Work. APPI.KFON A CO., New York, have in course publtectior, In soot, prier twenty fore cent. each,. a DICTIONARI if Machines , Mechanics, EA. k:. v ue Work, and Env incenng, designed for Practical Working Men. and door intended Met. Engineering rroiessaiii Wided by Oliver litiote This work .sot bilge .vo sire, and will contain two thousand pages, and upwards of to. thousand Mastro bons. It will present of aim; drawitigs cud sieserjA- Hon, or the met impo s sont saechtues in the Iludeliti ladeptudedi of the set is of AMenCial MY , genuity, orll,llll combine practical treatises on hlechcoics, hlnzhinery. Engine Work, and F.ngineer ing; with all that is oselul in more then one thousand dollars worth of Mlio •olainea, magazines and other Woks. Six cumbers received, and for snot by the •agerit, ft HOPKINS, .pt 3 _TS Apollo_Buildings, Fourth it. INIK.W STOCK 017' PIANOS. .n..F:c4.-ia ,Z - t:.. z ~...:,---..,. zr ... - . t.. - _ ~ .r.."-•, ,- - -r,, , ":t . -( e42 5 : 11 ' '' .':::. “ , i ,„„.,. , ~- S. ~..,,,. • ' 1p ,1 : , g1..Z:_, - .f4 :./, -.--, 7 ..".' . ..,. le4 ' ~ ,I , '- , ;. 7 ..1 - 4,;.•;fA , 0 0.. T. (, CHICKERI NG'S PIANOS. 401Til U ,MORI, hl Wood StTcol, Pittibutlh, E.to Agent id ll'eroci .1 treotoily anis, Inc the side of oltycgFlltlNO•ii CP.1.F.1,111..AT141 4 Grated and 84/11..• Pluto Varies, to ISIOIST hi. In ends and toe mortical B that lie has now invenecs, and will receive sod egirose for role, Coring the preornt month, Ole large. and most desirable stook of Piano Porte• ever offered for sale In the Wert—sting the somber will he found a lull onoply or I. re c rze , l l i. ll , ose ,,.. zoLd n, 6 . r t a ” sidLit h i .n no . F . ort . e . s . i wills all the style bf anoint; style• With a large stook of t :1! the 'talons styles of Pin no Fetas roc, too tdc in ov Irons 1P.05 thelabn and rhie ering for present dear legt, l'or f elwers ate 55,...r.1 duo the porn of Mr. Chic's. eons. 1.0.3201 10.0... and will continue to be, the same es at ON insnoroebo y Roston. wrthout charge for tournoirta ttio, and will be delivered and get op in perie,t; pl 4 of ; ro of the eitT, arithroll charge. mtV ; pir.TatlL UPI, OE: Ettieirtffla' — "There are more things in healen and earth Than ism dreampt of in philosophy." lE V IBTI , E.S 01 this remarkable remedy, arid Ithe co natant applostion for It, to she propne tor, has Induced him 10 hOVC /I put lip to bottles with la-- bets hod directions for the benr6t of the publio Thi BETISOL.F.VgI is procured from • well in this soniny, at Germ of fo,;elondre4 feat, ts a pare oh. dalsonorsl satreiri, wohast'any ctrenrigal eroUge, as just miaow. from Notore's Greitg:atirelortl 'That it ontains properties reachnio number of loottsosjs at tenger a Matter 01 uncertainty. Tbern are alloy o st r i ga in ;hp streams of nature. which, if too . ", — 4Pilthl be of Oft awfulness 111 alleviating an/eying, sad re storing ho Wittig of bear pod algae ;Piny g sof. iiratpeliaLttlesb.efflentd4; gp7taT:n r for tntlit he aor` %IT! . The constant sod daily increasing calla for it, endseveral cereal st.le cores it has perforated, Is a sate Indication ot tie folure_popalarity and Soda apread applit anon the ore oi diease. We do not wish to make•a long parade of reottg ' earen to we ore conscinue that the suedietne can soon work ' fie way bd., ..gro fr Yet of those whom ffer and with IS; bb herdeti t a c , n et auto for Ica antver•nl npyltron '0 in :Yet ;dont, e unlicsita• tingly ray. 0.11 or • non nee of Ohroige Cm-eases it ts unrivalled. Amnon thrre trioy he nukontisitil edascs of the .11.0 01 . 