MAGNETII TELEA:".OII. ISZPORTUD & TICLICO&A rIIILD YOB. THE PITTSBURAM DAILY HAZETTE • BTE&M SHIP OHIO IN DISTRESS. . Seteisioae, Dee. 21. The steamship Ohio, front Havana, f u r New Yolk, put into Norfolk, yesterday, in distress.- - SIN la muck disabled,' and her pitisengers made a selmeakitur escape. . The passengers and mails lambed here-by the Norfolk best this morning. Sbe left Havana with bat one engine working, sad ea Sunday,. the 22d, experienced a severe gag, when the remaicieg come gave way, and the lily in the troll of the era, at the mace of abs waves, nntt - 'ednesday. .White in this avedition, she epraag a leak, and wee only saved : : ham sinking by the ;exertions of the pesseresta lad crew at the pimp. She reached Norfo!k wit! tee Gm lamer in the bold. The California mails, by the Ohio, litre sent to New York for distribution, without being smarted I here. -•_She brought between three and tour hem- deed passengers, about one hundred and fifty of whom arrived berra this morning._ The boat was•cotunikrably damaged in the bull, v i • the three hogs or races which support her Inane, also having bee mapped wander. The furniture was broken, every thing breamble °aboard. The occasion represented as most awful and trying. She lay as before stated, for a tong time Ur the trough the see, perfectly unmanageable, clung sad (ailing' with the waves, as they dashed over her, With :mural rapidity—her timbers strain. mg and wick-it:Tito such an extent as to excite the - senousfeaut of all that she would-part in tiro. Some of the passengers who have roughed it through many a gale, say it was the moat severe aiddangerews— storm they over experienced The damage Ii supposed to be 530,000. She ling CO into ft dock, and be repaired, before she am rears toSew York. - . - OHIO STATE CONVENTION. - eltitllll4lll, Dec. 27. • :TY Con'Nation osseid the erciien which pro vides that zulpasois holdirgtfilea ender the 'UM- W itiOto or the State of Ohio, shell be eligible to alas le the LNltsleare.. . A-Intlit debate aria had this afterectoe on the Net Oa giving to thelogialatare the pourer to te• pal the dower of say locorporoted company end Ibt osiketiog or dispealog of thole plc. EXPLOSIuS 6FTIIEKNOXVILL LotisvuLL., Die. 9.+. New Orlr.os pane ra of the isai, meowed by ties atisameeMier it/dtlee give further do- tills of the exploalcin of the rammer. Knattrille. At the time of the erplosionoshe toy et the foot of Gavle! sweet, boondlor the Tennessee Rther. bieling itta flan of all her bilers coliapsed• All her vire, works forward of (h owheel harm. weretorn•to ewma One of the boilers struck the Martha Witshiegton—tearing op her gourds. Passing through the cabin, entered the ladies Ale ut tithe Orkin. iC12616.11. Another of the bo.'ers was Noon J.% reds saws the kvee, carrying a way two pilau's' .!out barrels. No one was Isla. of by the tomtit or the , wo balm. I One iron ched.was thrown into the air, and car. tied into the steamer Buckeye which weir lying be low the Nei Pito Ultra, and above the Knoxville, which was lunch dowered. Capt. Robinson, of the No Plan Ultra was badly scalded. • The Knotrille took fire, after the expiceirm; boo was extingotsbed by the engines. • Wen. Dowdy. 2rl Engineer, woo Idled. The 3d Engioear, and Barkeeper were mionng. The want - declare—Abraham Yoang,Henty Tur ner, Crooks, B. H. Franklin, Wm. Henry, pilot, deagercarsly; Patrick Connelly, John Burke, Peter Mullin, John Burns, Pat. Comoro, fireman, Wm. Shields; (3eo. Oldham,' Joraph Johnson, let Engineer, W.B. Brown; Clerk. Ihe Barkeeper or the Martha Washington was be scalded. . Of the poseagers, Were won some who were killed or Wising. INDIANA STATE CONVENTION. INDUMPOI2I, Dee. 27 The Conic:an paced the section prdiginins the Legislature from graining divorces. Also, the median prohibiting the ule oflogerg tickets in the &Ina BALIIIthII. Ike. 7. Jenny Liza arrived sale to C,tiarieston on Mon day aright. The boat on rultichlhe took parsage ow detained by heavy minds, which continued from Cape Fear Bar to Chulettan. ' • Hosr oh, Dec. 27. . . . . The recent gala canned several wrecks on the coed, and eoctlderaMe less of H. , . LOITISVILLE, tmc.427. The Cumberland No, 1 ens sank al Cofbut sheets is the Cumberland itwer, on Thursday lag. The bat alai earga in a meal lon. , PAILILDELLTIA MARKET. Tanans.mea.., Deo. C. —Shielor—Tha market to firm. Float- Salea 500 tibia . at $4.68434.75 for cow man brandi° of chafes do . at $4,8104,57; and of CM. at PAS bbl. Grabo—Ciates 2,000 boa Wheat at 10231030 Ica red, and 1100112 a for white. iSalm of Corn at sfitirao tar white, and 27029 a fix yellow. Salta of Oats at dite. PnrrWona—Salea ['rides* Pork at $l3, and of Primed $lO p bbl. Lard is wiling at 6@6lc.—, _ Bien fa thla. Glionerkw7Tbe market is Ann, with Wog of Rio Coffee at 101011 ir 13. Oolann—Salen of Upland at 13i, and of Orleans 111141 a, • . _ . Willi:akar—Self* at .2510263 in bbla BILLNI?dORE MARKET December 27. - none —Sales of 1,400 bbls H. S. bands at 04,62, - and of 4,000 bbls City 'Sidle at $1,50 p Corti Illeat—Sala of City Mitts at 02,17 te. and 'of Penal et 52,81. unchanged. Cato is selling It 56053 ire white snd yellow. Tresistows--New &GNI is in goad request, with saki of Woo' elmi. of shoulders at It, Lod of buns at 100 pTO Sales of 250 tors lard at Sic. SSW In ►his at egifil. Hotts—The mulct Is firm. at $5,2:4335,371. Coffee—Saks of Rio at lob Some dealers ate Ito Wing oil, expecting t lob pneea. Laguayn Cof. Ste Is sent* at 1010101. NEW YORK MARKET. December 27. • Stoelta-41tYmarket is steady. • Bloch-Sates of 2,000 bbte, at $4,75{'51,57 foe •common to straight State brands Southern, and 01 GOMM at 55,120313,18 ybbl. Grain—Sales we smut, and prices we un • Primisiont—fders Peek is selling ae512,121 per bbl. aftweries—Rro Coffe, la selling silo4olle per Oottors—The market Is Arm, with sates of 450 bale, at 19iriN4 for fair Upland and Orleans. Whiskey--Ssies at 20820; per gall. CINCINNATI MARKET. December 27 • liotti—The matket is inlet, and sales, to day, were confined to 1700 bead at 24,10 per ca rt. Park—Sales 400 barrels Mesa Pork at t 2.10,9) per bbl. Lard--Sales 400 barrels prime lard at 7 18c per ponad. — Plow—The market is quiet, today, and only 930 Dbl. were sold at 53, 70 per bbl. Wbilkeyr-Bairn at '4 18 which iia limber ad vance. (lease Meats—Bales 4000 barn. at 5 7.5a6ei and • of MOO sboulderteat 31-4 per lb. Linseed Oil—Sales 10 barrel, coy pressed, at 03 ants. la tbf Court of Common Plass of Mlle " ghissy Cooney. th. rv ' e ' Vo ' or eel. l lL7 - 111. 1h 1/ ' e L m " b r e! th 4 " l. l' 1. IBM. And now to vett, December ffii,lBso, Report of Mowery filed, confirmed ono, and entered that nonce thereof bet given, by publicadon two week. in toe l'lnahninh Gazette- By the Coml. dett dfittrAvlST SIGHT DRAFTS NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, ST. LOUIS, AND TIM "OLD COUNTRY," A. WILETNS & CO, CDT. Thllll k Market rev sale hi sketi - 7-7-4/17V wri-id 141rildara and Erato. Qf Lightning Bode, Eti.uffcc Prtautples. 011=8 tell at tbie aka or the Post *Mee; and for personal Interviews eon be seen on Founts at, . Madonna or Dr. Mont, between Market and Fen), Iltafereneu—P Weser Selman, Editor of Sillintan's lamest; Prorroor 0 M Nltehell, of the Cincinnati Otwervetorr; Ploressot Robert Peter, orTntnallenni• ',I/eternity, Protector Chester Dewer,M. M. D. New York ; Professor J. L. I,.•wl,Clearland Unl. lellttnberg i' it—rt.. W. laoati r, John Ilasper,W lon McCandless, Mr. Child. Colonel Homan, gee d . No. !parts, 3. o.lVllllven.Mijor tlrding, It.l3.raenal, Jobs Irwin 111 Bone, L. limper. D. N. Whim, W. L. irks:shall, John elleprrn. Mawr Daeln.Jno If. Elltoen '' barer. - • nolatd&sett9 SOU siernST.l I um= COMM • surrtsT &COLVIN. GOAL Mereksots,sed Dealers In Dry Goods,D v mils, Doe, and Neils corner of Walnut et, sod Waelansiori Turnpike Dead, Temperance:elite. salledAmely•S • • s.xlric la OVILA•0116. • 'J. Plamoy. Jr.. . .114 'Arastfevias - PIMIS Lif 1114,61t0 CO. Of Prtibd pings of:ibei Wester nlosnranee Company No. fla.W ik ate m r w strec ah t, o r i l , tu .t b: ..o righ. information, .., is laals will be famished. q .t. Hastrands sus insure their lives for ibe Lenr-fit of Geis wing •ami ehadren; ereinors the lives of their whole profile of the Company are divided moos Ae bolder's MUG, Policies.--- .. The dividends of tbe pass tin* years bave been eft!, types mintaeach year. A FALL FASHION. Wbeware' Idyls of Bat Is now received, and llb.elutrodaceel on Satonlay. 31a inst. by at.conn co • • Car. Fifth k Wood eta STRAW GOODR. Y. GREENE to I.lo..blanufseturers of For ... • atdo and Doutesne Straw floods, tali the alien. doetofdtilyars, tkety goods tor and atlases.— alder indaedatent• 10 a great vaideiy. of Otd Ike; to bunkum's who buy by ske taatinfae __ package. Samples exkibited at their store,tio Addradil (tap 0i1,,) Now York. doolloits ii,IIMMERCIAI. RECORD. errrammion 1108.1111 01/ TRAM! AIM 111,31211W0e1l COMTFEE FOR DEGEMBEFLi ate. 0003. 20,011100.• PITraBUAan EIAIMMT Perez PrITESICIOCH Gratin. Saturday morning, Dee. nj, 183 a. S Vestezday was clear and pleasant for the Seaton, and a fair degree of activity prepalled in the market. The river la receding slowly, with 8 feet ',mei ,u dinned ; btu ineaa in that quarter however, to moiler FLOUR—Some le :ens weeded on Lite wharf ye.• lards,, with sales oi nearly, or quite all dist came forward. The vales wens 700 bids, at 111,1,6033,620365 p lure, and some mall lots on a slight advance an these tguresi Ee , G2Aa i.G in, be given an the pre.m tulal prices. From store We nonce no eisunge in prices—tales have been eonficed ID regular small tow to the trade, al 10, E 19 t7tT.sieeoliting In itnuldi , ttti , brand. Resnotra—Fupptire confiner erre light, Nod eve have to nee, Worth reporting , Coos L1041...