0 h. 311 it CHRONIC CoNSUMPrio[I, e N lip its early ~=_ar.,) /teams. and 411 tiodror: thr .r glissader, SAVER cumPLAINT, the Bladder and gioneya. Pains in Om Book or e ßide, ys,sciea Lyi se nres, Ne Oral r Palsy, Rheumatic Puns, Gout, tirryupelos, Toner. lio,rworros, Bono, &aids, Braises, Old Sorer. In ln eases of detality re ' salting from exposton, or iong and protracted cases or rime., this medicine wilt bong relief. It will net as a general TONIC an 4 AI-TEA/al VE. in each eases, ; ,,,,ce tone and encore to the whole frame, remov tog ilcagitti functions, which eanagoliseartO and bolters constitlitioli, trot diving relied and reneJ cirt - g1 to all the organs or Life! The proprietor knows of several cures of PILES, that rewind corny other treatment, get well under the use or the PrEEtILLIIINI tic a short nine. The proof can be given to any person who desires it. None genume without tse signature of rho proprietor. • si. d ul.,7,the,propnoter. hi. pig:Z. C•• • ”• 1 hallo. near Seventh st. Rao ley It P. brli.l.li= 17 Wood els and - ' coot er (Vend o and Virgin alley; who KO: his no•odt• regularly appoirdedAerno NIVIIIPELATT•sF ele! PA It : VT SODA 450 •uctiti. q‘IIE 9tillSCßllliritr4 will ' , ell Masptall'l quallty and hieli tern trlarni and Soap Make Soda Ash, warranted r-.1..r10r to any other brand 311. y dia quantity of > i..or or onward. for currency approrretlNnLeis, at G.ll, meta, or :It for • leas qua my 11 .It. 111 MITtlItEl-TRFIF arre CARPEY , Fou WAREHOrth I4SE No 76 ***** W !lIIILINT.W`Ko. now er.r.stautly teeerring hu grlf ~ Poring hltd of CARPET OIL ("torus T111116,111g,he., co...pry ng in putt the following, viz: Extra Soper Keyed Velvet Pile Carpals, e Flgltsh naLl ARIGTICSIL grim Superfine Irupertol a ply o • Supcnoo Superfine Ingram CP rpetelEx tra soper patenteli Extra i fine Rugg Pine Rupertnc do do Rog Common, all wool, Tuned Ito ent., 44, I and 'reap Ver, hut. 1 and 1 Tw,ll',ll-3,1, 4-4,•11.t plain Lbs; 41,1 Rag C 4 rttalett Coto, La, peta 6-4, A-4. 4-1 and 11 Stl (Aoiltri 6.4,5-4, 4-1, end 111a1tin11i le inch potent IJ/I Clothe' ..tairn. COACH Tummy.. Blue 1"...1 Drel , Cloth, crueeet. Nine; =MEE Datan.lt• for I.irilngr, Watered Matesnc fluff flollend Int WSntlen; Miti•partni Fretseh minim tt Vet/et:an 11!lits; liontlng for Flag.: 7.4 glad 64 Tuttle 1.1nno; RUSS. Crnith; Bcoirtol•perni Broom Lo hen Nap Yin, German WI Cloth 'rattle COIIIIM Bus. QM Curats (ma. lish and Ainenran mantas sneth, whieh will be vesubules of any Ill,ni .1 The-undersle - wed havinr land, los lielv.lt Pilo and 7 Carpels, which urn of tl styles and banerne, arta will he sold at pnve. so lc for In any of the ravtcfn 11,10 onitm largest It huthlable V .nd iNti RA IN CA R PETS whlehls;•orp In quality and elmapne s• of pftee,ithy asaormnens ever berme brottafis loth" nosy. lie also Invites Steamboat Men 7 Cloarh Manufacturers to ht.. hams and well mice. assort.. TRIMMI NOS, end other • r plea ner, ry their bunion., The andermened also agent for the only Stair Rod Manufactory in Yhfiwirinlna, bad to prepared to cell lower than can he purchase,' elsewhere In Olt city mrlit tV al. 14,(11,INT(ACK. Dr•aa Goads. AA. MASON A. Co.. GO Market Greet, between . Third and Fourth, are now reeensiglarge as. aortas...of Brow De Leann Prrrlan tire law ..ante; Valto.da; Ofspe Os LAMS, Sc; watt a large assortment of hawas aad other Dress Goods, of the latest styles and moor fastoonahle colon. Paper Hangings. Cs ?RING SE,LECTION.—W Le. received, by h S c .,,,yryhipcacias, v new and choice assortment Wall Paper, of the latest French and Eastern aryl la gold, chamois, oak, plain and high colors. W. P. MARSHALL, (bite S. C. 11111,) earll3lig Wood area itAVkl this de, assomitheti;with me, e Mott • gale Grocer,. C.IIMMILOtI. I.lnd w a drons bu tam - gone, FL N. and W. B. Waltman. Th neintse In latest will be conducted ender the style • Winenata &Me% at Meath! stand, Nq 31 We sod 43 Ron t 11 , rett. 11 A W erigghlAr& PlAN•wilt. Worst. INSYORTTION _LINES M E DIE AL 1850 ~ !- 7- =*- - ---- - --- -- -- - - . 1850 ERIE - & MEADVILLE LINE. IiOATS of thi. I-mm*6h Itora regularly, and de liver:from/10 erithoot Iranflopment. J C lODWEI.L, Pitobargh, JAtIF.S COLLINS, do, Agents BIDWELL k Buorimß, Roottooter,} • iN 1850 aWMI fIDW Ll.'a SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. From Pittsburgh to: Coluen4u, and Clewdand, throng) , the esti and populous mantles of Colvin .6ietna, Carroll, Stark, Teescaracceee, Loshoeton, lificekalsnaoe, Umfiteg, med Fraxstfirt. The completion of the Sandy and Deaver Canal epewsup to our city through this great natural central rotate a direct communication to the above as well as the adjoining counties of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and Delaware. From this section of Ohio, the Wade with . Dittshmlit his been, to • great extent cot off, in no, of the high rates of twinshortation, which are now re duced LOON nod Si per gent. Dints of this line wilf, leave daily, and man through without transhipment .\ The Canal company have bestowed upon this line inn intermit in the unprece dented advanutses of their charter, and thus secured to the middle portions of Ohio in ordering their goods by BIDWELL'S SANDY AND BCAVEK LINE, an equal...-___' Spear'. - . C Holmes, Spear'. Mill., 131un,• A A Gay. Willnamisiaurt,o4 GeorgeKemble, Mina, 0; Cobh. A Hoffman, do; Hanna, Graham k Co, Near Lisboo,l3; Aner Nicholas, Hanover, O.; Ilibbeis & Lloary, Mi. nerva. 0.; Speaker & Poster. do.; Jonph Pool & Co, do.; link A Bass ; Oneida Mills, 04 V }lever, do; C &Co, Malvern ; 0.; R K Gray, Wayne., b Reynolds, do; Isaac Teller Magnolia 04 Ing 04 harkd i a ' ll4tr. Co, Magnolia,o4 Wmliarknesa,doi lid`Parland A Co., Sandyrille, 0; P P Coffer, do,• Farb- Laugh A Steinbaugh, Bohm/. 0.; Willard Shrive,. do; J J Hoffman, Massillon, 0.; Cummins A Co, do; :John Robinson, Canal Fulton, 0.; Perak A Torrey, Canal Dover, 04 A hlkdbary, Romoe, O.; I. K War. ner ; Newark, 04 Fitch & Hale, Columbus,o; L 0 IVlG thears,Cleveland, O.; Rhodes A Green, do. may 9 Wertinra Trussporutlen Coniputy. kfiga2lBso.Mtia3,, I .D. LE.E.OII & CO'S LINE, BETWEEN P I TTSBURGH,PHILADELPHIA, BALTMORE. & EV By renntyinerniet Canal and Rad Road. rpm: Bono and Can of thus Loo have been put in corer.. order, end with theitldition of se re neer otteu In the Line, enables os to carry a large quenany of produce end coati. T h e entire stock of the Idne . owned and contriv ed by the Propncors. —.Leer, TO— AIt RISI & LEEC:II, No IL Itoutti Third Its And .t the Tobacco Werehouse;Dock adelibid, El.; JOSFP II TA T I.(lp &SON, No Itt North 110Werd Lltttandt&thidit IniTlekt. No 7 West kt, New York; 01.1itELIII k, 00, Coro lLsein j`enn 0 Ptititurgh. 1850. UNION LINE, - ON TITS PENWA AND 01.111 q GAMMA. CLARK, PARKS & CO, Rochester, Pa., Propel , /01IN A CAUGIIEP, Atent, OGlee nor Snnthfield and Water ata,T Ptltsbargh. CIIAtIBERI.LN, CRAWFORDeveI a & CO, ABts, Ohio. 'IRIS well knoern Line arc pro n , td to transpON frelint s Passengers and Pngers loot / riarsiwito 11 and C EYV.I.AN O. to any point on th e Cann! rind Lakes. 7 e fatibues nub lane are onaarpnased In camber, quality ond caps, ay of Bost., aperients et captains, afsl eNcioncy of Am.. One Boot l entsbursh and Cleveland dally, m, funs in connection witn a Line of *least lion. ne tavern PITINBUltfill an BEd ; hod a Lute of First clan StGlOl Ilona, l'ropeller s and Vessels on CONSIGNE.V.L.; CNA, Padre A Co, llothestep, Ca; N Putt, A. Co. V.PuP.a.Own, °gip; B Taylor, {Verne. A A N Clan,Nip M. 1.14 Ew111.1), I Nrsy t4n Ra.enna. 11, Meet, linnnell A Cu, Crankba, II A Miller, Cuyahoga Falle,.o, Virbeeler, Lee b. Co, Ake°, 0; Chansbaylin, Crspeefi , r , l h Ce. Clayaleopl. 