-r7 regular rot, nails, are ho 0600 bu•t, o I GROCERIES—We have no eL.❑gea to notice front preelwas day's quotations. The mortal is eteady. 06COII—New bated begin. to come forward more freely, Lit, no pat, we have on sales from which to give correct gents nous The moll that hes chine .or. ward we. for eastern shipment. LARD—Sappne• a yr., are comparatively I•g et, with su•s in tittle, ut 7e, and iu kegs, at fic. Mr Nu. I. nurrEn—We notice a fair demand for the better goatlike of roll Mittel, Willie keg is neglected. Sale. of oorea roll at 14013 c, and of common at 129 ♦ pound. CHEESE—We note fatale/ We. of W. It. at Gafil for common, and WC, far WHlShEr—Salca of rectified at Slgell OILS— Of Linetcd 90,0941 c; soli, No I Lord ii 415 , e - ail. with sales hum 11:091,4: v lu, //I Insult rata, of Apples fro= lot hand. at 70205 a Fid.Obal afore at 7 . 409Ps p bus, as rn FEATHERS—SaIes at 34s p 0. ASUE—BaIes of Soda Aih at Me, and a.O Pew Is at Clo6+. Other kinds are kiLdkauged. Snags in the litlestettppl. The nett In the Valley of the Slisslisippi has be to tofore wearied itself with thdtlesa ego!n to;indnea the Administration of tin General Government, to tarn their attention to the widely extended obancles in the way of the navigation of the Ohio and Missa l:inn Rivers. The Government pays no attention to the complain., the demand, the appeals of the people of the Great West, and Withholds alloppropriatione to remove those ration. obstructions. Some think there is a prospect of obtaining appsopriations at the pres ent session of Congress, bat - we net not very sargelim that anch - en act will paw. It ean -be pawed. if the western members emu is its supper!, They will unite and peas the at t if _the western people hold their Rep resentative. to act in aceordiume with their will—and ere lorg we shall know what they do, and what they omit to do. We were led to make the above tee:narks by an ar ticle la the Lontsville 'Journal, no tee subject. from which we extract what fellows, commending it to the reader's attention.—Cut. One. , The number of steamboats peeling daily by every panel betwech Chino and New Orleans, will arm. between 15 and Mb. The beam and their ireleht will doithems avenge over 1H0,140 each—or altogether Onerhalf a minted olden.. The crews and passen- - nerawould exceed a thouthad. Every eln,tronion or petit within the points nanted,ie a Maly ohrtraenon an and te d pant to half a million dollen wor th of property athouthad persons. Of *lithe dangers to which a bons to.llable, that of runaletexua a snag is probably the worst A ledge ot meta mad be avoided. because Its place is always the nine. The sand ban are clangingso he sore, hot the Mat that gviundo en a bar e. generally Devoted with arise in the river, and there la no danger or Me and bat little lore of property: Hut these cams are sometimes above water, and sometime. below; some times le one place and tometintee imagicr. No rare suffictent togusad against them drmngffi of ma. tenni Insufficient to resist Meet Hossmony of these boat Nothere are dime, think goo, Western valeta, betWer..• Cain, and o Orleans !! Nth ! Mare. Sixty' Alma, Sin hundred Not enough. tholasaud At leam. Tning or gentleman to Co vent for tin Unthreads of this valley le Congress ! atomised hidden •nd half hollen sad - half hidden property nod lite dmiroy• era on thii great highway of etc millione of people '— Tour noe s sots have beet. riskleg their Imes and mimics Mee and through ahem, daggers, nettle yea ham teen eked by en oath. one vile, and by Smith Carolina the otter, when by an ooh ed Vote yew had the power al any moment, to silence the Illuminator each party, and then to approPriate WI of rtheme paid by your canstintents into the tremortil r purposes mutt essential to there welfare. We hat placed the smokier of these snug, at six thousandiOr. MI to that Mlle, which is letthanthe nee eatlitate of the lithilltend Crif tins tram whom we have SOltibt for infacinetnthi on the anther.. The wont Wee, ar•Stated Waite following: _Herod billow moldier Ohio; heed oriole.. No 1; held of Allf Wand; bend below Motto.; Inland Holt fighiliagto PlittO isbnuf Plc. II; island No. It; Needhnon'o, l7 o-Maff; aseVorNtifitot Ybrell-fo.lit Sand; Island No 4; Inthnd No.: 7: Paddy's Hen and Chicle enu St Frani:l4lsta.: Chip Island; blementhoe eat on ; head of N 0.16; No o 7; No. CS ; foot DENA on ire pilot of the &mons ams, is a perfect . deadeeine,' No. 74, foot of N 0175; Point Chleat; Princeton; ibines Cot off; N 0.76; Ferchild's Island ; Cowper', Pant; Nat. erne; Glasthoen's IsIond; Pon Adam. Thiriy_aix of hem d.cerom pieces on t he .0 us•by one af thentest experienced Nieto on the rt•cr as unsafe far migatlon at all times ; and nimont ira possible at death We May bate trusapelled scam of the names and those we have omitted, as Gls r pencil memoranda mereindnct Our river 'friend. how ever, will much alig ns will • correet list for tubli. ea it is and ;ha:, some of their arse es, have se l a tte rliceselatt, arid are so near ecel, er. a hoar of the ar elam eon Lately pa•• inure them; and mat metre, a; every moment, splicer inter entire stoppage of lavicatien. seta: Is to i.e dans • le any One as, erupt aa in tioptale that ;Tutorial.. or separate States wit remove the, danger, hlomom,. Alltattiaaa, and Mistipyi me strong deinoCratic Oran, Has there been m Legslatuth of eater. a single Preposition to do thh wort ' Has e > le Homo,. tie repremalodive eser teed no p ease. le Illeffll.. the taxes in his State (mbar. purpose. Every body thaws that, if the °haunches are ever remnant), the meek moat beg oe by the t nem' Government, and C•ef, bode ought to know hat the tme& Lion of the river Moor as bad as the first fbroitelifirn l deseended tee river. • In a conversation aeon dam tine, with one of oar die t Reoresecinves in Comte", he remarked diet tie had card sloths the alert •n• Harbor flti, bee.. of the gram of the division Ostia, n the two—that million: were devoted to die harbor, mad e husads 'od, rkers—thst the Eartern member. mad • groat show of iberslity toward no, Ma .trek sly ark of our reef by the amount ol weight thrown on it This may be; and mesre intro half inclined to be lieve that these tea Mid members of Coolness c no objeeuth to the entla obstruction °roar n•er com merce In melee to bad op the railtheds eonimeme Nu valley with the aCabard cities. If than the game far• ehold oppose every appropriation fo rt ligt house, be hand i er chart front Emt • port s o Peosacols: W call on our pelvis...ha have to priml life and property on our great Men, to epre their represente uses no peace noun our gleamy. in this respect ten were Our present Chief Magimate has no g COLIWiILIO acrapies ou this fUednet, can are nreater reason for removing a ledge of talc In the memb er . Delawe di. a sung in Na end If our er of Con gress rill talk a to lesiaboot abstract principle, and ant In concert for the ithstential intercom of their conatithenis, we may ib • 'gar or two, be able to nov el to New Orleans on a rteMbOar. without the neon. oity of settling up our e ff uly, and malting a motel be fore me stall Mall Road ,leating Ohio. BELLEFONTAINE AND IMIANA :RAIL ROAD. ELLED PROPOSALS WI Le received arJACK• SONVILLE, Dube cooly, Otio,thnown u vet tattles) until January 2tet, lei, for doing the grubb gCreek','Uthaen.ida n ' gro d it "' vk the T 1 it ' d% n " a I i t . 1 . 1 Dellefontaina Rail Road." at heineliena Stole Line. Profiles sire oast ready, at Co Eng in ' eer's Oth co, to SIDNEY, Shelby county, Oth, where inf o r th .,,o,, ean be obtained from Into Pembetton, Strident Engineer. Proposals may a!iSe left .t Sidney, till the 20th of January. Sealed Proposal. "WI C. Lifeceived at AIAIOON. Ohio, until February nth, rielt.yr doing the grahhieg, eleartny, and grading. onabut between Marion and Dellefontalne. Thwart and profiles on this division, will be read! ten lays W.-lithe letting. larormatini-eith be obtained Loin Alen', %Yarnell, Reildent Engineer, at Bellefaatthe, and in the Chief Engineet'Velhee In Marion. The above are the only pontes on the route not yet under contract. Thit cold lknown VI • , thld link" to the g¢nt central backinge eh aio, adelphla to igt Louis, and biotite lia - the western ennuntation of the math lines, Am Daston and New York, through Cleveland. It order of the Hoard of Mamas IV. MILNOR ROBERII, Chief Engineer. MlOl,ll3lOlOllllClt, Marion, 0., ho. in, ISW. deltheldwieurti LIVERPOOL PILOPMILIT FOR SALE. F s ci RUILDING LOIS ter satin the town of Ran of Lieerlmolt Mont or low Ones nod on favorably, for comer lots, and too for to lot.-ouch being CO Met front by 130 feet dej,, bee r pwi I. 1 0 . cited on the Oldo River, 43 me. bo dw d ou city, midway between Pitt•burgh soWnveiing, 4 611 i. from Glasgow and I.ittk Licavet awl the nk . oe d th . met from Wellsville and Coleus s beak!), and besutlfal part 01 go. bas 1201/ MIEMIT9 for tee and GIUGCMII•Iift, several i.e., dryloode, and roc norea, and men Iranian of various gin, and public schools. At the tent . k i n of Into sin tees purebved by mnaufacturelkylio design erect. mg during . tite coming season, boprie. nod other manufaeturing establi.hmcnta Mm of a pro ortilte, in addition to Rock , ham and yellow wan, tirVing Deco a oi a. o le Tosoooable to suppose thol It will 'midi) Improve Persona desirous or viewing the ropes, 1.1111&60 day, by • let boors nil learn riosburakt, !them. Cr• l any CILTiOX every dyl foe Li nerpo w , Wllle and Wheeling. • Terms of payment—One fourth liind and the bal. nOOO do e ., equal 61111011101) , Melf; With IDlGrtn. N. 11-1 will tarpove of a numtv,o, Into foe c ... enter work, brick pin:aria and patntag, to Ee done at Liverpool, daring the Orli eerier and Veto pr,•bo of Lumber and Brick. pply tlansiford C. 11111, Eri n laillol.ol, Of I* thOlabscrlbeT the dice blemrs Mitchell &Fa ins, r,IIIOIIIC ye SI IA tO, No M Fourth Meat. /nits ULARELV delid&ortionlo ARTIFICI AL LEECHES-1 eirie4it received on for vile by KIDD & CO pest 40 Wood et NDIA for sale by 1 dell I KIDD & C CIA/till:lTß SCOTCH bnirF.." 