11, Ilultbanl A. Co, Sandusky . I P, Pertheal It Scott, Toledo, II; ILI Wilhelm b. Co, Deleon. blpeh; Co, IdiPpeaokpc, Woe. Marley Pk Bottols, Recipe, AV,A George A eNbto, Clooaeo, Ill; Ti 10.16•3 Chicago, )(MN C4V(`IIVV . (IP evanor Wiwi 0114 b411,111.01:1 _ _ ilefigla 1850. Lim.* sal* AND %, LIM 11, ON'rllk. ERIE. F.Vl'l.lNdlti• t • d Al. CLARK E.. YANKS & CAI Knott t‘ ...drd to• • lIE Eroprleudt of 11., n 2,1 .dt• •/... J.would inform the pal,. ,not •re .'ow .0 .101611 tot the pre , •en..n. and •ner tattering Erelabt and witiell the. sre flatly prepared to carry to all point.. nn the Causl end LAKEN KILIE AND At th lowett rates. Ore of tt, tleate 14 the 1..n0 wlll e cost•tantly at the teatime, below Monongahela Bridge, to receive frctght. JOHN A CAUGHEY, Avon.. Mame. %Tam and Elmithfleld sts, l'atatflogt. CONSIGNEES: R W Cunningham. New Castle. I'.. tllditrheltren &I;to, Enotato, I h Vlrteg. Achre 4 Co. G,neniv.ity, Win Henry, Hometown: Wm peter, Cantle...villa; John Deem & Co, Inc'lt John J I{olll.{er 4 N mete s • bra Moat lalaff, atikaa 1650. Mika Yon TUT TIBANSII. LTIOI or VAX.IfiIIT TO WAD MO PINTSBUIPIciII, PHIL A BALTIMoIir, NEV 4 - 011 K, Tacna. normal t 1T 44444 ft. trehr.noth Philadelphia 1 I Piii•lntry h. stand., recei vi ng and forwarding Merch:ndme f or Produce at low rates, ond with the promptness, eer• tataty, land safety, peculiar to them .totem and mode of transported., ti intern whore intediate trunfhipincut if of damage. avoided, with e consequent delay• and probanilliy Merchandise and Prodnec snipped east or west, and Bill . of Lading forwarded free of charge for coinmin• lion. advancing, or storage. Having no intern.* di rectly or indirectly In n o its, that of the owners I. solely consulted when shipping Mete goods. All communications to the following agents promht ly nuent!,td 17: rat.•/1011 . 004: 711011 AS 1101111111iNiF., No 21'n Market went. Pbnedelpom, TAAFFE & OCoNNOR. Comet Penn .4 Wa y ne meets, Pnubur,O • John ItteCallegh & Co, G 8 North st,l3sitt P D. Bur. k Co. IS Donne st, Boston, W. fr. J. T. Tapas°. & CI • BB South sr, New York; JAMES Wheelsrnitht,thustn• r•rl.3 Al I. TgAtiNPOUTAIION 1550. Between Pittsburgh an sower." pit as. The Canal being now open, we are ready lAreceore and forward promptly, prioluee and merehrtndiee east and west. Freight* always at lowest tales, charged by respon sible Produce and roe rchardire will be received Nod for w•rded cam and west, without any chars, for for• waqing oi gduane,n,; fr,du p t, co„;hiteslnii etorage. Dille of lasling forceurdad, and all dirretine faith fully sanded to Address or apply to. g'll. 11l Neill AM, Canal Basin, cur Liberty and ‘Farne Inv - , Pittsburgh. BINCIIAM k 'Meg, No 1133, Martel st y between Cl,i h. sth, MICA AS WILetON, Aut. No 11?2, North Howard st.: Cattle.re. JAS 111NbIlAhl, nute No to, We., arcel. Maw Vort to'cour tatroma. RELIANCE. PORTAI/1.3G 110/CT LINE. tale decease of the theatre partner, in Philadelphia, 11the late Jame. M Dantt,l produces no interruptlon to the butlne,—arrangement. bane 1,000 made telneh Invol.e. the same inlet... premsell, which have tteretotore eetated The butting.* Ia continued under :he mace name and beta, err: I /1017.0 NI Mete N. Co, rhiladelpht, Jelly NITA LAN Cu. Ytttal.areo. 71, eOntatua , te4 ui {V. witroda„,e at Clue roaay Mende at teaptelfally anlletted. )( .y persona 111.0 demand* aettlaat the ronrerii. they are requested to prevent theta forthwith. tut payment. l'iltahurgh, April 10,150 J011.,t HN NITA UFNI, .17 if relviattner. _ g p Votortion I.dtrd WElion Common do (7hrodle Door Met SIL e ' p Skin Adiellod ITABN , tI , 4 A Co'. PassAms•lr u.s Illiemlttess•• ARAN !WEN fr. CO eon.tre to brlng f rom coy poet of r.nglond. Ir.htod 84.orland or ' Wale*, upon the um, liberal icons, with their usttel portault:y and lltent:on to the ourd.r nod ern. tort ./cimrzwalas We donut 000 out pallerpr,lo Le robbcd hy the swirdltos acalops that infest the ace ports,. we take elteege of them the moment they 'T ito:lX:La:lnd v sir7tli o‘u"taa:l7 m their well Leins, '""o -first shine— We say dal , feerlewly, as we defy one of our pewee gers to allay , that they were detained 18 liwre by as In I.iverpool, whilst thousands of other. • •re detained months, aunt they could be sent in some *A weft, et eh c,`, p rate, which too frequently proved. their coffins. We intend to perform MI COll/lllCW . eoliorably, coat wha t`t may. and not is wit the !ILSE tact woh her otheers,—who cotter performed not all, or when suited their convenience. Dreita drawn at Ihtlatigrgh for any auto from Al to Li m, payable at any ado, 'wort semi Banke in Ire land, tkotltata and la nd, JOSHUA. ROBINSON, Faropeen ebd Gemini Agent, rem WM swoon. one door below Woad. I=gi Table " ['rented woolen '. Lotanded Stand o , Linen and woOsul " :4 - doing filar 'Anon; Toles fle&Cbinges; Chinon Bordellos; Cnelch Oil Cloth Table Coven; DrownDrownLmen crumb cloths Woolen n Ilradd Blair Rod k ; Stair Druggett; Carpel Ilindingt; Jute and Coen Matz; 1 lonnt and Skeleton Mel.; 4 and 44 Green Oil Cloth for Bitola; Ilueleback Diaper. too. ',..' . .most approved Eng •rturr, Irani la a 4 feel en: In GI rolling, halls, and Imported direct from Elm Tapestry CAILPICTS. Chee• the Inast and aiinst •le(an ethic `lll - .1 gory - eons colors loos its they can be purchart . . MIMES -17 61' pipe. Brandy—Otard,llupvy, ke pipe. Ifnnand Gin; 6 6.66 N E Rum. ~.ertment of the richest end IhIPZETAL TIIIthI U. A. ltablalaaaoo* Q. WDOLDSALF: HRUGHISTR, earner of Fart and Wood streets, offer for sale, on Mental lc terms too bbla Whiting; 500 lbs Cafe Ammonia; en do Alum, 51X1 do Aasatmude, 300 do Dye NV imde, LOO do Crude lariat, 23 do Lasnobleelt, 500 do Liquorice Root. ult do Von. Red. 300 lto Itieb Almos t if do Camphor, 150 do Red Precipitate, 10 do Span. Drown; 150 do Calomel Amer ttO do bellow Debra; 23 do do ling.; 10 do kintostone, 700 do Dueller Leaves, 8 do Cloves, 200 do Rhubarb Rau, 3 do Chato.Flowers; 400 do Sarni, do, 14 cases Ref. Beret, 400 do Gen do, 25 do Cando Soap. i 520 do Sal Rocheetc; IS d o d ar t irt Utr° Z ; a 'ill. do 71''4'll'i`"". 10 13 do Chrome d ' extr ' o3o do ° ° d ' o I fib ° pl.ll, do do '5 o; 050 WO do do Arable sdo Am Vern:allot, do do Lid. Roe di reams Sand raper, 100 do do /Map, ket bags 01)087 Sumac; 1150 do do At Caren, 25 Cale* Dottie Corks, NO do Solph. Zinc, 75 oa Ralph. Morphia, 300 do Dar •Do IWO lb. Cape Aloes, 1100 do Tatoorinnis, 1100 do Ite-Cbrom Potash,lso do quick BliTen VQO do Ptak Root; 250 do Orange Peel, 1500 do 'rocker Umber; 75 do Coehtneal; P,pD do erk.oiTorOr, 20 do Hyd Potash; 500 do Tartaric Arid; 00 do Mace, 100 do U. Urn, eh 25 do Grenville Lotto. CRUCIDURR-4° Dtion's hest Mac Le • usami allsa r ibr ode by oat SCHOONMAYEB & CO Me Janata Ilarraytalkalld. 