7 -!Diarl br .Ir l KIDD* CO I.IS[3rIEU-4/ htidprimaoid crop, P on consignment, acd for rote by maL.Lnic daclci.wo:4 VANNER - svoti.-20 brie Dank - 011in arm( order for sale by Ideliii PIAJYD I,trOLASSIESI.I brls uew, in eialear role by 2.1 drill :I, R FLOYD INDENU & lIKESWAX—:J bof•'inc cg l 1 euriteriox; Now landing lam oteasuer Tim... Tara-or le COISAIAH JAREN c Wz IP V Ej 7gl °-2-1"" & - RD-44 e v ir fairET— .y. a co A don PORT OF PITTSBURGH: . . Ilivgn —There were 'feel 8 incline In elianneJ,' date, last evening, .d ARRIVED. Fashion, Peebles. Elisabeth. Michigan., Brien, Beaver. Beaver, cordon, Beaver. Baltic, Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Broaresville. J. McKee. llenditekson, EeKeerrin Thor. Shover. Bailey, West Ne wenn Jo... Nelson. Moore , IN'keeling Dales,:Elisabeth • ildiskeye State. Dean, Cincinnati DEPARTED Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth 5 , iehigun, Brie, Beaver. , Braver, tioninn. Beaver Baltic, Bennett, Browinaville. Atlantic, Parkins.. Brownville. J. McKee. litiniirieL son, McKeesport Th.. Shrives, Bailey. Writ{ Newton Reveille, Dale, Elizabeth. Clipper No. 2, Dnvol, Cincinnati Dairital, Cons.RAVl:leen.. BOATS LEAVING THIS DA V. NASIIVILLFI—ItotIower, /4. NEW OBLEANS--Nal Ander.. n. 112•. 14. Fox Nriernitxxx.—The fine new mouton . hint Bower, Capt. Ileelelt, is now re tut{ freight tor Manville and win leave n a lew days for Piet point. Trio Part. Aancason —Tbiz i. thn name cf a mag nificent new a. ,ott finiththd at our drinla. lad enalmaarled 1,. Cart It. C Gray, a gentleman Well known, and Melly enteerrthot mg cant boat com mander We hoer rarely eren a liar, the eotthitn, 11011 and general arrangement of foie!, nowt 11.1[1 . 10 1 . or Wm of perfeenon. and we 11,thate not tlo fay, that i n the ometeat acme of the word, Prr may,lin her every minutia, Ito termed a troth.' Foot, of arehtree lure. Iler 11111.11.510115 are ae Length on deck I=l =MEE lice mgt., are of the most complete workmanship. The cylinders are 91 inches in Jammu,. with GI feet stroke. She carties Wee hollers, 20 test in length, sad 90 manes in diem's., which are aerompsnied by that indaspensabie struele, to a well armanged set of machinery, called " The Dotter, - whom useful yibee is, to keep the batters well end peeped, idled with water. The ampules were built by Jahn Creme' I Co. lice wheel buckets urn 9 feet in length. The hull is one of Vox & Lanchentia best tubs, and In point of symmetry of form, at can't be beat. The cabin was built by James itlillmger, and it fa one of his best touches. The interior of the robin is finished something af cr the Gothic order, with cluster sot. urns, and is painted to [Medea & Nelson's best style. The hest 1100 work was done by J. T. Ktakeed, and the Illactsmathtrag by Douglam Si English. The Ilimks, to., nee from Davago & Roberts and the gaming from J. Ewan it One. The Upholstery was famished by K. Eattnandson & Co. The Cabin Elami tere was made by T. B. Young, and the Catipett by E. V,. Lyed. The Qneensware, Lampe, he., are ,from the stole of Massey & Caldwell. Indeed: the whole fern/Ming la such, 05 may well rankawith any boat ever htted oat here. PM is valued x11{30,903, by which. It will be men that no ezpense has been spared to Wake her in every pataiculaz, a fast OMB. stem:tan— ner draught is emeediegly light for her aim, being only sal inches, when hght; she is capable of carrying 54 9 ton.. The Paul Andeoun is up for New Orkm., for n arch pr lot she will porinvely leave on Monday onah ad 10 o'clock A. M. Our °melted ft iend, Alexander Ingram, goes as first Clerk, and me are sure, that under his. and Cain. Gray's charge. puma - era o - mll he well eased for. IMPORTS BS RIVER. CINCINNATI—Pao bts.asan. No. 2--60 bbl. 21.10 h.m.. 19 hhils hooldera,e bols molasses, 1= kn. lard. So , le, & Nicola; 31 bad. odes, Carson & bPKnisbo F. fratheol. Clark &Tbaw, 3 sem soles, & fis °man; 20 hbl• a -, I A Knox, 11.2 Lg. banes. Geo 11,' South; La gas nc nps, 1 els maw, J h.•boonmeker; a. Om 41 peach., LI Chita, 25 bbl. La. 1/01", rew-1:0, ass s .Inz brooms. Vankak noes lelc, 1111,d 'ties, sin. GC Gainey; Its wool. Wm Barter; 31 pLece• tron.Co OM. tiniasws. l d 1 II Saocriberrer, nee, bacon, Clark X Thaw, 010 pass barley, omith; 10 lads laid mi, It Prom 00 taco feath ers, £0 tibk brtslle., W Bingham: IQ lb., whiskey, II A Weaver: TS boxes almonds, PC do ruwri tO jr do Baronage & Ingram. 01 bnd. @near, SO ibbi•Aillirnes. W lisig•!el; 10 Ws corn, S:c rran k Sill, 3 bees mdse. Grad A. Co. WIT.EELING— Pau LI bSi L-17 p1,7.4 eon, S ilo wool, ro WI. piper, uw nu, 1,4-$ lagd =DJ bbl, flaw, 5.19 b. Co. PITT6I - JURGH • .ea-i72,9;ze2ce.ez:ele.:iire.,. Comr: of Third and Martel atree The only ChCharterednt kind In Pittirh John Fletntog, Ptincipal Inatrtrelor 'se the Scsencr Of K. C a O. K. Caatitherho, Professor ol Ale, cantole Compothuon,Zr.e. Wid•on, Keg., L.-cturer on Connuervaai Law. 71500 e de•tring romp:roe ann.:adv., Boot Kr, Ina and sta application to every tenet of 1.n5i,12. alao an elreant and •apal pe.than.d.r• an- en ..trd In call and ....mine the arrangetarntn Leedom on Coe Law envoy Monday even in He terenre to any o/ the recnlent city thezehanta den 31 6 ARON—IS 113114 1101 LOsoi Hoek. for d. 12 /ASA HUr IOAO'(L CO e.Et , M'Zt"EL-1, JAVA SYRUP.L,, • • I' tor:. t'tart6-d do. too ...trivet] nod for tittle by J. 4 MEM A 111,1,111roottl A 111 Aotto Ixoot Fingal Rettmrty ficimborisiir Houses and Pittabaititi Directory. AI.L Teuton, todebted to 14c • tt am -11. brute hou a el. or Titt.burch re•tory pie.* east wl the attoro4 at the Daartl of Trade, comet t Wool an,!. Ttord Cf , el, between die hour • of 9 arta o'clock, end stett, their Lill. ttut..erthery end tho6e o.n.latax trt noteba•o VOl•buseji Ihreet , rs 13,1! Tlet, , r FA ICA w •l' dl. I r, (44 I,rl •11.1101111bramic Lt./ In Q . reakx ?we, W•nds . • . • In sore and tor sate W M I rell El- ru do l lobarty r tract - 14 tt taaiwa , jmot reretviA for JL.L ik wele i.y 6alllllßitlfJEk.lNl*llll.A2l de2l 112 Watt,' - - - SUNianc3--30 pm.oc N. O. eogs , , t•rt. Ll= VL,zi Lemon,. to arrive. ;or vale ' , l" II RANI "CI FiC. lar • '' ll?r ' r :r. l l. Try t i l ' inr ‘ r r a . !le d irrtru ' ra " :tl::il la' o ' the Madder, 111.10 pan tont, Sold by It C E1.t.1..110. No 67 and by A. U h D. band., New V.,r dc, • W " rin" — l„S:' , ,;(;;, & S CV POOl. COTTON-3COG der rte . .) dire., frod lb manufactory. and for 4alolky dr2l C ARBUTIFiCT MAME CLOTHS— brown and Wear, Deninvir. •• J Mapt t p+ttntnr?cr tni• bV ' deil C A 411;TIINGT F lftß Cit Ar:KE" e AR HU HNOT 11.)UTTER—t'G bli3 roll at seceired rug gale by J_)& W 11A/113AL/611 LARD -30 bill leaf had fecci•Pd 101 sate by _ 1.1,21 & W IiARIIAIII.II ir 11U _A , !1_:1 .. 1 / 1 .10 COMM 00, arrived ~ "?! tg— _ :" A Y ‘" TALLOW—. brb. rereivril for rale by 1+ A W !IA RIJAVGII 2 FLAT COATI., 10 , fret each, tor nit by J SCIIOIIIVMAKER k CO MONO= Ma= PATENT PLANINCI TiEdENachinelt, while they pont p equal faclli• ties with any 'other, remotes all the objection., formerly urged against machine planing for Ship or Steamboat handing or fine Ceiling, by finishing the material with the gratin lotting indentatiohs on the Nertace. as in all machines using pressure rollers In plantag, try the chips and knots collected, passing between the planed Inasm and feed rollers; thereby dertroymg work designed for panning. Con tract. toy he made fur their construction or use, oi the formation of. Joint Stock Company or Companies, in any part of the United States, to successfully pe; e a t, t h e spplying to DANIEL BARNU ros M Snowden's Wharf, Philadelphia, where the maehtner are in constant operation riinuLE HALT—BA owe, vu teh, Ground j. Table tall, to horn and for rale by _dele:duol 1V M GOKAILKI", 17! Idberty PI - Lamp; Pliant, sad Dry Goods. F. :L4:7 0 1 1 ; 0 7 0 t iv4 , 1 8 r .0. 7 . t;: 1 1ne ,, %0 n t width wtli ha rioted oot repdbeaP. ft trade to reopeetfully invited to ovd exam°. um otlon, • very lame lot oh Dry Good,, conototing nt pats .4 follower., 'do:— Soper Black Frenrh Cloth, der Olive, Drown and Green do: do Blue and blank French Doeskin Caanoneres; do Drown and drab 'Coldly Velyetsi do 'wavy Ribbed Silk Sorer; Wooled do, ed Blue black Fewitu etdt,leood arttelel do/Dock TIWIEt n.podl. du do Blue block %Voter.] Patont Threod, very pup DuonollN I,llell'a Madder Pool, Turkey nod, 311,11 oly Ice do; 11 do do plain, for rartaino do; 4 4 do do loony volt-A; Engird, Gsnehamo; eupenor Fronell do; Superior 0,1 colors do, Sr. For nolo by II Egsys, lANING k co, derlln Wood., TALLOWL 2 I - 141 NO 1; E . UT!, No e: now landtde, for sale b &Di IPAI All 1/100E0 h tat brit now loodtno, for vote ny doll NAI.II II DICKFV & CO DEA bogs now towline, for solo by dell ISAIAH DICKEY &CO flew Hooka Just received. A. Garland, w,th a pea art. ~ sale. IPmo rout. Mer.solanti's System of Learning Languages, plied to the study of French Second (cork Read -ti, illuattated won Historical, Heographteol, Philesocite Cal and Phllologleal nonce. ByJ. J. Boomer, Proms our of the French Language and Literature 1.1 the Ness York Free Academy I vol. Luso. The second sottome of the filsoions of We tors and %Triune-, of Moms, Chalmers, Jr 11, 1.. LD. ill his too in law, Re, WOO Hanna, L L D Htitory and Geography of the Ages, for colleges and tortoni, chiefly front the krearlt 1;9 Geerga Washington Greene, author of of Geo Green, Historical Sniffle, An. The Pathways and Abiding Places of our Loni, 11. Instratell in-the Jonntol of • ToUr through the Land of Promise, With namerpqa Engraylaga By 2. 