3 1 1.11 3 001th0s PREPARED under the immedia t e tare of the DI- U senior, and established for upwards of thletryeans. TIM elegant preparation is recommended in all eases of bile, acidities, Indigestion, goat, and gravel, as the most safe, easy, and effectual form in which Magnesia may, and indeed the only one in which it ought to be exhibited. pomessing all the properties of the Magnesia now in general sue, without being liable like it, to form dangerousconcretions in the bowels. it effectually cures heartburn without injuring the foal, of the stomach, as soda, point, nod their ear bonnier are known to do; it prevents the food of in fants mentor, sone; in all easel tt acts as a pleasing aperient. and is peculiarly adapted to female. Sir Humphrey Davy testified that this solution forms soluble combinations with uric acid salts in caeca of gout and gravel, therby counteracting their • injurioul tendency, when other alkalies and even Magnesia ithelf, had failed. From Sir Philip Clampton, Bart, Surgeon General to the Army in Ireland:— °D ear Sir—There can be so doubt that Magnesia may be administered more Lately in the form of a con centrated solution than In sulistaneet for this, and many other reasons , am of opinion that the Fluid Magnesia at a very valuable addition to our Materia Medic n . PHILIP CRAMPON" Sir lames Clarke, Sir A.. Cooper, Dr Bright, and Idessra Guthrie and Herbert Mayo, of London, strong ly recommend &Tartars Fluid Magnesia, as being in finitely more game and convenient than the - sad, and tree from the danger attending the constant use of soda or pollult. For tale by the importer's and proprieties agents, 13 A FAIINESTOCK tr. CO Cot. of Wood& Front sig. GREAT IMPORTANT CHEMICAL DISCOVERY CHEMICAL COMBINATION Foam the Vegetable :Kingdom, to repel Duossel Ur. Glaysottis Extract of V•Iloor Dock and Sarsaparilla. COI. consumption, scrofula, erysipelas, rheumatism, gout, liver complaints, Initial affections, ulcers, .7 - dropsy, asthma, piles, scanty affections of the bladder and kidneys , : mercurial locales, Car' runt humors, rush of Mood so Me head, fever and Feu, female complaints general debility, dyspep sia, iO,ll of appetite, headache, cola ; costiveness, gravel, night swears, cholir, orgatue affections, palpitation of the heart, Liles, pains in the side, chest, hts, Sr. It in Wad ible In lII' ,ll,Len.es nosing from an Im pure state of the blood. or alveolar action of the ay. tem. . . , J. CI BID WELL, Pittsburgh; BIDWELL & CO., tilungovr. „ In the Vienetable Filmdom, an Alt wise tieing ha, tePolhed Plants and herbs congenial toner comb.- tines, owl Mowed to he cure U: di ; and to the Mc Yuri:dont does the mom. ot man... well * Mc instinct of ani ale, turn for mutilates to pm.. The Syrup IS a welentsbc compound of the moot Tll Ilabic plan. in nature, entirely free from Meted.us mil enervating mineral substance., and a. it expel, ) ilimase from the syste tomer. elite and stems. I merrespontling,deeree. m, ' CERTIFICATES. An eatimrdinary rote 0( errnfula, trytipelos and U errs, cored: by the role me of Dr. tdayrottio Cow ' pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and sarsaparilla. ll000tkrte ; Nev. 17, lAS Ott O Guleirrit-SInT tender soy sincere thanks for Ohio great benefit I have derived fridn the use of your valuable eyrup. I that, been troubled vent nod g , It ocrOtolous rum, which made Its appearance un m chin, I 414 not pay much auentton to It at brat. sup poring it to be nothing but an eruptton Mal MM. , on personle fro .. lib:lolly began to increase, mail m roa.] 4 dtt .oche part of the bead. I applied to a physician, who attended inc all to no purpom. I had tried every thing that could be tried: I row your Syr- ' up of Yellow Dock and Smaaparillaa and concluded to me it, for I knew but Yellow Dock was one of the mott voidable tinkles in the arid for the !Amid. I bought your Syrup, and flour the nee of one bottle, I could tee a great ebange in lirTwYmeM. I vo.linil'i to tacitWA i , was a well ram: i now feel like • new per on; m niy bloat is perfectly .cleansedand free from all vap.. ' There it not I mueslinn but tha your oil ly dieetwerea compound is far superior t any , wiroapanlla syrup over sold. . 'I hi* certificate to at yonr disposal to publish if you , like, mil my onettoutuov refer tome. I Moll be hap py to give them all the Information 1 coo Omit MY L cote, Ac. I remain your obedient militint, Gmoes G. Rotuma, 113 Market street. The but female medicine known. The Fatter of Yellow Dock soil Eel tapatilla is a positive, speedy, end permanent cora for ell complamta incident to FEXIAJ,Dx mild, alterative ntoperties render it pecultarlv applicable to the alendet end delitate COritlitalon of tin kiosk.. It is unrivaled in its &facto Opt s, mach tilSriat, as incipient 'eonnitaytlen COrrtICK., or whiter. irregular menitroation, mconti• 11.1111,0 of none, and general prostnallon or the erne.: It into cdialtdy coenteracts dial Mettlesome neraose nem, and lataittide tw common to the female frame, nud Indiana an energy' evid e n ce as etirpriwits as they 1/(41 kt•tefol. tiVe have on file winch induces nil ru l e der recommend dus meilictne to merited tmilile who bars nut bean blessed with oil entire. • cap tad. k whiskey; for tale by l'aourecs Veto!, or Falling of LA Womb, of Mn st I'l 4 and,ng, cured by Dr. Guy anti's Ewan: of It'•^0:4:110„ 161.....avery nth., known remedy hod Leen um! wlalionolener. Wsconicron, Dloo, Feb., 16.19• TiOS aeni6es that my wife, aged V years, hat I , etal suacring under the aticare complanit (or bee years—nearly all of that time confined to Ler bed. I 4- for tour years constantly eloploped the best mod 4... Isleot tont could Lc precutted an thts eectlon oft,. tit) , ant, , d en whatever. I hove ern ..isnc.• In , dent recommended for th• ,• af 44,4 41,0. _AI of t whirl, roved worthless.. 044 •, lc I w .4a induced by coy fr,ends 14, ~00s, r , ,an 1.4 end Slail•Plkr11131, wa• •14rd ,ar wend, Alter inn had need .•. t•mr week_ it rvldent to all that she .• .• recto ~g, :tam this um< die improved tap .d and et .ned gest, 0,,J atreaAth. 0001 the drum entacty centered, and she to rutme enjoying most ea4,llcia ne slob. WM. 101111011111% We being neighbors of Wm. and Jell. Monfort, gl lido row Ine above suatecuent, as to the eieknese o• Illonfori., and as to I. care being effected by eiO)SOO'i 5',110W 1)000 and Harsaparilia,lo h i e .Hiotly. tiVA VtAii rat.B; Gir•at Oar* et Couranaption. Ilambyort, /winery 2, lett. Mr. Bennett—War The great benefit which I hare (lensed horn your Extract of Vailoss /melt and bartiaparilla, induces me, 11 none{ ofjusUce, to make the folio Wi ng statement t • Aran wasting for two yearn from general debility i•tital family terminated to consumpnon, I me given lip by try (trendsand phyatehms as beyond the aid of meibeine. As a last resort, I was induced to try and C.v mg lulled but two bottles, am cordnis Lo your directions, I Rio entirely well. would' ttferefoted earnestly recommend your acequat • led Gbitithoand La the national who desire a powerf plensma end safe remedy. Gratefully your friend, ht. WAITF • None 'centime noless ?man In lunge square bottler, end o;.e dame of the syrup blown with the written ststunture Of S. F. Sen. hen n the cuiaide wrapper. Price It per botde, or ail bottle:. for oh It it told by /. I's Park, corner of Fourth and Wel. not tweets. C/11.111[1611, tntin, General Ager.t Inc toe South and Weer, to wooer nil orders most be address, ed. Caner k Bre ; Fete, W. P. JAlaon Co., W ford; Olin eleathea Croe,theeille. Abel Tar lamatoee; Harem Mth, Towanda, Hoorn Roy. W born; Ilndertek,CaLlensbarth.L. ilrox, Jr.. l tatheb, rarer of blather street and the Drerethrl. aplthd&aelY;;T Ll 44SW FAMILY MEDICINES—dThey Me the 0 medicinev of the day. 7 lirahem Station, Ohio, May 23, 1549. E Sellorr—lshink it right, wir the benefit of others, to :tam Pomo frictriin relation to your excellent Pa may Medicines. I have used your