11. Wu:tarried. D. D. lad. royal oar,: For sale by ' • R. 110PKIN9. dart 19 Apollo pailalogs, Fouts st ; LOCAL iIATTERari., mint= tot rm nnuniut HALT sasaTra Genial tag .oyeg_taercgatFle : Freshet—Wm. H. Medium, Preeidoet Judge, and Wm. K9r, Associate Judge. John McClelland, sworn—l saw Mr. Hayman. the thropike before I came out of Walnut street.' I wa driving one of tie two home teethe/end was Lily. lt"' one hundred yards ahead of NW.. len'areant when it slopped. We did sat go lent,' or than a walk, nor did we race while on the •tureplkv. I hese been, far the past Vine yearn, accustomed to drive on the Weeniest,* matt, and Lave driven as fast, freqqently, as that day. I saw Mulled's team. first at the Mg gate, about ball a mile from the spat Where-the accident ocenr red. Hie horse. were then trot* ting,and I never raw him incrincrease their apeed.-1 1 knew Mellen when he drove on the road lan winter, and hie conduct bas alwaya been good. ; Noma Mel.:lelland, sworn—l was shoot a rod before Mullen's team. I Mil not ete the decent: ed when be received hle infante. John MeClela Incurs team was first, Mr. Hay's second, Mins third, •od Mellen's fourth. The defendant is el sober, peaceable emu. Rbrha Logan, swot e—M ellen bee alwaya borne the reputation of a careful driver. 1 have met Inc deceased NI the turnpike aeveial timeti, and bad, op Mae errs:ion, to crop to let him net of the way. Mullen was winding in the middle of the wagon, with hia left hand en the lever at the time the wagon wit going into the bridge. l was about fitly yenta from (hr wagon at that time, nod ob.. served thsiflrlulleu was in a stooping position, bon, which I judged that he had - hold ofthe Rebecca Hair, swore. 7 hly residence is shoot from the spot where the so eldeat heti! pectiati.- I eavAlte old .man lyiugion thagrotindi and arrived there after Mr. McCartney had lib ed the bend of the deceased. I went aid told Robert Hay that his father was termed. Mullen and the driver came back after the four berm leant stopped. Robert knocked the driver down• A great deal nit duet was blowing at the time. Matthew Adams, aworn—l have known the prisoner tor about two years. lie is an exceed• Ingly quiet, peaceable, temperate, and industrious man. lie =aides with his parents near my house. William Taylor, sworn—l am the owner ofthe team which Mullen was driving. Have been acquainted with him for three years. Its °harem. ter is very good. I never knew or beard any thing against him. He I. a fiend driver. A large number of %sitcoms were examined, to prove the good character of the defendant, and the evidence with closed. The ease was then opened far the defence by Edward P. Jones, Ent. AFTIMMOOH SIVOON 7. D..adahon, Esq., addressed the jury In behalf of tha defendant, in one of those peculiarly chute and eloquent speeches (or which ho in no famous, and Colonel S. W. Black concluded for theiCecna naonwealth, In one of his send able and thrilling efforta. His Honor, Judge McClime, in charging the jury, after alluding to the importance of the ease, and citing authorltica on the subject, cbserved that the law holds the rearm. of all men sacred. The . prisoner, it it true, had no intention to injure the deceased. No rupee.. malice had been proved, our Well there any neecreity for proving It. Mel. len wan out on his trial far murder, but air Mete alaughici. Tee law bearing upon the ciao was the . If any man drives he horses furiously along bithway. soil rune over a human being, he is reaponsilde for it. - that !imam being diet, it Is far thc,jary In say, afire having beard the evi• dance, whether it is manslaughter or net. It will not send a roan who hoe r.ddemover and killed another to rev that it war not done maliclouny, though it wit. Our , Runt if Ma berm ran away with hint, he would to, guiltiege. If, lorboveri be whined and spurred the swum!, 7b.cb then get ill mettle up, and injured Run one. llintwettnal the fated cf the horse, bet of the rider, and be Vran re,ponloble. The learned hole. proeeetlre:to tuatara' eneot Mr. Mato 's arguments. It naJ Lamm atate•ty reason far aronatior the prisoner tint Le was • dtivirtg at the nme, .0.4.10 be nuts etargerl ass principal. lie then /paled the ottanoo of JnJgo who-a Oetaccl ttlenowleagn War eo great that the r.l ,!roull dr•rtated that ht. ?p.a.,. off.. I, Ur , regarded an of the tame woght ..thew owe. Aat eater 171 pertcr. were Inca be low, tom lot manalaugtwer, whteit had Lea era, mated la the followtog mato., A amothei of young nit°, at a butt:mg frolic. were &riming 11,113,11,11 C the exprare of au old man, acd to da* tot e ,reedy tip toed:lcy theo actuate, inactical pate that he drd tharl,l atrerwards. F. 0111: ci the oetec6toca cati etrm anted hatjed;otto whoa', .11 ie warts telietty let bed on appocettugly, tied eueoae• aged I,' teed. Jueqe Adel dta Jettidect that !bey cvere ad to be regarded an krt.-spelt—sod alt vont. , fomai gat illy. Wan the defenenot the owner of the team 7 W. to a the term+n at the. Proe 7 W. that war,: driven at a ilassernusly rapid parer W. tome • rsee litoween that and othLe trims 7 tha Molten make any edict 10 PF.e,t the r speed t— li go soon. were answered in :am ohm at yo n wa• a• guilty the driver who whipped the.h,rses Wan the road a frequented one, recdering it dangerous to drive upon it rapid !, It was to the neighborhood of Temperenee• vibe, sod he wan not familiar with the locality , but the Jury might gather thin (root the comber of witnesses who raw the crone:them They were the judge; and it wen for them to any whether, tinier ail the eireuenalsoce., the poisoner teas guilty in wanner tad form, as he stood indicted had been urged that the deceased woe an old tuna, whoea race of 111 e, in the ordinary eou.o of nature, was slamst run lie had more than alert opt. measure of yearn 'hoped to 1/1.11 by his. Creator, hot this made no difference. It war as motionl to kill ao orient or an all one, as a per son in the prime of lite. If • twin were lying at me point et death, and had not no hour to live, it was murder In kill If a (leaner were ten. mooed to death, it would be murder in the Sher iff to Eisen him tire minutes hefore the hands of the clock pointed to the hour "rophitt.d for his eteention, and it would be murder to aoy one to bang him at the appointed hour, if Le wan nut the proper °Meer. Whatever their 1,1.1,1 might he, he hoped that the trial would do good. Ito troll ed it would cheek the practice of rapid dnvlngi which ma. but too common now a days. Men seemed to think of driving over a human being than over • dog. Tate defendant's character had been proved to have been very good before the mourveueoand ho thanked God for one thins, Ong okeitcf had ttothrog to do in fast raw at it had la most others of a similar nature, to which their attention had been caked. If they had soy doubts, the prisoner should receive the benefit uf them; bat ihoso doubts should be res. satiable, and not merely fantastic whims. Oue count in din lodietment wen iaeoeeoer , bat the oth er was good, and they could either find the pris• otter guilty of voluntary mnislnughter, or if they thought proper, acquit biol. tdol , eu mat Mutt taken Itrlo malady by the Surma, and the Jury refired, after which the Court adjourned. Tao Vrnorco . —1 hr Court met It seven o'clock for the purpose of receiving the verdict of the jury, but its hirthberi hod not nurerd, standing, nu me leant torn rumor, eight for eonvlrtrun In four for acquoliel. 'race --Ttw t;rand Jury has,. ye:, only reinrned seventeen true bills, nil 01 which, with the exception MI that of the Commonwealth v*. Joni. Whim, acenved of larceny, hive been to emirs of ammillt and battery, or miretirm of the prune. The cave of Jarnew Kelly, ...used of ninr. dewing a companion in prison, has not as yet been brought below them. lecoanahr.—A rumor tuna be. ;i3 eirenlitiOn, for route dep. pant, which ion a tendency In in. jure the Pollee llonmEtce, and which a false.— it has ft tun stated that the Committee grunted warrants to a number er the ninht watchman for their salary, knowing that the Mayor hid drawn idea* warrantn . ror the name persona, wlttiout oh taming inn Mayor's warmth', which were therchy put in circulation, end Om city thus forced to pay Loth. All the illegal warrant', with the excep .tion of hoe or kin, ere now in the possession of the Police Committee. _ l'aerur MKTAPllolL—Colonel shark vraterdaV, ru the homicide Cate, a report of winch appears in cur columns to day, while commenting upon the use which was attempted to be made of Mr. linyb. advlnaced age, for the purpose of e . lcu:pating Mul len, (deserved that through all the strings of a harp, save oar, were broken, that one woillil respond as sweetly as ever to the touch. The tie of the de, etaard; aged na he was, was.dear to him, and In vanrabhs to the children who mourned his logs: .• wiierw,„ 'Emr...... ecotonerheldantaqueer intateilig evening °nibs body,cla youngwantan lianie4Margaret i leeineen,,. at the tavern of Ms. :iillenilierile theSetukid Wad, Allegiteni, -who , , bad titledeattnenkide, by taking laudanum; tin-, der following borate. ;imams tutees: .'. laelnicia—.eister or the deceased, who, to: gelbeti with Margaret, had been engaged •ea a do mealk; in the tavern, was sworn and testified that the daceased took the laudanum nt aboutten 'Aileen on Tpursday night, nod died at Iwo on Friday. In the lords of the witness the deceased bad been odiaippoiated by Adam Carotbera 6 with whom she I . i! been acquainted about a year. Jo. Allender teatifted that Margaret bad been livin . with him fot about a year, and that Adam Car here wee engaged to be married to her, bat brok oIT the match, saying that he hod seen some thing wrong about her, and would suffer death 'radar than marry her. She kept company with no ether person, and was an exceedingly veto . onagirL She dressed herself on Thursday, •ad'weal out, that the yeas going to see Mre. Ciacken, wiai whom ere had learned the trade of a mil liner. She bought the laudanuto at Mr. Dauglaes' drat store. Mr. Douglass tesufied W having sold her the Dr. Thomas Dickson, who had made uoeol every rem6cly to anve her life, but in vain, made a post modem examlnntion upon the body, faun which it appeared that the deceased was eaciente. Shot Jackson was about twenty two years at age, and were very good lookingonodest voting woman. Ah 1 had frequettUy told her rioter that de world trp t an end to herself If Adam Crothets docoiv. q er." He his been boarding or Mr. Allender's total for several years past, and ie a coal boat pi. pg. The Jury returned the usual verdict. ,410 IT Orrraaatou3 Can.—Mayor Barker met 4}. James Gracey, a steam boat blacke:en, and very worthy, estimable citizen, en' Tuesday nigbt, and laying his hand on hit shoulder, told bum that be arrested him. Ms. G. demanded his warrant, but he showed conaana told him that four information• had been againat him, charging him with uttering colon. lelfoit money, and that he had gone to New Or. Imo for the porpoise of gaoling it. He was ta 'lron round to the Mayor'. office, and ordered to take hie coat Mr. RN boot. were taken oil; and Mit person thoroughly searched, after which lie was discharged, no information having bean eh own him. It is ortnemmary kir us to say that the charge is" post ridiculous one, Mr. Greccy being well OM ma tooter citizens as • gentleman of honor tied integrity. He informs us that Baker met him the next night, and acknowledged:that he had been wrong. He, at the same time, requested Mr! Ornery to travel with him alter the election, assuring. him that ha could make twat thousand dal lam in tux Weeks, hot did not tell him bow,. he said that wis a secret. Mr. G. la under bonds to . be In New York on the thirteenth of neat month to go to California, Gut the purpose of building an iron atm:don there for a Mr. Lublock, and cannot tgßai4 to proaectne. He told be that he knows otno C l ose for Barker's treating him is this man ner, unless Goan the fact that he has been coup meeting wits same severity, of late, en the man nor is which the Mayor discharged ha official de li.. He voted Far him it !he [ski eketTort AL.l.TClfrilr Cat:my—The (10/110.—We have again to canatakdge our obligati:me to Leonard 9:Jabne, Eto.., foe the following:rens. MUM!: TOl7ll , l2kii. of Etc and West Deer, Iniiare, bbtler, and 'borough of Tanantutn—populatn.m 9,1‘14. noes, Itr.rre; boson.% of Sharpsb.gli and U2gneaoe—populatwn 4,G01. Pine, Ohio, Fraaklin, .d bnrough 01 Ma.laes• tor---populauon 7,520. North Fayette, Findlay, and Moon—population 4,131. MriMins. rirtm, Verusttlea, Patton, and horomih Of MrKentpon-8,199. E:izabeih (toarosaipaml buough)-5,a:11 Pettb:e.., CotWu; sedborough-of L•wrenewn o Eo oklelf6i l on, Baldwin, %ad borough of Wrist Eliz • 16etli-;-4,074; d1,1,-2.03. Lower St. Clair end South PitL4arrre-7,Sra Snutb havcll4 and Kolonno-3,017. Ilannognscr, and East Ilittningtortn—S,36:. Upper St. flaw Red Snowden-3.0M The township, ore divided Into getriew, that we are cteakda to fortah the ;:upoiniion of each toweehip twpar,tely. Althoeph the total 'amber or Inhabitant,. to Pinsboteh red Adeghe- DV ID known, yet the unlnter ea,h ward is not areuraiely anc , rfaired, and e e , thotekue. en. quo tb.u4. ihar, It. dencre: [o we pnblothed yroocrilxy. IN TO Coorstauv.—A man named Morgan Neil, residirg to Allegheny, can umested on Tues. day, by the police 01 that city and banded over to • constable who had eorne on from Colombo., lmo, or t‘• purple of capturing hon. 111 in no• mend Of loelOtmo three hundred dollara, ball i s gold, nod half in hank noel, Thith a resident of that place, and Wus immediately taken 00. Toone man named Metlloy, died tz Diamond Abe, on Chrmtina. tiny, from the effects al mnrhitenhon, tesultnig from the amputetton of a leg, Which, owing to eome incurable thecae, It wts found neceeserf to take oil on the pert-mhos Tharmlay. AllOBll.l :CCM Of Its thSTR/Or Covet Root,. —Oar readers will recollect that Sharpe, the street preacher, woe committed to jail some timo ago, being unable to foul bail for hie appearance to an. ewer a charge of siandoram Col. Leopold Saki. Mr. Kirkland, soother street preacher, appeared in the Ihntriet Coos, on Thurtd ay afternoon, and asked for a rule to show cause why Sharpeaboold net be discharged ou common bail. It was auggewed to the Cons that Kirkland sees tact a member of the Bar, noon which he pulled from his pocket a power of attorney trom "brother Sharp," as ha denominated him, author mug him to appear far him. The Coon did not decide the care at once, but the Judge told Mr. Kirkland that he would consult the authorities, anJ glee him au aoswor next morning. Yesterday morning, Mr. K. was in Cann at the appointed limo, when Judge Hepburn remarked that En . cool.l net he allowed to appear se ao ad vocate, never ,been admitted to the Bar. Kirkland commenced • speech, beginning with law, Ecelmuantieal and American," but was lit. formed that he moat alt down, which be did, but soon row again, and deelaied that he would commit the question to the American people." Judge Hepburn remarked that if he dininrbed the Court, he would commit /es to the county Proon, upon which hint the reverend gentleman became' , Joint, Fuurrso ks.—Tbo Allegbooy ricor is full of floating ice. 1311X22 The ladiei who had.the t!recto,n of the Supper 10, I.llefil of the lefirmary, take this oppor tunity or returning their melts, thanks to the many toad friends who to chiferfully encouraged them by their presence and hherality 013 that no- casino. They are also under . special obligations to the Pieta of the city for they friendly eo.opera- Itnn. The nett proceed, anranntrulto WO, which has been peel over to the Tre.urer. Am numbers conld. not obtain adroitt?ion, owing to the emotion, of the wow, they hove, al the /peat or many of our nit rent, contented to give another Fettival In the course of a few week,— Thu Institution le etiti 6t23110 in debt,: on the purchase of :the Infirmary Willem and they hope, by a Vigomu effort, to effect a further re dontion—they therefore invite the co.aperation of all the Wanda of humanity and religion, and will gratefully receive ani donor-'one of needle work, or articles to fanna/Obn auppei table. santmoudwiiiiisilirufriosa CITIZENS' INSURANCE CO - MPANY, or Plitt•burgla. C G. 1111SREY, RAWL. •.-......—..A, W. NARKS, Office--No. 41 Witter Firect, in the inArclinnse of C. GRANT. 11 , 111 S COMPANY le nate prepared to insure all 7 lande of oaks, on houses, notnufaeionds. gooda merehandiee in .tore, and in trantitu vane., dc. An ample guaranty tor the ahtlity and Itaaßnty Di l die Institution, afforded in the etstraPlCl of the rectPll., who an all closet. of effoliurtih, well and Ktvorahly known w . .° community for their Prodt'lled, Intelligence, and Infeenty. . Thltectose—C. ti. Hussey, Win, llogaley, Wm. Lot in t er, Jr., Waller Brynnt, Cued D. Eine, Edward John Haworth, S. Ilarbaugh, S. M. Kier. aollffdt REL. nn. anima ho rem MOV oved to A Liberty street, below LA Vitt .Heel, No Ma Office and datelines in the imren engin:dam le W. FOSTiat, ATrORNFA'; and Commiellot at Law, Of No In Footle Copt, opposite Mee,. Nell, Piuslionsti, oolo:dleatel99 'to OK' HERE - FRIEND,. A RE VOU A FATlD t lt,latiorlng ferrite marmot of IS. a family, and rifer' from general debility and low sputa, so 'that life almost seems a burden, use DRS:D. HOWE'S SHAKER RARSA.PARILLA. " ARE 'YOU A MOTHER - , .. Seeming from diseases to.idich females are pier ally subject..., Dr. S. D. llorre's Shaker Sarsapa#lla —it Will eertataly sate ye°. Call at our depot, or on one of our agents, and get • pardpitleb gratis, where yea will find that the Shaker : 4 sraePartna a o . ..paled tip Dr. it. D. llowe, has been De means ci nerminently ruling more diseases to vtbleh the boat. [watts ore continently subject, Ilina any other prept. of Sazsaparilla eras yet brought before the loathe rall Thu medicine it establtshed its high reputation by it, numerous and writ attested dorm. • ' It la put up In quart bottles, and lanhe only Sarsa parilla that eats on We Liver, Kidneys, and Blood at the same ,me, which renders It altogether mons sell able to every atm, pattleularly to tema/ea Bs .14ye ft,' raquriefor Dr. n. D.IIOWE'S :MAKER SARSAPARILLA., and lake no other. Pries SI per ottle--G lmttles for IS. For cafe Ly DR. S. D. HOWE .4. CO. FroprietOre, I Colieee 11311.Cineintratl.0., To whom all order. mum be addressmi. • Also, tor sale by J. A. Jonee,l. Sehooranhker &Ca. Binek, R. %V. Means, J. M. Townsend, J. Jillobler, W. Jackson, Pill•borgh ; A. Elliott, Allegheny eity, W. R TileClellul,lll.eheeter; P.Croeker, Browne. wile; Jame. Raab & , Wheeling; ralierlen and E iißirf.n,:3 l .. Cteireyille; & finr x, Cadie roialtcorT PROFESSOR A. C. RAM'S TRICOPHEBOIIB, • 011, 11/EDICATED CO.tIPOI72IID. . NFALLII3I.I.I for rent Wier, invigorating, and bean .). !limp the BAIR, removtng scurlldandni ru th and all ail - colons Oahe scalp, an curing eptions on the skle,dixoesee ofthe glands, muscles and internments, nod reitcuing stings, cuts, healers, sprains, Am With this preparatigth"there is no such word so fail." The firm journals to Amite., medical men of the highest eminence, prominent citizens of all prole:dans, and ladies Who knee used it for yiar. in their dressing r mmg and numeric 11, ad mit it With One accord, that for imps din vigor, glote,ltanii•nce, and cull to the hair, elasticating ecurf and dundi nth honlingwounda, curing contusions, sprainaelings, he, ind relteving diseases of the skin, the glands, and the muscles, It has no equal among the multitude of compounds advertised in the public prints, or used in private practice. In cheapness as well as eflieenctiPafirs Trieepher -011. is unrivalled. The immen se rash sales of the article, have enabled the inventor to supply it at retell at 25 cents per bottle, which is tram 50 to 100 per cent lees than the price of any other preparation foe the hair now in use. The scientific treatise on the hair and the akin embracing the valuable directions (or the culture and preservation of nature's choicest or nament, In which each bottle to enclosed, is shine worth the money. The affinity between the membranes which consti tute the skin and the hair which draws it. immtenanee (rum this triple envelope is very close. All discs,ea of die had originate in the akin of the head- If the pores of the scalp are clogged, or if the, blood and outer fluids do not circulate frcety through the small teasels which feed the root with moisture, and impart lifeto the fibres, the result isazurf, dandruff,thedding of 'betted, graveness, diyness and harshness a( this ligaments and entire naldneas, as the ease may be. Sam:dilate the skin 'to healthful action with the Tti. capheroUS, and the torpid veesels,mcovering their activity, will annihilate the dikes, In all affections of the skin, and of the subutnta of muteles and in tegument., the proeess and the effect are the S.M.— It is upon the skin. the musealeintible. and the gland. that the Tricopheroue has its .sPecifio action. and in all affections and injury of these organs, it is a so. verelei remedy, Sold In large hatiles, prise 03 cents, at the princi pal ace, 137 Broadway, New Yolk, and by tha , prin• cps] merchants and druggists throughout the United States and Canada de24:d3ni7p ,LEECH & IPREI3IS TO PIIILADIMPIiIIi VA7 It: have mode arrangements for running the In above Express during the winter semi& by Stages to Hollidaysholgln and tram Thence by P.n. mass:. Rath Ho•D to Philadelphia. Through - In tinny-six boors. Small package, only can be 1.5.0. del7:d . ean D LEECH & ro.. Canal %cm rvEviLmir. JOHNSON, ENGRAVER ON WOOD, PHILO HALL alutilatory), Pittsburgh, Pa. 't ot rims of Bh:bias, AlochltierY i floods of New Ne V tispors. Fronttspiesies, Landscapes, Drag Lanni. to colors, Seals for Diris:ons, Pne!sties, and Avner. num. Cotton Stomps, ot the first etyln of art, and RI the lowest prices nol6:dly BAY S S. eelebranid end f fledged eel ,I pcnnr good, la the NUM entering. and most Im proved ittylre, will be furnished by the subscriber. nit any ivinutity, at the very Jewett poen". Purchas ers wall pletoe none,. that the genuine tiny State Ottawa bear unit,. reretia.pooding with the above ut, and they mil 01.0 be dimingulabed from all other Woolen Shawl, by their turnout Gnash, be e ves. 'of tratute, and brilliancy of color.. Orders sollei.d i lrent all tee don. of the enuntm - , and the tune wall lie promptly ativadml n. Purchasers will alto bed in uur Psemil dep.:Wes:l 41 !urge assortment of all dm other mum unproved metes. and newest Jedefrot Cl A ruewan, rrenehi . and Stutch Woolen Shawls, etti bree.g a great variety of plain sod medium style for friend. ALRO, impostor 1 . 4 n• Brach, tone rend square Shawl. in lalert ttyles and hers nttiaraetare--141, lucre Black and Colored Stlir Shawls—l.oron• 111. k and Mode Colored 'Cart Phew'', whlt and woolen Fringe. —Pori , Prtowd Ca•.ouere ant Terkerri Showlo— Plarnand Kmidered crape Iqll,ol—New Ax = le Printed Paint oro Neat figured (Par. Br.. Shawls—Lupin. Illark and Mode Citlore4 Thibet lane Shawl.— inn booed Peal St. Shawls—Plate Mo. Colored l'rettell Terkerrl Shawls. Inntred and hound—FSeto naarrer French Mode Colored Thiket Cloth, tneanunita full two pied. wide for Shawls, ton.llr.g to mekcii—Nktilie and Colored Barcelona and ttenetre Flithwta, to. Whole,tale and Rel .t . !I 011EHT 0.1,0 CK /, CO , 13 S.W., Sevoi,d _ . HATS, CAPS, AND MUFFS J anus WILSON, ab Wo Wood of thamond efoi^ . o, () I Ft.ttS htm omers and the nubile, as cancel, and near a freak Frock (it lial.:4;ait, and Multi. in a,. ftlanntartured and eercted with much are in refereart. myin, and quality, in New Yolk e,ly, and %nil he odrred at the Owed rate, of pw..ent low prt , cB. Wholesale and net lantn&wlnt,i 111i01110NincliaCI.A. NAVI 6 / I ,TION CO_ Notice to Pito. kholdert. I N puree aree et the provlttott. 01 the Charter of I. Incorporation. the Aottunt Meeting a the Stow, holder. of the ftlor.oottehelat Neeteation Company betli be hell tro Monday, the oth day of Januar - y.1,51, theme the Grit Mettler of the month) et the office of toe bald eornpeny, in tiletanan Hell, oorner of Grant .10.01 and Diamond aney, Proeborgb, at ir onlock to the afternoon. for the purport of eteeting officera (or the enstong year. %V;11. fIAJLEWI,LL, deettl&wteS IT is used for warning clothing or any tleeeriptrou. I White c00...ts are bleached and perfectly eleansee. entiroes mud other punted colored Roods aro improv. eJ in their appearance. mud tho color. look brrakter after Perak oranhed in the Fluid. It is uned without soap or any other preparation—d is liss trouble to use it, and requires 1,4 urns to portorra the work— it cannot po.sibly intone the lahrie, and It is far ohoopor then any toner preparation. It ban no color of ittell, and courre Imparts moo to the cloth thle, nertiroh is made rnneti soin-r; whttor end clea ner then by am other prone.. 01 westung. It . contains neohr, terpentine, ammonia, :ceruphene, potash, or aouto o any dereriptlon-can do no possible injury to the health, end rill not alleet;the ,kin unless used unnorosserily strong oh rents per quart. Rohl by It F. P.F.LI.ERS, derl9 . h 4 n 0 andfor rale by • . 11=E1 M 0 0 L ,,, A r 1., 0 41n . b i rla t f , ust re e'a per swat:tor mbar " 11JRBRIDGE MGYIRA3I, dale 115 Wafer tf • Q . 11,0 lb. for tele Ity LI dela R E SELLERS, 57 Wood rt. (101/113H-5 carte large fere for tale by delD BURBRIDGE k INGIIRAM for 1.4 sale by Pe Jj - KIDD & CO, GO Wood sI . Q eIIIINESE VERMILLION-1 rate for male by NJ delft J KIDD &CO - - M ROSIGNOL forks, Soar° Pollen, Scotch Volta Coquette Polka. Jenny Lode gird Song Jo - ii.lie On Jn Ileydlnanht Sony Letts DiYa, es sung by Jenny 1,1,1 The Dew te on the Blowers. ; Jenny tiny B=Ett=l oroold I were • Goy ki yaw 11321111101 Vonicroolit t Cotillion., A IlegtirriV I:00111,1, 1.013111.1.111\ PI, le, with vorintiniw Love Not, qutelvt,p. Thou havt woundod the vrorn E)=l= IMWM!I • . N --A large mock m New Plano% tn tattltte tht• wed:. .1014 N u. MELLOR" Wli testily that oinouitting to Italy two thowahot five liondred dolbira have been paid in cilia nu the Sleek of lie hlanutdeturuig Company. and 11111 the debt. due and impani were mut 1...1ied datinth, on :aith November last. Ser'y I==l==ffl Affirmed to sod .I.,ertbed tln, 170 day of liceta bet', 1,511. N BUCKNIASTI7II, Ant . 1 ,,,„,,.T.... t ‘ r , ,1. , ,i .,, , ,.., 7 ., ! , 1 0 II I' 1 ,, , , , 5 0 m r , 25 prbra do do 10 ensks treall Zona, Currents; S bta In Citron; pat roe'd for hale by W hi Or - PU.ll.lth', dris.rlool 1',71 I.lberry et above /land . . lIIDES -ir. i tl i ,f i rlj:: , i , . , , I bundle Deer Shins; lootOug lor atdd by &AU 111111141 T DALZKLL A CO 11 - " 1 41:" 1 "' - 'ugiTiZlr'WAT:21.1.1.` . 1. CO - f minv...E—Luo has to primp order, for sale by V deli. ROBERT DALZELL te CO Pt:AC lII'S Ps 1, Pl'Lr-Sil , t , 1,::::: Dry y ry X r u i r , l , e , h , er; now 'motto, bY . . ls Al All DICKEY .r. CC) O LINDH I I.S-11; t h n tl i o o ,% o : o l „ Eard,' 2 brl7 Tallow; 67 hop Fearßon; to arrive too etimm es Cumberland No 0, for sole by dolt/ ISAI Al) DICREY tr.sCP p p t i 3 O A , Nj e,, el;k . ed ,; ) ,, I:flk. , 1211:S- ) 20 bane en 'e ru , MILLER th. RICRETSON, de lo , Rd to Ittll Library to . . . 12,17 HITE lIA Y. sUDAIt -ell Cis rust rahe'd tOr iily v v by delft MILLER& RICRETEUEI SUAR-10 Mitts nose crop Sugar; „ 1 . 