Vertnifirge largely in my own family, one viol frequently repelling large lidnntlaer buoy HZ to 2bo worms) from two ehlidzen,. I hAve ~t.,,S used your Liver IT en') Conii Sirup to sly nnJ try ate, lit . e l ecry ix:Mance, predianed 4 1 elect. An 1 am enraged in merchandising, I rot able to state, that I Love yet to hsar of the hem failure where your medicine,. have been toted in any section of the country. In ,OcCillsloll, Imy state that they are the medicines of the day, and we Crooned to have a nor extensive popularity. Poor, reapeetlntlY N e, Pi 11 PINELL. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, N 075 Wood ,trret, and sold by Wiwi..o generally in the two clues and vicinity.... ER, F.Mii.h Sl ELI 4 .- 4 4ne717r — i rw 4.1 the Goa lutes nrarron, Ohio, May 05,1919. R. E. Sellers: 1 Mink n right for the Leticia camber. to mate Farme for, in relation to year excellent Fami- McManus. I have used b , Vermiluge largely to my own tro lly. one via, fer.,acntly answering for expelllngt Ae quantities any Ito mitt waren , from two children I have obo oiled your Liver Nth; and Cough Syrup in my family, and they hove to ever, instar,,re roo.uctd elect As 1 a... 1 anecagod ta nu...chew/ruing, I am able to state that I more yet to toter) the hoot tattoo where your medicine. , have been used in my section of the country. In concluwon, I may sine that they-or, ins inedieineu el the troy, and ore deunued horn a ibry eatateive popularity Ft...8.re.. 00 iluiry, 11. Primal, Prepared and sold by R. 1..115.N0 57 Wood street, and .old by Drum.. eetlerally in the two et tire arid vicinity. then / 14T urti it CUR' Loam comrr.. 4 .lNi, l. by he ort i rmal, only true, arid genume Liver Strolls CAM. Ohio county, Vu. March SAth, IMO. I Mr. R. E. Sam: Dear Sir-1 Mutt It a dory I owe to you and 10 al publte genera ly, to state that 1 have been atqleted with the Liver Complaint for a long time, and or belly that an Sheets formed and troge, which Fen me in a very low state. Poising belted 01 your celebrated 'later roli being ror tale by A bylt harp, 111 Weir Lil.,.rty, and Teem:emended to rne mY ph;-;Felon. Pr bl. Smith, I concluded Lo t the o icor trier. • I purchased on: boo, end brand them to - .0 not what they ore recommended, THE uEsT LI VER PILL EVER lirt FA land niter taking foul boxes I rind the dinewie has entirely ten rue, and I ant now pertectly'well. Respectfully yon it commAN. West Liberty, March 7n, IbFr. I witty th - ft I am personally acquointed with Mr Golan: ,•nd cart bear testimony to the Mt), 01 the oto ve •erUhente. A II !SHARP 'Die 'mantle Liver inn. are prepared and sold by E - 4 I.LF.RS., No 57 Wood street, and by di-14gram w.,.. wo ci... Tour lIE paredin only trne e,nd have Liver Pills are pr tly RESelkft, and has.. hla nitmc et,naped in buck wag upbn the MI of each tor, and M. stenSlOre on the cutatde wrapper--all othe a are counterfeit., or base iron:mono. plu R E SELLERS, PrOptlelOf NI , I ATcuus, I—CllliAl • Ett THAN PNER ! Just me l d, an 11,101e0 of fall jewelled paten Ro yer ,Vatches, In carets hue cotes, which I c.na.ti g . lark. tinny and Marty Eva dallara, and warranted en I , tee good woe. A so—A splendid assamment of JF,VTILRY . , coal pris,ni.lZl„. v ‘ szlna o ltd , l ,,, g . te , s , t style:, and beat patterns ak r and Jeweler • lc TAMURA'tiiitAitin - AT GOWN. HERSEY, FLEMING tCU, batman arranged to give their entire nor noon to the sale of domestic Woolen and Cotton Goods, now oder their large tooth of Tailors , Tronotiort, Vesting', Freneh nod German Cloths, Doeslow, assimeres,lcc.ll.l first cow. HERSEY, eLE:stiNu & co 120.W00d sr JCST reed, an elegant Own Rosewood G oct. from the celebrated manufactory. of Norma. Clark, N. V., olsup