5 brls Loaf Sugar, receiving from steam. ar N l li Myer, nod for axle by del JAMES DALZELL LARD - 6/Ir:. , iiilriirri , i --- 'MSri. - ritiiitt - Tiiiiit . steamer Cincinnati, all for sale by ' dell JAMES DALZELL CI DM LRtiAR I case for mie 4, • • del: J I.CIIOONMAKER to CO P""""' IYCO deo :4 Wood RIOoI. STEAM BOATS. Packets arriving at aid daps-ells; ry a the Pert at Plttabaegl4. M=M The oplendld steamer MAY FLOWER, J. 11.1Iaalett, masters 1041 leave for above and` intermediate landings on Fritter, .17tb the. 12)5Zt!t1 MIZEMZEIZEIZI The new and elegant pamenger " 4". Moamar - PAUL ANDERSON, R. C. Om, ...ter, will letye L. the above and all intermediate ports, on Monday, the "Ahh Instant, at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or peerage, apply on board. dein REGULAR PITTSBURGH AND WHEIoLING _ PACKET. i The splendid new picket steamer DIURNAL Cantrell, musket, is now performing her regular Hi-weekly trips between due city and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh at 10 o'clock, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and returning, leavu Wheeling every Tuesday, Thum, day and Saturday, in each week. Per freight or passage, apply on bond, or to told ARAISTRONG.a. CROZER, Alta REGULAR LIVERPOOL AND WELLSVILLE _ ci a l p 6 Tha light draught steamer ARENA D. P. frioney, muter, leaves, Pitta burgh-Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, at 10 o'clock, A.M. Leaves Walluille Tuesday,. Thursday, and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A. h.L For freight or puss e, ap •ly on board. noS PITTSBURGH & WELLSVILLE PACKET. The steamer REVEIE, • D. R. Dale, master, LL ugh leave Pitts. • burgh every Tuesday, Thanday, and Saturday, roturnina. leave WelLvllle every Monday, Wedneaday, and Frlday. Far freight or passage, apply on board, or to ouTI - W B WHEELER, &tent. REGULAR WEDNESDAY• r ACRET , Captain Jowl Branumartam.. This splendid boat was built by the owner. of the steamer Isaac Newton, and other. for the Cincinnan and Pitubargh 'Packet 'trade, and will leave every Wednesday, foe CinninnaU, in piece of the New England, No. 2. For freight or pillage apply on board, or to mrAl tt AULTENDERGER, Agt litbeak - WirEkt.iNd - ti ii - ObiFfSinriCCICEIT The fast rnenlnitsteamer WELLSVILLE, Capt. B. Young, will roe as a meter packet berbreen Pittsburgh, Wheel leg, Bridgeport, and Sundial], leaving Pinsbergh every Monday afternoon, for Wellsville Stedbenville, and Bridgeport, and every Thursday afiernoon for Stenben vale, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Captinar. and Smdlab. Returning, leave* Bridgeport and tranfteh every Tues day afternoon, and Sunfish every Friday afternoon. For freight or passage, apply on board, Or to sep 7 • • - 1850 PHILADELPHIA & PITTSBURGH: TOE CITIZENS' PORTABLE BOAT LINE, nONTINDES m I'o.mM : freight to Pittsburgh Via Rail Rand end Canal, on my reasonable forme, end with the meet despatch, from oat large depot, No. itt Market "tree, Philadelphia, fotmerlyoccepled by Messrs. Bingham & Dock. ettgaPpiLlre Et W PODIDEXTER CO FALL AILILABIGZIMENT. M—MMMtilla Central Railroad open tolloll4dayebneg 103 wiles Canal to 'John-stolen-2SO ordes Roil Head from Johmooson to Phil*felphizt. TWO DAILY EXPRESS PACKET BOATS, Exeluvlvely for Pansengeri, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Time throe kb, 45 boor.-- —Pare-510 r4N an alter Alfrodiy, September 16M, two daily 1„ . 3 Packet Beals will leave for Johnstown, limn thence lake s plendid new ears ?SO miles direct to Philadelphia, parking over the new Pennsylvania Red Hoed, being one of the very hem in the eountmr. The increased speed byeta route metes It themost desirable, as well as the moat comforlabli Ons to the enottenl A Packet Boat will leave Canty morning at 70' lock, and every canning at 8 o'clock, precisely. ([_T'i'ke Pottags Rail Road is pused in day light. Pnr passago or information apply to W SIM . CII, Monongahela Round pI3 or to B LEECH CO, Cankl Ruin. 1850. .040E4 DIDWELL 6 8110T116154 FORWARDING MERCBANTS, RocilFsrut, Glower Polnt,) CL E VELAND for DIDWELL'SPITTSRURGII AND CLEVELAND LINE; ERIE AND MEADVILLE „LINE TO, ERIE; WARREN AND. NEW CASTLE PACKETS; towing and shipptiag between Pittsbtugh and Rochester by steam boats thebigan, Late Erie, and Beaver. Goods regelpted en_d promptly delivered to all pi sees on the Canal. and bates, at the Imam r•tss. hipper. will please direct goods to "Bllwell's Lute.' J. C. BIDWELL.. Water M. Pittsburgh. Al MIMI CULIIISLA ROOTS. MARV& SM. Gluey 73 Mlles Vol! n au 11,111/[1.111% and Cumberland Id' PaKmdrfitall - Philadelptit. FA. So Hsentuoat..-.-.• • • -410 00 Km>. le 00 TLtllli ...I.lllnOS butt leaves the • "kee n above the j; bridge, deny, at 8 &cloak, precisely. Time to Del timic, 2i hours; time to Ph iladelphia, 40 boom The everting boat Idaily, (except litanday ev et letlDek..Paseengers byicatting en the evening boat, will muss the mounialre In stage, nerr day, and thus avoid night traveL &core your tickets at the °dies 'Monongahela House, or ett. Charles HoteL .11117 .I.III.MTNEN, Agent . 3 ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD wiNTEdit ARUANGEISIKPIT. "1321 .. t* EMftliatir 30 ooUos3 TO POILADii-.P.111&. e!3 miles Rail Road—Y2 male., &aging (load intent Telegraph telilapreeeLlne • Stage Company. S IC niillll.47l:n.f`N''.'-,s-hoca.:Vll•i',6A—"7•Le totnitt Roil Road to PHILAD ELPHIA, NEW ORK, stud DALTLIIOREL During the suspension of Canal Ntiviimition,`Sla Daily Inns of Coaches will leave for llollidaysburr,, end theacc by the New Permaylvarna Road, Loll miles) to Philadelphia. Time through, 38 hours. Fare to --•--811 00 Faze to Baltlmore—s•-•—•-- 10 t Coacheswill leave every morning, at 9 o'clock, precisely, and every night at the same hoar. XTRAIS to leareat any tone, always In readiness. This is the more direct, comfortable, and expeditious route to the eastern eibes. • . - Passengers for_Baldmore take the New Roll Road at Harrlsburg, direct, on the arrival of the gars at that place. for passage or Information, apply to W IIIOORHIO,ID,St. Charles Hotel, or to 1. P. 1101.111FR,Nowingsbela House. Putsburgh, Deo. 0, t0!0—do? THE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (Late Johnston St (Booklet:OM And Want Book and Stananary Warrhouse.. W . S. RAVEN TS prepared to execute every style ol.Legal, azerrua, Canal and Steam Brim Job Printing and Book Binding; und furnish army article- in the Blank Book, Paper, and Stationery line, at the shortest no nce, and on the most reasonable terms.. ' Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, corner of Market and Second streets. Printing ()Mee and Rook Bindery, No SO Third at. AR,II` I ,`,•EP. thrums., Faber's, Brookman LungdOn's, Jaek sores, and Monroe , . Slack and Red Lean Pene Ihkaracris or every description; Gillott's, hen's, /WV., l-res'Y's Kelly'., Leman's, and other R ieman. of Steel Penn G. 3 E. AL Smith'. (sun cuor to A. G. Bayley 4 Col celebrated Gold Perm with gold and silver cases. NS:Mittman'. thiglith Drawing Paper—iintiqu double elephant, sires, cabin:Mier, ..per royal, nnol and elephant; Brion! Boards, nap, decoy and m Mum. Performed board ; fancy bor. paper, plain go d and silver, embossed gold, airier Rod fancy colored .per,. gold and colorer/ stripe and corners, and 'al, tapirs roe fancy boxes; prepared parchment of rill sizes, suitable for deeds, charters and diplomas. nett note paper, always on hand, the most desirable tyles, slue and patterns ; plain, gilt , embessedOnd all er.d, tunable (or balls ; parse., wedding. and EIMILM French note envelopes. plain and embossed; letter envelopes, brown; while and blue; laid and plain ad hesive envelepos, burl, bloc and white. Wefers; 1•1•127 Cum •ariol2ll patterns; we tram, ti n , cocoa and Turkey boxwood copying presses, Mks, bmabes, French copying books, and oil paper tisane' r col, mar red and wlnto patent %lotting k owns, ec. The above, with all other artlelea in tht line, both limey and maple, torether with torment of blank hooks and inemarand all common fotms of ruling, in every styli and paper of all Saes andquallnes, tor sal rams ou the most rearonsble terms at W. S. HAVEN'S Blank Book and Stationery Pi noir; Corner of Market and Sec Mutt. • Patent Soda 236 phi....,....latkerz`;k..lltrnortc..b,afode ca,th or epprooed hill, by W & AI MITCII6LIAtEH, LiberiY at -._ waited to Chortler. • ALIGHT Ursa Stern Wheeled Skeet Boat. Apply to SCAIFE A ATKINSON oao Fifth at., between IVond & Market. t u i 'AI t 7 ri " 4. r0ut.74.77i-.P.7:,:t7,1x: v v I recties, ' C ' ra r raLire,Geographi s,Slatsp,'Station ery, kW. Olobe.tted ovary wort .1.1“11 In pUblit and private reboot. Als a general. assortment of Msps suitable rot t schools, dwellings sod et • . Also' Carter & Br a. iitZllcationa, at hi Market et cor. of Fourth. dell The kers • ;lac. in '' +burgh. to day REAL GO b TEAS • 13 ti MORRIS It KIKWOII TUB TEA STORE, In. 410 i OW 111 MAYO/W. 60e, Tale, and sl'oo ink tottokidy All strietly ge. nine Tea. The flack Teas at 758 an the Greet Teas at 111,0:1 - ate the very heat Teas Impo d into Ma l/. Sums. der,. Obsl.tma GISI.. • GENILEMEN vendible to make most acceptable pteeents to their lady (rt ds, will find at Awn 141Y A BURCHFIELD'S, noilli eastcorner of Fourth and Market its, a choice astonntent of Data Silts, Shawls, Saari. Moe Linen Ombra , : Handkerchiefs, Neck Ribbons, Needle Work Collars ke. dell Ad•loOnloTcotore Notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Wm Wilson, deceased, wiliest on tho undersigned, In c make payment, and those d•vingelannill.l , t t smite will present their accounts, dale autheademed, fo sett - lenient. ADAM WILSON, nald43tawAlar CALVIN ADAM, - J. INA t. klB ON NIA W 'AA& 1477 ATTORNEY AT lAW O - 1110 STATE COMMISSIONER fin clkini Doi Acknowledgments of Deeds, Ike, .ofine—Daustbotreat, atwrefizalthicid, , ouirditoT ' ERNE MUSES, I,ol`g FMB,BO. - - FOR fl • li it„,,wP ?. tc, wiAn'T=dl.lo-iitiii„ ,,, ;iti , .1,,,,,,k..„ 1........ Far terms; a!ply ,to 'th 1 ... : °A. .RO.OIP-ON. 1.171.LP.C.0. -, devi . . ,:. 25 . 1 Liherty . ”''' ' . . • v&asin Fps ONE coatsininsMW semi, 4 miles from Woadsgerd, - on We graded road th e Olio TUT.. at Piston Creek and .Sgrdls, abou t IVO, acres cleared, 20 acres first rite bottom, dwel housesbarns, and a large orchard. This would make ~ s plendid stock farm, - or it wood disido4 ady•ntage, into three farms. It la a desirable property, and will be sold low. ALSO, Two SO Isere tractl orS e ted beatifically attested. on the Ohlo River, a miles Wheeling, improved, and will be sold a borzoi 1 • Lnoninv or • lond II JOHNSTON oel9 112 Second st - v.O 1 THE dwelling bons TO e fet Sedond street, between Wood end Market (Mac now accepted by ibe subscriber. Rent e:00 perl annum Passewston peen an the Ist:orNossmber;next. JOHN H MELLOR denial ! -No. SI Wood street 11POR - • WO well Imbed otbees itt Port Office Etaildinke; T A lopg, well behted•iocite, 5,1 elm; enttanee Mar ket limey between 5d and lot streets Also, a small brick bone; Inyitt Township, neer PehtMe or ll Avenue: , aAzzAir, oct No 204, Seeded at COMM AFOUR story Ewe Wait, slateroar , office. bath room, S. finale., and bake area, 149 7144 at. Inquire at to Water sarttt. 404, WCORD .1": CO, Whol.seok. Retail Alanufaettlient &Dealers In HATS, CAPS & FURS. Cot. Wood &VIM. au, Plifiburgh, Wham they odor a fall and complete Stock alleles . Fars, he., of every quality and atyle, by Whole. We and Retail, and invite the of their en. mama laird purchase,. genially, *miring them that they Will aell on We von ADVAIITAGLOVI TIMM • analthir O. w. Irmr.t.ou, COMMISSIONER AND BILL BROKER, I/A S• 60191 atre . A.t. STRIM` attention will .be itivert to all businessel, truited to Int elm. Pnlshargh manufactarsd articles airways on hand or procured at short notice. Notes, Ronde. Nominees, • negotiated on favor. able terms. Advances mad., if required. octhelni , BOUNTY BANDS. ARRANGEMENTS having been made between the mderslgned and B. B. Grayson, Esq., of. Whalatton City, (late of Mu Treasury Department.)• the undersigned will proem.* Bounty Lands tor the offieers,and soldiers, their widows and children, miler the Bounty Lead Bill,ssed September Isstb.llßO. 7AIIES pa h=tlt, Attorney at Law, `,between Smithfield et. L - Cherry alley. 31,18.21.—0r.22 MURPHY4BURCHFIELD liAircui cosmrsua. rum riusentwrr AND OMR. PITROVIXLICTM OF THSin ATOIV AMU, North-East eor. of Sch! !lark a IL sti, WILL ILE“)PEN, Che Monday owning, 23d Septenukii . 14116 a Lugs stock of new floods. isep2l' It. O. STOCKTON, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. No 47 Market street, corner or Taira r 4,, HAS constantly on hand, Poi asta,Writlng, Letter, Printing, Tea, trod Wrapping Paper, Bonnet, Mailers', Madera', nod Trunk Boards; Book. and News e. Paper Pnoting Irina; which he wilt Kell at the !wow etch priers, or In nnebange (Or rags or tanner:' scrape sera ~r~,:~:...~ a A TTORIVE Y: AT LAW, No. 89 911U1; .trwt. errnanscu,'Ta:. hALO WORItiIINCITO3I. NOMINATION of Isaac AVOnhington, late of -IL Westchester, Chester county, Pa., will be thank fully received by Wilmer Worthington, M. D., West chester;ra. delddsr =MS gplIE DELAWARE 111Ul'UAIS•SAPETY INSI.I- 1 RANCE COAIE ANY NOllll Room of the Exchamse, Third street, Phil silelp Fla G B v. l . ll . — Duilaivittri MerehandisB and other *petty, in Town and Counts'', insured against lost or damage by bre, al the 10t.... of pr.lintn. Mamas Insn.acit.—They alio Loosen Vc.,cls, Car goes wid Freights, foreign or COantWiliC,LilltiCrOpell sir special policies, as the assured may desire. Imago TALMlVlll , llo3.—They'also insure march amidie transported by Wagons, Rail Road Curs, Canal Boat*, and Steam Boats, oil netts, and lakes, on the mostliberal terms. , DIRECTORS—Jo.pb 11. Scali P.lmurd A. Soader, John C Davis, Hoban Barton, JOnn R Penrose, Samu el Edwards, Geo G Lciper, Edward Darlington, le.c R Davis, Wm Falwell, John ;Newlin, Dr It I , lll'.ton, J. Hand, Thcophiles Paulding, II Jones /Hoots, Henry Sloop, Hoch Greige Serial:. Spencer Mellwain, Charles Kelly, J G ' Wm Hay, DI 8 Thomas, John Sellers, Wat. Fir tn. Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTBBURtiII-11 T Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T Logan. , WILLIAM MARTIN, President. ' THOS. C. HAND, Vine Pissident. Joszso W. Cowan, See'y. E rross.e of the Company , Nth d 2 Water siren Pittsburgh. rociti.ta P. A. h.I.4VEIGA, Agt • - PROTECTION FIRE -& MAIIINE INSURANCE COMPANY -• Annrast Csnsitoi,Seick s Ins read, • $ 1,00'..0 00 O. rif GE andersigued would tall the ettendon of mer- A, Mims :ma others having peoperty extree,,d to lose by Fire or the petitsof Naviotion to the anomie, advantage• offered by the Presifeoglon. la•nraiso• Cossapesay or nassrman,yorta.orlst- 1.-Rates of Premium as low miltose of. my other RESPONSIBLE Office. speedy and emit fiteltdry ailjaatment of lonics by the General Asent of Mce Cempmy for , the Western - end Southern Staten , • . 3.:-Arburstion (of nll differenica which way arise) by referees mutually ho ~. , 4,-Award• promptly paid In SPe eh., Bun trade nano, or Exchange on New Verb, Baltimore. Comlesum, New Orluansdfft Louts. Loolontle,..pituborgh, or Cincinnati, at Pre option or We incited, • H 7 , totting numb the monk and prim clines of aghoni g 10,3t5, ralcs:of peoiriaras, elassiE ' canon of h' fur/naked to the customers or the oboe free or haw. Fot farther in "ormatiOn,Oply to the undersigned, who Is fully au •wired to intern • Dorelhacs, Stores, Betels, Wareho•ms, Mills, Manufactories, For., the. Ilowseludd Fe Rare, rind Coedit; Wins, and Met , ohundire, motet odor cored thereto, sgaiest loss or damage by FIR . 1 . Dry Goods, G • enes, Mmehtetured Goode. Pro. dace, Hamel.] • Forename, tie. ~ S toet, and every other descriptio , of blemhoedisti; or Penn:mai Pro pcity, slopped o to be shipped - ,per caul steamboat, or bolus to and • oat point• on the \ Festern Waters. or between Reale • ciues.(via or other inland route) and any to s intim %V stem country, agninst the hmarda of IN D TRANSPORTATION. Mm • Shipmerds of Goods. War n;, arid Merebndixe, per geed vessel or murals, betwr New Orleans and Eastern ports-b tweerr Nevi edema and ether Gott pone-between 1 mericaft ports and English or European porta, • t 5 my °the criaritinie port what soever in the Ad • tie waters, agolnat lite PERILS( OF T/1E SEAS. GEO..E. ARNOLD, Au% 74 Fourth next to e Ronk of Pittsburgh. seplinlnml. • WE STERN NAHA CB COMPANY OF - ITTSB ROM.. C: 11111 • $lOl 000 - I. flatter Sea •. I ' Mtuist, Jr., Will Insure . eaten all Inds of risks, FI • AND I , 'INE. LL theses will bit liberally, vested and promptly A hems institation-managed bY Director. who ere well Mown in ntenommanny, , d who aro determin ed liy,prtunpmess end hberalit td mei uteln the Mazy . ..etc: winch they have rimmed sis a:Forint the best proter,tion to those who desire to be 'neared. Ihaseross-4L Miller, Jr., Gee. Black, J. %V. Eeri e r, N..llolates,..Tr., Mat. B. Hobbes', G. lhmsen, Geo. %V. Jaekeon,• Won. M. Lyon, Dimes Llppineott, George Dente Jun* f.P.Auley, AleX. N Thee. Slott. &Co- CleXAup etairs,lPinsbureh,NO-FXWoter awe(' (*arch on..4,llY, of Spans . FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE NOTICE PBOTZCTION HBURANCE COMPANY; OF HARTFORD, cArrriz.irrocc wro nrire run, CIIARTRESD; 1825, T ht; ondermined bas,becn appal - rand !Monti'. Mis and responsible company, nWe eel% 3.1 r. Fayette, Brown, wd is ready to tspne pOlime; in the Fire and Marino department, on; as insorable team as any other responsible company in this city. GEO.E. ARNOLD, . . . ri Fourth et. ne;LILr Dohalpllt2idtr!,, To gloatbeint and Westin% Vierahiants. Roussig:s PREMIUM. FEItFUMERV.. , Yho • anbaeriber respeetfullyinvites public attention to t i le =VC 7to c erti k eb a r t er P e ' n th' Erv i e Y ; at er.% Shoring Medals have, within the Isar 015 years, been awarded by the :Institutes of New 'Peril Dorton, end Phila. delphtai the litter being the only Golden Medala ever awarded the perfumery either n Europe az iv thin °Pantry. . Ronsua'• traIIVAII.Ea flan Sr Caron, (Alatend, Ren n e r, nd Ambrosiald univeraa. y aatang!ledged to e epeor to any Shaving Crain ALB cormry or Europe. . • Olk.Y.a MI SUJITIO- , 4016 trolly transparent, end .pustessi g highly Saponnee us and emollient properties; 9 ponueou Coropeand, Ambrosial Shav ing Tablet; Diary Shaving Soon: ; btresarrat oarrflaara--Almend , , Rove, Mil e, IflOnqult,Pistrtehlo, Mock, Patehouly, tenni her, Float ing,,,Transpazent, Olive Oil, Windf.or, and C.:ream:Pen. EMacts sea me Illanneurnlter —Row 'retazurn, Bouquet de Caroline; Geraniota, Jenny LindZbleume line, Jockey . Crab, Magnellai Clemente, I.nrenet! ,, Roskt, and many other uttiories, in al r Orty ante rdr3 perflunea • Tamar Warne—FloridaPitatereFau de Toilette,, ' Orange flower Water, &min greet variety al Co.' lemmaand Lavender Waters' t , ' . • ValTallarroas You ins Itsa. , Genuine Dears Cid, An rte Oil, Ilandoline, LAY Pie!ale, 01Fina,Caa . ~. paultd Or Marrow, Hair Dyes, hien: end to lworderr antlPhileconse,ltleinine, and Jam*. Lied Pomades. OnOgruote Yaeraaumes—Rilurnie E.R.sle, Rose Tooth; Erste Charcoal Mania e, Odounne, Tooth rune, 'd Torch row der. Con C. A. andi.e im.CTiV la . s i ah ' r ' e Raspberry Creme. Ge. . "'''''- h &poet! 'le r * Cold Cream tr Rosa., cm.= do ,',..Z,'.t, i - parders, for removing auperfteous hair, Pearl Powder, Vinaigre de Itoage, AroalatiO Vinegar, Victoria !lair Compantioni Preston Saha. 'benne* a great variety of other articles, War utimgrgy..,,, b o nimedin this advertisement, I ,' Mt lab.eliber hcpes :A MiltrtAlit We mutation erldeh Das establishment au am:mired, by damming of coolant bet first raw =els*, and will be happy to formal, those who mot e wsh' to Patronize him, enher wholesale Jr retall,en t rtt•qttlible WM sear.y e• - tableau= in lb. United fin ea. , 1 XAVIER I3AZIN, . '. - ' or wend former Itireeter of the Laboratory uFV,Pc•Rog7-E4" r .. t Vlt Perfumery la for tale basal the pried - s lathe coontre . '. '''. aptUtyl iIIGAJI-10 -Md. • neW crop, landing, and , tole by ROBERT DALZELL4EO - ' Libeny st '